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____ _______ ~ ‘f »-* > y.y»*it^ ys?y*i%w^ ■" ^ !■'■ >)Tn »"*y 24 - TtiE HERALD. Sat.. July » . 19»1 , / o r a v ooiiiiHiio o n n u m HOt W ATIII P«|SiUR|t CUiAMIMO r -’ VrM ilWIIOrW nOJOnitnwQ MANCHESTER Senior CWfawnPlaoount Owwip noW i PUBB aatliiM ilsiM M *00 NltUmutn S 4 6 -3 4 2 5 - r j a a - S g * " OnuCI UTVINCHYK, Ownsr/Oasrstor Manchester, Conn. 341 LVDALL ST., MANCHROTIR Serving the MonDay, July 27, 1981 Manchester area HAS IT! 25 Cents for 100 years . cwuHi wromv / 763 ' NOUTCtS TALCOTTVILLt,CT. MAIN ST. 6 4 3 - 1 1 9 1 24 HR. TOWING isi MAIN ST. 6 4 3 - 0 0 1 6 FEATURING THIS WEEK ... MANCHESTER .COM PLITl COLLIWON M rAIH •FORIION AND AMtNICAN CANS 0 4 3 - 1 0 0 0 ShowDown near Olcott Package Store d o o r s ' HARDWA5E AWNHMS PO WIN d SoWS QWlflERS CANOPIES /^fifSlC SALES—SERVICE—INSTALLATION in tax cut battle YMKEALUMMUM SERVICES sw aPBCiAuats IN amaa a acaEati repaib Jcsigns, inc 20 WARREN STREET WASHINGTON (UPI) - After months of debates, stndies and com -. M l BMOAO S T R U T MANCHIST4R CONN OWAO MANCHESTER, CONN. 4LiaW, l lA JL promises, the tut cut battle on MancheVer Professional Park, Smie A-1 Betty Gallaoher, Prop. Capitol HiU is up for a pair of show downs— one in Me Senate, the other in the House — carrying high ,WE OERVICE AND INSTALL INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL political stakes. AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION K-B AUTOMOTIVE When the smoke clears. President . KEN I R A I T N W A i n Reagan, who won congressional ap HEATING and SHEET METAL 6 4 3 * 8 8 4 4 1209 BROADj ST. proval for most of his budget cuts, will be a giant step closer to or away New England Mechanical Services, Inc. SPECULIZNid M: from implementing his formula for • STARTERS ecommiic recovery. 166 TUNNEL RD. • GENERATORS •TU N E UPS Today marks the .tenth day of VERNON, CT. 06066 Senate debate on Reagan’s proposed • ALTERNATORS •WIRMG 33-month, 25 percent, across-the- 671-1111 board tax cut. Wednesday has been set as the target date for final action by the CLYDE A MICKEY MILLER’S .S<*rriiiAr .llrtiiffci’Ald’P' .>0 yrs. §6118 tc TEL. 649-3628 p . AUTO It also is the day the House has set PARTS Penttand The Rorkt aside to debate — and vote on — an "MITO PUTS FOR LESS" 24 BIRCH ST. alternative 21-month, 15 percent tax cut plan being pushed by HOURS - TEL. 643-6247 Democratic leaders. 8 TO B MON.-FRI. 643-4444 r < ; ' 8 TO 5 SAT. A SUN. F.T.D. Tonight, Reagan w ill take his MASTER CHAROE campaign to the American people in 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) AMERICAN EXPRESS WONLO WIDE a televised address touting the tax MANCHESTER SERVICE **Lowest prices available by law ' cut he revised last week in hopes of BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY attracting needed support from con Our remodeled and enlarged store has one of servative Democrats. FLO’S (^ke Decorating Supplies.he. , As part of his drive for broadened leap -N- CORK PACKAGE STORE the largest selections of imported and 1646-0220 070-32021 support in the House, Reagan held a 485*489 No. Main 8t. A COMPLETE INK OF MLTON CAKE DtCOMTIOIIS We’ll have to take their worD lor It. Tori Leigh Baskervllle Is on the lunch Sunday for 15 Democrats at MandMstar. Conn. domestic wines in this area. We have not , - len anD Terri Ann Baskervllle IS oh the. right. The twin sisters were ram p David, the secluded presiden tial retreat near Thurmont, Md. 649-0591 limited our selection of beer because of the 191 CfNTCn BT. I A n k -i& lik R s ? maDe up like RaggeDy Ann anD AnDy to perticipatoJn Dosing Day Iteagan has stressed the critical MANCHeSTER. CONN. ^ Camp prDgrDn h ^ a t ConcorDia Kvmodvied & Knlnrged Mon. - Bat. 10-S *7" i , Lutharan'ChurbhoflPltkm etreBt. Bee story oriphge 4. (HeralD need for the budget and tax cuts he President Reagan returns to the White House SunDay after spen To Heitor Seri-e You bottle bill. We carry all brands and sizes of Thuro.. 10*9 has proposed to stimulate the Ding the weekenD at Camp David. Reagan will throw the full force - ■ photo,b^RiehmonD)-^.. ,.v.- eranonw iiDd return the nation to LIQUOR - BEER - CORDIALS imported and domestic beer. of his powers of personal persuasion Into the fray tonight when he fe:.- .fproqienty. “ .'i speaks to the nation about hla tax cut legislation. (UPI photo) Larga Salaction ot Wedding Cakes A Specialty On the tax front, he appears en ImoarlaD A Damaalic Winta route to victory ih the Republican- dominated Senate, but may en to both proposals. They hoped to 6S4 Center St fuihs garage counter problems with the the crucial votes of conservative OVER 4 5 convince other Democrats to caucus MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL 8UPPLT, INC. MANCHESTER Democratic majority in the House Southern Democrats and. to keep YEARS some wavering Frost Belt before the Rules Committee meets unless some conservative Tuesday to win support for a move .Sii|»(ilii*rA !»/ Snfvty EXPERIENCE age that is located about 6 feet from Republicans in line. No injuries were reported in the Dmocrats gives him the votes he during W^nesday’s debate to strip MEMOMALCO. By Martin Kearna -■ r f the gutted structura- F ire fi^ te rs The most substantial change is a M34697 fira which brdke oat at 12:11 a,m. the administration and committee •FOUL WEATHER SUITS 0pp. East Camalary HeralD Reporter protected the threatened building by proposal to “ index” the tax rates to CALL 649*6807 Sixty-two district flreflghters had Before the House can consider its bills of some of their political Eigbtti UttUUea District fire of- dousing it with water. It was not inflation beginning in 1985, making •BOOTS •HOSE ' blase under control 26 minutes tax bill, the Rules Committee must “ giveaways.” rmpta are invesUgatiiig an early damaged. , issue guidelines for the debate. the 25 percent tax cut permanent. •OLOVES^TARPS^RESPIRATORS bUALITY HARRISON 8T. morning fire today w kiA mined a The panel, at a meeting scheduled ’That way, people would not be The liberals, said Democratic MANCHESTER Granville lingard, district vfire The fire was the ditrlct’s third in MEMORIALS garage adjoining a Strickland Street for Tuesday, will be asked to grant pushed into continually higher tax Study Group director Richard 5 Qian Rd. • Manchaatar • 643-51071 marshal, said there ia a possibility one week. Fires last week caused home. time to debate three s^ ra te tax brackets just because their incomes Conlon, particularly object to big that the fire was of suspicious structural damage to bouses on kept pace with inflation. Tbe.garage, owned by Wayne and Barry Rbad and. Alton Street. proposals — the new version of .tax breaks tor the oil industry con B&L Enterprises ori^n, but added it is still under in The Democratic alternative, ap tained in both bills, a third year tax Bpring CsJI lor quality staam Margaret Bell of 58 Striddand St., Reagan’s plan, the Democratic vestigation. He expects to contplete William Cole, who boards with the proved by the Ways and Means Com carpet cleaning... the was naed for storage of an alternative and one offered by cut, indexing and across-the-board Cleaning? his r ^ r t and damage costs — re tir^ Bell’s, today coptplimented mittee last week, is targeted more EVERYTHING IN GLASS Bana-Clene way aatomobile and ftirttiture<-A House liberals. tax rate cuts. within n few days. the distoict firdfighters. “ They real ■WE CAN T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT ' CALL Belabor removed the car but per Reagan unveiled hla latest toward people in the 915,000 to $50;- Firefitflters worked to keep the ly did an excellent job.’ ’ At a news conference Friday, sonal itnna kept in the garage were proposal Friday. It preserves the 33- 000 income range. A third year of M i l MaMananca fire frmn spreading to a second The district’s volunteera got the tax cuts would be triggered i f the Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., one of the aa7 No. Main SI. .deatroyed. call over the town’s 911 emergency month, 25 percent across-the-board authors of the liberal alternative, J.A WHITE GLASS CO.. cuts in imUvidual tax rates and a economy improves sufficiently. 6 4 3 - B G B 6 telephcm service. ‘.’’They were there The Democratic bill also has a list said, “ We took one look at the Other Wa DD a lota mora than within three or four minutes of when new depreciation schedule fpr claan carpate' of sweeteners, but not quite as many two bills and decided it would be • 4«* 7 S a i we called,” said Cole, “ the E ^ th business investments. cheaper to give oYerybody three 30 YKiHs t:xpF.RiF.yi:i: FRK ESTIMATES But it adds more than |65 billion as the administration’s. 131 BISSELL ST. MANCHESTER District Fire Departgient should be wishes.” 24 HOUir SERVICE worth of “ sweeteners” to attract Liberal House Democrats object •MIRRORS »SHOWER DOORS eSTORE FRONTS FRUV INSURED prais^.” ; •SAFETY GLASS •BATHTUB ENCLOSURES •ETC V J.B. ELECTRONICS FAMOUS BRAND STEREO • MUSIC AMPS • TV fights for his job TELEVISION - APPLIANCES SALES AND SERVICE h l m :i i i ;s t i ;h to President Reagan. Washington Post published statement that read: WASHINGTON (UPI) - CIA “ Mr. Casey said he believed it is 1-- Directoc William Casey, fighting to T te ClA Sunday refused comment allegations, which he denied, that he HOMI MNOVUnn on the story.