THE PRESIDENT ' S APPOINTM.Etrl'S MONDAY, FEBRUAR! 1, 1954 _) Legislative Leaders Honorable Richard Nixon, The Vice President Senator Will F. Knowland, California Senator StY"les Bridges:, New Hampshire Senator H er Ferguson, Michigan Senator ·ene D. Millikin, Senator P'l'"ank Carlson, Kansas Honorable Joseph W. Martin, Jr. , Th Speaker Oongpesaman Charl ·a A. Hall ck 1 Indiana Congresataan Leslie c. Armida, Illinoi CongJ"essman Leo E. Allen, ll11nois Congre•snan Edward B. Rees1 Kansas Honorable George .M . Hu$1lphre7, Secretary of the Treasury Honorable Arth'Ql" &m.aerfield,; The Postmaster General Honorable Charle B. Hook,, Jr., Dep.ut7 Poatnrast r General Honorable Rowland Hughes, puty Director, Bureau ot t.he B\l.d.get Honorable Philip Young, Civil .Service Commission Konora'bl WUliam Mitchell, Atomic Energy Comis$ion Honorab-le Sherman Ad&ns Honorable Wilton B. Person Honorable Bernard Sbanlq RonQrable Jam s Hageny Honorabl Murray S~ Honorabl.e Br,rcEt Har-low c Honorable Gerald Morgan Honorabl Jack Martin Honorable H er Gruent.her _, Honorable Earle Chesney Honorable Maxwell Rabb Honorable Arthur Minnich 10;.30 Admiral Arthur w. dtord, Chainnan, Joint Chiefs of Staf't (Ueual Monday appointment)

lltOO Honorable Arthur Burns, Chairman, Council of Ee nomio Advisors Honorable Gabriel Hauge (Usual Mondq appointment)

12:15 Honorable Ezra Ta.rt. Benson, Sec:r tai:r ot Agricul.ture

12•45 pn The Presiden\ r ceived Mr. Huey ShepheJ'd,, Winner of the National Oratorical Contest sponsored by the llational liegro El.ks. (This a.:PJ>Oin\ment was reques\ed last October 1Y Lt. Georg Lee, Gre.nd Conni sioner of Education., through Congr&s C~ll Reaee) The following guesta wl!r pre entJ Mr. Huq Shephard, Long Beach, Cali!., Nat'L Contest Winner Mr. Robert H. Johnson, Phila.., Pa.., Grand Ez.alt.ed Ruler Mrs. Netti Carter Jackson, ?i .Y.c., Gl"arld Daughter Ruler _h's. Buena V. Kelley, Norfolk, Va., Grand ughter Secretary Mrs. P arl Brown, Balt1mor , Md,., th-and Daughter 'l'reasur l" MONDAY, FEBRUARt l, 19$4 Page 2

L 12:4S ?ft NatJ.enal Nego Elles (Con~inued) Judge Hobson R.. Reynolds, Phila., P • , Grand Dire<:-tor of CivU Libe:rtie Judge Perry J ckson, Cleveland, Ohio, Grand Tre surer Judge w.. c. Ju ton, ashington, D. C.. , Gtiand Seer ta.n- Mr. P rry w. Howard, f ehington, D. c., Grand. gal Advisor Mr. Herbert E. Jone , Grand Organiz r Dr. J.B. art:in, Sanitation Co s$ioner, Cook Oounty, lllinoi, Grand Co - · sioner ot Athletic · Mr. Charle P • . Clane, Grand Oo • sioner ot Public Rela.tiQn Mr. Em st Copeland, PaQt Grand Exalt Rul r Miss Gilda Lee, the Graduate ot Tomorrow Lt. George W. Lee, Grand Commis ioner of ueation Sena.tor Thoma H. Kuchel, Ca.litornia Congre B. Carroll Reee. , Tenn•a • Congres Craig Ho r, California. Mrs. Finley . Uson Ml-s. Annabe1 id

1:00 (Mr. Charl e s. Jonoe, of Lo Ang$les, Cal.U'orni&, had LUNC with th Pr sident O THE RECORD) (Mr. Jonee is Praaident of Ric ond. OU ~ and an old tr:len.d ct the Presiden')

(Hon. Robert. B. Anderson, Secretal7 ot th NaVJ') OFF THE RECORD (Hon. Shermaa Adams)

(Honorable_Herbert Brownell, The Att.ol"n.· q General) (Senator Willil!m F. Knowland, Calitom.ia.) OFF THE RECORD (SeMtor Hom r Fergueon, Michigan) · · · · (Senator en D. Mlllikin, Colorado) THE PRESIDDIT 1S !PPOIN'l'MEHTS 'IUESDAY, FEBRUAR? 2, 1954

8:30 (Honorabl Herbert .L>.L~, ...... ell, The Attomey General) OFF THE RECORD 9:00 (Sen tor William F. Knowland, Calitomia) (Hon. Herbert. Brownell, The Attorney neral) OFF THE RECORD

9:10 8Jll (Congressman Edgar w. Hiestand, Calitonda) (MF. L. I. McLellan, Presid . t, CaU.romia R Est te aaociation) ( a. L. I. McLellan) (OFF THE RECORD: The Congreaaman aked 1:t he might bring Kr. lcLellan in to eet the Presidernt. Mr . MeLellan ia 1n · ah­ ington attending National Association of R al Estate Boards, and as we haY tumed dow imilar requ t , thought it beat. to keep it ort the record) 11:00 am Tb President receiTitd a group or busines • (Arranged by eral P rsons. Thi group wished to gin the President their views on some ot the rec endationa of the report of the Rand.all Co saion) following were pr sent: Hr. Cbarl s R. Hook, Sr., President, Armco Corporation Kr.. ar eeny, Cha.innan, onsanto Chemical Company General Brehon Burke Somenell, President, Koppers Compaey Mr. G. • Price, President, W~stinghouse Electric Intemational Corp. Mr . Frederick V. Geier, President, Cincinnati Milling Machine Co. Hon. Uton B. Persons 12:00 Honorable John E. Peuritoy, American Ambassador to Guatemala (The Ambassador requested this, thru Protocol, to report to the President on problem ot Commoni• in Ottatmala and th treatment ot American co rcial. interests in that country) 12:55 Senator liaJT7 F. Byrd, Virginia Admiral. Richard Byrd, U ·, Reti:r



9:00 pn The Army and Nav;y Reception THE PRESIDENT' S APPOilf'l'MUTS WEI!{ESDAY.1 FEBRUARY 31 1954

(Hon. Robert Cutl r) (Hon. Jamee S. tq) OFF THE RECORD (Brief the Pre•idant on N. s. C.)

10100 &Ill (Hr. Hagerty)· OFF THE RECORD

1013() 8lll

llt~ . Dr. JQ~ Serratosa Cibils, ot Uruguay, Pr sident ot Rotary' Intemational H.E. Sen&r Dr. Jose • Mora, th Amba.aNdor of Urttg\la)" Mr. Georg• B. Meane, CM.ea.go, General Secr.eta.ry of Rotal7 International. Hr. Halsey B. Knapp, Fal'llingdale, .Y •.• First Vice-President of Rot&ry' Int~rnat1onal Mr. C. Reginald !hith, Albion, Michigan_. Chairman of the Colden Amdvesaey Convention (1955) Committee of Rotary Int c tional Mr . Spencer H gen, Public Relations ~e.ctor, RotaJ7 International. Mr. Granville Gude, Vic Pr-esident of \h Rot. 'J!7 Club of Wash., ». o. Mr. Hobart McDowell (The Ambassador of~ requea\ed th1e., thru Protocol. ~ . Ciblls presented a fonaal invitation to the President to addl-ess the Gold.en Anniversary ConYention ot Rotary IntemaUo al., which is to l>e held in in Mq 1955. Dr. Cibila also pl"esented to th President a Unguqan gaucho kn.if , decorated. in gold and ( ilYer, a girt fFOJn Uruguq) - Ut4S . Tbe Pre1Jid..nt received. Miss Helene., or Atlanta, rgia, wirln9r of Hat.ion.wide say C011test conducted 'b1' the N tional As ociation ot Real Estate Boards (Appointment request d by t.he Poet.master General and conC\UT in by Adndnistr•tor Cole. Mies Carter's easq was entitled,. nMT R4lsponsibility Under tbe Bill of Rights." The Officers ot the orgaaiution who e.:ccompailied her assured t.he Presidmt thq we" behind him in hi~ housing program, and pledged hia the support ot iheir organiza~ion.) 'l'he following were present: Miss Helena Cart.•1', Atlanta; Georgia Mr. Ron Chinnock, Pre ident, Nati..onal Assoc:.iat1on ot Real _,,et u ,.~ Estaw Boarcla ~0 ~ Mr. Charle Shat~uck, Past President. 5 Mr~ H$rberb Nelson Honorabl Charles E. WU on, Beere.tart ot Defense (Thi is Mr. Wilson• e sual ·ekly a.ppoin nt, no~ arrangecl tor Mondays, but changed to suit his convenience) Cli.ftord li(J Hope, Kanaaa, bad LUNCHEOJ with the President. (Hon. Gerald. Morgan was also pPe ant bUt OFF THE RECORD) p • 2

2:15 Plll 'nld Presid«tt rec ived the eeutive Committee of th National llilk ProQ:uoers Feden.tion. (Arn.nged at the request ot Senator Aiken, Vermont . Thie grottp has been me ting in hingt.on, D. c., with the Seoretary ot Agrl.cul.tur ) 'the rollowing were present; Hon. Esra Taft ~son, Seer tary o.r Agriculture · Senator orge D. Aiken, Vemont · Senato!" Edward J. 'l'hye, innesot. Cengl'le-e an H. Garl Andreaen, Minne ta Congres Clittord R. Hope, Kan a Han.. Gerald rgan ~t.te : · Rus eil'.~ ~ta, Buttle, We. hingt.on; President, National. Milk Producer Fed$rat1on - General age-r, Unite Dairymen's w. E. inn, Chicago, Illinois; Vice President, ational Milk Producers F.:terat1.on - President, Milk Association E. • Nori.on, aslrlngton, D. O. J Executive Director, National Milk ~ucers Federation Charles W., . Washington, D.. C.; cr.etary,. National Milk Producere Federation W. H. Austin, Lake Cormorant, Hies1ss1ppj.; Director, Mid- South Milk Producer& Association A. Morelle Chen916 New York, New York; Secre'\ary", Daieyme11• . L.e~e Cooperative Aseo.ciation, Inc. W. P. Davis_, Boston, s chusetts; General ·ager, c England Milk Produce Association t. E.. Evan.a~ Loe Angeles, Celltol'nia} eral Managq, Challenge Cre .. and Butter Aseociat.1.on B. s. Graham, Oklahoma Cit.7, OklahomaJ ager, Central Okla · Milk Produo Association w. F. Grove , to

AT THE WHI'l'B HOUSE - OFF THE RECORD (Hon. Merbei-t Brownell, 'lhe Attomq General) (Hon . Arthur Summerfield, The Postmaster General) (Hon. Leonard Hall, Chairman, Republican National Cummittee) (Ml' .. Willi Robinson) (Mr. B n Duffy) (Hon. Thoma E. Stephena) Tim PRESll)ENT• S APPOIN'lHEN1'$ THURSDAY; FEBRUA.Rt 4, 19$4 L 8;20 - (nu: Pre•1dent., ceompanied by Senator Frank .Carlson, Ka.nsao, lett 'bM White Hou e tor the Maytlow$r Motel.)

!he President attended a Prayer eaktast gi en lttlder the aupi.e s of the Int rna-tionaJ. C uncil £or ChristiM e:rship a\ th Mrqfiower Hotel.

Mr,. Herbert Bl ek, Manager, Stat.ler Hot 11 Washington, D. O. Hr. and • • Blouet), Man~r, George V Hotel,, Paris, France

10;00 8111 Mational. · eurl.ty Council Hon. Richard Nixon, Th$ Vi.oc Pre ident Hon. Walter B. Smith, Acting Secreta17 of State Hon. Oharl s S. ileon, Secret f!7 ot Det fie Hon. Harold ·• Stass&n, Director, Foreign Opera'tions Administration Hon. Arthur' s. Flemming, Director·, Of'tice of Detens Mobilization Ron . Geo~g M. Humphrey, Secretary ot the 'frea21U17 Hon. inelair Weeks., Secretary of Commerce Hon. Rowland Hughes, Acting D!l'-e.ct.or, reau of the Budget Hon . Lewie L. tra.uss,. Chairman, Atomic - erg COlliDlissi n Admit-al. Arthur W. Radtol"d,, Joint. Chiefs ot staff !on. Allen W. Dull s,, Direotor or Central Intelligenc Hon , Robert Cutler, Speeia.l Astd~t to t President Hon. c. D. J&.ekson, Special oistant to the President Hon. B1'7ee Harlow, Administrative Assistant to the Presid.ent Mr. Max Lehrer, Assistant in the Secretary o.t Det s. 's otfl.c:e Hon . Sherman , Assistant to tb Pre id t Hon . Wilton B~ Persona~ Deputy Assistant to th e&ident Hon .. J e s. Lay, Jr., . cuti c tary. N.. s. c. Hon . s. E-.erett 61 a n, De ty . ecutive. tary., N. s. a.

l2s,O Pll The :President pre entad th Medal ot to Gen~ra1 Rober\ a. Woodside, to er Vice-Chairman ot the erica.n Ba1'tl• MonUl!lente Commiasion. (This was arranged at the request of Genenl. ~ge C. . shall. nel"el Woodside. W&a ppointed to riqan ttle MonUJMn\s Commiasi n in original 'M ~p, July, 1923,; wae electe Vie Cha· :t Co ssion t f'irst · ting and sene a such until hia resignation• July 19$3) The following were presentt General Roben G. Woodsid• Hon.. Leslie L. Bittle GElllerai Alexander A. Vandegrift, (U 01 Ret•d) Adfniral Thomas c. Kinkaid {U , Ret'd) Lt .. ColonQJ. Clarence J. 0'10>" (Representing eral rg C. . shall, Bri8. G neral Thomas orth, Sec t:uy,, American Sat,.l'>le onuments Conni sion tt. Colon 1 Charl B. Shaw, USA Mr.. Harvey E,, Conwq · • GordelU. L. Mikul a, (Staf't ot Aa,. BattJ.e Monument C ) Congnssaum James E~ Vall Zand\1 (Representing Veterans of Foreign Wars) 'fHURSDAY, UAR? '+• 1954 Pa. 2 (Honorable rold Sta.seen, Dir-ector, Foreign Operation Adm.) on TKE ImOORD

1:00 J9 • Walk~r Gentry elmer had LUNCHEON with th Preside»\

2•45 pM (Honorable Lawl.$ L. Straus , Chairman, Atmnic erg Conmd _ ion) OFF THE REOORD

(Hon. J s , Chairman, Cttisetis tor Eisenhower) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. JaqueUu Hume.,. of San Francisco. California) - (Honorable Walter B. Smith, Under retu:y of State) OFF THE RECORD (General &1th called Mr. stephens yesterday and request thi appoint nt)

5:00 (Hr.. Hagert:;)

'7:.30 Pl ('lb Pn:ddent. gave · Stag Dinn il" at th Whit House for the following:) Mr. Walker Gentry Buokner, Inve ent Banker, Reynol.ds & ~ Mr. Justin Dart, President, exall Drug• Inc. - Mr. Robert, J. Ilc>novari• aidct, White ouse Correspondents Aeum. kr. Jvome A. franklin, R tir d Bueiness Ex cutive • alt. r Hoving_, Department Store Executive Mon.. Kevin cCarm, Pr-e -1de11t, Det1ance College Kr. Elberh P. Pe :body, esi ent, First. National Bank Trust ~ o AUgUst&, Georgi . Mr. Earle GhesnBT, Whit House st tt Mr. Goorge liu.rpb7,, HoUYwood, e&J.ifol"ni Mr~ Jillan H. " b rt , P.oberts ..otor Co ., ugusta, Geo~gia Hon. WiPiaa P. Rog$rs1 Deputy Attorney eral Hon. Kenneth C. Royall, La.w,rer t Nw York on. M\trl"al' er• hit• House Stai't Hon. Theodore c. St · ibert, Director, o. s . Intormation Agen07 Mr. Arthur K.. 'flat.son, ie ident. Gen ral Manager, IBM Wo:rld f;oade Corporation Mr~ Thoma J., Wat8Gl1, Chdnlan of th l3oai'd. IBM Corpo:ra'tion and IBM 'orld Trade Corpe tion Mr. 'rhoma J. Wat.son, Jr., Pr side.n:t_. I · Corporation THE PRESin t •s AP Oil'lltENTS FRIDAt, FEBRUARY 51 1954

10:00 am Cabinet Meeting Hon. Richard Nixon, The Vice Presi.den~ Hon. Walt r B.. &, Acting Secretary of ate Hon. George M. HUllJ)h~, Se.oretary of tbe Trea-sury Hon. Oharles E. Wilson, Secret.ary o! Def a Hon,. Herbert. Brownell, 'Phe Attomey General Hon. Arthur _ erf'ield, The Post.aster General Hen. Douglas cKq• Seer~ oL the Interlol" Hon . Ezr Tart Benson, S cretar.r or Agricultv.l"e Hon. Sinclair Weeks, Secr-etary ot C c• Hon. Jam.ea P. Mit~hell, cretary o~ Labor Hon. Ovet Culp Hobby, Secretary ot H, 11eation & Welfare Hon. Rowland Hughe , Acting Director1 Bureau ot the Budge~ Hon. Reibert :&. tteson, Assiat.a.nt Director, ottice of Rese&J'Ch, Statistics and Report$, Fore'ign Operations dminis\r tion Hon, Victor Coll91', Deputy- Dir ct.or, -Otfic of Defel'lff l>illsation Ron. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Aabass-ador to the United N.atione· Hon. Philip Young; Cba.1l'98.n, Civil Serrl.ce C¢mmtssio Hon. el w. nderson, saiatant Seer~ 0£ Co eree Hon. Sh ams Hon. Wilton B. PeJ"sone Hon. Bel"na~ Srumle;y Hon. J es Hagerty L Hon. Gabriel Hauge. Hon. Gerald Morgan Son. Jack tn Hon. ell Rabb Hon. Arthur Minnich The tolltw:ing n absents Th Secretary of St.ate Th! Director, Bureau ot tbe Budget Tb Director, Foreign Operations • The Direot:o~~ Of.tic ot Defense Mobilization (Following the Cabinet» the Pruid.ent was photographed. 1n his O:tt1ce with the Po tmasto r General.. 'l'heeet pictUNs were f Qr u e b7' t.he National. Geogra hio Society.) OFF THE RECORD

Tho Pl:-esi4ent reo-eived the her& ot th . cutive Committee of th• Young Repo.bliean Nation Federattaa. (This appointment was arranged at th. request 01 the at.ional C • ) !he following wre preaent:. A.m>R&IS, · ., Chairman, F Council, Mapleton; Nor\h Dakota ARNOLD, J .. li., Regional. Di.reQto:r, Raleigh, North Carolina BALI.ARD,, National Comndttee, Roanoke, Virgini.4 BARTSAS, Macy, legi.onal Oo--Dire~tor, y, Nevada, Clark, Nati.anal Committ , Chicago, Illinois BEGG, John,,; College Berrlee, Palo Alto, Oal1fornia BEITEL, Herbert, A. si tant General Counsel, Chicago, Illinoi.1 BJ.WEit, lio•eann, Regional Go-Director, W ukeeha., isconsin J30GOSIAM, Ecb1a, National Committeej a\el"town,, Massachusetts FRIDAY, IARt 5, 1954 Pa e 2 12130 Young Republican National ederation: Daf.IRS, stanl.q1 National COlllllittee, H7attsrllle, lal7lan , Gene, Vice Chairman, Fort Worth, Texu CLARO, Biehl, Executive Secretary, ~ shington, D. c. COCHRANE, Robert, Audit.or, Brookline, a abusetta COONEY, IJ.oyd, State Chairman, Salt Lake City, Utah CRANE, J e , National Committee, Franklin, fN shire DONO , H 1 , fational C tte , , Tenneeeee , llliam, a.te O iman, Bourbon, Indian& ln'HELL1 ge, National. C t.tee, Silver Spring, ryl PIELD, Shirely, Director, egion, Portl d, O"gon FOSAAEN, A. J., Regional. Director, Condo, orth Dakota HAYES, Thomas_, ational., Washington, D. C. HEUSER, Gordon, ional Director, Colorado Spring , Colorado HILDRBTH, Grace, at1onal Committee, Baltimore,. Mal7lan · HICDAN, 1 Regional Director, Charlotte, orth C rolina HII.LCOAT, , Vic Chainum, croit, chi INDSETH, Berger, at.ional C ttes, Huron, South Dakota JACKSON, Richard, ational. C ttee, Weirton, Weat Vir-ginia JENNINGS, Duane, e&llUNP, Piti>aburgh, Pa. JEREMI, J. Jerry, Vice Chairaan, Salt L Cit7, Ute.b KEPPER, stewart., Regional Director.. ft' Orleans, La. KERIS, Ho , National Comdttee, aahington, D. c. n.TO'B, Alice, Regional Co-Director, st ord, Connecticut KNOX, Kenneth, College Dir ct r, Portland, Or gon KRENZLm, Alvin, eral Counsel, Clweland, Ohio LUJtD, Duane, est Council, Staples, eaota WPTON, John t.her, sta'te Chairaan, e tport, Connectiou M !ER, Charl 1, blicit7 Chairman, York, e York ILLIAMS, H. c., National C ttee, Johnstown, P • MAHFUSO, Bett7 Jo, Regional Co-Director, ChffJ' Chaee, eyland MEI.RO , Jane, National C ttee, , Florida MOOD, Rogel'", Vice Chai.raan, Sherborn, ssachuaette MORGAN, Roger, Vice Cba.irman, Clarksburg, eet · irginia MIERS, e, aUonal Committee, Colmbu3, Ohio DASDY, Leonard, 1rst Voters' Co ittee, ea.polis, Minneaota lCHots, rld, onal frir tor, L1ncolnT1l.l.e, in• OLSOB, J es, National C ttee, Colorado Sprin a, Colorado PA'l"TEBSON, , Asaistant retary, t Lake City, Utah PENDIE.l'O , , District Chairllan, aehington, D. C. ERK, ph, Regional Dir ctor, Cleveland, Ohio PIKE, Eaily, Secret&?'T, Francisco, Cal.U'ornia POTTER, Carol, Regional Co.Director, Princeton, Indiana RO'!H, ill , Regional Director, Blacksburg, Virginia RUBE, ed, ew and College Director, Yonkers, ew York SRAFFRAN, , gional Co-Direct.or, Jersq Cit,., New Jer q SIVERTSEN, u.a, Vice Chairaan, New York Cit7 SMALL, A. E. . eat.em states Council, Lakewood, Colorado SMI'!'H, Marian, Co-Chairman, Little Rock, ansas SMITH, Peg, ational Conmdttee, W ehingt.on, D. C. · CE, o. K. , te Chair!nan, Cbat.tanooga, Tennessee STA.BLEY, Jane, ational Co tt , Lancaster, Pennsylvania P ge 3 touag Republican t.ional. Federation: STANBD.Bl, endta.1 College Co-Director, Clo•l-d., 'fennoue• STEELE, McCo:rd., tional Co tt e, Attica, Indiana ST.RIEB?• Rob ~, Regional Direct.oi":, ttan as City, Mtasour:1 'l'HOYABi Eno:ch, Jr., State Chain.nan, WUke..,Barre, P~qlvania WARWRTON, Hon . H. B.. 1 Past Chairuran1 ilming .on, Delaware W'A~A!UlER,. El.met',, Veteran, Sum:ter, South C .rolina WHEE4#, C.. · .. , Vioe Ch innan,. Lavel"n$·1 Oklah WHim., F.. C., Speaker-•$ Bureau, AlbauT, Nw York WIEDEMANN 1 E sie, National Committe 1 Sioux Falls, th Dakota. lrOO {LUtlOH}

2t00 {Ron. Harold E. batt., Secre ~ ot t,h · .ir Foree) OFP 'l'HR RECORD (Hon. Charles E. Wilson, Sec ~ o Der ae) · · ( .l'etai>y Talbot.t called ephen . Teete~ and r quested this appo~)

(The ~eetd! · :t, c~ b7 Mr .. Rage~7, vis1\ th Presa RoOJl in th& Wbi t. Hou )

Th• President and Mra. Eis.cmhb .r ga.v a 1 a f~ the ot the · publioan tional Co tt , publicaa Nati nal Fi.nano• Cormnitt• and publican at.e Fi.nano• C.hainn.en, s well a a tw ·. ber ot the tiq_ttarters.' staff. L (Th lTetd.ctt and Mrv. El$8llbo.wr left the White House tor the Uline A.Hna.)

The Preeideat .and s. Eis~ "dropped 1n° at th · Lincoln Dq Box Supper at the Ul1ne Arena. THE P ID T' S AP OIN T SA1'URD ?, YEBRUARY 6, 1954

9:00 ( • Clitt Roberta had BREAKFAST vit t.he eaident) OFF 1'HE RECO D

Mr . Foi"d c. Frick, ion r o! seball.1 N.Y.c. • Horae StonElln&ll, Preeident ot ew York Oiant (Presented ancient J panese a.rmoit to th Pr sident, n b halt ol baseball tans ot Japan. Instigat by • tuearo Surieki, rather or pro!essional ball in J pan. Thi i out • or tour ot Japan b7 w York Giant.a) Mr . Sylvester WeaTer, Pr si.dent, National Bro dcaating!).7 Mr. David ott • obert (son ot vid rnott) Mr. Ray Scherer ( • Scherer r at thi , tbru • gel"ty, to present Mr. Wea r, n es1dent of NBC, to the President) 10:00 Hon . Donold B. Lourie; Under Secreta.J7 ot State (Governor A asked that this be t up) 10115 (Admiral Arthur W. Radtord, Chairman, Joint Chie!'s of Staff'} (Hon . Joeeph • Dodg , Director,, Bunau of the et) (Hon. Lewi L. Strauss, Cha , At c ergr C ssion) (Hon. Robert Cutler) (Arranged by • Cutl r - OFF THE RECORD) 11:30 Mr.

12:25 Hr. J ea ssett, Los Ang le , Ca1:1tomia

1:00 pa (Th eident, c d by Dr. Milton s OWlJI', l tt th hite House for the Shoreh Hotel)

laOO pa The President attend Luncheon ot the All Penns;rlY ani Coll g Alumni oci tion ot ashin on, D. c., at the Shorehall Hotel. ('ftie President lett for th statl r Hotel)

'fhe esiden~ att ended th Radio Correspond t Dinner at the Statler Hotel. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOI NTMENTS L SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, li154

10;5() The i'nfldent end • · E1senh0118l' le~t. the White House tor the New York Avenue Presby\ ~tan ChUPch whex-e they at.tended t u.oo a. • Service.,. Following the rvice _ Mra.. Eisenhower proe: eded to the Li:ncohl Room of the Chureh and aoce.pted a girt. o.t the M&J7 Todd Lineol.n l.etter a.ddre "d to· eon Viet."Oria, written May 21, 1865, fl"OJ!l Mrs . Barney Balaban ot Paramount Pictures .. (Photogl'"a were taken)

The President de a "live" broadcast :ror the tt ck to God11 Program sponsored by the American Legion. at the White House. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS MONDA!, FEBRUARY S, 1954

Leg-islat.ive Leaders Hon.. Richard Nixon, The Vice Pr eident Sen. William F,. Kttowland, California Sen. Leverett Saltonstall, ssaehusett.a n. llomer Fergueon, Michigan Hon. Joeepb w. Martin• Jr., S$achuaetta CongHesman Charle~ A. Halleck, Indi:ana Congressman Leslie C. Arends, Illinois Hon . Herbert. Brownell, The Attorney General Hon. Joseph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau of the Budget Hort. Sheman Adams Hon .. Wilton B. Pereone Hon. Berna.rd Shanley Hon. James Ha erty Hon. Murray Sl'G'der Hon . Get'ald Morgan Hon. Jack Marta Hon. Homer Gruenther Hon. Earle Chesney Hon. Arthur Minnich

10:1; COnvessnan Home.r D. Angell, Oregon (Asked Mr. stephene to al"t-ange thi~ so that he might extend an invitation to the President)

11:00 Hon. Arthur Burns:. Chairman, Counell ot Econo.Diie Advi®t­ Hon . C'~briel Hauge {Usual Monday a pointment) Hon. Charles E .. Wilson (Usual Mooday appointment)

12:,30 pn Bon . Paul Cyr, new Republican State Chairman, Hon . Ralph F. Gates, National Conimitteema.n, Indiana Mrs. Martha Whitehead., State Vice Chairman ( &matc0r Jenner e.aked. Mr. Stephens to a~e for Paul Cyr1 new State Chairman, to et the Pres:ident.)

Sir Alfred Ro.hens, her ot Parliament Sir Archibald Gordon, Labor Counselor, British Hon. Bernard Shanley

1:00 pm t'he President. and s. Eisenhower gave a LUNCHEO . for the Members of t.he Public Advisocy Board or the Far ign Operations Administration. The following were present: Hon. Harold E. Stassen, Dir&cto:r, Foreign O rations Adm. Mrs~ Oscar A. Ahlgren, President, General Federation ot Women's Clubs Mrs. Newton P. Leonard, President; :Nati.on l Congress of Parents and Teachers Miss Mel n G. Irwin,, President, National Federation of Business and Professional ' en's Clubs MONDAY, FEBRUARI 8, 1954 P e 2

.uv~~ ...... , P'. O.A. ( ed.) Mr. Richard L. Bowditch, President, Chambttr of C re ot the United Stat a Mr. Allan B. Kline, President, erican F Bureau Federation Mr. Herschel D. ew80lll,, The at.ional Gr~ • Arth'1?' J. Connell, ational C d r, The rlean gion Mr. nO)'d Springer, ExecutiTe retary of the Public Adv11S017 Board


(The President gave St g Dinner at the •te House tor the following:) Hr. • • Anderson, Viee President, Al:uminum Company of America Mr. Ernest R. Breech, l!.xecutiTe Vic aid t, Ford otor Cani)8llrr Hon . Herbert Bro ell, Jr., The Attorney Gen ral • Ellsworth r,. President, eriean National Red Cross Hon . Luciu D. Clq, ot the rd, Contini!mtal. Can CGUp13.D1' Mr. Edward s. Condn, Professor ot History, Princeton, New Jersey Mr. John W. :via,, Lawyer, ew York Mr. Erwin • Griswold, an, Lav School ot UniYersity Mr . Ralph C, :t.ch1son, President, Latqette Colleg Mr . w. Alton Jones, Che.irman ot the Board, Cities Service Co. • ill L. Kleitz, Pre ident, Guaranty- st Co. ot NetW York Ron . Hem"T Cabot Lodge, American bassador t~ the United tiona Mr .. John A. cCon , La~r M:r. Franklin D. MurJ>bT, Chancellor, Uni.Yersity- ot Kan e Hon. Walter B. th• Under retar.r of t te Ho • Earl Warren, The Chi t Justice, Supr e Court

11:1; The sident threw the switch which op the Third Intern tional. Trade air 1n ttl , ashi.ngton. THE PRESill T'S APPOINTMENTS 'l'UESDAI, FEBRUARY 9• 195

$:00 The Vic

Senator Harry F. Byl'd• Virginia .. Kannot.h Chorl.ey, of Colonial Williamsburg (A!'ranged at t.he request of senator Byrd in order that Mr. Chorley could presJIIli; to the Pre ident an album of photo­ ghphe taken during the Presid$!1t• $ visit to Williamsburg last May) lltOO am. Adidral H. lent Hewitt. USB (Retil"ed) . (Th Admir r~sted tlrl.s thru Cc . nder Beach, to lq before th President an indtation to vis1t Fort Tietmderoga in the smmrer o.t 1955 during the course of ita c.elebration of the bice.ntenn1al ot the b lld!ng of the Fort..) H.B. Senor Dr . Don Antonio A. Fa.oio, the Ambassador or Coe\ Rica (Hon. Raynt0nd Muir, Acting Chief' 0f P:ro"tocol) (New a sadol" _ d h c in to present. hi cretientials} 12:00 The Pr .aident. s pt"eirente N.Y., National. Direetor1 Publio Re1ations Servioe ¥gcriorers, Boy,ts of erica Ed.ward B. Ba.ker,Jr., 1011 E. Park, dland• Michigan obert J. ughman, .3703 angAvenue, Louisville, K nt.uclq Ronald R. Brown, Long Prairie, Minnesota Harold Duncan, Grass l/all.q,, Oregon Jimmie Eidson, Johnston, th Carolina George F .. Ireland, 6 Hock.eborn venue, Auburn, Nev York Ro\>ert E. Larson, Smith Stx-eet,, sss.chusett.s Aubrey John McGrede, Jr., 123 South Division St. ; DeRi.dder, La. Frank McLain, .3)36 Stanford St., Dal.las,. Texas A. Pierre Silldortt, R. F.. D. fJ41 Lebanon, Pennsylvania Shigemi Sugiki, 1523-A Koene Drive, WaUuku, Maui,, Temtor;r ot Ha.wail Parker Wayland, 128 Sout.h Mine otte, Fred.eri.cktown. Missouri.

{lion. J. Edgar Hoover, Director,, F enl of Inv st.1& tion) 0 THE RECORD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1954 Page 2

L i:oo '*' (The .roUowing had LUNCREO with the Preaidct OFF THE RECORD-;) (Hon. J. Edgar fiooyer, Di.nc1'or,. Federal Bureau of Investigation) (Hon. George M,, Humphrey, Seontalj" ot the Treas1U'T) (Mr. Rober\ Woodrutr·, Coca Cola) (Hon. Wilton B-.. Persona) TH8 PRESIDJJIT 1 S APPOINt'MEN'tS WEDNESilA.Y, ; l 954

(Honorable Robert. Cutler) (Honor ble Everett Clleason) OFF~ RECORD (Btlete th President on N. s. C.) (Mr.. Carte.r Burgess) (Mr. Donald Russell, Preaitien 1 University of South Carolina) (OFF THE RECORD)

10:00 am (Mr. :Hagerty)

10:):) Pre Center nee

U:lS am The Pres1dtmt receiY..t a group ot le der of the United Defense Fund Campaign. . CAl'ranged at the J>equeat ot General Cutler) The tollow:tng re present: BISSINGER, • Paltl A., singer & CornpartT, Davie and Pacttic Avenue3, Frane~aeo, California BLANCHARD, Hr. Ralph H. , Execut1Ye Dir ct.or, Gommunit7 Chests & Council o! America, Inc., J4S $'t. 46th Stll'$.t,.; New York 17, New York m:..orxmff, Mr. illiam W. , Jr., Assistanti Direo.tor, United De:tens Fund, Inc. 34.5 st 46th st., New York 17, N.. Y. BLUNCl, Mr. Herbert O., General. Manager, Hotel St.atler, Washington, D,- C. BUGAS, • John s., Vic Pre ident, Ford Motor Company, 3000 Schaett11" Road, Dearborn, Michigan BURMESTER, Mr. Ha.rr,y, Vic Pr sident or Union Bank ot Co erce, Cleveland, Ohio. CAllE?, Mr. Harry J«.,. tive Director, Unit d. Com.un1t7 Seni.ces of tropolitan Boston, son _ orial. Building, 14 Somerset Stroet, ston, ssachuaet.ts COBURN, Mr. Robert. E. , Associate ecutive Dir~tor, C0mmuni,t7 Ftmd ot Chicago., Inc. , Joel Hunt.el" Building, 123 West Madisoh St. , Chicago, Illinois DODGE, Mr. Cle't'eland, Vice President, Dodge Corporation, 40 Wall Street, New York, New York · OOOLITTLE, Lt. Gen. Jame H. , Vice President, Shell OU Co., ;o West ;otb Street., New York 20, New York DUMAS, Mr. Hal s., Executive Viee President, .American Telephone and Telegraph Co., 195 Broadway, New York, ew York DUFFIELD, Mr. Hugh K., Sears., Roebuck &: Compa117, 4SOO Wisconsin Avenue, Washington 16, D. c. FRY, Mrs. Mary Hobbs, A~eociat.e Public R•lations Director, United De.tense Fund, Inc., 345 East 46th St., N.! . 17, N.Y. FURST, Mr. s. Dale, Jr., Vice President, Sprout, aldron & Compal'1Y', Money, Pennsylvania GARVEY, Mr. Robert. L., Executi1t'e Director, Community Che~ of Allegheny County, 200 Ro s stre t, Pitt burgh, Penns:ylvani WEIIJESDAY, FEBRUARY 10,. 1954 Page 2 11215 United De!ense Fund Campaign (Continued) GATES, Mr. Art8IWI L. , 270 Park nnue, ew York, ew York GIBBOM, Mr. Joseph D. , Executive Director, Comrmmit.,' Cheat ot and Vicinit7, 1001 Fidelit7- PhUadelphia Trust Bldg., 123 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania HEINZ, • H. J., II, Presidmt, H. J. Heins Coapa.D7, Box 57 1 Pitt•burgh, PennaylTania ISACKES, • Charles French, General er, San Francisco Federated Fund, 47 Keamy Street, San Francisco, California JANSEN, Kr. Carl B., President, Dano Corporation, Neville Island, ttaburgh 25, Pennsylvania JENSEN, Mr. Elliot, Clneland Cumauni:t.y Fund, 1001 Huron Road, Clneland, Ohio JEIJ.EHER, Mr. Michael T., Vice Pre8idant, ah & McLennan, Inc., 60 Congre•• Stre.t• Boston, saachusetts ItEIEs, Mr. Edward. J . , ecutive Director, Commmit7 Cheat Federation-National Capital Area, 1101 M St., • . , aab.,D.C. LA.IDLAW, Mr. Walter C. , Vice President General Manager, United Foundation, 607 Shelby reet, at Congress, Detroit, MILAR, r. Robert, Executive Vice President, USO Defense ot ew York, 89 Broad Street, New York, ew York MCWAT, Mr. Lynn D., General Manager, el.tare Federation of Los Angele• Area, 729 South Figueroa st., Lo Angeles, Calitomia NESBITT, Mr. Albert J., President, John J. Nesbitt, Inc., State Road and Rhawn street, Hol.meaburg, Pbila. 36, Pennsylvania PAIMER, Mr. H. Bruce, President, The 1Utual. enef'it Lite Insurance Compa!V', 300 Broadway, Newark l, Hew J rsq TAYLOR, Mr. Bent, F.«ecutiTI!I Director, United Defense Fund, Inc., 345 st 46th Street, ew York 17, ew York TOLL, Mr. fa.ynard, o• elveny- and Myers, 433 South Spring st., , Cal.1.1'omia WEBER, Mr. Henr;y, Public Relations Director, United Defense Fund, 345 st 46th Street, ew York 17, New York WOLP, • ia , Preaidmt, ational .et&l. Edge Box utacturing Compml1', 340 ort.h 12th Street, Philadelphia. 23, ennsylvania

11:45 811 Honorable Robert T. stevens, Secretary o! the Army (One-halt hour. Asked for this to report on trip t.o Far

12:45 JD Honorable James S. K•per, American Ambassador to Brazil (AmbasSador K• r requested this appointment) 1:00 J& Honorable Henr;y Cabot Lodge, Jr., had LUNCHEOI with the President. 7130 (The President. gave a Stag Dinner at the te House tor the tollovingc) ANHOLT, Barry, Manager, Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colorado ARR

(STAG DINNER) G.IMBJtL, Bemard. F. , Chairman of the Board, Gimbel ! rothe?"s, lnc. HI.LL, Al"'thur M. , Greyhound Corporation KEILER, K. T. , Chairman ot th Boa.rd, Chrysler Corporation HAGEJiTI, Hon. JaJnes c., Press Secretary to the Preaiden\ MARm, Hon. Jack, Administrative Assistant to the Presiden~ McLAREN, Norman LQyall, Partner, Haskins & ll MOORE, Charles, Director ot Public Rillations, Ford Motor Co . SMI"m, 'fhor M.. , Director of Publi-cation . Service, American Weekly SP G1 JoiJeph P., Jr. , Presi.dent,, The ~illet\e Co~ TREES,. Merle J 0 Chairman et the »oari & Director, Chi

8i00 The following had BREAKFAST with the · resident: Congx'eamum Jesse P. Wolcott., Michigan Congresl!llBan John Phillips, Calitorni& Hooorable Sherman Adams Honorable Gerald Morgan

9:00 The re•ident recei• M•bera of the Board of Trust.ff. or the Cordell Hull Foundation for International cation. (Th re wel"fl also a few embers or Congress present.. Arranged at the suggestion ot Gerald organ, who advised it had t.he approYal of Dr. Milton senhower and Thruston Morton in State Department. This Foundation waa established to !'urther bT educational means the Good Neighbor policy of the toward Latin rica, and as y be practicable,. other oples of the world.) 1'tl following were present: Mr. udolph Hecht, Chairman, issiasippi Shipping Co ., Inc., ev Orleans, Louisiana Colonel T. H. Barton, residet, Lion Oil ~' Eldorado, Ark . Edward Tomlinson, Jessup, Georgia Mario Bel"llUd•z, New Orleans, Louisiana Dr. Harvie Branscomb, Vanderbilt Universit,-, asbville, Tenneas Dr. He1U7 McBride, Administrator of ational Gallery ot Art, Washington, D. c. Senator Bourke D. Hickenlooper, Iowa Senator Theodore F. Green, de Island Congressman Karl M. Leeompte, Iowa Congres Hale Boggs, Louisiana 9:4S (Hon. Arthur ertiel.d, The Postmaster General) OFF THE RECORD l.0:00 ational Security Council Hon. chard ixon, The Vice Preaident Hon. Walt r B. &, Acting Secretary of ate Hon. Cbe.rle E. Wilson, Secretary or Defense Hon. Harold E. staeaen, Director, Foreign Operation• da. Hon . Art.bur s. Flemming, Director, O.tt1ce ot Detenee Mobilization Hon . rge M. Humphrey, cretary ot th Treasury Hon . arren Olney, )rd, tor the Attomey General Hon . Joseph M. Dodge, rector, Bureau or the dget Hon. Lewis L. strauss, Chainnan, Atomic Energy C ssion Mrs. Katherine G. Haward, for the Administrator, Federal Civil Defense Administr tion Hon . Heney Cabot Lodge, Jr., Ambassador to the Unit d Nations Admiral Arthur w. Radford, Chairman, Joint Chief's of aft Hon. Allen • Dulles, Director, Central Intelligence AgenCf Hon. Robert Cutler, Special Assist.ant to th President Hon. J. Patrick Coyne, SC Representative on Internal Security Hon. Bryce Harlow, Adminiatrat1• Assistant to the President Hon . Sherman Adams, Assistant to the President Hon. S. Everett Gleason, Acting 1 ecutive Secretary, NSC Hon. F. B. Lee, De uty Administrator, c. A. A. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ll, 1954 Pag 2 l2s00 The President presented the Hubbard Medal o! the National graphic Society to the ount Everest Expedition, repre ented by' Sir und Hillary and Brigadier Sir John Hunt . Tb following were pr sent: H• • Sir g r ins, The British b a dor H.E. Leoll K. {unro, The basss.dor o! ew Zealand Brigadier Sir. John and Lady Hunt Sir ' d and Lady Hillary n. Raymond Wir, cting Chier of Protocol era ot _ t . erest Expedition: Dr. R. c .. Evans Mr. W. G. Lo Mr. J ea Morris & · s. orris From the ation Geogr aphic cietit Dr. Gilbert Grosvenor, Pr aid.ant, and u- • Gro v nor Dr. Thoma a W. McKnew, Secretary Dr. Melvill Bell Grosvenor, Senior Assistant Editor Mr. LeRoy Lincoln, Trustee Mr. Robert V. Fleming, Trustee Mr. indeor Booth Mr. Elliott B. Macr 12:30 General John E. Hull, USA, Co der-in-Chief', Far at Connand (On hal! hour)

1:00 Mr . Sigurd Larmon, sident, Young and Rubie , N York, ew York, ha LUNCHEON with the Pr aident.

2:00 pn. Honorabl Harold St s en, Director, For ign Operations istration THE PRESIDENT'S APPOIN'IMBNTS FRIDA.I, 1 1954

8:00 .. Maj. Gen. Ed.ward Peck (Ted) Curtis (Ret.'d.), Vice Preaident, atman Kodak Co., bad BREAKFAST with the esident. 9:15 · ator Bourke :a. Hickenlooper, Iowa (Presented to the Pl"eaident an albua 0£ choir muaic produced by • Chanters (Choir) ot th Shriner ot Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 'l'he Senator said thi is a very !amour choir) 9:.30 Congresmaan Clltton Young, evad (Pr sented to the President a desk pad lined with sterling sUTe.r, made by one ot his constituents; gift ot th• Junior Chamber of Comaerce of Laa V gas, vada,)

9:50 Mr. Allen c. lntoah, Luverne, eeota Mr. Don , National E.ditori l Association 9:5S am (Honorabl Shennan Adams) (Hon. Ear Tatt Benson, Secretary ot Agriculture) (Mr. Joseph Connell) (Mr. Ross Risley) (Arranged by vernor Ad s - OFF THE RE.CORD)

10115 (Mr. Har17 Butcher, Santa bar&, Califomia) OFF THE RECORD

- 10: 55 all The Preaidmt lett. the White House tor the Lincoln Memorial where he participated 1n the Wreath Lq1ng Ceremonies.

11:08 am. The Pree1.dent lett. th Lincoln M o:rial tor MATS Terminal, ashington ational Airport.

lli25 .. '!be Preaident, acCQllp$nied by Hon. G.orge Hu:inphrey, boarded the COU1llBINE and departed MA TS Terminal for Georgia.

2tl5 pa The President arri.Ted at Spence Air Base, Moultrie, Georgia, and motored direct to the Plant tion ot Hon. G orge Humphre7 at Thomasvill , Georgia. THE Pl:tESIDim'l'S APPOlND!ENTS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY lJ,, 1954

'nle Pre -ident w~t quail hunting with the Secreta.IT ot

the Treasury a.t Thomaer.&.l.le • Georgia~

&JNDAY, FEBRUABX' 141 19$4

):25 'l'he Pt-eaident, accempanied by The Secretary of the Tt-e suey, boarded the COLUMB;INE t Spence Air Bas • Moultrie, Georgia, and departed for ·a.slrlngton_ D. c..

S~SO 1he President arrived a~ MATS Terminal, W hingten, l). C.,, and motored direct to the White House. THE PRESIDEKT ' S APPOD'IMENTS """""' ..._?, U RT lS, 19S4

8:3() Leg1alat1T Senator Knowland, Cal.1.tornia Senat or ette Senator r Senator 71 Ron . Jose w. in, Jr., Speaker GongreeBman Leslie c. Arend , Illinois Hon . Pbillp Young, Chairman, Civil Service Cammi sio Hon . Wilto B,, Persons, t7 aa1etant to the Pl'eeident Hon . Bernard Sbanl. y Hon . Bryce Harlow Hon . Murra7 Sn7d•1" Hon. rald rgan Hon. Jack in Bon. l!omer Gruenther Hon . rl Chesn Hon . Arth: Minnich

10:30 .. Admiral Arthur • ord, Chai , Joint Chi ta ot Statf (Uaual. Monday a in t) ll:OO Hon. rthur Burns, Chairman, ell or · nomic Advisors Hon. Gabriel Hauge (U al Monday ppoin nt)

11:)0 Hon. Roger • !{yes, Deputy Secretar,y of Deten Hon . Will cN. d1 Deputy Director, F. o . A. (Thie i Secretary #Uson' sual Monday appointment which • Kye kept tor • Wilson) 12:30 Congre sman ar : • Hi stand, Cal.itomi& Mr. V. John Krehbiel, Chairman, R bllcan Central C ttee ot Lo• Angel.ea Count7 . ,', {Mr. hbiel inrl~ the Pr sident to fund raising dinner ot the United Republican Finance C ttee ot Los Angele , April 22nd.)

ltOO ~ ~ Lf)W\;"'ti) 2:00 Hon . Whiting illau , rican aseador Designate to Hondur s ( sked, thru Protocol, to pay r apeot before leaving tor new Post) • H. Alexander th, ew Jene7 (Asked tor thi thru Mr . Shanley)

Hon . Walter B &, Acting Secretary ot S ate (Call • St h ns last Fridq and asked tor this) The Pre1j.dent Hcei'Yed t:he National a.u IMpartment. O.tticere and NatJ.onal Committee Members ot the Vetet-ans of Foreign. W r 1Jl t e Roe Garden. The following were preftnt: ABM 1 Govemor Edward F., Topeka., Kanea ASHWOR'm, William J ., Portland, Oregon BAILEY, !rnest A., Dickinson, North ta BARRY, Peter J., Pawt.ueket, Rhode I eland lmGGS, •all T.. , Madison, i-sconsin SE'l'Z, Frank • , Eau Claire 1 Wiseonsirl BRANIAMAN, Ray- H., DenT r, Colorado m.JRGER, Jack W., El o, Oklahoma. CAMPBELL, Thomas P., Pendleton, ~goA CARN.ELIA, J(} eph, Edwardsville, D.linoia CHASE, Rqmond H. 1 Dover, New Hamp ire CHlUS'IINE, Elmer D., et stroudsburg, P nnqlvani COLE, J. "W ., Abilene, Texas COLLINS, E. K., Lauel, Miaaisaippi OONDRll'.N_. Edwud I.,, Bayaide, ew York . 'i CO'I'HRAN, James ., Bishopville, South Carolilta DEU., James E., Huntington, West Virginia Vel'..AMARRE, J. D., Biloxi,. Missisaippi DeROY,, Somersworth,. New Hampshire DEVINE, Hei-bert W., Flint, Michigan DICKENSON, Julian, Ka.nea.s Cit7, Missouri OOT.1£N, D :vid O .~ Memphis, Tenne 1$GO DUNS!A , Forrest V., beth City, orth Carolina ECKDAI.t1 Frank F., Bmporia., Kansas ENYART; Dr. Hugh, lndianapolisl Inciiana FS.JlMANN, Louis G., Hazelton, Pennqlvania FENNEL, Harold, Juneau, ask& FERGUSON, eat D., t sae City, Missouri FONDA, Ira F., Sou-th Portland, Maine FORD, Raymon E,., Fort Pierce, Florida GOFFE, G. H., Salt Lake City, Utah GOOS.Et, land D., Des Moines, Iowa tXM, Alexander J., Pater90n, New 4 enq GROBOOTH, Adrian J., Syracuse, ev York llANDr, R. B., Jr., Kar11sal9 Cit.y, · souri HAltPT, Hen17 R., et:t., Idaho H&UUG, D 1 Spokane, ashington HENARD, Bl'atlch H.,. opld.nsville, Kentucky HERNANDEZ, F. E., Leenil.le,1 Louisiana HlLTON, Frank c., &ding, Pennqlvania HOLT, Cooper 4r.,. Chat.tanooga, Tenne see HOUSE. c. Marshall, Louisville, Kentuck;y liUGffES, Donald t., Ourundu, Cenal Zone l:HMAN., Edward K •• Washington, D. c. J'lHUNS, Elm r L., Ka,nps City, Misscmri JOHMSON, G J., Ri.Y&rton, Ut.a.b JONES, Rolland G.; Vermillion, South Dakot KANE, t.thew J ., Washington, D. C. Uil:.:1 Walter G., HollJrwood, Calil'omia HO DA~ RUART 15, 1954 4:00 Vet.•r'anS or Foreign are (Continued) KKLLEHP.:a, Philip M. , Center, Vermont KELLEY, Asa D. , Jr. , bany, Georgia KESLER, Ray • , Faimont, esot& KETCHUM, Omar B. , Bethesda, KOSKI, Michael J., Newcastle, yoaing LEI'tER, Joseph E. , Baltimore, eylan LETNES, Th s A. , ielSTille, Minnesota LFlfIS, Clyde A. , Plattsbur , ew York LITTLE, Theodore H. , Clarkston, ashington LIVINGS'l'O , Forrest, Arkansas City, Kansas 1.DVE'nE, Leland P. 1 Alexandria, Virginia MACHAMER, aldon ., Ho~ke, Colorad MANCtJSO, Fr d, Kmeas City, ssouri MAIUNO, Failio F. , Brighton, ssachuaetts HASHBURI, 'tel.fair J . , Jr. , Ba7 Minett e, Alabama CLAIN, Colbert c., hiladelphia, Pennsyl vania MILOM, John c., Batesville, Arkansu MORGAN, William D. , Orlando, Florid MORRCW, Juston H, , Austin, Tex.a.a RPHI, 'l'imot~ J., Dorche~, Masaachusetta IEL 1 s., Glendive, Montana OVAK, Alb ;rt J., &ahington, D. C. OLDFIELD, Charle , Ocaan City, ew Jersey

(Hon. Robert. CUtler) OFF THE RECORD (Hon. J8J'.l(l'Js s. La1'1 Jr,) (Briefed the e1dent on NBC) 9:00 am Cabinet Meeting Hon. Richard lUxon, The Vice Pre id.en\ l'ton. Donold B. Lourie, Und~r Secretary of Sta.\e fo~ Administration H-on. Marion Folsom, Under Set:reta.ry ot the 'h"ea.sury Hon,. Roger Kyes, Deputy- Secretary Gl De.fens• Hon. Herberl Brownell, Th~ Attome)'" Genenl Hon,. Douglas McKay, Sec:reta.:ry of the Interior Hm.. ~re. fa.rt Benson, ecretal"'y' ot Agrieul.ture Hon. Sinclair eeks, Secretarr ot (J erce Bon. Jame p. Mitchell, Secr.etU")' or Labor Mon . Oveta Ctilp Hobby, Se c~ ot Health, Edueat1on & WeltSl"'e ff.on . Joseph ~. Dodge, Diree~or, Sur au ot th" Bu.dget Hon. William McN. Rand, Adtiag· Duector. F.. o. A.. Hon. Arthur Flemming, Director, Office ot De.tense Mobilizaticm Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. • Ambassador to the United .tiona Hon . Pbiltp Young, Chairman, Civ:U Service Commission Hon. Nels:on Rock~eller, Undor Secretary of H. E. W. Hon. Rowland Hughes, Deputy Dir•ctor, Bureau of t.he Budget. Hon . Lotbail" Teetor,. Assist~ Secretal'T ot Commerce Hon. Wilt.on B. Persona Hon . Bemard Shanley Hon. James Hagerty Hon. Bryce Harl.ow Ron. Gerald Morgan Hon . Jack Mart.Ui Hon. Q briel Hauge (in part.) Rmt. Maxwell. Rabb Hon. Arttrw:- Minnich

The following were b t: The Secretary ot sta.u The Secretary of the TreaSlJJ7 '!'be· Secretary of Detense The Poatraaster General (Post Ottiee Dept.. was not represented) The Director, F .. o. A. 12100 senator Henry C. Dworshak, Idaho Senator George • Malone, Nevada Senator Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico Sonat.or Cu1 &yd.en, Ar'izona Hon. Gabrl-•l Hauge (Arranged at t.he req\iest or Sena.tor Dworshak to di cuss lead and sine mining in their respective States.~ ...... , ...... , T'

{ Sen-a\or Clinton P. Anderson, ew Mexit:o, sta\red on al.on tot> a tew l'l\h\utu) OFF '!'HE RECORD

12:30 '-'he President l"eC$iYed gl'QUp of Overse~e Student . spon ored by tn New York Herald 'l'ribune. (Appointment al!'r&nged at the requeet. of ·, Helen Reid - with th app "' l of the S ate Depart.mmt) The .following were presentt AAStA?U>,. Mr. Ountu¢, . Norwq A rI.UtJ , Mr. J ohnlty1 Philippine• AUERBACH, . e Nurit, Israel AJLOma, • ja. ouz1 Jofdan BAGHDAD!, Mr. Mah~ Iraq BAZZANO, Mr. Carlos, U~ BHAGAT, Mr. Dwarika Ram, Nepal CASPER, Mr . Gerhard... X'llt.9n1' d•Vargas, Mr .. rhll.ippe,11 Stdt~erla EPCEL, Miao Esin, Turkey FRIEl>iAN, Doria, with the New York Herald Tribtll'le FUJII, Miss Kimiko, Japan GOD-Sl, Mr. gher, Iran Gt:JA.s'l'I 1 Mi s Mari.a P-1&,, ltalT HomtAZABAL, Mis TU.a, Chile. HtmSOM, Mr. Pet&r; United ingdoa JAHR', Mr. Richard \'lalte:r,. Awst.n.J.1 · ~, Mr . Jean...Pierre, Belgium XAW.AMIW,, Mr. Satoehi, RJ'U]qu• KlKi f's. Chin-tai_, Korea LABA.BIDt, MitJs Thourqa, Lebanon UFFONT1 Mr .. Erie, FJi"ance LOUWt Mis Eline, Union of Sooth Atrica M°'-TDARA, · ss lfa.ttanee, Thailand NIZAM, Mr. Rasul, Pakistan OFUATEt... KODJOE, Mr. Wentworth, ilold Oeast PAPAGEORGIS, Mr. etrios, Greece RAH, • Java, India SANTIAGO,, Mr, Sergio, Spain rm, Mr. nav-id, Burma WOlPSBEBG, Miss Inga, Demaa.rk YOOSRI, }J.r. abil Egypt.

1:00 pn (LUNCH)

2:00 Jiil Hon. Arthur Flemming, Dinctor1 o. D. M. (th.1.e is the appoint t arranged for Dr. Flemming '1N'J!1 thJ"e9 weeks} TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 161 1954

Scat:or Arthur V. W tk1n3, Utah tor Wallace F. Benn$tt, Utah OongreM!IUm Doug.1.aa R. stringte1low1 Ute.b Con~l"$11$m.all William A• Dawson, U~ (Arl"&.nged at \he request of atol' Watkin to dtseusa uppar Colorado Iti.ver clamation Project) (Hon. Jack Hartin)

~:;~ · E~e!: ~ : ~=~, Secretary ~ Labor)0 THE REOORl>

312.S Colonel tee v. llarrte, San f i-ancie®, California

312S .(Hon. U11de Strauss., Chairman, At.omi~ Fine.i-gy Commission) (Ron. Bryce Harlow) OFF '!'HE RECORD

8:00 Th President and Mrs. Eisenhower gt.¥ a dinner for The Speaker ot t.he House. '1'HE• S APPOD~TS WEmmSDAY, , 1954

8:.30 National. Security Council. Hon, Richard lUxont The ice President Hon, alter B... &nith, Acting Secretary or St.ate Hon .. Roger J;r . Kyeo, AcMng Secretal"Y of Defense 1-Ion. William Md. Rand, A..cting Director, F .. o. A. Hon. ArthUl" S. Fl, Direetor, o. D. M. Hon. George M. Humphrey-, ereta.ry ot the Treasury Hon. Herbert. Brownell,, Jr., The At.'tcorney General Hoa., Sinclair \!leeks, Se,cr-et.&.ey or Oonunex-ce Hon . Joseph M. Dodge, DireetorJ Bureau of the Budget Hon, Lewis L. Strauss, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commie ion Hon. Jahn Slezak, for the Secreta.17 of the Al1DT Hon. 'I:'homas S. Gates, Acting Secretary ot the Navy Hon.. JSJ.Ue11 H. Douglaa, Acting Secrretary o! the Air Force Adininil Arthur w. Rad.t'ord, Cnainaan, Joint Chiefe of start General Charles L. Bolte, Vice Chief of s-tatr of the Arrq AdiUrel Robert B. Garney, Chief of ~a.val Operation& General Nathan F. 'lid.ning, Chief 0£ Staft ot the Air Force General. el c. Shepherd, Jr., Commandant 1 U. S. _ rin Corps Hon, All$Il Dulles, Director, Central Intelligence Agency Gen. John E. Hull, Department of Defense Ron. Donald A. Quules.1 Assistant Secretary of Defense Mr.. Charles Sullivan. Department of Detense - Oen. illal"d s. Paw., Oft'iee of Defense Mobilization Mr.- A. Russell Ash,. Office ot Detense Mobilization Ml-'• Hen-ry F. Hurley, Office or Defense Mo.blliution Mr.. illis H. She.ple7, Bureau of the Bud.get Hon. Robert Cutler,'t to the !Tesident Mr-• J • Patrick Cayne_, NSC Internal Security Repl'esentatiw Mr· llichard L. R&ll, NSC Special Statr Membe'.r' Hon • .Bryce Harlow, Administrativ Assistant to the President Hon. Sherman Ad.ams; The ssistant to the President lion. James s ~ ~ · ' Jr,., .axecutive Seoretary, NSC Hon. s. Evet"ett. Glea.tfOn, Deputy Executive Secreta.ey, SC

l015S _ The President left tor the Depart.mental Auditorium where he said a rw words ot greeting to the opening session of the White House Conteren~e on Traffic Safety..

11:25 - Timothy J. O'Connor, Polic C Mr. James Rowlq

(Hon. Frank J. Lausche, GOY' mor ot Ohio) (An-anged 0,. Mr• Hagerty, OFF TEE RECORD)

11:45 am Congresaan Leslie c. Arend•, lllinoi• Oongreeeun Dewey Short, Missouri Mr. John Bla.ndtord, Special Counsel of Honee Armed Services Conmd.ttee (Talked about lezislation atteot!.ng new tables of ttetirement in Armed Serrlcea) WJ!IDNESDAY, FEBRUAR'f 11, 1954 Pag 2

Honorable John M. Allison, ri.can ~aesador to Japan (Appo:tn ent an-anged at the reqtte ct ot Hon. Walter B. th)

12(30 pn H• • Dr. J. B. van Ro1jon, th Am.bas ador of the Netherlands R.E. Cornelle Spat, the Minister o! Detenae ot the. Net.}lerlande Hon. Roger M. Ky s, Deputy cretary of Defense (This was a urteq call arranged at the r quest o.t the Depe.rtmen ot Defense, whieb partllent aaid tbq understood. the President et Minister staf' when. Supr Allied Co der in Em-ope.) l;OO {LDNCH) (Mr. Hagerty)

2:00 JS The President and Mrs. Eisenhower and. Mrs. Doud departed tbe Whit Hous: for HATS Terminal, Washington tl.onal Airport.

3100 pa ilrbo-rn tor California. PST 9(31 The President and s. sennower and s. Doud a.rri.ved at Palm Springs, Cal.itomia, and motored direct to the oke 'l'ree Ranch of P ul K. Selma, Callto:mia baker,y executive. THE PRESIDENT 'S APPOINnf.ENTS THURSDAY 1 FEBRUA.Rt 18, 1954 PA1J4: SPRINGS, CALIF.

The President p.1.a.yed golt at the T-amarisk Country Club with the following: Ben Hogan Paul Hottman Paul llelms

1:00 pit The President had Luncheon at the Tama.risk Country Club with the following: Go3den George Allen Paul Hottman Paul Helms Ben Hogan Reuben Fleet Floyd 1umer THE PRESIDENT'S APPOIN'OO!'a'l'S FRIDAY, FlWRUARI 19, 1954

8:40 The Presi.d.-it was in his of'!iee until approximately 8:55 a ••

The Prettident pl.87ed golt at the Thunderbolt Club with the toll.owing:

Leonard Firestone H. T .. Dent Johnny Dawson

'l'h.6 eaidet'lt had Luncheon at the Thunderbolt Club with the following:

Leonard Fil"e.$1'.one J-0bnny Dawson H. T. Dent Paul Hottman Charlee Garfield Geo~g• Allen Darryl Zanuck aul Helms Luncheon wa& over. 'l'be President departed the Thunderbolt C-lllb and motored to Jacquelin Cochran's in Indio, California.

3H.0 JD Arrived at Jacquelln Cochran 's 3:45 pm Depart('1d Jacqu$ Cochran• and mot.ored to George Allen's hoine at La Quinta.

4;00 Jiil Arrived at George Allen's 611) pn Departed. George Allen's home a.nd motored to Smoke Tree Ranch. 6:4S Arrived at Smoke Tree Ranch 'fiIE PRESID~T' S APPOINTMENTS SATURD.,Y, FEBP.UARY 20, 1954


7:45 am The President wa. in his otf'iee. th5S ~ The Presid.:it le.rt the office. 9:10 am The Pr sident arrived at the Thunderbolt Course and was gree~e4 by Johnny Dawson.

The President played golt with the tollowing:

Paul Horflnan Paul Helms Georg All n

The P~esiderit had Luncheon in the private dining room ot the Club House with the fol1owingi

Paul Ho.f":f'man Paul Helms George Allen Pa.\;J. Helms, Jr. Elmo C...mle.y K. B. NorriiJ Hoyt M. Leisure Saa Goldwyn Johnny Dawson Herbert Ha~elthime

2:4S pa Retumed to Smo1!e Tree Ranch

S:OO pn Sometime bet een $:00 and 10:00 p.m., the President brok• cap oft of a front tooth and he went to a dentist in Pal.Jn Spring to have it ! ixed. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOilf'l'MENTS SUNDAY, , 1954 PAUl SPRINGS, CALIF.

The President and Mr .e. Eisenhower attended Services at the­ Pal:m Sprtngs Community Church. Rev .. James H. Black.atone, Jr.

The President and a. Eisenhower held a Reception at the Ra.neb House, Slnoke Trte Ranch. The following guests were present; ACOSTA, Raymond L. ADAIR, Gerry ADLOM, Franc. s C. AI.Blmf, e. Florence - Mr. and Robert Barry and th French Consul of Los Angeles - Mr. rtra.n.d .ALB"&RT, Miss Irene · ALEXANDER, Ruth c. AMANN, Hattie M. ARMSmoNG,, Mrs. H. W. BABIC, Kay BAILLARD, Jeno BAILE?, A. E. - 11.r. and ' s. A. E. Bailey, Miss Beatric Bailey, ss BunJ'l7 Balley, W. Boner Bailey, Neva Rogers, Arthur E. Bailey, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lyle o . Newcomer, Miss Tore. Mevcomer, Miss Elena Bosworth, Mr . Steve V.andal, Mr. Jack Critchlowi Mr . & Mrs. Geerge Ripley, Mr. and Mi's. Frank Ripley, Jr. BAILEY, Dr. and J.hos. Wilbur BALL, Mrs. Innis BANKS, Mrs. Noble and 2 guests: a. Cairns & Mrs. Agar BARBARICK, J . M. BAUDER, Mrs. Ge<>rge BAUSMAN, • R. F. BEUJNGHAM, Capt.. Harold J. and Mre. (his mother was Aunt Alice) BEL.LINCH.AM, s. Martha Lucas and husband BENNETT,. Mr. and Mrs. Frank and 3 guests BESSER, C. R. BIDDLlll, Spencer BLAZINA, Sgt • and s. Toa BOYCE, Mrs. Hattie and guest - s. Pinnell BOYD, Mayor and Mre. Florian - Mayor of Palm Springs BURRITT, Bruce - General William & s. t.e, Mr . and s. Louis Alabaster BUTLER, Walter - Mr. and Mnt. Butler, Jr., · • and e. Reynolds htler, Mr . and Mrs. Jack Comly, Caren Comley,, Jaek1 Jr. and Ch,ris~ine Butler, Stephen, Barb~, Michael BUftC.ll, Blanche Haldeman and husband {Sam Haldeman' a daughter) BUTTO!t, V..r. and s. E. Ronald, Republican National Committeeman CAHILL, E. J . CASTLE, Mr . and Mrs. Don CELESTIN, 1 as Louise CERF, Mr. ~ s. Bennett SUNDAt, FEBRUARY 21, 1954 Page 2 8:30 pm ReceptiOJS. - Continued CHASCIN, Walter J . CHICKERING, A. L, COFFMAN, • and Mrs. Earl COLBY, Mrs. Paul N. CONGDON, c. C. H. CORBIN, Atlee P. CRANDALL, Charles W. CRA?JDALL, Juanita L. CRAWS, .. & Y.r:s . colm - 'l'hama.s· Hurley, • :rle, Brenda, Carol & Joan Craven• (Ada Johnson ... servant) CROMMlllLDT. J . B,. .. Fontaine Flournay DAUBERT, George DEAR, W.. D. de LA.I'l"ME, K.... Mr . and s. Anthony Brown, • & s. Harold Wal'd» HaPW and Wardie DENT, Hawthome DE WITT, Allan F. DI SALVO, Jane M. OOLI.ARD, Dr, and Mrs . Heney OOUGU!TY, !!..- • and Mrs.. Frank 0 . and sister, . s . eyland OOUGHER'tt, s. Willi and mother and sister DURHAM, Mrs. R. E. EAILE, Dr, and Mrs. L. M. ED1'r, ·s. James - M:r. and Mrs. H. W rjone ElSENHOtiER, Mr . and. Mre. Lowell (eoueins) EPLER t Mrs. Robert H. EVANS, Mt-. & ·s . Mowell ... Mr. & :Ml!' • Eldon Laird,. Mr. Charles O'Neil EVERSOLE, Dr .. and e. H. O. FANNING, G!'9te FARRELL, _. and s , Charle• FAUBION, Eath'lr FIRESTONE, Leonard FISCHEL, • &. s. Victor A. , friend 0£ Ellis Slat er FITZGERALD, Roy E. FLINK, s . (Mrs •. Billaon' a daugbt•r) GAMM!tt, Roy E. GARST'IN , D. V . , 1th Shankland and. lWl:J. obl.~ Welch GATES, Jira. Della S. - Mr. &. s . pert. Shaw, • & s . Louis Shaw, Mr . & .s . Swanholm GIU., Catherin• F. GILMORE, Donald. s. I Dr. &: s . - presented the President and s . ·sanhower and Y..ra. Doud with a little token GllJl';m, J. H. - Mr. & Mrs. chard St. John GLENDYE, Charlotte C. GOUMYN, sa:muel GORDON, Gertrude M. GOSDEN• Mr . and . s. Freeman (ti.Amos") GRANT, Frederic - Dr. John o. Haman, Jane Hamm, Mr . &. s • .J. Blake Field, Freddy Fa.yen, Sandy Grant, Mary G:rant, garet Rad.f'ord, Christine Calley, M s . Ruth Bibo GREEl 11 Frank HA~, Ml-. and Mrs. Earl SUNDAY, Febnial7 21, 1954 Page 3

8:.30 pm ception ~ Continued HALDEMill, b- . bnear (son of J esee Haldeman) HALD , • J esM (mother wae Kat1.e senhower - sister or David Eisenhower) HAMAN, Dr. and Mra. John HAMILTON, • and s. Harold - Mr. s. Arthur Wheeler, Janice & Robert; Mr. & s. Paul Robinson, ¥.r. s. Brook Townsand, • s. ed Funsten, • Paul Terooler, es Betsy Dunn HARRIS, Mr. bert HARRIS, Norman HAWKS, .. enator & s. - s. Gretchen Sherman, Mr. & s. Padeltord, • Pockman, Mr. & Mrs. Robert. atere (serYants, ll.liam Artis Minnie Sandin) HA ARD, Darlene M. HAYWARD, · ward N. HAYWARD, J erry KEA D, • Horace and sister, Kathleen HEIMBERG, Una C. HEU4:S, Paul H. Herbert, oru J. HERZ, Evelyn C. HILLSON, Mrs. lil.dred and Daughter, s. Flink HOFFMAN, a.ul Gray HOLLE!, • and 1l"S • l HOLLANDER, • & s. Al and mother, s. dele Jacobs HOLMAN , Howard HOPE, s. Bob and daughter, Linda HOUSEHOLDER, Colonel E. R. (instructor when t he President was at West . oint) JACOBS, Lester JACOBS, Mrs. Adele JAMISON, Neil C. - Mr . & s. K. C. Bell, ell and san Bell JANSS, win - Mr. & s. Robert McLain, Dag117, Peter and Larey Jansa, e & Bob cLain and nurse Yutta Kann JAYNES, Allan JOHANSON, and *rs. J . G. JUNGBLUT, Robert C. KAISER, }(r. and ·rs. (Charlotte) (f"irst cousin once removed) KALBACH, ymond B., Jr. KASCO, Peter S. KAUFMANN, ? • and s. Edgar KAYE, lvia KELLY, &imund J. KEIISER, r. & rs. Hathawq KINNEY, Wendell H. - Sally, Sue illiamson, Ynez Viole, ey Fitzpatrick IGHT, Commander and s. R. H. URA.VEA, Dorothy J. lARSo , ~iter V. LEONARD, Fred r . LESLIE, John • LUCCARENI, J. F. - ¥ Thoma Dant, s. I sabel Horton, rs. Lockwood, s. John S. Lapp, s. Hanaba.l Gran IXON, Dr. & P.ichard - a. H. W. Irwin, • & s. Erle Hortman, Tillie Young and Miss Cooper SUNDAY, Februar;y 21, 1954 Page 4

8:30 pl R tion - Continued LY s, >frs. James • - san and Stewart Lyons GRIDO , illabel LEOD, Mrs. Noman L. J cCORMAGK, Devaar C. cCOP.MACK , a B. McCULLOUGH, . J . B. - Nancy cCauslen McFIE, U-s . • bank - Susan and Joan cFi e cKAY, W. O. - Colonel and rs. Stewart S. Miller , Mr . & s. Clarence Francis and • & Mrs . Douglas DI , J . E. MAJOR,, Horace T. - • & !rs. rank • RKHAM, Fred J . - Frank and Gertrude Suter - erva.nta RSH , Fletcher 'l'THEl'1S, Dr . and s. J . C. TTI!~GLY, rak MEGRAN, H. MEI.GORD, F.dna. R. Im.LARD, Mrs . Everett L. MILLER, Mr. & !'.rs. George MIT.Noli, i:r. and I at e MOORE, J. A. RNINGSTA.R, 1r. Md Mrs. MOUNT, Cherles ?WBEGIN, Wade NORIE, Robert NU 1 T, J es L. OAXES, C p L. OLIVER, Patricia A. 1 P LI.ISER, : . B. PAIM, ae L. P , r . J . s. PARSO s, i s . PEL'l'O , George s. -, Bett.y Cas idy P RSEN, ss Viola (Paul Hoffman ' s Secr etary) PFAU, Mr . & s. Louis - • & rs. P!'au, Jr. PLESTCHEEFF, T. POLIAN, Miss Virginia POMEROY, Bertha POMEROY, Th as. POSEY, J. V. G. - Mr . & s . Frank Belcher, Mr . & s . Gamble PURCKU., Dr. and l-irs. Frank REED, ossie H. ICHEL, Rowena REICHEL, William REID. Dr. and } s. Henry S. - Major & s . Reuben Fleet, • & Mrs . J. E. French J:'IMA.l , ~salie ROBERSO , h-. &t Mrs . Georg RODGERS, John B. ROUNDS, hlph M. ROUTT, Orville stnm.\Y, Februarr 21, 1954 P ge 5

Eh3() pa Reception - Continued ROYCE, steff SANDERS, Leroy - Ruth Hamilton Sanders and fr. & s. Leroy Sanders, Jr. SAWYER, Dr. & e. Frank - Mr. Grandin, Lena Oleski SCHEUFLER, illiam F. SCHILLER, - s •• R., Jr. SCHMIDT, John H. SCHUCHART, ir. George - • & s. Arthur Soli SCHWAB, s. Harold Edmunds, Dick & Burt Anderson SHAFFER, H. A. SHARPE, Dr. and a. John SIEMSEN, H. H. P. SIMPSON, Dr. & a. Claude F. SIMS, s. dd SWCAN, • (Gaye tie emblana to the President •· Eisenhower) SLOCUM, M. s. - Miss Bessie Byrne, s. Slocua Wilson, Carolyn Wilson SMITH, • & Mrs. Walker - Mr. & s. Harr;y Wyeth, Priscilla Wyeth and s. Dorothea Lucas SNIDER, Beulah F. SODER, Willi R. SODER, Carl s. SPINKS, • & s. A. I. - Dr. & s. Claude S. Simpson, Nanq, Norman, Paul, Micha.el and elinda S'l'EELE, Mrs . Harry C. - Mrs. sby, Susan, J:tmrv,. and Barby & Larry Satterly ST&WART, W. H. STIMSON, Mrs. C. W. - • &. s. John H. Ballenger, s. Arthur Bee Mlller STRATTON, Eugene STRONG, Mrs. Walter A. STUART, D. D. - • and 1-lrs. David D. stuart., Jr., • James D. stuart, Mias Joyce Newc


?.:50 am Th Pr-es1dent \taS in his o!t'ic until Ehl; .m. ihs5 8Jl1 The President, acc•pa.nied by Mr.. Paul Hoffman and • · ,. aul Helms, depart~ the House tor the 'l'ama.X"isk Oountey Club. 9:30 The Preaident played golf' with the fallowing: Mr. Paul Hottman Mr,. Paul Helm ,. Ben Hogan

Golf" Game was r .. li20 J*. 'l'be President had Luncheon with the following t the Country Clubt Mr. Paul Hortman Mr. Paul Mr. Ben Bogan Mr . Bill D aa Mr. Ross Cobert. Mr. John Ballinger Mr. anl.ey ¥1t'hitworth Mr. Joe Dyer ~ Rip Arnold • _dolt Scott Mr .. Bob Littler THE P T1 S APPOilfl'MENTS TUESDAY, 1 1954 PALM SPRINGS, CALIF .

~hlO am tbe Pnsident arriv t the Oftice • • and s . Latham Castle ( • Castle is the ttomey eral o the te ot Illinois. They came in to say "hellott d their respects)

8:45 'rb President departed for th• Tamarisk Countl",1 Club by • Paul Helms and I • Paul Hottman. 9:20 The Preeident plqed golf with the fol.lowing: Mr. Hogan • ema.n Go aden • Paul Hottman

Mr . Paul Helm.a, • Mr. Frank Leaey Mr . Paul He1m , Jr. ' • George Allen

• Joe Dyer dol ph Scott ¥,r. Rip Amold Mr . b Littler 12:10 Golt game s over.

1:4.5 JD The President returned to the Ottice and then departed the Oft1ce at 1:50 p ••

'nle Preaid«it and s . .sanhower departed &ioke Tree ch for the Airport. 8:23 Airbom e Palm Springs, CaJ..itornia, for ashington, D. C. THE PRESIDENT 1 S APPOlN'fMEN'l'S WEDNESDA!, , 19$4

The Pre•ident and Mrs.. Eistnhover and. Mr • Doud arriv-1 at MATS 'lerminal.t Washington National Ai.X'port. S:OO am Arrived at the White House

Legi · ative Leaders Sen tor WUllam F. Knowland, CaJ.itorni Senator r Fergttson, Senatot' Eugene D. Mill:Ud.n, Colorado Sena.tor Lev.aett Saltonstall, _ s obuae'tts Senator Frank Carlson, Kansas Ron . Joseph W. Martin, Jr. , e Speaker Congres~ Charles A. Hall ck• Indiana Con81"essman Leslie C. Arends, Illinoie Congreaernan Leo E.. Allen, Illinois CGngre• Ward H. s, Kansas Hon. Philip Young, Chairman, Civil Servic$ Conmtission Hon . Joseph M. Dodge ,. Direotor, Bttreau o.f the dget Hon . Nelson ck feller., Under ot'et&r7, H. E. w. Hon. Marion Folso , Under Secretary ot the Treasur.y Hon. wland Hughe , Deput7 Dil"ector,, Bureau 0£ the dget Hon. Sheman Adams Hon . Wilton B. Persons Hon. Bernard Shanley Hon. James Hageny Hon . Murray Snyde:r Hen. Bqce Harlow Hon . Gerald Morgan Hon . Hamer Gruenther Hon. le Chesnq Hon . Maxwell Rabb Hon. ur Minnich 11,00 Hen .. William M . • Rand, Deputy Director, F. o. A. (Mr. Rand ealled Mr . stephena and ask d for this)

11:15 am Hon. Art.bur Burn a Cba1man, OQunoil Q~ onomic Advisors Hon. Gabriel Hauge Hon. George HUlllphrey, Secreta.1"7 of the Treasur.r ... {This is usual w ekl.y appointment for Measrs. Burns & Hauge)

12:30 fh P:reeident received the r9 ot the National Conte:renc on Lablor Legislation ( ..,, x·.r~ngad at. the request of the Secretary of Labor, who felt i,t va ood opportunit7 for the President t.o inspire key labor representatives fJ'G the with his aims and pll!"pOBes. Had a tour of the White House prior to seeing t.he Pr sident.) The following were prePDt: ADAIR, Dan, Chicago, lliinoia ALBRIGHT, Ceeil, Pine Blutf, Ark. ADAl1S, D. L., Baltimore, d. ALGER, Milton, ash. , D. C. Page 2

I 4"f"t · '\ · ,;iv~ National Oenterence on L$.bor Legielat:i.on (Continued) ALLAH, Ftnlay C: ., Detroit, Miah . ALtEN, M. R., Birmingham, Ala. llJ.GOOD, Carrie L . 1 ash. , D. C. AVtlAt, Laselle D. 1 N.Y., N.Y. ANDERSON, George C. Anehor&g4J, Al.ask ANDERSO , Mary,. \; ashington, D., c. ANURESEN, Fred, DeniteJ", Colorado A'IKINSON, Roy, See.ttle, Wash . AUSTIN 1 Louis 1 Terre Haute, Ind. BAIRD, P. G., Topeka, Kansas BARBER, , Washington, B. C. BUmET't 1 E. J., Binn:lngham, Ala. BARNEY, Irvin, Jr. , Wash ., D. C. BA.RNHARt, Frank, Terre Haute, Ind. BAUGH, Dean, Oklahoma City, Okla. BELL, Karlan, Oklahoma City, Okl • BENOIT, Roland:1 Woonsocket, R. I . BENSOW, Erneet., Washington, D.C. BEN SO , Henry A. Juneau, Alaska BEl'E:R., Clara M.# Washington, D. C. BlllUtLER, Andr•, Wash., n. c. BU.OD'FAU, .Einile L.R. , Honol:ul.u 1 Ha.wail LANKENSHlP, Ben, Washington,. D. C, BJ.IZZARD, Will.lam, Qharleeton, • Va. BOGGS, .Edmond M., Richmond, Va. BOLZ, Sanford Il., Waebington, D. c. BOURG, .:m.nue J., Bat-On Rouge, La. llOtER, Harry, R&l"r1.sburg, Pe.. BRA.SHEARS, John P., Jr., Baton Rouge, La . BRSIER, Ted, Littl Rock, rkansas BRIDES, Henry, Boston, Massac;husetts :mumm, T. w. , El R.en-o , Oklahoma. BR~'--~ c. 1 Providence, R. I . BUC.HANAN, Lucille J., Washington, D. C. SUMO.ROTS. T.. f' ., Lit.tle Rock., Arkaneas BURKS, Arthur P. 1 a$hington1 D. 0. BURNS, Lawrenoe, Washington~ D. e. BURNS, Ralph L ., Montg _ eey, Alabanm BU'TL&R,, Francis, St., Albans, Vermont CAMMOCK, Cledama.e, Juneau, Alask CAMPOBASSO, GUT, Boeton, J; sachusetts CAitTEtt, E. A., O:ba.rleaton, West Virginia OA&USO, A. J., Harrisburg, Pennsy-lvania OASB, Jow R. , Lit.~le Rock, A:rkansa• CHANDLER Henry W., Atlanta, Georgia CHANEY 1 $eorge 1 arren, Arkansas CJm.Ism, Ancb"ew D., Wllmington, Delaware CIOHOSKI, A. J • 1 Kocliak, Ala$k OLAGUE, Ewan, Washington, D. C. CaA.KLEr, R. C. , Huntington, West Virginia COHEN, Harry, Baltilnora, Ma17land Page )

12:.30 tional Conference on Labor Legislation { Continud) COLEBANK, H. B., Dunbar• W e"\ Virginia COLEMAN, Bumi T., Tallahaseee, Florida COMBS~ Palll, Frankfort, Kent.uc;lq CONNOLLY, WUUam L., Waahingbon, D. <: . CONROl, Patrick, Washington, D. C. CORSl, Edward, aw York, New York COT.&, Adela.rd, Nashu 1 New Hampshire corm, Edwin n., Okl .oma City-, Oklahoma COYNE, Cyril A., Ska.gwq, Alaska CRAWFORD, Tom, Birmingbanl; Alabam& CUMMINS, Roy F., Chicago, lllinoia DANIELS., Ra3mond v., Montpelier, Ve ont DEAN, George, Lansing, .Michigan W'RIETAS, Je'n'y, Birmingham.. Alabama DELLA, Charles, <im.OPe, Ma.l"YlM.4 DEVINE, Arthur, Providence, Rhode I:U.and DICKE?, el1ft R., WilJDington, Del.awal"e DISTAD, ph1 St. Panl, Minnesot DIXON, · ben,. Fairl:>ank · , Alaska DODSON, James E., W4eh1ngtona D. C• .

OORSKY, Benjamin J. 111 Bangor; Maine IXliNS, T~ troit., Michigan DUNCAN, L. L .. , J tterson City, Mi sourl DURKIN, in P., Washington, D. C. EOOS'rON, Ann,. Little Rock, rtansae EmARDS,. Neal,, Indianapolis,. Indiana EGAN, John J., Hartford, Connecticut ELIOT, Dr. Martha, W shingt.on, D• . C. ELLIOTT, Russtdl, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ~- Margaret,, Washington, D. c. ESPENSHADE, Est.her,. Chicago, lllinoie EVANS, L .. E., Juneau, Alas FABE? I a. bel"t' Bal. tmoreI land FAIR,. Clinton, Lansing, chigan FARMER, 0117, Washington, D. C"" FECTEAU, George, Manchester, ew Hampahir9 FIELDS, Frank, Anchorage, Aluk FINE, Melvin L., Baltimore, Maryland PINK, C. A., Sali buy, North Carolina Fl!.ANAGAN, Josepll E., Jr., W~usbington, D. c. FLEMMING, Hon. Art.hv S. , Washington, D. C. FC11ll.lm, David, Muskogee, OklahQm& mNLUJ, Esther,, New York, N w York GARllO, Harold J. 1 New York, ew York GEOlGliS, John B., Cbqenne, WTO~ GERSHENSON, M,. I., San Franci s~o, Cal.itornia GILBERT, Ray C., Indianapoli , Indiana GO , A. Mel>., Waahington, D. C. GRIFFIN, Earl• El Dorado, Arkansas HADLEY, Eleanor, Waahingt.on, D. C. HANKS, Frank, Tulsa, Oklahoma DKESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, l9S4 Page 4 at1onal Contei-ence on Labor L gislation (Continu d) HANNA, J. B. 1 Jackson, Misa1aaipp1 HANOVER, Harold c., Albany', ew York HARRING'l'QB, D. Roy, Austin, Texae HARIUS, William J.; Au.t.1n, '1'exa HASH, Boyd A., Barboureville, eat Virginia HA'XES, J. H., Hamlet, North Carolina HEARD, J. Hadley, Baton Rouge, Louisiana HEID,. John, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma HERRING, Elizabeth, Washington,, D. c. HIGGDS,. Msgr. George, Wa•hington, D. C. HINES, W. L., Hattiesburg, Mississippi HIRSCH1 Aubrey B.,. Baton Rouge, Louisiana HOBART, Harri on C., gshingtoni. D. C. ROBBY, Hon. °"1 Culp, Washington, D. C. HOUCHINS, J . M., Bluefield, We-st. Virginia HUGHES, Jim, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma HUIET, Ben T., Atlant 1 Georgia HUNTER, David, Indianapolis, Indiana JABAR, George, Lewiston, • JERKINS, W. s., OklahOll& City,. Oklah JOHNS,, rd, B<imo1' Maryl d JOHNSON, A. M• ., 0-~S,.a, ' ashington JOHNSOR; Erneet A . 1 ston, ssachusett JOHNS Rico MOORE, J es M., Atlanta, org:i.a MOOa:&, L. R.. Litt.le, A:"kansa, MOR.GAi, M. B., Austin, Texa• MORRIS, illiaa H., Baltimore, Maryland MORJ«l(, Mary R., Harriabllrg,, P«msylvania MOSELI,; Jmnes T., Hot Springs, Arksnsa.s Mt:JLtJ.>t, Carl, Indianapolis, Indiana MURAVCHIX 1 F.manuel, tlew York City, 1-lew York MURREY, W. W., Fargo, ortb Dakota NlXOW, Ray, Charlotte, orth Carolina 0 1 CONNOR, Frank., Waahington, D. C. O'Gl!Al>Y, M IP't John, Washington, D. c. OTT0, F. P. 1 orth Little Roek1 Arkansas PAGE, A. L., Li.ttle Rock, Arkansas PA.RA, Steve, Nashv.ille, Tennes.- PARHAH, w. H., ashville.1 TenneasM PARR, Hart7, r, New hire PAYNE, Charles, Charleston, Wen Virginia PEARCE, Char1es A., , Nev York PE.ARSON, Jamee H • 1 Washington, D. C. PETTUS, Pre c., Charleston, est Virginia PIERCE, J. L • ., McComb, Mississippi

PXL0lf 1 Arthur G., Baltimore, Maryland Pifts, Thomae. L., Los Angeles, California POLICASTRO, Than,as F. 1 Providence, Rhode Island POltJEia, Willi• Fred, Columbia, South Carolina POWEU.,. Radford, Reidsville, orth Carolina. PR'IU.tER, c. F., ashington, D,. c. PRIG'&, J es A., Roswell, · ew Mexico QUlLL, Michael J ., ew York City, New York MOOE, Mrs. Richard G., Washington, D. C. RAIRDON, Horace, Fargo, North Dakota REA.1', Harry., Washington, .D. C. ~. W. El., Huntington, West Virginia REID, John, Lansing, Michi&an RIIJtt, George, Washington, D. c. RIL&Y, Willi.a H., Concord,, New Hampshire ROBERTS, W. s., Sante Fe,, New Mexico ROBERTSO 1 Cecil, Birmingh , Alabama WEDJm.SDll, FEBRtlA.B'f 24, 1954 p ge 6

12·:30· Mational Oonte:ftn~ · Labor X.gial.atioa (Contim'ted) ROBI , Will 1a.m, Boise, Idaho llootEFELLER, Hon . Nelson A., 1thingt.on, • c., ROSS~ Eliza~th H. , W sbington,. P .. C. ROURKE., Joseph M.. , Bridgepo.rt, Connecticut. RUSEN, ~ ul, Wheeling, West Virgil'lia. SANDERS, John,. Lit-tlo ck, Arkarula Sl1TLER, Cbarl , Charleston, We 't V~a SCBA.RRENBERG, P w... Francis<;o, _ ifomia SOHOI.Ul., A.ugastt, Detroit, Miohig. SOMWABft, ~ ' hlsa, Ok.lab SE. HaJ'T7, Wa ingtont D. C. SHAN?.Et, Hon . Bern 1 Washington, .D .. C. SHARP, Jessie U. , Richmond, Virginia SHERRILL, Rev. H. I. 1 N York City,, New York SWForu:>, Forrest IJ. .. , n&leigh, NoJ."\h. Carol.ifl .srcruwo .. Rceeo, Waahi.ngtonj D. c. SIERRA;, Fernando B., Juan, Puerto co SIFTOR, Paul, atlington, D. C,. , and • Siftort SDIIDUS1 Luther H.. ,. £3aton , Louisiana SISCO, Dav B., Littl Rock, Arkansaa SMITH, Hattcie H. , Bo t.on, _aac.h\i tt SMITH, Od U, L1"1e Rock, Ark-ansa SMITH, Stanton, Na vill! , !ennass• SPECHT 1 Glady$,A. Cbiea.go., Illinois S't.dN'ES, Robert W• .t New Orleans,. liouisian S'f&DHAM, Joe T .. , Austin, Tena S!miART, Milt.on, Wa8hin on, D!> C, 1 TI'l'T, Louise .. 1 enington, D. C. I: StlLL!VAU, Oliver, Melena, Mon't:ana >. . &WE.ft, Maud, Uwauk e, Wiaoomd.n TAtLOR, Flo7d n.., Littl Rock, Arkan• s THOMAS,_ Fred C., Waehington, D. e. 'l'HOMA.S, ste-r, HlU'Ti.sbur , Pen.nsylvania THORPE, John H. , Lansing, Michigan 'll~ , George J._, kl 7, \feat Virginia. T.t Hillis,. Charl ston, W' Virginia mmsgn, Jo sph, K'et-chikan, Alaska 'l'JUOLA 1 lvin, Logan, We$t Virginia ~. tee; Little Roe , Arlcansas 'l'UINER• J,. C., W..nington, D.. C. 'm!M, Mrs. J, Roaa,. New Yol"k City, New Yoric tn'mANIAX, C.cU1 Fairmr::>nt, W•st Virginia VF'AZEY, H rold, Littl ck, Arkansa ru. I. J,,, ColumbJ.a., South Cvolina VIUJmJ. Al\Jert D.. ,, Cha.rlest.oii,. eat Vii"ginia VOOr.LLE, James T., Talle.hasa e, Florida W.tQWB..,_ Richard H. , Harrisburg, Pennsylvanh WAI.IER, David K. , Harri burg, Pennqlvani WATTS, Glenn ,_ Wuhingtcm., D. C. 'WEA.SMEB, J es, Lincoln, ebraska WBSTON, -Mr1s. ChE.Wl S; Wa ~oa 1 &. C. WESTOJI, E. M., ttle; \lashing\on Pa 7 National Conference on Labor gislation (Continued) WltlERSOI, E,. w., Little Rock, Arkansa• wn..t:UMS, L,. P. , ti\Ue Rock,. ArkM&att Wn.sotl, ma.rd, Ottawa., Can WtLsO , W. Elliott, ebec, Can da WILSON, J. R., El Dot-ado, Al"kansa WINCHESTER, Walt t'1 Austin, Texas WINSU>W':; cher, Washington., D. C. mrr~ ph, Washington, o. c. YARBOROUGH.,, Lan,, Tuisa, Oklahoma I YOUXlG·, J!on , Philip, W ahinston n. C. r. 1 Ir Z~, Morton, . roit, chigan ... . ZWMR, u- • Richard, estfiel.d, .E J HtV'

1•00 1lon. • John Foate DW.l a, e cret-rny ot SWt•.t b d WN:CHEOI with the President (Hon. Jame S, . } OFF THE RECORD

Hoa. Geof'ge ear.y 1 Preaidettt, Atn.ericwi Fed$1"ati.on ot tabor (Mr. Meany reque ted thi$ thru • Riehard. of A. F. ot L. ) 1'ffE: PM$ID. T' S APPODT ~· TS 1'HtllSDA'f; P&SRUARY a;, 1954 lOtOO The President received the winnei-e ct ~he enth Annual Voice ot Dem.oeraq Contest. (Spcm&0:red by · dio & Television J>roadoastel" of the u . s . , nt'aeftunrs ot dio &: Tel :vision osiver e and the U. s. Junior Cb r of C019$rce tor 10th,, llth and 12th ad students in the U. S.,. and Terrl.tori a) Tb following we" esent.; Cl'PRUS,. Joel H. , l1.a.t1on,,.:t. Voio• of Democracy Contest Winner, Wichita Falls~ Texas SLDEit, Oscar; Asat. to the Vic Pr&aident; N Uonal ••· qt Radio and Tele'dsio. Broadcasters EVAN /1 Elua:b h, National Voice ot craq Conte Winn r, kron,. Ohio CllllDES, .Yoee};)h, Jr., National of . ency Cont.sat Witmer,. liarriebu.rg, Pennsylvania McCOY, Philip M.. , Nati nal Voice of Demooraey Contest Winner, tcansa City, lansaa MUIJ,IJU)ORB• Dr. James ., Chairman,. u. s. Jaycee Voic of ~cracy Cammit\ft RIO'.RAJUJS, Mr. Rob•rt. K., Cbai.naan, tional Voic.e ot De1noeraq Cont.est CommittM SE.CRKST. • J es D. , Executiv Vic sidenti Radio-: e.ctronioe- Television Manut ct.urers Ae:eooiat

The President witneaaed \he Arin 1n1 in hi.a. ortioe,, or Honon.ble Simon E. b•loft11 aa Solloi.'bor General. of the United Stat••· The following est were present: ANDRET'fl, Bon . s. ., Adminietrat.ive Asst. Attorney Gen al B4.RNE.S., Hon,. Stanley N. r Asai«ttant Attorne,y General BEA.Lt, Sena\oi- J . Glerut, Ma.r;yla,od BENRETr, Hon. Jamu v., Dir ~or, Bureau ot risona BRENNER, as Ida BlKJ;mELL, Hon . Hei-bert., Jr •• The ttom• General BUTJ.Jm, Senator John M. , rylud ®LDSTROH, Mr. and ~s . Al"tht.W R. aot.DSmaf, · sa OOIJ>S~ Miss SWWt ROWND, Hon . H. Brian, A aistant. 4ttomey General tfOOVER, Hon. J ., t>!Joeotor, Federal hreau ot Inv Bt!ga\ion M~, Kon. ?heodoi-. R. , ~emor of MQ:rland MAYER, Mr . and Mrs. M. Vlct.ot- ME'l"LRER, Hon . Chari.ea • , :ea . Aaet. to the Attorney :eral. JtOlOR, . • Robert W. MOR'IUI, Hon. erry • # Aesiaten\ Attomey General MVI..IM, Hon. G. Frederick, Di.rector of Public Relat:ions, Depart- ent of Ju ti• OlliE?, Hon . Warren, 3rd; Asois'hant A tom.ey General RAHJJf, Hon. J. Lee, Asaiatant. Attorney Gen•ral ROGERS, Hon. Will.18JB. P. , De:ptlt.y- At.tomey General SOBELOFf,, Mr. and Mrs. Isadore THURSnAY, FEB'lm.AR? 25, l . S4 P ge 2 l.2100 earing... in ot Hon~ SiBtotl • Sobelott (Continued) SO!ttOF11 .• MaJtr SOBEtOFF i Mre. Simon S . , Mr. Robert L. 1WBSEND, Hon. Dalla s., A sist.ant. At omq W.ARR;:N, Hon . "' 1 1 lfbe. Chi t Just.toe The President.. J:"lcei.ved t.he w.innero ot the Freedoms FQ\U'ld tion A: ar4 (Dr. Milton senhow•r preeenMd theae lll&rds on Febl"WU'y 22r1 at Valley Forge. This awal"d.,. c: lb and inedal, i offereCii ni,Clflll«) tor stat ent on what thi.$ nation's "8l meaning ie to them. s en thousand G. l .' trom: all e8"'ieee re pond • Forty-one re lected tor cash and/or r e hington Medal varda. F1ttffn &waJ'd roc1pien~e,. those tr continental o. s. WtJre bro ht to Waeh!ngt.on bT Depanlll t ot Deteaee.) fhe following re present; Avardeea: ii/¥ George J •. Albert {A ) Lt. C l. Glenn O.. Balch ( ) T/~ Oharl E. cha.nan (Air Fore•) Pt'c st V. Cut.pea (.lnny) Cpl Bill OoWAin ( ) Sgt ady ff• (Anq") Cpl Carlton M. Hamilwn (A~) N3 iehol Ram.ngton { :vy) let t. ~ · rt (Air Foree). Captain Willi B. :w;l. 7 (Arm;r) Pvt. ~ Y. K:laura {Al'ID;f) Pr. Maynard L. Larson (A~} jor el Lee (Amy) Major Robert B. ore { in ) Captain erio s. ~ (Al"IQ') ~ Thoma A. er (A111¥» Major ~ sell J . Plue (Aniy} Sgt CalT:l:ngton M. $ ( nJ1) Ptc Hugh w.. sta.ton (A:r117) M wrenee D. Welsh ( nq) fte!dce F~tign smreest,a,tives Dr. KennethW Us, Preaident Mr . Richard Foltz, Viee Presidat Mr~ Rieb: rd Funk, Photog h• Eacgrt ouaiam Col~ .JOim Hinkel, O:tfice ot the Chief ot Inform ti.on, Departaent. of the Army Major n Cook1 Otfiee ot th Chi t of Information Lt. Col. Claud L.yl , Forces Into t1on &: caticm

(Hon.. Richard ixonf '?be Vie• Preeidant) (Hon. Shel'lllM. Adam•J {Hon. Wilton • Persona) 1:00 pa 'nl1t President gaM a .Stag Luncheon tor a tev eabers o~ Oongnaa and some toJ"ll8r Membet"a. The tollowing were sent2 AUCHIICLQSS,, Cong. James c., ew Jersey 13AKl!WEI..L, Hon. Claude I., tormer Congredlnan f'roa lieaouri t; SI, Hon. OlittoM,. f'ormel" Congre:saman trom. New JeT:tlt!J1 COL&, Hon~ llbel"t M., Housing d Home Finance Administ-rator, tor.aer Congrea tram. Kansae COLE, Cono'eeaman W. stel"Ung., ttW York OOTM,; Congresaum Norris. N Hampshire DENI?, Hon~ Harmar, Member, Ci.dl .leronaut1c tt.on former Congres f'J'IOln. Pennsylvan:la FORD_, Cong-res rald R., Jr.~ Michi.gan H.ERT;£$, Hon . Christia.a, GoTemor of • a.chusett..a, t'ol'lll9» Congreeeman tl"OJa Mas-sachusett• HE$EflroN. Congrea-...n. Johft.;t M saachu~t• J · VIts .~. Qo:ngruarnan Jacob, ew York JtmJl, Congre Walt8J", Minnesota WI, Congresman bert W., ew Jersey OR?OI, Hon. Thruston B. , Assistal\1; Secret 1f7 ot State fol"lilOr Congreitan.u trom k ntuelq PROU'tr, Winston L• • Veaont RIEHL'FWl, Congl!e•.a.n R. Walter, ew York scott,, Hugb D• ., Jr. , PennsylVania SlT'l'LJm, Hon. Edwud, tol"aQ Congreasan !J'O Perms.rlvaaia TOLtm'BON, Congree·sun Thor G. • W ehington ADAJf.S. Hon .. Sheman PERSONS, Hon . Wilton B., S'mPHBtlS, Hon. '1'h · E.

Bono1'able org"6 M. Huaphrey1 Oft ary ot the Treaft17 HQnor&'ble Marion. Fol30.m, Under SecretpY of the 'l'F&&S1aJ7 Honorable Arthur Bums,. Ch i , Council of Economic visors Honor ble Gabriel Hauge '1'KE'ESIDENT 1 S APPOIN1MENTS FRIDAY,, mmmAR1' 26. 1954 L The Nat ional Securit,. Council Hon. Richard Nixon, The Vice President Hon. John Foster Dulltts, oret 1!Y ot Sta'te Hon. Roger M. Ky- , Acting retary ot De!ense Hon. William M • Rand, Aeting Director, F. o. A.. Hon .. Arthur s. Fl , Director, o. D. M. Ron .. George M. phrq ~ :seeret.fll'7 t the Tr sury Ron. Jeseph M. Dodge, Dit-ect.ort Blu-eau of th. Budge' Hon . Lewis L. Stra.lles, Chairman, Atomic erg Oommission Hon . Wal~er B. Smit.h1 Deputy Secretary of Stat.e lion. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., U. S. to the u. • Ho • James H. Smith• Jr., Asst. Secretary ot the Navy for Air Hon. Harold E. TaJ.bO't•t., Secrete.ry of the Air Fore• An . C. D. J ekson, ~c:ial esistant to the Preaidut Hon. l3Joyee Harlow, /UlminiehratS:tre A3.sistant. to the Pre11clent Hon . Sherman Adams, Assistant to the Preeident Hon. Wilton B. Pel"8ons, Deputy Assistant t.o the Prea1dent Hon . Jam.a s. Lay-, J , • Fix~ti e Secretary', HSC . Hon. s. ~t't Qleasan, De ty Executive Sec.retary, NSC 10:00 am Cabinet. Meeting Hon . Richard txon, The i President Hon . John Fost•r Dullea, Se.ontar.y ot S ate Hon . George M. H~hrey, ... r i\.ar.v of the Tre&S\ll'y" Hon . Roger M., Ky-es, Under oreta:ry ot Defense Hon . Herbert Bro~ell, Th Attorney General Mon. Arthur rfield, Th Postmaster Gen ral Hon . Douglas McKay• Secretarf ef the Intel"ior Hon . Ezra Tart Benson, Se-cret.ary ot Agriculture "' Hon. Sinclair Week$, Secretary ot Co1llmerc• Hon. J s P. Mitchell, Secretary of Labor Hon . OVe~a Culp Hobby, Secretary ot Health, :uea\ion & W lfare Hon. Joseph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau of the dget. Hon,. Ul.iam • Rand, Acting Director,, F. o. A. Hon. Arthur Flemming, Director, o. D. M. Mon. H'enr;y Lo~, Jr., Ambassador to the u. R. ·, Hon.:, mJ_tp Young, Cbairaan, Ci'Vil Senie Commission Hon. Walter B. th, Under eoretary or Staee Hon . Nelson Rockefeller, Undet' Secret Gf a. E. w. Dr. Chester s. Keeter, Special Aaat. . tor B'la..'tth & M$dical A.flairs, BEW Hon" - el M. Bro'Wl'lell, Commissioner of Education• Hlif Mr. C. Manton Edd1', Insuranc Execut.ive, Hartford,, Connecticut Hon. C1arenoe Randall Hon. Sherman AdB111s Mon. WUton B. Penons FRI Y, 26, 1954 Pag ~ L 10:00 Cabinet Meeting (Continued) Hon . Dama.rd Shanley Hon . Robert. Cutler Hon. C. D. Jackson on. Gabriel Haug$· Hon_. Maxwell bb Hon. rt.bur Minnich

12:00 B.E. Dr .. ewenthal, Amba.a~or ot Auetri

1211.S Congnotaan WUliam c. pler1 Virginia (Asked if h might ea.ll. and itlvite the Pre i,dent- to attend the h'ginia Highl.ands Festival, to be held at Abingdon, Virginia. th1a August.> Honorable c. Douglas Dillon, American Amb&esado.r to hanH Hononble John Foster Dullea, Secreta.J:"J' of state ( rre.nged t the request ot bauador Dillon, who i . returning to his pos.t ter long ab c due to illne:" • ) l;OO (LUNCH)

2:20 (Hon. Ri.Obard Nixon~ The Vi¢e 1Te1'ideut) {Hon. Sbe1'1Mn Adams) (Hon. WUtnn B.. Pers<>ne)

);00 (Colonel J e R- St.4-ek, ~ - { r . Zimlu.erman) OFF THE RECORD THE PRESIDENT'S AFPODf~WI"~ SA. . . y, P&BRUAR? 27' 19.54

9:00 .. Honor hle Do . a.a ay, Secr&\&17 of th Interiot' Hono ;'!. Ra).ph A. Tu.dnr, Under Secretary or the Interior Hon. Lalfl!enoe h, Publi" ation Oi'tieer, Dept ef t Int rior (Hon. Tb s E~ phens) (Hon. Murra7 r) (Pre ettt.ed a relief p watft' Jr$source•, the Department of the Interio:r)

9:,30 aa Honorable eodo. c... ?>eibe;rt.1 Dir ct.or, U, s. !nt'ormation Agene)r Honorable Abbott Washbum,, puty Direotor (Gave the P stdent rt on his tiM six nth· in Oftic ) lOtOO Mr. WUliam. T, Flll"107, Ptteaidmt, Asao.ciaUon of l"iemi Reilroadlt Mr. Wf.lter a. FrarU<:lin, President. 1 Pttnnql:v~ RaUroa.4 Mr. Fred G. Gurley, PHeidet, A\ehiaon, ?o~ka &: Santa i'e Railwq • Har-ry A. DeBu.t.tsi Preeident, Southun Railway (Wished f,(, discuss with the Pre$1dent s. U.61, introduced in We sea 'on by Senators J.ohn on, o:t Colorado,. Brio e-, and Capehart.) Honorable 51ncls.1r e, retary ot c ace (Hon. Sherman Adams) (lwang b7 GoYemor ...... ~) llslS Hon. John oet. r Dul.lea, Seoretarr ot Stat.e Hon. Ro er M,. lyes# Under retary ot Def nae Vice Admiral Arthur O, Davi , Ottice ~ lnteJn tional eurity Atta.ire, Department of Det se • Henry J . oil.and, Aa&ista.nt Secret c£ tat•

('the ll'&aident left the White Hou~e ror .Burning Tr • Golt Club)

The ea1 ~t. play golf with the following: Mr .. John MeClttre General l than F. T\d..ning, Chief ot St.alt of the U,. s. A!.r Foro• Ot'>ngffs Uliam H. t.e ,, 1t$&ehu tt.e THE PRE:m1lERT• S APPOl1r.t'MEN'l.'S / STJHDAl', FEBRUAB? 28, l9S4

ll:OO am. The hesid~ and Ml-a. Bia9llhower attended Seniees at. t.h• atictnal Presbyterian Church.

AT TH.lii~ WHI'1'& ~oqsa~

1:40 pa (Hoth Robert T. evens, CrRary of th ) (TfflS WAS STlUCTf'"Y OFF THE . CORD)

(Hon · Rob Mont omery).