If \C II \Ccl( tl ddlilll/111 1/ c wlio f Ctlr~ bcmg Wll /'Clllllmlt!, lool( allout )1111 (jltcrccl i1 wrc of clcfcat l - Me ll J of M1cl11~ Ill ING·HAM==---=====:==:::::-; INGHAM COUN'l'Y NI~WS, MASON, MICHIGAN, 'liiUUSDA Y, .JULY 2, 1930 S'J'ANDS ON IU~COUD MASON AMONG ~ITifS TO Home T~tin6~o~~c!~~sto~~ty Fair!l NtW WRtE~EAIVREES~AETP~PURPOVAl Cash Buried By RecltiSe HAV f NEW POSTOffiCES Ingham rurm hmscs will tultc the Clllnngo the events Owncts or ra~t IJ Joles at Bal<l Vcntlllc, Btcvlty G1and hmses nnd old crus should get In touch --- Dt. scovered In Stotle Pt.le ~711 fl!lfl I'AILMAitllhll Jr 0 It Sill~ I Slam and athol Thoroughbtcds at the with me ut once If I hey wish to com COUNtY Slll'I~ItVIS()JtS AD 0 1' T I ANU 8fltUOI VIm l"Oit AlA SON County Fnlr Dmby to be singed dur- pete for prizes al the Inglmm fnh UAntcrt l'LAN FOit ('OUNrms FOI"l'(JNI' IN CA 'II A ---- lng the county fnlr In August Pluns 11om August 20 to 2D -- \ ~ s ND nONDS F 0 u N n mnmm IN 'freu~lll y Olfh iul~ AHI( I•'nr 'I cnclcrH Ot 1uc being made for running races and Conttncts ntc being written fm free Olmlrumn Alooro Ancl S!lJl Toy or GROUND llY III~IRS OF .TOliN JIUitLIHJR'l. l'rUJICrl~, lllc!H In lie 0I'Ollt'd "-t fat hntnCSB wccs IIO!BCS cnteJCd nets and concoss!ons !It the Inn-hmn l.c.nHtnor" lleoomo ~lemhel'!l or Ounn- ---- l..ornl l'o~lolllco Jul~ IS must be f11rm horses and t h c d1 !vera f ° tv l~mer"oncy \\ eltaro Oonuui~Hiou I S 1 I' 1 1 A <!!!'' 0 11 11 Negotiations cue undo I way fm ·' o ,ong ._ eat·c I ~nc Cl s ~· .,'l 0 Is Found, Me mot .tndnm 'fellmg 01 must be nmatcms Generous purses the appmtruncc of Alftcd Ill Selden C I L I I' M Mnson Is to have 11 new poslofflcc arc to be given t!w wlnnc1~ r t t 1 h Dt William Haber's plan of refot <IS l e t >Y an Who W.ts StiiCIICII I Ilc Im 1 c d 1n lhc gcncwl appwptl!lt Ion Anot!lol feature Of the l un3n " fait Is M!lmous t!s Ia aspt Jeref lgh-whe artist mat Ion of county we If ute comm 1ss Ions I n \V 001I S LoiS t 'v Ill t el. 0 0 81 11 1 f 01 new pastaf ,'l co b u lid! ngH tl 11 oug1 1· lite .."UtOJnobllc 1aces No ca1 B valued beingany booltedtor uc s m nt met t urc approved b y tl10 govern at an d a d op t cc 1 ----- out tho United Slrttes Is nn !tern of at more than $25 will be allowed fm by a majority vote of supervls01s Hens of .John Iltnllnnt, M.1son tecluse ,Jlld liiOJICY leJJrlct, \VIJosn $70 000 for a building and site at Mu· onl!y Winners w!ll receive cash Wotlt Is progressing on the grand· meeting ln Lunslng last wcclt was b I f " son and nn cquul amount for Eaton prizes stand and recreation center being con- adopted by the Ingham county !Joard oc Y W,JS otmd 111 the woodlot on Ius fatm nem D.msvtllc Jnlllldl y Rapids Accotd!ng to Information to· Farm h01scs given n day's vacation stJUctcu under WPA The gtnnclstnnd Wednesday Undel this plan the chah· 13, uncoveted cnchcs contammg $12,900 the past wcel< C,1sh 111 lensed ftom Washington this wcclt f1om plows and wagons and the an· wlll be completed before fait time It man or the board becomes ox cfflclo the amount of $1500 WdS found undct one stone pile ,mel c.tsh 111 proposals f01 sale or donation of a slto clcnt automobiles will be used to dcd· Ia also expected that the racing oval membct of the relief bo!ltd while the the sum of $1200 was found beneath anothet stone pile Two home- In Mason will be opened by agents or !cute the half-mile traclt being con- will be fenced and the baseball and aupcrvlsot• have the tight to pklt a made Vdlllts bmlt below the S\ll'f,Jce of til" grottllcl .tt t!Je II!Sirle the U S Tteasuty depa1tment at the structcd under WPA softball diamonds and tennis comts second man either ftom their own ~ office of the poHtmnstet hmc on Mon- Lloyd R Doane Is secretary of the will be completed before the opening numbm or from outside Its tnnlts The ,mglcs of a tml fence Yielded $10,200 m govellllll<mt bonds The day July 13 1D36 It Is evident that fait nssoclutlon He stated ThUJsday of the fair 'rbc midway this ycut will board chose Rev Thomas Toy alder- bonds had umedeemed mtetest coupons .\1110lllltmg to sevet,tl hun- 1he trcnsUJydepattmcnt expects to net motnlng These races nrc an expel!- extend nmth and south along the patlt man and supervisor from the fi1st dtcds of dollats, b11ngmg the total fincl o[ bonds dnd c~sh to 11 Slllll promptly and that const1 uctlon of the ment and we must !mow at once how tunc Where the fair has been held In wutd of L!lnslng us Its second mem estimated at close to $1<1,000, , thud of the Hmlbm t est.lte proposed building Is Intended to be un- many entries there will be so we can recent years will be a patltlng mea bet Sup Toy along with Chairman 1 dm wny 11t an cruly date CLARENCE W LOCK Roy Moote nncl A B1uce Bull of Mu 1 The entne John Hmlbmt es- Propmty owne1s who desha to offm Mr Loclt Is again a candidate for son will constitute the te·Oiganlzcd tate IS now estimated at between their propct ty to the government fOl county treasurer He declares that his MilliON DOllARS ADDEO --0 rchids Are In Order commission INGHAM IJPOUNTY EXPECTS I ~40 000 ttnd $50 000 Pe~sonal prop- the postofflcc site 1eqult 0 no agent 01 [ record Is the mula plunlt In his pint- F T M B The bon rei dmlng the past year has c1 ty bun It balances, and bonds con 1 attorney to act f01 them, It Is explnln I fOl m Ol' wo as on oys consisted of A B Ball of Mason Jos- tal noel In safety deposit boxes amount cd Pt oposul blunlts may be sccUJed T0 IJPOUNTY'S VAlUATION eph Dunnebaclte, Lansing, and Prof TO lEAD IN rrARM POWER cd to about $30 000 It !s tcpO! ted • ~~; lico~~~~~r o~ l~tt~~o~ll~c o~n~~;,Y COUNTY TREASURED TO INH~~E~O It?fsmoSJ'~oS:SOWN :!~{~e;~t~~sth~:~~~~~ a:~~~ ~~ffsc~v~ lut~c~~:~n ~I~Ir'tlblll~~ ~s n~~~~~ls~; utt~~ typewriter preferred giving full de 1\ COUNTY RATE IS LO\VEit RUT era! months and 1t Is reported lhc eLIDOl'UIO LINI~S SOON 1'0 EX of the estate Heirs Ill e William D ta1ls as to location size of lot or lots ;"!IONI~Y NtrAULY SA11m Two fine examvles of honesty an professor has given little attention to Tl~ND 1'0 EVMtY CORNEll Hmlbmt of Mason n btothcr Amy D width of adjoining streets and alleys SEEK ElEflTION APAIN regard for the law have been btoughl his duties Mr Dunncbnckc teslgned Fowle! of Jacltson Maude Drivel of and type of buildings adjoining IJ lJ Su11 SoLI\")er's ProJIOsul To Spent! $50,- to light In Mason the past wcelt They sevetul months ago but had agreed to ln111olus Ghcn Fatm Elec ltlflcullon Lansing, Ada rhompson and Eslhet Silo Re•tulroll 000 On Lttnslnlf'" Mnrtgnge Itlclden speak well for the younger generation stay on and perform his dulles until When Wnshlnglon At•t•rn\os Co 011 Mac Schultz of Pottlancl Oregon and Undct the specl!lcntlons contained UJiJCOitO ONLY PLAN!{ IN PLAT· Jlosplt1tl Gets Cold Reception. Last wcelt the Ingham County reorganization was perfected Mr cratl\ll Gtn1111 Otgunlze<l Lucy Aseltine of Dansville nieces and In a legal notice uppem!ng clsewhctc FOHU Ol~ OANDIDArE News curtied a story 1egardlng tho Dunnebuclm accepted the position In Bennett Taylor of Dansville Dennis m these columns the government re- Ingham county valuations for tax· Importing of fireworlts fwm Ohio Into the flrst place with the understanding Ingham county bids fait to assume Taylot of Lansing John Shct\\oocl of quhes a lot of 120 feet In frontage Ho uled Delln<JUent lll.x Collection atlon purposes are greater than In Mason The article set fotth that It he would ae1 ve for a year only He bas a commanding position among the Btecltcntlclge Tilt vln Shm wood of Lcs with u depth of 176 feet If located on Drl\e And lnNIAtlled New S~s- 1935 by $1100 000 according to totals Is not Illegal for Ohio wholesalers to now setved neatly u second year und counties of Michigan In the muttc1 of he and John c Hmlburt of Pottland u cower 01 u width of 145 feet and tcm Of Uccotds, disclosed at Wednesdays adjourned sell fireworks to Michigan tesldents ul· pleads pressure of private business as rural clecttlftcut!on With an lmpos Oregon nephews slmllm depth If located mslde It Is session of the county bontd of super though It Is Illegal for Mtchlgun res! his excuse fo1 asldng to be relieved lng mllcugc of farm hncs already pto The !ldmlnlstrator was Intel viewed explained that \\hlle a definite time for Petitions placing Clarence W Lock vlsots When the board met on the dents to use them Aftct reading the Mr Ball wns among the first of three vlded by the Consumers Powct and the by n tcptcsentntlve ot the Illghnm opening of bids !s fixed that the gov· m the tcpubllcun primary campaign third Monday of June us provided by article Cleo Bailey high school grad- men appointed back In 1933 and still Edison companies alleacly supplymg County News Wednesday mm nlng crnmcnt Wtll conslclet Intel bids In were In clrculatlon Monday Mt Loclt the statute Lansing city nssess01s had nate of 1936 reflected a moment und serves undet the new utrungement dependable and economical electiic lie tclused to either confirm 01 deny case selection by the depmtmcnt has Is a candidate for county hensutm not completed thcll assessment rolls then went upstairs to Inspect his pnclt· Employees of the reorganized commls set vice to mnny sections of the county the finding of the $12 900 Howcvct not nh cady been made It Is furthet He Is now set vlng his second tet m In and aslted for more time The major age of llreworlts Imported from Ohio slon will be foi ced to submit to civil with moJC than 200 miles to be added lnfotmution secured by the newspaper explnmed that In case of extended de- the office portion of the Increase
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