1n- and 2n-transfer with the Borromean nucleus 6He near the Coulomb barrier Avhishek Chatterjee, A. Navin, A. Shrivastava, S. Bhattacharyya, M. Rejmund, N. Keeley, V. Nanal, J. Nyberg, R.G. Pillay, K. Ramachandran, et al.

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Avhishek Chatterjee, A. Navin, A. Shrivastava, S. Bhattacharyya, M. Rejmund, et al.. 1n- and 2n- transfer with the Borromean nucleus 6He near the Coulomb barrier. Physical Review Letters, Ameri- can Physical Society, 2008, 101, pp.032701. ￿10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.032701￿. ￿in2p3-00291201￿

HAL Id: in2p3-00291201 http://hal.in2p3.fr/in2p3-00291201 Submitted on 27 Jun 2008

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A. Chatterjee,1, 2 A. Navin,1, ∗ A. Shrivastava,2 S. Bhattacharyya,1 M. Rejmund,1 N. Keeley,3, 4 V. Nanal,5 J. Nyberg,6 R.G. Pillay,5 K. Ramachandran,2 I. Stefan,1 D. Bazin,7 D. Beaumel,8 Y. Blumenfeld,8 G. de France,1 D. Gupta,8 M. Labiche,9 A. Lemasson,1 R. Lemmon,9 R. Raabe,1 J.A. Scarpaci,8 C. Simenel,3 and C. Timis10 1GANIL, CEA/DSM - CNRS/IN2P3, Bd , BP 55027, F-14076 Caen Cedex 5, France 2Nuclear Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400085, India 3DSM/IRFU/SPhN, CEA Saclay, F-91191 Gif sur Yvette, France 4Department of Nuclear Reactions, The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Ho˙za 69, PL-00-681 Warsaw, Poland 5DNAP, Tata Institute of Fundamental research, Mumbai 400005, India 6Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden 7National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824, USA 8Institut de Physique Nucl´eaire,IN2P3-CNRS, 91406 Orsay, France 9CRLC, Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AD, U.K. 10Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, U.K. 6 65 Angular distributions for 1n- and 2n-transfer are reported for the He + Cu system at Elab = 22.6 MeV. For the first time, triple coincidences between α particles, and characteristic γ rays from the target-like residues were used to separate the contributions arising from 1n- and 2n-transfer. The differential cross sections for these channels, elastic scattering, and fusion were analyzed using a Coupled Reaction Channels approach. The large measured ratio of the 2n/1n cross section and the strong influence of 2n-transfer on other channels indicate that the di- configuration of 6He plays a dominant role in the reaction mechanism.

PACS numbers: 25.60.-t, 24.50.+g, 25.70.Jj

Reactions near the Coulomb barrier have been shown nomenon observed in various fields of physics [13]. to be an ideal tool to study the effect of multidimensional Measurements of α-n coincidences in the 6He + 209Bi tunneling and obtain information about the structure of system at an energy of 22 MeV showed the relative dom- the interacting nuclei [1]. New features arising from the inance of the 2n channel [14, 15]. Reactions on medium- weak binding in nuclei far from stability in reactions mass targets are experimentally more challenging and are near the Coulomb barrier have been recently discussed also controversial with respect to the influence of weak [2]. Neutron-rich nuclei near the drip line, especially binding on the fusion process [16]. Theoretical treatment Borromean nuclei, offer a unique environment to study of reactions involving Borromean projectiles, especially neutron correlations at low densities, which are neces- at near-barrier energies, is a complex problem as calcu- sary inputs for models and the study of lations have to include the unbound spectrum of a four- neutron stars. Theoretical analyses suggest that at low body system. However, state-of-the-art continuum dis- neutron density strong spatial di-neutron correlations are cretized coupled-channel calculations taking into account expected [3, 4]. Such correlations have been theoretically the three-body nature of 6He [17, 18] or its simplification studied in two-neutron Borromean nuclei like 6He and as a 2n+α cluster [19] have been performed. These cal- 11Li [5]. The structure of the lightest two-neutron halo culations can presently compute only elastic scattering nucleus, 6He, with an inert α core and known α-n inter- and breakup; a theoretical formalism able to describe si- action has been investigated via a variety of techniques multaneously elastic scattering, transfer and breakup is [6–9], mainly at energies well above the Coulomb barrier. desirable but not yet available. The 2n/1n transfer cross section ratio can provide in- With the motivation of understanding the Borromean formation about the structural correlation of neutrons structure and its influence on reactions around the in 6He. The cigar shape, where the two neutrons lie Coulomb barrier, we report a novel triple coincidence on opposite sides of the α particle, should preferentially measurement of angular distributions of transfer channels populate 5He by 1n-transfer while the di-neutron con- with an ISOL beam. A first theoretical attempt, for Bor- figuration should be responsible mainly for 2n-transfer romean nuclei, towards understanding the importance of [10]. The recently reported charge radii of 6,8He provide coupling to transfer channels for elastic scattering and an independent method of studying correlations in these fusion is also presented. Borromean nuclei [11]. Michel et al. have investigated An intense (∼ 4 × 107 pps) 6He beam at an energy the Wigner threshold law in weakly-bound nuclei using of 22.6 MeV was obtained from the ISOL facility SPI- the Gamow shell model [12], showing the influence of RAL at GANIL. The target was a 2.6 mg/cm2 thick the Wigner cusp on the spectroscopic factors. Thus, the self supporting 65Cu foil, isotopically enriched to 99.7 study of transfer angular distributions with Borromean %. Beam intensities were measured with a high stability nuclei is of interest in the context of this general phe- current amplifier connected to a Faraday cup. The detec- 1200 a) Triple coincidence 30 EXOGAM Array Neutron Wall 1000 α-n-γ ❍ 0

800 66 y (mm) ❍ -30 Cu ∆ 600 65 -60 ▲ Cu -60 -30 0 30 ∆ x (mm) Si (∆E-E) 400

▲ ❍

Counts/0.5 keV ❍ ❍ ❍ 200 ▲ ❍ ❍ ▲▲ ▲▲ 4 ❍ ▲ He 0 b) 0 400 800 1200 1600 6He n Eγ (keV)

65Cu γ FIG. 2: (color online) Gamma spectrum in coincidence with 67 Cu α particles and neutrons obtained by selecting events outside 66Cu the region marked in the inset (see text). The inset shows a 2D plot of the difference in positions of the detected α particle 6 65 γ He Cu 5 He and neutron at the plane of the Si detector. 4He

n tral shape [23]. The measured efficiencies compared well with Monte Carlo simulations of the neutron array [22]. Eleven Compton-suppressed clover detectors at 14.7 cm FIG. 1: (color online) Schematic of (a) The experimental from the target were used to select the residual nuclei by setup. (b) Reaction mechanism for 2n- and 1n-transfer a measurement of their characteristic γ rays. Cross sec- tions for the evaporation residue channels were obtained from characteristic γ ray yields, following the method of tion setup (Fig. 1a) consisted of an annular Si telescope, Ref. [16]. The total fusion cross section was obtained the EXOGAM γ array [20] with 11 Compton-suppressed from the sum of the measured evaporation residue cross clovers, and a neutron array of 45 liquid scintillator ele- sections. Statistical model calculations using the code ments [21]. CASCADE [24] showed good agreement for all residues 66 66 Charged particles were detected and identified in an except Cu. The yield of Cu from fusion evaporation ≈ annular Si telescope comprising ∆E (∼ 50 µm) and E is negligible ( 5 %); it is produced mainly by 1n- and (∼ 500 µm) elements with active inner and outer diame- 2n-transfer (see also [16]). ters of 22 mm and 70 mm covering an angular range of Fig. 1b gives a schematic of the reaction mechanism, ∼ 25◦ to 60◦ at 2.5 cm from the target. The angular res- indicating that due to the Borromean nature of 6He the olution was ≃ 1.7◦. The solid angles of each ring/sector final state is similar in both 1n- and 2n-transfer. In both combination were determined both by simulations and cases we have a neutron, an α particle and γ rays from comparison with elastic scattering measurements on a the excited 66Cu residue. Transfer is a selective process, Au target. The energy resolution for elastically scattered peaking for a narrow window of matching conditions in particles was ≃ 300 keV. The neutron wall consisted of 45 the angular and linear momenta of the particles. In the hexagonal detectors at 55 cm from the target, covering ≃ present case, 2n-transfer leads to the formation of 67Cu 18 % of 4π [21]. The time of flight (TOF) was obtained with an excitation energy sufficient to evaporate one neu- with respect to the E detector of the annular telescope tron (isotropically), while 1n-transfer leads to states in with a resolution of ≃ 3 ns (corresponding to an energy 66Cu which decay by γ emission. Hence there is a kine- resolution of 270 keV at En=1.5 MeV). Neutrons were matic correlation (conditions on energies and emission separated from γ rays by two-dimensional gates in the angles) between α particles and neutrons for 1n-transfer TOF vs. pulse-shape discrimination plot and detected but not for 2n-transfer. Triple coincidences between n, at mean angles of 19◦, 30◦, 35◦, 47◦, and 57◦ with an α and γ rays from the excited 66Cu residue were used angular resolution of ±6.5◦. Small corrections for cross to deconvolute the 1n- and 2n-transfer contributions and talk between the neutron detectors were included [22]. eliminate projectile breakup. Extraction of the transfer Absolute efficiencies of the neutron detectors as a func- cross section was as follows. Events with conditions for tion of energy were determined from a comparison of the neutron, α particle and γ transitions in 66Cu were first measured neutron spectra from a 252Cf source placed at selected. These were then used to obtain the angles and the target position and the known multiplicity and spec- energies of the selected neutrons and α particles and their relative angles θnα and energies Enα. Population of the (a) 2n transfer − 5 3 1n transfer 3/2 ground state of He was verified from the measured 10 CRC (1n) correlation between θnα and Enα. For 1n-transfer, neu- CRC (2n) 2 trons and α particles are emitted by the breakup of 5He 10 in this state. Reaction kinematics restricts θnα to a maxi- (mb/sr) ◦ Ω 1

/d 10 mum value (θ0)of31 for these events. Such a directional σ d correlation is absent in the case of 2n-transfer where the 0 neutron arises by evaporation from excited 67Cu nuclei 10 (see Fig. 1b). Thus the region θnα >θ0 consists of events (b) Elastic scattering arising from 2n-transfer and the corresponding differen- 0 no coupling 10 tial cross sections were obtained by restricting to events 1n coupling 1n+2n coupling in this region. The region θ < θ0 contains contribu- nα ruth -1

σ 10 tions from both 2n- and 1n-transfer. Fig. 2 shows the / el sum of the added-back γ-ray spectrum in coincidence σ -2 10 with α particles and neutrons for θnα > θ0. Prominent transitions in 66Cu and those in 65Cu (arising from the -3 α2n fusion-evaporation channel) are indicated. The in- 10 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 set shows the division of the kinematic region in a two- θ cm(deg) dimensional plot of ∆x vs. ∆y, where ∆x and ∆y are the differences in position of the detected α particle and FIG. 3: (color online) Angular distributions for 6He + 65Cu. neutron at the plane of the Si detector. The central re- (a) 1n- and 2n-transfer; calculations for 1n and 2n-transfer gion (marked by a circle in the inset) represents the 31◦ are shown. (b) Elastic scattering; calculations with no cou- cone. Differential cross sections for 1n-transfer were ob- pling (dotted curve), 1n-transfer couplings only (dashed line) tained by subtracting the 2n-transfer contribution ob- and both 1n- and 2n-transfer couplings (solid line) are shown. tained from the yields outside the cone (scaled with the appropriate solid angles) from the total yields in this re- gion. The emission angle of 5He was approximated as the measured θα. The fraction of the solid angle of the action favors population of relatively high-lying states. neutron wall corresponding to the two regions, inside and However, the (2J +1)S values derived from an analysis of 65 outside the cone, was obtained from simulations. the Cu(d,p) reaction show a rather rapid decrease with Absolute cross sections were obtained from the known increasing excitation energy (below ∼3 MeV) [30]. Thus, 66 efficiencies, target thickness and integrated beam inten- a limited number of states in Cu were included. Con- 65 sity. Angular distributions for 1n- and 2n-transfer are figurations, spectroscopic factors and n+ Cu potentials − plotted in Fig. 3a; only statistical errors are shown, rang- were from Refs. [30, 31]. Transfer to the 3/2 resonance 5 ing from 2-3 % and 15-20 % for the 2n and 1n-transfer, of He only was included, with spectroscopic factor from 5 respectively. For 1n-transfer θ5He was assumed to be Ref. [32] and Woods-Saxon n+ He potential with radius equal to θα. The relative insensitivity of the extracted parameter r0 = 1.25 fm, diffuseness a = 0.65 fm, and a cross sections to the precise value of θ0 was verified by spin-orbit component of the same geometry and a depth repeating the analysis with a 5◦ variation. The elastic of 6 MeV. scattering angular distribution is shown in Fig. 3b. Inclusion of 2n-transfer in the calculation is more chal- Coupled Reaction Channel (CRC) calculations [2] were lenging, the Q-value for this reaction favoring high-lying performed using the code FRESCO [25] to understand states in 67Cu. The Q-matching condition, together with the angular distributions and the role of channel coupling the fact that no γ rays for transitions in 67Cu were ob- in the various processes. The full complex remnant term served, suggests that if the mechanism is conventional and non-orthogonality correction were included. Cou- transfer only states above the 1n separation threshold in pling to breakup channels was not considered, based on 67Cu (9.1 MeV) but below the 2n threshold (16.2 MeV) a lower breakup contribution (as compared to transfer) should be considered. Two-step sequential transfer was observed in [26] and the reduced importance of Coulomb omitted, as attempting to include it would increase the breakup for this lower Z target. Entrance and exit chan- number of unknowns in the calculation. Due to the lack nel potentials consisted of double-folded real and interior of information on high-lying states in 67Cu we extrapo- Woods-Saxon imaginary parts. The M3Y effective inter- lated the similarity of the low-lying spectra of 65Cu and action [27] and 6He and 5He matter densities from Refs. 67Cu observed in (p,t) reactions [33] to higher excita- [28] and [29], respectively were used to calculate the real tion energies. Transfer to states in 67Cu from 10.9 to potential. The Woods-Saxon potential parameters were: 14.3 MeV, with spins, parities and excitation energies of × 1/3 1/3 65 W = 50 MeV, R =1.0 (Ap + At ) fm, a =0.3 fm. known states in Cu [34] was included. A di-neutron-like The positive Q-value of the 65Cu(6He,5He)66Cu re- cluster structure for these states with the lowest possible 2n angular momentum relative to the 65Cu was assumed. successful application for a low-energy ISOL beam of The 2n+65Cu potentials were of Woods-Saxon form, ra- triple coincidences between α, neutrons and γ rays from dius R =1.25×(21/3 +651/3) fm and diffuseness a =0.65 the target-like residue and their angular correlations was fm; all spectroscopic factors were set to 1.0. The form used to obtain uniquely the 1n- and 2n-transfer angular factor for the 2n+4He overlap of 6He was from Ref. [35]. distributions. The present work shows that the main con- The optical potential was the same double-folded plus tribution to transfer is due to the 2n component, thereby Woods-Saxon combination as in the other channels, with indicating [10] the dominance of the di-neutron structure 4He matter density derived from the charge density [36]. in 6He. 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