An Garda Siochana Oifig an Cholrnismeara Office of the Commissioner Gn6thaf Corparaideacha Corporate Affairs An Garda Slochana Garda Headquarters Pairc an Fhionnuisce Phoenix Park Baile Atha Cliath 8 Dublin 8 008 HN3X 008 HN3X Tiooscadai fir •••• l.aithrean Greasain/ Website: I2040d Luaigh an uimhir tharaghta seo a leanas Ie do thoil: RfomhpostlE-mail: Please quote the following ref. comm
[email protected] number: CMR_34-367274/15 Ms. Helen Hall Chief Executive Policing Authority Dear Helen Re: Commissioner's Monthly Report to the Policing Authority I am pleased to provide the tenth monthly report submitted during 2020 outlining the key aspects of the administration and operation of An Garda Sfochana for the month of September 2020, in accordance with Section 41A of the Garda Siochana Act 2005, as amended. An update regarding the National Policing Plan for COVID-19 is outlined at Section 1. We will keep you advised through our various reports in respect of this area. Yours sincerely SUPERINTENUENT O~~E OF THE COMMISSI ER ?;Zt October 2020 An Garda Siochana: Ag Colnneail Daoine Sabhailte - Keeping People Safe 1 Message from the Commissioner As I write, the country has just entered Level 5 under the Government's Framework for Living with COVID-19. In response, An Garda Siochana has put in place a high visibility operation to provide public reassurance, ensure compliance with public health guidelines and regulations and give support to the vulnerable. As part of our response, An Garda Sfochana has introduced a range of measures including a large number of static and rolling checkpoints, high visibility community engagement patrols and maximisation of operational ability.