Summer Term 2021 Newsletter Issue 4 14 May


Dear Parents,

As we reflect over the events of Wellness Week, we came away think- ing about every aspect of our lives, from the moment we wake, our breakfast, activities, learning and ways to rest. Thank you to Mrs Har- rod for sharing your nutritional expertise. A huge thank you to Mrs Row- ton for organising our very special week.

This week is Orchestral Week, with so many musical events for the chil- dren. Every morning we have enjoyed live music from our Visiting Mu- sic teachers and pupils, from the garden hose to a bass recorder. A big thank you to Claudia for playing the harp and Olivia playing the recorder; both so beautifully. We were also delighted to award so many ABRSM certificates this morning – well done for working so hard.

On Tuesday all Prep School pupils focussed their attention on a subject area, with an in-depth day of learning and fun. Year 3 looked into different religions and Year 4 had a ramble in Wilderness Wood. I had the honour of listening to Year 5, who were travelling around the world on ‘Rose Hill Air’ presenting their ideas as a viva. Year 6 developed their orienteering skills with various routes around Tun- bridge Wells. Years 7 & 8 enjoyed a history day through costumes and thought provoking activities.

Reception have taken life cycles onto the next stage as they have been looking at mini-beasts. I shared with them photos of my bees and they shared a great deal with me about mini-beast habitats.

Today our Year 5 are enjoying our annual Wonder Day. They experience a variety of activities mirroring our Year 7 & 8 provision. If your child is in Year 5, and you are yet to have a discussion with me or a member of the senior team regarding future schools do get in touch.

Our LAMDA results were yet again amazing with everyone achieving distinction within their levels. Well done everyone for your hard work. Seb received his Highly Commended certificate for this year’s IAPS iART compe- tition – a stunning piece of sculpture.

Congratulations to Ms Bowers, who has a full time post at this September as Head of Geog- raphy. We are delighted to announce that Mrs Wren who will be moving back into the class room as Head of Geography from September.

It is ‘Walk to School Week’ next week. As a school we make a concerted effort to walk each day and re- duce our environmental impact where we can, please support the cause.

Best wishes,

Emma Neville, Head

Summer Term 2021, issue 4


 Ardingly College,  Battle Abbey, 18 September [email protected]  Bede’s, 18 September  Benenden School, numerous dates found here  Bethany, v [email protected]  Brighton College,  Caterham School, virtual events & private tours [email protected].  Claremont Senior School,  Eastbourne College, 22 May,  Hurstpierpoint College 25 September  College, 12 June,  Kings Rochester, 26 June,  Lingfield College, 25 September  Mayfield School, information found here  , information found here  School, virtual 15 May,  , virtual 8 May  Worth School, 18 September, [email protected]  Bennett Memorial,  Judd School,  The Skinners’ School,  The Skinners’ Kent ,  Tonbridge for Girls,  Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys,  Tunbridge Wells Girls’ Grammar School, -2022-entry-1.pdf?t=1619086882?ts=1619086882


17/05/2021 9:00 Theme of the week - Culture & Diversity, Walk to School Week 18/05/2021 8:30 PrePrep Perform (Drama Workshop) 15:00 19/05/2021 14:30 U10 Girls’ Cricket v Marlborough House (A) 16:45 19/05/2021 14:30 U11 Girls’ Cricket v Marlborough House (H) 16:00 19/05/2021 14:30 Colts A Boys’ Cricket v Hilden Grange (A) 17:15 19/05/2021 14:30 Colts B Boys’ Cricket v Hilden Grange (H) 17:15 19/05/2021 14:30 Colts C Boys’ Cricket v Hilden Grange (A) 17:15 19/05/2021 14:30 Colts D Boys’ Cricket v Hilden Grange (H) 16:15 19/05/2021 14:30 Colts E Boys’ Cricket v Hilden Grange (A) 16:15 20/05/2021 14:30 U8 Girls’ Cricket v Holmewood House (A) 16:00 20/05/2021 14:30 U9A Boys’ Cricket v Hilden Grange (H) 16:15 20/05/2021 14:30 U9B Boys’ Cricket v Hilden Grange (H) 16:15 20/05/2021 14:30 U8A Boys’ Cricket v Hilden Grange (A) 16:15 20/05/2021 14:30 U8B Boys’ Cricket v Hilden Grange (A) 16:15 21/05/2021 8:30 French Day (pupils to wear red, white and blue to school, no uniform)

Summer Term 2021, issue 4


The Year 4 Geography Club requested a 'long grass and wildflower' habitat in our school grounds to help the bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. An area around the edge of some of the playing field will be allowed to grow, and this week the club mem- bers planted twelve bee bombs to en- courage wild flowers.


Year 5 Cubs have been working hard towards their Pioneering Badge. The first task was to work to- gether to build a Chariot using a combination of lashings and knots. After a few trial runs, the Cubs had a sturdy Chariot, and were successful in taking laps around the field. The second task was to utilise sisal rope, elastic bands and 9 pieces of wood to build a catapult. The Cubs split into teams for their builds and we were joined by the Scouts. I am pleased to report that all catapults were a great success!

Next week we will provide an opportunity for the Cubs to talk about any badges they are working towards or have completed. For details of the badges and their requirements please follow the link Cubs Badges. Clubs (in school or out of school) as well as school activities all count. If in doubt your Cub can speak to me in the Library, or feel free to email Raksha : li- [email protected]

Yours in Scouting,

Akela, Raksha and Miss Miles.

Summer Term 2021, issue 4


Kindergarten children investigated how a hot air balloon rises in to the sky. They had fun trying to make their balloon go up to the sky. The wind was against them so they chased their balloons across the field. Great fun was had by all.


As part of Orches- tral Week and our Minibeast topic, the children lis- tened to the music ‘The Flight of the Bumble Bee’ be- ing played on the piano and then by the violin with an orchestra. They thought about where the bee could go and what it could see as it flew around. We talked about how the music changed and how we thought this might change what the bee was doing. We then drew our own bee journey while we listened to the mu- sic again.

Summer Term 2021, issue 4


Year 1 have been planting some seeds with Mr Brind- ley as well as familiarising themselves with the differ- ent trees in the school woods as well as the trees that are common to the Ashdown Forest.


The children in Secret Agent Club conducted a thorough investigation and after examining all the evi- dence, managed to eliminate Miss Gibson, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Robinson from their enquiries. They identified Mr Brindley as the cookie thief and have issued a warrant for his arrest.

Year 2’s topic ‘Into the Woodland’ involved the children hunting for clues to famous fairytale sto- ries hidden in our woodland. Some were trickier than others but good fun and lots of excitement was had by all.

Summer Term 2021, issue 4


Year 3 enjoyed a fabulous RS focus day this week. They learnt about how differ- ent religions pray and worship their Gods. Activities included: making prayer beads, creating diva lamps, finding the direction of Mecca around the school and preparing for wudoo. The children had a fantastic day learning about dif- ferent religions and practices that are important to them.


On Tuesday, Year 4 headed to Wilderness Wood for the day. Activities included creating a piece of land art with Mrs Moore, a matchbox challenge with Mr Izzard, a minibeast hunt and shelter building with the Wilderness Wood rangers. The children all did brilliantly bringing their environmentally friendly packed lunches. The sun shone and a great day was had by all.

Summer Term 2021, issue 4


On Tuesday pupils in Year 5 "took to the skies" and participated in a travel writing activity. In groups, pupils studied a country and prepared a presentation aimed at our judges, Ms Neville and Mrs Ritson, who had the tough job of deciding which group was most persuasive in tempting them to visit their country.

All groups did a fantastic job and it was clear to see just how hard they had worked throughout the day. Their presentations were engaging and very informative. Ultimately, Group Chile won due to their superb vocabulary choices and exceptional use of descriptive tech- niques such as meta- phors, similes and sibi- lance.


Our Ordnance Survey map skills came in very useful on the 9 km walk Year 6 went on through woods, farmland and villages. In the afternoon presentations on the UK's national parks were created in rec- ord time with the North Yorkshire Moors coming in as the win- ner. Well done to all of Year 6.

Summer Term 2021, issue 4

YEAR 7 & 8

Years 7 & 8 prac- tised their knowledge of Eng- lish history by form- ing a chronological timeline matching the period to the correct hat. They also made their own historical Top Trumps of English monarchs and history source question dice. In the afternoon there was a 'murder mystery' - they all became detectives investigating the real case of the first man to be murdered on the railway.

The hats proved very popular and were worn throughout the day (including break times and lunch!).


Bonjour! Next Friday, 21st May, is French Day at Rose Hill! Remember you can come dressed in red, white and blue (no football/sports kit please).

Madame Collett

Summer Term 2021, issue 4


Monday Chicken korma curry & rice

Baked tomato & mozzarella stew (v) Broad beans

Tuesday Shepherd’s pie & cauliflower & carrots

Sautéed courgettes

Wednesday )

Mandarins & Greek yogurt Thursday Chicken pie, boiled baby potatoes & sweetcorn Asparagus risotto (v) Sliced green beans


Petit pois Coconut milk rice pudding with pineapple and caramel sauce

Soup A vegetarian soup is available daily with crusty baguettes.

We have a varied salad bar which includes coleslaws. Green leaves, toma- Fresh produce toes, peppers, sliced ham and boiled eggs.

A selection of fresh fruit is always available.

Summer Term 2021, issue 4


Girls’ Cricket Results Date Opposition Match Score Scorers Player of the Match Report Match 12/05 St Michael’s U11 Grey U11 Pink Lost by 7 Lottie B & Ruby W

U10 Grey U10 Pink Won by 9 runs Poppy C 13/05 St Michael’s U9 Grey U9 Pink Cancelled U8 Pink U8 Grey Boys’ Cricket Results Date Opposition Match Score Scorers Player of the Match Report Match 12/05 Marlbor- Seniors Won by 17 runs Amelia D & Ben W ough House Colts A Lost by 8 wick- Rufus W ets Colts B Won by 30 runs Jacob F & Oscar W Colts C Won by 36 runs Josh J 13/05 Marlbor- U9 A Won by 47 runs Oscar & Xander E ough House U9 B Won by 1 run Max B U8/U9 Mixed Won by 3 runs Sean H

Summer Term 2021, issue 4


Summer Term 2021, issue 4