, Officials. 225 Actively New Commie Protest Rent 01 owon of $JO Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City '. Proposal Hike Some 225 SUI married atudmtJ Muddle Surrounds Established ,in 1868 - ~ive Cents a Copy opposing a $10 reol increase for Peace Goals married !Student barracks bouIlnt ha \'e lakeD .teps in proteatiDC the WASHINGTON ~ - OfficI.I. lUke. uid Monc&.y Right that RuuI.·. A lotal of 225 of the ltudeDt. nl_at dipl_tic: note show. the bad sJped form letten by l.te K,..mlln w.nh t. turn ••ummlt Monday ..ainat the iac:reue. said 73 ~ It Gandidatesl't. Voting cont.,..ne. Into • " ".....ncU ». vid W. Jones. G, Iowa City. circul" InmH" ....1"1 ",..n· who is one of the leaders of 'the i"lM ...... ",.,.. •• student opposition movemeat. * Rules The letter states lUI iIltenUoo by .In :SUI Elections" Thi was their Initial r action the student to remain llviDa in the after studying a partial text of the harracla 1M! DOW occupies aDd 10 Competitive interest is increas· the election and the students eli· Council Election Committee. said I me age Radio Moscow broadcast pay the p~nt rent of $51.50. It Ing as handbills arc circulated and gible to vole for their candidates Monday that IBM cards would be Monday night. tates the ltudeDt Is Wlable to PIl1 platforms are announced (or the are: kept at the polling places to de. Th Y scoffed at the Sovl t accu· the increaaed tellt 01 ~ , 5O foe e 27 positions in Wednesday's all· STUDENT COUNCIL, married termine who is eligible to vote tor at ~ on reU01l$ the UDlted State wa "ac· menUODed in • cover campus elections. student's representatives, All mar. married students representatives ItuaHy trying to ta ke the entire leIter. Seventy· three candidates are ried students vote Cor: three candi. to Student Council and Liberal Arts problem of the summit conference A m.rr1e4 ...... CMIMI .... running. Cor offices in seven cam· dates. senior class oCflces. back to th starting point." Inlti.t.cI twe .... ,.u•. OM, p.us org~nizations ; ~tudent Coun· UNION BOARD, Liberal Arts Membership lists Cor WRA and I As far as the Am rican go" rn· cempt.t.cI S"'"'-Y. w•• a.tMt. cU , marrIed students represenla· t d tAli L'be 1 A t t d t YWCA will also be kept at all the mcnt i concerned. they said. th .ct .. cA.twmIM tfIe MMUIIt .. n tlves, Union Board, Board oC Trus. S u en s. I ra r s s u en Spoils. I tees of Student Publications. Inc. vote for three men and three . . conditions for a summit m tina IMIIthIy 1-M4 ...... never have left the starting point, m.rrlH .....nh lIyl", 1ft Hr· (SPl) '" . 'ftd 'W St de I Iwomen canditlates. Schmidt said that there will be • n~socla~ omen u n s , a qualiCied poll judge and three poll reck. ,,"Unt, (AWS). Women's Recreation Asso· ~ UNION BOARD. Commerce stu· I watchers at each votln booth TIwtV uld ~ Unlt.cl St ..., hu TI]e resulta of thlI poll had not clation i WR~). and CoJ1~ge of Lib· dents. All students in the College All ballots must be ~. arked' with I iMiatld and will contin_ to I... yet been compiled Monday accord- eral Arts ICnior ~lass offIcers. . of Com~rce vote. for one ma~ I an "X" within the proper square. .i.t th.t .nv h... ·..... v.,,,. Lng to J.ck HoIt. G. BurUnJtoa, A p.trti.1 iI.t ., til. c.ndld.tll ~nd Ol\e wom~n candidate. There "Only those ballots that arc I ment ."..tlng must IN PrK.d.ct committee publicity chairman. .nd tfielr "Ictv,.. ••nd .nnounc'" I~ only one candidate for each oC· marked properly will be counted," , by I_, r I.nl ....-tl.tiott,... The second poD, to be coaduc:ted , pl.tferms .,.. on p.g. ,tod.v. flce. Schmidt said. .paclflc probl.m. wfllch w..,'d by the Student Councn. will coo­ tM ahow whether. top lev.1 /tWItlng cern married tudenta )Jvln, ID and "'~Ining c.nclid..... BOARD OF TItUSTEES OF STU· "No wrIte-in votes will be count- ! of _rid I.. de,.. woutd _ worth- off-eampu! bousln, and wUl al. wltfl piC:tur.s .• nd p1.tforma will DENT PUBLICATIONS. INC. (SPI) ed and students may not vote " Ii... d In W.dlll.Hy'•• dltlon. All students vote Cor one l·year bullet ballots." A bullet ballot is I whit.. tempt to determine whether the . candidate and two 2·year candi· one which has been marked for Th dote Departm nt d ellned demand for houtin, Is for units T en po llin g pacesI Ioca ted dates h Cf' . I . officially to comment on the Sov\ t like the propoaed Hawkeye A~ througbout the campus, will open . less. than all teo Ices to e eclio~. note until the full text M$ be n reo ments with $85 • month rent ph.. WednesdaY morning at 8'30 a m ASSOCIATED WOMEN STU· Students must vote Cor one candl- ceived trom the American £m. electricity. or for barracks type j\nd close at 4;30 p.m. . . , DENTS. AlI.:undergraduate women da~ In .a~1 offices open for which bassy in Moseow. Otciclalll were housing renliOi at the lDcuued vote for oftlcers. he IS ehglble to vote. StUdents are to vote. according YWCA. Members vote for About 200 students have been in- obviously annoyed, howev r, th t Irate of f62.50. oW· Radio Moscow began broadca Ung Jones said FrIday nlaht the form to cOlleges.' in the following places : cers. volved in preparations for the cJec- th not to the ,""orld before It had I tters will be • noUce to SUI of· Liberal Arts and Education, WOMEN'S RECREATION AS. lions. which are under the direction been reccived by the d partm nt. I tidaIt concernlne married .Iu· Macbride Han or Sohaeffer Hall ; SOCIATION. Members vote lor of· of the Student Council Election d nil f ling. and will be a dial. Law, Law Building; ficers . Committee. They said lhls peedy publica· 1 nge to Ither tak .ctlon alainst Dental. Dental Building; LIBERAL ART S SENIOR With the exception of AWS. WRA. lion d mon~trates Moscow waS the sliD fI or modlfy Ita present Engineering. Mechanical Eng!· CLASS. All juniors in the College of and YWCA. elecUons results are viewing its reply to a March 16 plans. neerin" B~lIding ; Liberal Arts votc for 1958·59 o((i- cxpected to be released by 9 p.m. U.S. m mo as a propaganda weap. Til. form t.tte,. _ c.nr vraduate, Physics Building; eers. Wednesday. The three women's or· on rath r than a serious attempt to I.tter will ,....blV _ ,...... t04 ~Urslng. WesUawn '; In order to vote, students must ganizations will announce election negnliate.. I Thurtd.v . ...."*' ...... lUI Phi macy. Chemistry Building; present ID cards for identification results at a banquet Thursday. Th. Sovl.t ,..ply "" bro.dc... Dormllwy AtsIt,,1MIIt 0Mce. MedIcine. Medical Labs; and invalidation. This is the second year that bal· onlv thrH hours .... r Pr•• I.nt I RlcNrd CI.rk. G. LatMnt. dNtlr- Commerce, University Hall. Charles Schmidt, E3, Charles lots will be counted by IBM rna· I EIMnhower c.. 1... • specl.I m.n" ~ rMrTi.ct ...,.... "... The organizations represented In City. chairman of the Student chines. "'"tlnll of ttl. N.tlon.I 5Kurlty ...t cllmml ..... MI4. Council t. contider • m.tter Relsons to be !Deluded in the I which ~ Whi.. Ho,," r.fvMd to covcr letter for oppoalnJ the tiD I I.ntlfy. \ rent increase were sunesteel by SUI Marrllted mlrYied studenl.l pre at .t • • • Tile me Una I. ted 7d mlnul . meeUng Friday nlehl A cOmmit- ·'. R' H' lit touched oCf peculation ttl tee compOsed of volunteers. .. ouses Prl! Ident and hi top strategy ad· I studied ~ 'lIJgetUolII Saturday fU ~l' r III r c:ol)llldcrmg new Am· .nd Sund.y anll have written the p ~'- • I - I"!!i ' n s.r af ~pr()posals in· cover letter, ,'))''1 I ~ .•~ . 'I'S' C'~' : \, ,I Weotherman Prove, udlhg further s~lIlng out oC ctartt ~ the letter will ';';..., d:''' U" f,.. ', .e .. 'J',. ) ., , . I. 'I ) • ~c W~ltc ~1~~ 1plan (or devoting be 11\I1*ly c060r 'tel. th points • .. , MEttiPttIS, T,nn", ~ - A~rl· Spring I, Here 9ut~ I space to peaccful purpose . mention In. .ddi {onal burdeb I ,;' " SOfull 96 per cent· of barracks W~~t ,:knd'~:~~vdo.'::I~!, !!!! tQP JevQl con$idc~.Uon o( po I· placed on the student by the rent ,~" iCcti , . . • ,- '" Tho .theta of tfIe b.lmy 1_. • i . . , (' . pi i\mcrlc;an ~'U'mamcn~ ahlfts increase, the effect the rent In· .",; f • mars stl\~~n.ts , sai~ the~ ' thi'nk ' Nth ttI.t m•• him Pvt. PIowI' City w.. ttl.r Mond.y w.,.. .vI' 1 II, wa~ v~tua~ly haltrd In J,nuary crease rna, y have on education hi :~ ,·SUI could better meet i~ obliga· I.y. Elvl. A" S.rl.I No. US 5~3· ci.nt .Iong ttl. 10". River n SUI BOOKS WERE FORGOTTEN - ttl. " ..bnll .nd theM two nmpUJ ••,.. .rncHIIJ many ~ pending a survry and r port to lh the'l state. tIJ6 Ih.dequacy of the ' tion to pJ'1)vlde low-cost married lD761. " Injoyed .Id Sol'. fl,..t ,...1 vi.1t thl. spring. W... r " ... bit cool. but ~ .un " •• lust right for C.rol Security Council of scientific proll- propoeed Hawkeye Apartmeota•• student housing by building units Pr•• '.y, 23. p ... Ft. Ch.ffH, St_nt. dotted ttl. rlv.r Mnkl GI ..., W.terloo, I.ft•• nd B.tty McEly'.' AI, aoolll.D.IIV low.n Photo by Bori. V.ro, lcm involvt'd in d tectlng any vlo. comparison oC SUI barracka reDla comparable to those at Iowa State lou.. d In north".at Ark.nl... ltudying, .unning .nd .nlovlng lalion of a ban on nuclear Ie ts. with other achoola aDd acreeme'ftt TlMr. h, .nd ottl.r dr...... nd In '.lIIr.I. with SUI AdmlnlstratJotl to the College. according to a survey con· ~!,"MIVI' T , SUI B II P d Thi. .ei.ntiflc ltudy grovp, inapproprlateneu of ute I..... ducted by the Student Council dur: Til. m.rcury lhould .".w lib W0 . a 00n s rep are 1M ••d bv pr•• I.ntl.1 .elvlMr TM comml"" ...... ing the weekend. loIliHution. t.cI.y ., ttl. fwm· J.",., F. Kim.n, ... ,...,.rtecI ct.y nltllt .. tfIe ..-tI", ..... The survey was' conducted to de. per.tu" II upectoci to climb t. .bout due to m.k. known It. • .....vecI by tfIe m.rri.ct atvcIotMs , ELVIS SO. findin].. pnMnt by voice nfI. It. memo termine whether married students AND Mond.y In I.w. City wu mild For 100 000 F00 t 5 un FI-Ighi The Soviet note wa being tran • ben Incl_ Richard C. Clm, G. ::: ~::~ ~:~;i~:I:~::t~:~~:i:! FA~~ioN but windy. Tho high w.. n.. r I ~~~d f~~ ~~n~~is~~nb~!SY~;s~~:: ~~= .:-:...::...~"'= prin~ed in The Dally Iowan last SO, . SUI - physicists arc ready to launched by Anderson at Ft. un ••id th. rlUly.r. will _ ton. I.n, IKNt.ry-tn.aurwl ReIMrt S.wrclay which sq()wed that the Til. W.. tfler lu,...u I.id tlcl.. launch 8 new plastic balloons car- Churchill, Canada. reported X-raya 1ec.tM IOIMwhoN ... ..,. um. 10• .,..". G. It...... c:...., '. . .prdposed barracks rent increase to will _ glMr.IIv ••Ir with no rying eQuipmenl to measure x.... ays last year. ' PUI. but ".bably ,not In tfIe =k 1..:'..... AlId.W~= ' ...~ 50 th ld I SUI' yolulftt.ri iworn In .t ~ ••m. t.m.... r.tu,.. ch.n.... In 1M hI .. h. aDd charged particles at, an alti· Re~t rocket flights cond~ted PhYlic. Building. ~.u .. ,1t U B005 t RoaW .. Mr, 'II'IMNlrM", ~. per mon wou p ace tim. will hay. .Ight wHk. ef"· • • tude of approximately m ,ooo by Carl MeUwaln . sur physic$ Inconvtnl.nt, M.~n.. jc t ..... wlli • a J' • ..... N.Y.; C~ .".nMIMrft, j-; , bighe,st amon~ all midwest state· b•• lc ' lnt.ntry tr.inlng. during ttl. nut two d.v" ' feet. , research associate. into the North. not _ mu. ., tft.-.lgn.I.. G. I.wa City. i. \ • , ~upported colleges. Tho 14 'd,.ttHI .nd Mnn nl. T.mper.tu,..1 w.,.. b.lmV.1I The only thing, which is delaying ern Lights did not detect X.raYs· 't Andcrson said he hopes the rt,)· Const~uct.·on Pri~ ~b~~{~Y, :=d Rents at other Big Ten and Big un ...,. I... ' Ch.He., rldlnll .c,.." ttl. y. Th. them is the &un. It takes about two hours f0t: a ceivere will get impulscs from the . ' =. 40r .t... "'.... Eight in;tltuUons ringed Crom $26 in. charter'" bu •• P,..... V w.. only ••c.pHon. __ , In th. The ballOGns will be ' laWlched balloon to reach ma~mum lleight. balloon t\1roll&hou~ the day. High . G. Jow~ CII),. t~ $95 per month." ap... lnt.d "prlvat. In ch.,..." .xm~ •••t and IKal .,..•• In from the SUI foqtball practice Anderson said. ,. winds and rain present lhe pri· WASHlNCTON t.fI _ The Sen. ~~\ory and ~ o~~ fjeld. t R.dl.. will ".namlt nloc(ty '-' - ' ale began debating a bill Monday the or to co~ c::rn~~ Accerdlng .. tfIe SUI surv.V." A D.ilV I.w.n .rtiat ,..teuch· tfIe norlhw.. t. w",t'tI cloudlne" ,Kinsey And!:riOn, research, as- .nd I.... ntity Inform.tion .. n· (Con tinUed on Page. {-I.l' (0 s~ roadbuilding as an anU arrIedg~.~.!"u--,l ..... p.r "ftt ef tfIe 222 Mrr.ckl .tu· .d. photo ef "Til. P.lvl," to Mid r ••dlng. "'wn. sociate. Physics ,Department. and I celv.r. which will rK.rd ~ In· /' 'receS Ion move. The me.surc's m ...... ,.,.... . • .,.. poIl.d ...,w.rwcI 'th...... w wh •• h. will look Ilk. wMn TM low M,.. M.nd.y ni,ht Wei director of the SUI balloon e.xperi· form.tlon on IN ...,. t.pal. An.... B~LLQQN- , most di sputed provision ..... ould aim ______...... ;;.... ____ c.tion.I Institution. h.n .n obll: .rmy MrtM,. ..t hold ef him to- I., ttl. 1_ ... ments, said the first balloon will - at curbing billboar along new .OLLm.. ,.Hen .. provide hou.lng ••clli· d.V. be launched when intcnse sun flare W t Sk·· · C..I W superhighways. MIAMI. " •• WI - A 'raNff tI., fer m.m.d ,""ntl.nroll... activity Is reported. a er ling In IVI ar Alrll ...... fw'&MIN In ttl. Ins.ll'IItMns. W k 6 'PEt· He said two results of sun fiares . J.t~Mij~;!!. )~~'t.:c. L;,"!:: with 24 ...... The Burvey was conducted or on . ro- gyp .an will be the signal to launch the I hi blU "_L._ I ....,. _...... --....10..-..1 ---" through telephone interviews by balloons carrying SUI instruments: dd . f d . . f ghw.y for Hoor _t. •• =- llIIt., ...... : ~:~::nts~!r;:~lers~~~~~he~I~~n~ .' , Arab Prince er~) L~g~::'~BLEAUR~RA (North· An 0 ity 0 In onesia Stri e ~!~':'~:~~:~E =y'-=~~»:: a: presently In barracks. Rhys Miller, Underway _ 2) INTENSE MAG NET I C By JOHN GRIFFEN Mill... until ttl. bill la INIMd. ports ...... '"" .... C4. Waterloo. head oC the Student G bs P r storms. The bill Is designed to speed ..,uy Inl ...... n.r. .... 1m- Council student opinion survey Construction on Hlghlllay II be. ' ro owe Anderson said he receives coded F ...... C...... "**nt roadbuilding by mlklng available metft ... wen! _ ethers. committee. said. tween Newton roall and Iowa ave· tclegrams . reporting sun . flare AIIOCI.totI P,.." $11b billion more in federal Cunds ______"I. I. u,nJflcat to ~ ttI.t nue Is still In the preliminary CAIRO Ii! - King Saud has activity and other atmospheric this year than prescnt programs P B thll I,," hIS not 1IIc.~ 10 stage, ROD Terry, Cedar R.plds. turned over to his brother. the information Crom throuehout the PRAPAT. North Sumatra - ]t's a strange lIIar when you can would provide assover ars .metleMlIy Chart.ct · th.t ,tv· assistant ' resident en,ineer. said pro·Egyptian Crown Prince Fels· world every clay. water ski in a no Ill8JI'S land and wave at OPPOS i D~ I.!oops on ~r Opponents ~[ the billboard con· I ..... will not IfVIIy .-m and Monday afternoon. al. full control over the oil·rich A telephone alert has also been side. . frol p!pvision said it Is an eff9rt .' . , male. tflelr .wrJ r.tl.... 1 c.... He said actual pavln, probably Sa~dl Arabian kinadom's fOrelP ,!arranged fo~ reporting, high acU· But that's what went on at this lovcl)' mountain resort o~ l.ake to bnbe states to surrender a TOdd E ~ • cIUII-.," Bill Tetor, L3. Del will not begin before the middle fiDancial and lnternll aClalrs. vity, he said,. . Toba in North Sumatra. ..: portion oC lbcl~ sovereignly. . . • U nil, liS "'.. "u, I"'.nt Hdy pre.l.nt, or May. Work is now underway on . Cairo's press. reporting this The actual decision to launch a Two other llewsmt'n and my elf drove. from Indol)csian rebel , ~~ ""1. slfld. . building a retaining wall. MondllY. said Felsal presented- his Iballoon at any time Is. left to headquarters in Central Sumatra to 10qk lor the fighting front in the . W ks I .. '" ..:' "We wonder wI\;' the admlnistra· ThI w.1I will run frllm the ~::!g bd:~:~d.s:.~1~h~llha~t~!~tu~~ ~:!~rson alld piS assistantsl how· north, We found the tront on the mountain lake resort of Pra~l.. rec Cost owa P!:;!~~ ':~n:;:.-= '. Uon has not made such flaures .north II. 'of tfIe W..... n at.lra m!ght Indicate Felsal Is emerging I TM Phy.ies D.p.rt~nt ailO In • w.v. tfIe Incontlrulty is typlc.1 ., Indont.ia·, clyU ....~. $35 Millolon in '57 wt1l ,,* graftlride euIo&Ies teda1 available to the student body as the north anti welt to tfIe preMM as the klngdom's strong man.. has .ight new Skyhook,.•• tic 10m. han call,d it • cha,..... rd w.r who,.. b.~u ..... fought. pn- • for Mike Todd. acclaimed dIB"iDi schOols contacted by us did not w.1I on tM In".r INrt .. the Til. laudl Arabl.n aletatlon b.II00n1 to " I.unc..... by m.rlly without bloodaMd .nd victory der.:nd• upon which pi,,,., .DES MOIN. ES I.fI _ Tramc 'ac. ~_.~~~ .s' . ,en1us of .... request the ll,ures be confldcnt,ial. curn...... _ Un ...... N.t'--I --..... rlMd AUgu.t. An.rlOn Hid. muu ttl. • .,.nee •• _n .. ttl. ritht p.ce .t tfIe 'i-ht t1_. th ~ . he It...... 'That's true. ., cldenu cost lowans morc an \ The '. _.__ -nl ...... "Blrraclcs reBldents apparently PI ans for Ia nd scaplng t n er· tfIe tralhr of In ..mal ~ and Ha ••plaiMd that tfIe ",otic mill' I t the State Safet~ cere...... ,.. ww..., prt_._.. _ fccl Btrongly that tb~ need Is (or/section of Highway 6 and Iowa dotMatlc .....r .. PeIHI. Arab Mlloon. will ,..ac:h top level Mel Crack Jakarta paralr~ dropped into the Easl~ntral Sumatra. De~:nt ~~cd Monday. r and simple. The tiody ofllle flam. Iqw·renl. low-COllt housing." Teter avenue wUl be made ICter road MUrc .... tfIe U.N, Hid F,lul ,..maln .. th.t l.y.I fer 101M 011 region at Pakanbaru and scored a relatively easy major victory. The department's aMual score boyanl sbuwmaD will be laid .. laid. construction Is completed, said now will h... cern,.... .uthorIty tim.. A r .....r ballOOll ....,t4 Rebel sympathizers scized Medan. north of wh(Ore wc are, with a card on Iowa accidents figured the rest beaide that or hill f.ther. R8IIbl Th\r\eC1\ l)4lr clln\. o{ students Don J. Slnek, supervisor tiC the enr tM laudl Arabl.n ar",.d burst " ..... It ,..acho. Ita maxi· few artillery shots. then lost the city the next day when President cost of damage to property and Cbaim Goldbocea. in Waldbtlm polled felt that SUI was fuUlllln, ISUI Physical Plant. Sinek said he fwce., but that S.ud I...... d to mum holtht, II. Mill. Sukarno's Jakarta paratroops landed. injurie! to persons at $35.880.513. Cemetery ID IUburbu rorest PlHt. Its obllJatiOllI to married students expected ·the rock ledle at the ,..maln "'ad ef tM .t.... A timer sct before the balloon It', 1ft Kcident wM" tfley fI,ht. The cost Is more than three Todd. 50. _ tIrie otIIerI ~ with the proposed permanent hous-i intcrsectio.n will crop-out much While some sources cautioned Iis launched will rclease the instru· The rebel leaders stress that their lack of large forces mak.es It Umes the amount appropriated to killed In lUI airplane c:rub SeIut· '01 SUch a proposal hiS been like It dId bofore the Widenlnll agaJnst readlllg too much Into the ments to be parachuted to earth. necessary to avoid major batUes and to concentrate on guerrilla state education Institutions in the day. Todd WIll fIytnc Eat to ~. made b the Un'ver~lt prOject began. Saudi decree. there wer.e indica· Anderson said. Phyaicists have no warfare: last biennium _ and the appro- cept an honor from the FrIan y y, Slack is in charge of the up- tlons tI\Jt· Cairo was cxpecting conlrol over the balloon after It I While If!! true actual fighting has been much less tilan beadllne priations wcre defeated by veto. CI~N:m 1m:;, ...ta.a-~= HUICA'. STOLIN keep of most of that area. Fellal to work for I recontlilation is launched. claims on both sides. there have been exceptions. " ...... p'" . • T.rry· ••Id tfIe .Id ,..1"1 .111 between Saudi Arabia and Egypt. "We hope to learn IOmething In nearby Tapanull province. where the rebels are popular. thev PRISON RIOT gray-.," aaId Rabbl . Theft of a pair of hUDcaps ~al ' haft .. CIIIM out a. ltorm TM twa "att .... hne ....n feud· about the energy IUId the time be· ~ COLUMBUS. Ohio III _ A fire Joseph Ra.a of Coqrec.u.aI I reported to Iowa City police Mon- ....,..111 haft to ... 'natatllll '" ever ch.,... bevior of charged particles." An. burled 19 soldiers last week and 12 others are in the hospital IUId dlaturbance ill a 14O-m11J1 K'untll la'ael 01 EIIIa'. .. WIll day. Harold A. Bille • .\2, Slater, ...,. pay,", can ....'n. UtIlI- th.. t. MV. derson said. H...... aMi '"" hith IChoei ...... ,.. wile. ",~. honoI' dormItory ..t 0Id0 Peaitenti. omdate at .... funa'aI. ' told 'pollce hubo.pI. v.lued .t.-, ...... new I., tfIe prKHI .. .IHAInatoci He aald there Is' only a slim I TMY had foutht I" • Mttle .,...... J ...... ",metr• .,.... . ary eoclechrithollt wIout...... "'!'be 1t ..,.• ...",...... "'_MU ,al!P WCN. removed from his ~ s.tur. NlMyl"l II ... '.ntI pi .... which N.... r·. new chance that any X·,ayl wlU 1M! IINr "antar, U m~", ...".. ef 1M,.. . ~ cr injury MondIJ. i!rier ' W.... air.. ,.".,.. ,.." •. : 1I4ly ntcht. The 'car Till Hl'kt'd 011 ...14 ... I, the INth ., c.... true- ., .."... preaent-' in the cosmic rays durina "They left 6n SunclllY slnJIng· ln truekl." a WOmall aald. lOne,. R.tph W. AI¥iI .,....uaed .." talk P-.veI' II ' • ...... , fIut the north I'leld~ee lot, tMln, Ilny one (light. Only 2 0114 DJihIB ' came bnck. Tuesday dead OIl the floor boards." , , ~ with pr~8 toda,. startiIII...... , - I .'. How To Curb Recession? . ~ From The Littered Desk ,I I rrh~1)ally ' lowan " , ••,f" 1, , TIll! Dally Zowan I~ wrlttrn and edited by students and Is govl'r/led by a ooord of five student trusteel elected by till! student body and four faculty trustees appointed by tile presidellt of tile University. Tile Dally Iowan', ·Need BI~~p.~i~t :, R~~i'siqn Slattery' 5 Slah~s ' editorial policy, t',eretore, II not an expression Qf SUI administration policy or oplllion In any parllcular. , • . Tomorrow is 'lection day, and you puts your "X" ill 'the Pa.o 2 TUESDAY, MARCH 2S, 19S1 Iowa CIIy, Iowa By J. M. ROBERTS Unemployment and decrease in· t)usine~ has Associlhld Press News Analyst reached proportions considerably. b~ond 1953·54 . circle of your cherce, and you gets what you got coming. Or .",. But it is happening at a far higher Ie I r with else YOll don't and you not only get what you got coming, but huring the 1953.54 recession Govcrnment econ· employmen!, prices and business at reCord Icvels f omfsts convinced numbers of people that they had when compared with only a few years ago, you deserves it tool I. \ f found the key to a stable economy. o • o • " They th6ught runaway deflation was a thing of THAT LEADS TO confusIon as to what measures it, C the past. Inflation was still to be dealt with, but should be ~pplied when, to establish a balance of Campus el clion arc traditionally ",IHairs of the part," I T runaway deflation, accompanied by widespread un· living standard without reviving InClation. and the least part at that. Student Council berths are excellent I employment, was what always caused the really The spectacle of millions of unemployed facing recommendations, along with SPf, etc., for membership in serious troubl e. rising Cood costs is unusual. Among the Cirst reo V 'Onerary organizations of all types and have often meant little I ' THE KEY WAS suppOsed to have been Ule actions is to extend unemployment benefits. il ability of the Federal Reserve System to pump up Vast uriemploymept benefits, however, failed tQ O! nothing elsc. \Vh ther because of the scns of futility past C c~edjt through easement of interest on loans to ~everse the business ' trend quring the great de. "popularity contests" have engendered or because of a raging, l' member banks. I. I of the 'lOs. The ec\>rfop1y Slit up and tobk ( I ", ~ression passionate tlisit~te"est, most (II stud(>llt~ have not bothered , It was supposed then that a ~ecesslOn h~d been a little nourishment. by 1(137) I but expansion was overcome Without resort t.o various blueprIntsJor not resumed until the war prders from Europe to vote in campu el~ctions: , or cOurse they have the conduct ' ( pepPIng up the economy ID other ways. began to arrive in ~939, of their elclers to guid e them - and this alone co uld accolmt (; Now there is a suspicion, although time has " for miserable turnouts - although it does not. o been too brief Cor thorough analysis, that easeil ~NEMPLOYMENI BEN~"I1'S had \lroYeIi,! a L bank credit is not having great eCfect. certainly mamtenance dosage,. but nol ~ ~usc)e bU\19~11 I lit... not' a decisiv~ effect, on the current recession. Great sections Of*lbusiness still doubt that this Tl~e recbrd of thc Student Council for the past year is ]e BANKERS ARE SAYING that the Federal Re- is a s.eriou!i l ~ecessio , and fevy think it is ,the for~­ \\ serve intcrest culs have been too small. ~ut theil ; runnCll of la~ real pression, Many think that a elilltinct imprOVCI)l ent over the record of th' councils pre­ ceeding it, at least in the past few years. n own figures show reserve funds available lor loans " when the automobile business goes back to utility. tl are above demand for credit. insl~E.(Q of pointing atlstyle and obsol sc~nc~, things I The council - with the support of other campus organiza­ fe It also has .become obvious that the so-caJled will settle down. . tions - has initiated and made a going concern of "Old Gold blueprints held in reserve for other recession·beat· But Britain has just cut ner bank rate. which ing action were J]ot very detailed, or else not she rais~d less than a year ago, and spOts are Days," a function designed to interest the better high school designed to meet the type of thing-which is going showing up in ·the booming West German economy. students in SUI; it has completed drtailed smveys and investi­ on now. The big trouble seems to be that there The blueprin~ers are being caJled on for some gations into slich things as Capital Jmpl'ovements , race rela- '1 is no applicable yardstick. quick revisions. tions, married student rcntal, the parking situation, housing - find equally untls'ual - with a thoroughness atypical of student L~tters to the Editor activ ities, It would be too bad if this uclden activity proves to be Point Out Unfair Policy; Irresponsibility; Errs nothing more thanl' a suelden and short .Iived turbulence in a TO THE EDITOR: why hide it until one has attained means of protection against germs, wiele, quiet stream of disinterest, and quote: "apathy." In his review ' of th~ current the honorific position accompany- whl:m sanitation is' imperative _ .. 0 .... Ii, , Scllldture exhibit of Leroy Lamis, ing a Master's degree? The Daily loi*!m is irresponsible A number of candidates fOl' Trust cs or tl,e BO'iud of Stu· Mr. ~ames Trissel did an extreme- In the other fine arts depart· en~llg h to splatter the ·result of dent Publications Incorporated have taken the time to talk I), commetldable jdb as a "·crlti'c. ments'on.(his ·campusl,there.is' a.,pa I Gr~y's. mental dysentary all . I ' ,. • .' " With a p01itene~s '.and ~incerit>, that great deal of open contribution, lOver pa~e two. /0 me about po.)eles affectmg The Dmly Iowan, and although. we would find impOssible to musie~' eve'r\ '6n th\! ' utitfet!tt'l1l1udte"Iavel: For shame. ' I ,don't feel free to support any individu;ll because of my po· ourselves. hE\, has very tastefully poetry readings. plays, literary Joe MU$clva~o, AI sition as editor I am glad to see this interest in the paper f~Jfilled his l qbligatio l1 ,as a. reo \ PIUbjli~CatiOns, ' mHsi~ .: (!il/als, ~a~y , : Ql,ladraogle , , rr by people wh; might eventually be helping form its broad viewer. InC/dentally, .1y1r. Tpssel 0 cp ar.erdOQe.~ ' flqtdents , stlll , ., .,., . . " did a competent rpview with little wO; I g on 'il BA~liet6r's or ¥as· TO T~J: ,EDITO~:, \; I pohcles, Though I ha.ve had my dIfferences WIth the bo!lrd .:... • to start from, whereas Mr. Mezey ter s degree. Yet,.m the art deOart- Your editorial 011 . Iowa State's tJ1C main one being pre-r llding of editorials - I certainly can- Tre,! t y.T a Ik could have had Lorca·s.greatness. ment, student pamters ,and ~qulp- one hundredth birthday last Sat;. , 1l0t complain ,0£ undue preS mes or res trictions, Ant\ the edi- It h I h h" tqrs must dabble away m thCl~ reo urdll1' was fitting and proper. But ' r . ' . , recognizing East Gcrmany as an independent tion s;~~~: so~~~;.'~r~ ~~~~~~ S~llctive kcornt~lr st'h hoping no&odY it sounded like a little boy teasing ftonUJ( ae VISor haks J~ever Oh)lecteehl to an)'thmg but errors of To ke pthe Enst Cerman question off the d Summit Conferencc ag('nda, Nikita Khrush­ nation. should be used for such charlatan- WI pee. un I ey ar~ grante his sister. It had tbe effect of act ),ep, I ma e em too. T e reason I think control of ism, when the space could·be used the sancbon oC a Master s degree. saying, "Yna, yna, I'm eleven editorials should be exercis('d after publications i not so much chev is talking these days of settling the strife F or instance, t h e Civi I War in this country A few of the outstandmg students years older than you are!" I won- . . , . between East and West Germany with a was a cruel family scrap b tween the North- to exhibit good traveling shows, or have exhibited in such shows as der if the person who wrote the because ,of, as IT,I spIte of, the pre$ent SituatIOn. I p rsonally if ,at one time it is impossible to the annual Des Moines s.how (a.nd d·t . I ' Ii' h feel that the I)resent I)olicy ... in the spirit of ((uiding the child treaty. . crn an d Sou th ern S tates. But'if Eng1 an d pr~ure a good show, fo use the 0 ltd t C tel ona adds IS own age w en t> or France during the tL-n e of the war, had spac,e for exhibiti'on oC outstanding ne SUI; I S U en won ITS prIZe he signs his name to any birthday on the bicycle - guides the stutlrllt too long and in general lIe realizes that if Germany's question last year), but they were nev,er al- card he might send to his friends?'b . f . . " .. gets on the agenda, the heads of the meeting made a treaty with the Confederate States, stuqent work. As the present policy lowed to exhibit in the main gal- contn utes to developmcnt 0 Hei sman s outer directed men, the whole picture would have changed. stands ' 0 nI y ac Cep t ed th es I s pal'nt - lery. .. , It sounds as if we are a wee bit Better to take the l)fobably inevitahle "disturban. ces" and help nations would probably decide to settle the , ings may be hung in the gallery. Th tit f jealous when we brag that our fine strife with a free election. Such a 'treaty would have meant that the When one considers that the four e presen po ICY IS no aIr school is eleven years older than develop the self-reliance and maturity that mnst go with posi- . either to the students, or to those " .. ' If this were to happen, East Gem1any SOl.lt Ilern S tates were no longer part a f the main hallways o( the art.,.building iiiterested people who wish to see ISC. tlOns of responSIbility. might decide in the polling places to leave United States, but ap independe\l 1I1\~i9n. . are~lso ~sed to exhibit thes~ same what i$ going on Itt our own lom- Wayne R. Beal, A2 There is a, powerful d terrellt to irresponsibility: fire the ttJe paternal protection of Khrushchev's sha­ ] lad such a treaty een made t~· ~~ theSIS pamtlngs, t~e~ why not use munio/. If ,th~ cUF n~ ~xhibiti n is B203 Quadrangl. I editor dow and rejoin the West. II 1 h b ~ j I . l the gallery to exhIbIt those works lin ! INlamp(e 0(1 'iTIA(ur/!" art . . WOU C .no onger ave een e~f\ 'J. . to' . \1 whtth are currently beirig pro. neitn~j ';:he art ~t~dht!$ reor th~ TO TI'! ,~ EOIT?R: . . " , And 'agairtst all I'llles of a~gumelltatjon , I will be candid To avoid this, Khru hchev talks about a ,;ar Wlt!1 the SO~lth I~ut In a 11, ''t'g~ /,; I d~e~? , I faculty shoulM.... ~~ , Api' fea re- In tegal'ds to the enclosed a~ticle enollgh to aOQlit t'hat I Ipight be wrong. " treaty. Though it is doubtful he could evcl' slon WIth another , Granted, much of the current gar?ing tM ya1\.le ex ibi- ?n r09k'ets:, I .. • " I J1Jdepeo~ ~ II ~ cr 1 I tf It*l~t la)lrtchln~ lest (prl~t'ed ~ Sl1ccccd i ,l}\aking a trfjaty between East' and stMe. 1.11 It,' 0 is riot yet mature enoulh lor I ,tlol\$ II) th~ main ' ~~ jl ~ . 10 t~e March 2~ edltlOn- A home- "I .. 1. 'h, . . b ., . . "I ,'iil f· t· .' made roo~et wllooshed som'e 500 • West Gerrw1I1Y; it is still a clever idea. If K uus chev could make a trea~y e- publIC exhIbItIOn, However, the as- ,,' :. t" j""n . kJ A4 feet· t 'th I . ~ I ' t" t.J . ",,, 'I. LI ....,-,.....,._~Ih'-_-+-+,~ _J . 1 I th . . l I ' .. t ', I .. , n JD 0 e air n a es nla, near - , I At pres¢l t, 11 t Gennany, in spite of be­ tween East and \vest Germany he W()ll d be sumpt 01'1 at the aCQulslt)tm oC lui ' .. ~: I uay'D '.- io\!J , TltLrsdat ' .. ' ."J the firSt I !'lara- well on his way to cutting East dcnt nation, Khrusl1chev could absorb jt into tIIlg I up as an ID epen en a e o' l~ _ the mOI1lElnt 10 the graduate r ~.lIve come ·to the conch~slon II tJld kl1 thO . 0lltl the territory of Hussia or make a satellite Once Khrushchev had achieved this he and even sometimes.ln the under- ' that 1'he Daily Iowan has no sense Y04 S 0 ow a9 IS ,I. ' f t f' . 'b'I't D' George E, Strombeck Al nation out of it, as 116 has with Hungary. WOn Id be in a position tp make a satellite out gra dua te Ieve I s, W01' k 0 rna ure 0 C~VIC responsl I I y. urll,lg a Ell' The treaty Khrushchev speaks of is a way of this new1y formed nation just as he has enough. caliber for exhibition. T~e period when A~i.atic .and Iowl Clu 516 , • Bur n,too , ' dynamiC process of growth In may become epidemIC, when aoc- Editor's I Note: Thanks. The of making East Germany an independent made a satellite out of Hungary and the other creativity is constantly going on; tors warn us to use every posSible Iowan erred hear. nation. Different parts of a nation do not Eastern European nations bordering on Rus­ make treaties to get aLong with each other, sia, Only iJlClependent and sovereign nations make This would not make conditions within treaties. ' East Germany any worse than they are today, General Notices To be able to make a treaty is a sign that or any bettel', but it would wrest from West General Notice.' must be received at The Dan), Iowan oHlce. Room 2()1. Communlca~on. Center, II, By ANDREW BYERLEY and the SUI faculty held an emer· 8 a.m. for publication the foUowllll mornlnl. They must be typed Or le,lbly written and slcned; the), StaH Writer a nation has attained individuality. If We~t Germany any legal claim for reunification. wJU 1I1't be accepted b, lelepllone. The DaIlY Iowan reserves the rleht to edit all Qeneral Notice-. gency meeting in Old Capitol. The Germany should make this kind of treaty witg It is extremely doubtful that Khrushchev facully voted to su pend the stu· ORCHESIS - Members attend as Women's Gymnasium on Monday, M~st ' SUI professors were friend· dent for one year, to set an ex· Ea t Germany (which it would probably c~uld ever succeed in making such a treaty, participating hostesses at the Jo- Tuesday, Thursday and Friday ly to students in 1861. In 1861 ample . many students carried pistols. The never do), West Germahy would be in effect but it was clever of him to think of it; seph Gifford Master Class during from 4:15 to 5:15, All women stu- THE PROFESSORS sent for the regular meeting time March 25. dents, staff, and faculty members proCessors didn't. NOW AND THEN professors studcnt, who hurried to Old Capi· are iuvlted, • • tol. The professors glared at him. PENGUINS SWIMMING CLUB __' would tell lhe students it wasn't for University women will meet on FANIIL Y HITES at the Field­ dignificd to WE)ar gun belts to class. "You 're suspended for one year." Expenses a professor sternly told the stu· , We~esdays Cram 4:15 to 5:15 until bouse for students. sr,oft. faculty, Bllt the students laughcd and kcpt . the end of the school yeat." their I spouses and their families TUES,qAY, MARCH 2S, 1958 . their pistols, an4 ilie profcssors dent. leA Requests Money for New Employes nervously laughed tpo. "How long?" the student asked IWRA STUNTS AND tUMBLING on the second and fourth Wed- R ]).m. - Uoiill>rQitv Play-"The Finally, in 1862, the SUI laculty coldly. THe professors glanced un­ BV GEORGE DIXON Iy stiff (or janitorial services. · CLUB-All wo;t;en sludents' are In- oe!d~Y8 of each month. Recreation· Sea Gull" - Univere.ity 'theatre ruled thal "students are prohibited ~ertainly at one another. WASHINGTON - Membcrs of I w~ld hope tila' each of the The .Senate hali ~assed a b~ll . to vited each Tuesday and Thursday, al swimming and famlly.type actio . , , Congress, who receive wages of Wednosd.y, Mlrch 26 . from wearing firearms." Students "ONE YEAR," a proCessor said Cifty is not to receive $22,000 be- authonze the ~pendmg of ~ mllhon at 4.5:15 p.m, in the Women's vltles wUJ be avaIlable from 7:15 took off their gU1lbelLs and SUI $22.500 a year, looked a little ask­ cause, if they are, I am going to ~or the 1960 Wmter Ol~mplc Game's G,vm. to 9:15 p.m. _ 8 p.m. - University Ch9rus and uneaSily. ance the other day when the In­ be very dissatisfied with my lot, m Squaw Valley, Cahf. The 'rea- -- ,''' ---c:- , Orchestra 'E)ster Concel' "- Iowa professors stopped acting so friend· However, six months later the ternational Cooperation Admini­ I wouldn't be astonished if some sure is rlfnning Into op'poslt~on \ PLAYNITES lor stuQ$!nts. staff PARIeING - ThI! un~v~rsity park­ Memorial Union. Iy. student applicd for readmission, 'stration requested an additional Congressmen. who have to spend in the Houke, but Chairman Carl ' and faculty and their spouses at ing ,commlttee reminds student 8 p.m. - University Play .... "The It wasn't normal Cor professors and surprised lind nervous sur $1.1 million a year to add 50 new at the rate of somewhat more than Vinsofl, o( the House Armed Ser· the Fieldhouse each Tuesday and autolMs that tJ1e 12-~ur ~arking Sea Gull" - UnlverSity Theatrc. to act friendly to students in 1862, professors held a faculty meeting. employes to its payroll. The ICA $500 a year be re-elected, put vices Committee, who is all Cor Friday night (rom 7:30 to 9:30 limit applies to all Uruverslly lots . Thursday, March 27 BY 1865 SUI professors had fOI'­ . "The boy mIght get restless I( explained the money was for "sal­ in sneak applications. thc bill, wants to gel it passed p.m. Admission will be by faculty, except t~e storage lot south of the 8 p,m. - University Play '­ gotten pistols. A few students be­ wc don't readmit him, '. a profes· aries and related expenses." The explanation must lie in the with a minimum or talk. Conse· staff or student 1.0. Card. The Hydrauhcs Laboratory. "The Sea Gull" - University gan wearing guns under th('i1' sor sold, and the (acuity voted to The CongJ:essmcn did some la­ "related expenses," although I quently he shut off a promising Weight Training Room w\ll be Theatre. coats, but professors didn't nolice. rl'odmit the studellt six months borious arithmetic and (igured that trust it does not mean that the piece of oratOt'y at a hearing of his at the following times: Mondays, 4 POLL WATCHERS - Applications 8 p.m. - John F. Murray lee· One March day in 1865 an sur early, ICA-ers are going to spend money 'tt th th d t W dn d for 500 poll watchers for the aU- ture by Dr. Albert Ifadte, United studcnt got Into an argument with 56 ICA-ers at $1.1 million worked comml ee e 0 er ay. 06 p.m.; e es ays, 4 to 6 p.m.; campus election March 26 JVust be On October 11, 1865, the sludent out to $22.000 a year each - or, on their relatives, If they are, it H~ had to wait, however, until an ridays, 4 (0 6 p.m. ' in by Saturday to Student Co n '1 Nations economic advisor - Sham· an low, City storekeeper. ancl returned to SUI. Some people just $500 less than the elected .rep­ can be consictered nothing but dis- ASSIstant Secretary of Defense for -- OfCice u CI baugh Lecture room. drew a pistol. The news flash d claimed the sludent still carried rE!sentatives of the people are al­ crimination. Col. George Gordon ManpOwer. Personnel. and Re- Y CA BABY SITTING - A' • • Friday, March 21 over the SOl campus, and prOfes· a gun, and everyorle was pollle to lowed. Many who felt their teeth More is a relative of President serve William H. Francis, Jr., .pre· baby-sittin~ se~vi~ ~ the residents UNIVERSITY COOPE RAT I V E 8 p.m. - Humanities Society, sors jumped up Crom philosophy him - including lhe professors. , would stand the strain, gnashed Eisenhower, but even he is not sen ted the case for the stadlU';l' of klwa CIty IS belOg offe~ed b1 BABY-SITTING _ League book Sir Charles P. Snow - Senate books and partly dissccted toad . (Based on information found In SUI them. Ipi:~~s.~s receiving "related ex· Then ~ngle .was asked by ~halr. ~ersonal Service corruruttee of will be In charge oC Mrs. Dorothy Chamber, Old Capitol. "Thosc stud(lnls are carrying It its request. the lCA did not ·man Vmson IC he had ~ythmg to the Y.W.C.A. Call x2240 to make Kenyon from March 18 to AprJl 8 p.m. - University Play - "The pistols again!" proCessors ragcd, rlcord,). specify the nature or extent of the However, a mere (ifty new em- say. . . arrangement.!: for transportation 1. Telephone her at 7508 jf a sitter Sea Gull" - University Theatre. "related expenses" it expected its ployes at a crack seems.p modest The senatorial asplr~nt had and lIrice. or information about joining the Satvrd.y, Morcl) 29 . proposed new hirelings to Incur. addition for the ICA, considering plenty - but he commItted the , group is desired - 8 p.m. ·- 'University Play, "The Nor did it make clear if the $1.1 the pace at which it has been tactical blunder. oC beginning: WOMEN'S GYM - There will be ~ Sea Gull" - University Theatre. • ,J million was to be split among the augmenting itseU. Four years ago "I cannot add mucll to ' what As- .recreational swimming at the " · : ,....-...... , . . I r $unday, March 30 . fifty evenly. Af~r all, Our interna­ it had 6.571 on its payroll. Now it sistant Secretary Francis has al- POSltIO~ OP~N - The poslho~ ~ p.m. - Iowa !Mountaineers tionally·helpful agency has one has 10,928. ready said-" WSUI Sh d I of ert~cuhve dlre~t~r of the UOl· Film-Lecture - NIII Smith....: category of 4,858 employcs, the Nevertheless if the new fifty can That was sufficient opening for J C e ue vcrs ty YWCA on a three·fourths "Eur~pe.'s I Toy Countries" - Ma.c­ bulk oC whom are listed as jani­ gain us fifty ounces of additional Chairman Vinson . "Thank you very ti~e , basis with ad,equa~e, salary is brIde, Attditofium. good.will abroad, I suppose they much" he gavelled _ and th t waUl - IOWA CITY 010 k/o beln, offered to a qualifIed young tors. And $22,000 a year, even in­ ' d . a T ....d.y. Maroh 16, 10111 woman graduate stUdent for the Mol)c/ay, Morch 31 cluding "related expenses," is Cair- will be cheap at $22,00 each, was the en of It for )lep, Engle, 8100 Mornlnl{ Chapel comln"-yellr. The 'candidate select. 4:10 p.m. - College of· Medicin~ , ------...... !---c:-- 8:15 News 8 5' p.m.. an Mondey, from T a.m., to I 8:30 Life Problem. ed will also receive a tuition Rock\VQOO 'Memorial Lecture - Dr. PT ·ml .,.TUeada, thrO~!ht Trlde:rMankd from 89 ••: 41~ TGhllebeBort °Hkl'!.hheelft schojarshlp', provjdjng she can CharJes \t' l s~wyer, UCJ.A, Dept. of ­ ~ 'Dally Iowan ID~~~~ .I~~~.,.~~~O;:'L SI~:t:: o :30 •. m., on - urda)'. • e-,DOd". h I I Manaaln. Edltor ""'" Don MltcbeJI aervlce on mllsed papan b not pOlslble, 10 :00 News meet sc 0 astic requ rements. Anatomy :- "Some Interactions be· MEIIIBEa City Editor ...... , Marilyn Ll'on but ever)' effort wJII b. made to cor- 10:15 KJtchen Concert Candidates should have some lead . tween the NerVOUS System and the AUDIT BUaEAV AuWant City Editor .. John Jan_n red erron with the nut luue, 11 :00 Conservation in Hawkeyeland or Allistant City Bditor .. Tom Powell nl 11 :[5 Welleyan Vellpers ershlp experience In group work Pituitary-Gonad Axis" - Medical CUWULATIONI Newl Ildltor .... ,...... Jim Davlel II:~ Edltor's Desk activities and must have the ap- Amphitheatre. I Socleb' Ultor ...... Jane Rub17 MJ:M1IEJt of the ASSOCIATED PIUC8II Publlihed dally u~ept .Sunda, and Sporu Editor ... ,...... Alan HOIlllu The A...,.,lated Prel' II entitled ex­ ~bo ~~~~hm Rambles proval of the department in Which 8 p.m. - Civic Music Associa­ Monday and lelal holiday. by Stu­ Edltort.1 Pa.e Editor .. Suunne 1'0... clusively to the use for ,...ubllcaUoD 12:'5 Over the Back Fence they are enrolled. Young women tion, Oberlin College Choir - Mac­ dent Publication., Inc., Communlca- Chief Photo,rapher. , Don HanelWortb of aU the local newl printed In thJI I :00 Mostly Music h ,tIon.• Center. Iowa City. Iowa. En­ Review Boprd Chairman ... , ... , ... . \ new.paper as well as all AP DeWl 1:5I! New. W 0 are interested should get in bride Auditorium . . tered as second clalll matter at the " ...... ".. Robert Me .." dispatch ... 2:00 Llvlni Toeetber touch with the present director, 8 p.m. - Graduate English So­ POlt office at Iowa City, under the DAILY IUp.aVIIOa. raoll ;:~ ~~~:lyTUMn;.I~ MiSl Margaret Huflman, at the clety, Pentacrest Roo,!!, Student act 01 Conlreu of Marcb I, 1178. DAILY IOWAN ADv.aTIIING .TAn IOWAN Pa,. AdverUllnl Mtr ...... lIel Adami ICHOOL or IOUILNALIBIII rACULT'I ~ ....._ .... UniverSity YW office in the Mem- Union. Richard Sc~~hner, "The ANt. Advertlalnl Mtr. ,. Jobn Rudd), Publl.her ... ,..... John M. HarrllOq .:00 Cbll4ren', Hour ori.l Union. DI.I 4191 from noon to mldnJabt to Cla.Uled Manal.r . . Jack Powera &dltortal ...... Arthur M. IlandenoD •• 0#,", Joe • .lune , Turn of the Screw: An Excursion report new. Item., women" pale Promotion Manaler .. ,.... Jim Ortb Advarttllnl .... ' ... Il. John Kotlmaa 5:30 Newl , mto Chaos." Public' tllvlted: SWm., or UUlounc:ementi to 'nle ClreulatiOD ...... Wilbur P.leraoo 5;45 lportatlme Pall, Jo~an. EdItorial oUicea are 8:00 Dinner Hour IADMINTON C:LU8 - All uni· T.,..uy, Allril V '. iii \lie Communication. Center. DAILY IOW.o\Jf CIIIC17L&TJOR TaU.nal, SOUD or ITUDaNY 8:55 News 7:30 p.m. Public -,-.._ u •••_ PuaucATJONa ?:oo Challen,e verslty stUdents. men and women, 8: 00 Concert PM lubeerlptloa r..... - b" ~atrler In ...... -- .... Jeaul IIeu4 Dr. 0.0... ¥loa-. DanUitry; DeY\4 are blvited to baclmlnton club .t Spjlaklng ::-;;;I~~iJj~Chlln. lowl Cit),. I~ eenll weeki, or tlO ~, ...... r ••. , IIIcJIMl Dallq H. FItaalmmolU, AI; Thelma. .. 9:00 Trio ______JlalllUton, A61 Prot. BliP ~110 8:45 the Women'. Gym from 4:15 to bcr, Old CI per In adv~; .Ill month., News and SpOrti I ".r 10100 StGN orr 1:15 every Monday and Wednes­ tl l~)" Kin, r",u ... SyndK .... Inl., Wo,ld ' I ,~II'U'II: ~or E~perlmenlal BIology and .he films "Accident Service" and today in the East LobbJ' concer. / :um Dairy Tickets at $2 per couple are now on sale in the dormitory offices Mr. Ralpb C. Wehner, son of Mr. , wUl meet at 7:30 p.m. P.~edl~ne ~ "Alcoholism-The Revolving Door" enee Room of the Iowa Memorial ;,.~ ~ for the second InLer·dormitory dance to be held Friday from 8 to 12 • and Mrs. Ralph C. Wehner ~f nIght LR room. 179 of ~ SUI Medi· t" ..:...... In the tedical Amphitheater Union. E\'c!,)'One is ~·eJcome. p.m. in the main lbunge of the Iowa Memorial Union. Aledo, lll. cal LaboratorIes Bullding. at· Ralpb Marterie and his orchestra will provide the music for the Miss Mickey Is a sophomore ilt THETA SIGMA PHI, women's dance in tbe ballroom, and the SUI In the School of Fine Arts. journalism fraternity, will meet at Behm·Martin band will play in the Mr. Wehner is a senior In the SUI 4:30 p.m. today in the lounge of River Room of the Union. College of Engineering. the Communications Center. Vote! INTER·DORM KING and Queen Head Sought The wedding will take place on .. will be announced at the 10:30 p.m . April 5 at 4 p.m. In the First IOWA CITY ALUMNAE CHAP- intcrmlssion. Candidates for the Methodist Church in Creston. TER OF DELTA ZETA will install crowns are: Jo Ann Poots, A2, Newton, Commons; Jean Love, A4, For SUI Art Oelwein, Currier; Jan Newcomber, ONE N3, Dixon, lll., Wesllawn; George Final & Finest Gillberg, A2, Chicago, Ill., South Department Judy Y~AR Quadrangle; Keith Linn, AI, Ken· osha, Wis., Quadrangle; Jerry A nationwide search is under TERM Lambert, A4, Maquoketa, Hillcrest. way to seek a successor to Dr. Scfle RUSSEL The tickets will be used as bal· Lester D. Longman, who resigned I • lots the night of the dance. Tbe I of women will write their favorite ast week as head of the SUI Art male candidate for King on half of Department, effecti ve at the close Marilyn Mickey the ticket and the men will vote o[ the 1958 summer session. • All Cashmeres TWO [or one o[ the Queen candidates on Earl E. Harper, director of tbe plus ,Dick YEAR. the other half. SUI School of Fine Arts, Monday Big Ten IFe TERM "ATLANTIS" is the theme of the described a 4.part survey now un. balance party and decorations around this BOYLA. 'N theme are being planned by Cur- der way among the nation's out- Conference of rier and Commons, women's dorm- slanding art educators, art depart­ itories. The ballroom will resemble ment alumni, SUI faculty members • Pastel Sprin'g an underwater kingdom with mer- and friends of the University to To Be Here TWO maids, and giant Tocks. 1' seek the names of candidates for Skits will also be presented dur- the department headship. The Big Ten Interfraternity Wool Skirts Charlie YEAR ing the intermission. Students from "It will not be easy to find a sue· Council (lFC)·Panhellenic eonfer­ TERM ill a the six dormitories will participate cessor to Dr. Longman," Dr. Harp· ence wll\ be held at SUI April l7·l9 in the entertainment. er said. "But we are determined DAY for the first time in the history of The inter·dormitory tea for dor- at once to conserve the values DON'T MISS THIS AT .. _ mitory officers, advisors, the fac· which have resuited from his lead­ the conference. ulty and guest~ at the dance will ership and to move on to greater Built around the tbeme "Return Willard/s be held at 9:30 p.m. achievements in the future." to the Deealog," the nine visiting ef Iowa City STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, INC. The SUI art head will become universities will send sIx delegates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chairman of the art department at and two faculty advisors lor a total the University of California at Los of 72 visitors. SU./ Physics Angeles beginning with the, fall I •• I "l I .J I term. SU I will ~ repre ..nted by a .imilar number of official dele. Department ga ... ; however, Greeks are urged to participate in conven- .' What 'do'es ,this fruit have to do with this cigarette, filter? Host for Sigma tlon acti"ltle. and make the , r Award ,uests feel welcome, 'Gets Xi To Be Physics Threb delegates tram each Greek One ot 10 "certificates of excel· Department housing unit will attend the con· lence to credit giant steps in tech­ ference banquet in the Main nological miniaturi~ation during With presentation of experimen. Lounge of the Jowa Memorial 1957" has been awarded to the SUI tal findings of SUI participation in Union Friday, April 18. Physics Department, according to the International Geophysical Addrnsing del.,a"s at the an announcement Monday by Hor- Year, the SUI Physics Department banquet will be Glen T. Nygreen, ace D. Gilbert, Keene, N.H. will play host to the local chapter dean of I'MII at Kent State Uni· Keene is an industrialist and of Sigma Xi, national scientific "enlty, Kent, Ohio. As a mem­ chairn1an of the Miniaturization honorary fraternity, Wednesday at ber of sigme Alpha Epsilon, he Awards Committee, an independ· 6 p.m. in Room 301 of the Physics has been active in fra"r,dtv af· cnt group representing industry, buildihg. fairs .ince hi. graduation in "n education, the military and govern- James Van Allen, .sUI PhysiCS from the University of W.. lWng- mcnt. Departmcnt head, was originally ton. I The sur department headed bY ! scheduled to address the meeting The convention theme Is based James Van Allen earned its minia-I but has been called to Washington, on a statement o[ ten fraternity turization certificale by developing ' D.C., rc~rted Stanley Bashkln, as· policies, ,I.lre~ented at the Jofatioryal a tape recorder 21,2 inches in di- sistant prdlessor of phySics and Interfrat~rruty Conference lR 1944 . ameter and weighing only pight chairman for the ' meeting. Each university has peen assigne? ounces, to serve as a "memory" Kinsey Anderson, research as­ one Of t.)1e. policies on whic~ its for each orbit of Explorer satellites sociate in physics will discuss dele~a tell will lead discussion. II and Ill. George H. Ludwig, G, "Geomagnetic Storms and X·rays Del ..a ..s will be housed in Tiffin ; d c.~ igned the tiny tape re- . ill the Upper Atmosphere," and thei r respecti". fr,"rnlty a,lld corder, which was built in the SUI : Carl McIlwain, G, Iowa City, will lorortty hou .." Members repre­ physics Jabol'.atorics. I speak on "Rockets ano Auroras." .entlng Gr ..k .organbations not having ch.pt.... at SUI will be dlvitled amon, the Greek l1ou .... lAWS Convention- A party is seheduled April 19 at the Ranch, honodng the delegate~. All SUI Greeks are invited. SUI Association of Women Directing cont:erence plans arc Sue Fischrupp, A3, Hinsdale, Ill. , 3S' and Dan Thompson, C3, Hawarden. I, Students Host Schools DANCE CLASS Modern dance techniques will be The Spring vacation at SUI will be session of the convention. convention time [or region II mem- Mademoiselle magazine will cov­ demonstrated by Joseph Gifford, stu· New York dance expert, in a mas· ex· bers of the Intercollegiate Associa· er the convention and plans to run tion of Women Students (lAWS), an article about it soon. Miss Julie ter class tonight at 7:30 p.m. in The SUI Association of Women Mayer of the magazine's New York tbe Women's Gymnasium. Sponsor· StudenLs will be hostess to 35 I staff will be in Iowa City during ing the master class in modern schools from seven Midwestern col· the convention. dance are the women's physical -THE ·VICEROY FILTER IS, ADE leges and universities. All del ...... will be staying In education department and the SUI Welcoming the delegates at the Currier H.II. Students planning dance group, Orchesis. opening session April 3 will be M. to go home for .prlng vacation L. Huit, Dt'an of Students. Loren have colt.ented to give their bed. Hickerson, SUI Alumni director, to delega ..s durl~, the long Are college will also address the group at the, week.en.d.. . . 7:30 p.m. session In the Main Asslstmg M~s~ KUOlk coordmate students Lounge of the Iowa Memorial ~onvenbon ~cbvltles are the follow· FRO:M.A ' PURE, NATU~AL Union. 109 commltt~e members: . ~ay Lund, A2, DIxon, Ill., publiCIty; going to "Regional conv.ntions art held Mary Showers, N2, Kirkwood, Mo., during the years when a national arrangements and transportation; convention I. not held," Harriet I Mary Huey, A3, Princeton, III., the devil­ Kunlk, A4, Iowa City, convention workshops. chairman, said. Marilyn Klingler, A2, Donnellson, or to God? "At this convention the national housing; Diane Cherry, A2, Cincin­ MATERIAL FOUND IN All FRUIT president will be elected, as well nati, Ohio, meals; Joan TePaske, Not long ago, college students as the vice·president of this reo A3 , Orange City, secretary; Corley were mosUy known for tbeir ath· gion," Miss Kunik said. Hamill, A3, Des Moines, treasurer eistic, devil·may-care attitudes. I Buill around the theme "Tbe 'Si· and registration, and Ann Fellows, But today, something is happen­ lent' Gener~tion Speaks," work· A4, Houston, Texas, office mana· ing on campuses all across the shops and business meetings have ger. -and it gives you Maximum Filtration country that's bewildering the been planned in the Union April 4 Colleges and universities with older generations! . and 5. AWS organizations in Indiana, Il­ SUI Keynoting the workshops Aprll 4 linois, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Now, in this week's Saturday for the Smoothest Smoke! will be Dean Eunice M. Roberts, Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin ' Evening . Post, read bow cyni­ assistant dean of the faculties and and Iowa will be represented at the cism on tile campus is being re- director of women's educational placed by religion with arnuing program at Indiana University. __ .facts from many top institutions Dean Roberts will address the dele· Edward s. Rose -.. that will Ilurprise you I Read • From the s~rn~ soft, pure material found in the rich pulp of gates again April 5 following the about the "standing roo~ ouly" workshops at a luneheon. Make our Shop your Vitamin signs hung outside many churcb­ nature's healthful fru~ts, modern filter scientists have created the Addln, to the lilt of prominent Heldqu.rters - you get Hl,h es Dear leading college campus­ speakers .cheduled te discuss the p.tency - a Formul.tIon to fit es . . . the great renewed popu­ problem. of ttl. "silent ..nera· greatest cigarette filter ever designed ... the Viceroy filter. For the your nuds and priced f.lrly larity in rellgiobs 'courses in our tion" durin, the :I.da.v convention I. Pres. Virgil M. Hancher, who Visit us for your VITAMIN sophisticated eastern colleges ... Viceroy filter gives you the maximum ~ltration for the smoothest will spelk to the .'eg... s April NEEDS- and what mallY religious leaders .. In the sen.t. Ch.mber If Old say is behind this sudden rebirth smoke of any cigarette. More taste, too ... the pure, natural taste Capitol. DRUG SHOP of faith I Gov. Herschel Loveless recently Be sure to read one of the most of rich, mellow tobaccos. Yes, Viceroy givC5 you more of what you sent AWS a letter of greetings 109 S. Dubuque St. timely and significant articles of which will be read at the opening the day, "Religious Revolution change to a filter for! ~--- on tbe Campus," by coUege chap­ lain, Jones B, ShannOD. ''Thursday-Frlcfay-Saturday-Suncfay'' New cru_"-proof IN ALL: 7 articl•• , .. .torlel, 2 fIIp-OlM" boll or CEDAR RAPIDS ANTIQUE SHOW f.moue f.m" .... peck. ••rlal., f\IIany cartoon•• 1 V•• er.n', ,.,em.rl •• C.II,e"", Armory G.t your copy-wh.rn.r MARCH 27·28·29-30 ma.alln.. pN· ... cf. D.lly: 11:01 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. NATURAL FILTER e e. Sund.y: 11:01 A.M. T. The ,:.. P.M. elM'", C.EROYPURE, ADMISSION, • Inc. tlX ••• Iv.rythln, for SeI.1 Com. To The La,.,e,t Antique Shew In lowl At Ced.r Ra,ld" Am'rlcan L.. 1en Auxllilry ServIn,, Pin. M.alt & Lunch.. PaCle 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City.. lowa-Tuas., March 25', 1958 ., . , I " "' BEHIND .THE . Spor/6

:J)e~t Champ in 1st San Francisco's By Foster Castleman Alan Hftkllll Defense With # Sold to Orioles +

Baseball Proposals SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (All - The Two own· Ray'Robinson Monday moved ers have made proposed changes CHICAGO LfI _ A current 8.5 to bolster an infield depth defi· The SUI coed pocket billiard that would have iar reaching ef· choice, Carmen Basilio tonight ) cicncy, acquiring Foster Castle: team captured first place. in their fects on the national pastime if makes the first defense of his man from the San Francisco Gi· dl vision of the NaUonal Intercol· they are passed. world middleweight title in are. ants in a straight cash deal. legiate Airmail Billiards Tourna· Milwaukee Brave owner Lou P~r· mater with amazing Sugar Ray ment. Paul Richards would ini has proposed that both major Robinson, who seeks that crown for Nancy Clark, Dolores Fay and leagues expand to ten teams by the fifth time. disclose only that the Orioles paid "something in excess of ,the $20,000 Gene Mary Richmond ~ompoeed 1960, and to 12 teams in about The lS.round match, beginning SUI's successfu,l coed team. This five years. at 10 p.m., CST, in the Chicago waiver price" for the 27·year-old infielder. . is the second straight year Iowa The new franchises probably $tMllum will be brudcnt na' has taken the natiollal wOffi\lb's would be in Minneapoli,.St. Paul, tlonally by CBS and shown on CasUeman never has played a title. Each girl w,Ul receiy, her D-.Jlu·Ft. Worth, Toronto, Den- closed circuit television in 140 full season in the majors, but has own jointed cue as recognition of ver or Atlanta. Another polli- cities and 31 states, Canada an~ spent four campaigns shuffling be· I being on the victorious ·team. I bility would be to move another the Dtstrict of Columbia. tween the Giants and their Min· team into New York. Likelihood of a new indoor fight neapolis farm club. He has been Alvin Dark Eddie Mathews These three 'giris competed with If the major league owners ap· gate record dwindled with $325,000, hampered throughout his 10·year tean;/s from allover the country. .~ Seven other teams were )II the prove this ex~ansion, I thin~ they excluding reservations, in the spon. baseball carE:er by kn e injuries THE TALE OF THE TAPE for tonight's 15·round middleweiltht title competition. would be making one of the biggest .soring ernational Boxing Club's fight betw.. n champion Carmen aasllio and challenger Sugar Ray and has had operations for the Dark and Mathews mistakes ever made in baseball. till late Monday afternoon. The Robinson is .hown in the above picture. -AP Wirephoto. rcpair of torn cartilages. Coupled with the finish of the My first reason for opposing the IBC announced 5,000 standing room ._------men's dlvision, Iowa finished third r I, proposed expansion is l~ck of play· tickets, at $10 each, will go on sale overall. The Peterson first place '1', G Rid" trophy was won by the University ers of major league caJtber. Even at noon today. ym nasts a p n la na e Dickens To Scrap Say Hustle Overrated now, ~ith 16 major league team~, Unle .. a tremendous box oHice I of Texas. ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (All - Eddie Mathews and Al Dark, a pair lhere IS a shortage of good big rush develops before fight time I Iowa had two individual high Side-Saddle IIT" of huslie gUys, contend "hustle" is the most overrated gimmick in place finishers. Jim Perez and league players the recOrd of $422,918 set in the baseball. Evidence of this can, be shown stadium in by Tony Zale and F' U d f t d T LI,qyd Courter tied for first. They 1~47 I rst n e ea e ea m INDIANAPOLIS IA'I - Phil Dick· It was Mathews, ~ course, . whose scamper to first beat out the by tlw final 1957 ,tandlngl, when Rocky Graziano appaan saf•. ens, who has yet to his In· will go on to a face·to·face playoff four teams finished at least 33 Actual attendance tonight may high infiejd bounder which led to Milwaukee's 1'() victory over the . . diana University football team in New York Yankees in the fifth to be held at Ames this weekend, games out of first, while six be between 17,000 and 20,000_ The .Iowa gY":Jnastics team Sflturday became the first Hawkeye I competition, said Monday he has oC 19ti7 It more wera 20 or more games Considerable mystery surround. squad III Iowa history .to go through a dual meet seas?n. junked his side-saddle T for a game the World SerieS. I R·,1 T' . unde~eated was that game that pointed the owa I e eam back. ing Robinson's weight will be lifted Th~ I-!awkeye.s won their ]4th slralght meet of the season by handily single- wing. Milwaukee Cuts Squad; It's pretty obvious to elose base· at this noon's official weighing in whipping Indiana, 68-4.6. .. 'I b • '. I . Braves to the wotld championllilip. . • ball followers there are many play· the Stadlum rinIY. Rumors had it Steve Carlsson led the Hawkeyes by winning three first . places. We . I use a aSlC Sl~~ ~ WlDg "Don't get me wrong," said W,ns CollegIate Mathews. "Evel"lbociy up hire Six Rookies $ent Down ers in the major leagues who are Sugar Ray was (our or five pounds Iowa did not compete in the last formatIOn because we dldn t have nol good enough to compete in the ______event, tumbling. The tfawkeyes the pe~~on~el to run the other (in the majors) tries hard on Sectional Shoot BRADENTON, Fla. "" - The every play. You always run hard majors. withdrew as coach Dick Holzaepfel 158 system" ~Ick~ns told .a luncheon W 0 rid Champion Milwaukee J Announce SUI and you always fielel your best, My 'second objection to Perini', Facts and Figures did not want to risk Carlsson in oC the ~ndlana profes.sl~nal c~ap. Iowa's varsity rifle team Satur­ Braves pruned their rosler again (II " "What I mean is what the fans -ill, ,I proposal concerns aHendance. the event. Carlsson has a slightly Bowling 'Finalists ter oC ~Igma Delta Chi, Journalism 'lay won the NRA Sectional Inter­ Monday, sending six rookies to the Every year, several major league injured wrist and Holzaepfel want. Cratermty. and the wrilers mean" when they camp of their Wichita farm team f'n Faets and figures of the Car· say 'hustle'. They see a guy run· collegiate small bore rifle match clubs lose money, some huge min Basilio·Ray Robinson mid·" ed to be sure his ace would be in Finalists for the five positions Indiana won only one of nipe at nearby JacksonvUle. chunks. Some' of the lo ..es have shape (or the Big Ten meet this on the Iowa Big Ten Bowling games last Call with Dickens' side· ning in from his position when nn in the Iowa Fieldhouse, outshooting dleweight title fight in the Chi· 's ovcr and they say 'hey, They are pitc}Jers pon Nottebart, been. $0 gr.eat they have neees· cago Sfadium today. weekend. Team were announced by Robert saddle T, directed by his assist- 12 other collegiate teams. Ray Rippelmeyer aDd Vic Rehm , sitated franchise movements, look at the gu~ hustle!' Carlsson took first in the high Froeschle, Recreation Director of ants while Dickens himself was It was the first Iowa victory Mike Roarke, infielder Joe such as the moving of the Boston Title .... t stake: world's middle­ "That's what I mean when I bar, the free exercise and the par ~ the Iowa Memorial Union. They under Big Ten suspension for over· since 1935. The Hawkeye, .dged Morgan and outfielder Lee Maye. Braves, Philadalphia Athl,tics, weight championship; 15 rounds. say 'hustle' is over·rated. It might all~1 bars. Tim Joe finished ahead are Donald Barlholo!Jlew, C4, Keo· zealous recruiting, look goo(j from the stands, but all Illinois, 1,396-1,393, to take first St, Louis Browns, Brooklyn Dod· Principals: Champion Carmen of John McCurdy 10 take first in kuk; Jim Davis, A3, Des Moines; gen and New York Giants. Basilio, ChiHenango, N. Y.; chal· that . 'hustle' doesn't get you a place honors. Iowa State Co'­ the trampoline. Bill Buck finished Dick Henningfield, C3, Moville; WATERS RESIGNS base hit." lege finished third. The reason for the loss of money lenger Sugar Ray Robinson,-New first in the side horse. The stil Glenn Michllels, C4, Burlington; STATE CENTER IA'! - Dick Wat· by these clubs is obvious - alten­ York. "That's right," said Dark, a In winning the meet, Iowa reo rings event was won by Ted Se· and Robert Robertson, G, Waverly. ers, coach of the State Center High guy who qualifies as an old·pro dance was so poor a team could Place: Chicago Stadium. gura. Michaels and Robertson arc reo School girls basketball team, has cieved lhe Freeland and Rock Is· not be supported. And the reason with the St. Louis Cardinals. Promoter: International Box· Other point winners for Iowa peaters from last year's Big Ten resigned to take a post as head of "Thlfre are hundreds of guys in land trophies. Each member .of for poor attendance was second di· ing Club. were Dick Plato, Marshall Claus champions. reerealional work at the Woodward the minors who run back and the winning Hawkeye team re­ vision ball clubs. Time: 10 p.II'), CST. , and Tom Novak. Big Ten bowling competition for $tale hospital and school. The State ceived a medal from the National . each case, with the exception forth from their position to the I~ Gymnastics competition 'for 1958 1958 will be held at Bloomington, ~enter tellljl won the 'Consolation dugout." , RifTh Association. • of (he Brooklyn Dodgers, the fran. Television: th.-ter TV. Chi­ c'.go and 100 mUe radius blacked will end for the Hawks with the Indiana, 01'\ April 1~. Iowa will title in the recent girls' state tour· "What gets me," added ,Dark, Members of the Iowa s.quad chises which iolded had teams Cin· Big ]0 meet and the NCAA meet. defend its title at 'that time. ,ey. are James Herteen, A4, lewa ishing in lhe second division year out. as he sat back in the dt!~but to The Big 10 meet )Yill be held in ! escape the rain which cancelled City; Richard Maurer, E3, Iowa ai~er year. 1\ Radio: CBS '(ChicaJlo' in on the north gymnasium of the Field=­ Monday's exhibition g!lm~ between City; Jolin Wolford; A4, Iowa broadcast). 1 I People won't pay fo s.. 10iing' hduse on Feb. 20·29. Iowa will • the Cards and -Braves here at Al City; Dave Bradbury, 1\3, Iowa bllseball,' at I~ast tlot for long. TV procee~s: $275,000, ~ul1lra~- attempt to end the dominance o~ P:' Alan Maver Lang I Field, "are the guys who City; and Tom Carson, Maurer The Kansas City Athletics drew teed. ·About $300,000 expected. Illinois in Big 10 gymnastics. SEN HOGAN. run like crazy after hitting a pop and Wolfo;d were- fourth and despite the ~act they weren't win­ Radio .proc ..d ,: .,30,000. to the infield. I doesn't get them fifth, re,pectively, and reclived ning, but baseball was new to ()EMOIY ~rRA rlh'6' Gate llbout $4Dcr.ooo. • , 1117 oRI;::; WILL anywhere, but' somebbOy says individual medals. the Kansn City fans, AHen· 'that guy's eot )'e81 h*Je!' dance at Athletic games dropped ' AHendance : about 19-,000. NHL Playoffs rRY roPROYE Bill Underkoner, Iowa State, was "I've never heard f a guy yet," the high individual shooter of the sharply last year, and will con· Purses: Basilio 30 per cent jlnd II~ IIA~It,'r , There needn't bo. You .et • .1 said Atathews, "wh got $40,000 match. He won the Iowa City t." tinue to do s\l until a winning Robinson 30 per cent of every· Begin Tonight ''tOGrJIIT' I~ head st.rt on your savin" pro· for 'hustle'." Ri~le Club Trophy. Iowa State was tejlm is produced. thing. \ • oll"E o.t: /II!? , , ,ram by be,lnnin, now, whit By The Associated ~reSi jthe high scorer among' ttOTC My point is: if fans won't come Prices S'lts: <$40, $30, $20, RARE you're In colf'i" 0' COh1PE't'lrIYt= Iowa Fencers 1Oth teams entored and received the to see a sixth, seventh or eighth $15, $1., $5. The top four teams ol the N.')· Lit,lnsuranc,oH,r. you .combl· place ball club play, they surely APPEARAIICE5 Brdwnell Trophy. Potential wort~ of hou,e: $560,- tional Hockey League square off nation ot protection .,,~ s.v/np, won't come to see a ninth or tenth 14 rilE 221ft:> In NCAA Meet R 000 gross, $465.000 net. Tuesday night in the opening ,nd by st.r~lniyour p!'Olrlmll,,, place team play. "#A~rER5 'rhe Iowa FenCing team Saturday you will have the Idvlntl,' of Fans want winning ball clubs, Seating capacity: 19,400. games of the annual playoffs for 7"OtlRh'.eY Mrs. eudone Win, in lower premiums . Scon'lg: refer.. and two judg. • finished tenth in the National Col· and obviously, everyone can't win. the Stanley Cup, ancient emblem A7' legiate Cencing championships held IS, flYe·point maximum per Amateur Golf Tourney See your Proyident Mutual cr.m· So the. cities unfortunate enough of the world proCessional hockey At.lo(J~rA at Texas Tech in Lubbock, Tex. round. pus representitivi for mar. infor, to have lOSing ball clubs are going championship. APRIL. 3-0. The Hawkeyes finished with 28\ PINHURST, N.C. LfI - Medalist mation on a variety ot plen., . ,. to be in financial trouble as far Rlturn bount: none in contract. The predictions are that both points. llIinois won lhe team title Mrs. Philip Cudone, though out· which may be tailored to your Indl· as big league baseball is con· ------­ with 47 points. Columbia was run· ' driven continually, out·played de· viduII present and tuture ne.dt, cerned. The only difference be· over tlle 160 limit Saturday and semifinals will be long, 'hard ones, nerup with 43. fending champion Barbara Me ln· possibly going the seven·game LAWRENCE T. WADE, tween the situatlon now and then will hal;~ to sweat out plenty to ... Iowa's three man team was com- tire around the green Monday and Gen. Ast . will be that lhere will be more make the official poundage. He limit: posed of Dave Dittmer, epee; flar· won the No~lb a~d South Amateur Savings & Loan Bldt. losing ball teams. just mille 160 when he was de· The Montreal Canadiens, Stanley ry Northey, foil; and Tom Brown, IGolf ChamplOnshlp l·up. I_a City Ph • ..., throned by Basilio in their fierce Cup winners for the past two years saber. •• Mrs. Cudone, 39, from West • THE OTHER PROPOSAL has IS·round) battle in New York last The Hawlr.!yes finis.he4 third in Caldwell, N.J., won the 15th and * * and champions PROVIDENT MUTUAL ' much more merit to it. *De l Webb, Sept. 23: , the Big Ten meet, highest finish. 16th holes wi.th pars as her Lake Ut. Insuranc. Complny co·oWner of the New york Yan. Basilioj smallest bona fide mid· this ~easo n , against tbe third·place in Iowa history. ' Park, Fla., flval three·putted each of Philld.,,,hia kees, has suggested the Kansas dleweig\A champion in history, has Detroit Red Wings and the runner· City Athletics and Philadelphia no wtigbt problem at all. He'll up New York Rangers against the ~~~~~~~~~:;~ ~gr~~~n~...... ~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Phiilies swap franchises. probably) scale 153 or 154 and by fourth1llace Boston Bruins. Each The transfer would cut down fight tit;J)e may be spotting Sugar series is the best of seven games, the di,tance between cities In Ray as many as 10 pounds. with the winners meeting in a simi· For. Your Next Part~ the respective league •. B.. III~, at 5-61/2, also will ; pot The National League extends Robln_ more than 4 Inche, in .Jar final round. ' from Philadelphia to the West height l and about 3 inches in You Can Have Coast cities, which makes a mighty r.ach. But Carmln, 30, h.. a FOULS IN LIGHTS long hop. In t,he American, Kan· ~ea~antag. in the vital age TULSA, Okla. LfI _ John Charvat, ~as City is the westernmost city pa t. thl bl" di t th with Boston the farthest east. It isn'llRobinson 's weight, height a ,etic pu IClty rector a e Th. switches would help in two or reach, the boring·in Basilio University of Tulsa, has invented {Je1':J ona lizeJ ways. First, PiHiburgh would needs t8 fear. It's Sugar Ray's a new gadget to keep basketball become the easternmolt point in knockout punch which the 37·year- fans up to date on personal fouls. old Robinson phenomenally seems the National League, thu, cutting to unleaSh when his back is against It is a small electric scoreboard down travelling; and the addition the wall. ' at the scorer's table. When a play· • MArCHES' of Kan,as City would give Na- As a matter of fact, each of three er fouls, the scorer lights up ' the tiona I League clubs a natura' BREMERS jumping off point to the Weat times Robinson previously won number of fouls the player has & Coast. back the middleweight title, he did lor the game. When a player gets Also, it would make a better it by knockouts - Randy Turpin five, which forces hIm to leave in 1951 ; Bobo Olson in 1955; and the game, a red light atop the NARKINS alignment for the western and Gene Fullmer Jast May. gadget lIashes. t-growing fashion f a'Oorite • eastern d ivis ion s of t he lea gue. .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;i;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Chicago, Milwaukee, Cincinnati i' We Also Make Up P.rsonaliJed and Pittsburgh would be eastern FOR FOOD THAT'S division clubs. At present, Mil· ' . . waukee a'nd Chicago, although only aUT OF THIS 82 miles apart, are split, with Mil- STATI0NERY waukee in the eastern division and WORLD,••• TRY the Cubs in the western division. I BUSINESSMEN:'

Fashion smartness of the French curf ADVERTISE YOUI tUlaNE5S 01 saV.CIS ON •• P. IZZA.• with convenience of a regular cuff - both I Highway 21. South combined in Glen'l; stitched down double· lOOK MATCHIS THROUGH THI MATCH CO_. layer cuff with two link holes . . . so FREE DELIVERY easy to iron! Widespread, slotted soft POIA liON 0' AMIRICA. 10, 20, 30, 40 AN~ 15 Vanolho. • • • ..,., ••0 ...... collar. "Sanforized" colton broadcloth. .... ••• ••, .r ...... il .... BIG 10 INN 240 SIZIS, 513 S. Riverside, . , Drive "4 "THE IOO~ SF LlFE" HAMBURG INN No~ 1,. COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE CHILD'S BIBLE ~ IN liGHT YOLUMII \

OPIN .:.... M. " 111" p,Mt DAILY

214...... N. Linn SIr"t ~B08~$ AGENCY Mor.. , Iowaa , FOOD . 1/,.. wG., '/ftJ44 Mu: d WilT IRANCH ' DIAL 4 ~"


'. 1861. A complete performance Palm .. U p:uts or Psmms 38 tlDOORS OPEN THIS w.. liven in 1161, in Bremen, and 39 and the com... text or Rather, he uses the '-r sfrintll, c." .. " their I!niq_SS of sly". ATTRACTIO~ 12:45" Germany. Fint Ame.-Kan per· the lSOth Psalm in adoratjon and woodwind., br.ss, perc""""', • I Solo~ ~ will be prano B !ty fonMllCe WI. at the CillciM4fi thanksgivin,. harp and twe pianos. "Symplwny Rusbuil. A4. \\ illiamsbnrg. and .. PMlms" i. _ .. tw. ehera' baritone Robert Dans. instructor May Fe.tival of I ..... Stra"'nsky "s not UN "... pieces be< lins Mel violas in this piece. erchntra that may call. at Jowa WesJe)'an Collc& Mt. Stravinsky's ,. ymphony (( M I_marts in ccm..... ltien, be- IPleasant. WEDNESDA"" SHOWS AT 1:00·3:40 ST - 6:30.9:oo·fEATURE 9: IS" concert at 8 p,m. in Iowa Mem· GET SOME Car orial nion. PRICES THIS ATTRACTION If you were born 5kAQl6 « SfVIS:. TODAY! Leroy Ray, 16, North Liberty, The program wilJ include 11IE WTTO SAVE·'S LOOK! WEEK DAY MATINEES - 75t: • was released from Mercy Hos· and Brahms' "A German Reqniem" EVENINGS• - tOe pilal Mon(lay after lreatment for Chorus under the direction' or and Stravinsky's "Symphony of ME WASH IT. Psalms." before 1900... _ •• 'ho ,..-. for Delicious injuries received Friday night in a Herald Stark, SUI professor or "aU, OfF I .. D, CHILDREN• - 2Se two car collision involving four "A German Requiem" was writ· . . . let us tell you how you can "uJI, Ih7, music, presents the annual Easter still apply for a $1 ,000 life in· ",...... Ue D. SUI students, ten while Brahms was saddened 0'7 Dal, .. C•• -. • Sundaes • Sodas by the tragic deettl of his friend surance policy (for people up to Three of the SUI students reo driver of lhe car In WHich the SUI age 80) so that you can help take IIIaD.bte••••• ...... Ie ceived facial wounds in the acd· stude t 'di g cd ' Rebert Schumann. The wortc ex· n s were TI n , es ape tn· plainl thet w"ile a man'l life Is care of final expenses without bur· 'IrIs.-'·Il»U dening your Camily. • Cones • Malts billiard dent and were taken to Unl versity jury. The injnred students wer" : frail and fleeting "the Lord'. In their Hospitals. They were released that Mary Janss, A2, Des Moines: word endureth forevermore." You handle the entire trans· Intercol. night. Park Rider, C4, GalesbUrg, m., .. ymphony of Psalms" sings aclion by mail with OLD AMERI· • Hamburgers • Cheeseburgers Toor08. Ray was held longer because and Martha Hickerson, A4, Scar~. praises to the Almighty. The two CA of KANSAS CITY. No obli· of suspected chest wounds, accord· dale, N.Y. selections - on sounding a sor· galion. No one will call on you! log to a Highway Patrolman at the The accident occurred on Butler rowful nole, the other a joyous Tear out this ad and mail it Old Mill Ice Cream scene. The hospital would not con, J3ridge about one mile north of one - 1<:11 the Easter story in today with your name, addre s firm the report. Chest wounds Iowa City on old Highway 2L8. music. aod year or birth to Old Amer· PLUS - COLOR CARTOON were not found and Ray was reo Ray, traveling north, struck a The first sketches of the Re­ ican lnsurance Co., 3 West 9th, 12 5· Dubuque St. "MYSTERIOUS STR~NGER" leased Monday. corner of the bridge and his car Dept. 1.314B, Kansas City, Mis· quiem were probably wrltt,n as sonri. A Highway Patrol oCricer said rebounded into Allen's, which was early a. 1161 in Hamburg. The Ray had been charged with failure heading south. score was completed in 1866 and to have his vehicle under control The left front of Allen's car reo consisted of six movements, ttle and would face Police Court some· ceived considerable damage, and seventh not being added unti I III time lhis week. ,Ray's car was demolished. A later. The text of the Requiem, ."<., 1 Stuart Allen, A2, G1enellyn, m, Highway Patrolman said what though Biblical, is nen.liturgicel H STARTS - NEXT • caused Ray to hit the bridge was in nature. Brehms heard the first not known . three movemen" performed in ~ o[ the THURSDAY ~ third , I • t place ", • miversity J' SEE FOR Classified Miscellaneous for Sal. House Wanted ONE SOLID WEEK Room. for Rent YOURSELF Advertising Rates VOLKSWAGEN Dual Amal Carbur.· SPACIOU IIn.'e or double room. UNIVlJl ITY CIl'IJlty couple, , thUd· - STARTING- Doors Open 1: 15 p.m. tOtl, ColllPlele. lil.he t ~rform""ce. Privlte balh; neor VnlvtnllY Ind r"n. d~ Ire I\Irnl hed hou.. lor com. In, tr.eS mlc )'e r. Wlllln, to 1)11)' reliability, economy. B. t oUtr. Phon" V"lertna Iio pltal.. On bUt line. Phone premJum rf>nt for . ttr.ctlve. ....ell­ WHY THEY Word A. a·27 ' · 11to. ..21 -TO-DAY- ST!RTS TODAY! eoov. tQulppN D ce. No obj Uo to out'Or· ODe Da, ...... Ie:. Word CON1'AFU!:X Ul Camera. ,1»,00 N,w i. turn aI,'" To Do To Stay lost and Foclnd nal • Inow tlr.... back·up lI'h • wln4. / ' "TOWERS OVER All Each Insertion _hleJd wa.h,u. ntt"N bIItt ry, l_ In His Arms! $1.00 a CoIUmD Inch BALLROOM donee leotan• . S~1aJ rate. Ite n All comfort. Ind con, nltnc". MOVIE GREATS!" -~~;;.,. Mimi Youde Wurlu. Dial "". &.llK LOST: Woman'l Cold riot-Walch In 01 a bl, cn. Call '15: ':30 pm to 1,00 fen Insertlons a Month, M mor"'l Union II t Frida,. Ext. am. 3·11 "A TRULY GREAT PICTURE!" 3423. Reward. ).1$ -lol Aft,.,., ho"",.., Eacb Insertion ...... Tra iler for Sal. !"-lir. LOST: Pllr 01 la,..e ,old .nd pearl ea,. · "SPECTACULAR IIS4 _ 35.(oot And.rson Mobile Borne. .In,.. Comer WI ~on Inct LUCIa • Th. Dally Iowan .....rv .. , Call 1-~30 aner 5:00 p.m. 3-1$ on 28th rebruor~ 35,. 3·" the right to relect any ad­ y.rtlslng copy. Typing Iowa City Transfer

DIAL TYPING. drawln'l .nd chart. " Exo'bl. & Storage Co. lint ratel, but will Barpln." ' · 2133, Help 'vVanled . ltu 0:00 p.m, 4·8 APRIL 3 u Ih deadllllo rot appllel' I T\'PING 7J87. "'I~ Uonl Iq Tho Coli If Slirvey. Bo" 825, ChMlotlt ville, VI. $2 .00 itt will ba reo 41.91 ,·Ult turned II nQ ••turance 01 lummer tm .. ploymenl II re.,.l\·ed lrom Ih Ir pl. e· m nt .UIco!. Guidance In .. a .... p . reAOrt, Dial ..<:I,.-- ...... ,~ maritime. Ind ,ol'emmont elftplO)!m nl Work War-ted TYP~C . Th m w,r1l; I _lally, Ex· .~ , " '\0 .. commercial te.cher. GUlflnteed. Dial 3· 28 7221 " t '·14113. 1·28 A NTtO QraduI'14 Studenta and 1-1. s.nl..... 1.l(' UneS.!nIt'lleJ, Nrtln, [.AUNDRY Inll Curti In I. 8-5010. TYPING. 100m. ilia,)' ...100 per year d~ndln, a. The ...... l OUr Qu.IUlclllon.. Train In, pro,rlm l'YPlNO. IBM - IIOl...... I nd field ...... rrlllon. :ror Inlormatlan, ; I w.lle Box 8, The Dally Iowan. 1· 27 Apartment for "ent I no. I specialist . .1 .li\"'sjarlinlt 'l Ignition I_I ...... CHILD ';'re by hour 3.ROq!\l /\rrll'.,,,,,, tnt 2 ar ' \I NIGEL PATRICK ~ LEt MARVI fcemale._~~~: N~.v.~_ft I~'I B.g890~onth.CARE-pr~l~ Jlck ... Jill ~r.. ry. Php.~: 3 men. 600 t , tlurllnlton,.PII~' 1-127. ,., ' Carburetorl j I' ,,'. ~ 4· .. . ' GENERATORS STARTERS in storage! In tlic ttrllif tr~dl~ol\, ! WASHINCS and Ironln,l In my hom,. Close In. 9387. 3-27 ~~a~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -a::: WSC . j, ~~~~~~~~~~_,'"""-. -;;. 263S. SoJ8 3'~OPMFOR RENT _rtm~nt. _ Phone 8-3212. One room Brigg. & Stratton Moton , . Df, Civ~1 War·Romance! '- _./llF"'- furnl h~ apartment. ~S . OO, '50.00 JU,lJED~'" wil~ , PAL WANTED - chUd care. 3.11. 3.IS .nd ISS 00 pO'r month with utillU.. Pyramid Services ENDS Tonight. JOEY. THE STRANGE ON! plld. One block trom blUlne.. dl.lrlrt ' .. lI.lS .... ROD TAYLOR • AGNES MOOREHEAD 621 5, Dubuque Dial 5723 WAlTER ABEL· JARMALEWIS Personal leans .'. TOM DRAKE SC'H" Plly by MILLARD KAUFMAN HOCK·EYE LOAN: Short 10.ns, Burk· Asso PERSONAL 10anl on ty.,ewrlten, phono,raphl. sparlJ equlpmen' 401 South Gilbert Street HOCK·EVE·LOAN CO, PhOne 453&. 3·31 MARCH WHIRL-WIND BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND Piano For Rent

From the producers of "Country Girl" and BALDWIN home orlan renlll1 plln. Six week. with leuonl and music FURNITURE, FREIGHT DAMAGE, R.R· SALVAGE IUMlI,hed. Expert teacher. Rental ,1'Bridges o~ Toko~Ri" comes anothe~ appUe. to purchase. WrIte or come In. 9' x 12' 9' x 12' CUEST OF RdLLAWAY 40" WALL ALlrSTEEL C~ar Rnpld. Plano Co. 3tl% First Ave. L1NO RUGS FIBRE RUGS DRAWERS J3ED CABlNET WARDROBE • " I .." N.E. Aero.. from Bllhop', Calelerla, . masterpiece i,p 3·28 . . The strangest true experience a young girl in. love ever find! $3.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.88 $12.95 $19.95 50cA Week SOc A Week SOc A Week 50c A Week SOc It Week SOc A Week mature entertainment! Your Choictl Famous Deltox 4 Drawers Complete 40" Wide 60" High of Floral, Your ChOIce Walnut with 10" D p 22" Wide Geometric, & WATCHH.It ... • REPAIRS of Green, Finish. ~attre s. 2J" fligh. 18" Deep. in the tight elms Tile Patterns. Beige, or Gray. Modern Style. Ea y Rolling. White Enamel. Brown Enamel. ~t!rlry with the lOIcIier • SALIS " • in the cia joint ... RENTaL~ Authorized. loycd UTIL1TY SIMMONS ROCKING KNEEHOLE STUmO 3·P)ECE Fonda ' WATCH HIlIt ••• : : Deale, CABlNET CHm CHATH DESK COUCH BEDROOM In the mote) Portabl.. Standa'" A. with her $14.95 $9.95 $2.95 $12.95 $19.95 $49.95 husband ... SOc A Week SOc A Week SOc A Week SOt A Week $l A Week Wikel SOc A Week the 57" High Ful1 Panel SOLID lBuilt·ln FuU-Sire WATCH 21" Wide Wax Birch Oak. Bookcase. Open lnto Bed , Chest. Itunninr Typewriter Co. 10" Deep. Finish. Dark Walnut 2 Twin Beds, It Dresser. Stranger White Enamel. With Spring. Finish. Finish. Brown Velour. utoundinr 01018·1051, 23 E. Woshlngtor Walnut Finish. Who Had JOANNE WOODWARD Worn the in the ILONDIE CHI C mOlt 'Tin Starl OH. DARLING. 'IOU SAY Ifnutional THE SWEETEST THINGS .tar-makiJ\f DJllGWOOO. DO 'IOU Love: TO ME ptrformance ME AS MUCH AS "(00 STANDING OFF A LYNCH MOB •• , of our OlD ON THE DAY WE for '40 a Tin Star! !fnnatioa I Wf"RE MARRIED?


PL~"SE 1'1 It ... ----~-~ fromth.b'lIlnlllnl Cl 1... ~t1; NO ONI aUTID DU"INO ~ .. _ ...__ THII ••N."TloNA!. INDINOI JOANNE- WOODWARD·DAVID WAYNE· LEE J.OOBB· co- ..... --.....,...... ------~=-~-- Peg. '-THE DAllY IOWAN-Iowa City, Iowa-Tuts., Mlrch 25, 19sa All-Campus. Election II , MARY HUEY, A3. Princeton, tee, AWS secretary, YWCA chair­ For SKr.tlry·Treasur.r Council corresponding secretary city. AWS General Council. orien- tween SUI publications and the a responsible and attentive repre· I and public rclations co-chairman, tation chairman. student body. sentative of their interests in The I tiL Activities - WRA head oC ~an, ~ospital R~ading, Informa· GAIL GIEGOLD, A2, Villa Park, Panhellenie representative, WRA Daily Iowan , Hawkeye and oUlet 73 Students, KATHRYN McCORMICK, A2, swimming intra murals. member ' tlon . First Committee • . young Re· Ill. Representative Board. YWCA, Fi- DOROTHY KAPLAN, A3. Brad· student publications. . AWS Judiciary Board. chairman publicans. contact chairman. LaGrange, Ill. Activities"": Young MARTHA PILLARS, AS. Des nance chairman. Union ~oard Post ford. Activities - Forensics, Var· For s.cretlry Ret>ublicans, YWCA, Profile Pre· PAUL HAGENSON, Dl, Clinton. lAWS Con v e n t ion discussion Moines. Activities Ball Game Sub-c?mmlttee, . Old views Art Committee. sity Varietles Committee. Young Activities _ Omicron Delta Kappa, Vie for 27 groups. chairman of Currier Judici­ DIANE CHERRY, A2, Cincinnati. YWCA Cab'n t Gold Days publiCity committee, Republicans, orientation leader. Central Party Committee v\c~. a - Chi .e IAlplJa Xi Delta pledge trainer and ISABEL MYERS. A3 , Sheldon. ei ary Board, Iowa Mountaineers. Ohio. Activities - orientation r Platform - to serve the students president and p'ublicity director, ' , Y u g aRle• president, central Greek Week Activities - YWCA. Profile Pre· by working on and with the board Phi Eta Sigma president and iowa in leader, Student Council, Currier man,' 0 n AWS - comnu'tt ee. views publlcity, Spinsters' Spree Positions pu blIcans. to achieve and maintaih liberal delegate to national conventlori, Red Cross Committee, lAWS Com· High School Con- I ' For Treasurer, publicity, lfawkeye staff. and Informative publications . at director of Miss SUI Bca\1~Y ' PII' EDITOR'S NOTE: As a service . mittee, Seals publicity chairman. t~ct, YWCA Io:va I SANDRA alERBAUM A3 Oin- JUDY O'DONNELL, AI, Water· SUI. geant, heao counselor sOutb. Quad. to SU I students who will vote in WRA board and co·chairman sum· City Recreation I ' ' , 'I::': 100 ActiVIties - Seals; YWCA, MARK ALA". LEVENSKY, AS, rangle. Platform - revise ' faeul~y W.dne5day's all·campus elec­ mer intramurals. Iowa Athletic Progratn, YWCA ,cinnati. Ohio. &tivlties - WRA Yo~ng Republicans, WRA. Hawk. Des Moines. 'Activltie's _ sub. supervision to give the editor ~f tions. The Daily Iowan pr.senhi Special 'Projects Representative Board, intramural eye staff. The Daily Iowan more freed~, th. namos and picture. of can­ and Recreation Federation of Col· committees of IFC. Central Parly, implement free editorial discussicjn Commit'l.~, Kap· chairman, secretary PJl1s)cal Edu· FARRON O'HARA A2 Ott didltes, along with lists of ac· pa Kappa-.Gamma 1M' C II ' I t . , • umwa. Union. Board, pep ' club, ~tudent of all controversial camplis iSsgjs tivities and platforms. submiH.d activities chair. cat on aJor ounc t" .~ . entl!hon Activities - Centt~1 Party Com· Council. ;Pageant Board ch8lrman. regardless or how they affect stu. by them to the Student Council. man. ~eader, AWS Gener~~o~cir" Stu· mittee, Hawkeye staff, YWCA, vl~e.presldent Central Party C.om. dent. faculty or administraUqn, Candidates for Union Board Ind dent·Faculty Coffee Hour chair· IA WS, orientatipn chairman of in· mlttee, Platrotm - ..t~ convlDc~ , work for more extensive coverlllle j" Board of Student Publication5 For Financ. ChairMln man, YWCA 'Secretar~-treasurer. formation booth and campus tollrs. persons of the possiblhty, pract!· of research in medicine, dentistry. will appelr in WednesdlY's Dally ca~ty .and valu.e of . a f~ee press, physics engineering . aod speech Iowan, due to space limitations, NANCY CLARK, A2 , Estherville. Old Gold DayS' Boar~,' Ch'i Omega MARILYN THI ELE, A2, Mar· e.dltorlal p~gl) . lDclud~d, 10 a rela· therapy'. ' today. ' DENNY JORDAN, A3, Cedar SQrority. shalllown. Activities - YWCA, tI vely free co;nmumty. SYBIL NORTON, A2, Spencer. . Highlanders, WRA Intramurals SARA SCHINDLER, A2 , Nevada. STUDENT COUNCIL Rapids. Activities - InterCrater· Activities - Highlanders, Varsity sub-chairman, orientation leader. STEPHEN PETERSON, A3, Activities - AWS executive secre· MARRIED STUDENTS nity Council, editor interfraternity Varieties large group elimination Home Economics ClUb. Waterloo. Activities - pep club, tary, AWS Foreign Student COII\...... rush handbook. pep club, student chairman, AWS Freshman Council. orientation leader •• Hawkeye pro· mittee. YWCA Personal Service (Vote For Thr •• ) interviews. Platform - put mean· YWCA Finance Committee. AWS CAROL YN WALKER. A3, Little motion manager. Central Party chairman. SUI Symphony, Student Sioux. Activities - Young Repub· committee, Union Board commit· Ing into senior class offices by ac­ Foreign Student Committee. Council Human Relations Commit, lEONARD FLANDER. Ll, Iowa licans, WRA Board. WRA Intra· tee. Forensics. tee, Union Board Bridge Commit· City, Activities - Delta Theta Phi. tively working on campus. murals Board . Platform - In vestigation of stu­ JUDITH RUSSELL, A2, Ana· tee. DON MUlLEN BERG, A3, New. ELIZA~ETH FIELD, A2, Decor· dent rent increase and proposed DAVE FITZSIMMONS, ~3, mosa. Activities - SUI Chorus. ARTHUR FILEAN, A2, Des new housing. for student discount ton. Activities _ Young Republi-I ah. ActiVIties - AWS General Boone. Activities - SPI 2-year Old Gold Singers; Alpha Lambda Moines. service, and expansion of parking cans, pep club, MEBOC chairman Council. Information First chair­ ~r uste e, Pep Club Council. IDelta , Currier Executive Council. facilities and planning. Phi Gamma Deita 1957. Platform man. Highlanders. Profile Pre· I . Currier Chorus, Currier orienta· - to initiate a formal program of views publiCity chairml\n orienta. J~~~ HINKLE, A3, Davenport. tion. Currier publie relations. ActIVIties - transier student. Platform _ to increase student BALLOON- discuss!on and coop~r~tion between tion leader YWCA SpeCial' Pro 'ect de the Umverslty administration and .' J s JUDY ELLENBERGER, A3, Ot. DAVE HOYT, A2 , Los Angeles. editorial freedom on . The D.aily (Continued from Page 1) c~ senior class officers as a means of Committee. AWS Freshman Coun­ t" A t' 't' WRA ~ ,Calif Activities - WSUI staff an· Iowan. to strengthen ties between at evidencing a cooperative system to cil, Mademoiselle magazine col· qrrV'~' c LVI I.es - , r pre- noun~er Student Council Sub. the SPI Board and students, to mary difficulties in receiving '-.n. l'e other liberal arts colleges. lege board. sentahve boa~d; hockey. tennis and committee. increase local and University ne~s formaton, he said. I ~arketball clubs; UniverSity .J I coverage . . to ~romote . effjci~nt A bplloon is restricted to fen For Treasurer ~r~rus.)ntramural chairman, Zeta WAYNE KIMMELL, A2, .t;lm· an~ effective buslDe$s anil finanCial pounds of instruments by civil CHERYL BROWN. Al, Waterloo• . F,r Freshman Y AdvilOr 'l,'jlu Alpha sorority, canoe capers hurst, III. pollcy . aeronautics regulations. / WHIT~EY, Diameter of the balloon i, 40 Activities - Currier Student Coun· JUDY SMITH, D3, MUscatine. cO'phairma1'l, . corresponding sec· ED MEZVINSKY, : A3, Ames. WILLIAM As. Au- retary of Zeta 'I:au Alpha. Activities - orientation leader. relia. Activities - Delta Chi feet. They were made by_ the cil. Executive Council. General Activities - , Chorus. Chamber ;. committee, pep club president; iraternity. phi Eta Sigma, Phi Raven Company oC Sioux Falls, Leona~d Council, Judiciary Board ; central Singers, AWS High School Contact , ) For Intramurll Chairmln Student Council Elections Commit· Alpha Mu. Hawkeye staff, Inter· S.D., at a cost of approximately Flander Committee, Freshman Y small judiciary board secretary. Student " ~.&NCY. DAILEY. Ai. Cedar tee. Interfraternity Council repre- fraternity' COUncil, Young Republl· $200. group advisor, junior chapter Am· ."'.. sentative. cans . . "Week iII Washington," In· HAL PURCELL, M2, I1ampton. Council recording secretary, Stu­ erican Dental Hygienist Assn., Chi The scl.ntlflc Instrumants wert Activities - Undergraduate work Rapids. Activities - WRA repre· GENE BIER A2 M C't terfraternity Scholat~hip chairman. built in SUI physics laboratwle. dent Council Elections and Reap· Omega treasurer and presidcnt. sentatlve board. physical educa· . , . " ' . ason I y. Platform - independent review at University of California. Plat· portlonment Committees. faculty Pan hellenic council. by An.non Ind Irldu'" "alit. fo rm - For construction of low tion clubs. intramural chairman. Actlvltle s- . orlCntatlon leader. board. minimum faculty consulta· Inhi. The money vllut of the Don contact chairman AWS Student­ WINNIE FILES, A2, Cedar Rap- Young Repubhcans. I tion on student editorials, daily .qulpm.nt is the onlY'reason' for cost, permanent married student Muilenberg Steinties housing units to be financed by the Faculty Coffee Hour Committee. ids. DIANE CHERRY, A2. Cincin- TOM OBLINGER A2 Grand society page and weekly religious plrlchuting instruments blCk' II state, rather than increasing rent CAROL STEINT JES, A3. Sioux nati, Ohio. Acitvities - Alpha Xi Junction. Activities ~ ch~rleader'l news page in The Daily Iowan, in· earth, Anderson Slid. ,intramural chairman. Seals publi· assistant orientalion leader. creased Hason between board memo New equipment just finished 'for of present married student 110uslng City. Aclivilies - AWS treasurer, city chairman. swimming intra· bers and staff personnel. enlarge AWS Freshman Council. Alpha WOMEN'S RECREATION the balloon experiment Is a metal units. murals co-chairman. AWS Red DICK WIENER, Big .Broth~r. 9 by 12 inch Hawkeye, position Lambda Delta, orientation leader ASSOCIATION globe eight inches in diameter. It ROYAL TURNER, E3, Venago. Cross Convnittec, AWS intercol· Hawkeye sales staff, orientatIOn of Hawkeye picture editor created. ac twice, High School Contact Com· leglale assn., Women students con· leader. contains the small instruments for Nebr. Activities - A.S.M.,E .• millee, Information First, YWCA, (M.mbers Only Vote) collecting charged particle iDfor' til vention committee, orienta. •• (Two Y.lr Tum) It I Theta Tau, A. S. of E. Platform - concert band, varsity band. chair­ For President tio, leader, stat~ presiden~ . Iowa (Vot. For Two) mation. - The new rental housing fee that man Special Projects Committee, pressur~ '. J .. , Athletic and Recreation Federation BOARD OF STUDENT ' RICHARD I. F.: The globes are ,\fItb the average student can afford; ,MARILYN EASTRIDGE, " A:!, BOY~N, ~2, ori Hospital Reading Program. CPA of Collegll ,Women.' PUBLICATIONS Le~l11's. Actiyjties , -. Old Gold pure argon gas, normally exlslln4 married students living in barracks Decorations Sub·committee, Stu­ Waco, Tex. Activities ~, Alplia in the ai~ in very small quantltfei. t~r shouldn·t have to pay for new hous· ',' \ ~ I IOno Y.lr T.nn) Days Publicity Committee. Central dent Advisory COlTImittec, proctor Lambda Delta, Pcnguips president, Experimental ballpon WOfk at ~ ing ; increased representation on freshman cntrance tests. Seals vice-president, ~ !!Cere· AVlilable pldJ/r.. of.clndid.... \. • IVote 'For ,pne) " • ' Party-Publil:ity Committee, orien· SUI started in 1950 IlDd An'dehan Student Council. I tary. secretary Iowl\ Athleti~ aqtl for Union Board Ind &olrd of tation, Hawkey/!. Quadrangle ex· ~ame ~ad of \he projecti ltI JOAN TEPASKE, A3 , Orange Recreation federation of' Col1~e ,QTTO W. BIERI, M.· Dubuqlle. ecuuve oCouncll, Quadrangle publi- 1955. City.' Activities _ Student Coun· Women~ 'C",rier actlvi~ie, and ijl. 4""nt ffub\lc,'lonl were not J BARRON ' 8.REMNE~, rA3: city chairman. 'PlatfOrm ..... to lin: No X·rays were found at ball60l cil, Union Board. Orientation Gom­ tramural b6ards. . ."... t ... to . .-ce I\mitltic",~. ;rhe ctease st\Jdent~ditomal freedom 011 ~• •will ,Mt. ~.,n ,i . ~,dne~. Iowa Falls. The Daily Iowah. to strengthen the experiment altitudes until JUly, mittee. AWS secretary. YWCA 1957, ' I '1',1, \ chairman, Hospital Reading, ,In­ ~jW'l ,DIIIYll lowtlll:l, 'I _. JOHN D. COX, Cl~Ne~\oll. Acti' tics l' between) the 'SPI Board and I , '!, ;J.CI- vities - Phi G