October 18 - 19, 2019 / 20 Tishrei 5780

Shabbat Chol HaMoed

לַכֹּל ז ְמָן ו�עֵת לְכָל־חֵפֶץ תַּ חַת הַשּׁ�מָֽי�ם.

“A season is set for everything, a time for every experience under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Welcome to CBST! ברוכים וברוכות הבאים לקהילת בית שמחת תורה! קהילת בית שמחת תורה מקיימת קשר רב שנים ועמוק עם ישראל, עם הבית הפתוח בירושלים לגאווה ולסובלנות ועם הקהילה הגאה בישראל. אנחנו מזמינים אתכם\ן לגלות יהדוּת ליבראלית גם בישראל! מצאו את המידע על קהילות רפורמיות המזמינות אתכם\ן לחגוג את סיפור החיים שלכן\ם בפלאיירים בכניסה. לפרטים נוספים ניתן לפנות לרב נועה סתת: [email protected]


הֲכָנַת הַ לֵּב OPENING PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS *V’samachta B’chagecha Chassidim ו�שׂ�ֽמַחְתָּ בְּחַגּֶ 194 *Hineh Mah Tov Yemenite הִנֵּה מַה טוֹב 30 *(Candle Lighting Abraham Wolf Binder (1895-1967 הַדְלָקַת נֵרוֹת שׁ�ל שׁ�בָּת 38 *(Shalom Aleichem Israel Goldfarb (1879-1956 שׁ�לוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם 40

קַבָּלַת שׁ�בָּת KABBALAT SHABBAT / WELCOMING SHABBAT *(Turn! Turn! Turn! Pete Seeger (1919-2014 לַכֹּל זְמָן (קהלת ג Program *Mizmor Shir (Psalm 92) מִזְמוֹר שׁ�יר (תהלים צב 72

מַעֲ �יב MA’ARIV / THE EVENING SERVICE Bar’chu Nusach בָּ�כוּ 78 Hama’ariv Aravim Nusach הַמַּעֲ �יב עֲ �בִים 80 *(Ahavat Olam Eric Mandell (1903-1988 אַהֲבַת עוֹלָם 86 (Sh’ma Yisrael Salomon Sulzer (1804-1890 שׁ�מַע י�שׂ��אֵל 88 (V’ahavta Cantillation (Trope ו�אָהַבְ תָּ 89 *Mi Chamochah Ashkenazic Sukkot Melody מִי כָמֹֽכָה 94 *Hashkiveinu Modzitz Chassidim הַשׁ�כִּיבֵֽנוּ 98 *V’shamru South African Melody ו�שׁ�מְרוּ 102 Chatzi Kaddish Nusach חֲ צ ִי קַ דִּ ישׁ 104 Silent Amidah עֲ מִ ידָ ה 106 *(Shlomit Bonah Naomi Shemer (1930-2004 שׁלוֹמִית בּוֹנָה סֻכָּה Program *(Oseh Shalom Yoel Sykes (Born 1986 עֹשׂ�ה שׁ�לוֹם 118 Prayer for Healing תְּפִלָּה לִ�פוּאָה 130 Prayer for our Country תְּפִלָּה לַמְּ דִ ינ ָה Program Kaddish Shalem Nusach קַ דִּ ישׁ שׁ�לֵם 138

Hodu Ladonai (Psalm 118) Chassidic הוֹדוּ לַיהוָה 166

Pitchu Li (Psalm 118) Shlomo Carlebach (1926- פִּתְחוּ לִי (תהלים קיח 168 1994)* DRASHAH: דְּ �שׁ�ה RABBI REUVEN GREENVALD *(Aleinu Salomon Sulzer (1804-1890 עָלֵֽינוּ 140 *(Psalm 27 (Achat Sha’alti) Israel Katz (Born 1930 תהלים כז (אַחַת שׁ�אַלִתִּי 188 Mourner’s Kaddish קַ דִּ ישׁ י �תוֹם 150 Adon Olam Sung to V’Samachta אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם 154 B’chagecha (Chassidim)*

*Arranged by Joyce Rosenzweig

THIS SHABBAT Friday, October 18, 2019 / 20 Tishrei 5780 Saturday, October 19, 2019 / 20 Tishrei 5780 Chol Ha’Moed Sukkot Shabbat, 6:30 pm Chol Ha’Moed Sukkot Shabbat Morning Service Leader: CRRI Ben Dyme Liberal Minyan, 10 am Ba’al Tefillah: Larry Kay Ba'al Tefilllah: Cantorial Intern David Fair Pianist and Music Director: Joyce Rosenzweig D'var Torah: David Feinberg Drashah: Rabbi Reuven Greenvald Rabbi Reuven Greenvald is currently Director of Israel Engagement at the Union for Reform . He has led efforts to promote deeper understanding of Jewish peoplehood at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he was Director of Israel Engagement (2015-2016); the Jewish Agency for Israel, where he was Director of Strategic Outreach in North America (2012-2015); and at Makom, as Director of North American Community Initiatives (2007-2012). Previously, he was head of school at the Kehillah Jewish High School and upper school principal at the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School. He spent two years as a Jerusalem Fellow at the Mandel Leadership Institute, when the idea to work in Israel engagement first took root. Composer Feature Eric Mandell (1903-1988) was born in Westphalia, Germany and worked as Cantor and Music Director of the Synagogue in Bochum, where he was the last cantor to serve the community before the Holocaust. After emigrating to the United States in 1941, he served as Music Director of Har Zion Temple in Philadelphia until 1966. In 1942, he established the music department at Gratz College. In 1966, Mr. Mandell received the Kavod Award from the Cantors Assembly “in recognition of a lifetime devoted to the music of the synagogue as composer, conductor, and musicologist, in which he has generously enriched the musical treasure of our people.”

Turn! Turn! Turn! Words adapted from the Book of Ecclesiastes (Kohelet); Music: Pete Seeger To everything (Turn, Turn, Turn) There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn) And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

A time to be born, a time to die A time to plant, a time to reap A time to kill, a time to heal A time to laugh, a time to weep

(To everything…)

A time to build up, a time to break down A time to dance, a time to mourn A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together

(To everything…)

A time of love, a time of hate A time of war, a time of peace A time you may embrace, a time to refrain from embracing

(To everything…)

A time to gain, a time to lose A time to rend, a time to sew A time for love, a time for hate A time for peace, I swear it's not too late

Refuah Shleimah – Healing Prayers Alton Bader Michael Carlin Hannah bat Rivka Falak Bahlawan Matthew Dennis Yosef Shein Ester Bat Bryna Sima v’ Linda Kenepaske Rose Wahnon Abraham Martin Pashelinsky Gabriel Weingarten

This printed list is for those with acute illness – any CBST member can submit their name for one-month inclusion on the Refuah list. To protect the confidentiality of those navigating illness, CBST only prints names of members who have expressed their consent. You may say any name aloud during the healing prayer at services. If you or a CBST member you know is ill and would like support, please contact [email protected]. We’re your community; we’re here for you. We include in our healing prayers the almost 14,000 immigrant children in U.S. custody, most of whom are separated from their families.

Yortzeits 20 to 26 Tishrei 5780 Members memorialized on the Wine Family Sanctuary Memorial Wall Howard Bender Seymour Krasney Dr. Joyce Warshow Shifra Cline Wolfgang Markus David Goldstein Rabbi Julie Spitzer

Family & Friends memorialized on plaques on the Kuriel Chapel Memorial Wall Irving Aaron Helena Gafni Patricia Alice Pride Syril Dratfield Samuel Gold Matthew Shepard Sarah Drechsler Paul Heller Max Silverman Cornelius Felt Harry Mandel Berdye Solomon Lester Freedman Bella Masliah Harold Sonberg Anna Friedman Sidney Odwak Mildred Tallis

The CBST community extends condolences to mourners among us. May God comfort you among all who mourn. We pray for peace.

All are welcome to an Oneg downstairs following the service.

Seating & Accessibility: CBST is committed to accessibility. At Friday night services, several spaces for someone in a wheelchair and an adjacent chair are reserved; seats are released at 6:45pm if not occupied. CBST has a Hearing Induction Loop for hearing aids with T-Coils.

Phones and photography: Silence your cell phones. Photos are not permitted during services.

Bags and coats: Bags and coats are subject to search by security personnel.

Bicycles: Due to space and security issues, there is no bicycle storage inside the CBST vestibule or building.

Smoking: Is not permitted within 25 feet of our front door.

From CBST’s Green Team: We live in a city where rigid plastics are recyclable. Toss plastic straws, bottles, etc. in receptacles labeled “cans/bottles.” CBST now participates in NYC’s composting program. All of our disposable cups, plates, and flatware (except for plastic kiddush cups) are compostable and can go in the brown compost bins downstairs. The earth & the Green Team thank you.

Tonight, our thanks to: Better Events Sound Technician · CBST Facilities Staff Jorge Loyola, Teresa Gutierrez, and Pablo Crespo · CBST Members & Friends who greet everyone at services · Shabbat sponsors and donors.

In case of emergency, exit through emergency doors, and move far away from the building. PRAYER for OUR COUNTRY Our God and God of our ancestors, bless this country and all who dwell within it. אלוהינו ואלוהי אבותנו ואמותינו. ברך את ארצנו ואת כל Help us to experience the blessings היושבות והיושבים בה ,of our lives and circumstances יחד לבבנו להודות לך על חיינו ועל הזמן הזה .To be vigilant, compassionate, and brave Strengthen us when we are afraid, להיות דרוכות, אמיצים, ומלאי חמלה. ,Help us to channel our anger חזקנו וחזק ידנו כאשר אנו אחוזים בפחד .So that it motivates us to action סייע בידינו לנתב את כעסנו לידי מעשה ,Help us to feel our fear חזק לבבנו לחוש את מלוא הפחד שלנו .So that we do not become numb Help us to be generous with others, כדי שלא נהפוך לאדישות .So that we raise each other up סייע לנו להשפיע נדיבות על אחרים כדי שנרים זה את זו . ,Help us to be humble in our fear סייע לנו להיות צנועות בפחד, כדי שנדע כי גם כשאנו מרגישים ,knowing that as vulnerable as we feel פגיעות, יש אחרות, הנמצאות בסיכון גבוה אף יותר, זוהי חובתנו there are those at greater risk, and that it is our holy work to stand with them. הקדושה להיות עמן. ,Help us to taste the sweetness of liberty ברכנו בטעם המתוק של החופש To not take for granted the freedoms won כדי שנשכיל להעריך את החופש לו זכינו בדורות קודמים ובעת הזו .in generations past or in recent days לרפא ולחזק את הדמוקרטיה שלנו שתהיה כְּעֵץ שׁ�תוּל עַל-מַי�ם, ,To heal and nourish our democracy ו�עַל-יוּבַל י�שׁ�לַּח שׁ��שׁ�יו, ו�א י��אֶה כִּי-י�בֹא חֹם, ו�הָי�ה עָלֵהוּ �עֲנָן; that it may be like a tree planted by the water whose roots reach down to the stream; (ירמיהו יז, ח ,it need not fear drought when it comes its leaves are always green (Jeremiah 17:8). Source of all Life, שכינה, אם כל חי, ,Guide our leaders with righteousness שלחי אורך ואמתך למנהיגנו ,Strengthen their hearts but keep them from hardening. חזקי לבבותיהם שלא יתקשו That they may use their influence and authority to שישתמשו בכוחן כדי לדבר אמת ולפעול בצדק (ישעיהו טז, ג- ה .(speak truth and act for justice (Isaiah 16:3-5 מי יתן וכל יושבי הארץ יחלקו בעושרה, ישגשגו בחופש שתציע, May all who dwell in this country ויהיו מוגנים בחוקיה ,share in its bounty, enjoy its freedoms מי יתן ואומה זו תשתמש בכוחה ובעושרה על מנת לקדם צדק, .and be protected by its laws May this nation use its power and wealth חופש ושלום לכל יושבי תבל ,to be a voice for justice מי יתן ונהיה חזקות ואמיצים .peace, and equality for all who dwell on earth מי יתן ונהיה נועזים במעשי ידנו ועמוקות בחמלה שבלבנו May we be strong and have courage שנבחין מתי עלינו להקשיב ומתי עלינו לפעול ,To be bold in our action and deep in our compassion To discern when we must listen and when we must act, לעקור שנאה, גזענות, שוביניזם, אפליה, אלימות בכל צורה, ,To uproot bigotry, intolerance, misogyny, racism discrimination, and violence in all its forms, לחגוג את צלם אלוהים בפנים שונות המשתקפות בכל המגוון To celebrate the many faces of God reflected האנושי ,in the wondrous diversity of humanity To welcome the stranger and the immigrant לקבל את הזר ואת המהגרת, ולכבד את המתנות שמביא כל מי and to honor the gifts of those who seek refuge שמבקשת מקלט והזדמנות בארץ זו, כפי שהיה מאז לפני שאומה זו and possibility here, as they have since נולדה .before this nation was born �ו י� גּ ַל כַּמַּי�ם, מִשׁ�פָּט; וּצְדָקָה, כְּנַחַל אֵיתָן Let justice well up like waters, and righteousness (עמוס ה כד (like a mighty stream (Amos 5:24 © Rabbi Ayelet Cohen Hebrew by Rabbi Noa Sattath 6

Ahead… Monday, October 21 / 22 Tishrei 5780 Monday, October 21 / 22 Tishrei 5780 Shmini Atzeret, 9:30 am , 6:30 pm Ba’alei Tefillah: Rabbi Marisa Elana James, Ba’alei Tefillah: Cantorial Intern David Fair, Larry Cantorial Intern David Fair Kay Service Leader: Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Service Leaders: Rabbi Marisa Elana James, Intern Deborah Megdal Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Intern Ben Dyme Drashah: Rabbi Marisa Elana James Music: Joyce Rosenzweig (piano), with Barbara Freedman (percussion), Elana Arian (violin, guitar, mandolin), & Ivan Barenboim (clarinet) Friday. October 25 / 27 Tishrei 5780 Saturday, October 26 / 27 Tishrei 5780 Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 6:30 pm Liberal Minyan, 10 am Ba’al Tefillah: Cantorial Intern David Fair Ba’al Tefillah: Cantorial Intern David Fair Piano: Dror Baitel Service Leader: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum Service Leader: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum Bar Mitzvah & D’var Torah: Simon Ludvigsen-Gaines Drashah: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum


CBST at the J Street Conference! Saturday, October 26 through Tuesday, October 29, Washington, D.C. Join our first-ever congregational delegation to the J Street Conference! Over the course of the conference, we'll meet and learn from important American, Israeli, and Palestinian activists, diplomats, and political leaders. We'll learn how to advocate for a just, safe, and peaceful future, alongside thousands of others from Jewish communities across the US who care deeply about the future and the welfare of Israelis and Palestinians. For more information about the conference, visit or You can also contact Rabbi James or Judy Hollander of the Middle East & Me team.

Aleinu Shabbat Fall Foliage Hike Saturday, November 2, 10:45 am, Grand Central to Cold Spring, NY Join Aleinu for a Shabbat hike in beautiful Cold Spring, NY. We'll be catching the 10:45 train from Grand Central arriving in Cold Spring at 12:10. There, we'll take in the changing leaves and fresh air on the Old Forge Trail, a relatively easy 1.6-mile hike without steep climbs but with breathtaking views. Afterwards, we'll enjoy a late lunch/early dinner together in town before heading back to the city. Please note that this event is open to those in their 20s/30s and their partners. RSVP here by October 25.

Under the Rainbow: A Pride Aggadah Adventure Saturday, November 2, 10 am or 11:30 am; for ages 0-6, online registration required Come aboard the ark and brave the storm with Noah and his friends as they figure out the importance of sticking together when the going gets tough. Brought to life with puppetry, live music, sensory storytelling and participation, this creative re-imagining of Noah's story (and the appearance of the world's first rainbow) is the perfect way to introduce your child to the special rainbow connection between our LGBTQ community and the Torah!


SAVE THE DATE! "Looking for a Seat?" with Dr. Regina Stein Thursday, December 5, 6 pm, at CBST Dr. Regina Stein, Scholar-in-Residence at the Museum at Eldridge St., comes to CBST for a deep discussion exploring the creation of the Modern Orthodox and Conservative Jewish movements in America and the ways in which men argued over the place and roles of women, as these issues split communities and congregations and sometimes ended up in American courts. Register here:

Limmud b'Shabbat Religious School – REGISTRATION STILL OPEN! From birth through high school, CBST provides Jewish learning opportunities for families with children. Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers sing and celebrate and heritage in Alef-Bet Shabbat and Aggadah Adventures. School-age children engage in Limmud B'Shabbat (Learning on Shabbat), our twice- monthly education program. We also offer b'nai mitzvah training, teen trips, theatrical experiences, holiday celebrations, and service days. See for more information and to register. Limmud b’Shabbat Grades K-8 next class: Oct. 26 L’Taken Teen Program (Grades 9-12) Sat. afternoon track begins Nov. 9 1:30-3 PM; Friday evening track TBA Limmud Parent Discussions with Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum over kiddush lunch continue on Nov. 9 & Dec. 14.

Registration is now open for Lehrhaus Judaica Adult Education Fall 5780! Each 8-session course will run every Tuesday evening from October 29 through December 17, 2019. See below for more info and register now at

Introduction to Mishna 6:30 - 7:45 pm Instructor: Atara M. Cohen, Cooperberg-Rittmaster Pastoral & Educational Intern Intended Audience: Open to all. Required for adult B'nai Mitzvah students. Description: In this interactive course, we will study the Mishna, an early Jewish code of law, to learn what this crucial text is and get a taste of the breadth of its content. We will explore the relevance and importance of the Mishna throughout Jewish textual history using primary sources and group discussion. Participants will learn how to approach Mishna on their own and strengthen their journey through Rabbinic texts.

To Every Season: Traveling the Jewish Calendar 6:30 - 7:45 pm Instructor: Miya Rotstein Intended Audience: Open to all. Description: Join us for this eight-week class as we explore the Jewish festival cycle. Each week, we will learn about the origins, customs, and evolution of our holidays and traditions, beginning with the calendar itself. We will read excerpts from the Torah, , and commentaries and examine the rituals, arts, and foods of Jewish communities around the globe. Registration includes a copy of The First Jewish Catalogue.

Adult B'nai Mitzvah: D'var Torah Beit Midrash 7:45 - 8:45 pm Instructor: Atara M. Cohen Intended Audience: Exclusively for adult B'nai Mitzvah students. Description: This collaborative, guided Torah study time will empower students to produce their own Torah content. We will work together as a class and in small groups to explore their Torah portions from a variety of angles and interpretations, learning how to find meaning and relevance in these ancient texts. By the end of the course, the participants will have the skills and confidence to produce their own divrei torah.

Intro to Hebrew I 7:45 - 8:45 pm Instructor: Miya Rotstein Intended Audience: Open to all. Description: CBST's Lehrhaus Judaica adult education programs offer exploration of Jewish text, prayer, Hebrew, holidays & festivals, lifecycles, and more. Whatever your level of Jewish knowledge, you will be enriched by participation. Registration includes a copy of a Hebrew-language study textbook.


Bold, Spiritual Community of Resistance and Love

Sign Up for CBST's Dedicated Weekly Social Justice Email! Add your name to the Social Justice mailing list at and be among the first to know about CBST's upcoming actions.

The CBST Bail Bond Fund One of the most immediate and effective ways to reunite immigrants in detention with their families is by paying their bail. Bail is submitted on behalf of a detainee, who is then released to pursue their legal case while living in their community instead of behind bars. Contribute to the new CBST Bail Bond Fund, with all proceeds supporting New Sanctuary Coalition's "Life Bond Fund," which has already helped free 25 immigrants from detention.

Please make your fully tax deductible contribution by check (with memo: CBST Bail Bond Fund), or give online at

REGISTER NOW FOR Democracy Sunday! Sunday, November 10, 11 am to 4 pm, at CBST In 2020, the White House, the House of Representatives, control of the Senate, and many state and local offices will be in play. With our nation's future at a critical point, what's the best way to get involved? Join us at Democracy Sunday to find out!

The day starts with Senior Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum in dialogue with Congressman Jerry Nadler, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten. We'll continue the conversation over lunch, then learn more during afternoon breakout sessions, including a review of New York state politics by New York State Senator Brad Hoylman.

Please go to to register.

Presenters, including elected officials, are confirmed at the time of this message, but given the dynamics of the current political situation, we cannot guarantee the appearance of any particular speaker.


Bold, Spiritual Community of Resistance and Love

Book Discussion: Just Mercy Sunday, November 24, 2 pm, at CBST As part of CBST's new initiative to end mass incarceration, a congregation- wide book club will launch with a discussion about Bryan Stevenson’s book Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption. We will analyze it, debate it, and use it as a springboard for our social action. To find a copy of the book and to register, visit To learn more about our initiative to end mass incarceration, contact team chair Lee Jason Goldberg at [email protected], or visit

Sanctuary at CBST: Pro Se Immigration Legal Clinic Wednesdays, 6 pm to 8:30 pm, 130 West 30th Street Community members assist immigrants and asylum seekers with asylum applications and other steps on their paths through our labyrinthine immigration system. New volunteers are always welcome! We will be holding a clinic training on November 4 and a CLE Class for lawyers on November 14. Email [email protected] for more information. CBST is a proud partner with the New Sanctuary Coalition, RUSA, and SAFE in this work.

Resistance: Calls and Cards Thursdays, 12:30 pm to 2 pm, 130 West 30th Street Do you have something to say to your government's leaders? We'll fuel you with pizza and coach you to make phone calls and write postcards. Make your voice heard in D.C., Albany, and elsewhere. Bring a cell phone and your fighting spirit!


Welcoming Visit at Islamic Center at NYU Fridays, 12:45 pm to 2:30 pm, 238 Thompson Street Welcome worshippers to Jummah midday prayer every or any Friday to send a clear message that Jewish New Yorkers stand with our Muslim neighbors. No RSVP needed.

The Psalms/Tehillim Project Continues In Judaism, it is traditional to recite psalms/tehillim in times of fear, mourning, calamity, and in joy and celebration. As a community, we are reciting the entire book of 150 psalms each day. To participate (all are welcome), email [email protected] with "Psalms/Tehillim Project" in the subject line. Choose a psalm that is meaningful to you, or the CBST clergy can choose for you.


Tonight’s Oneg (Delight) Sponsored by Deluxe Oneg CBST Board, Clergy, and Staff in appreciation of Rabbi Reuven Greenvald’s words of Torah this Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot Deluxe Oneg Joanna Asperger and Sue Rosansky to thank Deborah Megdal, Rabbi Kleinbaum, Rabbi Rapport, and the CBST community for their loving support during Sue's illness - as she transitions to less intense treatment. May we all go from strength to strength! Deluxe Oneg Hanna Gafni in memory of my mother, Helena Gafni, on the 5th yortzeit of her death. We miss you. Hanna & Barb, Zviya, Oded, and the family. Adria Benjamin in memory of the fabulous Bella Masliah, z”l, in observance of Bella's second yortzeit. Ken, Jon, & Amy Krasney Levy & Terry Hughes in memory of their father Seymour Krasney, z”l, on the occasion of his 12th yortzeit. Julia Porper in memory of my father, Milton "Munya" Porper, z”l, on his 29th yortzeit, who taught me that as a Jew, I am responsible to stand up for others and to fight injustice. Ari Warshawsky, Peter Biertzer-Warshawsky, and Reina Warshawsky on the anniversary of the first yorzeit of Jerome Warshawsky, z”l. Reina, Aba, and Daddy miss you and think of your generous heart daily. You are our Ner as we navigate through our lives. With all our love, Ari, Peter, and Reina. Tomorrow’s Kiddush Lunch Sponsored by Deluxe Kiddush Bob Levine and Richard Martinez in memory of Dr. Lionel Winston, a good man. Anonymous in honor of a joyous life event. Livestream Sponsored by: Sally Kopstein and Lin Rosenbluth We are deeply grateful to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary – the gift that keeps on giving. The Masliah Family on the 2nd yortzeit of Bella Masliah, z”l. We know she'd be watching if she could only figure out how to work the remote control. Supported by: Pamela Hinden Debra Reiner Bimah Flowers David Wine and Michael MacElhenny To sponsor an oneg, livestream, or flowers, contact Ruth at 212-929-9498 x 815 or [email protected], or go to

Senior Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, D.D. 130 West 30th Street New York, NY 10001 Rabbi Yael Rooks Rapport ASSISTANT RABBI (212) 929-9498 Joyce Rosenzweig MUSIC DIRECTOR Rabbi Marisa Elana James DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL JUSTICE PROGRAMMING Gregg H. Passin PRESIDENT Yolanda Potasinski EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 12