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5-23-1963 The Advocate - May 23, 1963

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Recommended Citation Catholic Church, "The Advocate - May 23, 1963" (1963). The Catholic Advocate. 263. The Advocate

OftlcUl Publication of the Archdiocese of Newark, N. 4, and Diot-ese of Paterson, N. J.

Vol. 12, No. 22 THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1963 PRICE: 10 CENTS Cardinal Mindszenty Fate Still in Doubt

ROME No (NC) quick the Papal Secretariat of State, no means certain thal the Car- solution is in the of likely case was surrounded at the dinal would voluntarily relin- Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty, with airport unusual security quish his post as Archbishop according to the Austrian- Car- messures, which led several of Esztergom and Primate of dinal who him in Buda- saw news agencies to report mis- Hungary. pest in mid-April and has ar- takenly that Cardinal Minds- • The Cardinal might sim- rived nere to report on their zenty had arrived here. ply stay in the legation. But interview. ' Msgr. Casaroli has seen no the Cardinal will some day FranziskUs Cardinal Koenig newsmen and has made no die and the governments con- of Vienna that told newsmen comment on his activities. cerned will have to face the factors many are involved in The arrival of the two prel- problem of the Cardinal's fu- Church-State negotiations in ates in the face of conflicting neral. which could be an oc- Red Hungary concerning the reports from Hungary has casion for a popular uprising possible departure of the Hun- touched off renewed specula- against the Bed regime. garian Primate from the U S. tion about the terms of the

legation there LIVING ROSARY - Students from departure of the Hun- JOHN received Cardi high schools and hospitals in the Arch- diocesan Councils of Catholic possible Men and Women. Over 30,000 But Cardinal said the garian diocese of Newark form people Koenig primate from the U.S. nal Wyszynski in a private a living of the first annual Marion attended the held rosary holy rally 19 at Roosevelt lit negotiations about Cardinal legation. May Stadium, Jersey City, audience 20. the second hour, the Youth and the Arch- May co-sponsored by Catholic Organization theme church business But was Mindszenty are “the absolute silence is being time the two had met in two unity. of the Vatican" declined and maintained by all Vatican of- weeks. Other prelates greeted 30,000 Attend to comment on his role in ficials who have termed the by the Pontiff following the au- them. Asked to his "very delicate" and dience give opin- matter were Archbishop Antoni ion about the possible future who have been unwilling to Baraniak of Poznan. Archbish- Cardinal arrival of Mindszenty risk upsetting any possible un- op Boleslaw Kommek for Bres- Hails in Rome, he "1 do lau (Wroclaw) Archbishop said only: derstandings by premature and Bishop not believe there will be a comment. Franciszek Jop for Opole solution ." rapid The Italian news agency REPORTS FROM Budapest ANSA that Czechoslo Success SHORTLY reported BEFORE Car. May 15 slid an agreement of ' Rally akia has approached the Holy dinal Koenig's arrival, a high bad been reached that would See for parelleling NEWARK Archbishop Bo- negotiations 1 am confident that she will Vatican official returned here allow the Cardinal to come the current land talks between the this week grat obtain for many blessings con- expressed us from Budapest where he to Rome. Parties to the agree- Vatican at and Hungary ification the "magnificent" from her divine Son to show ferred with Church and State ment. reports said, were com- Vatican sources would neith- attendance at the Marian her of Holy appreciation in return authorities. The arrival munist Hungary, the er confirm nor the re- Hour held at Roosevelt Sta- deny "May we make use of the Nsgr. Agostino Casaroli, Un- and the US. port. but one source said that dium. 19 Jersey City, May pages of The Advocate to ex dersecretary for Extraordin- The following day a Hun- the approach, if true, "would a our own in In letter to Msgr John J press deep gratitude ary Ecclesiastical Affairs garian government source re- seem to fit into the new cli- for Kiley, executive director of the ready and splendid re portedly denied knowledge of mate" developing between the The Advocate, he said he was tpons* to our appeal to make such an l-S agreement and a and coun- Vatican communist annual "sure that Our Blessed Ijdy is this arrhdioc-eian tnb Collection legation spokesman stated that tries greatly with this out uie to Our Blessed Mother the legation had not taken part pleased "Czechoslovakia also desire* pouring of love and filial devo worthy m every respect of the in any negotiations with the to start the conversation with she tion from the heart* of our place holds in our hearts Church or Hungarian Is Ordered govern Vatirait to examine the same archdiocese Me are thankful to all the authorities. meat problems which being are ne religious and More than JO.OUI at- Bishops, priests, Other reports reaching here gotiated between and people Hungary who so tended the rally at which the laity notably cootrtbut For Pavilion from Vienna and Budapest the Holy See," the ANSA story ed to the success of Archbishop crowned a statue gratifying centered on stones that Car- said ' our May of Our Ijidy. Day NEWARK A collection dinal Mindszenty has set eer Meanwhile, the official Pol- "A special word of appre wilt be taken in all tain rigid conditions for his ish press agency (PAP) re- up THE IRCHRIhHOP'S letter nation is due to Father Ed- churches of the Archdiocese leaving the legation. ported May It that Janos Ka follows ward J Hayduk aod the com- 26 to The the dar and of Newark May help de- Cardinal, 71. entered Wladyslaw Gornulka. Marian the "Our Rally m mittees for their painstaking the the of construc- American legation in Buda communist chiefs of Hun- fray expenses Roosevelt Stadium. Jersey and eminently efficient work, tion of the Vatican Pavilion pest Nov. 4. 1956 —a refugee gary and Poland, met secretly City, oo Sunday. May 19, was to the pastor* and priests for at the 1964 World's Fair. from Soviet forces quelling in Poland for two days a glorious success The weath their parochial representation, In a letter read at all Hungary's short-lived rebellion A reaching V ienna report er wa* ideal, th* a(tendance to the moderators of the Arch Maaaea Archbishop against communist govern said that their talks centered May 19, magnificent, thn obvious rev- dmresoa Councils of Men. meat. \nti communists had on the Boland said that Pope John developing adjustment erence of stl present deeply Women and Youth for Oseir freed the Cardinal tmky four of relations thpOmreh m with Impressive T am sum (hat Our tpnnsorship. aod to the county earlier from the Catholic Picture 2 days Jail predominantly Po- Blessed Lady it greatly and Pogs pleas city police for their very was a where he serving Ule land and Hungary with courteous Text Pag* IS ed this outpouring of love and capable direc- sentence and filial devotion from the tion of the unusually heavy IN WASHINGTON, the State There to be only four “ appear hearts of our archdiocese and traffic XXIII had manifested a deep Department believe* the Hun- possibilities in the future for interest in the fair, which is garian communist government Cardinal Mindszenty dedicated to the theme of is seeking to achieve "some • He could be restored to "Peace Through Understand- sort of accommodation with See and to his permitted ” Council to Discuss ing," and was anxious for the Vatican SOIEMN MOMENT - The entrance of the Blessed Sacrament at the archdioceson Marian govern Tt under the same dif- the Church to be a This belief lx in par- expressed holy hour 19 ot Roosevelt Stadium. is attended honor ficulties and restrictions which May Jersey City, by on guard ticipant. a Stale Department memoran- of the fourth hamper the other Bishops in degree, Knights of Columbus. Rev. James l. Mills of St. Paul's, Green- “In asking the American dum on "the changing attua- Problems the country. The likelihood of World's ville. carries the Host. Bishops to support this proj- tion in Hungary" which ap- this outcome is slight. ect. the Holy Father has given peared to reflect a possible re- • The Cardinal could leave NEW YORK (NO - The This schema will take up unmistakable evidence of his assessment of U.S policy on In Letter hun- Papal the U.S. legation and be per- Second Vatican Council wilt such issues as population, personal interest by directing Hungary. in in oo na- mitted to live Hungary speak out peace and war. ger. race, the developing that the famed ‘Pieta* of Ml- The memorandum was is- complete retirement, avoiding l.eo Cardinal Suenena of Brut tions. the Church and Indivi- chaelangelo he placed on ex- sued amid reports that th* attempt to exercise his aels has disclosed dual, the and culture, hibition at the Vaticaff Pavi- any U.S. it considering reestablish- and Methodius m'nistry or influ- and the Church awl social and lion." the said. episcopal ing full relations The Belgian Cardinal, here SS. Cyril Archbishop diplomatic out ence the life of the Church. to of economic zffair*. he said in The Archbishop pointed with Hungary, interrupted at address a meeting the an It is unlikely that Cardinal committee United interview that the Church, through this the time of the abortive Hun- V S for the the to Mindszenty would be willing recent The Cardinal is bead of exhibition, will be brought garian revolt in 1956 Since Nations on the papal to accept such an re- commission drafting this Called ‘Pillars of 70 imposed Pacem in the attention of over mil- (hen Uie U.S haa been rep- pear* encyclical Unity’ tirement. schema. lion people.,? The pavilion's resented in Budapest only at Terns, said the council will war a overall theme will be "The • He could leave Hungary the charge d'affaires level The deal with peace and in AT NOTRE D \ME. where VATICAN cm’ (NC) - council and of great desire for a change in the attitude of Church Is Christ Living in the permanently under safe-con- statement made no mention of special schema on vital world he received an honorory de- SS Cyril and Methodius, who Christian unity. At the same their rulers which w# trust World." duct guarantees. But it is Cardinal Mindszenty. by problems. brought gree. Cardinal Suenens de- Christianity to the time. Pope John laments that will come about the tem- Slav, clared 'hat the main problem are "pillars of unity'' the Faith that was brought pest will be transformed into to be facing tne Church it "to make whose intercession is to the Slavic peoples by the a calm breeze. " Warns Selective Use passive Catholics active sought for the reunion of two saints is today reviled by of ofEncyclical Catholics have no right, he Christendom, according to many. said, "simply to accept their Pope John The Pope reviewed the life Omits By ED GRANT substantiate their particular Guild of St. the Worker International of Pope Joseph Development faith, hut must it to and aposiolate give The Pope's view of the saints of the two BLOOMFIELD - The dsn views" was pointed out by and the Catholic Apos- Paterson Family " saints others was revealed in the text of s who were twin brothers. ger of setting the Rev. Edwin V. Sullivan a tolate. up encyclical at the symposium also THE ARCHBLSHOP said Speaking at an outdoor con- 2,600 word letter Audiences Pacem in Terris "dis- 15 Sacred apostolic ass symposium May at heard from Archbishop Roland AFTER URGING all Slavic that the of the en- vocation, the Cardinal said play counter" from which Heart School here. purpose commemorating the Uth cen- and from Gerald Mlsche, who bear the name of a “to people was to create an at- Christians have duty tenary of the who Popa can "select to the founder cyclical pair people phrases Sponsored jointly by of the Association for Christian io raise their "eyes earth. know God ind make Him mosphere for peace on to traveled from Constantinople to John has canceled his privsta ami minds to these holy and The fact that th# encycli- known, to love God and to spread the Faith throughout audiences for nine d»vs begin- heavenly helpers as to friendly cal addressed to "all men make Him loved, to serve God was the Slavic regions of Europe, ning May 24. a period during stars,” the turned again and to make Him served" Pope of good will" rather than just which he will make a "spir- to the matter of unity. to Catholics was. in itself, itual retirement." "You know, venerable "extraordinary." he said. See Text 6 The announcement followed Page brothers,” he "that with He said he was moat im- Ordain 67 said, reports that the Pontiff, ailing fervent we have the presaed by encyclical’s since last fall, had suffered striven and labored so that that "peace must com# point The letter was addressed to another of weakness. the Easterners who in spell from (he individual and his On glory May 25 "the Bishops of the Slav na- the name of Christian who are Audiences with his Vatican with God. with his peace peace tion* in peace and communion NEWARK - aides will be those There will he separated from the commun- among neighbor and finally peace with 67 the Apostolic See." priests ordained in the four ion of the See which are to be canceled, al- with hit government. Peace Apostolic may cathedrals of New be zealous toward reestablish- no were an- must be rooted in the order of Jersey May THE LETTER’S opening though plans 25. the of them ing it and that nounced omit audi- God Implanted In the hearts majority by words, "Magnifici Eventus" by gradually to public Archbishop Roland at Sacred the of ences. of men." (glorious event), are found in fulfilling prayer Christ, Heart Cathedral here in a 9 the unity of one flock and one the first sentence: "In the hid- The “spiritual retirement" FATHER SULLIVAN, pro- a.m. ceremony. be realized." den design of God’s Provi- Shepherd may was said to have been planned feasor of sociology at Seton The Archbishop will confer dence, the centennial celebra- The Pope noted that "be- as a preparationfor Pentecost. said that the the of the Hall, encyclical dignity priesthood tion a cause one of glorious event is tak- easily tires in There has been no firm in- will be of little benefit unless on 35 deacons, all but one of ing place at the moment when carrying on the effort for dication that the Pontiff's spell it la treated at a whole. "The them graduates of Immaculate the Second Ecumenical blessed Coun- unity, there are teach- of weakness Is related to the human person it the whole: Conception Seminary. The ex- cil of the Vatican is ers and patrons to from being spur one on. gastric ailment and sever* his of is a New resi- equality dignity ception Jersey held." SS. and who, Cyril Methodius anemia which incapacitated and social nature flow impera- dent being ordained for the The Pope repeatedly turns like two lights in the heavens, him while the ecumenical tives in the political, social Diocese of Charleston, S.C, to this theme that the illuminate the road which council !n and cultural life of men." cen- upon was progress. and has these To this BISHOP JAMES J. tenary of SS. Metho- one begun. Surely purpose, he said, the Navagh Cyril will ordain 10 deacons at St. dius is particularly opportune two holy pillars of unity are POPE JOHN also took a rest Pope hat set hnnsclf the task for John's Cathedral, Paterson, in at this time of the ecumenical praying much all the Holy from his busy round of audien- of speaking to the modern a 9 a m. Of this City which is the Church and ces 17 and 18. mind with age-old principles ceremony. May nine arc graduates of for all the peoples entrused made pertinent to a modern group Contrary to custom, no pri- Immaculate to their care." setting. "Whether Conception Sem- vate audiences scheduled or not we Deadline were and one is a Bcnedictfne Early for those “Tabella” •re post-modern men in a inary two days. from St. Mor- TURNING TO THE subject post-Christian era it an ex- Mary'a Abbey, audiences, that is. routine con- For of ristown. Next Issue oppression of the Faith in ferences with the Cardinals ercise of the Imagination. We, of In Slavic the the of Camden, Archbishop Cel- some nations, Pope the Curia and other officials Myitical Body Christ, The 30 Issue of The May aaid: alive estine J. Damiano will ordain of the Church’s central admin- are now, in the present Advocate will go to press 20 deacons 9 a.m. in Im- flay, and must analyze our so- at "In many of their countries, istration. wore also canceled. ENCYCLICAL SEMINAR one day early because of Archbishop Boland for the seminar looks over the progranj cial to make that maculate Cathe- these blessings the setting Body Conception the Memorial heavenly No official announcement on John XXIII's "Pacem in Day holiday. Pope encyclical, 15 at Sacred Heart In the future.” five of them from th* received Terris," held May operative dral, gifts from their an- was made about the cancela- School Parish, club and Institu- auditorium, Bloomfield. With him are, seated, left to Rev. Edwin V. North Jersey area. right, Sulli- cestors and the noble name tions, and Vatican spokesmen of Seton FATHER SULLIVAN tional news publication van Hall and Rev. out- Bishop George W. Ahr of for, of Christian University, Aloysius J. Welsh, director of the Pope Plus XII are sadly con- would make no comment lined the major Trenton In that issue must be sub- Institute of Social Relations; left relationships will ordain two dea- demned. heaven about standing, to right, Joseph Puzo of the International May grant them. But it was be- of which the encyclical mitted by 4 p.m. on Friday, Union of Electrical 9:30 a.m. in St. Mary's that shame be felt for de- lieved Workers, Wilma Supik of the Record and Gerald Mische may that the Pope took a Bergen of speaks: man's relationship CgtheAral, Trenton, one of May'24. what should be Association for Internationa! Development. spising es- rest on the advice ol (Continued on Page 2) them from Nvth Jersey. teemed and loved and that, by his physicians. 2 THE ADVOCATE May IS, IMS People in the News

Bishop Allen 1. Babcock of of the Vatican Grand has been Rapids, Mich., basilica, will represent Pope elected president of the Michi- John at ceremonlea in Paris Catholic Conference. June gan 19-23 marking the 800th Very Rev. Raymond A. anniversary of Notr* Dame Rocsch, S.M., president of the Cathedral. University of Dayton, has been Thomas A. Brennan, a New appointed by Army Secretary York labor attorney, has been Cyrus R. Vance to represent named first recipient of the the National Catholic Educa- Catholic Institute of the Press' tional Association on the Army Richard Reid Award, named ROTC af- Advisory panel on for the late editor of the Cath- fairs. olic News.

Maurice Cardinal Feltln of Bernard Cardinal Alfrlnk of Paris marked his 80th birth- Utrecht, The Netherlands, was day. awarded his country’s Grand Cross of tiie Order of Orange Dr. Edward R. AnnJt, an Nassau. active Catholic layman in the in Miami Diocese, will be in- stalled (mum* as president of the . . . American Medical Association Rev. Leonardo June Murialdo, CONVOCVATION - The Paterson division of Seton Hall University held a convocation 18 and has been chosen Italian prir« who was an president-elect of the World as- sociate of St. John Bosco and tohonor the25th anniversary of the Diocese of Paterson May 17at the Alexander Medical Association. Students left, and founder of the Ciuppa, Robert Fischer, Pious Society of SETTING AT is Hamilton Hotel. Marie presented papers on on artist's of the Rev. Edward O'Rourke. Ex- St 'PIETA' FAIR - This rendering for of Turin. Born Oct. setting Michelangelo's Joseph "Pieto" be exhibited the the historyJ. of the diocese and the city. with them, left to right, are Auxiliary Bishop ecutive director to of Vaticon Pavilion ot the 1964 New York World's Fair. John Dougherty of Newark of the Nation- 28, 1828, in died there president of the James Turin; university, Bishop j. Navagh, In addition to the famed the al Catholic Rural sculpture, will feature o and Thomas J. Life Confer- May 30. 1900 Declared vener- pavilion gallery of Michelangelo; executive dean of the Paterson division. a Gillhooly, ence. has been named able statue of the Good Shepherd, an Christian a do- April 28. 1981. Sacred early sculpture from the catacombs; an mestic prelate with th* title of exhibition of life-siie color Congregation Rite* studied one-quarter transparencies of the Sistine Chapel, and a of right reverend two miracles collection of Vatican coins raonsignor attributed to his and stamps. The $2 million pavilion will include a chapel by John. Pope intercession tn his beatifica- for 350. A collection for the will be token pavilion in the Newark Archdiocese May 26. tion cause. Warns of Selectivity . . . Dr. William R. Welsh of from (Continued Page l) cyclical from the Georgetown medi- Blessed Nicholas viewpoint of to end the pessimistic University's Tavelie, with his fellow individual* view- m»n, the cal school hat Guam Storm developing nation* to point that has received th# 14th-century Franciscsn priest and kept Catholic public authority and re- which AID has Award killed Muslims sent lay mis- laymen from Cituenship of the Mili- by m Pales- Abortion Rate lations between working in the Rising states and the sionaries in tine Born recent years. He and has tary Chaplains Association for Sabenioo. Dalmatia world past left the initia- community. drew a parallel between his (now Yugoslavia) High the tive Marxists work as founder president in the early Loss "The to Pope points out clearly time of 14th Our Lord when the of Project Hope, which century: martyred in Pal- l brings the individual * right to OHM ENTS ON Jb»t 1 "Roman had the encycli- medical aid evtine Nov. 14. 1391 Declared AGANA. Guam (NC) - Alarms Puerto Rico life Empire opened a to m un- Ty- mean* his right cal from people to se- of special venerable June Olive highway peace and undis- viewpoints derdeveloped countries 6. wo Sacred phoon brought wide- curity, to the mean* to were offered sus- turbed travel vP It (NC) - was along which by Joseph Puio. Congregation of Rites examin- spread devastation to Guam SAN JUAN. abortions performed, it tain Paolo (ardlaf life. He ha* a right to Christian international Marella, ed missionaries traveled representative of his ranomralioo cause and Saipan, damaging numer- Acting Gov Roberto San charged. education and the electrical culture, train- (even in an workers, ous chet Vdella atmosphere of and Catholic churches and of Puerto Rico has to <5 "We want make it per- ing in own lima our society, a hostility) to the of Supik, religious editor schools and pledged action against the situation destroying a novi- clear that the Puerto is of the fectly minority deprived of this the 1960’s when the Bergen Record mounting number abortions new na- tiate of Rico Medical right Men President Association is have the right to tions of Africa Speaking ai a union and the East mem- W Baum- performed on this Carib- •migrate Bishop Apollinans making all possible efforts to and are ber. Kennedy to immigrate Puio said opening for the that the en- OEM Vicar bean island highways gartner. Cap, weed oiit and dismiss all consider our as- immigration law* modern cyclical offered the missionary. Catholic Apostolic of Guam, said no Several officials have and residential public sociation doctors against segregation. unionist eveything he needs for Even in To missionaries were communist China, hurt, how- characlwDcd the as whom •"In his section the life Visit situation charges of performing on the in- he feels he is He John that the unification of seeking ever. Pope "very serious. - ' and Dr Jose ahortiohs can dividual and public called it he sub- authority, a successor the country even under worthy the WASHINGTON - Licha. chairman the speaks of and (NC) For of the Puerto stantiate!" Dr Ijcha as- Pope the divine heel to the earber Castelgandolfu Details of MANY OE THE of atheistic complement the third the structures Rico of despotism time in history Medical Association, has serted source —a con- encyclical* of I*o an visit are to be damaged by authority can provide Pope* worked out by Olive s 118-mile- eventually the American president will charged this island is being cept pretty well lost in our XIII. Pius XI and meet * White House El Drhate. Catholic for Pm* XU. advance party an hour winds and heavy rain weekly, highway to * day. Chrubamty with Pope when President used as a base for an ’ inter While he says that It is Miss Supik going to charged 108 criminal abortion* move on. lie out said that she Italy May 7! included throe Dot yet fully re- pointed that Kennedy calls on John national abortion racket" Impossible to determine 'once hoped the Pop# pa have been tho the Pope's endorsement During hit European tour built from the disastrous Ty- performed on •nd persecutions of Rome next month for all. what is of the the tromred women from the the most UN and (or President will phoon Karen by island within the last month. could not wipe out the advance hope Its visit West of last Suitable of future Confirmation that Mr Ken U S mainland form would The in one government, 1 of end the "fear" Germany and Ireland well November paper said public Christianity which the em nedy will as he quite which ’ meet with clearly backs the tome Catholic Pope »» it there were pire s women Italy He to return to The Saipan novitiate of the hoipiial H cases of political stability had John dm* SANCHEZ VII.ELLA em division of have shown from Whit# House threefold towards or the U S June 25 abortions in two authority assisted. that Missionary bisters of our Lady that days, insolv- sources The will phasurd only doctors ar.d executive, and leg- ganuatwo She meeting take The two 17 judicial alto hoped that previous U S of of ■nr girls to 19 scars of age, But the to chief Mercy Berru, Biscay. cttliens really ran cope with islative key the future, Catholic place during i president!*! —with which we are women would take executives who demolished most of whom he have met with Spain, was Heavy the problem are unmarried. ao added, was the of visit to expected to familiar." presence heed from Italy, be a Pope John s words Pope while in Our sufficient office are damage was suffered by Dr Licha said he learned of missionary spirit in on jyn Jun* 20 interracial justice, Woodrow who IT the pointing Wilson, Visited Lady of Mount Carmel School the abortion IS IN THE final two sec- Church. Th# encyclical, "international by out thst Catholics not Anti-Bias Council its do al- rr IS NOT YET known Pope Benedict XV in tions that the insistence that lit*, and Bishop Baumgartner said racket" from a physician most misunder- "men of follow ways the of whether the D has good will" take teachings visit will take Dwight Eisenhower. who whose •tending arisen through in- their full role the that on Guam itself thr dam- identity was not dis- In North Church in this crucial at visited Carolina place the Vatican or at the Pope John tn 1959 dividual a the modern to closed interpretslion and world, will help field age Catholic institutions Pope HM-EIC.H -RNSi s summer residence at Four other \C _ lifting words from context, men who had amounts to about 1250 000 He said the racket or Christian Father seree»l a.-.d Jewish clergy Sullivan feels. ••The or »ery to serve Guam, I'S as a territory in- was in igmatiy based Havana. and lav formed (’resident also leaders a Pop* favors the end of the were received cluded in the Church's pruv- Cub*, but when the L S by North Carolina Council on Re- armament are race, but not on a They tljssei mre of San Francisco, off Red-Ruled is broke diplomatic ties Refugees bgion amt Rare here to make unilateral of North S Grant. basis. He of William Howard speaks staffed by Capuchin priests the Fidel Castro retime, th? Taft. Herbert » stronger impact" against an eventual effective method Hoover and base of operations was racial of control. Harry S Truman segregation hy present- switched to Puerto Rico John Protestants , Jews ing a "united front." "Speaking of the world New Pope received Mrs com- Among Vietnam Priests Women from the US Committee member* munity, the Jacqueline Kennedy in include encyclical says a prt- To Retreat By audience Join mainland come to Puerto Rico Bishop Vincent that anew structure is needed REV. PATRICK sate March 11. !962 S Waters of O’CONNOR. S.S,C. There were for only a few for- CaL (NO weekend stays to have Raleigh the present system is FRESNO, no Vietnam SAIGON, (NC) eigners tn the congregation, Protestant longer adequate. The Pope following year and Jewish bus Sixteen young men but they. who came Hu too. represented part will a hopes that the UN will be suters and his refugee Monastery inestmrn join in retreat as refugees from north Viet of Cathotie friends from missionary the weekend of June 7 a! the strengthened, that there will the old home vil- hlitory nearly Vietnam be nam nine years in Fresno relreathouse a form of ago lage were in the crowded Monterey public authority were 20 Aftrr RELAX! among ordained to the the ordination the Used to cathedral to see as Jail for men, San Juan Bautista operate effectively on a him ordained priesthood here sunlit scene On April outside th# cathe world-wide basis He gives 28. he celebrated his The idea of their participa his They had entered drat was like that of an Easter Your endorsement to the prin- prepara- first High Mats in their church BONN. Germany (NCi tion was suggested by John Are in Savings tory seminaries morning Catholic tn th* as tn a city ciple of subsidiarity that north Phuoc-Ly. The place where J Sullivan, a Catholic bank when Around each Archbishop each boys, th# communist led ordained rr level of government newly Josef Reran of it be Msgr James G Vietminh ON THE Prague Dowling, Safe At Carteret were the ORDINATION priest gathered a should those functions waging crowd ing held by vicar general, for- perform happy Ctechoslovaksa t extended a eight war morning a whole of relatives it is best suited nature year against French chapter of and friends On# to by to communist rulers has now be mal invitattoa community the Union forces. modern Catholic a native perform —and history ytning pnest. of Bui- come leaders says that known, according to of \ietnarn unfolded Chu th# every one should take in A ceasefire with lay in the to north, was photo., part came the KNA, German Catholic news twin spired government, but that Geneva cathedral graphed with about 65 those in agreements of t»4 but persons. agency here should The ordaining prelate was Bui-Chu Catholics their power be trained and the north was handed over to and Your OLD Mattress Paul van children. KNA for the communists Archbishop REPORTED that the technically capable their Th# Nguyen with it worth Bishops Bihn tprtng " of Saigon, the first is responsibilities foresaw that under communist Viet- Archbtshop being detained namese to the rule these bold that post. Four m Neuretch in young students monastery FATHER SULLIVAN Agreement tt? said of the new|y ordained were southern Moravia. would have Uttl# that hope of the greatest con- born in perhaps the south, which ha* Th# 74 • reaching the priesthood, so jun year-old Archbishop troversy has arisen in that its On own glorious history of i* ior seminarians were evacuat- Refugees tn good health, according tn part of the encyclical where faith and martyrdom • ed The oth- the news Suo to the south. NEW agency, and is being the YORK (NC) - Pope says that distinc- ers born Pro!- a were in Hanoi, Phal- cared for r»Unt and by four nuns tion must be made between Catholic relief • Color "I CAME SOUTH with the Dlem. Bui-Chu. That Bmb. false has# worked In 1949 Reran and the his- others agencies out an Archbiihop philosophies lrom Hanoi in Langson, Vinh and Uunghoa. July. agreement was torical movements derived in resettlement of glared under house ar- Condition 1954," said These are names from newly-ordained great rest from them. Cuban refugees m tbt* coun- by the Reds and two Rev. Vietnam's Catholic At trad* In on Joseph Nguyen van past, more allowai\co try. year* later was "Does moved tn a the a native of than three centuries of mis- • TOP NATIONAL BRANDS encyclical signify Khan, Langson, Rrv John W Srhauer of secret of confinement. a change of policy between near the Chinese border. sions and martyrs. place They are Church • MADE BIDDING World Some*, Prot- CUSTOM the Vatican and the Kremlin?” "About At various times tn the past a month later, fa- great names today, when hid- my »*tant - ORTHOPEDIC agency, said under an decade it he asked. observers be- ther and den heroes has been "Many mother and three sis- and heroines keep reported lieve arrangement made with Cath- PRESCRIPTION BEDDING that this is the that the was un- force of ter* came, with most of my the faith under the flag of the Archbishop olic Relief Service* — NCWC. DANISM this part of the Vietnamese der detention In castle encyclical. village. An American ship commqpists. a in Protestant* will assume re- FOAM LOUNGES $5O. Cited with some that he being alarm, or brought them.” The Bohemia, was congregation that filled •poniibility for the initial iNNiairoiMO hope, are the wel- moved from to recent elections the place place by He is an but his cathedral was fare of in only son, a cross sec- refugee* involved but his CRIB MATTRESSES $B. Italy with the influence or Red captors and that he parents, though tion of Vietnamese Catholics. the facing the "will not intrude in way tiCTOOY tt tOU ‘opening to the left, 1 the any was ill in an unspecified hos- of anewlife refu- visit hardships as with regard to the religious of son-in- pital. It was that Khruschev's did even reported Imperial gees. not take him from belief and practice*" of law, etc. the he had died. the Scores seminary. They and their Bishop Cuban*. CRS-NCWC official* “We need not panic. The Sleep Shops made village for confirmed neighbors a the agreement doctrine of the and THE KNIGHTS of Columbus 400 CENTRAL AVE. encyclical themselves in Phuoc about The Protestant Ly, Discrimination agency Marxism were founded in Connecticut are diametrically op- 25 miles from EAST ORANGE OR 4-0423 Saigon. They agreed to inform CRS-NCWC posed. Decisions of maneuver- in 1882 by Rev. Michael J. built a church KANSAS Mo. and set about CITY, (NC) dpon arrival of individual ref- ability with the historical a Charles McGivney. making living and Bishop Helmsmg an- ugeea or famtlie* at resettle- movement, states by fishing Pope John, nounced here (arming. he will not at- ment destinations and "enable are be to made In the light of Join trienua atm tend any function held at a Catholic authorttlra to your neighbors who save at the Law, the They were some of the more notify Carteret Natural Church's which •nd than place racial the local enjov an important extra—true peace of mind— social 600.000 Catholic* who fled practice* parish prte*t." those in here teaching, by your money is while It from the north for discrimination. The Rev. Schauer said the fully protected th# freedom to liberal proper specialised The of earn* you dividend*. posi- their Bishop Kansas effort tion* to under practice Faith. Father City- cooperation grew out of decide, the St. Joseph, Mo., made the an- CARTERET GIVES YOU... parents finished their the Protestant agency * guidance of the virtue of Joseph’s "large pru- nouncement at the annual in- before backlog of home and Non.Speculative Inveaimentat dence.’’ long pilgrimage his or- job op- Carteret investa stallation dinner of the Serra funds dination. His father died portunities in various of savers in carefully resident tal in part* selected mortgage Club of Kansas MISCHE SPOKE the City. the country.” He added loan* and U. a. securities, on en- 1958, and his mother in the since Government The dinner was switched the Cuban* are predominantly savers account ia injured to from a private club to Union Catholics »10.()00 tho hedcral and are * by Savings & Lorn, In*uranco Station after Bishop Helmsmg few resettleable Protestant Cor|>oration. informed Serra officers that an Cubans "we would like Reaerve IVotectlon! All HU 4-7200 to savings are official of further protected - the private club at make these by Carteret a opportunity avail- own aubatantial reservea of $14,800,000. which it to was be held had able to refugee* who are reg- informed Earnings! Carteret haa more than him that colored istered In Miami with Cath- CONFIDENCE paid per- $60,000,000 in dividends to * savers in its 23«vear would not be served olic Relief M sons 1 Service*—NCWC. the Thtrnl at rate higheit con *ut'nt '— an assurance wKu^iojii'tToir M PARK MR AVI. cornea r i,r r* 1 **’ that with p"*nnun ' c ft cmfi ted 'u «nipounded NEWARK i u dartelb' service rendered and efficiently CAnatsT in nkw j(ni [v conscientiously. COMPLETE BANQUET FACILITIES fine Engroving and Religious Articles SAVINGS and Loan Fhis sir conditioHrd bsnqutt Associitioi Our Migrating and printing rooms 866 BROAD sowing 30-450 ptriomi. standard (or tkraa akiibd aalia Ibailßctwiaf it STREET, NEWARK i aramUaa Pcrlactloa b a—rod; torti

I* of «60 or Founded Nursing Sisters May 23, 1983 THE ADVOCATE 3

Discuss Beatification

Of Mother Frances

VATICAN CITY - The bea- pahied a band of volunteer

tification cause of a German nurses to America on her Civil Sister, Mother Frances War visit to this country. She Schervior. who the visited large founded many military Franciscan Sisters of the Poor hospitals during her stay. discussed last week Her was by Sister* cared for sick the Sacred Congregation of and wounded soldiers In three Rites. hospitals at Cincinnati. They The order founded she todsy also volunteered for duty on staffs in the many hospitals hospital boats, bringing the U. S.. including three in the wounded from the battle- Newark Archdiocese St. Mi- grounds. chael's, Newark: St. Francis, Jersey City, and St. Mary’s, Hoboken. Plan The Congregstion of Rites Is Survey discussing whether Mother Frances practiced virtue to a Of Education heroic A declaration degree. VOICES William leach directs a combined choir of students from Union thst fhe did would be the RAISED - Carl Holy TRENTON — Gov. Richard County grammar and schools the See's high at liturgical demonstration Moss held 17 first public step toward May J. Hughe* la*t week ‘ an- at Immaculate TELEPHONE Church, Elizabeth. It was one of four Marchess, co-chairman of the 10th Com- declaring her blessed. Conception Mosses held in the BREAKFAST - Joseph anniversary nounced that a breakfast comprehen- Newark Archdiocese. munion of the Bell workers of the Paterson mokes Telephone area, a presenta- sive of higher educa- MOTHER FRANCES sent a survey tion to James J. the Casino de Totowa, 19. With them Bishop Navagh at Chariz, tion resources in New May group of her Sisters to Cin- Jersey are Rev. Thomas J. moderator Boyle, of the John J, Backers, chairmen of the would be undertaken a group: cinnati in 1858 to establish St by Dedication and Louis G. breakfast, O'Keefe, toastmaster. It was the first breakfast attended special governor's committee Asks by Mary's Hospital, the com- Help in Project composed of ed- Paterson's new Bishop. munity's first foundation in distinguished ucators.- America. She visited the U. S. Planned The in 1663 and 1868 purpose of the survey will be to study all post high Wants Horn in Aachen. Germany, Ministers school educational At in 1819. the daughter of a fac- opportuni- Abbey ties in the state and to make tory owner, she had the Em- NEWTON - James recommenditions for future Bishop peror of Austria as her godfa- J and Abbot Charles To Get expansion It will not. how- Navagh Advocate ther. Mother F'rances founded V. Coriston. USB., will be asked ol her community 1645 in ever. to review the in a The Advocate wilt Delate at Pie blessing and cor again cooperate with the Pius XII little sources of revenue to support Pope house in Aachen. She Institute of Social nerstone laying of the Education in providing a th* New higher education new subscription to died in 1*76 Jersey building paper to non-Catholir Dr. monastery of St clergymen desiring It. Mother Carroll V. Frances accom- Newsom, vice In that Paul's Abbey June 1 announcing the will be continued. Rev. Alo- chairman of Prentice Hall plan J Welsh, The celebration will begin ysius institute director, appealed for donations to Inc., and former president of cover " with house at 1 the cost of an open p m "Operation Understanding Nearly 70 clergy men re- New York University, will be ceived the for the when the priests and Brothers paper first time last year Pilgrimage chairman of the group The of the Benedictine director the community THE ADVOCATE of study project is making the paper available on a less- will show visitors through :he will be Pro! Ellis White thancost basis. The of the plan was suggested by Father Welsh to of- Newton Abbot Coriston At monastery ter other "* New York U School of Educa- clergymen reliable source of information and ex- will |»j the cornerstone and tion planation of the Second Vatican Council." NEWTON will bless More than Bishop Navagh tile With the tither members of the com- council due to resume in the fall. Father Welsh said 5.000 are expected to attend building it to mittee will be Dr James B is important renew the subscriptions and expand the the 11th annual pro- pilgrimage m gram Fi*k. and director of if He has invited interested as well president THE NEW will possible organizations honor of of Chris- monastery Mary. Help Bell as individual* to contribute Donations be AWARD WINNERS The Telephone Laboratories, bouse may sent to him al 300 New Catholic War Veterans have named tians. at Don Hosco 38 priests. 17 clerks and Jersey a con- College Dr Broadway. Newark and should Jsmes Hlllier. director of 4, be marked as for "Operation retired here Brothers. 12 novice* and six gressman, a general and o os of their 1963 "For Home." "For May 30 priest recipients research at David Sarnoff Re l^nderstandmg." For every » donated The Advocate will and Brother postulants It is 515 provide Country," "For God" awards. They are, left to Peter W Rodino Gen. Services will begin with the right. Rep. Jr„ search Center; Dr Milliccnt one subscription ( feet long with wings C. McAuliffe celebration of a Solemn High on Anthony and Rev. John Forest Lovinor, O.F.M. C. McIntosh, president emeri- various rlevatmns In addition Mass at the outdoor grotto by tus of Barnard College, snd to the sleeping and Very Rev August P. Boam. quarters Dr Jsmes A Perkins, presi- common rooms, there are a SDR, Salesian provincial of dent-elect of Cornell Univer- chapel, Gen. McAuliffe to the temporary community Receive eastern province, who will Birth Control sity Reject library, monastic refectory, aUo deliver the sermon. The business offices and Salesian novices from St. Jo- guest parlors seph Novitiate will sing the Ortlained Deacon New Among the guests wilt be As Divorce Issue CWV Award 51 ass. Jersey GARRISON — Tester Abbot Patrick M O Hnen. Conferences In English and Rsphsel M Isnnone, U F OS ol St ATI - B 's ANTIC CITY Gen- Rep Rodino the "For Home- Father Loviner Italian . Mary Abbey, TRENTON (NO - The act without them situa- was or- wiR be given at 2 30 ton of Mr This Csp . and Mr* Mi Morristown Abbot Anthony C. McAuliffe, former award The of 3 Lawrence state's second court tion announcement dained 36. IICJ, ami and pm with a solemn of highest continued for two years, May . chael Isnoooe wa» 101st Verona. Vohs. OSB. of Berles commander of the Air- was Si a the awards made by State founded St Anthony's Guild procession beginning at 30 has denied divorce petition she said, and amounted to des- 3 ordained a deacon at borne recently Abbey. Peru. IU ; Ahhot Gil- Division, Rev John Commander Alexander S. Ihe follow p m around by a woman who alleged de ertion her mg year Designed the take on the Immaculate by husband. Mary Mmsattery bert Hess. OSB, of Forest Loviner, 0.F.M.. Gentile Blue by her husband in a ai first to aid the missions campus It will be followed by sertton The court said it here He *UI attend Catholic Cloud appellate founder of St. Abbey, Marvin, S O . and Anthony's and raise money for young Solemn Benediction disagreement over contracep- found nothing in the trial testi- University this summer Morristown Guild, Paterson, and Hep. Pe- GKN. tives McAtUFFE won na. men aspiring to the priest- mony which would Juxtify th# Jr. ter W. Rodino will be hon- service in The the tiooal fame for his hood. the guild has grown to Appellate Division of woman's insistence on con- ored at the 27th annual con- the Battle of the Bulge He be one of the largest Catholic State .Superior Court upheld traceptives It cited the trial vention of the New Jersey later served with the task, in l’. S dismissal of the suit filed judge publishers the on by s finding that the evi- Catholic Entrance War Veterans here Workshop Mrs was force at Bikini for the first College John A. Kostka of High- dence insufficient to Rodino has served in prove June 7-9 Rep peacetime test of the atom lands against her Catholic that the bearing of more chil- Congress line* IM. rep- The awards will be pre- bomb Later he was deputy husband. John Kostka of Roca- dren would so affect resenting an Essex West Hud- seriously sented at the convention ban- At St. chief of staff and commander Elizabeth's way her health as to justify the son district He has previous- 23 quet June >. Gen. McAuliffe of the V. S. in May use artificial Army Europe of birth control. ly been honored by Ihe Vet- i* CONVENT the Coun- STATION _ MRS. KOSTKA said her receiving '"For Now retired. Gen McAuliffe is Col Elisabeth's and erans of Wars. Am- planner of th# nard College. New York. award. Foreign lege try" Father Loviner vice president of the Ameri- and university admissions health would not GEORGETOWN. vets. Catholic War Veterans workshop, said She pointed Round Pegs permit THE FIRST directors ut the "For God" award and Cos will get together Square another pregnancy and the can Cyanamid ami Jewish War Veterans iu out that an estimated 17.0W Hides'* Catholic college in the U. S., with ' Sister Shells, director high school guidance could not care high school graduates will phytir«Jly founded !T89 work in resettling refugees of admissions, m counselors for the first time seek Tnnlty College, for more than the couple's entrance to in from Europe has earned him colleges Washington. DC ; May 23 at "laying the imitation of the 1964 the three children notice followed same the special by Foundstton." Frank a College at St Elizabeth She charged that her hus- THE number in IM£ ALL MCW Grammer, dean of admissions. ... Representatives of * col band refused to use contracep- Suter Mane, Newark leges and lliMegarde College of Slovak Catholics universities in It Engineer tives and said that the re- of St president Eliiabeth'a. tng; "Who the Bill-" states and the District of Col- Pays fused perform the marital will welcome to the delegates. Rev Royal J. Gardiner. umbia will meet with coun- Reelect Leadcr O P selors from . director of admtswon*. 173 public, pnvate A PANEL discussion will Providence m Pa. fRNSi and parochial high follow College; and "Col- Ask President's WILKES-BARRE. schools in with these topics and lege Boards la Milo* C Mttnarovieh. six states st a Yesterday, To- —Vlsgr workshop on speakers "Gentuaes Only ihe theme. " day. Tomorrow," Bernard P Smut Slovak American poet and Returning the Need Apply!' Helen McCann, Help on -I Student to the Admissions director Ireland, northeast regional di GLORIOUS author, was reelected here a* <>! admissions. Bar " NUTLEY —Members of the Process rector. College Entrance Ex f- /i V president o( the Slovak Catho Decent Literature Com animation Nutley lie Federation ol America at Board Moderator TOPICS attending OF prepared talks will be Dickson, mliter a meeting the group's 42nd national Panel Discusses Douglas di con May IS PILGRIMAGES snd workshop discussions are sent a telegram to ventton. rector of student financial aid. geared to President Kennedy principally discover Blind at University of Pennsylvania expressing RH46S Plan* were discussed for a over mg ways of serving the m Play alarm the types of publi the pilgrimage of Skivak-Amcri- ration* to WIDD1NG Inspired by dividual a time ol NEWARK - Th* Mt. Car- available children applicant in THE AFTERNOON can* to attend the IS session through normal Sept enormously increased interest mel Guild Center for the magazine books will feature 10 discussion fascinating dedication of the of new SS. Cyril ut obtaining a educa- Blind will hold a distribution channels gggfo, {/5N college panel discus- Foe the Bride & workshop* led by high school Groom : and Methodiu* Institute in Sister Lurtlie The meeting at High ulton Sheen tion. Anne, di sion for parents of blind or Nutley TV. h»M.I r,«— Uk ' bishop l J. guidance counselors and col- v?il* Rome. rector School auditorium was ad- i' of admissions st SL partially sighted children on lege admissions directors The ■ dressed Your Child Dr William P Ril "You, and Leisure discussions by "•■%>> will treat such -f- New York vice chairman r - Time" May 26 at 99 Central ey. topics as college admission al of the Citizens for Decent Lit- Ave. 2:30 p m Archbishop's communication Appointments policies, erature. Over 125 people sign & Helen Gibbons, educational ZKayes X)unn MAY tween high schools and col- rd SUNDAY, 26 SATURDAY, JUNE 1 the telegram which request 20 DAYS for consultant to the National So- leges, pre college, counseling, cd the President 16:36 am.. Solemn Mass to act imme- * v-43r4 St.. Um«n City Z ciety for the Prevention of p.m., Confirmatiow, St. scholarships and grant*, to Neat A 4 P) ROME coram Pontillre, loth anniver- diately stop international to *1056.40 Blindness, will discuss only John's, Jersey City "Build- college dropouts, and junior interstate PHONI UN** 7-44*0 sary of ordination of Rev. ami commerce in ing Habits of and Ed- colleges. Stanislaus J. 2 p.m., Confirmation, St. Safety" these materials. UNDER THE SPIRITUAL DIRECTION OF Ktarhowlak, pas- mund J. Rubin will on tor, St. Michael's, speak REV. WILLIAM J. GALLAGHER .Theresa of the Child Jersey City "Leisure Time A Tim* for I.inden Jesus, Z p.m.. St. " IT UIOOITI. Jinsir CITY Confirmation, Growth Z pm., Confirmation, An- Pajil of the Cross, Jersey City Discussion Rowg end Ae Vatican, loerdee, Fatiaa, tarfcolono. Paramus groups will be led Tarfi, Amsterdam, nunciation, 4 p.m.. Confirmation, St. Madrrd, Lisbon, Dublin by Rev Richard M. McGuin Z p.m., Confirmation. Our Patrick's, Jersey City ness, director of the Includes Lady nl the Lake, Verona 4 center; p.m., Confirmation, St. 4 Sister Rose C.S.J.. • Imelda, round trip economy clan flight from New York p.m.. Confirmation, St. on a KIM jot Boniface, Jersey City • tourist clott first class Francis Newark principal of St. Joseph's flights, roil and motorcoach In Xavier, 4 furopa P-m., • ' Confirmation, Imma- School for the FOR sightseeing trips 4 p.m.. Confirmation, Im- Blind. Jersey culate Seeaucus • most mooli Conception, City, and Sister Marguerite THE maculate Conception, Mont- • accommodations (first clan wlsoro availoblol ’ clair Charles. C.S.J. FINEST SUNDAY. JUNE Z IN -TOUR LEAVING 4 p.m., Hi. Jo- 12 noon, Solemn Pontifical NEW YORK JUNE 28th Confirmation, Ik Oradell Mas* seph’s, in honor of the Holy 6 p.m., Cana holy hour for Spirit, Vocation Sunday, spon- couples of Hudson and sored Bergen by the Serrn Club of (he Counties celebrating silver Oranges and honoring Calbollr and golden wedding anniver- lay teachers. Sacred Heart HOLY LAND saries, Sirred Heart Cathedral Cathedral 2 p.m., Confirmation, MONDAY. MAY Z 7 Sacred Heart Cathedral 21 7 p.m., Annual Cath- DAYS for <1370 dindrr. Z only p.m., Confirmation, Sacred olic Forum, Military Park Ho- UNDER THE SPIRITUAL OF Heart, Bloomfield DIRECTION tel, Newark ' BE * (TO ASSIGNED) P-m., Confirmation, 81. JEWELERS MAY Westwood TUESDAY, Z* Andrew's, ‘ AND Jerusalem. Half., Tol Avhr, OalUoo. lam. and the Vatican, ST. Z 4 p.m., FRANCIS Cairo, Istanbul, Athaws, Amsterdam p.m., Confirmation, St. Jo- Confirmation, St. SILVERSMITHS John seph's, Demarest the Baptist, Hillsdale Includes: Assisi SINCE 1908 3:30 SI. 4 p.m., of • round p.m.. Confirmation, Confirmation, trip economy class from Now York Holy flight on a KIM Jot Cluster • Mary's, . Name, East tourist doss flights, first clots Orange roil and motorcoach travel In Europe • r 5 p.m., Ini sightseeing trips Confirmation, CONFESSIONS • all meals maculate Norwood lencept In Rome) Conception, • EVERYDAY 9:49 A M.TO ■ P.M accommodations (first class where available) apparel for THURSDAY, MAY 36 the MASSES TOUR LEAVING NEW Z Preside at clergy YORK JULY 27th p.m., dedication C' do7/^ ceremonies of CwMam A Kim, new 81. Eliza- DAIIYi (VERY HOUR belh’s Hospital, Elisabeth J A.**. THRU 12.49 P.M. NEWARK IMrt MIIIBURN • linti Z p.m,, Confirmation, 81. • Callart 189-91 Market Street MTM«U niltl •» IT. UTItMt. ?{>s-67 Millborn Avenue • Ralacaax A HM Nicholas, Jersey City MArket 3.-2T70 ActommodaiioHt art m • Attar »*y Caaaacka OReiel O-7100 Z p.m., 81. Jo- Confirmation, A tupallai 13S W. at limited Call 31 St: or wrlit seph’s, Maplewood and between 6th & 7th avea. for details today IVSKI Z and 4 p.m., Confirmation, Duffy Quinn Ow/ /«b St, Joseph of the Palisades Note Our Naw Addratt West New York M «• *1 I*.. N. T. »J, H.V. 4 p.m., Confirmation, Bt. MU |.tM5 -VA. RfCTOtY SIHVICI Rose of Lima, Short HUIs INVITID 4 THE ADVOCATE May 23, 1963 Cardinal ‘America’ Upholds Translations Cushing Cautions

NEW YORK withdrawal. (RNS)—Ameri- quire He said the menu are commonly drafted ca said magazine here that translation had in some in- in ‘Pressure a modern No the language, Catholics English translation avail- stances distorted the Pope's Group’ competent translater need able in the U. S. of the views and called for the BOSTON en- ap- to (RNS)-American hesitate, then, appeal to the Church, he suggest* that tha Church. Paccm in "is of Catholics said, concerning cyclical, Terris, pointment "expert lin- Italian for clarification of ob- should never use "public ia esacntial "Within reliable opinion an hit competence the a substantially ren- guists" to prepare a transla- scurities pressure in In the group tactics the part of lta existence of Inevitably as an in- lay person has an dering the Pope's historic tion from the official Latin area of obligation more abstract public opinion, stitution." Latin phraseo- to make himieU heard and message." < text. Richard Cardinal a logy. Cushing of "Since An editorial ,*uthority within the to that hie In the 25 America Boston declared right expect May said that the ad- "In the in a Church opin- Usue present pastoral for !U ef- ions will be treated of the national Catholic instance, requires own with re- dress of Cardinal the addressed to his flock and Leon-Joseph certainly, text of to almost English fectiveness an day-to- and his influence accept- weekly replied to "widely Suenena, Primate of Pacem "men of in spect pub- in it goodwill every tra- licised Belgium, Terris, as ap- day awareness of the state of ed when it is constructive and criticisms of the Eng- before the dition." U. S. Committee first In lish peered the general Christian practice its he said. translation issued the The among helpful," by for the United Nations should and pastoral, entitled "The Vatican." religious press as well as members." he These criticisms, it Church said, “public "settle all doubts" about the in the and Public carefully edited ver- Opinion," opinion has a role to here noted, "had caused to play many of the transla- sions Is one in a series of Heads validity English now in annual which be layman ask whether the available pamph- cannot or English- tion. let letters from the Cardinal abrogated form is a substan- con- denied." world had been mis- ... Diocesan Board speaking cerning the Church from reliable of the and the in- led the "Reading an English tially rendering as to Pope's real dividual. For the CARDINAL text that first CUSHING HONOLULU, Hawaii — was the historic message." time, ob- on obviously Pope's (NC) thought (disarmament) his is served that the product of pastoral addressed to Church must A Catholic School Council with and other treated in painstaking prepa- topics outside the be of what ha at people Catholic aware is cslled a layman as haa the ration, quoted length PEACE CORPS president encyclical." BOUND John relations.” of the Latin Gasses Rev. A. Klekotko, O.S.A., community. "public been established in the one very passages ques- president of Villanova he Rev. Edward tioned the University, Vincent However, Honolulu Diocese. RECENTLY, by critics," the congratulates "IN THOSE emphasized, of AREAS where “we do A. director of editorial said. In Burger Manhasset, and Nicholas Cordasco of not speak here of that Msgr. Daniel J. dio- Conway, S.J., Paterson N.Y., Catholics Ihe Dever, are majority the Cen- “Since he cited Irvington on their the manipulation of public opinion cesan school Creighton University without acceptance by Peace Cor- superintendent, PATERSON Corps. population—and ter for Peace change the The St. John dasco will perhaps espe- and mass suggestion, said the council Research at Vatican's English go to Ethiopia some- will ba the following a in there we should Baptist Vocations training period cially be times called public said that the English version, it Is clear that Delayed thi concerned with all aspects Omaha, Car- s tountry and Puerto Rico. sensitive to the relations, will start anew class and feel- which has translation Society rights been raised to so of the encyclical dinal Suenens, for one, is sat- of Catholic education on an in ings of our neighbors so that isfied Elementary Latin at the specialized a craft as basis. was so inaccurate as to re- that the disputed trans- to in- advisory It will also no action of our* takes Paterson Chancery Office with on the clude lation accurately distortion, misrepresen- seek to keep the public in- conveys Flock to nature of the vindictive or the sessions from 2 to 5 m. each Pilgrims FatimA tation and Pope John's thought. p deception." formed of the aims and ac- character of a 'power group’ The prelate Saturday. urged that lay- complishments of Catholic ed- "In fact, careful comparison in action," Protestants The class the prelate staled. men new will continue speak out on matters ucation. * of the authentic Ijitin F or text Catholic reticence and at Seton Hall in Shrine’s Anniversary un- with this University version reveals that derstanding in this Car- Hear Priest July and August from 7 to 9 srea. the apparent FATIMA. dinal ' discrepancies Portugal (RNS) toward Cushing admonished, ' p.m. for six college credits. Fatima, on foot. PLAINFIELD—A are little than what An Catho- more one estimated 750.000 pilgrims "will be eloquent of This U in addition to the class Hundreds of testimony Cardinal lic pastor addressed must expect when flocked here pilgrims went a Prot- expressing to the world fam- the our personal witness lo truth Wyszynski last mile to in Intermediate Latin now be- the shrine on ” estant break- complex ideas on technical ous Marian shrine and freedom Communion to pray for their knees held at the from sick fast here subjects in two ing Chancery Many persons 19. languages of Pope John $ intentions for In the American pattern, ho May 1 to and invalids such different 4 p m. on Saturdays. were brought to character.” world and for the suc- went the Church Msgr. Charles E. Murphy, peace the basilica on, should Come The society wdl hold its on crutches and in to U.S. cess of the Second make its influence May pastor of St. Bernard's Vatican felt less THE EDITORIAL fifth annual reunion and din- wheelchairs. by stated the Vati- Council. direct action than working Church, spoke on by NEW YORK ner are de- - that the English version for members who Cardinal Larraona was (NC) Rich- blessed by Pope John. Is can Council at pres- through the a being a breakfast The mats pilgrimage to the institutions of »rd owes much to seminaries the ent for three Masses Cardinal ol Boston taken on a tour of American "clearly to the parting at offered democratic Cushing of the Men’s Association of shrine on it* 46th society. Italian version also published Alexander Hamilton Hotel anniversary for the intentions said here that he wants to cities as of a '•Grace of the pi|. Cardinal in- part nine-year Episcopal Church. began with born Cushing warned the Vatican. But 2 at 7 m. Spanish vite Stefan Cardinal Wytzyn- by this July p gnmage that novena marking the I,oooth an- He had been invited to Arcadio Cardinal too much official contact should ski. Primate surprise for Larraona, These of Poland to visit of Poland's speak Dr. scarcely any- Applications the new intentions to between the Church and niversary conver- by Harry J. of the Sacred Congre- are: ask. gov- one since scholars know Latin prefect the US. next sion which from claw should be made to in union with the ernment is year. to Christianity, will Knickle, rector of the gation of Rites, Pope, for likely to cloud over Epis- experience that, presiding. as in the case the society at the success of the the Cardinal made the be celebrated in 1966. The pic- copal church. Chancery Second Vatican Church's mission and ob- Cushing of the great social ture encyclical Office or by SO 2 9000. Council, served that disclosure in an address has already toured tha calling THOUSANDS OF persons especially in the mat- America's reli- (May Mater et Magistra, such docu- Ex. 259 ter of gious 12J to more than New states. streamed across Christian unity; be makes special 10.000 per- the country to plurality seech the Immaculate demands at a welcoming Heart upon Catholics sons rally a of for replica of Poland's miraculous Mary world peace, es- "The mixed character of re- Rece Council pecially for picture of Our of Czesto- Portugal; and to ligion in America is a fact of Lady offer thanks for the life chowa. He expressed hope thst naming of the Church must take into For New York Our of Fatima account," he said the Polish government would I-ady as prin- "Not mere- cipal of the permit Cardinal to patron Letna Dio ly the rights of the separate Wyszynski NEW YORK (NC) - A city- cese in come to the U Es Portugal groups but their present dispo- S wide conference SPECIAL OFFER! on religioa sitions and The measure of under- and race will be held occasion marked the her* THE POLLMI Cardinal has *6!h standing must be next anniversary of the mir- sensitively fall, the Mayor's Commit- been able on several occasions aculous considered so that a realistic appearanre of the Vir- tee of Religious Leaders has to leave Poland framework of to attend the gin Mary to three Portuguese mutual respect announced extra " with established first session of the ecumenical pint peasant children is The Rev Dr Dan M every Potter, council last fall and take part m eorhairman of the committee THE in other ecclesiastical PRELATE Stressed meet- and esecutive director of the that the in Rome i ar- Mother Seton Patron formation and expres- ings On May he gallon at no extra Protestant Council of New cost! sion of public is one rived in Rome next opinion and the Of Bolivian Hospital York, told some 100 members of the many duties of the day he met with Pope John lay- attending a meeting of the the CW1UUBRA, Bo man in life of the Church The outdoor rally here on committee that the confer- — The Bolivian Taking theme of government a from a the campus Fordham Uni- pre- ence would atres* the "moral hit announced vious approval ,>; paitors! the Cardinal versity paid tribute to Our and spiritual resources" to be construct** o< i hospital her* noted that Catholic laymen, I-ady of Czestochowa patro- found in racial and So be named (or religious PleMcd EUi*. a king with members of the ness of Poland, the start at harmony t*r»h Setor founder of of tnt hierarchy, are co responsible a statewide tour arranged Tentative call for the American branch at Sisters for the life of plans th* the Church for the picture conference to be held Nov. o( Charity IJ, The whole BIG SAVINGS structure of the The picture, which has been he said


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When not In orbit, the astroblrd prefers the Southern part of the USA-a place called Canaveral.-Afte his orbitingflight he rides the through streets of his home town accepting the plaudits of neighbors, frlendi and mm more—the entire country. Highly scientific, well-trained andA-OK, the Orbiter FELIX FOX from New Jersey and nearby areas is easilyIdentifier m* & SONS the by newspaper he subscribes to and reads, the NEWARK NEWS, For the most accurate reporting or tJi his home town national doings, and International events... the the —3 GREAT on ground or sailing heavens... hi STORES TO SERVE YOU wouldn’tbe withouthis NEWARK NEWS. 456 Broad St. 952 So. Orange Ave. 465 Kearny Avi ivsalafaadltmgsy Bloomfield, N. J. Newark, N. J. Kearny,f. N. J. 743-1211 ES 3-1211 WY 1-2606 : ft y && U- -'. yv. Jwdu * OPEN’EVENINGS * /mp Hm* 1 • v‘ i News of Education: 1963 May 23, THE ADVOCATE 5 Ohio CEF Would Share Tax Fund Revised Projects AKRON. Ohio (NC) portation for parochial school Headed Sen. Citizens for by Wayne Educations! Free- themselves pupils reported far Morse of the subcom- dom will Oregon, *eek a state con- from happy over the For Council proposal mittee recessed for a week and Mailed stitutional amendment to to put the controversial issue give will up again children in pick hearings independent schools statewide CITY up to vote. - a the week of 27. VATICAN (NC) council Fathers for a share of during May the next any in Twelve Increase said the referendum is Focal of the sessions revised have council state education They point project* session w'hich start* taxes. been mailed to result in of has been President to the Fathers of Sept. 8. The likely rejection Kennedy’s announcement the came the bus rides unless there “omnibus” bill Second Vatican is a 24-proposal Council, The NCWC News Service from Thomas attorney F. which would aid the council office said. massive educational effort. A all levels of press was told that total of a of 17 Dailey Stow, president of The office obstacle would be the education. The al- press said will CEF major measure Pqpe projects be submitted. It chapters in Ohio. It John was has been examined the heavily anti-Catholic ready cut up the projects was estimated made at of preju- by previously a meeting 200 rep- dices "personally and with in rural areas, they add Holla* Education Committee great at- there were to be 20. resentatives from Summit ed. which has a tention" before sent. The approved separate they were press office also County’s 18 school boards, held re- Such a failure, they bill for aid to puhlie and pri- ported predic- THE that members and ex- tb consider the need of PROJECTS represent public ted, would kill the vate colleges. pert* of the schools effectively almost Secretariat for for more funds. of the school bus issue for • three-quartera years to Promoting Christian met Citizens for Educational work to be submitted to the Unity come. in Rome May 13-18. Freedom, a non-sectarian Bus Plan Advances par- LAST PAYMENT - Rev. T. The full They were asked for com- Philip McCabe, chaplain of the Newark Fire staff of both the ents’ organization with Department, turns na- Wls. - ment on MADISON. (NC) The over to Asks Theological tional a constitutional Archbishop Boland the final installment of $2,000 on the Not Commission and in St. department City headquarters Senate Holy the amendment introduced in the Judiciary Committee Name the Archdiocesan Lay Apostolate Commis- Louis, seeks Society’s pledge to Fund. The equal treatment has approved a Development presentation was Missouri House of proposed con- sion met 15-20 for children Representa- made the annual Communion breakfast 19 To May "to ex- in all stitutional at May at the Robert Treat Also Bill Schools schools, pub- tives. amendment to Hotel. present amine lic It calls for voters in the per- left jointly the study and and non-public. are to right, Deputy Chief James Donlon, chairman of the mit tax-paid school bus rides breokfast; Director John elaboration 1964 balloting to decide wheth- JERSEY CITY-This of anew for P. Caulfield and Fireman James Me city's project private school pupils. Cauley, president of the society. first on the DAILEY POINTED specifl- er the Department of Public Negro councilman, Fred presence of the Church Health The in the of cally to a joint resolution in and Welfare should es- committee's action Martin, this week asked the world today," the the Ohio tablish of came on 4-2 The Incinerator office said. State Senate which a system state aid a vote. pro- Human Relation Jersey City and press would for posal now before the Nine New Sewage Authorities The place on the November tax-paid transportation of goes Sen- Jersey Boys not to Theological Commission ballot children ate. It has submit a proposed constitutional in private and paro- already passed the Council Elects bills to Catholic met with the Commission for chial 73-21. schools. amendment calling for a in- schools. Assembly, Discipline of the Sacrament* WESTFIELD In crease in sales tax from • • - Frank W Franciscan Martin and with the Secretariat for 3 to Graduation pointed out that 4'. to benefit Hogan of Cranford was Catholic PromoDng Christian public schools Aid (doss' Maximum Set education bears half Unity for Campaign for elected of the N Y. _ Nine other only. president new- CAUCOON, Mastro of Nixon, John of the education studies 18. city’s costs. May from New He said the BAY VILLAGE, Ohio - WILMINGTON. Del. (NC) A ly-formed Catholic Human Re- boys Jersey vlns of Paterson, John Gerdes statewide CEF "When city schools are will billed, The local Citizens for Educa- gradual program of a maxi- lations Council of Union Coun- be among the of Little Falls, William organization now is graduating Bara- the from seeking money goes out one tional mum of lie will class of 2? at the sTth nik support for Freedom unit has ap- SO-students-per-clasa ty. tn- assisted by annual of Haskell, John Regan of pocket and legislative an am- comes in another. PRINTING will be inaugurated commencement exercises endment to the pealed to the mayor and city in Septem- James ,S. Wilson of Rosrllr. of Ktngwood. Paul Khrhardt and resolution But when a Catholic school ber, 1964, in St Joseph’s Semin- w-hich would council for help in meeting the Wilmington Dio- James II Harrington »*f Cran Seraphic Walter MrlavughUn of Bloom- HARRY F. change it to: pays. It Is another burden MURPHY cese Just educational needs of children schools. ford. Mrs Donald of ary May 27. field, Michael of "Provide Swayre Boyle on overburdened Catholic 78 that the proceeds Rev. Jersey par- CLINTON 2 in schools. Howard T. dio- EUrabelh and Mrs. Marshall After the Dennis ST., NEWARK independent Clark, graduation, the City, McWatters of ents.” of this tax be in the placed cesan superintendent of Andrews of Roselle boys will have short Fair Lawn and Michael PHon«: MArket The came a vaca- De 3-2831 general fund to aid the appeal after the The two educa- authorities, both of schools, said the program will The council a tion with 'their families Pue of tion Bay School Board is organizing and Rockaway. of all children of Ohio; Village which have suffered be inaugurated with first grade bureau .for then make financial turned down a CEF speakers' public - an eight-day re- that it be divided request The commencement address per capita classes in problems since their insbtu- the 1964 63 school meetings and lor U\ mg room treat in preparation for all that it establish from tax mon- recep was given among children attending year and by Rev. Sylvester tion several years recent- eventually will be meetings ami a home vuiti Don of the Franciscan habit ago. Jerome J. ies a “Student Tuition Fund" J Ahem Stanley state-accredited schools OF M . of St. An wheth- lb the Don at ly announced that spread full eight grades. committee which ar- St. s La- they to be distributed to all chil- Raphael Novitiate. * er or Public tony's Paterson. A would bill all CHURCH * public independent.” school officials visit* between while Guild, city schools for GOODS dren, whether they attend ranges fayette pub- Solemn High Mass was of- services. Martin Dailey explained that the throughout Delaware have and Negro families of said be would 1 16 lic stmt- The New Jersey WASHINGTON ST«{t' or schools. members fered Rev. Harold Blake. share for the independent been notified of by present his suggestions independent the new liar educational background* of the to the • policy, class are Bernard Del O F M MA 2-5071 NEWAA. school population I . custos of the province. next council M j could be dis- ather Clark said, to give meeting. tributed vouchers them by redeem- Hearings to Resume ample time to prepare able for at the school chosen by increased enrollments. WASHINGTON (NC) - The a student's parents. • Senate education subcommit- He estimated that the As»ir pro- tee received several proposal* Student Center posed tax would raise about for U S. aid to higher educa- mM WHY PAY Kan (NO- * $B5 million MANHATTAN, a year. If the 388.- tion in hearings last MORE? week. The $4*2,000 St Robert Bellar- 000 children in independent It also heard from three op mine Student Center and St. schools were to participate, ponents of assistance for Isidore for would Chapel Catholic they receive some $l3 education church students tn s 's in related at Kansas State Uni- iior-i hh sf pop- school* They were the Ameri versity here has been ded ulation is about 2.468,000. c- Humanist icated. can Association, the • -o Unitarian Fellowship for So- Bishop Frederick W Trek- cial $ Justice and Protestants Referendum I'ote ing of Salma described the ♦ and Other American* United MAS center and ST. LOUIS (NCV— chapel as "a co- Advocates for Separation of Church and tax operative venture of all the of paid school bus trans- State. parishes of the diocese.” NOW OPEN Msgr. Wall to SHOP-INTf Ol STEAKS Replies Charges BROOKDALE WED., MAY 22nd 10 A.M. 1409 Of Unfair Labor Practices Brood St. BioomfMd. N.J. CHUCK RIB SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE PATERSON-Msgr. William rate of for the pay of men years want the to stay here in- N. Wall, director the Mt. of terror these men have exper- definitely ... Our objective is s Carmel for Alcohol- HOP.((i Hospital ienced on the Bowery? Or in TE to admit them, sober them, ics, said this week that the Jail? Or away from their fam- give them good meals, rest contract which has caused ilies? What is the rate of pay and strength —and an friction betw--en aware- COTTAGE his operation that recommend you for the ness 39 of God." 591 79: and the United 89lb States Labor wife who has. for years, sup- He pointed out that ML Car- Department in less in- brings ported children because the cheese mel accepts no aid from city, come than is needed to take husband and father has been state or federal governments, care of one of hi* men for a OrMEEMi Iml 39* addictrd to alcohol and lost » Cub* Steaks nor does it want any Top Round single . Roasts. 99* year. all sense of and reality respoo Msgr Wall said that he ha* The Labor Cfc-Ah Department's 2 A 39* Roundflßoail ** sibiUty?" received no from the .99 New York otiice ha* indicated reply 35 *S°£*»Z* Msgr. Wall pointed out that Department of Labor since Ground Round *B9* that it wants to investigate the Ribßowt ■T9* Roof Short Mt. Carmel hat provided sending the two letters Ribs *49* Mt. Carmel more operation on the than 300.000 man-days of shel- Shoulder SUaki * 89* Lobster 4* basis that it is not meeting Tails. kl Jumbo Shrimp k |" for men i«T m ter earning their way IWMrtM fit— Fair Labor Standard*. It base* back to sobriety. He said that its on the inter- M TOP BEEF jurisdiction GQ QUALITY M TOP BEEF he provided work for the men GQ QUALITY state nature of the contract for two purposes; "We Uunk for $3_140 between Mt Car- work is good for every man—- mel and the New York City RIB we to our- ROAST and need support Transit Authority. CROSS RIB selves.” Regular Style Oven Ready THE CONTRACT require* s IN ADDITION* to Mt Carmel to supply the au- the shelter RESTAURANT the and food, men are a O ••• ■»«•*« nicNtii t ROAST thority with white rags for given ' l4r», C small allowance. Msgr. Kl«« 4 cleaning purposes. The rags daily ►fW t n»H Hml 7Q( • 4Q CO< Wall said that it is deliberate- are collected ami processed »«r Jw ib 'b. the ly not called a wage, for "this m 0 Jr / ib by men who live at the ir would hospital. It represent* a small encourage them to an 70 Hamilton St. - MU 4-4191 fraction of institutional life. We do not NORTEL the income needed SHOP-RITE FRESH & to FRUIT VEGETABLES! maintain an operation CoWomia Andy which has provided a million Boy meals in eight years to men canned w hose lives lor are haunted by al- 9* coholism, Msgr. Wall said. ham BROCCOLI bunch 29 Firm Rip* In letters to W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary of Labor, amt Frank B. Mercurio. regional TOMATOES 2 director in New York 3 c * 29 City, I ctm. con 2** JT Msgr. Wall the na- —...... explained ■ w CcUmi YrAov ture of the operation ami tla LETTUCE ISIS’ base in BANANAS 2 ..25 Christian charity. He EPAI invited full RS a investigation AUAK riot one limited to the question Whether it'* spot pointing or rofinithing your ontiro of He said that hourly wages. cor, you can on A.C. for n $ roly prompt service at reason- 5c Off to SWIFT'S he had been forced make able PREMB prices. CANNED 3 ~ 1 the issue public because of in- EXPERT GLASS WORK • Maxwel sinuations by investigators for EASY BUDGET TERMS 6-ox. or j- the that Mt. Car- Export HAW INSTANT department Fiborglos Repairs "CORVETTES" COFFEEISanko 3-ox. 79* mel was to be made a “test case.” 3085 HUDSON OLVD. Tel. IN THE LETTER HAWAHAN to Mer- » 3 Punch curio, Msgr. Wall asked, "How Jersey City e 0L 6-8000 5 many hours, under the United States Labor Act, does N«r*fc •! jggfMl fq SHOP-RITE it re- MAYONNAISEH 39* IrKmm quire for a homeless alcoholic L AMIROSINO, tf%. .* Av«. r sober? CA to get What is the fair S»rvic» D«pl Hw»n 7i30 AM- ■7M f.M, - W.V till * _ C l«t#J Sat. MAYtR AIAll, \ NOXZEMA AIEAT *62f Illinois Welfare ChidnoMcuor The CMdaoWoodh American Irish Institute of New Jersey Chief Ousted Sow 2^3l* proudly proionti

SPRINGFIELD, 111. (RNS) The Brothers The public official who Clancy and Makem DEL MONTE pro- Tommy PEAS 2-29* that welfare posed recipients Start of Radio and TV, Recordings NOAM receive birth control data and lit 49‘ laundry New materials from the has Jersey Appearance 20 $1149 state ALL DETERGENTSAOcOFF been ousted from his Job by save si b.Ux 9# -i the Illinois Senate. •I the The SUSSEX Republican majority AVE. ARMORY, NEWARK, N. J. SHOP-RITE made clear that * Taterhoum Frozen S Arnold H. POTATOES Maremont, chairman of the Reg. or Crinlde Cut 12^ 1 State Public Aid POTATO Commission, MAY 26-8 fired SUNDAY, P.M. was for "impugning the SHOWHTIorUPTOP Integrity of the Senate.” The 2 Orchcitroi - _ LEMONADE Confinuauc Dancing American CHIPS FROZKM WMTI and Irith Malic or PMK 10z*l GOP voted 34-0 to relieve Maremont; all Democrats ab- Hoßand Bally Owen Band of Ireland - Martin Dutch Treat stained from voting. Costello Orchestra ICE CREAM m Maremont Popular Flavors pL was charged with - w •N.Y. Time, "front Tarty, fartre lean, ttced accusing rank of thli Country's folk parformort , mil hold tender—•PfaereAeeiAli Republican senators . . pk'J KMwCnL.i W..AUOrder-WWeAmlaM, A# _ ttio of withholding emergency pub- truo to muiic'i roolt In Irish tradition." , Ham Caprcola %T*o&s9' Seef lic aid funds because most of Comad “te"” m.99* the recipients were Subtcrlptloni **V I***» Ho* far Chicago $3.00 for Information phono 623-2300 ■ P*. mpaib Oofvlhd error*. We winn Bn r%M to Ml Negroes who voted Demo- *i Holcoy here cratic. St., Newark, NJ, a Shop-Rite Near You Call ESsex 5-73001 THE 6 ADVOCATE May 23, 1963

Holy Father’s Letter Commemorates Work of SS. Cyril and Methodius

News Sertu* NCIVC same end made in those were however, wai appointed Arch- by Anthony M*rtin Slomaek, csre: Cyril snd Methodius, fruit of good worka, Following is the text the other before possess- a of Christ tha ol Apostolic Utter, regions by men of Pannonia and „ sign given as Magnifies bishop Great. Bishop of Maribor, and de- two olive trees, two candela- the F, which ing mystery of faith In a illumination vent us, XXIII to the the them. But the results obtained and also of—your people* Pope John sent Bishops of Moravia received the two anointed veloped by Anthony Cyril bra, sons who pure conscience (1 Tim. 3.9). and the of SUv nations the and and cause common sal- on occasion of the 1 Mb centenary of the arrival were meager delayed charge of looking after the Stojan, of aland before the Archbishop Lord 0f the vation. looked to a more The Ruler and Director of Who appeared SS, and Methodius Great forward pro- of the Slav among of Cyril in Moravia ). apiritual progress Olomouc, to which the name whole earth (cf. 2 Mach. 15, ( Czechoslovakia all and you of the two dis- time and better nations things limes, having by means The letter is dated and released pitious adapt- as of of SS. and 14; 11, 4; Each. 4,11- May 11, 1963, was May 14, . Apostolate Cyril Apoc. been seminators of ed methods when, through the appeased, as U our evangelical Methodius was given! 14). prayerful will light. Venerable Brethren: Health outpouring of divine grace, THIS HOLY MAN under- hope, turn af- IT IS NEVER to How effective the con- proper were flictions and and Benediction: there would the took his work sadness into bet- Apostolic silent about come accept- new with a which held at keep heavenly gresses were St. THEREFORE, as we able time and the of sal- Cyril'* Prayer ter things anti will In the hidden design of That is day strong and courageous prepare blessings. particularly spirit. Velehrad, near the sacred strongly desire that the com- God'* vation (cf. 2 Cor. First consolations for those who the centen- true when it 6, 2). of ill. he established relict St. How how Providence, comes to solemn- of Methodius! The suitable, celebration of the anniver- Should loving trust in His aid and protection ing nial celebration of a glorious that anyone seek to know and with due and how ly recalling families of strengthened, and re- fitting for present of SS. Cyril and Metho- noteworthy gratifying so sary the reasons that the joy will be greater event is taking place at nations have been principal why the moderation, the ecclesiastical sults circumstances granted the which thus developed for is the prayer diu* should be celebrated in as it jess the moment apostolic efforts of SS. Cyril discipline of hi* He which was expected. dignity by God, Who is rich territory. s common gsin strongly ac- St. Cyril, dying in a and fruit- and Methodius particularlyfitting that the Sec- in (cf. bore such pro- then undertook arduous mercy Eph. 2.4) of be- jour- centuate the fervent wish for Rome, uttered to ask great ful and leave be- WE HAVE LEARNED that manner may ond Ecumen- lific fruit he will easily under- neys throughout this re- ing transferred to the king- vast better circumstances which heavenly graces for the hind it evidence peo- the celebration of of stand a this 11th apiritual ical Council dom of His beloved that it was result of gion and he instructed In the to Son have to ar- being near Foe ywur m mH car at Slavs the fruits of their every accusation. Confirmed ON THE OCCASION we destined for brings than that, under the range that, with by memorials of SS. on the some of your fitting praise, made Cyril radiance Sun of he apostolate— themselves in ell the offices entrusted to commemoration of principal churches the randies RIVERDALE RAMBLER of the Justice, there presented to each of and Methodius. This voire this happy all to all him Hadrian which the of the flocks thing! men that all by 11. in particu- event, with the we solemnly blessed on light Gospel shine your the life, the tal- hears testimony to the greatest re*’ tanf A SIftVICI be gained to the unity lar the Slav mission, he ear- rrenre should the Feast of the Purification forth on the (ef. 2 Cor. the journeys, accom might thanks he of BiverßeU people ents, tha fact that Catholics here share Hem*** THt . Tl M144 of the Catholic Church?" ned them out with the Blessed Virgin 4, •) and thus members the labors even great- in rendered to God for the in- Mary to be new plishments. and the prayers, studies, deli- (Apostolic Letter er zeal. enter into the which to the Arch- describable benefit which Christian fami- fatigues SS. Cyril and berations ami petitions which was and bishops of the In fact, he consid- conferred ly. Such an so Methodius underwent in Bishops always on the Christian event, worthy order Slav Catholic* express snd a to convert Kingdom of the Serbs. Croats ered It holy and sacred of special remembrance, had them to Christ and manifest for the union ol tha community by the auspicious and Slovenes and of the thing to be attached 'o its beginnings among the to lead them more and more Repu firmly churches. coming of SS' Cyril and blic of Czechoslovakia, A A S. the Roman Church the .Methodius Moravians and the Slovaks, towards a human and civilised by w# seem to be the 1927. “Truly and later 95). strictest bonds of charity and For through them among the many culture. gram* of wheat scattered directly, faith and to exercise his or other Slav nations due to the sa- the through their the upon mountains, accord- disciples, 'i/—r^' cred !n ob- providential arrival these IT CANNOT to Slavs ministry reverent to Christian Faith and human of be denied that Alignment ing the beautiful image of edience to the great men. other efforts Apostolic See culture were to the towards the the ancient Christian prayer, brought It will be for to helpful us which is the support of truth Slav nations Thus there flour grains which indeed unite to- exsmine. if snd even briefly and Christian under unity. gether to form delirious tshed, the influence of the 1 summarily, accounts After ta- the of the undergoing many bread the interres grace Gospel, those which their Through llorrim narrate bors and history. for the grfta implanted sufferings shut of SS. and Metho- happily by na- were born in Thcssaloai Cyril They name and of Christ, he which glory God b!e*s ture are the ornament ka. twin brothers, dius, may your equal in finished this life nations PARAMUS earthly on the of these a vivid sense LIGHTING fraternal union at spirits snd their zeal for the faith, differ- tth of 985, and was of th* divine, a na- April. may the grant generous ent in the talents with which heavenly grace CONTINUES buried in the church ture. a rich and principal it a risible sign" (Acta V diversified they were gifted. SllOB of Great Moravia. talent, an inclination towards Conv Vrlehr P «l). One distinguished himself as ITS GIGANTIC a refined culture, a nch dis- a magistrate, the other In the position towards fine A fnenlion IT WAS AT that time that the arts, study of Both, aft Spread* philosophy. we s boundless sense began a particular cuttom of hospital er devoting themselves amoog all of which The religious veneration, the of praying to God not only for tty. offer confi- various dangerous circum- great honor the beloved Buiganaa dent hope* for their future EXPANSION to and renown of SS people stances laborious sacred but Cyril and Methodius also for all the people* Unhappily, in many of their missions among the Arabsi sprang who made and up and spread Jar and wide the name of countries. these heavenly Khazars, retired to the

across tha • every age and Christ shin# forth in blessings the gifts received solitude of Mouqt Olympus in through A Thu heart of Europe from their ancestors and Bithynte. , every place Induced lam the XIII to extoll Then noWf name of Christian—are the special was qur heart deeply sadly SENT *T Michael 111. Em praises of these brother Apos touched and this impulse contemned Heaven ties in hts encyclical granl that shame peror of Byzantium, to Rally letter moved us each day during the mas be felt Grande Munus ssmr for despismg be lav. Prtnce of Great The Ro- years that followed to pour what should man Pontiff decreed that their confident esteemed and losed and tha!. Moravia, who had asked him out prayer* to God feast and by a change in the attitude for worthy preachers of the . day veneration in a spirit of tender re* • should be of their rulers extended to en error# is which we Gospel, they were received the In the** prayers it with tire Church so that, trust will come about the tremendous joy and. set into our custom to join to the the candelabrum of the Blessed Mother tempest will be trsotfbrmcd without delay, they took up of Jesus SS. Church of God. might into a calm hrectr the evangebcal mission to they Cyril sod Methodius and all forth DISCOUNTS which they had devoted them- give a more brilliant the other ratals of East snd light. West eelveai so that by thetr e»er Rcqurwt for Prayer In a short Ume. a great har- powerful patronage they the vest SINCE WE ARK moved by That Christian religion, sprang up in a remark- might beg of God the fulfil- th# same respect as than of the treasure of inestimable able manner It happened that ment of that brotherhood and «ir and the value handed down from their the evangelical task they had predecessor con peace so much desired dittoes* anerslors. be undertaken of the present age as may preserved was rendered Because one becomes easily intact for % well as the your we easier the fart that anniversary being people, by anew tired in carrying on the effort commemorated demand it, we urge y

and shepherd may be realized.

The detires of the Which one serves at Or'rtani? Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, at which bringing pleasure to the. heart and promise of fair hope even observer of the delegatee sep- CURRENT DIUIOEHO arated churehes have been present, reach out towards the

seme end. at s FRESH AIR LOOKS UNUMTTEO * fi THE VOICE of the times is m the voice of God. By more ««tl than one Indication and by eaned $44,000,00* arguments which are not few nor Insignificant, it teems to urge and impel towards the desired restoration of this communion and peace. In the most noble and use- Save with ease . . . ful cause of reestablishing save mail her* harmonious bonds in the unity by of Integral faith, from which Busy? Save with us at your fool You'll os o colt Tlw man in the wwrie! there will be nearest frisky young In in that* middle, of Ho Kkes the wiTepieaw, undoubtedly mailbox. You'll save springtime mfoty born order new sportswear anew of spanking separates. They hove the easy happiness time, steps, trouble. We and that ho and 30 pay new earning* 000 other Oritani it?en In the Christian world, the looks and real 9 eajoy. both grassroots practicality. The bottoms things which unite both aide* postage ways. all are sturdy cotton Gabardine, the tops are fine cotton are much greeter than those knit in a of colors voriety stripe potterns. Select to blend which separate them. Now or contrast: both must prepare the roads CUFFSIDE PARK —74O Anderten SAVI IY which will be Avenue of solid con- HO-HO-KUS—I7 Sheridan Avar** struction and if there {/Ai/ani JUNI 10th which, Wyckoff Savings SHOWN: will PALISADE PARK— 2S3 Brood Avenue be mutual lARN FULL understanding and fraternal with PARAMUS— Carden Stole Plom charity, will AND LOAN ASSOCIATION T-Top easy-over-lhe-heod V-neck DIVIDENDS lead to the deaired thick and thin S-M-l. jawtpa RIDGEFIELD—6OO Brood Avenue success. Midland Park I Main Office Saddle River i Oakland stripes. 2,9( This eagerness to fulfill the TEANICK—Cedar Lane & Larch Avenue PROM JUNI Ist Office Main o,f,c * self belted. 5-15 [ Ml St„ ! Office Walkers, _ 3.99 Will of God strengthens all Wl Barnatable ! AND LOAN all Wyckoff *W 'P° ASSOCIATION things, hopes things, sus- Franklin Ave. Court tains v , . all things. ExttnHon A4iftce*t to Valley Road HOME OFFICE: 321 MAIN o) BERGENFIELD ST., HACKINSACK, MJ. W Kl4mwm4 Av». atrftwMrry Hum Whore WHAT GREAT contribution GI 4 8114 TW i-noo DA 7 0004 FE 7 7814 Washington Ave. and Main Street Yot» Sove . . . Doe* Me*# A MFfereeoe has been made towards this OPEN MONDAY • FRIDAY M - raiDAY NIGHT M Open daily-9:00 to 5:30, Mon. Frl 9:00 end by the association founded Thurs., to 9:00 May 23, 1963 THE ADVOCATE 7 Pope John Prayed Reaffirms Birth Control Stand For U.S. Astronaut TRENTON -—ln a clarifica- to adopt as definitive public personal conviction in this of tion of a statement he. made policy one the many con- matter." NCIT'C N*ut Sfrtic* real success that they be may several weeks birth views on this ago on flicting subject The Governor’s position waa Astronaut L. a contribution to brotherhood offend substantial Gordon Coop- control, Gov. Richard J. and thus a backed Senate and civilization." by minority er was in the of Hughes reaffirmed his belief of the prayers Pope segment citizenry. leader Anthony J. Grossi of John as well as thousands of that thfj problem lies outside "Rather, it should provide Passaic, chairman of the Sen- THE VATICAN City daily, others during his historic 22 of state control. that the of gener- ate committee on the Aid to L’Osservatore had a dispensation orbits of the earth. Romano, The Governor set forth his al contraceptive information Dependent Children program, story on the While the Air Force front-page space major in a letter to the Rev. and materials be left to volun- who said that birth control flight, plus a front-page edi- position was still in John orbit, Pope Walter J. Maicr of the agencies in the is not a for a wel- torial. tary com- proper area said in Rome: "We follow Planned Parenthood Associa- munity; further, it should al- fare "This issue The investigation. them (space with editorial took note of flights) pray- tion of Mercer. Pastor Maier low the and to a the personnel patients belongs higher authority. of We wish Pope’s statement that he ers blessing. them had written to the Governor in public heallth and welfare It involves moral law, and was praying for the success expressing concern over his areas to be guided by their not man-made taw," he said. of the flight and also said: Dental Students earlier remaHis, made in an- "In recording this new swer to a question on the pos- achievement and success of sibility of having state wel- McWilliams Are Honored the American nation with the Msgr. Charges fare agencies issue birth con- merit it one notes deserves, trol information to cut down JERSEY CITY - Four stu- again that science is in the the of dents of Seton Hall College of rate illegitimacy. 'Ignorance' on Animals service of mankind. This is a were inducted into Dentistry of which triumph technology HUGHES THERE equated Omicron Kappa Upsilon, na- WASHINGTON (NC) - Although animals "may man has created with the the morality of birth control tional dental honor fraternity, "Crass still pre- have no rights." he said, "we spark of reason given to him ignorance" with the of execution at the annual honors morality vails about the rela- have duties God in night pro- by God." proper to regard or sterilization. His letter to gram May 17 at the Essex tionship between men and ani- to them.” Before was Pastor 'Maier that House, Newark. Maj. Cooper HOSPITAL Thomas J. director of for the Arch- explained the Na- DEDICATION - Msgr. Conroy, hospitals mals, president of the He .emphasized animals nickeled into he that space re- diocese of for residence St. these remarks were directed The four were Allen Land of Newark, the cornerstone anew nurses' ot Vincent's Hos- tional Catholic for Anii ceived lays Society are "creatures of God, and telegrams from Bishop at the Illinois policy of issuing East Orange, Lande- Montclair. ore Sister Clare Dolores, left, administrator and Mother Jo- mat Welliare said here. Henry Victor J. Reed of Oklahoma pital, Watching the great touchstone now and to welfare re- mare contraceptives of Caldwell. Harvey anna Marie, of the Sisters of of St. Elizabeth. The residence is Msgr. Leßoy E McWil- will be City-Tulsa and Abbot superior general Charity always the answer to Waktman of Hillside and Ed- Philip cipients. named for Blessed Elizabeth Seton. pastor of Queen of the question: Berning, 0.5.8. of St. liams, Are we treating ward Martinei of San Fran- Greg "I Indicated that I would Church. Peace North Arling- animals God would have ory’s Abbey. Shawnee. as cisco Landemare. Waldman reject the contraceptive ap- N.J., made the charge in ton. us treat assuring them’" Cooper's hometown, to as and Martinei also received The Church in the U.S. proach this problem, I an address to the fourth an- him of for the that there are prayers success would sterilization Stressing other academic awards. reject as an nual meeting of the of his mission. society. • strict moral limitations” of on Instrument public policy. . . Vatican the use of animals for scienti- Radio hailed Coop- The Illinois program is not "BECAUSE ANIMALS hive fic purposes. McWil- er's achievement as Birth Killed no opening Control primarily concerned with re- rights," Msgr. McWilliams Msgr. "new Repeal liams charged that there is "a Will horizons" for mankind sponsible family planning said, "the conclusion is drawn "The horizons we great deal of of the future HARTFORD. Conn (RNSt— has Use constitu- vague, therefore the it stressed the that may do anything with cruelty present your peals upheld making since problem are vaster in so-called scientific experi- always than the The Connecticut Senate has tionality of Kentucky's Sunday- law unenforceable and uncon of unwed or deserted mothers them. '■ ments one we aim at," visibly it killed * House-approved meas- closing law for the scrood lime st tnt.onal. whose children are adding to "This attitude is clearly- vacation said. " An "Columbus sailed for In- inhumane abuse in he ure to repeal the state's M- in 19 months In a unanimous opinion, the the burden of welfare costs seen In slaughter- this area, dia and America discovered year-old law prohibiling use of The appeal questioned er-rt ruled that the tS2-year- ing. the horrors of fur trap- stated, is experimentation on It is conceivable that some- c devices and bar- whether fie rxemptma for eld statu'c is net too vague to THE GOVERNOR siid "It ping. cruel blood sport* and living animals by high school thing simitar will result " this from ring physicians from prescrib- "work of necessity" was loi be enforced would be unwise for the state fiendish experiments students. the year latest space explorations." ing them

THE MEASURE. which make Governor would have repealed the birth help control statute in 1*59. passed was returned by the Senate to a To its public health and safety you Speak committee According to Sen. Jr the Gov William F Hickey. . JERSEY Cm' - committee chairman, the bill Richanl J Hughes will deliver will not be out this better commencement reported the address session and also receive an honorary In recent years, attempts to degree at the 72nd commence- repeal the old law have met ment exercises of St. Peter's Catholic? a fate with similar Observers College June 2 at Roosevelt 111 RRY! (,ET l\ 0> THIS have noted that the Stadium. House, Iberia Air line* of Spain now which Is predominantly Prot- amazim; tom el offer: Also due to an hon- offers a special 16-day Catho- receive estant. has voted to take the lic is Bish- Intercut Tour of Portugal. orary degree Auxiliary law off the books, white the Spain. and It ia op Costello of Newark, who Italy. Senate, predominantly Catbo designed to enrich faith, your will at the exercises. preside lie, has tabled Ha measure* iiupiratlon and devotion. There will be 390 degTees The 19*2 arrest of two CANNON Here ii a truly remarkable conferred at the ccrmony. Planned Parenthood officials, tour. Not only does it provide © ■sow with graduates being com- being appealed in the opportunities for happy re- as is FIRST laxation. shopping and other missioned sceon-l tieuten courts, expected to lead to QUALITY also ants in the eventual ruling the Coo pursuits, it offers a Army Reserve an on in unique way which to enrich Corps and four in the Reg- neclicut law by the U. S. Su life. Court your spiritual ular Army. James McGuin preme You'll visit ness will be valedictorian and • LISBON TOLEDO George Degnon. student council Ail ('.amfMiign Report TOWELS FATIMA BARCELONA president, will lead the proces- MADRID LOI'RDES NEW Coon (NO sion HAVEN. ROME More than four and a half mil r On June 1, a Solemn Pon- You'll worship where the boo inquiries have been re- tifical Mass will be celebrated Saints have worshipped—- ceived during the Id-year his- SL you'll learn first-hand the at Aedan’s Church by Aux- tory of the Catholic advertis- beauty, grace and iliary Stanton, a grad- inspiring Bishop ing program sponsored by the atmosphere of the great sanc- uate of the The dea- college. of Columbus tuariea of Knights Europe. A full-day will be Hcv. Joachim con Knight Luke E excursion the Shrine of Our Supreme to Schweitzer. B. OS of St Hart also of Fatima. See the Mu. reported that nearly Lady Benedict’s the Bull Prep, and the sub- a half million enrolled aeum, Ring and the persons Each National Palace deacon Rev iiarry Burns. in Madrid. for instructions as a result of V ill) Toledo: The S J of Fordham University. *5 magnificent Ca- . the campaign - thedral,the Alcazar, El Greco Very Rev. Emmet J. Norton. The program wav inau- urehase House.Visit Barcelona's beau- S J.. rector of St Peter's Prep, gurated us January, 1947 tiful church, Sagtada Familia. will deliver the baccalaureate • In Lourdes, you'll have am- sermon. ple time to visit the Basilica, Sunday lahc l plield the Grotto, Bernadette's LOUISVILLE. (NO house. Witness the evening Ky. Candlelight Procession—its New Campus The Kentucky Court of Ap- memory will last a lifetime. Thence to Rome. At St. Francis Hffi I 100 S4H STAMPS Two full in Rome. The days fca vflb to rvpviof BROOKLYN - Dedi- BONDS Four Major Basilicas, Sistine (R.NSI cation A $lO.OO PUtCHASI the ancient Cata- ceremonies were held Chapel, Ot ftkOtf combs. As the outstanding here for buildings on the new Insurance event of the an audiefice tour, campus of St. Francis Col- with the Holy Father will be lege, conducted the Fran- MdfMl petitioned. by _ ciscan Brothers. l«l O These special Catholic-in- CHUCK ROAST Cwpoi pm* terest tours on J McKntrgart group depart Bishop Bryan iam*t convenient dates between of chairman the Brooklyn, of LANCASTER RtAMO bpw Sat . Ho, and each April September, ac- college's board of trustees, - companied by a Spiritual CHUCK STEAK 39' FREE! 30 S4>H STAMPS blessed the buildings. The prel- *l.OO Leader. You will fly aboard DEL MONTE PEACHES 5 1" ate was presented with a LANCASTER MUHO _ lOHIKU me- the comfortable, At W 2ki 04 superbly MA ptjt Uml memorial scroll the Z O'O: maintained lin- by college, ticulously jet “ FRENCH FRIES marking the 20th TUNA —4::: *l.OO CROSS RIB ROAST b* ers of Iberia Air Lines. anniversary IDEAL Kom of his consecration as Bishop LANCASTER HAND Sound good? Come with us: KA<\ r »m it will enrich your life forever. WELCHADE 79c o:c:r: p ,3 ; GROUND CHUCK ■> 69c 16-day, 4-Country Tour A Wedding Reception LANCASTER HAND TOMATO JUICE E*p~M Sot, 25 Life LIBBY 3?1'79e May Family PLATE BEEF * 19c 5 si • 954 «7el 30~ h "stamps” IANCASIII hand PLAZA HOTEL HEINZ BEANS 10c U toy©*' rtg itamptv 4 eai*. * 6-day JNui» SHORT RIBS 49c on isau Jarwr CUT* N J. LOUEl LA BUTTER available to Germany, France, Jan. M lUrrtMK. H*ljr Cm*. TEA BAGS 79c Ncmm . i ■■■ HE i -I*l »rnM« TETLEY • England, Ireland—sls9 addi- Jum IS-Z) - Or St Joka's. snc*. OK t- • LANCASTER BRAND K6dfm .~m OunliM limwi iMni ... — tional. sail Jan* •II >« tM ’lncludes hotels.most meals.guides, n JO <;t.o Rock. St. Caikutu*’, * wh -59 • IwM'ttr JSZtZ. c seta CuIUM COFFEE transfers and round trip ticket on Jun* IS-3® - JffMS CIO. St, J***p» a • Prkai Iberia. Price based on ex- HE SMI ; economy Carelvi Sot Mot 23 • •IttnlWl •• eafaltt lipi'ft . cursion jet faret, New York HUMANDWIM RITRIATS WRAP 2 ;r45c LEG O' LAMB depar- ALCOA •PC S-IS4I *f OL IMOI double room Con- ***** IlMtl Canfutlanl ture, occupancy. July wa, No» u OuM* at P».c FREE! 30 SAH STAMPS St ,NE nections from Boston and Montreal n»lr*al H«ua. I'.ul. Abb*;. wrili to odditso*to yowr >«g stamp* Kawtoti available at sama fare. For details, LUCK «" 89« ft Jun* SWSS Carm*t. Oakland Oldfield 2-0100 GOOD 4** porcKaM of 4-pok incM see your Travel call Iberia Sun* «-». July iset - Ovm #■ Agent or st. pmm x Ready Reg. _ Am*** Paring TOILET TISSUE lloum at, tllackuocMl tpace Air Lines at MU 74050. Air ». 59c WIDOWS CwUHHU PEAS 229 Style t Subnet IsleVt WIDOWins DEL MONTE c ieerstil "On* I'unlllM" tolas larnttd. IlllmrXt chaartullr (Iran Call lIE SKSt. TO Please send me folders end fur- CAMPBELL'S ££° :10c LANCASTER MANO ther information on the special fomify DAILY TRIPS »*«*»"’ "Catholic Interest" vacation CHUCKS LAMB *33c (apir«t Sot.. Moy 23 tours. TO FLORIDA MAXWELL HOUSE 99c TO COAST D RtANO SHOULDER COAST MOVERS LANCASTER RIR LOLN FREE I 30 SAH STAMPS NASIf AND CALIFORNIA LESSER QUANTITIES AT RIOUIAR PRICE «H* * » * la oddilio*to yoal tafl. Itotopt LAMB CHOPS 79« 89c 1.09 o* ADDSCss pvrctwto ol lliraa 6-01. com IDEA. ORANGE JUICE CITY STATS WHILE THEY LAST I SHOP ACME FOR THE FINEST, FRESHEST PRODUCE Hi in.c A|Ut l« Addr.u -jNCeiBRoTAERs iMaUirt Imtttt imi» Inn tut f«Mag IMI 0— ASPARAGUS ™ 39c CHAIR lowly bpiiat Sol. May ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 29< IBERIA FRE'I 50 SAH STAMPS la M tog. mPh .79- SI 0.00 addition your tamp* CUCUMBERS —>3-1* LEMONS 6-29= Stood **OVl of ooy loncotlor AIR N{ *2 pufcKoia LINES OF SPAM Lo since Of »oft RIB ROAST 911 Finn avl *»« FINEST FROZEN FOODS THE BEST DAIRY FOODS e, J IN NIW TOPIC. N. Y. ««5 '"Wes size i IDEAL LEMONADE CREAM CHEESE pay Mod, IXIIA coupon Iberia Air lines KO. PINK < TEMPTEE 8-oz. ■tapping family For of Spain •*wi STURDY. or pi. cm 1(K 33C Inpitot Sot, May ‘ Reservafions WIDf or Information, 2y*B PLASTIC nil a B-«. in. STAMPS Call Writo or See C FREE I 30 SIH . . . "O'//1 : WfillNO Peas Sliced Swiss >Mrol l OT Birdseye h^'l.OO pku. wf* Vowri £*><« la odditloa la yoot rag. Nampa H*w JE to/* 3 Rm. , »-69

There is a Rotary shortage of priests and re- Membership ample of Lu and Bergamo and other ligious in the United States even in places which have surpluses. Catholics New Jersey. Many dioceses and religious and especially Catholic parents, should Not for Priests communities are recruiting candidates in fervently pray that God will give to the those countries of Europe which have world sufficient Rtv. Leo Parity, priests and religious; and S.T.D., and Rtv. Robert Hunt, S.TD., of surplus vocations. What is the Immaculate reason for particularly that He will give to at least Conception Seminary, Darlington, Ramsey N.J., this are editors The surplus? one member of their of Question Box. addressed family a vocation to Questions may he to them there for answers in this the priesthood or the religious life. column, or to Question Boa WE MAY FIND an answer vo- in the Editor, The 31 Clinton Advocate, St., Newark 2, cation of Rt. Rev. Caesar N.J. Msgr. M. Rinaldi, CATHOLICS SHOULD also contrib- Q. Why are Catholic pastor of St. priests time and Anthony’s Church, Union ute toward the education place. of priests and forbidden to become members who But like any with City, died last week after serving religious. How society heartrending it is to learn, of the Klwanis, or the Rotary many sections to it, the Church Archdiocese of Newark for 30 years. for that Lions? instance, seminaries in Spain are can different laws Born pass of its and educated in Italy, Rinaldi A. First let us set forth Msgr. turning away hundreds of aspirants to the the own making for different was the son of facta. parents who gave five sons priesthood because of lack of groups. every year On Jan. and two 11,1951, the Of- For daughters to the service of God room. Holy example, Catholics in If ordained, these men would make fice forbade priests to the in religion. join service arc not obliged to fob ideal missionaries for America. Spanish Rotary society. No such gen- low the Such same fasting rules as a contribution was not eral consider- We hear the same sad of seminaries prohibition exists for the So. ed story we. too. may the Church very extraordinary in their little town in Africa Kiwanis or Lions. give and other missionary countries. However, a very special of less permissions than 3,000 which Bishop miy forbid his priests to inhabitants, has The vocations are there, but the funds to one country that another to given 400 sons and join any secular society if he does have. daughters to the priest- build not She may permit seminaries and educate students are thinks such hood a command pru- one nation to follow less and religious life. For severe the niothers lacking. dent. I know of such local abstinence town of no rules than another. of the Lu have ac- been The command a In Society of St. Peter the by Bishop in the so Apostle doing she merely use* customed to meet regularly and that for U.S. the Kiwams pray Native Clergy is now touching or her own law-making dif- their supporting power children might be favored vo- Liens. with thousands of seminarians with offerings ferently for different people. cations. John How do we the Pope XXIII has said the which explain We should not be shocked it receives from Catho- Church'* generous general command this. same of the mothers of his lics. re- at The Church’s unity in Bergamo, Why not send an for this offering specting the Rotary? We doctrine birthplace, where msy and morals is not at almost every family is to diocesan do of purpose your office of the to by reason a general all in danger. represented Teachings like in the priesthood or the re- and of Society for the Propagation of the Faith? objection by reason a those in the Apostle's life. Creed, ligious more specific danger. You may have the joy, honor and reward ami moral laws like those The shortage of in the U. S. against divorce and birth con- priests of fully paying for the educaton of a THE ROTARY is not Just a is trol insignificant to the are not made up by the compared shortage priest by giving $250 a year for the six professional and economic In missionary countries Church. They come from God. and Latin Ameri- years of his seminary training. group. It alms at cultural and ca They oblige all Catholics, which, personal though nominally Catholic, has In to development as well thanksgiving God for the gift of in the same way. to Sine* it is non-sectarian everywhere, failed produce nearly to its cul- enough priests Faith and the lifetime of service have But other laws that the Church you tural serve the pursuits and personal de people. What needs to be done herself received from do what can makes, may be priests, you velopment activities would to this condition? or removed change Follow the ex- to increase the have to changed according number of priests. be based upon a na- as the different circumstances tural morality and religion of peoples rather may require. than upon the divinely Q. When confession is an revealed truths of Christianity pre- Everybody’s scribed for the gaining of an ‘Expert’ and Catholicism On indulgence must one go to con- Four the this account it is just a* years ago concept of an ter from to fession generation generation. Social well that even if he is in the priests not be mem- ecumenical council was so strange and so and economic conditions bers that state of grace? change, political thereby they do not remote that the very terms had to be de- A. Indulgences are organizations are unstable, methods of support a kind of religious lai- grants fined at that made only to length for eism and intrrdenominational- are those many people. communication change more quickly than Jesus who fulfill the conditions four ism. pre- Now, years later, with one ses- the Preaches And even if in places the of men to ability employ them. In scribed If confession is sion of the Second Rotary it purely pre- Vatican Council com- professional this climate of scribed. change, the changeless and its confession must be not is economic coal w ill lie pleted, only one familiar every with Truth of a changeless Church must below made If only the state of find the spiritual goal of the the terms “ecumenical" is and “council" but new grace prescribed then con- channels of efficacy, new roads to the priesthood and no harm will In fession almost knows the would not be everyone everything b* dona the exclusion of necessary about hearts and minds of men. by unless the what Synagogues one were in the state council, it is doing and what re- priests. of mortal sin forms THE SECOND VATICAN More in will follow its conclusion! A large Council is specifically, recent FRANK J. SHEED times However those who usually of dedicated By the in seers to exploring these new chan- Rotary tome corps expert has developed who go to confession twice W* think countries Holland sod a month seem to nels. of Our Lord pri- (Spain, see the subjugated now future with greater ac- l* leaching U what Motel at least, or who marily tome parts of South America) receive Holy as Redeemer. and What He than The Second Vatican Council is dedi- taught about re meant. He Communion at least curacy even inspired Paul ever actually assumes to has taken on an anticlerical. five timet dared rightly. But *e mutt never penlaoce—m-lano.a. of to change Himself a a claim. cated the and greater anti-Cathohe week may gain all indul- adoption employment of forget that He Teach- authority and pro M *some wss alto mmd. change of heart we than even whatever means Moses had gences even without an actual are proved, aiter long er So far there tendency in our ttory. it may gather from the Sermon Moses said thus and confession which would UNDOUBTEDLY, there will be re- and no thus, lit fact. Bishops m those other- careful discussion, to be the best in record of Our Lord * hav- the oo Mount which would fol- but I " wise be forms. ' say »o you It was lha areas had already required This it the Undoubtedly there will be ing taught publicly, forbidden changes this atomic This is we can although low toon age. all that afterward* moat concession astonishing phrsse that the on these made by the law of that will affect the lives of all those with- admit, He mutt iurely have taught Rotary ac- all that we can had ever come the Church expect. To publish There, we can from Jewish counts Because these with the exception the crowds .a Judea particularly, tenden- in the Church and of *ee many those without blueprints of future to why. at the beginning lips Either it was the Jubilee plans, pinpoint al- very cies could easily them- indulgence and that Now. unspeakable insert There has been no the Evangelist* teU ut. of HU arrogance century in which the terations in is to a teaching ministry, the blasphemy indeed selves into of the Jubilee" namely in the practice, be like dis- a croup tike the He began the long Galilean Church not means people "were Sitonished at lit* since Moses, in the manner of a jubilee indul- has adapted the passages Rotary' on s more for credited fortune teller who a universal attempts ministry touring the on by tyna- doctrine, for He was teaching quoted, was giving forth wtsat scale has gence carrying her mission to the demands than thus far ip definitive declaration -B®*“**. preaching of the future based a* them one God had given him. else red. See of that having power, or Pea Use has seen the century. on Holy Q. What is meaning of a discussions not " yet held, and resolu- not at the scribes what? For Galilee than and for best forbid AT A CURTAIN point in the to priests every- Red Mass? The mission itself remains not unchanged tions at. the whole »orid where yet arrived service. member of the ever since, to join the group A The the a coo THE name is used for the bringing of people to God the It is WHOLE teaching that has been the most important to realize that cregaboo question of The decision of the Holy See Mass would be invited by celebrated for the mem- teaching men method of die scribe* wa* to did to all whatever Christ has essence of the official questions not forbid Catholic bers the the Church cannot change, in charge to ex- laymen of the legal profession, It must quote some earlier author)!)’ To make this sort to taught. remain unchanged tome of claim join the the because will not change. is the pound passage tn the Rotary However, usually at start of a Next in importance and establish was legal is what the tra- and not be stoned to death. it truth certainly put* Catholics in or unchangeable. The means of ex- of day's reading from the Old year term The mass is duty for those in the council ditional the Our praying interpretation of Lord had to have mira- the pediting that of Testament Our Lord's fame Rotary on guard should usually a votive Mass in honor mission, making it more rather than Law of Mosc* and teach speculating on what thev the cle* In the first public miracle any wrongful movement of the had spread to Galilee, every- de- Ifbly Spirit Since this effective'-and more must will tngs of the Our Lord of this penetrating ai- do. Prophet* new campaign. once one was mira- He velop in the future It also is said in red vestments, talk'ag of the not the only calls no earlier au made moreconfronted the it clear a Mass cle* He had worked tn Jeru- pewers of that Bishop has come to be thority to show that what He bell popularly who thinks it well to salem tn the week of Passover do so called a Red Mass One Once may forbid Catholic laymen as Minute to it wet known that He was well at priests from Midnight in the congregation, there »at joining this An American never any doubt that He would society business executive with bulent times in South America. She has be called Q. C*a Church laws be dif- TkeA(k viewpoint, know nothing at all. really Shall the world 1-enin as a to is: P» . Moat Rar the symbol against spur the Soviet May Yankee imperialism. cern to us. socialist The clergy from the New Jer- Nor is what Our Lord Revolution. That mutual ir taught dictatorship prevail, Sultberger pre- and s&ls A thousand charity c miles from bust- or shall there CT r Y- “waTIrD away sey dioceses who have on either of these themes tn come about a supposed that it the li- lead *;• V* *(i ?? S? ; offered themselves meant understanding may to »•& J nuwi—A ling, luxurious in Rio Brazil, cane His first of the wider distribution of wealth, quidation M R.i \try Rar. Marr sugar for below-the-border the Peace tour syna- of Zhukov' Whereas, reunion with Orthodox Thttnaa M. work, Raardaa. L Lit. Verrßev. Star. Wil- cutters as work nine months gogue* told us be- such Pbpe John envisages' it means the Christians liam s Paid of the year for the possibly liquidation of ut. Ml-S : Rrv wSni J Corps, Papal Volunteers evidence an Dwltp. ATI.. Rev Jamaa W, O’Neill. 25 cents a cause the were not the " The mission day. Little wonder that the disciples "imperialists intention sug- William KaUar. AH.. awakened interest in the most Jar ST.U| Important with Him WE CAN BE SIRE we ■av Reds to record it we get We shall also have to turn gested for the Praactt J. Keuftttn*. XT L. envision a plum for the Apostleship 0,m,0f ripe pluck- part of the world after our American* shall X** Sir. own country. an impression that had never be able our of the general of the is: j k'l ing; have they skepticism Prayer by Pope they already infiltrated the to obtain the second Pataca* R'proaanlatna: Rav. gov- Mr. McEoin insists on back to their goal un- a For this personal gone fishing and press to of the orders Ptanna knowledge missionary J RMi mar. . ernment, labor unions and student less we h»v* a much better groups, approach to Latin American problems. would only be called to the communist line. The consoli- and congregations. not to knowledge mention a of commu- the (Meanwhile “Let a apostolate little later. But living dation of Soviet control over army. school like Seton Hall adopt a sim- nism and it* techniques This*? back at the White House, ilar we do know what He taught the captive nations now looms agreements university in some South American about both the months that requires not only the study of result have been made to advance in up as a in part of $4lO million Cardinal country; let a local city provide a pro- followed, ami we may assume Cushing's "Questions America's fumbling in Hun- to bolster the rickety Brazilian economy.) of that and Answers onCommunism" gram assistance for some Latin Ameri- He as He meant to gary. and of our aid to Red As began with many Latin American can " and own of lands, community To him “the problem of continue. my "Techniques Poland and Red Yugoslavia. Our Parish the financial gap between the lower Communism." It also requires and Latin America is a human problem. A BOLT the classes is THE Kingdom-what healthy skepticism regarding THESE COUNTRIES are ruling incredible; a substan- "We can never to solve it until He had do all begin to was destroy our own general played up in the current tial, stable middle class is press. sadly lacking. we that we are their confident of recognize dealing with expectation Of New Times and International “All peo- late, much of this press they need is another Castro,” a world and the Affair* ob- ple." conquered na- has as to So- preached appeasement in contributing serves expert Gary McEoin, "to tions ruled by the Jewish peo- viet in We must provoke It’a one minute to midnight for many forms including the power Europe social ferment, ple. Until He had done that, it know, too, that Cuba, a* Uie perhaps even revolution.” Church and State suppression of the truth about in Latin America—will would not be safe to announce individuals March International Affatrs The Church too has tur- who have careless experienced manana ever come? Himself as King. What He show*. I* now used a* a show- ly injured our national do. before must there was any security. case of “successful resistance question of announcing His to Imperialism” among all Mother The New York Herald Trib- Seton own to and messiahship, wet em- "colonial" the Press une has Owen peoples. those elements In just praised phasize the Crowning all of this Lattimore. Nowhere was It is the The beatification Old Testament of Mother Seton headline prophecies forward of "anti-corn- treatment. Even more surpris- emphasised that the Senate In- pushing March which of re- on 17 was covered the Catholic spoke spiritual muniam as a poison," which by ing was the detailed ternal Security Sub committee description of the birth and with its usual spiritual leadership, again is revealed the astute press competence and rev- two miracles for had declared that Mr. Latti- by required the beatifica- with Gentiles also re not born, William Weinstonr in the erence. This was to be more had been a "conscious, expected. tion, especially the cure of Ann O'Neill. articulate instrument of the young people's paper. Com- The coverage of the beatification by Rarely does one read in a secular munist for or- Soviet cotupirMy." Viewpoint, January, the secular press newspapers, maga- gan such factual accounts of the to forbid all opposition to com- miracu- For Vocations Dr. J. Robert Oppcnhcimer zines, etc. was as and lous munism as "immoral." This thorough com- the Even rare- has been supernatural. more treated likewise, no- plete as it was and thought constantly surprising gratifying. ly. does one read such accounts in the Members of the Aposto- tably in the New York Times. intimidates our general non-communist late for Vocations But the THE secular press with acceptance and credi- can gain Personnel Security SECULAR PRESS, as its name press. a plenary indulgence under Board of the Atomic Energy bility, at least and as usual- Implies, is concerned with secular implied, not, the conditions There is mainly ordinary on: Commission, finding him to bis encouragement, denied doubted. matters. ly, cleverly or in that the June 2, Pentecost Sunday a "loyal citizen,” nevertheless however, Catholic high school It is not often the Once week for recommended against his con- superintendents that spiritual THE SECULAR PRESS, a reciting generally, tinued are now resolved to introduce and with access to restricted ma- especially the supernatural the is to be commended for this frank dally, piety, any and terial. analytical studies of commu- prayer for vocations On appeal, the AEC de- miraculous is permitted to intrude factual ap- up- treatment of a subject which be- nied him nism in their schools. There proved by the ecclesiastical further access to re- on the “sacrosanct” first have and when cause of its stricted material also been moves for page, purely Catholic and super- authority. by a 4-1 vote. it does, the copy is .thick with academies for freedom In qualifying natural character, A of gen- must have been disa- partial indulgence MANY OF OUR general eral and for affatrs In quotation marks, and a veritable of 300 can bfc tor foreign fog greeable fare for some daya gained of its readers. One press commentators know “it each act Washington itself. It Is my is said,” "it is etc., etc. of charity or piety alleged," can only express the that we will little of the Marxist classics and hope performed for the hope prayer that these But not this time. The intention news see and read more of the which guide the communist institution* will become reports same not so of fostering vocations the fully and to even the editorials on Mother Seton’s much leaders. So it was that two awake the for because we need it, but because priesthood. tp necessity a of beatification for the most part. years ago. CL. Sulzberger study of actual, commu- "... and all we received, they need it. living above must remember that man is the New York Tlmee uttered nism. not a machine." STRANGE BUT TRUE May 23, 1963 THE ADVOCATE 9 Letters to the Editor Little-Known Facts for Catholics MURRAY Get By M. J. cwntSM. mkowo im Him to the Church Tie memo mU eJUress of tbe writer must to Included he o tetter tended for pubUcetko, but they will be wUbbVu if re'ssoZed. On Time; Not Too Soon

for Aid you as a palliative. It is in By REV. JOHN L. THOMAS, S.J. Request truth The Scholastic nothing less than an In- Assistent sult to the millions who Pro/enor of Sociology, St. Louis Uhu-ersily From Chile view And Notre support of parochial school ed- Dame I m * in Junior college and Bill has three more of work so Editor: ucation as a major contribu- years graduate there’s Editor: no of Will tion to the general welfare thought Immediate marriage. We matter of you ask your readers of get along very well except on the Your editorial “Academic cs> the nation." ■h°uld a to consider this request from spend good deal of time with his I Partners?" is combination ih"* family. The Advocate a that ifif argua Mother Maria Zac- , now carries a he really likes me much he Anthony of misinformation and ignor- as as claims, he would want to spend more time news item of caria, of Chile? Her telling Mr. Gal- with me. Isn’t It ance. I do not possible to remain too attached to family? Am I lagher's reaction to Whije pretend one’s wrong in letter reads, in part: recent de- to know all the I know thinking he’s Immature In in the Missouri facts, this regard? "I pray our winter will not velopments several of which you are school bus ap- too hard, for our transportation situ- You’ve asked several bjf buildings unaware. very there will be of im- ation. Mr. parently “thought lay. Stop insisting on morn «V unhcated. The Gallagher is quoted different quesUons, but 1 tempera- The roots of the current dis- think mediate as is frequent association, for follows: marriage," Bill ture inside is whatever as “If we fail to have it is as- between the Notre Dame you only one prob- normal for pute major a young couple. If will either tire of arguing with outdoors. sist the private schools, I ask nothing for we lem. administration and the editors you wish to maintain a work- you and break off the affair are but continuing to neglect an myself, could you please of Notre You able the Dame Scholastic pointrd out the main friendship, a relationship himself, or he will give in, and send segment of the na- me you can for important hack least of that will anything go at to 1957, when source your difficulties al- not you under then you will have to to the tional educational system." place come children in home? We our I first matriculated at the uni- most in passing, though the excessive tension and stress, terms with premature could If the emo- use everything from 1961 position of Mr. you must versity. fact that you mentioned It regulate your dating tional involvement. seemed bobby-pins to used clothing Gallagher to flow from Over the thst and other contacts past several years suggests you are not accord- Don't deceive yourself; im- and toys. considerations of a pragmatic the Scholastic has been able wholly Of its aware signifi- ingly. mediate marriage will not be it seem “There may be families who nature, would that his to achieve It is a certain degree of cance. easy to accept these a solution. Bill will not later have books that do position is based they not present on a editorial freedom. This has statements in and to ig- forgive for “Bill has three more theory you interfering use concept of years anymore. so often justice nore Every ... been mainly the result of an their personal implica- with his of graduate work, so there’s adequate preparation the scries in schools Is it allowable your to speculate arduous dialogue which the tions in practice, for life. More no thought of immediate mar important, he is and so excellent change, books that the dawning of a concept Notre Dame students initiated Don't argue that since not nage." This simple statement you ready for marriage until become obsolete to of justice in the eyes of Mr. with the faculty and adminis- both accept the fact that there has of fact tells us about all we he completed his studies, Americans. How much 1 Gallagher needful he was of the tration. This year's fo can no thought of marriage as all Scholastic, have know concerning too many couples who would your appreciate these books in the of under the of John for the next three there pragmatism sight editorship that years, married dis- problem. Assuming you prematurely are for my classes. thousands of children McCabe, has is no that . advan- approached the normal danger you will be- covering too late. are a couple and that I her hope request touches cing over the Missouri horizon sort of excellence that Father come involved you have deeply through hearts already discovered many so we may send to exercise their right as citi- Hesburgh has repeatedly more You that like each other frequent dating. you very a sizable case (or cases) to to enroll in the Notre Dame can’t have both zens the public urged student it wavs, and 1 Cod Love You much, the phrase, “no thought her. Your readers school system because seek ... think that know may phone as stu- to of immediate you it. Hours pre- Forty at EL 2-4477 for additional dents in The marriage." me parochial schools the is my under- following sents a dilemma that Information you are IF YOU ANALYZE at- or send their gifts Missouri legislature would standing of the current dis- your trying not to face a more for her to home. squarely. titudes little objective- my deny them even the "fringe pute. A lengthy edition of the A newark Mrs. Igino ly, you will probably find that Grosi, benefit” of bus transportation? Scholastic was prepared and Message WHY CONTINUE to deceive Ji. ini you don't, accept this “no lv*d«Y Mttte AkiRMR 645 Second B sent to the printers. Rev. Jo- If you follow Ave., Joseph McCaffrey, yourselves? your Oar 4 Mu formal. thought of immediate l.ady f Ob'or Elizabeth. Morris Plains. seph Hoffman natural marri- V Nr* removed two inclinations and begin ark w Hoc*nil. age" as a guiding principle in 15 r 2JTd 54. nirsmitt articles because he felt that to see more of each other. C ;r»r To the Rich M athrr el S.ena. XII Pomptot your the Scholastic could not afford relationships Although Axe (.etimr Ofova Halt Uf Le of Heart not wish to admit Tnnity. motor A*t.« Oyt*a» Change Typewriters the cost of an extra-long issue you may it v liV By BISHOP FULTON J. SHEEN St bi **4 *. 4501 He did thu without informing even tn yourself, you are real- Liberty A>a . Rcrfoa On School Aid? ly to For the editors. The of the quite willing take a Out Lady at the \tutrljar. 34 Tanganyika nature A word to the rich: for 82: “To Mass Calendar Fair. help the of v*e-w Ave , Prrarru* • poor chance on an earlier articles had mar- St Mtry Editor: nothing to do with “He Who was rich became the ». 514 Vk r«t Su.lJ» St . Pi**. Editor: world and beg prayers for their deletion. riage 'seid -This time poor for our sakrs that " **»» ss Will) Win two The Greetings from Africa we a son To halt, St Mxkoei ». 1212 Ke! » St. t years ago. where fatlen-away E B r*s ii,h ruo* Father Hoffman then called might become .- In this light, Bill's approach Jwna l. IHJ Advocate carried a news item it isn’t dark at all, but bright rich." for 820 "After graduation, hW «and Amvrmm *«« r awso much a meeting of the editors and St. Paul is m,. t-„ appears more logical 2®; Adame St on the position of Cor- and applies these words several girls HfiJr Truuty . Never* Rep. sunny. are spending a team. Itartar trS II Shu informed them of M Cl SI knlAWitui. *37 S A.* . Sr*. his action. to T»4 CHI 9t Ms J c Knowingly or unknowingly b<> nelius Gallagher with regard Last year some of Our Lord. Who emptied weekend at the shore I I: Vs r, your would * He-also told them that ad- I*lH IsniM is his of to of readers the Himself of the of His using sense family Ar *ri * * rejikim Ttfrtipkka, proposals legislative aid were kind enough to glory rather you use the- money I W*> » - IvsMtj it ministration _ had revised its to make > >« (Isa. Wfet, loyalty as a convenient means to education. Mr donate us had saved to send t rvwtfi <* tb# l-juJe I Ur* or Pin*. Gallagher some typewriters Divinity spiritually mission- Cl rtvt st ls„— of Ave policy in regard to the Scho- souls ” avoiding involve- . Berk**-) He|Uk was impoverished rich His Ms, ~ W<—la, quoted as follows: “If which are now in aries abroad To a South IS M Mu, Mss deeper H*ty ndrtcttfl being used zn Ra%tr>. X 5 t A»a. E/lfa- Ssts— 4s run. Vunt M Class lastic. The Scholastic was no grace. ment, state aid in the form of low our typing class, four Dakotan for 835 "For the ***/ or five Gi m US ( .I*l rise a VF-eer rtf Pe*«w. » to be •» r«AkLs p* . NarUl longer a magazine of And that same A-srsa—i Interest loans is not extended to Lord Holy Father to use as ArfasßftM girls each machine. If he Ws» TV.,Ms, WH4T they It _ Visas mt »., SHOULD do’ Mats M student opinion, but was in the made “ you ll*y Spart 0.-trg* to rich in a ““ the parochial schools a far have we you material Judges best «» Clsta «ws U M (* a St rWr-Afd 1115 any more, and be very Vou decide that a. (,*v*f* . p.u*. Istis Ns If ,-tsC a may a delay future to be a simple •'news sense. II I is •etW greater burden than the aid to have grateful any kind, " Cut out this column, Usss St fra*. *l—l of pm « U l*r«f as three years u too difficult Motuw-w'e. ii3 A\a„ magazine Oh Sj Proper! R.lff needed to them or yes. you worked keep going portable standard, new or sacrifice to it too your and Mu II - mss, SlsaH Vtrcta or much of a gamble. This Professor Costello of the bird, or you guarded will be shifted on- used your in- Mss,. Was, it rsS < last WVU CJ necessarily They could phone the address it to Buhop Fulton J would that break Isa Call t« rvuam.ll. mean you up Paterson English Department, faculty heritances. or Cs * to the schools.” Bronx (Ludlow 4 you invested public 8120) to have Sheen. National ■ —»< \ trgtt the to the Director. So- relationship and start dat- adviser Scholastic, re- well, but the Lord Z«sa Mov 74. IU3 _ as Was- My reaction to this news them deliver it still the for I VUuSt, YtfS picked up or ciety the Propagation iv*4*y A»«af Akkum edi- of *«u« la nta nsa a no r ing others. This is a reason signed on the spot The first cause rM f* TNvau*. U Railroad Item took the form of letter to . . . of your wealth S»r . t'fien*. a them the Motherhouse at 366 Filth Ave ta Maas Utta. a the Faith. . New able solution and should in- bsry tor and the two associate edi- It is much to Mr. Gallagher which con- Maryknoll. NY easier for you to Ledy . marked for York, or Bishop W Isas i . 22 Farßufß FL. Martin ias,, rs—aa—i s—as, volve no bitterness. tors resigned save cluded with the two subsequently your soul than it is for la Haas Mad cii sentences Morogoro Stanton. 31 Mulberry St , New n *• When 1—■— Has. Or thif iho V*aej. 4 \ eii*y R 4, the news reached the the can 1 sssta aaS U«s> aS may deride to con which follow: “The idea poor You give in you of of- Sister Mary Cassia. ark. or Mvgr William F raaasvasS student Unue that Jwea L IK3 body there was a vio- Christ's Name But the Ms, II Oasts Or CnsS C trrm dating. This means fering the •small change' of Marian poor LaxUs. 24 DrGrasie Si . Pater- R*e*o< »l< College. Vasias Maas a Hals CM. «c «,,a lent There was much to you all the im- W CUlfl Don* low-interest loans Box uproar. have sink down into the Waraaa W Ns-art f tMsaaa honestly accept as a form of 40 son a l*ass> Morogoro. St awWti :ji (Wocft Pttervw talk of a huge protest of may viewed E Africa by Tanganyika. The editors tried to mollify the an act of resignation and sub- ~ radical sentiment, and when it mission to God's will. ; n became likely that they might MEASURE YOUR be forced to address an anti- gifts with the rules that Our Lord laid ad mmistraiioa demonstration, down for Labor they fled to Chicago. giving Migrant Our Lord. sad we should THE ADVOCATE’S charge give to the poor. When you aie that the editors attempted to to ready make a. distribution, make themselves martyrs for And P.L. “call in not the rich, but the 78 " academic freedom is utterly poor OO false. The Advocate is also in Our Lord also said we MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS when it By error tumps together should give anonymously "Do the administration and the fac- let left Dirtitor, Social Action Dtp!., SCU'C not thy hand know ulty " ... what thy right hand u doing us Those dt at NCWC who cessing companies to harvest The cleavage between the Ever notice how much more money-saving are most involved m their Public administration and the directly crops Law 78's faculty you give when you "sub- the of la- mass importation of at Notre Dame is perhaps scribe" there problem migratory Mexican than when is a bor know that have farm greater than that between the we hardly workers helps the cor- collection? scratched in solv- administration and the the surface poration farms drive, out stu- Our Lord said we should ■f' low-cost it. family farms. dents The Notre Dame admin- ing give to the poor because “they the most important istration is not to ex Perhaps willing have nothing to thee GROWERS DO repay tm NOT need tend an tingle step that should be ta- equal partnership to with; for thou 78. Shalt be repaid P L. It has been a ■ ken would be for crutch, the students or to the right away faculty. at the resurrection of the which bracero-using growers this sudden " the Congress to repeal Public Why change of to poor new car are afraid throw If on the Law 78. under which tens of away. policy part of Father The rich could repay growers will offer higher I do thousands of Mexican farm Heaburgh? Frankly, not honor you, you. put you on a wages, as other industries workers are brought into the know. But I auspect it may board, but the poor do must to attract labor, can U.S. they will have been in reaction to sev- every year in competition nothing Therefore, the Lord sufficient get workers. eral editorials which have with our own domestic agri- re- will have to reward you, loan Further, the have cultural workers. growers cently appeared in the Scho- Those of who are rich steadily opposed the proposals lastic ... you and w-ho want to PUBLIC LAW 78 was first of give to the many congressmen and sen- I feel Father ac- llesburgh'a of poor the word so no enacted in 1951 as a temporary ators (hat a similar that program tion was a step backward at oneelse but the Vicar of Christ measure to bring Mexican to P.L. 78 be initiated re- r ■«'?> to Notre Dame. I regret that The makes the farm workers to American cruit and under- did distribution, write unemployed Advocate not see fit to go to me. growers. Less than 2G> of employed American farm beyond Father Hesburgh's 1 will American farms use the Mexi- workers and bring reply personally them to the statement in arriving at Its ed- © to help you save souls. © cans, known as braceros. areas which need itorial I cultivabng position. sincerely V\- and These are often large corpora- labor. - that both will GOD LOVE harvesting hope you recon- YOU to S B. for tion type farms. • As long as the vio- sider. 870 “This is growers my first pay The mass importation of lently oppose such legislation, William C. Slattery, check from my first place of the foreign workers is one of their Caldwell. cries that domestic farm employment." To Mrs. A.B. reasons American major why workers are not available farm workers were able to must be looked upon with sus- earn an average of only 8881 picion in agriculture during all of 1961 and were able to obtain SETON HALL only 134 days of farm work in the entire year. university Although P.L. 78 seeks to is 9 provide against “adverse ef- This p fect" to domestic farm work- SIITI HIKE• NEWARK • has PATIIStH ers, the importation kept down their farm wages and home limited their employment op- SUMMER SCHOOL portunities. The existence of jam the program prevents the law of supply and demand from operating in setting farm Three Separate Sessions Special rates on late model used cars! wages in the bracero-using

areas. June 10 thru You choose August 16 the newcar and well aupply the financing- A BRACERO at anew seeking low rate that pula you dollar* ahead! A Fir*t National grower offers work at perhaps <& Ovtr 500 courses NewCar Loan coat* you only $4 a year per $ 100 borrowed- 60 cents hour in Arkansas. 05* an with term* to 36 month* arranged on the Graduate and to suit your particular budget and If the is inadequate to wage You are invited to at requirement*. atop in any oneof attract farm workers, he does Uidarsraduata level Belter at Banking begins Fir*t National'* eleven office# throughout Hudson County, not have to raise the He IUUUWKI i pay. where a Consumer Credit Representative your Bank! will the few tells the federal explain simply gov- detail*,and give your loan application promptattention. ernment that he cannot get Daytime and Clauses Evening You'll discover why bank ia better... and w financing more eoonomicall farm and asks for bra- labor, In the from Mexico. The For special quick —n ice Auto Loan, ceros pov- College of Arts and Science* on your visit our of northern Mexico is Journal Squareoffice. « JournalSquare. erty so School of Business JerseyCity. Administration Hours. 9A.M. that braceros are avail- to 5 PM., Monday throughFriday , great School of Education able at these wages. The result is that poverty f«r further Inlotmotion Writ* competes against poverty to Get a Director, Summer School THE A Baton Hell produce more poverty. sur- University, South Orange, N. Jt,' of labor is created. plus cheap fix-it loan Telephone South Orange 2-9000 Wages have actually been FIRST NATIONAL BANK forced down by P.L. 78. The Labor Department, since 1961, from n?OFJERSEY CITY has strengthened the enforce-

ment of P.L. 78 and made MwM>. Mmi qssssa 8 Kwxki CewoUM . r*»«l Imi„i„ some reforms in it, but the FIDELITY Kali Officer On* Exchange Place, Jersey City program still harms U.S. farm UNION TRUST COMPANY workers. HARRISON OfFICEi WEST HUDSON OFFICE* KEARNY OFTICEr 500 South 326 Harrison Most braceros used 4th Street Ave. 240 Kearny Ave. are by e«Rw Frtwd owm4 Im 7:0 Lesson From am. (»> _ Chrlstophsra "Dnclsfcm Inr Ul». DANCING 7:M am. (t) Or Dull Hong Kong ChrlMoplMra Films »:J# am. (41 _ talk About God. FREEDOM BRIDGE: c,rtho »« "I homes on uninhabitable should be without rob- r Hour. Am land, helped Willi Vou. As* at Hfitfuil MARYKNOLL IN HONG these refugees continue - DtracUom EVERY FRIDAY to pour bing them of their self-respect. *_/ ">■ J7) U. lll. well-adjusted, hap- genuine "no plain-living are vital role Examples show how the *» » m WMfA - Av. Maos Hour. people of no pily married four played by a Mary* couples: (One Minute from either attached” illustrates *Os am. WMN _ Paulist Psihara dramatic interest Exit) priests, Brothers strings unless (in- dull * » - we knoll mission in this drama. Maryknoll •"> WWHL At* Mart* Hour, people. So instead, the best method of stance l b wv \J h tmn "To Kill a and Sisters combating am gnanry. Mocking- a are forced have given have dull picture. Although many communism. used Ills am. WKJtA - llourolCmAt They are so bird”) are 11 l* Wrtv they caught in so- by poverty to live in unllvablc spiritual, financial and medi- am. 32:' ( Zoo LINOIN. N. J. TA WR.NX " (Fair; adults, pm .. Wtiac "Camille IS 10 347 pages. «.*5. as shown through the stories pm wsot' (PM> Sacrad Hurt. adolescents) Lurid .chiller These character* of Abraham. Moses TUSSOAV. Mar ta are not about a too who seta With this volume on the re- and Elias, keeper * Ml )PM) - sacrad Heart dull t They are bortng his w-ild beasts as pm. WSOt (PM> - (roc-rterras They upon hi* chos- lation of man to God as found wisdom, displayed through I'ar.rauty lu« are not Get Out of Your Shell at the happy They are mis- en victims. in the Old Rev. tho writings of the sages in 7 as WM Testament, pas _ No,oca MM the Books of P « »»'» inii-WTd H*art Paul Marie of the Cross con- Wisdom, Prov- 9* WOONOt DAY. MAY 17 erbs, Ecclesiastes 0 wrvv t cludes his which is part and Ec »m PM) - Sactod Mean study 10 pm Sacrad M*aft clesistUcus; Jp MOV tPM) of the Cross and Crown Series. purification, as thuosoav may m Enttk Irnok

went. _ MOVIES (PMi the raoraue at MAKtoMI IN—H— tot CM— The earli.*r books studied exemplified particularly by IMtoill trials the the of and * »“ WPVV rrM> - Sacrad No act i of for the revelation of God and his prophets delightful change pace MM pm WSOt (PM > - Sacrad Heart story of the Book of Job l attributes, the spirituality and OdIOAY. MAY II Morally nohjectionahle for Everyone AMU km 1* m . and sms * art lam Faith, and the against PM wrt.-v tPM) Sued Heart ImiiAwu ta Hw. «Nl DINNER COCKTAILS »M«« M»nto m »viu immortalityof the human soul, 7 * Wsax Cam P« IPM) - M«*c tnriu Mm are m r«w HiBMM ’ it. the keystone of the Cracewd -crane*. Partie* the first indication of God's Sanwa* turn ft*BO tUH Mm rrmm Dtow ♦ Catering to A Or Miulat* i Cmp Banquet* OOt AVMOVOia of the Jews »wtl- So. Jura era CmbA ta Ummm psr story as seen by CM • «••• CbUAb love for man and God under oar. C P cum «• Via la American-Continental Cuisine INIOd INWV3U H3V3I Father Paul Marie Me shows * OMI l Ui*n4 togßihgy ta H; pm —~r tea i»*am UtoL the titles of Son and • r«y g PwKtog ? r»*BfMAn mi mu Father, 10 SI pa WSOt. ' PM- -aacrad Muurt mi how at first in the lime of lto>l * «»> AMntoM Your Host: SS7 N.rtM»U *». Lover. SATunOAV JUKI I DmO« to Citßflr BtofM 1 ttoy r-MikH u Bn 4 N*w I OS pm warn 7aaady Tbraaw niifg k« M*r% W N*wfe WEST Abraham the faith was only (•» Vwltofto tonto "Chet" Grabouski ORANGE. N. J. » » pm WWOV lib' Sacred Heart —total held by the leaders tc whom 4 tofßß Gfttaßto »l«vto ta < WEDGWOOD fc'SCT- CbK INN eraOr ta* mtdiul c«k G*U don't read ads as a ora Upaa hb suddenly you're Party... how appeared as n. » A* Wba > Morrutomn, Sen Jrrtrf '*•l G«to Had Fartie* an event which have looked the »B» Mrddint you may forward to only cardinal im Reception* of this *JS tr. (tin • Mill IAJT or tOWN since the day the nurse said "It’s a So hwmfwii Kub Morally GtttN girl!" you age It is against the worship Unobjectionablefor Adults and IhU Mim W Mm start wind op of Idols aud the denial of the tkri#iMi »rii» ‘*<*•4 Vnu Amsiii A K*v» A* Hi-a scanning ads, probably groping (•£#•*«« toßimrg CUT UlMlfH Um«m CM A*t My wng your way a maze of and true God the r>mtof» through promises prices. thet CWf ta toiMto tMBf Mn Wnn> tVkaA Scnptures if iWy * to AskBBwBT • Hax-MUB ( rtor i IhMto Tj— Mew HMIM M Atgsr De Maio's little or no mention >f IwAiyg 4 Cytoßiß inveigh; Iti >• c bian ItHt A f do what would do other kind M JIJMI rw u MT—I Mm t«» Trita Don’t get confused; you In any I*♦/ ta o*Ll+w ta is made of the corruption of Cam »<»n X WV*Uar lUrto CAfl Tr»BT t RESTAURANT Dam* ta on ta— t SUPPER CLUB deal where you are to shed out > sun hard fifeAl )SX S L af going goodly of <** llfH m U+y TrtAl 4 Dm their life. Thu will U Mato to«m Check personal Part*Tsp*aum« \ 4 Mw •>*» • cash: all features 1 Catol Ob Ob irthi* ...The Place, The Party, The Prtca CfVMJ? m M-j^-^rvax* Imiwi be left to a later ft i» ««4 • ftoto Arm ta Lbb m -»** tmi*m IvtUn M day when •r* ***** •***•* Urn tt )*) M what we deUred tradm' «M ...against __ _ , __ the Promised Land has been TrsgM Cee«tefec*l WM *l* th© Place > Gw 4 I »■» trrttt In Me Hmmm * M<« »**. lm Will entered and Israel has be- Separate Classification t rn. ui * j i u HOTEL HOUSE is traditional **••#*• * ESSEX the set- no (« V •* S’*** Meet* i-te come a nation tiiau “ «noi new .«■»% »*x M awsat for New most -Tew ting Jersey’s distinguished ADI I.TS. ADOLESCENTS " » I Ctorue ■ eert, Kino W««»a ■■*• IWI.IUMH Ml lui cxutoOX. catered affairs with unmatched t* . an !»'«• ••art TV . . WISDOM AS A Lax u> luSm r r**4 DM •mireutt, J. road to God Lam* Owr'A W cAa « S»f*» CMI of handsome 15 Uva (•a (Mid* VVU j selection rooms for or bat I'WMI t«to guests perhaps always been a IJtam M—

. ll —M ijiv. 1500 . , beautifully >4 tnua decorated, air-conditioned, narrow path, to be traveled by Mil—in Nm Morally Objectionable in Port fully equipped for an enjoyable Reccp- ftr*M» Or««*l low (kart Nad for Everyone CATERING Wedding. a few For one rea- (•Hffto i«UM » --*• si . * at. . * £ privileged IiWM leg ViM tnkM (aaxfWX X nr ax Bata Morrti Ave., is Muttk ETC > DAM ES - entire occasion; there cramped, or cut-down is danger to the true wisdom run* nothing chinchy mtux*** •-4 ta (atari Um food matter what the KM 1 Naauaaa >m< Inlon COCKTAIL PARTIES or facilities, no sue of your affair. fear of God and all that some- &W ■atm aa urxxr Condemned (3 rooms Available) times troublesome real- rmuN Ita* Suu hnaut phrase X Um r*hß4rs rm * Km lawaatl M— fcr*' THe PaRTY | 'Xxni L* U# Law Cocktail Lounge Open The of human CM U Dally ly means vanity Nxd etxax) Ml R-6150 Te OaugMv. ptrtiip* the beauty and taprralvtnets of the wedding mV Gmi Ma L (Closed Tues.) knowledge, n old ai well as rST AM Cmm bog comes first- who can blama her! Bet Papa licit there amt ba Hold TMff IM modem Umes, U a self created Oa| CuitiM of finest » calibre. Service of the smartest Praseetatioe that will ?• t* *« Ob* in wise and obstacle the man'a t«T both Imprtij pltase th# guests md ap- God • • * Iaril FREE PARKING COMPUTE TRENCH proach to iS=r£r SERVICE, of coursei HOTEL ESSEX HOUSE puts WlWfoTii Ga A much hw Nothing else will do! sil Its trptritnct, taleet more frequently —r»* Plays in Brief AM CONOITIONID and facilities Intos pra- traveled road is that of purifi- ADULTS ts* that By JOAN T. » MOM| UADI Party or re- ISMMtlhf TO THE BRIDE . Wetting cation tacrtfice. Job NOURSE A TOAST lira, a Praam a asaOa at assures m nent to b* COCKTAIL mains as mraa. I SA IrawSaa DcaM " Mar* MANHATTAN or MARTINI the classical example ISeu •*yxa» UxtX «*r*rux par. Ravioli Cavatolli thoroughly an,eyed, lav- Purpm Case Play * *— **x r«Xr tualt of the man tested tribu- 2* ishly comp’unaetad. by Pat It la *x x*(« paaxsar »x«xxi ’4 WEDDING DINNER long OBJECTIONABLE Writiag Kasi- Manicotti RES “ •««. alb*, xxbuu ramembored... and lations, but Father Paul Mane 12 **"*** lea.* moving. often » 7^ Sdrautura* at )m« (In Mfn amusing off- rw*4 Mar at axx AsxdruM Vi** md Sreee Olives Hearts of Cal try Ripe prassita. a *Ui«|uhhed. points other ta * X Parts up exemplars: Broadway revue, marred *C- Wa****Ui* X M>* 3 PRIVATE BANQUET eient that is Blipii by *** aa* not onty a Jefemiah. Tobias, Ruth. Such &Tt... ,«*X**. XrXtXr *xV*S> Im'i Lhi a X2* nuaawU bit FRUITS to occasional suggeslivrness *cx*|Aaa* SURPREME OriRESH tribute th# bnde t.t im HMd LtaUt •°* SX- ROOMS are not * Cxr DM M - tnals esked of ail *x» »■»■■.« x m* (Vim. a triumph for M ('•Mr lds*4 “ *“X XTXt *M the •*t ■ X Ptrmm - l X dim* aa* axrb *mm anil, ma SOW God's but all mutt A Uva Of MUSHROOM who foots the children, win*mn« mm a s*a» MX CREAM btfl. at »>»Ma nwm mu is* ma ***** a a *a 925*31 West Side Avo. be to meet them trap mi«* im* prepared «*— **’•' * hr aa - CaXWr at***. of hum*. ataxXa* Choice isdsdieg; in the or CONDEMNED Suu *•"* Sm hmMl physical aptntual •WWW Mm m. TVxa* a*.a* (vault l»>iniliiM CRtCKW Mu* IM '»* Wl OM Mae KALI ROAST STNFTEB life. Ed Grant Minardi Wrauaul • anxul drill* nu Huur "‘t*' err it iivinto uuaa in* now Cw VIII r«-Midil■ ai * Mr *u a* —xrtaxxa Amwrfns Decorated MXMr String Boms amd * XxN i Ma* - **!* ‘OfarX pilriaip \ Rissole Potato BrarM. u*rtt|l) Jersey City. HE 3-8945 Mxx - Mm Pmh* SkrS. me, irmXi Of <*dM» MmMMiii Mu M Ornamented *XM IX Vn* Ma X a wcrxXXkxli XXJXDxi aa* tS* r*. lain MM ROAST MARTVAHO TORUT Tbx •«* * ream* Star* M" IMI lu* ÜBui Xdfe MM ua m X (X (X a*a «uai, »*M»« “Pa* mairM Xra't Chestnut Drassleg • rrhru MM* « nr* Chafa Special weDDina (U»ga aevM M« - For & MM Liter a*, .sun Smlil Of Cfrtonlee- LUNCHEON DINNER tototflß He I Orsttot>i DimMg si AMrtmriH ef Compote A Mbss - Omtr Gravy caxe Mr*l M-tidx IXl*l uuuatK* a *K T-*i- .tan tCE CREAM Mar* H*>» X« Rr**4*a> _ am aa appaX r*«. IMK— I ******* *M Mum ■at Had! X aM *»u»»t>i«* (*m I ado* aailint tx rixtirx a*xa. MX ta* • raw. *kXrtw*iaMa RTE AND SETUPS tax Oar x Mata - or*, x- BOTTU OF xtxiuaa MMW MW raw pr*x«rr Pefatfa I*l IdUtji '“*o, 10 GUESTS. n* SX law SX - For TABU OF mmuM Xcuabat am. FOR EACH mm im dxactaa Mata* X •«> NM«x X Aaxrvt aty m»a»w mo ox t«» a*. ha* Mil Mr- •Xx Peetvflne SAT A SUN rXrbs «X fall X Im* mail Reservations >«M (X bp sax IX WxX I Wax Oat PRIME RIBS OF BEEF C*M TkXa X On - A MiMr nuruaui 'XX* u rut Rmtaurant wT* (MnXaauo* X Mama, *t X mim* • rjjJsst UMMMMI drum* Party A(MmMU,tIMi • Dl 2-1299 At the for xS rauav ta pnom Ux tbr X happy year belle MX* Mix* try rarryta* tkatr a o«. day wedding approaches, may be Xax Larbax 0*» Ivery you *J*s Smoii. under and Cocktail **x lat* ml Car. limi FelNty the rvlramamx Im* xiuMkxa A Be. HACKINSACK wivenng misapprehension that the cost for such a Lounge go pramM Ircth tekrr la 4mmUvl Omt M*. X* My I* - laa. wedding party ...the "fit for a millionaire’s *#Xa* daughter” kind of anutM# Slraapa laXrNX* - Laa*. U*M. *4XI wood. ui uktrk paouaaal* would O Natl drama about yee ... be Ml MT. OxtraX I*l *> ix Mathx X Um I a worn** vataiy party cherish might prohibitive. Put such fean PROSPECT axtiat AVI., NEWARK mad* bapfwaaaa ihrwab Im* X aad Up w*X* • uxtuuis to rest... this is an can afford! Dost UMx YUm x» X mania** l-roadad hr m extravagance you ix _ rxrxly "KINGSTON auntam. **d acua* RESTAURANT" xuXMail inn*l X O'NcUi'd v*» Kb* uaw | inH XaapX- X Xx. Sm* *m *m3. DINING This prix-flit is a Tx IN TMI FINIST TRADITION party straightforward, M X _ streamlined offering un- Trx Oat* Wall arlrd adorned X*My tMxiatMa*. VlrfiXa xamr drama "special” charges, upsetting "ups" or extraneous Adult*. X two ctMlrrr larult, PRice rouplaa to UttX St* Caaaar jaifint Wuroaaa thiourb cwor "extras" send costs Ma roraWalty skyrocketing. Everything in talk aad ahamXul Xhavlor durlnt Xm “ XI IX Min la ia* lilt X aa l XIX(M this Perfect JUm drinkm* bout Party Package is pre-priced so you’ll i*u«* quarn UafcUy rywtral and i* JOHNNY & xuixiit* *p*u. but *iaxbit amv. MARGIE'S TAP know exactly what the tab be even HOUSE will before you Irid Mtult tar* NUMB In andthat Mary. I W* XiM MM Mum “Seeclallllne Steak dinners- ask us; amazingly modest price is Just... Mxy _ Jaaa Kxr't (ratb* (Miwdr a hunt * l*o mttj Mun* vrlla •ho that t». ALL GRATUITIES for per person inull ia* many *uip* (aa including Maitre d’Hotel, Wait- chill a aeauM Adull. Minimum SSr. of MC. PraaXml - ox*. era, Checking; FREE CMtMAMA PtMtuli Ila* •a«in* VALET PARKING for your guests N*(lid mualrx wiih «n>ip 100Guasts I'vja* a pXaaanl •>!%) 'X|I«P 'fuiuiuit*! S|J»)UO) (attendants «W» **S XildlXoMd park and fetch cars); NO EXTRA CHARG- anr* dr *np.j Route #46 |«X XAUBMBts Ob* DEerfield 4-9070 NJ. for qilMllMafat* aid* Paralppony, ES Public Thla *ho» •»#(> oi unui 'ip«*i Address System, Private Checkroom, offer daocr. but td rcrural |*m||j (*r*. 4|u»|d |o Mr and «Aa not available THE MatXf. Mr SatWx • Spacious Bridal and BEST OES *iM# • Dressing Rooms,- ...overnight amtr raxitr xMWXa* IX Amxicaa Saturday Eve. nilddla daaa T** BRIDAL SUITE with our *C*B* au**«aiva ap- ° compliments! JOHN J. Heat lanira X «wX X taat* Oldmw XHVd MURPHY. N*vx Tm Lat* - awaxiiwx As You'll like r*cr adult about Same Dinner with mmrdr • nvrtdl* «ad Roast Prime Ribs Of Beat gl.pp NOIONIAHI ■ mora par 7^7" »tth marrXd COOMJUVH bXr. * d*u*htx, *X THE BRASS CINERAMA! If for HORN A millionaire’s money couldn't your buy daughter a lovelier wed- Banquet Rooms Available settle less foi ding; so why for than the best when the best costs ■^.7 All Occasions o Open Dalis you no more? Drop in, any time, or call our Your Pleasure Banquet Department . MWMMTTAau Cherry 4 W. Oreed Sts. Illieheth.N-t MI 2-4400 now.™*.. UCHEE

IVH. 1:00 SUN. 7:90 Ml. SAT. 1:10 P.M. RESTAURANT MATI. WO. / SAT. 1:00 Ml. SUN. MO Ml. Recommended in "Cue" BROAD STREET AT LINCOLN PARK. NEWARK. NEW JERSEY 226 WEST FRONT ST. CONTININTAI CUISINI New _TmJy Jertey’e most Faeilitiee. diitinguithed Catering utmiiM tcttmt it nm m mm •IOHIO UVI MAINI 10ISTIRS DAIIV N.J. . 7-2007 lArivo CMMroa Unto PLAINFIELD, PL. CIOSID SUNDAYS A MONDAYS Up To The* |Khh

NEW YORK - The PauUit Drastic charge of Paulist publishing sion, Paulist Press is the larg- Propose Change Fathers have purchased a activities in the U. S. He est distributor in the country building and tract of land at will be assisted in the admin- of Catholic rending materials. Harristown In Rd. and istration of the Glen Rock Last It Idlatributed School Lincoln year more Quebec In System Ave. Glen Rock to house Rev. plant by Alvin A. llllg. than 18 million books, the .maga- Paulist Press business of- QUEBEC (NC)-The eight- lie and Protestant committees. C.S.P., executive manager of xincs and pamphlets from 75 fices, facilities member Royal Commission on These storage and Paulist Press. publishers. Its Catholic Li- committees technical- stockrooms. Education has recommended are of brary Service supplies com- ly part a M-member that \Very Rev. William A. Mitch- FOUNDED Quebec retain its church- Council of Public 100 years ago by pletely processed libraries to Instruction. ell, Rev. Isaac connected sthool but But C.S.P., superior general of Ilccker, the Paul- Catholic elementary schools. system, this council has met only the Paulist said ist Press that education under the three times Fathers, that publishes paperback come in the past 50 a staff of 145 books and authority of the government. laymen would pamphlets and Australia Population years. occupy the the three national The commission's The royal new plant by magaxines: proposal commission says fall. the The Catholic The Cath- would in the first of at least three Presently depart- World, Is Now 25% Catholic amount to a drastic ments located olic are at 180 Layman and The Ecu- change if the gov- expected reports that there Australia (NC) provincial Varick St. CANBERRA, here. menist. ernment accepts the recom- ought to be a provincial Min- Catholics The Hard now comprise one new will also cover books have mendation. istry of Education which would plant quarter of the Australian house the been added pop- have shipping and to the Una over all educa- library ulation. to the lat- authority with the according IN THLS tion and processing departments. The of New- heavily Catholic coordinate the pro- acquisition est edition of •‘Australia editorial and offices will remain at man Press of ANNIVERSARY James J. with French-speaking province, grams of the different Westminister, Facts and issued Navagh is shown two of the hon- sys- Figures," GROUP - Bishop couples there 401 West 59th St. here. Md. are Catho- tems. here ored at the Catholic for and silver anniversaries St. tax-supported the News and Infor- Family Day golden at School Rev. John C. by Philip's lic and Protestant National Auditorium schools. The commission Carr, C.S.P.. Through its Catho- mation Bureau of the 19. At left Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sr. of St. Michael's was ap- Depart- May are Rodger Each executive is in lic parish, system at present is publisher, Distributors divi- ment of Uic Interior. Paterson, pointed the government of Reading and at Mr. and Mrs. James Mason of Our of Paterson. by right lady Victories, guided autonomous Catho- by Jean Lesage. RESORTS Premier ASBURY PARK RESORTS NIW YORK RESORTS NEW YORK RESORTS PENNSYLVANIA

4-8826 PRosp«ct PRo»p«ct 5-9508 o K3& LAZY J FARM HOTEL BRIGHTON Su*4 ?tr>ua raaart t*4 rat. H FREE OCEAN tMW lot all Um family BATHING from hotel or locker. m 4 hanaymaoM- Church nearby J BaraMul fUtara* I Rwn raumnlaf pral. M 4 1 -It* TV IH WMktT Cath Chfrt. Palau MlMaraM. J«r wrrwirwj I M WM»r Mraam. baantl/ul faU »M atatut All aporta f A><*•«£«. part ***• Hc4 told «atar ail 2 Gat AMT Mama raoma. rae- Family Rooms, Double Bed In 4, aarterrmt 1, N. ». raaklM. aaaaa. Nii-aHi. SUNNY BROOK raaUan han Malm* in lam ptaa aat fata. tprtat aaat raO taa RMaa aka - i mi. nn aaarb? J maal. Waak in each him tom cm aalrana Arram IN datlr, doors. *lO.OO Sommar JUUa il '> r,,»* *» connecting Daily_.ss6.oo Whly. »u iMoatr PA. Hw.Ua. 1M aiarta Naa 4 it. u, cur « im raaala > MS la no. if.ta M% •EACH UM, t tpM T»|. 103-RllO churrbaa Bait A. Rooms. Twin Beds 3.50 •It. C*U4 VKKTtHA. Prop per person J Daily.. $21.00 Wkly. OP ua Wrtta lot ratar MM Rooms Dbl. Occ. 3.00 f'*** MOM.! tint ar LTatraIt trait • per person 5 Daily_ $lB.OO ICT »rinN Wkly. FOR VACATION Rooms. ft»* sa Single 5 4.00 Daily. . $24.00 Wkly. In nearby, WIU.OW nmny-mol CatakiU country—a mcn|v|ata ItRIHIK FARM SPECIAL ami annderfulanmlrrftil Holiday reaort.taaort 2 private Oolf tUMPPII* N V private I k «**"*». pool. * tomlili *3tl !«•«* lcr(|A(4 lake, all aporla. Near, modem motel- rtaail. aaiaral lalmniat DVfftt* JUNE atmtlWtaanl Treverton House MIC *#ttf i- l room*, Sow. WEEKEND alyla unlla. katailoua dmin(. rorktail a. A Marta* lata lar flat loumre •'« room. T V a'l • Mai rtvrcKaa fnanaa. Aarcaa. tail i0rti VACATION ETTES SKS* entertainmentoI«HUv WIUTK KOFI * wad t 0 cftufcMt 4 LAKE 11. A M*t J, PARKS - YO KM 4k« SPRING Ci' SPRING' LAKE niKK COLOR HOOKLKT Beach like. Pi. , » Watt Otltoous coofc«4 AND MODKRATK HATKS _ Tel. 120 Kc*?* tea lilt iKMn I'l \ *kJp fttftt U9545 111 i*l««l*U* t*t»l ,W*ll 8" UlMlil manat** cavalry. and at li'WT'i :I ttraaMiau. caaawllan aM mil uvm C*<* tea » beat art* fi.ta'f hat* tapr * CNILORIN I . * neatco—and m, !i twu cm mn **pt **»» Bert. tea Wlr FREE GOLF activitim • sinus AunAtCttwiMi I -*« HIGH LAWN AHdire (Mr In tteye; LODGE wiiti cr mat in SPECIAL RATES BEACH autiiniut LAKE 14. PA. TMI MtTlt yn.: 154 iKW Lako Mock. M. J. TM UUTf INI S' - <>p«« Juno II . Snortai * ALACS THAT SATIS TO Jom Him for June& CONOAIOATI COCKTAIL LOUMOI OP«N», WITH vx Sept. OANCINO. MAT ItTK X - .1 «w pr*>r.wr* LASOI LASS. *'•»• Urn A 100 bavobiti sinci mo . »r-*< ram. Corkuil !md rooßi iHXrI locat'd oa • »bolo Mrck f. «* oman (raw Hu tti bath room * 1 4*l1' <-o prleai. n« OWN OOLP COUBSI TINNIS S22^^2^MyT^oV , bMfh 'oJSrr* la thta lamoua mod. G'artd far «aca U» lan aad rolaiatlec Exrallmtt lend Batho •' * BATHING LOUNGI MUSIC lunchmma tin oa Qaarlar l)»c» o>*rtoakta« iko v PIBPICT SO* Ocaaa. Daadat niflali la tin airn* Writ* or ptmn lor brorfemro

locataa * 111. ISMflSfe »Ui«i araa. mrKa* || tn« Daaaa't »,, BAY HEAD •' wr»«« (te-tii* u*c>a let >#?»**»»»»»»»»»« LENMOORE LODGE & earn i Um * »»»»»»»»»»»»» MOTEL i'Mf *»at try CHATEAU-MOTEL *0 dOi H«Ut. I lANR GIOAOt IT tm t tc*r-!t. pcc . Strut OCEAN VIEW HOTEL l«* Uw aNnoQ mu wt) Matal »•»'*» •'«< m»» « c«-»l . tiabaa-i. ortMat'a. e*--r'i r.-M aM CJ>•- lHt»l tar Uiaaul In ■aalor G auk w „ k. m •***• C*r 'A'. HKSM 0»f S7» Tui a Air /Nr H*W A* G.t% 1310H\| toeu Ta*e*ition conditioned • M,. OQUAOA LAKE • Com&limaatarr Breaatait • Araait AM K^l —i k% In ■att motam rnm leruu lata laac* HANSON i* KM«I| PBIG—BOB llt< t*TM« l M la tat 111 v« II MW lata t. Sant Otn’l Uit< . >•*l 1 »a*»lt tl< lit 6C7 IN • 7 - 3)03 YLAND HILLS («**! «# •**»>«« Mi •«» ar vitkMt Errata aati HOUSE t.^n « ; t.* «*»**'»M» LAKE VIEW HOTEI •*v n*o. HIW MiNf‘ r« ;»»»| i% f».UO • •a** T«, i m », T*a n» Hi DEPOSIT, N. Y. J *1 •» Tart vrita '» t:u .#►; •( F*v«. .i*4 N um.l Lata lead. ■ I. '«w»u r«mt< tw R*wn «• la atmn■»“ ar r«m cM< Strut n «m aa IM »su m* m -.»♦*« • c*«m4 Ife* IV \« Hw prf am I*M'% * t»* l ataUCm W »—< A »**» I*' M»| *t OH "«*w ar*m « IWML N!»r 4 r«"M* «•«■* «■ H*«| « hf) jW v •« HV •l |.«.A| r«a. coat hi** 7|. v <*»>*'«*. avKMAiant »t KOTIMO IN TM| H«*«■» «W Rhih. »« Mf- I,|| V btf -» CATtKU.Lt (»4r«x< tn l»»t» la *34 IVMiaa to » t:< K3 -»•>* •adored rates Arne 71 ta'r I, amis in* W n •w*l> u l*m ft* at Him m kaaia* »■!>»i H V I*»w*3 iiMttg «rt M»MM DUMT S OaifN ISII HOUSE • 0" tale tstoea la OeetA aM tixavATiont »*. tw imi 1% bot'tfneit Fiaa mi'i N. CUDAHY TILTON. N J • P.O. POUT JERVIS, SOUTH CAIRO. N Y. MONTAGUf. N.Y. Cl »4*IS. hotki. and golf cm rsi. tititatrirt WILDWOOD CREST THE OLD iW>U laaiai l. ALSAM HOUSE on Friends Lake HEIDELBERG 1 tauui ItMBAIIT L BT. T«L MBiiw MW» The Wedgewood • NEW THIS SEASON • OUR IStH SEASON oVtN JUNE 30»h7TV?FT "|*h . imhCi • B **.. w •» J m r M* I T fm»Iwk |MI«H< TNA !•« luh Aa U.H * » I ***** I t •Mt mte c 4 IAJI# A iUZAMHI Lim *»«* »rw, I elropean rtAX r»tr. parking >M»4 « 4m Of «•» no - city miniMi DAY «tn SEASON HAnnn TUSCARORA LODGE

G 1 mm - Gl aaati MJUUUM".fa lln Gerald A. Dueden. Pro* ■ *t. A CoMoget T*l. 32R2 ftWUAMIHO POOLI o* GLEN MARY Rtstb II »*• Mn* M iHßfcilf 14 4 Omh jtmt Cos., Pj. 'LawrfVifti Cin ATLANTIC »»»' »•« m. j. p% ««*» mjy* OiAYi !«»«| MS Hull ttr< &,•«.* •>» ma HAT Its TB OCT. >nm *«« IM A ' «• Ikvii VACAfIOH 'OH *o* TM« AJ FAMILY Oak mil. V Y. mm. > fl ttaMi laoMm _ tar i :«4 FLANDERS N«A« ** c «mmm W* CATHOLIC CHUtCH T*t (III) CEdar »-Ult Vv rtarrWt "OunrOOC 41 lM1« t-TTU ! JAM! I NL.. ATLANTIC CITY IT. (rw* For a ' MOUHK|CP|*O ‘M It o~t It' mREVIEW v« c«44 mmmi *4 rcatfui acattoo Kmc cottage: Cam* 1iem*cir mw rot •or FARM • a. T. «****#■• r*«n *” «»ti Striding food. frrth vegetable!. large UR AM VA ContfonHjr hr mh «wt- airy • C#lT CCfcM* NW' All To Htttt Ow G*o»» NOMAO roomi. heated, la»n tporls • uaia. »t 4 M.l 0,0,0, «,«, f»tt» im. ir: 7001 ATLANTIC MYOTIC MX Tram' U> AVC. At churrhct t35 to S*n. HIWT. • MODERN • ELEVATOR t««Bi*t milomooo cnccT, raw jcmcy incl all Ca< <1 mil. irwVfi muni | ii nrUST |«iow ndy MO/>Y) WOJ) i«Hk v»» w«> MO piMiaod m»4j« doiit M l« Mk*k »!»oUB»»U**> «•« AU ACCOMMOIUTION* AND Ektmum HoU. mi •<»*'»»( N T Ofttft* Maj 79 C»-**k* K»b«* •“*“ Wk'i iM > C«1 C***~*-t» nnurirj ItalMurt. i,t. n»» MdciuUtionai t)VKia( ‘v'-:~«* N#*t t»j - M I itra i> »»crt» aNnr » Idas iviDjds roi» mu Mr Ml inmiM Botov. C<’- fwimmm* «U'l ComttoUl? R#mo6»lWd • H:W:llt.lAnn| Dal (Aim Ctdt 511) ME 4-7711 VACATION MXM IMU<. t*il [twttn > Jopunf o« 4of»Mios Pml • Rintital TWIN MT. HOUSE Cion I Civil n lurt) hMM MlUOt Dtataf • IMtriu T«r« Ik Uwi knnKMiitn Mm-« b>n NUM • 1 f»4i bi> AJimml Ci l. Dttiaf >««< Rtiti tomb m»« IM »«» l-Ott W r%T a AwinW mrkk to p«M|r Ml'> t Milt nor a v M WW* 1' bl P“t t-ttt Ott *l>«"*» *cm •«! wm h>M(j j. I. KibM.. OnMjt *•« « »rr» r*6» IU I W#lr«w iMU («c *••* on i on *«<■•* Ur»t wj nm Mmmt limi 4 NYC rvw I*im uw »*4 ** >W 1“» t~Ott Olt ptmtf. foimmfeii r«ari- IHM* - •« tMMtf 4 «l4tr ipnrH t MMJf ‘l"f » •** t-04* tut nvioa i3ioh (Mf. 555 ►«>- ?ms 4 Vppyr Ikartl fctratfnrb 3nn wvly » *•**' iftO)jnki>l m WMI ()J |O«4 item 4 nn 4| t wiiumi '»* itn n j. MT to 144 Mcial l«f cfeldr** KBu TREE COTTAGE p>Y • t 3 «,» <|»3 O*#r W M /«!»• !;UII t|». V* *!»• •'«*»♦ MAPLE CREST if* ItitM May *t v . ><4 DO in,mna isi »>««q '-•« Ml stum m M*n pu«}*dfV 0«T »«l*q /»* •w>trj P!®w '•>!**•s l Twwrr«lW. »*.«« » iiti4 men »»«i resort (set Jm. Sooao* r»U« IS dip . C* PINE X«t «xti» Manx itvt •Ujr. DmMo Oct » C* e* tIIHAfV I*4* • (Ml dly wttfj bskinc. Mt • oot*9 person hUdrea undar W FKCt la n*M( • (MHM| • Ml M,VACATION? pot t rtcrMtiam. >o*i. •"*< • &*>* Mm* room M adulU Corfcuil Loaa** IMrll »«* r*Jl*f f*4 SEA GIRT STATES IDIAI NEW »•»'*•» • »>a«l ait* v a tHM c< KMortalamoat. FAMILY MSO«T nr ■dvard "I* *•« I*4 COM ut*s mix mt A OftNlr Ownor Mfr Ifl*. xn. VACATION LAND IV) eciet el Heeutlyl (W«!rn4l re- a*l*f CaaiaMliiUa »*t*« 4-MM SUGAR roc* "C C*J "**>♦» Emmmi MAPLES (M I*4 M •*«»!» »«««( N« Hi*' CHATEAU at the BEACH Fill VACATION Hi :i **'«•!« >«'!<(«•« »■*»• t»«rr*««. f*r bteOtt IN Cl»c»«o 11.d . IM 0 " M. 1. OCEAN GROVE 4 nUmi wm Pa'icn U.i il MEMORIAL DAY WEEK-END i»cl.rf.«« >*« mi i&l MOHICAN « C. IPtIM UTII WALTERS, 1 9 iwii w lim Prop. TWIN WILLOWS 4 Dirt ft « n i«n NattlaO >» Catrtilt MsuaUm. I A tarati** mwt Nr ntryi LAKENSEA HOTEL MS «Vi tMtwfet ] (el'Cievt "'eex Sh* <■ HIM h IM. Pdf hnH niitio* et M M hit a*a t» I >«»«* h*d. <***. PHONE 11 Stailtw »f* JJIJ • C» ie-i« te ii fim* rwn mm mmru. Ouu dm. N J 77* n« l«Mk LUI, P« Tel |T R (I InclodM Complimentary Binllut OtT"»'C I'M I J ArkMu iMiii MU;. Hmm r«Mi«| ‘•j block to Ocoon Block lo Nik CODE 914>956*4144 nittlf tfM.i 4 HMMf VERMONT artMO toAbtll 44Ac inf I h*k>«4 r«Mti tu A(iM Mua Hose* * aim 110 l SKKrJCF ImniHM MMIH Hi. Cos toto rto Conlortobio inn Hot 4 Com MAR u»i Court! 10 JbuflttboatOa OKI , LYN FARM I tu m4if.l*srt* 4 Mrw m«*#l lUa Jiimi J. Cdnomm. Owner <«tu Colo* TV. bcooktoot. m INC MO v Cootinontol tood. I CABINS up oeeklj CoMrtRB to here'll iM aictil*i<« Kfmw, ■wufcta r«ir«. M n»m. ciH M »TH# DAVID A JOHNSON. Mfr. MiMty N Y. Ourcnai rtarbt Iccsaa* • fWlood and clientele areklu FLORIDA cooatnul $OO f|L C«* MJmnm NEW YORK NEW YORK | Haiti '»* end roUiMtoa Pool, recreation. but HI : WINDNOM. N T 111 homo cooked toed. i minuloo «*ik 10 Colfc ■ Writ* i lIIUI tunu oiK Chorch. V111 k Meet te»« axe I-aka Oailj "TH* ARISTOCRAT OP AIM* ASSORT HOTCLI” lei A. Utpitcrait NT lor bi •• ».r« MI-MO U»ct meele B. BUlord. ittr Shove'*• hotel- r»«*r Nmi Of IN# IfM HH(| MIAMI | i ;■ WINDHAM ARMS RESORT HOTEL GREEN LAKE N« MIU?I| A Ink e%hor« HI-FIAK MOUNTAIN LOOK CONNECTICUT Ktiorl WINDHAM N.Y. - TEL: WINDHAM 425 2, BEACH Golf, Swimming, Tennis. fton- HOMESTEAD I HOEBHAU maim* rAiit. a. ?, Uki/eCßcsr® tUXUIIOWI ROOM* . MiVATf OATH ned entertainment b«L act on Windham Coif Pool. Runma fun Beautifully faring Cowan. Swimming Dancing, nail toIn nail In baihv L CaiiniM NY. m. ih«i Aad Roeorooaly. carpet, telephone ovary room, privet# ri'ai'W A Co Mod. raaort. all varaUaa la- CAVE HILL yard*. nalk. a complete vacation. Booklet on reqoeal. C Lane. ©. ; IMMIMi POOL rililio* and •wtm. Ifiou riahind. Weekly 537 176 each, Ttl 111 Monl k IMllll rote*. to PL koalnx. dnartna »nl> atcll Dahlia IPICIAk RAT* MAT. JUNi, HPT. * OCT.- HI M to 111 WI*K "Tko Informal NYC Ttl Virginia J DUFFY'S RIVER VIEW $39 TtlmOlt. include excellent food L IJII cabuu. mod not tMT l«ad~J menu. nwaja dolly Trf M CaMaa Bi »r«* Narra»«t»ir«. H. Y. Alptaa UM Mortot kjnch Atffloiphero Opens June W. for Color folder Color IbmOM ItoauiiiuMt m IMmn m*nt. Pool uluatad (Mimmlni Colfmi Tomii write: J. J, Opinion R*. n. Calra. N. Y. Iralan* I* The CalaklNi" - HI MMltan 1 *ll* Trl INIIr* (till MIMI 4«M Deiidout Manager or I»i»a»a late i»(ieuir rltui. bad l«4. awn farm Moodus 7. Conn. in# H«M t* Hl* Van WM*la ro/V»nm I uru Children kail rata fraa traan btil«mta l*r * *M. milium -- Far in* mr yaun* Lara* dry r**m*. innarefrlna Modern houatkoopliio bunfaloaa 3 8347 auk prt —*“~a. TRI STILL °*ILY Mwo*r-worst" '' M wlm ahoaera ELM REST HOUSE vata Sam motal rooma a pmala j T*'"' f*Un**' iS3BJ> f 1 | .• >O4 *V-condition*, ..on toko lomoMM *•*7 Irom church OaiKln* *n!*dy%* Tur'aw* lrl*h-Am*c*' ar'chatlr'a S*r 4 Crlll. TV. I, Sarktm S. H. T. Til. ClUt I4HI RM** Ml t HI willy Iml mull. laadal r*i*t far chiMn* ft "Alwiyi Wakama." •• awtmmlng pooh Vermont •racial Weaken* Rale*. Call tr writ*. o*w Jim* lllh. Owen A Juha Lamb Wttta NuMlaa •run ratal. CARROLL Ml f-parting *or 900 car*. GRIFFIN'S IRISH HOUSI Church A Man Information

Plltavlllt. N. v. inn ON WASHINGTON LAKE tißanoa LODGE WAKE ROBIN INN rospect House . ~ p OLONIAL Hotol and OoH Oak NEW HAMPSIRE LAKKVILLB i. CONN. N. Y. TEL: CODE 914 956-4251 NEW YORK YULAN, PAWLING, Only IW Hr*. N.Y.C. M Mika I Maw Yart city COL: . Cjibsons ram Hifilial SPORTS. Nsw Faeraatkm Room only ID. Our t«th In the botutllul summer ... PINE GROVE HOUSE minute* to MonlSrdln Race Track. Garmaa Amarican rulatna PUN AND FROLIC Berkshire! Funny thlna ibout Vt N. catlont-there Near rhurchea and Hollar riak. PURLINS I. V. T.I. MMlaaa Mil* tr« Mill in«ol»ed. FOR SINGLE GUYS It It tht Hairs W lo M weakly. Writ* for BookM. Mrs. Jack Hsnasl. TftillUook House Modern Morel with ntht tpot? Will #ccom reer.rt private bathe V'l modationa t>4 lood! Ho» (bout Huaauu »Ner la all name. (literad rertm AND GALS INOIAN

Bishops’ Stand Creates Stir Advocates Caution

RIO DE JANEIRO (RNS) with substantial discount, thus or basketball court. They also A recent statement by or a virtually annulling moat of the have a cooperative store On Brazil's Bishops termed indemnity. distribution center tor food Religious Liberty "sensational" critics by and According to the Bishops' supplies donated by the U.S. MADRID - is "neither alike has given (RNS) Bishop Spain, mentally nor supporters proposal, supported many government and distributed Pedro Cantero by of for fresh to nationwide Cuadrado psychologically prepared Impetus a moderate political groups, in* through Catholic Charities Huelva said in a talk here he the exercise of religious liber- debate the issue of over agra- could be In gov- here Cathol'r Relief Serv- demnity paid by favored wider rights ty to the extent regarded rian division granting aa rclorm through ernment bonds so not to ices-Natkmal Catholic Welfare as to Protestants in but felt normal and of rural Spain even indispensable large properties and overburden the at Conference. treasury that the Church must proceed in other countriej." distribution of the land among once, but the bonds would be cautiously In "auch a delicate landless THE peasants. guaranteed against devalua- matter." BISHOP'S remarks tion, Jail Priest created The Bishops not only ad- perhaps by linking their At present, he explained, particular Interest to value that the U.S. dollar view of s new law vocated the reform, but even to of proposed defended the expropriation of or the price of gold. In Haiti by Foreign Minister Fernando Maria Castiella lands without immediate in- The Bishops said that ex- Added y Maiz which Wing would ease restrictions in with propriation of property In the against demnity cash, though SANTO Domini- DOMINGO. Protestants. full guarantees to the owners interest of society, "far from can Republic (NC) The dic- the Church's social It recalled that against spoliation. hurting tatorial regime of President At was Bishop one Hospital Is of the prac- Cantero had declared previous- doctrine. Francois Duvalier in THE BRAZILIAN federal neigh- tical methods to guarantee the that the Haiti has arrested a ELIZABETH - Dedication ly proposed legislation constitution boring permits expropria- social function of rural would be prop- as tension continues to ceremonies will be held for "perfectly compati- tion of the priest property by gov- erty." ble" with the "Catholic prevail in that Caribbean na- the new sio million wing of unity ernment with payment in of and the confession*! only • tion. St. Elizabeth's May Spain cash to the full value. Leftists Hospital character of the According to reach- 30 at 2 p.m. with Archbishop Spanish the constitution Reform in Paraguay reports want to amend Boland state." ing here, Rev. J. Miland. a officiating. to in DIAGNOSTIC CENTER - Archbishop Boland cuts the the of the permit payment govern- BUENOS AIRES. Argentina Haitian ribbon to entrance new The 10-»tory pariah priest, was ar- building re- Regarded as one of the coun- ment bonds. However, because (NC) — Mt Carmel Guild Diagnostic enter in the Seton Hall University at 31 Paraguay's Bishops rested on unspecified charges College building ceived Its first patienU a few try's most outspoken and so- bonds Clinton of inflation, these nor- have issued a 32-page pastoral St., Newark. He Is flanked A. director of the Mt. weeks and will cial-conscious The priest's neighbors stated by Msgr. Joseph Dooling, ago be ready prelates. Bishop mally would lose value deploring their eco- Carmel and every country's that police told him at the Guild, Rev. John P. Hourihan, director of the Apoitolate for the Deaf. for full occupancy by June 1. Cantero noted that in Spain month and be negotiable only nomic underdevelopment and baa Z25 and Catholicism time of his arrest: "It you It rooms raises enjoys a preferen- demanding a wide-ranging the bed were white, you would be ex- The capacity of the hos- tial position, but stressed that of social reform. Church in to program ecuted." ■> Europe pital 350. this was "not a denial of ths BUY The Bishops said there are rights Father Miland's arrest is Among the special facilities of other religions,” but historical and known of violence be found the merely Your geographical thh first act to in new wing a recognition of histor- reasons for eco- the Paraguay’s against the Church during la a cobalt cancer-treating ical traditions and a "guaran- Next nomic but Restricted underdevelopment, current crisis which torn tee has Religious Teaching unit in a radiology depart- against internal strife." that this in justifies Cor no way Haiti in the past month. Rut ment which over 6,000 BE RUN (NC)—The Church Blois and spreads the social abuses the tbe Chartres will hailed the election reaulta aa afflicting since 1959, Duvalier re- study square feet of floor space, from In of the Poland, its witness reduced philosophy at Tours. striking evidence Parisian Beauty School majority population. gime has expelled three of a of popular The entire building is weath- to two virtually the essential Seminarians atx Ml «>»*• *»., The Haiti’s seven and from all approval for the government"a er-conditioned to maintain HKlnuck. M. J. BENNER egotism of the upper Bishops of and dioceses will have three class and their un-Christian ousted IT In 1961. the worshipping years, policies over tbe past four constant temperature and hu- priests. THE RAMBLER is determined attitude See excommunicated teaching, it will of theology at Laval and a' of liberal capitalism Holy years. midity in both winter and sum- not yield its right to give reli- fourth Le SALIS • SIRVICf to at Mina. Young are primarily responsible for everyone who had anything year • mer. ACADEMY location line* gious will "Seme IMS'* this of affairs, said. do with the instruction priests return to the semi- Heckenteck It. Rutherford state they Bishops' expul- 344 I. But Poland Aid OF sions. communist has nary for refresher courses at Center 01 1*4444 • Open been its efforts to Union 1 block redoubling regular intervals, during their WHEEL AND On Aeo.. wit of STORRLNGTON. England CHAIRS BEAUTY Bergen Auto, force instruction first the off Rout# IT, iVcic Parish Centers Rise religious into years m priesUsood. to (NC) The N’orbertine Fa- HOSPITAL BEDS Chapel the straitjacket the reginrt fab- • CULTURE Colombia — Five new thers have a national CALI, ricated for it opened two years ago Polish parish centers have been built As Memorial Vernacular center at Our Lady of Eng- HONOR EMBLEM SCHOOL "Dr. Scholl Foot to meet social-re- COSMEVO some of the THE REIJGIOI'S instruction BERLIN (NC) - The Potlsh land Pnory here to help the MONTERO. Bolivia (NC)—A D»» 1 f CI»V#» first secretary of the Polish learned here Wo The "centres" include a School in Troy. N.Y., have Communist Party. The pastoral noted that the ZARCONE SHOES church, parish house, class- been raising funds to build the m The came after the wedding ceremony will hence- rooms for primary school, in memury of the meetings 317 lokoview Avo. chapel forth Bishops of Poland issued he entirely in Polish, and I7s=v community hall, a health cen- priest, an alumnus of the a that the vernacular will Clifton, NJ. ter with medical and dental school. Rev William C. Krueg- pastoral letter declaring that pro dominate administration instruction would In the Phono 772«5639 services, and recreational fa- ler, M M. religious continue of the other sacraments. cilities such as a soccer field The initial goal wis $3,000 despite government harrassment. Tbe • but the students have atreedy pastoral, 1 Jaray time you need cash\%i read contributed almost $4,000 On in churches throughout C.ulhttlir Party Gains Poland 3 a student assembly was on April May 21, reported AMSTERDAM. Holland of banning reli held to turn over tbe funds many rases a PHOTO (RNS) Holland's parliamen- get TC* The priest's mother was gious instruction in private tary election resulted to a vic- OFFSET THE homes, as were two of his parish property, chap- present, the tory for Catholic > els and People AND sisters. Sister Ixwvtta Martin, even in churches party which won a third ot O to LETTERPRESS P.. who recently returned It said that fuses were being . the iso _ seats m parliament a PERSONAL LOAN the U.S. from Panama, and imposed by the government on PRESS lower house 1C Sister Francis Marie. CAJ, persons violating the 1961 law The party increased tu rep- a physics teacher at the high restricting religious iastruc resentation from 49 to SO. •ion 327 TOTOWA AVENUE, PATERSON *4242 school and that state school in ARmory while the opposition Labor spectors have been bnnnmg 3" Party emerged with a loss of men Religious. Sisters and lay Statue to Ararirmy tire of the U seaU It held people from giving in religious When financial emergencies find you short of WEST POINT, N Y. (NC) - Catholic observers here cash, come to Th« strue ' lion to children - Trust New office - or ■ The Catholic chapel at the Company of Jersey any phone OLdfield • 3-4100 VS. Academy here to apply for a loan. Get to Take to 2 'tMMm ' Military CARPET up $2500. up years to pay. Life received a four-foot statue Joint Seminaries insurance has included at no additional cost! You needn't be a • depositor. of Our Lady of Fatisaa aa a LINOLEUM 7 TOURS, France (NO The All offtces open Monday evenings 6 to 8 P.M. from Portuguese Army of- SAVE; gift of six dio- Bishops French • ficials. Tilt ceses have announced a )oui! *0 *♦«*» t 4 CrM: reorganisation of their mayor 4 Jersey City aimed UltttvhMl FOR WHATEVER * seminaries at training The Hoboken YOU WANTVANI •VU- M . - their to .v priests be "educators , ,>t COMO Weehawken of Union K.,» the Faith" fee today's Trust City ■ world Company West New York COMO 1 MLI i Seminarians from Sees, Secaucus o*«w HOuli of New Laval and Lc Mans will now 223 Old Hook Ri. Westwood Jersey Hr-bfr F»a»»jl Dtpotit ■ study two years of philosophy Op* hunt V«R»t ImerMc* CorporatiM

at Sees Those from Tours. :too :>oi ...andean Como toouty Cuhwro Collogo KITCHEN 151 ll«M« It

. M. i. abig Aft MW* CHAIRS

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'•#*> fi 14 THE ADVOCATE May 23, 1963 North Jersey Date Book of Women’s Activities

InfarmaUon received by lb *.m. an Monday of the SATURDAY, MAY 25 waek of publication wUI bo Included In 4 p.m. Uio Data Hook Jersey City, Court Immaculate Heart of CDA It tinleaa there to on deadline. Court Henrietta CDA Mary, atlas early McWilliams, Luncheon- Kappa Gamma PI, N.J. Publicity chairmen invited to make Chapter Meeting, Theater party to Mill Mill- are uao of tma fashion show, Paper Playhouse, eervlre. Wo wtll need Uio name of the apeakor lit anyi Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury, 1 administration building, Caldwell College, burn, Mrs. Richard Orsini, chairman. Pro- and topic, and tha name of iha chairman Mrs. Martin W. p.m.; Walsh, chairman. 2:30 p.m. THURSDAY, MAY 23 ceeds to Catholic Relief Service*. St. Peter’* Newark Dessert- Chapel Rosary, Court Our of Mt. Carmel CDA Essex-Montclair District Cnutcll of Catholic Lady #1712, NACCW Meet- Bergen-Paramus card party, 1 Loretta District, p.m., Glaser, Mrs. An- Communion Swiss Women 8:15, St. breakfast, Chalet, Ramsey, ing, K. of C. Mrs. John Meeting, Anne’*, Fair- drew Beifuss, chairmen. 1 Hall, Belleville, J. 8 a m. Mass at Our of Mt. Anna Marla Piana of following Lady lawn; Ecuador, Isolda MAY Henry, speaker. SUNDAY, 2* Carmel Mrs. Gomez of Mirabel Gonzolez of Churrh, Ridgewood. Joseph MAY 29 Nicaraugua, St. James the WEDNESDAY, Hospital Auilliary to Guild, Lad- director of Free Costa Rica and Domas, Lending Library of 8L Mireya Vallarino of le* Joseph’s Confraternity, Bogota of Panama, Newark 9 Si. Day Auxiliary, Mass. a.m., Religious Art, New York N.Y., Mr*. School of N.Y. City, speaker. recollection: Robert chairman. speakers, Holy Child. Suffern, James; auditorium. Rev. Wilkins, breakfast, hospital Mrs. Michael Mrs. Arthur Lawinda St. School of Alum- Dougherty, JUNE 1 Mary'a Hospital Nursing John E. O'Brien, Scion Hall, SATURDAY, speaker. chairmen. Court Passaic Club. CDA Dessert B Alt- nae, Dinner, 7:30, Pennington Mt. Carmel Guild of Essex Benedict, bridge, County Court Short CDA of Passaic; Leonarda Mazza, Meeting, Kills, Reception new man’s. 1:30 Mrs. Mabel chairmafi. Central Summit, p.m.; Peer, 2:30. Ave. St. Rose Lima and Paul members, of School chairman. SS. Peter Hoboken Card auditorium, Rosary, Our of the Little Lady Highway Columbleltes, Millburn, 3 p.m. Mrs. Harold grand Newark party. 8 p.m.. recreation center; Mrs. Augusts Knox, re- Arrbdiocesan Council of Catholic Women Falls Mass, 8.30, St. Lincoln Joseph's, gent. Board of directors Ghclli, Mrs. Peter chairmen. meeting, Thomm's Res- McDonnell, Park; church basement. Mr*. Pe- breakfast, MAY 27 Sacred Heart Cathedral Newark MONDAY, taurant, 10:30 Mrs. Richard Rosary, Card M. Newark. am.; ter Knapp, speaker; Mrs. Bernard Mc- St. Paul of the Cross Terrace 8 Rotary, Jersey City Strasser presiding. Luncheon to follow. party. Ballroom, Newark. pm.. chairman. Caffrey, Meeting, school followed Mary chairman. Proceeds education- auditorium, by May JUNE 3 RulUa, to Our f.ady of Sorrows Women, MONDAY, Jersey Mrs. Thomas Louise al fund. City crowning. - Williams, St. Elizabeth Linden Mass. Rosary, Meeting, pro- 12 15; luncheon, auditorium Rev. Fran- chairmen. National Adornetto, gram floral SETON'S QUEEN - Ellen Council of Catholic Women, Bergen- featuring arrangements; Mrs. Jo- cis A. Hurts, Christ the St. King. Jersey City, Vincent’s Hospital Auxiliary'. Montclair of Hackensack District St John's seph Beviano, chairman Reilly Orange, a senior at Meeting. speaker. Mary'a Hour, hospital chapel. 1 p m. Rev. Immaculate Church. Fsirview, 8:30 Betty Mc- Conception Rosary, Montclair Seton was pm.; Catholic Women's College dub Afternoon of Hall, Newark, Thomas E. Davis. and installation Mrs. Alfred Critclli. Meeting of Meeting and installation of officers to follow crowned Cullough. chairmen Miss Seton Hall recollection. Dominican Cloister, 3 officer* to follow. Newark. novena. FRIDAY. MAY 24 18. p m Rev. Thomas R. Peterson. O P., May Betty Ann Nothi- . speaker. TUESDAY. MAY 28 St. Thomas the Apostle Bloomfield JUNE 4 Rosary, Margaret chairman. TUESDAY. of Chatham crowned the Sullivan, St. Joseph's Rosary, Hoboken ger Dessert 8 Strawberry Our l,ady of Sorrows Jersey bridge. pm , auditorium; Mane St, Dominic Alumnae, Rosary, City Academy Jersey City festival. 8 p m., school hall; Mrs. Louis Fran- elementary education major. Klenk, chairman. Card party. Canton Tea Garden, Class of 1953 Jersey City, reunion. Casino in the Park. cone, Mrs. chairman. Joseph Puro, 7 p.m.; Mrs. Ann Stan, chairman. Caldwell to Confer Chem Study 'Si’at St. E’s Wuote CONVENT The 22 chemistry teachers completing the 114 Chem Study program at the Cbllege of St 4 Elizabeth May 18 Of The Week Degrees June are m unanimous agreement: the new method of teaching chem- istry t» the old. “The of food the CALDWELL superior to amount - Caldwell Col- 103 bachelor of arts degrees Fifteen of the class, average American leaves on lege w’ill confer representing parochial and public high degrees on and seven will receive the, as- school his is more than that 114 women at commencement teachers, have been using the method in thetr plate sociaie of arts degree. classrooms the on which millions of individ- exercises in during All agreed m a June 4 at 4 p.m. year questionnaire submitted by Sis- uals of the auditorium. ter Francis Eileen, assistant of in depressed areas Archbishop GRADUATION week will supervisor schools conducted the world trying Boland will by the Sisters of Chanty and institute chairman, are daily to preside and pre- feature a baccalaureate Mass that Chem survive Today, hunger- Study had great advantages over the traditional sent degrees. Msgr. Joseph June 2 at 10:30 celebrated by method They could find no ' stark. physical hunger due P. Tuite. archdiocesan super- Rev. John J. Ansbro, college disadvantages. food—is intendent to lack of the daily of schools, will Rev. James O'Don- chaplain. THE TEACHERS noted the necessity of careful thinking and of more human speak. nell. O S B Delbartnn companion . School. the emphasis on understanding the chemical principles rather beings than ever before. will Four women will receive Morristown, speak than facts memonzing They found the lab approach “stimula- Thu fact evades most bachelor of " science degrees. ting to both the and the teacher ” pupil Americans Auxiliary THE COLLEGE kss also One teacher commented that he was challenges! Edward E. Swan- announced that It graduates with his Bishop students because the meth&d vtrom of New York, Bazaar Planned have been named Delta required more careful preparation execu- to the TO HONOR THE James J. Novagh. newly-installed Bishop of Pater- on hi* Another remarked that tive director of Catholic Re- Epsilon Sigma, national scho- BISHOP - Bishop part the program eliminates son, speaks to Mrs. Thomas of the Paterson “cook lief president Dioceson Council of Cath- “swimming pool'' and bs»k“ on Services. In lastic honor society. They are: Riley, chemistry the high school Englewood olic of the council's level Women, him at the Alexander Hamilton Hotel Barbara Passaic: Ca- reception honoring Allan. 20. Other ENGLEWOOD - officers The Sis- May present were (from left). Mrs. R.chord chairman; rol Smith, Susan Smtsko. Gormley. THE OPPORTVMTY Alice to discuss the problems of the week ters of St. Joseph of Newark treasurer; John Kathleen Shanley. Msgr. Mrs sec- with other Conroy. Margaret Shanley, moderator; Cornet[?] Murphy, teachers was listed first a* will hold their annual bazaar informally an advantage retary and Anne Coan, Newark; Dolores Ernst. Glenor. corresponding secretary. of the in service institute HIVING NATIONALLY on the grounds of St. Mi- Long Island, Anne Buys. Oak- SAMOUS INSTITUTIONS chael's Novitiate here May 25, TIIK FIRST school land; Maureen Manning. nil- from 11 am -7 m Proceeds I Was SOI OVil 4S YIAIS p biishrd by Sisters in the V S Belleville; Lucille Russo. Me- Thinking... will go to the building fund, New Deadline “*» founds! tuchen; Rarbara by the Poor Ryaby, Clif- - to the noviti- COATS APRONS expand present CUres in ton in 180) and Monaghan. for the womens Washington ate. Children's rides and Ellyn Copy Avon. P**e to in the May appear FROCKS - TROUSERS games will be featured About Modern Television Miss Allan has also been 30 issue must be tn the of WJty acttpl i«cond baitl fic* by Fnday, May 24. at w/i accepted into Kappa Gamma TABLE & BED LINENS noon to an Pi. national Catholic women's meet early dead line CHOOSE the honor society. And the Ancient Vatican INDUSTRIAL UNIFORMS LEADER!


ROSARY SHRINE Did the you see tele* most si beautiful si thetr chrnr Impact on society if each of program entitled "The Vat- 9 14 ACME of to year old who boys hit children went and did in WEBCOR tcan"7 ft]:: It was done tn color, out ssng their heart* like manner announces COAT APRON & but even on our black and WE WENT into a school white screen it was spectacu TOWEL SUPPLY CO. A series of talks yard President STEREO lar lve always thought that full of children st play, if the office, the fire I were able to travel 1 post de- Hi-Fi Phonograph WYmon 1-3654 to b« th« givmn by Chaplain, would tike to sisit the Vatican, partment. the mint, the pres* S CHISTNUT. KIAINY ami the Land This e» of the Vatican Holy pro newspaper, Rev. A. O.P. and the Vatican Harry Kelly, gram took us right inode the radio station QUINN BROS which Vatican, showing us man* broadcasts m 32 lanfcu ot thm Holy Hour 3.30 P M. and Sunday* things tourists do not get to ages ran reach any part Ski the YC•« 0« A(M« see of world the new

Firm* SmriM: 12th - 26th o# May thing* bameoed to serve the Being a and :r: parent aching City of God on earth a' Smeond Smrimt: June 2nd - 16th for goodness • • Sarvica • and love to grow We 4 » . l amord Qualify Supply u* the Ecumenical t.'', and be manifest within the Third Council at St Peter *. and »?•'•«recortf tfh,. . Smrimt: June 23rd - 21th Profettional Towel Service July family me a *1 . gives beginning our Holy Father blessing those ipMfcer m . . fnotmounltd vofe/m*. bolt. of understanding into the trr assembled befure a session and TOPIC: Apparel *9# mendous ache of love for lh» We saw part of an Ethiopian AIM IN whole world in the heart of rite BEST DEALERS TOWN Office Coots Towelt Mas*, where drum* are and the "The of Holy Father, which is in rate tootj s^txa Love” used in place of the organ Meaning »«i|h;sin Nta*ett Authorirod turn For Doo-«r. a reflection of the long the Continuous Towelt used tn Latin rite It was Coll to A 34000 ing love tn the heart of Christ ALL STATE DHtritortoro. N. A tremendously impressive This Himself Is the Catholic Church truly universal (,|| TIIROI television we en siliiii! tered the and Apostolic Palace, the Ol R HOI V goes right Father closed • tHI MOOftN *l* CONOITIONID home of the Pope, which also visit VISIT the With Hit blessing We to the roof! bouses up the offices of Vatican thank God for his greatness City. Pope John smiled of heart Corn* sw the look at up in opening the doors new KNOH HOTEL from his desk and chatted robert o Newark'sfashionable gather- THE of the Vatican to all througn iili treat with our for for reporter and'us this television ing place living ... tour. a*, tn a friendly amiable manner. through dining. Spacious rooms ... observers ami wide Invites R your reservations executive suites... 16 beau- “He loves the people." nar- press coverage, he has tnvited tiful rooms rator banquet and the ROSARY said, and tn a little while • COMMUNION iaiakpasts all the world to sit in on the new Grand Ballroom provide we saw how love people him Second Vatican Council and • the perfect for l|?| OtOINAfION OINNIRS your setting in the cheers and tumultuous observe the inner workings of • WIDOINO VICIPTIONS social events . . . Informal PAX ovation given him waiting the or SHRINE by Catholic Churrh • business luncheon for six CONVINIIONS. if MIN At l mm 4 crowds as be left the Vatican must glittering formal banquet for We first know before I SAlfs MUTINO to drive the streets twelve hundred. through of we can love Pope John Is do- U Rome. 6 loom! Top Copoc•ty l* On# Room 1250 oir conditioned completely ing all he can to make the fTANIiT -ele.glon I can't Catholic I J AKUS Monogvr AIIUT W Rr#»id#nt possibly write it all Church truly known HINDU 50 * • • *«* were taken to St to all mankind Think of PARK PLACE, NEWARK - MARKET 2-1000 TREE - StIf.PARSING the Peter's ROSARY OF for a close up of the TOR OVERNIGHT GUESTS SERINE baptism of a . . hta baby . HffrEC small new PERPETUAL ADORATION life dipped into Christ's Life to CONTINUING share in It by- OUR Seton Hall l grace. niversity ''There are more Avc. at Morris babies Springfield Avc., baptized in St. Peter's TOP DIVIDEND School of Kducation 16 PARK PL than in RATE NEWARK, N.J. any other church in RESERVATIONS: the said MA 3-4080 Summit, N. J world,” our narrator, READING and as witness CENTER we heard a chorus of babies wailing at a PATERSON mass baptism, a music al- PURPOSE To oz provide extra help and special instruction for 0 students who have and those FURMTUM If your children need. reading problemi who desire their reading ability. SHOW-ROOMS PLACE 151 Ellison Street, Paterson, New . See Be/ore You Buy . the Jersey . Different* . . . Save the Difference SEMESTER on Outstanding Provincial and Contemporary Designs July A, 1963 to July 19, 1963 PER ANNUM m ‘APPLY BEFORE JUNE 1, 1963 ‘Enrollment limited SCHEDULE

will be scheduled for hour PAID Pupils one daily QUARTERLY between 9:00 and 12:00 GRADE SCIENTIFIC LEVELS OF CHILDREN Grade 2 through College SHOE FITTERS . .V 1 BASIS FOR ADMISSION 1. with child and LX I Interview parent BINSUREDL 2. Evaluation • 3s of reading ability 3. Psychological evaluation

GROUP INSTRUCTION . On \the basis of anticipated needs, pupils will be in of ITALIAN PROVINCIAL SOFA placed groups 2,3, or 4 students who have similar difficulties and who will profit by working Beoutiful Italian Provincial tola at o budget price. 86" long, me together. ehok. of Fruilwood, Whit* & EQUITY STAFF Antique Gold or Mahogany from* 4) M. IN CALDWIIL trained finishes; foom rubber Director, psychologist, and reading cushions; meticulously tallortd, plain or ’ leg. $7lO 944 Bloomfiald Av*. tufted choice specialists > back, of expemiv* fabrics. Turn bnipf CA 6-3604 •Om APPLICATIONS Fexitrl, ■mull At*. PwklM Ut SAVINGS Joseph Pres. tot Mrs. G. Director f ROMA—9-11 IN aiOOMPtIiP Write Margaret -Murphy, HOLLAND ST. (OFF 469 SPRINGFIELD AVI., NWK.) 174 Bloomfield Av*. KEARNY AVE. CORNER 0T MIDLAND AVE Reading Center, Seton Hall University in 9l Tu*t. j^_Bl_B-2660—Free Parking Reor—Qpen every & Sot. till 61 Ellison H 3-V22 151 Street, Paterson, New Jersey 4 KEARNY, N.J. Telephone LA 5-3425 1963 May 23, THE ADVOCATE 15 Seeds and Thoughts on Flowers ; Crowns and Love JUNE DWYER others and By they bring beauty make their crowns of dia- Our "wo honor as Lady, you the heart of the one who gives to other spots in the world. monds and expensive jewels. the of Heaven Plant a seed and watch it Queen and it. It can be beautiful If Sometimes these flowers only are But both gifts meant the same Earth, and That’a what a we give you the you have been careful and growl gardener cut to make crowns; crowns thing. beautiful does. If he ts careftil and most part of our worked hard to make that we give to those your we think The of flowers works crowns and lives and of ourselves.” heart and hard the seed will grow soul as beautiful aa of as the royalty of the earth. of Jewels were symbols or But the true of into the flower he hoped to gift the your floral crown. And once a year, throughout signs. were have. They ssying to crown can only be found in the world, of flowers crowns EACH If he Is careful with his ONE of us is a gard- are made to honor Our ener whole garden, color will come tending the virtues Blessed Mother as the Queen forth from each corner and and graces in our souls. Each of Heaven and Earth. is a this one spot in the world will family garden —with the be parents as gardeners more beautiful. THE FLOWERS are like the tending Sometimes each child and when these beautiful gifts of the poor In days gone rejoicing the children flowers stay right where they by. They did not have real bring beauty of character to the home and were cared for and loved Jewels so they picked their go In the forth from their garden. But sometimes most beautiful treasures “garden” to bring the they are cut and given to their flowers. The rich would beauty to world. Each country is a garden with its citizens representing its flowers Ford Became or its weeds, ac- Bishop cording to their strength and courage or lack of it. The whole world is a garden with Christ FOUNDER 'S as the Gardener. DAY - of St. John the A in China Pupils Baptist School. rehearse for Hillsdale, Kent Martyr one act play The of Story a Founder," honoring Most Rev. Basil Anthony founder of the Moreau, TO FAR by Eva M M the first candidate Cross who staff PLACES, . was Holy Brothers the school. Brother Pascal C.S Pesce. C„ K. Betz, illustrated by Peter SUMMER left, directs (first left for the Maryknoll seminary SCHOOL row, to right), Kathy Cammarata and Vincent Kelly; (second I.anda. Hawthorn. 192 row, pages. and he lost his life some order), Mary Kaspar Jan Sattem and Thomas while serv- Colacchio. ore set for $2.95. Performances ing his mission In China IN 23 and 26 at the with the MAINE May school, latter for orders of viewing religious Brothers. Francis X Ford. The Bishop story is one that should THE rapture the imagination and MONKS interest of BENEDICTINE Have You the modern young- ster who I* acquainted with of St. the menace of communism Aneelm't Abbey School Read... ? its and anti-God philosophy Washington, D.C. Rishop Ford tried to .w-arn Tbr qurstiom us following art announce a that the rommunlam of Russia cummer course baird on jrliclrs m tbit u rek'i Is the samehated foe in China at itiua Tbr of Advocate. Tbr but few would listen to him St. antutn and tbr pagt on Gregory's HE WAS taken prisoner by u biib the artit ft can be found Summer School the communists and marched art printed at tbr end of the with his secretary. Sister Joan York Harbor, Maine column. Marie. MM , through the Abowt f will • ADDIE ASKS to be two*ty-five bo s be oc 1. Boland has an- streets of China Ass prisoner you Archbishop tee'ed for tutoring or remedial that with us next week when we nounced a special col- he was tortured »»A beaten Saint James work from tilth throkrflh will announce the winners eighth lection will be taken and questioned for hour A tflU* KM tv M C»M< tU't up on upon .| grodes. Ciotßot w»U be I* tho the morn- 26 for hour in senior division of the »*r» M in» In iMiml citiMi May ir»g. Summer octi.fei in tho offer- Contest i-t n« mi,M m of our Young «t, w m a the missions the Spring *oo • in the Finally communist* “ tudy per.odi evening, KW On KKKff IV ; b. Vatican Advocate Club. We have loyt will ho f Pavilion called Sister Joan Marie and » «o pe supervision •«k Mm S'Mn < Ihnn 11. had so entries and Ond tnifrmotion priet’t of St. A/1- c. church construction told her that the many Mill r»*v*. by Rishop had M Mfvn In K have seim'i 2. A died really enjoyed reading HIM •« WMK Abbey missionary in- They showed her a fresh Bishop thoughts and then your on spring, **»' IWM kM lot. | (M spired his fellow-prisoners grave released her to Tuition, room, ond boord courage, homes, and so tell the to rest for on a Djath March in story Ihe of the the period June 28 • other subjects. China world many a. August 1 1 it $4OO. Parentt b. Cuba interetted write THE AUTHOR has done may or c Korea a CMM tMf great service to the niu *"»-«•* phone missions For Boyt 7-15 Qmp CO 3. Our Lord first Q »«n M« taucht and to youngsters by putting' HEADMASTER a. in HER STORY CHOSEN - An- synagogues this story in a hook just for CAMP SEBAIK UM »I'H IWI uttfl »tj<, b a lr*«.cr» THE on mountain geta Podesto and her third- them ABBEY SCHOOL She may. however, have LAKE SEBAGO. MAINE '**« "I >'*• l» r-WU-M :4U c. in a school grade teacher, Sister Cath- been a little » »M «< !<>««-; WASHINGTON D.C. CYO too interested tn CONDUCTED BY THE It’*'"** M» 17, Contest ni-Hiir 4. Vocation erine xtKtK Sunday this year Paone. M.P.F., of St. the historical of Camp accuracy Bish- CUM 110. LOCO*to « HOLY CROSS FATHERS Lawrence 6-6060 will I. ft Phone honor School. Ford Anthony's Union op s childhood not » »>" i™» >»• v•** BOVS: (T to U> Writ* and c*>. » »- an es»ay in ISO wordt or leu on a. Sisters *• • f—M Teaching look over Interested —mm i# (iniui t»-« City, some artwork y nl enough in the every >ou u* 80 *° l'*n, <■*»«« **• K*«; •X WIW inn VKIM k, b Lay teachers *o P HJj for telecast of (•IRIS day human touches that would rnx Inttiii Iwhhhm (7 to an . u< Angela's orig- jj) Writ* *»tay in 130 word* or let* c. Priest's on CAM* lIUMi JM » M Iml 1« parents have given the inal story. "How the »hy want , 0 book more TWITIOM leopard y„o fo Tegakwitha * HMt IW I Wl UM # gamp r: 'll >**l SV3JISSV ch. 13. May 28.31. Bridgeport 4. Conn the characterization or dra HI FOrett 7-7253 ADDRESS matte narrative —Jose Dwyer

TOWN TEACHER M* tUtON ‘Dear President... You eati a-it | SCHOOL CAMP BROADLEA t □ am a member Q I would like to )e«i» GOSHEN VfO NEW YORK

“* f **•- tft Don 't •• im 14 tin i» irn Know Us But...’ BILKS *U TIAJt AMO tl» Enlrte* ahould b* INDIVIDUAI S»O*U »*nl to th* CYO Camp Conte it DETTtOIT (NC) Youngsters c o Th* Ail tor Clinton An* 4 C>mh% in grade three at St. Rita's at*. SI St. Newark I. N J by » JVIMI H UMWIt - School here cut in President Wednesday. May 3 14 UM lUU lIA SOM Kenned) on a spiritual reward tney obtained for (Ii Each c mutt be e—**. — ransoming 19 pagan babies eotry accompanied by thia coupon -.J or C•<*♦%« A class by a copy o{ it. A. representative explained it this way * »• ®~— a.™ (3) Your . . miry makn you a riember ot the Young 4-1110 4)11 4114 "DEAR President Kennedy Advocate Club vitirooi witcoMi C*J»» CNtlir rm KINO Mml '•> Caibala ba 7-14 lacatarf h** r (4) Two Ire* weeks at •-.<»., h.,v»- hood wfill In tbe (.May <.aP < r.. Association. King be given to two boy* f-oofbiJJi of the White Moonteini

arc sending one to , you to you with big NtW HAMPSHIRE help >our CAM* n OAK WITH A 0« tab* Mi the White House Mapaiiaof aitaliaal Itff (» and keep you and family well *•'* ,n your •“'* ~*r • •-••*>.... CAMP ML DELBARTON -W.,. I«M„ ARE sure don't know but CAMP K.'MbacJ. rW-a, aaf., you us we Know you very NOTRE DAME Well and often —H»l. see you on TV. We the MORRISTOWN. NIW JERSEY I.udanl aa«a pray every day to Holy „ O*T CAMP .. J0« AOT| - _ Spirit for you and H,|| , ~,, „ NAMASCHAUG SPRUCEIANO »OfH CKMiS k your helpers Sister Odelia said. You are **"•**''’*• k . N.aa.k CTO aad “ >-*»*«« *’ IVIWu* Mm , , !«a4 t>r with so many letters to read 1 r Ag«i for CIRIS *•*«"'•» Cob-b.-j Auaoat-an every day.’ o-Nof.oeol Cafbol t So 1 ixMvtDtTuijcD iu»»ui VotViictSS rc*'•or* or*urA-c o* lAKE AjKK-afra*- am writing this one for our class SPOFFORD GRANITE ...tfaU., fka»k My name ts John t k\gv»: ack on LAKE , Pal uai*. laata* :• >4> tJOO Dcmrniuk I have brothers •nWrMM UH Mil . Mo«*. J|*J 7 eight and eight father T.hkiiuw. >4 UM .It. J*o Ob.»

    ■ iom« . waraa . txiiNo . into mockiy . , "Dear Girls and It • Boys: was thoughtful TIHNII • HIKIM© . *«TI f/1 FOR certainly of vou 4 c*A»T» . ailnr BOYS FOR GIRLS v._ • to enroll the President OtMCil i aMKBTMII • . in the Pontifical Association to*imo TuToaiae of th- - Ml i«Ail MMK BU m» mwk Ti Holy Childhood, as indicated in the letter " a•"» ♦*» and certificate sent Wni itlad li. M«. T«i 11 ~i» Separate Camps, Ages 5-18 to him inn»M at tiM by your classmate. John Demeniuk He is most ap Mt.t.M of %tt\>ng u*Ci preciativc this spiritual remembrance and the btidi c* grateful for Pin# Foratt Souftf Comp. Coopar Main* IJj/J** by cf vfl i tytl! many prayers in which he will Midi. share.” *,,tf ******* umt. WttbtCt •lee r%C'ltts camp marisf i*4 ill iportI CAMP RIDGEWAY itjff rt Scouts FO* BOYS 7-15 !****« *O PO*td Cf tTiiUiff tiWMtA;ti liMrfi m Bergen LAKE OSSIPIE, N H. f *** itv:lyeu!| Ff gr\ M im in *»it f -fo AaitM. ♦ or**r —*iti i m ii (tit mti Ito Uuctbill July 25 Ratos: aSI*V* C«tc*. Do* Dirt ct or cf August $4OO season AtftttKt por rfl liUtthiu C«icb. St. Ptttr Plan •* nil Cltrj Ovtf IJO Ui»< The 310 » Cot •(• Breakfast Kill i»i«t >1 »■»% Ml scrrs of Mamt wtHNM Ivitlt Camp sre situated on beautiful Lake UM II'd *•!« leant, »itir Mimt. UIW(, litUrr tort*bod ta m«it CU|Um «j iwf tilt a* km Ossipee in .New MM CIUMI • MMicil SUM Hampshire. All bungalows are with WALLINGTON - lUbNil. licKarj. wltll. Catholic liann. lit low | u»a> iiw.tUoii itlinttcn la Mid equipped screens, hot and WUBSTIOBO _ cold water, shower* and toilet •"4 lOtlllltl 4 docer UN MU II £>«» facilities The Season Scouts who belong to Ahcka »0* SOYS. *-!• eihrllo lutorut* lOWilniMl tut »«'»it*lt $495 Tuition Plan travel to nmol"* li’Ot Mill CHorcti campers and from New York under the Council will hold Communion It { Omii lor intonatle* )•»« t. lOnm MU personal a A PERFECT SPOT FOR im mi loan. aiNMw ii. at, supervision of the staff. The VISIT breakfast p. i«i«i iWm( i-n.pi, Min oirt iv n?gj. camp is conducted and & SEE FOR YOURSELF May 26 at Sacred A PERFECT comple- VACATION tely staffed by Heart Church here • sponsored UNI FOOD • MOOtBN ■ntt Of piiono (or Information by the South rumms . tu ißoats BEECHWOOD DAY CAMP KtNNtOT. Bergen Catholic JON St. Pfttf'l Colltft. 2041 Hu4»on CAM* FOBOHAM 70 MARIST ■lrt N. pfoiulc, 459 BROTHERS itfMr City *. I. Dili Niro J-MOO. Lay committee on STRAWTOWN ROAO WEST scouting. •varythmt NYACK, NEW YORK !■»»»' CfO«» the »il bo; »anU *o»«. S*M!o Klwr. N. I. Over 200 scouts »«*rt * Ctrl* 4-u £ are expected '« » ' acallon 300 mn at roUlnt MIU and xml) and. Our at the affair at Seventeenth Seaton June 24th to 23rd which Rev. lU>. Augutt B pen ala bi|k up tu »0 0..(t FRANK ' ' ADAMS, ant at in Nt. '.lMr* PM4 T * “** *"• »*' Alexander W. pas- pttlumqua malty - Fronczak. m4w 41r4«4*444 K M Cfnt* ln*tf>K**ri ’XSS TSTTZi TT* 15>4 CaUMIla Hod rotmwior Kteci tor of Sacred will »ut tnd Tr*iMd n« Diwi .'U3 Heart, Kllkoll;. Taarhor *ndirau'UfteMuf Mcal i** S**k. e VWax'Uul irvd Pkiur#Aq«w trtet sa. HrlPff CiniAP ftttte < Coach, A|m U» Amfitu tnmpint AmkUUm. ST HELENA HIGH SCHOOL speak Hot kv ill* Oirtrr Louis (Ojlii r - Szanto is chairman of So* 19 low WUKIT lUO<(T tills J H l• laformetton rrituiH •*-!• MM »**«.* Wnto or Call. Ut. ten** Jtiur M H4*4**t a Nt. Vnrn Wln4»nr 7-4444 MICHAEL MARGEUO HlnltM *404 Mill SIASON AND JUtY Atl I SdsrtMi ptaca MOIITRATION CIOSID IN OUR OIRIS CAMP A Stktto Maim. Ilf. lIMITIO NUMRIR Of VACANCIII ARI AVAHAIIf fOR CAMP •am Ptila« 1-I*4l AUGUST ALVERNIA «' cAMP ST. BENEDICT BOYS and MOUNT ST. FRANCIS CAMP GIRLS-Agss 6 to 16 NEW JERSEY NEWTON, - 50 for MILES FROM NEWARK girls 6-f6 RINGWOOD, NEW JERSEY for r«c«M Boys 7-15 Juno 22. Th* Mt«, (Sot)..Aug. 24 pot wk Camp constitute* 132 of and T»fcyh«.., (Sot.) $45. acres heavy woodland 10% OiKounr on Tuition OFF NEW B'LVD for (ogiitiotion Juno 32 • July 6 TO CAMP hill* of the / Ramdpo Mountains. Surrounded by pictur- *3O A Conducted of WEEK by Bonodictino Monlci St. Paul'* of Abboy esque beauties nature. It is an ideal for - POOL - place girls $375 PER SEASON of to ST. JOSEPH today spend their leisure time. H M||*| tram Nawar* loiJrfont M»*tl (4 NOW OPEN Nur.o, Sorbin,,,anC.unwtlorl, Modern Swimming, Boating, Ratidant rociWloi, Cobini, f.t.nifv. Basketball, Hiking, Gymnastics, Chaplain Report,, All Soason: for thi Sporlt, UUj July 2nd to 27th Camp Fires, season norlobaco *ld,n Aufluat Music, Dramatics, Volly-Ball, Bicycle Riding, Paoi'••I . *, Iwimminf ■ Ttiuilt 9, Riflory, 8 i,|.,„/ N.CCJk. Ankary ink■ Hudson Blvd. at Water Movies, Roller . •Ualball , Cycling, and N* ollMlNt ~ W »•' AU SPORTS Skating Television, ■aaabail . OramaikaOran '"* t'xbur. 10; INCLUDING It «luu iu l Arts and ™°I,U T Y , WATER-SKIING, SAILBOATINQ Crafts, Jorsoy City-Bayonne 7. ” JOVC*r °**< CAMR Indoor Games for etc. ST. ICNIDICT, NIWTON, NJ. ON Rainy. Days, Season ****'* OOLP June 29 "*"* Jm"» DU PREMISES lino 1 **> 3-2470 (After Juno 1b) DU 303(0 City SEASON: JULY to • 7th AUGUST 17th to • Swim Separata amp* for bon and August 24 • KsporUncod, matura ion 4 oount.l- - • Shade (7 Weeks) 5 to 13 (irli on oppoalta .hot., of Ages Kar Wrtla; • Artade prlvoto - in.truct and Catalog car.fully iupar- • Snack Bar 100-ocf. loka. $5O *- *laa week $350 season McCan«, (Mr. • all tampan. por Ullla Amnle PASS Parking per Plawar Camp • Mutlc - 1500 • *lO PI Avanua Dancing CAMP • OCTM of Raaaonabla Registration Fee (New Wyamtnf ST. ALL-INCLUSIVE JOHN S htalthful .conic Campers only) taraataai. Parma. *# in at rata, for • or 4 ENROLL 4 J wo«lUnd 1700 fa* altituda. waak.; convanlant oi a-trn Day Camp NOW •h '« Jo r b*«th. .porkling cl.or lok*. mil.. *7' tl r !??'*■ .p.lngf.d 100 8 Waak *°' , paymant plan, avallabla. CONDUCTED BY CAPUCHIN SISTERS Season Starts u" ond .xp.ri.ncd Uod.rd.lp by Loch... ond coach., from . Ist B and '" For information to< July P 1 »• < boy.. «...d.m Pat write oU i. wLa? r*. °l Chop. Uhutratad ta/a/04 ■"

    Flip a Coin


    All teen agedom it divided for ma," then you're going the Into two p*rta those who right direction. wonder what they're going to do with their Uvea, and those OCCASIONALLY, a ques-

    tion such as this occur few who are only concerned might to "la it with wbat lift la going to do you: a tin to refuse a certain It’s to them. This is addressed to fairly vocation?" the former not a direct group. probably usually sin. But passing clear In considering a vocation. up a It's vocation could be just as Important to know selfish, and, how to decide aa to know what it does mean refusing the en- tire series of to consider. If you think ask- graces which God has in mind for ing ''What do I want most to you. do?” Above ell, don't end like has much to do with up re- the jackass who found himself your vocation, you'd better vise of thinking be- from two your way equidistant hay- stacks. The beast cause you’re going the wrong poor starved from death because he didn't way right the beginning. to know which stack was closer YOUR VOCATION is simply and so spent his whole hungry and the best for aolely way life in Indecision. DRAMATIC McGrath of East FIRST - Kitty Orange (left) accepts the first St. Elizabeth you to get to to save God, Don't head and drama for a for the wrong Academy speech scholarship summer workshop at Catholic soul, and It's the University. your way the award is Sister Francis haystack either, just because Offering Mario, moderator of the Dramatic Club, and offering God leads you to. but never it looks nicer. In that case her is congratulations Kathy Conlon, of the club. Miss McGrath is of forces to, His Provid- president treasurer you by eternal reward might your be the club. ence. only a big fat bale of hay. Notice that your vocation it called "the best way." This Mar Essex to Give Annual Awards y Linney shows her science fair exhibit. that there award-winning suggests are many Youth Corner achieve MONTCLAIR ways to your purpose Individual given to the two outstanding married, single, ditch-dig- and winners group of various adult leaders in each unit. Holy Trinity ger. air-Une hostess, tycoon, Canadian spiritual, social, cultural and Rev. Vincent F. Affanoso, coun- scientist. is athletic actress, There one Corps activities conducted by ty CYO director, will make the best That is voca- the Essex CYO Seniors Win way. your County during presentations Robert Dolan, tion. the 1962-63 year will be hon winner of the Newark Arch- Show ored at con- Discovering your vocation is May Spark the annual night of diocessn March of Talent a cold, unemo- June 7 at 8 the Top Awards actually pretty champions p m test. will provide entertain- tional Since God By ED WOODWARD at Immaculate proposition. Conception. ment on the piano. WESTFIELD National doesn't his wishes at Music hath Ranners at- yell any- more than Canada, St Patrick's Cadets will be awarded in tention has focused two body. He expects you to work charms to sooth the savage the four divisions lo upon lived in the homes of parishes Schedules High School It out, to do all the thinking beast. It can which earned the Corps Holy Trinity sen- and will —with people of Shawinigan. Rut here most points iors in recent weeks. and praying that ran do an assist from homemade through in the you a in New Jersey the visitors will participation Initial Picnic Richard J. who about it. language bridge the mod activities. John Morrison, Behrens, sign be housed at St Patrick's the CITY- St. won New Veterans Vocation 1* not an emoUon between different mother Scton Hall High School’s foot JERSEY The Jersey gap gym and youth building. of Foreign Wars "Voice of De- or any more than faith for at ball and haskrtball Michael's Cadet* drum and feeling toogues teeoagers With the three Canadian star, will mocracy*’ is. II conviction, after lie the bugle will hold its fir*t contest, went on to is i Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey presented a trophy as corp« corps and St Joseph's of Bat- capture the first in the thought and prayer, that this City, X. winner of the CYO's annust annual picnic May 26 at 1 p m. prue May tavia, N Y . there will be about nation*! competition really is the best to save outstanding aigh school at the church involving way The occasion wilt be the 3uo Satur basket grounds persons spending more than 250,000 students your soul, and that this is Preview of ball award. The includes enter- Champions for day night at St Patrick's. program from throughout the what God wants for you. drum snd bugle spon- Awards of merit will also be tainment, door dance country. corps, More than 20.000 person* prizes, and exhibi- sored by St. Patrick's Cadets. Roosevelt Stadi- contests, games HE RFC EIV came out to ED the award NO MATTER WHAT state of Three of the to entered tion* by St. Michael's Cadet* in corps um last and Father Washington. where he life choose, sacrifice year Schools DC, you will classes Jersey and other in (wo senior and has hopes of two corps. met New US. Gaffney seeing Jersey's Sen- be involved Asa doctor, you junior are visiting here from Enter ators. Harmon the big ballpark filled this A. Williams would have to give up being Tourney Canada and members of two those and Clifford P. time And ea.-h of spec- NEW OPPORTUNITIES Case He read a lawyer, a religious, and a ROCHELLE. N. Y - of those corps speak only hi* an original taped tators will be doing part, Bergen script en- lot of other thing* In religious Catholic and Essex FOR WOMEN 16-35 French in a internal.ooal re titled ’ What Freedom way, for slhotic Means life, you'd have to give up ( high schools will be latson* Stm otiers to Me." the Gs 4 Stnrnt marriage. All vocation*, and "BIT. IT'S surprising how North Jersey representa-

    Kathleen tives in the Mary Linney last in some surprising degree*, well they get along with sign third annual Irish week returned from STEPPING OUT of it* r!»s* i hrisGan Albuquer require sacrifice* language," remarked Res Brothers For seme que. where the the moderator doevn t seem to hamper The Tournament here at N.M., she woo When it comes to "cer- David P. Gaffney, lona Col- second place award Msrgold. the pub lege May 25 in the Na- tainty" of your vocation, re- of St. Patrick's Cadets ' One newvpaprr tional hshed Jvt Anthony's Hign Two Science Fair She took member that you're always of our parishioners married s by lona scholarships will School 1: ranked be the honor m the sisthiamon. awarded in the senior di- girls* physi- going to have Utile nagging French girl snd shell also sit best cal science division at an he snd school vision for debater and with a doubts about any vocatioo If help interpreter," parochial public bc»t mathematics new tpaprrs in New Jersey, It orator. There will also be entry entitled you're so doubtful that your added week “An Albellan with (too but mark the first time was announced !a»t si a junior division competition Croup Iso- attitude u. T t know, It will morphism (he !21h annua! journalism Using Equivalence I'U give it s whirl,” you'd bet that a Canadian group has t Relations," an ter this day at ptala College. analytical study. go back and do some more competed in pageant, Each of the other papers thinking sad praying which is in its seventh year IN Harrison li»ted in the top 10 was put* D.C. - Senators But. if you've gotten to the "By bringing in new groups lished school much by a larg MARIAN Williams and Clifford Case Bergen CYO stage. "I think this u *hat like this," Father Gaffney es Anthony The & with William Gad for though I helps Uven er than St. '* Borgos Borgos Behrens. wants me. plained, "it to up newspaper* were evaluated might not have chosen tt ail the competition, to give it a '* by the Schola»tir Press Asso- Insurance To by myself; 1 do have some un- fresh approach Register o-ul C>***»l fc W>d> j ciation lir-,10*9 r Sitters of certainties. but God take An of Reparation for CHILDREN will added benefit, course, '*'%■ ****** ••ft. of all kinds ©' o% o m»»M»wofy of the of rare at them is thi* is really for both An additional honor came Congregation Mary will be the opportunity •* liifrwl >» e-d • f«r R*«' to Sear M*f* 593 KEARNY for RELIGIOUS the Canadians and the local ttw» school a* George •*»# Ca**k AVENUE Day »•«'»•» •• •< (•»-♦*« f*e Campers t%«,r R»»Wll le* of the »*» t».rtfu«l. groups to learn more about staff named W®»*.**•**. 0 C Ur>:.f~,>o ( one 9 e «f Registrations League each other * country St. Pat top *port*wnt- r*t«*d IRt ?• •II Mtt ChiKnn r MOIOI J. tOtOOS Writ* »*d T»#« A«t t will begin this week for the first- er* in the »talr Bemardette nek's Cadets have some • •»«««"<•% Hr W*rk- AtHIT H ILAM D D*c-» AO four Bergen Board Niechwiadowirr, editor of The *•<*©' *»• County CYO sum National hand knowledge of Canada WIIUAM l MAHAN fATHUS RflU V*r*ts«« r*ifr•' and Walter 4m **v -v~4m< to 12 F Kerr, drama boma noon; May 27 and ImOmtilU c«rtjfcilt e»l«d Bridal 29. r*l was made here by Brother ansi 29. 7 to » 30 FtINCISCAN yiSSIDNtIT BNIOI Bridal p m , and St SAINT ELIZABETH Gowns $39.59 Meric of Xaverian W»i»« fm up (Ridgefield) High us wn Jiii snurr, mw tom mw too Matthew's lICONOtIT SCHOOL SOI OIILI i. May of the Diroctr*** School, president league IW r«u» »'«■»•<»•«• Vocation SCO Bridesmaids $24.95 up 25, 9 a m. to noon r**n4*4 LOnpcn yCOn. If no rtrwtf, crfl ft which overseas debating tour tIITIII 01 CHAIITI Registration will be at the Ummmmimfmtm Cw«fM« Cm»-wmml l MtHt <»••»» naments and sponsors an an various parishes expect for JEfforton 9-1600 WK4I l«l. 1»»!•!>■>• T. NT, nual national tourney in St Matthew's May. C*mpßm*mtmrj g,H (*, ,h« fc,,d. which will be _ _ JESUIT BROTHERS taken at the CYO office here. Ml Rail FolMn lH< lUIIO ♦ «»» Nffw Y«r» tl. N. Y. NEWARK BRIDAL Applications may also be filed Adults Young PLKAXt EK>t> ME r*E* BOOKLET ON JESIIT BROTHER LITE. at the CYO office from 9:30 GEORGIAN COURT COLLEGE 132 Springfield Ave. Newark a m to 4:30 M, N.W MA p.m. any weekday A.. 2-7047 Set Session A accredited Liberal Art* 27. fully College starting May Aidrvt* «•». W,d.. hi. I Pf" ORANGE an- Each camp wUI be staffed by The ISUi Conducted by the Sitter* of Mercy nual Essex CH* ZoM M*U seminarian* and County Catholic lay persons Director of Admittiont, Lakewood, N.J. Young Adults Conference Apply: under the direction of John J. will tie held 26 at St. John Powers, county program direc- Msy s, co THE followed tor. Activities will include by a dinner meeting ACADEMY OF OUR LADY OF THE at the Rock Spring Corral, Founded 1899 the Sitter* of ot daily swim instruction, base- in by Charity BLESSED SACARMENT SETON West at HALL UNIVERSITY ball, Orange, 7:13 p m. basketball, volley ball, O NEW YORK Jack CYA GOSHEN, table Kennedy, presi- tennis, hiking, nature of Saint Elizabeth < OF dent. will the Cendwrted arts give major College Iniwi •( $». < of Now oTrb SCHOOL EDUCATION study, and crafts, music, by) Dcmm, tlovvelt. at the O ond dramatics, dancing speech conference, boarding Doy HIGH SCHOOL for Glrli and spe- Convent New SOUTH which will also Station, Jersey Atodom.c Commorciol ORANGE, NEW JERSEY cial include reports > events such as doll shows, L from committee chairmen. Cafnlog on Doqvott hobby shows, carnivals, cook- New officera will be rlrcted E fULI ond outs, at PAbTIAI SCHOIAfiSHIP variety shows, movies, Announces the dinner session Telephone, fashion AXMINSTM 4 6133. 3310 shows and clown shows. A Rev. John J, Rock, county There will also be Slimmer weekly out- CYO CALDWELL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN moderator, said the con- Reading Programs to various ings swim clubs in ference will be dedicated to NEW JERSEY SYMBOL... Bergen and Sussex counties. Rleaaed CALDWELL, FOR Elizabeth Selon. CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF ST. DOMINIC *‘OF THE NEW MAN YOU ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAN STRIVE TO BECOME" STUDENTS Fully Accredited Offering A.B. and B.S. Degree* SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS SAINT PETER'S COLLEGE COLLEGE STUDENTS & ADULTS FRANCISCAN

    A Jesuit Remedial clones will be College serving New PREVIEW of reading offered al the South Jersey PRIESTS & BROTHERS ond the Orange Campus for New York Area elementary school pupils during the Metropolitan hours from Bth CHAMPIONS morning July to August 2nd. Continwo tbo work started by St. Fr«nc»t roNaod of Ami (no ©no o«or o«t»anc© Developmental and remedial CO-EDUCATIONAL SUMMER SESSIONS - of lack of reading for secondary to ouraominary bacauta funtfa.) school will students be from Bth Writ© for Information; held July to Auaust INTERNATIONAL First Day Session June to 2nd during the day. 17 July 19 DIRECTOR of VOCATIONS

    Closses for DRUM and BUGLE CORPS Franclacan FatHora, Bo* 177 college will be from Second students held Ist to Day 22 to August 23 July Session—July Ponnayfvtnli August 9th the tt'* Monaattry, Holl.dayaburj, during morning hours. A special section tor college and First Evening Session June 17 to 18 students adults will be offered during July CONTEST the early hours, evening which meets twice a week. • Second Evening Session July 22 to August 22 SUNDAY - MAY 26tlt Applications will be accepted for all the Vocation Retreat above listed 86 Credit Courses programs until June 21, 1963. ROOSEVELT STADIUM

    Non-Credit Courses In In monastic silence & let us For further prayer, help you decide Information contacti JERSEY CITY your vocation. Reading Improvement Basic Mathematics Mr. Joseph Zubko Pr*M*t*d by ih« Nationally Famaui Tho It. Patrkfc'i Caditt *1 J*ra*y City Writ* to: Reading Center English Composition Personal Typing Retreat Master Seton Hall University ImnN f*ctl*n Sacred Heart South Orange, N. J. SEND FOR BULLETIN Adult! Si.SO CkUdra* $l.OO Monastery Fre» Oanaral Admitiion or call: 6, New Box 5742 SO 2-9000 Ext. 448 or 449 Jersey City Jersey Parking Adult! $l.OO Cliildrwi So< Baltimore 8, Maryland #■ Tim* I P.M. May 23, 1063 the advocate ChampionshipPennants Unfurl, Schools TakeAim 17

    NEWARK Championship ble The Cm- A SHOWDOWN for the multiple crowns. Arlington school dropped to nine straight games and held pennants are unfurled being sadcra, who have already T-CCC honors was washed out 3-2. a 13-4 record. and several North Jersey clinched at least a tie for the May 20 and Bergen Catholic The other event In which the Catholic high school baseball ST. MARY'S (R), another Tri-County Catholic Confer- is slated to visit Queen of Crusaders will compete is the teams dead aim will are taking on ence title, will launch a drive Peace May 26 for the final Bergen County Tournament. Bergen County power, home also bringing some of those for the New State In- league both be after the county lau- Jersey game for squads. They will meet East Ruther- honors. Some erscholastic rels. It will take Northern are seeking Athletic Associa- After a 14-1 rout of the ford May 30 st Fairleigh Dick- on more than one title. tion’s North Parochial Valley June 1 at 3:30 at Jersey Qucensmcn last week, Bergen inson, Tcaneck. Prior to a p.m. Bergen Catholic heads the A 24 at Catholic Teaneck. championship May jumped to a 4-1 meeting with Seton Hall May list of those battling for possi- Seton Hall. the North The Gaels, who are defend- league standard and 22, Bergen Catholic had won ing champions In the NJSIAA's North Jersey Paro- chial B division, will play the survivor of a game between DePsul and Bayley-Ellard May 24 at Pequannock High School field. Both Bergen Catholic and St Mary's nave been paced by strong pitching. Norm Der- mody of the Crusaders haa a six-game winning streak and

    an 8-1 season mark. St has Mary's a pair of undefeated hurlers,.Joe Ryb- ka (4-0) and Bob Gentle (3-0), in addition to its hard-throw-

    ing are. Brian Conway (5-2), who has allowed just one

    earned run all season.

    ST. MARY’S (K), which was ousted from the Union County Tournament eartier this

    month, still has a shot at two

    titles since it gained a berth PIN of the St. Peter's team which tn the Greater Newark Tour- KINGS - Members College won the Eastern Intercol- legiate Bowling Conference shown with their nament The Hilltoppers will are championship trophy. Kneeling, left play st Montclair 23. to right, ore George Ruppert, coach, and Dennis Hoepell, May captain and high average rained man with 185. in that order, They were out in the Standing, are Joseph Giannetto, Bill Lane, Ed O'Connell, match 30 They wiU John Bob Cashill and May meet Shrekgast, James Moran. The Peacocks defeated 27 other schools St 26 at Mary's (JC) May with on overall average of 903 Warinanco Park, Elizabeth, in the Parochial B division of

    the state tournament. For Final Game St. Benedict's Prep, which

    won 14 of its first 18 games,

    was scheduled to face Bloom- field in the GNT 22. Pirates May Map West Point Invasion Another possible double win- ner is St. Joseph's * 12 cbored Seton Hall second Aloysiut Jer- division of the state base from GILHULY'S CUOES It now seems quite certain distance fitie ision at the Hudson County schools \ ond place in the medley sey City BSO yard in 2 00 I ball tournament However, participated in the that is week RESTAURANT and BAR ' nothing going to halt amt Ryan brought Essex with Don Snyder at St Peter league last meet, which also featured SMLB3ITS Gian t the Petreact had not sub- ipe- ‘KM IftM' Bergen Catholic in bid to second That to 11 3 its Catholic home third Rooney The Atoysians also boosted Mantt ctal event* for fifth and sisth AICOtT SAtlfllH 4 it SHIM mitted an entry tw:i Uik«MK ac 4 Duu»n both and annex of the ma)or • it on the Essex got freshman triumphs from gave Jim Hart his sixth grades and the four ■mj w H0« MOTORS cial interest and the «•*. but been the at- bumper The meet was not as pro- suffered a sharp loss pacing Knights’ Besides the four firsts piivati South Jersey competition fa ft Till of fine ACCOMMOOATIMO Cater Trailer*—Sates l leetah crop yearlings pro ductive lor some of the older when George pulled tack. both at bat an>l or. the three mrelays Mt Carmel If a* 4ft McHugh Fallowing a few phone duced NJCTC schools rtf «ftMS An «« 44r* fti OPEN OMIT 9 AM 6 PM by this NJCTC stars. Steve Ashurst up while tl»e 220 aftrr mound had a of leading calls, the New Brunswick pair runners-up and NEW YORK Ni A S«» ♦ year will have their chance he had second who CITY Svn to 430 suffered his first defeat in placed in the team A few other pitchera a third place finisher was tn the lours a Ascension at Warm- New 100 have Thursday Jersey this year when been leading thetr teams ment and the Jersey City anco Park. Elizabeth, to give Dwight Peck of Pascack Val- This weekrob also are Tom Brooks 47-0* of St. brings school was out —as it their older rivals to the New something ley flew past him in the Jersey (WNY). Rich Mr- Independent wanted to be because of Joseph’* think about. a stretch to win the 440 in 49 5 Schools meet 25 at Ped Cune (6-1) of May Late schedule. Rayley-EUard. die heavy season on the muddy track Paul with Drew and Murphy Mike Smith i62» of Queen of THE HEAVIEST Essex Catholic drew a concentra 1 Drew of St Benedict's placed seeking individual titles and Peace. Fred Phelan (52) of bon of is b>e into the semi-final. sophomore stars in the St. Benedict's third in the 120-yard high hoping to place St Bonsvroturr and Mike Pe- running with events, particu- second to powerful Lawrence- terson (7-3) of St Mary's (E) lar on the 880 and emphasis vtlle The three-act Hudson The • complete tournament mile. Boys like Johnny Eager Track First County championships wind Rain schedule D as follows and Tim Sheehan of CBA. Postpones up May 24 m Jersey City and nnisA Tim McLoone of Set on Hall. »«e*i. |S the Morns CWV County meet, with Track Meet *a.|«« CMMv Mo Panrteal and 25 u Hall. Larry Rooney Greg Coming IV!barton A Ryan May among the entries, of Essex Catholic, Cnm NEWARK The fourth an- Iterate '» ka.w, nut* M Per*,, Jerry will be 25 Dover. PRINCETON A that May at Back. r>«w B mins of Bergen r meet nual Eaaex Catholic Catholic and County Me*, tea, M could become future There two Catholic «* ,» a bright are coo- War Veterans track meet, de- War?', te H artejar. Park. HiuShL Parwteai onthe eastern collegiate track (ereoce meets listed 25. May layed by ram. haa been re- New Assistant and field schedule Bergen Catholic should tetter. tea, |l makes its romp scheduled for 25 at New- May tt kaaeMw, »a O L. laa, al debut 25 when the first to the Catholic SOUTH ORANGE - May Tri-County ark Schools SUdium at .'0 ranHMl t Joseph MaOIN COUNTV Conference at TOUR MAM! NT Kane of East annual New Jersey intercolle- title Passaic, a m. June 1 the alternate Orange, golf is TM«V, Mi, M giate while St Luke's »•>***»* coach and chemistry teacher championships are held should havs runout date CMMr '» »am IlMtfwrtw* at no at Palmer Stadium trouble in the Paasaic-Ber- at Selon Hall High School, has Participating teams are to 1 Seton Hall and St. Peter's gen Catholic Conference n Mun (Ri WtNii VrUer been named assistant athletic title report at 845 a m and com- Tmrkl are the entries meet at Pennington Pat- OaiATII WARM - director Msgr. Thomas among along Park, petitors must be weighed to (4| TOUR MA>A« NT by TNvvrßa, erson. Mr. W with Dickinson. Rut- 9 45 ar .* Tuohy, headmaster. Rev. Wil- Fairleigh by i m M Mmi'i SI SI Hul l IP) St Cecilias * meet T*»r*S#r. U Mkwksr. Msr II High School, The will also serve as ♦♦tlipul •* IMarw m k Ma'i »Ur. thi* neck final for !!? haw T«t three-sport an a tuneup Seton Hall te Aihrrtu* Mania al M. Laka't LUi'i at M. Swimm«i« Catktek- nounccd that he has a "•» Mary* SL IhwaSM Ptear's Prrr lailw mann Hennessey a! a Pra* r m Bill was a member S'Mer, Mas M .VStete of The will probably run the mile and k» tt Palar’a Haatelaw Aradritvr Itelkarua Advocate's all-star basketball I r.p al 880. 25 to HteomlteM respectively, May Tack ai Sk PL Laka al Barter-lOlar* tram and IMkanaa al Pww helped to lead the HE'S THE MAN YOUR for the fierce Newark AraSarny Plaa at Paaate get ready com- SL TSlaaa Tack at Patrick'! gtetete Put al IWr Tttaur Saints and helped to lead the UPON will face in New W latnUr at llakakaa *1 Mtekaar* lUC> Harts DOCTOR DEPENDS petition they *1 Iterate C ,uo champiohship in that sport. Racier York. V»w kiwwi h nir k r» (m He on •ka *•!•** also was a standout the aHMca M kn*« ha. For St. Peter’s, this will Iteurtein'll /a.', •* Hu C» U run 11 and are for- al S' of May looking Pr*» Blair COMPIETi Tour M. Polar a Pr,p al tt. than f Rrcutarad Itirmuliu M2 Aterstea otherstate iJCI al tt. Ftp* some Atyteu*. Ik M PsMate-Barna superhighways Delivery open twr ward to when "Marr'a any ot> big things tjftdßaCealartnca ...-lludaoe AIR RENTAL PACKAGE Proa * am la II Couaty CalkoUc Catearrara p.m. SooSav, Mar >4 reach status next couroi m Ml. Praapect Avenue. car. they Varsity ♦•Paw Boats Tack al tt. BaaamHwa » New year. ■MM, Jersey’s superhighways mean a great deal to you, and the state. Newark, H. J, NOW Since New Jersey is centered in the heart of the world's richest market, JERSEY CITY NIW UtIO YOU CAN 4 Workman's VALRNTI'I PHARMACY between New \ork JOtRPH valihti. Rea. GET. r> and Philadelphia, its peer. CORVETTES WANTED! Superhighways play a vital role FraaerlpOoa* - Bahy nmO Transportation Your in commerce and Automobilt *0 MONIY DOWN industry. These same modern make it easier Arc., p ... highways Jeraey age. city, Oualtlka'iunt , , . M PrtM for you to ■riwn °« reach the famous New Jersey shore or lake Mm' U Aa Ordinal 59 Chevrolet 2 dr .. $153.00 • Uw MiUagt lr>gartaJl-tan4 air mm- WESTFIELD ' Car, Llrcrlr lands for recreation. All there are more 51 4 dr Sdn 455.00 pntMr, *«•!. air M oN In together, than CINTRAL PHARMACY Of Truck .. Km*, far Mkhaal J. Carmala, Raa. Pkar. Mall* 55 PRRtbe 2dr HT 255.00 ataali ml/ IJJ/dajr Uwaaffc mm A«y - Aay MaAal .. 31 thousand miles of highways PraacrtaUoaa CaraTaßy and roads in New Jer- 55 Fird Rinch PRICE Wi(ii 355.00 CompUlm AirKtnlol Pirn prm* 55 Chrysler 4drUr sey, enough to span our country from coast to coast k .. 155.00 UNLIMITED 5 —«*-Caatr. | a™?yffiftSa mim 54 Fird Pm« SU 249.00 W Ray yea la (tap la aarf patlka W|« more than ten timesl It#4* 1904 NUTLEY PAUL’S MOTORS NIW JERSEV TtRCCNTINARV BAY DRUOI CO. . Anwrlu't #| Corvotto (Holor AUTH. VOLVO, - AAAI DEAltt PACE Jan MOTORS DALERANKIN Oaffta 194 ROUTE 17 M. A lalaytHi An. 47 CINTRAI Hanaaar, MJw—Rta. ia— Pin TU Mill PUBLIC SERVICE (Jut Norik ol HI. 4) HAwrtiama 7.JJJO AVI. ELECTRIC A GAS COMPANY Ml. Varnan, N. V. (M Ilf Franklin Ava. NoSTmi Paramui • CO 1«7100 lAST OAANOI I. , Taxpaying Servant of a Great State V THE 18 ADVOCATE May 23, 1963 2 Passionists Both to Mark Jubilees

    Annuity’s UNION CITY - Benefits A twin stalled anew entrance, foyer returned to the U S. for medi- celebration will be held at St. and in lobby Veronica’s Veil cal treatment. He returned to parish here 30 Auditorium Jnseph’a May where the passion China in 1946 and became paa- marking the 25th Its anniversary play gave 49th annual ser- tor of a in and of ordination for the pariah Lungtan, Spiritual pastor, ies of performances this year. Hunan, when the communist Temporal Edmund Rev. McMahon, C.P., Invasion forced him to leave. and of hia Do not watt until another one assistants. Rev. FATHER O'MALLEY is a Father was later C P. native O’Malley mission land is lost before Aloyslua O’Malley. of Clinton. Mass., where you appointed vice rector of the he attended realise that there are souls for Both were ordained St. John's School. to Society the Propagation priests Passionist monastery in Toron- be saved. Make May 30, 193*. at St. Gabriel’s He also entered the Paasionist to somo little and in 1933 was assigned sacrifice of the Faith Monastery Preparatory Seminary in Dun- to every day. Church,' Brighton, the ssme post at Holy What better Francis Cardinal kirk and waa professed at way to prepare Archdiocese of Mass., by Family Monastery, West Hart- Newark: West for death than at that time Auxili- Springfield. by out Spellman, ford. Conn. In 1956, he became taking Most Re*. Martin W. Stanton, S.T.D. ary Ills first an annuity with the Society Bishop of Boston. Father assignment was to rector at Hartford, and in Very Rev. John for the Msgr. F. Davla McMahon will celebrate the Passionist Propagation of the his missions in 1959 was named rector of Our 31 St.. Newark thus Mulberry 2, N. J. Phone *23*308. Solemn Mass of China. While Faith, providing for your Thanksgiving studying at the Lady of Sorrows, West Spring- Honrs: • Dally, a.m. to 3 p.m.; I a.m. to IX. 30 St, language school spiritual and wel- Saturday, May at Joseph’s. Father in Peking. field, Mass. He came to St. temporal Diocese fare? of Paterson: will celebrate Father 1962. The income is yours dur- O'Malley hia O'Malley was im- Joseph’s in . Rt. Rev. Msgr. William F. Louis June 2 at hia home prisoned the Japanese at Walter ing your life the society fur- parish in by Macchler is general nishes with 24 DeUrasse St., Paterson 1. N. J. Phone Mass. the outbreak of World War 11. chairman of the din- you interest, and ARmory 4 04M Clinton, jubilee DOUBLE Hours: | to JUBILEE - Rev. Edmund He was released in 1943 and you are protected by the sound Daily, a.m. S p.m.: Saturday, • a.m. to 12. McMahon, C.P., left, ner. Donations the of St. Union and FATHER McMAHON ii insurance laws of the State of to Society for the Propagation ot the pastor Joseph's, City, Rev. Aloysius a Feilb income of will native of Union City and at- New York. are tax deductible. O'Malley, C.P., one his assistants, be guests of tended St. Michael's Gram- But, most important, the honor at a dinner May 30 In the lower hall of Veronica's School. He entered Father’s mar the Holy own Society for Veil Auditorium, marking the 25th of their MEMORIAL DAY anniversary Passioniat School the his leg Preparatory Propagation of the Faith was badly swollen, he ordination. A Typewriter at Dunkirk. N.Y.. in 1925 and WREATHES Wreath! transfers the capital to him*at worked morning till night at was professed in 1931 at Our Plants death. And he transfers loading wood for fires, your carry- With a History of Sorrows ing 1-ady novitiate. Monlsd it to the poor of the world. water and doing anything Rev. G. West Springfield. Mass for Write to the for the that was needed for the Joseph Oedertier, Society com- Donations Memorial C.I.C.M . in a letter originat- He was first to of 31 fort of the Requested assigned St. Propagation the Faith. rest. ing from "near Mongolia.” Gabriel’s Monastery From Day Mulberry St., Newark 2, "During the Death March, N.J., he is thinking of 1944 li the says buying to 1947 he wss vice rec- FLOWfRS for manual on annuities, swollen by beriberi, his bare Holy Cron anew typewriter if he can ob- tor of Immaculate Conception including the date of feet grotesquely distorted by For 12 your Vatican Pavilion tain the money. Monastery, L 1., then Cemetery birth. frostbite, he carried the sick Jamaica. "The teaching profession to spent 10 years in of the and the weak. His blue Follou ing ii the trxt ot Utter from Ho!end charge eyes a Arthbitbop Passiontst 317 Ridga Rd , North Arlington • Phono WY 8-6858 which I have been assigned." mission cooperatives still smiled; they were the (atbolift In donate to the Vatu aiking an Petition at the com- with Bishop's Sacrifice he writes, "entails much study headquarters at St. Ann's only pair that did. He worked ing World s Pair. The toilet Hon mil be held .May 26. and also writing I use Monastery. Scranton. Pa. for tended nyich A Model for Many us, our wounds and a typewriter bought in 192*. Father McMahon ailments, his New York "Plrtl" returned to A gave up tobacco In 1964 the of be missionary in Korea Not mention the de- April Michaelangelo Union to many City in 1957 as field ALBERT for others, went down in frost World’s Fsir dedicated to the placed on exhibition at the Va- rep- H. HOPPER, Inc. writes about his "Al- resentative Bishop: fects inherent to old age. 1 am of The After to the dead, slipped down, theme “Peace Through Un- tican Pavilion. Sign MONUMENTS MAUSOLEUMS WY 1-2266-67 though he had beriberi and bury • worried because my confreres three years he was appointed to a shadow, derstanding" over and still he will be held in The all theme of the Rood Oppo»n Sunday. May X. a collec- Hlli m Jo roe y you doing” he asked 'I am i Bn an on behalf of the of remarkable selfless is anxious tion will he taken all appeal group In our • Wo o * Vow th# memorial typing.’ I I thought °»*« rnr poit m to owr (vttooen tan toip#• tvtttn (Or.O'l kero •och Maywood. Rev. Thomas F. In asking A Of oot • ol row mote#Mil us in our hours of trial. To pate in thia endeavor by mak- mi r» enabling er has quite a in 1933 history pw»l. yOo ol imrn+d*- it to (Koxo Burke, Pastor. meet the American to Otton«| complete y Owr on him was worth being in- ing tome contribution tti TK* the bandits in Mongolia Mmmi idm ham- OtO OoUrOry lbart MOtKO Bishop Stanton thanks to terned. and met him Bishops aupport having mered on the letters with their Father Burke am) other this the Holy you could not lose support project hope.” fists. It wreck Re- pastors of the archdiocese was a Father has given unmistakable LOYOLA UNIVERSITY There are of others like him paired. It was half burned in for these appeals evidence of his personal inter- making today l hr South, fir* Orlfant, in the turmoil of the the fire of the seminary in was possible. est by that the famed directing foundrd in 1912 world many of them un- Hsi (also in Mongolia) by In Time Seed heard of and of unsung Pray for communist troops in 194* It them Sacrifice in is to believe the their name. hard type- Consult writer at Your Catholic Funeral Director WEEK-END RETREATS survived all "My DOLLY MOUKI Sisters Evicted confreres call it a turnt-out FOR THE LAITY case." he \im. l‘)si U hose says # careful and understandingsen ice is in accord with SPIND A From WIfKIND WITH 000 African Clinic "1 have never thought be- the traditions Mother Church Sisters have been evicted fore of buying anew but A home beautiful of Holy For: MEN, WOMEN, one. nurting in a totting. from the clinic at Cedarville amthinking of it now. ii some- HUSBAND and Complete Imlmn *iih homelike ttrmn- WIFE in the mission of Kast Griqus one could help Will you”’

    in phere. C#*4vct»4 by tfco monki of land South Africa, ami Rev A long story about a small A O HUELSENBECK BUNNELL fwl** Abbey Divine. F M , writes that typewriter But the need for a FUNERAL HOME IViiKn) PtiHiniliidl nutting *er»K*. Ploo to mok« what MEMORIAL rtM(«oi«oni «orty "you cap imagine a loss new one is big BfRGfN COUNTY HOME 41 Highlond Ave. Wn»« j for information toi Ixemol Slate it has been to us and how dif- by of \c« Jene-% Moderate 1108 So Av« Oronge Jertey City, N. J. DIRICTOR Of RITRIATi ficult it has been to the Run. raise Asian Missioners CLIFFORD H. PEINECKE Nework 6. N. J. Chorlet A. Stevent, Ovoom •« money for anew clinic in a fM<« Rotro«t Howto 1321 TEANECK ROAD Karl W Hueltenbeck Monogtr short time. The it. fwrft Abbey. average wage With Ntotoe. MJ. Work Lepers WEST Director DElaware 3 6446 here is 20 RomJ ENGIEWOOO. N. J. not more than *3 per IV//*> Sisters who work with the FRANCIS X. FAHEY, ES»e. 2-1600 month. TV/. LA 5*7677 N. LAWRENCE C. QUINN in an Asian Clillom. J. lepers mission CODEY'S FUNERAL "The total collection Manager SERVICE FUNERAL HOME •> v from leave r^ no pages unturned In TE 7 2332 77 PARK STREET the Africans for three Holy 298 ACADEMY ST. As Long their efforts to Improve their Masses on is scarcely N. J. Sunday in MONTCLAIR. (at knowledge treating patients, McOUADE FUNERAL HOME Bergen Square) more than 73 cents. Imagine' 4-0005 nor do they rest on THE Pilgrim JERSEY CITY. N. J. their TRAGEDY OF THE MISSIONS Vincent W McOoade As with the Yoo Live Fortunately Bishop’s laurels when they have GEORGE AHR A SON SW 8 81U ac- la a r«(«l BUditar article. Father 270 BROADWAY 1 am now able Maealrtal (or- help to put up complished good a deed m,r Director of ih* 700 Catholi* TraUi of N NVf AVENUE E3>ivgUjr*7.J a Swirly llmj RIEMAN FUNERAL " small on the mis- Hllhdolt, J. HOME building The patients and staff OPOD INCOME on drtcrlbe* IK* IRVINGTON. N. J sion to serve as a clinic. luminni dtfnrolUre NOrth 4 5699 1914 NEW YORK r~ tr<>u AVENUE '“ leprosy work in this diocese." W IS* miuieaartr*. IK* average ESiex 3-1020 rr,?■I» la •a r mit. S VD "To build a house for the writes one of the UNION CITY. N J. ANNUITY bister- »**■ THOMAS <*«*»• rrc*U** Urea* yearly J. DIFF11Y Sisters who serve in REZEM FUNERAL HOME many nurses. "will pray for UNion 7 6767 surely b*ly from Rome. W UK thu alto«eth*r 41 AMES AVENUE am la and various is an their benefactors of 579 Grove Street ways, quite Because of aar* of Um Iti»dr,u*t» ium mosey, eterworhed LEBER FUNERAL HOME «2»* Muuooo other RUTHERFORD. N J. la matter, as the cost of their we hsve done N. J. “« o*l* •aucatiac help many e annu. brother* Irvington. ing SuUrv ar* try. 20th ST & HUDSON BIVD. for even the smallest of things WEbtter 9 0098 *a llinou buildings lac braiely is brim IS* falls to mil. ES»e* 2 8700 would he at least UNION N J. u* *7.000 The "Last year we tlosa. «rra bllhoo, of CITY. advoniofoo. removed proplr Who d* •.*.A , STANTON Luttaf Momorui ud HENNESSEY FUNERAL HOME Sisters themselves are unable the asl Know ( Krtat. lie UNion 3-HOC rom.mbraivcM scaffolding and put up a writ** ~laauser- FUNERAL 661 FRANKLIN Mum one able Um HOME AVENUE to give any financial help temporary altar in the and urritm of wtrri k>» fan whatsoever 232 KIFP AVENUE NUTLEY. N J. HOWARD J. BRENNAN inkmmationi as their congrega- church; the patients hobbled art** hate been almoal tailed tion has been NOrth 6414 BERGENIINE only recently along, each of them Hr HU, F*t*r) raw** they bar* been deyrtrrd of IK* HASBROUCK HEIGHTS. N. J. 7-3131 AVE. SOCIETY OF carrying M*~jm ,w founded The whole aeeettary tssla U do ISrir WtST burden of a stool. )oK~ . . NEW YORK. THE >r«,OWCW . ATIo* 8 1362 MURPHY MEMORIAL HOME N. J. DIVINE WORD this Aa obtaining money, there- "But this thanks appeal from MsUirr 'tartar el, UNion 7 0373 year, to 102 FLEMING AVENUE !**■ GIRARD. fore. lies with Ruperts* t.«a*ral of IK* Daughter* at Mary la Tritsadnam. la- TRINKA FUNERAL SERVICE PA. me. Please, oh we have the .you. advantage of NEWARK, N 41a. vividly asm* J. WILLIAM INC. please, me." church ptrlurr* mtaatsa hardahlpa SK* OTtlev -|| MAYWOOD BOGOTA SCHLEMM. help a lovely with proper prea«ai amatl :i MArket 3 0514 2200 a room. by 1* f**t. ta u»ed far aeryteem It can HUDSON BIVD. for the patients We IITTIE FERRY pews . bald saly !• persona. TKer* ar* tl .Staler* la lb* Normal*. JOHN F. MURPHY UNION N J. have 19.906 patients under HUbbard 7-3050 CITY, N’**t lb* number will b* rear aarr IS. Star* there la aa partab 480 SANFORD Will IAM SC treatment; 2.188 were dis- AVENUE HIEMM, ehurrh IK* ararby people are eomiaf la our rbap*l far Holy STONY charged the VOLK FUNERAL HOMES MANAGER LODGE during past year NEWARK. N. J. HOSPITAL Maaa and lb* other Sarramrata. II la exUeotrly and aeeetaary la TEANECK: 3,3*1 new patients were TE 6 0202 ESeex 3 6053 UNion 7 1000 baas a ehapel bailt" .A with ... moderately-aired on* a stay admitted in our three settle- BOGOTA 9 2202 Urge to HU OSSINING-ON-HUDSON. NEW YORK enoutb accommodate the neighboring faithful will JOHN J. QUINN ments. 36 segregation villages M.Md to balld. past Will you b* ten*rout la helping theta FUNERAL HOME and *4 treatment JOHN J. FEENEY A SONS centers. Ritter* la bay* MORRIS A Private and faithful the attenuate la earry COUNTY Psychiatric Hospital, aa their 232 323-329 PARK AVENUE completely "A sister doctor work? Send FRANKLIN AVENUE has re- yoar help now. Thanh you for and ORANGE. N. J. equipped Diagnosis Treatment placed the lay doctor in one RIDGEWOOD. N. J A CHILD LOVES THE CHURCH SCANLAN two Sister Gilbert ORonge ? 0348 of Mental and village, leaving doc- Ann Loa 4-7650 Nervous Conditions. Jo H. of Angelr*. Write* "I have and now been a Catties FUNERAL HOMES tors one on KIERNAN FUNERAL HOME lay-doctor ll« for arvrn month*. I had no rrtiftion until I became a Caihollt GORMLEY 781 and Socrommlt Availably leprosy work alone Our Bish- FUNERAL HOME Newark on May J. IM2 I am and 101 UNION AVENUE Pompton Tpk. eleven lor* me Church 1 think It t« op is to get an ortho- 335 UNION STREET N. J. Leo trying wonderful, t have started little Pomplon Plaint, J. Palmer, M.D. a collection for the mUalon. Thla BELLEVILLE. N. J. pedic specialist even for a N.J. TE 5-4156 la the Brat time 1 have lent money I HACKENSACK, to the more aava the mora Plymouth 9-3503 Charles A. M.D. • Aaociatt short tour to show us how Bright, Director> to u be able HUbbard SH 2 6433 1 ill to aend you. I would Uke lo writ# to 7-1010 a pneet or do some reconstructive FRANK McGEE Maurice J. M.D. opera- Slater or even more to you. Love" O'Conner, . Of rouree. we tions to replied, 525 improve function of thanking her and SUMMER AVENUE deeply moved by her wonderful enthuetaitn hands damaged and feet for the faith Would N. J. Telephone 914 Wilson . like to help PASSAIC 1-7400 . . you too with a praver and ESSEX COUNTY NEWARK. COUNTY “Our ambition is to leave no month to of a ft a one our cluba. auch at HUmboldt 2-2222 Brochure stone unturned in on Request learning DAMIEN LEPER CLUB for icarea leper*) ORrHAN'S BREAD MURRAY more and GORMLEY FUNERAL HOME doing more for tfeeda orphan* PALACE O T GOLD ; iprovidea for aged) BA. GORNY A OORNY God.” FUNERAL SERVICE SILUANS iiupporta relation 154 PLACE achooli), MONICA GUILD ifur- WASHINGTON MORTUARY MICHAEL niahe* chalicea. altara. J. MURRAY. etc., for mtaalon rhapclii PASSAIC, N. J. 303 MAIN STREET Director FATHER'S DAY IS COMING OirJune 18. Sunday. Dad PRetcoM 9-3183 eomea Into hit own. In your EAST ORANGE. N. J. 206 BELLEVILLE AVENUE exuberance over Mother, don't for- father. QUINLAN FUNERAL HOME MAKE YOUR MONEY get He too would like to be rrmembered. 2-2414 BLOOMFIELD. NJ. WORK FOR YOU What nicer ORange way than to have a 27-29 HARDING AVENUE miationary say a Maaa for hia Intention’ Or PI 3-2527 _ him aa a enroll MEMBER of our association >si l. V. MUHIN A SON N. J. a year; 820 MURPHY FUNERAL HOME CLIFTON, for IlfeUmei. a Then he will participate the 976 PRetcoft In grace* of the BROAD STREET 7-3002 Invest it and Masses of 13.000 DIRECTORS wisely our missionaries. Other suggestions securely through are a FOOD N. J. NEWARK. GRACE MURPHY PACKAGE for a Palestine Refugee HENNESSEY FUNERAL HOME family, costing 810 a MArket 3 0660 STRINGLESS GIFT WILLIAM T. NEELY LIFE INCOME lo be used where mmX 171 WASH+NGTON MISSION CONTRACT needed Or per- place haps a MEMORIAL GIFT to a 301 mtaalon chapel. PETER J. QUINN ROSEVILLE AVENUE PASSAIC, N. J. (AN ANNUITY) NEAR EAST COUNTRIES RICH WITH VOCATIONS Funeral Director NEWARK. N- J. PRetcott 7-0141 Ye*, but money la needed for the 3 2600 education of seminarians 320 BELLEVILLE AVENUE HUmboldt and will end Slater*. We bare CORNY l GORNY you receive many name* of needing help, ones such BLOOMFIELD, N. J. As EMANCEI.E YOt'SEF BOJI and SALIM MORTUARY ABBI' ATTIBA, 8-1260 Chaldean students Pilgrim A high rat* of int*r*«t In Baghdad. Iraq and SISTER 31AJ COUNTY An assured dependable income ELLA and HUDSON 519 MARSHALL STREET SISTER GiI.BERT of the to Slater* of the Destitute. Always, according OORNY N. your ag*. at long at liv*. India. Will A GORNY PATERSON, J. you you adopt one of these? james a. McLaughlin Dear Monsignor: MORTUARY MUlberry 4-5400 A remembrance in the and prayers Mattes of our 399 591 JERSEY AVENUE S.V.O. HQOVER AVE. mittionariet the world. I enclose I of the throughout III! needed to rdurate * Slater nr BLOOMFIELD. N. J. JERSEY CITY, N. J. I of the BMd needed far the training of a seminarian. UNION COUNTY Pllgrlrp 3-8400 Oldfield 3-2266 NO LOSS NO WORRY NO I’ll send 8 monthly CARE ... or 8 once e yrer. I will for prey WILLIAM him ar her. SCHLEMM, INC FLOOD FUNERAL HOME Nome 539 BERGEN AVE. MILLER-BANNWORTH Send informal Andrew W Infgrnutwi held it me ion on your Life income Mutton Contract Flood, Mgr. JERSEY CITY, N. J. FUNERAL HOME ■treat 112 So. Munn Ave. A 1055 EAST JERSEY strict confidence. Name * JOHN J. CARTY, ST. Age. Eatt Orange, N. J. City N. J. .. Zona State MANAGER ELIZABETH, ORange 4-4445 WRITE Address. HEnderton 4-0411 Elizabeth 2*6664 MArket 2-2530 EARL TODAY TO yZone F. BOSWORTH GORNY A GORNY City _ State. CODEY'S FUNERAL SERVICE 311 WILLOW AVENUE FtANCIS MORTUARY CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President 69 HIGH STREET N. HOBOKEN, J. 330 ELIZABETH AVENUE Mi*r. Joseph T. Ryoa. NetT Sea FATHER y REV. RALPH, s.v.o. catholic ORANGE, N. J. Oldfield 9-1455 ELIZABETH, N. J. universities «• commonlaoti eat Hi ORange 4-7554 Oldfield TH OI,C N«AH I 9-1456 Elizabeth 2*1415 316 MICHIGAN .^ AST WKIFARI ASSOCIATION N. CHICAGO 4*o , 1 Uxlngton of Av*. 4«Ht St. Now YoHc 17, N. Y. In For listing thl» wctlon call Tho Advotnf, MArVot 4-0700 Choir Concert Will Mark Honor Couples May 23, 1963 THE ADVOCATE 19 At Holy Hour Tralka’s NEWARK Silver and Msgr. Jubilee golden anniversary couples Pray for Them from Bergen and Hudson

    BAYONNE - An- of his ordination Counties will be honored Msgr. at a concert annual "Ad Humanum” award at thony A. of Tralka, pastor Mt. and ball to ba held May 26 Sacred Heart Cathedral May to a prominent national figure. Sister Albert C.S.J., of St. Joseph’s Horn* Carmel Church here since Mt. Carmel with Boland Mary at Auditorium. - 26 Archbishop for the Blind, Jersey 1929, will be CONVENT - Sister City, feted on the oc- The ecclesiastical celebra- DURING HIS PASTORATE, a certificate to Mary presenting died 14 at Albert a member May Morristown casion of the 50th anniversary of the Msgr. Traika has 25 each attending. Maloney, of tion anniversary will seen couple Memorial Hospital. Leßoy the Siatcra of Charity of St. take place June 17, the exact young men of the parish enter Msgr. McWilliams, Elizabeth for 70 died William J. Burke of date of the jubilee, when Msgr. the priesthood and about 60 pastor of Queen of Peace. years, Jersey 20 at St. Anne Villa after brother Tralka celebrates North will May City, of Rev. To Ordain a Solemn young women join convents. Arlington, apeak at Edmund illness. the hour. His a long A Solemn Re- Burke, C.S.S.P.. and Brother Mass of thanksgiving at Ml. There'are now 10 seminarians holy own pariah Mass offered 9 will have a Maas that quiem was May Maurice Patrick Burke, died Carmel Church at a.m., as- from the parish at Immaculate special 22. morning for 10 couples attend- May 17. Fr. sisted by priests who were for- Conception, Darlington. Sister Albert born Krieg members the ing from there. Mary was mer of In 1948, Plus XII raised Mrs. Peter Newman of parish. Pope in Millburn and entered Bay- Rev. Donald J. McConnell the - Msgr. Tralka the NORTHAMPTON, Pa. to rank of onne, mother of Slater Anno MSGR. TRALKA Sister* of in 1803. She was born of St. Bernard’s, Plainfield, is Charity Rev. Charles F. Krieg. C M., domestic prelate. Earlier, Pierre of St. Vincent’s. Ba- In Poland, taught elementary in Frysztak, and came chairman of the holy hour, as- grades of Oradell will be ordained for Archbishop Walsh had named yonne, died May 18 at Ba- to the U.S. with his sisted several North schools family him nine couples of his Jersey the Vincentian Fathers June a member of the by yonne Building and at St. Hospital. in 1898, In FLA, headed Mr. was Mary's, Nutlcy, 1 McShea of settling Chicopee, and Sites Commission and the pariah by by Bishop Joseph before her retirement Mass. At 11. he entered St. and Mrs. Lawrence E. to St. diocesan school board. Myers. Im Allentown, Pa., at Queen of Anne’s Villa your prsyrrt dlso rrmnry Mary’s Polish Preparatory In 1945. All Saints here. Continuing the musical tra- hrr dtetusod Chapel AT HIS PIANO There are Immediate ibttt, your Seminary, Orchard Lake. Msgr. Anthony A. Tralka, pastor of Mt. no sur- dition of his Seton Hall Honors family, Msgr. vivors. Sister Albert Mich. He his col- Carmel will celebrate the 50th Mary was printi: completed Tralka is Church, Bayonne, anniver- an accomplished the sister of Sister Hilda lege studies at SS. and of his ordination June 17. A Mary Cyril pianist, sary jubilee concert will be 26 ROTC Cadets having studied under also of the Newark Methodius held in Maloney, Sister* of ... College, Detroit, his honor 26 at Mt. Carmel Prof. Castellanos fea- SOUTH ORANGE - Miguel at May Auditorium, Four Charity, who died in 1930. and took his theology at St. the New York the St. Cecilia Choir of the church. Rev. Conservatory of turing An accomplished ROTC cadets at Seton . Hall George W. Corrigan, May Seminary, Baltimore. Mary’s Music. on a 1915 In 1937, tour of pianist himself, Msgr. Troika was a friend of the late University received the su- 25, On June 17, 1913, Other Deathn Msgr. he visited Polish cadet ribbon . . . Europe, the Polish artist and patriot, Paderewski perior at recent Rev. Raymond Maggiore, Tralka was ordained the Ignace May by virtuoso and from Msgr. Ed- patriot, Ignace ceremonies Msgr. John 8. 26, 1931 late James Cardinal Gibbons Middleton, 83. Jan Paderewski, at the lat- ward J. executive Fleming, pastor of St. Peter's Church in Rev Charles P. of Baltimore and celebrated Gillen, May ter’s villa in Switzerland. vice ami Col. president, An- Barclay St., New died his first Mass at St. York, 27, 1915 Mary’s Green drew Bodz, of Seen professor mili- May 14 at Benedictine Hospi- Church, Schenectady. N.Y., MSGR. TRALKA has been Light Rt. Rev. Msgr. John L. Mc- tary science. N. Y. where his father organist. in tal, Kingston, 27. 1959 was prominent many Polish- All told. 26 cadets Nulty, May were pre- concluded his He education American societies and is an I-null A. Relssnrr, 84. of Rev. James M. sented with some kind of McCormick, with a East post-graduate course at on Polish the Kcansburg and 29. 1903 authority history, For St. Benedict’s award at ceremony The formerly May Catholic University in Semitic literature, music and of Newark, father of Rev. Ed- customs. superior cadets were James F. Rev. Henry B. Lynch. May langusges. Hr formed a local Bayonne NEWARK Federal ward A Reissner, secretary to 1919 ap Rev. Thom** J Finnegan, Meyer of Kearny. Kenneth J 29. Msgr. Tralka was first as- of the was George W Ahr chapter Polish Relief proval granted last week an assistant at St. McGuire of Fords, John H • Bishop of Tren Joseph's Rev. James A. May signed Mt. Carmel in Lundy, to 1914, Fund during World War II lo the urban renewal project /Jegler of Glendola and Vin- ton. and brother of Sister M. Church, was reelected to hi* 30. 1936 but was transferred the fol- and which will result in the Florence. S S of Pough- helped many displaced expan- 10th year a* chairman of the cent P Yustas of Wayne. N.D., Rt. Rev Patrick J. lowing to St locate of the and Sister Msgr year Joseph's, persons in Bayonne. He Sion facilities of St NHA He ha* served keepsie. N.Y., with the May 31. 1962 Passaic. He remained there Benedict's of died Maloney. received the Virtuti Milttaire Prep at a coat of organisation since 1950 Plan Maryalan Camden, until when Open House 1921 hr was ap- Cross from the Polish Govern- over $2 million May ]( at Riverview Hospital. REV. BONIFACE first of Newark Red Bank Wimraer. pointed pastor St. ment In Exile, lie is also The Housing Au- At Bavonne Convent 0.5.8.. founded the New Stanislaus, Plainfield. In 1928, of the received word from Pilgrimage to Shrine FATHER KRIEG honorary president Ba- thority BAYONNE—An house Marie Jollrtt of Florham open World's first Benedictine Ab- he was named of the Council the Urban Renewal Adminis- AVRIKSVIU.K. N Y-The professor yonne of the Polish- Park, will be held at Mt. Carmel sister of Sister Raphael, near Latrobe, Pa„ in 1546. Polish language at tration bey son Immacu- in it first Puerto Rican pilgrimage Father Krieg is the of Amerlcan Congress Philadelphia that 30 2 to Church May from 4 late Conception to of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Krieg ot Seminary, The concert on May 26 will has recommended approval the Aurtesville Shrine p m . featuring a guided tour Darlington, a he held for SllO.Ooo 759 East Drive, Oradell. He post for feature selections from hit m and the North American martyrs planning of the church tor both Catho- 10 tunds will attended Our Lady of Per- years. stage musicals tike "Okla- survey ami for a $1,152. here be held June 2. with lics and non Calholics School and St. homa!'’ ami My Fair IK! federal grant to Rev. Ernetrrw S J petual Help ON COMING to ’ I-ady" acquire Barseion, .. Bayonne, The combined sodalities of John's and will and demolish Such of the of 4 and en- Msgr Tralka built anew also have a liberal property. Phillippine province Prep. Brooklyn, rec- the parish are hosts, with Al- tered the Vincentians St. sprinkling of Polish a recommendation is the Society of Jesus and Rev. at installed music and utually tory. anew organ in len Topolewski and Maryann folk equivalent to the Princeton, in songs Carl Duda will con- final approval Paschal Sanchis of Aragon Joesph's College, the church, enlarged the con- ohalek. chairmen 1952. His studies were com- duct the choir. from province of Spain preaching. vent and twice redecorated Washington also at St. Sem- The NHA released a pleted Vincent's the church For the second plan for inary, Germantown, Pa.; St. new the St Michael's MICHAEL J. HARRIS redecoration, he commissioned St. Gets Vincent de Paul -Novitiate. PEter’s Hospital project, which will Adam Styka, internationally treat it INC. Conn and Mary as a separate Hem Ridgefield. , known church artist, to paint Immaculate Seminary here Science Grant Previously, it las within the two original works. The Good luciiie iiMict HIGH LEVEL boundaries On June 8. Father will of the Newark Col- Krieg Shepherd" and ’'Pronounce- JERSEY CITY —St Peter's ROOFING EXPERTS offer at leges expansion The his first Solemn Mass ment of the Dogma of the As- College 7so project • *OO’INO has received » $l7 •NOMOtf new plan which must he SHEET METAL 10:30 am. in St. Joseph's ap- • sumption of the Blessed Vir- grant from the National iID'NOS proved by the City Council, PAMTUIS Church. Oradell. Arch- Mary." CONSTRUCTION • MAIONtT gin Science Foundation to conduct calls for a federal grant of $ll • IT J.WAT lAO tO 1 • will be Msgr Thomas Msgr Tralka's CAIMNTIT priest deep interest two in-service institutes in TOt CMUKhIJ. schools COST million • •LOW A. Curry, Deacon and to acquire and clear • INOOUtIAI POACH INClOlUtll pastor in art and education has mani- mathematics and AMO INSTITUTIONS chemistry for the 79 • • ALUMINUM WINDOW! subdearon Rev land 7-acrr project MtlOfNTlAl will be Joseph fested itself in IHCIALISTS IN many ways. during the 196364 school year. • • COMAMACIAt WOBTTBOT P McClain. CM, of * Mary He has seen the Ov«a *r * enrollment Both institutes are open to Residential *»' : • PA.MILT «*ONUM«MT| Roofing Oft WAV Immaculate and in Mt Carmel School WIRING Seminary, rise from high school teachers The * k -CAII- john f a McGovern Loaders Gutters Rev Gerard M. Mahoney, 850 to 1.400 A few AITttATIONS OV« VTKIAITT years ago, mathematics program is di- •WON’T C of C * PH. M . Washington. D The he established the Mt Carmel MEMORIALS FINANCING Siding Inc. rected by Prof Francis A AVAILABIt Kover-Kraft, otauac sermon will be iiTttr>«tup t>vLAt_za preached by Institute of Adult Education ***'* k Varrichio ami is in lu fourth OCtNHO lOMMO EL 3-1700 Wcltf, Hfltl UNUOOUO Rev. Fleming. C M ( |vM4 i IlMUri . which ® 001 lOAO MS NSW POINT AO annually conducts year, the institute, av 10 chemistry miONNii 371 Breed of St. College, Prince- no«tm lUIAMTM NJ. St, Bloomfield, N J. Joseph's classes in a variety of sub- directed by Dr Perry Jack- AAI.NOTON n J ton. *tim. •:«*» oiu»«num Bigelow 3-4110 ISTAStISMtO ISIS H 8-2551 jects and also presents the son. u In its second year. N.J. LICENSE 17176

    *•••* 1 40( p«' l.»« 4 i»H 3lt p«r 3 I-«l

    O»odt»« , 4 ► <4. ADVOCATE CLASSIFIED Writ* '• T>n Adwoto** MARKET PLACE I 31 Clj<**<* V Na.e-t, N ) •» pA»~« Mi ni 4-0700, In. 37

    HELP WANTED FEMALE AUTO DEALERS NEW - CARS AUTO DEALERS - NEW CARS AUTO DEALERS _ NEW CARS FUEL OIL-OIL BURNERS PLUMBING l HEATING REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CHEVROIETS tm TW Mm I WE HAVE OPENINGS fOR Du] la- JOHN DUFFY FUEI CO. mm*EL I 4AITOSMANM MVX VOLKSWAGEN t«l WQiJAM FT M* ARIL MONMOUTH BEACH FEMALE STENO OIDSMOBUE 1 S J SUMMIT *K»HM 4 Mnißl rtw*4l Omt Ina a lari* aataruta *r M*AA.rr iutn nylon (tLU Vrvrv im\~ DraataraUy motor wc. TYPIST AS M»Wi liAmi »< oi **■>«».* Joyce tuyoMt.i o*2 IrffMti «r.vr»u L#l mu l*««»u+*i 4 Wmm«4 »t PuKt TRAVEL AGENCIES AGETOTV. REALTORS Otvtt+r** U M(tv« SECRETARY l & s • Autnorijad li;« A damn uim • iMvxt . udum: ran O hi • . rtm »C stn ft* 7U# V«w D.ol Ml 2 1727 H*om Li Trill CHEVROLET • Cjiiikum] tu4 Can JOS M. BYRNE MALE • SALES CO. Phoo* 489 . 1300 IMIM AiiKi M Stair*. SJ MONTCLAIR HOLMES agency -mH ACPI TAT lON TO* YU. *nvics ENGINEERS II PI 4-7500 » « Pnnu* H . W»v-~4 YOtR PKrtKTION" Un’Ji im Nfcbc : (44 Rsa»ar Tjt !baa •attv d A.t. Stair* *1 Item !•' «« ba:» ray u - Mint a ton <«• fartf. UwinlH. Iwkl U%4» A.: mb. TUU» ESSEX COUNTY 1, *. > •our (amton ut kmiMa. AuUlartaod Ml BFH7 MIA put ■ Ax.. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY MOTOR ULU m«k» »ut*. «« Hiltlilr. N. } FLORIST Our oMim la raur •\U * pnrtactMa la BALES A fthiill trtBMMMUML. CM** bur Broad * Market MA 17103 •Air* * iuvm UJIWCC HARRY J. MONTVALE or aali rail oa l ►***• «• STEVENS, INC. NEWARK (•UTMtMd Im4 C f. k hit | l*r«» lilt* MIVKA. Ul f'*4 JONES THE john «* K.:ra M V»Y 1 moo. V Ar!in«!*m INC. MALTOM p. mcmahon §l. Nr»ifk Ye# FLORIST. Housekeeper . p*r«« MI V3 Yaart f» • Ib Cook 2 adults U*« in ELnobeth am Hbflrfl l.ofiH Hat im at l«aa Lauliaa * haw IMS Kami A*o. 5-5600 71 a *• L'nlaa MU IO4M Prmuo ava.lahie Te • Apafa.aala immediately lepton* l*il t« Yfyf F’.«r*i s»4l • . S## Smith A for w*whdav* MR R */»*4 * M. l !«aa«t Mooney Realtors appointment A/Ur S 06 P II CHEVROLET nmmi. PEBUIIT MOTORS • Imaitia • TAa WAYNI NOrlh 7-1022 REAL ESTATE _ OrAlter. New Jersey OR MMi Can Mob A Wad (ita INSURANCE ONLY tl V «K» - corvaih cnßvrrrv N* **•« mortgages Mwf Ukl OfMIlMitM 4*o Caauai A»a . Sa.iU ha PLYMOUTH - VALIANT ®a flV'f# Rl 2 XUO JOHN HtU* CO. Raaitar ’ (a live In wtth 'XW ,tt S«• IKtM »; 4. tM rintu« 410 Or RESIDENTIAL - LAM) Youn* lAdjr onm*ra family. KONNER An; NulWr X. J Mala »l. anaa ok 0.1474 1 %ir«II children. CHEVROLET FULLER U« ifarulHli T’LMeutMM. rhncMt. l*C7 Paiaraa* Haabura light housekewjwng. ret MOTOR CO. T>ka. War**. •««!«■, brtkrt. Coll 391 - 2400 3035 ores required. Totewa . • •re Air a. CAtl "Oti* ot ArMiwi'i HARDWARE PAINTS BLOOMFIELD OX i UOO Uriait after ft P M m R4. >•;«. n. Ag'Dartaad Daalar Mico MOTOR j Chattel*i Datlni" J* a or ESTATE Tar WIST PLYMOUTH THOMPSON THE HEAL KEANSBURG Alo*mfl*ld A VALIANT S •T) At* Cald*«ll installation corp. mru> *elu*ls «i3i li* <*n MOUNTAIN LAKES COOK A BALES SUVICR HARDWARE P u PnnnM ASWO STORK AM R MARASHIIAN & CO. Realtor • la.-ja r«r rectory in Rea Kurt County, In* CA 66666 Coo* A Doan aamu oa* rar firaia. -VM Hudaon Caiaa Cut. N. J )"my t«t til Maotcnt'trry it he IXq . . rittibar** Punt* la. rkn* burr* Bod. t MOUNTAIN M a iw M - laa laira o«aa to and Uwpptni I^^ s««4t» • . limi A Krais • Runlty i;« »,*a4 *L. lioiu.A \ J n LAKES & VIC. U A «0* FnirmowM t<. rj j.v»i Hinain MUT BMW frtt Asa ( Parts* UN,on 6 6300 Phon* PI 4*130 “!!•»«*»- eumsUeu >U * HUM DEMARTINI Opts KIVI*. lira BUDD LAKE CHEVROLET ARMORY auto SERVICE INC. Realtor HELP WANTED MALE INC. Ml TARK ST UPPER KIINTRUP. MONTCLAIR Catey » Broker Aulltoctiad Salat Iwrttr* 1963 • TEMPESTS im Agency, ~ PONTIAC Umj battle* *tat#r ltd hj.a i»'»• Cbsrch. ground sale* and reference will be BRIDAL SHOPS Illtaa taoni .ml aaaib) oI con wE*Tnw.n a 1 aw>| Amuarmaata at laa ht<*•* Ml 1 lam Aiderrd Thu is an ideal Una ha band Bare*. kaO/aaaha. Lira, vda ) to PATERSON Haifbts aal) mtautaa laai ua Arthtrlta* PONTIAC HENRY P. .mw* tmu> a salesman on TOWNSEND ~..i >* led by 1- Ml J lM A presently railing . BETTY BEUINES ! PM. iihi sirn . imperial oil. < MOVING - BYSTRAK KM in (on'uiutjon with a noncon N*« Car nalaa Sarvira Faria STORAGE - PACKING REALTY Dieting line he is presently • VALIANT HOUSE OF GOWNS Al Yw Pi«mj4 ktnitß TAVERN 4 tarrying. MOM Laad M M.i* M Mrmrt BUILDING CAPE COD - Reply Bos AD NorlA At* . t Cuarantaad Car* lailtai. lew IW. The Advocate. 11 Clinton IT* I V*U TWk# MC 'r WELLFLEET Or(*ai»d ulumu >at PtMm« i:>auvi lU< Ml. MM* ™ ‘r* »*rx, Pi* 81.. Newark 2. V J flnait Rod* Work A ar fj'* umxn Duals* M/uisr. I rash Vi»il Rapair Same* • Rtidr. . KrxW-.m.-ii o(4 —J* iwaa aids, modara DODGE . Motion • rMAbiitiwe era) ba’Aa WESTFIELD INC. CH 5-2483 MU 8-4465 mi and tMcbana * • Gift, •r a.a.aj duranca la r*t TROPHY PONTIAC . Fermiti ST. PATRICK'S PARISH »|UiIU or B.i|um * Innu WANTED OOOCE - DART * base*. lUlafs and (burr* Ra*t »70 SITUATION • Cvktlll Drum tuUraa par «3 North At*. E . bjnijU Go.iu PI 5-1881 • AD 2-4464 »• «ti> “as* At> 1«7» •OR No Mlar taa a.raOaa4 fcamr. to tha mat sack aids J Hiffaaa, tM So. B’»*r, Cor 4*l h At Haronn*. NJ Oiargo lot Alttrotinao WOMAN, Ml Rank Alt. W WmUmM. MCI at cAtMraa la kalham kata WM. T. “1 R ar*«««3. S J experienced, would like up n. moat t MASSAKER 44* IMJ work small Hoi Diol GR 3*1742 taili lAraa MaU fromIraaa rK. Pitral liaa •Uiri in rectory Reply CHRYSLER PI.VVOI.TM VALIANT HE 7-4900 , “tate rhoker Waaa* 200. The Advocate. Si Clinton •nr no Inn WALLPACK. lamer. Run* alow Street. W WttWmtaa PI. MARK E. DALY * aa Puuir, X, & SON r*lK*o, MU « Ull Newark. TOWNE MOTORS i /i* lit* IMauars. alaapa a. aear eburcb. N J INC. PONTIAC - TEMPEST EN ES TO I P. ..II h 1 MOVING - STORAGE il'.N, 4 |* || tola (or |aart aaimmuif. cluldrm. aacailaat Mature Dlr*ct Piclory EMIIY-KAY BRIDAL SALON Catholic man. vrry neat and D«*l*r RAMBLER lialunf Vo »*aklj Pbana Plrmautk 137at. well spoken with outstanding work bridal ovrrrrt mu IV GREYHOUND VAN UNES la Ikalkam Taaaalw?. a baa.tuul RIDGEWOOD •aakda>* an •*!*• Part* _ Srrti<* 41 Caioaul would Ilka an office cm Kit*. Ilka record, MROZEK AUTO SALES . J Its* art* botlruam.. hatha, position. V««d C*r* Bod* Shop FORMAL GOWNS . CUSTOM It* fun nm laodlataaod WY 1*4771. wm esv. i tail laimli raaai. * martka <4A. hua , I a*• latutss »kl>. Aulnorltad Bair* and k> fa GILSENAN mlkli, Phone Settles AND READY MADE GOWNS & COMPANY HUnter 6-1400 Ovar Jn tIM Spr'MOtld A.t.*taa. N J cS c asaaoa. 3 la t parsons la a ratiaaa Vaara of Qualitt I '*“ Tnuned nurse, eitentlve or- •om REPUTATION IS call 3*174**331 neurological as l distinction :^J^uPiSm VIKR or u rtta Mr Ji i tad Cara - B,«ly Shot peiience. wishes for U SI. G*ori* A**.. W. Lind*n. N. 1. Rapaira JOS. GUARANTEE or Sort, Ml S3. to rare handicapped 1 Opoo That*. 4 to « RAASER SATIREAtTlO.V* Danbury. Cam. »Ho«Moom »jn *i Caoria Ara . C Fn. Km P.M. j children In own Home during days. ISO* Urttnkl <4 lIM Dm Llndao N J •* Mai. in* 4 Mir If. THE BOYLE Parmmua Hll «in 1 e Bnyouw. N. J. CO. RKASDK PARK. area. rraaooaMe rdi mm?. Ptorertiet m Berfx I 4 roam arartlMH | Sarvica Oapi «|9 Noaaila Count; FORD *|. l ««n*d ind ttar ittd Rnfarrt I Man ii* a. ha* uaisr, black Dial hr Ax Cl » l«a oaapa t* la brack. HU AM.M FE 9-8826 Catholic widow desires position as All trpti mo.uii, aluppant. M Chatham MK IWa «aaada>. CS *llll. Sal Sua. packrn* . 4 7754 or I Tttdli* hottaekeeper in or around Paterson, for NAPPA FORD Crum* . trt Eatimllti. No OMUIIMn RIDGEWOOD A VICINITY I O.U or t*Q priests. Please Boa 117. PARK KAY SAFFER . Call IM. HI3« ll no Mil CM WE reply 1 SERVICE INC. TVekir II CUFTON COm>LE OUT Or TOW’NERI The M. HIGHLAND Advocate, 11 Clinton Newark *nd Alta Airthouw IM CorHindi sc. Ilrll*. till OVER V» I LIMA. stviKX CO. N J Not* und Palrona. Porda Thun l.odlaakl. Fra* BRIDAL MULTIPLE LISTINGS t. J. HOUSE Ktudtnrt 2t CiaOtld Rd. club N., N J. KITH ESS REAL ESTATE a conwnua U>. ana lamllr busfalow, d*rhlrd* *nd truck* RAMBLER ALBERT A. G 1 Son Formrrly KAV PATTERSON STIER, Inc. OrKN 7 DAYS *tarpa 7. comptatrly lurmaltod. waakrr, Amartcaa AND EVENINGS •SS • Ambaaaadar Iwigrtod 17 Wert !df>a<. aua dock ate Real BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Na»art At*.. Kllutwlh. N. 1. Hurt.l NURSING HOMES ftKALTUItS RMfourod Ax. Rldkvunoi by mnolb ac Claaalc Go*nt, Hr*. Lto* Atailabla rioirtUiif rlopmrnl janaer Au* I*R RaaaoaaMa. AUTHORIZED confirmation 4 COMMUNION t'tuiM pi a not or raa f in in tiikrford. room and roard^ k*»h« ita RUTHERFORD asar Rallgloua articla .tun, or quick ul. EL Ralta . • 4-8030 BarMet Part* DRESSES CARE (It OR HwUon County. Pl«aa« EUIERLV BUND LADY Phone PRetcott Call Omni .va Ml Wood A)» 9-4546 IAndoit, N. J TRAV SERVICE. PHONE GE 4out Rrl»» il Suntno Beach. loiled R|»er, Bing, between Tt» * »:J0 P. M OL Mt». PI 8-0600 room Mtm FRED > J New FORD P. KURGAN nu round Iwm on lagoon, 470 Broad II ill M.. B100mlaid. N, J no I’tH RM|«7 In u trim on windtmt. l» hour druo AUTO • NEW Nework, N.J. Raallnr II tl DEALERS CARS -- I Kur(u la so Bornn PALCON braudo I‘itk. near church ind ihopptng. TMUNDERRIRD *1 r«» Attaua BRADLEY'S ABBEY NURSING HOME ELIZABETH Rutharlord lurmihed eiropt I tW 3 bedroom* Avafl. PORD wr. aaa» TRUCKS RAMBLER ibll mm Phono CL IDtL BUICK S MERCEDES-BENZ “EVERYTHING FOR THE lIRIDE COMPIJCtK SERVICE CuaranlMd U**d Ctr* AND MOTHER »*• Jarr* OF THE lIRIDE •ltd. ron.ilti.tni V. J. GAMBINO AGENCY Sirnor* rhromcnltr UI JUSTIN H'IU.NO Author*u4 galea li Service It REALTY CO. i LAKE, N. J, one block Iron “A Hrndtrr Girl A Fotiikin.blo N«*l laUU ' Girt" • 4 Imu/ibm FOREST MOTORS Smjt h Ind i* a< tiiioa, bodrooma. 3 tut hi. INC. ELM BRIDESMAID;* 4 PROMS 86 VAN NESS PLACE Rtal kjuu • taauranca MAPLE BUICK INC. AUTO SALES • Vml#» • Krnltli • Liattnia It* ITS At*. BRIDAL GOWNS APPRAISALS • i ind room, dining room, kitchen. out- C*ntr*l Oran**, N. 1. ‘Off Clinton A*« • • I‘wty Mil • Morn RENTALS BAI.ES *fra ude ■honor, furnuhrd It 10 KatabDahed 34 year. SERVICE FARTTE RRIDAV CONSULTANT Dial fully Juno WE 9-7500 Ki|>l C.m 3HU OR 3-2917 I>!«•«•»• Gouts Bigelow 3-0303 Phone. EL 5-5863 It. CiU MA CempleU line at guaranteed uted care _ A..v OutiiU 4 "Our Karvlra WYmon 8-7311 Hr.rtv Mnd* Mod* no kummar M Khtabalk Uakra *»”» Phone SO 2-7500 In Am Sin Or Stylo (KANKORD HHOOK LODGE . Prlwii*" APT. TO RENT M Kearny XOw> Union . Ate. Cuktunt MiHitter To M.trti A%a. Rulhartocd. •■IT W. g. Orange Aye ge. Orange. t. S. Ktarny. N. y nursing home FAR HILLS N. J. N. LICCARDI 7110 lit , MOTORS itonlint Att. N, Btrstn UN S-IT 7 Mtn A Women. Poit conn. . KahMay . Un« roonu EL 11100 MS Centrel Ave. GLEN RIDGE bourn lor No. Newark For Prompt Dtllviry CsU lady. Retgen. N. J. Ml Main Av*. ' 41 Rlvar Drivt SPARTA NOrth 7-7000 LAUREL MANOR A CERTIFIED i*bom un aaoo Paaaalc. N. J, Paaaalr. N. J. Phons MA 4-2255 HOME for oUlorlF mtn and womtm UR MU7 PRMOO IM Wuh UMtoo Aro. NATHAN RUSSELL. INC. FLETCHER Nutloy. N. clou alltnUon tnd cam rnUa Sarvln* ROOMS TO in rtnon • lak. Mohawk - Sparta Area

    4 Eatahllahad . . ■bUi KLmwood 410H. p. O Boi IM. line* IMO Oai.lopin* Hollow LINCOLN MERCURY COUP, rn Karma. Sparta BROGAN CADILLAC-OLDS VOLKSWAGEN KIICTRICAI CONTRACTORS Sprtn* Valla* New York. REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE a Coollntnlal Ruomi with kitchen» *O4aid liundry prlvllogia a a Cosmat SET Hidtawood Avo. Gian E. G. Naw Jareey'a Largeet Cadillae Marrury AuUiorltad Rldja. N. J. ANDERSON, Realtor Factory EDW. nr bonding, parlor,». porrh.port. Dlatrtbutor J. ALBERT & SON PAINTING yard, ckapal. ■AIM - DECORATING PI Ottkai Rla. » . Sartic* _ St. R * Part* k SALES ■ SERVICE • PARTS 3-5600 Sparta PA Muimt BunUiro rudeudomo (or Glrla dad Ico mo _ Authorlged CADILLAC OLDS unco I*ll Women In Jinoy . - Sal* Buy Uaad Car* City. Ml-gUd. NTBACTORS FO LITTLE FALLS SUMMIT SALES A SERVICE Aircooled Automotive Cori H. WETTENGEI & SON H PRANKUN PL. OFFICE TO RENT Yli Paaaale Ave. SUMMIT, N. 1. "Katas County*. Clifton, N. f. Oldaat Daalar- OTCR. FUR a**• PAINTING A PAPKRIIANGI iioum Q*rr rJectrlc lUatinc For Eiptrl, E. MARSTON Open Evening, to S P.M. (aacept Wad.) li« VaUay SL Eoutt On i Progi GuiruUtd Work JAMES CR 7-0940 RLUUMMCUJ. 3» Lncbiwinna Plug. Mod Haaltort • Inaurora JLSSEySff OR 3UOQ Phonei SO Call RE 1-9019 3-4567 Phoaai UlNn aura »T Rl||s Pile* W.M Or«n*t. N. Ctalar Art Unit U Falla M Haachwood RU. Summit STJ . CR «JO«. Ktoo bit Iteta 20 THE ADVOCATE May «(W, 1963 25 Priests to Study North Jersey Calendar Marriage Counseling MAY 23 THURSDAY, 1-5 torium, p.m. Proceed* for Election SOUTH p.m. of officers. ORANGE—Arrange- "THE PRIESTS education of will not Berra Club of Carmelite semin- Immaculate menta Ridgewood Conception have been take the course for • arians. completed merely Charter and Home, Lodi Third between the anniversary annual Life their St. Peter'* Family Apos- own private benefit." Fa- ladies* dinner. bazaar tolate night Sister College-Annual at 1-7 p.m. of the Archdiocese of ther Johnson home, said. "They will Winifred alumni director of homecoming MAY 27 Newark and Seton Hall Mary, vo- day. MONDAY, Uni- work for the archdiocese—use Panel discussion cations for Sisters of on "Role of for Charity versity a marriage coun- their for the Catholic Catholic Forum training benefit of St. Elizabeth, Layman," led by Annual seling course speaker. for priests of the of persons in other parishes James O’Gsra. editor of Com- dinner, Military Park Hotel. archdiocese to begin next fall besides their MAY 6 own,” FRIDAY, 24 monweal. Dinner and 30 p m. Archbishop and for dance, Boland, run two semesters. of honor. The purpose of the Is 8:30 p.m. guest course St. Vinceot’s Presentations K**- James Mont- F. to with Hospital, to William N. Johnson, provide priests rudi- clair Msgr. Field, FLA director, Variety show, "Visit- SUNDAY, MAY 28 announced that mentary knowledge of mar- Ethel Wille and Mrs. Alfred - is ELIZABETH CONVENT Above the architect's of ing Hour* Are Over" Hill- all priests interested in conception the new convent at St. at Msgr. Salerno taking riage counseling, to help them Doane Assembly, in recognition of re- Anthony, parish Elizabeth It will side School (Also the course should write to him accommodate 18 Sisters. The architect May 25) Fourth cent better understand the needs Is Anthony K. of Com- papal honors. J. DePace of New Degree, C.. st St. Northvale. York. Is Anthony's, and of married Construction now under munion St. An- problems way Gregory Club of New Jer- breakfast. The class Our Lady of the will be held each and to know thony's School Valley, couples when to Ify Annual review auditorium, from meeting, Wayne Annual bazaar Friday 1 to 4 p.m. and refer at particular cases to pro- ol past year. Rev. Laurence Belleville, following 9 a.m. will be limited New school June to 25 priests a fessional Convent Mass at through 1. Vincent psychologists and Grassman, 0.5.8., church. Michael J. year. Silver speaker. R. Rinaldo chairman. psychiatrists for help. Anniversary Doody, past state deputy; Star of the Sea Council, Judge In Elizabeth Bay- George Doane Mc- Confraternity of Christian onne of Laughlin. Exemplification past president of Doctrine. St. Mary's, Ruther- major degree, 8 p m. Catholic Guild, and Better Homes For Lawyers' ford Joint meeting of adult ELIZARETH Anew con- Pastor John J. Burke, vent Wayne speakers. Isa- discussion clubs for lecture andGardens 18 Sis- SATURDAY. MAY 25 by accommodating dore J. Padula Rev. Robert E. ters is under WAYNE Rev. James chairman, Hunt of Im- now construction E. Charles Friend* of St Paul's Abbey. McDermltt toastmas- maculate at St. parish, has pastor of Crosa Conception Semin- Anthony's it Doherty, Holy Newton ter. S' cruise on "Your Church in this been announced Rev. O. Church here, will mark the Spring up ary by Hudson River on of Century of Dominic 25th of his "City Center Change." Batlistello. pastor. anniversary ordina- of Italian Culture. Kcansburg.” 6:15 p m. from tion with a Solemn Mass Seton Hall :£ The building is of contem- of University Din- Battery Park. N. Y. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 Thanksgiving at 11:30 porary design and is two am. ner-dance. Robert Treat Hotel 26. Merrier Club "Itala Rev. James stories high. Exterior walls May of Montclair— Cente" award* to Mark J. Kelly Coun- 387 Family picnic, Anton, K will be The Xlay Apple trustee cil, of C.. Verona loth XOUITAII covered with a flat celebration will continue of Seton Hall Grove, West anniversary clay "shingle” tile to har- with receptions for Orange Reserva- University, and Frank Lange!- dinner-dance. AVi Drugns parish c In tion, Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. la of South Lake Casino. moniie with the rectory. children it ] and Crystal Amrricmn CUt»tc pm for Orange. 6ABBEIS //on#i Regan chairmen. adults at 7 On the a p m in the first floor will be Wayne t nion of THURSDAY, MAY M •7 naiijijj OAtMi « rw* l« t.»*. Adult Sodalities Center. St. It Oat* tt Community Englewood t**j c»**i refectory, community room, Cecilia's, Quarterly meeting. East Or- •*♦*« ?aw wa*4 #niTt . , . kitchen, work two Religious fair, school Mt. St. John Ktotiv room, par- FATHER audi- snge High Academy, Mart. all DOHERTY was Catholic School. 3 fcftnai W lors anti a chapel with ad- Gladstone Country fair, born in New York a *art **• art My {KH, and at- 8 joining sacristy. school grounds, noon p m. cwrtav IXtMUM ua»t tended St Stephen's School far fwMta W*t«a «* The second floor will have ami Cathedral JO UtMM tn** ftr««rt College there. Star of the Sea Council, K. 16 St. haai lira individual two Theresa’s SO V*rt CKf rooms and He took his of C., Bayonne theological studies Pastor Picnic cook- suites. There will also be two »t St Mary's Seminary. Bal- out for members and family, infirmary rooms timore. and was ordained council grounds. there 25. QNVIHOIH saaxn May 1938, for the Marks Savannah Diocese. 40th Jubilee xoxUia x r After seven year* in Savan- WHALE LINDEN Rev. Stanislaus nah. Father Mass will be Rev John NM Doherty was in- FATHER DOHERTY Kula orriii mmMii m*«t **o rardtnatrd Starbowiak. pastor of Si Ther of St. into the Paterson ga Stanislaus. Garfield, V«TfHAMS mi n •» kmiiwi mw «•*•«. e»«'s Church, will celebrate and NO DOWN PAYMfNT M||»| * Diocese He two Mercy. before re- a Rev >*»—M| »»l . spent years Whippany, John Buklad of Our NO CLOSING Fill Solemn Mass of Thanksgiv- as turning to St chaplain of St. lor an- of Czestochow z, it ; • hritf-Ma* Vm ca* at 10 m on M(T| other tit year*. mg J 0 a Xlay 26 »»*«> Hospital. Patrrson. and was City. Msgr Knappck will rw> •*'»* hnnw 1m a*»y f7l r+r • *4 S MM» mewitli Rintfe. •» » • MH ar • ! Cai In to mark the 40th anniversary ? hett'Ywrn nutn an assistant at Sacred 1956 Father was preach Heart Doherty !>rdrm !«*l4 ft. mad kjtrfcra A klHlwi • NmM faaly r—m a Im Dnl of his ordination named Nath. rm (rrrrxr - l>over, and Our administrator ol St- Archbishop There 'l»m . *y. |-r*r Lady of will be a •trarArd Beach Boland procession rw*|t. baarmaat. u% Bernard*. Mt will attend p, |H Aara Waaßad lata • Maty «Mwr aataflaa* fafarat Agency Hope, where of St Theresa's M »aUf Aral, KIM WTANTIO Father school chil- he Stacbowiak was bom Mm remained until be ins KMT QUAll'lfO VITIKAN dren before the Mass. *"TNt MIW Cardner At 5 VIM \KT* trs DOW* Renamed named administrator in Wyskoe Poznan. Poland, ol a MAMPSMIRI* Raata Ml *N AaAraa A«t^ NO DOWN PAYMENT Holy pm testimonial banquet and studied at Oswiccim High in 1969 He became will be NO CLOSING K. of C. pas- held at the school hall COST Deputy tor School. conducted WHALE D'SICTIONI! fro** the follow ms year by the _ Watf ng’ai ATLANTIC t'Ogc fatcw lit « Only $3O Application Fm CITY - Charles Father Salesman Fathers He entered OMKIt 10*. Assisting Doherty at to »t to f.l »t Ml a VCTKtANS M Gardner of ►«*«>- rrotood t»'ftft it a Boontoa was the May » Ma»» will the Diocesan Seminary in Solemn Nuvrna 1*24490 «n be hi* NO DOWN PAYMfNT 202 2 to reelected state I-übiin. msao meooi deputy of the Her Andrew J Poland, and was or- brother. GraflMßß VETERANS. your ararrti 52 oas Al O.L. of Sorrow* >•% Knights of Columbus m dained in t*23 u *mdrd HHMK \lmr7 k *eu«» IT *t. 202 Doherty, of St Hrendan*. the Leo M to worm- by Bishop fmi.-d a l*»H) 4 hrdroMr Cap* Cad t«t\ Trooood Sautn «• 202 New Jersey at the «7»h Bron* Kidman of Lublin JERSEY v on an and CITY - Ms • a cousin, Rev. gr d»ad*»d atrrft »** a to pa/» Oakland appro*. $ mdot to lA* nual contention rod Laurence *rl»| Uunf r*wv. wtp her* last of He Untied hi* education “*•*"•* Anthony Mci-sughlin St Cardelichio. pastor kite* Uied bach, 1 lx»a llllHMa IKK weekend •a'rr baarmmt. l “«*l at of flat * Vaal »»'« tw I* CM Nicholas. Passaic The Catholic in Lub- Our of Sorrows many ntra* My >1 ser- University Lady Church, tn.m •« r. M. Also reelected by the 300 mon wilt be preached lin and the Gregorian I'm has announced that FUU by NON PRICE ONLY - VfTS—MM 00*N $16,900 delegates were Steward Mtgr versity in Rome, whrrc he re- the annual solemn to A Joseph W Moody, p*» novena A* &*•»• Par* A mp<*Nt |IN M« ***** Sehoder Jr., of Edison. Fran tor of Sacred Heart, ceived hit doctorate in Canon Our of Fatima »ill P»f’H Art Ararat»ma>a H VA »»r»iN Highland Lady open Svttact h c»s J Datler of N Law amt his 23 continue Gloucester Falls. Y July 12, IMS, May and through VA A IMA Beach City. William F. Rolan of Short baccalaureate in civil law at May 31 1 o'Vo* o«o Agency Hills and Frank ■or w'utiii* • J. Brady of the Appohnsm College Devotion, will be held each 'MOUNTAIN CA«Dt*» 1400 Hwy. 35 Middletown V.'HHE AGENCY Wood Charles G Will evening at 730 bridge Msgr Ordain In 17C8. Eaiber Starbowiak p m with a OS 1-3737 M x.,».n *** yoot Mawtaw » Me sene* Garmon km ia hat for yaw tMrfroa attoorf Cornstin of to of guest preachers At to Woodbrtdge came the U. S a* secre- o**l 764-2300 Ow *» I IK . •Wot ol Toryotval Hoi* ScKool j. Oak la ad Ik U* M t was the lad, reappointed slat* chap to closing ceremonies, there I«X>M« Ivm ■.MX tary Bishop Ignatius Du- LICOIID HD>II lain for the 34th year will be * the Morris Man howtki He was assigned in crowning »( sta- (.4 »*7 ». 11.1 IN tue ol r.t.i, |m« m (I 1928 to St Casimir's. Newark, Our of Fatima Lady li. Kmart, n I. CAMDEN—Rev and an outdoor Richard T as an assistant to X!»gr Paul or.dlrlight »• i»< a w«. ia; Kunrman procession at Whippany w-ll be Knappra and remained there ordamesl by Archbishop for 30 years In 1932. be be tine J Dsrmano came A ''*" I ol Camden instructor of Polish and ■ i lotoro Norro CKottk .«<* ,

    of the tame year r Assisting at the jubilee wtm Tertiarie Plan Day of Prayer PASSAIC The terUaric* North Caldwell. N.J. of the Holy Stigmata Tertiary Province of New Jersey will Custom-Crafted Homes hold their annual provincial For Discerning Buyers day of recollection June 1 at \t St Anthooy;'* Church here »o» The theme of the conference $34,900 S»U« Agont wtll be "the Franciscan Way Charles E Inc of Ijlc " Very Rev Sebastian C’*Ot»4 by U*|| (piHtrn Haight, Falcone, OF M of the Wty lwJ took his theological train- at St tel rfatetoform the St. fraternity Anthony a. *25,500, setting for this private neighborhood. in* at Mary's, from which Ml he nutttuitkto moral Murks. Parochial srhoot | aulr. will receive a licentiate Thte secluded in location la convanlant to flna school a. sacred this theology year. He Testimonial •hopping canters, homes of golf <■ country KINGSLAND ESTATES worship, also holds a master of educa dubs, and has all urban utiiltlas Sales Including sanitary lion degree from Loyola Col- For Fr. Agents - MUIIINS-RASMUSSIN, Inc. ThaCardan Dwyer ••wars. State Parkway, N. J. and lege. Baltimore. Route Tumpika * 46, Mountain Lakes, N. J. East-Wast Fraawiy (#2*7), as wall as tha Pann RR main Father Kunrman will ELIZABETH - A tesU- DE cele- 4-9400, Model Tele. DE 4-1939 tacaiMl Una, are minutes brate his fint ntonial dinner will be held at North ■ SB Ham « to away. Solemn Mass Imi Raul* Lathco* A«* . Ihmtua, rtahS Sacred rl4 “ - V, 4 A' May 26 at noon in thir of Heart School auditori- “*" r “ Tamarack North offers Lady SiV. true Ranch Homes, Bi level -Mercy, um June 2 to mark the 36th Ranches. Whippany. Archpnrst Two-story Colonials, and different many will be Hcv. Gilbert Crawford, anniversary o( the ordination SpHt-lavei designs which range In price from $27,990 0.5.8., pastor of Notre Dame of the pastor. Rev. Timothy to $40,000. " Church. Cedar Knolls. Deacon J. Dwyer, O.S.B. HAMILTON PARK HOMES and subdeacon will be Rev. Father Call us for a special appointment at liberty Dwyer is a native of NEPTUNE, N. J. 9-8888, of Newark visit William Buchler Camden and was the first NO DOWN or Tamarack North regular sales V.A. PAYMENT FHA 00 DOWN during our and Rev. $790 Thomas Jarka of graduate of St. Rose of Lima hours: Weekdays 1 to S PM; Saturdays & 8 Room*, I Bath*, 2 Sundays Camden Catholic Car-Garage. Split Level High School. School to be ordained. He was Noon to 6:30 PM. 8 1 Cor and The will be Room*, Bath, Garage Basement. sermon preached graduated from St. Anselm's FULLY INtULATID Deal with tha by Rev. Albin St. directly building firm. Gietrin, S.S., Prep, Manchester, N. and Cod Brick H„ Cop# Front, 1 Cor Garog# from $16,990 Cus* Mary’s Seminary. Seton Hall ami office: Suita College, worked Built Insulated. Main 8, 493 Main St, N. J. Quality. Fully Metuchen, five for the Newark years MOOiLt ALWAYS OMN DteBCTIOMti! rror North itmy, Deaf to Mark News before entering the 0»m»o Mot* I'artuav tooih Is lose »- H «>* 1. OM i«l». Rd Tttoru SSL hl„ •• Calls? Benedictione Order at St. Vin- Rd tun ruM Is msdsl horn*. Sarian 25th With Ball cent's Archabbey, Latrobe, Warren Associate* Builders PRospect 5-4549 Pa., in 1925. H MIL! TO HOLY INNOCINTS CHURCH NEWARK - The Mt. Car- Ordained in 1928 by the late mel Guild Apostolalc for the Archbishop Walsh. Father deaf will at celebrate the 25th an- Dwyer was St. Benedicts from to CHESTNUT niversary of its first deaf cen- Prep 1927 1949, serv- RIDGE ter with ball dean of ‘“o°,u a May 24 in the ing as discipline from * $32,990 Robert Treat Hotel. 1943 to 1948. He was named Q0U&~ Guests of honor will be Arch- pastor of Sacred Heart In 1949. Another Tamarack Community bishop Boland, Bishop Cos- Principal speaker at the din- tello, Msgr. Joseph A. Dooling, ner will be Very Rev. and Mayor Hugh J. Addonizlo. George E. Sherry, O.S.B., Mra. Edward Baker of New- prior of St. Mary'a Priory. MowTVALir h. j; ' ark and Mrs. William Foley of Newark. Diractl*nn G*or** Wuhlncton Bnd**;W*»t on Rout* 4 to Rout* 17; Kearny, members of the deaf North •n Kgpw Rout* 17 to G*rd*n Stira'Piik.*, North on Rtrtnray to bit 17* SfiSfiffigfc center, are BOSTON assisting Gladys WAS raised to •Grand Annuo) Montv*l*. Turn IoR on Grand A«*nu* to Chwtnut Rida* Winter, chairman of the arch- •o*d. Right onChntnut Ro*d tar to ml* to turnlihod inhibit homo, the rank of an archdiocese in Rid** dioceaan 1875. aposlolate. W«* lf**ti S. HcAmhm t Cos, I**, 477 R** It. HkAmmcA. At, HU 7-1)00 Bel POT? Aire Offers 1963 MORTGAGE MONEY May 23, THE ADVOCATE 21 IN A HURRY . . Summer Home . Birchwood Lake Has Official A C.brrenson-Csrroll Release Opening MAKE LODI Bel A THE (PFS) - Aire Brower Release American the PoL purchased from Pennsylvania, New Jer- Homes. a DINGMANS custom building or- Pa. property last FERRY, cono early sey and New York. ganisation (or lot and alte In (PFS) the of- 800 of SMART announcing spring acres high, "With low MOVE has introduced our opening owners, anew ficial opening of Birchwood rolling woodland, adjoining of $295 a (no less TO concept In summer vacation Lakoa In the Poconos prices lot, GARDEN STATE! near here W. Childs 281-acre George than three to insure homes to this privacy), • according an an- weekend, Richard Nor- state a F H A G park. They engineered end I AND made this our $2,995 ‘no no announcement week man, the East's devel- section of the profit, CONVfNTIONAI MORTGAGt leading on one two large Earl- commission' summer borne by Martin, vice oper of mountain-lake HNANCING FOR HOME presi- commu- lakes, installed equipment in- which we offer to buyers dent. listed the encourage nities, factor* which cluding children's playgrounds the The purchase of we are • new line called Holi- he believes combine to sites, REFINANCING Of i make a fleet of rowboats for plus the f Homes the bringing glorious Poconos IXIS!ING MORTGAGES day contains three Pennsylvania Poconos the the free use of residents. Then within the reach of millions • different models, of CONSTRUCTION LOANS each of super playground of the Eaat: they erected models of Nor- vacation and retirement TO BUILDERS n. which can be converted a "A to delightful climate at an man's famous $2,995 summer OIVEEOPIRS l homescekcrs who are of only year-round home at altitude of 1,500 home a very to 2,000 which has spearheaded feet, modest means," Norman de- • HUE INSURANCE modest cost. incomparable scenic view*, all of his recent vacation de- clared. The first of the -N Holiday line score* of spring-fed likes velopments. is the Fiesta, priced at S7,WO. teeming with trout and bass, -It- wss decided to make a It includes three full-siied bed- the projected 30-mile long three-month marketing test PHILIP J. rooms. full kitchen, and Tocks Island Dam lake with BOWERS A CO. bath, before proceeding further. a 1# 14 UNDER $3,000 - is a of the "no x ft. living room which Here photograph profit, Its 100 mile* of shore front and «rrn commission" July August. 1962, and 9VH YEAH opens no $3,995 summer home offered Birch- and six great recreational through sliding glass at 1963, April, were selected for oMrra wood rnmplete wall rounded doors onto a lakes in the Poconos, near Pike 35,000 modern-styled Dingmans Ferry, Pa. It parks. County's the test. It was highly success- Raal Estate service. nfiidi sun porch. is not a shell or but custom-built acres of and pre-fob a home with two public parks ful, with purchasers coming Sallißf. laaatnf. homes, apartments The line bedrooms, finished and hunting preserves, ex- and Holiday includes kitchen bathroom. It is offered to many land romerclai properties. California citing tki —and the fact A runs Red Bank and Moaoulh awning-type encourage site-buyers. The official will County areas picture grand opening FOR SALE that this year-round vacation windows, colored bath fix- be held this weekend. is also ideal PHILIP J. BOWERS A CO. tures. sliding glass wall with Utopia for re- GARDEN STATE *****- J«“7 C«mm« » rncnl WALTER *. OVERTON screens to tirement." Mini from house porch. w •?“ •2“!* »«•“>«. noM, bULrtUui Sales Active at Norman added: "This vaca- nw4«l. Wrtt kom DIAL 741-7200 Bel Aire Mountain Gardens mitert iihii title offers homes priced Mbatoot INSURANCE u. H**l CO. tion paradise practically ad- XH-.luu Ejk*m Stan IM from $3,335 for mod- bnc rttoatel*. oal, economy Am hJwerth Release •0 WkH* St. Kk! Rank 500 Bloomfield Avtv, N priced from $24,490 In ad- joins Metropolitan New York •OX W lIWOI Montclair J els in shell form MIIOMTt. M J. up to luxury - Tel. Pi 6 2600 • OAKLAND (PFS) Sales dttion to the and New It's Open Monday 7 type homes Williamsburg, the Jersey; only 72 Evenings to 9 in the $30,000 have moved well into the sec- builder is showing the Geor- miles from the George Wash- price range ond of section the SB-house gian bi level and Norman is BEST BUY ranch, plans ington Bridge." ON BEAUTIFUL BARNECAT BAY Mountain Gardens also community are available for the New president of All American Rt. north on 203 )ust of Rt 208. Hampshire modified two-story Realty Company Inc , of 215 Horns house. Development Cos Inc. Union St. Hackensack. All LAGOON GRAND OPENING of Hillsdale reports 22 homes TODAY! sold LOTS The tract recently received the Approved Design Award from “Better Homes and Gar- dens'' for one of its models, the expansion. Lvhapcd Wil- 46*- ranch home. liamsburg Basts ■* MODEI* for the award is floor plan John's nmg. exterior design, utilisa- tion of space, exterior-interior APARTMENTS SCHOOL relationship and functions i—M of the and 6' KM £j living working area. » ’ JERSEY CITY NEAR JOURNAL *7,990. r Homes are built on a SQUARE YEAR 'ROUND being

    high elevation off Rt. 202 on ■ <•* n.F OPEN VIEWS wooded, Jv-- 0 zr landscaped plots a HOMES oil around (hit half acre and larger and are ... in 15-ocrt pork totting s■s7-32 NOT A SUMMER ! 10 MINUTES FROM MANHATTANI SHELL

    IHr I Ntwwh A.a Jwti h«'*b Ot Jh'hl MONK WADY fO* •hut* MfCOi. Lakes . la Principal It 10 IMMIO'ATi OCCUPANCY Improve liwi U>K»epe>, |VII <•*«. do-->o-- Mow I l Uttrfsl Kano.. o-il 20 ••*** b, m.0.- r.bai ? n«„ BUY NOW l SAVE ON 7 HIS • BEDROOMS • CEO t>»tla4 and - For '63 ba Of TK# r»» f Of Season y A„».o' F V? b.t.i YEAH *V!C Tilt BATH ’NOT bTo«t tMf 5 VACATION I Tt«|t l.s.ff • *•» (4.) PLASTIC • AMERICAN A t tserensam-Careall Release owtf Nl, STANDARD FUTURES • • CINTtAUT Alt CONOItIONIO VERONA TOWNSHIP (PFS) • OOOtHAN • tIIVICt ON HH CUSTOM guilt KITCHEN t Alt ISO • »»ll OA( Crews are working • MAIMI TV ANTINNA • almost VtNfTIAN HINDI CABINETS • EUUT MEAT II tirj the )M »r P'tirntly tr> s Ittif • “around clock ' to prepare w ED COPPER PLUMBING l tu* Vik jhrtut LAST** H Pit'll OOUBLE both l.ake Panorama and nw "|«|* J’Jrt" Wr|h« • FLOORING • PORCH • CARPORT Scenic Lakes for the start of EFFICIENCIES, n,tt h • * tk* 1963 ,u in.. • the vacation season, re- 1 A 2 .‘;“ OWN DAlir BLUROOM APARTMENTS 4 • *K*l*‘ *‘[ ,1 i Logan B. Steele, devel- T»*r A SUNDAYS ports AT Ft*Al,t in the LOW w heart of 10 AM. ril Right of these two vacation DART oper l CaW‘»t JERSEY CITY RENTALS! TW,»Wo«* J.JIOO lake presence located off Rl 23 here Starting At 5126

    According to Steele, more (or Aportmontt opon impertion in than two miles of new roads ntw building ready (or occupancy! are currently being laid in Alto Prolettronal Suitet

    these sister vacation com mu OHm ON BARNEGAT BAY ■••' S • la Kap nitiea Sussex 0 UMt Siiti Piart WAYNE! in County ISO I K..... A.* if pEmatU DIUCTICNJ, CorA., Jw. to in addition, the beaches are Coll Collect OLDFIELD 6-0040 PorLws, l Mil ft, i»Hm fr.pAt oKootf oirf follow new LV77S to IoW H«re s to treat being raked and sand add- John (. Jtris, tlgn on your to a homo In Rodgert Agent opportunity family luxury Now Jonty'* moil Renting Iw* Tooor., tun loft, WN* Drvw Point ItH to ed. new tables and bar- Vibront now oroa picnic . ’»** '»• W..a l.tfto - ta growing Woyno Town»hip. Not |u»t In Woyno, but in tho hoort o«.<»,i Po|-ooo

    fi A Ha.h Release in Scenic OAKLAND, N. J. METVCHF.N ( PFS >-Philip Ruegger Jr., president at Tamarack, has announced the

    opening of the firm's newest community of homes. Tama- GRAND OPENING OF rack North

    Located in an exclusive sec- Tut CANIt»»U»Y tnrr-4 bedroom*. Z\ of Edison. Tmi WINOSOI COIONtAi sniT-4 bedroom*. tion Tamarack bath*, paneled rec room, 2-car full 2Vt bath*, paneled rec North la a private garage, room, attached garage, section of OUR 1963 SEASON basement. large basement home* area. offerng truly gracious suburbin living, he said

    “We are building ranch homes, bi level 3 rsnehes, two- Featuring Big Distinctive Models story colonials and several split level designs which will range in price from *37.990 to SUN $40,000. Most of the beautiful VALLEY old trees were left In their nat- ural Raised Ranches ESTATES state, to form • private :<>* AT WAYNE - R°uW u> neighborhood setting." ... VALIIY ROAD, WAY N! TOWNSHIP *tCf CUT Tamarack • , vorV DIRECTIONS: r.-t ti North is conven- e Uivc. v.ew «i ve “ .. .ns bridge); stay cn Valley Rd pan ,IO ient to schools and churches str« (at TOPPS Discount Store); turn ful- A P to bl\t right, k High School, A Shoppmg Center and • (#u lot* toward and has all utilities oU sign Preaknc*. IV, including ' ci, ‘ approx Our Lady of th# Valley Church A School to • y>oo&*A occup»" miles to Rd.. sanitary sewers The Park- Valley Wayne (Ist right alter „de.s on the right , *' way, the Turnpike and the I*' • S*'* munU> P'*° GEORGE JR. a East West 1 lm^oW Agent: CATOSO, Bloomfield. PI 3-J544 e Model phone: (96-234) Freeway, as well as • the Penn Railroad main line m* ere mimitei away. a city * "' 4U

    m■ a i h'4 •zz ,V< to > W • ■rv «“*•

    '4 ‘" u v

    ‘ • «*-* C '- NO ■n • —- m3 2-Story Colonials

    ■ . from $ * 25,990 ; ■

    10% DOWN -ftsaW/

    You're at Only 2 Model Homes and 5 looking lots Model Home Opens at 30 YEAR MORTGAGES are still availablel Model Home 11 A.M. Bergen County's 7 days a week available for Immediate occu- TO DIRfCTIONti QUALIFIED BUYERS most spectacular residential Cwgi Waihington S.ldge, sue* Act nowl It's your pancy. last Berth (cut. fW on to Alpine MODELS OPEN and TIL cess story . . . The 1963 "Sfur- Wl*ik«n, DAILY WEEKENDS I P.M. to own a opportunity beautiful ■•■* on Reck Cleiter Reed to Mermen! Rd. bridge" authentic 4 and 5 A »**»★★*★ new home In ■•eh* Mermen* this superb neigh- •*°R •" Rd. Cloit.r DIRECTIONS 2V4 through bedroom, bath New Wm< an Routs ALSO AVAILABLE Eng- borhood 20 minutes le Norwood end model - m la Roula ML Taka Muuta m Norik about t IN OTHER from Mon- Oreonway i on 1 rails la Colonials raonss Acs. Tura land on thickly-wood- Morntent Rd. rtfht so Faunas Ava. Is 111 Pauosa Art, tßuUdar'a hattan. Free 2 LOCATIONS IN OAKLAND—- buses to */nd Rasldaoca>. Modal homsa public around cotnar n> last. , ed acre plots In Norwood's Rama 17 North t 3 at schools. Oreonway to Roula 1 Waal so BEDROOM RANCHES parochial Development Cos., Inc. Rauls 4 la Roula SOS. iThaa lollow $21,990 beautiful East Hill Section.' dlracuunt ahova). Phono* 761-6580 Ivot 391-3997 Still $34,900 30 sVa*/o yoar mortgages toall. For Moro Information Call Bulldor Stan Udoll - FE 7-7968 22 THE ADVOCATETE May 23, 1963 YOU GET BOTH! To Receive USE RICKEY CORN BROOM Orders Holy ROTO AT AND PATERSON-Rev. Richard CHARGE WET MOP E. Lott, 0.5.8., a monk of St. BOTH All FUll SUE Mary'a Abbey, Morristown, BOTH Alt FIRST QUALITY will be ordained May 25 at OPEN FUll SIZE HANDIES St. John'a Cathedral by Bish- DAILY FKORRlIO6M • tIWfTMOf op Jamea J. Navagh. c AND Only A Vary Spatial Purchote Father Intt Is the son of 3.5 FT. 50-STAR Mo*at Thtt Ollar Potuble! Mr. and Mrs. Edward SATURDAY J. Lott ■a AMERICAN 10 FLAG SET BOTH '• Dumb It, Fait Color F log wilh FOR ZidkMl Sewa Sir ip* i L • Mr. Twe tini, Jointed Weedea Polt wilh Silvtr finish • liniihtd Hardware,Rapt Halyard

    « mill lit* 44 community SAVE 00 95 6141

    — MIAMnc FAMOUS FANS . Csm. KITCHEN EXHAUST 20 , ROTARY LATEX THE FANS WITH 30,000,000 WARRANTY! LAWNMASTER [Uy CONCRETE POWER MOWER Demonstration a ItKCI 6 ITIATTOR a «m (AMI STHI % 4-CTtU laciai mci win sum % •Arm pun • neon 1 "

    STAtTN # aoa-UALPWK pcsica SUCCASUNNA FATHER LOTT SI7J >l7 5126 Sill Win STAUftU a cai oral ataen warm of Nutley. He attended St. with naui-Tip STORE (oaraots a Mary’i Grammar School. St. MW «A(a «OW •CAM IS At** • tvu Oil UCMTIt Benedict's and Scton rut Prep ...HMKIS MAP lit! 111 L w*am it ACT FDKI Hall University His theolo- THURSDAY gical studies were completed at St. Mary's Abbey. 1" CLIMAX 10" DELUXE 6790 «" CLIMAX COMPACT snmci EVENING He will celebrate his first 8" DELUXE THRU CEILING FAN AUTOMATIC WALL FAN latter uad Solemn Mass at 12:15 THRU CEILING FAN p.m. AUTOMATIC WALL FAN a (nine rmknn a4l«> • WWW lea—d tf.t - rui (In Panama • c* »|V. May 26 at • In »n»* ln> Sank(mi St. Mary’s • IrNhih a* Church. VmHlrNn • •WxlioM IVIMI A.Of(l will • lab «wW In*. •In, u I-tee "Wkn, Tn Weal IT i■ -1 rt* a Nutley. Archpriest be • Wm4«i Almmm faiHE • I4«nMi Imm* tlwmanwlMUUwaa |M| iaawAebea • CiJ • a Wat W (catoa Rev. Gerard Walsh of St. llm lL*b»r *ry WWW loanelt.« P*a Ink • > Ona Mlnfx »al»n Innii C « and Mary's. Deacon sub- • I«i*0..* •WWWIrWMICnI • J (Wmm (Wmm Inn* 6, (I'M, * aW* • deacon will Rev. Joel I.eik* (bntlwkMlVAllib Free him, O.S B., and Rev. Andrew MIAMI-CAREY Smith. BATHROOM FANS 4 ACCESSORIES TO THI FIRST CUSTOMtRI O.S.B., both of St. ISO

    Mary's Abbey. The sermon will HANDYMAN be preached by Rev. Mar- o spsa tin Burne. O.S B., of St. MAGAZINE Newark. Mary's Priory. COM! lAALT AMO GIT YOURS! Minor ministers will include Brother Christopher Krais. O.S.B., Robert Donohue. Ed- NEW LATEX ward Jordan. Paul Harrison and Paul Reeves. CONCRETE

    SUNBEAM • N* C C**f«f livyKtuMg ELECTRIC New • Ump ly Priest Mil ffc« l«’wo wrrf*t 1»4.. SHRUB & HEDGE C \ HM*I *opp'-*4 «*d A ppkf • JICX ACTION TRIMMER ftp»n.| Mtwofti, S*#pv For Wdk l«MM*al IlMit, Camden a ICTRIC ATHRGC.’* lo*lan|M COMBINATION B Cvr^Pf Wa3 BATHROOM CEILING FAN plus LICHT plus NEATtR • lolanftd au»r CAMDEN — SPfffADS Rev. William a WAU HEATER % BATHROOM WAU Irarytbma Tan Want Caapiala nOm CanyMl UM • Panarkul Malar a*i D. S, AS THIN Titmas of Clifton will be • Qinai WnpaAa. VntiaMy lan • laU| Immi « Wai • MOOT I or CEILING FAN • KN6THS l AS Ordained TaaltAam -rth Glow lan • At* la4a n TV Innlruata n Plu, FREE 1 by Archbishop Celes- la*li Ddtuwre I luA-W A Malar •COUPLING INCLUOCD • Sonpta To Intlol • 1000 Wall flement am ta* J. Damiano of DnatlFy Ta Ktalny 75 FOOT TUI HIT Camden • • Rotten or ilutl Crtulakaf A# Heater H«, Peutr*c Dnwarr Central I TOO Watt Neater May 25 at Immaculate Con- • Automotu Irnt Irrakm a T*na>ai«ai &ni Central pf MtraNN • Centrttuyol llowr WWrl Caml EXTENSION CORD ception Cathedral here. CiMplm V'Mk ml 98

    Father “f» «»4 AddttMmi Titmas is the son of Mr. and Mrs John E. Titmas

    . HAS A COMPUTE LINE OF 24" ROUND ATTIC FANS BRAZIERGRILL SHurms & iccissoaus 9 95 99 DRIVE VALUE 1-6411 FAN ATTIC • T Tubular Handle • New Ptrmo-Lift Grid Positioner • l Front CoiUr • VENTURI DESIGN Wheel-5 Rear Wheels • Chrome Plated Grid • 13 HP.CE MOTOR \1 (CONOMY —— ■-6«7» tu STIIL • BALL-BEARING DRIVES STORAGE SHED RHNN

    • Prenure Coated

    a Plottit hni* FATHER TITMAS 88 ffi • «®or and Pone it P#a LIST ns 00 • Loth and Kaye of Clifton. He attended St. FAN OMIT a 41 i 16 i 69 Paul's Grammar Clif- School. Ig"0* AMO iuCCAWNNAoeII y ton School and Scton High DiIUU SHIPS WITH FUll IIOOR 4 CABU ROOF Hall Before University. pur- RM 71“ a42“MIP > 70~ MU a 1-6441. 69.88 suing bis . . theological ttudics at 7*~ WIW 61” MIP 70“ packages SALE • . MC4 /1-41*1. fan . . 99.88 -■(•PtNtSHID St. John's Seminary. Little attic 71" WIN M" MIP MU 141*1. « t 71" * . 119.88 |j * Rock. Ark., he taught sixth t . 180.00 V eiiAMi.. Af\Aril |.u it,.:, v a VINTURI DISIwN SIZE v. grade at St. Philip's School. OIIVIS VALUE GROOVE a BAll-BIAIIIIC 30" 89” Saddle Brook. a AUTOMATIC MAIL SHUTTIR PHILIPPINE On 199.95 May J6, Father Titmas THAU CARRY.AU a AUTOMATIC FAR will offer his first Solemn 36" SIZE 99” VALUE MAHOGANY Mass at 12:15 AS IILUSTIATID p.m. in St. 11 Brendan's PANELING Church. Clifton. BERNZ-O-MATIC HRJT will be GRAM a Archpriest Msgr. Wil- 2.COAT FINISH STRIPfO liam F. Louis, pastor and ANTHRAFILT V-CROOVI chancellor of the Paterson Dio- TORCH KIT ease. Deacon and subdeacon I FILTER Kl will be Rev. Frank J. Rodimer OOL FULL Iratt Tan* nit* a Haary Duty and Rev. Theodore 11. Kollar 88 a 10-Gotton of St. Brendan's. Father Rod- ® oail-an Carer SHEET a I Own 1725 Phenobt lininf Utn our imer will also ter 5 a (yon preach. RPM 1 Jor 1/4MP elOkt. Minor ministers will Motor* include uritK flee Hotat PmtuJ Burn** llpJ a JSuper AtttmWlat In Mottrioa John Lutoff, Gerard Pump a Robinson, a Ahrwdww* and •preodee. with InttnMtiona Hubert and Richard Sporkar and Maultsby Cylnder. " Imam Hantsen. R S A 1 00

    mitai FREE CARRYING 88 To Ordain casi

    U» 49 9S FATtRS 1000 GPH* Fr. Greco OO GAS HEAT I ■»CXH hat a COMPtiTf nti- " tlondmy lumber deportment (AtffNTtß MILWAUKEE - ~ Rev. “■ Ray- Blue Ribbon** FAMOUS PLASTIKAIRE <>•*-» molartoli . . CONTRACTORS mood W. Greco, 0.58.. son r-'Ot. WUCOMI of Mr. low and Mra. Salvatore S. THATCHER 10 x24" DEEP SWIMMING POOL DISCC.*7T Greco of West Orange, will be GAS FIRED WARM AIR HOLDS 1200 CAlS.ol WATER A fig VALUE ordained May 25 by Abbot Richard 3 ’« big. Felix, 0.5.8., in St. FURNACE big» r Y i 20 SAVINGS at John'a Cathedral here. RICKEL! J a One Pair Ribbed Slaol Rifid Wol Father Greco will celebrate — — • Ttlntopma Setitonol Top Rod '■ 8' x 12' his first solemn stass oNir in Our 159?? I _a f’ttltorutoHy Welded Nan MetoßK ond of Lady Lourdes Church, West PeorieKvnl AR Vinyl Itner Hot* Drain vista-iuxVISTA.LUX mr AM r. June WITH RURNIR AND CONTROLS a Molded Frttmy JT Orange, 2, at noon, as- a CompWta with Momtanonca Kit sisted his by two brothers, a 71,000 I.T.U. R-6H > Rav. (Lt.) Evan J. Greco, a Aatembled PATIO 6 Fartary 9 0.F.M., chaplain at the GREENSKEEPER MOWER a ROTARY Marin* Merit AO Utility teqelreiaeal WHITS CLOSET Supply Base, Bar- atow, a Direct Drive lie war V GRASS CATCHIR *■* ■■»*t-r m.. Calif., as deacon; and COMBINATION •• "•“‘b •» 70S. nail .“*/ AH the Rav. Paschal • nalt ..yaa end Far atato- R. 0.- fouliv* DitdiMff* so tall'' Grecco. M,,., Carm., of Mt. Carmel High GLASS-LINED Cmltrl IHO-71 88 !l> . INCIUDIS • School, N. sub- n, V.tla-lv. Auburn, Y., AUTOMATIC yriaw amHriM o Ale- ..JW ..... deacon. w a ** *•« "••Wo a to 17 Cemyleie mat i latloß 1,.-,.. foty ' .* Hij Rev. • 4.4 cedar T' *•*"•*• -*>>« Aurclian _ m.r.prill cousin, GAS WATER HEATERS 14417 • liiant Trap Medal M«(ll • 1 « 00 a«> Scharf, 0.F.M., of Christ the • Plaitit • Cewyleti with jaJat lament 11-Year Ovarantaa St. Bonavcn- • T»v. King Seminary, hrtanal TrM .bait, nUn 100% IbabOFf Control [BB N. will Arch- tura, y., preach. • Anode Rod CamatMd Pirtact 12'x16 will be Rev. 126.70 . priest John T. Oparatha 10'x20 139.70 40 GAL. Lawlor, pastor of Our Lady of Ml SO GAL 83.88 Lourdes. as An alumnus of Our Lady of Lourdes School and Carteret mmi Prop School, Father Raymond . • studied at St. Bonaventure rajju University and F SHOP Glastonbury RT. 10, SUCCASUNNA RT. COMMUNITY Monastery, Hingham, Mass., : RICKEL 11, UNION RT. 17, PARAMUS before entering the seminary 1/4 Mile East ol Ledgewood Circle Mile West ol CCP 4 Miles North ot Route 4 At the Benedictine Abbey in I Flagship & SAVE Beoet Open Daily Saturday 9-10 and Lake, Wise. He has Open Daily Saturday 9-10 CHARGE PIAN Open o,i l ly 9*lo Friday & Saturday 9-10 bean JUstice 4-8181 assigned to the abbey MUrdock 8-8550 Gilbert 5-0)00 following his ordination.
