A Publication of Lajna Ima’illah Lajna Matters & Nasiratul Ahmadiyya USA Dhul Qa’idah 1436 Issue 3 - 2015 August 2015 Holy Qur’an Special Features Mutual rivalry in seeking worldly  The Glorious Qur’an increase diverts you from God  Message from Sadr Lajna Till you reach the graves.  Correspondence Nay! you will soon come to know.  Reports Nay again! you will soon come to know. Taleem Matters Nay! if you only knew with certain  Tarbiyat Matters knowledge, Khidmat-e-Khalq Matters You will surely see Hell in this very life.  Tabligh Matters Aye, you will surely see it with the eye  Publication/IT Matters of certainty Hereafter.  Nasirat Matters Then, on that day you shall be called to  Regional Matters account for the favors bestowed upon  Local Matters you (102: 2- 9).  Section And entice whomsoever of them thou canst, with thy voice, and urge against them thy horsemen and thy All members are footmen and be their partner in asked to make use of wealth, and children, and make the resources promises to them.’ And Satan provided by Jama’at promises them naught but deceit and Lajna in order to (17: 65). improve their reading and their comprehension of the And this life of the world is nothing Holy Qur’an. All but a pastime and a sport, and the Home of the Hereafter — that Majalis are requested indeed is Life, if they but knew! to spend 10-15 (29:65). minutes during their General Meetings to improve their And it is not your riches nor your Tarteel. children that will bring you near Us in rank, but those who believe and do good works, will have a double reward for what they did. And in lofty mansions will they be secure (34:38).



Amr ibn Awf reported: The Messenger of Allahsaw, said, “By Allah, it is not poverty I fear for you, but rather I fear you will be given the wealth of the world just as it was given to those before you and you will compete for it just as they competed for it and it will destroy you just as it destroyed them” (Bukhari and Muslim).

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allahsaw said, "If the people of my community ever come to attach a lot of significance to this material world, the awe-inspiring effect of Islam will be taken away from them. And if they ever abandon the task of enjoining what is good and forbidding from what is wrong, they will be deprived of the blessings of divine revelations. And if they start to curse one another, they will be degraded in the sight of Allah" (Tirmidhi). Ibn Umar relates that the Holy Prophetsaw said: “Only two are to be envied: he upon whom Allah bestows the Qur’an and he conforms to it through the hours of the night and day; and he upon whom Allah bestows wealth and he spends it in the cause of Allah, through the hours of the night and the day” (Bukhari and Muslim).

Writings of the Promised Messiahas The remarkable material progress of the current age has been more than counterbalanced by its deplorable spiritual decline, to the extent that the souls of men have lost their ability even to grasp obvious truths. It is apparent from a close study of humanity that a hidden and formidable force is pulling it downwards, and man is swiftly being dragged into a pit, which is termed Asfalus Safilin (the lowest of the low). Such a complete change has come over the intellects of men that they have come to admire and praise things, which are abhorrent and detestable to the spiritual eye. Every soul feels itself being dragged downwards by a force, which, through its devastating influence, has already caused a whole world to fall into decline. Pure truths are laughed at and ridiculed, and complete submission to God is looked upon as an absurdity. Every soul is drawn towards the world as if constrained by some hidden force (How to Free from Sin, p.1). Those who fall on worldly benefits like dogs or ants or vultures falling blindly on carrion, those who have only sought comfort in this life: they cannot win nearness to Him. Every impure eye remains far removed from Him; every impure heart remains unaware of Him. For Him, whoever lives in fire, shall be saved from the flames; he who weeps for His sake shall be made happy, full of laughter and jubilance; he who breaks away from this world for His sake, shall find Him (Our Teaching p. 11). I do not say, nor is it my religion that the use of means should be totally abandoned. Allah, the exalted has encouraged us to use all necessary means. It would be an insult to human abilities and potential not to do so and disrespectful to the glorious Divine scheme of creating them. The landlord and the artisan should carry on their work and provide for their family and other dependents. But when a person exclusively relies and trusts in means, he commits shirk (associating partners with Allah) that leads him astray from the main purpose of his creation. For the Holy Qur’an says; “And in heaven is your sustenance (51:23)” (Malfoozat, Vol III pp. 80 – 81).

3 National Correspondence Message from National Sadr Lajna Ima’illah, Saliha Malik

My Dear Sisters,

It must be painfully clear to us all that living here in America we are indeed immersed in a most materialistic society. While on the one hand our hearts bow down to Allah in gratitude for the many blessings: for enabling us to have a life of relative ease and efficiency of means and for His most ample provision and above all for the freedom to practice our religion. On the other hand we must be ever watchful for ourselves and our children that we don’t fall into the materialistic attitude that surrounds us, which drives away our prayers and causes us to forget Allah.

In his sermon of 9/25/1998, Khalifatul Masih IVrh explains a Prayer of Holy Prophetsaw. This prayer, he said, is for the latter days when people have will no humility and their prayers will not be heard. A materialistic people are those who are never satisfied and whose knowledge though great is for personal gains only.

Hazrat Abdullahra relates that the Holy Prophet used to pray,

Oh Allah, I seek protection in my Prayer from four things:

 The heart, which is deprived of humility  The Prayer, which is not heard  The person who is not satisfied  The people whose knowledge has no benefit

We are most fortunate to have the teachings of the Promised Messiahas and the constant guidance of Khalifatul Masih Vatba, whose explanations on this subject give great depth of understanding – (be sure to read Huzoor’s Khutba in this issue of Lajna Matters!) I would simply remind everyone of several most effective, practical methods of detaching from the clutches of materialism and from selfish desires, as follows:

 Keep the fasts in Ramadhan and Nawafil fasts – the real journey towards insight.  Attend Jalsa Salana every year – put aside all obstacles; those three days in the Jalsa Gah are key!  Attend your National and Regional Ijtemaat every year – again silence the objecting voices that make excuses; those three days in the mosque really help to remind us and give us distinction – Furqan – the capacity to recognize material traps.  Become a Moosie! Above all this is a most helpful step! If we take this step in all sincerity, our focus towards simplicity and our life’s purpose definitely increases. Allah promises: ‘And as for those who strive in Our path — We will surely guide them in Our ways’ (Holy Qur’an: 29: 70).

May Allah grant us the capacity to be in this world but not a slave to it; the true community of the Promised Messiahas, Ameen.

atba 4 Letters from the office of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih atba Khamis5/12/15 salaam to all the Nasirat and Lajna in USA. Dear Sadr Lajna Ima’illah USA, Wassalaam Assalaamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatoh, 6/2/15 Dear Sadr Lajna Ima’illah USA, I have received your activity report for the month of Assalaamo Alikum wa rahmatullahe wa barakatohu, January 2015 along the February issue of ‘Lajna Matters’ quarterly newsletter. Jazakamullah. Your I am acknowledging receipt of your activity report reports give a good account of the activities carried for the month of February 2015, as Huzoor Ayadullaho Ta’ala is on tour at present. out during this month. It is pleasing to note that atba through the efforts of Lajna Ima’illah USA, 1 bai’at Jazakamullah. Huzoor Anwar has prayed that: was achieved. May Allah strengthen the faith of the May Allah the Almighty bless Lajna Ima’illah USA new comer. for their sincere efforts and may He enable them to Seerat-ul-nabi Jalsa as well as fulfill their duties to the best of their various other Tabligh events were abilities, may Allah Ta’ala fulfill all organized and attended by non- your pious prayers. Ameen. Ahmadi guests. The efforts of It is pleasing to read the detailed and Khidmat-e-khalq shoba included well-presented report, particularly the volunteering at several work carried out by the Tabligh Shoba, organizations. Workshops were held may Allah reward the hard work of all for Nasirat on various topics such as your members and enable Lajna “The Holy Prophetsaw and the as Ima’illah USA to progress further in all Promised Messiah ” and Jama’at services. Ameen. “Importance of Mothers.” May Allah enable Lajna Please convey my Salaam to all the Ima’illah USA to fulfill their duties sisters in the USA. Wasalam, Asifa with zeal and grant them success in Chowdry, Acting In-Charge Lajna all their Jama’at activities. Please Section convey my loving Salaam to all Nasirat and Lajna Ima’illah members in USA. Wasalaam 6/27/15 Dear Sadr Lajna Ima’illah USA, 5/26/2015 Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Dear Sadr Lajna Ima’illah USA, Barakatahu, Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa I have received your activity report for March 2015, Barakatahu together with your request for prayers, Jazaka’Mullah. Your report demonstrates that a I have received a copy of your syllabuses for April Regional Health Fair, Sports Tournament and Meena 2015-March 2017 in English and Urdu and the Bazaar were organized. Masih Maud Day and Jalsa accompanying workbook, Jazaka’Mullah. Seerat-un-Nabi were also held. It is pleasing to note Alhamdulillah, these syllabuses demonstrate the that Tabligh events were conducted and by the Grace sheer hard work that is being undertaken by of Allah 2 Bai’ats took place. Alhamdulillah. May members in Lajna Ima’illah USA. It is pleasing to Allah strengthen the faith of the newcomers. read that the program that has been prepared is comprehensive and allows progress to be made, Activities of the Khidmate Khalq Shoba included Mash’Allah. The workbook provided allows donating clothes, visiting the sick and supporting members to engage with the material and work charitable organizations. Jazak’Allah. I pray that through the various topics, thus making learning an Allah blesses you and your members abundantly and interactive matter. your affiliation with the Jama’at and Khilafat may continue to grow stronger. Please convey my loving May Allah enable Lajna Ima’illah USA to achieve Salaam to all the Nasirat and Lajna Ima’illah further spiritual success, Ameen. Please convey my members in USA. Wassalaam,

5 atba Selection of Huzoor’s Sermons Religion, morality and material success - April 24, 2015 A question which is raised these days perhaps more than ever before by the young, those who have not had proper guidance and those who do not follow religion is that since worldly education leads to good morals what is the point of abiding by religion? It is said that morals can be instilled without any religious education, in fact it is maintained that people who do not follow religion have better morals than religious people. In particular this allegation is leveled at followers of Islam. Adherents of other faith have distanced themselves from their beliefs but even non-practicing Muslims associate themselves to the faith they were born in, therefore in reality this allegation is aimed at Muslims. Efforts are made to influence our youth against religion. A good aspect of Western education is that it emphasizes research and exploration but this needs to be done methodically. Parents are not able to answer adolescents when they question them on these issues, either due to lack of time owing to societal or economic pressures or because they simply do not have the knowledge. Many a time rather than answer the adolescents, parents suppress them. This leads the adolescents to assume that although Islam claims to be the true faith with all the resolutions to problems, it does not have the answers in practical terms and in keeping with the times. Youngsters take all this in quietly but when they have the freedom to do so they distance themselves from religion. As a result in spite of Islam being a living faith we find people among Muslims who reject religion and the existence of God. In light of this we all need to reflect as to how we should practice our faith and also inspire our youngsters to practice. Most certainly Islam is a perfect religion and the Holy Qur'an is a complete Book and the blessed model of the Holy Prophetsaw, an embodiment of the Qur'an, is before us. It was his blessed model that generated a revolutionary change in his Companionsra, they understood faith, they understood morality and they also progressed in the material sense. They kept all three aspects within their context. Youngsters should try, in fact so should adults, to understand correct morals, material success and spirituality and then put them all in practice. When youngsters understand this point it will open up avenues of success for them and they will realize how beautiful the teaching of Islam is and they will recognize the lies of Islam's detractors. Questions that are raised today are not something new; this has been going on in the past because people do not try to understand religion in its correct form. So-called religious scholars present fictitious, erroneous solutions to people and plunge the educated people in further confusion about religion. At times people themselves make incorrect inferences about religion. God sent the Promised Messiahas to address these problems and he imparted insight to us. Hazrat Musleh Maudra delivered a Friday sermon on the correlation between morality, material gain and religion and the Islamic viewpoint on the matter and how the Holy Prophetsaw demonstrated this through his practices. It is difficult to separate religion, morality and man's material needs. A religious person cannot separate morality from religion and he also does not abandon the thought of having material needs. Indeed, this would stop the cycle of material progress. However, although correlated these matters are also distinguishable. People who do not follow religion maintain

6 that man needs good morals and material success. However, a true Muslim will maintain that man is also in need of religion because it takes man to God. Islam alone makes the correlation between spirituality, morality and material success. However, a vast majority of Muslims do not understand the reality of religion and connect morality and material gain to religion rather excessively, so much so that they drive people away from religion. Apart from the essentials of Islam like Salat and fasting, some religious scholars insist that matters like conventions and rallies etc. are also part of Islam and those who do not participate in them are disbelievers or apostates. Even this stance is exceeded and each sect passes its fatwas against the others and conflicts carry on. All this leads to extremist groups formulating so-called religious laws and carrying our murder and mayhem. The situation in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and is borne of fictitious laws made in the name of religion! A French journalist who was released from ISIL captivity saw some practices there, which seemed contrary to the knowledge of Islam he had. Upon his asking, individuals from ISIL told him they did not know what Qur'an and Hadith said, what they followed was their own law. The current situation in Yemen is also a manifestation of implementation of favored fatwas in the guise of religion to kill innocent people through air strikes. It is correct that both the parties are in the wrong but this does not mean that one can kill the other! Every religious scholar and every Maulana seems to have made up their own religion and there is no semblance between true Islam and the Islam that they practice. For this reason a vast majority of people have turned away from religion. On the other hand the developed but non-religious Western world tries to make morality and spirituality a part of the material world. If they do reflect over the phenomenon of revelation they say it is an element of human dynamics and they look upon morality as something that is beneficial for the world. They ponder over religion and say that religion somewhat saves uneducated or less educated people from committing crime. And they say those who are already moral do not need religion. Reflecting on morality, spirituality and material success tells us that they are so intertwined that not everyone realizes where and how they are linked. We look at the blessed life of the Holy Prophetsaw to understand the correlation. He was the world reformer for spiritual, moral and material aspects. His blessed life is a composite of them all. He said without prayer man's faith cannot be perfected. That is, while worship of God was essential he also stressed upon spiritual development. The link between prayer (dua) and man is like the link between mother and child. Dua means to call upon someone and one only calls when one is sure that help will be forthcoming. Three elements are necessary for calling out. Firstly, one must be certain that one's entreaty will be heard, secondly, one must have the assurance that whom one calls has the power to help and thirdly, one must have inherent love and devotion for whomsoever one calls upon and is compelled to turn to that being and none else. The first two are elements pertaining to the mind. If one is not sure that one's call will be heard and if one does not have the assurance that the person who is called upon has the power to help, it will be foolish to call out to that person! The third element, however, is inherent to human nature. It is inherent love and devotion, which makes one disregard everyone else and make one turn to the object of one's love, like the inherent love between mother and child. Even if a drowning child knows his mother cannot swim, but if she is

7 around it is her that the child will call to for help and no one else. This is borne of emotional connection about which the Holy Prophetsaw said faith cannot be perfected without prayer. He deemed the connection between God and man as the connection between mother and child, where a child runs to mother under all circumstances. The second element is of morals. We see exquisite aspects of this in the blessed life of the Holy Prophetsaw. We see his fine deportment and expression of love with his wives, something essential to have a happy home life. His love and care for his wives was such that if a wife drank water from a utensil, when he wanted to drink he would put his mouth where his wife had placed her mouth to drink. On the face of it, this is something minor but it makes a very fine point. It signifies that love is not only expressed by great big gestures but is really evident from small gestures! The blessed life of the Holy Prophetsaw is replete with amazing accounts of matters pertaining to morals so much so that it seems all his life he only studied and taught morals. He was exemplary and peerless as regards mutual connection of mankind, mutual connection of relatives, shunning falsehood, betrayal and mistrust. The third element that his teaching guides to is regarding the material aspect, for example, keeping roads clear for civic life, water supply, cleanliness of roads, advice to make homes roomy and airy. He drew attention to matters of the world, be it governance, culture, trade or industry. However, contrary to the so-called religious leaders of today, the Holy Prophetsaw did not deem everything to be a part of religion. For example, once the Holy Prophetsaw saw some farmers pollinating date trees by bringing the male parts of the tree into contact with the female parts. He suggested to them to not do that and let the pollination happen naturally through wind. The farmers abandoned the practice but that season they did not have good harvest. When the Holy Prophetsaw was informed of the reason of lesser yield, he said he had not commanded them to abandon the practice. He said their knowledge of these matters was more than his. Thus, here material aspect has been separated from religious matters. Here was the Prophet of Allahsaw telling people they knew more than him about worldly matters and we have Maulawis today who are ever ready to declare people disbelievers and apostates at the drop of a hat! And then there is the other side of the coin where the Western world only emphasizes material success. Their philosophers say it is not a matter of how God created man; it is how man (God forbid) created God. They consider that man was in search of an excellent model and when this model was not found among mankind, thoughts went beyond the realms of humanity and gradually a perfect being was envisaged and this was deemed as the concept of God. This is how these people have made the concept of God a material aspect. Gradually they turned away from religion and the current-day philosophers are inclined to atheism. The vast majority of people in the West do not believe in the existence of God and they consider morality and material success as everything. Whereas the current-day Maulawis are provocative and they make everything a religious matter. We are fortunate as Ahmadis that the Promised Messiahas saved us from these issues and guided us to follow the blessed model of the Holy Prophetsaw who of course taught moderation in everything. He taught that most certainly worship of God is most important, it is the objective of our creation; however, one's own self also has rights as does one's wife and neighbors. In order to fulfill these rights we have to employ three kinds of resources: firstly, prayer and worship of God, secondly, to control one's emotions and reflect over human

8 psychology and thirdly, to be honest in one's employment or profession and seek knowledge of world sciences. If we reflect we realize that in order to fulfill our own rights prayer and connection with God avails us, as does controlling emotions. Honesty at work can lead us to enhance our moral, spiritual and material life. Similarly, in order to fulfill rights of family we pray, control our emotions and meet their material needs. Rights of neighbor/society will be fulfilled with prayers, paying their dues and trying to understand their mind-set so that the message of Islam may be taken to them appropriately. By working hard at work we become useful members of society and when everyone practices this society becomes a model of morality, spirituality and material success. The dire straits of the Muslim world today is borne of the fact that they have discounted all of this and have given their selfish desires the name of religion. As a result rather than extol Islam's qualities to others they follow their fictitious creed and are killing each other. They have lost both in worldly terms and spiritual terms and are reduced to begging others in every matter. The Western world gave precedence to worldly matters over faith but at least they succeeded in attaining their worldly goals even if through wrong means. The Promised Messiahas was sent for the reformation of both these extremes. It is at such times that God sends His people to the world who keep things in perspective and employ faith in faith's context, morality in its context and worldly matters are dealt with in their context. On the face of it God's people bring the spiritual message but the three aspects are correlated. Excellence in spirituality definitely leads to reformation of morals, and good morals definitely lead to better material conditions. However, it is not necessary that a person who has material gains will also be moral or that one who has good morals will also be spiritual. God wishes to bring man closer to Him. For this He has made moral reformation and material success conditional to spirituality or being religious. God states a true believer is granted all kinds of success. There are different ways to attain moral, spiritual and material success but there is also a mutual way and that is to forge a perfect connection with God. Morality is attained by trying for it, and material success is attained by trying for it but the results of both these efforts are limited within their own sphere. However, those who strive to attain spirituality are granted everything. The Companions of the Holy Prophet did not take his Bai'at because they wanted to make wide streets or wanted to have cleanliness around. Rather they recited 'There is none worthy of worship save Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger' and this reformed their morals and also their worldly matters. In the times of Hazrat Umarra Muslims had to leave Syria because of the large Roman army. Syrian Christians wept when Muslims departed and stopped them from leaving saying they would help them if they stayed. They were Christians, as were the Romans but their bond with the Muslims was on account of the Muslims’ high morals and excellent governance. Although governance is a worldly attainment, Muslims of that time were granted it by virtue of their faith. Hazrat Musleh Maudra said that the Promised Messiahas used to narrate an account of a trader who was going away on travels and left a large sum of money as a trust with the town's Qazi. On his return he asked the Qazi for his moneybag, but the Qazi simply denied ever been given any money to hold in trust. The trader was very perturbed and gave the Qazi many

National Matters


clues to remind him of his moneybag but the Qazi said he never keeps others' things in trust. A very approachable king ruled them. The trader went to see him and explained his story. The king asked him for some proof that he had left his money. The trader said he had none. The king thought of a plan and asked the trader to stand next to the Qazi on the day of the king's procession. The king said he would talk to the trader in a friendly informal manner and the trader should respond in kind. On the day of the procession both the king and the trader openly chatted in a friendly manner and the trader related the account of his moneybag being left with someone as a trust and the difficulty he was having in retrieving it. The king said He would say to the trader if he continued to have difficulty in getting back his money he should come and see the king. The trader agreed and followed the plan on the day of the procession. The Qazi saw everything. When the procession passed he said to the trader his memory was not very good and he had probably forgotten about the moneybag. He asked for some clues and when he was given the clues he said 'why did you not tell me before? I will go and get your bag!' Now, if friendship with a worldly source of power can give a person so much kudos, how it could be that friendship with God would not bring one acclaim of the world. But belief is required for this, belief that attracts God's pleasure. A person with perfect belief can never abandon high morals. If he adopts all aspects of morals and practices them he will attain honesty, verity, trustworthiness, righteousness and purity. And this will certainly result in him gaining knowledge, skill, awareness, ability and diligence and he will attain the worldly success as well. A true believer should focus more on his spiritual connection. Man is not rewarded unless he excels at something and excellence is also beneficial in religion and one must strive to excel. The Promised Messiahas used to say that only those people benefit from him who have intense associations with him; either those who are intensely opposed, like Maulawi Sana Ullah Sahib, and who are well known mainly for opposing him or those who are absolutely sincere. Feeble association does not benefit anyone. If man turns to God he will be treated as others were in earlier times. If man really strives for this he will attain it. What is needed is to bow down to God with perfect sincerity and this brings success. We should make effort to attain God, strive to understand the religion sent by God and make love of God an intrinsic part of us. This will lead to high morals and we will also receive material success. If we strive to partake of Divine light we will truly receive God's beneficence. If we strive to partake of Divine light with earnestness it will dispel the darkness of falsehood, indolence, deception and other ills and high morals will be instilled in us. If we wish to save our next generation from the bad effects of materialism here we will have to explain to them the correlation between religion and morality. If we wish to make material success dependent upon spirituality/religion and connect it to spirituality/religion, we must sincerely strive to forge a true connection with God for ourselves.

10 National Matters

Lajna Majlis e Shura October 23-25, 2015 Masjid Bait-ul-Zafar 188-15 McLaughlin Ave Hollis, NY 11423

All attendees are requested to become familiar with the etiquette of the Shura. Please review our beloved Huzoor’s sermon regarding this matter. (Friday Sermon March 24, 2006: Requisites and Etiquette of Majlis-e-Shura http://www.alislam.org/v/7608.html) The book System of Mushawarat in Jama’at - -Ahmadiyya is an excellent resource. Mushawarat is the second most important institution in Islam after Khilafat. Therefore, it is necessary for every delegate to understand the gravity of her role. Some reminders about shura etiquette:

 All delegates should be engaged in seeking Allah’s guidance  As you provide input be guided by the fear of Allah and the welfare of Lajna Ima’illah  Be attentive both physically and mentally throughout the shura  Seek permission from Presiding Officer/Sadr Lajna if you need to leave the room  Maintain the sanctity of the institution by maintaining confidentiality (Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad)

Advice for Shura attendees from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vatba

 Those Shura delegates who are not office bearers should remember that they are members of Shura not just for one or two days but for the entire year. Consequently, it is also their responsibility to make sure that work is being done in accordance with those recommendations that the Shura passed and which were later approved by Khalifa tul Masih.  Remember that only when our faith and our deeds are one can we be an example for our future generations. Only when our actions mirror our beliefs can we walk upon the path, which leads to our success and also proves to be a means of protecting our children and future generations. In conclusion, and above all, you must continue to always pray for yourselves and for your future generations because without prayers you cannot have any success nor can you reform your next generations. (Address to Majlis-e-Shura UK 2013)



12 Taleem Matters

Taleem Test Results by Majlis

By the grace of Allah, 3,202 members participated in the 2015 Taleem Test. This is an updated total, which includes late submissions.

# of Members Participating in Taleem Test 3500 3202 3000 2861 2635 2500 2855 2541 2000 1707 2170 2008 1500 1733 1404 1000


0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Taleem Test 2015 Participation by Majaalis

2014 2015 Majaalis

Participation % Participation % Regions DC-Wash. 56 83 MD-Baltimore 56 33 MD-Laurel 71 78 MD-Potomac 37 39 MD-S. Spring 43 49 PA-York/HSB 77 77 VA-Central 87 93

VA-North 37 50 VA-Richmond 59 41

VA-South 73 62 Central


IN-Indiana 59 67

MI-Detroit 72 75

OH-Cleveland 38 69 OH-Columbus 61 59 OH-Dayton 52 45

PA-Pittsburgh 80 77 East Midwest East NJ-Central 73 75 NJ-North 75 60 NJ-Willingboro 9 42 PA-Lehigh 17 41 Valley

PA-Phila. 68 70 MidNortheast

NY-Brooklyn 77 75

NY-Bronx 29 NY-Long Island 32 51

NY-Queens 63 92 Northeast CA-Bay Point 59 37 CA-Merced 75 50 CA-Sac. 58 43

CA-Silicon 64 46 Valley OR-Portland 17 50

WA-Seattle 83 66 Northwest LA- Orleans 69 45 TX-Austin 50 47 TX-C Houston 100 69 TX-Dallas 65 84 TX-Fort Worth 88 93 TX-Houston N 59 47

TX-Houston S 23 89 South

KS-Kansas City 72 78 KY-Kentucky 93 53 MO-St. Louis 26 10 OK-Tulsa 50 15

TN-Alabama 43 49 South Midwest South

FL-Miami 51 51 FL-Orlando 63 72

GA/SC 74 89 Southeast


NC-Charlotte 70 100 NC-RTNC 90 71 AZ-Phoenix 80 78 AZ-Tucson 41 49 CA-LA East 93 100

CA-LA Inland 57 77

CA-LA West 58 47 CA-San Diego 94 79

NV-Las Vegas 37 74 Southwest CT-Hartford 55 53 MA-Boston 77 68

MA-Fitchburg 46 54 NY-Albany 32 53 NY-Bingham. 100 100 NY-Buffalo 58 74 NY-Rochester 58 87

NY-Syracuse 68 75 UpstateNortheast IL-Chicago East 37 60 IL-Chicago 33 38 Northwest IL-Chicago 62 52 Southwest IL-Zion 90 74

IL-Iowa 75 86 MN-Minnesota 84 91 WI-Milwaukee 61 67 IL-Bloomington 75 47

WI-Oshkosh 94 100 WestMidwest


Additional 2015 Taleem Test Statistics * All 72 Majaalis Participated in the Test * 2,924 Members Memorized Salat including Dua-Qunoot * 1,863 Members Memorized Split-Word Translation of Salat * 328 Members achieved 100% on the Test

Upcoming Activities

We will be holding workshops on the system of Nizam-e-Jama’at in this quarter. Please take this opportunity to introduce members to the beautiful organizational structure of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at. All informational related to this topic can be found in the Lajna USA Workbook Appendix. Additional information will also be available on the Lajna website under the Taleem Department tab. We will be collecting Salat data by the end of September. Members should make every effort to complete their learning of Salat with translation before the deadline.

Notable Student Achievements

We would like to recognize the special academic achievements of our Lajna members throughout the year. Lajna Sadrs and Taleem secretaries should send in details regarding the special achievements of their members to [email protected]. These can relate to high test scores (SATs, ACTs, etc.), high GPAs, or any academic awards or scholarships received.

We are pleased to announce the following academic achievement:

Orlando Fl- Hinna Muzaffar graduated with honors with a B.A.in Elementary Education from the University of North Florida. Hinna has also been blessed with three children since she started her degree, Alhamdulillah!

Bloomington Il-Lajna Misbah Shahid's academic accomplishments have earned her the honor of membership in the prestigious Honor Society. She also received an award for outstanding achievement in English Writing on the 29th of April 2015.

Hinna Misbah Shahid Sania Saeed, Muzaffar Bloomington Il Wallingford, Orlando Fl Honor Society CT SAT 96%, BA (Hons) Outstanding GPA 97.75% Elementary English Writing Education


YWCA Women in Leadership

With prayers of gratitude to Allah, the Exalter, I convey the good news of an Ahmadi Muslim Woman being recognized by leading personalities of the State of CT, including Mayors, for her tireless services to humanity in the biennial Women in Leadership reception (details below). Talhaht Mannan was recognized and honored for her outstanding achievements in empowering the weak and unknown in society, educating the less fortunate and scholars alike through her expertise and pioneering in Education both locally and nationally. She was sponsored by countless fellow Education Professionals and Prominent University Professors, chosen out a thousand impactful candidates in her category, and the only Hijab wearing Muslim among the honorees! Alhamdulillah and Barakallah-ho Lakum ! She is an inspiring role-model spiritually and secularly.

17 Ta rbiyat Matters

The second quarter of the tarbiyat program syllabus covers the 4th condition of Bai'at:

That under the impulse of any passions, he/she shall cause no harm whatsoever to the creatures of Allah in general, and Muslims in particular, neither by his/her tongue nor by his/her hands nor by any other means.

It is hoped that no Lajna member would intentionally harm another especially in any physical manner; however it is a fact that many times they do hurt each other through backbiting, either deliberately or inadvertently. This is a habit that we have to constantly check ourselves for, because it is extremely easy to slip into this vice without realizing it. The Promised Messiah as explained that anything, which may be said in the presence of a person but would be unpleasant to her, becomes part of backbiting when said in the absence of that person. We should keep this advice in mind before we begin to make any kind of comments about anyone, especially in their absence.

A Companion of the Holy Prophetsaw once requested the Holy Prophetsaw to teach him a prayer, which would stop him from doing bad deeds. The Holy Prophetsaw held his hand and advised him to say the following prayer:

Oh Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evil of my hearing, sight, tongue, heart and private parts. (Abu Dawud) (Treasure House of Prayers by Hafiz Muzzafar Ahmad, p. 134).

Another prayer of the Holy Prophetsaw to help strengthen our resolve not to harm anyone is:

O Allah, purify my heart from malice, actions from vanity, tongue from lies, and eyes from deceit. You alone are aware of the deceitful eyes and the secrets of the hearts. (Treasure House of Prayers by Hafiz Muzzafar Ahmad, p. 137).

REPORT OF LISTENING TO FRIDAY SERMONS - The following Majalis have reported that more than 75% of their membership listens to Huzoor’satba Friday sermons regularly:

Size of Maljis March 2015 April 2015 Small Majalis New Orleans; Kentucky; Charlotte; San New Orleans; Kentucky; Charlotte; Diego; Las Vegas; Rochester; Iowa; Las Vegas; Bloomington; Oshkosh; Bloomington; Oshkosh Minnesota Medium Majalis LA West; Hartford Large Majalis Laurel; Virginia Central; Queens; Dallas Laurel; Virginia Central; Queens; Dallas; Central New Jersey, Houston North; LA Inland

18 Khidmat-e-Khalq Matters

By the grace of Allah, Lajna USA continues to serve needy sisters and members of the community at large. The Khidmate-Khalq Team has revised the Khidmate Khalq Resource guide; it includes samples of local and Community resources, so that sisters can efficiently locate the specific services that they require. You can access it at: http://www.lajnausa.net/web/kk-resource-guide. Members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the guide and utilize it fully.

Some Khidmate Khalq Highlights:

 Virginia North: Lajna members prepared baskets for sick and elderly members to give as Eid gifts and they also prepared Eid gifts for each Nasirat member of the NVA Chapter.

 Zion, IL: Lajna members collected 65 lbs. of non- perishable and hygiene items, to be distributed in the community in the month of April.

 Central Virginia: As it has been a practice for several years now, CVA Lajna members continue to provide hot food once in a month to the Cornerstones shelter in Reston. In Ramadhan, additional food items were bought and delivered to the shelter.

 Georgia/SC: Lajna members participated in the “blessing bag” event, organized by a local Jewish temple to assemble food boxes for the needy. They arranged for breakfast, lunch and dinner for one week for 13 people who are part of Family Promise, Pilgrim United Church of Christ.

 Detroit, MI: $1030 was collected for the Children’s Eid gift fund in the month of June.

 Willingboro, NJ: The Food pantry distributed 2383 lbs. of dry goods, poultry and pasta to 35 families. Ten lajnat volunteered for five hours each and the young girls prepared sandwiches and delivered them to the local food pantry in Burlington County.

 Oshkosh, WI: Lajna members participated in a ‘Life is beautiful’ campaign drive and donated basic personal grooming and sanitation items for women with limited financial means.

 Queens, NY: Lajna members raised $3000 at a Humanity First barbeque, Alhamdulillah!


 Baltimore, MD: During the chaos caused by the death of Freddie Gray, rioters burned down a local CVS, affecting the surrounding community. Lajna members teamed up with their families to provide meals for one week to the Senior Citizens.

 Laurel, MD: Members have been providing food for a local shelter; helping 150 people on a regular basis.

 LA East, CA: Lajna members assisted prospective foster and adopted families to complete live scans, fingerprints and preliminary paperwork. They also collected clothing items for victims of Nepal.

 Las Vegas, NV: Lajna members collected $800 for the Children’s Eid fund and $600 for local funds.

 Binghamton, NY: Members recently started to volunteer at a soup kitchen at a local church. Four ladies volunteer once a month.

 Cleveland, OH: Members provided essential household food items for five local refugee families.

 Boston, MA: Members participated in the ‘Muslims for Life’ blood drive, organized by the Boston Children’s hospital and the Dana Faber blood donation center. Sixty-Seven units of blood were collected. Lajna members assisted donors with the relevant paperwork and provided after care.

 Silver Spring, MD: A lajna member (Hiba Malik, a medical student) accompanied the Humanity First Gift of Health team to Guatemala. The team attended to over 1100 patients. They also donated clothes, books and school supplies to local schools and a Children’s center.

 Dayton, OH: Members donated books, clothes, and household items to a daycare and housing project community.


 Houston North, TX: Lajna members collected $1,920 for the Eid Gift fund and 250 canned goods to donate to a local charity.

 Orlando, FL: Two Lajna members volunteered to pack 100 boxes of fresh produce for homeless shelters & food banks.

 Minnesota, MN: Eight Lajna members volunteered their services to pack food for over 400 people, for an organization called Feed my Starving children.

 Houston South, TX: Two Lajna members went to visit a sister recovering from abdominal surgery in a nursing home. They gave her moral support and conveyed the love and prayers of the many sisters who were unable to visit her.

 North Jersey, NJ: Lajna members collected $1,500 for the Gift of Health in Guatemala. They helped one sister maintain residence in the USA and provided critical financial assistance to two other sisters.

 Washington, D.C.: Monetary contributions were made to Disabled American Veterans, Humanity First, Doctors Without Borders, George Jackson University behind bars, Caser Support, Pacifica Station, WPFW, Hopes for Heart and Purple Heart. Members also donated postage money to inmates in Michigan prison and assisted in cases of wrongful conviction.

 Phoenix AZ: Requested food items were donated to a local food bank for those in need.

 Seattle, WA: Eight Lajna members volunteered at a food bank in an effort to provide an enjoyable breakfast for visitors. This message was received in response to the efforts of eight ladies in the Seattle Majlis.

What a perfect breakfast for a very warm summer morning! Thank you to the ladies from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community for serving our neighbors as a part of your Ramadhan Fast. We enjoyed hard-boiled eggs, fresh oranges, dates, walnuts, grapes, bananas, rolls and muffins. Neighbors in Need registered 96 guests today.

 Austin, TX: Humanity First Spring Charity Bazaar: Lajna members coordinated with the local Humanity First Ambassador, Nasira Khan, to organize a Spring Charity Bazaar.


 Humanity First coordinated with two other Charities, AFSSA (Asian Family Support Services of Austin) and Samaritan's Purse to organize this first event of its kind in Austin.

 We coordinated with reputable Ahmadi and non-Ahmadi artists, clothing designers, local craft women and gardeners.

 There were more than 10 booths setup selling digital art, photography, clothing, jewelry and plants & herbs and food.

 Services such as henna tattoo and writing your name in Arabic were also offered.

 The remarkable point about this program was the enthusiasm of the community who donated their time and effort to raise money for Humanity First. All participants were awarded a certificate of appreciation. Humanity First raised a few thousand dollars from this event. Alhamdulillah!


Milwaukee, WI:

 Domestic Violence Family Day Milwaukee Majlis - On May 9, 2015, two sisters participated in a domestic violence awareness family day, with the Milwaukee District 7 Police Department and various faith based organizations within the District.

The event was designed to bring awareness to domestic violence in the community and strengthen the family by honoring them in a fun-filled way. Approximately 65 people attended this event and about 30-35 people visited the Ahmadiyya Muslim table. Lajna members educated the visitors of the healing and calming effect of essential oils and a thymus thump demonstration to help people to de-stress and feel calm after experiencing a hostile encounter.

 Twenty-five books/pamphlets were distributed: True Love for the Holy Prophetsaw, The Religion of Islam, and the Ayesha magazine.

LA Inland, CA:  Sponsor a Box to the Islands Lajna members collected new and lightly used clothing for a group of new Ahmadi sisters in the Marshall and Kiribati Islands. Members successfully collected enough clothes to fill 27 large priority boxes, with approximately 8-10 outfits in each box. The items of clothing included scarfs, shalwar kameez, polo shirts, pants and hats. The boxes were sent in time for Eid so that the sisters would have new clothes to celebrate their first or second Eid with the Jama’at.


 Humanitarian Workshop

Lajna members have an ongoing project they work on with the Church of Latter Day Saints. Two members volunteered for 3 hours each, to help sew quilts for women and children in need around the world. The project received much appreciation from the local community. Below is an article that was published in the local Windmill Magazine for the May/June 2015 edition with a picture of our Lajna member alongside the ladies from the Church.

 Homeless sack food drive Lajna and Nasirat members prepared 300 sack lunches for the Union Station Homeless Shelter. The meals were delivered and distributed by Khuddam to the people at the Shelter.


 Family Foothill Shelter Lajna members collected non-perishable food for their sponsored local shelter called family foothill shelter. This shelter provides food and assistance in housing and employment to refugee and needy families in the local area. Groceries and other essential items are distributed free of charge. Lajna members gifted the shelter approximately $200 worth of groceries this month.

Detroit, MI:

Neighbors in Faith

“Neighbors in Faith” is a combined effort of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and the South Oakland Vicariate Justice and Peace Committee consisting of several Catholic Parishes who engage in community service projects that help enhance the lives of the underprivileged in our society. The organizations first met in January 2015 to explore ways in which the two communities could come together to nurture better understanding and tolerance of each other while forming a strong bond to promote understanding and peace in our communities. They have since then met on several occasions to further develop the relationship. It has been mutually decided that the best and perhaps the most effective way to nurture the relationship would be to combine our efforts in community service projects that would bring the members of the two communities together. Working side by side would not only develop relations across the two communities but would help build a long term bond which is hoped would span over to other communities.


During the course of the discussions over the past four months, a number of community projects have been identified as potential initiatives under the “Neighbors in Faith” program as follows:

1. Potential long-term project to develop or co-sponsor English as a Second Language (ESL) programs in ethnic communities. Given the complexity of the project, it has been deferred to a later time.

2. A “Children’s Back Pack” program is an initiative to help children with food over the weekend who would otherwise remain hungry until they return to school on Monday. “Neighbors in Faith” are meeting with “Blessings in a Backpack” administrators, a nationally recognized children’s backpack program, on May 11, 2015 to determine how we can help with their already established backpack program.

3. “Neighbors in Faith” has registered to volunteer in feeding and serving food at the Detroit Rescue Mission’s soup kitchen on May 30, 2015 in commemoration of World Hunger Day. Members from the South Oakland Vicariate Justice and Peace Committee and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community will jointly serve the Mission in the hopes of coming together to help the poor while getting to know each other better.

4. Additionally, a series of interfaith symposiums or forums are being discussed. The Ahmadiyya Community offered to present at the various parishes initially to break the ice. Programs could include programs such as panel presentations by both priests and imams where they explain their beliefs and stress areas of commonality. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community would further invite the parishes to the annual Ramadhan Open House and various interfaith programs it holds during the year.

We hope that the “Neighbors in Faith” program will flourish into an ongoing long term relationship that will attract other organizations to join and enhance interfaith relationships, foster peace and harmony while serving the community for the greater good of mankind.

Ramadhan Collections

Over the month of Ramadhan, Detroit Lajna members helped in collecting items such as diapers, strollers, brooms, clothing, and of course, food to donate to the Haven Women’s Shelter. Haven is a shelter for abused women.

26 Ta bligh Matters

“And when my servants ask thee about Me; say I am near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me. So they should hearken to Me and believe in Me; that they may follow the right way” (Al-Baqarah 2:187). The purpose of the Lajna Ima’illah Tabligh program for the next two years is to call people to the Promised Messiah’sas spiritual “ark.” The ark is their salvation through abstaining from Shirk (associating partners with Allah), offering daily prayers, striving to be regular in offering Tahajjud (pre-dawn prayers), invoking Durood (blessings) on the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), asking forgiveness for his/her sins, remembering the bounties of God, and praising and glorifying God (Bai’at conditions 1 & 3). To enable this to happen, Lajna Ima’illah has set a goal that they want to achieve this quarter. They wish to lead the communities around them to this ark and deliver the true message of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw and the Promised Messiahas. With sincere prayers, Allah will respond to the supplications. The month of Ramadhan proved to be the perfect time for the demonstration of Tabligh by using the first and third conditions of Bai’at as inspiration. Central Virginia: Lajna members co-hosted an Iftari event with the Khuddam and Ansar. Murabbi Sahib, Rizwan Khan introduced Ahmadiyyat and the services the Jama’at offers to the country and humanity in general and also explained the beauty of the month of Ramadhan. The guests really enjoyed the presentation and expressed how eloquently Murabi Sahib spoke. A separate area was prepared for Lajna members and their guests. Thirty-four guests attended this event. Mash’Allah. LA Inland Empire, CA: Members were given an assignment to study the concept of fasting across all religions on the Halqa level. Fasting chart links were provided, which explained in detail, the religions that fast, when they fast, and how and why they fast. The result was positive. A number of Halqa’s reported that the study of different faiths and the various types of fasting was an enjoyable learning experience. Daily Iftari’s were held at the mosque during Ramadhan. This attracted many local non-Ahmadi Muslims and women of other faiths who occasionally attended the prayers and dinners. Everyone engaged in casual conversations, which led to in depth questions about Islam and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Queens, NY: During Ramadhan, Christian, Jewish and Muslim guests were invited for Iftari at the Mosque. Lajna members cordially welcomed the female guests. Imam Sahib presented a brief introduction about Ramadhan. LA East and LA Inland Empire: Because of the drought in California, the Jama’at organized an impressive interfaith program called "Prayer for Rain” in the mosque during Ramadhan. Lajna members teamed up with the rest of the Jama’at for the occasion. Representatives from Hinduism,


Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Sikhism attended the special event, which was most successful and was covered by over seven media outlets, including two local news channels, Press Enterprise, and LA Times. One Lajna member helped greet a number of female media reporters that came to the women's Lajna member helped greet a number of female media reporters that came to the women's side of the mosque. Much needed rain came ten days later! Alhamdulillah!

Boston, MA: Members co-hosted the 4th Annual Ramadhan Iftari Interfaith Guest Dinner on June 19, 2015. Over 90 non-Ahmadi guests attended. Some of the guests included people from Sharon & Canton Police Department, the Fire Department, multiple Christian churches and trusts, local Muslim organizations, state officials as well as many local residents from surrounding areas. Lajna members played an integral role in the planning and outreach for this event, as well as the setup and the hosting of the female guests on the evening. Each year the event grows in size and in importance within the local community, so much so that a guest speaker said “the Iftari dinner is now synonymous with summer and is now a highlight of the year for the local communities.” May Allah enable us to continue spreading the true and beautiful teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat. Las Vegas, NV: During Ramadhan, Lajna members arranged daily Iftaris during Ramadhan to invite non-Ahmadi guests. Members pursued meaningful discussions with the guests on the importance of prayers, their personal recounts of acceptance of prayers, the status of women in Islam, and Islam`s interpretation in the Western World. Phoenix, AZ: On Khilafat Day, the Jama’at arranged a seminar at Tempe Library where they invited guests from other religions. Lajna members participated extensively by distributing flyers and conversing with the guests, in an effort to acquaint people with the core teachings of Ahmadiyyat. The media (TV and newspaper) offered extensive coverage of this event. Guests left the event with a very positive picture of Islam.

Research Triangle, NC: On April 16th, Qaid Khuddam requested Lajna members to assist in organizing a “Stop the Crisis” event on UNC Campus, where several attend this University. They helped advertise the event by painting a large cube on campus, distributing flyers, and submitting a flyer to be displayed on TV screens in the

Student Union. Missionary Sahib delivered the “Stop the Crisis- 'How to address the problem of youth radicalization” speech for this event, which has been held all over the country. This speech was interspersed with a couple of video clips emphasizing some points he discussed. Lajna members helped with the set-up and clean up and also talked to some of the guests.

Refreshments were served before the event started, and books and other literature were on display and were

28 given to guests at the end of the event as gifts.

Oshkosh, WI: Members held a demystifying hijab event. Approximately 30 guests attended. Lajna members discussed the stereotypes of women wearing hijab. Together, Lajna and Nasirat members prepared posters for a mini-exhibition displaying prominent women in the history of religion including Hazrat Maryam, Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Amma Jaan. Members also arranged a Try-A- Hijab station for guests to enjoy trying on various hijabs. GA/SC: One member attended two interfaith events. The theme of one event was faith communities helping children in need and the other was a “Blessing” bag event. Baltimore, MD: After the tragic death of Freddie Gray, the city broke out in riots and unrest. In an effort to provide solace to the community, members held a Prayers for Peace service, which included a discussion on how to bring peace and justice to the city, as well as planning future prayer services. One member also displayed a "Love for all, Hatred for none" sign outside of City Hall, where a journalist interviewed her. In addition, Sadr Lajna Baltimore addressed the local Hebrew congregation, where 60 Jewish women attended. She gave a presentation on the fundamental principles of Islam. Willingboro, NJ: A Tabligh stall at the Mount Laurel Public Library was held on June 3, 2015. Many Muslims and non-Muslims showed interest, and were keen to take home some literature about Islam, Ahmadiyyat, Jihad and other relevant topics. Thirty-five flyers and pamphlets were distributed, alongside several “Love for all Hatred for none” bookmarks and rulers. Members also distributed Life of Muhammad and Current World Crisis and Pathway to Peace books. Laurel, MD: Members were invited to the "International Day" at the Tabernacle Church. The church invited many communities to represent the nations around the world. The Pastor of the Church introduced the Ahmadiyya Muslim community and appreciated their presence to represent Islam. Eight Lajna and ten Nasirat members attended the event. Members were given the opportunity to distribute various Jama'at flyers and literature. LA East, CA: Lajna members attended a fair in Corona, CA. At the event, members handed out Muslims for Peace flyers and spoke to women at the fair about Islam and Ahmadiyyat. They received positive feedback and collected the contact information of many people interested in attending interfaith events. Furthermore, members donated hats and prayer rugs for new converts in Merida, Mexico. One member also went to Mexico and volunteered for Waqfe Arzi for over a month. Seattle, WA: We including this beautiful flyer (below) with our email invitations, and by utilizing personal connections, we were able to achieve record high pre-registration numbers. Our invitations included these words, "Though Malala will not be joining us, her bravery in standing up for the true teachings of Islam inspires positive social change in the face of injustice. We hope this event inspires you to continue your own education and to share that opportunity with others." Forty-six attendees, 9 of them guests, enjoyed learning about educational opportunities for Muslim women, nuclear disarmament, the power of prayers for peace, and the local peace-making resources for Ahmadi Muslim women. One guest speaker and three lajna speakers offered their experiences of the reality of well-educated Muslim women and our commitment to continuing education for women. After the symposium nine of our Lajna members wrote letters to their Federal Legislators regarding nuclear disarmament.


For five years one guest had wanted to attend one of our Women’s Symposium. She finally came and brought a friend. She expressed that the long wait and the long drive were well rewarded.


Virginia South: A book distribution drive was initiated in the month of March and is an ongoing endeavor. Alhamdulillah, members distributed 55 of the Khalifatul Masih’satba book, “World Crisis and Pathway to Peace.” The books were placed in libraries, given to teachers, principals, classmates, and etcetera. Silicon Valley, CA: Silicon Valley Jama’at hosted an Annual Ramadhan Celebration Dinner. Approximately 300 people attended, including representatives from the local police and fire departments. Lajna members invited their personal contacts and made sure all the guests felt welcome. In a beautiful courtyard setting on a warm summer evening, everyone came together to learn about the significance of the month of Ramadhan. All enjoyed a delicious Iftari dinner. Dallas, TX: Members participated in the Plano Asia Festival. Flyers and books were handed out, including copies of the Holy Qur’an with English and Spanish translation. Some of the flyers covered the topics of Ahmadiyyat, Jihad, Muslims for Peace, and the True Teachings of Islam. Members were successful in answering questions in regards to the core teachings of Islam and the characteristics of Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw. Many people were interested in engaging in future interfaith dialogue. Members co-organized and attended an interfaith event with eight ladies from the North Town Presbyterian Church. The event was hosted in the home of a member from the Church. Five ladies from the Tabligh team attended and they discussed the concept of righteousness in the Bible and the Holy Qur’an. Both groups presented their views and handed out outlines of various verses that were covered in the Bible and the Holy Qur’an. This was followed by an hour-long discussion and high tea. Alhamdulillah, members effectively conveyed their message. Dayton, OH: Lajna members organized a table at a local market in downtown Dayton for Tabligh purposes. Members promoted Huzoor's book "World Crisis and Pathway to Peace." Other flyers on Islam were also given to people who visited the table. Discussions developed with people from all walks of life, on peace, Islam, ISIS etc. Houston North, TX: Every month members attend an interfaith women's discussion held at a local public library. Members also published articles on the following topics:  "Why I Wear the Hijab"  "Inclusion and Dialogue During Ramadhan"  "Taboo Topics in Interfaith"  "The Seeds of Intolerance"  "A Muslim's Reflections on Holocaust Remembrance Day” Detroit, MI: Lajna members engaged in two interfaith events: Lajna and Nasirat members represented the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community at a Troy-area National Day of Prayer Interfaith event. Members discussed Islam and the similarities it has to other faiths. They answered many questions about Islam and, more specifically, Ahmadiyyat.


Members were also instrumental in planning and organizing the Ramadhan Open House at Masjid Mahmood. They displayed a beautiful and informative exhibition on Islam in the library and a Muhammad Messenger of Peace display in the foyer. A “Did you Know?” presentation was prepared as part of the exhibition, providing the facts on concepts of Monotheism, Islamic beliefs, achievements of the Islamic era, Jihad, freedom of religion and the rights of women in Islam. About 33 guests attended the event, mostly women from other faith-based organizations. York/Harrisburg, PA: Lajna organized an interfaith event at Hadee Mosque on the topic "Exploitation of religion for power and politics". Thirty guests, representing the Jewish, Bahai, Unitarian and Sunni faiths, and sixteen Lajna members attended.

Lajna members also participated in an event held by the city of Harrisburg called "Race against Racism.” This was a 5K walk/run to promote awareness of the issues that surround racial injustice in the community. Significant funds were raised to support the YWCA Greater Harrisburg's racial justice programs. A Humanity First table was setup, where flyers and "Love for all Hatred for None" bookmarks were placed in 1200 bags for participants on this walk. Nasirat and Lajna members participated in the Olde York Street Fair. Over 75,000 people attended the event where more than 100 vendors of crafts, food, live entertainment, kid’s fun and a stall on Islam and Ahmadiyyat captured the crowd’s attention. Members handed out lots of flyers on “Ahmadiyya Muslim Community,” and “Muslims for Peace” and “Love for all Hatred for None” bookmarks. North Jersey, NJ: An interfaith event was hosted at the Baitul Wahid Mosque on June 6, 2015. Speakers from different backgrounds/faith were invited to speak about their perspectives on ‘The Road to Self-Reformation.’ After the presentations from each faith group, a question and answer session was held. At the end, Lajna members and the guests mingled over refreshments. Many prominent publications from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community were distributed to guests. Washington, D.C.: Lajna members engaged in several Tabligh activities:  Letters containing Tabligh content were sent to several prisoners in different states, and prisoners on death row in Arkansas were sent prayer times.


 Members continued to work on an article and proposal to the Muslim Sunrise editor, suggesting an issue dedicated to the problem of mass incarceration here in US and how the inmate population is willing and eager for Tabligh.  Literature from the Jama’at was donated to the staff of a Navy hospital and Bowling AFB center. Phoenix, AZ: A Tabligh booth was set up at the Global Gilbert festival. By the Grace of Allah, they gave out the Holy Qur’an and flyers to a number of people attending the festival. Members had the opportunity to talk to people who came to the booth and deliver the true message of Islam. LA Inland Empire, CA: In April, members attended a youth interfaith event hosted by Cao Dai Temple. Khuddam Tabligh secretary joined the interfaith panel and gave a wonderful presentation on Islam and Ahmadiyyat. Four Lajna members, who attended the event, were able to network. They gave 4 copies of ‘World Crisis & The Pathway to Peace’ and 15 flyers to interested guests.

Members also attended a breakfast meeting with ladies from an Adult Learning English class. Nine ladies from different religious backgrounds attended. During the get-together, everyone engaged in thoughtful discussion, giving Lajna members opportunity to clarify some questions regarding Islam. Members distributed 7 "World Crisis and Pathway to Peace" books and several "Love for all Hatred for None" book marks. Minnesota, MN: By the grace of Allah, Minnesota Jama’at held the inauguration of its first Mosque on May 23, 2015. The Nusrat Mosque is located in the city of Coon Rapids, Minnesota. Over 170 people attended the inauguration including many notable dignitaries including Congressman Keith Ellison. Alhamdulillah since this event, many non-Ahmadi Muslims and non-Muslims have shown an increased interest in Ahmadiyyat. For example, two Catholic sisters stopped by the Masjid after seeing the news report to learn more about Ahmadiyyat and our message. May Allah make this mosque a source of guidance and blessings for everyone, Ameen.


Publication Matters

Jazakumullah for all your contributions for the Lajna Matters and we look forward to more for the next issue. If local Ishaat secretaries need help with compiling their

contributions, please contact [email protected]. If you would like to write for the Ayesha, please contact [email protected]. The theme of the next issue is Freedom of Expression in Islam.

For receipt books and to order additional Taleem & Tarbiyat workbooks, please contact [email protected]. As always, we look forward to your comments and feedback! We are looking for sisters who are interested in writing and editing. If you have a strong background in this, please contact [email protected].

Farzana Safiullah, National Publications Secretary

IT Matters

Lajna Ima’illah - USA Website

http://www.lajnausa.net Please visit the website frequently for upcoming events, updates in your region and departmental news.

Make a frequent use of Lajna Website resources during your General, Halqa and Nasirat meetings/Classes. Please send your feedback to [email protected].

Mabroor Jattala National IT/Website Department

34 Media Watch Matters Promised Messiahas said,

Think of the preparations that the opponents of Islam are now making. They are not lining up the armies. They are publishing magazines and books. We should, therefore, pick up our pen and answer their attacks with magazines and books. It is not expedient that the prescription (treatment) and the sickness should be at variance. If the treatment does not conform to the sickness, the consequence is bound to be unprofitable and harmful (Malfoozat: Vol. 8: p. 20).

Seven years since the creation of Lajna Media Watch, our writers are becoming more polished and effective in their creative ways of defending Islam/Ahmadiyyat through the use of the pen. Many new Lajna members are joining our humble team. We are also continuing to educate and train potential writers by holding regional workshops. The most recent such training session was held in Boston, Massachusetts on June 13 for the Upstate Northeast Region. Twenty-six Lajna members from Boston, Hartford, and Fitchburg attended this daylong event. National Media Watch team members, Nakasha Ahmad and Ismat Mangla conducted this program and gave detailed instructions on how to write letters to the editor and op-eds. The last hour of the session was devoted to actual writing and critiquing of the articles. The participants were very pleased with this event and said that they learned a lot from the workshop.

A very important event took place in early June; Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of Muslim women’s right to wear the hijab on the job. Many of our writers published letters and Op-eds celebrating this historic moment. Here are a couple of examples of articles published by our writers on this subject. 1. Nusrat J. Qadir published her article in World Religion News: http://www.worldreligionnews.com/issues/the-supreme-court-ruling-in-favor-of-wearing-the-hijab-is-in- favor-of-women-everywhere/utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter 2. Saima Sheikh got a letter published in the Dallas Morning News on the Supreme Court’s decision. http://letterstotheeditorblog.dallasnews.com/2015/06/victory-for-the-headscarf.html/

If you are interested in participating in the Jihad of the Pen please contact Shahina Bashir Sahiba at [email protected]. Follow Lajna Media Watch on Twitter @lajnamediausa.

Nau Mubaiyat Matters Welcome to our New Sisters! Fatmata G Bakamara – Laurel, MD Samantha Kessinich – Milwaukee, WI Sania Freed – Milwaukee, WI Latoya Bookman-Davis – Denver, CO

Looking Ahead: Here are some important Jama’at celebrations/events to put on your calendar:

September 11-13 East Coast Lajna Ijtema September 24 – Eid Ul Adha

Next New Member Book Club: Tuesday, September 29th 9:00-10:00 PM EST; The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam. Contact your Local Lajna Sadr for details and dial-in information.

35 Local Matters

By the grace of Allah, at least 50 Majalis held Ijtema events between April and June 2015. “Jihad-e-Akbar: the Road to Self-Reformation” The theme of all Ijtemat this year, was explored with reference to sermons of December 6th, 13th and 20th 2013 given by Ameer ul Momineen, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vatba.Some of the activities at the Ijtemaat across the Majalis:

Cleveland, OH:  The negativities surrounding materialism, arrogance, falsehood and backbiting were discussed, through Quranic references, Hadith, and well-designed presentations.  Nasirat were asked to write positive qualities about their friends at the Mosque, and then read them out and explain them.  In anonymous notecards, the ladies from the Lajna discussed what they like about their Mosque, as well as what improvements they would like to see.  A Meena Bazaar was held, which had a food, jewelry and clothes stall. Nasirat contributed by making handmade jewelry and accessories for sale.  In the spirit of Khidmat-e-Khalq, everyone brought a non-perishable food item or toiletry to be donated to our local food pantry.  As a result of all these experiences, all attendees went home with a renewed sense of faith as Ahmadi Muslims and servants of Khilafat.

Columbus, OH:  Presentations on Jihad-e-Akbar stimulated useful discussions, giving everyone an opportunity to think about ways for self-improvement with practical suggestion.  One of the members wrote a beautiful poem in English, which her daughter recited in a very melodious voice.  For lunch a taco station was served for a change! All the ingredients for a fabulous taco could be found, which Lajna members contributed, such as black olives, sour cream, nacho sauce and so on.  Last but not least, members held a Meena Bazaar. All the sisters brought in items such as, clothing, stylish handmade beaded bracelets (made and donated by one sister), and dessert items.  Alhamdulillah, the Meena Bazaar was a success and the money raised went towards the Lajna Hall.


Boston, MA: Boston Lajna Ima’illah and Nasirat held a two-day Ijtema with an overnight sleepover at the Mosque, which started early with a fundraising breakfast for the Boston Mosque Fund.  Competitions on Tilawat, and prepared Speech for Nasirat, Lajna and Waqf-e-Nau - everyone presented with good spirits and a very high standard.  Thought provoking and interactive presentations:  The meaning of Jihad-e-Akbar  Practical steps for Self-Reformation  Materialism and Islamic Values  During breaks Lajna enjoyed a “bursting at the seams” Meena Bazaar, a Lajna Food Stall, Nasirat bake sale and the “Sakoon Spa” which offered massages, manicures, hair braiding, mehndi and more. The meena bazaar raised over $1,000 for the Boston Mosque fund. The joy of attending Ijtema and spending time with fellow sisters in such a blessed environment, makes apparent as to why Hazrat Musleh Maudra instituted the annual event of Ijtema for each of the auxiliaries!

Saint Louis and Kansas City: The Saint Louis and Kansas City Lajna members came together on May 16, 2015 to discuss the theme, Jihad-e-Akbar. The program included two main presentations:  Jihad-e-Akbar – Samar and Faiqa Ahmad of Saint Louis Majlis.  Self-Reformation – Samra Malik from Kansas City Majlis.

A group of Nasirat girls gave a lovely recitation of a Tiraana, which everyone enjoyed. Then everyone participated in invigorating exercise routine.

The following item in the program involved short impromptu speeches. Many people took part in this activity and all the speeches were very well done and engaging. The Regional Sadr then gave closing remarks.

The Ijtema concluded with an exuberant handicraft workshop. One sister from the Saint Louis Majlis, led the whole group in a decoupage workshop for both women and girls. Everyone was given a small vase to decorate with craft tissue paper, and at the same time, they all engaged in friendly conversations.

The Ijtema closed with silent prayer and a feast, set up by the Saint Louis Jama’at. Overall, the Ijtema was a great success with about 40 attendees between both Jama’ats. All the members bonded over good food and inspiring presentations.

Laurel, MD:  Qur’an and Nazm competitions motivated everyone to improve their skills  Lajna 15 – 25 gave an engaging, interactive presentation on the Attributes of Allah


 There was a Meena Bazaar for fundraising, musical chairs and arts & crafts competitions, which provided a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere.

Regional Sadr, Naseerah Bhatti Sahiba, and Amatul Naseer Sahiba, wife of Naseem Mahdi presided over the occasion.

Virginia South:  Nazira, Hifz-e-Qur’an, Nazm, Impromptu speeches and writing competitions were presented.  Lajna member, (15-25) Attiya Zafar, gave a presentation on “Salat, the Wi-Fi to Heaven”.  The second session was chaired by National Tehrik-e-Jadid Secretary Tazeen Ahmed Sahiba. She gave her presentation on Financial Sacrifices and concluded the Ijtema with prize distribution and silent prayers.  98 Lajna members, 32 Nasirat members and 7 guests attended the Ijtema from different chapters.

Silicon Valley, CA:  Lajna participated in Holy Qur’an, Nazm and quiz competitions.  Dessert and salad competitions were also held.  A finance workshop was conducted in which lajna refreshed their understanding of mandatory and non-obligatory financial dues, as well as the blessings of sacrifice.  The Ijtema concluded with an entertaining slideshow of the day's events.

Dallas, TX:  Holy Qur’an memorization and poem competitions for both Lajna and Nasirat were very well done.  Interactive presentations and workshops on  “Seeking out our hidden idols”  “The House of the Messiah”  Lajna members enthusiastically participated in the quiz competition, a dessert making competition, as well as handicraft activities of crocheting and knitting baby shoes and a small purse.

Orlando and Miami, FL:  Holy Qur’an recitation & memorization, prepared & impromptu speech competitions engaged both Lajna and Nasirat members  Interactive presentations:  Materialism and Islamic Values;  Introspection and self-reformation  63 Lajna and Nasirat members attended: 41 Lajna and 13 Nasirat members from Miami, nine Lajna members traveled from Orlando. Regional Sadr Southeast, Bushra Salam Bajwa presided over the event.

Houston North, TX:  Lajna members held Qur’an Recitation/Memorization/Nazm competitions, and motivated themselves for the upcoming regional contests.


 Lajna and Nasirat members also worked together to create a beautiful banner for the regional Ijtema.

Detroit, MI: Detroit Lajna members held their Local Lajna Ijtema with a good turnout of about 80 members.

 Competitions included:  Members worked hard for the Holy Qur’an Memorization and Nazm Competitions  They included a thought provoking essay competition on “Adopting the Attributes of Allah.”  A team book quiz on Our Teaching  The Impromptu speech competition was initially nerve racking but soon thoroughly enjoyed by everyone! This was the first time Detroit members participated in an impromptu Speech competition!  The very popular culinary arts competition gave an opportunity for creative culinary work through savory flavors and delicate tomato roses.

REGIONAL IJTEMAS & EVENTS: Jihad–e-Akbar: the road to self-reformation

Ijtema Theme for 2015

South Region Ijtema:

South Region held their Ijtema at Bait us Samee, Houston. There were 197 Lajna and 70 Nasirat from Houston North, Houston South, Cypress Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin and New Orleans Majaalis at the event.

National Secretary Nasirat, Laeeqa Mirza Sahiba, presided over the Nasirat Ijtema:

 Nasirat held competitions on Holy Qur’an memorization, spelling bee & quiz  Workshops and interactive discussions included:  Khalifatul Masih, our role model  Holy Qur’an and our success in the world  Watch over Prayers  Love for All, Hatred for None  How to Inculcate Islamic Teachings in our Daily Life  Nasirat Pledge as it relates to the Ijtema Theme – Jihad- e Akbar  Promised Messiahas as the Reformer of the Age  National Secretary Nasirat, held a Tarbiyati Question and Answer session with the girls, which they enjoyed very much.  In handicraft the girls made a wall mirror with plastic spoons on a poster board.


South Regional Sadr, Husna Ahmad Sahiba presided over the Lajna Ijtema:  Lajna held competitions on Holy Qur’an memorization, quiz, speech, Urdu poem, English/Arabic poem and a handicraft activity  Interactive workshops involved members:  Jama’at events and our responsibilities  Teachings of Islam  Speeches & presentations were informative:  Kind treatment of relations  A modest society  We are nearer to him that his jugular vein (50:17) There was a Regional Meena Bazaar of food and fun on Saturday evening, which raised nearly $2,000. As it was raining all the members spent their time inside, in a cozy environment, enjoying a cup of tea during the entertaining Bait Bazi & Mehfil-e-Shero Sukhan session on the theme “O Allah Grant me your love…” (Tirmidhi). Members were encouraged to memorize poems of the Khulafa. Then Naisrat and Lajna members shared their original compositions on “Love of Allah”.

National Secretary Nasirat gave the closing comments at the end of the Ijtema. She emphasized the need for Sisterhood and everyone was moved by the loving words of advice she shared.

North East Ijtema: The Northeast Region Lajna & Nasirat Ijtema was held at Bait-uz-Zafar Mosque in Queens, NY. National Sadr Lajna Imaillah, Saliha Malik Sahiba also attended and presided over the event. Alhamdulillah, more than 240 Lajna and Nasirat attended from Queens, Brooklyn, Long Island and Bronx Majaalis. Highlights of the program included: Lajna Ijtema:

 Lajna held competitions with a very high level of participation and skill on Tilawat, Nazm, Urdu/English speeches  There were two thoughtful panel discussions:  If the heart is well, then all limbs work well  Actions speak louder than words  An interactive presentation on ‘Seeking out our Hidden Idols’  A jeopardy quiz based on the Hadith, Seven Destructive Sins, kept everyone’s attention  There was also a Religious Knowledge quiz, which Sadr Sahiba joined in to quiz everyone on their knowledge of the Lajna Flag. Discovering the purpose of the flag was most inspiring!  A Rishta Na’ata Workshop helped everyone realize how to make the most of this blessed system.


 Bait Bazi Social hour and English Poetry reading revealed the hidden talent in members’ ability to write poetry.

Nasirat Ijtema:  Nasirat held competitions on Tilawat, Nazm and Speech. The standard was very high  Two presentations gave the girls the real essence of Islam o ‘To Love humanity is to love Allah’ o ‘Does financial sacrifice purify your soul?’  A Jeopardy quiz on Invoking Durood on Holy Prophetsaw  Religious Pictionary, Charades on Ahadith and a Crafts session kept the girls very active in groups. They created the Arc of the Messiah out of paper. We realized we have to be wholly on the Arc – not half on half off – or else we drown!

Mid North East Regional Ijtema: Mid North East Regional Ijtema took place at Bait ul Hadi, Old Bridge, New Jersey. National Sadr Lajna, Saliha Malik Sahiba, presided over the event and offered insightful remarks throughout all the sessions. She explained in a special presentation the spectacular and spiritually enriching history of the Lajna Ima’illah flag.

 Lajna members held Qur’an and Speech competitions

 Members engaged in lively discussions and workshops on a variety of subjects:

 Reflecting on the Hadith “Avoid that which rankles the mind,”  Exploring the meaning of the Second Condition of Bai’at,  Brainstorming practical methods to inspire community-wide spiritual reformation – in particular to avoid backbiting

 Nasirat girls simultaneously discussed similar issues, and actively participated in a variety of religious knowledge competitions, from Tilawat recitation to thoughtful speeches related to the Ijtema theme – Jihad-e-Akbar

 In addition to spiritual rejuvenation, the Ijtema was socially enjoyable, providing the opportunity for sisters to reconnect and enjoy one another’s company with scrumptious snacks from the food stalls and an array of clothes and jewelry for sale at the Meena Bazaar.

 Sadr Sahiba sat with the Lajna members 15 – 25 to participate in a Khidmat-e- Khalq workshop. Then they enjoyed a good discussion with Sadr Sahiba having the opportunity to share some of the issues they meet in their daily lives.

 Alhamdulillah, 312 Lajna and 56 Nasirat members attended the Ijtema, from Central Jersey, North Jersey, Willingboro, Philadelphia and Lehigh Valley all of whom returned home spiritually recharged.


Upstate North East Ijtema:

The Upstate Northeast Lajna and Nasirat Ijtema took place at Bait ul Noor, Albany NY. National Sadr Lajna Imaillah, Saliha Malik, also attended and presided over the event. There were approximately 100 Lajna members from Albany, Binghamton, Syracuse, Rochester, Boston, Fitchburg, Hartford and Buffalo.

 Qur’an memorization, Nazm and speech competitions kept both Lajna and Nasirat well focused.  Presentations and interactive workshops included:  Seeking out our hidden idols  Each Majlis presented a beautiful example of pious women from the history of Religion and Islam. There were 8 in all, including Hazrat Mary, Hazrat Khadijah, Hazrat Aman Jaan and Hazrat Bu Zainab, the blessed daughter in law of the Promised Messiahas and grandmother of our beloved Huzooratba. They were all most inspiring for our personal goals of Jihad Akbar.  Sadr Sahiba held an informal quiz on the meaning of the Lajna Flag, which resonated very well with the stories of the pious women  Huzoor’satba closing address from Germany Jalsa came on the last day, which was most uplifting and tied beautifully in with our final workshop - Actions speak louder than words!  There was also a handicraft competition to decorate a vase with a verse of Qur’an on our theme of self-improvement.  There was time for social enjoyment as well, a Meena Bazaar, which raised money for Humanity First and excellent food!

Midwest Ijtema: The Midwest Lajna and Nasirat Ijtema took place at Baitul Jaamay Mosque in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Respected Sadr Lajna, Saliha Malik Sahiba, attended and presided over the event and there were many National Aamilah members from this region also present. There were approximately 400 Lajna Nasirat members at the event from17 Majalis of the three Midwest regions; South Midwest, East Midwest and West Midwest, during the weekend. Guests from Canada, Pakistan, Germany and London also came.  Impromptu Speech competition for the Lajna and Holy Qur’an and Nazm competitions for the Nasirat kept everyone’s attention.  Thought provoking and interactive presentations on:  Ten Conditions of Bai’at - a path to spiritual reformation  Jihade Akbar – the highest concept of obedience in Islam  Practical steps for self- reformation  Conquering the Mountain  Wi-Fi to heaven through Salat  “Tabligh as a service to humanity” – presented in a question and answer format


with a lively discussion.  Sadr Sahiba held an informal quiz and explained the spiritually inspiring purpose of the Lajna Ima’illah flag.  A self-defense demonstration got everyone off their feet and active.  Honoring our New Mubaiyat – a very moving experience, which has become a tradition of the Midwest Ijtema  Sadr Sahiba sat with the Lajna 15 – 25 to discuss various issues that they face on a daily basis at high school and college.  The Midwest Lajna also held a successful Meena Bazaar, which raised $ for the Lajna Hall  The Midwest Nasirat worked hard for their wonderful parade and Tarana ceremony, which concluded the Ijtema activities.

Sadr Sahiba gave the closing comments at each Regional Ijtema she attended and reminded everyone to remain strong in our pledge of living on the ‘Arc of the Messiah’, especially in these times of difficulty and as Islamophobia is on the increase. ‘As for those who say, ‘Our Lord is Allah,’ and then remain steadfast…’ (41:31) Take care to always strive to be in Allah’s protection, keeping diligent in Prayer and observant in Purdah and humility.

She asked, what motivates us to engage in the Jihad of self- reformation? Why would we even think about these things? It is longing to be in Allah’s Care, longing for the contentment of the heart. Our love for Him motivates us! Every day we must think, what will I do to show Allah my love for Him? She ended with the stirring words of the Promised Messiahas:

Therefore, I am that Promised Messiah, and no one else. Whoever enters into sincere Bai’at with me and becomes my follower from the bottom of his heart, as to be engrossed in his obedience to me as to forsake all his own personal aims and intentions, he alone is the one for whom in these days of great distress my soul shall desire to intercede. (Our Teaching, pg 6).

Southwest Regional Waqfe Nau Ijtema: National Muavina Sadr in charge of Waqifat-e-Nau, Mabroor Jattala, organized and presided over the Southwest Regional Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema at Baitul Hameed Mosque, Chino CA. Thirty-nine Waqifat and thirty-four mothers and sisters attended from LA East, LA Inland Empire, LA West and Las Vegas majaalis. Highlights of the program included:

The competitions that were arranged included Holy Qur’an, hadith, poem, prayers Interactive presentation prepared by Waqifat age 17+ on the address given by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vatba delivered on February 28, 2015 at the Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema in UK.

South Region AWSA Presentation:

Regional AWSA coordinator, Seemab Jamil conducted a workshop followed by a panel discussion during the South Region Ijtema, on “Cancer Awareness”, which included the following:

 Cancer Awareness


 Different kinds of cancer  Cancer prevention through nutrition (presented by Mansoora Bhatti, MS, RD).

After the presentation, a question & answer session was held with expert panelists:

 Dr. Henna Malik – double board certified physician in Internal Medicine as well as oncology/hematology  Dr. Tahira Waqar- Practicing anesthesiologist for more than 10 years  Mansoora Bhatti MS, RD, LD

There were 197+ Lajna members present who actively participated in this workshop, which increased awareness of the most common forms of cancers for South Asian women living in the United States. The panelists also gave advice on the age women should get certain medical tests done, and cleared many misconceptions about the causes of cancer.

West Midwest Regional Meena Bazaar:

The Midwest Region held the second annual Regional Meena Bazaar and Health Seminar event at Bait-ul-Qadir Mosque in Milwaukee, WI. The program included many wonderful activities, including health discussions and quiz, and a self-defense presentation. Alhamdulillah, 104 Lajna members attended the event. The main purpose was the Meena Bazaar, which raised $2,368.00 for the Lajna Hall, Alhamdulilah!

 Health presentations on Breast Cancer and Dementia and a jeopardy quiz on to test general knowledge on nutrition, dental care, and pregnancy  A lajna member and her daughter, experienced in martial arts with a black belt and brown belt respectively, taught an interactive introduction to self defense  Meena Bazaar stalls provided delicious food, drinks, and snacks, such as biryani, samosa chaat, haleem, jalebi and dahi balay.  Members from the region also purchased personal stalls to sell their own items, such as clothing, burqas, scarves, jewelry, and other small trinkets, as well as a station for henna.  A lajna member who is a breast cancer survivor had a booth set up for breast cancer education and awareness with very informative and beneficial demonstrations, pamphlets and other educational materials  A dessert competition engaged Lajna and Nasirat members from various Majalis of the region in creative dessert making skills. They were judged on presentation and taste. The winning dessert was cups made of chocolate filled with chocolate mousse by a Nasirat member.

44 Member Highlights

Lajna Highlights April-June 2015


Active Tajnid as of June 2015: 5,449

Average # of General Meetings per month: 79 Average % Attendance at Meetings per month: 37 Average # of Halqa Meetings per month: 96

Tabligh # of Bai’ats Obtained: 5 Alhamdulillah! MD – Laurel (1), OK – Tulsa (1), TX – Cypress Houston (1), WI – Milwaukee (2)

Nasirat Highlights APRIL 2015-JUNE 2015

Holy Qur’an and Qaida Completions Mash’Allah, the following Nasirah have completed their first reading of the Holy Qur’an. Please pray that these girls inculcate a habit of learning and reciting of the Holy Qur’an daily. Ameen.

 Kashifa Iqbal Farhat Oshkosh, WI  Saffiyah Ammar Baltimore, MD  Yusra Nasir Baltimore, MD  Haya Ahmed Baltimore, MD  Samarah Siddiqui Baltimore, MD  Saffiyah Bennett Baltimore, MD  Basil Chaudhry Boston, MA  Zara Ahmad Virginia South  Bashire Jamil Silicon Valley, CA  Zoya Chaudhry Silicon Valley, CA  Raina Jaffer Dallas, TX  Masroor Haq Silver Spring, MD  Aimen Asif Houston North, TX  Sabeen Iqbal Houston North, TX  Nabeeha Tahir Orlando, FL  Syeda Jaweria Nasir Philadelphia, PA  Hamna Malik Philadelphia, PA

45 Nasirat Matters

Oshkosh, WI:  One Nasirah helped sell handmade rubber band bracelets at the local farmers market, for a fundraising drive.  All the girls helped with the cleanup of the mosque after the weekly Iftaar.

Hartford, CT: Nasirat students of Tahir Academy completed their spring semester with a class trip to Mystic Aquarium.

Las Vegas, NV: The girls did a researched presentation on the Prophets of Allah: Hazrat Adamas and Hazrat Nuhas in the Lajna meeting.

Georgia/ SC: All Nasirat members made Tie Dye bags. They also lead the Ramadhan Food Drive and were actively encouraging Lajna members to participate in the drive.

Washington D.C.: The girls prepared bags and t-shirts for their local Ijtema. They also participated in a picnic.

Virginia Central: Nasirat members donated generously to the ‘Children’s Eid Gift Fund’ during the blessed month of Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah, this year they raised $567.00 for the fund.

Bay Point: The girls held multiple fundraisers to raise funds for Humanity first, and to fund a field trip. Insha’Allah, the girls will be visiting the Sacramento Zoo in late July.

LA East, CA: Nasirat members enjoyed a camping trip and spent one night in the wilderness arranged by Tahir Academy. Activities included a 3-mile hike, bonfire, BBQ, chocolate and marshmallow treats. A total of 50 Lajna and Nasirat members participated in the events.

Boston, MA: As the Boston Jama’at celebrated Khilafat Day, one of our dear Nasira Nimra Mian, delivered a speech to the whole Jama’at on the blessings of Khilafat-e- Ahmadiyya. In separate events, the girls enjoyed two sessions in which they learned how to weave.

Binghamton, NY: Nasirat members held a fundraiser and raised $100 for the Meena Bazaar.

Silver Spring, MD: Fourteen Nasirat members enjoyed an outing to a local bowling alley. The girls had a great time and also enjoyed pizza for lunch in between the games.

Dayton, OH: The girls have been actively involved in Jama’at events; they presented a poem on Khilafat Day, helped out at a Lajna Tabligh table, helped arrange a Jama’at Graduation Day at the end of the school year and enthusiastically participated in all educational competitions in the local Ijtema.


Bloomington, IL:  Muqadas Atia Shahzad won 2nd place in the Waqfe Nau Regional Ijtema  Aliha Chughtai made a compelling and engaging banner at the Nasirat Regional Ijtema; representing Huzooratba as our role model.  Amina Dayisi received the highest number of awards in her 5th grade graduating class which includes: 1st place in Math and English, spelling bee finalist, and President Obama's Education Award for outstanding academic performance.

Silicon Valley, CA: The Nasirat members had an enjoyable field trip to the local bowling alley. The girls bonded mostly over a pillow fight and games. Alhamdulillah, everyone worked together with smiles on their faces.

Dallas, TX: The girls held a potluck party in the month of June. Fourteen girls participated and brought a food item to share. They enjoyed games such as pass the parcel and musical chairs. A craft activity of decorating hair accessories was also arranged. All the Nasirat members participated enthusiastically and thoroughly enjoyed their day to develop sisterhood and have fun.

Houston North, TX:  As an alternative to Mother's Day celebrations and to further expand on the Hadith 'Heaven Lies at the Feet of Your Mothers', the girls wanted to surprise their mothers with a craft! The girls traced and cut out their hand using colored paper; each finger represented one characteristic of their mother that they felt made their mother create a 'heaven' for them on earth. Qualities like 'kind', 'fun', 'beautiful', 'loves Allah', 'disciplines me' and 'cleans up' were just some of the heartfelt words used to describe their mothers! Their illustrations were further decorated to look like a heavenly garden. It was a very lively and vibrant piece of artwork, but also very touching!  The girls actively participated in the Eid Fund and canned goods drive. Thus far they have collected 50 cans and are continuing to collect! They have also generously donated $460 towards the Eid Fund. Alhamdulillah.  Nasirat members participated in Khilafat Day celebrations, by reciting a Tarana.

Detroit MI:  Lajna and Nasirat members participated in the Muhammad Messenger of Peace Symposium. . One Nasirat member recited the Holy Qur’an beautifully which left many guests in awe and very appreciative of her talent. . The girls also presented the Qaseeda and its translation, providing guests with further insight on not only the reverence we hold for the Holy Prophetsaw, but also the magnificent character of the Promised Messiahas.  They created a beautiful poster, which was proudly displayed at the interfaith event for all to see. Three girls carried candles, which symbolized the different faiths during the ceremonial procession in the beginning of the event. Two of them did a presentation as representatives of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Later, all of the girls mingled with the representatives of other faiths, as well as other children who were curious about Islam.


Cypress Houston, TX: The girls discussed the benefits of recycling and shared other helpful and beneficial ideas with other sisters

Austin, TX:  Austin Lajna members organized a 'Reduce the waste' Initiative during the month of Ramadhan. The objective was to raise awareness about recycling and reduce food wastage during Iftaars. Nasirat members took the responsibility of collecting plates and cups from every one and stacking them. They were also responsible for collecting all wasted food in one bag, measuring it and showing Lajna members the amount of food wasted. A team of two Nasirat was assigned for every Iftaar dinner. They not only did their duty diligently but also were also very conscious about their own table manners.  The girls participated in 4th of July Parade with the Jama’at. They all wore Muslims for Loyalty shirts and covered their heads as representatives of true Muslim Americans.  Ereena Malik got the distinction of being published in a National Newspaper. Her letter about her experience at the 4th of July Parade was published in the Dallas Morning News.

Queens, NY  Nasirat members attended the Regional sleepover. They went to adventure land the following day and enjoyed a nice, relaxing and fun day with a variety of rides.  Sports days are held every other week at a gym where they play different sports.

LA Inland Empire, CA:  The girls went on an overnight camping trip with the Lajna members ages 15-25 group.  Nasirat members collected toys and books for children to donate at a local children’s hospital. They paired up with Loma Linda children’s Hospital. The girls collected 30 children’s books and 20 children’s stuffed toys to donate and learned how truly grateful and generous they should be. They also learned to share joy with people in the community with small acts of generosity and the satisfaction that comes from giving gifts.  Three nasirat members volunteered for three hours to paint side railings at a local Park.

Seattle, WA: Ramadhan Classes were held from Sunday, June 28th, through Tuesday, June 30th. This was a great opportunity for the girls as they covered the entire Nasirat syllabus for the quarter and participated in a variety of events.  The girls did research projects on different assigned topics practicing teamwork, correct research skills, editing material, and creative presentation of their projects.  They also enjoyed learning how to bake/prepare one meal/snack everyday.


 For handicrafts, each girl learned to decorate two hair accessories. The girls really enjoyed that too.  There was a health and fitness presentation with activities and games.  Nasirat members who live 4 hours away attended and participated in all three-day classes via Skype. Everyone participated in at least one activity on her own. All in all it was learning with fun, creativity and teamwork.

Nasirat Camps

Virginia South: By the grace of Allah, Nasirat group held 2 Ramadhan Camps in the month of June. Thirty girls attended the camps every week, Masha’Allah. They enjoyed a variety of activities at these camps, such as writing letters to our beloved Huzoor, turning in checklists to have their Ramadhan activities acknowledged and appreciated, enjoying presentations by fellow members and local Amila members on various topics. Nasirat members were also given time to memorize and revise Surahs of the Holy Qur’an together, in order to meet their Ramadhan goal.

Virginia Central: Central Virginia Nasirat members had a day camp based on the theme “Jihad e Akbar: The Road to Self-Reformation.” Nasirat members had a detailed interactive presentation on self-reformation followed by a poster activity. They also got a chance to participate in a Qur’an class, Sports and cooking class during the camp.

Silicon Valley, CA Twenty-five girls attended the Northwest Regional Nasirat Camp over the Memorial Day Weekend. The main purpose of the camp was for the girls to bond with each other. The program consisted of fun games, speech competitions, workshops and cooking classes. They also took part in sports activities and Khidmat-e-Khalq activities in which they filled bags with groceries for Humanity First.

Houston South, TX: Nasirat members, along with two mothers, visited the Children's Museum of Houston and spent a few fun hours exploring a workshop of gadgets and gizmos, vortices and rapids in hydropower concepts, in hands on materials science and physical challenges. They loved the setup of a real life, child friendly metropolis with a bank, hospital, fire station, vet clinic, TV station and grocery store. Repeated mock ATM withdrawals were everyone's favorite activity!


Research Triangle, NC:

Eleven lajna (including six Lajna15-25) and six Nasirat members went to a local park which had a nearby lake. Everyone enjoyed getting closer to nature and the girls loved interacting with the ducks near the lake. Everyone brought bag lunches with healthy foods e.g. fish sandwiches, salad, egg sandwiches etc. and enjoyed eating under shady trees with a nice breeze and a beautiful lake view. After the picnic, all Lajna and Nasirat members went paddle boating, which was a great workout! The boat ride lasted for 30 minutes and everyone wore life jackets and tried to race with each other. The weather was perfect and all Lajna and Nasirat members enjoyed themselves a lot!

Virginia South:

The Nasirat members enjoyed a picnic at the local Leesylvania State Park. Twenty-five Nasirat members attended the picnic. The park included several attractions for the young girls to enjoy. The younger girls enjoyed the swings, slides, and seesaws, whereas the older girls enjoyed the riverside. Some of the Nasirat played volleyball with the Lajna/ mothers also invited to the Picnic. The Local Lajna Sadr and Nasirat Secretary addressed the girls briefly, appreciated their hard work and encouraged them to participate and excel in all events planned for them.


Naisrat Ijtemaat on the theme: Jihad-e-Akbar: the road to self-reformation The following Majalis held Nasirat Ijtemaat in April, May or June; the girls participated in Talawat, Speech, Nazm and Handicraft competitions:

Boston MA Austin, TX Columbus, OH Brooklyn, NY Houston South, TX Chicago East, IL Bronx, NY Fort Worth, TX Chicago Northwest, Long Island, NY Harford, CT IL Central New Jersey Syracuse, NY Chicago Southwest NJ Buffalo, NY IL New Jersey North Albany, NY Zion, IL NJ Rochester, NY Milwaukee, WI Willingboro, NJ Richmond, VA Oshkosh, WI Philadelphia, PA York/Harrisburg, Bloomington, IL Lehigh Valley, PA PA Portland, OR Potomac, MD Tucson, AZ Alabama/Tennessee Research Triangle, VA North Virginia South NC LA West, CA Virginia Central

Ijtema Highlights

Queens, NY: An Arts and Crafts session on the Ark of the Messiah was held and the girls made beautiful posters, which were later displayed on the Lajna side. Overall they had a lot of fun and enjoyed themselves.

LA Inland Empire, CA: The girls learned how to make aprons for themselves.

Laurel, MD: The girls had a poster competition on the Attributes of Allah, a baking competition in which they made muffins, a musical chair competition and handicraft activities.

Detroit, MI: The topic of the speech competition for age group 11-12 was “Wi-Fi to Heaven through love of Salat” and for age group 13-14 it was “Wi-Fi to Heaven through inner conscience”.


Virginia Central: Nasirat members made a poster based on a self-reformation activity. In addition, essays written by the girls were collected to keep in a scrapbook, which was put on display in the Lajna office. The topic of these essays was “How Ahmadiyyat came into our family.”

Binghamton, NY: The girls attended the regional Nasirat Ijtema at Albany and were awarded several top positions Mash’Allah.

Cleveland, OH:

The Nasirat enjoyed a variety of activities in their Ijtema:

 They made colorful posters, depicting the self-reformation theme  Participated in a scarf wearing competition  Each Nasira was given a card of a fellow Nasira and asked to write something nice about her. The responses were read out loud and brought joy to all. The girls also assisted with the Meena bazaar by selling their handmade jewelry and accessories.

Houston North, TX: Nasirat members participated in the Regional Ijtema.

Silicon Valley, CA: The girls paired up in twos and drew each other without looking at the paper, which they all enjoyed. The quiz competition was a very close one with only a one-point difference.

Dallas, TX  Nasirat members joined the Lajna opening session and participated in their Qur’an memorization competition. They also observed a presentation on “Seeking out our hidden idols.”  They held their quiz competition and then joined the Lajna members to present the topic of “Love for All, Hatred for None.”  The girls participated in a dessert competition and learned simple stitches like hemming and sewing a button in their handicraft activity. Alhamdulillah, there was excellent attendance and participation.

Silver Spring, MD: The girls had a special "Social Hour Session" on the theme ‘Jihad-e- Akbar – the road to self-reformation’. They sat in a big circle to share and learn from each other’s experiences. After a brief introduction about the Islamic teachings on Jihad-e-Akbar and the importance of self-reformation, the younger girls (ages 7-9) delighted the group with some jokes and riddles they had bought to share. The older girls shared their respective experiences on Jihad-e-Akbar. Some had made drawings to illustrate an event relating to the subject, while others narrated their personal experience or that of a family member. One Nasira had written a wonderful poem on the theme. Alhamdulillah, it was a great learning and bonding opportunity for the girls that they all enjoyed!


Washington DC: The members prepared bags and t-shirts for the Ijtema. They also participated in a picnic.

Cypress Houston, TX: The girls participating in the banner and Tarana competition.

VA South:

 The Ijtema was attended by more than 30 girls, Mash’Allah.  Nasirat members of all ages worked together as a team for their Poster Competition.  The older girls enjoyed the Impromptu Speech Competition for the first time this year, and did exceptionally well under pressure.  The younger girls did very well in a new Writing Competition for their age group. They presented a Tarana for the Ijtema dressed in their white outfits and pink scarves.

Las Vegas NV: Nasirat members were encouraged to collect toys and books for children in need. Donations were made to Loma Linda children’s Hospital. The girls collected 30 children’s books and 20 stuffed toys to donate. In this act of charity, the girls learned how to be truly grateful for being blessed with sustenance and good health. They also experienced joy and contentment through the act of giving to others and being generous to those in need.

53 Lajna ages 15-25 Matters

Virginia Central:

A Guest of Honor

To appreciate this year’s graduates, a special Iftaar was arranged for Lajna 15-25 on Friday, June 26th at Masjid Mubarak. We were very blessed to have respected Apa Tahira Siddiqa Nasir Sahiba, wife of Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad Sahib, Khalifatul Masih IIIra and the National Secretary Taleem, Mubarika Shah Sahiba, as honorary guests. There were 25 Lajna 15 – 25 members present and a further 10, who were mothers of the graduates and other volunteers.

After Tilawat, some of the girls presented key points from Huzoor’satba address to the ladies at Jalsa Salana Germany 2015 and Huzoor’satba address at the UK/US Khuddam Ijtema 2015. Respected Apa Tahira Siddiqa graciously awarded medals to eight girls who graduated from college and one from high school. One Nasira who has just transitioned into the Lajna group was also recognized and given a welcome package. After a brief introduction of all the girls, Respected Apa Tahira Siddiqa gave the concluding speech. Some of the highlights of her valuable remarks are as follows:

 It is important to be confident in yourself because you have been blessed with secular education and also because you belong to this community of the Promised Messiahas.  Develop a strong relationship with Allah. All prophets came for the purpose of bringing people closer to their Creator. Allah cares for you more than your parents.  Inculcate the love of the Holy Qur’an and know the importance of it.  Know the status of the Promised Messiah as.  Develop a relationship with Khilafat, do not take it for granted, understand its significance and value it. He is Allah’s representative on this earth. Write to Huzooratba regularly. Do not think that he does not have time to read your letters, Allah has given him special abilities, by which he is able to read the letters and he remembers everyone who writes to him.  Know your purpose in this world. Once you realize what your responsibility is as an Ahmadi youth, you will abandon the carefree attitude. You will sense the urgency and notice that there is very little time and a lot needs to be done. Your purpose is to spread the message of Islam to the world, which has forgotten God. It is not a burden; you are fortunate to be given this responsibility. Most of you are born Ahmadis, you inherited


your faith from your parents. This beautiful gift was given to you due to the sacrifices made by your forefathers.  Islam is defamed in the world today due to lack of knowledge among Muslims. It is your responsibility as youth to teach the world the true teachings of Islam.  Remember that sophistication does not come with worldly education. It is achieved through good nature and good behavior. These are traits that are universally known to be good. Our faith teaches us these things through the Holy Qur’an and the example of Holy Prophetsaw. When the world sees your qualities, it will know that they are products of your faith.  Religious education is equally important as worldly education. Remember that you might be very successful with a worldly degree, but know that it is worth nothing if you do not have a relationship with Allah. If you learn what the Lajna curriculum teaches you, it is the minimum knowledge you can acquire.  Learn Urdu, you are missing a lot by not knowing this language. You should be able to read the books of the Promised Messiahas, and no translation can be good enough as the real words of the Promised Messiahas in the original language. If you do not learn Urdu, your generations will also not learn, and they will blame you for this loss. This is an urgent matter, and should not postpone it for a later time. All of you should learn to speak, read and write Urdu. After the concluding remarks, Apa Tahira Siddiqa Nasir Sahiba led everyone in silent prayer and joined the young girls in breaking the fast. During the Iftaar, she graciously answered questions. The event concluded with Isha Namaz in congregation.

Oshkosh, WI:

 The girls handed out 20 “Muslims for Peace” fliers at the local farmers market.  Members delivered a “Feminism in Islam” presentation at a ladies-only Tabligh event. The guests were impressed to see young Muslim ladies who were born and raised in the United States embrace both Islamic values and American ideals.  Two members provided free healthcare to impoverished women in Guatemala, for a week through Humanity First's Gift for Life program.

Georgia/ South Carolina:

 Ten members joined a local Jewish group in assembling food boxes for needy families  Members prepared skits for the Ijtema; highlighting sisterhood among Lajna members.

LA Inland Empire, CA :

 The girls started a “What's App” gratitude group titled "Alhamdulillah Group.” The young ladies check in frequently to express gratitude for things such as water, doing well on an exam, and participating in the Ijtema.  Members meet every week to play basketball and offer evening prayers at the mosque.


 Three young ladies and the social services secretary participated in painting the trails at a local park with the Mormon Church.  Members packed lunches for the homeless.  The young ladies assisted in setting up for a health fair and blood drive at the mosque. They also coordinated the screenings for the blood drive.  Members decorated clear iPhone cases with Islamic designs. These cases will be sold at the Regional Ijtema.  The young ladies designed several informative Tehrik-e- Jadid posters. They also set up a table displaying Tehrik-e-Jadid pamphlets during the first few days of Ramadhan.  Members decorated a float for the 4th of July parade.

Bay Point, CA: Three young ladies graduated from High School and will be attended college in the fall: Alia Younus: Diablo Valley Junior College Salmana Shah: University of California, Berkeley Aamna Shah: San Francisco State University

Baltimore, MD:

 Six young ladies published articles on various topics.  Ten members attended a question and answer session with Imam Sahib. The topics that were discussed included purdah, homosexuality, transgender individuals, political activism, rights of Muslim women, and marriage.  Members helped prepare Iftaars during Ramadhan on many occasions.

LA East, CA:

 Members enjoyed a jet skiing trip, bonfire, and camping in the wilderness.  Members participated in a banner competition. Each participant was required to create a poster displaying the Ten Conditions of Bai’at.  The young ladies presented the physical and spiritual benefits of Ramadhan and fasting for a Lajna meeting. They also prepared homemade desserts, sandwiches, tea, coffee, and lemonade for everyone to enjoy after the meeting.

Las Vegas, NV: The girls conducted interactive workshops during the local Ijtema, which emphasized self-reformation through the attributes of Allah, pathway to Paradise, and how ‘actions speak louder than words’. They also distributed a “Gratitude Log” to track how everyone practiced gratitude.


Virginia South:

 Three members presented an overview of the early Waqfeen-e-Zindagi at the regional Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema.  Members organized a potluck Iftaar. They also discussed the fourth condition of Bai’at and how they can instill these guidelines in today’s society.

Cleveland, OH: The girls presented skits highlighting Ahadith on self-reformation. They also organized games such as a spoon race and a three-legged race.

Dallas, TX: The girls held a potluck Iftaar. They discussed The Narrative of the Two Martyrdoms and Huzoor’satba address to Lajna at Jalsa Salana UK 2012. The young ladies also discussed “The Ark of the Messiah” and how they can avoid “the flood of error.”

Silver Spring, MD: The girls conducted a “Real Talk” style program session highlighting Jihad- e-Akbar. Three panelists led the interactive discussion. Members shared their experiences in self-reformation. Everyone enjoyed the lively discussion and the answers prepared by the 15-25 Lajna panelists, which were thoroughly researched and enlightening.

Houston North, TX: The girls discussed the third condition of Bai’at and Istaghfar during an interactive presentation. Everyone pledged to incorporate Istaghfar in their daily lives.

Detroit, MI:

 Our girls participated in the Troy Area Interfaith National Day of Prayer. They represented the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and answered questions about Islam and Ahmadiyyat.  They also attended the annual Midwest Ijtema at Baitul Jaamay mosque in Chicago from June 12-15 and commenced the presentations for the Saturday session.

Orlando, FL: Dania Rehman completed her first year of ambulatory care residency at the Orlando Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

York/ Harrisburg, PA

 A new Nursery for Harrisburg: Harrisburg lajna 15-25, under the enthusiastic leadership of their Muavina, Durre Sharif Sahiba, and through constant communication with Jama’at president and Sadr Lajna, embarked on a major renovation of the nursery. At an Aamilah meeting in December, the need for the nursery to be renovated was raised. Hearing this, Muavina Sadr Sahiba volunteered the 15-25yr olds to take this on as a project. ‘We would raise funds ourselves, design and renovate!’ Alhamdulillah permission was granted. She made sure everything was ordered and ready to go and then the actual assembly part of the room started, which had to be completed in only two weeks.


The girls did everything in the room. Painted walls, built shelving from scratch, stenciled, laid flooring, trimmed doors, built furniture, transformed existing old furniture, everything! There was someone in that room almost every day. One challenge was that, as different girls would come in on different days, some would start a job and others would complete it. Alhamdulillah in the end it all came together. The girls wanted it to be ready for an opening ceremony on the first day of Ramadhan. However, the stencil took longer than expected as we layered the stencil 4 times with varying colors. We worked right up until the last moments. This meant that the girls and I were laying flooring while fasting! National Muavina Sadr in charge of activities for 15 -25, Ruqaiya Asad Sahiba, opened the nursery for us with a lovely dedication! Hearing from her that achievements like this embody the goal of the 15-25 groups, was wonderful.

 The girls also organized a graduation spa party honoring those girls who became Lajna members. They painted their nails, made homemade lip-gloss, and baked cupcakes. Each new Lajna member received a signed copy of Qasim Rashid’s book The Wrong Kind of Muslim.

Cypress Houston, TX:

 The girls attended the Jama’at organized Spiritual Fitness Tarbiyat camp.  They were encouraged to express love and appreciation for their mothers on Mother’s Day and presented an analysis of the hadith “Paradise lies under the feet of mothers” using a sermon given by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vatba  They also helped set up for the local Ijtema and participated in weekly Tarteel-ul-Qur’an class.

North Jersey, NJ : Faseeha Ahmad, Nusrat Mubaraka, Fatima Mubasher, and Rida Syed graduated from high school.

Washington, D.C.: The girls prepared an Iftaar dinner during the month of Ramadhan.

Seattle, WA: The girls gathered to discuss ‘The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam’ using questions from the online study guide. They also studied the commentary of Surah Al- Fatiha.



West Midwest Tarbiyat Camp

 By the grace of Allah, the West Midwest Region held the seventh annual Lajna ages 15- 25 Regional Tarbiyat camp on the theme "Jihad-e-Akbar: The Road to Self- Reformation” at the Zion Mission House, Zion (IL) on April 10-12, 2015. The attendance was the highest on Saturday with a total of 33 Lajna members present from Chicago Northwest, Chicago Southwest, Zion, Chicago East, Bloomington, Milwaukee and Oshkosh.

Preparations for the camp began at the start of the year by selecting certain members from the group as team leaders from each Majlis to contact other girls in the local Jama'at and encourage them to register and attend the event. They also assigned various members to prepare different portions of the program, such as recitation of the Holy Qur'an, hadith, Urdu poems, and workshops on various topics relating to the theme of "Jihad-e-Akbar: The Road to Self- Reformation.”

On Friday afternoon, the girls took part in an icebreaker activity in which they learned interesting facts about each other. Then there were two presentations:  “Seeking Out Our Hidden Idols" – Zion  “Jihad Against Immodesty” - Milwaukee The girls discussed how to address immodesty in our daily lives in various settings, such as school or the workplace. The session closed with Maghrib/Isha prayers and dinner.

Saturday started with Tahajjud prayer, followed by Fajr Salat and Darsul Qur’an. After breakfast we all departed for an enjoyable arts and crafts activity as a group at “Ceramics for You”. At the class, the girls learnt how to glaze ceramics and each created a work of art to take home. We returned to the mosque for Zuhr/Asr prayers and lunch. In the afternoon there were two more presentations:  "Blessings and Importance of Invoking Durood" - Chicago Southwest  "Practical Steps for Self-Reformation" - Chicago Northwest An interesting panel discussion followed on "Dealing with Societal Ills & Pressures," which was moderated by professional Lajna members from various backgrounds and recent “graduates” of the Lajna ages 15-25 group. This panel discussion included an anonymous survey using an app called “Socrative” to poll the participants on various topics and collect questions. The girls discussed many important and relevant topics related to societal ills and peer pressure. This session closed with Maghrib/Isha prayers and dinner.


The closing day of the program began with Tahajjud prayer, followed by Fajr Salat and Darsul Qur’an. After breakfast the group then departed for the Khidmat-e-Khalq activity at the community garden in Zion, where they cleaned up plant beds removing weeds and dead plants. They also removed the leaves around the garden plot, beautifying the area and preparing it for the upcoming spring. Upon returning to the Zion Mission House there were two more activities:  “Tabligh as Service to Humanity & Addressing Current Events” - Oshkosh  Jeopardy Quiz on the Conditions of Bai'at led by the Bloomington Majlis. The weekend of bonding and sisterhood came to an end with a slideshow of the weekend and certificates for all. The session concluded with remarks from Regional Sadr Sahiba and dua. After Zuhr/Asr prayers and lunch, the girls went home.

Everyone was grateful for another Regional Tarbiyati Camp to build a deeper personal connection with Allah while enjoying each other’s company. They gained invaluable knowledge through peer mentoring and interactive workshops. May Allah guide us all to strive in our personal Jihad-e-Akbar and may He lead us on the path of self-reformation.

Upstate Northeast Regional Camp for Lajna 15 – 25:

The Upstate Northeast Regional Camp for Lajna 15 – 25 took place at the new mosque, Bait ul , in Binghamton NY for a weekend in April. Girls attended from Hartford, Boston, Syracuse, Buffalo, Rochester, Albany and Binghamton. There were a variety of activities, which the girls enjoyed:

 National Honorary member, Dr Shanaz Butt Sahiba gave a special presentation on EQ versus IQ  The girls conducted a workshop on Jihad-e-Akbar  There was a jeopardy style quiz  A presentation on Hazrat Khadijah


 Recitation of  A scavenger hunt  Bowling

It was heartwarming to see an exact replica of Minarat-ul-Masih standing tall as though it is a beacon of light in Upstate New York, and it certainly brought to light the fulfillment of the prophecy “I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the earth!” Alhamdulillah many friendships were born that weekend, which is a blessing of being apart of the blessed community of Hazrat Masih-e-Maudas

Northeast Regional Camp for Lajna 15 – 25:

– 25 took place at Bait ul Huda, Long Island NY. Girls attended from Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx and Long Island.

The program included workshops and discussions on a variety of topics, such as:

 Peer pressure,  Marital harmony  Coping with stress  Maintaining a connection with Allah  Modesty  The art of public speaking.

The girls also took part in a sewing class. On the second day of the camp, the girls enjoyed rock climbing and a trip to Adventure Land.



May Allah bless the new arrivals and make them a joy for their parents and families and guide them on the path of true righteousness. Ameen

Virginia Central:  Fahmida Begum was blessed with baby boy Haroon Ahmed.  Amtul Islam Sahiba and Mudassar Awan Sahib were blessed with a baby girl, Hiba tul Hadi.

Syracuse, NY: Maheera Sikder was blessed with a son, Mabroor Sikder.

Bay Point, CA:  Amtul Noor Tahir was blessed with a daughter, Saariya.  Faiza Ahmad was blessed with a daughter, Haniya.  Amtul Samad Fariha was blessed with a daughter, Aleena.  Imam Salman Sahib and Dimple Patel were blessed with a daughter, Jazziba.

Baltimore, MD: Mansoor and Nehal Shams were blessed with a son, Umar Ayyub Shams.

LA East, CA: Fiza and Anas Saifi were blessed with a daughter, Zoya Laila Saifi.

Houston, Texas: Respected Imam Zafarullah Hanjra Sahib & Nilofar Shabana Sahiba welcome the birth of their grandson, Danial Zafar.

Pittsburgh, PA: Shafia Sajjad was blessed with a baby a daughter, Zenia Sajjad.

Las Vegas, NV: Adeela Riffat and Adeel-uz-Zaman Khokhar were blessed with a daughter, Aaliya Nuzhat, who was named by Hazrat Khalifa-tul-Masihatba .

Binghamton, NY: Rehana and Niaz Ahmad were blessed with a daughter, Samia.

Silicon Valley, CA  Sabiha and Akhtar Mahmood were blessed with a son, Kasim Mahmood.  Faiza Shah and Usman Ahmad were blessed with a son, Nabeel Tahir Ahmad.

Hartford, CT  Shehzad Ahmad and Asifa Iram were blessed with a son, Azaan Ahmad.  Sheikh Zeeshan and Anika Ahmed were blessed with a daughter, Saqeena Zakia Ahmed.

Silver Spring, MD: Almameh Nyangado and Binta Juwara were blessed with a son, Muhammad Lamin.

Houston North, TX: Shazia Bajwa was blessed with a daughter, Ariyah Bajwa.

York/Harrisburg, PA: Christopher Khalid-Janney and Maidah Khalid-Janney were blessed with a daughter, Sumaya Maliha Khalid-Janney.


Cypress Houston, TX: Mehwish Lughmani was blessed with a son, Yusuf Ahmed.

North Jersey, NJ: Imran Majeed and Khola Majeed were blessed with a daughter, Mufliha Iman Majeed.

Virginia South: Fatiah Rasheed was blessed with a son, Farhan Ahmad Mohammad.

Waqfe Nau Newborns

The following newborns are, by the Grace of Allah, part of the blessed Waqfe Nau scheme. Please pray that they become outstanding ambassadors of the jama’at and carry the teachings of Ahmadiyyat throughout the world. Ameen.

Philadelphia, PA:  Sadia Choudhry was blessed with a daughter, Faiza Aleem, who was named by Hazrat Khalifa- tul-Masihatba.  Aneesa Choudhry was blessed with a daughter Zanubia Choudhry, who was named by Hazrat Khalifa-tul-Masihatba.

North Jersey, NJ:  Javaid Mirza and Sajida Parveen were blessed with a son, Sabeeh Ahmad Mirza.  Anna Samreen and Rana Muhammad Luqman were blessed with a daughter, Aiza Rameen Luqman.

Silver Spring, MD: Jawad Malik and Atiya Tul Haye Malik were blessed with a son.

Hartford, CT:  Adnan ullah Shah and Amina Noor were blessed with a son, Syed Mustafa Ahmad.  Farhan Ahmad Bajwa and Syeda Maham Mahmood were blessed with a daughter, Ayaana Ahmad Bajwa.

Dallas, TX: Faiza Nauman and Nauman Sheikh were blessed with a son, Alyan Abdullah Sheikh.

Virginia South:  Naeem Ahmad and Shehla Ahmad were blessed with a daughter Basima Ahmad, who was named by Hazrat Khalifa-tul-Masihatba.  Waqas Ahmad and Maham Ahmad were blessed with a daughter, Zareesh Ahmad.

Boston, MA: Faiz Shams and Aiesha Shams were blessed with a son, Tahir Isa Shams.

Georgia/SC: Ayesha Saddiqa was blessed with a son, Zayan Toseef.

Queens, NY: Mr. and Mrs. Asif Mohammad were blessed with a son Faizun, who was named by Huzooratba.


Requests for Prayers

Members are requested to remember the following in their prayers:  Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Khamisatba and Apa Jaan  All Ahmadis around the world, who are suffering from persecution and oppression  Jama’at Office Holders  Jalsa volunteers

Special Prayers are requested for our dear Sisters Aliyyah Shaheed, Shakura Nooriah and Salma Ghani. May Allah always keep them in His Loving Care.

LA Inland Empire, CA: A special request for prayers for sister Rehana.

Baltimore, MD: A special request for prayers for the following Sisters and Brothers:  Brother Hamza  Sister Maryam Yahya  Brother Ismail Kwarteng  Sister Salma Ahmad  Brother Fathaudeen, whose family recently arrived from Pakistan  Wajiha Ejaz, niece of Dr. Agha Shahid Khan, who has come to the U.S. for the treatment of her eyes. May Allah grant her complete Shifa. Ameen

Boston, MA:  A special request for prayers for Brother Abid Haneef Sahib and Sister Saliha Haneef Sahiba  Special request for prayers for the Boston Mosque Project.

Las Vegas, NV: Special request of prayers for a Sisters Nadia Qadeer and Amtul-Qayyum.

Virginia South: Rimsha Iqbal daughter of Lubna Iqbal graduated from High School with distinguished honors.

Silver Spring, MD: Farhat Malik, wife of Mr. Rafeeq Malik, has not been feeling well for a while. Prayers are requested for her speedy recovery.

Orlando, FL: A special request for prayers for Sister, Bushra Rajayki for improved health.

Washington D.C.: A special request for prayers for Sister Hameeda’s nephew who is still recovering from a recent illness.

Prayers for the Departed and their families Inna Lillahi wa Inna Iliahe Rajeoon Orlando, FL: Sister Rahila Bashir whose brother passed away suddenly in Pakistan at the start of Ramadhan.

Washington, D.C.: Sister Nusrat has requested prayers for her sister who has passed away in London.

Detroit, MI:  Sister Zahida Rehman’s father in law, Brother Ashfaq Ahmad, passed away in England. He was also the uncle of Sister Manoora Ashraf.  Sister Talat Khan passed away.

Baltimore, MD: Sister Firdous Anjum mother of Brother Shezad who passed away in May. May Allah enable their families to bear this loss. Ameen.


Lajna Matters

Dhul Qa’idah 1436 Issue 3 - 2015 August 2015

A quarterly publication of Lajna Ima‘illah and Nasiratul Ahmadiyya, USA

An Auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the views of

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

"I will give precedence to my faith above all worldly objects"

This issue of the Lajna Matters was compiled under the guidance of National Sadr Sahiba, Saliha Malik and with assistance from the National Lajna Publications Team. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Lajna Matters Publications Team:

Farzana Safiullah Publications Secretary [email protected]

Bushra Mirza Editor, Lajna Matters [email protected]

Lajna MattersMatters Abeeha Alam Publications Team: Associate Editor, Lajna Matters

Farzana Safiullah Alia Khan Publications Secretary Associate Editor, Lajna Matters [email protected]@lajnausa.net Shamamma Malik BBushraushra Mirza Associate Editor, Lajna Matters Editor, Lajna Matters [email protected] Aeman Bashir Layout, Lajna Matters Abeeha Alam AssociateAssociate Editor, Lajna Mabroor Jattalla Matters Urdu Section, Lajna Matters [email protected] Seher Chowdhry Associate Editor, Lajna Matters

Aeman Bashir Layout,Layout, Lajna Matters