All those who love wilderness and active holidays Slovenia, passing through the National Park A walk through broad and green valleys in the shadow but with the possibility of taking plenty of detours, so Of all the Dolomites included in 2009 in UNESCO’s ing plenty of scope for more expert mountaineers to This history and nature trails runs along the border (and in some places even by motorised transport), it will find their ideal in the Alpe Adria Trail. A long on the way. From here, the trail continues between of rough, majestic mountains, passing through that both experts and beginners can follow the route list of World Heritage Sites, those located in Friuli reach some summits. Since this is a circuit, there is between Slovenia and and is is possible to discover numerous open-air museums, journey of 750 km, divided into 43 stages, crossing Slovenia and Friuli Venezia Giulia: from the fascinating impressive forests, the whole with plentiful and according to their levels of skill and fitness. Every start are the wildest and least crowded, and offer an ide- no especial starting point, as it can be begun from ideal for all those who want to discover something war cemeteries, monuments and fortifications Austria, Slovenia and Friuli Venezia Giulia and linking and mysterious Natisone valleys to the Friulian and unique panoramas and viewpoints to draw the eye. (and finish) is at a mountain hut able to offer a bed for al destination for all trekkers who love to experience any of the four mountains huts along the route (Giaf, of the numerous traces left by the Great War in these illustrating the history of this twentieth-century war together their respective cultures, languages and Slovenian Collio, before reaching the karst plateau This is the Traversata Carnica, a trek that follows the night, food and anything else that might be useful the mountains surrounded by nature and silence. Flaiban-Pacherini, Pordenone and Padova), which territories. From the heart of the Julian at the feet that changed the course of history. This unique trail traditions. Following it, trekkers discover breathtaking above Trieste leading to the enchanting port of the border with Austria and links up the Eastern on the route. Much of it can also be followed on a The route, comprising four stages for a duration provide ideal bases in which to rest and enjoy the del- of the mighty Mangart, the trail leads all the way to makes it possible not only to follow the traces of our landscapes and incredible views, discover enchanting Muggia, on the Adriatic Sea. And for those who want Dolomites in Alto Adige, the Comelico (), the mountain bike, for the greater satisfaction of those of 5-6 days, crosses the valleys in the Pramaggiore, icacies of this part of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Trieste across fascinating, wild habitats, for much of past, but also to appreciate the cultures, traditions places and villages, taste local foods and discover the to experience the thrill of crossing 3 national borders Carnic and Julian Alps in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The wishing to combine their passions for cycling and for Monfalconi, Spalti di Toro and Cridola massifs, allow- the way following the course of the River Soča/Isonzo, and excellences in terms of food and wine of two uses and customs of the areas they pass through. on foot within a few days, there is the possibility of route is divided in several stages, all Alpine in nature mountains. which for over two and a half years marked the main different territories, formerly divided and today united The trail starts in the High Tauern National Park in taking the tour that joins Lower Carinthia, the Tarvisio front in the war between the Kingdom of and the by a desire to pass on and encourage the values of Austria and then descends to the valleys of Carinthia area in Italy and the Kranjska Gora area in Slovenia. Austro-Hungarian Empire. Either on foot or by bike peace. TECHNICAL INFORMATION: and continues along the green valley of the Soča in TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Length of trail: 97 km (overall route) Starting point: Length of trail: 38 km Starting point: Number of stages: Depending on the level Rifugio Giaf or Rifugio Flaiban Pacherini Number of stages: 4 Rifugio Lambertenghi-Romanin of physical training (for those arriving via Forni di Sopra) Average length of each stage: 9,5 km TECHNICAL INFORMATION: TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Length of trail: 750 km Finish: Average length of each stage: Variable Rifugio Pordenone 2 parallel but interchangeable routes: Length of trail along the Slovene front: 320,6 km (for those arriving from the Pordenone area) Starting point: Number of stages: 43 Coccau (Comune di Tarvisio, UD) one along the Italian front and the other along the Number of stages: 13 Rifugio Padova Kaiser Franz Josefs - Höhe (A) Average length of each stage: 17,5 km Austro-Hungarian front in Slovenia; Average length of each stage, Slovene front: 24 km (for those arriving via Pieve di ) Finish: Finish: the same as the starting point Muggia Starting point for both: Length of trail along the Italian front: 375,7 km Log pod Mangartom (SLO) Number of stages: 15 Finish for both: Trieste (ITA) Average length of each stage, Italian front: 25 km

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: www.alpe-adria-trail.com Carte topografiche per escursionisti 1.25.000 Tabacco Editrice n° 010, 017, 01, 09, 018, 019 www.anellodolomitifriulane.com www.potmiru.si 5 6 7 8


The Iter Aquieliense - Celestial Way is an international important shrine to the Mother of God in Slovenia, Located in isolated splendour on hilltops to guard archaeological remains survive today, that the first The Cammino delle Pievi in MTB is a variant of the the highest at 1,948 metres a.s.l.. The Cammino delle The Alpe Adria cycle route (Ciclovia Alpe Adria in and fascinating cycling routes in Europe. The Italian religious trail drawing in three different states (Italy, while in Austria the route starts at Maria Saal, above the community and the villages below, the pievi are baptisms and other sacraments were dispensed to same pilgrimage trail planned to be followed on an Pievi in MTB offers the opportunity to experience an italian) starts in Salzburg, Austria, and reaches Grado, section of the itinerary runs largely on a dedicated Austria and Slovenia) and converging at Monte Klagenfurt, a beautiful church dating back to the 8th the ancient baptismal churches that were built in the the local converters to Christianity. In the surrounding MTB. The route consists of 20 stages plus a shortcut exciting ride through villages where time seems to crossing the entire Friuli Venezia Giulia region. The cycle track or on secondary roads with little traffic, Lussari, right at the north-eastern border of Italy, century, important for the history of Carinthia and for region in the wake of the evangelisation of the rural areas, single pievi began to be constructed, and the and covers a total distance of about 300 km on mixed have stopped and through the uncontaminated na- route has been built in part on the former track of does not have significant slopes and does not require where there is a Marian shrine called of “The Three the cultural and religious identity of Mitteleuropa. areas. There are ten in , founded between local inhabitants in their parish would go to them terrain (asphalted roads, dirt roads and paths) and ture of Carnia. Given its division into stages, it can the historic Pontebbana railway line and therefore particular athletic skills or good training to be tackled. Peoples” precisely because it is the destination The Italian trail is characterised by extreme diversity the fifth and the fourteenth centuries, and they still to receive the same sacraments. Established as a with varying levels of difficulty classified according to followed in successive moments and the sections can features a succession of bridges and tunnels once It can be followed in all or part of its length, thanks of pilgrimages from these three countries. The in terms of scenery, and during the pilgrimage hikers contain some wonderful works of art, testimonies spiritual and religious pilgrimage, the Cammino delle CAI (Italian Alpine Club) criteria. The overall height be selected according to the level of training and per- used by trains and which today contribute to make to the presence of dedicated intermodal services Italian route covers about 200 km and starts from can enjoy many experiences: they will come across of the religious zeal of the mountain inhabitants. pievi allows one to learn about some of the important difference of the whole itinerary is about 12,250 me- sonal technical skills. the Ciclovia Alpe Adria one of the most beautiful effected by train and bus. an island sanctuary in the lagoon of Grado or from small country churches and famous shrines such as In the early centuries of Christianity, the most historical and cultural aspects of this region, and is tres, with the lowest altitude at 288 metres a.s.l. and Aquileia, formerly a patriarchate and a starting point Castelmonte, visit towns rich in history and art such important centre for evangelisation in Carnia was also suitable for families. The average length of each for the evangelisation of Central Europe in the early as Cividale del Friuli but also walk through the silence Zuglio, the ancient Roman Iulium Carnicum. It was stage is approximately 14 kilometres. TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Length of the Tarvisio-Grado section: 180 km centuries AD. For Slovenia, the starting point has of forests and nature reserves. in Zuglio, in the ancient basilica of which only a few INFO TECNICHE: Length of trail: 300 km Starting point: Salzburg Number of stages in Friuli Venezia Giulia: 3 been established at Brezje, near Kranj, the most Average length of each stage:60 km Starting point: Imponzo Number of stages: 20 Finish: Grado Finish: Imponzo Average length of each stage: 15 km Total length of the trail Intermodal public transport services along TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Total length of the trail: 260 km Salisburgo-Grado: 400 km the route: bicycle + train, bicycle + bus TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Length of trail: 195,75 km Starting point: Average length of each stage: 14 km Number of stages: 10 Imponzo Number of stages: 20 Starting point: BICYCLE + BUS SERVICE BICYCLE + TRAIN SERVICE Average length of each stage: 19,5 km Finish: Barbana Island - Grado Saf - Autoservizi Fvg Società Ferrovie Udine Cividale s.r.l. HIKING Finish: Imponzo Call centre: tel. 800915303 (from landline) www.ferrovieudinecividale.it Monte Lussari +39 0432 524406 (from mobile) Stazione di Cividale: Tel. +39 0432 731032 FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA Opening times: Monday to Friday 8.30-12.30 / 14.30-17.30; Saturday 8.30-12.30 Trenitalia Direzione Regionale Friuli Venezia Giulia www.saf.ud.it www.trenitalia.com

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: www.carniabike.it www.camminoaquileiese.it www.camminodellepievi.it www.alpe-adria-radweg.com “Ciclovia Alpe Adria” – Robert Schumann – Ediciclo editore € 14,50


9 10 11 Equipment and clothing. Telescopic trekking poles require the use of technical equipment. The most AUSTRIA are useful, especially when going downhill, as they important requirement of a backpack is the quality lessen the load on knee-joints and help maintain of the backrest and the shoulder straps: they have Forni Avoltri AUSTRIA Ravascletto balance. It is also very important always to have the task of distributing most of the weight on the Zoncolan Tarvisio a complete change of clothes with you, without arch of the back and shoulders. Sauris Arta Terme Sella Nevea Forni di Sopra forgetting something suitable for keeping out the Trail information. Before leaving, it is very Tolmezzo rain and wind. important to collect all the information you need

Gemona SLOVENIA Footwear. It is important to wear footwear suitable to prevent any problems during your outing. It is Dolomiti del Friuli Friulane for rough terrain, such as light walking boots with therefore vital to check the weather forecasts and a sculpted sole able to grip in mud or wet grass. to ensure the selected paths are accessible. Also, San Daniele Cividale be sure always to have a detailed map of the route Piancavallo del Friuli del Friuli Backpack. The backpack should be of the right Spilimbergo showing details of the CAI (Italian Alpine Club) UDINE SLOVENIA size and packed for the activity that you are going Palù di Livenza ADRIABIKE CYCLE ROUTE PEDEMONTANA AND COLLIO CYCLE ROUTE LOWLAND AND NATISONE CYCLE ROUTE to do. Its capacity is expressed in litres: a 20-30 paths. PORDENONE litre backpack is ideal for day trips which may also Palmanova GORIZIA The Adriabike cycle route (Ciclovia Adriabike in italian) is Trieste and Grado. It can be followed both from Trieste The Pedemontana and Collio cycle route (Ciclovia Gorizia, called the “Austrian Nice” by the Habsburg UDINE - CIVIDALE - KOBARID TREVISO AEROPORTO TRIESTE a cross-border cycle trail that includes three routes: the to Lignano Sabbiadoro and vice versa, passing through pedemontana e del Collio in italian) connects Sacile to bourgeoisie, which with its castle and numerous mu- FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA In the section shown on this map, the Lowland and gobard Duchy in Italy and the starting point of the Lon- Via verde smeraldo between Kranjska Gora and Trieste, some lovely nature reserves, places of great historical and Gorizia along the imaginary line that delimits the range seums offers a mass of culture. The Ciclovia pedemon- Aquileia Natisone cycle route (Ciclovia della pianura e del Nati- gobard route. The town itself has been a Unesco World the Via dei Mercanti and the Burci between Venice and archaeological interest such as Aquileia, seaside resorts of the Alps in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The route offers tana e del Collio also passes through wine-producing VENEZIA sone in italian) connects Udine to Kobarid (Slovenia) Heritage Site since 2011. Kobarid in Slovenia (known as Ravenna and the Via della Serenissima between Koper, that provide many services for cyclists and families like wonderful landscapes and crosses towns and villages areas where some of the excellent regional wines are passing via Cividale. The itinerary can be done in a day Caporetto in Italian), is famous for the First World War Lignano Grado TRIESTE Trieste, Grado, Lignano Sabbiadoro and Venice. The Lignano and Grado and finally the splendid city of Trieste rich in art and ancient traditions: Sacile, which thanks produced, and which can be tasted and bought in the RECOMMENDATIONS Sabbiadoro by fit cyclists, but can also be divided into two parts, battle and is now home to a major historical museum Via della Serenissima crosses the entire coast of Friuli with Its Mitteleuropean atmosphere. The ciclovia Adriabike to its Venetian atmosphere is called the “garden of numerous cellars scattered throughout the area. The with a stop at Cividale del Friuli for a visit to the town. on the theme. The stretch from Udine to Cividale del FOR CYCLING SAFELY Venezia Giulia using cycle paths and secondary roads and is part of the Eurovelo 8 route (the Mediterranean Route) the Serenissima”; Maniago, which since the fifteenth route, which runs predominantly along a dedicated The landscape crossed by this splendid trail is rich in Friuli presents no difficulty and is recommended for HOW TO GET offers the possibility of using the Bicycle + Boat service and between Cervignano and Grado intersects the famous century is famous for the art of making knives; Gem- cycle track or on secondary roads, has no particular uncontaminated nature, and ideal for a relaxing break. everyone. The stretch from Cividale del Friuli to Kobar- between Lignano and Marano Lagunare and between Ciclovia Alpe Adria connecting Salzburg to Grado. ona del Friuli, an ancient medieval village conserving technical difficulties. In addition, Gemona del Friuli The small towns along the route are full of culture and id presents a rise in altitude of about 270 metres and is precious architectural treasures in its historical centre; intersects the Ciclovia Alpe Adria connecting Salzburg • Always wear an approved helmet, reflective Note well history: Cividale del Friuli is the home of the first Lon- therefore recommended only for fit cyclists. by car by plane by train Cividale del Friuli, home of the first Longobard Duchy to Grado and thus allows other places in Friuli Venezia sports vest or straps and/or brightly-coloured Since the cycling routes on this map can be both Highway Trieste Regional Airport www.trenitalia.it TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Length of the route: 9A Trail 1: 182 km in Italy, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2011; Giulia to be visited by bike. clothes, especially at night, together with and paved and unpaved, or even gravel, the use of a any other protection as appropriate such as knee trekking bike is reccomended. Please note: some A4 Torino - Trieste 40 km from Trieste and Udine Call Center 89.20.21 Starting point: Ravenna / Finish: Portorož (SLO) 9B Trail 2: 143 km A23 Palmanova - Udine - Tarvisio 15 km from Gorizia Number of stages in Friuli Venezia Giulia: 2 o 3 Intermodal public transport services TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Length of trail: 55 km pads and gloves; of the routes may be partly open to traffic, so be A28 Portogruaro - Conegliano 80 km from Pordenone Number of stages: 1 o 2 • Take a bicycle maintenance kit with you careful. Average length of each stage: 60 km o 70 km along the route: bicycle + boat TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Total length of the trail: 180 km Starting point: Udine www.aeroporto.fvg.it Finish: Kobarid (Slovenia) • Keep lights always on and efficient, at both front Total length of the trail: 358 Km Number of stages in Friuli Venezia Giulia: 4 Starting point: Sacile and back; For further information on the routes or to receive Finish: Gorizia Average length of each stage: 45 km • Ensure children are seated in appropriate the gpx tracks please contact CONTACTS FOR THE BICYCLE + BOAT SERVICE Saf - Autoservizi Fvg approved seats; [email protected] credit Delfino Verde Navigazione S.r.l. Call centre: tel. 800915303 (from landline) Archivio PromoTurismoFVG - P. Da Pozzo - U. Da Pozzo POR FESR 2007-2013 - F. Gallina - L. Gaudenzio POR FESR Tel. / Fax. +39 040361913 +39 0432 524406 (from mobile) • Remove sunglasses in tunnels; 2007-2013 - G. Menis POR FESR 2007-2013 - M. Milani - Pentaphoto - M. Verin - L. Vitale POR FESR 2007-2013 www.delfinoverde.it / [email protected] Opening times: Monday to Friday 8.30-12.30 / 14.30-17.30; • Indicate left/right turns or your intention to move Saturday 8.30-12.30 / www.saf.ud.it to the centre of the road with your arms; • Check brakes and wheels frequently; • Comply with road traffic rules FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: www.adriabike.eu www.turismofvg.it www.turismofvg.it [email protected] [email protected]

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M. Fleons r O Gail

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d Terza Piccola z Rigolato 7 r n Hohenthurn d z . M. Cimon s h i

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V 1832 (A)

2239 d M. Cocco Salzburg V di Cadore 2443 V e o L. di Auronzo i . g

l Piani di Vâs Ligosullo M. Corona n 1941 a V di Pontebba M 1 8

M. Cavallo e A U a l


Creton di l d a


M. Salinchiet p B Creta Forata Carnico i l Terza d

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v 6 r a Grande n a o 2362 e Pi Prato T. r M. Forno t e . 1728 P 1999 g

l F 2586 Paularo o o 1736 v Ravascletto n B o ro Carnico te h l 1508 C a bb l 2 a r a a i e l n a m T a t a r M. Crìssin . M. Cullar t o a Pe a Paluzza 6 n o 1 2503 M. Pupera sarin V M I Brentoni 7 1764 c 7 e 2548 o l Comeglians l Valgrande e 2932 P e s a M. Tersadia 3205 o d a l r i n M. Zoncolan Malborghetto - Valbruna pp 2513 6 7 a 1959 o o Trupejevo Poldne Kepa G ru Cimon del Froppa Vigo V 1750 Sutrio i 1932

di Cad. 6 8 2143 i o v a o r Pontebba 8 P n 6 r

l o M. Tamai 8

T A23 Cime Bastioni a s M. Pieltinis M. Forchia V a n a 1 C.Bel Prà a i . ov 1970 a r Pi r 1901 l Tarvisio

HIKING 2917 2925 V V T. 2027 7 F V C 1 1 F

a e 5

a Lozzo . c e

l l 1 1

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d Lorenzago di Cad. Ovaro 1765 Arta I M. Sernio a

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a a D

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l M. Cucasit sò c l

e 2075 r p 2058 i

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e d 2413 T. s o a

i l . e Picco di Mezzodì

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L A o e Spik a 2195 d

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F m M. Palavierte . l

. 2474 g a o o di Cad. i Dognae a ic di Cad. T i M. Mangart

e Dog 2472 tr 1785 V . na s Cadore a i T a i R V a a B g M. Bivera T n

Lago di li Val Dog 2677

a T . L d Jôf di Montasio ˇ r d Centro Cadore m . Skrlatica Raveo 7 A 2753 t Pieve e D Jôf Fuart 2740 M. Cridola u Vodo n eg CYCLING di Cadore 2581 t a p 8 l o o n 2666 V L. di Vodo di Cad. Forni di Sopra o a M. Cimone Jalovec 2547 e 3 5 A e Lauco Izvir Socˇe M. Tinisa Ampezzo l 2379 d 2643 K S Prisojnik T. di Cad. 2120 Chiusaforte p l Villa Santina T a Bòi Valle i io a te Enemonzo . G e R L. del e FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA c L. di Valle Monfalconi l l l 4 a del Predil i Koritnica e 2548 Forni 6 Tolmezzo g Moggio C a Raccolana a nta p m B F. Ta M. Amariana n a n T. G V re t di sotto g 1905 ò n T l Perarolo Socchieve lia i a r ò i Picco di Roda C. Cadin di Toro m V t Briceljk j M. Rite 2229 e n A di Cad. i 2386 a 6 Preone nt o l a n a u 2346 d 2183 7 6 o a c c a K 2014 Cibiana Verzegnis r V l a l Z Trentski Pelc e di Cadore n Resiutta R i k 3 M. Corno l L. di Carnia V a l R e s M. Sart e o 2109 s Triglav Debela Pecˇ C. Sella i i 2324 a d T. a j a Z n a Verzegnis M. Cergnala K j 2334 1253 a Re i t a 7 Amaro l sia n i 2864 a 7 g l J u l e c m e 2344 r a i Resia Rombon

l F e 6 Bavsˇki Grintavec T a

l to a . 2208 Sassolungo di Cibiana 2555 n n Monte Verzegnis

F me A23 F 2347 a 1 a l . lia j 2413 i C. Postegae Tag 1914 Cavazzo M. Plauris M. Canin a Kanjavec Forno C. Laste l Pramaggiore T e ˇsic n a Tosc o 2358 1958 v ˇ 2568 2478 d M. Rest 7 Carnico Parco Naturale Ba d oc . 2275

di Zoldo m M. Chiarescons 2587 o S J i o

2168 l 1780 p V. Sˇpicˇje h C

e V n delle i Sasso di C. dei Preti . M.Valcalda M. Lavara S 2389 k

T a a t M. San Simeone 8 s

2706 Lago di m Bosconero v C 2468 1908 l M. Piombada o 1505 1906 Prealpi Giulie e n a a Pontesei 1744 l Mesnovec Ospitale v d Val Ven Bovec n M. Duranno z g a T. Viellia o i di Cad. i 2652 a Cuesta Spioleit ’ n M. Chiadin 1538 i M. Piciat Lâc di Cjavaç a r

P M. Turlon A s 1818 L a . 1687 1615 T sa T F C 2312 m Parco Naturale Venzone . V C

r en . a

2210 i M. Frascola o zonass d e Lepenjica n a n Caserine z

i l

t Tramonti 5 1720 i

l M. Cornaget 1961 1

2306 z M l i La Palazza l t a 2323 di sopra r . 4

n A alâr Kal o n P a una T. M Skutnik ed .

M. Vacalizzae m S 2001 e e delle M i u D

t i T Bordano o a t d o s U T 2266 e una cˇja c Cima de l'Albero S C. Cjol di Sass le . Med M. Brancot i ˇ .M S . a T a 2018 T 2072 n e a n m o K a Dolomiti Frurlane Prsˇivec M. Borgà a 1015 Vrsˇicˇ

è V Zuc di Santins M. Chiampon . Leale T 2228 C 1761 Castellavazzo Col d. Luna 1309 1709 r Krasji Vrh 1897 Savica d l L. del Ciul 1422 Stara Fuzˇina Cimolais 8 10 e M. Dosaip r T r ica . r n C a Tramnti 1773 Bohinjsko Jezero Rib 2062 a Trasaghis M. Cuarnan o e i o T Stol Erto e Casso m di sotto 1372 G r o T. Ce n M. Cuar . a n a B hinjka o lli i T M o av l Longarone li V Claut na Gemona n 1673 S t M. Taiet T t an 1478 del Friuli e M. Zerten a L. di Selva n 1369 Krn T T M L. del o . Chiar Lusevera Tolminski Kuk o h i 1883 sò . B na 2244 Vaiont li A n a Cel m è T. L. di r 2085 z 10 Montenars 4 Zimon a i l Silisia Redona n Monte Osoppo 1819 . o T r V M. Pala po 4 T Prato M. Toc M. Ressetum o a p a . a V 1231 n Taipana Kobarid 1921 2067 T C l r o O a

o e S V zˇ Vogel n o 878 p i M. Pelf da C o

se s p n d l . 1922 Val De C a Artegna Na 11 cˇ 1 a 2502 i a Rasˇkovec Spiz Galina T a k l

Vito d’Asio Forgaria f

M. Ciaurlec n 2471 a la Bernadia n a i 1967 1545 f a 1148 o Magnano r C nel Friuli m

Clauzetto u l a i V s in Riviera o V. Galin l M. Raut 1094 M. Mia o

i Z n Buia Mrzli T e 2025 Meduno a C 1237 Lago di l e M. Mataiur Vrh L. di Cornino 8 l e n 1641 Val Galina Tarcento so 1359 2345 Crep Nudo a L i Serva at Soverzene 2207 Frisanco N 2133 M. Teverone Andreis V 1124 . 4 10 F a M. di Ragogna F 1 A27 M. Dolada 4 o r Travesio Castelnovo 512 . L M. Vogu K e Cavasso T Kuk o d 1939 Barcis ed lo r v r l . a T 10 v Nuovo Treppo ra a A L. di T. M . Nimis t Ponte C M. Jouf o M. Iauar 1242

. C e T p

C Grande o T Barcis l e

nelle Alpi l 1224 1005 M. Joanaz l r

i d re a n

a Fanna 1167 Tolmin

a u Attimis M. Fara V Pinzano Maiano 1 r Pieve M. Messer e i n a l a a l 1342 Ragogna T s

d’Alpago 2230 T n n a G e . i Drenchia l . Cassacco Pulfero c T

L. di C e

a Kneza . i

C Maniago o R 4

T r Trieste Infopoint M

a Ragogna

m . . T a

l a ô Savogna t e r T

e Pala d’Altei k

v Chies o Coloredo a Sequàls

Via dell’Orologio, 1 (angolo Piazza Unità d’Italia) 1528 t s a d’Alpago T di Montalbano Tricesimo Grimacco Kojka i Montereale n B a P . a e ˇca B 1303 I-34121 Trieste . M. Ciastelat C

F Puos Valcellina e V 1641 o m San Daniele n

d’Alpago s a Faedis o a A23 r Tel. +39 040 3478312 / Fax +39 040 3478320 i del Friuli 11 e a

l z Vajont lb z 1 Arba g A si 4 [email protected] Grado Infopoint BELLUNO a . o T. Colvera 5 T C T Reana . T M. Cavallo . del Roiale a Viale D. Alighieri, 66 / I-34073 Grado (GO) Tambre 2251 F ot Rive T n d’Alpago Tavagnacco Torreano San Pietro Pla d’Arcano . Stregna ˇ iˇska io Sentv G al Natisone Udine Infopoint Tel. +39 0431 877111 / Fax +39 0431 83509 Farra ò dr o Lago di o u Moruzzo r r zz I d’Alpago i a be . i Piazza I° Maggio, 7 / I-33100 Udine [email protected] S. Croce Pagnacco v i T. Er T ò h 386 Povoletto C r V. Vrh o Spilimbergo T. Id Id M. Pascolet 1071 r r Tel. +39 0432 295972 / Fax +39 0432 504743 San Lenardo d i i T. C 1278 i Fagagna jc j ic 11 u a c og l a [email protected] Arta Terme Infopoint n 10 t a g San Vito Cividale I a r i di Fagana 11 del Friuli Via Umberto I°, 15 / I-33022 Arta Terme (UD) v s 1 5 o o Coseano Martignacco l l Gorizia Infopoint Tel. 0433 929290 / Fax. 0433 92104 n a Moimacco 10 o n l Kanal Hotenja K eLasˇcˇek a u C.le Ledra e i V. Vrsˇe d T. Corno 1071 Corso Italia, 9 / I-34170 Gorizia [email protected] d k e 909 C Dignano Remanzacco l s a Piano del Vivaro c c Lago 5 a i M

e a ˇ Tel. +39 0481 535764 / Fax +39 0481 539294 Cansiglio l Aviano Korada n c Morto . 1 sˇ l a i n

o E u e 811 i

T T ri K d l . Col Visentin d 1359 Iu a s b [email protected] Forni di Sopra Infopoint L T. e

1763 M. Millifret o

im Mereto Premariacco n ˇ r

a 1581 o M. Candaglia a j T n D Via Cadore, 1 / I-33024 Forni di Sopra (UD) a c San Giorgio di Tomba UDINE a C n s Budoia i 5 n A27 M. Pizzoc o della Richinvelda l Pordenone Infopoint Tel. +39 0433 886767 / Fax +39 0433 886686 B T Flaibano a 1 1170 1565 . o Pasian a C t M

. e n di Prato Prepotto Deskle B Planinca Palazzo Badini [email protected] l T l e S 956 i 8 a Col d. Poiatte San Quirino n o a cˇ k Col Major m Via Mazzini, 2 / I-33170 Pordenone 1344 a Volnik s 1242 a Pradamano 1 Kuk a i Dolegna n z l 611 Tel. +39 0434 520381 / Fax +39 0434 241608 Tolmezzo Infopoint Sorg.ti n ˇ a g v e Polcenigo San Martino Cepo v del Livenza i al Tagliamento a [email protected] Via della Vittoria, 4 / I-33028 Tolmezzo (UD) L

T a .

d 651 . F r Tel. +39 0433 44898 / Fax +39 0433 467873 Campoformido sˇk a B

F Sedegliano Vodice Roveredo Basiliano Buttrio 5 G o r i V. Bukovec Lignano Sabbiadoro Infopoint [email protected] Fregona in Piano 4 1445 Rèvine-Lago 867 Corno Via Latisana, 42 Coll'Alto Arzene Valvasone Pavia Manzano di Rosazzo C M. Sabotino Grgar Cordenons 609 I-33054 Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) Tarvisio Infopoint a di Udine 1 V. Golak n Pozzuolo o Mrzovec Tel. +39 0431 71821 / Fax +39 0431 724756 Via Roma, 14 / I-33018 Tarvisio (UD) Vittorio Sàrmede du San Giovanni 1410 N 1495 e l F.Soligo Veneto Fontanafredda M r e al Natisone San Floreano 646 ˇ [email protected] Tel. +39 0428 2135 / Fax +39 0428 2972 Tarzo . o n l Skabrijel F o i del Collio Cappella m s o r i Codroipo t Caneva o T [email protected] Maggiore 10 a Zoppola C N r

Porcia . . NOVA GORICA n Lignano Pineta Infopoint PORDENONE T T o Sacile Lestizza Cormons v s Via dei Pini, 53 / I-33054 Lignano Pineta (UD) Aquileia Infopoint k Casarsa o GORIZIA Kromberk i Cordignano A28 ri 1 G S. Pietro d o z d Tel. +39 0431 422169 / Fax +39 0431 422616 Via Iulia Augusta (Parcheggio / Bus terminal) Trivignano u Mossa Ozeljian

A23 I di Feletto

. Capriva Colle o T ell le T. Corno Bertiolo Mortegliano Chiopris 10 [email protected] I-33051 Aquileia (UD) Umberto Orsago nc Si 1353 o . Santa Maria 5 Moraro 4

F Viscone F N

. la Longa V. Modrosovec Tel. +39 0431 919491 / Fax +39 0431 919491 . sa F T San Lorenzo

Gódega er

L Bicinicco . V San Vito Talmassons . di S. Urbano T T Isontino i Fiume Camino Sistiana Infopoint [email protected] Refrontolo S. Fior v al Tagliamento o H4 e Veneto al Tagliamento r n r


Medea Sistiana 56/B / I-34011 Duino - Aurisina z Mariano Savogna 1002 a Palmanova Farra del Friuli d’Isonzo Vrtojba Sinji Vrh Tel. + 39 040 299166 Aeroporto FVG Infopoint S. Vendemiano Brugnera Castions di Strada San Vito 1 F [email protected] Via Aquileia, 46 . V A28 Prata F al Torre ipa Ajdovscina . cc Miren Prvacˇ ina di Pordenone S Gonars Gradisca M.San Michele o I I-34077 Ronchi dei Legionari (GO) t

e Conegliano Varmo l 276 Vipava Gaiarine la Visco Romans Palmanova Infopoint Tel. +39 0481 476079 / Fax +39 0481 776729 il Fiume d’Isonzo 4 Azzano Bagnaria 1 Borgo Udine, 4 / I-33057 Palmanova (UD) [email protected] Codognè a Rivignano A4 Tapogliano Sagrado n Decimoe u l Arsa 4 Fajtji Hrib V d i a ip S n a Tel. 0432 924815 F e e Redipuglia va H4 . . Morsano Mo A28 h Aiello 433 Trstelj nt M F g S. Lucia ica . Pasian e al Tagliamento del Friuli 4 643

[email protected] n R Villesse o V F Susegana di Piave di Pordenon Sesto . Teor Campolongo 1


Mareno Portobuffolè Cjons al Reghena Porpetto al Torre a Ostri Vrh l

Fontanelle 4 l 4 422 di Piave San Pier Doberdò o Cordovado A4 San Giorgio 8 d’Isonzo n Pocenia di Nogaro e Vazzola Cinto Ruda F A27 Mansuè Caomaggiore Ronchi L. di Doberdò . Piav Stella F. 9 e Pravisdomini Gruaro dei Legionari Br Torviscosa Villa C anica Meduna Teglio Cervignano 8 5 Vicentina Turiacco di Livenza Pramaggiore Veneto Muzzana Monfalcone 1 A Ronchis F del Turgnano . 9 Staranzano r C M. Ermada o 4 Carlino o 323 Palazzolo rm r S.Polo o n o 4 di Piave d. Stella C F San Ganzian Arcade Annone . . Terzo Cimadolmo Fossalta 5 9 Motta Precenicco T Z a Veneto di Portogruaro e d’Aquileia 4 Ras Portogruaro l l Fiumicello ˇ Spresiano Oderzo di Livenza 9 i a n 8 HIKING ROUTES CYCLING ROUTES Latisana a

Ormelle 9B F 9 usa 9 . F. A I Povegliano Aquileia so Duino-Aurisina M. S. Leonardo nzo 1 400 San Michele Marano Golfo Maserada al Tagliamento a 9 s r s di Panzano sul Piave F. Piav F i 8 Alpe Adria Trail e Concordia t M. Lanaro Cammino delle Pievi by Mtb . Villo ba ( a 1 7 l S a Sagittaria B 545 t N 5 P 9 e n o . 9 I Starting point: Starting point: Imponzo l a l l r F d â Ca a a . C n M o f . Chiarano n Sgonico Kaiser Franz Josefs - Höhe (A) Finish: Imponzo ) P San Stino i a A4 L a Strazˇa iavon di Livenza F d g Finish: Muggia F A u 580 .L a n Foce 1 Monrupino Ponte . 9 a Ponzano on n d B s Breda di Piave Cessalto còn T i dell’Isonzo 9 A Veneto di Piave a u Isola di S. Andrea G 9 g Alpe Adria cycle route F. Lemene g r 8 l a Salgareda i a Porto Buso Traversata Carnica Trail a L Porto di 5 d o 2 Starting point: Salzburg (A) m Sant’Andrea Isola Morgo e Bocca Sezˇ ana S. Biagio n Starting point: Finish: Grado Carbonera Torre 9 8 di Primiero di Callalta t Puart di Lignan Rifugio Lambertenghi-Romanin di Mosto o Cèggia Valle 9 5 o Stari Tabor Finish: Zignago Lignano 603 9 9A Coccau 9 Adriabike cycle route TREVISO Zenson aglio iven di Piave T . L za 1 Starting point: Ravenna il F Grado Noventa . 1 di Piave n 9 Finish: Portorož (SLO) Silea Monastièr a Trail of Friulian Dolomites di Treviso C Golfo di Trieste 3 Casier Fossalta TRIESTE Starting point: di Piave V. Gradisˇcˇe 741 Rifugio Giaf or Rifugio Flaiban Pacherini Pedemonatana and Collio Laguna di Caorle Foce del Tagliamento 10 B (from Forni di Sopra) 9 cycle route 9B Rifugio Pordenone F Porto di Basèleghe Starting point: Sacile . Valle Vecchia Baia di Muggia S Mèolo Musile 9 Mare Adriatico il (from the Pordenone area) e di Piave

Finish: Gorizia Preganziol Porto di Falconera Rifugio Padova (from Pieve di Cadore) Muggia M.Carso (SLO) Finish: the same as the starting point Càorle 457 9 Bovec 11 Lowland and Natisone 1 Dolina 4 Pot Miru - Path of Peace cycle route 2 parallel routes: Udine - Cividale - Kobarid 9 Starting point for both: Starting point: Udine Log pod Mangartom (SLO) Finish: Kobarid (SLO) Venezia - Ravenna Finish for both: Trieste

Cammino Celeste (SLO) 5 Starting point: Barbana Island - Grado Portorose Finish: Monte Lussari 6 Cammino delle Pievi Starting point: Imponzo Finish: Imponzo

Dotted line means VENEZIA overlapping of routes Casa Editrice Tabacco Autorizzazione n. 2108