Personal Profile NAME DR. JAMSHED AHMAD Address with C/o Md. Kalam, Flate no. 05 Email Hutta Para, Hutton Road Asansol – 713301
[email protected] Highest qualification M.A., M.PHIL, PH.D. Teaching Experience Seven (07) Years Topics Taught Urdu Adab Ki Tareekh, Classiki Urdu Ghazal, Jadid Urdu Ghazal, Nazm Ibteda Se Ali Garh Tahreek Tak, Jadid Urdu Nazm, Urdu Tanqeed, Urdu Qasida aur Marsiya, Ilmul Arooz o Ilmul Byaan ka Mafhoom, Iqbal Ka Khususi Motala, Urdu Daastan aur Novel. Research Experience Ten Years Research Area Modern Urdu Poetry Testing and Evaluation Award and Received ‘Wafa Rashedi Award’ on my book entitled “Urdu Nazm aur Recognition Taraqqi Pasand Ahed ke Mailanaat” from West Bengal Urdu Academy, for (if any) Tahqeeqi Adab 2013. Received ‘Abdul Mughni Award’ on my book entitled “Urdu Nazm aur Taraqqi Pasand Ahed ke Mailanaat” from Bihar Urdu Academy Patna. NET/JRF Qualified Conducted by University Grant Commission, June - 2001. 1st Position in poetry recitation in Kallol-2000 (the annual sports and cultural festival of the SLL&CS/ JNU New Delhi. 2nd Prize in Inter-University Bait Bazi competition, Feb 2002 organized by JMI New Delhi nd 2 position in Bait Bazi in Kallol 1999, JNU New Delhi. Membership (if Member of the Under Graduate Board of Studies in Urdu of Kazi any) Nazrul University, Asansol, West Bengal. Member of the Under Graduate Board of Studies in Urdu of University of Gour Banga, Malda Town, West Bengal. Member of the Under Graduate Board of Studies in Urdu of The University of Burdwan, West Bengal. Other activity (if N/A any) List of BOOK: Publications “Urdu Nazm Aur Taraqqi Pasand Ahed Ke Mailanat” (Urdu Nazm and (Books, book Trends of Progressive Period) published by Adabistan publications, New chapters, journal .Delhi, March 2013.