..86*50 THE GAZETTE, DECEMBER 29, 1399.

Consolidated Chapelry of All Saints South well as those rendered by the Officers, Non-commis • Merstham.' sioned Officers, and Men of the Imperial Troops, " We therefore humbly pray that Your Majesty and Sierra Leone Frontier Police, and by the will be graciously pleased to take the premises District Commissioners and other officials in the into Your Royal consideration and to make such service of this Government, mentioned by him in Order in respect thereto as to Your Majesty iu his Despatch. Your Royal wisdom shall seem meet, 3. I also beg to bring to your most favourable " The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing notice the efficient manner in which the Senior Representation has reference. Naval Officers, viz.:—Captain A. L. Winsloe, . " The Consolidated Chapelry of All Saints Her Majesty's ship "Blake," Captain F. H. South Merstbam comprising :— Henderson, Her Majesty's ship "Fox," and " All that portion of the parish of Merstbam iu Captain R. S. Rolleston, Her Majesty's ship the county of Surrey and in the diocese of "Phoebe," co-operated with tlie Officer Co'm- Rochester which is bounded upon the south-west manding Troops and myself, and the valuable by the hereinafter described portion of the parish services rendered by Her Majesty's ships " Fox," of Gatton upon the south-east by the parish of « Phoebe," " Blonde," " Tartar," and " Alecto." Nutfield upon the east by the parish of Blechingley 4.' On the occasion of a reirifbrcemerit" of the all in the county and diocese aforesaid and upon 1st West India Regiment having been sent to the remaining sides that is to say upon the north Port Lokko on the 3rd March last, Captain and upon the north-west by an imaginary line Henderson, at my request, detailed a gun force to commencing at the point near the lodge at the cover the passage of the troops up the Lokko Creek entrance to the house and grounds called Coppice under Lieutenant F. K. C. Gibbons, Her Majesty's Lea where the boundary which divides the said ship " Fox." This officer did very good service in parish of Blechingley from the parish of Merst- assisting in the defence of'Port Lokko the next ham aforesaid crosses the-middle of the high road day by shelling the insurgents out of a part of the which leads' from Blechingley past the house town in which they had established themselves. called Spynes. Barn and through Worsted .Green 5. The thanks of this Government are specially to Merstham -and extending thence westward due to Captain Henderson, R.N., who'-proceeded along the middle of the said road for a distance of on the 2nd May in Her Majesty's ship5"Fox" to seventy-five chains or thereabouts to the south- Sulima and Mano Salijah, where' there were eastern side of the bridge which carries the old several large factories and customs stations, and main line of the South Eastern Railway Company rescued the Government officials and- traders oyer.,the 'said road and extending thence.south- there from almost certain death',' driving off by westward along the fence forming the south-eastern his shell fire the insurgent?, who had already boundary of the property of .the said Railway surrounded and commenced an attack on those Company for a distance of twenty-seven chains or places. ' ' thereabouts to the boundary which divides the 6. The thanks of this Government are also due said parish of Merstham from the parish of Gatton to Captain Rolleston, R.N., for the assistance he aforesaid.. . rendered with Her Majesty's ships "'Phoebe," "And also'all that contiguous portion of the " Tartar," and " Alecto," in landing the two said parish of Gatton which is situate on the south- military expeditions for Shengah and Bumpe'bn western side of the above described portion of the the 5th and 6th July, and :for his willing co- garish of Merstham aforesaid and which by a operation on several other occasions'. • •• confirming Order of the Local Government Board 7. At the critical period of'the" Mendi rising dated the fourth day of September in the year the presence of Her Majesty's ships " Blonde "arid one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine has " Alecto," which Captain Henderson 'despatched for all civil purposes been annexed to and incor- to Bonthe, absolutely secured; that1 place- from porated in the said parish of Merstham." attack by the insurgents, and the boat expeditions And whereas the said representation has been which were organized from those ships up the approved by Her Majesty in Council: now, rivers and creeks, by the punishment which they therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of inflicted on the insurgents, put any future-1 attempts Her'said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the on the part of the latter to take Bonthe out of the said representation, and to order and diroct that question. ' • " the same and every part thereof shall be effectual 8.* Commander Peyton Hoskyns, R.N., com- • in law immediately from and after the time when manded several of these expeditions : amongst this Order shall have been duly published in tho olhera he proceeded on the 4th "May up the Jong London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts ; and River to Bogo,' driving the insurgents* from their Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is stockades and inflicting severe losses on them, pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forth- and on the 13th he covered with a gun force the with registered by. the Registrar of the said advance of Lieutenant-Colonel Cunningham's diocese of Rochester. . 'A. W. FitzRoy.. column up the Jong River, at times under-heavy fire from the banks. : 9. Lieutenant Commander Holmes, R.N"., Her War Office,.December 29, 1693. '. Majesty's ship "Alecto," who cooperated with following Despatches have been received Captain Hoskyns in the boat'expedition?, made a by the Secretary of State for the Colonies.:— reconnaissance to Bendu on the 19th May, and did •Government House, Fort Thornton, valuable service on the llth and 12th June by SIB, Sierra Leone, January l?i 1899. proceeding up the Bum-Kit tain River and rescuing I HAVE the honour to transmit for your a number of Sierra Leone women who had -been information, a Despatch, dated 9th instant, fro'm taken prisoners by the in'surgen';s. Colonel E. R. P. Woodgate, C.B., covering the 10. I beg to' bring to your notice also-the fol- whole of the operations connected with the sup- lowing Officer?, who have been specially mentioned pression of the recent disturbances in the Pro- for their services:—Lieutenant W. F. Benwell, tectorate. H-r Majesty's ship "Fox," Lieutenant >E. O. 2. I-bcg to commend to your most favourable Gladstone, Her Majesty's ship " Alecto,";lieu- notice the very valuable services which Colonel tenant G. H.Welch, Her Majesty's ship.'-Blonde," Woodgate has rendered to .this Government, .as Lieutenant E. W, Deuison, Her -Majesty's: ship THE, LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 29, 1899. 8651

" Blonde," Mr. W. W. Hardwick, Chief Engineer by Major Buck, 1st West India Regiment, who Her Majesty's ship " Blonde." with his company traversed a considerable portion 1 have,. &c. of the hostile district, and, after four days' march- : F. CARDEW, Governor.' ing and fighting, reached Karene. Casualties 2 The Bight Honourable J. Chamberlain, M.P., killed and 10 wounded. &c. &c. &c. From Karene he patrolled constantly, attacking hostile bodies and destroying stockades, with the result that the enemy soon ceased to give serious From Colonel Wbodgate, Commanding Troops, trouble in that immediate neighbourhood. In to His Excellency the Governor and Com- these operations he was materially aided by Major mander-in-Chief. Tarbet, Commanding the Frontier Police. Sierra Leone, On the 1st April Lieutenant-Colonel Marshall, Sin, . . Ja-uary 9, 1899. 1st1 West India Regiment, arrived at Port Lokko, I HAVE the honour to report to Your Excel- and took command in the district. Having lency on the -operations undertaken during the established his dep&ts, he organized a Flying past year in the suppression of rebellion in the Column and took the offensive, destroying hostile Protectorate of Sierra Leone: strongholds throughout the disturbed district, From the commencement of, the year 1898 which, owing to improved tactics, was accomp- gatherings of armed natives were reported in many lished with slight loss, and by the middle of May " parts io£ the country, ostensibly to resist a hut tax, there was but little resistance. Insurgent-chiefs but mot confined to'those districts in which it had were still at large and defiant,' but appear to have recently been-imposed. - 1 1 been deserted by their allies from other parts. In the Karene "District -they were headed by , Meanwhile^ in March, affairs became -disturbed Bai JBureh, a petty chief, but a man of influence in the adjoining district of Ronietta. In Kwaia and ability, and culminated on the 18th February traffic had been stopped on the Rokell River. in his successfully- resisting arrest by a small , Consequently Major Moore*, the Acting Di tr'.ct body of .the Sierra/Leone Frontier Police, while Commissioner, proceeded there on the 3rd from the-.'-District -'Commissioner, Captain Sharpe, Songo Town .with 40 Frontier • Police. He received warning that the insurgents would attack returned on; the 7th March, • having, it .was hisj station -at Karene, which -was not constructed thought, suppressed the disturbances. -They for.defence by a "small-party.-• :• broke.out again, however, in April, when Captain The force at> his disposal -consisted of- 75 ; Fairtlough, D.S.O., 4th Dublin Fusiliers, who Frontier Police and 25 Armed-- Messengers; the had taken over charge of -the -District, 'proceeded latter not highly trained.' To- enable him 'to there with 50 Frontier Police and'a force- of •" utilize all his men -in the district it was decided Friendly Natives, and effectually quieted it. He to send troops from Free Town to occupy Karene. met with considerable opposition, losing ,4: Accordingly Major Norris, 1st West India Friendlics"killed and 6 wounded. •" - - - - • •"•*• Regiment, was sent with his compamy (92 Non- On the 27th April a party of '25 Frontier Commissioned Officers-and men) a 7-pr. gun and Police under Captain Wallis were suddenly a Maxim and 30; days'-'supply.-^ •' • •• '• = : 1 1 attacked at R'atnbia on the Small Bum -River. -Leaving Free -Town. oft" the' 24th he disem- The insurgents were'iri'great numbers,'arid boat -during the night to Bonthe.' ' •• - ; • "• ! . At Karene, learning that the natives were This1 attack was coincident with a general rising openly.hostile^ he 'applied (by carrier pigeon) for throughout-the Mendi District-between the Ribbi more: troops (2 .'Companies to hold Port Lokko and Mano Rivers, a distance of 150 miles; em- and,Kar.ene,. and a third for offensive operations) ; bracing the Imperri, Panguma, Bandajuma and and on the 3rd March, leaving 20 of his men at Ronietla districts. Massacres of English-speak- Karene, marched with the remainder ''and 20 ing people ensued, including seven American police to Port Lokko to-secure it as a base of missionaries, one gentleman and four Indies- at operations. ... . • ' . Rotof unk, one gentleman and his wife at Thiama, • He met with resistance on the -road, casualties and several hundreds -of natives, while all -store- 2.Officers 8 rank and file'arid 12 carriers wounded. houses and factories in the disturbed area'wWe -On the evening ofsthe 5th a second company plundered and destroyeJ. • ' •• • - • • "-. 1st'West India Regiment'reached Port.Lobkd; I All communication with the District Commis- where', during the -day the natives had' made a J sioners and detachments of police in the R'onietta, desultory -attack-, >'i« consequence of which a Bandajuma, and" Pangohia-districts w^y'-ccrt off"; portipn of the t.own-lkriown- as'-Old Port Lokko had 1 1 teo'nthe; the sea-port of t.h'e-'Me'ndi country, was ' beeh,partially destroyed by shell fire. ' threatened with' immediate attack, and -Sierra ••;An. entrenched camp- was formed- at the Church Leone itself was thought to be in.danger.- • - Missionary Society's Station outside the town. " - . To meet' this, without •" suspending Lieuten'ant- '.The continued; "resistance - of. the-" insurgents Cotonel- Marshall's operations in the Karene under. Bai Bureh, aided'by neighbouring'chiefs-, district, there were available a garrison battery necessitated further* reinforcements 'being sent of 30 Europeans and- 70 natives, a few details'of from Free Town,-until-by the end'of April all the the. 1st" West India Regiment—Bandsmen and available' infantry

Northumberland Fusiliers, were dispatched' at the other 30 men. Hearing of the rebellion he once, and steps were taken to withdraw 100 of hurried back, covering the last 43 miles in 22 the 3rd "West India Regiment, two companies of hours, and reached his station in time to take part which had arrived during the month from St. in its defence, an attack having been made at Helena, and were at Port Lokko. 2.30 A.M. on the 4th May. This was successfully These proceeded to Bonthe on the 3rd May repulsed, also another on the 7th. with Lieutenant-Colonel Cunningham, D.S.O., of After this, with the aid of some friendly Chiefs, the Sherwood Foresters and West African Regi- Captain Carr was able to clear the country round ment. for a considerable distance, but was cut off from His instructions were to secure Bouthe and other posts until relieved by Lieutenant Safford relieve the District Commissioner's station at when his supplies were running short. Bandajuma. But for his promptitude Bandajuma might have Volunteer corps were formed at Free Town fallen, and it is due to the energy shown by him and Songo Town, both of which were said to be and Lieutenant-Colonel Cunningham, and the threatened j a small force of regular troops under officers under him, that this formidable rising of a Major Kennedy occupied the latter place, and tribe, reputed the most warlike in the Protectorate, steps were taken for the immediate protection of was quickly suppressed with slight loss by a few Free Town, in which there is a considerable police and troops, many of whom had been but Mendi population. recently enlisted. Her Majesty's ships " Blonde " and " Alecto " Kwalu and Bandajuma having been made secure proceeded to Bonthe with the troops. troops were available for the relief of the distant Two days later, the immediate danger having Commissioner's post at Pangoma, from which no passed, the special precautions in Free Town news had been received for nearly six weeks. were relaxed, and the town resumed its ordinary On the 9th June Lieutenant-Colonel Cunning- aspect. ham dispatched from Bandajuma 45 Frontier Preparations were next made for the relief of Police and a contingent of friendly natives under Kwalu, headquarters of the Ronietta district, Captain Eames, and on the 10th Captain Fairt- which had been twice attacked by insurgents, lough started from Kwalu for the same object who assembled at Taiama, a large stockaded town with 50 Police and a contingent of Yonnis. 20 miles distant from it. During his absence Kwalu was held by a I accompanied the Column, consisting of 13 detachment of the West African Regiment under European and 20 native gunners, with a 7-pr. Captain Crofton Atkins, Sherwood Foresters. 25 1st West India Regiment, 30 Frontier Police, The first-named column failed in its object and 100 West African Regiment, which, starting owing to losses sustained by the allies at a place from Songo Town on the 12th May, reached called Doidu. Both they and the carriers refused Rotofunk, after two' slight skirmishes, on the 14th. to advance further, and the police, encumbered There it halted for several day?, having learned with wounded, returned to Bandajuma. tl at the Kwalu garrison had repulsed an attack and Lieutenant-Colonel Cunningham then dis- was safe for the time, cleared the country round, patched 50 of the West Indians and some Police and collected supplies of which it was but poorly under Captain Woodman, 3rd West India Regi- provided, carriers not being obtainable then in ment. These, moving by a fresh route, reached Sierra Leone, owing, it was said, to recent losses Pangoma unopposed on the 27th June, left there among those in the Karene district. ammunition, provisions, and the police detach- It reached Kwalu on the 22nd May, and on the ment, and returned to Bandajuma with the West 24th, aided by Captain Fairtlough's Yonni allies, Indians. attacked and captured Taiama, a large stockaded The garrison under Captain Blakeney, the town, and the following day destroyed others in Commissioner, were well, but had been more or the neighbourhood, with vtry slight loss, after less closely invested by insurgents for several which the column returned to Free Town, leaving weeks. a small garrison of the West African Regiment Captain Fairtlough reached Pangoma on the at Rotofunk, and a supply of ammunition and a 23rd June, four days before Captain Woodman, 7-pr. gun at Kwalu. having met with much opposition, the insurgents Lieutenant-Colonel Cunningham, having or- offering at times considerable resistance, construct- ganized a column at Bonthe, proceeded on the 9th ing stockades, and blocking his road with felled May up the Jong R. in boats, towed by the trees. In his advance he captured Tungea and steam-cutter of Her Majesty's ship "Blonde," other stockaded towns, and forced the passage of meeting with some resistance. the broad Sehwa River. He was ably assisted by He d'sembark^d at Bop or, and on the 17th Captain Ferguson,4th Battalion Norfolk Regiment, reached Mafwe, where, on the 19th, he was Commanding the police detachment, particularly at attacked in force, defeating the insurgents with Moindu, where, to get boats for the remainder, he heavy loss. crossed the Schwa River in the face of the enemy From Mafwe he detached columns, one of on a small raft carrying six policemen.- which, under Lieutenant Saflbrd, 3rd West India After attacking and dispersing three separate Regiment, relieved Bandajuma on the 22nd. The bodies of insurgents round Pangoma, Captain same officer, with a party of 50 West Indians, Fairtlough returned by a fresh route to Kwalu, attacked later and destroyed the stockaded town again fighting most of the way, and reached it on of Bandesuma, while a similar detachment, under the 9th July. His losses during the month's Lieutenant Russell, of the 1st Battalion, captured operations were 3 Friendlies killed and 2 and destroyed Bompe Mendi, the principal Mendi drowned crossing rivers ; 6 Frontier Police, 4 stronghold in that district, and the centre where Armed Messengers, and 22 Friendlies wounded. the rising was arranged. In this action Lieutenant The distance marched was 180 miles ; the Russell was twice wounded. rainy season was at its worst, rivers flooded and At the time of the outbreak, Bandajuma, the ordinary streams broad swamps. District Commissioner's headquarters, was held After the relief of Pangoma disturbances ceased only by 21 Frontier Police under Captain Eames, throughout -the Mendi country, though some Captain C-rr (King's Own Yorkshire Light Chiefs maintained a threatening attitude for a Infantry), ihe Commissioner being away with time about Woroma on the Moa River. THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 29, 1899, 8653

During July small punitive expeditions were, operations. The large number of Police killed is with the assistance of the Royal Navy, landed to due to the number of detachments that were over- operate in the coast districts between Sierra Leone powered at the outbreak of disturbances. and Sherboro. Captain White, Her Majesty's The friendly levies at times lost considerably, fhip " Tartar," conveyed a party of Frontier but, save in the few cases I have mentioned, I Police who aided friendly natives in clearing of have no record of their casualties. insurgents the country between the Suliema and The gallant example of the District Commis- Mano Rivers, while parties of the West African sioners in maintaining, until relieved, the important Regiment under Captains Goodwyn and Carleton stations of Kwalu, Bandajuma, and Pan go ma, and were landed and did good service at Shenge and on the obedience and courage of their men saved the the Bumpe River, and between those places and Colony the cost of extensive operations, which Kwalu. would have been necessary for reconquest of the During July and August Major Ryde operating Protectorate had those places fallen. from Bonthe, where his half battalion (frur com- I take this opportunity of acknowledging the panies 3rd West India Regiment) was stationed, valuable aid we have received from time to time did good service in the Bendu and Impcrri from the Royal Navy, from Captain Compton, districts. , ° Commanding the Colonial Steamer " Countess of Turning to the Karene district. In July, the Derby," Mr. Bradford, and others employed on rains having made movements almost impossible, the Colonial Railway, Mr. Parkes, the Secretary the bulk of the 1st West India Regiment was for Native Affairs and other Officers of the withdrawn to Free Town, leaving small garrisons Colonial Government, of the Volunteers who at Port Lokko and Karene. enrolled themselves for defence of Free Town and In August these were supplemented by two Songo Town, also of the English ladies of Port companies of West Africans under Captain Lokko Mission Station, who kindly tended our Marescaux, Shropshire Light Infantry, who took sick and wounded. command in the district, and did good service in I have, &c., aiding the Commissioner to restore order. E. WOOD GATE, Colonel, Early in October it became necessary to with- Commanding Troops. draw the West Indians to Free Town. They were replaced by three companies West African Regircent, under Lieutenant-Colonel Cunningham, and the rains having subsided active operations were resumed for the capture of the The following is a list of th/ise Officers and Nod- rebel leaders. Commissioned Officers whose conduct appears Of these, Alimami Laliai, the mcst influential to be deserving of special mention :— next to Bai Burth, surrendered to Captain Brevet Lieuieuant-Colonel G. G. Cunningham? Robinson, of the Frontier Police, who for some D.S.O-, Derbyshire Regiment, West African Regi- time had pursued him closely. ment. Captain Goodwyn, with two companies of West Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. A. Marshall, West Africans, was placed in the heart of Bai Bureli's India Regiment. country, and gave the rebels no peace until that Caplain N. J. Goodwyn, Devonshire Regiment, chief was captured after many minor skirmishes West Afri"RTi Regiment. on the llih November by a party under his im- Captain F. M. Carleton, Royal Lancaster m< diate command. Regiment, West African Regiment. At the same time C.iptaiu Carleton, King's Major C. B. Morgan, We-t India Regiment. Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, with a West Lieutenant H. D. Russell, West Jnlia Regi- African Company, op ruted agdinst Bai Forki ment. . east of Port Lokko, in a district which 1 ad Lcen Major A. H. Thomas, Army Service Corps. previously but lit tie visited. He was hasupered Major R. Crofts, Ro}al Army Medical Corps. by being twice callod off to be in readiness for Lieutenant W. R. Howell, 1st Glamorganshire other 'dutle*, but succeed* d in dispersing the Volunteer Artillery, Sierra Ltone Volunteers. rebels, and Bai Fork', deserleJ by l.is fnllowers, Captain II. G. de L. Ferguson, 4th Battalion surrendered sh r:ly after to the District Com- Norfolk Regiment, Sierra Leone- Frontier Police. missioner. Captain E. C. D'H. Fairtlough, D.S.O., 4th The rapture of these chiefs brought the rebel Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers, District Com- lion to a close. The nativis appear to be return- missioner, Sierra Leone Protectorate. ing to their usual occupations, and peace seems to Captain W. S. Sharpe, 4th Battalion Royal have been restored throughout the Karene, Irish Rifles, District Commissioner, Sierra Leone Ronietta, and Mendi districts. Protectorate. Our losses during these operations have been : — Major A. F. Tarbet, 3rd Battalion South Lan- Imperial Troops.—4 Officers and 17 Non- cashire Regiment, Inspector-General, Sierra Leone Commissioned Cfficers and men killed or mortally Frontier Police. wounded, 14 Officers and 94 N on-Commissioned Major A. R. Stuart, R>yal Artillery, Com- Officers and men wounded. manding Royal Artillery. Frontier Police.—46 Non-Commissioned 0 (fleers Major E. S. C. Kennedy, West India Regi- and men killed or mortally wounded, 4 OQicers ment, Brigade Major. and 72 Non-Commissioncd Officers and men Major H. C. Buck, West India Regiment. wounded. Lieutenant H. T. Eckersley, West India Regi- Carriers.,—90 killed and_56 wounded. Regiment. Of the above the troops lost in the Karene Lieutenant N. E. F. Safford, West India Regi- district alone, 3 Officers, 8 Noa-Commissioned ment. Officers and men killed, 8 Officers and 61 Non- Captain 0. H. E. Marescaux, Shropshire Light Commissiohed Officers and men wounded. The Infantry, West African Regiment. Police lost in that district 1 man killed, 3 Officers Captain C. Dalton, Royal Army Medical Corps. and 32 Kon- Commissioned Officers and men Captain J. M. Harrison, Army Service Corps. wounded out of a total strength of 75. Most oJ Corporal Grcenidge, 1st Battalion West India the casualties occurred in the early stages of the •Regiment. 8654 THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 29, 1899.

Private Grant, 3rd Battalion "West India Regi- of our , and the Town Clerk of our ment. said city for the time" being ; Our trusty and well- Sergeant A. G. Wells, Army Service Corps. beloved Sir Forrest Fulton, Knt., Q.C., Common Sergeant B. Thomas, West African Regiment. Serjeant of our city of London, and the Common Serjeant of our said city for the time being ; Our. trusty and well-beloved George Pepler, Frederick Chancery of the Royal Victorian Order, Cox, Edward Eyre Ashby, John Edward Walford, St. James's Palace, December 26, 1899. James Norris Pimm, James Wallinger Goodinge, James George White, Frederick Dadswell, T-HE Queen has been graciously pleased to William Thornburgh Brown, Joseph Snowden, give orders for the following promotion in the George Harris Haywood, Esqrs., Sir Robert Royal Victorian Order: Hargreaves Rogers, Knt., Robert Parker Taylor, To be an Honoraiy Commander of the said Andrew Bowring, Henry Hodsoll Heath, John Royal Order, viz.:— Greenwood, William Charles Simmons, Pearse: 'Herr Reinhold Klehmet, M.V.O. Morrison, John Last Sayer, George Noah. Johnson, Samuel Parnwell, William Malthouse, Thomas John Woodrow, Frederick Stanley, . Foreign Office, December 28, 1899. Lewis Michael Myers, Joseph Barrett, Samuel THE Queen has been pleased, by Letters Weingott, Frederick William Pursell, John James Patent under the Great Seal, dated 28th Baddeley, William Henry Pannell, Esqrs., Deputies December, 1899, to revoke the Royal Charter of our city of London, and the Deputies of our dated 10th July, 1886, granted to the Royal said city for the time being ; Our. trusty and well- ' Niger Company Chartered and Limited, then the beloved Sir Sydney Hedley Waterlow, Bart., James National African Company Limited. Ebenezer Saunders, Esq., Sir Henry Aaron Isaacs, Knt., Sir Andrew Lusk, Sir James Whitehead, Barts., formerly Aldermen of our city of London ; Our trusty and well-beloved William George Downing Street, December 28, 1899. Barnes, William Cave Fowler, George Sims, THE Queen has been pleased, by Letters Robert William Scobell, Gabriel Lindo, John Patent, dated 21st instant, passed under the-Great Thomas Bedford, Whinfield Hora, James Lewis Seal of the , to further amend Dowling, Esqrs., formerly Deputies of lour city of the Letters Patent dated 16th September 1885, London; Our trusty and well-beloved James altering the Constitution of the Council^ of Pattison Currie, , Henry Government of the Colony of , and to Riversdale Grenfell, Esqrs.; Our right trusty and revoke and embody in the new Letters Patent the well-beloved Henry Hucks, Lord Aldenham ; Our provisions contained in the Letters Patent dated trusty and well-beloved John Saunders Gilliat, 3rd September 1894, and 4th June 1896, respec- Charles Hermann Goschen, Esqrs. ; Sir Mark tively, amending the said Letters Patent of the Wilks Collet, Bart.; Albert George Saudeman, 16th September 1885. , Esqrs.; Our right trusty and well-beloved Councillor ; Our trusty and well-beloved Herbert Brooks, Everard War Office, November 8, 1899. Alexander Hambro, Samuel Steuart Gladstone, THE Queen has been pleased to issue a new Augustus Prevost, Samuel Hope Morley, Charles Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, George Arbuthnot, Henry Cosmo Orme Bonsor, constituting and appointing the several persons William Middleton Campbell, Alexander Falconer undermentioned to be Her Majesty's Lieu- Wallace, Esqrs. ; Frederick Huth Jackson, tenants within the said City, viz.:—The Right Reginald Eden Johnston, , Honourable Sir John Voce Moore, Knt., Lord Walter Cuniffe, Robsrt Lydston Newman, Esqrs. j Mayor of our city of London, and the Lord Mayor Our right trusty and well-beloved John, Lord of our said city for the time being; Our trusty Revelstoke; Our right trusty and well-beloved and well-beloved Sir Jolin Whittaker Ellis, Bart., Evelyn Hubbard, commonly called the Honourable Sir Henry Edmund Knight, Knt., Colonel Sir Evelyn Hubbard, Edgar Lubbock, William Reginald Hanson, Sir Joseph Savory, Barts., Sir Douro Hoare, Henry Jeffreys Bushby, William David Evans, K.C.M.G., Sir Joseph Renals, Hughes-Hughes. Cornelius Lea Wilson, William Bart., Sir Walter Henry Wilkin, K.C.M.G., Fowler Mountford Copeland, Bonamy Dobree, Sir George Faudel Faudel - Phillips, Bart., William Henry Challis, Edward" Masterman, K.C.I.E., Colonel Sir Horatio David Davies, John Francis Moon, Stephen William Silver, K.C.M.G., Aldermen of our city of London \ Our John William Carter, Esqrs. ; Lieutenant- right trusty and well-beloved Councillor Sir Charles Colonel Travers Barton Wire, Sir Joseph Hall, K.C.M.Gr., Q.C., Recorder of our city of Sebag-Montefiore, Knt., James Duke' Hill, London, and the Recorder of our said city for the Edward Howley Palmer, Esqrs. ; Our right, time being; Our trusty and well-beloved Alfred trusty and well-beloved Councillor George Joa-" James Newton, Frank Green, Esqrs., Sir Joseph chim Goschen ; Our right trusty and well-beloved Cockfield Dimsdale, Sir Marcus Samuel, Sir Nathaniel Meyer, Lord Rothschild ; Our trusty James Thompson Ritchie, Krits., John Pound, and well-beloved Charles John 'Todd, Francis Walter Vaughan Morgan, William Purdie Treloar, Augustus Be van, Henry Alers Hankey, Robert, John Charles Bell, George Wyait Truscott, Malcolm Ken-, Percy Shawe Smith,"Alfred Charles^ Frederick Prat Alliston, Samuel Green, Esqrs., de Rothschild, Esqrs., Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Sir John Knill, Bart., Thomas Vezey Strong, James Copeland, William Sedgwick Saunders, Henry George Smallman, Thomas Boor Crosby, M.D., William Collinson, George Croshaw, Esqrs.; Esqrs., Aldermen of our city of London, and the Our right trusty and well-beloved Councillor Sir Aldermen of our said city for the time being ; John Lubbock. Bart. ; Our trusty and well- Our trusty and well-beloved Sir William James beloved Charles William Cookworthy Hutton, Richmond Cotton, Knt., Chamberlain of our city Francis Tagart, Esqrs., "Sir Edwin Durning Law- of London, and the Chamberlain of our said city rence, Bart., Samuel Henry Faudel-Phillips, for the time being ; Our trusty and well-beloved Oswald Augustus Smith, Eric C.arrington Smith, Sir John Braddick Monckton, Knt., Town Clerk John Fen wick-Fenwick, James Lionel Ridpath,