blitzmax interpreter download windows 10 x64 Enums. An Enum is an efficient way to define a set of constants that can be assigned to variables. Say, for example, you'd like to represent the days of the week. Since this is a fixed set of seven possible values, you could define those values within an Enum : Comma separators are optional, and elements can be placed on separate lines. By default, the underlying type of an enum element is an Int, but you can specify a different numeric type by using the standard type declaration syntax, as shown in the following example. Valid integral numeric types that can be assigned as a type include, Byte, Short, Int, UInt, Long, ULong and Size_T. When you do not specify any values for the elements, the default is to assign it the index in the list of elements, starting from 0 . So, from the EDay example, EDay.Sunday is associated with the value 0 , EDay.Monday with 1 , and so on. You assign an enum value to a variable just as you would any other type: A variable declared as a particular type of Enum can only be assigned to enum elements of that kind. To retrieve the numeric value for a particular enum element, you can use the Ordinal() method: The ToString() method returns a String representation of the enum element: Would print Sep . The Values() function returns an array of all elements: Rather than using just the default values, you can also assign any constant value (or something that will evaluate to a constant value at compile time) to the elements of an Enum. Subsequent elements that do not specify a value, increment from the preceding entry. So if the preceding element had a value of 15 , the next would automatically have the value 16 . You can use an Enum to define bit flags, which enables an instance of the Enum to store any combination of the values that are defined in its elements. You create a bit flags enum by applying the Flags modifier to the Enum declaration, defining the values appropriately so that standard bitwise operations can be performed on them. In the following example, an Enum called EDays is defined with the Flags modifier. Each value is automatically assigned the next greater power of 2 , starting at 1 . This enables you to create an EDays variable whose value is EDays.Tuesday | EDays.Thursday . To set a flag on an enum, use the bitwise or operator ( | ) as shown in the following example: To determine whether a specific flag is set, use a bitwise AND operation ( & ), as shown in the following example: Bit flag enums can also have their values specified. It is generally advised to make the values powers of 2 , so that you can apply bitwise operations to them. Default values for elements will always be a power of 2 , the next element being the next logical power of 2 higher than the previous entry. Because bit flags are limited to the number of bits for a given type (e.g. 8 bits for a Byte, 32 bits for an Int), you need to ensure that the type you use for a bit flag Enum has enough bits for all the elements you require. If you try to use more bits than the type allows, the compile will fail with an appropriate error message. As well as making the code easier to read, by using an Enum instead of a set of Const values, we can let the compiler ensure that only the specific set of values defined by the Enum be used. In the following example, we define a set of consts to record the types of available tyres a car can use: We expect that users of our code will diligently use the defined constants, instead of numbers – TYRE_SOFT , TYRE_MEDIUM and so on. The problem lies in the fact that someone may decide not to use the constants defined by us and may submit an invalid number as an argument of our function, for example: -1 or 10 . In this case, if the function does not check for invalid value, it will likely result in incorrect behaviour. To avoid this problem we can replace the constants with an Enum, thereby constraining the values that can be passed into the function : Notice that we no longer need to Throw on unsupported values of set because we know that only the values specified by the Enum will ever be used. BlitzMax Compiler (bcc) bcc is used to translate BlitzMax source code into C code. The name "bcc" came from Blitz Code Compiler but since BlitzMax NG bcc became more of a transpiler. Command line syntax. (Note that you will need ./bcc on *nix platforms, if you want to run bcc from the bin directory.) Tells bcc to be quiet. For now it does not change something in bcc output itself but if passed back to bmk this will have an effect to [ bmk ]. Sets bcc into a verbose mode. This outputs more text information than during normal operation. This can be useful if you want to see where stuff hangs, takes a while or just to see what happesn during compilation. Create a release mode transpile of the BlitzMax source code. Enables threading in your code file. (This is enabled as default in BlitzMax NG compilation processes). Disable "strict upgrade". This then no longer upgrades strict subclass method/function return types to match the superstrict superclass. Without this parameter (so "default") bcc does auto-upgrade. Set flag if you want to throw an error - because of mismatch. (Example: strict is Int, superstrict is Void). Select for what architecture to create code. Valid architectures (for now) are: x86 . x64 , pcc , arm , arm64 , armeabi , armeabiv7a , and arm64v8a . Create code for the given modulename . Specifies the output file. Must be full path to the outputfile (excluding final extension - there will be a .h, .c and .i generated). Select platform to create code for. Valid platforms (for now) are: Windows OS: win32 Mac OS X: macos : linux Android: android RaspberryPi: raspberrypi Web / Javascript: emscripten. Define type of the application. Should be either console or gui . The default is console . Defines to use a specific module as framework instead of importing all brl.mod and pub.mod modules. Create a debug mode transpile of the BlitzMax source code. (This is the default mode) Enables musl libc compatibility. (Linux only) Generate warnings (and accept) instead of errors for calling methods with arguments that need to be cast down. May cause issues using overloaded methods. Defines to not generate .def files useable by created DLLs/shared libraries. Defines to not generate header files useable by created DLLs/shared libraries. Tells bcc that the generated code is used in a DLL/shared library. Sets requirement for overriding methods and functions to append override to their definitions. Defines missing override keywords in overridden methods and functions to be handled as error instead of warning. -ud Add user defined conditionals (comma separated) then usable via ?myconditional . Perl Download. We recommend that you always run the latest stable version, currently 5.34.0. If you're running a version older than 5.8.3, you may find that the latest version of CPAN modules will not work. Unix/Linux. macOS. Windows. Running Linux, Solaris, AIX, HPUX, or any other UNIX-like system? Binaries. Source. Consider looking at App::perlbrew to help compile and manage Perl from source. Find out more about the source code, development versions as well as current releases of the Perl source code. Mac OS X. Binaries. Mac OS X already has Perl installed. Open a Terminal application (in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder) and run perl -v to find out which version. ActiveState Perl has binary distributions of Perl for Mac OS X. This is the simplest way to install the latest version of Perl. Source. Consider looking at App::perlbrew to help compile and manage Perl from source. Find out more about the source code, development versions as well as current releases of the Perl source code. Windows. Windows does not have Perl installed by default. Binaries. ActiveState Perl ActiveState offers both a free community version and a commercially supported binary distribution of Perl for Win32 and Perl for Win64. Strawberry Perl: A 100% Open Source Perl for Windows that is exactly the same as Perl everywhere else; this includes using modules from CPAN, without the need for binary packages. Help is available from other Windows Perl developers on the #win32 irc channel on (see website for access through a browser). Source. Consider looking at App::perlbrew to help compile and manage Perl from source. Find out more about the source code, development versions as well as current releases of the Perl source code. 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