1905.- Congressional Record-Sen Ate
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1905.- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2223 mffit or railwrry rates-to the Committee ori Interstate and that State; wbicb were referred 'to the Committee on Coin- Foreign Oommerce. meree. · ' Also, petiti<m -of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, fav.oring 1\!r. FULTON presented a. petition of ·sundry allotted Indians amendment .Of the interstate-commerce law r-elative to freight of too Siletz Indian Reser-vation, praying that an a-ppropriati.on rates-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. of .$3,000 be made to rebuild a sawmi11 recently burned on that Also, petition of G. W. Perkins, of the Cigar l\1akel'S' Inter reservation ; which was referred to the Committee .on Indian national Union, Chicago~ IlL, against tariff reduction on tobacco Affairs. - and cigars from the Philippines-to the Comm:ittee on Ways and Mr. PLATT of ·... :rew York presented sundry telegrams, in tile U eans. nature .of petiti<>ns, fmm eitizens of Albany, Randolph, -James AI o, petition of tile Manufacturers' Association of New York, town, Fredonia, Gowanda, Cattaraugus, and Little ValJey, alt relative to law for punishment for fi:>rg-ery of trade-marks-to in the State of New YOTk, praying for the eimctment of legisla the Committee on Patents_. tion p-roviding that rmy all(:}tments which may be made of the Al o, petition of the Southern Branch of the National Dental Osage Reservation in Qk1aborna Territory shall be made subject Assoeiution, favoring pending bill for reorganization tOf the to the terms and conditions of a certain lease dated March l6, army dental corps on a commissioned basis-to the Committee 1896; which were referred to the Committee on Indian Affa±rs. on Military A.ffuirs. He also presented a statement· of facts 1n relation to the so AI o, petition of Order 9f Railway Conductors, Divisi-On No. called n Foster .Qil and gas lease " of the O~ge Reservation, 54, -of New Yo1•k City, favoring bill H. R. '704:1-to the Commit showing the development under the lease and subleases and the tee on the Judiciary. reasons why in equity, taking into consideration the rights .of Also, petition of Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, State the Indians and the whites, the lease sbould be renewed; which legislative hoard, meeting at Alhany~ N. Y., favoring bill H. R. was referred to the Committee ()n Indian Aft'airs. 7041-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. lf10STER of Washington presented a petition of the leg Al. o, petition of the Merchants' Association of New Y.ork islative committee of the American Federati-On <Of Labor, of Cit~r, favoring material reduction of tariff on Philippine prod Washington, D. -C., praying for the enactment of legislation ucts-to the Committee on Ways and Means. providing for free lectures to the people of the District of Co By Mr. WACHTER: Petition of the Baltimore Women's lumbia; which was referred to the Committee on the District Christian TempeTance Union, against sale of liquor on Govern · of Columbia. ment premises-to the Committee on Military Mairs. M~. WET:M-QRE presented a resolution of the general assem Also, petition .of the East Washington Citizens' Association, bly of Rhode Island, re!ative to the· improvement of the postal relative to improvement of Pennsylvania avenue-to the Com service; which was read, and referred to the Committee on mittee on the District of Columbia. PQst-Qffiees rrnd Pqst-Road£;, as follows : State of Rhode Island, etc: In general assembly, January session, A. D. 1905. Resolution recommending to Congress th.e prussage ot " House of Representatives bill No. 15083," now pending before SENATE. Congress. Whereas the eltlzens .or the State of Rhode Island are deeply in· terested in eyerything that relates to the improvement of the postal FRIDaY, Februa:ry 10, 1905. service; 1:t11d Whereas the proposition embodied in House of Representatives bHl Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EuwARD E. HALE. No. 15-983, now pending befo~:e Congress, .consolidating third and fourth Tbe Secretary pro.ceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's class ma1'1 matter (the book and merch.andlse post) at the third-class rate, 1 cent per eaeh :! ounces, or 8 .cents per pound, which is ou.e-halt proceedings, when, on the .request of Mr. GALLINGER, and by the present merchandise rate, has been urgently Tecommended by the unanimous consent, the further reading was dispe-nsed with. Po t-OJfiee Department in the interest both of the post-offi.ce and the 'l'he PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal will stand ap- public: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the gene-ral assembly of Rhode Island, by Its con prored. current >rE$-Olution, .asks 1ts Se-nators ruui Representatives in Congress READING OF WASHINGTON'S FABEWELL ADDRESS. to do all they justly can to secure the passage of " House of Repre sentatives Bil No. 15983," and the secretary of state is hereby in· Tile PRESIDENT pro tempore appointed Mr. PERKINS to structed to send a eopy of this rcsQlution to the Senators and Repre- read Washington's Farewell Address February 22, under the sentatives In Congr~s from Rhode Isiaud. , resolution of the Senate of Deceniber 20, .1898, providing that - · STATE _OF RHODE ISLAND, 0FFIC.E OF THE SECRET..utY OF STATE,. the address shall be read on Washington"s Birthday, immedi~ Providen-ce, Fe1Jruarv 8, 19rJ5. n tely after the reu.ding of the J ou.rnal. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a: true copy of a resolution passed by the ~eneral assembly of said State on the 3d day of' Febru- VISITORS TO WEST POINT. ary, A. D. 190o. , . The PRESIDENT pro tempore appointed Mr. DEPEW and Mr. In testiJ;nony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the State aforesaid, the date and year first above w1·itten. CULBERSON members of the Board of Visitors on the part of the [SEAL.] . CHARLES P. BENNETT, Senate to attend the next annual examination of cadets at the .Secretary of· State. Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., under the requirements Mr. WETMORE presented a resolution of the general as of section 1327 ot the Revised Statutes of the United States. sembly of Rhode Island, relative to the ena-ctment of legisla . VISITORS TO ANNAPOLIS. tion providing for a more efficient inspection of steamships The PRESIDENT pro tempore appointed Mr. Drc-K and 1\Ir. and :Other vessels ; which was refer-red to the Committee on l\IcG'REARY member of the Board of Visitors on the part of the Commerce, and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows : Senate to .attend the next annual examination of cadets at the State of Rhode Island, etc. In general assembly, January session, A .. -D. 1905. Resolution recomm.ending to Congr~ss the passage of an Naval Academy at Annapolis, 1\ld. ., under the requirements of act providing for a more efficient inspection of steamships and other the act Qf February 14, 1879. vessels. Whereas the unfortunate " Slocum disaster," and the investigation MESSAGE ;FROM l"HE HOUSE. which followed, publicly revealed the faet of the manifest inefficiency A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. C. R. of the Governm1lnt inspection laws relating to steamships, steamers, and vessels of all kinds ; and • McKENNEY, itS enrolling clerk, announced that the House bad Whereas Rhode Island is deeply interested in reguJar lines of pas ed the following bills; in which it requested the concur 'Steamship and steamboat travel, together with -excursion steamers ren-ce of the Senate : that yearly carry more than seven times the entire population of our State, the most rigid inspection of all floating craft and examina H. R.. 17331. An act relating to a dam across Rainy River; tion of applicants for positions, uuder adequate laws to be enacted. H. R. 18279. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Inte- should be enforced, humanely so, for the protection of life, limb, and rior to accept the conveyance from the State of Nebraska of cer property : Therefore be it Reso,ved, That the general assembly of Rhode Island,- by its con tain described lands and granting to .said State other lands in current resolution, ask its Senators and Representativ~s in Congress lieu the-reof, and for other purposes ; to do all they justly can to secure the passage of "resolution recom - H. R. 1858S. An act to supplement and amend the act entitled mending to Congress the passage of an ~ct providing for a more effi..cient inspection -of ·steamships and other yessels," and the secre ·"An .act to regulate commerce," apl)ro>ed February 4. 1887; and tary of state is hereby instructed to send a copy of this resolution - H. R. 18728. An act ·to authorize the board of supervisors of to the Senators and Representatives in Congress frQm Rhode IslaM Berrien County, Mich., to construct a bridge . across the St. ' STATE OF RHODE ISLAl\'D, Josepll River, near its mouth, in said county. 'OFFICE QF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, Providence, February 4, 1905. PETITION3 AND. Mln!ORIALS. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of a resolution passed by the general assembly of ~ State on the 1st day ot 1\lr. BERRY presented petitions of sundry citizens of Devero, February, A. -D. 19-05. Batesville, :Mount Olive, Buffalo, Calico Rock, and Cushman, all In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed in the State of Arkansas, · praying that nn appro_priatibn be the seal of the State aforesa1d the date a:nd year first above written.