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[email protected] Numbers displayed above are based on latest data collected. For more information visit www.intechopen.com 13 Relaxation Techniques and States – Applications to Physical Therapy Leslaw Kulmatycki Health Promotion Department, University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw, Poland 1. Introduction The chapter below is dedicated to relaxation techniques. It is an attempt to explain their main theoretical concepts and techniques and to describe some benefits of their application. The chapter is addressed primarily to professional people who work with patients, but may also interest those non-professionals who want to improve their general health and well- being. The material is divided into nine sub-chapters, each describing a different aspect of the technique and practice of relaxation. First, these techniques are described as part of the application of holistic concepts to health and illness, and of relaxation techniques grounded in such concepts. Subsequently, relaxation is defined and analyzed as both a process and a state of awareness. Within the chapter, there is a description of the dimensions, levels, and the two main ways of attaining the deepened state of relaxation. The final section describes five sets of relaxation techniques and examples of their implementation in therapeutic settings.