ST. MARONITE CHURCH Ninth Sunday of Pentecost pg. 492 The Mission of God’s Messenger August 4, 2019

From the Homily of His Excellency Bechara Peter el Rai on the Ordination of the Most Reverend Bishop Peter Karam. July 31, 2019

“You have served dear beloved , Bishop Peter, in the of Our Lady of of Los Angeles since your priesthood ordination on January 2nd, 1988. You have faithfully served at five parishes, the last one being St. Maron Church in Cleveland. You also have served in different responsibilities and different councils and offices on the Eparchial level.

You have invested in all those ministries and in return you have received many virtues, acquiring priestly and human qualities from self-giving, balance and depth of thoughts.

Adding to that, your knowledge and education, beginning at the University of Joseph in Beirut, the Catholic University in Washington and the highest degree of all, your PhD in Philosophy from the University of Munich in Germany.

You have gained the trust and the respect of all the bishops who have served the Eparchy including our current bishop, Abdallah Elias Zaidan. The priests as well have shown great love for you as a person, some traveling from as far away as the United States to celebrate with us this blessed ordination”.

Emergency Only: 612-501-6383 Rev. Bishop Peter Karam, Pastor [email protected] - Rev. Fr. Elias Yazbeck: Associate Call the office at least 2 months in advance. [email protected] Liturgy Schedule MARRIAGE - Rev. George Khoury Daily M-F: Chapel Mr. Lattouf Lattouf, Sub deacon Call at least 8 months in advance for Pre-Cana Appt. 6:00 pm Mr. Ghazi Faddoul, Sub deacon SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: Chapel: 5:00 pm Mr. Georges Faddoul, Sub deacon By appointment Mr. Bechara Daher, Sub deacon Sunday: Downtown SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING/SICK 9:30 am - English Chapel & Mailing Address Call the Office immediately. 216.520.5081 or 11:00am - English & 7800 Brookside Road 612-501-6383 Holy Days of Obligation Check Bulletin Independence, Oh 44131 HOSPITALS DO NOT CALL US. MISSION STATEMENT Office: 216-520-5081 Fax: 216-524-2659 E-mail: [email protected] We, the people of Saint Maron Parish, form a community of disciples dedicated to a shared faith and Website: common life which exemplifies the life, works, and teaching of Jesus Christ as Facebook: SaintMaronChurch reflected in the Sacred Scriptures and the Maronite Catholic Tradition. Our Parish life and Office Hrs.: Mon-Fri. 9am-3:30pm mission are to proclaim the Gospel, to foster and strengthen the faith, and to evangelize. Our cove- Donate: nant of discipleship with Jesus Christ is fulfilled through liturgy, education, and service. Amen

Thanksgiving Liturgy and Luncheon in honor of Sat. Aug. 3: Ninth Week of Pentecost  5:00 pm Chapel: Parishioners Intentions Bishop Peter Karam

Sun. Aug. 4: Ninth Week of Pentecost A Liturgy of Thanksgiving for Bishop Peter  9:30 am: Fortieth Wedding Anniversary for John Karam will be Sunday August 25th at 11:00 & Mary Ann Watson am downtown, followed by a farewell luncheon at 1pm at the Holiday Inn,  11:00 am: Forty Day Liturgy for Ann Marie Joseph Independence (Her son Andrew, her mother Amira Joseph, and Joseph Jr. Theresa, David and Lynn & Majed Almourani) Tickets: $35 adults $15 children age 10 and younger

For Ticket Information Contact Claire Naoum 216-337-2851 Sat. Aug. 10: Tenth Week of Pentecost Diane Maroun 216-371-4351  5:00 pm Chapel Parishioners Intentions Souheil Farah 440-503-2517 John Nin 440-582-5039 Sun. Aug 11: Tenth Week of Pentecost  9:30 am: Parishioners Intentions DEADLINE TO PURCHASE TICKETS IS AUGUST 18th.  11:00 am: Forty Day Liturgy for Michael Thomas George (Tony & Kristine George & family) TO SECURE A TABLE YOU MUST PAY IN FULL BY AUGUST 18th. NO  11:00 am: Forty Day Liturgy for Aida Salloum EXCEPTIONS. Tables WILL NOT be (Her brother Jammal Salloum and her sisters Adiba Chukri held without complete payment past and Hoda Salloum) deadline.


Our Lady of the Cedars Church 31st Annual Lebanese Festival is Friday & Saturday August 2nd & 3rd

11am—9pm 507 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road


The gifts of the Altar in HONOR or in MEMORY of a loved one or in THANKSGIVING and may be for more than one person.





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األحد التاسع من زمن العنصرة: يسوع في مجمع الناصرة Ninth Sunday of the Pentecost: Jesus at the Synagogue of Nazareth

رسالة القدّيس بولس إلى اهل كورنتوس From the letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians, II-5:20-6:10 يا إخ َوتِي، نَ ْح ُن ُس َف َرا ُء ٱلـ َم ِسيح، و َكأَ َّن ٱهللَ نَ ْف َسهُ يَ ْد ُعو ُكم بِ َوا ِس َطتِنَا. َفنَ ْسأَلُ ُكم بِٱ ْس ِم الـ َم ِسيح: تَ َصا َل ُحوا َم َع ٱهلل! إِ َّن ا َّلذي َما َع َر َف الـ َخ ِطيئَة، َجعَ َلهُ ٱهللُ َخ ِطيئَةً ِم ْن أَ ْج ِلنَا، ِلنَ ِصي َر نَ ْح ُن فِي ِه بِ َّر ٱهلل. َوبِ َما أَ َّننا ُمعَا ِو ُنو َن هلل، نُنَا ِشدُ ُكم أَالَّ َي ُكو َن َقبُولُ ُكم ِلنِ ْع َم ِة ٱهللِ بِ َغ ْي ِر َفائِدَة؛ ألَ َّنهُ يَقُول: »في َو ْق ِت ال ِّر َضى ٱ ْستَ َج ْبتُ َك، وفي يَ ْو ِم الـ َخال ِص أَ َع ْنتُ َك .« َف َها ُه َو اآل َن َو ْق ُت ال ِّر َضى، و َها ُه َو اآل َن يَ ْو ُم ٱلـ َخالص. فإِ َّننَا ال نَ ْجعَ ُل ألَ َح ٍد َسبَ َب َز َّلة، ِلئَالَّ يَ ْل َح َق ِخ ْد َمتَنَا أَ ُّي َل ْوم. بَ ْل نُ ْظ ِه ُر أَ ْن ُف َسنَا في ُك ِّل َشي ٍء أَ َّننَا ُخدَّا ُم ٱهلل، بِثَبَاتِنا العَ ِظي ِم في ال ِ ّضي َقا ِت وال َّشدَائِ ِد والـ َم َش َّقات، في ال َّض َربَات، وال ُّس ُجون، وال ِفتَن، والتَّعَب، وال َّس َهر، وال َّص ْوم، وبِال َّن َزا َهة، والـ َم ْع ِر َفة، واألَنَاة، وال ُّل ْطف، وال ُّروحِ القُدُس، والـ َم َحبَّ ِة بِال ِريَاء، في َك ِل َم ِة الـ َح ّق، وقُ َّوةِ ٱهلل، بِ ِسالحِ البِ ِّر في اليَدَ ْي ِن اليُ ْمنَى واليُ ْس َرى، في الـ َم ْج ِد والـ َه َوان، بال ِ ّصي ِت ال َّر ِدي ِء وال ِ ّصي ِت الـ َح َسن. نُ ْح َس ُب َكأَ َّننَا ُم ِض ُّلو َن ونَ ْح ُن َصا ِدقُون! كأَ َّننَا َم ْج ُهولُو َن ونَ ْح ُن َم ْع ُروفُون! كأَ َّننَا َمائِتُو َن و َها نَ ْح ُن أَ ْحيَاء! كأَ َّننَا ُمعَا َقبُو َن ونَ ْح ُن ال نَ ُموت؛ َكأَ َّننَا َم ْح ُزو ُنو َن ونَ ْح ُن دَائِ ًما َف ِر ُحون! كأَ َّننَا فُ َق َرا ُء ونَ ْح ُن ُن ْغنِي ال َكثِي ِرين! كأَ َّننَا ال َشي َء ِع ْندَنَا، ونَ ْح ُن نَ ْم ِل ُك ُك َّل َشيء!. والتسبي ُح هللِ دائماً.

Brothers and sisters, We are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. As we work together with him, we urge you also not to accept the of God in vain. For he says, “At an acceptable time I have lis- tened to you, and on a day of I have helped you.” See, now is the acceptable time; see, now is the day of salvation! We are putting no obstacle in anyone’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry, but as servants of God we have commended ourselves in every way: through great endurance, in af- flictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger; by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, holiness of spirit, genuine love, truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left; in hon- or and dishonor, in ill repute and good repute. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet are well known; as dying, and see — we are alive; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything. Praise be to God always!

إنجيل القدّيس لوقا From the Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke 4:14-21 قا َل يوحنا الرسول: َعادَ يَ ُسو ُع بِقُ َّوةِ ال ُّروحِ إِلى ال َج ِليل، وذَا َع َخبَ ُرهُ في ُك ِّل ال ِج َوار. وكا َن يُعَ ِّل ُم في َم َجا ِم ِع ِهم، وال َج ِمي ُع يُ َم ِّجدُونَه ُ. و َجا َء يَ ُسو ُع إِلى ال َّنا ِص َرة، َح ْي ُث نَ َشأ، ودَ َخ َل إِلى ال َم ْج َمعِ َكعَادَتِ ِه يَ ْو َم ال َّس ْبت، و َقا َم ِليَ ْق َرأ. َودُفِ َع إِ َلي ِه ِكتَا ُب ال َّنبِ ّيِ آ َش ْعيا. و َفتَ َح يَ ُسو ُع ال ِكتَاب، َف َو َجدَ ال َم ْو ِض َع ال َم ْكتُو َب فِيه: " ُرو ُح ال َّر ِّب ع َل َّي، و ِلهذَا َم َس َحني ألُبَ ِّش َر ال َم َسا ِكين، وأَ ْر َس َلنِي ألُنَا ِد َي بِإِ ْطال ِق األَ ْس َرى و َع ْودَةِ البَ َص ِر إِلى العُ ْميَان، وأُ ْط ِل َق ال َم ْق ُهو ِري َن أَح َرا ًرا، وأُنَا ِد َي بِ َسنَ ٍة َم ْقبُو َل ٍة َلدَى ال َّر ّب ." ثُ َّم َط َوى ال ِكتَاب، وأَ َعادَهُ إِلى ال َخا ِدم، َو َج َلس. و َكانَ ْت َّ ً َ َ ُ َّ ُعيُو ُن َج ِميعِ ال ِذي َن في ال َم ْج َمعِ َشا ِخ َصة إِ َل ْيه. فبَدَأ يَقُو ُل َل ُهم: »أليَ ْو َم تَ َّم ْت ه ِذ ِه ال ِكتَابَة التي تُ ِليَ ْت على َم َسا ِم ِع ُكم.« حقاًّ واألما ُن ل َجمي ِع ُكم The evangelist writes, Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding country. He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone. When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the at- tendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

This is the truth! Peace be with you.

St. Maron’s Church Organizations

Parish Council President: Najib Rached: [email protected] 3rd Wed. of the month at 7:00 pm Finance Council President: Rick Ganim: [email protected] 2nd Wed of the month at 7:00 pm Sodality (ICS) President: Bernadette Faddoul: [email protected] Parishioners in need of 1st Mon. of every month at 7:00pm Childcare: Sons of Mary (Men’s Club) President: Joey Faddoul: [email protected] Four Days a Week from 7:45 am—11:30 am. 1st Mon. of every month at 7:00 pm Maronite Christian Formation Program (MCFP) Sunday Weekdays are flexible, you chose the four Director Maroun Kattar: [email protected] days . Brecksville area Sundays (except Holy Days) 10:45 am to 11:30am Maronite Christian Formation Program (MCFP) Thursday Infant Care beginning in October Director Michelle Nin: [email protected] Thursdays 7:00 pm Parish Center, Independence Arabic OR English speaking Maronite Young Children (MYC) President: Rita Kanaan: [email protected] Call: 216-313-8442 Maronite Youth Organization (MYO) Coordinator: George Shamatta: [email protected] 1st and 3rd Saturday : 5pm with Liturgy/Meeting Maronite Young Adults (MYA) ONLINE DONATIONS President: Aleina Soueidi: [email protected] Meeting/Event: Third Friday of each month Maronite Mothers Club (MMC) No need to remember an Coordinator: Tina Chamoun: [email protected] envelope each week Arabic School: Coordinator: Jihad Kawkabani: [email protected] All donations are processed safely Classes Sat. Oct-April (except Holy Days) 10 am to 12noon and securely via PayPal. Recurring 50+ Social Club donations are also available for your Mary Ann Watson: [email protected] convenience. 1st Friday of each month. Liturgy: 10:00 am To make your online donation, simply Book & Cine Club scan or enter the web address. Katia Abboud: [email protected]

Clergy is available to administer Communion to those homebound or hospitalized. Call the office if you or a family member is in need. LOCAL HOSPITALS DO NOT CALL Parishioner in need of (216.520.5081 Office) childcare:

Three days per week, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Three children 7 year old and twin 4 year olds

West side

Call 440-227-8789

Field Trip with the Maronite Young Children (MYC) and Fr. Elias to visit Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Euclid Ohio. MYC Adult Advisors will also be in attendance. Games, Activities & Fun

Bus Leaves Parish Center, Independence at 8:30am Ages 6-12 years Lunch Provided Returns to Parish Center, Independence at 3:00 pm Gift Shop will be open to purchase souvenirs

Dress weather wise: Bring sunscreen, sun hats, etc. RESERVE BY JULY 28TH

Mandatory Permission Slips and Medical Forms are in the vestibule of the Church and Chapel or can be emailed. Forms must be returned by August 5th. NO EXCEPTIONS Call the office at 216-520-5081 for more information

The Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity is looking for donations of your used and unused tools...or any related construction materials that can be used to help eliminate substandard housing.

Most tools aa replaced directly into service at Habitat job sites. The rest are sold at one of Habitat’s ReStores. Every item you donate helps keep Habitat for Humanity working.

For more information and a list of donation stations, visit or, email Rosemarie at [email protected] or, call 216-242-0420 x 130

Mystery of Crowning (Sacrament of Matrimony)

MANDATORY you contact and meet with Msgr. Peter at least 8 months in advance of your desired date. Couples are required to participate in our Pre-Cana classes.

Once a couple has met with Msgr. Peter their date will be secured.

Call the office to schedule an appointment. 216.520.5081

Gift of the Altar: August 2019 50+ Social Club All activities follow 10:00 am Liturgy in the BREAD In Memory of: Chapel (Independence) Deceased members of the Richards & Nofel families (Edward P. Richards, Jr.) Hear Ye! Hear Ye All are welcome to join the 50+ Social Club on Badih & Numan, Mariam, Saferrah & Amine Samaan Friday, September 6th. We will be touring (Anwar & Aida Samaan) Roscoe Village, a restored Ohio & Erie Canal town. We will experience live as it was in a WINE In Memory Of: 1830’s Ohio Canal town. Senior Admission $9.60 Deceased members of the Richards & Nofel families to the tour we will have lunch at the (Edward P. Richards, Jr.) Warehouse Restaurant adjacent to the Village Badih & Numan, Mariam, Saferrah & Amine Samaan “So come one, come all” and join us for a (Anwar & Aida Samaan) fun-filled adventure. George & Shafia Shaia & daughter, Sister Stella Marie RSVP-Mary Ann 216-521-5481 Shaia, S.N.D. NO LATER than August 21st. (Joe & Gladys Shaerban & family)



CANDLES In Memory Of: DEPARTURE: 3:30 pm. from St Elias parking lot.

Deceased members of the Richards & Nofel families DINNER: Upon arrival on your own / free time, (Edward P. Richards, Jr.) gift shop. Anne & Michel Maroun (Their children) DIVINE LITURGY: 7:00 p.m. Followed directly by candle light Jacob & Juliette Saad & the deceased members procession. of the Saad & Elzeer families: (Thomas Saad & family) RETURN TIME: Around 10:00 p.m. George & Roma Sessin (Their children & their families) BUS CHARGES: $25.00 per person, $10.00 per kids under 12 William & Naiphe Bishilany & Joseph & Mary Louis years old. (Their family) Louis & Emiline Nagy RESERVATION: Call St. Elias Church Office @ 216-661-1155 (Bill & Denise Bishilany & family) or Thérèse Selim @ 440-888-7696. ______th DEADLINE: Sunday August 4 . No Exception Please make your reservations as soon as possible.

Collection: July 28, 2019 DOCUMENT REQUESTS If you need any special document or letter GENERAL DEPOSIT $ 3,788.00 written by one of the priests, please call Sunday Collection $ 2,321.00 THREE WEEKS IN ADVANCE FOR Votive Candles $ 47.00 Parking Garage-Event $ 1,320.00 A MEETING TO BE SCHEDULED. Parking Garage-Monthly $ 100.00 We cannot issue letters without a meeting. 216-520-5081 Office

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