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Rhode Island 1i1evv1sn Noah's Ark HERALD See pp. 8 & 9 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts

VOLUME LXXVII, NUMBER 33 THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1991 35¢ PER COPY Israelis Favor Giving Sinai Breaks New Ground! Up Land For Peace by Hugh Orgel They said the responses were TEL AVIV OT A) - A solid remarkably uniform on abstract majority of Israelis now favor concepts, such as "territorial some sort of territorial com pro· compromise" and "status mise in exchange for peace quo," but became seriously with the Arabs, a new public fragmented when reduced to opinion poll has determined. concrete choices. But an even larger majority For example, 7 percent of the opposes a return to the 1967 respondents were prepared to borders, according to the poll, return all of the West Bank; 12 which was taken in May by the percent would return most of Gutmann Institute for Practical the territory; 30 percent would and Social Research. give up a "certain portion" of it; The survey was conducted and 20 percent a small part. among a random sampling of Thirty-one percent were not 1,200 Jewish adults throughout prepared to return anything, the country, kibbutzniks ex­ and 93 percent said Israel cluded. It found that Israelis of should not even discuss with­ by Kathy Cohen both left -wing and right-wing drawal from all of the West Herald Associate Editor Bank. persuasions are dissatisfied Early Tuesday morning representatives (above photo) from Temple Sinai's congregation, The poll showed most Is­ with the status quo in the ad· Board of Trustees, major donors, and long range planning committee, gathered with the temple's ministered territories and op­ raelis, including two-thirds of Rabbi George J. Astrachan, Cantor Remmie J. Brown, and President Fred Berkowitz to officiall y Labor Party voters, oppose ne­ pose a do-nothing policy. dig the beginnings of a new temple addition. About four-fifths of the re­ gotiations with the Palestine At approximately 1,500 to 1,600 sq. ft ., the building will provide extra capacity for worship Liberation Organization. spondents were amenable to services, youth services, a larger library, and meeting space. giving up the Gaza Strip, and More complex solutions won According to Berkowitz, the officers and board members approved this project two years ago about 70 percent agreed it is greater support. Forty-five per­ in hopes that the new building would offer congregants the assurance of a growing congrega­ possible to relinquish at least cent supported a federation tion. The addition will, at the same time, provide the "big donors" with concrete evidence that part of the West Bank in ex­ between Jordan and the territo­ their contributions have been put to a good cause . changed for peace with Israel's ries, 57 percent backed annexa­ "We want to let them know that their money is being put to a worthy cause," explained Arab neighbors. tion with some measure of au­ Berkowitz. The Gutmann Institute's di­ tonomy for the Palestinians; The temple took out a loan of$210,000 to pay for the new building and so far, says Berkowitz, rector, Eliahu Katz and Chana and 57 percent supported with­ about $140,000 has been pledged from about 15 families. More is expected. He hopes to raise Levinson analyzed the results drawal from postions of the ter­ enough to help pay for the finance charges and to pay off the loan fairly quickly. The fact that in a recent article in the Israeli ritories heavily populated by this new loan comes just after the completion of the temple's mortagage payments has inspired daily Yediot Achronot. Arabs. the planners to pay off this new loan within four years. The expansion of this 32-year-old temple is due to the continued growth of both the congre­ gation and the Temple Sinai Religious School. In the last five years! the number of family members has increased by 70 families and Berkowitz says this year's projected number of religious school pupils has climbed from approximately 210 to about 265. Following the ceremony, the construction company, Fairlawn Construction· Corporation, of Pawtucket, and architectural company, Ekman Arp & Snider, of Warwick, began work on the already cleared and surveyed area. The project is expected to be completed by the beginning of the new school year, Sunday, September 15. ... Woman's Bid To Run ,'.__ , __. For Presidency Barred by Aliza Marcus "I don't know what will hap­ NEW YORK OT A) - A re­ pen in the future,'1 he said, cent decision by the Council of adding that the decision does Young Israel prohibiting a De­ not necessarily preclude troit-area woman from running women from holding the office for the office of president in her of president. suburban synagogue has not " Any law has two sides to it, quelled the controversy sur­ and the basic idea is how you GIFT OF LIFE: Rabbi Daniel Syme, vice president of the rounding the role of women in interpret these things," said Union of American Hebrew Congregations, left, presents a Rabbi Ephraim Sturm, execu­ "Gift of Life" award to Leonard Kleinman, chief executive Orthodox synagogues. Young Israel, which has tive vice president of the Na­ officer of the New York Yankees, for the team's role in a Anne Frank in the World: some 332 affiliate synagogues tional Council of Young Israel. new national campaign to combat youth suicide, Profes­ across the world, issued a rul­ Conflicting opinions have al­ 1929-1945 is on display through August 1 at Salve sional sports teams and individual athletes will !'~ in­ ing in early June that Lea Luger, ready been expressed by some volved in an effort to persuade youngsters of the futility of vice president of Young Israel rabbis within the Young Israel Regina University. The suicide, Materials will be circulated through churches, of West Bloomfield, could not movement in Detroit, with one show is located on Ruggles synagogues, schools and crisis i~terventio~ ~gencies to al~rt saying he would never allow a Avenue, near the Breakers, the public to signs of depression and suicidal tendencies become president. But according to Rabbi Her­ woman to be president, and an­ in Cecilia Hall at Carey and to suggest proper courses of action, The sports project is bert Bomzer, chairman of the other arguing there is nothing Mansion in Newport. For a nonsectarian outgrowth of the UAHC's "Hand of Hope" council's Beth Din Commis­ in Jewish law that prohibits further information call 847- anti-suicide campaign, started in 1984, The Yankees and the sion, which deals with matters this, according to a report in 6650, extension 2296. New York Mets were among the first teams to join the cam­ of Jewish law, the decision is The Detroit Jewish News. paign. Fifteen others, representing various sports, have also only binding on that specific Luger, who unwittingly set signed up as sponsors. case. (continued ori page 14) 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 11 , 1991 Inside the Ocean State

Rhode Island Jewish Historical Association Exhibit DEA Announces Events At The JCCRI: Week Of July 12-18 Card Schedule The Jewish Community Cen­ a.m., with casual conversation The Rhode Island Depart­ ter of Rhode Island, located at in the lobby until 11. Exercise is ment of Elderly Affairs (DEA) 401 Elmgrove Avenue in Provi­ scheduled on weekdays at processes identification cards dence, will be holding activities 11:15. A Women's Group for persons 60 and older every and events of interest for peo­ meets every Tuesday morning Friday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at ple of all ages during the week from 11 to 11 :45 . Friend to 160 Pine Street in Providence. of July 12-18, as detailed in the Friend meets Thursdays from Persons must present proof following list. To sign up or to 11 a.m. until noon. Bingo is of age, such as a birth certifi­ obtain further information, played Thursday from 12:45 cate, driver's license, or Blue please call the Center at 861 - until 2 p.m. Shabbat traditions Cross Plan 65 card. The DEA 8800 and ask for the person are observed on Fridays. Sun­ identification cards contain specified in the listing. days begin with tea, coffee and hot muffins served at JO a.m., their owners' photograph, date Collection for the 2nd followed by interesting pro­ of birth, Social Security num­ Annual Kidstuff Sale ber, address, and signature. grams. The scheduie includes: DEA identification cards may Throughout the summer, Friday, July 12 - VCR pro­ NOT be used for free transpor­ Preschool and ITC Depart­ gram, "Japan - The Island tation on RIPT A buses. A $2 ments will be collecting cloth­ Empire," 11 a.m./Shabbat. donation per ID card is re­ ing from infants through chil­ Sunday, July 14 - VCR pro .. quested. dren's size 14, toys, books and gram, " All That Jazz," 10:30 State law requires financial baby equipment for an upcom­ a.m. institutions to honor the DEA ing Kidstuff Sale. Items must be Tuesday, July 16 - Women's identification card as valid for clean, complete and in good Forum, 11 a.m./Bingo, 12:45-2 the purpose of cashing federal, condition (no stains or tears). p.m. state, and municipal checks Collection boxes will be located Thursday, Jul y 18 - Friend under $750. in the ITC, Preschool, game­ to Friend, 11 a.m. to noon. Senior housing units, senior room or at the main desk in the Bingo, 12:45-2 p.m. centers, and other agencies lobby. To make arrangements Call Sandy Bass fo r mcire in­ interested in hosting the DEA for large items or large quanti­ formation. ties to be coltected, call Eva mobile ID card unit at their site should contact Carmen Albert Silver. Donations are tax de­ Volunteer Help Needed ductible. The Kidstuff Sale is at 277-2880. for the Mealsite held to raise money for the Kitchen volunteer help is Preschool and ITC. needed for the JCCRI Kosher Kosher Mealsite Island donated to the archives Mealsite. Help is needed for of the Association. The exhibit Seniors are invited to join in food preparation and service can be seen at the Aldrich a variety of activities and to en­ and Meals on Wheels. No House until August 31. It is joy a hot kosher meal at noon at cooking is required. To inquire, open to the public. the Kosher Mealsite at the Cen­ call Sandy Bass. ter. The mealsite is open at 10 The Rhode Island Historical History, Aldrich House, 110 Creator of this interesting Society is sponsoring an ex­ Benevolent Street, Providence. exhibit is Robert A. Kotlen, for­ hibit by the Rhode Island Jew­ The display is made up of mer President of the Rhode Attention Readers! ish Historical Association in recently acquired memorabilia Island Jewish Historical Dorothea Snyder's page, "Around Town," will the Museum of Rhode Island relating to the Jews of Rhode Association. resume the first week of August as the columnist is on vacation. r The M SERV-U Rhode Island Jewish Herald D 8 M ANTIQUES '3f ENTERPRISES, Announces Its Special Single Items INC. or Estates • Maid Cleanln11 Service Appraised or Home or Office Purchased. Fully equipped bonded and ~ Insured teams of professionals. Furniture • Paintings • Clocks Flexible schedules. Dolls • China • Glassware South County Oriental Rugs • Oreck Vacuum Cleaner Sales and Service. Home 337 NO. BROADWAY EAST PROVIDENCE Demonstrations Available. Issue 431•1:&31 ·1150 Mendon Rd ., Cumberland TOLL FREE R.I. l-800-67S-1Z~ Marvin Rubin. Proprietor 723-9997

July 18, 1991 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC. Choose an apartment in any one of Advertising and Editorial Deadline: d~ our buildings and live your way. Friday, July 12, 1991, at Noon . Blackstone Blvd - Wayland Square Courtyards, fireplace, garage, 24-hour service, air conditioning RESTAURANTS•THEATRES•SHOPS•FAIRS Studio, 1-2 bedrooms PARKS • BEACHES • FESTIVALS • ETC. ~ starting at $380 Evening and Weekend Appointments Available For more information, call 217 Waterman Street, Providence 831-5995 724-0200 . ,ro~ ,ro~•• .. T ~pigel's T 243 Reservoir Ave., Providence (near Cranston line) 461-0425 RHODE ISIAND'S ONLY COMPLETE KOSHER DELI

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,. -.'i .. ~ : . . . THE RHODE ISLAND JEW ISH HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 11 , 1991 - 3 Feature

cribbage fifteen two fifteen lege, a full adolescence later, I about my wartime boyhood four. Round the screen door carved out a summer to write patriotism and my pro-Israel the leaves of the violets of my first book, all about those loyalties. Kennedy had shout­ spring had spread to freaky relatives, neighbors and fancy ed, lch Bin ein Berliner I Mucking About giant breadth, as though the faroff friends. We had left the wasn't. I didn't score a b,g,hit by Mike Fink bombs on Hiroshima and Naga­ eelgrass and the cove for the that July. Herald Contributing Editor saki had sowed radioactive fer­ sandy stretches of South Another hot spell I trans­ tilizer over the whole world County. The first night under a lated an English handbook of and everything and everybody crescent thin moon after a late operations into French for Fos­ in it, as well as the cars. Every­ lone movie in Narragansett, I ter Family Plan. Bright beach­ thing loomed bloated and couldn't find the turn to take combers now walked from the twisted. me to the new empty house. I Pier to the Dunes. I crouched Merrier kids sunned and kept steering over the wrong over my hand typewriter and flirted at Barrington Beach. We Drift back to other shores. chess at that white table. I route again and again. I also couldn't even change the rib­ waited down our muddy Lane After a light lunch it's time to always lost. I had no strategy. couldn't type beyond the first bon. After copying, my instruc­ tions to staff must have blurred loaf but also to sort - images Except tit for tat, swap for over in Hampden Meadows. In sentence of my book. I felt out to a whisper. I bet they've of Julys and Augusts gone by. swap. Clear the board and get my corners away from a place fixed like a bug. I found my had to redo the whole enter­ After World War II I had down to basics. in the sun I kept my tin of way. Talking to fresh friends prise. My French was literary. Press forward to a later worked-for coins to take out helped me write short stories. reached the age of my middle We live in an auto-age. I never summer, still in the East Bay . for pennyante with my grand­ 1 haven't got a lot of easy kid now. Th e age to earn a few did get the proper terrn for 15 I chomped parents on their Sunday night skills. I do a few things. My dollars - for poker or for pic­ Like my oldest at "computer." In each chapter of at the bit to drive a car. You at our own white table in the greatest feat was picking up a tures at the Lyric - by doing a the manual I tried a different bit of babysitting. I was have to figure out the clutch. In center of our retreat. Some­ foreign language. French came times aunts and uncles would to me tout de suite. One sum­ word. I settled on " ordin­ proudest of the two dollar bill I Westerns you have to mount ateur." the horse. Through that sum­ join in and tell episodes of their mer in the Peace Corps Period got for painting the table and Summer makes a fine time benches for neighbors across mer of not driving I sat with lives like soap opera. " Mary I taught a Corps going on to Worth" and " Rex Morgan" Tunisia. We met on the Brown to muck things up. All the the way. They had set up a cro­ my head in my hands in the same as Nat King Cole used to quet game beside the shady shade of the back stoop, were just coming out in the campus. In those outspoken funnies. croon, " I wish that summer picnic grove. I learned to play grounded by one year. I played afternoons, I said too much After high school and col- could always be here."

. my parents. The looks of their buried here. She'd want the Returning To My Vienna1---- Hello and Goodbye faces dampened my good noise of cars and people to visit by Hans L. Heimann her, not to be stuck all the way by Dori Adler mood and instantly I knew. Thomas Wolfe wrote "you after Hitler's triumphant goose That day a few of us cried at out here where people forget can't go home again." I wanted stepping into Vienna, they all As I walked home from the funeral, especially my her. · to see if this was true. had swastika armbands, that school, I saw the grass on my grandmother. All my feelings As the tears started falling on After being in emigration for from every house fl ew a Ger­ lawn was beginning to get seemed to just hide in my mind my great-grandmother's place six years, I returned to my man fl ag? greener. Suddenl y, I realized and my only thought was how of rest, I started talking to her. native Vienna in 1945. We did With very little to do, I that spring was here. I realized I could help my family. Soon I was too emotional, be­ not recognize each other. walked the streets, looking up that my life was great. But one In Jewish tradition, we have cause I realized she couldn't The town was ruined by Al­ familiar si tes, searching for of my sister's friends dad died. an unveiling a year later to un­ understand one word I was li ed bombings, there was very friends of whom I knew only a Such a typical day for me and cover the grave stone. Little did (continued on page 15) little food available. Black­ few were left. There were per­ yet such a tragic day. I know what I would realize marketeers were· on every haps onl y fo ur or five " Kinos, " It 's amazing how one minute and see that painful day. We ll , street corner, and the few show­ moviehouses that were still life can get no better, and then a few months later a family cases of the stores that were standing; they showed Holly­ you ca ll up that friend and ask friend passed away and I went ~ not boarded up with plywood wood films. The opera was just a si mple question, " How's your to th e funeral. It was at the R.I. Business Equipment Co., Inc. were empty. re-opened, as the players worked dad feeling?" I just stood there same place, so I decided to go EMBOSSING SYSTEMS The city itself, just like the behind plywood boarded sce­ stunned as my sister told me "visit" Momilie (her nick­ Automafic on line Off Line Embossers entire state, was divided up in nery. The retreating German the four words her friend mut­ name). ADDRESSING SYSTEMS troops had even confiscated Addressing Compulers Automatic l abel App licators four zones, constantly patrol­ tered as though they were her I was standing there freezing, MAIL ROOM EQUIPMENT led by MPs in jeeps. They were the famous iron curtains, prob­ last, " My dad is dead!" and then anger welled up in­ IMS/Hasler Pos tage Meter Ma_iling Machin~s ably to melt it into cannons. Parcel Weighmg Systems Mail Room Furniture the United States, British, As children we all wish that side me. She was buried in a OTHER OFFICE EQUIPMENT French and Russian forces. No There were only two news­ we could get away from our place where trees are all around PaperShredders Folding Machines FormsBursters Colla tors Pa per Cutte,s one wanted to live in the Rus­ papers left, the Neue Freie parents. But for a parent to die! and the stone is on the ground Presse, a renowned publication 1021 Waterman Avenue East Providence Rl 02914 sian zone, but, of course, they It 's not fair for that to happen. so you can't see it and I realized (401) 438-9593 didn't have much of a choice. until their editorials were dic­ For some reason all I remem­ that she wouldn't want to be Everything looked grey and tated by Goebbels, and Das ber when I think of death is Kleine Blatt, a tabloid. I read unwashed. The internationally my great-grandmother Klara Quality Fruits famous Opera house was half the Rome Daily American, a Lowy. She moved here from bombed out. People on the newspaper which, as the name Israel to live with my grandpar­ ·& Vegetables streets had hungry expressions stated, was published in Rome, ents. Since she didn't speak any on their faces, no one looked at in English. English besides hello and 50 Cliff Street the other person. Did I feel sat­ Some of the people I knew goodbye, communication was (behind Benny's on Main Street) isfaction after all that was done when 1 was a schoolboy took tough. Yet, for some reason, we to me and my family? I think me around. It was depressing. knew what each other was 884-3467 not. I still pitied them. An ex­ Yes, instead of being happy thinking. We became sort of that those Nazi bastards had Open: ample: When the train from close, well as close as I think we Monday-Friday 9-6 Milan arrived at the Brenner their comeuppance, I cried could get due to our handicap Saturday 9-5 pass, the border between Italy when I saw the giant ferris of communication. and my former homeland, the wheel, one of the landmarks of I remember the day when I first Austrian person I met was olden times. found out she had died. I was at the customs agent. I offered Instead of the week I had camp and the director told me I him an American cigarette, he planned to stay, I left after was going home. That didn't took it, broke it in half, and three days. surprise me because I thought I told me he would save the Tom Wolfe, you · were ab­ was going to see my dad before. Never clean other half for after supper. solutely right, Sir. he went to Israel. With Chinese Tears welled up in my eyes, I food on my mind, I went to see your gutters gave him the whole pack. So much for feelings of revenge. again. At the hotel (one of the few not requisitioned by occupying Guaranteed. forces), I filled out a registra­ tion fo rm . Name, country of Gutter-Helmet® is the origin, address, etc., posed no only gutter protection problem. But then there was system guaranteed to the line: " Rasse" - Race. It was 3-HOUR SERVICE - DEVELOP & PRINT keep your gutters clean left over from the Third Reich. (35 mm only) and free-flowing. The 737-1940 I first thought I would leave it only system to' offer all­ blank, but then I said to myself • All processing done on premises why not? I put in Menschen - • Your choice: 4 x 6 or 3-1/2 x 5 around home protection. Human. The concierge looked • Enlargements in 3 hours or less Gutter-Helmet®. An at it but indeed he did not dare Up to 11 x 14 affordablegutteradd-on to make a remark and let it go • Other services include: black & white, with a unique, patented M. Weisman by. Of course, everybody you ..... ~~~~:~~:.~~-~~~-~~. .P.~~~.P.~~-~~?.~?.~...... design. You'll never Roofing Co., Inc. spoke to was "never a Nazi," 334 EAST AVENUE • PAWTUCKET• 728-2440 clean your gutters 425 Pavilion Ave. they were all forced into it. Did C n ' ti I t d t• P.ADTVIAIARCHO''CC ,, ...•?Q<;D;l; ·;~ W,~<;tr.t~.••••.. •. .... ,w,l ~., ,,,(:~.•. , RI ...... they ' /orgei 'th'ai -tne' morning . o "ve!'"*:'! .Y. .'?«:~ ~-.'!~x. .\o ~~\ ..,:":" , ~'. ,~ .. \\;'/,·: i\,I },.•'J,, •, , • 4~• ..• ,,.. . , • • , 1. t •• ~.,.,, .. . .. "• • • ~ - · -

4 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1991 Opinions======------'-----======

uneasy, summarily discarded. Such "smorgasbord Judaism" Letters to the ~ AN _c:)esE-RVANili' EYE is, unfortunately, all too com­ ~. mon in the modern Jewish , AVI SHAFRAN world, but no less tragic for the EDITOR~ fact. Smorgasbord Judaism Rabbi Schindler then makes the old and specious argument Dear Editors: young people will be leaving at by Avi Shafran nia has unequivocally held that Jewish father must be.quite I am a resident in Rhode the end of August, and we hope In understandable despera­ only the mother's genealogy to enough to make a child Jewish Island for over forty years. to finish collecting all the toys tion, Alexander Schindler, the determine her child's Jewish because no lesser personages Before settling here, I was an by August 15. Looking at the president of the (Reform) status, Schindler attempts to than Moses and Joseph them­ inmate in several concentration recent dramatic events to airlift Union of American Hebrew muddle the issue by announc­ selves married " non-Jews" and camps in Europe. the remaining Jewish commu­ Congregations is still trying to ing his discovery that Jewish their children were certainly In Belsen-Bergen, I met nity out of Ethiopia, this is the justify his movement's re­ law considers the father's status Jewish - an argument that Sonia Warshowski who was least we can do to help in the jection of the halachic principle completely disregards the fact also an inmate. She has been absorption process for these that a child is automatically the element germane to his child's standing as a cohein or that the Jewish people qua peo­ living in Kansas and is coming children. They came to Israel Jewish only if his or her mother ple did not truly come into to visit me on July 10 for a with nothing, and by sending is. levi, a true, if irrelevant, fact. If fatherhood " works" there, the existence until the revelation at week. We have not seen each toys we will help to ease a hard In a recent article for the Jeru­ rabbi reasons in ersatz tal­ Sinai, so that Moses (until that other for forty-three years and process and bring joy to many salem Report, Rabbi Schindler are very much looking forward families. · not only pats himself on the mudic style, why should it not event) and Joseph (throughout work for assigning the status of his life) were themselves "non­ to seeing each other again. Please bring your toys to the back for his movement's "crea­ Jewishness itself? That, he Jews" of a sort. Schindler I hope that you will print the Meeting House stage of Temple tion," in one fell swoop, of argues, is precisely what our ignores as well the ancient Jew­ story of this happy reunion and Emmanu-el, 99 Taft Avenue, thousands of (often unsuspect­ times require: a new "interpre­ ish tradition that Tzipporah perhaps hear more of our unfor­ Providence, between 8 a.m. ing and wholly unconcerned) tation of Oewish) law and and Osnat entered fully into gettable memories. and 4 p.m., July 15th-18th, and "Jews," but prescribes the custom." the faith of their husbands with Rose Berger 8 a.m. to 12 noon, July 19th. same sweet placebo to the state Now, never mind the deep the pre-Sinaic equivalent of Cranston For further information please of Israel, to facilitate its absorp­ human truth our divine tradi­ halachic conversion. call Judy Greenblatt at 351- tion of intermarried Soviet Dear Editors: tion is imparting with its insist­ Does Rabbi Schindler really 6026. immigrants. New England Young Judea Rabbi Schindler's hope that ence that only a woman can think that Moses, the greatest will be collecting toys, both he might yet manage to con­ bestow automatic and essential Jewish prophet in history, actu­ Miriam Greenblatt, Pres., new and used (in good condi­ vince more of his skeptical fel ­ Jewishness. What is infinitely ally married "out of the faith"? tion) to send to Ethiopian im­ Steve Ginsburg, Leezah Small, low clergymen - so many of more irksome about the rabbi's Would the rabbi, even in the Mark Goldner, Aaron Brandes, migrant children. These will be whom were flabbergasted at pilpul is the nonchalant, almost Judaism of his own imaginings, Zvika Pollack, Aviva Lester, sent along with the nine recent the now-infamous "patrilineal cynical, way he picks and then think to justify intermar­ and Shirley Horblitt. high school graduates who are decison" - is excusable, one chooses his pieces of Jewish riage too, on the basis of what (N.E. Young Judea participating in Young Judea's supposes. His distortion of tradition, like so many hors he perceives as Moses' ex­ regional board and staff) Year Course in Israel. These Jewish tradition and history, d'oeuvres. Whatever happens ample? however, is not. to serve his purposes, whatever Our people's future as a peo­ While admitting that Jewish " fits," is happily embraced and ple is in jeopardy today. We are law for the past several millen- utilized; whatever makes him (continued on page 15) ~ Rhode Island Jewish Herald Ji!:n

SUBMISSIONS POLICY Destroy To Rebuild ment" of Egypt. Yesterday's cept of "destroying in order to - - This week, we read two por­ freedom can be confining rebuild." Destruction may be The Rhode Island Jewish Herald Send to: tions from the Torah, Ma tot today. A servant who is al­ for the sake of replacing a build­ welcomes any written submissions Letters to the Editor and Masei. In the opening lowed to start work at 5 a.m. ing with a better and stronger from its readers on Jewish RI Jewish Herald rather than 4 a.m. feels a sense one. The Baal Shem Tov taught concerns. Articles must be typed /4~ verses of Matot, we encounter P.O. Box 6063 of freedom. Tomorrow, how­ that salvation is not something and double-spaced. Please Providence, RI 02940 the laws of making and annul­ include a daytime telephone ling a vow. Whereas a person ever, or the next day, when he which simply follows trouble: it number. Anything longer than becomes used to the later hour, is an implicit component of it. Or fax to: cannot release himself from his 500 words may be edited for he will consider 5 a.m. to be Just as the portion of Masei space restrictions. 401 /726-5820. pledges, in certain cases, others ~ can do it for him. early. combines two conflicting con­ Masei begins with an ac­ cepts; here, too, we find the count of the 42 journeys by fusion of two opposites - RHODE ISLAND JEWISH which the Israelites left Egypt destroying and rebuilding, af­ and came to the borders of the fliction and salvation - which HERALD Chosen Land. The opening comes only when we leave the verse, however, suggests that confinements of human reason­ (USPS464-760) all 42 of the journeys were an ing and journey towards the Published Every Week By The exodus from Egypt; whereas in all-encompassing expanses of Jewish Preas Publishing Company fact only the first journey was, faith . At this level, everything CO-EDITORS: The Torah portions of Matot is drawn into our faith . KATHY COHEN when the Jews literally left the SARAH M. BAIRD land. To understand this seem­ and Masei are always read dur­ Seen from the eyes of a son, Candlelighting punishment is an evil. In the CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: ing contradiction, we must rec­ ing the period of the three MICHAEL FINK * ognize that Egypt is not only a weeks between the 17th of eyes of his father, it is for his son's own good. Our goal is to ACCOUNT REPS: July 12, 1991 place but also a ~late of mind. Tamuz and the 9th of Av. They JEANETTE HIDALGO Mitzrayim, the Hebrew word are set in this -time of bitter see history through the eyes of MYRNA H. DRESS 8:03p.m. for Egypt, also means 'confine­ confinement, between the first G-d. And by so doing we are GRAPHICS: ment'; which is an obvious breach in the walls of Jerusa­ able to turn G-d's hidden JOHANNA BUUCH contrast with the land of Israel, lem (the 17th of Tamuz) and mercy into open kindness, and LORAINE BRAGA which is called the "good and the Temple's destruction (the change the darkness of exile MAILING ADDRESS: spacious land." 9th of Av, 70 CE). into the light of the Time to Box 6063, Providence, RI 02940 TELEPHONE: In fact, the entire time that The significance of this Come. (401) 724--0200 the Israelites were not in their timing, especially that of Masei, From Torah Studies by Jona­ PLANT: ~ Herald Way, oft Webster Street Land, they were in confine­ is that these portions convey to than Sacks, adapted from the Pawtucket, RI 02861 OFFICE: ment; each journey was, in us, at a time when we most works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. 11 75 Warren Avenue need reminding of it, the con- Submitted by Y. Laufer. East Providence, RI 02914 reality, leaving the "confine- Second class postage paid at Providence, ~ Rhode Island. Postmaster send address changes to the A. I. Jewish Herald, P.O. Box 6063. Providence. RI 02940-6063. Fifty Years Ago This Wee~ In The Jewi'sh Herald Subscription Rates: Thirty-five cents per copy. By mail $10.00 per annum, outside Al and southeastern Mass. $14.00 per annum. July 11, 1941 U.S. Immigration Drop Bulk rates on request. The Herald assumes subscriptions are continuous unless notified Though between 200,000 to the contrary in writing. Palestine Office Closed Jews With "Aryan" Ances­ and 300,000 aliens have ap­ The Herald assumes no financial responsi· bilityfor typographical errors in advertisements, tors Favored plied for admission to the but will reprint that part of the advertisement in The Palestine-Amt, the of­ United States, the closing of which the typographical error occurs. Adver· tisers will please notify the management fice through which tens of Jews who can boast a pure U.S. Consulates in many for­ immmedlately of any error which may occur. thousands of German Jews " Aryan" member in their eign countries will affect the Unsolicited manuscripts: Unsolicited manu­ have passed to get their im­ family will be raised to the consideration of their cases. scripts are welcome. We do not pay for copy printed. Al1 manuscripts mus! be typed, double· migration papers for settle­ level of full-fledged citizens The American Embassies spaced. Enclose a stamped, sell-addressed ment in Palestine, has been of the Fascist State of Italy, able to function in Europe envelope if you want the manuscript returned. - - ordered closed by the Ger­ with all the dubious liberty are difficult to reach so that Letters to the editor represent the opinions of - - the writers, not the editors, and should include man Government. The office this privilege entails. All the number of prospective the letter writer's telephone number for verffl. has served as a link between other Jews are to be expelled immigrants who might ap­ cation. Notice: The opinions presented on the government and the from Italy over a certain pe­ ply for visas will be greatly The Herald Is a member of the New England - this page do not necessarily represent Press Association and a subscriber to the ]~wish community. riod of time. diminished . J9Wish Telegraphic Agency. ' the opinions of this establishment. -:;-----i ...... ,, •. '•"- ', " • • • • • ' , ) •• • ' • \ • ' •• l .. ' • ' ... ,.,-.. ,. -, ,. ' - •

THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1991 - 5 Survivors Discuss Experiences With Grandchildren A Fitting Reversal Of Fear------main difference is that it will be the role non-Jews played in by Peter J. Corwin For many Jews who survived Herald Contributing Reporter Arab countries which viewed Saddam, and not innocent Iraqi saving Jews from the Nazis, he the Nazi Holocaust, telling With Iraq hiding its sus­ Israel's restraint initially as citizens, who will be subjected observed. Yad Vashem, which their children about the suffer­ pected nuclear weapons pro­ weakness would know other­ to this fear. maintains an Avenue of the wise. ing they endured proved too gram from U.N. observers, the Israel had been concerned Righteou; at the site of the emotional a task. But they are time is ripe for Israel to destroy Two remaining questions: ·about Iraq's nuclear potential memorial and museum to finding it easier to speak with the remnants of this capability. Does Israel know where Iraq is long. before the Persian Gulf honor those who risked their their grandchildren about their Israel's restraint during the hiding its remaining stock­ War. In June 1981, it destroyed experiences, according to Dr. own lives or freedom in behalf Scud missile attacks should be piles? And is Israel prepared the Osirac nuclear reactor. Al­ Yitzhak Arad, chairman of Yad of Jewish friends or neighbors, used now as a vehicle for for such a strike? though publicly condemned now lists 8,000 Righteous Vashem, the chairman of the retaliation. With satellite assistance for that assault at the time, Holocaust Martyrs' and Gentiles who hid or otherwise An airstrike would be justi­ from the United States, Israel Israel is no doubt being praised Heroes' Remembrance Author­ saved Jews from the Nazis. fied on two fronts. First, any should have little difficulty today - at least privately - in ity in Jerusalem. On a per capita basis, Hol­ country has the right under locating target sites. As to the retrospect. "Holocaust families have land leads in the percentage of international law to amend a second question, having Sad­ The same admiration would gone through an unusual Christians who helped Jews. wrong done to it. Second, U.N. dam fear the unknown of hold true today if Israel were to metamorphosis," Dr. Arad said Yad Vashem lists 3,000 Right­ Security Council Resolution " when" and " how" represents take the teeth from the leader during a recent visit to New eous Gentiles from Holland. 678 permits "all necessary a fitting reversal. The luxury of who bites first and questions York. " Many survivors deliber­ Poland, with a much larger means" to ensure that Iraq those decisions is in the hands later. Israel, on the other hand, ately refrained from discussing Jewish and non-Jewish popula­ abides by its cease-fire pledges of the Israeli government. will have proved it can ques­ their suffering in order to spare tion, also has 3,000. The of dismantling any nuclear/ Said Prime Minister Shamir, tion first, and decide for itself their children - and them­ remaining 2,000 persons repre­ chemical/ biological weapons. "We shall choose the time, the the most judicious time to bite selves - the pain of remem­ sent the total from all the other Not only would the world place, and the manner." The back. brance. In an effort to build nations of Europe. Dr. Arad breathe easier - literally, in , new lives, survivors often bur­ noted, however, that Righteous the case of the Kurds - but the Copies of the Herald are available from: i;ed themselves in their busi­ Gentiles in the U.S.S.R. are destruction of Iraq's suspected ness or professional lives, leav­ only now being discovered, stockpiles would produce long­ Barney's on East Avenue, Pawtucket ing little time to dwell on the because. until recently the term benefits as well. Syria, Somethin's Cookin' on East Avenue, Pawtucket Soviet government maintained past. recently enriched with funds East Side Pharmacy on Hope Street, Providence "Today, with the passage of a tight lid on documentation of for its relatively minor role Hall's Drug on Elmgrove Avenue, Providence time and the softening of anti-Jewish atrocities. within the anti-Iraq Arab coali­ Gary's Park Avenue Deli on Park Avenue, Cranston memory, survivors feels dif­ 'All Danish Non-Jews Were tion, would be deterred from ferently. They can never forget, Righteous Gentiles' · taking over as Israel's (and Garden City Drug on Reservoir Avenue, Cranston but today more and more of The Yad Vashem chairman Lebanon's) next bully. them can talk about the terrible also observed that although Second, the United States losses they knew. And they are Denmark managed to save al­ could avoid further military telling their stories to their most all of its Jews, very few intervention. And with the grandchildren, who are learn­ individual Danes are honored U.S. military vastly reduced, ing about the Holocaust in a at Yad Vashem. "The Danish no longer would "friendly fire" way that the survivors' own Jews were saved as a group be a danger. children never did." through a nationwide effort, Third, the U.N. would gain Worldwide Interest leaving little or no need for increased legitimacy as an in History of the Holocaust individual acts of heroism," he enforcer of cease-fire pledges Moreover, said Dr. Arad - explained. "Virtually all and Security Council resolu­ an historian who has spent 20 Danish non-Jews were Righ­ tions. Finally, other hostile years as head of the Yad teous Gentiles." Vashem memorial - renewed During his visit to the U.S., interest in the Holocaust is not Dr. Arad spoke at a reception confi ned to the grandchildren in his honor given by the EAST SIDE of Holocaust families but American and International GREAT 2-FAMIL Y. Excellent condttion. 2 appears to be worldwide. The Societies for Yad Vashem. The beds each. 2-cor garage. Priced right! 1.2 million visitors to Yad chairmen were Sam Halpern, S159.00'.J. ' NEWLISTI 2-fomily. Parking. Close to schools. Vashem each year includes a Mark Palmer and Sam Skura. Potential! Excellent location. $267,900. growing proportion of young Eli Zborowski is president of NEW LISTI 2 beds. 2 bofhs. RIHMfCI Storage people from all countries, the American and International space. Convenient to shopping. $85.cxxl. Societies. ARCHITTCT\JRALLYAPPEALINGI 7-roomBnde many of whom are not Jewish. Contempo


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A story on your business, complete with photos, (IN-STOCK FABRICS) will let our readers know all about your work and what you have to offer the community. • DECORATING ASSISTANCE• m FOR MORE INFORMATION ON l~llllll(~ Drapery, Upholstery, Slipcover Fabrics (Always First Quality - Discounted) "A CLOSER LOOK" GAttEllY Custom Fabric Shades, Pleated Shades, Verticals, Blinds, Bedspreads, Pillows CALL MYRNA OR JEANETTE AT 606 Ten Rod Road (Rte. 102) North Kingstown 401 -295-2760 I , _ _' '_'_' , " , , • , , , , , ,724-,q200 , Deanna .K. CeUco, PcoprlelDr · Monday - Saturday 10:00 - S:00 6 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 11 , 1991 World and National -News 'Terminator' Honored By Simon Wiesenthal Center by Rick Hellman Kansas City Jewish Chronicle li fe. LOS ANGELES (JT A) - " For me it was important Arnold Schwarzenegger, star because I could participate and of the new science-fiction contribute," Schwarzenegger thriller, "Terminator 2: J4dg­ said. " It was also great to have ment Day," has an image as President Bush come out and the ultimate Teutonic tough say those kind words about me guy. But in a recent interview and also about that cause. here, Schwarzenegger revealed " I feel very strongly, espe­ that he has a soft spot for a cially coming from the back­ cause dear to Jews. ground - the country that I'm Schwarzenegger, a native of coming from, that it is very Ganz, Austria, was honored important that the new genera­ earlier this month with the tion shows leadership in that National Leadership Award of area and comes out and speaks the Simon Wiesenthal Center out against prejudice." in Los Angeles. Past honorees Schwarzenegger and his at the center have included wife, Maria Shriver, have been Ronald Reagan, Nathan Shar­ involved with the center for SWEARING IN. At a White House ceremony, Vice President Dan Quayle (right) swears in ansky, Chaim Herzog and eight years, donating more Rabbi Arthur Schneier as chairman of the U.S. Commission for Preservation of America's Andrei Sakharov. than $250,000. The Muse·um of Heritage Abroad. Rabbi Schneier, who was appointed to the post by President Bush, is the President Bush, whom Tolerance, which will house senior rabbi of Park East Synagogue in New York and president of the Appeal of Con­ Schwarzenegger has supported multimedia exhibits designed science Foundation. He took the oath of office on a Russian-Hebrew bible, published in politically, also received an to challenge visitors to con­ Vilna in 1902, that was reprinted by the Appeal of Conscience for distribution to syna­ award and spoke at the presen­ front bigotry, is scheduled to gogues in the Soviet Union in 1986. Left, Mrs. Elisabeth Schneier. The Commission that tation, attended by nearly open in the spring of 1992. Rabbi Schneier heads, established by an Act of Congress, was created to preserve and 1,400 people. Rabbi Abraham Cooper, as­ protect the monuments, historic buildings and cemeteries in foreign lands that are as­ Bush called Schwarzenegger sociate dean of the Wiesenthal sociated with the heritage of American citizens. "a wonderful choice" for the· Center, said Schwarzenegger's award, saying the actor "em­ fame in his native Austria Israeli University Pays gram, which prepares Soviet Tel Aviv University's School of bodies the good, essential val­ "sends a positive message to physicists to teach in Israeli Education, pointed out. ues of this world, values like the young people in that coun­ Tribute To Norwegians high schools where qualified They are learning Hebrew, caring and fairness and faith." try at a time when we're mak­ physics teachers are in short Jewish history, Israeli teaching At a news conference earlier ing a serious effort to try to By Hugh Orgel supply. methods and the social and cul­ this week, Schwarzenegger tum things around with regard TEL AVIV (JTA) -:- Tel Aviv At present, 32 emigres are tural backgrounds of their pro­ said the award dinner was one to the neo-Nazi computer University has paid tribute to attending the course. All spective pupils in order to of the greatest evenings of his games there."' 20,000 Norwegians who con­ received master's degrees or qualify for teaching certificates. tributed over $1 million to help doctorates in physics before According to Dr. Meir N.Y. Students In Soviet Summer Camps absorb Soviet Jewish immi­ leaving the Soviet Union and Meidav, head of the retraining grants in Israel. some attained national and program, the · Soviet immi­ NEW YORK (JT A) - While Harvard, Yale and other col­ Some of the money went to international prominence, Pro­ grants will raise the standards most New York-area college­ leges across the United States. the university's retraining pro- fessor Elite Olshtein, head of of physics teaching in Israel. age camp counselors are 'The Jewish community has headed for the Catskills and stagnated over there for so Poconos, some are heading for long, that it needs a spark to Moscow, Leningrad, and revive it," said Kevin Taragin, Vilnius. a spokesman for the group. Join thousands of readers who know what's going Under a student-organized " We wanted to reach out to the project based at Yeshiva Uni­ community and liven up the on in the Rhode Island Jewish Community versity, some 45 graduate and Jewish presence over there." undergraduate students will The Greater New York Coali­ serve as counselors and direc­ tion for Soviet Jewry serves as DD DD tors at summer camps in the adviser to the student group. D D Soviet Union. The program is not affiliated Subscribe To The The campers are Soviet Jew­ with any religious organiza­ ish children, who will attend tion, said Taragin. cultural and religious programs "We're an open program. developed by the students We just want to raise Jewish IP2IHI (0) JD) IE Il§ILAN]D) from Yeshiva, Columbia, consciousness," he said.

Copies of the Herald are available from: - D JJIEWil§IHI IHIIEJliIL]D) Barney's on East Avenue, Pawtucket Somethin's Cookin' on East Avenue, Pawtucket East Side Pharmacy on Hope Street, Providence T O UC II ,.1, Hall's Drug on Elmgrove Avenue, Providence YYfTH THE Gary's Park Avenue Deli on Park Avenue, Cranston Garden City Drug on Reservoir Avenue, Cranston

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Box 6063, Providence, RI 02940 I Jeanne Stein ______j , , , . , ,,.,,, - -- Discount PrJ.c.~~ THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, JU LY 11 , 1991 7 ·1sraeli And U.S. Officials Hope Attempt To Outlaw Kosher Slaughter by Jeremy Jones To Repeal Zionism Measure Ironic stun_ning. SYDNEY, Australia (JT A) - by Aliza Marcus Many countries have called The Jewish community here is The Executive Council of UNITED NATIONS (JT A) - for the resolution's repeal. But squaring off against an animal Australian Jewry stated flatly ~Israeli and U.S. officials are in until recently, few believed rights group that is trying to that "shechita is not nego­ 00000000000000 the p"rocess of drafting a resolu­ Israel could muster enough outlaw the practice of kosher tiable." It argued that " the ooooooooooooon tion to repeal the infamous votes in the General Assembly slaughter. right to practice shechita DOOOOOOOOOOOOCJ 1975 U.S. General Assembly should be allowed to continue, 0 000000000000 to accomplish this. Australian Jews are outraged opD ,~--~ DD0 , resolution denigrating Zionism With the collapse of Soviet · at the initiative and the group's not only as an acknowledge­ as a form of racism. domination over Eastern suggestion that kosher slaugh­ ment that it is in accord with Israel 's U.N. ambassador, Europe two years ago, Israel ter - or shechita, as it is called the requirements of humane­ National Yoram Aridor, said a U.S.-pre­ was able to renew ties with a in Hebrew - is inhumane. ness, but also as a manifesta­ New York (JT A) - The first pared draft is being studied number of countries that origi­ The Royal Society for Pre­ tion of religious liberty. " International Jewish Femi­ and there is hope that the reso­ nally supported the resolution. vention of Cruelty to Animals Doron Ur, president of the nist Directory has been pub­ lution will finall y be repealed Eastern European leaders are has proposed to the Australian Council of Western Australian lished by the American Jew­ in the upcoming General As­ now vocal supporters of the Law Reform Commission that Jewry, told its annual meeting ish Congress, the group sembly session. resolution·s repeal, as are the laws relating to the slaugh­ in Perth that " Australian Jewry announced. It contains The-two countries are "work ­ many South American coun­ ter of animals for human con­ is preparing itself to combat a names, addresses and tele­ ing very closely'' on preparing tries. sumption be made more strin­ repeat performance of an as­ sault on shechita. phone numbers of Jewish a draft that could be submitted Last year, there was hope gent and without "exemp­ " We have no concession to feminists all over the world this fal l if its passage is assured the issue could have been tions." make even if not all of us prac­ along with their occupa­ by a "comfortable majority," brought up in the last General The Law Reform Commis­ tice our traditions," he said. tions, interests and organiza­ Aridor said at a news confer­ Assembly, but the Iraqi in­ sion is receiving verbal and This issue repeats item for tional affiliations. The direc­ ence here recently. vasion of Kuwait and a series written comments until Aug. 1 item a scenario that has been tory was an outgrowth of the " When we have the final of Security Council resolutions on matters arising from possi­ played in recent years in sev­ first International Jewish count, we will move forward," critical of Israel poisoned the ble clashes between Australian eral European countries. Jews Feminist Conference held in he said. atmosphere. la w and the needs and beliefs in Sweden, who lost their bid Jerusalem in 1988. Its publi­ Although repeal of the reso­ Aridor said that Israel, the of citizens of varied racial and for kosher meat but won a bat­ cation was intended to en­ lution would " delete a shame­ United States and some other religious backgrounds. tle to continue the practice of sure continued close con­ ful stain from the United Na­ supporters are studying the sit­ According to David Butcher, kosher slaughter of fowl, went tacts and communications tions, it does not mean all the uation carefull y to decide when spokesman fo r the anti-cruelty to the mat with the support of among the hundreds of problems with the United and if the repeal resolution society, the Jewish method of Jewish groups in the United women who participated in Nations are solved," he should be brought up duri ng ki ll ing animals needs to be States and elsewhere in the confere nce. warned. the next General Assembly. changed to lessen the pain. Europe. Israel has long charged the Supporters of the measure 's Rabbi Moshe Gulnick of the In Britain, the practice •••• United Nations with harbori ng repeal point out that timing is New South Wales Kashru t shechita was retained after a New York (JT A) - An inter­ an anti- Israel bias, and the Jew­ very importa nt. It would be a Authority said the Jewish drawn-out battle over the kind national array of govern­ is h state points specificall y to terri ble blow if the General method is not only humane but and position of pens in which ment offi cials, diplomats, Resolution 3379, which de­ Assembly voted against repeal, less likely to prolong suffering animals are slaughtered under Jewish leaders and religious scribes the Zionist movement which would in effect reaffirm than the standard Australia n kosher laws. fi gures gathered in the Ro­ as racist. the resolution. slaughter, whi ch uses elec- manian ca pi tol of Bu charest to pay tribute on a grand Czech Official Urges Government To Restore------­ scale to the thousands of Nazi-Plundered Judaica Jews who were tortured, de­ ported or executed there be­ by Josef Klansky The all , most originall y from the while has demanded that Jew­ ginning July 1150 years ago. PRAGUE (JT A) - An aide to the prime minister of the 153 Czech Jewish communities ish religious objects not pres­ Blackman International Czech republic of Czechoslo­ annihilated by the Nazis, ently in use in Czechoslovakia Insurance vakia has urged the state to Prihoda wrote. be handed over to Israel. Jerusalem (JT A) - The Israeli restore Jewish re ligious and The problem of religious Agency economy, stall ed when the cul tural artifacts plundered by articles expropria ted by . the Persian Gulf War broke in the Nazis to the communities state under the former Com­ 885-7110 munist regime is under con­ January, has begun to grow fro m which they were stolen or Richard S . Blackman, CPCU again. Its growth is now 5 their heirs. sideration. Prihoda recalled a session of Homeowners percent higher than at the Petr Prihoda, a spokesman Auto end of 1990, according to a for Prime Mi nister Petr Pit­ the federal Parliament held in February at which two mem­ Business new survey published by the hard, observed in an article Life recently in the dail y Lidove bers, Kl ara Samkova and Rostis­ Bank of Israel, the country's 655 Main St., E. Greenwich central bank. Both the con­ Novi11y that nearl y 200,000 lav Senjuk, objected to the struction industry, and the items seized from Jewish house­ return of religious relics to the import of raw materia ls for holds and synagogues are Jewish community because of " the danger that moveabl e cu l­ manufact uring are most evi­ stored at the state-owned Jew­ Narragansett 789-2322 Pawtucket 724-3114 dent in growth. ish Museum in Prague, which tural treasures may be exported was expropriated by the Com­ from the country." ...... munist authorities in the Prihoda compared their atti­ JACK M. MINKIN 1950s. tude to that of a child who dba/Ti le-Set fi nds a toy shovel in the sand Vienna - It was reported in Most of these items were CERAMI C TILE INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS the Providence Journal that robbed from Jewish communi­ and refus_es to return it to its the government fo rmally ac­ ties in Bohemia and Moravia , owner. He differentiated be­ Clea ning, Regrouting and Sea ling - Lea ks Fi xed knowledged for the first time whose members died in the tween memorabilia of historic ALL KI NDS OF RENOVATION WORK Holocaust. But a few survived value that are property of the that many Austrians backed A TRO UBLESHOOTER WITH IDEAS Adolf Hitler's Third Reich and are still living in Czecho­ museum and religious objects and were instrumental in its slovakia, Israel or some other looted by the Nazis. INSURED • R.I. LICENSE NO. 42 10 • REFERENCES cri mes. This decl aration was country, said Prihoda. An Israeli organization mean- a histori c modification to the According to the writer, the long-held state doctrine that collection includes about 4,000 Austria was Nazi Germany's Torah mantles, 2,500 Torah fi rst victim. Chancell or curtains, 360 va lences, 1,500 Franz Vranitzky apologized binders, 600 Torah shields, 200 for atrocities committed by silver crowns and 1,000 point­ Austrians. ers. There are 175,000 items in RESTORE YOUR HAIRLINE ...

The Permanent Solution to Hair Loss • Painless, O utpati ent Procedure • No Postoperati ve Bandages • Surgery Done in Providence O ffice • Full, Micro, Sp lit Grafting • Rogai ne Eva lua ti on & Trea tment • Free Confidential Consultati ons 727-1997 Dr. Robert Leonard Hair Transplant Specialist Chambers Hair Institute of RI 401-}~1-0660 • 845 North Main St, (Su1t(f!'l)', I?r/lt-jtfebte;, R1 8 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1991

NOAH'S ARK A newspaper for Jewish eblldren

VOL. XIII. No. 111 SDl'.\WH. 1991 / KAYEf:TZ.~7fil

~,, .....,, ..... ,, ..... ,, ..... ,1 ..... (1 .....11.-.,, ..... ,1 .....11 .-..1,..... ,, .....,1 .....()~ Meet A Mitzvah Maven I Rebus - (Ree-boose) o,~,~ I Danny Siegel is a mitzvah I I maven. A mitzvah is a com­ - There are 613 Commandments (Mitzvot). Some tell us ,- mandment and a maven is - what we must do. These are called positive command- _ ' an expert. Danny spends ,_- ments. Some tell us what we are not allowed to do. ,-_ most of his time doing mitz­ These are called negative commandments. vot (more than one mitzvah) and performing gemillut chas­ I- There are 365 negative commandments, such as "Thou I,- sadim, good deeds or acts - shall not steal." That is the same number as the days in _ of lovingkindness. ' one year. I I About 16 years ago, Danny ,-_ There are 248 positive mitzvot. That is the same num- i began his tzedakah work by ber as the - accident! Tzedakah, the He­ brew word for justice, means I I doing what is right and fair. I ------I (Giving tzedakah usually means donating money.) I ------I Danny was going to Israel and friends had given him IP:1\ ~ I about $1000.00 to give away I LJ\j NTS + 0_=,;)-;:) ABBI I wherever he saw a need. When he got to Israel, he bought shoes for needy children, refreshments for a baby naming, and flowers for soldiers and hospital patients. He also plant­ I I ed trees, gave money to a library for the blind, and gave , + ~ PA + 3 TRE + , money for food and clothing for poor people. I I By the time this summer is over, · Danny will have given away more than one million dollars! First, he collects the I ~ TB I money. Then, he gives the money to others who help those I ~~ + ~ 3 p + I who need it. I ~ AA I I ~ - AT + y AIS = I I - Answer on next page. i i-.,.,, .....,, .....,1 .....,, .....1, .....,, .....,, .....,, .....,, .....,, .....,, .....,, ....., 1..... ,1 ...i

Hope that your summer Is both safe and fun! Danny tells hundreds of stories about children and adults Be careful and please who perform mitzvot. For example, one child's tzedakah Don't get burned by the sun! money bought more than a dozen flowers in Israel to make 12 patients' Shabbat nicer. Someone else gave hundreds of Wear a he\met when biking, dollars to help Soviet Jews in Israel. Other money went to Always swim with a friend, Life Line for the Old, a workplace where older Israelis And NOAH'S ARK will be back make handicrafts which are later sold. Still more money even When summer comes to an bought gym shoes for two young girls who otherwise wouldn't have been able to go to school.

Danny calls people who help others "mitzvah heroes." You can be a "mitzvah hero," too. For some ideas, read "Flex Your Mitzvah Muscles This Summer!" =------· - ·-- - --


Flex Your Mitzvah Muscles This Summer!

12. Get friends together and decorate tzedakah boxes. See if this project can be done with older adults at your Jewish Community Center or Home for the Elderly. Ask your rabbi for permission to set the boxes on a table in your synagogue, to be taken for free by your members. Use small recloseable boxes or metal band-aid boxes. 0 0 13. Ask your parents to buy an extra item of food for the needy whenever they go grocery shopping.

This summer, choose different mitzvah projects you can do. 14. Make colorful cards, pictures, or banners and take them .k friends and relatives to help. Here ate some ideas: to children in hospitals. This is especially important for children from out of town. Visit a- Home for the Elderly. Adopt a "grandparent" and visit each week. 15. Volunteer to stuff envelopes at your synagogue, Federa­ tion, or a hospital. Get a group of friends together to sing, and put on a show at a Home for the Elderly. NOAH'S ARK would like to hear about some of the mitzvot you have done in the past, or mitzvot that you do Raise money and then give it to any charity you choose. this summer. Send your stories to Mitzvot, c/ o NOAH'S Be sure customers know why you are raising money. ARK, 7726 Portal, Houston, Texas 77071. Be sure to include Here are some ways to raise money: your complete name, address, age, and telephone number. - Babysit. - Have a car wash. - Sell lemonade. - Walk a neighbor's dog. ?t:l"7j~,:ttl n~ - Pull weeds. - Water lawns. (Mah Hah-hehv-deh-leem) - Have a bake sale. What Are The Differences? - Sweep leaves off sidewalks and driveways. - Ask neighbors if there are odd jobs you could do. - Have a backyard carnival. Sell tickets and refreshments. Jon is walking his sick friend's dog. Find at least 6 differences in the pictures below. L Go through your clothes and give away whatever doesn't fit anymore.

). Donate some of your toys to a hospital children's ward . .

3. Gather your leftover school supplies and take them to neighborhood centers in poorer sections of your town.

7. Collect and donate books or -magazines to a hospital or neighborhood center.

3. Volunteer to work in a food pantry once a week or twice a month.

Answer To Rebus NOAH'S ARK A Newspaper for Pants . - nts + rabbits - Jewish Children abbi + paint - pa + three Linda Freedman Block - tre + thumb - tb + pan and Debbie Israel Dubin - p + boat - at + daisy - Publishers/ Editors

a1s = Parts in the human :"ll at"hm1m, lllu,-lmtiun" (;1Udit· Knoblt- r , Mic kt•y B rodsky, body. Miriam ls rnt'I, /\du. Dubin, .11nd lk•rn111rd Dubin. Cm ufolr,,11

~-l:!.f .-;,,,11/m,·,/ Fr, ,,.,.,i,·. Sw/,· J.;11 //ou,/u,i_ 'fr,,1, 1111 / 1 9. Learn how to do magic tricks or make balloon animals, ; i:,/iil , ,,_., and perform at a hospital. Copyright 1991 (c) NOAH'S ARK ISSN: 0892-4945

0. If your synagogue doesn't already have a food barrel for Jmlu u/u,il • .,1,.,,.1,,,,,,,, ,,,,. ,>1;11 1,11m, ' """''" ' /! ;1, ,,.,.~,-,u .\fu•f ,,. ,,.,,./ m 1·., , mr,·11,, "' ,.,tJ, the poor, ask your rabbi for permission to set up one. Answers To m/•·r m1fio1inl ,.,,,,,,., ..nl, ·r 1•1111I,/,· in I ·., ,1.,11,, ,-.. mu/ """ Ii,· ""/,·r,·,/fr""' Iii• fiu,w,•-. 1/ffi, , / ,,,,,.,, 1111,•, Get a large box and decorate it. Ask the rabbi to an­ Differences "'mlt1l1/,· "" n~,,..-,1 ;l,tnr,• 1h1m r,o ·, n r :"/OAll'S AHK f>r\·s!ol run is nounce the food box in your synagogue's bulletin. puhli.'t•n ,·t•r, ( '0 : 11,•ri­ seq l'lop auo ·spnop seq lMl(t', S11n l>it•l(o, ( ",\; ,frwi!o!h Lh:ht, S I. Lo uis, 1. If you are planning your Bar/Bat Mitzvah, call your local '10: Hhud.- · l s h1nd ,lt•wish lfrnd d , Pro.-idt•n('t'. /\}fS auo "lUaJaJJ!p aJl/ lJ!qS Ill: IJ"m1i H'r llh :'oh''Grease" on stage at Theatre-By-The-Sea in Matunuck through July 21. Zeiterion Theatre's " O nce ceived a Citation of Excelle nce Upon A Time," 1991 Summer from the international pup­ ' ·Grease'' - Another Treasure Youth Festi val, opens with petry organization UNIMA. " The Snow Queen" presented " O nce Upon A Time" con­ From Theatre-By-The_-Sea by the Das Puppenspiel Pup­ tinues for the next four con­ pet Theatre on Wed ., July 17, at secutive Wednesdays w ith the by Dorothea Snyder re flect dire: tor and choreogra­ a re performed by Bill Kocis and 10:30 a .m . Shaw's Super­ following shows - " The Ginger­ Overheard during intermis­ pher G reg Ganakas's flawless Roger and David Hibbard as markets returns as sponsor of bread Boy" on July 24, " The sion of " Grease" to artistic pro­ attention to detail. It was a feat Dood y. Andrea Cohen and the summer festival for the Princess and the Frog" on July ducer Richard Ericson: 'Looks to stay in one's seat, listening Felice Cohen, twin sisters, raise third year in a row. 31, " Rainbows, Rabbits and Rid­ like you've got another hit, to that bouncy beat of Theatre­ a little o f the roo f during the In a faithful adaptation of dles" on August 7 and " The Richard!' By-The-Sea 's top-no tch or­ second act as Cha-Cha Gre­ Ha ns Christian Andersen's Incred ible .Merlin Magic The best critics, Theatre-By­ chestra directed by Patrick gorio. classic tale o f fantasy and Show" on August 14. The-Sea's audience, were obvi­ Vaccariello. The Fifties illusion was fabri­ friendship, the Das Puppen­ Tickets are $5 each, general ously exhilarated by the shake­ Rydell High's class of '59 goes cated by John Carver Sullivan's spiel Puppet Theatre brings to admission. Subscriptions for all rattle-roll energy of this fab­ o ff to school with Jeff Mode­ nifty costumes, especially life · the story o f " The Snow fi ve shows in the series are ulous Fifties musical. reger's two-level set that easil y those worn by the Pink Ladies Queen" with exquisitely $20. Group rates are available. It was more like opening shifts to out-of-school scenes. in " Beauty School Dropout." crafted ha nd, mask, mime, and Tickets are now on sale at the night of a shiny new show The cast is great and full of Upstaging it all for the ti me it 'bunraku' style puppets. The Zeiterion Box Office at (508) never performed than the re­ contrasts. Joanne Bogart is a appeared was a surprise solo pu ppets tell the story of little 994-2900. Individual tickets creation of a 1972 blockbuster! hot sketch as Rydell 's princi­ motorcade tabbed 'Greased Gerda's quest to fi nd her are also available at all TICKET­ " Grease's" main characters, pal, Miss Lynch. Debbye De­ Lightnin ' designed by Jon Har­ friend, Kai, who has been MASTER locations, or by call­ Sandy Dumbrowski and Angelis (Ja n) is a promising ri ngton. taken to the far N orth by the ing TICKETMASTER at (617) Danny Zuko, pa rt ways after a comed ienne. Versatile Da nte Whether or not you've ever Snow Queen. An original mus­ 931-2000. summer romance and discover Sciarra, who appears regula rly seen the stage version of ical score adds to the charm The Zeiterion Theatre is they're in the same school at on the Matunuck stage, debuts " Grease," don't miss this and adventure o f Gerda's located at 684 Purchase Street Rydell High School come Sep­ this time as nerd Eugene. oh-so-enjoyable show. If you search and the colorful charac­ in historic, downtown New tember. Pa mela Klinger (Sandy see nothing else this summer, ters she meets along the way Bed ford. The theatre is w heel­ Farfetched as it may seem , Dumbrowski) and Kevin Neil you must take in Theatre-By­ including a magic flower chair accessible. that's the story's starting gate, McCready (Danny Zuko) are The-Sea's delightful produc­ wom an, a talking crow, a The 1991 Summer You th an opening for those snappy perfect in the roles created by tion at Matunuck th rough July prince and princess and a dan­ Festival is funded in part by the song and d ance numbers that Carole Demas and Barry Bos­ .21. gerous 'robber girl.' Massachusetts Cultural Coun­ tw ic in the original stage "Grease" is another of Das Puppenspiel performs · cil as administered by the production . Olivia Newton Theatre-By-The-Sea's treasures this whimsical and captivating Acushnet and Mattapoisett Beachcomber John and John Travolta per­ by the sea. The Matunuck the­ tale with their usual flair. Arts Lottery Councils. The Zeit­ formed the movie version atre is fast earning its reward to Founded in 1974, this New erion is also funded in part by Restaurant leads. be one of the top summer thea­ York company is one of only the Arts Lottery Councils of & Louni?e Knock-out singing by Mag­ tres in Ne w England. My guess three puppet theatres in the Freetown, New Bedford, and gie LaMee as Betty Rizzo over­ is that it will be known farther United States to receive recog­ Wareham; The City o f New FEATURING THE shad ows her Rizzo character. away than the six-state region. nition and support from the Bed ford; the New England Outstanding musical numbers , Theatre Program of the Na­ Foundation for the Arts; and CUISINE OF tional Endowment for the Arts. the N ational Endowment for MIKE ROCCIO Das Puppenspiel has also re- the Arts. formerly of JIMMY's THE MEADOWBROOK CINEMA on Route 102 2452 Warwick Ave., Warwick Haffenreffer Offers Free l:ducational Program ACROSS FROM SUPER STOP & SHOP Brown University's Haf­ holding a series of free discus­ ter between Europeans and Luncheon Specials 1 ALL MATINEES - DAILY 2 PM ... . . 1.00 fenreffer Museum of Anthro­ sions on New England history native New Engla nd peoples Starting at $3.50 ALL SHOWS- MON. &TUES . EVES ... 11.00 pology in Bristol, R.I., will be Thursd ay evening, 7-9 p.m ., through maps dating as far Dinner Specials NOW SHOWING SATURDAY & SUNDAY beginning July 18 and running back as 1548. Sponsored by the Starting at $ 5. 50 MAllllEES: Home Alone, T.-ge llulanl through August 8. The discus­ New England Foundation for NlnjaTurllelll,Walllllsney"&Sl!lpwrecked LAURA BERKSON sions are held in conjunction the Humanities, the programs LNE ENTERTAINMENT NOWSHOWINO EYENINGS:Hame Alone, pianist, guitarisl, singer-songwri1er with the Haffenreffer's exhibit, are free and open to the public. NIGHTLY DanCM Wllh WohM, The Slllrice ol lhe folk/pop and originaJ music for all occasions "Encounter in Norumbega: The museum urges people to Lambs, Only The Lonely, Qui For Justice Now Open Year Round (children's panies, 100) The Hidden Story of Early register in advance. For more ROCKY .HORROR PICTURE SHOW New England Maps," which information, call (401) 253- 7 Days A Week Frfdlyl & 8alurdays II llldnfQht, Have a concert in your 11 am - I am runs through September 15. 8388. home or yard! ~ BBS OAKLAND BEACH AVE. CALL 738-2471 The exhibit traces the encoun- 737-4855 FOR TIMES & LIST INGS (401) 782-8625 ,.I'

HAVE CAR, Jewish Television in Rhode Island ~ ~ IN]@[}Z(Q)[}Z ©lUJ!~!INJ~ WILL TRAVEL. Jewish Programming On We (eat11re pro111pt & co11rteo11s Interconnect Channels THAI R ESTAURANT service a11d affordable rates for Channel 49 in e\'ery city except those ser,.ed by 1982 WARWICK AVENUE• WARWICK• 738-6874 MALL SHOPPING • THEATER RESTAURANTS OF YOUR CHOICE Heritage Cable (Lincoln, Woonsocket) LOGAN & GREEN AIRPORTS Heritage Cable Station 57 Or a11y directio11 you wish to travel PERFECT FOR FINE JEWISH TASTE withi11 a /00-111 ile radius. Air Times: Serving Tha Finast in Authentic Thai Cuisine .-. . . · - . · ·CAR[ & JUUi· ' · · · ~ · • · · Th\J'rSda ~~ertings 7:00 pm, Su'l)day mor.ning .~0:30 am 0 0 0 t t to t. ! , t J I f f t ~ t, t •. f • • t • • I t t t t, \ I \ \ 4 ' ' ' • ~ i • t t \ C 4 0 ') • •' •' • {40 t)',4J-'S'61J9·''-'•" ' 'll;;,' ;;;' ';;;. ,;;.• • ;;;; ,;;;'>;;;;;;;;;;'·:;;;·;;;'= · ;;;·;;;·;;;·;;;;.-;;;'======- ...


Markses Announce Birth Paul and Barbara Gold Marks of Brookline, Mass., joy­ fully announce the birth of their first child and son, Benja­ min Louis, on April 4, 1991. Benjamin is named in loving memory of his paternal great­ grandmother, the late Beatrice C. Lechtman. He is also named after his maternal great uncle, Louis Wilner. His maternal grandparents are Manny and Jean Gold of Brooklyn, N.Y. His paternal grandparents are Nison and Priscilla Marks of Pawtucket and Boca Raton, Florida. The late Abraham J. Lechtman was Benjamin's pa­ ternal great-grandfather. He is also the great-grandson of the late Aaron and Lottie Marks. Millers Announce Engagement Michael and Sybil Miller of Providence, R.l. , formerly of Johannesburg, South Africa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lisa C. Miller·of I West Newton to Jonathan J. Stern Weds Webb Bell of Providence, R.l., the son Hoffmans Announce Engagement Tracy Robin Stern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stern of of Bernard E. and Claire Bell, of Pawtucket and Stephen Daniel Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Providence, R.l. , and the grand­ Rabbi and Mrs, Victor L. Hoffman of Jerusalem, Israel, Thomas Webb of East Northport, Long Island, N.Y., were mar­ son of Annie Bell. announce the en1ta1tement of their daughter, Talya Lieba, to ried on June 9, 1991, at the Roger Williams Park Casino in Miss Miller graduated from Mr. _David Scott Kalender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Providence. The double ring ceremony was conducted by Boston University and Mr. Bell Kalender of Kansas City, Mo. Ms. Hoffman is the grand­ Judge Richard Israel. graduated from Brown Uni­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sternbach of West Jodi Hurwitz was the maid of honor and bridesmaids were versity. Warwick. Lisa Sullivan, sister of the groom, Kelly Carignan-Timothy, The wedding date has been The bride-to-be served in the Israel Defense Forces and is and Shawn Green. set for October 13, 1991. due to receive her B.A. from the Hebrew University of Best man was Andrew Webb, brother of the groom, and Jerusalem in June. Mr. Kalender, a graduate of Columbia ushers were Thomas D. Webb, brother of the groom, Evan J. Woman Of The Year University and The List College of Jewish Studies is Stern, brother of the bride, Eric Liebert, and P. Andrew currently a third year rabbinical student at The Jewish Flaherty. The Advisory Commission Theological Seminary in New York City. The couple met in Both Tracy and Stephen are graduates of Northeastern on Women is accepting nomi­ Israel and plan to be married in Jerusalem on August 20 of. University, Tracy from the school of nursing and Stephen from nations for the 1991 Woman of this year. the school of engineering. She is employed at the Mass. Gen­ the Year. Organizations and in­ eral Hospital in Boston and he is employed at Thermal Tech. dividuals are invited to submit In c. in Cambridge. recommendations for Women After a trip to St. Lucia, they will be living in Boston. of the Year, by August 1, to the WEARE Lorin Advisory Commission on Women, 67 Cedar Street, Suite ANXIOUS Livery Ltd. 210, Providence, Rhode Island TOBUV PriJ,ate Chaujfettring 02903. In making recommen­ Old Jewelry & dations, please indicate why you feel this individual should Paintings Luxury Stretch Limousines be so honored. Antiques For All Occasions (401) 884-6814 Give your heart lflHII: 11:~\IPUIRIIIU~\ 738-8824 P.O. Box 6901 an extra helping. Joyce Shatkin • Marcia Stern Warwick, RI 02887 Say no to high-fat foods

(508) 532-6068

Cantor Sam Pessaroff * Certified Mohel

American Heart Fish Completes Training have been given to elderly Association Howard Fish, of Providence, clients. recently completed training to become a member of the Senior Companion Program (SCP). THINKING "Helping in the foy of New Birth" Marilyn Sayles, SCP director, ABOUT BUYING • Infant Care Teaching welcomes Fish. '1 • Breastfeeding Support Senio_r Companions are All! - ~~~~ • C-Section Care stipend volunteers, age 60 and Jt!~JI® OR SELLING older, who serve older clients ~~. • Medela Breast Pump Sales and Rental Station with special needs in their A HOME? • Meal & House Care Assistance homes, state hospitals, adult CALL • Mothers' Helpers day care centers, and other • 24 HOUR TELEPHONE SUPPORT SERVICE IF NEEDED community centers. MARSHA HOHENEMSER In Rhode Island, the Senior Realtor/Associate® MOTHER AND NEWBORN HOMECARE Companions are sponsored by (Division or Cathll'l'n Naughton A~~ociatc!-1) the Rhode Island Department The Real Estate Specialist in Your Area 249 Wi ckendcn Strcl't, Providl.· ncc, RI 02903 of Elderly Affairs and are Call Today For A Free Property Evaluation funded by ACTION, the fed­ Gf-._-.. -,.- .".-,..-~.I (401) 751-BABY • (401) 849-BABY eral volunteer agency. In the ~MLS s 946-3413 G IFr CEl

Cranston Senior Guild Schedule of Summer Activities There are still openings for " Annie Get Your Gun" on Wednesday, July 24, 1991 , at the Northshore Music Theatre. Luncheon is at the King's Grant Inn. Call Janet Richman at 461 -7108. For a delightful fun day - Thursday, August 15, 1991, at White's of Westport - Food - Dancing - Entertainment. "Scal­ lop Festival" - Estelle Abrams at 944-0539 is the one to call. A new addition to our sched­ ule . .. on Wednesday, August 21, at the Coachlight Dinner Theatre in East Windsor, Conn., " Nunsense," a truly delightful, light-hearted musi­ cal. This is with a buffet luncheon. (This replaced "Driv­ ing Miss Daisy," which has been cancelled.) Call Evelyn Wolff at 463-7715 for your reservation. Don't delay. Space Samdperil Weds Garbow is limited. The wedding of Beth Samdperil and Mitchell Garbow, both Don't forget to make your of Brooklyn, NY, took place May 26 at Temple Beth-EI in Prov­ plans to visit Atlantic City, i dence. Rabbi Leslie Gutterman officiated. The bride was given staying at the Bally Park Place, in marriage by her father. which is located in the heart of The bride is the daughter of Alan and Sandy Samdperil of the Boardwalk on October 29 , Providence. The bridegroom is the son of Harvey and Myrna 30, 31. Call Leonard or Louise Garbow of Somerset, NJ. Lyons at 438-2634 to reserve a L'Chaim! And Happy Birthday, Gail Samdperil, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor, place for you. Call now for reservations to Mrs. Gornstein and Judith Mann, also a sister of the bride, was the matron of Submitted by Mrs. Betty B._Curran honor. The best man was Steven Mesulam. these events and add enjoy­ ment to your summer. There is a very special lady, and what is special is not only After a wedding trip to England, the couple will make their her endearing personal qualities, but also that she had a birth­ home in Brooklyn, NY . day last Friday - her 92nd birthday. Mrs. Gornstein, known affectionately as Mollie, lives on the Majestic Senior Guild------East Side close to the Orthodox synagogue in which she takes New England's Largest an active interest. For many years she did professional dress­ LAMPSHADE RETAILER The Majestic Senior Guild City. Includes 2 nights and 3 making, and she is the adored matriarch_of a large family OVER 7,000 LAMPSHADES has a number of very interest­ days, 2 dinners, 2 shows, $20 which includes great-grandchildren. Anything that Mollie has FROM BURLAPS ing and entertaining trips in quarters and all gratuities. made for you would be made with such care, it could be TO LINENS AND schedul ed during the next few Reserve early. handed down to your great-grandchildren! ,.,~..__ v~.._..., -__.; PARCHMENTS months. lt is not too late to October 26 - John Davidson TO SILKS Famous for her generous seams and creative touches, she (Please Brmg Your make reservations for the fol­ at The North Shore Musical excels at her work. And nobody has a button drawer equal to Lamp For A Proper flt) lowing events. Theatre, Beverly, Mass. This Mollie's. Like a matchmaker's claims, she can find a match for ALL TYPES August 4 through August 11 dynamic and multi-talented OF LAMPS you, or at least for your buttons!! • REPAIRED - 7 nights and 8 days at The artist starred in " Music Man" . " How can I be of help to you?" she often asks friends and • REWIRED Pines Hotel in the Catskill and " Oklahoma" and his elec­ • RESTYLED clients, and in turn, we feel we cannot do enough for her. Mountains. Activities daily, trifying concert is here for 1 The pressures and demands of professional dressmaking are OPEN7 DAYS week only. Book earl y, don't Monday-Saturday 10-6pm, Sunday 12-4 nightly entertainment with greater than many people realize. Now at 92 , Mollie's career headliners featured on the delay. has gracefully ended - she no longer sews, but she is re­ KINGS LAMPSHADES weekend, dancing to 2 bands If interested in any of the markably alert, and is up to date in her outlook. Sh_e lo~es & LAMP REPAIR CENTER and always something to do. above trips, contact Dorothy when friends stop by and she welcomes each, with smcenty 508-994-9784 Balance must be paid by July Dickens at 823-7687, Bertha and warmth. RT 195 TO 140 NORTH TO HATHAWAY 20. Gershman at 944-8209, Doro­ We wish Mrs. Gornstein a good long life, the best of health ROAD. TURN RIGHT (NEXT TO DAYS INN) thy Gordon at 738-3905 or Etta 580 HATHAWAY ROAD NEW BEDFORD October 21 - Baily's Grand and all continued blessings. on the ·Boardwalk in Atlantic Swerling at 463-7166. Our next She is, indeed, a very special lady. meeting will be held on Tues­ & day, September 24. May all our JOIN JACK RHODA MOSSBERG ON THEIR ANNUAL members enjoy a healthy and BJE/RI and JCC/RI Yiddish Eldercamp LEISURE TOUR TO ISRAEL pleasant summer. The Bureau of Jewish Educa­ erature (in 3 levels), and MARCH 9 - APRIL 6, 1992 Phanton of the Opera and tion of Rhode Island and the courses on the culture, art, and sight-seeing to Ellis Island, Jewish Community Center of history of Eastern European per person $2,099 Statue of Liberty and World Rhode Island will hold their Jewry. Netanya-Jerusalem-Eilat • 2 Meals a Day Trade Center on September 25 sixth annual Yiddish Elder­ The faculty for Yiddish Elder­ Call for brochure. is completely booked. If inter­ camp from July 29-August 2, at camp includes: Lea Eliash, Dr. ested, you can put your name the JCC in Providence, 401 David Kaplan, Eva Gutman, WINKLEMAN TRAVEL on standby. Elmgrove Ave. This week-long Moli Prebluda, Dr. Joseph 720 Reservoir A venue, Cranston, RI journey into the "world of our Katz, Penney Stein, Lillian 943-7700 • Outside RI: 1-800-234-5595 fa the rs ... and mothers" offers Schwartz, Reva Stern, Geral­ classes in Yiddish language, lit- dine Foster, and Sid Resnick. Cost for the enfae week of classes which includes photo­ copied materials, "coffee and Eli and Bessie Cohen Foundation BUY 6 BAGELS, GET 3 FREE! .. . " daily, and a closing pro­ MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY• JULY 15, 16, 17 gram featuring Bella Miller and Come Tour With Us! Cecilia Rodi , is only $42 per I person. It 's a metsiyah! Also, participants will receive a Yid ­ • Meet our directors dish Eldercamp cookbook cre­ ated by campers, past and • See our facilities present. • Observe our programs For an applica tion and/or more information, write the Bureau of Jewish Education of Please call for an appointment Rhode Island, 130 Sessions Street, Providence, R.l. 02906 Camp Pembroke (Girls) (617) 294-8006 breads • bagels • desserts • soups • salads • sandwiches or call ( 40 I) 33 1-0956. Camp Tel Noar (Co-ed) (603) 329-6931 727 East Avenue Phone 727-1010 Chai rman of the Adult Edu­ Pawtuc ket, RI Fax 724-0075 cation Committee which co ­ 1'VJa.,(Co -.,ed}-, -.· .. ordinates this event is Oscar ­ ~ -"- (603) 613~_40~Q._. HO URS:· MONDA¥-FRt0A¥ 7-6; 6ATURDA'f ?-5; 6t!NOAY 'I• l ~- !Ja'ron . THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1991 - 13 ions of Jacob Synagogue Jori: A Magic Circle The Obstacle Friday, July 12 - Rosh by Mike Fink "Settlements are nego- hodesh AV - one day only, Herald Contributing Editor tiable," Prime Minister Yitzhak ,day. Candlelighting is at 8 If you drive down the main Shamir said recently in the lat­ .m. road to Point Judith and ask a est example of Israeli flexi­ Saturday, July 13 Two sidewalk stroller, " Hey, which - ays in the new month of AV. bility. This statement has street leads to Camp Jori?" he Parshas today is Maatos­ passed almost unnoticed in the they'll go, " Never heard of it." American media, The press fas'ei. So claim Jori vets. They're Shacharis Service is at 8:30 continues to portray Israel as proud of being so private. .m. followed by our custom­ being as much of an obstacle to This happy brand of merry ry kiddush. peace as Syria. This is not a summerfolk fit right into their correct equation. Mincha is at 8:10 p.m. with tucked away corner of South he Third Meal following Reporters suggest that if County. Really, they're a lyri­ mmediately (Se'udah Shel­ only Israel were to accept a U.N. cal elfground. observer and a recurring con­ shis and Z'mirot). The camp nurse Naomi is Ma 'ariv is at 9:05 p.m. ference, then peace would like a good smurf, a Tinker­ Shabbos ends at 9:11 p.m. come to the Middle East. These belle. She swings a hammock Havada:ah Service is at 9:12 in fact are Syria's demands, but between a pair of red maples p.m, why should they be automati­ for an outdoor infirmary. The Sunday, July 14 - Morning cally accepted as legitimate? indoor one holds bunkbeds service is at 7:45 a.m. Next What concessions have the beside knotty pine walls in a Lori Gerstenblatt stands by at the Old Windmill Retreat. Sunday is the Fast of Av. Syrians made up to now? The whimsical windmill. A priest Morning services for Monday answer is none. Israel has con­ used to lodge in this rather0 and Thursday are at 6:30 a.m. tinued to offer concessions grand domain. You look out to "I remember your daughter. this sparkling day. " Any found­ and Tuesday, Wednesday, and while the Arab world has not Scarborough Beach, to a ring of You wrote to her all the time. ling animals come to the Friday are at 6:45 a.m. budged at all. How are the two trees that protect the magic You wanted us to set up a cabins?" "Skunks come under Mincha for the entire week positions compatible? circle. nature cabin." ours." "We see rabbits when is at 8:15 p.m. (continued on page IS) Naomi feeds the baby rac­ "Jori was bought and built we wake up." "I found a dead coons that come at dusk. At for orphans. Survivors came mole." B'nai Israel Installs New President our bright luncheon she made after the war. We still bring The green knoll struck this an entrance in a black outfit. Russian Jewish kids, to get guest as a place of healing and were honorary presidents: "I'm in mourning for the baby youngsters out of the city and of the pursuit of happiness. Samuel J. Medoff and Joseph starling that fell out of its nest." its heat and cement. " Shorr; honorary vice-president, The grassy hike from We all cover our heads for Philip Macktaz; vice presi­ Naomi's place to the director's the blessing over the bread. dents, Richard Salzberg, passes by two fancy stone struc­ Marshall's daughter Lori pre­ George Woled, Donald F. tures, a well , and the platform sides at one table. Dominic Berger, Neal W. Rogol, D.M.D ., for the flagpole. They date to Giusti sits at the head of an­ and Carolyn G. Cohen; finan­ the thirties when Jori was new, other. ''I've worked here three cial secretary, Marian K. Gold­ but they too serve to add an summers," he says. " I also IN CORPORATED fine; treasurer, Beverly Schafer; almost mystical Medieval work at the JCC." He puts in and recording secretary, Alex­ mood to the campus. an order for vanilla or choco­ ander H. Hanna. Marshall Gerstenblatt has late ice cream sandwiches for Newly elected Board of directed Jori activities for dessert - after the pizza has Directors is: Richard R. Acker­ twenty summers. He has kept been cleared away. man, Linda Bloch, Stephan R. the zest of a beginner. He's a " Kids, what about Domin­ Bloch, Sidney I. Brody, M.D., fine looking fellow with a ic?" Hands go up. " I hate when Howard R. Croll, S. Ronald ready fla shing smile. He looks he sings." " He pours out too Daniels, Oscar Z. Dashef, over the land, the trees, the much syrup at breakfast." One M.D., Nathan C. Goldfine, David C. Cohen, cabins, with comfort and pride. boy comes from Pakistan. He is "Unique Personalized Harris D. Harnick, D.D.S., "This isn't a business, it's a a Muslim. Israelis sit next to Friday, June 21, at 8 p.m. Phyllis F. Harnick, Ph.D., tradition we keep up. We teach Russians. The mixed group all Children's Gifts'.' immediately following a recep­ Michael D. Holtzman, Jack the kids and the counselors try to get into camera range, PRICES STARTING AT $5 tion and Oneg Shabbat, Con­ Kirsh, Lewis Z. Lavine, Jason Z. how to get along and reach out but the battery is. dying. The Rocking Chairs Wall Mirrors . gregation B'nai Israel of Woon­ Levine, May Levinson, Syvia a hand, an arm to each other . camera won't click. We have Clothes Trees Doll Cradles socket honored Harris D. D. Medoff, Arlene Rogol, We have poor kids, rich kids, fun looking at each other Bulletin Boards Toy Chests Student Desk s Bookends Harnick, D.D.S., president and Lawrence B. Sadwin, Judith A. all kinds of kids. Our counse­ though and telling where we're Schoenfeld, Herbert B. Stern, Clocks Lamps inducted David C. Cohen, lors come from all over the from . Huge flags and pennants ... and much more president-elect. Amy B. Westerman, Edythe M. world." He introduces me to hang from the high steeple tell­ Other incoming officers in­ Wittes, Edith B. Woled, and young men and women from ing where the counselors came (401) 946-8885 ducted for the 1991-1992 term Irving I. Zimmerman. New Zealand, Australia, Hol­ from. By appoinlmenl only. Jodi Miller and Marc.y (,'n11u!O. land, Britain. Nobody looked homesick on Locals Attended Jewish Libraries Convention ------Judith Greenblatt of Temple , ians," and Judith Greenblatt The attendees will be shar­ Sinai, Toby Rossner of the chaired the school, synagogue ing their newly gleaned in­ Bureau of Jewish Education, Lil­ and center division cataloging sights within the local Jewish lian Schwartz of Temple revision workshop. Library network. Emanu-El and Reini Silverman AGIFT of Temple Beth-El just returned Joseph Rubiano, Sr. Andrew Galasso from the exciting 26th annual Joseph Rubiano, Jr. FOR -YOU! Association of Jewish Libraries convention. One hundred It'• hard to belleve, but there are people out there who have never taken the thirty people from the United thne to awlm In the JCCRI olymplc alze pool. States, Canada, Australia and Israel convened at the Miami And have never worked out on the equipment In the JCCRI exercise room. Beach Fontaqinebleau Hilton, MOUNT FUJI GARDENS, INC. June 23-26. They exchanged Now that our pool Is chlorine problem-free (with our new electronlcally ideas and listened to authori­ We Specialize In All Landscaping & Oriental Pruning controlled water purlftcatlon system In place), ties in such fields as library Japanese Gardens • Lawn Maintenance programming, cataloging, elec­ 7 Carl Avenue, North Providence, RI 02904 • 353-5268 and now that we have expanded our exercise room to Include the newest tronic databases, preservation atate-of-th&-art atalrcllmber and treadmltl, and genealogy. We want to spread the word about our outstanding facility. Toby Rossner and Lillian Schwartz presented "The His­ Our gift to you: ONE GUEST PASS for someone who has never taken the tory Mystery and Other Jewish BUSINESS LUNCH time to Join the Center. Through August 16, 1991, one session Is on us. Book Months Projects from Served daily from 11 :30 am in a The Rhode Island Chapter LIMIT: ONE PASS PER PERSON. AJL, " Toby Rossner presented relaxed casual atmosphere "Library S)

EDWIN ANTIN Cranston; a daughter, Ellen ing three years ago. He was an FLORENCE H, NORMAN Presidency CRANSTON Edwin Antin Golden of Cranston; a Army veteran of World War 11 , EAST PROVIDENCE Antin, 71, of 28 East Bel Air brother, Stanley Antin of Scars­ serving in the South Pacific Florence H. Norman, 87, of 31 (continued from page 1) theater. He was a member of Rd., plant manager and vice dale, N.Y., and four grand­ Arthur Ave., died Tuesday, off the alarm, said in a tele­ Temple Am -David of Warwick, president of Crownmark Corp., children. July 2, 1991 , at Rhode Island phone interview that she is and of the Knights of Pythias. Providence, for over 35 years The funeral was held Tues­ Hospital. She was the widow nonetheless pleased that the is­ day, July 9, at Temple Tora! Besides his wife he leaves a before retiring two years ago, of Simon Norman. sue of a woman's role has now Yisrael, 330 Park Ave., Crans­ son, Dr. Charles M. Elboim of died Saturday, July 6, 1991 , at Born in New York, a daugh­ been publicly raised. Sonoma, Calif.; two daughters, .Miriam Hospital. He was the ton. Burial was in Lincoln Park ter of the late Morris and Annie "We at Young Israel have to Hillary S. Elboim and Arlene L. husband of Trude (Silver) Cemetery, Warwick. Arrange­ (Cohen) Newman, she moved face this issue," she said. Kalver, both of Cranston; two Antin. ments were by the Sugarman from Providence to East Provi­ The controversy began in sisters, Elsie Elboim of War­ Born in the Bronx, New York Memorial Chapel, 458 Hope dence 20 years ago. March when Luger, who had wick and Alicia Wayne of Ft . City, a son of the late Louis and St., Providence. Mrs. Norman had been a served as vice president of Lauderdale, Fla .; and four Fanny (Wolfe) Antin, he lived past president of the Women's Young Israel of West Bloom­ grandchildren. in Cranston for 37 years. He Auxiliary of B'nai B'rith, She field for two years, was nomi­ The funeral was held Sun­ was a member of Temple Torat WILLIAM ELBOIM was a member of Temple nated for the office of presi­ day, July 7, at the Sugarman Yisrael and its men's club, and CRANSTON William Emanuel, its Sisterhood, and a dent. Memorial Chapel, 458 Hope was a member of its board of Elboim of 15 Carnation Dr., past president of its Garden Because the congregation did St., Providence. Burial was in directors. He also served as the died Friday, July 5, 1991 , at Club. not have a rabbi, and because Pride of Lynn Cemetery, Lynn, Temple secretary for the past Rhode Island Hospital. He was She leaves a daughter, Hope some of the congregants were Mass. ten years, and was a member the husband of Georgette Phillips of Washington, D,C,; a unsure about the propriety of a of the Knights of Pythius. (Cohen) Elboim. son, Howard M, Norman of woman president, Luger de­ Mr. Antin attended City Col­ Born in Russia, a son of the East Providence; and two cided to refer the matter to the CARL PASS MAN lege of New York and served in late Samuel and Chama grandchildren. She was sister national Young Israel move­ the Army Medical Corps in (Kuritz) Elboim, he was a PAWTUCKET - Carl Pass­ of the late William D. New­ ment. England in .World War II. Cranston resident for 23 years, man, 77, of 36 Auburn St., man, Bomzer explained that his Besides his wife, he leaves having previously lived in owner of the former Durable The funeral service was held ruling emanated from an earlier three sons, Norman B. Antin of Boston. He had been the oper­ Braided Rug Co. for 40 years Friday, July 5, at Mount Sinai decision by the highly regarded Burke, Va., and Frank E. Antin ating manager of Crown Cloth­ before retiring eight years ago, Memorial Chapel, 825 Hope Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, Leib and Lewis J. Antin, both of ing of Westwood, Mass., retir- died Tuesday, July 2, 1991 , at St., Providence. Burial was in Merkin Distinguished Profes­ the New York University B'nai Israel Cemetery, Woon­ sor of Talmud and Jewish Phi­ Medical Center, New York. He socket. losophy at Yeshiva University's was the husband of Ruth I. Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theologi­ (Oberlander) Passman. MYER I. SILVERMAN cal Seminary, who, according Born in Germany, a son of to Bomzer, once wrote that the late Levi and Ernestina PROVIDENCE - Myer I. " Max " Silverman, 91 , of the women could not serve as pres­ Monuments and memorials Passman, he lived in the ident. Jewish Home for the Aged, 99 Pawtucket-Central Falls area Soioveitchik' s de.cision in the finest granite and hronze. Hillside Ave,, a salesman for for 52 years. stemmed from a question In -house consultations hy appoi111me111 the former Ross Dry Goods Mr. Passman was a past posed by the Rabbinical Coun­ Store and the Max Formal Dry LETTERING • CLEANING • REPAIRS president and a past treasurer cil of America, an Orthodox Goods for 31 years before retir­ of Congregation Oh awe rabbinical group, Bomzer said Leon J. Rubin 726-6466 ing in 1981 , died Wednesday, Sholom, and chairman of its he and others believed that a July 3, 1991 , at Miriam Hos­ Affiliated with Charles G. Morse Granite Company building committee. He was a "policy enunciated by the RCA pital. He was the husband of past president of the Pawtucket is good enough for us. " the late Fannie (Shulman) Hebrew Free Loan Association, "This was a response to a Si lverman. and a past vice president of the specific question that was Born in Providence, a son of Henry Friedman Lodge of B'nai posed and to a specific place," the late Louis and Anna MT. SINAI MONUMENTS B'rith. He was a member of the said Bomzer, explaining why (Woolf) Silverman, he lived in Jewish Federation of Rhode such issues still would be de­ Our owner, Mitchell. .. his father and Island, Jencks Lodge, 24, F & Cranston for 30 years before cided on a case-by-case basis, AM , the Palestine Shrine, 'and returning to Providence in grandfather... have been privileged to provide 1989. , Policy relating to women Vaad Hakashruth, He was a holding high administrative of­ over 8,000 monuments in RI Jewish Cemeteries Mr. Silverman was former worthy Patron of Hope Link, fices in a synagogue has not founder and owner of an Army since the 1870s for two reasons ... the quality order of the Golden Chain, been well spelled out, partly and Navy Store in Providence Besides his wife, he leaves a because few women in the past is the finest and the price is the lowest. for 40 years until 1950. He was son, Dr. Richard H. Passman of aspired to these posts. a member of the Rhode Island Call 331-3337 for assistance. Shorewood, Wis,, and two "Generally speaking, our grandchildren, Jewish Fraternal Association. policy is that women can't be He leave _; a daughter, An­ The funeral was held Friday, president of a synagogue," ex­ nette Pomerantz of Cranston; a July 5, at Congregation Ohawe plained Rabbi Binyamin Wal­ Sholom, East Avenue, Burial son, Everett Silverman of , fish, RCA executive vice presi- Natick, Mass,, and four grand­ was in Lincoln Park Cemetery, dent. Warwick, Services were coordi­ children, But Walfish added that ex­ DO YOU KNOW? The funeral service was held nated by Mount Sinai Memo­ ceptions could be made "on the Thursday, July 4, at the Mount The records at the Sugarman Memorial Chapel of rial Chapel, 825 Hope St, individual merits of the case," Providence, Sinai Memorial Chapel, 825 your family's past funeral practices and preferences are Hope St., Providence, Burial the only such records dating back to the 1930s. was in Lincoln Park Cemetery, More often than not, our records are the only reliable Warwick. source of a family's Yahrtzeit dates; Hebrew names; maiden names; etc. That is probably why we are asked U.S. Federal law now requires all funeral homes to provide such information to area Jewish families more to provide itemized pricing. Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel than 100 times each month. has provided this courtesy for over sixteen years. More than just a funeral home. MOUNT SINAI Sugarman . MEMORIAL CHAPEL Memorial Chapel The only RI Jewish funeral home that is a member of the Jewish Funeral Directors of ~erica. The Rhode Island Jewish funeral home that can be trusted ... for its honesty.. .integrity... and compliance with the highest standards of Jewish ethics and conduct. Over 110 years service to R.I. Jewish families by our director, Mitchell... his father and grandfather... AS PROFESSIONAL JEWISH FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HOME OF YOUR FAMILY RECORDS.

458 Hope Street, Providence, Comer of Doyle Ave. 331-3337 Telephone: 331-8094 Out of State: 1-800-447-1267 · Please call 825 Hope Street at Fourth Street for your Michael D. Smith, Executive Director Pre-need counseling with tax-free New Year From out-of-state • Lrwi5 J.' Bosler, R.E: · '~Yl!I.':~~ P.la_~~~~~ _i~ avajl~t_,~~-- ' . , .. : r!lJ~ndar call: . 1-800°331-3337 r THE RHODE ISLANI:;J JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1991 - 15 Classified

Hungarian). On that day I real­ Immigrant/Refugee Data By United Way ENTERTAINMENT ized that I truly loved her, not INTRODUCTION SERVICES • The Asian population in 1990 census the Hispanic pop­ only as m y great-grandmother, R.I. , believed to be predom­ STEVE YOKEN ENTERTAINMENT - Profes­ JEWISH DATING SERVICES: Personal ser­ ulation grew by 132.2% to but as an important person in sional Master of Ceremonies and Disc inantly Southeast Asian, was vice at its best. Call Bernice 508-998-1233. 45,752 since 1980. R.I. led the m y life. Jockey. Bar /Bat Mitzvah specialists. 7/ 25/ 91 the state's fastest growing min­ N.Y. Laser Light Show Plus Male/Female nation in percentage increase A year later at the unveiling, JEWISH INTRODUCTIONS INTERNA ­ ority group on a percentage in the Hispanic population Dancing Sensations. THE PARTY PLAN ­ my grandfather gave a speech NERS . CHOIC E 508-679-1545. TIONAL Local and personalized. Ages 21- basis between the 1980 and 101. Let us find that special "someone." since the 1980 census was about her and this siupid bum­ 1/ 31 /92 1990 census. They represent taken. ble bee kept on bothering me. Call 1-800-442 -9050. 7/ 91 1.8% of the population or • Nearly 2,400 immigrants But I remembered that when I 18,325 citizens. from 135 countries arrived was younger, I called her FOR RENT • It is estimated that the refu­ NURSE AIDE legall y in R.I. in 1988. " Bumble Bee." She was there! gee Southeast Asian popula­ EAST SIDE - OFF ALFRED STONE RD . 2 • The Providence School And I knew that somehow ev­ DESIRES POSITION caring for the elderly in tion in R.I. accounts for about bedrooms, new kitchen , living. dining , air , Department estimates that of eryone else was thinking the their own home. Exce llent references. Call citizens or approxi-. garage, sunny, quiet, must see, t st. Recently 14,000 its 20,000 student population same thing. anytime 941-4540. 7/ 11 /91 mately 2,300 Hmong, 4,300 renovated, $700. 725-5342 . 7/ 25/91 76 different languages are Well, then I realized that my Laotians, Vietnamese, and EAST SIDE - WAYLAND SQUARE 1 & 2 700 spoken within the home en­ grandpa stopped talking. Min­ about 6,800 Cambodians. bedroom, all ut ilities included. parking, from CLASS B0X vironment. utes passed and he went to CO RRESPONDENCE TO : • R.I. led the nation in per­ $395. 463-5357 7/ 18/91 • Providence has drawn th.e open hjs mouth and then he ClassBox No . centage increase of (245.6%) largest and most diverse num­ cried. I'd never seen him cry, or The A.I. Jewis h Herald the Asian population between P 0. Box 6063 ber of newcomers. In the city's even m y dad cry and I just HORSES & LIVESTOCK the 1980 and 1990 census. Providence, RI 02940 public schools, 6,800 Hispanics stood there stunned. • The increase in Eastern account for one-third of the I can 't explain that time or DRESSING TRAINING for Horse/Rider , All This newspaper will not. knowingly , accept European/Soviet arrivals to school population and are pri­ what I was thinking but I do Levels _- Stalls Ava ilable, Outdoor & Indoor any advertising for real estate which is in R.I. has escalated 229% since Arenas , Pasture s, Trails. 10 min . from Prov­ violat ion of the A.I. Fair Housing Acl and marily from the Dominican know one thing. Klara Lowy idence, 50 min . from Boston. Anna Robin­ 1989, with an expected 20% Section 804 (C) of Title VIII of the 1968 Civil Republic and Puerto Rico. was an inspiration in all our son. Terrybrooke Farm, 32 Terrybrooke Rd . Rights Act. Our readers are hereby informed increase for 1991 according to Nearly, 3,000 Southeast Asian lives and our lives would not be Rehoboth . MA 02769 (508) 252-9226. that all dwelling/ housing accommodations the State Office of Refugee students, primarily Cam­ complete without her spirit in 8/ 1/ 91 advertised in this newspaper are available on Resettlement. This percentage bodian, Laotian, and Hmong our heart. If you're listening, an equal opportunity basis. ranks among the highest in the make up another 15 %. Bumble Bee, I love you and al­ country along with Texas, New ways will . Sarbus! York and California. Love, Summer Travel At The Library • Jewish F~mily Service, a Your great-granddaughter A series of slide travelogues Switzerland - Slide travel­ United Way agency, reported Dori Adler will be presented at the Bar­ ogue by Sandi Tinyk. that at the end of the first Goodbye (Dori K. Adler, age I 5, is en tering rington Public Library this Aug. 13 - Egypt: Down the quarter, the agency was 1991, 10th grade at Cranston West High summer· on Tuesday evenings, Nile - Slide travelogue by Dr. working with 49 Soviet refugee (continued from page 3) Sc/1001. She wrote this portrait of her 7:30 p.m ., beginning July 16. James Holt. families and 160 individual saying and I thought I sh ould great -gra ndmother for an English Jul y 23 - The Ladies Afloat Aug. 20 - Russia: A Visit Soviet refugees in R.I. have learned to talk to her. I class at Westen, Hills Jr. High. The on the Canals of France - to Leningrad and Moscow - • The Hispanic population should have shown her that 9th grade assisgnmen t was to de ­ Slide travelogue by Hope Slide travelogue by Charles has grown five times as fast as· she was important to me. So to scribe a person who has influenced your life. She is th e daughter of Ethan Atkinson will be featured at the Capizano. the rest of the U.S. population say good-bye I said the only and Wend1/ Adler, and the grand ­ Library du_ring the month of Aug. 27 - Greece/Italy - since 1980, vaulting 40% to thing we had a total under­ dau ghter of Edward 0. and Gertrude Slide travelogue by Betty Mars­ nearly 23 million today. standing of with each other and July. Adler). July den. it is " sarbus" (good-bye in 30 - Japan and the • In R.I. according to the Gateway to China (Hong This series is free and open to Kong) - Slide lecture by _prn­ all. Sons of Jacob that the hope o f bringing Syria Ba shir Gemayel and others fessor Mike Fink on wntmg For more information: con­ and the Gulf States to the nego­ who have tried to cross Assad. about the Orient. tact Lauri Burke 247-1920. (continued from page 13) tiating table has all but evap­ Hussein also understands that Aug. 6 - Germany and Not only · is Hafez Assad orated, attention is focused on Assad considers Jordan as intransigent, but he is doing the king. much a part of Syria as Leb­ everything in his power to pre­ The American notion is that anon. PIC PLUMBING dtnticfuE c:R,fini,hin9 vent anyone else from going to Hussein will join peace talks, Americans don't play by NEW & REMODEL WORK Professional Stripping ~ the negotiating table. Some making Assad feel isolated. Hama rules. We are, however, Minor or Major Repairs Reglueing • Repairs Estimates & Discounts Available years ago, Assad _subverted a This supposedly is expected to a superpower that has just won Call Shat Howard Saucier Lie. # 1652 induce Syria to join a regional a great victory. We do not have 434-0293 831 -9568 Lebanon-Israel peace treaty. 727-2478 Free Estimates Pick-Up Delivery He is now using his control of conference. to let Assad sabotage a peace Lebanon to create a new threat However, the man who in­ process. to Israel's northern border. But vented Hama rules has a differ­ Then what's to be done? Join the rest of the world doesn't ent idea. As he has repeatedly_ the synagogue with our contin­ A referral service Pa_ulene Jewelers seem to care that in effect, done in the past, Assad has uing correspondence to the President and Congress - better for babysitters, Bead Stringing Lebanon is a Syrian colony. sent the king a clear message: since 1967 The United States attends to negotiate without me at your yei - write to our representa­ 274-9460 Assad's influence on King own risk. Hussein knows what tives yourselves! 401-421-1213 Free Pick Up &- Delivery Hussein which is considered a happened to the people of more serious concern. Now Hama, Lebanese President .· Ray Stapleton , PAINTING ------, Harold Greco Interior & Exterior : RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD I Smorgasbord Quality Work - Free Estimates (continued from page 4) 272-1989 INSURED splitting ourselves asunder and e~ Al UC# 5791 can only salvage our unity if Walls & Repair Work • Plastering i .~00[ffiilll§ i we reaffirm, not dismantle, the 463-6354 DRIVER'S laws of our Written and Oral ~ 15 words: $3.00 ~ Tradition, the Torah that alone PLUMBING CO. ~ 12¢ each additional word ~ has allowed us to persevere 331•8ft8S through Crusade and expul­ AIR CONDITIONING Specializing in Repair and Category sion, ghetto and pogrom, Holo­ INSTALLATION & SERVICE ' Remodel Plumbing in caust and boundless hatred. Message Hot Water Heaters • Fuel Oil Older Homes. And if there are, sadly, Jews All phases of plumbing. among us who somehow feel • Free Estimates that the means to our Jewish • Fully Insured destiny lies in the jettisoning of Joshua Driver our religious heritage, in the 155 Trenton St., Pawtucket • 723-8282 RI Master Plumber Lie. #1697 denial of Jewish law and the Jewish mission, let them just Name say so, clearly and decisively, and not attempt to mask their REMODELING Address agenda in the guise of " inter- · ? pr.eting tradition." _o-_!!!!-..-J~- rn•J~ • Phone CARPET & • Plumbing • Carpentry No. Words ___ Date(s) Run ______UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS • Ceramic Tile • Repairs Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Announce your child's Payment MU ST be received by Mon_day afternoon, P_RIOR to_the Thursday on which bar or bat mitzvah Residential • Commercial Woy11c' Goodfi11 1-lomc• /111pmn•nu•11 f.\ the ad is to appear. 10% discount given for ads running continuously for one year. in the Herald. (508) 336-8383 401-658-4141 Black and white photos Free Estimates Thank You. , are w,e lc,ome. ,· It's time-,.- , ·• to1..· :try the best,• ..., .,. ,.. ·,,,. 1l ______, RI JEWISH HERALD, P.O . BOX 606 ;3.. PROVIDENCF. ____RI 02940 _ ~ • • • • • • • • • • ~ • I - - • • • - - • • • • - - - • •• • • • •• - • - • • • •. •, . - -. -.. •, . ~ ...... , .. , .... ·-· ~ .. ~.,., , ...,. , ...~ the character and integrity of these buildings just to accom­ modate a quick and easy solu­ tion. "Naturally the company has grown in the last five years, and I've been able to get into more modern jobs including home additions, modern kitchens and baths." According to Neal, BUSINESS PROFILES many people who own historic homes restore only the exteri­ ors to the original condition. neal estate: General Often they prefer to modernize For All Your Needs the interior of their homes. Due to the professional ver­ by Sarah Bairli satility of neal estate, all your Herald Associate Editor A native of Fall River, Neal grew up in a victorian ginger­ home improvements from exte­ In the best of all possible rior renovations to interior re­ worlds, every contractor would bread house, where he learned to love historic homes. Yea rs modeling can be handled by be courteous, clean, and ac­ the same reputable company! complished. He would treat later, he restored the exterior of your home with respect and lis­ the Historical Society in Fall River. Today, Neal owns his i ten to your concerns and ideas. I own successful business and In fact, however, a good, reli­ Correspondents Wanted able contractor is often as valu­ employs four full -time profes­ = If you wou ld like to able as gold. In an ideal world, sionals. there might even exist a super­ Neal worked for contractors, = correspond for the Herald by contractor made unique by his carpenters, painters and other writing about what is distinguished art background, tradespeople from his high I happening in your school days right through col­ who could share your visions community, contact lege and graduate school. Al ­ I for the future of your home! the editor at 724-0200. Remarkably, just such a gen­ though Neal's academic and eral contractor, specializing in artistic expertise is in sculpture, historic renovations, exists in upon completion of his studies, our midst. Neal Kaplan, owner he translated his talents into of neal estate, is the charming something practical; in 1985 he nealestate contractor and artist in shining began neal estate. armour, who will answer your " I really started out doing 751-6039 every home construction and historic renovations. It all GENERAL CONTRACTING started when I purchased my renovation need! Neal Kaplan at the entrance to the Victorian carriage house • painting and wallpapering own house, a victorian, which With years of practical expe­ that he restored. • hardwood floors refinished rience under his tool belt and a at that time was boarded up. It • interior remodeling Master's degree in sculpture was quite a project. It had to be of taking a pile of lumber and property owners who are sensi­ • exterior restoration from RISO, Neal is a one-of-a­ totally rehabilitated to make it turning it into something. That tive to the design and historic attention to detail kind contractor. He approaches inhabitable." Now, it is a hand­ is the beauty of it for me. Of character of their homes. "With fully insured - license #5491 every job with a trained eye some, red brick carriage house, course, I do have a pretty seri­ the historic jobs we do a lot of Neal Kaplan and is willing to offer structural which houses Neal's office and ous art and design background. customizing, we don't change and artistic advice upon re­ work space. It is located at 95 That training helps me to see quest. He also supplies the cus­ Hold en Street in Providence, through lots of disorder. " I • .------. tomer with an extensive portfo­ where- a plaque documents its happen to own fou r other lio of past jobs and loca l historic character. buildings that are all historic references. A testament to his Neal is something of a reno­ properties, all plaque houses. LOUIS M. PULNER fabulous . work is that at least vating visionary. "You need a I'm interested in historic reno­ ninety percent of his business certain amount of vision to un­ vations because of the quality comes from word-of-mouth re­ dertake the big projects. You of work that was done back Attorney and Counsellor at Law ferrals. have to be able to have a sense then." Neal enj oys working for Engaged in the general practice of your late husband's children. law with emphasis in the areas of What you have not told me in your letter is whether or not Family Law and Civil Litigation. any of your monies were used to purchase the condominium. Was the condominium pur- 0 chased with the express intent 2 Williams Street (401) 455-0040 by Louis M. Pulner, Esq. that it was to belong to the two (A t Sout h Mam . Stree t) Free Consultat·ion of you? Depending on your Providence, RI 02903 By Appoi ntment Dear Attorney Pulner: will have to leave and find answer to these questions and • • others, you may be able to My husband and I married another place to live. While L------~ nine years ago and both of us his children have not said forge a significant legal argu- were in our early sixties. It this to me, I am afraid that ment as to whether or not you was the second marriage for that is what this is leading up have any ownership interest in both of us and we both have to. Is there anything that I can that property aside from the children from our first mar­ do? life estate I have already men­ Mac'lJona[ds riages. Immediately after tioned. You should consult marrying we moved into a - Worried, in Warwick with a lawyer regarding this Candies & Ice Cream condominium that we pur­ Dear Worried: matter at your earliest con­ chased in Warwick and have Don't be. While it may be venience. 30 FLAVORS OF ICE CREAM been living there ever since. true that your property was purchased in the name of your Unfortunaiely, my husband The answers provided above late husband only, that does passed away three months are based 11po11 grn,•ra l legal GRAND' OPENING] ago and now his children tell not mean that you will have to IL principll's, a11d therefore will me that the condominium move out. Under Rhode Island law, you are his widow and, var1/ fro111 case to case . belongs to them. They L.011is M. Pul11er, Esquire, is a11 therefore, are entitled to a life showed me the deed to the attomey in Rhode Island with Our Candies & Ice estate in that property. This property and my name does law offices at 2 Wi/lia111s Street Cream are Made not appear on it. It turns out means that you will be able to (at South Mai11 St.), Providence, live there for as long as you that my husband bought this R.I. 02903 (401) 455-0040; FAX, with an Extra live and then, and only then, property by himself and now 751-5257. I am very concerned that I will the property belong to Ingredient... PRIDE :You fiave tri.d tlie rest, so taste tlie 6est - Attention Camp Avoda Alumni •Put your taste 6uas to tlie test Don't miss the annual guests you will be bringing to: Correspondents Wanted Alumni Family Reunion Day at CAMPAVODA If you would like to • MAKING CANDY SINCE 1927 , Camp on Sunday, July 14, ALUMNI ASSOC. correspond for the Herald by • FULL LINE OF CHOCOLATES 12:00 noon to 5 p.m. Barbecue P.O. Box 1037 writing about what is • CREAMY HOMESTYLE FUDGE lunch - swimming - boating - Kendall Square happening in your ' athletics - and much more. To Cambridge, MA 02142 Brick Market Place on Thames Street, Newport, RI registt'r send your name, ad­ Any questions, ca ll (401) community, contact dress and $10 registration fee 351-9185. the editor at 724-0200. 846-9661 along with the number of Open 7 days a week; 1 O·am - 1 o pm