Vol. 451: 285–304, 2012 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published April 11 doi: 10.3354/meps09694 Mar Ecol Prog Ser

Contribution to the Theme Section: ‘Technological innovation in marine ’ OPENPEN ACCESSCCESS Use of molecular genetics for understanding seabird evolution, ecology and conservation

Scott A. Taylor, Vicki L. Friesen*

Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada

ABSTRACT: Information on genetic variation within and among populations of highly mobile organisms such as seabirds is necessary for understanding their evolution and ecology, and can be a tool for conservation. Recent developments in molecular genetics, including efficient mutation- detection methods and automated sequencing, are providing detailed genetic information for non-model organisms. Furthermore, theoretical advances such as coalescent theory and molecu- lar assignments are providing powerful tools to determine species’ historical and contemporary abundance, distributions and movements. We review advances for studying phylogenetics, popu- lation genetics, hybridization, ecology and conservation in seabirds and summarize recent studies in each field. All fields will benefit from larger data sets and more sophisticated analytical meth- ods. Phylogenetic studies will provide a more robust determination of evolutionary history, while studies of population genetics and hybridization will be elevated to genomic-level avenues of inquiry. Ecological studies may benefit from improved molecular assignments, and conservation- focussed studies will benefit from an increased understanding of seabird evolution and ecology. In addition, we highlight that combination of new molecular and analytical tools with data on mor- phology, behaviour and movements is especially powerful for understanding seabird evolution and ecology, and for aiding conservation.

KEY WORDS: Gene flow · Hybridization · Molecular assignments · Population genetic structure · Phylogeography · Phylogenetics · Population size · Review

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INTRODUCTION to study in relation to climate change and other an - thropogenic effects. This review explores uses of If you are interested in evolution and ecology, why molecular genetics for understanding seabird evolu- study seabirds? As a group, seabirds possess a num- tion and ecology, and highlights the usefulness of this ber of extreme life history characteristics that make research to understanding broader evolutionary and them particularly good model organisms for DNA- ecological questions. based research into evolution and ecology: they can Early studies of morphology, behaviour and ecol- travel great distances, thus violating assumptions of ogy of seabirds provided much information on their many population divergence and speciation models, evolution, including estimates of genetic relationships yet they generally exhibit natal philopatry (return to among populations, species and higher taxa (e.g. the site of birth to reproduce); and, although their Storer 1952, van Tets 1965, Nelson 1970, Strauch breeding sites can be difficult to access, seabirds 1985, see also review by Schreiber & Burger 2002). generally breed in large colonies from which suffi- However, the genetic basis of morphological and cient samples can be collected for robust genetic behavioural characters is generally unknown, and analyses. Additionally, seabirds tend to be behav- inferences are limited to patterns, rather than eco - iourally complex, and their reliance on the marine logical and evolutionary processes. Subsequently, environment makes them good candidate species molecular tools such as protein electrophoresis and

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2012 · www.int-res.com 286 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 451: 285–304, 2012

DNA−DNA hybridization provided more direct infor- ness of some Larus spp. (white-headed gull; Snell mation on population genetic structure, hybridiza- 1991), and indicated that Atlantic puffins Fratercula tion and phylogenetic relationships (e.g. Sibley 1970, arctica from different colonies are genetically similar, Sibley & Ahlquist 1990). For example, protein elec- despite significant differences in body size (Moen trophoresis revealed the very close genetic related- 1991).

Table 1. Summary of 2nd and 3rd generation DNA sequencing methods and platforms

Method Description Cost

2nd generation (next generation) 454 pyrosequencing Parallelized version of pyrosequencing Cheaper than Sanger Pyrosequencing uses luciferase to generate light for detection of sequencing; shorter read individual nucleotides added to the growing DNA strand length than Sanger, longer than Illumina and Uses emulsion PCR (DNA amplified inside water droplets; each SOLiD droplet contains 1 DNA template attached to 1 primer-coated bead, which forms a clonal body DNA can be extended >1 nucleotide at a time

Illumina (Solexa) Sequencing based on reversible dye-termination Cheaper than 454 DNA molecules attach to primers on a slide — causes formation of pyrosequencing, similar local clonal bodies (bridge PCR) price to SOLiD; shorter read length than both Four types of reversible terminator bases added to reaction, Sanger and 454 nucleotides that are not incorporated are washed away Images taken of the fluorescently labeled nucleotides Dye and terminal 3’ blocker chemically removed — allows next cycle to begin DNA only extended by 1 nucleotide at a time

SOLiD Sequencing by ligation Cheaper than 454 DNA amplified by emulsion PCR before sequencing pyrosequencing, similar price to SOLiD; shorter Resulting beads (each contains only copies of the same DNA read length than both molecule) deposited on slide Sanger and 454 pyro- Pool of oligonuceotides of fixed length labeled according to sequencing, comparable sequenced position; annealed and ligated read length to Illumina Preferential ligation for matching sequences produces signal informing nucleotide at that position

3rd generation (next-next generation)

Ion semiconductor Sequencing based on detection of hydrogen ions released during Cheaper and faster than DNA polymerization, rather than optical methods any 2nd generation System uses a microwell plate (different DNA in each well), wells are platform, similar read flooded with a single type of nucleotide, if nucleotide incorporates a length to 454 pyro- hydrogen ion, it is released and read as the correct base sequencing, Multiple bases can be added simultaneously if they are the same type

DNA nanoball Rolling circle replication amplifies small fragments of genomic DNA Low cost compared to into DNA nanoballs other methods, but short Sequencing by ligation (unchained) used to determine nucleotide read lengths sequence

Helioscope™ single Extension based sequencing (1 nucleotide at a time as with Sanger Low cost compared to molecular sequencing) other methods, but short Uses DNA fragments with added poly-A tail adaptors read lengths Cyclic washes with fluorescently labeled nucleotides occur, and reads are performed by Helioscope sequencer

Single molecular real Sequencing by synthesis approach with unmodified polymerase Relatively low cost; 1000 time (SMRT™) and fluorescently labeled nucleotides bp read lengths

Taylor & Friesen: Uses of molecular genetics in seabird research 287

Table 2 (this and following page). Summary of computer programs for analysis of molecular data, modified from Tables 1 & 2 in Excoffier & Heckel (2006), with the addition of programs for phylogenetic and ecological investigations. POPG, population genetics; POPD, popu- lation dynamics; HYB, hybridization; PHY, phylogenetics. MULT, multi-allelic markers (no specific mutation model assumed); DNA, se- quence data; STR, short tandem repeat also known as microsatellites (stepwise mutation assumed); hapSTR, linked SNP and STR mark- ers; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; FREQ, frequency data; AFLP, amplified fragment length polymorphism; DIST, distance matrix; RAPD, random amplified polymorphic DNA

Program Discipline Functions Data type Platform Source

Structure POPG, Uses genotypes from multiple markers to determine un- MULT Java Pritchard et al. (2000) POPD, derlying genetic structure among a set of individuals; HYB can detect immigrants; use in assignment studies NewHybrids HYB Designed for the analysis of a single hybrid population; MULT Windows, Linux Anderson & Thompson samples can only come from 2 parental populations (2002) IM, IMA, IMa2 POPG, Isolation model testing; multiple versions with migration, DNA, STR, DOS, MacOS Nielsen & Wakeley (2001), HYB 2 population model can estimate divergence time, an- hapSTR Hey & Nielsen (2004, cestral population size, divergence time, and migration 2007) DIYABC POPG, Make inferences based on Approximate Bayesian Comp- STR Windows, Linux Cornuet et al. (2008) HYB utation; graphical interface Migrate POPG, Estimates the effective population sizes and migration DNA, SNP, STR, DOS, MacOS, Beerli & Felsenstein (1999) POPD, rates of 2 constant populations using non-recombining MULT Linux Beerli & Palczewski HYB sequences, microsatellite data, or enzyme electro- (2010) phoretic data Bayes Ass+ POPG Uses multilocus genotypes to estimate contemporary MULT Windows, Wilson & Rannala (2003) migration between populations MacOS, Linux Cfit HYB Fits genotypic and phenotypic data to equilibrium cline MULT Windows Gay et al. (2008) models ClineFit HYB Fits genotypic data to equilibrium cline models MULT Windows, Porter et al. (1997) MacOS BAPS POPG Assigns individuals to genetic clusters; can consider MULT Windows Corander et al. (2003, 2004) them immigrants or descendents from immigrants GeneClass2 POPG Uses multilocus genotypes to assign individuals to MULT Windows Piry et al. (2004) populations and detect immigrants Geneland POPG R package that takes into account spatial positions of MULT R Guillot et al. (2005) individuals when detecting population subdivisions Arlequin POPG Multi-use population genetics software environment; DNA, SNP, STR, Windows Excoffier et al. (2005) computes indices of genetic diversity, F-statistics, MULT, FREQ Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, etc. DnaSP POPG Estimates several measures of DNA sequence variation DNA, SNP Windows Librado & Rozas (2009) within and between populations including linkage disequilibrium, recombination, gene flow and gene conversion

FSTAT POPG Multiple functions – FST estimates, etc. STR, MULT Windows Goudet (1995) GDA POPG Multiple functions; basic indices of genetic diversity AFLP, MULT Windows Lewis & Zaykin (2002) Genepop POPG Multiple function; basic indices of genetic diversity STR, MULT DOS Raymond & Rousset (1995) GENETIX POPG Multiple function; basic indices of genetic diversity MULT Windows Belkhir et al. (1996–2004) MEGA POPG Multiple function; basic indices of genetic diversity DNA, DIST Windows Tamura et al. (2011) MSA POPG Multiple function; basic indices of genetic diversity STR, MULT DOS, MacOS, Lipman et al. (1989) Linux SPAGeDi POPG Computes genetic distance between populations, in- STR, MULT DOS, Windows, Hardy & Vekemans (2002) breeding, kinship, relatedness MacOS, Linux BATWING POPG Generation Bayesian inference, demographic history, STR, SNP DOS, MacOS, Wilson & Rannala (2003) population splits Linux COLONISE POPG Uses multilocus genotypes to study patterns of coloni- MULT Windows Foll & Gaggiotti (2005) zation events in population histories

(continued on next page) 288 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 451: 285–304, 2012

Table 2 (continued)

Program Discipline Functions Data type Platform Source

LAMARC POPG For estimating the historical demographics of a number DNA, SNP, STR DOS, MacOS, Kuhner (2006) of populations Linux MSVAR POPG For estimating the historical demographics of a number STR DOS, Linux Beaumont (1999) of populations (expansions and bottlenecks) Hickory POPG Software for analysis of geographic structure in genetic AFLP, Windows, Linux Holsinger (1999) data. Estimates F-statistics from dominant or co- RAPD, MULT dominant marker data BOTTLENECK POPG Detects recent effective population size reductions MULT Windows Cornuet & Luikart (1996) GENETREE PHY Phylogeny reconstruction DNA DOS Griffiths & Tavaré (1994) PARENTE POPD Paternity analysis of genetic data STR, SNP Windows Cercueil et al. (2002) CERVUS POPD Paternity analysis of genetic data STR, SNP Windows Marshall et al. (1998) PATRI POPD Paternity analysis of genetic data STR, SNP, RFLP Windows, Linux Nielsen et al. (2001) PROBMAX POPD Paternity analysis of genetic data STR, SNP DOS Danzmann (1997) BAli-Phy PHY Phylogeny reconstruction DNA Redelings & Suchard (2005) BayesPhylogenies PHY Phylogeny reconstruction DNA Pagel & Meade (2004) BEAST PHY Phylogeny reconstruction DNA Drummond & Rambaut (2007) BUCKy PHY Phylogeny reconstruction DNA Ané et al. (2007) Mesquite PHY, Phylogeny reconstruction DNA Maddison & Maddison POPG, (2011) POPD MrBayes PHY, Phylogeny reconstruction DNA Huelsenbeck & Ronquist POPG (2001) PAML PHY Phylogeny reconstruction DNA Windows, Unix, Yang (1997) Linux, MacOS PAUP* PHY Phylogeny reconstruction DNA Windows, Unix, Swofford (2002) MacOS PHYLIP PHY Phylogeny reconstruction DNA Windows, DOS, Felsenstein (1989) MacOS TOPALi PHY Phylogeny reconstruction DNA Java Milne et al. (2004) Treefinder PHY Phylogeny reconstruction DNA Java Jobb et al. (2004)

Increasingly sophisticated DNA-based technolo- (e.g. McCoy et al. 2005a, Bollmer et al. 2007), (4) gies, especially sequencing methods (Table 1), in understanding why some seabirds exist as highly dif- combination with new approaches to data analysis ferentiated populations while others exhibit little (Table 2; Excoffier & Heckel 2006) are now allowing genetic differentiation across large distances (e.g. researchers not only to infer genetic relationships Morris-Pocock et al. 2010, Taylor et al. 2010a; see among populations and species, but also to address also review by Friesen et al. 2007b), (5) estimates of previously intractable questions in both evolution historical and contemporary population sizes and and ecology (Table 3, Fig. 1 ). Topics now accessible movements (e.g. Peery et al. 2008, Boessenkool et al. to researchers include (1) redis covery of species 2010), and (6) definition of population units for con- thought to be extinct (e.g. Steeves et al. 2010), (2) servation (e.g. Friesen et al. 2005). Additionally, the identification of speciation events driven by mecha- developing field of ecological genomics (Dupont et nisms previously thought to be improbable (e.g. al. 2007, Mitchell-Olds et al. 2008, Stapley et al. 2010) Friesen et al. 2007a), (3) coevolutionary dynamics of is enabling researchers to determine the genetic seabirds, their parasites and their immunogenetics underpinning of morphological and physiological Taylor & Friesen: Uses of molecular genetics in seabird research 289

Table 3. Potential advances in major sub-disciplines of marine variation in a number of taxa (e.g. McCracken et al. ornithology due to advances in molecular genetics, in particu- 2009, Sætre & Sæther 2010, Schluter et al. 2010) lar new sequencing technology and new analytical techniques including seabirds (e.g. Baião et al. 2007). Advances in other taxa are highlighting key areas Sub-discipline Advance of research relevant to the study of seabird evolu- Phylogenetics Genome-level phylogeny construction tion and ecology, particularly advances in avian Larger marker sets model systems like the Ficedula flycatchers (Sætre Community phylogenetics & Sæther 2010). Thus, research is coming full-circle, Population Larger marker sets with molecular studies providing insight into the genetics Population genomics genetic basis of morphological and behavioural Gene expression studies Multispecies approaches characters that were once used to infer the genetic Seascape genetic approaches relationships among populations and species. As Hybridization Larger marker sets se quencing technology improves and costs de- Hybridization genomics crease, the development of genomic resources for Candidate genes for reproductive isolation seabirds will also play an increasing role in seabird Gene expression studies conservation (Frank ham 2010). These advances are Ecology Demographic estimate accuracy Genetic basis of sexual traits and signaling particularly timely, as many species are listed as Movement and local adaptation threatened or endangered, global fish stocks con- Genetics of adaptation tinue to decline, and numerous, generally un known, Conservation Higher accuracy molecular assignments consequences of climate change are set to impact Functional differences between populations many seabirds (Grémillet & Boulinier 2009). (gene expression) Disease screening, toxicology Here we review molecular genetic methods for studying seabird evolution and ecology, and then

Fig. 1. Applications of molecular tools (in parentheses) for the study of seabird evolution and ecology. Arrow thickness indicates the presumed strength of causal relationships 290 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 451: 285–304, 2012

Table 4. Types of molecular markers used in studies of evolution and ecology, the source of genetic variation, potential uses, and costs of analysis; devel.: development; screen.: screening; mod.: moderate

Marker type Source of variation Uses Cost Cost Notes (devel.) (screen.)

mtDNA Restriction Lengths of fragments due Population genetics, Low Mod. Superseded by direct sequencing fragment length to substitutions at phylogenetics (see following marker type) polymorphism restriction sites and in (RFLP) intervening sequences Direct sequencing Any mutation Population genetics, Low Low Inferences restricted by unusual hybridization, phylo- inher-itance (matrilineal, no genetics recombination), but high mutation rate makes it useful for recent and/or rapid evolution events

Nuclear DNA Minisatellite DNA Numbers of repeat units Kinship, individual Low Mod. Superseded by use of (classical finger- within a fragment identification microsatellite DNA printing) Randomly Presence/absence of frag- Kinship, population Low Low Repeatability tends to be poor; amplified ments due to substitutions genetics some journals will not accept polymorphic DNA in PCR priming sites and RAPD data; dominant inheritance (RAPD) intervening sequences complicates some inferences Amplified Presence/absence of Population genetics, Low Low Dominant inheritance fragment length fragments due to hybridization complicates some inferences polymorphism substitutions in PCR (AFLP) priming sites, restriction sites, and intervening sequences Microsatellite Numbers of repeat units Kinship, population Mod. Low Widely used, but becoming DNA; intersimple within a fragment genetics, superseded by direct sequencing; sequence repeat hybridization vulnerable to homoplasy (ISSR), short tandem repeat (STR) Single nucleotide Any mutation, but usually Potential kinship via High at Low Highly repeatable; source of polymorphisms a substitution phylogenetics, but present variation is usually known (SNPs) usually population genetics, hybridization Direct sequencing Any mutation, but usually Population genetics Low Mod. at Highly repeatable; source of a substitution and phylogenetics, present variation is usually known; but also kinship, screening cost is decreasing hybridization rapidly

draw examples from studies of phylogenetics, popu- MOLECULAR GENETIC METHODS lation genetics, hybridization and ecology (Table 3, Fig. 1). For each section, we outline traditional ap - Information about an organism’s evolution and proaches, highlight examples using new molecular ecology is retained in its DNA, and recent methods, tools, and explore how traditional and molecular especially those based on coalescent theory and methods can be combined. We also give an overview Bayesian statistics, let us extract and understand this of applications of molecular methods to conservation. information. Numerous methods have been devel- This paper is not a comprehensive review of all mol- oped to assay DNA variation indirectly (several re - ecular genetic work currently being conducted on cent reviews, e.g. Baker 2000, Avise 2004; Table 4). seabirds; it is meant to highlight a few areas of One of the earliest methods to be developed was research and to expose some ideas about future DNA fingerprinting, in which restriction enzymes directions in seabird research. (bacterial enzymes that recognize and cut short frag- Taylor & Friesen: Uses of molecular genetics in seabird research 291

ments of DNA, typically 4 to 6 base pairs [bp] long) ber of seabird species (see ‘Population genetics and and agarose gel electrophoresis are used to screen phylogeography’ and ‘Hybridization’ below). individuals for variation in the number of repeats of a The drawbacks associated with using molecular 20 to 25 bp unit. Restriction enzymes also can be used genetic tools for studying ecology and evolution are to detect mutations resulting in restriction fragment rapidly being overcome (Hudson 2008). Previously, length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in short fragments of molecular genetic tools could be slow and expensive purified DNA such as mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). to adapt to particular research projects, and they These methods of mutation detection have been often provided little information about functional largely superseded by tools based on polymerase variation or behaviour (but see e.g. Baião et al. 2007, chain reaction (PCR), or DNA amplification. Common McCracken et al. 2009). Until recently, assembling techniques include ana lysis of amplified fragment enough variable markers was also difficult for numer- length polymorphisms (AFLPs), which uses a combi- ous seabird species: traditional, first generation se- nation of restriction enzymes and PCR to detect quencing methods suggested that variable markers sequence variation, and microsatellite analyses, which are less common in than in other taxa (Baker use specially designed PCR primers to amplify gene 2000). New sequencing methods (summarized in regions that tend to vary in the number of short (typi - Table 1; see reviews by Schuster 2008, Shendure & Ji cally 2 to 6 bp) repeating units (Table 4). 2008) are revolutionizing the study of ecology and Indirect methods of mutation detection such as evolution and have essentially removed the limita- AFLPs and microsatellite screening have the advan- tions outlined here (Hudson 2008, Tautz et al. 2010, tage that large numbers of individuals can be assayed Gardner et al. 2011); generating large, variable SNP quickly and relatively inexpensively. However, these or microsatellite datasets is now a possibility for any tools are being replaced by direct sequencing of tar- species. Additionally, the development of large ge - get genes, and analyses of single nucleotide poly- nomic resources for seabirds will allow more directed morphisms (SNPs—single base pair replacements, studies that can target genes responsible for func- insertions or deletions; Vignal et al. 2002, Coates tional variation and possibly even the genetic under- et al. 2009). New sequencing methods are making pinnings of behaviour, as has been done in other SNP discovery and direct sequencing much easier groups of organisms (Barrett 2010, Hubbard et al. and will greatly increase genetic tools for seabird 2010, Stapley et al. 2010, Toth et al. 2010). studies (our Table 1; Tautz et al. 2010, Helyar et al. Coalescent-based approaches that utilize Markov 2011). Financial costs of generating and mapping chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and likelihood- genomic level SNP datasets, or of identifying vari- based inference (implemented in Isolation with able microsatellites are no longer prohibitive (see Migration: IM, Isolation with Migration Analytic: reviews by Hudson 2008, Shendure & Ji 2008, Tautz IMa, and Isolation with Migration Analytic 2: IMA2; et al. 2010). Numerous studies of seabird evolution see Table 2), and, more recently, approaches utiliz- and ecology have used DNA sequencing to assess ing Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC; Cor- phylogenetic relationships (e.g. Pereira & Baker nuet et al. 2008) (Table 2) are rapidly increasing our 2008, Jesus et al. 2009, Patterson et al. 2011), popula- ability to robustly evaluate hypotheses about popula- tion differentiation (e.g. Morris-Pocock et al. 2008, tion divergence, and to infer population history (Hey Gómez-Díaz et al. 2009, Hailer et al. 2011; see review 2006, Hey & Nielsen 2007, Csilléry et al. 2010, Lopes by Friesen et al. 2007b) and hybridization (e.g. & Beaumont 2010, Pinho & Hey 2010). These ap- Pacheco et al. 2002, Gay et al. 2007, 2008b, Taylor proaches allow us to robustly estimate divergence et al. 2010b), and to estimate population parameters times, historical and contemporary population sizes, such as migration rates or population sizes (e.g. rates of gene exchange during divergence, and to Boessenkool et al. 2010). New sequencing methods evaluate competing divergence scenario hypotheses. now enable whole genomes to be sequenced within A number of seabird research groups are now utiliz- months (Hudson 2008, Mitchell-Olds et al. 2008, ing larger (10+ markers) datasets and have recently Shendure & Ji 2008, Thomson et al. 2010, Ekblom & developed analytical methods (Peucker et al. 2009, Galindo 2011), although the full genome of a seabird Lopes & Boessenkool 2010, Morris-Pocock et al. species has yet to be assembled. The potential for 2010, 2011, Taylor et al. 2011a, Welch et al. 2011). genomic level seabird research to contribute to the DNA-based investigations of seabird evolution and larger picture in evolutionary biology is huge, partic- ecology have the greatest power when combined ularly given recent findings regarding population with traditional methods, for example, by comparing divergence, hybridization, and speciation in a num- variation in AFLPs with band returns to infer meta - 292 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 451: 285–304, 2012

Table 5. Examples of studies in which molecular data were combined with other types of data to enable new insights into seabird evolution, ecology or conservation. AFLP: amplified fragment length polymorphism

Species Molecular Additional Inference Source marker(s) tool(s)

Cory's shearwater Microsatellites Morphometrics, Individuals could be assigned to Gómez-Díaz & Calonectris diomedea stable isotopes, breeding colonies with 86% accuracy González-Solís (2007) trace metals Procellariiformes Allozyme, DNA- Morphology, More comprehensive inclusion of Kennedy & Page DNA hybridiza- behaviour, life species than in previous phylogenies (2002) tion, DNA history sequence Phalacrocoracidae mtDNA Osteology Cliques' of compatable characters Holland et al. (2010) suggest similar selective pressures Atlantic puffin Allozymes Morphometrics Geographic variation in body size is Moen (1991) Fratercula arctica due to environmental effects Band-rumped storm- mtDNA, Morphometrics, Divergence in morphology and Smith & Friesen petrel Oceanodroma microsatellites vocalizations vocalizations of seasonal populations (2007), Bolton et al. castro precedes divergence in neutral (2008), Deane (2011) molecular markers Black-legged Microsatellites Microsatellite Kittiwakes prospecting among local McCoy et al. (2005b) kittiwake Rissa variation in ticks colonies results in gene flow for tridactyla kittiwakes but not ticks Wandering albatross AFLP Band returns Populations are demographically but Milot et al. (2008) Diomedea exulans not genetically isolated Laysan albatross mtDNA, Band returns Rare migration prevents genetic Young (2010) Phoebastria microsatellites divergence of populations and enables immutabilis colonization of new sites despite generally strong philopatry Cook's petrel mtDNA Light-based Genetic divergence between colonies Rayner et al. (2011) Pterodroma cookii data loggers, is ultimately the result of differences in stable isotopes non-breeding distributions and breeding times Glaucous-winged gull mtDNA Plumage Restricted introgression of phenotypic Gay et al. (2008) Larus occidentalis microsatellites colouration traits compared to neutral markers – and western gull Bare-part indicating selection on phenotypic Larus glaucescens colouration traits and a role in isolation the species population dynamics (e.g. Milot et al. 2008), by com- mechanisms of speciation; Avise 2004). However, bining morphometrics with isotope and genetic data unless the phylogenetic relationships among species to assign birds killed during winter to breeding pop- are well resolved, evolutionary hypotheses cannot be ulations for impact assessment (e.g. Gómez-Díaz & reliably tested. González-Solís 2007), or by using tracking data in Traditional methods for phylogenetic reconstruc- concert with genetic estimates of gene flow in inves- tion for seabirds rely on external and internal mor- tigations of mechanisms of population differentiation phology, behaviour, and fossils. Studies based on (detailed in ‘Ecology’ below and in Table 5). these methods have provided significant insights into seabird evolution and ecology. For example, behav- ioural characters, morphology, osteology and allo - PHYLOGENETICS zymes have been used to evaluate evolutionary rela- tionships within the Alcidae, Stercorariidae and Phylogenetics, the study of the evolutionary rela- (van Tets 1965, Strauch 1985, Watada tionships among organisms, attempts to construct a et al. 1987, Kennedy et al. 1996, Chu et al. 2009, tree that is representative of the true evolutionary Smith 2010). However, the genetic basis for these history of a group of organisms. The tree can then aid characters is not usually known, and morphology and investigations of taxonomy, character evolution (e.g. behaviour may differ between populations because mating rituals, or clutch size) and diversification (e.g. of selection, phenotypic plasticity, or environmental Taylor & Friesen: Uses of molecular genetics in seabird research 293

Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree for the Sulidae (a) based on a fragment of the cyto - chrome b gene (gene tree) modified from Friesen & Anderson (1997), and (b) based on multiple nuclear introns (d-crystallin intron7, a-enolase intron 8, ornithine decarboxylase introns 6 and 7, triosephosphate isomerase intron 4, and lipoprotein lipase intron 2) and one mitochondrial marker (cyto chrome b) modified from Patterson et al. (2011). Node support and branch lengths have been removed for simplicity, but are high throughout

induction (Barbraud et al. 1999). Indeed, the evolu- tion of morphology and behaviour is often the topic of interest in a study, and so cannot be investigated using phylogenies based on these characters. Charles Sibley and colleagues pioneered the appli- cation of molecular methods to avian systematics, first with their studies of electrophoretic variation in egg white proteins (e.g. Sibley 1970), and then with their very comprehensive DNA−DNA hybridization work (Sibley & Ahlquist 1990). The first phylogenetic isms, because single-gene trees do not necessarily studies of seabirds based on DNA sequence data represent the species’ true history (Maddison 1997, used single markers to infer evolutionary relation- Degnan & Rosenberg 2006, 2009). Recent advances ships. For example, Nunn et al. (1996) used sequence in sequencing technology have allowed researchers of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to generate a to expand genetic datasets, and developments in phylogeny of 14 albatross species, and Nunn & Stan- phylogenetic analyses now allow researchers to ley (1998) used cytochrome b sequences to evaluate estimate species trees using coalescent theory and evolutionary relationships among 85 species of pro- Bayesian statistics (Table 2; e.g. Bayesian Estimation cellariiform seabirds. Similarly, Friesen & Anderson of the Species Tree [BEST], Liu 2008). These advances (1997) used cytochrome b sequences to infer a phy- together led to the Tree of Life web project, which logeny for the Sulidae (Fig. 2a), and Kennedy et al. started in 1996, but has since expanded with these (2005) used mitochondrial sequences to reconstruct advances (Maddison & Maddison 1996). evolutionary relationships among darters, cormorants Several recent phylogenetic studies of seabirds and boobies. illustrate the utility of multilocus datasets. For exam- Using a single genetic marker like albumin, or mul- ple, Abbott’s booby Papasula abbotti is ecologically, tiple markers from a non-recombining unit like morphologically, and behaviourally distinct from mtDNA, for phylogenetic reconstruction can misrep- other species in the Sulidae (Nelson 1978), and its resent the evolutionary relationships among organ- placement within the family was unclear until recently. 294 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 451: 285–304, 2012

Patterson et al. (2011) used 5 nuclear introns and a Storer 1952, Ainley 1980, Power & Ainley 1986, del mitochon drial marker to estimate a species tree using Hoyo et al. 1992, 1996, Baião et al. 2007). Examining BEST (Fig. 2b). They found that Abbott’s booby was population genetic structure in these species can help basal to all other members of the Sulidae and likely determine the adaptive significance (if any) of geo- diverged from the group about 22 million years ago. graphic variation in life history, morphology, physio - Interestingly, the results were broadly congruent logy and behaviour; how, where and why the varia- with van Tets (1965) phylogenetic reconstruction based tion originated; how populations are connected or on behaviour. what prevents them from being connected; and how In a similar study, Kennedy et al. (2009) used species multiply. Furthermore, population differentia- multiple unlinked loci to evaluate the phylogenetic tion is the first step towards speciation in most specia- position of the Galapagos cormorant Phalacrocorax tion models (Coyne & Orr 2004). Consequently, many harrisi, an ecologically and morphologically unique population genetic studies explore the evolutionary member of the Phalacrocoracidae. Although this spe- histories of seabirds to understand the speciation his- cies is the only phalacrocoracid that has lost the abil- tory. A subfield of population genetics, phylogeogra- ity to fly and was previously placed in its own genus, phy, studies the correspondence between phylogeny results from Kennedy et al. (2009) indicate that the and geography, and can provide insights into evolu- Galapagos cormorant is most closely related to 2 tion and ecology (Avise et al. 1987, Avise 1994). species that are common and broadly distributed Studies of morphology, physiology, and behaviour in North America: the double-crested cormorant P. help elucidate population genetic structure. For auritus and the neotropic cormorant P. brasilianus. example, geographic variation in plumage and Kennedy & Page’s (2002) procellariiform phylo - morpho metrics is more extensive in Cepphus spp. geny provides an excellent example of synergy (guillemots) than in Uria spp. (murres). Storer (1952) through the combination of different analytical pro posed that this difference is a result of differences approaches. These authors used 7 incomplete phylo- in dispersal: guillemots nest in small colonies distrib- genies based on behaviour, DNA−DNA hybridiza- uted linearly along coastlines and probably do not tion, isozymes, life history, morphology, and DNA disperse far from colonies during the non-breeding sequence data to generate a supertree for the Procel- season, whereas murres nest in a small number of lariiformes. In another example, Holland et al. (2010) large colonies, and generally migrate seasonally. compared strongly supported but incongruent trees However, as in phylogenetic studies, the genetic based on osteological versus molecular data for the basis of morphological and behavioural characters is cormorants and shags. Their study found ‘cliques’ of not usually known (but see Baião et al. 2007): even if compatible morphological characters, suggesting individuals or populations are morphologically simi- groups of taxa under similar selective pressures. lar, they may differ genetically (e.g. Friesen et al. Although Cohen et al. (1997) provided a discussion of 1996a, Morris-Pocock et al. 2008, Hailer et al. 2011). difficulties in combining morphological, behavioural, Protein electrophoresis also has provided useful and genetic data to construct phylogenies, future insights into population structure and evolution researchers should attempt to construct phylogenies (Baker 2000, Avise 2004). For example, protein varia- based on multiple nuclear and mitochondrial loci tion suggests that thick-billed murres Uria lomvia and, ideally, combine traditional approaches in phylo- form kin groups within colonies (Friesen et al. 1996b). geny construction. Studies such as these are needed In contrast, Moen (1991) found little geographic for other groups of seabirds, and will aid future variation in allozymes among Atlantic puffins from investigations of both character evolution and mech- throughout the northeast Atlantic, despite significant anisms of diversification in seabirds. variation in body size. Protein electrophoresis yields data rapidly and is inexpensive to conduct; however, birds must be captured and sometimes sacrificed, POPULATION GENETICS AND PHYLOGEOGRAPHY proteins degrade easily, protein variability is often insufficient to be useful, and some variation is under Understanding population genetic structure (the selection (potentially violating assumptions of neu- extent to which local populations differ genetically) tral mutation theory) and thus may not reflect true helps researchers understand many aspects of evo - evolutionary history (Baker 2000). lution and ecology (Fig. 1). For example, some sea Initial uses of DNA to study seabird population dif- species exhibit dramatic geographic variation in mor- ferentiation focused on mtDNA (e.g. Pitocchelli et al. phology and behaviour while others do not (e.g. 1995), because its unusual mode of inheritance and Taylor & Friesen: Uses of molecular genetics in seabird research 295

relatively high mutation rate make it sensitive to new sequencing methods. For example, by com - changes in population size and migration rate (Wil- paring variation in AFLPs with band returns, Milot et son et al. 1985, Baker 2000, Avise 2004, Eda et al. al. (2008) showed that populations of wandering alba- 2008, Rains et al. 2011). Increasingly however, stud- trosses Diomedea exulans are demographically but ies of population differentiation, phylogeography, not genetically isolated. In another synergistic study, and speciation are using large multilocus datasets of Rayner et al. (2011) used geolocator-based tracking, SNPs, microsatellites and sequence data (Table 3) to isotopes, and DNA-based methods to examine con- provide a more complete picture of contemporary temporary and historical populations of Cook’s petrel versus historical population sizes and dispersal rates Pterodroma cookii, reporting that genetically distinct (Fig. 1; e.g. Peery et al. 2010, Hailer et al. 2011). For populations are segregated during the non-breeding example, Techow et al. (2010) used cytochrome b season. They suggested that habitat specialization and 6 microsatellite loci to examine the phylogeogra- during the non-breeding season may lead to breeding phy and speciation history of giant petrels Macro - asynchrony, which may restrict gene flow between nectes spp. Their analyses revealed a complex his- the populations in conjunction with philopatry tory that involved population fragmentation, periods (Rayner et al. 2011). of population expansion, and secondary contact. Further studies such as these are needed to under- Population genetic analyses of seabirds have also stand mechanisms of diversification and adaptation benefitted from multispecies approaches, at both the in seabirds, especially in relation to anthropogenic seabird (i.e. analyzing multiple species of seabirds) disturbances such as climate change. We see an and organismal (i.e. analyzing multiple species of opportunity for seabird evolutionary biologists and seabird and other non-avian taxa) levels (e.g. para- ecologists to move from population genetic to popu- sites). Parasites are useful for studying long-lived lation genomic level studies (Hudson 2008, Tautz et species such as seabirds (Nieberding & Olivieri al. 2010, and see Viner & Mitchell 2010 entire issue). 2007), and multispecies approaches utilizing para- Larger, more robust genetic datasets, combined with sites have increased our understanding of the con- the ecological knowledge of many seabird researchers, straints on the genetic structure and the movements will make population genomic studies more informa- of seabirds (e.g. McCoy et al. 2005b, Gómez-Díaz et tive as they relate to the mechanisms that generate al. 2007). McCoy et al. (2005b) compared population seabird diversity, than present population genetic genetic structure in black-legged kittiwakes Rissa studies. The possibility of expanding analyses to ex - tridactyla with one of their ectoparasites (the tick amine genes responsible for divergence or to explore Ixodes uriae). Population genetic structure was much differences in gene expression (transcriptomics) be - stronger in the ticks than in the kittiwakes, and, tween closely related species (e.g. physiological dif- given the life history of the ticks, McCoy et al. ferences, Hedgecock et al. 2007), should be pursued (2005b) inferred that local movements of kittiwakes by seabird researchers, especially given the extreme during the breeding season result in gene flow for physiology of this taxonomic group and the potential the kittiwakes but not the ticks. Similarly, multi- importance of physiological differences in relation to species approaches at the seabird level have allowed divergence events. These avenues of inquiry will researchers to detect common factors responsible for contribute more generally to our understanding of the presence or absence of population structure population divergence and speciation and be valu- (important for making predictions for unstudied spe- able to the broader evolutionary biology community. cies, or informing conservation decisions) (re viewed Recently, the term ‘seascape genetics’ has been in Friesen et al. 2007b), and the potential for multi- used to describe population genetic studies of marine species approaches is very high given the aforemen- organisms that examine how environmental vari- tioned advances in sequencing technology and data ables (e.g. ocean currents, ocean productivity) influ- analysis techniques. ence differentiation (e.g. Skillings et al. 2011, Amaral The strongest population genetic and phylogeo- et al. 2012, see review by Selkoe et al. 2008; the ter- graphic seabird studies are synergistic and combine restrial equivalent, ‘landscape genetics’, is reviewed molecular data with demographic data, morphology, in Sork & Waits 2010; see also Special issue on land- and/or behaviour to elucidate mechanisms of popula- scape genetics Vines & Mitchell 2010). Although no tion differentiation in seabirds. Our goal should be seabird studies to date have explicitly used the term combining this ap proach with larger, more robust ‘sea scape genetics’, seabird researchers are gener- genetic datasets, as some researchers are doing al- ally cognizant of the effects of oceanic environmental ready—though not yet at the scale made possible by variables such as fronts, eddies, and climatic phe- 296 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 451: 285–304, 2012

nomena like El Niño on seabird population genetics hybrid ancestry, how many generations ago hybrid - (Steeves et al. 2003, 2005a,b, Morris-Pocock et al. ization occurred, and which species was maternal vs. 2008, Hailer et al. 2011, Rayner et al. 2011, Taylor et paternal. Several recent studies of seabird hybridiza- al. 2011a). Future population genetic studies of sea - tion illustrate the utility of using molecular markers. birds would benefit from including these variables An example comes from Taylor’s (2011) analysis explicitly, to ensure seabird population genetic of hybridization between blue-footed boobies Sula studies remain on par with studies of other marine nebouxii and Peruvian boobies Sula variegata. Tay- organisms. lor (2011) used a multilocus data set and cline analy- sis to examine introgression and to characterize the hybrid zone. He found that blue-footed and Peruvian HYBRIDIZATION boobies hybridize, but that pre- and postzygotic bar- riers are well established, particularly in light of the Hybridization can be either a creative or a destruc- recent divergence of this species pair (Patterson et al. tive force in evolution (Harrison 1993, Allendorf et al. 2010). Additionally, Taylor et al. (2010b) and Taylor 2001). Global rates of hybridization are increasing (2011) used a multilocus dataset to determine that and have contributed to species extinctions in a num- morphologically aberrant individuals within the ber of taxonomic groups, but have led to the estab- hybrid zone are most likely first generation hybrids lishment of new species in others (Brumfield 2010). and that the majority of hybridization between blue- Regardless of the outcome, documenting hybridiza- footed and Peruvian boobies takes place between tion and understanding how it affects seabirds is an female Peruvian boobies and male blue-footed boo- important aspect of seabird ecology and evolution, bies, with subsequent backcrossing primarily between but is potentially erroneous without data from multi- female hybrids and male blue-footed boobies. ple, unlinked genetic markers. Hybridization also Finally, Taylor (2011) evaluated the likelihood that has conservation implications. For example, as cli- this species pair diverged from their common ances- mate change alters marine habitats a number of tem- tor with gene flow, and found that a divergence with perate seabird species may expand their ranges gene flow scenario was more likely than divergence towards the poles. The evolutionary and conservation without gene flow, using the isolation with migration implications of these range shifts are unknown; how- model implemented in IMa. A dataset generated ever, studies of other species suggest that range shifts using new sequencing methods would significantly may in crease hybridization rates (Kelly et al. 2010). improve the ability of any study similar to the one Traditional studies of hybridization in seabirds completed by Taylor (2011) to explore the evolution- involved reports of birds with unusual plumage pat- ary history of a species pair, particularly given the terns (e.g. Cairns & DeYoung 1981), or geographic low level of genomic divergence detected in this variation in morphology and/or allozyme allele other studies using the current datasets. frequencies (e.g. Bell 1996). These studies are com- A synergistic investigation of seabird hybridiza- plicated by the fact that back-cross hybrids, and tion was conducted successfully by Gay et al. (2007, even F1 hybrids, can be difficult to distinguish from 2008, 2009). They used multiple unlinked genetic parental species based on morphology (e.g. Friesen markers, morphological characters, and cline analy- et al. 1993). Researchers now have the ability to gen- ses to determine the nature of the hybrid zone for erate sufficiently large genetic datasets (see above; each species pair. White-headed gulls appear more Table 1) and possess appropriate computer programs prone to hybridization than most other seabirds, pos- to characterize hybridization between species thor- sibly be cause of recent divergence and subsequent oughly (see ‘Molecular genetic methods’ above and secondary contact between morphologically and the following paragraph; Table 2; Gay et al. 2007, behaviourally similar species (discussed in Gay et al. 2008, 2009, Taylor et al. 2010a, 2011b). 2007, 2008, 2009). Gay and colleagues were able to Although hybridization is generally considered rare document introgression at neutral loci and subse- in seabirds, an increasing number of studies are doc- quently compared the rate of introgression of neutral umenting hybridization and interspecific gene flow loci with phenotypic introgression. They inferred using multilocus cline and coalescent-based analyses that selection against phenotypic introgression is (e.g. Reinhardt et al. 1997, Gay et al. 2007, 2008, strong in both hybrid zones, and that sexual selection Brown et al. 2010, Carneiro et al. 2010, Taylor et al. may be important for maintaining the species barriers. 2010b, 2011b, Taylor 2011). Molecular markers can Seabird researchers interested in hybridization also aid in determining whether an individual has should take a synergistic approach whenever possi- Taylor & Friesen: Uses of molecular genetics in seabird research 297

ble. Future investigations of hybridization in seabirds probability with individuals from a different sam- will benefit from larger, genome-spanning datasets, pling site, that individual is likely a migrant. Molecu- and approaches that target functional differences lar assignments are most successful when popula- between hybridizing species. As with hybrid-zone tions are significantly genetically differentiated (i.e. research on other non-model organisms, seabird FST > 0.1) but can be used even when populations researchers should seek to determine the genetic are only weakly differentiated (i.e. FST < 0.05) (e.g. regions, and ultimately genes, responsible for repro- Peery et al. 2008, Hall et al. 2009). ductive isolation. Although using molecular assignments to identify dispersal events can require large numbers of sam- ples from many populations and so can be logistically ECOLOGY challenging, this method is increasingly common in the seabird literature (e.g. Boessenkool et al. 2009, Tracking population fluctuations and dispersal pat- Schlosser et al. 2009) and often provides insights un - terns is important for understanding how species available from banding data. Rare dispersal events, respond to natural and anthropogenic stressors. Such which are difficult to detect if band returns are low, information is critical both for understanding ecology may be captured in the multilocus genotype of an and evolution, and for conservation (see next sec- individual. For example, Boessenkool et al. (2009) tion). Capture-mark-recapture (CMR) studies (band- used multilocus assignments in their study of yellow- ing or ringing) help to clarify population relation- eyed penguins Megadyptes antipodes and found evi- ships and dynamics, and the technology required for dence of rare migration events that would not likely banding studies is relatively cheap (e.g. Nisbet 1989, have been detected otherwise. Similarly, Hall et al. Wooller et al. 1992, Wanless et al. 2007). For exam- (2009) used molecular assignments to characterize ple, a long-term banding study of blue-footed boo- dispersal patterns in marbled murrelets Brachyram- bies Sula nebouxii on Isla Isabel, , revealed phus marmoratus in central , and Faria et that individuals are more faithful to their first nest al. (2010) used both molecular assignments and site than their natal site and may have a ‘dispersal methods based on coalescent theory to infer source− phenotype’ (Kim et al. 2007). This behaviour is not sink dynamics in South American terns Sterna hirun- shared by other members of the Sulidae and would dinacea. In an innovative modification of molecular not have been predicted based on long-term banding assignments known as parent-offspring dyad ana - of the Nazca booby S. granti, a close relative of the lysis, Peery et al. (2008) determined that the cen - blue-footed booby, in the Galapagos (Huyvaert & tral California population of marbled murrelets is a Anderson 2004). Banding has also revealed long dis- demographic sink. tance movement between seabird colonies and a Application of molecular assignments to species for general trend of natal philopatry in many seabirds which extensive CMR and/or tracking data exist is (Wooller et al. 1992). More recently, GPS tracking an especially promising but largely unused method has provided previously unattainable high-resolution to elucidate the connection between evolution and data on seasonal and daily movements (Grémillet & ecology, e.g. by disentangling the relative effects of Boulinier 2009, Wilson & Vandenabeele 2012, this historical versus contemporary seabird movements Theme Section). Unlike banding, tracking studies on local adaptation, or inferring the effect of non- require expensive equipment and have only recently breeding distributions on population differentiation become common in the literature. Both banding and and speciation (Friesen et al. 2007b). For example, tracking require extensive effort and are virtually band returns indicate that Laysan albatrosses Phoe- impossible for secretive species. bastria immutabilis are strongly philopatric to natal DNA-based methods allow researchers to assign breeding colonies, making them highly vulnerable individuals to genetic populations and to estimate to anthropogenic disturbance. However, geographic population parameters like dispersal and population variation in mtDNA and microsatellites suggests size in non-invasive ways (e.g. using moulted feath- that Laysan albatrosses have sufficient dispersal over ers, fecal samples, scavenged carcasses). Most notably, longer timeframes to maintain population genetic molecular assignments can provide insights into variation and enable rapid colonization (Milot et al. movements with minimal disturbance to individuals. 2008, Young 2010, Rayner et al. 2011). We could not Molecular assignments involve using an individual’s find any studies that combine data from molecular multilocus genotype to infer its origin (Manel et al. markers and satellite tracking, highlighting the need 2005). If an individual’s genotype clusters with high for research using this combination of methods. 298 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 451: 285–304, 2012

DNA-based methods allow seabird researchers to Microsatellites and SNPs can be used to generate census populations through non-invasive molecular genealogies, to detect extra pair paternity, and to ‘mark-and-recapture’. Rudnick et al. (2008) pre- assign offspring to adults when sampling is suffi- sented the method in their study of non-breeding cient. The literature on this topic is vast and new imperial eagles Aquila heliaca in Kazakhstan. Direct sequencing methods will aid the development of the counts of eagles in the Naurzum Zapovednik sug- variable markers required for paternity assignment gested that fewer than 32 individuals used the area; (e.g. Baião & Parker 2009, Wojczulanis-Jakubas et al. however, analysis of moulted feathers using the 2009, Huyvaert & Parker 2010). program MARK indicated a roosting population of 308 individuals (Rudnick et al. 2008). Although this approach has yet to be conducted on seabirds, the CONSERVATION utility of the method and the nature of seabird roost- ing areas (numerous feathers available for sampling) In addition to providing managers with better suggest that it may be useful. Population sizes and understanding of seabird evolution and ecology, mol- changes in size can also be estimated indirectly by ecular genetic methods can aid conservation (recent applying genetic theory to molecular variation. For reviews: Allendorf & Luikart 2007, Frankham 2010, example, deviations in heterozygosities from values Haig et al. 2011). Probably the most important direct predicted at mutation-drift equilibrium can be used contribution at present involves defining units of con- to infer recent population increases or declines using servation. To be most effective, species-level conser- programs such as BOTTLENECK (Cornuet & Luikart vation must be based on sound taxonomy: failure to 1996) and FLUCTUATE (Kuhner et al.1998). Using recognize reproductively isolated species can result this approach, Birt et al. (2012) found support for cen- in loss of diversity. Taxonomy was traditionally based sus results suggesting that Xantus’s murrelets Synth- on morphology and ecology, but recent studies have liboramphus hypoleucus hypoleucus on Guadalupe unveiled several examples of mistaken taxonomy Island, Mexico, have declined over the last century, such as ‘cryptic’ species that are similar in appear- and by comparing variation in contemporary and his- ance and ecology but that represent reproductively torical samples of yellow-eyed penguins, Boessen - isolated, sometimes ancient lineages (e.g. Friesen et kool et al. (2010) estimated an effective size an order al. 1996a, Bolton et al. 2008, Rayner et al. 2011). The of magnitude lower than the census size for the New Zealand storm petrel Oceanites maorianus pro- southern population than for the northern popula- vides an example. Presumed extinct for 150 years, tion. birds similar to the New Zealand storm petrel were Additionally, DNA-based methods allow the evalu- documented off New Zealand in 2003. Analyses of ation of sex-specific questions, since the sex of a bird variation in both mtDNA and a nuclear intron con- can now be determined with relative ease, using only firmed that these birds belonged to the same taxon a blood or feather sample. Given that many seabirds as the type specimen and that represents a distinct are sexually monomorphic, and that morphological species (Robertson et al. 2011). details are not always recorded during sample col- In addition, most conservation legislation recog- lection, molecular sexing of seabirds is invaluable. nizes phenotypically, ecologically and/or genetically Indeed, a search of the literature highlights the distinct populations of vertebrate species as worthy prevalence of this method in recent years: over 400 of protection (e.g. ‘distinct population segments’ papers on seabird ecology and evolution have used under the US Endangered Species Act; ‘diagnosable molecular sexing since 2002. The questions ad - units’ under the Canadian Species at Risk Act). The dressed by these studies are highly diverse and rationale is that loss of these populations would result include investigations of physiological ecology (e.g. in loss of some of the species’ genetic resources, Giudici et al. 2010), breeding in vestment and forag- including potential local adaptations, and that such ing (e.g. Torres et al. 2011), sociochemical com- populations may be genetically and demographically pounds (e.g. Leclaire et al. 2012), sex-specific forag- isolated from each other. Distinct populations are ing behaviour (e.g. Weimerskirch et al. 2006), disease often termed evolutionarily significant units (ESUs), transmission (e.g. Wojczulanis-Jakubas et al. 2011), and may be identified from unique molecular, mor- and the utility of morphology or behaviour in sex phological, behavioural or ecological characteristics determination of wild birds (Zavalaga et al. 2009). (e.g. Moritz 1994, Fay & Nammack 1996). Marbled Finally, DNA-based methods are useful for in - murrelets illustrate the importance of defining dis- vestigations of parentage and kinship in seabirds. tinct population segments. Murrelets breeding in Taylor & Friesen: Uses of molecular genetics in seabird research 299

Washington, Oregon and California were originally multilocus genotypes. As DNA technology be comes treated as a threatened population segment, distinct more accessible, many new applications to conserva- from British Columbia and Alaska birds (USFWS tion are emerging (e.g. disease screening, Ishak et al. 1992), but when molecular studies failed to find 2008; toxicology, Haig et al. 2011). genetic differences between these regions (Friesen et al. 2005), distinct population status was removed; the viability of the species is now being evaluated as CONCLUSIONS a single unit. Additionally, local populations may be demograph- Studies of phylogenetics, population genetics, ically but not genetically isolated from each other. hybridization, speciation and ecology in seabirds Such populations may have sufficient dispersal to have improved our understanding of evolution, eco - prevent genetic differentiation and local adaptation, logy and conservation, and this can only grow as but not enough to function as a single demographic more seabird research groups incorporate DNA- unit. Thus, birth rates, death rates, and other demo- based analyses including new sequencing techno- graphic parameters may differ. Such populations are logies into their investigations. Seabird research in often referred to as management units (MUs) and evolutionary biology has the potential to contribute may be recognized from differences in allele fre- in a significant way to evolutionary biology, given the quencies at molecular markers (e.g. Moritz 1994). ecological knowledge of seabird researchers, advances Results from molecular studies often provide insights in sequencing technology and data analysis, and the not expected from ecological data. For example, the fact that collection of a sufficient number of samples high dispersal ability of the yellow-eyed penguin for robust genetic analyses is usually a possibility for Megadyptes antipodes suggests that the species colonially nesting organisms. represents a single demographic unit, but differ- DNA-based methods are providing sea bird re - ences in frequencies of mitochondrial haplotypes and searchers with tools to address previously in - microsatellite alleles, and results of assignment tests tractable questions about seabird evolution and indicate that birds breeding on New Zealand’s South ecology. Al though the majority of new genetic Island are demographically isolated from those else- resources were not developed specifically for sea - where and should be treated as a separate MU birds, advances in sequencing technology and ana- (Boessenkool et al. 2009). lytical methods are resulting in improved genetic Molecular markers can also aid conservation. For and genomic resources for seabirds within the capa- example, estimates of effective population size are bilities of many seabird research groups. Many needed both to assign species to conservation cate- seabird researchers do not include genetic data in gories and to develop recovery plans; these estimates their studies; however genetics can provide versatile are often one or more orders of magnitude lower than tools to aid in studying evolution, ecology and census sizes (e.g. yellow-eyed penguins; Boessen - conservation of seabirds (Table 3, Fig. 1). Some kool et al. 2010). Molecular markers can identify molecular methods are still being optimized, but hybrid individuals and their descendants (see ‘Hy - the potential applications of molecular markers will bridization’ above), and so aid recovery plans by likely in crease as DNA-marker generation becomes allowing managers to exclude hybrid individuals from cheaper and faster, and methods of data interpreta- captive breeding programs, or from the population tion become increasingly sophisticated. Results of if maintenance of genetically pure populations is a studies that combine molecular markers with other conservation goal (e.g. Haig et al. 2004). Population tools will be especially useful to understanding the markers can also help to assess the population-spe- evolution, ecology and conservation not only of cific effects of anthropogenic disturbances (e.g. oil seabirds but also of other highly mobile organisms spills, Riffaut et al. 2005; fisheries by-catch, Walsh & in a rapidly changing world. Edwards 2005). Gómez-Díaz & González-Solís (2007) provide an example of the synergistic application of Acknowledgements. We thank R. Wilson and G. Hunt for molecular genetics with other tools for impact assess- inviting this review and waiting patiently for its submission. ment. They were able to assign individual Calo - M. Kennedy kindly shared unpublished data. T. Birt pro- nectris spp. shearwaters that had been caught in vided valuable comments on the manuscript. Thanks also to all members of the Friesen Lab, past and present, for long-line fisheries in the Mediterranean to their their hard work and excellent contributions to the field. popu lation of origin with 86 to 100% accuracy using Funding was provided by NSERC (post-graduate scholar- morphometrics, stable isotopes, trace metals, and ship to S.A.T.). 300 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 451: 285–304, 2012

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Submitted: August 31, 2011; Accepted: March 1, 2012 Proofs received from author(s): April 4, 2012