The London Gazette, Januaey 15, 1909
390 THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUAEY 15, 1909. well-beloved John Saunders Gilliat, Charles Kennard, John Percy McArthur, Henry John Hermann Goschen, Albert George Sandeman, Staples, Esquires, Sir Benjamin Louis Cohen, Hugh Colin Smith, Herbert Brooks, Esquires, Baronet, Joseph Howard, Esquire, Sir Frederick Sir Everard Alexander Hambro, Knight, Samuel Dixon Dixon-Hartland, Baronet, Marshall Pontifex, Steuart Gladstone, Esquire, Sir Augustus Prevost, John James Staples, John Aird, Sydney Townsend Baronet, Samuel Hope Morley, Charles George Day, Edward Augustus Griming, Esquires, Sir Arbuthnot, Henry Cosmo Orme Bonsor, William Gerald Stanhope Hanson, Baronet, Henry Hicks, Middleton Campbell, Alexander Falconer Wallace, Walter Leaf, Howard Morley, George Hugh Frederick Huth Jackson, Reginald Eden Johnston, Whitehead, Henry John Smith, Charles James Alfred Clayton Cole, Walter Cunliffe, Robert Lucas, Sydney Francis Staples, Edgar Alexander Lydston Newman, Esquires; Our right trusty Baylts, Rowland Edward Whitehead, William and well-beloved John, Lord Revelstoke; Our Henry Nicholls, George Baker, James Curtis, trusty and well-beloved Evelyn Hubbard, Esquire, Esquires, Sir Robert Harvey, Knight, Thomas commonly called the Honourable Evelyn Hubbard, Phelps, William Richard Stevens, Esquires, Sir William Douro Hoare, Brien Ibrican Cokayne, John Watney, Knight, Henry Michael Isaacs, George William Henderson, Edward Charles Esquire, Walter Henry Harris?, Esquire, Com- Grenfell, Esquires, Montagu Collet Norman, panion of Our Most Distinguished Older of
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