LAT 426/526 ROMAN HISTORIANS F2014 Prof. Philip Waddell 5:00 – 6:15pm MoWe Modern Languages, Rm 203 214 LSB (520) 621-7418
[email protected] Office Hours: MW 3-4 (and by appt.) REQUIRED TEXTS: 1. Sallust, Bellum Catilinae, ed. J.T. Ramsey (American Philological Association, 2007) 978-0195320855 2. Livy, Ab Urbe Condita Book XXI , ed. P.G. Walsh (Bristol, 1991) 978-0862921781 3. Tacitus, Annales IV, ed. R. H. Martin and A. J. Woodman (Cambridge, 1990) 978-0521315432 RECOMMENDED TEXTS: In addition to the assigned texts, one should always have the following types of works to aid translation and understanding: Translations I have ordered to the bookstore a translation of each of the above texts, which should be more accurate and closer to the Latin than many others. 1. Sallust, Catiline’s War, The Jugurthine War, Histories, trans. A. J. Woodman (Penguin, 2008) 978-0140449488 2. Livy, The War with Hannibal: The History of Rome from Its Foundation, Books XXI-XXX, transl. Aubrey de Selincourt (Penguin, 1965) 978-0140441451 3. Tacitus, Annales, transl A. J. Woodman (Hackett, ) 978-0872205581 Commentaries: Aside from the excellent commentaries of Ramsey and Woodman and Martin, the most thorough commentaries are 1. Karl Vretska, C. Sallustius Crispus, De Catilinae Coniuratione, 2 vol. (Heidelberg, 1976) 2. Patrick McGushin, C. Sallustius Crispus, Bellum Catilinae (Leiden, 1977) 3. Erich Koestermann, Cornelius Tacitus; Annalen, vol 2 (4-6) (Heidelberg, 1963-68) Dictionaries: In the unlikely event that you do not possess a good Latin dictionary, I suggest: Chambers Murray Latin-English Dictionary (978-0550190031). Regardless, your dictionary should have citations to authors and examples of usage.