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DEATH CALMLY; the Japanese Today Said: “Jdpan “It Must Be Remembered That T Ty-Four Hours

DEATH CALMLY; the Japanese Today Said: “Jdpan “It Must Be Remembered That T Ty-Four Hours

WEA1 Foreeaat by tL a Weatlnir Bnreau. •\' 7^ - FRESS BON ' H a r t t o r A AVERAGE DAHiV GIRCOOATIGN for the Month o£ February, 1980 ■ li| ^ t rain, tonight and posidbly C on n . State Library— gon&y morning, warmer tonight; 5,503 colder Sunday. Henbers of the Audit Bureau of . 1 Circulation* FOURTEEN PAGES i PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER^ CONN.; SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1930. VOL. XLIV., NO. 129.

[ [THIS STEAM SHOVEL ‘ I I BATHER ODD CRITTER Detroit Police to BattleiGahgs Witlj-^TOored Tank

E B . CHENEY, JRV ! ! , March l;t-(AP) (* _A steam shovel, it appears, I cannot disappoint its public day JITNEY PLAYERS 1 after day without inviting gossip. This steam shovel sat in aH ex". ' cavation here. It toiled and I ruffed with great ado, attracting FIHINDER, DEAD! the attention of passersby just t — % ______' 1 like countless other bard work­ ing steam shpvels. I Former President Sept Un- In this case, however, there General Infection Following. was something wrong with its Japs technique. Expert steam shovel I brokenly During Night watchers observed that while Pneumonia and Pleurisy there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with its stance, or its put­ In Bid for Big Navy I But Is Still in a State of ting, it didn’t move much more Takes Life of Motor Dra-i ! dirt than the average duffer with 1 March i— (AP)—At.theoretically when'figuring out rel- Coma. a- good midiron. London, The poUce investigated yester­ ative naval strengths. ma Pioneer Early Today. prominent Japanese, who is close to “Noyvt the flve-five-tbree battle­ day, arrested four men and re­ the Japanese naval delegation here, Washington, March 1.—(AP.)— \ ______\ i ported finding a 1,000 gallon still ship ratio comes very neau: to a 50 per cent superiority; in order to be 'The vitality that William Howard i hitched to the boiler. ______today quoted the first Napoleon ex- Horace Bushnell Cheney, Jr., son , trv’Q altitude tecnmcaiiytechnically secure we must uavchave an Taft built up in his younger yeard of Horace B. Cheney and Mary j ^ ------' - pla«ation of his c o u n t s ratio in other branches of still was holding out today against toward a 70 per cent big cruiser Pierson Cheney, died early this j arms. With the 70 per cent and a combination of diseases which ratio with America. 50 per cent merged, Japan feels she I led liis physicians sometime ago*t6 morning at the Hartford hospital. | Napoleon Bbnaparte said: “An will have the security which the abandon hope for his recovery, He was bom here April 19, 1899. j SNOOK MEETS country desires and which actually j It was said this morning that attacking to be sure of suc­ The early years of his life were: cess must have a superiority will not menace America in any i there had been but little change in spent in South Manchester. He | ^ay. condition during the last twen- prepared for college at the Hart- j least 50 per cent over its enemy.V DEATH CALMLY; The Japanese today said: “Jdpan “It must be remembered that t ty-four hours. ‘If anything, the for*- believes thoroughly in the Napol­ America with its 10-10-7 ratio has mer president and chief justice was eonic axiom, and for that reason- it ample protection so far as Japan believed to be resting more “quiet is asking 70 per cent of America’s is concerned in case of war—which, ly” than last night. PLANNED DEDi of course, is imthinkable. At the The first csdler at the big Taft cruiser strength. mansion on Wyoming avenue this Seeking Security,V , same time Japan, keeping the Na- io^nTt anticipate ever i poleonic.theory ^ways ^ vlew ^ - morning was Vice President Curtis, “While we long a friend of the ill man. Mr. going to war with America yet at lieves that vdth these patios, A i^ r - GoDegeProfessor.TeDsi ica will not have sufficient naval Curtis expressed his solicitude. the same time conservative Ameri­ strength theoretically to attack Shortly after he left. Monsignor can naval men just as conservative Vietro Fumason-Biondi, the Apos­ Japanese naval men, are always Japaii successfirlly. Warden on Last Day That' in nreuaratiou for Tjossiblc rioting at a Communistic demonstration. “In other words everybody will he tolic delegate to the , wWle ^oUce w ^e testing the car in preparation for possible rioting looking toward the question of se­ visited the home. curity. Since the United States is happy with no harm done. We certainly can’t attack America and H e D # e ra te ly Murdered I----- i mi>i,r.r our greatest and nearest armed EARLY REPORT neighbor it stands to reason we we wish to feel America can’t at­ Washington, March 1—(AP) — - must take her into consideration tack us.’’ William Howard Taft waa said His Student Mistress. |N£W W OM EN’S ! SPURN A TRUCE early today by attendants to be “quieter if anything” than last night. It was added that there was Columbus, O., Mar. 1.— (AP) D r OFFERTOEND little change in his condition. James H. Snook, the iron nerved The former chief justice slept im- pt-ofessor who killed his student im s-, TO BE GIVEN TO WORLD THREE EMPLOYES NAMED brokenly throughout the night, hia tress, Theora Hix, paid with his life ------nurse said, and awakened appar­ C A B im CRISIS ently more calm. He remained ih IN BOYS’ SCHOOL PROBE the state of coma which has pxiac- t o iij b, (i-|SAP0lE0N’ S J P E I S tically existed for several days. arv at Ohio State University 1 His physicians did not expect to went calmly to' his death for the examine their patient until shortly crime which he confessed in his la st, paJian Doctor— But Great i French Radicals Refuse Pre­ Horace Bushnell Cheney, Jr. SOUGHT IN AMERICA before noon uifiess there was a hours, was deliberately planned to , Actual Investigation of Bru­ SOVIET SOLDIERS change for the worse. ford High school and at St. Paul’s end an affair which threatened to . (]afeMust Be Exercised mieres Offtr to Stop Poli­ The former president today was school in New Hampshire and en­ ruin his position and reputation. I t , slowly and without pain “going ' tered the academic department of was eight months 17 xiays ^ter he ; tality Charges at State In­ DESERT TO POLAND down the Western slope”—as he Yale college in 1918. In college he left the mutilated body of the 24 | by Attending Physicians. Diamond Necklace Worth tical Scrapping DniSl Aft­ himself, referred to death. majored in literature and the dra­ year old girl lying on a lonely rifle ; stitution Will Be Begun The physicians attending him matic art and cultivated a deep in- | range near the city limits. er the Naval Parley. frankly admitted that Mr. Taft tcrest in the drama. He was grad- i Was 50 Years Old. , March 1— (By the Can­ Border Goard$ Say They Are could not hold on much longer. uated with the degree of B.A, ^ i Dr. Snook who was 50, walked un- adian Press)— Placental Next Week. “Probably the former Chief Jus­ line extract, the discovery of which 1922. ' assisted to the chair, ffis ma^CT Officer, Cao’t Be Located. Paris, March 1_(AP)-The Radical tice •will go through the night,” Dr, started Jitney Players was cool, his eyes alert, his Hps si­ was recently anaounced , to th3 Starying and Hate to Kill Francis R. Hagner gravely an­ In April, 1923, he married Miss lent. A minister from whom he had world by Dr. J. B. CoUip of McCid Socialists today refused the peace Meriden, Conn.. Mar. 1— ~- nounced, coming from the Taft Alice Keating of . In just accepted commumon intoned a University, Montr‘;K.. will be maio New ------• York, Mar. 1.—^(AP)—^^e move of Andre Tardieu, premier The names of three employes of the home on Wyoming avenue after his the summer of that year with Mrs. benediction as two guards adj^ted availabJc to physK.ians necklace which' Napoleon desigfiktei jvho' wished^ ^ Connecticut School for Boys were Peasants. third -visit yesterday. Cheney’s enthusiastic co-operation, imder certain specific conditions for i electrodes to Dr. Snoop’s right leg i under certain tgave'lth his 'Empress Mario LpuiroI^ui^e t&tyJe^onths political truce to per- under fire for inhuman treat^nt Arth'»Hgh-Mr, Taft lay in Ills sec­ Mr. Cheney organized the Jitoey top of his head. Six thou- j treatment [ft the birth of-their .son, L’Aiglo^-: and were made public today ond-floor bedroom weak, imable to Players, whose instant and contmu- I| Ran«fe-=volt8 of electricity p a s ^ | certain functional- disorders are Frank Maguire, Arthur F. S^th speak, his life ebbing away, he was announce-l iJuke of Reichstadt, in 1811, was outstanding, problems. ^ W'arsaw, Poland. March 1.— (AP) ous success estabiished-Lshea anim -originalongmrn separate Despite the rejection. Mr. Tar- and Leon B. Staples, kll of whom able several times to recognize those reputation for this motorized meth- through hm___ y^ dead fore j —The Polish press today published charges He" was pronounced dead | ment _in a’spoo=;aJast^i^t^ j cSSctiJr^vri^^^^ search dieu announced he would have his have supervisory powers over tne about him yesterday. At thoSe times od of operating anu presenting the a gathering of medical men, bio- i boys who range from 8 to 16 yedrs reports that a detachment of twenty^ the seventy-two-year-old jurist sum­ at 7:09 p. m. which was begun -by the district ministry together tomorrow and Soviet border guards, fully armed, drama. Today Dr. Snook’s body was at chemists, chemists and research j would announce it then. It was be­ of age. A fourth employe is said to moned up a flicker of the' famous Pneumonia the Cause attorney’s office a quest is he'mg and headed by an officer, crossed the disposal of his faithful workers.erxe^. tv,of oil poses 1 made for a man described as a lieved he possibly had won enough be accused. T aft smile. Mr. Cheney's death waa due to a Hip stipidntec the Polish border during the night Recognizes His Son. Helen Marple Snook, who visited colons of U.e Brmoh Colonial individual Radical Socialist "votes to One of them, it was said, had and reported at the Polish police genetal infection followng an at­ Mm'dafiy for tiie past week at the i to be treated fl.,aH be thoroughly his standard with the offer, to insure been dismissed or permitted to re­ When his son, Robert A. Taft, tack of pneumonia and pleurisy •Secret Service, who authorities were station in the town of Luntiec. OWo Supreme Court and Governor j examined to determine if they fall a Chamber majority. ^ sign from the L^man School at went .into his room immediately up­ which left him in a very weakened S n e r S ij to intervene in Wejmto the claseilieatlon ot disorders told, was commissioned by the Arch The soldiers were said to have Duchess Marie Theresa of Vienna to His proposal was, briefly, to quit Westfield. Mass., for brutality. on arrival from Cincinnati shortly condition. political scrapping for threie months told the Polish authorities that they after noon and clasped his hand, Mr. alee,!"- dechlace which Is valued at Charges that the boys had been had contemplated deserting for His Family until the naval conference could be Taft opened his eyes. Besides his parents and his wife, $400,000. flogged and mistreated were filed some time, bread shortage and concluded, the budget passed, the For a time he stared at his son, he leaves two brothers, Stenhen Stephen -nenitentiary until he had been exe-1 sists if they do, Woman’s Story with the school’s orders to proceed against peasants Mrs. Annr. Eisenmenger, who de­ Young plan put into execution, ana by the State Department of Welfare then recognition was sho-wn-in his defending 'themselves against ex­ eyes, and a faint smile appeared. Dr. scribed herself»a.s an intimate friend other major problems settled. He arier a secret investigation beg^ at propriation and collectivization of was reported in addition to have Hagner reported. Perhaps there was c ? oif f Bos?on"andBoBtoh'ahi Missmss Hannah Latl- ! ruse and keeping secret her plans | of the archduchess, told Assistant the request of James S. Peck, farm their land were stated to be the District Attorney Harold Hastings offered the recalcitrant group four superintendent. ’ a slight of the hand, too. mer Cheney. , the production of the extract and ministries and two under secretary­ ( causes for dissatisfaction. But Mr. Taft was far weaker than Funeral i (Continued on Page 2.) yesterday that she had been sent to Further Hearings. Because of the steady crossing of i the fact that the application of the ships in his projected ministry. hie was when his physicians aban­ Funeral services for Mr. Cheney [ this country with power of attorney Ernest S. Fuller, secretary of the the Polish border by Soviet peas­ ' discovery is still in the early stages from the archduchess to seek the Cabinet by Tomorrow doned all hope. will be held at the home of his board said actual investigation of ants, Warsaw newspapers have sent Mrs. Taft was recognized, too, as 'iDr. Collip feels that the greatest agent and recover the neckla.ee “I abjured M. Herriot (one of father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. the charges may not be special correspondents to the fron­ were the doctors. At the moments B. Cheney of 78 Forest street, Mon­ ! care must be exercised in its use and which' consists of 47 matched dia­ the Radical Socialist leaders) to UNREST SPREADING 'experimentation by himself as well til the return of Dr. J ere D. Eggles­ tier. The correspondent of the War­ of consciousness, the doctors said, day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. monds set -in silver and gold. recommend to his friends that they accept this indispensible truce, ton, president of the board, m- saw Morning Express today report­ and of recognition Mr. Taft tried to Warren Archibald, pastor of the as others. She said Arch Duchess Marie though it is planned to meet^again ed that the number of refugees from Setting forth the achievements which my friends have accepted smile— and did. Dr. Hagner stated South Congregational church, Hart­ o - - - - pvirapt thus Theresa m eresa aecineudecided a year ago to sell next Thursday to recall Peck for Russia was growing hourly. He said his belief that Mr. Taft was fully ford, will officiate. Burial wiU be THROUGHOUT SPAIN I and of his exri^^ , ^,^^.^1^06 which had been in her unanimously. Nevertheless, my.pab- inet will be formed tomorrow, M. further testimony. the refugees were exhausted and aware of his condition and that he in the East cemetery here. jfar in^cated, valuable in I family for more than a century. At Peck, it has been learned, w m not many of them bore wounds inflicted proved encouragingly valu^^^^ 'about that time Mrs. Eisenmenger Tardieu said. seemed unafraid, contented. He said he had urged M. Herriot an eye witness to any of the alleged by pursuing Soiriet patrols. Tbis ladjustmgI lAW wwacertam fe ^ n ^ e disorders. • , , archduchess who is 47, met acts of brutoUty, but merely re­ correspondent said’ he had been told Success had been obtained, he saia, in Vienna who represented to realize that the nation demanded | New Premier Ready to Pro- in a dominant majority of case.s ^ man action on its vital problems an^he peated to the Welfare Department by the refugees that the Soviet gov­ PLAYWRIGHT STOLE himself to be a colonel in the British stories told him by the boys. treated, with restorations o^^nor^^ j gg^^et Service. Inquiries at pledged his ministry to resign w at ernment had sent to the border FEDERAL PRISONERS the expiration of the three-months Took No Action. special punishment expeditions functioning, gains in i the British Foreign Office confirmed DEAD MAN’ S IDEAS: ^aim Martial U w H the vanishing of nervous afflictions. period after the disposal of the more Supt. E. S. Boyd is not accused of which are destroying and burning Dr. Collip added that a few pre­ this important matters facing any new administering punishment of a harsh entire villages. Mrs. Eisenmenger told Mr. Hast­ nature but the Welfare Departmrat Trouble Grows. liminary tests had been conducted in governments. . The correspondent reported that WALK OUT OF JAIL ings that the archduchess then Offer Rejected charges that he took no action he had witnessed a border fight'be­ cases of disorderly menopause and gave the necklace to the colonel against his subordinates when their toxaemias of pregnancy. Enough M. Herriot carried the offer to his tween peasants emd Soviet gfuards, whose name is not known here, and party, which immediately rejected i^ractions of the law were called several peasants were killed, but the Madrid, Mar. 1 — (A P )— General success had been attained in these he attempted to sell it to the Khe­ Texas Editor Coming to New fields, he said, to warrant further ex­ it M. Tardieu said he had offered to his attention. . , „ , .. rest were captured by the patrols. i Berenguer, Spanish premier has dive of Egypt. The Egyptian ruler Mrs. Kathleen Litz of Talcottville Present Forged Passes to perimentation. the Radical Socialists five ministries I acted promptly to save Che Spanish declined to pay the price asked and and two undersecretaryships, •with yesterday, charged that her son, a York to Seek Justice for Tells of Experiments. j the necklace was returned to the former inmate, had been flogged i monarchy fropi the threat of Re- Discussing his early experiments I M. Herriot himself to have the -vice- New Guard at Door and archduchess. premiership and ministry of justice. and clubbed until he returned to her ' publicanism sounded Thursday by ■with rats'and mice. Dr. Collip paid] DOMINGO DISPUTE About three ' months ago Mr. One Post Filled a hardened juvenile criminal with a Widow and Mother. tribute to numerous workers ''yko t jjj^gj.jjjg.g was told, .the archduchess ; Jose Antonio Sanchez Guerra, form ­ So far as is kno'wn, Tardieu has professional knowledge of burglary Saunter to Freedom. ' er premier, and echoed subsequently had preceded him in the same field i received a letter from the British actually filled only one post in his methods. ’ with varying ^success. He acknowl-j (.QjQjjgj saying he believed he could new ministry, thgt being the for­ Whipped With Straps. IS NEARING END Amarillo, Tex., March 1.— (AP) — in street rioting. edged particularly the work of Dr. j buyer in the United States “When he was at Meriden” she Leavenworth, Kas., March' 1. — Spain awoke today to full real­ eign office portfolio, which he an­ (AP)—Using forged outside passes. Gene Howe, editor of the Amarillo Wesiner of Edinburgh Uni-; for the heirloom at-the price the nounced today, Aristide Ide Briand, said “I visited him regularly and News, will leave here Monday for ization that the character of the versity, who isolated and un- j owner demanded. She then sent the found that he was continually mis­ Thomas Holden and Francis 1^. Berenger government, mild enough who has become a fixture in the of­ Keating serving sentences of 25 New Y’'ork with the announced pur­ purified product similar in origin j necklace to him by. mail and has fice, had accepted. treated, whipped with straps and Insurgent Chief Takes Of­ pose of “either closing the biggest in the days immediately succeeding to Collip’s extract, and whose work j heard nothing further from him. even clubbed with hickory sticks years each for robbing a maU car The Radical Socialists have been on a Grand Trunk railroad train at dramatic hit in New York or secur­ the fall of General Primo De from the chair factory. Fruit and Rivera’s dictatorship, chane'ed suggested the direction of the M e ------particularly obstinate as to colla­ Evergreen Park, Illinois in Sept. ing an equitable settlement for an borating with M. Tardieu. in the candy I sent him were seldom re­ fice and President Decides greatly overnight. Strong measures ABSOLVE ANAESTHETICS ceived until the monitors had taken 1926, escaped from the Federal Amarillo widow and mother.’' were in force to preserve the new I formation of a' new government, prison here yesterday and stiU wen; holding him personally responsible the greater? portion of it. Hoive referred to the play, "The government and repress further tine test. Dr. Collip revealed, before, ^ T\I7ATI1C! at large today. Last Mile,” which he asserted was for defeat, of their president, “While at the schobl one day, a to Leave the Country. anti-monarchial agitation. he convinced himself that he really i LANAUIAN l/llA illu timid youngster of about nine years A new guard was at toe mam based on the experience of Robert had anything worth while. He Camille Chautemps, in the Chamber entrfmee of the prison. Holden and It was believed General Beren­ Wednesday, when he asked for a came over to me and while a super- Blake, son of Mrs. Ella Blake of guer was ready to proclaim martial thought at first it was another sub------Santo Domingo, Dominica Re­ Keating -appeared .about 10 o’clwk Amarillo. Blake was executed in I stance similar to several of little j Doctors Say Chemicals Were vote of confidence on his ministmal public. March l . - ( A P ) —General yesterday morning. In somft, unde-- law at any time the situation should declaration. (Continue on 'r’age BJ the state penitentiary about a year warrant it. lvalue he had extracted, but repeat-1 Patients Rafael Eserella Urena, chief of the termined manner they had procured ago. There were minor disorders in ed experiments showed him he had ___ insurgent movement, today took two pass cards of toe regfular kind something,” he said. The first indi- Died from Other Causes. Just before his execution he wro;,e Madrid and the provinces during j over the office of secretary of state used by trusty prisoners to outside a playlet, “The Law Takes Its Toll.” for the interior, and as soon as employment with photographs of the night, although on the whole the Toronto, March 1.—(AP.)—An which was published in the Amer, nation was comparatively quiet. (Continard on Page 2) President Horacio Vasquez leaves themselves pasted on toe bac« of can Mercury, and the rights of interim report of an investigation Makes Quarter o f Million the city, WiU toke fuU charge o f the the cards, as regularly required. which were given Mrs. Blake as her of the deaths of a number, of per­ chief executive office, in accordance Holden and Keating were ton- rons while under anaethetics was son’s only legacy. This playlet, with the constitution. vlcted in 1928 for toe mail issued today by Dr. R. Stirling Because Hens Keep Laying President Vasquez, who has been robbery, in which 3138.000 was Howe charges, was used by John Pentecost, honorary secretary of Wexley, in writing “ The Last Mile.” granted permission to leave the stolen. The two men b o a r i^ toe Club Closes With a Bang; the Academy of Medicine. train held up toe mail clerks, seized' Stole the Idea. coimtry because of iU health, -was 'No deaths have been found to a bag containing toe money con­ “According to New York newspa­ CJbicago, March 1.— (AP.)—The-to comer the market so they might expected to depart some time today which anaesthetics could have con­ signed to a Chicago suburban hMk pers,” Howe said, "Wexley st^te-J great American hen had something ^ control prices, fvim htan for Porto Rico, leaving hia resigna- Oh, of Course, in Chicago tributed, the examining body of the The trouble was that the hen hands of toe National and escap^. he obtained the idea and the words academy' finds. Instead, it states, to^ cackle about today—sort of' a for his first act from Blake’s play­ hen coup. kept ^ of sp^g chemicals ■'have been found to be February was a I | Peace^ of toe politic^ , EUBOPA*S SPEED let. However, Mrs. -Blake informs pure but a fear has been caused b 5S ‘ Hms-lald aa they never Chicago,- Mar, 1,—(AP)—The?sion smashing windows not only upheaval was generaUy attributed Bremen, March jU—(AP)—The me that she did not give permission Club Algiers, night life haunt of there but in other neai^y buildings. ; through'the attraction of publ^ at- steamship Europa, sistership of theJ for use of the playlet. Wexley or It was the l&st ntg^ht of ■ the' O ub tention to a few deaths of details. He waa a member a t a “*,S^.S5”bSieht to the -wUlingness of toe opposition record-holding Bremen,-devWoped-a smart and wealthy gold coasters, j ^ group of egg dealers which claimed year. As fast as the b i^ bou^ , party to negotiate on constitutional his representatives have been in Algiers at th e '657 St. Clair street whp died from other causes while closed last night with a hang. to have nSide a, quarter-of a mil-i new trainloads of eggs and tranquil lines, coupled •with toe speed of 27.3 miles mi hour during communication with Mrs. Blake but A hoihb planted on the alley side address. The club was. to reopen t o -. 'imder anaesthetics, Uon doUars in recent weekA.through town, retail p ^ e went d her recent trial tolp. ^ niecht “downtown/' members were| This fear, the report stat^, ana. since good offices ot toe American minis­ they have not come to tferms.” of thfe transformed undertaker’s their confidence in the nation’s fa- ,to the lowest it has been ter, Ctoarles B. Curtis, who brought Mrs. Blake, Howe said, spent bam,'exploded when about 25 fash­ told, A Federal padlock had been j an unwarranted-lack of confidmee ‘ 1924.” ’ TBBASURY R l^R T. ordered Tor .the club today. : have, caqsed deaths Md^suueim^ vorite, fowl. Sugar estimated that the imwoht-' the ccmfUcting parties' together. every cent she had in an effort to ionably dressed men and women “Early in February,” he said, I t la the ffrat time* In Dominican Washtagtbn. Mar, 1.— CAP) — save her son from the electric chair were diiilog or dancing insli^e. One The bomb, police were sure, w as; As a result updue reflecnona M ve “the wholesale prtdp of eggs ranked ed activity of the American hen Treasury rCcWpts for February 27. tol been cast upon aadesthStlcs 'tod coat toe "bvflls” on the piicago history that such a political di*pbto He .declared that either Wexley side of the club was wrecked and another.warning of gangsters to — ------a — fm in 27 to 30 cents. Then the price has b ^ n handled without Woodshed were, J7.268.5T0; a U a a l^ W .« .lI,hUy “Cock Jysd MulUgi,;;.^Albl,,_5^^^ market more than half a’ million 86,903,563,72;. halance,^851,r •must “do the right thing” or he persons ------^ - broke to 25 cents. T h e .‘bulls,’ con and violent clashes. hurt, a : postofflce substation across proprietor to get opt and stay out of would enjoin the producers of the treatmentr^ - fident that prices would go up, tried doUars. play.. • the street was damaged, the bxplo-' business. V


J. . I _ j B?:. ■ • ■

MANCHEl^rBR EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CON^, SATURDAY, MAHCH l, 1930. i PAGE TWO !l ■ 'S‘ HERALD COOKING REV. NEILL LECTURES HIGH DEBATERS TOWN M triNG SAfS INDIAN WAR SNOOK MEETS OBITUARY PEP TAIK, PICK NAMES SCHOOL CLOSES ON NORTHERN IRELAND TO MEET CHOATE MONDAY NIGHT wiumsooN DEATH CALMLY; Drive for New Memliers. Is Gives Illustrated TaUc Undier DEATHS Auspices of Washington Launched at a Spread'Where M aktm a Ghandi’s Chief Aide Set Tax Rate in Adjourned Prospects Are Listed.' PLANNED DEED Loyal Orange Lodge Last Affirmative Team to Tackle Record Attendance of 800 John S. Lamberg. Night. Makes Dire Prediction m John S. Lamberg, age 77, of 78 Annual Session at High The organization of 105 members (Conttnned from Page 1) I Women Yesterday— Usl Prep School in Walling­ Oak street, died early this morning, of the Chamber of Commerce began, Rev. J. Stuart Neill< of St. Mary’s for the burial. She had “nothing to ^ after a long illness followed by a re-1 its one week drive for doubted mem­ Pnblic SpeecL Episcopal church gave an illustrated ^ cent shock. He was a resident of School Hall at 8 p. m. bership hist night with a banquet in say.” ; Of Prize Winners. lecture on “Northern Ireland,” be­ ford Next Friday. Manchester for 55 years, coming 1 Tinker Hall,'after which each work­ Perfectly Calm. fore a fair sized and appreciative here from Sweden, where he was in er selected five prospects,to be ap­ Snook’s self control was-'pot audience in Tinker Hall last night, the service of the King as a sol­ proached, d\it of the file of 522' Ahmadabad, Bombay, March 1.— shaken during, his last hours. Ex­ under the auspices of Washington, Apparently with the ideas in The adjourned town meeting will (A P )—"Vallabhai PateU who is cept for a trace of annoyance: when The Herald’s Cooking school con­ dier. He was a charter member of names listed as possible new mem­ No. 117, Loyal Orange Lodge. mind that experience is a great be held at the High School Audi­ Mahatma Ghandi’s chief lieutenant, the barber was late to i^ va him, ducted at the Masonic Temple by the Swedish Lutheran church here bers., teacher and practice makes perfect,: torium Monday evening, at 8 o’clock in addressing a public meeting to­ and for signs that he had be^ Mrs. Katherine Delaney closed yes­ Rev. Neil visited Ireland four and a member of the Society . of . L. M. Crandall, salesman of the years ago and obtained a number Manchester High school has decid­ at which time a tax /ate of 16 mills day, prophesied- that an Indian war weeping after parting with his wiie, terday afternoon with a record at­ . New England Mutual Life Insurance of pictures of the principal points of ed to step beyond its scholastic He leaves, besides his wife, two •will be recommended by the Bojard would begin soon. he was perfectly calm as he pre­ tendance of 800 women. The prize bounds in seeking opposition in the of Selectmen. At 8:15 o’clock the Company, and principal of a bust The meeting was to outline in­ pared to die. winners yesterday were as follows: interest. He carried his hearers sons, Arthur of this town and Carl first debate of the school year. In­ special town meeting will be held '• ness coUege In Norwich, gave an In­ auguration of the AU-India Nation­ His last meal was of fried chicken Bags of Merchandise through .Belfast with gre"at ship­ of Paterson, ; two spirational talk centered about the yards and then along the famous stead of selecting some other high al Congn’css Ci-vil Disobedience cam­ prepared by the wife of Warden P. Mary Gorman, 27 Brainard Place, i '° T h T l r ? r S ’ see if the town will word "pep” He said that the word Shore Road to Port Rush. From school of equal _ caliber, arrange­ paign. Patel said: E. Thomas, as she always does for Mary J. Wall, 69 Starkweather for had three Ingredients, which when “War unprecedented in the his­ there the audience was transported ments have been completed to de­ ■Thffimeral’will be held from the 1 ^ote to accept a trust fund condemned men. With him were street, Mrs. Mathew Merz, No. Mam library purposes under the -will of possessed by the worker, were sure tory of the world will begin In a Mrs. Snook; his pastor. Rev. Isaac on a visit to Derry and when the bate "with such a well known and home at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon. street, Mrs. W, J. Remig, 87 Pine Mary Ellizabeth Whiton. To see if to spell success for the campaign. few days and the beginning will be E. Miller - of the King Avenue street, Mrs. Hemingway, 93 Sum­ street scenes of Portadowm flashed select institution as Choate School Rev. P. J. O. Cornell will officiate. at Wallingford. Burial will be in the East cemetery. the town will vote -to accept a trust T h ^ were: preparation, enthusiasm, made at Gujarat (a di-vision of Methodist Episcopal church; Rev. mit street, Mrs. J. Miller, 537 Cen­ on the screen it brought the gleam fund imder the will of Mary Eliza­ ana perseverance. Mr. Cranda'l Bombay). Wfdl, penitentiary chaplain; Oscar- ter street, Mrs. R. Chaney, Mrs. of awakened memories to more The opening debate will take place at Choate on Friday evening of next beth Whiton. To see If the town quoted several poems of the pep and His Advice. Roedell of Pomeroy, Ohio, Dr. Mooney, 12 Laurel street. Flora than one eye in the audience. week. Only the local affirmative will vote to accept the .Selectmen’s go-getter type. R. K. Anderson, "Those who are afraid of death Snook’s close friend and Mrs. Frank Pickles, 55 Holl street, Mrs. R. Preceding the lecture a short en­ layout of Cumberland street. ^ should go on a pilgrimage and those Landrum of Junction City, Ohio, n Wright, 184 1-2 Center street, Mrs. team will be in action. This is com­ comihander-te-chief of the cam­ tertainment was presented by mem­ posed of Maurice McKeever, first ABOUT TOWN paign, and his four majors, John I. possessed of riches should, go to cousin of Mrs. Snook. M. S. McPherson, 27 Florence street, bers and friends of the lodge. John foreign countries.” “We might have been at a pic­ Mrs. A. Larder, 26 No. Fairfield speaker, Austin Johnson, second Olson, Arthur.Kilofla, Fred T. Blish, Chambers sang two well received and Carle Cubberly, third. Both Jr., and »William Halstead, pro- The Pandits Motilal and Jawa- nic,” Rev. Mr. Miller reported, later. street, Mrs. L. Suchy, 32 Bank solos and Chester Shields -Obliged Mrs. Sarah M. Martin of 104 Wal­ TOWN TAX COLLECTORS harlal Nehru arrived this morning “Dr. Snook ate heartily and we street, Mrs. Walter Buckley, 11 McKeever and Cubberly wil> be phecied success for their respective wdth a stirring comet solo. James graduated next June but Johnson is nut street, accompanied by her di-visions. and conferred -with Ghandi. The talked of pleasant subjects. No Franklin street. daughters, Mrs. James C. Robinson Finley sang two Scotch songs in­ a junior student. TO MEET ON FRIDAY T^e iiext meeting of th organi­ three planned to meet again in the reference was made to death, mur­ Other Prizes cluding “When the Heather arc of Greenhill street, and Mrs.' Wil­ afternoon. der or electrocutions.” ' Health -O - Meter scale, Helen Not much is known about the zation will be held Tuesday evening liam F. • Flanigan of Montclair It was understood Ghandi would Bloomin’,” the latter bringing a ability of the Choate debaters but j at 6:15 o’clock in the Sheridau Waichin, 19 Golway street. Cake, Drive, West Hartford, and grand­ not publish his ultimatum to the Lillain Clough, 24 Orchard street; storm of applause that continued as the Wallingford school hae among daughter Virginia, sailed today on Those of 71 Different Munici-1 Hotel, at which time it is hoped that viceroy, marking the conditions upon MOORE’S SUCCESSOR. Cake, Elizabeth' Filbig, 203 Main Gordon McBride appeared in the others, taken , the measure of the efforts of the members will sho-w uniform of a Scot Highlander and Princeton’s freshman team, which the Steamer Mohawk of the Clyde palities to Gather for Con­ whijph the ci-vil disobedience cam- street; Crown Roast, Nellie Naven, Linq,.for St. Petersburg, Florida, fruit in the form of 200 or more ap­ 647 Main street; Blue Ribbon Bak­ sang songs of Scothch dialact. in Itself is a commendable feat and ference in Hartford. paigiK.will not be initiated until Washintgon, March 1.— (AP)—It where they will spend five weeks. plications for membership. "Viceroy Lord Irwin gives his per­ ing Products, Mildred McVeigh, 585 gives one an idea as to their abil­ The final meeting will be held :>n was aimounced at the White House ity. Wesleyan is also on Choate’s On their return they plan to visit An informal conference of the tax mission. Parker street; Ham, Mary Murphy, Friday* evening, probably at the today that the name of a successor schedule. A defeat by such a com­ Stuart Robinson,-a student at the collectors of the seventy-one towns, It was stated in authoritative cir­ West street; Cake, C. W. Harten- Sheridan Hotel • also and all reports to the late Alexander P. Moore as petent opponent would be no dis­ University of Alabama. 'They will cities, boroughs, school, fire and cles, however, that the campaign stein. 149 Summit street; Blue Rib­ SUES OPERA STAR on the campaign will be made. ambassador to Poland had been sent bon Bakery Products, Mrs.‘ Gibson, credit to Manchester in its opening also spend a few days In Washing­ other tax districts of Hartford will be begun within a fortnight. ton. to Warsaw to see If it would be ac­ 843 Main street; Carton of Rinso, debate. ” County will be held in the old Senate ceptable to that government. Harriet Moriarty, 64 No. School Nevertheless, Coach Arland Jen­ Chamber, second floor, state caplto', FIRE IN MONTFELIEB FOR $10,000 GEMS The Hose Company, team is leading The name of the proposed new street; Pkg. Rinso, K. Shannon, 79 kins, who is making his debut as su­ Hartford, on Friday afternoon, ambassador was riot divulged. Russell street; doughnuts, Mrs. F. pervisor of debating at Manchester in the Buckland Setback Tourna­ Montpelier, Vt., March 1 — (AP) ment with only twenty-one points March 7, beginning at 1:30 o’clock. Ambassador Moo^ died receiitly- Schiebel, 45 St. John St.; doughnuts, New York, March 1.—^(AP.),— High, is. drilling his debaters dili­ This will be one of a series of county —Fire late last night destroyed the over the Hackett team. There have Interior of the Union House, a three in California after a protracted ill­ Marie Winzler, 105 Cedar street; Frieda Hempel, opera and concert gently in anticipation of victory. conferences which are being con­ been six sittings and six teams have story wooden building, with an ness. The legation at Warsaw had Pkg. Rinso, Mrs. W. Lloyd, 170 Hil­ singer, today, through her coimsel, The subject to be discussed is; “Re­ ducted at convenient places liard street; Pkg. Rinso, Mrs. S. solved, that the United States mili­ been on the floor. Of these six estimated loss of. $20,000. Henry only a few weeks before been elevat­ declared there was no foundation Foley’s Ehopress is in the lead. The throughout the state. Such smaller SWEDISH LUTHERAN. ed to an embassy. Moore, due to Smith, 29 Griswold street; Dough­ for the suit filed against her by her tary policy in the Carribean is just­ Holmes, 86, former owner, was scores for the week follows: Hose sectional meetings, it is felt, will taken to the hospital later suffering his nines, was never able to take the nuts, Mrs. J. Chicoine, 163 Maple sister, Mrs. Helese Schaper, to re­ ified.” This is a particularly time­ prove of greater value and interest Rev. P. J. O. Cornell. street; Flowers, Edith Pearson, 299 ly topic due to the recent outbursts Co., 917; Hackett, 894; Midway, from shock. ' post zis ambassador. cover a platium and diamond cross to the collectors than one meeting Main street; 25 percent Discount on in the Dominican republic. 845; Hartman No. 2, 831; Hartman valued at $10,000. No. 3, 792; Foley’s Express, 744; for all the collectors of the state, j Sunday 9:30 a. m.—Sunday School Electric Range, Mrs. Walter Olcott. Mrs. Schaper yesterday obtained Another angle of interest tp Man­ Lydal^lle, 678; Hartman No. 1, 667; The meetings -will be conducted in and Bible classes. 21 Forest street; Flowers, Mrs. Wil­ from Supreme Court Justice Lewis chester is the information that Wil­ Buckland, 665; Sons of Rest, 657; the nature of round-table discus­ 10:45'a. m.—:English service Com­ liam Bray, 65 Westminster Road; an order requiring Mme. Hempel to liam G. Shute, coach of debating at Wapping, 649. The first named five sions of collectors’ perplexing prob­ munion. Paint, Alice Gorman, 27 Locust show cause on Monday why she Choate, is a former member of the No evening service. street; $50 Reduction on a Frigi- teams have played one game more lems. It is particularly desired that should not be enjoined from dispos- Manchester High- school faculty The Week. daire, Lena Farr, 113 Center street, jjjg, theajewelry pending trial of ha-ving been connected with the lo­ than the others. High score for eve­ collectors be prepared to ask ques­ TODAY SUNDAY ning, McNeil and Connors, 97; sec­ tions, exchange views, etc. Set Monday, 6:30 p. m.—Children’s CIRCLE Bag of Flour, Mrs. Helen Don^ue, action. The order also requires cal institution when Dr. Austin A. Chorus. 7:30 p. m.—Beethoven The Pines, Laurel Park; Silver Savage, well known local dentist, ond high, Yost and Moonan, 94. programs with definite addresses, her to show cause why she should Glee club. Plate, Mrs. L. W. Wheaton, 19 not be examined before trial and was principal. have been intentionally avoided. It is Autumn street; Health-O-Meter The’ Manchester Community duo requested that these meetings be Tuesday, 7 p. m.—G Clef Glee club. FOR HIS COUNTRY I permit the service of summons by The modified English system of 8:30— Choir rehearsal. ' Scales, Mrs. Thomas D. Graham, debating will be in vogue in the will rim the usual public bridge called to the' attention of the treas­ substitution. Wednesday, 7:15 p. m.—Boy FOR HIS h o n o r : 14 Edgerton street; 25 percent on In an afOdavit filed by Mrs. Manchester-Choate meeting which Monday evening at the White urers, muncipal counsels, selectmen any Glenwood Insulated Gas Range, House. Prizes will be given and re­ Scouts, Troop 5. Schaper she alleges that in 1926 is to say that there will be no re­ of to-wns, mayors of cities, wardens Thursday, 7:30 p. m.—Beethoven FOR HIS GIRL! Mrs. Finley, 46 School street, loaf of she turned over pawn tickets for buttals. The purpose of this is to do freshments and a social period will of boroughs, chairmen of the gov­ Bond bread, Mrs, R. E. Camey, 35 follow the games. All bridge players Glee Club. the jewelry of Mme; Hempel and away as mluch as possible with the erning boards of lesser districts and Friday, 8 p. m.—Luther League. Locust street. asked her to pay the interest. Mme. so-called canned speeches. All in the community will be welcome. other officials interested. He drives the Hempel, she charges, redeemed the spieakers will be limited to ten min­ The importance of such confer­ California mail to jewelry and sold it to a third per­ SOUTH SIDE GOSPEL HALL utes except the first one who talks President Work of the Connecti­ ences is shown by the fact that a 219 Spruce St. victory In one of SURPRISE PARTY son and subsequently bought it for seven minutes lea-ving three cut Agricultural college will be the very high per cent, of all the money Sunday school 3:00 p .m. back again. During this period she minutes for the affimatlve conclu­ the most gripping guest speaker at the Manchester used for local governments must Gospel service 7:00 p .m. charges four two-carat diamonds sion. stage-coach races, Klwanis club’s Monday noon meet­ pass through the hands of the tax Subject: Man ^eth and is cut off, ON lOTH WEDDING were removed and inferior stones The week which closes today has ing at the" Hotel Sheridan. He is collectors. The amount now being yea, man glveth up the ghost and you have ever seen! substituted. been a vacation for all boys “ ^Tthe head »f the state institution at collected by such officials is approxi­ It is the Mrs. Hempel’s Reply girls attending school in Manchester where is he?” i Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Coe of Storrs and a 100 per cent, attend­ mately $70,000,000 annually And the A hearty in-vitation is extended to western h i/ Mme. Hempel’s reply to the but such has not been the case for ance o f the members is hoped for, Henry street were honored with a charges contains an order served on Messrs. McKeever, Johnson and jium is rapidly increasing. Pains­ these services, when the truth of of the year! surprise party at their home last Mrs. Schaper in which the singer especially as the contest is on. taking attention must be given to the Scriptures in connection with Cubberly who have spent much time George Glenney will furnish the at­ evening given by relatives and close declares she loaned $2,000 to» Mrs. studying and preparing their argu­ this subject. this all Important question -will be tendance prize. discussed. No collections are friends. The affair was in celebra­ Schaper in 1926 and took the pawn ments under the supervision of tion of the tenth anniversary of tickets as security. The order states Coach Jenkins for presentation taken. Mrs. Thure Hanson of Worcester, their marriage. The guests brought the tickets were for the cross and against Choate next week. with them a beautifully decorated a gold mesh handbag. She further Mass., is spending the week-end HOOVER BOARD STARTS wedding cake and other requisites states the redemption date on the with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. P. NEW PLANE ROUTE for a dainty luncheon, as well as a tickets expirefk that November and J. O. Cornell. handsome Chippendale mirror for that she had to redeem the jewels ITS WORK'IN HAITI Mr. and Mrs. Coe. 'The evening was at a cost of $2,600 and interest of THREE EMPLOYES NAMED A program of motion pictures wi’l Pro-vidence, R, L, March 1.— (AP) spent wfith the usual social pastimes. $494. She said she returned the be given this evening at the High­ —With Secretary of State Ernest L. Mrs. Coe before her marriage was mesh bag to her sister, but retained IN BOYS’ SCHOOL PROBE land Park Community clubhouse, to Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, March 1.— Sprague among the 11 passengers, Miss Bessie A. Anderson, daughter the cross which she valued at $3,- which all residents within and ouj.- (A P )—After a calm and peaceful the tri-motored plane “Miss Albany” of Mrs. Sophie C. Anderson of Ham­ OOQ. side the district will be welcome. night with no untoward incidents took off from the Proiddence Air­ line street. She was graduated as Lawyer’s Statement (Continued from Page 1.) The list includes a film on Chin, an­ despite emergency preparations, the port at Seekonk at 9:30 o’clock S-ys tlatioiiol a nurse from the Hartford hospital The statement issued on Mme. other on Big Game Hunted in Hoover commission on Haiti today morning for New York, inaugurated and was in service overseas during Hempel’s behalf by her attorney visor wais not looking showed me Africa, another showing 'the people -began its -work, the first session regular daily airplane service be­ the World War. Mr. Coe is super­ said: large ted blisters on his back and opening this morning. intendent oi the Carlyle-Johnson who live in the desert. Our gang tween the two cities. “Mme. Hempel regrets that Mrs. neck. They were caused by boiling comedy will be seen in “Big Show” Banner-bearers who had stood in The passengers included one wo­ Machine Company. Schaper has instituted such an ac­ water. A supervisor, the boy told and the Feast of Ishtar will be the street outside the gate of the man, Mrs. James H. Tillinghast, tion for which there is absolutely Excelsior hotel which is the com­ me, had held him and dropped the shown in a two real picture. •wife of the chairman of the Provi­ JEAN HERSHOLT and SALLY O'NEIL no foundation. Mme. Hempel has water down his neck because he mission’s headquarters, a good part dence Chamber of Commerce a-via- NEW WOMEN’S MEDICINE generously contributed for the care would not eat wormy bread.” of the night finally got tired and tion committee. The line is the of her family for many years and Sunday school teachers of the went home. However, they stuck “ THE GIRL ON THE BARGE” She said her boy was whipped Swedish Lutheran church met at the second New England line to afford has frequently assisted Mrs. Schap­ because he would not eat rice, their banners, neatly arranged in A Rupert Hughes Story With Powerful Dramatic Values. TO BE GIVEN TO WORLD parsonage last evening for their regular service to New York, the er. Mme. Hempel feels that the ac­ Supt. Boyd, she said, was not the flower gardens arid other parts Colonial line from Boston being tiie tion instituted by Mrs. Schaper is regiular monthly get-togpther. They even sympathetic when she com- of the yard outside , all the com­ first. (Continued from Page 1.) not of Mrs. acnaperSchaper’s s instigation.insugauon, g^e went to Governor remembered It was the birthday of missioners’ rooms. Consequently but is due to outside influence and Trumbull who nmml.qedpromised an investi-invest! Mrs. Cornell, wife of the pastor and when the Americans awoke this cation was that the extract induced bad advice.” gation. recognized the anniversary with the morning the first thing they noticed Her attorney, William M. Sulli­ “That’s the last I heard of it” she a basket of beautiful flowers. were the words “Desoccupation” an exceptionally healthy condition van, called attention to the fact and early maturity. said. and “Legislative Elections.” 3 Days that Mrs. Schaper’s attorney, Harry Tall Cedars taking part in 3 Days The Dosage. The State Department of Welfare 'The commissioners were to be Gobel, is counsel for Johannes Ad­ the Degree work are asked to be Starting He also reported that early tests in its 33 page report, it is, said also guests of honor of the United States Starting ler, a former Berlin voice teacher, urged that steps be taken to im­ at the Masonic Temple Monday eve­ Legation during the day when High indicated the basic dosage was .001 who brought a $50,000 suit against ning at 7:3Ci o’clock. Sunday Night I STATE I Sunday Night prove the condition of the buildings Commissioner RuSsell will give a re­ of a miligram and that practically the singer, alleging he rejuvenated the same results were obtained no and the quality of the food.v ception. Haitians of all parties were her voice and that she failed to Rogers and May of Hose Co. No. invited to this, but last night and matter how much larger the admin­ keep an agreement to compensate PLAN OTHER ACTIONS 2 were high men last night in the this morning m ^y of those who THE WHOLE WORLD AWAITS HIS FIRST istration was made. him by recommending him to pu­ Hartford, March 1—(AP)— The Firemen’s setback tournament held had been invited"published cards In Dr. V. J. Harding, professor of pils in New York. possibUlty that three other state de­ in Hose House No. 2, with ^80 the newspapers refusing to attend. pathological chemistry at the uni­ partments ha-ving partial jurisdic­ points. The scores: No. 1—625; No. TALKING — SINGING ROMANCE! versity, disclosed that the number of tion at the Connecticut School for 2—641; No. 3—575; No. 4— 567. To­ deaths occurring yearly at the FOG ON BRITISH ISLES Boys at Meriden may take action in tals to date: No. 1-^067; No. 2— WITHDRAW L IR E SUITS Toronto General hospital from the a move to do away with existing 6242; No. 3—5892; No. 4— 5963. The abnormalties of pregnancy had beer conditions at the school was in­ next sitting will be held at Hose Co. reduced by more than 60 per cent.! dicated by Governor Trumbull this No. 3 next Friday night. DISLOCATES TRAFFIC New York, March 1.—(AP)— during the past few years. morning. “Ten years ago,” said Dr. Hard­ That such a project, aside from The Ways and Means committee Libel suits asking $5,000,000 dam­ ing, “ we had an average of three or Liverpool, March 1— (A P )—One of the investigation into charges of of the Buckland Parent-Teacher ages each from three New York newspapers and a press and feature more deaths yearly from this afflic­ the worst fogs in years dislocated brutality, is under consideration, association -will give a public whist His golden voice at service, have been withdrawn, R. tion. In the past five years it ha.s shipping traffic on the Mersey river, the Governor affirmed, but he re­ and ^nce In the assembly hall of last In the fuU Randolph Hicks, personal attorney been reduced to one yearly, and if the Irish and along the western fused to comment further at this the Buckland school Monday evening glorious power of Scottish coast today. time. The probe into the allegation at 8 o’clock. First prizes will be for W. C. Durant, announced tLday. its magic! we have any in the next five years Mr. Hicks said he bad instructed it -will be our own fault.” More than 1,000 passengers at of cruelty on the part of four of­ $2;50 in gold. There will be four Liverpool who should have been out­ ficers of the school is still In the other prizes and refreshments, fol­ his colleagues in San Francisco, Los ward bound for the United States,' hands of the board of trustees, lowed by dancing. Angeles, Washington, D. C.,. and -\UTO FOUND IN RIVERD Chicago to withdraw similar suits Little Falls, N. Y., March 1.— were gazing disconsolately at the In connection with the move to­ Another sitting in the setback filed against newspapers in those CAP.)—An automobile registered in heavy pall hanging over the river, ward modenjiization of the institu­ these included 300 on the Montcalm, tion, however, it is generally known tournament given by the Masonic cities. the name of Alfred Dygert of Her­ The defendants were the New kimer was dragged from the Mo­ 350 on the Scythia and 480 on the that the state department of health Social club will be held this evening Cedric. has authority to make an annual in­ inethe temple clubroom. There will York Daily News, Telegram and hawk river today. Journal; International News Ser­ Mrs". Dygert said she loaned the Ferryboats Collide spection of the school, smd to pass be prizes and refreshments and all All day long there was an inces­ upon sanitary conditions; the state men are invited. vice, King Feature Service and In­ car to a neighbor, HenPy Brown, ternational Newsreel as one defend­ 29, to go to South Adams, Mass. sant clanging of ships’ bells and police have jurisdiction over fire sirens as smaller ejaft groped its , and the State Board of ant corporation; Chicago Herald Brown was not at his home today. and Examiner; San Francisco Ex­ Nobody was found in the car. way through the fog. Three Mersey Education has power to determine PUBLIC RECORDS aminer, Los Angeles Examiner and The machine was discovered by a ferryboats bumped into an Irish the educational standards. steamer during the morning, but' Washington, D. C., Herald. passing motorist who noticed that ------f — the fence separating the Mohawk not much damage was done. The suits were filed early in Feb­ valley turnpike from the river had Two channel mail steamers col­ FOUR DIE IN WRECK Warrantee Deed. ruary following publication of al­ been broken. lided near Belfast and other ships Clarence F. LaChappelle to Fred leged “false and slanderous state­ sought anchorage along the shores. and Margaret LaChappelle land on ments” in connection with a suit Clyde shipping similarly was held Oakland street. filed here by Mrs. Elizabeth Hudson, DON’T FORGET! up. Alicia, Ark., March 1.—(AP) — Reuben McCann to Robert D. former -wife of Percy 14 Hudson, Four bodies had been taken early to­ Tedford, lota 51 and 54 in ipaik millionaire broker, against Mr. Diir- $10,000 BLAZE day from the burned -wreckage' of Grove Heights addition. ant and Samuel Ungerleider, as di­ /PECIALUSED CAR Charles H. Bunzel to Edward J. rectors of the Ungerleider Financisd 3 f tank and box, cars of a Missouri Pa­ Hingham, Mass., Mar. 1— (A P )— cific freight train which was derail- Holl, lot 62 in the Bluefields tract, Corporation. DisplaiY This Week-end Damage estimated at nearly $10,- er and caught fire last night near on Victoria road. Committee Deed. 000 was done to the three story here. Four persoas were injured. at colonial mansion of J. A. Davis in By judgment of the Court of Com­ ADV. PRIZES AWARDED A ir of those killed and injurel. mon Pleas in foreclosure proceed­ an early morning fire today. A some of whom were negroes, were maid awakened by the smoke ings, land on Florence street from THE MACKLEY aroused Daids, his wife and three said to ‘ have been “ beating their Isaac Greenberg to tiie. Manchester CambridgCt Mass., March 1— (A P) “Moving Day” way” on the train. Jack White “ 1 , Latest Kelrotone I children 'Who were sleeping on the Realty Co. —Cyrus H- K. Curtis, Philadelphia One Continuous Laugh CHEVROLET CO. second floor but Lowell, a 17-year- Search was under -way for other Building Permit. publishers, was the winner of the and His Merry Bimd 1 Sound News | old son, was overcome before lea-ving bodies. Some of the cars still were Alterations and additions to sales gold medal among the Harvard ad­ 10 East Center, So. Manchester the house. Firemen found him on burning todaY although the track and service station at 22-24 Maple vertising awards for 1929. Five COMING—MARILYN MUJUBJR IN “SALLY»”—GRETA GARBO IN "ANNA CHRISTIE.’' the stairs. The home was valued at was cleared and traffic was resumed street, owner M. J. O’Mara, builder, cash prizes of $2,000^Sld four of Prices^lashed $50 $50,000. over the-iline. O. H. Smith. $|,000 were also pi^es^ted.

7 , , V Sunday School Lesson Jesus Teaching About re y ou ca n aiJforJ io tuy ^ooJ Jitmilurs,

The Internatloiial Uniform Son-! day School Lesson *ior March 2.1 Join Our 1930 / Jesus Teaching A ^ u t Himself. ‘ SECOND CONGREGATIONAL NORTH METI^ODIST Vv Matt. 11:2-6, 25-80. Frederick C. Allen, Mlntoter Marvin S. Stocking, pMtor O 0 o ' b y WM. B. GILEOY, D. D. Morning worship at 10:45. T he, The Church School ®jeets_a^ REFRIGERATOR CLUB Editor of The Congregatlonalist j minister ^ preach on “Pentecost.” , 9:30 aqd i^ foUowed by the W pr^p Nothing seems so strongly to T ^ commmion of the Lord’s Sup- Service at 10:45. The Sacram ^t of Protect your food and health wito a good refrigerator. Our 1930 ^ r ig e r a to r mark the uniqueness of Jesus as the p^r >5S?be™rved. The music: I The Lord’s Supper will be observ- troduces twenty-seven new models with liberal terms to everyone Who joins now. W e^ffet way in which the world has accepted , Prelude—Salut d’Am o u r...... Elgar ed; there will be a shortisermon for 10% discount on imy model wito terms ais low ais $1.00 down and $1.00 weeMy^ . In his reported references to himself. i Anthem.^—“O God Light of the Juniors; also amthems by the ij you receive a liberal, allowance for your;old refrigerator. (See our special window i^play Savings such as “I am the Way, ^ the World” ...... Henrich choirs, organ numbers by 1| of advance styles.) ' • r v-v the Truth and the Life,” “I will give Offertory—^Under the Leaves...... Driggs and the hymns > beginning; i YOU rest,” “I am come that toey \ _ ...... Thome. “Jesus, where’er Thy people meet,” mieht have life and that they might A ntiem ^“jesim'l "My Cross Have ‘"‘Never further than Thy cross,” and | have it more abundantly,” “I am the “Glory be to God on high.” • Life of the World,” and various Po^uTe-March in G...... Zundel. The topic for toe People’s Service other reported sayings that, would Church School is held each Sun- at .7:00 is that announced for last Sunday night, “The Place >f Wor- The subject the man who used them to a \ a ‘^^ o S S ^ S d e a w r Meeting at ship in the^ogram of toe. Church.’’ charge of egotism seem to us nat­ l / i fi-S )T o S c-^F o rm in g Our Opin- It is hoped that many will come pre­ ural and in no sense in discrepancy ti/ with Jesus’ teaching concerning hu­ ions'” L^ders of toe discussion: > pared to speak on this important Mar^guerite Smith and Harry El question. , mility, when they come from the j It has been proposed that toe J lips of Jesus himself. liott. Council meeting be held at toe close ' All this meEins that the unique­ Notes of the Simday evening sendee in­ ness of the man who thus speaks stead of Monday evening as an­ concerning himself has its roots and 9 Starting Sunday morning, March nounced. This will be an accommo­ its justification in the beauty of the 1 9th, toe pastor wrill preach a series dation to a number of our people. character of Jesus and in the sim­ of sermons on “Five Great Jolms of A very full attendance is important. plicity and purity of his teachings. History.” The heroes of Christian .50. Not Interested in Self. character and achievement whose Monday at 7:30 there be- a If we felt that Jesus bad/come lives will, in turn, contribute toe rehearsal of toe young people w ho. into the world as a selfseeker, uiat background for these biographic are preparing to give an entertato- his course in life had even those sermons are John Chrysostom, John ment at toe Hollister Street school, mixed motives that appear some­ Wycllffe, John Huss, John Wesley, i liarch 14th. A YEAR TO PAY times in the characters and careers and John of the Gospel. Tuesday at 7:00 toe Senior Boy's i of very able and noble men, we All men of the community, wheto- Club will meet for work. should not accept so reathly the p er connected with one of the Wednesday at 6:30 toe Captalns.i r churches or not, are heartily invUed references of Jesus to himself and to to toe Everyman’s Supper on Fn- and Lieutenants who are to make ] his place and mission. Even in con­ toe annual every member visitation j $10 sidering his deepest clainas there is day evening, March 7th, a t 6:30, will meet at supper. consciousness of the humility of sponsored by a joint committee of Thursday at 7:30 toe joint cona- FOR YOUR OLD thoroughly unselfish man conse­ j the two churches. Two fascinating mittee on 'Vacation Church School J | crated completely to God and to his ! ^eakers have been secured, Mr. will meet at 462 North Main street. REFRIGERATOR fellow men. ^ 'Johnston President of the s^^ rnFriday a a y at a:ou3:00 methe lauiesladies ...of toe j In many respects we have passed ful East Hartfmrd M gjnd! Foreign Missionary Society and the stage of ancient controverey, S?.®G?SS o ffiS lf effected with their friends-all who are interested bitter and acrimonious in a way that will meet with toe.W. F- M. S* ®f one would have supposed that all NOW When . 0.0 J f w c R . of . . the South Church in observance of thought of the Master s gentle the “Day of Prayer.” Miss Fay H. | teaching would have rebuked, con­ ““C t.ou ho that shou.d-coh.0, or do wo >ooh Robbinson, a young missionary bn 11 cerning the metaphysical nature of furlow from China, will be the ’ a whole lot about it. Jesus and his relationship to the ^su s answered and said unto them, Go and show John again those As last year the World Day of speaker. Her topic will be, “That Father. For many people today it things which ye do hear and see: ,, Prayer will be observed in the South Jesus May Be Lifted Up.” \^ill be almost possible to revive The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are Methodist Episcopal Church. The The meeting of toe Loyalty Club merely theoretical and speculative cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have this week will be oh Friday and the questions concerning the nature of date is Friday, March 7th, the h ^ r , toe gospel preached to them. , j • 3 p.m. The program i • be used is hour will be from 4:45 to 6:00. the divinity of Jesus. But the prac­ And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. The final meeting of the E. L. tical effect of that doctrine remains > * << “Th^t'That JesusJbsus May Bece Lifted WH; Up. mstitute will be held at RockviUe as deeply imbedded as ever. Men At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father,, Lord^ rd I. publishedp u m isn jointly w ^ y Boards y of all . ,de- Friday—supperFriday—supper at 6:30. The Ice-Meter feel as truly as before that in Jesus of heaven and earth, because thou hast hicl these thmgs from the wns. | Ho d ^ F o r^ ^ ^ Robin- The “Everyman’s Banquet” vdl\ we have the revelation of all that is and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babe^ . u. i qnn one of the younger mission- be held at toe Second Congregation­ highest and hoUest, that in h i ^ we Even so. Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight. aries on furlough this year from al Church Friday at 6:45. meet with that ultimate ^ spiritual All things are delivered unto me of my. Father; and^no^mM ^^fna. wiU be toe speaker. The The Junior Choir meets for re­ reality that we call “God.” 'eth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save women of all o u r Protestant hearsal Friday at 7:15—22 Hudson And now ....all the conveniences of an It wais the sense of unity vath God toe Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. churches are invited to unite in this street. the Father that gave distinction to Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will Looking ahead—A beautiful illus­ the personality'of Jesus in his earth- meeting to worship together, and trated lecture, “Through Southern give you rest. , j i better to be able to pray that “God electric refrigerator....minus the noise Iv life and teaching. It was out of Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly Europe to toe Passion Play at Ober- this clear consciousness of his one­ may make ourselves and our or­ ammergau” will be given Monday in heart; and he shall find rest unto your souls. ganizations worthy to uphold Jesus It is toe new senSonS^ dS^elSSS^ta ness with God that he spoke such For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. , _____ evening, March 10, by Rev. G. Stan­ words as we have recorded in our throughout the world.” / ley Helps of Chartley, Mass. n.T and baauaful retrtgeratc,t that ------ registering Ice-Meter that lesson. Perhaps it is worth while to metal cabinet, beautiful colors, easy,to keep cleM. nounced his mission, it was in terms to be fulfilled in their ears, he was shelves in ootof to mateh eaterior, CM. remember that Jesus himself never t h e CENTER CHURCH dwelt much upon the speculative or of the life of practical goodness as accepting all the obligations that THE SALVATION ARMY 1 leua wucxi pitbctric ice cuber. And toe most amazing feature— metaphysical aspect of his life and defined by the prophet Isaiah. that mission implied and was laying Adjutant and Mrs. Jos. Heard “ th a year to pay-m ado posalbla by our aauiatloh with the Allied Bh.r- the foimdation of that spiritual hour Rev. Watson Woodruff mission. “The spirit of the Lord is upon which enabled him to say “Come un­ Great street meeting rally to­ niture Buyers Syndicate. See it today. " - , It is true that we have many mys­ me,” he read, “because he hath tic sayings attributed to him, es­ to me all ye th at labor Md are All services in toe Masonic Tem­ night at 7:30 comer Birch and Main anointed me to preach the gospel to heavy laden, and I will give you followed by a great musical in the pecially in the Gospel of John. But toe poor; he has sent me to heal the ple Sermon what is particularly noteworthy is T G St.” Morning worship, 10:45. hall with Stanley Shephard from THE ICE CUBER IS HERE! broken-hearted, to preach deliver­ It was not an arbitrary power New York, toe famous cpmetist, that Jesus associated his mission ance to toe captives, and recovering by the minister. t and his claim to authority so essen­ that Jesus possessed. . The explana­ ' The music: leading. You no longer need an electric refrigerator to make of sight to the blind, to set at liberty tion of his life is not found in any Prelude, Grand Choeur ...... H am s Sunday at 9:30 toe company This remarkable new device will make them in 5 minutes with toe tially with the practical manifesta­ them that are bruised, to preach toe tions of the religion of love that he magic, place or preferment. The Anthems— meeting convenes, great excitement ordinary refrigerator. , Offered in two models, plam or electric acceptable year of the Lord.* power of his life in unity writo God He Watches Over Israel, from Tne prevails over toe contest between and is included wito nearly every Keith refrigerator. proclaimed and taught. 'When in the .Mendelssohn beginning of his ministry in his When he informed his towns­ was in toe completeness and fullness EUjah Reds and Blues, come and get into home town of Nazareth he an- men that that day this scripture was of its godliness. His life was an In Heavenly Love Abiding . .Brown the fun. Holiness meeting at 11 a. incaration of toe divine, and-that is Postlude. Andahtino ...... :^mont m. what we mean when we speak of The Church school, 9:30. Classes A great service will be conducted the divinity of Jesus, for everyone. on Sunday afternoon. Some illumi­ Gives Divinity to Others i The Men’s League, 9:30. Presi- nating information on toe Arrays We should never forget that his I dent, John Reinartz. Speaker, Pro­ prison work by our visiting specif, mission and his ministry were to fessor Geo. R. Wells. 'Topic: ‘‘The who has under his care aroimd six The Center Church impart to other lives the divimty Major Problems of Life. The hundred paroled prisoners. A great | that he had in full measure. An scientific solution.” „ • c. battle for souls at toe 7:30 service. | ALL SERVICES IN THE MASONIC TEMPLE. early Christian writer properly ap­ The Lenten Institute, 6:00. Sup­ Ensign Stanley Shephard who will per served by the Cyp Club. MORNING WORSHIP, 10:45 prehended this in speaking of the be leading all the services, is a most 1 disciples as being made “partakers Song Service, Ray Warren. Speak­ forceful and interesting speaker, an j CHURCH SCHOOL, 9:30 of the divine nature.” er Dr. Alfred Ray Atwood of Weis- A-1 musician, and a genial minister. | er! Idaho; topic: The Life and Land MEN’S LEAGUE, 9:30 Jesus stands in the modem world And the folks of South Manchester attested by his claims. They are i of the Cowboy, are urged to hear him at some or Twenty-six other models to select from. Beginning the never found to be more true, than all of the services. LENTEN INSTITUTE when tested in experience. The. The Week doubter and scoffer can never know Monday, 7:30—Troubadors with The Week 6:00 the reality of the matter, but toe Walter Joyner, 29 Holl street Monday night, Adj’t Maud Mazle- one who trustfully and honestly ap- Girls wood of New York and Ensign Lula ting Along with Ourselves”.. The TTT proaches Jesus with toe willingness Tuesday, 8—The Business Speaker—Dr. Alfred Ray Atwood i will meet with Lois ahd Frances Sehl of Boston wito toe Girl Guards leader will be Marjorie Crockett. of Idaho i to accept allau thattnat theme Mastermaatci is lo ableo.uac i •■------of-opf of Hartford wdll be here. ^ A male quartet will furnish to do finds these claims ^ p ly vin-1 H°^®^®^gd??^-Inasmuch arcle, Other services as usual. ' special music at toe 7:00 o’clock Topic: dicated in his own soul. He discov- weanesuay, , King’s Daughters will meet wito chapel service. Dr. Colpitts will REST “The Life and Land of the Cowboy” ers in Jesus alike the source of rest preach taking for his subject “When and o' power. Mary Hitt, 25 Pearl street. CONCORDIA LUTHERAN By George Henry Dole. Illustrated \ Wednesday, 8—Farce comedy, H, O. Weber, Pastor. Jesus Sang.” There would not be so many “Miss Fearless and Company, j In^m ational Sunday-School Lesson Text, March 3._ ^ ; * A Family Lenten Series ^ witnesses to the truth of that ex­ Cheney hall, auspices Women’s i The Week perience if the experience were not All-star cast. Tickets Sunday School, 9 a. m. (>me unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy Iaden,;aAl Federation. Englito service, 10 a. m. ■' Monday, 4:00^Junlor Boys’ gym. tw ill'give you rest.—Matthew 11:28. . itself vitally real. 75c and 50c. 7;30_Church school council meet- Friday, 3—^Union Day of Pray­ German service, 11 a; m. I ing. ______'• ■> ‘ 100 MILLION TO CHAUFFEURS , er Service at South Methodist For the . Week Tuesday, 2:30—W. C. T. U. meet­ Chicago — (AP) — The 'Chicago j Episcopal c^brch^ auspices^ Worn- If not in toe present, there surely*rest. The truth is toe.revfi*^e. No Tuesday—7 p. m.. Ladies Aid So­ ing. will be a time when every man will one can find rest from "vile motor club estimates private chauf-1 eri’s Missionary societies. Speaker, ciety. 7;00—Boy Scouts. r be numbered among those who passion, despondency, and’thA whole SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH feurs employed in toe United States Miss Faye^H. Robinson of CWna. Tuesday—8 p. m., The Young 7-30—Easter Drama,rehearsal. “labor and are heavy laden.” Then infernal crew without adlbn Ift,,, cost their employers a total of] Friday 7-Boy Scouts Franklin People’s Society will give a banquet Wednesday, 2:30—Ladies’ Aid Robert A. Colpitts, Minister. school. Note change in date. particularly is toe time to hear toe heroic battle imtil toe underworld oY;. $104,000,000 a year. in honor of toe cast that presented meeting. \ invocation, “Gome unto Me . . . and toe mind is conquered,, soydefeated, „ toe play “Tommy.” 4:00—Junior Girls’ gym. I will give you rest,” and to taste so overwhelmed by the love'Of toe ; 9:30 Wednesday—6:15 p. m.. Willing 7 :45—Fourth quarterly confer­ of its wondrous blessing and com- pure and holy that it dare rise , CHURCH SCHOOL Workers Society. ence or annual meeting., fort. Then'is toe time to cast toy to disturb. Wednesday at 7:30, Lenten V. Friday, 3:00—Day of prayer ser- burden upon toe Lord, and in a most The rest that toe Lord 'gives i.s^ 10:40 service. vice. practical way to learn of and to toe quiescence of toe evil in us. HS‘ Methodist Episcopal Church After toe service, meeting of toe experience His inward sustaining bestows it when by vigorous actioft^' MORNING WORSHIP Church Council. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE pQ^er. , the floods that would come into toe North Main Street Thursday — 7:30 p. m.. Senior Rev. E. T. French, Pastor. The great world wants, rest. It soul are expelled, and the ’sdqve o^o “JESUS MESSAGE ABOUT MAN” Marvin S. Stocking, Pastor Choir. has so felt toe need of it that once His spirit can find rest for;i^ foofc-'.- SUNDAY SERVICES: Friday — 7:30, Junior Choir; 8 - 9:30, Sunday school. heaven was thought to be a place None other than toe Lord-< ond of toe series of sermons on toe tervice. rest of toe sjfirit, from which come, life. One comes unto Him by follow-i'H. “Five Master Messages of Jesus” at 2'00, Thursday^ aftenjoon, wom­ as water's from a spring, poise^^ ad­ ing Him, by learning the-truth, and,',' toe 10:40 morning worship service. an’s prayer meeting with Mrs. justment to environmerit, inward doing as truth teaches. Ttw^upon. His subject 'Will be “Jesus Message Stephen PhiWps; 106 Hamlin street. peace, spiritual power, and emotion­ in each victory over weakness and.,; About Man.” The vested choir will 7:30, Friday evening, class meet- al calm. wrong, He will give a new to.-: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church sing two anthems “0 ‘Everlasting Inactivity, does not bring\spiritual which is toe rest promised.’ ’ Second Congregational Church Light” by West, and “The Shower” teg. ' .y / • . ■: i- ' - ' ’ ‘.r J Church and Park Streets. by Elgar. toe parish, house given by toe Girls vice in English at 9:30 a. m. Lenten - - Rev. Janies Stuart Neill, . The church school meet? at 9:30 ST. MARY’S CHURCH Service on Wednesday “ • Rev. J. Stuart Ndll Friendly society. -v Rev. Alfred Clark, Curate. a. m. ■ ■ A Wednesday,. (Mar. 5th) — Ash in German. Meeting o f Ladies’ So­ « Morning Worship 10:45 The subject at toe Bpworto Wednesday 110:00 a. m.—Morning ciety after toe seiMce. Y. P.^S. on Sunday, March 2nd, 1930. Quinquagesima Sunday League service at 6:00 will be “Get- 9:30 a. m.—Chiurch school. Men’s prayer. 4?^0' p; m.—ChUdrien''s ser­ ^ d a y at 8 p. m. Sermon: “Pentei^t.” Bible class...... SERVICES <10:45 a. m.—Holy Communion vice. 7:30 -p.: m.—Lenten service.. Anthems : “0 God,'Light of ithe World,” . .by Henrich Sermon by liie rector, SWEDISH CONGBEGAUCWAL 9:30 a. m.—Church School. Men’s Bible Class. Swedish Lutheran aiid sermon by toe rector/ Topic:— 'Regular rnrotings of toe various - S. E. Great, Mtelstw “Jesus i ‘My Cross Have Taken,”. . • • . .by Brown i'The Kingdom of God.”, ■ „ 10:45 a. m.—^Holy Communion and Sermon by the Rec­ >,3:00 p. m.—Highland Park Sun­ organizations wi” be omitted dur­ The Lord’s Sup^r ., V, * ing Lent.' " Moming Worship, 10:30 i^^m. tor. Topic: “THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” Church day school. Wednwday, (Mar. 12to), 7:30 p. Communion edtn .this segvtee. > > 7:00 p. m.—Evening prayer and m.—^Lenten, sendee—SpedM preach- Sunday, Schod, • 42.:00., m."i i ( 3 :00 p. m.—Highland Park Sunday School. Rev. P. J. O. Cornell. D, D., sermon, by toe curate. Topic:.; The Evening Service, 7:00 p' m-'- i School 9:30 > Cliarch and Chestnut Streets .. .er: Rev.’Thomas Richey of (jhrist 7 :00 p. m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon by the Curate. ■ • . ' c*. ‘ * Ca^ of Christ.” ^VV . i-;. " - cliiirch,'NonWch, Conn. * ’ MidweA Service W «he»<^. T:S0 Topic: “THE CALL OF,CHRIST.” 9:30—Sunday School and • to. Christian j^ndeovdr 6:30 . Bible Class. ZibN ' EVANGELICAL ^ ’----V-' Wednesday, March 5 (.Ash Wednesday) Services: ■'* Moitdsy, 7:S0 p. m.—Girls Friend­ '•LUTBiatAN. The White House was ftoit ‘ 10:00 a. m.—^Morning Prayer. ly isodety mestoiig.:. ’ J. ' puUic building erected' Hr WaslK WELCOME 10:45—Communion Service. !;Tue8dsy '(M»r. 4to) 6:80 p. m.-- Rev. H. F. R. Stechhoto 4:80 p. m.—Children’s Service. Sunday School at 8:30 a. m. Ser- ingten, i>. G, ; /i: 7:80 p. m.—Lenten Service. Sermon by toe Rector. . 4 ■ I ., ■ J^o Evening Service. Annual supper and entertainment in - .W^; ^ ' :^ ^y^*L4 ’■• .*:\ • ^ 4 • »- < S IklANCHESTER EVENING HE;kAID,:SQUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.i SATURDAY, MARQH 1,1930, P A O E ^ l

Sunday School Lesson Jesus Teaching About Himself iiO lttre can a^orJ to iujf ^ood jurtxiiursi

Xlw iwft—fifWowi Uniform Son- * day School Lesson for March 2. | ' Join Our 1930 ^ Jesus Teaching About Himself. SE€X)ND CONGREGATIONAL NORTH METHODIST Matt. 11:8-6, 25-30. Marvin S. Stocking, Pastor o o o ' Frederick C. Allen, Miaieter BY WM. E. GILBOY, D. D. Editor of The Congregationalist | Morning worship at 10;45. T he, The Church School meets REFRIGERATOR CLUB minister will preach on “Pentecost.” , 9:30 aijd i^ followed by the Worship Nothing seems so strongly to The communion of the Lord’s Sup- Service at 10:45. The Sacrament of mark the uniqueness of Jesus as the Protect your food mid health with a good refrigerator. Our 1930 ilefrigerator Cliib lit per wlll'be observed. The music: i The Lord’s Supper wUl be observ- troduces twenty-seven new models with liberal terms to everyone virho joins now. We offer way in which the world has accepted Ppelude—Salut d’Am our...... Elgar ed; there wrill be a short, sermon for his reported references to himself, j 10% discount on any model with terms as low as 31.00 down and 31.00 weekly. In a c tio n Anthem—“O God Light of ! the Jimiors; also anthems by the you receive a liberal allowtince for your, old refrigerator. (See our special window


SANDINCPS PLANS. has taken title to “Beaulieu,” the Newport estate which formerly be­ SOCIETY IN SOUTH Visit the INEW YORK SOCIETY longed to William Waldorf Astor No Safety First for John P. Vera Cruz, March 1.— (A P )— and will make the fourteen acre A ___ __1 Augustino Sandino, exiled Nicara­ tract her social headquarters this guan insurgent leader, and his com­ M cGovern summer. PLAYS 24 HOURS SPROUTING WINGS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carnegie By ALAN GOULD panions, embarked Friday on the Phipps, have purchased 800 acres In steamship Coahuila for Mera, Yuca­ «— tan, where he will resume his resi­ * Dare County, North Carolina, where JOBttTDToN THE L IN ^ dence. Before he left be broached Granite Co.’s Just When the Smart Folks I Just what kind of a game plans to form an “ Allianza Latina ’s Fashionables; ‘tfpec“ uo?,“°5S ^ Memorial, I spending a considerable part of each ' John D. Rockefeller plays has Americana” formed of representa­ ' puzzled many. Here are the i year in that vicinity. Sleep Is Matter for Seri­ tives of all the American nations. Exhibition Are Using Planes to and A number of the smart folk who i highlights of his game: Its purpose would be to disavow the { Never tries to break 100. already have homes in Westch^ter Monroe Doctrine. of county and Long Island have moved ous Consideration. ! Flays only eight holes In win­ from the Resorts. i to the country to start the planting ter. ------' I and prunning that make show I Likes to play one ball with partner, i j DON’T FORGET! Monuments and I places of their estates during the Palm Beach, Fla., Mar. 1.— (AP) New York, Mar. 1— (A P )—M an-; g^jjjmer months. Among them are I Not “safety first” golfer,— , I seeks accuracy, not distance. I Markers hattan’s fashlonaoies seem to nave,Mr. ana Mrs. j . rm n , wuu me Just when Palm Beach does its hattan’s fashionables seen! to have, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Platt, who are I Seldom falls t o “ connect;*^ ; SPECIAL USED CAR sprouted wings these days, so f a s t preparing a tulip exhiblUon to take j sleeping would seem to be a matter I keeps head down, eyes on the Ori^inaJ in Conception are tiey flying norti, south or west, Strafcun S 'g S s ? d Evllenoes ball. Backswlnglng Is extremely j Display This Week-end Moderate in Price for one set of gaieties aiid back ------| a-re that It obeys the poet s Injunc- I slow. I home again for another. In town a number of society’s j tion that “nights were made for I Uses wooden peg tee on falr- I . a t I way, but enjoys shot from sand 147 Xllyn St., Hartford In many cases the wings are lit- members are making plans for the . j^usic not for sleep,’’ while I trap. THE MACKLEY cral, for many of the smart folk | be^^n Mar?h 3,^S^thl PlaL | morning hours find tennis courts,I Never uses driver. Local Representative have taken to airplanes to expedite i ^id of the Russian charity socle- golf links and sea shore crowded, Averages 100 to 125 yards CHEVROLET CO. their wanderings, and aerial cos- {ty. Princess Serge Obolensky (the afternoons have any number of de- with brassie. Mr. J. Puller MitcheU tumes are now as important a part' former Alice Astor), Miss Olive lightful social events claiming at- j Does eight holes over stiff 10 East Center, So, Manchester ocean course in 50. Phone 2-4129, H artfo^ nf th^ir w ardrobes as ball eowns i Whiteman, daughter of former Gov-, tention. Palm Beach appears to be { Favorite exclamations are jSS v T ari^ fo^ei^J^fifldTonly I emor Whitman, and Prince Dimitri.' on the go about 24 hours a day. “ bravo” and * New England for the festivities in ' York and Paris has caused a decided Orland Beach, Fla.— (A P )—John each spot. 1 ripple on the social stream. Miss ' Storrs, who with her parents and j D. Rockefeller is no "safety-first” The devotees of the chase has-1 RAMON NOVARRO AT bister are at Whitehall, is extremely I golfer. JO/N tened to Aiken. S. C.. recently for j popular in New York, Paris and i The man*who mastered the Intrl- the barbecue supper which Mr. and, ; Palm Beach. Mr. Sickles is a grand-' cacies of the oil game Md big busi- 1 Mrs. Harry S. Taintor and their; THE STATE TOMORROW ‘ son of General Daniel E. Sickles of ness half a century ago, has found < niece Miss Louise Hunt, of New I ______Gettysburg fame. He is the son o f , an aid to long life and pleasure in ' York, gave before an evening meet- | Countess Napoleon Magne of Paris, conquering the subtleties of golf. T h e ing of the Aiken county fox hounds. i Musical Romance of ------I As a young man he probably Arrayed in pink hunting coats and, Tyjannleonic Davs W ith New Practically the entire winter never saw a , much less JC wellworn boots, they gathered j Napoleonic Days, wun ivew colony were guests at the birthday j thought of spending his spare time » around a great fire for the barbecue C om er in ou p p ort. party given on Wednesday after- , links. Manchester Chamber * supper and then, after the moon j ------noon by Edward T. Stotesbury of | Today, toward his rose, mounted their hunters and; Ramon Novarro’s long-awaited rode after the hounds for three first all-talking picture^ “Deyij May Philadelphia, in Gala celebration of i ho hours. iCare,” comes to" the State for ® | i finL °most satisfaction and benefit, ' Many of them lingered in the three-day engagementdt starting 1 was heldne a at El Mirasol.Mirasoi. Mr.Mr and “ ^7^1__ tv,o jg aummor during rm the summer on of Commerce South Carolina resort a few days for Sunday night. This ------musical ro.|Mrs Stotesbury received guests m courses at P^antlco Hills and polo, which has become increasingly , mance centers about the days of the log^a which was lavishly decor-, J^^S^ewood, or in the winter time on popular there. Among those w h o' Napoleon Bonaparte’s exile to Elba, ated wito flowers and tropical sandy stretches of the Ormond A Non-Partisan Organization Working generadly participate in the game , Novarro, as a lieutenant in Napo- plants. On last Sunday, following ! ggach golf Club, a mashle shot from, are F. Skiddy von Stade, Fred. Post • leon’s guard, schemes to bring an annual custom, Wr. stnffl.qhnru ■ .. John D. Rockefeller is shown (left) preparing for his first drive of in the Interest of All. • f tv, #1 V the Atfantic Ocean the season on the links at Ormond, Fla., and following through (right) and Frank V. Burton. . ; about the triumphant return of the tossed the first ball in the society Flays But Eight Holes Donated by ______j emperor and his adventures final- baseball game. Rockefeller is among the millions after the 150 yard shot. The forty-ninth annual costume I ly land him in the arms of ihe beau------of the game’s followers who do not ball of the KlI^Kat Qub brought, tiful Leonie. Edmimd F. AU3rne of Cleveland, "break------100” for------18 holes, .among the dunes von which it Is geot, are credited with three-fourths many of the wanderers back to New | Six new songs are featured in entertained an interesting company —Unlike ...... the others,----- ’however,------'—he j built. There are water as well as of the output. Four others make up York Friday evening to attend the the picture. Novarro, who in "The at dinner Tuesday night a t ' the does not even attempt it, for his gand hazards. It Is far from “soft.” a seventh. Sixty other , manufac­ affair which was ^ven at the Palm Pagan” demonstrated that he pos- Everglades Club. Among the guests winter “ round” is confined to eight i Throughout liis matches, 'lir. turers therefore are relatively imlm- Gardens ■ sesses a marvelous voice is aided were Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mc- portant in volume of output, al­ The Blish Hardware Co. holes of a morning. ' Rockefeller'is keenly alert to every ' by a male chorus. “Devil May Care” Aneeny, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Besides, as often as not, he will shot and situation, exchanging, though------„ ------some--- are - valuable in main- The Kit-Kat Club, which was or­ is one of the finest productions of j jamln Hopkins, Cleveland; Mr. and alternate with his partner In play-, pleasantries, rewarding a compan-. taining the prestige of the French ganized nearly fifty years ago, had the year. The supporting cast con- | j^rs.Mrs. Charles Chadwick, Chicago;_____ ing the same ball, in the Scotch ion>g ghot with a “bravo,” or. If very i car. Ui* tains Dorothy Jordon, a new comer, made its custom in the past to hold Count Serge de Megev, New York. foursome,style. He enjoys the nov-1 ^gll played, with, a bright, new Wlth this as a start, it is argued period balls at which the guests flit­ in the role of the haughty Leonie; William Rhinelander Stewart ar­ elty of situations and the possibill-' nickel. The famous dimes are dis- that French makers' have only to ted about in costumes of the Ren­ Marion Harris, the well known rived from New York on Wednes­ go further In concentrating fac­ “blues singer” ; John Miljan, and ties of team-work that this method ^ trlbuted only at the start and finish, aissance or other historical times. day to join the house party at of play provides. His favorite exclamation is “My tories, cutting overhead and in This year, however, any costume ex­ George Davis. Charles Munn’s villa, Casa Amado. standardizing materials and meth­ The surrounding program in­ The Rockefeller game is built on 1 Conscience.” cept military imiforms, dominoes or Other guests include Mr. and Mrs. accuracy, not length, on direction j , ------ods. cludes the Vitaphone act, Jack Craig Biddle, Philadelphia; Davis clownUIUWU suitsDUlUa was WCW3 acceptable. The ------, * , « AJ rather than distance, on a well-con- r i t n M A Y C D C Costs, it Is admitted by automo­ MANCHESTER RATING AND fashionables arrayed as court ladies, White and his band of s^copating Dows, Miss Alice L. B. Moats, I^ew trolled swing instead of power. IrKllINtn LAIl lUiliyiI\U bile engineers, could be reduced snake charmers and queens and entertainers; “Moving Day. a n ------York, and Lord Adare, London.--- The Student Of The Game greatly by general adoption of a danced until a late hour. i other roaring Vitaphone act, and ^ entire party attended the Sharkey • He seldom fails to connect fairly j few sizes of bolts and threads, for­ Tony Sarg, artist; Russell White-' the ever popular Metrotone sound scott bout at Miami on Thursday, and cleanly with any club, for he j DISUKE U. S. AUTOS mulas of steel and the concentra­ COLLECTION BUREAU, INC __a onri T T,pTifpiu. i Hews. going by airplane. head, 'architect, and Leo Lentelli, ; news. is studious in the essentials of keep- j tion of accessory and parts manu­ Member oi National Retail Credit AssociatiOD and New Eng-* sculptor, were among the costumed ______. 4. X J. „ , X , , ing the head down, the eye on the facture In a few factories. land Retail Credit Association. guests who attended the affair. | • An outstan^ngoutstanding affair^air not only of - ^ ^^m straight . . . . and . x, the . Paris — (AP) — American cars the past week, but the entire sea- ’j^ on the follow- aren’t exactly welcomed in France A number of the fashionables flit- KEN MAYNARD, ‘GIRL ON son, was the fifth annual benefit ^ by French car makers. Their real FIRE DESTROYS TELESCOPE. Room 12, state Theater Building, South Manchester ted to Bronxville recently for the j show staged by the Kiwania Club '' In ^ fact, ' Mr. Rockefeller gets h is ,------,concern, " . however, , - is not . compe Gay Nineties costume dinner dance ; of West Palm Beach at the Pata- b o S vigorously into the finish o f ■, tion here, but in other countries Crete, Neb., 'March l.-r-(APy-- — • 'V ^ which was given at the Field Club. | THE BARGE’ AT CIRCLE j mount theater at Palm Beach on his shot! from the tee or through ! formerly ej^rted mwe Fire starting from defective wirihg Even the smartest of the smart: ] Tuesday night. Billie Burke and the fairway. His backswing. on the | than half her caw. ^ s t year ex- late last iright at Doane college ob­ folk doffed the modish 1930 array to j ------Sam Harris produced the show in other hand, is extremely slow and i ports were only two-fifths, and this servatory here destroyed the build­ don costumes of the day when the j Ken Maynard appears once more' tSL? was^p?e?ento?”°A measured He literally drags the j year the exports_are running only ing and many valuable text books Credit Investigation ’ dowager Mrs. Vanderbilt and Mrs. on the Circle screen, this time in i array of talent was presented. A club-head back. one-tenth, says Charles Faroux, a and Instruments, recognized automobile authority. William Astor were among l^ h a t- “TheThe California Mail,”Man, which\\mcn headsneaas ^ of debutantes included appearing Frances in He averages around 100 to 125 tan’s leading hostesses. yards with any one of the three Since American cars sell well here Personal Collection Service" Mutton leg. sleeves, p^ch back Th^^^ ' Gilmore, New York; Nina Hand at double their American factory ter today and Sunday The c^ fea , Philadelphia; Katherine King brassies in this collection of clubs. frocks that fitted unusuaUy close to He does not use a driver. Through prices, they have an advantage in ArdmoVe. Pa., and Verones! waistlines accustomed to sports the fairway his caddy tees up the many places, though not In France New Car Buyers frocks, parasols and flop]^ flower­ ?aS\"n^r.Th1i^a«y Chicago; « r a Gail ball with a wood peg. Golf, for him, and her colonies. PiH on the. Bare-e ” I Chicago, sang. Leading members For years some industrial leaders Open Daily decked hats were worn. is not to be taken so serious as should Mr. and Mrs. William K. Loomis, “The Califomfa , Mall” presentsoccupied boxes Many to require theme extra uuiitu.tjdifficulty wxof ihave urged--o— standardization,------cooper- Mr. and Mrs. William Colt and Mr. Ken Maynard and^his equally fa-i preceded the olavinK the ball from any or every atlon by makers and removal of the inspect and ride in 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. and Mrs. Harvey McClintock were mous horse “Tarzan” in a picture i ______lie.^ 12 per cent de luxe tax as measures among those who gave dinners be On the other hand, the elderly essential to the French automobile THE HUPMOBILE , thrills. Tne story aeais vjam tne uu-, ^ . xj^ sportsman has on more tnanthan one ou-oc- Industry’s existence. Thursday and Saturdays Until 9 p. m. on to the nartV.party. livent of the fla-Ql-first ov-nresaexpress nmYinanve°mP“ y ; S S e U n b^M^ ^ !d M?s A casion cheerfully climbed down into Gradually there have come 4 Door Sedan -----:— , r, XX, o into the-thfr west. The'The "theme theme is * theLh'e! , ner dMce given ny Mr. ana Mrs. a . sand'traiw to **e^^ extricate a ball shot changes. Three French manufac- The St. stage coach and the part it Played I ^rivatorKenL P.g partner. Rarely, on his turers, Citroen, Renault and Pei^-; Delivers at $1235 postponed until late date in maintaining the nation during, tke Evg-glades Qub on W^dnestoy account, does he find the traps, order to secure the Civil War by keeping a flow , alght. so good is his control and direction, Continued for the Also hotel space, drew many of society s ^ pouring into Washington. I ^ 1! !nt W es Chance On Approach fe^nine contingent to the “The Girl on the Barge” has I u m b ^ s of^^^^^ out-^ ^ a ccu ra cy in t h e THE 614 DURANT ■ i ^re S eSuisito 5 ^ ofiShort game, whether it Is in ap- MONTH OF MARCH which picture. Jean Hersholt has the | *1 ^ , proaching from distances of aroimd 4 Door Sedan parties^------originally..XX given in X India X I| leadingjga^fing male role, into which he 1 h • ______, 75 to ^ 100qq yards of the green, or in where drumheads served as tea ta- • j^jg ability to bring out the Mr. and Mrs. John Sergent Pills- putting, is the high-spot of his play. , Delivers at $975 bles, is an old and favorite charity, gi^aracter of a mean-tempered old Our Free Offer T h is Beautiful bury, Minneapolis, entertained at Nothing pleases him more man to, affair, given annually for the benefit; gapy o ’Neil gives a spirited lunclieon on Tuesday at their Villa chip nicely to the green and he does i of the Samaritan Home for the ' performance in the title role, an Ig- of before placing an order for la Chosa, ha'vlng 18 guests, while it with regularity. ' Aged. 1 norant little girl who has spent her in the spirit of the real golfer,' a new car. This year’s benefit resembled a . a coal barge plying between Mr. and Mrs. Askel de Wickfield en­ tertained during the . week at Patio he pitches more often than he at­ flower garden as the women, clad in | York and Buffalo, tempts the safety-first “run-up” ■ Inspect our stock of frocks of dusty pink, torquoise blue Laraaze in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rubber Heels 3 - P i « j C e type of approach. Reliable Used Cars and cornflower sip tea and wander NOTED SPECIALIST DIES. George Wid'iner of Paris, who are guesto of Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. ,, Base^ on his scores for eight! past the booths which displayed the holes, which range aroimd 50, Mr. With Every Pair h^diwork of women In the home. Holden, New York. In the party al New York, March 1. (AP) Dr. were Mr. and Mrs. Richard B Rockefeller seems well able to do Their small sons and daughters of Soles Floyd Summer Muckey, a nose and jW. ^ Hall, New York; Mr. and MrsMrs. the nine in 55 but he finds a longer assembled in the small ballroom for throat specialist \who devoted the route now a bit too taxing. He stops H.A.STEPHENS Bathroom Set $89.66 a children’s party where a Punch Henry C. Phipps, Long Island; Mr. Nailed or Soled last forty years to a study of the and Mrs. Lyon Weyburn, Boston; at the eighth at Ormond because and Judy show, marionettes, and the green is beside the road, where Grako Waterproof Soles Used Center and Knox St. trained animals kept them amused.; science of voice production, died of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kearsley Mitchell, his car waits to take him home. Too, Tel. 5848 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 'There was also a fortune teller and a stroke of apoplexy last night while Miss Gertrude Conoway, Philadel­ seated at his home listening to a phia, and Mrs. Charles Minot Ar­ this seaside course is a stiff test, Selwitz Shoe Shop an artist who made silhouettes. well-trapped, wooded and rolling Countess Mercati, Mrs. Henry M. woman pupil singing Handle’s “Oh mory, New York. 1 Cor. Main and Pearl St. Alexander and Mrs. Otto H. Kahn Sleep.” He was 72 years old. • I were among those who reserved ta- He is credited in “ Who’s Who” X bles for the afternoon. with having been the first to give a working analysis of tone, to have - photographed a manooetric flame Many of the smart folk are devot­ 3 ing this season to preparation of and have made a demonstrating f: coxmtry homes for both summer and photograph of vocal cords in action. winter. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt I a widow, son and daughter survive. The Announcement Manchester Chamber We are especially pleased to announce that Manchester’s most progressive In­ JOIN THE TUST think what this means to yon in dol- of Commerce \ surance Agency, namely w Ian and cent.! A 3-piece finest quality, * attractiTely designed, beantifhl bathroom Mt at thiaamaaing low Working in the Interest of All price. And yon can come right in and inspect it before yon MANCHESTER purchase. Priee includes delivery in perfect condition, right to * and Holden-Nekon Co., Inc. your door ready for installation. Or we will quote yon onr money-sa'vlng completely installed price. Set includes comer tub, For the Betterment of Manchester I has been appointed our General Agents in pedestal lavatory and cioMt combination. CHAMBER OF Other equally rem arkable values in complete bathroom seu a ra this territory. The Ideal 3-Pieee Set consisting of leg tub, $ 5 6 .0 6 JOIN NO W! apron wall lavatory and clOaet com bination. ^ f The Royal 3-Piece Set consisting o f base tub $63.75 COMMERCE Through special arrangement that office will handle apron wall lavatory, and closet combination. \- Membership Campaign Feb. 28-Mar. 7 the adjustment of all claims. W e are antbociaed Bamea Enamelware dealers. Bay your y Donated by A » elware from na and aav^ money. TODAY Glen Falk Indemnity Co. TheW.G.GleimeyCo. ^ Glen Falk Fire Insurance Co. CARLW. ANDERSON, Inc. Plumbing— Heating Coal, Lumber and Mason Supplies • Automobile Dept. Office and Showroom 57 Bissell St. KEMPS, INC Allen Place Phone 4149 ' Manchester i iriij.: 7 : ^ A O E MANGflESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH JiANCHESTER, CONN;, ^*.&^TURDAY, MA^GH 1,1930

squad, with public hearing starting tu m ^ in _ says he merely, vi^ted' to ■view of two hotel pharmacies and four use. of the office of the American ward, Collum, Henry Cosgrove and casM. -. found him fifteen minutes after he place. ’ physicians indicted on proMbition Monday, ' , ‘ , Railway Express. . It replaces the Samuel Miller. Jr. Bbstonr-Jeduuiy Iniiiiano, ^ had received a warrant. 'Notes Leavenworth, K^-^Two convicij conspiracy charges. New Bedford, Mass.—New trial weltei^aigbt, outpoints Clyde Ht Cornelia Meeting. horse-drawn wagon,’'which-has been Mrs. Axel' Olsen has returned to serving 25 years ^ r Federal imaU Madrid—Spanish Cabinet pledges granted James Finan and Thqmae of Fort Worth; Tex., by wide aoari Th meeting of the Comelio Circle in use so many years. her home in Quincy, Mass., after car robbery n ear’'jChiciBJgp • OiKaps support to kini:; anti-monarchy po­ Brown, .both of Pawtucket, R.« I., in t ^ roimd bout. ' * • ROCKVILLE will be held at the home of Mrs. Second Night Of Fair spending the past week at the home prison by using j; forged trusty litical meetings to be forbidden. Hanover, N. H. — Twenty-flv^ George S. Brookes on Union street The second-night of the Firemen’s convicted recently of assault and o f her mother, Mrs. Otto of .Village passes. . V. robbery, after two other men con­ Dartmouth professors wire Ameri^ Tuesday afternoon, March 11 at U Fair say Town Hall again filled to Santa Domingo—Hostile political can delegation at London Nsyaj|, stroct* , Defiance, O.—Ltiaaiic kills Wife, fess crime. Past Exalted Rulers. o’clock. Mrs. Charles Mead will te J capacity last evening. The program Mrs. Ernestine Schribner of Free­ factions select General Urena, insur­ conference to make deterraSpled'; started with selections by. Stein’s wbunds police • chief' an d fw o othei'S gent leader, as provisional presi­ A large number of Elks were out about her trip to California. At the port, L. I., has returned to her home , Springfield, Mass.—Wesleyan Uni­ stand lor^^duction of armament-.J; meeting at the home of Mrs. Clara Orchestra, followed b^ fancy dance after caring for her mother, Mrs. in barricade battle .-and commits dent. versity Glee Club wins fifth annual ProAddence^'R. L—-Brown swin^ or “Past Exalted Rulers Night” at Keeney this week “International Co­ numbers by “Baby June,” 6, of Harriet White, who died during the suicide as besiegers’ djmamite shells Port-au-Prince, Haiti—Popular j New England Intercollegiate contest mers defeat Bowdoin team 56 to Ae Elks Home on Thursday eve- operation” was the topic, with Mrs. Hartford. She appeared several week. house. ’7; demonstration greets Hoover’s com­ j from nine other colleges for third with two , Brown nien. Captain Nor;^^ times. , Harry Taylor, announcing Washington—PuJ.lic utility con­ ilng. A county official was initiated Spencer Fitch the reader. Miss Harriet Busher of Chestnut mission on arrival. successive year. man Arnold and EJd Sittler, break^ >y the past rulers. Remarks were McKinley to Broadcast. the program did some entertaining Hill as spending this week as the struction program ./for 1930 totals ing New England intercollegiat^: himself. Miss Veronica Coffey, London—American naval dele­ ! Bangor, Me.—^Search of 200 Boy nade by former Senator C. Denlsoo Carl McKinley of Boston, for­ ‘guest of her brother, Kyle BusJier, $1,400,000,000.., v; Scouts for Frances Robinson, 35, records. ' -jj former Rockville girl, was cordially of Torrington. Chicago—Bomb. shatters night i gates deadlocked on “piracy clause ’ ralcott, Sheriff Fred O. Vinton, merly of Rockville, will be heard in to punish persons destroying mer­ ends with finding, her body by river \.rthur L. Spicfer and others. There greeted in several difficult dance Mrs. William Lutz »f Hale street club, wounding musician and en­ LONE DANISH AIRLINE a 45 minute broadcast from Station numbers. The accordion act of the chant ships in warfare. after death from exposure. vas a roast beef supper and an en­ WTIC, Hartford, Sunday evening is undergoing treatment at the dangering lives of merry makers. Parenos was a hit. Brockton, Mass.^— Assistant Dis­ Copenhagen — (AP) — Denraplj^ tertainment by professional talent. .A.pril 20, when he will play the or­ Hartford hospital. Washington — Mrs. L*rence Boston—Attorney General Warner Dance music was by Arthur plans to open inquiry into pension­ trict Attorney John W. Sullivan has a single commercial air sernc^ The following officers were noml- gan at the Horace Bushnell Memor­ Riphey, wife of President’s secre­ Passengers carried in 1929, totals^ Stein’s orchestra. James Rhodes, tary dies. ing of Patrolman Oliver. B. Garrett, a s ^ ls Jurors in Superior Court aft­ lated; Exalted ruler, Herbert O. ial Auditorium. The broadcast will er ' five not guilty verdicts are re- i.7^Q. k Plough: esteemed leading knight, of Tolland, prompted. Chicago— O fficer and employes former leader of headquarters liquor be from 8:30 to 9:15 p. m. » ^ Tonight 'Will feature Newton, the lohn P. Cameron; esteemed loyal Court Room Improvements. j mystery man, who escapes from a might, Edward L. Newmarker; es­ The police committee is making I coffin and handcuffs. Tom Stanley Overnight teemed lecturing knight, Lewis II. plans to improve the appearance of v/ill give a on e-m ^ minstrel show. Chapman; secretary, Michael J. the court room in the Memorial Mac’s Harmony Boys will play for Cosgrove; treasurer, Raymond E. building. A new table has been in­ dancing. A . P. News iunt; tyler, John F. Coleman; stalled and new chairs have been Fredrick Kuhnly 111 rustees, Claude Truax and H. R. ordered. j Joffin; representative to Grand Fredrick Kuhnly, jvho was to have Biblical Drama. appeared on a concert program at Washington—Mr. Taft somewhat :^odge, Joseph Lavitt; alternate, The' last of the Biblical dramas, Union church on Sunday night, will weaker. Tred J. Llppmann. ^ given on the first Sunday night of be unable to be here, due to illness. Columbus, O.—T-Snook executed for Local Man In Court. each month at the Rockville Metho- Mr. Brookes will give the last of the murder of Theora Hix. BEGINNING Stanley Dovnarovitz, 46, was ui 1 dist church, will be put on Sunday series of travel talks, “Camels and, Cleveland—Cleveland Plain Deal­ Corn in Egypt,” illustrated by slides. )olice court on Friday morning on i evening by the Vernon church. The er says sitook admitted to prison i charge of non-support. ,He serv- I title of the drama is “Ruth and Funeral of Mrs. Cahill,' warden before execution he deliber­ :d in jail on a similar charge, but Naomi.” There will be special music The funeral of Mrs. Ellen Cahill, ately planned Miss Hix’s slaying, vas released with the understand- by Max Kabrick. who died at hen home on Thomas i Washington—Senate rejects pro­ ng that he was to pay his wife $12 Children of Mary. street on Tuesday night, was held at posed gasoline and oil tariff. oer week for six montlis. As he The Children of Mary of St. Ber- the funeral home of F. H. Burke on New York—Police seek missing s out of work he claimed he could 1 nard’s parish will meet on Sunday Park street Friday morning at 8:30 1 Napoleon necklace sent here for sale lot make good. His case was cori- i in the church rooms. Members are o’clock and from St. Bernard’s by Archduchess Marie Thereao; val­ asked to meet at 7:50 on Sunday church at 9 o’clock. Burial was in inued until March 21. Dovnarovtiz j ued at $400,000. morning to attend 8 o’clock mass. i St. Bernard’s cemetery, with Rev. vas brought from Manchester on Auburn, N. Y.—State police fire Passes On. Francis Hinchey officiating. The Thursday afternoon by Policeman I , on plane flying over prison fearing I A new automobile truck arrived bearers were Thomas Dimlow,. Law­ :tichard Shea of this city. Officer |rescape plot; Cy Bittner, maU pilot. itudolph Wirtalla of Manchester in this city on 'Wednesday for the rence Monahan, Edward Ronan, Ed­ j e r Ecotiontieal TransportaitOH SPRING $10,000 CLEARANCE BANKRUPT STOCK < of the 4 BIG SALBsfavir A TO/WDRROW BENSON FURNITURE CO. >• X purchased by Keith^s will go on sale at the lowest prices in Manchester's Furniture History!! $ ONDAY’S the day—and Beiiaon’s is the place-for the greatest furniture event M we have ever attempted. Ten thousand dollars’ worth of bankrupt stock...... all the clean fresh regular Benson merchandise----- will be sold by us at' a tre­ USED* CARS mendous sacrifice in prices. Everything must go ----- and price will be the big appeal. It is a sale of furniture with the greatest value-giving ever known to Manchester.. -^WITH AN 0 ^ TH AT COUNTS a life time opportunity that no one who needs new furniture can aff.ord to miss. Don’t hesitate a minute___ Come in Monday and select your furniture. The next day may be too late for this is another case where the “early bird catches.the worm.” NOTICE__Due to the extremely low prices all sales must be final. Here is a bargain event without parallel in the history of f h u community! This great spring clearance sale brings to bargain seekers a once-in-arlifetime opportunity to secure EVERYTHING'S INCLUDED famous used cars 'Hvith an OK that counts’’ at savings that will be long remembered. WHILE IT LASTS!! Due to the tremendous popularity of the New Chevrolet Six, we have an unusually large stock of fine used cars. To Whatever your home needs you will find it here (provided you -come early) at prices that will readily justify all our.claims. Come in and.see for yourself how clear our stock quickly^jwe offer these splendid cars at low much value your dollars can buy when creditors’ demands must be met. Here is a sale prices that are nothing less than sensational. partial list of what the bankrupt stock includes. Buy a car during this sale at many dollars below its normal BEDS LAMPS BABY CARRIAGES price! Look to the red that counts” tag as proof of its BEDDING RADIOS PICTURES -quality and dependability. This tag Signifies that the car LIVING ROOM SUITES GAS STOVES has been thoroughly checked and reconditioned. Be sure v V ODD CHAIRS REFRIGERATORS to att^d this sale early! c h a m b e r s u i t e s UPHOLSTERED PIECES CEDAR CHESTS DINING SUITES NURSERY FURNITURE BREAKFAST SETS RUGS PRACTICAL TOYS Wide choice of four and six cylinder cars OCCASIONAL LINOLEUM FURNITURE LINOLEUM RUGS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS 1929 CHEVROLET COACH— Read that DESKS STAIR CARPET price! See this practically new Chev­ rolet—compare appearaneq, perform­ ance and reliability and you’ll prefer it 1928 Chevrolet 1927 Dodge to anything the market offers at any­ where near this price. Completely Don't Hesitate!! Perhaps Never Again equipped ready to drive away at a reduction ^ A BCD Coupe will you have a Furniture Sport Roadster of $ 5 0 ......

1938 CHE\TM)LBT 4 DOOR SEDAN— You can save money ■ on a Opportunity like this! Motor has been thoroughly re­ Pro'vides ample space for five passen­ slightly. used coupe. • Car com­ gers. Motor baa been thoroughly con­ pletely equipped, carefully conditioned. Car has wire ditioned. Not a scratch on the body. Sold “ With an O. K. That Counts.” 7 C checked and conditioned. With wheels, rumble seat and is very Special Sale price ...... eR aJ I a / an 0. K. That Counts. Special good looking. Special sale price 1928 WHIPPBT 6 SEDAN— Good look­ sale price ing and good mechanical shape. Ask for a demonstration......

1928 CEIEVROLBT COACH— Beautiful condition throughout. Tires d»Ort|g splendid. Sale price ......

1926 OLDSMOBILE COACH—Mighty good looking and splendid 5 passenger “buy” for the right party. ^'6 g Q South Maridiester SaIq priCB «*••#••*••••*••

BUY “OKV USED CARS FROM A CHEVROLET ’ DEALER At Benson’s Store The Mackley Chevrolet Co^, Inc. -Main Street at Brainard Places- 10 EAST CENTER STREET SOUTH MANCHESTER


and will put the bootleggers and attacked the spectator and, when "Good Morning, Mr. Zip, Zip, Zip—With Your Hair Cut SE the racketeers out of the Rolls- the latter fought back, shot him. 9 ,V'. • y- Royce class. \ Then he took to the woods with a as Short as Mine!” V Cttnthig BnaUi And all this has nothing’ in perfect arsenal of weapons and, re­ solved not to be taken alive and PUBLISHBO BX THB world to do with whether it is HSRAXiO PRINTING COMPANT, INC wrong or not wrong to take a drink. hanged for murder, shot a police of­ IS Blsaftll Straet Join The South Manchester. Conn. There are thousands of ingfrained ficer who undertook to arrest him. THOMAS .PI3RGUSON things people do that are wrong. He was himself wounded three < General Manager . We can’t, however, smash the world times and captured. Incidentally Pounded Octotxfr U . IM l to pieces to get rid of any; one of I neither victim of his gtm died. Chamber of Commerce Published ifiverv Svenlng Bzeept them. What we can’t understand about Sundays and Holidays. ECnter^d at tt this affair is how a man so pctulent Post Onrice at South Manchester. Conn., as Second Class Mall Matter. BACK TQ m s START and so reai^ with firearms ever SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, by mall ...... $6.00 Simon Lake, of Milford, subma- lived to be/ seventy-two years old Per Month, by m all...... $ .60 fine inventor, is seeking a contract j —which he is. Most of the bad men The Chamber of Cdrhm'eree delivered, one year ...... $9.00 ^ - i . Single coD lei...... $ -Ot with the federal government imder of frontier history died in their which he would be authorized to | boots before they were forty, in a community is generally the MEMBER OP TRE ASSOCIATED PRESS salvage the treasure supposed to lie The Associated Press Is exclusively in the sunken hulk of a British ship entitled to the use tor re^ubllcation recognized leader , in any worth of all news dispatcht-a credited to tt which foundered in Long Island IN NEW YORK M- or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local oews pub­ Sound near the entrance to the lished herein. East Rivier in the eighteenth cen­ New York, March 1—H a liveried while civic enterprise. All rights of republlcatlon ot pantryman in the maSSion of the special dispatches herein are also re­ tury. If memory serves aright the served. John Chandler Moores at 17 West ship was carrying the pay of the Seventieth street, Manhattan, were SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ British army in New York during to forget himself so far as to heave SENT.* "’I VB: Hamilton - DeLlsser. the Revolutionary war. At all a bit of bric-a-brac at a yodeling W e are glad Inc.. 385 Madison Ave.. New Tork. N. tomcat in the rear areaway, the to support the' V.. and 612 North Michigan Ave.. events she has been the subject of Chicago. 11I& chances are that the crash, would one such,'.contract, issued^to one occur within a few inches of the na-' lockl Chamber in its forward D’ull service clleni "NBA Service. George Thomas of New. Jersey, tion’s-most socially sacred’spot. Inu. who never'succeeded in finding the Of course* no such incident ’ is Member. Audit Bureau of Cl.cula- ttuns. wreck though he dallied t^th the likely to happen. To begin with, no looking program and urge every wise New York cat would ever scheme for years. He has long been The Herald Printing Company, Inc., wander into the back yards of t ^ assumes no financial responsibility dead. ‘ Seventies, where the schnauzers good citizen to join us. for typographical errors appearing in If Mr. Lake succeeds in-' getting i bark only at wolfhounds and the advertisements In the Manchester wolfhounds never forget their dig­ Evening Herald. his contract he intends to employ nity. Nor would a pantryman, a SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1930. his privately owned submarine, the second man or a butler ever 'allow Defender, in the search. She is himself such a vulgar display of in­ NOT A QUESTION OF WRONG equipped with a compressed air disposition. chamber out of which divers can Drys do not understand wets and Be all this’ as it may, the Social wets do not understand drys. In the conveniently operate. Regrister Association —having made WATKINS BROTHERS course of a very able argument The mos^ interesting thing about its hazardous way through the 55 YEARS AT SOUTH MANCHESTER against prohibition embodied in a this is the fact that after thirty names of the social elite — comes forth with informatibn of extra­ years Simon Lake is now returning letter to the Hartford' Courant John ordinary value to the geographers J. Fleming, writing from New to his first purpose in enteidng the of that rich little kingdom called York, says: submarine construction fipld. He Swelldom. It is to the effect that the state was not obligated to ac­ “Is it wrong to drink alcoholic built his early "Argonaut” with the the South Pole of swank has some­ cept the provisions of the act if it how-slipped north by east, and now) bcverages?-No person of normal intention of . using her to scout the HEAUHdJIETADVKE did not wish to match the federp^l lies in what would be'a back yard j appropriation and in the second case f ^ Di* Fkwnk McCov « reasoning power will answer in the floor of Long Island Sound for were it not for the fact that in this | QB- the gpround that a single tax­ affirmative. Then th% Eighteenth sunken coal cargoes. She, also, had particular neighborhood back yards j payer’s interest was too remote. amendment and its enforcement a compressed air , become areaways. i . ' ! Emery argued that while it was Only a year ago or more, this i statutes are stupid attempts to make besides deadlights from which the within the purview of Congress to pivotal point, marking the exact pass one of the old age pension bills, a crime of an act that is not wrong surrounding waters could be sur­ center of social aristocracy, was out t mmf dtMMjfmcr i it was up to Congress to act on a by any honest standards.” veyed. She ran on wheels, like a in the center of .the, street, where A NEW VIE^OINT ^correct combinatipns of food will in- principle of “constitutional moral­ Right there Mr. Fleming is wagon, when on the bottom. motors could pass casually oveij it ity,” upholding the spirit of t^e Con­ and mere pedestrians scruff it up. I crease your eisslmllative functions. Lake was diverted from his origi­ stitution regardless of the supreme ■ wrong. He has not, we arc sure, fully But a couple of years have moved it Today-1 wish to urge you to ac-' and you will avoid the distress at- , , - . . . quire a. new point of view about tendant upon food battles in your | ® ^iR^sdictlon. E. A . Lettney ffeswiTwelghcd the meaning of “normaJ nal purpose by...the development of backward. 'reasoning power.” Th6 normal rea- the submarine as a military ma­ The point of all this, if it seems food. You have probably selected alimentary canal. ' ' Main St. your food principally because of its A few minutes’ daily study of Great Britain’s annual liquor Manchester -soning power-of the human race is, chine and never did anything along a bit obscure, is simply: that every bill totals more than $1,140,000,- two years the geometricians, geo­ agreeable taste, or because it filled these diet problems will bring you the line of his first intent. Now, in 000. .. j > after all, rather limited, its develop­ graphers and such of the social you with a coinfortable feeling of rich rewards in increased health and ment being badly interfered with by bis advanced years, he is going back register venture forth to find out contentment; or, perhaps, also be- vitsillty with which to carry on your PLUMBING and inherited prejudices; really clear to. Hie plan ou which he embarked the exact-point at which New York cause having these filling and tasty life work. properties. It Could be secured at a ------reasoning is, we candidly fear, su- in early life. society wears the largest capital S. There’s Nothing HEATING I t is done by means of a city map, nominal priee. If the “pleasures” of QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS jf “ pernormal. Finer than a upon which are pinned little cards the table were the only things to ------SPECIALIZING IN So that there are, as a matter of NOT FATAL ALTERNATIVE bearing the names of those folk consider, this way of selecting food (Automatic Heart?) would be as good as any, but the Question:—Mrs. W. M. asks: STROMBERG- 1, fact, plenty of people entitled to be We have expressed the belief that whoes names are written large In the register. The particular neigh­ same'cau1;46n must be applied to the “ Will you be kind enough to tell me ^ regarded as normal reasoners who the best way to get along w itb the CARLSON borhood which is most densely popu­ use of food that you would use in the meaning of an automatic heart, Sheet Metal I do, very decidedly, believe it Is communists is to let them talk, let lated by the socially eminent is thus regulating any other acts of your and is it dangerous?” ' life. ' Answer: The heart always works wrong to take even a single drink them parade— within rationsil' limi­ discovered. KEMFS / of any sort of intoxicant. There are tations—let them blow off steam, This district is then geometrical­ Although we do not often pause automatically, so I do not know Work'\ ly' and mathematically bisected un­ to 'philosophize as we are doing now, what you mean by “ autopaatic” • plenty inore, of average reasonable­ unhindered. But that isn’t saying Now the time to have heat­ til an exact center is found. ! it is nevertheless true that our or- heart. Perhaps you mean either an INCORPORATED ness, v^ o see no harn^ whatever in that such a way is the only way After which, everyone spears dinary acts of everyday life are gov- athletic heart, or what is called an 763 Miiin St.. ers cleaned and repaired. Give erned by deep seated conscious or abdominal heart. Athletic heart is a glass or several glasses of hard or that tany other way Is necessar­ another walrus and goes home. South Manchester us a call. Prompt service. I cider yet who would be genuinely ily a fatal mistake. Sohietfmes, to Those intrepid navigators and ex­ unconscious principles which are one which has been enlarged Phone 3036. plorers who care to meet the dough­ often called laws of nature. The through hard exercise. The one shocked at the idea of drinking a punch them and' knock them ty butler in his native jungle ckn first of these has been aptly called called abdominal heart is where the bottle of beer, much more an ounce aroimd,-while it may not be sis good take a chance upon reaching the the law of self-preservation. You heart has been displaced into the of sound whiskey. There are peo- a way of handling them as\ the spot marked with the Social X. are- constantly on the alert to pro- abdomen. i pie in New England who haven’t other, is not without its valimblc Climbers, we are told, have a bet­ tect yourself gainst bodily harm, ------hut you do not often stop to con- (Iodine) ^ been technically and completely points. ter chance. However— making our own sur­ sider that you-may be slowly eating Question:—L. L. S. asks: “Is it I sober in forty years, thanks to fre- Anybody who is frightened by vey from without — it has been yourself to death. safe to use iodine internally to stop ' quent visits to the cider barrel, the gabbling and hullaballoo of the learned that the South Pole of You avoid prinking a strong pyorrhea?” who couldn’t be hired, bribed, ca- reds is assuredly lacking iii cour­ swank is^ surrounded on one, side by poison because you know of its im- Answer: M ^y dentists use iodine mediate dangerous effect. . If you locally on the* gums in treating py- f ' joled or bullied into tasting any the Frick art memorial and man­ age and in faith in his country. But sion: by the Grayson Murphys, the make a thorough .study of the ef­ orrhea and it is often used as an in­ '-i other liquor and who vote dry and there are other aspects of this Le Roy Baldwins, the Marshall fects of food upon the body you will ternal remedy. I do not believe the I think dry—sand yet are reasonable thing. Fields , and the John Wing Pren- soon learn that slow poisons are internal treatment is necessary for enough persons in general. When communists parade they do ticess’. being constantly developed by diet­ the cure of pyorrhea, but in case - V V There is another class of persons, etic errors and, although the results you do use this treatment you must for the carji not parade like other people. They The social registerites would have are slow in action, they are none the do so under the directions of a phy­ fairly reasonable, who think it is do not go out on the streets to the world know that the hub of less sure. Study, then, how to select sician who is familiar with its use. wrong to take a drink—not terribly show off imiforms and good march­ aristocracy may be expected to and proportion your food so as to The right dosage must be taken to wrong, but a Jlttle; and who get a ing and the effects of discipline. move g^dftally northward. All of avoid this food- poisoning and thus suit each jjarticular case or one is .which is; extremely valuable to real preserve, anh prolong your life. liable to suffer from iodism from tremendous kick but of swallowing They go out to start trouble;’ 'They “ estate gChts, who are interested in ■Tha-desire to achieve success Is taking overdoses of this remedy. GOLDEN a row of very bad cocktails just be­ go out to annoy and.hamper the having their property values affect­ an everrpreaenf longing which may cause it gives them a feeling of ordinary processes of civilization. ed by surrounding social signific­ be realized ^ only through having a (Removing Wrinkles) devilishness. They feel very sophis­ They put themselves In the way of ances sound mind' in a sound body. The i Question:—Mrs. H. asks: "Can and ask far a d4monsfrafion successful^ man -will always achieve you suggest a good prescription for ticated and venturesome about it, traffic. They • intentionally make This is a neighborhood, incidental­ more irhe lives a prudent life. The | removing wrinkles? I don’t know because they are being delightfully nuisances of themselves. ly, where shutters will be found early deaths of these same success-! virhat to buy, as there are so many naughty. And right there is to be found upon the windows and boards over ful men. are brought alwut when removers from which to choose.” Sp there are reasonable people the reason why- the police let them­ the doors during a considerable por- they'becdme___ self-satisfied and turn ,I Answer: It is______o dangerous_____ to______use who believe that there isn’t any tion of what Ed Wynne refers to as i themietvee over to injudicious gor-! preparations for removing wrinkles; selves be exasperated into violence. the physical year.” The winter sort of wrong in the judicious, con­ maAdiidng. ' I except as they are used by trained They imderstand perfectly w,ell that season finds most of the jregisterites If the''same sensible rules they cosmeticians. Sometimes liquid p re -! trolled use of alcoholic beverages; the reds, whom they quite natural­ in Florida and way points and, the have applied .to business were used parations are used, and others use i and there are reasonable jieople ly regard ^as dirty littl.e .ra^, are summer finds jthem headed for the in the regulation of their physical a peeling induced by a burning from j ‘FkifOpeanCpday/s^ts and the cooler who think it is’ all wrong; and there daring them to do aii^thiflg. And habits, those dynamic leaders in our the ultra - violet light. Massage i climes. Many-, of, the houses seem arc reasonable people who get mud­ commercial world would find equal f treatments can then be given to the j they see no reason why, in” the face usually to be in the hands of ser­ success in the cultivation of good | skin and ice applied several times | dled on one side, like the cider- of such a challenge, they should vants with no one to serve but health. daily to produce a good blood circu­ .soaked dry and reasonable people grant to the haters of government themselves. , Consider as carefully the quality, lation. The very small wrinkles can who get muddled on the other side In the key section of the South quantity, and mixtures of your foods be almost entirely removed by such especial favors that would not be Pole of swank, however, one .finds like the naughty-thrill wets. as you do the quality, quantity and methods, but of course the large eitoer asked by or granted to ordi­ that the “gentleman qf the house” mixture of the gasoline supply for ones'cannot be changed except by And they all thinlt that every­ nary citizens. ^ ' is, aimost'^inval'iably,' ah active and your automobile. The flavor of the facial surgery, and the final results body else lacks normal reasoning So it frequently happens that a important; man of affairs. A check right food is just as delicious as that of this method are very disappoint­ power. of a dozen names show the business of wrong food. Eatinig Uie proper ing. I will be glad to send you a cop pastes a red in the eye o^.clouts address almost ' invariably'to be Our position, in this, matter la ^ * ijuamtlty will^ leave you with, a more special article on this subject if you him, a good one on the jaw, or that some banking house in Wall^ street lasting feeling o f contentment than v^ll forward a large. self-addressed that, whether it is wrong to drink another cop seizes a screaming har­ or some corporation-headquarters, j comes front stuffing. The use of stamped envelope. - in High! \ intoxicants or not, prohibition is ridan of a girl and gives her the . GILBERT SWAN. 1 On the streets of this city today with superior performance. raising rim; that it is breeding the is the Oakland Eight demon­ Until December bum’s rush. They might do worse. Signal the driver for a demon­ I9th, 1929, Quaker most dangerous class of rich crimi- In spite of the fact that it is possi­ place the immediate dollar above strator, marked on either side stration—or come to our show­ human rights.” Hill near Baltic uals that any country in the world ble to do better. I by a large GOLDEN ROCKET. ' room. Learn that the New more had never Most of the testimony before the Tiaa ever Seen; that it is imdermin- The driver is ready to stop antf Oakland Eight is not only fast been climbed in committee stressed the increasing give you a demonstration. ing our culture and our American , A PARTIAL REASON problem, of dependency. It was and powerful, but unusually high gear by any III closed car carry civilization and gradually making The Middletown Press is impress­ " per*; LEfTTER pointed out that with the reduction The GOLDEN ROCKET is a sym­ smooth. See its new, smartly ing five passengers, us a lunatic nation instead of the ed by the circumstance that the of the age deadline in Industry more bol of treniendous speed and styled Fisher bodies. Then BY RODNEY DUTCHER ^ to the neglect of aged persons in the and morc'^people. were being turned you'll know that General according to all most rational ^ d self controlled state of Texas, with three times power. And these ore also available records. . NBA Service Writer. only industrial country in the world out into the rknks of the unem­ one on earth. Connecticut’s population, is repre­ ployed and that whereas many per- characteristics'^ of the New Mbtors' new eight offers o high On that day a Netv We recognize alcohol to be a tre­ where-ho system has been created to sons, once depended on the years Oakland Eight. Its 85-horsei degree ofowner satisfaction at sented, among America’s foreign- Washington, March 1.—Advocates Oakland Eight ac­ mendous problem; but we don’t be­ aid them. / after 45 or 50—with children grown power eight-cylinder engine on extremely, moderate pricel complished this going tourists, by only two-flffhs as of old age pensions were encour­ lieve it to be the only one or the ^Tt is significant that oijly the apd self-supporting—to ac'cumulate develops one')horsepower tP ' The New Oakland Ei(ht, $1045 and up. dramatic feat, pre­ many travelers as this state. f. o. b. Pontiac, MicMganyplua deUrery aged by the reception their views Nationail Manufacturers’ Associa­ savings, they no longer can count on every 37 pounds of cor weight. senting additional greatest one that this country has We like to glorify Connecticut, that final productive effort. chargea. Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock Ah* received at the House Labor Com- tion, which has . opposed qjl social Jhot is why few cars con equal torbers included in li»t prices. Bumpers, proof of its right to face. We believe national demor­ The witnesses on behalf of the too, on all possible occasions,, but mittee’s hearings on various bills lo '-*^^**® witnesses on oenait oz tnc its remarkable speed, pass it , resr fender guards' and ssiring covers to be called *the '1045 alization is a greater evil than any havine to do vrfth old aee s^urXi ' tooughout its httory, is American Association for Old, Age mtrm. General Motors Timp Payment we shouldn’t care to make that naving to ao TOtn OlO age security. -MII TniRmilHmllv flo’hHnfrtfKiIo locria. irnfV,/,,. TnVin A on the hills, or match its pick­ car with superior AND UP degree of nationEd drunkenness that still misguidedly fighting’ this legis Security included Father John A. 'man available at minimum rate. performante'* break within Texans’ hearing, ^ for There was little opposition ex­ lation. There isn't an industrial up.in traffic. Watch it for o this country has' ever experienced. Ryan of the National Catholic Wel­ Consider the delivered price as well at the comeback is too obvious—aljout pressed and members of the /com­ group'abrofiid which doesn’t believe fare Coimcil, Rabbi Edward L.’ Israel few minutes, and you will ' the fiat (f. o. b.) price when comparing America survived successfully a mittee/appeared to take a sympa­ automobile valuM. . . Oakland-Pwtiac Texans being able to do all neces­ that,ttie old age pensions systems of the Social Justice Committee pf know why it is called "the car period in its early history when thetic and informed interest. established in other countries have the Central Ck>nference of American delivered prices include only authorized sary traveling without reaching the Although no one expects passage . chargea for frei^t'and delivery and tba hardly any man of affairs went to proved i g r ^ t blessing to industries Rabbis, Edward F. McGrady of the charge for any additienal accessories borders of their own state, while at this session of any bill providing themselyes. Last • year I went to bed at night completely sober. But American Federation of Labor. Wil­ or flnanclng desired. *20 Connecticut people Jiave the choice an appropriation for pensions, some E u ro^ and Interviewed dozens of liam N, Doak of the railroad she will not be able to survive the of beating it for elsewhere or/re­ hope is held for the Sirovich resolu­ En^fib; French and German manu- brotherhood and Harry W. 'Laidler tion which would create a Congres­ .elevation of two or thre^ million maining on a leash, so to speak. facturcfs and nowhere did I find of the Socialist party. bootleggers Into a moneyed aristo­ sional Old Age Security CJom^s- any strijiig gfoiq> of them' opiwsed Call it Unconstitutional. sion of^ 10 members appointed to to old pen^idons. cracy. James A. Emery, counsel for the THROUGH THE YEARS make a thorough study of old age- “ The onlyi opposition left in this manufacturers’ association, ap­ That is, primarily, why we want 'There is one puzzling phase in the dependency in the United States and country is due to the short-sighted peared against the bill. Committee of the different proposals for rellef. 'to see and hope ^o see the present case of Edward Durant of Shelton, Mlicy of propagandists. Many of members discussed with him the noble experiment abandoned in fa­ Seek to Arouse Sentiment. Ameriqa'a biggest business men have constitutionality of federal old age this. state. Durant was i;epairing- a “These hearings have been of tre­ wrttfcaa ua tp .tell ua of their hearty vor of some restrictive system of pensions, pointing out that when chi(iken house when a spectator idly mendous educational ralue,” ' says support. The framers "of National both the state of Massachusetts a ^ ^alcoholic control that the people inquired the sense of putting such Abraham Epstein, the executive sec­ Ma^ufdcturera’ Association policies a private citizen brought actions support; some system that will a good floor in such , an old shed; retary of the American Association are'afraid,.bid age pensions sya- against the Sheppard-Towner Ma- ' AUTOCO. ?or Old Age Security.. "Th«...pSenU'' tems.'yrtll CQHt them a little money, temlty act the supreme court turned rsBUine and candid and honest whisreupoa Durant flew into a r ^ e , ment of Axnerica has 'teen arotued '^ en «re irtiU many people \(rho down both, in the first case because I 599 Main St. Hotel SheridaR Building, South

4 ( A- ■■r ,, :.0 ; 'y - ^ > : k .rr:- •.

iiR EVENTNG HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER. 0 0 / ■> , SATORDAY, MARCH 1,1980. . MA V ------CANCE PARTIES X young Radio Exp^s AT WASHINGTON SURVEY « Colonel Whitton calls him an ex­ Get Foreign Stations BY BRUCE CATTON Congressional Club Affair tremely good one—and be had an NEA Service Writer interesting career.* Furthermore, the book provides Francesco Nitti, uephew of a for- Postponed Because of the clearest, most readable account! ! mer premier of Italy, found himself of the French and English struggle: Horace K. Barr and Wilbert | Little Home Made Radio Set unable to rejoice whea Mussolini for North America that 1 have yet| Illness of Mr. Taft. made himself dictator. Being brave, seen. “Wolfe and North America,” | Can Send Around the World he did not keep his feelings to him­ (published by Uttle, Brown and Co. j E. Tedford Nightly Con-| self; so, one dayi the Black Shirts and selling at |4), Is decidedly ’ descended on him, amd presently he 4 *' W.ashington, Mar. 1.— (A P )— recommended. found himself exUed, for a five-year j verse With Operators in Appropos today’s story M Manchester’s . youthful Washington’s official social program radio operators, Mr. John Reinartz, speaking of the pos­ term, to the desolAte isle of Lipari, went uncompleted this week, when in the Mediterranean. ■ . j Eorope With Their Home sible distance range of home made sets made by local the capital’s intetest was diverted But NiUi fiid not proppse to stay ■ NEW RACING CODE boys, told of an interesting experience while in the Arc­ to concern for William Howard Taft there. With; ‘ two coinpanions he .... . ,, spent something like a year working tic with McMillan. , after his physician had announced ^ plan of escape, despite the Hade Sets— Real Edisons Washington.— (AP)—A- new sys­ Thursday there was no hope for h;s jjq ever escaped “The standard radio set is capable of a very wide tem of flags, the only code of com­ range, suitable for the average youthful operator,” he recovery. [ from Lipari before. The plan was munication to auto racers when! somewhat daring, since it-required In the Making. said. “An experience that I had while in the North Mrs. HooVer’s social plams, whicn speeding over a tracks will be in convinced me of this fact. have been trailed by changes and the three young m^ effect tois season. ■ , out into the sea, at night, on the Green, which heretofore signaled disappointments this .season, were chance that a rescue launch would ^ •ANCHESTER has an ever­ “ A friend of mine was sending a message to another likewise affected, with cancellation a racer that he was. entering the growing crop of prospective be waiting for them; but they did last lap, will be the "go” sign. Red, operator within the borders of the States, 3,500 miles of the White House reception in it, the launch was there, and all M Thomas Edisons. The field is honor of the House of Representa-. which meant “the course is clear,” i large; the opportunities are un­ away. I picked up every ■\\^ord, distinctly on the edge three got away. ., , ' will wave when a race is halted. ' tives Thursday night. Nitti describes all of this m limited and the tools of the trades­ of the Arctic Circle.” The reception arranged for Fri­ Yellow will si^al caution, an men are many and highly perfected. “Escape,” offered by G. P, Putnam s orange flag with navy blue circular j A.sked about the possible advantage of the nfew day evening by the Congressional SmaJl wonder, then that such boys Sons at $2.50; ^and he makes his center will tell a driver that a com­ as Horace Burr, son of Dr. .and Mrs. Ceco 50 watt tube-to be installed by Wilbert Tedford in Club for the Speaker and Mrs. book one of. the most thrilling tales petitor is trying to overtake him, Noah A. Burr of 14 Park street, j his Pilot super-wasp set said: Longworth likewise was cancelled, of exciting adventure, you would | and a, king blue blunting will tell Manchester’s youngest licensed | as were many of the large official care to find. „ him he is entering the last lap. MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Parts of it are almost-imbeliev radio operator, and Wilbert Tedford, “ If he can adapt the new tube to his set he can prac­ and semi-official dinner parties. ■ Vi«> The m e cnanges*changes* maaemade byoy the me uuateakcontest ti Son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ted­ tically circle the world.” ' • Mr. Taft’s successor. Chief Jus­ able. Two of the board of the American automobile j ' Feb. 28-Mar. 7 ford, 72 East Center street have tice Charles Evans Hughes, and mentions) were ^ associa^^ eliminate the black flag entered into the field of radio elec­ Will wonders ever cease! Mrs. Hughes had made no social ’ ’^th white center as a signal that tricity and have constructed sets plans and had accepted . only the an compeUtor is trying to overtake capable of sending and receiving. rilost informal invitations from old Fascism would put lunatics an post-. .i a driver. f • <$> radio messages to and from many i friends since coming to Washington, tions of commtmd^—^until I remera lieutenant in the United j distant points. | because orof methe cnucaicritical tuuuiLiuucondition for j Wrt-irt War who JOIN N O W Edison, the electrical wizard, ■ YOUNG RADIO EXPERTS weeks 01 the former preaoent ““ <1 j ably^el!? So, MORE TENNESSEE ROADS worked'as a telegraph operator at I chief justice. the age of 15 in many cities and; ^ They are Uving at the Mayflower 11, Nashville, Tenn.— (AP)—Tennes- j towns in the United States. He liad i ^ all. . ho^l, and have with them their Nitti’s story will not go down see’s road building program for 1930 little in the way of perfected tools ; daughter. Miss Elizabeth Hughes. includes construction of 220 miles ( and material with which^ to work. | well with admirers of Mussolini. It Miss Hughes was a Cathedral stu­ is a tale of senseless oppressitm, tor­ of concrete pavement. T h e The realm of electricity was a closed dent during the previous residence book until the great inventor vision- j ture and -despotism.. ^But it is emi- ed unlimited power and development , in the capital. nentljr iilfi^rjaav yiciur. wWle. Besides from that little known power at his I being a -Valu'able sidelight on the ANNOUNCEMENT very fingertips. Here was a mighty One gets an occasional peep into ways of Fascism, it is exciting from & Chapman force that had been trapped and ■ unusually delightful places in Wash­ beginning to end. I wish to announce i ington through the ordinary medium forced to obey man at the terminals , 'i-" . of two teiegraph , instruments., of an “ at home,” and those who at­ An Arkansas Bootlegger His Son that I have sold my Young Edison saw the great pos- ] tended the first reception held by and a Girl. C o m p a n y >ibilities of this force; he has labor-! the new minister from Ecuador and “Backwater" the newest novel stock and fixtures to cd unceasingly in its development, j Senoro Viteri Lafronte were well re­ from T. S; Stribling’s talented pen, the Keith Furniture Co. and now in his decUning years is ; warded. is not another “Teef-tallow.” Instead Phone 7697 still filled with the hope of new-born : Senior Lafronte presented his cre­ of being a slow, painstaking study but that I will continue! , youth and has forcibly expressed ; dentials in October, bii^ failure of of a little-understood section of . this, hope in an effort to give to the [ his household goods to arrive until American Ufe, as “TeeftaUow” was, to look after all my fo r ­ ; World a youth of the modem age, recently resulted in postponement of it is frankly a melodrama. But what a melodrama it is! The story moves mer accounts. qualified to sit in the seat of honor ] the party, to have been given i ^'hen he has passed on. There 's i at a gallop from start to finish, It Signed, Christmas. ought to make a magnificent movie. peculiar significance in Thomas Edi- ; The legation formerly was occu­ E. BENSON ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-IT son’s choice; he chose a youth of the ! The son of an Arkansas - boot- age, filled with the realization of \ pied by a Persian minister, when jegger comes home from college, the age’s accomplishments and with i the dwelling bore an Oriental at­ blindly in love with the daughter of a mind open to a mairvelous future, | mosphere. Now it is Spanish. a neighboring , planter—an aristo­ already at the very door. | While many of the massive pieces crat, to whom the lad’s bootlegger- of mahogany, came from Spain, father is quite outside the pale. The Horace K. Burr Wilbert E. Tedford much of it is termed Colonial by the girl returns his love, but pride of MANCHES’TER NOW HAS minister because it was made in the SIX LICENSED OPERATORS place is too jnucb for her and she colonies of Spain, in the Eighteenth can’t see her way clear to marry past three years, taking much in­ Tower, France, Havana, Long •m *■ ANCHESTER has six licensed Beach, Calif.; WallaWalla, Wash.; Century. him. ^ terest in all the various acti-vities Then her own father, compen­ jy l radio operators of various of the organization, especially in Virginia, Alberta and Illinois. ' . The dining room where tea was JLTX ages.' They are, George Pin-- I served had been transformd into dium of all the virtues, slides from Tune Inl signaling in which he has become grace and makes a fortune through ney, John Dwyer, Louis Richmond, very proficient. He has to his credit I REINARTZ TALKS ' a sylvan apartment, from which ; Leonard Johnson, John Reinartz leads a loggia, and was adorned an unusually shady banking deal. at the present time 21 merit badges, I ON MAKING SETS The girl thereupon comes to her and Horace Burr. The application giving him the qualifications for with carvings and paintings, much senses and the course of true love of Wilbert Tedford has been made Star Scouthood. Four more special CALL on Mr, John Reinartz, I of which is of a religious nature, to the Department of Commerce, merit accomplishments and and he who in a large measure has | Wives of other Latin-American gets a break. Meanwhile, there is . _hifl te^s-having been.-l^en under been the inspiration of the | diplomats assisted, a fight with a mob and a devastat­ I will attain to the coveted pinnacle A ing flood—in which the bootlegger, the direction of John Reinartz the j of all scouts—Eagle Scout — the local boys in their radio work, furnishing free booze to the tired local inspector and instructor and j magna cum laude of Scouting. brought out many interesting points, One of the capital’s major tributes negroes working on the levee, be­ the necessary permit to operate I Early in his Scout career he among which the following should' paid to the President’s wife was the comes the hero of the hour. should be in the mails today. ! sought out the deeper things of be of timely interest to parents who annual Congressional Club break­ Several of the above operators That’s the story. It is very well radio, just then in the ascendancy. may have had at som6 time, these fast. The Pan-American building have followed advancements of same requests for consideration done, and I’m dead sure you’ll like He studied books on the subject was at its best, with the Marine it. Doubleday, Doran are publish­ radio from the very beginning of and prepared diagrams as each new from radio inclined boys. the popular movement. George Pm- Band stationed in the p'atio, where ing it. twist and feature was developed. “Radio furnishes for the qualified water splashed from the Aztec foun­ ncy and John Reinartz have been His final diagram perfected, he con­ boy an interesting avenue for de­ the standard bearers in this respect tain, and brilliantly feathered par­ In W hich'the Mid-West Goes 'Very Special Feature—Sunday structed his first set and labored velopment,” said Mr. Reinartz. “The rots perched in tall palms. and have been an inspiration to the long hours over unusually dry, and first thing he has to contend with in Modem. Mrs. Hoover was met at the door “Native Soil,” by Allan Updegraff, youngsters following in their foot- yet— to him, — interesting terms, radio is a complete knowledge of his keps. No stone has been left un­ and sketches in which the entire work. Nothing can be done unless by Mrs. Porter H. Dale, president ot is a tale of singrular charm; the tale of a globe-trotter who returns, after Evening, 8:30 to 9:15 turned to encourage and advise radio field was simmering with he can absorb tJie details of con­ the club, who escorted her to the many years, to his ■'home to-wn o f these electrically minded youths in constant development. Each new struction, the why and the where­ Hall of Nations. There the break­ Springfield, Mo., to find that Spring- the erection of their sets, and by development came so close upon the fore of various diagrams and in fast was served. diagrams and practical instruction one previous that before construc­ short—to know what is actually Mrs. Edawrd Everett Gann was field is moving a great deal faster invaluable to them at the start. tion was complete, the set was out taking place within his set.” escorted by Mrs. C, William Ra'm- than he ever dreamed. That this instruction has been ap­ For the American-small-city Mr. of date. seyer, wife of Representative Ram- preciated, is evidenced in the in­ Radio Advancing Updegraff describes has no more in Gets Long Distance “Radio had advanced to such a seyer of , and first vice presi­ crease of interest being shovm, and' dent of the club. She sat at Mrs. common ■with Sinclair Le-wis’ Zenith the rapid advancement of the His set donstructed in Conformity point that with a moderate 'outlay than Calcutta; The* returning na­ with the latest accepted principles an ordinary boy, willing to devote Dale’s left. licensed operators availing them­ Mrs. William E. Evans, wife of tive, fresh from Paris, is fairly selves of this valuable instruction. of radio construction^ Horace de­ his time to the subject matter can j swept off his feet by the unshackled, voted much time to study of become proficient in a short time, j Representative Evans, sent all the modern-minded , sons and daughters the code and after exaim na^n by Practice in sending and especially way to her home in Glendale, Cali­ of the middle' w est He visits in the 0\’ER 13,000 MEMBERS Mr. Reinartz, his application in receiving will soon bring him into fornia, for the sprays of forsythia BROADCAST PROM OF THE RADIO LEAGUE home of friends; his hostess flings radio operators license was forward­ a world that*is increasingly color­ with which the cloth on the guest herself gaily at his head and his ed and was received on Jan. 30th h e American Radio Relay ful and attractive as time quickly table was decorated. host, instead of flying into a middle- League has a membership of last. Up to the present time he has ' passes.. Best of all, parents will Rudy Valee, much feted radio sing­ western passion, amiably offers to HARTFORD’S NEW MUSIC CENTER T 13,000 in the United States communicated with stations in Iknow that these boys are engaged er during his sojourn in the capital divorce her and let the guest have with 4,000 scattered in all other many parts of the world including.- :in something to their liking, keep- this week, was there ■with his or­ her. Then a 24-year-old school parts of the globe. 'This Organiza­ Nauen, Germany, one of the high- [ them away from influences not chestra. Mrs. Hoover shook hands teacher coolly asks him if she can tion is composed of licensed opera­ est powered stations in the world; : fgr their*best interests.” with him, and he later met the Pres­ be his mistress for a year or so when tors banded together to further the Mexico City, Balinas, Cal.; Havana, j fpije older licensed operators in ident at the White House. For the he goes back,to Paris. interests of radio activities through­ Cuba, and' many other United States j have exipressed a feeling of first time in its history, incidentally, So, in a short time, the globe­ The Horace Bushnell Memorial out the civilized world. stations. j deep interest in the boys just step- the program of the Congressional trotter flees back to Paris again. He operates a Hartley circuit, 200 , pjjjg j^to radio work. Over a long It is not imusual for an operator club breakfast was broadcast. Springfield has so thoroughly lost its in Manchester to span the limits of colt alternating rectified period these same operators have provincialism that it is too much for cceans, raoimtains or Continents, and filtered using 2 UX 201 A tubes, kept the spirit alive because they him. Paris is more sedate. through all kinds of weather con­ and admits of an ever increasing in­ are co-workers in a wide-awake or- I may be giving you a wrong im­ ditions, and to bring the remotest terest in this fascinating pursuit gainization, 17,000 strong over the pression of this book. It isn’t flip­ This is the second of a series where world-wide races talk but one known world. There is always the BUILT ROCKET PLANE pant and airy in tone. Mr. Upde­ outpost along the fringe of civiliza­ Organist tion in direct touch with the cos­ language—the code of the radio key. realization of the unexpected occur- graff writes with fine insight and of 13 recitals to be broadcast mopolitan cities. The explorer, hid­ ing, new stations to be heard from sympathy, and his book is no cheap den for months in the most inac- FEW OF THESE WORDS and of late an increasing amount of Monongahela, Pa.— (AP) — July shocker. It is well written and over WTIC each Sunday eve­ ccsible parts of jungle, or -wilderness IN THE DICTIONARY correspondence between station op­ 4, 1898, when the airplane was thoughtful. I think it’ll appeal to ning, 8:30 to 9:15. It will of the northland has little to fear if erators, relative to reception, dis­ jeered as feintastical, an airplane you. Qarence E. Watters he has the proper radio equipment. ILBERT E. 'TEDFORD, a l­ tances covered and other subjects. model propelled by rockets roared, “Native Soil,” is printed by the most two months to a day bring to Hartford some of the The daily messages of the Byrd The boys are looking ahead to the puffed clouds of black smoke, and Company and sells at Antarctic expedition confirms this j W’ older than young Burr, is time—not too distant in the future soared into the air. $2.50. most renowned organisfi§ in nevertheless not one bit less en­ fact. —when they can sit at their keys The jubilant and excited inventor, Highly Technical thusiastic over the prospects of fu­ and talk with a club member in William Schick, raced madly after Good Book About the Man Who the country. But it is. a highly technical course, ture days with his up-to-date Pilot Hongkong or Timbucktu and inci­ it while the odd contraption shot" . Took C^iiebee. a brand-new outcropping of the super-wasp screen-grid set. To hear dentally chide him for the tie he is forward for 12 feet to the amaze-' General Wolfe, who took Quebec electrical arts having but very little these boys talk along radio lines is wearing or for liis disheveled hair. ment of the crowds, that had gath­ from the French and died in the mo­ in common with the standardized, to be overcome with a desire to They’re 'going to see each other ered in the field to hoot. But ment of-■victory on the plains of commune with Webster’s Una-1 soon or there will be a disappointed colorless study and development of Schick’s moment of triumph was Abraham, Is a familiar but unknown SCHEDULE OF RECITALS IS AS FOLLOWS: electricity as generally viewed by bridged at the earliest possible mo- j lot of boys in Manchester radio cir­ fleeting. The plane crashed, splin­ figure to most of ■ Usi We read the average person. To cover the ment. In this instance the- diction­ cles. tered, and burned. about his achievement in our school subject of radio electricity, and to ary is of little moment, for the book | The plane had a cylindrical ton histories, and -the name stuck in do it with some semblance of jus­ of many word meanings has difficul- j body, 40 feet long and 10 inches in our minds; but that, in-most cases, Mar. 9—Walter Dawley...... Hartford, Ooiui. tice, one must needs be seeped with ty in keeping up with radio progress | ends it. We never really made the diameter. A tube containing powder Mar. 1»—Ed. Arthur Kraft.. .Oeveland, Ohio an intimate knowledge of the tools and the coinage of new terms ap­ caps was adjusted to an axplosion man’s acquaintance. #• plicable to the new study. MURDERED of the trade. Such terms as recti­ .chamber in the:front of the machine. LieutenantGolonel P. E.*Whitton, Mar. 28—Esther A. Nelson. .Hartford, Conn. fication, filtered, screen-grid, hetro- After a short period of sickness, Dropping one at a time into'the ex­ in, “Wolfe and .North America,” dsme, frequency, counterpoise, re­ Wilbert confessed to prying" a re­ plosion chamber, the powder caps provides us with ah introduction. He Mar. 8<^—Palmer Oirislian, Ann Arbor, Mich. sistance, millameters, electrolytic, quest from his father (who inci­ London, March 1.— (AP)—An Ex­ has done a good job. Wolfe, you change Telegraph - dispatch from would ignite and the force of the Apr. 6 Ctoorge B. Nevln ....Johnstown, Pa. and modulation are not to be used dentally is a fiiaker of radios) to al­ explosion would drive* the plane discover, was a man worth knowing. promiscuously. 'Tire technical color low him to make a small one tube Hong Kong today reported that the He was a good soldier—^Lieutenant Salesian bishop, Monsignor 'V’ersig- Lhrotigh the» air, while the gas pro­ of this interesting pursuit must set, which was granted and soon duced inflated canVas bags attached needs be passed on to those more made. With interest at a high pitch lia. Father Caravario, and three Chinese sisterS were murdered to the body, thus lifting 'the plane qualified. after the first few code letters ar­ from the* ground. To those who have an impelling rived on the little set from distant some days ago by bandits near DON’T FORGET! Suipin. For years, Schick built other mod­ desire for research, and for the points,' other sets were constructed, els and .sought unsuccessfully to ob­ planning and,,manipulation of cir­ parts eliminated, and other up to- ' ’The bandits apparently saw the tain financial backing. Poverty SPECIAL US?D CAR cuits and radio diagram hook-ups date parts substituted until today party entering' the boat ahead- of marked his. last years. He died this as yet in their infancy, a new world yoimg Tedford has a fine set,'con­ them and proceeded to attack it at ■winter. is opening up. , sidering the outlay of money and the Suipin. 'They demanded $500. On re- Display THiis Week-end time spent on construction. ceioring a refusal they tried to seize “Ted” as he is familiarly known the sisters and the bishop. They ■ ' - v' *t ■ ' y o u n g b u r r i n t e r e s t e d to his boy friends at the Trade met opposition, but eventually suc­ 20,000-MILE AIR TOUR IN BOY SCOU*T WORK School, where he is taking a straight ceeded in carrying off the party to THEMACI^Ey they murder- Atlanta — (AP) — The first'air­ o r a c e K» Burr, son of Dr. and Electrical______course, is bubbling over the mountains where with enthusiasm and dates his real j cd them, plane built in Atlanta, a tri-motored, Mrs- Noah A. Burr of 14 Park six-passenger, low-winged mono-? CHEVROLET CO. street ■was bom in Manches­ interest from that day on his sick 'Two other priests went three H bed when he coaxed his father into j days later to the .bandits’ strong- plane, Will'make a 20,000 mile tour 10 East Centtr. So. Manchester ter, Sept. 9, 1913. #He is a member of South and Central America in of Troop 3, B. S. A. of the Center the construction of a simple one-1 hold vrith the object of negotiating tube set*. He has brought in stations the prisoners release, but they were March. The Atlanta Aircraft cor­ Congregational church. He has poration built IL Prices Slashed. ioeen a member of the troop for the in Holland, England, the Eiffel too late.


ist of Christ Chu^h in Rye, N. Y., and later of the (^uixih of the As- "ESSEX GHAtUNGER’ ^ cejiaioh in .Pittsbuirghj Pa. He was A UNIQUE HOUSE FOR A^ NMROW LOT DAILY RADIO PROGRAM bom in .East " Orange, N. J., and 302.8—W 82, NEW ENGLAND—990. ^Leading DX Stations. studied the prgw^.iihdc^ the tiielage WEEK S T A R T S !! Saturday, March 1. C;5o—Singing the blues; talk. of Hark Andrews ot New Jersey and Hark Wessel, young A^nerican com­ 7:00—WJZ Amos ’h’ Andy. 405.2- rWSB. iATLANtA-740. Marcel'Dupres of Paris. He has ap­ poser.- will be guest artist witli Wal­ 7:15—Studio musical program. 7:30—Griffith Music School concert peared in several recitals in the | “Essex ChaDenger Week," stairts';-'’)!' ter Damrosch and his symphony or­ ■7:30—WJZ songs, orchestra. 8:00—AVE.AH' programs (3% bis.) chestra in their regular Saturday 8:00—Nature league; tenor, niano. 11:45—Studio skylark program. Wanamaker Auditorium in New i today and. the New Essex Chall^igi^r night program to be broadcast by 9:00—Gentlemen of the press. 293.3— KYW. CHICAGO—1020. York imder the patronage of Alex- i cars will assault exis:^ijg records-tii'f- tVEAF and associated stations at 9. 9:30—WJZ minstrel show. During the concert the scherzo from 10:00—Dixie trail entertainmenL 9:30—WJZ minstrel frolic. ander Russell.' speed reliability, brake, econonfy, - his “ Sinfonla Concertante” for horn, 10:.30—Bert Lowe’s orchestra, i 10:05—Dance music to 4:00. endurance and a ti^e.the Trteels. pearance by the Budapest Philhar­ 7:30—Orchestra; tenor, contralto. 1:00—A trip about town, 3:45 p.m.—Stock and Curb closings. The Hud .n Motor Car * Company 8;Oo_Talk, Dr. Arthur Torrance. monic with Robert Heger conducting. 254.1—WJJO. CHICAGO—1180. 5:15 p.m.—Walter Korb’s Orchestra. confidently predicts that many new "The Fast Mail" will be given its first jj;30—Negro spirituals recital. Nit W it interpretation during Brad­ 9:00—Nit Wits drama, "Fast Mall.’* 8 :00—Orcheslra: lessons, songs. 5:00 plm.—Dickinson - Streeter records will be established an;m)_t5tudio hour: water boys. 6:45 p.m.— Safer Massachusetts. Better Car Than Ever Wave lengths in meters on left ol 11:15—'Two datice orchestras. 11:30—Amos ’ n' Andy, comedians. .'station title, kilocycles on the right. 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 11:45—Concert, dance orchestras. 7:00 p.m.—Bujova time. “The New Essex Challenger is an Times are all Eastern Sta»idan1. Black 6:00—Pianist: male quartet. 238—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—1260 7:01 p.m.—Amos ’n’ Andy. even better car than that which ■Won lace type indicates best features. 6:30—Bernie Cummins’ orchestra. 11:00—WABC dance orchestra. '7:15 p.m.— Le Boeuf Penmen. sensational success last year. It is 7:00—Amos ’ n’ Andy, comedians. 12:00—Studio entertainments. 7:15—Ether wave musicale. 7:30 p.m.—The Fuller Mem. oh a longer wheel bsise, living more Leading East Stations. 7:30—Baritone, dance orchestra, 1:45—Artists frolic: orchestra. 361.2— KOA. DENVER—830. 8:00 p.m.—Dixies Circus. ,Kvrh room, and is new from the front 272.5—WPG. ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 8:00—Southern folk songs with the 8:15 p.m.—Burgess Nature League. X:iu—t^oMceit orchestra; entertainers. Pickard Family, novelty orch. 11:45—Sunday school lesson. bumper to the rear fenders, with 9:15—De Molay minstrel show. 8’:lo—String ensemble, soprano. 12:15—Seven Ace’s orchestra. ' 8:45 p.m.—Furman Fordham, tenor; • f8.-.C.)4iwTes., ArclM**ct,Alp* new motor, included. 10:U0—Jr. O U. A. M. entertainment. 8:30—Wandering gyp.sy s tale. 1:1.5—Tales never told. Green Quacker, pianist. “We are asking the public to take —Two dance orchestras. 9:00—A''ocal duo, piano duo. 299.8— WHO. DES MOINES—1000. 9:00 p.m.—^.‘Gentlemen of the Press’ an active part in this year’s tests, 283—WBAL. BALTIMORE—1060. 9:15—Sketch. "Cvli Uepoitcr." 7:00—Rocking chair entertainment. S:3U—Ensembie. baritone. soloisL 9:30—Minstrel men’s frolic. 7:30—WEAF programs (3>,4 hrs.) —Christiem Science Monitor. because we believe that this hew 9:00—Around the melodeon. 10:00-Ship ot Memory, vocalists. 11:00—Studio concert orchestra. 9:30 p.m.—Dutch Me^sters Minstrels. Challenger offers the maximum 9:30—WJZ programs (2^a hrs.) 10:30—Drama. "The Knife." 12:00—WEAF Vallee's orchestra. J 11:00—Slumber music hour. 374.8— KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—800. 10:00 p.m.—Dixie Trail. safety, not only at every speed but 243.8—WNAC, BOSTON—1230. 535.4—WFl. PHILADELPHIA—560. 8:00—Bible class program. 10:30 p.m.—Bulova tiipe. on the turns, in traffic, hill climbing '^:V0—Argentines musical program. 7:00—Studio musical hour. 9:00—Dance; string quintet. 10:31 p.mi—B e .r t Lowe’s Statler and, generally, easy, sime handling <’::10—tWABC programs (4 hrs.) 8:30—Ivin’s solo male quartet. l l ’OO—WEAF dance orchestra, 11:30—Jimmie Gallagher’s orchestra. 9:00—WEAF programs (2J^ hrs.) Orchestra. in any kind of going. We do not 491.5— WDAF, KANSAS CITY—610. 545.1—WGR. BUFFALO—650. 491.5— WIP, PHILADELPHIA—610. 8:30—WEAF programs (2i,4 hrs.) 11:00 p.m.—Longines time. expect to wait for favorable this' wall, 'and^ is designed for a forty foot 9:00—AV.ABC programs (21i hrs.) 315.6— WRC, WASHINGTON—950. ll:i)0—Songa. banjo accompaniinenL 11 ;1-5—Atorgan Sisters concert. 7:15—Washington College program. 11:30—^Amos ’ n’ And.v, comedians. 5:59 p.m.—Temperature. cal in arrangement and yet possess making a most secluded retreat. The .plot. It is of stone, brick, stucco and 11:30—Dance orchestra; organist. 8:00—NBC programs (3 Jars.) 11:45—Barn dance orchestra. 6:00 p.m.—Recital—Michael Ahern, weather boards. The roof is covered an unusual exterior appearance, has porch is open to the yafd side but baritone: Harry Goldman, 'cellist; steel casement -windows enclose the -with-: slate. Typewriters Wilbur Burleigh, pianist. always been a difficult problem. It opposite side. The entire porch could There;' are-26,500 cubic feet of 6:30 p.m .— John Orth, pianist. is almost Impossible to obtain any be enclosed in ' the winter, if / de­ space' contained, and * the approxi­ ^ makes, sold, rented, ex­ Sunday, March 2. .5:39—I’t'CsUylerian Ch,u)'cli service. Leading DX Stations. 7:00 p.m.—Bulova time. degree of pri"vacy within the limited sired. ' ' mate cost of construction would he changed and overhauled. 6:01)—Crooner, soprano, male ttio. 7:01 p.m.—American Legion Zero space; In this design a walled-in The plan shows six rooms, two .813,opp. ’ , Andie a whom critics ac­ 0:30—Orchestra, vocal soloists. 405,2—WSB, ATLANTA—740. Special rental rates to stu­ claim as the world’s greatest guitar­ 7:00—Drama, “ King Arthur’s Court." 7:00—NBC programs to’,4 hrs.) Hour. yard and a semi-enclosed porch do baths and a toilet room and an ad- Complete working plans and ist. T.'lll be beard with a male quar­ 7:3u—Comedy team; business talk. 10:15—Musical arts trio. 7:30 p.m.—Williams’ Oilomatics — much to overcome some of these ob­ ditionail bed room is provided in the specifications of this house may be dents. Rebuilt machines tet over WE.VF and associated station.s 8:0U—Kbapsodizers music talk. 10:45—WEAF hymn recital. at 9:15 Sunday night. Segovia created 8:30—Russian village music. 293.9—KYW, CHICAGO—1020. Nobody’s Using It Now from jections. The stone, gable of the third story, which can be used as a 'Obtained! for a nominal sum from $20.00 and up. a sciisation in New York when he 9:00—Redferne Holllnshead, tenor. 9:45—Two dance orchestras. "Love Parade,” Schertzinger; porch provides an appropriate set­ maid’s room. The stairs are con­ thg -Building Editor. Refer to House made Ids debut in 1928. He made his 10:00—Jesse Crawford, organist, with 10:46—Hockey, Pirates vs. Chicago. Love Made a Gypsy Out of Me, ting for the heavy oak door 'with A-211.^ ' ■ first pulilic concert in Granada when Paul Smith, tenor. 11:30—Dante music to 1:30. veniently arranged and afford easy he was but fifteen years old. Among 10:30—Arabesque dramatization. 344.6—WENR, CHICAGO—870. Phillips; Naila, Delibes; Kiss Me tlie numbers lie will intej'pret over the ll:UU—Back Home 'rabetnacle hour. 10:00—Sunday Symphony conceit. With Your Eyes, Gillespie; 'What KEMP'S air will be ••'I'lieme uifl Variations," 12:00—Coral Islanders, reading. 11:30—An occidental alio. Is This Thing Called Love? from 763 Main St. Phone 5680 ’'Dance in G Alinor," “ GavoUe." "Al­ 12:30—Midnight organ melodics. 12:00—Grab bag: air vaudeville. Read The Herald Advs. legro.” "Daiiza.’’ "I’rcludo’ and "Se­ 454.3—WEAF. NEW YORK—660. 416.4— WGN.WLIB, CHICAGO—720. “Wake Up and Dream,” Porter; 60YSC0UTNEWS villa." ’I'lic male quartet will sing se­ 2:00—Balalaika orchestra, soprano. 8:00—Old timer; concert ensemble. Once Upon a Time, Romberg: lections ranging irom Bach and Han­ 2:30—Tenor, soprano, orchestra. 8:30—Nighthawks orchestra; Spring. Should I? from “Lord Byron of del to old binglish madrigals and mod­ 3:00—Jewish address, musicale. 9:15-WEAF programs (Hi bis.) ern ui rangenients. Kedferne Hollins- 4:00—Dr. S. I’arkes Cadman’s hour. 10:45—Pullman I ’orters male quartet. Broadway;” Forever and Ever Troop 6 visited Troop > 1 of Beat Itcad, popular radio tenor, will l>e fea­ 5:00—IMale quartet, itistrumentalists. 11:10—Dream ship music hour. from “ R ^ or Shine.” Hartford and held a contest'with tured over the Columbia network at 6:00—Along tlie Great White Way. 11:30—'I'hree dance oi'Chestras. 8:00 p.m.—Enna Jettick Melodies— 9. Dining llie concert he will be sup­ 7:00—Dramatic historical sketch, 447.5— WMAQ.WQJ. CHICAGO—670. the latter, which has the reputation ported l;iy a male quartet, an organ “ Admiral George Dewey." 8:30—Sunday evening club; pianist. The Campbells Are Coming; Down HOWELL’S BIRTH of being the best troop in the city and strings. A group of songs enuilat- 7:30—Theater hour with slurs. 10:30—W.\BO musical program. By the Old Mill Stream; Toyland; and soundly trounced Bob. Loomis’s ing Ibo spirit of the plains will be 8:30—Orchestra, piano duo. songs. 11:UU—Auld Sandy’s hour. Support Manchester*s sung by tlie -Annehair male quartet 9:00—Talk, David .l^wrence. 11:15—Orcheslra; Bible reading. Nellie Whs a Lady: from Green­ On March 1, 1837, William Dean boys, 17- to 5, on Wednesday night. over WJZ at 11:45. 'I’lie numbers will 9:15—Andres Segovia, guitarist, a 11:40—Studio concert orchestia, land’s Icy Mountains. Howells,* American novelist, poet Cjommitteemein Louis St. Cllair male, quartet, pianist. be "The Hills of Home," "Whoopie 344.6— WLS. CHICAGO—?70. 8:15 p.m.—(jollier’s Radio Hour. Md critic, and often referred to as Burr, Ralph Judd, and Eldgar ’n Vi." "Poor Lonesome Cowboy" and 10:15—Champion dunce Ofchestia, 7:30—Little Brown Cliurcli orugram. 9:15 p.m.—Salon Singers. Chamber Of Commerce "Careless Love. Piano interludes will 10:45—Sunday at Seth I-Tirker’s. 8:30—Green Jesters’ concert. “ the dean of American letters,” was Thompson -with Field Executive'Jo­ be supplied by Keith McLeod. 11:15—Russian Cathedra! choir. 9:45 p.m.—Candlelight Quintette. seph Dean took the scouts to East 11:4.5—.Xylophonist and pianist. 238—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—1260 born at Martin’s Ferry, O. Much has been sai(3, and no doubt 8:00—WAHU pi'Ogranis (3 hrs.) ^ 10:15 p.m.—Sport Digest. Studious as a boy, Howells be­ Hartford and the - latter acted’ as Wave lengths in meters on left ol 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 11:00—Dance orchestra. “ 10:30 p.m.—Bulova time. judge. The events were as follows: j will -continue to be said, for and slutioii title, kilocycles on tlie rigitt. 2:00—Roxy Symphony hour. , 299.8—w o e , DAVENPORT—1000. gan making verses almost as soon Times are all Ea-stern Standard. Black .3:00—National ■ Youth conference.' 10:31 p.m.—WBZ Players: “Under Troop 6 Tr(H>p 1 against the Chamber of Commerce. face type Indicates best features. 4:0C—Arthur Gutman, composer. 8:00—Grocer boys’ entertainmeiii. as he could read. He first at- 8:30—WEAK programs (3U lirs.) Dog.” his poems appeared in the Atlan­ S cou tcraft...... 3 0 4:30—Vocal duo, orchestra. P'anlsL 11:45—Recorded classical concert. 11:15 p.m.—Champion Weatherman. In our opinion each citizen has a cer­ 5:00—National religious service. tic Monthly. Obstacle Race ..... 2 0 Leading East Stations. 7:00—Musical world travelogue. 361.2—KOA. DENVER—830. 11:16 p.m.—Temperature. Morse Sig...... 0 0 tain responsibility to his Chamber of’ 272.6—WPGt ATLANTIC CITY —1100. 7:30—Fred W.nidner, tenor, oicheslra. 11:15—Solitary cowbojs; baritone. In 1860, in his 23d year, he 7 ;t"i—Morton's string ensemt'ie. 8:00—Bessie Wynn, soprano. 12:00—Musical hour; book talk. ^VvTote a camp.aign “life of Lin- Friction F ire ...... 3 0 Commerce and if it does not function 1:00—Tlie gay classics coiiceft. Semaphore Sig. . . . . 0 3 15—Studio mucical programs. 8:15—Dramas, musical interludes. 374.8— WBAP, FORT WORTH—800. 'coln,” in recognition of which he as a well-ioiled machine, the fault 11:1.5—Cilv o'-gan recital. 9:1.5—Salon singers, mixed voices. 9:00—Orchestra, artists (3 hrs.) HARTFORD ORGANIST received the next year the Vene­ Pacing,-...... 0 2 233—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060. 9:45—Drama sketch, "Penrod." Sta# Relay 2 0 rests 90% with the individual citi­ 7 ;nii—levelling niii.sic reveries. lo;15—Genia Zielinska, soprano. 357—CMC, HAVANA—840. tian consulate. In his four years zen’. 7:30—Orcliestra, tenor. 11:00—Calliope and Miss’ Kath’rlne. 8:00—Military band concert. abroad in that post, he is said to First A i d ...... ’ 3 ,0 545.1— WGR. BUFFALO—550. 11:15—South Sea IslanderSi tenor, 11:00-Studio feature concert. IN WTIG BROADCAST Knot Tyinff ...... 2^. ; 0 10:4.5 —I’rcstiylerian Cluircli service. 11:4.5—Arm Chair male quartet. 285.5— KNX, HOLLYWOOD—1050. have done his country a great ser- The Chamber of Commerce is the .'I:u0—WEAF programs (41i lirs.) 305.9—KDKA. PITTSBURGH—980. ,11:00—Presbyterian Cliurcli service. j vice in interpreting, through his Rescue Race ...... 2 .0 11:00—Cbristian Chu)'ch service. 12:00—LuboviskI instrumental trio. only general commercial organization 7:3!)—iTesbyterian Cliurcli service. Clarence E. Watters, talented v.Titings, America to Europe. 8:;;ii—WEAF programs (2 hrs.1 1:30—Memorial Park program. 374.8—KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—800. When he returned, he did hardly I -17 of any community that is recognized 333.1— WMAK. BUFFALO—900. 2:00—NBC programs (2 lirs.j 7:30—Orchestra; soloists. young organist of Hartford, will be The Troop , Committeemen were S;0iJ—WABC programs (2 hrs.) 4:00—Carnegie Hall organist.- 9:00—Studio musical program. featured in a broadcast from the a I lesser service in interpreting by outside interests all other ' civic lii'.UO—Studio nuisreal program. 4:30—WJZ vocal duo. orcheslra. 9:30—Meyer-Davls ensemble. America to itself. A strong cham­ I very pleased with8> the order and 11:00—WABC programs (1 hr.) Horace Bushnell Memorial slated organizations function best where 5:00—Presbyterian Church service. 238—WJAX. JACKSONVILLE—1260. pion of realism, he wrote of his splendid work of Troop 6. Now. that 428.3—WLW. CINCINNATI—700. 6:00—Studio feature program. 7:30—Evening church service. for 8:30 o’clock Sunday evening j they have turned the-tAbles on East they cooperate with the Chamber of 6:00-Orchestra; opera story. 7:00—Episcopal, Church service. 10:15—Sacred song recital. from Station WTIC of Hartforii, fellow countrymen as he saw 7:00—Gili.son dinner music. 8:00—NBC prdgi'ams (214 hrs.) 10:45—WEAF programs (VA his.) them. Hartford it is likely that other M6m- Commerce. 7:3)1—V. JZ p) ograms (1 hr.) 10:15—Light opera; instrumentalists. Mr. Watters’ recital 'will be the chester troops-will-wish to arrange 8;3n—Orelie.'ilra. trio; solos. 11:00—NBC programs (1 hr.) 491.5—WDAF, KANSAS CITY—610. Two of, his most famous works 9:15—WEAF concert orchestra. third of a series being transmitted contests. Working with and through the Man­ 9:i5—.lolly artists: Symphon.v. 245.8—WCAE. PITTSBURGH—122a 10:45—Guest artist’s entertainment. ■ from the capital’s ! new municipal are; “The Rise of Silas Lapham,” 1i):3i)—G)cat adventure moments. 10:45—Lutheran Church service. 11:15—Ballroom-dance orchestra. and “A Haisard of New Fortunes.” chester Chamber of Commerce in­ ll:iM)—Musical novelesque. . 1:00—WEAF programs (5% hrs.) auditorium. COUNCIL JAMBOREE sures a bigger and better and more 280.2—WTAM. CLEVELAND—1070. 6:30—Studio musical program. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. Mr. Watters is now organist of, 6:30-Taver)i tales: Gnomes. 7:00—WEAF programs (4^4 hrs.) 10:45—Aeolian organ recital. The Hartford Cjo^mcR Jamboree is prosperous Manchester. 8:31)—Tenor; orchestra etchings. 491.5—WIP. PHILADELPHIA—610. 12:00—Concert: violin recital. St. John’s Episcopal church. West to be held in the Broad Street tHigh i):1.5—WEAK p)'Ograms (D/i hrs.) 10:45—Trinity Church morning service 1:00—Two shades of blue. Hartford. Previous- to his present 11:1.5—Dance music: organ!.st. 2:15—Swedenborg Center period. 365.5— WHAS, LOUISVILLE—820. ! School gym on March 29,'at which 283—WTIC. HARTFORD—1060. 2:30—I. B. S. A, music hour. 9:00—Studio feature concert. . affili^tion he served as organist, of time all scouts -will present to the 8:30—Cit.v organ recital. 9:00—Fireside instrumental trio. 9:15—3?elbach quartet, Christ church in Rye, N. Y., and pubUc , signalling, ipioneer- 9:0u—WEAK government talk. 9:30—Theater organ recital, 370,2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—810. Pittsburgh, Pa. -He 'was bom in ing, Indian dancing, clowning, and 9:15-Enchanted music hour. 10:00—Symphony orchestra, songs. 6:30—Christ Scientist service. 10:1.5—WEAF dance orchestra. 535.4— WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—560. 8:00—Minneapolis Symphony orch. later of Church bf Uie Ascension in a historical pageant.- Field Execu­ 10:43—Baritone: popular melodies. 2:30—Concert ensemble, baritone. 9:00—WE'AF theater program. East Orange, N.-7J., and studied the tive- Dean wotdd like - each s

4 f i A J V-

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1930. New Construction Thus Far In 1930 Sounds ICeynote For

tl^e use to which it is to be put; the ENCRUSTED FLASTBON for the home that the i economical. When the decorator A sky, blur linen frock has its plied tiUe than that of interior buying personalities and tastes of those decorator. It is so ^tremfely am­ methods of the Interior decorator plans the furnishings and embellish- I bodice trimmed with a white or­ DUMBWAITERS STILL BUYING BY PLAN biguous that one cannot be quite prove to be especially helpful and ments of a room he ascertains, first. who are to occupy it, and the gandie plastron encrusted by em- BUILDERS URGED sure whether it ineahs a , mural amount of money to be spent. ' broidery. FOUND CONVENIENT decorator, a paperhanger, a collec­ AVOIDS ERRORS tor of antiques ^ d objects of art TO EXAMINE ALL or, at a slight stretch of the imigi- nation, a cook of imusual excellence. Some houses are planned with the A t all events, it is an ill-defined CO A L kitchen on the basement level, and IN DECORATING SPECIFICATIONS and, withal, a rather im port^t- Rohan & Dougan the dining room above, making a soimding tltie, that has imdoubtedly Lime, Cement, Plaster, dumbwaiter necessary. This ar­ prejudiced many persons of simple rangement is frequent in city hous­ tastes, who love unpretentious hous­ Flue and Drain Tile es. Other houses are sometimes Selection of I n d i v i d u a 1 es, and who lead Informal lives. The CONTRACTORS Fuel Oil for All Ty^es of Oil Burners Architects Often Blamed for equipped with a dumbwaiter ex­ decorator should serve those who tending from kitchen to cellar, as it feel that their houses are not large It will pay you to keep your buildings in good repair. has been foxmd a great convenience, Pieces Without Regard to and important and expensive eippugh High Cost of 'Extras Ac­ preventing carrying many articles to interest him; for the planning of It’s far cheaper to make minor repairs when needed up the stairs. I Layout Disappoints. the decoration and furnishing of the than to let things slide until it costs you considerable G. L WiUis & Son, Inc. tually Ordered by Owners small house is a most interesting money. The average man doesn’t know ; problem. 2 Main St, Tel. 3319, Manchester Study of Proportions Advised enough about women’s clothes, says j BY MARGERY SHX WICKWABE a magazine writer. Well, all he To achieve a home that is a har­ We Specialize in All Kinds of BY WIIXIAM HARMON BEERS needs to know is the price. 1 Surely there is no more misap- monious unit and not a conglomera­ tion of hererogeneous furniture, it Repair Work. A set of specifications is a docu­ is essential to start with a well- ment very often misunderstood by considered plan and to make all fu­ the layman. In many cases he ture selections of furnishings with 214 Gardner St., Tel. 8851 or 6239 reference to this plan. Nothing is thinks it is loosely w'ritten and more generally unattractive and un­ covers in ?. general way what is to Equipment Rental Dept. fit than a collection of furniture 'go into the house, but that there are bought at random—a piece here be­ loopholes in it big enough to drive a cause it is pretty, a piece there be- coach-and-four through, and that One Double Diaphragm Concrete Mixers i cause it is cheap. More than likely SERVICE FOR THE BUILDER these omissions are the cause of Gas Pump the piece that is cheap is much too DESIRING A BETTER HOME many extras before the house is Gasoline Hoist clumsy to go in the room with the finished. No doubt in many cases he One Two-Gun Ingersol piece that is pretty and, frequently, is right but, fortunately, the ma­ Rand Compressor Elevator the latter is only pretty and neither jority of specifications written to­ good nor useful. CELLAR EXCAVATING day are founded on similar docu­ mounted on truck Yet many people who can afford ments written for similar operations All types of derricks Welding Outfit both time and money for really -—PLUS------and they are usually complete and satisfying results purchase most of good. their household belongings in just In my experience the extras this fashion, without regard to their which occur are, in nine cases out proportions or to their relations to MODERN MACHINERY of ten, due'to changes by the own­ Auto Truck Body Dept, each other. er while the house is being built. Home Analogous To Dress We use a gas shovel in all our excavating work thus The Manchester Sand & Grave! Co. The architect is no superman en­ This is, indeed, streinge, for nine giving you expert work in the shortest possible time. dowed with clairvoyant powers, and Forging W'. J THORNTON, Prop. Commercial Truck Bodies times out of ten the woman who Time saving plus a price you can afford to pay. he cannot forsee that "Mrs. Jones furnishes her house in this helter- CELLAR EXCAVATING StraightMi Wire, Disc and Acetylene Welding will tell "Mrs. Smith’’ that her skelter manner will give the great­ A WORD TO THE WISE SCREENED SAND AND GRAVEL library would be much more attrac­ Wooden Wheels Auto Fenders and est consideration-and thought to the BRICK, LOAM, CINDERS and TRUCKING tive in light yellow, when Mrs. Jones purchase of her clothes. She would insist on your contractor using our sand and gravel In his had intended to copy "Mrs. Blaclt’s’’ Heavy Blacksmithing Bodies Repaired never dream of buying satin slippers work. you will then be assured of the best materials in all­ QUALITY and SERVICE ! library painted Adam green and had three sizes too small to wear with a foundation or plaster work. riant: Charter Oak Street. I House: 608 Woodbrldgc Street. told her architect so. ANDREW M. CLEMSON, Sr., Mgr., Phone 3241 tweed coat four sizes too large. Yet Tel. 7387. | Tel. 6&8S. A set of specifications is really a this is exactly the way she dresses typewritten communication from her hoiise, and the things that she the owner through his representa­ buys for her house unfortunately tive the architect, to the contractor. last much longer than the garments ALEXANDER JARVIS A business man writes a letter to an she buys for herself. Mistakes in ■*' .f* *t' agent in some other town, so^ the furnishing are expensive and lasting Sand, Gravel and Excavating. ^ * t- „ - ; architect, representing his client, and live to haunt us, sometimes for 416 Center Street, South Manchester writes the set of specifications to Manchester Construction Co. Inc. years. I’ HONE 4334 the contractor. Of course the speci­ GENERAL CONTRACTORS It is in avoiding these mistakes in fications are couched in certain cus­ tomary terms and are longer. South Manchester Phone 4131 Here I must digress a bit and 4 ■« make an earnest plea to all prospec­ INVEST IN tive builders, that they read their specifications. Many times I have seen unfortimate architects and NATERIALS builders being roimdly scolded by their clients because the clients had not properly read the specifications n o i K n o N and did not actually know what they were getting. Often when there is trouble dur­ Against ing the building of a house it is due to a misunderstanding between the FIRE owner, architect and contractor, and We can insure you against ail forms of usually as to the kind of workman­ loss. - ship called for in the specifications. S— I As an example: You are building a Li..!’ The home you live in, or the Play Safe, Protect Your Home. house costing $10,000; during the Expert Buying home you plan to build, will be operation you look at your friends’ Fire, Automobile, Tornado, Liability houses, many of which have cost just as comfortable and con­ $20,000 to $25,000. assures you of a select- venient as man can possibly When the paint is being applied Holden-Nelson O ., Inc. make if you use the services your architect has specified three- 833 Main St. I'hone 8037 ed-’stock of coat work and in your friends’ Insurance of All Kinds. that await you here. It means houses six or seven-coat work has been used. You wonder why the a home that is modern— sturdy painting job when finished is not as — handsome— healthy. good as theirs and your architect tells you that in order to give you your house cheaper he has had to All building needs met here f f ' ff. that embody the latest styles cut down on the number of coats * / ^ ^ A , ■with a complete array of qual­ used. Had you carefully read the . - clause in your specifications on iind patterns— paptr that will ity irfaterials that provide painting you would have been look well in any home. We strength and beauty at truly thoroughly conversant with the kind of interior finish yoii were to get. invite you to call and seie our mall cost. Build— or remod­ J. HUBLARD % el— with, materials from this stock. ANDOVER General Concrete Contractor yard. 318 Middle Turnpike, Manchester, Green, Phone 6987 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Healy and infant daughter of Portland were recent visitors at the home of Mrs, DRILLING, b l a s t i n g ', WRECKING Healey’s brother George Merritt. AND ALL KINDS OF WORK W. G. Glenney Co. John I. Olson I Sunday callers on Mr, and Mrs. George Merritt were Mr. and Mrs. REQUIRING PNEUMATIC TOOLS Coal, Lumber and Masons’ Supplies Walter Hewitt and Charles Bailey Painting and Decorating of New London. Mrs. Barly who . We have a Sullivan Compressor mounted on a has been spending some time with Contractor. Allen Place, Phone 4149, Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Merritt returned to speedy truck that can be moved quickly from job to job. New London with them. No job too large or too small. 699 Main St., South Manchester Ellsworth Mitten has accepted a position with the Bonsa Motor Sales Co. of Willimantic, Tuesday, l^r. Lllllllliii lllilllliU ijiiiiiiiiu'jagim i'uniiiii Mitten went on a business trip to New York for the firm. Mrs. Kittie Mitten spent the day DEPENDABLE SERVICE recently %\ith Mrs. George Walker of Manchester. Mrs. Mortimer Smith who had a HOT? shock several days ago is not any better. Dr. Wilcox of Willimantic attends her every day. As the roads Or^ Will You Have to Fuss are in such poor condition he cannot drive his car any where near the house so stops at George Merritt’s and Mr. Merritt takes him the rest with a Sulky Fire? of the way with horse and wagon. All the coimtry roads as well as the state roads are in a very poor con­ Ordinarily you never know. You turn the “hot” fau- dition. The Neighborhood Whist party, . cet and then, chances are, it’s icy-cold or just luke­ BOTH HAD which was to have been held at the warm. A trip downstairs— a shovelful o f coal— busi­ home of Mrs. Allen Helmer Thurs­ ness of poking and grate-shaking— an impatient wait— day afternoon was postponed on ac­ Cities Service / count of bad traveling. all for hot water service. What, an extravagant waste SAME CHANCE Mrs. Ward Talbot saw a large flock of robbins at her home on of time! I-ong Hill Wednesday. Two young men started out together in life A. E. Samuels who has been ill A Self-Action Gas Water Heater supplies hot w a te r - for some time with trouble is FURNACE and FUEL OIL plenty of it— day or night, at the tap’s turn. Not a and both had the same chance. But one soon reported better. A Complete Line of Sherman Bishop was a caller in minute lost, and you never know the inconvenience .of Willimantic Thursday. outdistanced the other -worked diligently and Mrs. George Platt and sister, Mrs. going without. Now is the time to install a Joseph Bunnell and Mr. Weir mo­ saved regularly. An account with this Bank tored to Canaan Monday and visited Building Materials friends returning home Thursday morning. Self-Action Gas Water Heater is an uplift for success. At the special school meeting held in the school house Wednesday aft­ — Coal — 5% Interest Paid * ernoon to see about carrying the A small down payment school children who live from to balance on e a sy ,terms, payable monthly Compounded Quarterly 2 miles or over, on bad country The ^ roads both sides of the question was * with your service bills. heard, and decision received.

The title of the Prince of Wales Manchester Lumber is: Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke Company ' The Manchester Gas Co. SOUTH MANCHESTER, COMM. of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Ba­ ron of Renfew, Lord of the Isles Phone 5145 Uiiiiiiji; and Great Steward of Scotland, ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS jjgTT^grlflmTfe’a Mil High Steward' of -Windsor.

\ '■■ ■ . • 3f>-‘ 1930. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH ^iANCHESTER, CONN,. SATURDAY, MARCH 1 p a g e t e n Styles by Annette Daily Health Service OLIVE ROBERTS BARTON B Hints On How To Keep" Well hy World Famed Authority A certain mother went to her^ask for it very likely. Then - © ! 9 3 0 c je5/" - doctor in great distress over her j graduaUy to regulate her tim ^ « little girl’s diet. 1 “ « n g - ^ NEA Service Inc.' b a t i n g WRONQ, TYPE . “ She won’t eat what I give her— ; her a bite between meals, <» OF FOOD CAN CAUSE Brothers. Knight said he believed -1^- she plays with her food. -We’ve done I “But I wouldn t worry if ^ ^ ATTACK OF ECZEMA everting we can to coax up her | does not a jpeat amoip^ Tw CHAPTER XLVin. around her, her head Ws thb youngsters would be happy. shoulder. Rather incoherently he “ By the way,” he said, “you and appSte,” she complained. “Now j to get in her fuU quo^ of mil^ Slowly the big car, which looked BY DB.‘ MORRIS FISHBEIN what had-I better do next?” not, no. matter. She U come to It comforted her with soothing, en­ I are going back to Bermuda and black in the The during words. Judith sobbed finish up that honeymoon. Or would “Bring her in and I’ll look her later, I think. We make too many sUently. PresenUy she raised hei E ditor' Jounial 'o f the American | problem cases out of children, who you rather make the trip some­ over,” said the doctor. ^on’t eat. Few children deliberately pefrld^lt Medical Association and of Hygeia, Hilda May was forthwith pro­ head. „ • where else?” . T • , , the Health Magazine starve themselves.” “Arthur,” she said tensely, you From beneath lowered lashes Ju­ duced and the usual procedure gone His advice may be of help to ruSS;MrrS5>crre mean— nothing—makes any difEe. of the houses were not dith’s eyes flashed an eloquent an, In the last quarter of a century through. other mothers with the same prob- cause part ?>» swer. cases of eczema have been much “ She’s as sound as a nut, adit- \ lighted. Nothing in the world makes any (The End.) tie underweight, perhaps—^but she’s ( the limousine ^®®^tated, _ _ difference to me now that I ve better defined than they were be­ all right. What do you feed her?” > then moved forward. Be foimd you again I” fore. ‘"The diet you gave me. A quart i next house to the Dan ^Cameron, was quite out of A t one' time any inflammation of of milk a day, either plain or in j GUATEMALA PROTESTS the car to a halt. He swung - Judith and TROUBADORS TO BRING ;-.-4 r.'jitl t; the gvin that was associated with other food, cereal, vegetables, an pavement. , (Arthur Knight were in each others egg, or chicken, fish, or lamb, or Guatemala City, Guatemala, Mar, *‘This is the place, sir, ’ arms, warm kisses on Judiths lips FAMOUS ARTISTS HERE swelling and redness and the exuda­ a little beef; stewed fruits, citrous tion of fluid was called eczema. fruits, light desserts—oh, we give 1.— (AP)—^The Guatemalan gov- . opening the door of the throat and forehead, Nowadays it is realized that eczema | emment today lodged a strong pyo- From the driver s tone it w caressing his dear face, both paii her a fine variety.” dent that he did not approve of thv. j \iurred from laughter and is a condition of the skin with the Cooking Isn’t the Trouble test with the. Hondiuan governrimt Musical Art Quartet and Felix symptoms that have been men­ against raids reported to have bwn neighborhood. 6 2 3 “How’s your cook?” nn i tears at the same time. Fox, Pianist to Appear in tioned, but which follows a definite made on Feb. 21 by Honduran offi­ Arthur Knight steppeastepped outoul on j tearsWhen a their ecstasy had calmed, “Mother and I do it nearly all course and which is associated with ourselves. We’re good cooks.” cers and troops on the right bank the sidewalk. Knight drew his chair close to High School Hall. a special reaction on the part of Wait until I come back, he ■li- “ Do you serve it up in small of the Motagua river. the skin to certain irritant or ex­ The Guatemalan referred to tk rected. “I don’t know how long ^“Darling,” he smiled, "there's so The Musical Art Quartet of New 176 appetizing portions?” citing agents. “Oh, yes!” statement made by the Honduras that will be.” much to say I -I came here to , taik York, exclusive Columbia Record artists, will appear in the High Among the exteHial irritants “Regularly?” foreign office assuring GuatemiUa sir.'’ to you, and now before Ive begun which may bring about the reac­ that no army movements were to Knight glanced up at the 'build­ I feel that everything’s been said. School Auditorium on Tuesday eve­ “Just about.” 297 tions of eczematous character are “Talk much alrout her not eat­ be made on the disputed territory. ing, then hurried up the steps and Judith shoot: her head. ^ ning, March 27, under the auspices of the Center Congregational such chemicals as frequently occur ■ ing before her?” The' government annoimced that rank the bell. “But it hasn’t,” she demed, I in normal Ufe, including formalde­ “Does Daniel Cameron live Church Troubadours, by arrange­ “Well—perhaps we do, a little. any recurrence of such raids would want to hear everything. I want hyde and turpentine, the dyes which Yes, I’m afraid Ve fuss a good compel Guatemala to check them, here?” Knight asked. to know what you’ve been do­ ment of Walter Joyner. The quartet, which has Sascha are used to stain fur and hair, vege­ bit.” as her national dignity should so re­ ing and how you happened 0 ^ table irritants such as poison ivy, “Does she eat between meals? 'TSSjke to speak to him. Knight Jacobsen as first violin, Paul Ber­ quire. come here and why nard as second violin; Marie Roe- primrose and mustard. Sometimes Or drink milk? Nibble at fruit’ is my na^ne.” . Here Dan was interested. He the rays of the sun produce eczema­ “I’ll see' if Mr. Cameron is in. maet - Rosanoff, violonceUo, and perhaps?” came nearer, leaning against the Louis Kaufman, viola, will pr^ent tous reactions in the skin of certain “Well, of course, we get worried the woman said. She stepped bac.t, I MOVIES OF PRINCE table. ^ a semi-classical program. They people. and we’ve gotten now that we’ll opening the door wider for “I’d like to hear about some ot will be assisted by Felix Fox, who The speciaUst in diseases of the give her food whenever she wants to enter. Then she turned and hur­ those things myself,” he said. is counted among the elect of pian­ '142 skin is likely to separate the condi­ it. But she doesn’t want it ever, it Nairobi, Kenya Colony, jSritiali ried up the stairway. “After all, I’m Judith’s brother. ists by reason of his artistry, vir­ tion which follows a definite course S66IUS**’ East Africa, Mar. 1.—(A ^ —The Arthur Knight surveyed the “ Of course,” said Knight. “ I m tuoso qualities an.d outstanding arid which is known as eczema from “I don’t think your daughter is Prince of Wales had another aerial dingy hallway with disapproval. He looking forward to knowing you a an ordinary inflammation of the skin a problem case,” said the doctor. visitor at his camp at Selenga! yes­ noted the worn floor, the ugly bou­ lot better, Cameron. I .want to know ^ The Musical Art Quartet has brought about by irritating sub­ “She may have a little idiosyncracy terday, Commander Glen Kit^ten, quet of wax flowers which stood be­ your father too.” many engagements the week of the stances and which is called der- against food as some children have, flying from Nairobi to the ieamp fore the mirror and the small elec­ Judith’s eyes grew serious. 23rd, bfeing booked to pl^y Yale matis. Usually infection occurs in but I’d even hesitate to call it that. with a private cinematographer who tric globe feebly struggling to “How long,” she asked, "have you on the 25th, at Harvard the 26th, combination with the inflammation We older people are so fond of call­ took pictures of . .big game' near brighten the scene. . known about—us?” here the 27th, and at the Bushnell and defines the situation. ing anything out of our stereotyped Selengai. >The man moved restlessly. At the Knight answered her gaze di- Memorial in Hartford on the 28th. Sometimes people w'ho are sensi­ man-made program for children an Kidston returned in the evening It is reported that every seat for with several game films taken by noise of a door opening ^ d steps rectly. tive to certain food substances re­ “idiosyncracy.” upon'the staircase he raised his “ Since about the third evening the last mentioned concert is sold. 297 act with eczema on the skin; in Exercise a Common Need his royal highness. 623 Campbell Black, the aviator who eyes. Quickly he lowered them. you had dinner with me last No­ The New York 'Times, comment­ other instances, they react with the j ‘"The truth is that nature makes ing on a recital of the quartet says that is called! a program for each child regard­ was not heard from for some time Young Dan Cameron came down vember.” type of eruption the steps. Each man measured the in part: A musical event of re^ No. 297—Basque Frock. This Manchester Herald urticaria and which consists of itch less of what we think she ought to after his departure Wednesday, ar-* “Oh!” The little gasp was invol­ rived safely at the prince’s camp, other with a glance. sigiSficance occurred last night with style is designed in sizes 12, 14, lo, ing, blister-like hives. make. No tw-o children are exactly untary. the first public appearance of the Pattern Service Babies may be sensitive to wheat, and is expected to return here to­ “Mr. Knight?” Dan asked for­ “It doesn't sound very gentleman­ 18^ and 20 years. Size 16 requires alike—and so, as a matter of fact, Musical Art Quartet. Many o to eggs, or to milk and respond day. mally. “I understand you asked ly,” Knight continued, “but 1 want 2V'o yards of 39-inch material with As ou? patterns are mailed the food needs of all children can­ quartets than this one would have after the taking of such food sub­ not be alike. There is one thing, for me.” “ I understand you asked you to know the truth. When 1 Si "yard of 35-inch contrasting. from New York City please allow reason to envy them the. fine bal­ No. l76— Capelet Collar. This stances with eczematous reactions. however. All children alike need LINEN HAT step as he spoke. realized w'hat you had suddenly five days. A Paris turban and scarf en­ “ Yes. How do you do, Mr. cani- ances and cohesion style is designed in sizes 8, lt>> In such cases the removal- of the i exercise. , that is, as- come to mean to me, Judith, 1 did tonal euphony the exceptional ^indi­ Price 15 Cents semble is made of light blue linen; eron?” Knight’s voice betrayed his and 14 years. Size 8 requires 2% sensitizing substances from the X4 husband’s?” » Knight fervently. “Then—you know!” murmured Judith took hjs face in her hsinds. N V u — By Anne Austin* Judith. / “I love you,” she said simply s ' • I . “I know that I have been miser­ It was on the way home that ;>X!X;X<;>.’;t;;v:;!;;; - ..4 <*• P' able and lonely— and I know that 1 evening in the car that Arthur *■ love you more than you could pos­ Knight remembered to fell his wife sibly guess from my blundering "a. nrettv penny” over in Sweden, but they about Tony’s and Andy’s marriage mistakes. I know that I want you „ They may not speak proken Von Schmitterlow, The young Mr. and Mrs Andrew can say that about their paper curre^y. h features will adorn some of Starts In The Herald to come home—” Craig had sailed the day before for pictured above, is “m the Joubt torder to part with. She “But—Arthur!” France. There was to be a two!Sweden’s ^^een-backs-making toem, gj^jjodiment of Scandina- months’ lioneymoon and after that]was chosen by a committe^of a tists M^ regular Uttle Swede Suddenly Judith cotfid not keep ah indefiniteir,ri.fi«it* postTinut for AndyAndv ■withvrith thethe! J vian charm.” Judge for yourseir. isn i. sob «. back the tears. Knight on London representative of Hunter'bea^.. his knees beside her, his arms PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN^ SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1930 Dreams of Yale Tourney Seem Sure to Come SCOTT SHOWN STARTING SWOON MANCHESTER TRADE BEA MERIDEN MECHANICS 19 TO 17 AFTER OVERTIME --t^e ^w i^in g whatever hopes remains of getting 0 Borillo, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 SELIGSON DEFEATS the call for the New Haven joust. 0 Viot, If ...... 8 1-1 1^ Manchester won, to use the ver­ 0 Jacquemin, If .. • • 1 0-0 writM^ofus ta^ra^’ Serel M?S»oha ateppeO^betwe^^^ DeciMnrsharS s nacular, by the skin of its teeth, 1 Siamond. c ...... 2 0-2 AMHERST OPPONENT nosing out one of the pluckiest 0 Krovontka. c -----1 0-0 I j c ™ quintets ever to grace a local chalk­ 1 P. Vince, rg ...... 2 0-0 0 Sendrowski, rg .. 2 0-0 ed court. The final score was 19 to by train to The Manchester Evening Herald.______17 but it did not come until after 2 W. Vince, Ig ----- 2 1-1 On at Least Even Terms Ithaca, N. Y., Mar. 1.— (A P )— 0 Hermerdinger, Ig . 1 0-0 an overtime period of three minutes The favorites headed by Julius had been furiously fought to the 6 23 3-7 49 With American Ace. REC GIRLS LOSE Seligson of Lehigh University, de- accompaniment of a deafihg uproar Meriden Trade (20) SETS HIS HOUSE AFIRE i fending champion, came through [ as some 700 spectators yelled them- P. B. F. BY DRIVING GOLF BALL i their opening matches successfully 1 selves wild with delight. 1 Salvatore, r f ...... -2 0-1 BY ALLAN GOULD. 1ST AQUATIC MEET in the fourth annual intercollegiate Crowd Goes Wild 0 Godek, If ...... 5 0-0 indoor tennis tournament for the The termination of the battle was 1 Merriam, c ...... 0 0-3 Miami, Fla., Mar. 1.— (A P )—Bag, Cheyenne, Wyo., Mar. l.— (A P )—Albert Cronland, banker, Lamed Cup sponsored by Cornell easily one of the most exciting ever 1 Korbin, r g ...... 2 0-1 baggage and ballyhoo, the pugilistic j and city links champion, set his house afire with a golf ball yes­ University yesterday. seen in Manchester and the huge 0 Schaeffer, Ig ------0 O-O hosts, Madison Square Garden, pre- j terday. Seligson defeated S. P. Hayes, steel rafters fairly trembled from 1 Geremia, Ig . • T 0-1 Mr. Cronland has developed his driving to a high point of Make Good Showing Against Amherst 6-1, 7-5, John M. Richard­ the pandemonium which broke loose 0 Carbone, Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 j pared to beat a strategic retreat to- | accuracy this winter on his indoor course. Practicing yesterday son of Dartmouth, runnerup for the when Captain Ernie Dowd shatter­ day from the disastrous scenes' on the course, Cronland placed a match in the bull’s eye of the National Junior Indoor title, also ed the deadlock with a pretty shot 4 10 0-6 20 where the second battle of the cocoa- J canvas ball stopper. He drove the ball hard from the tee. Hartford Y, W. C. A. Team advanced, beating G. H- Weltner, from outside the foul circle’s deep­ Halftime'score; 28-6, Manchester.! nut palms fouled and flopped. | The sphere sailed true, struck and ignited the match and the Cornell, 6-3, 6-0. T. D. MacDonald, est point. Timer Iver Dahlquist’s Referee; W. J. aarke. I There have been more artistic' canvas flared. The fire department came to discover that most In Hartford. also from Dartmouth who was beat­ whistle was the signal for one of the wildest demonstrations that ha.s ! failures than this Scott-ShdVkey at- of the damage was caused by smoke. en by Seligson in last year’s final, “ Gob” Turkington marked High school basketball his­ ' fair. Tex Rickard had his troubles trimmed Lawn-ence Dritz, Syracuse, tory in years. in 1919 at Toledo, and the boom 6-1, 6-2. Their victories carried all The Rec Girls swimming teains, three into the third round as they The crowd swarmed all over the his twin-pointer, almost closed the BRISTOL NOSES OUT town of Shelby, Montana, was hard gap. Then Turkington stamped him­ recently organized, lost its initial drew first round byes. floor and the more ardent supporters hit by the flop of the Dempsey-Gib- aquatic meet of the season last literally mobbed the exhausted and self as the hero of the hour with a bons bout there in the summer of i night to the Hartford Y. W. C. A. in j victorious Silk City athletes in ef­ pretty basket from a red hot scrim­ 1923, but these at least had glamor Ithaca, N. Y., M rch 1.— (A P )— MERIDEN, 24 TO 22 the latter’s tank. The Junior Rec Julius Seligson of Lehigh, defending fort to shower them with congra­ mage imder the hoop to put his of a championship struggle. Jack Britton to Meet team was defeated 14 to 9 while tulations. This outburst was large­ team ahead 17 to 14. This was short titleholder, an 1 T. D. MacDonald of The balmy setting of this winter’s i lived as Cubeta equalized. Charlie the Senior Rec team lost 29 1-2 to Dartmouth, runner-up last yep. ly due to the announcement before­ fistic fiasco had few if any re­ 11 1-2. Considering their lack of hand that a triumph for Manchester Umba went out on personals but Despite the loss of four players deeming features to offset the finan- reached the semi-finals in opposite on personal fouls, Meriden came j training and inexperience, Manches­ would undoubtedly mean participa­ Jimmy O'Leary missed both free cial shortcomings. As it was, the ; halves of the draw in Cornell’s in­ tries. within a hair’s breadth of defeating Schell Thursday Night ter’s showing was highly satisfac­ door tennis tournament for the tion in the Yale tournament a couple battle of the minute’s rest added no i Bristol High on the lattef’s floor last tory. of weeks hence. Score Is Tied lustre to heavyweight history, Lamed (Jup late yesterday. night. The state champions won A Restless Walt With 28 seconds remaining to play Scott, all hands concede, has been A group of about 15 girls,made Seligson was forced to an extra only after a strenuous battle and the While there is no alternative but and Manchester leading 17 to 16, effectually removed as a heavy­ the trip to Hartford in automobiles. set to defeat John M. Richardson score was 24 to 22. Previously to mark time restlessly until the of­ Nicola fouled Del Vecchio on the weight title contender, thus the Miss Gertrude E. . Fenerty and of Dartmouth, 4-6, 6-1* 6-3, in a Meriden had beaten Bristol 27 to 26. Former World’s Welter-jTILDEN AND COEN ficial pairings are made next week pivot play and the latter sunk the field is at least reduced by one in Frank C. Busch were in charge. A third-round match while in another Allaire was Bristol’s ace. return meet with Hartford is plan­ it now seems comparatively certain free try to tie the score. Play was the wearisome and unsatisfactory MacDonald trimmed Carl Dennison furious in the overtime and the large ned at a later date. The junior team that Manchester High will be one of Bristol series of elimination bouts since the weight Champion M eets' of Ohio State, Junior Champion of crowd stood up and the wildest of F. Pts. MONTREAL took part in a new water sport the eight teams chosen although the B. retirement of Gene Tunney in the Ohio, at 9-7, 6-4. commotion prevailed. The terrific L. LaPonte, If ...... 1 3 5 I known as the ‘‘scoop game” and The team scores at the close of eventual selection of the local school 1 summer of 1928. is not yet definitely assured. With din could be heard for blocks away. White, rf ...... 1 ? j Sharkey, the main American hope Hard Punching Opponent j succeeded in holding their opponents the morning’s play were: Dart­ Turkington fouled Malone but the 0 2 only three defeats staining an other­ Hall, c ...... 1 though a three round victor over I without a score in six minutes of mouth 9, Lehigh 7, Cornell 4, Ohio Middletovra forward missed the try 0 0 Montreal, Mar. 1.— (A P )— In a wise immaculate record, however, Gubske, c ...... 0 Scott under extraordinary circum.- play. Taking part were Rosalie State 3, Harvard, Yale and Prince­ and a few seconds later Dowd sunk 0 0 At Foot Guard Hall. resumption of Franco-A..ierican ten­ Manchester boasts a record fully as Lincoln, Ig ...... 0 stances, remains an uncertain figure Hicking, Helen Arson, Annie Arson, ton 2 each; Amherst, Syracuse and his spectacular shot that, spelled 0 4 impressive as that of most state Palau, I g ...... 2 as a fighter of apparent great pos­ nis warfare, Bill Tilden and his Mary Grezel, Florence Donahue and Pennsylvania one each. victory, assured Manchester of a 0 0 schoolboy quintets. Greene, I g ...... (1 sibilities; Thursday was the night youthful Kansas City protege, Wil- Eleanor Hunter. Second round—Detwiler, Cornell, second place tie in the final C. C. 6 4 10 Jack Britton, former world’s wel A defeat by Middletown last Allaire, rg ...... for this Jekyl and Hyde of fisticuffs | terweight champion, and one of the bur F. Coen, Jr., defeated the young Summary of events: defeated Hill, Harvard, 7-5, 2-6, 6-2. I. L. standing, brightened the Yale j Seniors night, however, would have cast the to wage one of his ‘‘bad nights.” most skillful ring performers in the , pj.guch combination Christian Bous- Third round—Seligson, Lehigh, hopes and drove several hundred un­ Totsds ...... 8 8 24 20 yard dash—Won by Pearl defeated Richardson, Dartmouth, red and white’s chances alongside The expert concensus as a result history of the game, will face A1 sus and Rene Debuselet in the semi­ those of Briton’s famous horizontal ruly High school students mad with Meriden Holer, Hartford, second. Flora Jer­ 4-6, 6-1, 6-3; MacDonald, Dart­ is that Sharkey by no means figures Schell, former welterweight cham­ finals of the Butler Cup match by pugilistic champion, Phil Scott. joy. B. F. Pts. ry, Hartford. Time, 11 2-10 seconds. mouth, defeated Dennison, Ohio to have any advantage over Max pion of Germany, in the star ^out scores of 6-4, 6-4, 5-7, 6-3, 6-4 yes­ The crowd sensed the importance of Tomkiewicz, rg ...... 2 2 6 20 yard back stroke—Won by State, 9-7, 6-4. 0 2 Schmeling when they meet on June at Foot Guard Hall in Hartford terday. the game and became so over-en­ ODDS AND ENDS Ivers, I g ...... 1 26 in New York. In fact Schmeling Flora Gerry, Hartford; second, M. 0 0 next Thursday night. The Americans thus qualified to thusiastic over the progress of the Coach Wilfred J. Clarke used ex­ Teller, I g ...... vO is conceded an excellent chance by Galor, Manchester. Time, 17 2-5 sec­ 0 0 0 Britton is past forty, but a com­ meet Henry Austin and Charles bitterly fought contest that one cellent judgment in making substi­ Rene, c . v...... many experts to beat Sharkey. onds. ! 0 2 bination of good living and remark­ Kingsley, a strong British team of would have thought life or death tutions last night. Moriarty, Nicola Neumann.) c ...... 1 The squawks over the Miami bat­ 40 yard dash—Won by Pearl I FLORIDA TOURNAMENT V. 0 4 able ring skill, have preserved him former college players, in the final depended upon the outcome. and O’Leary who went in as substi­ Stanley, r f ...... tle may be heard for some time to Holer, Hartford: second, Doris i 1 0 2 well and made it possible for him round today. Austin once captained .\ Great Battle tutes all did a nice piece of work. Russell, rf ...... come. The Miami boxing commis­ Gruntler, Hartford. Time 27 1-5 sec- ; .1 2 4 to stay in the game long after the the Cambridge University Middletown came to town boast­ Orentlichelman, If .. sioners made it clear however, that onds. i ATTRACTS MANY STARS 1 0 2 age when the average boxer has and Kingsley led the Oxford team. ing one victory over Manchester Moore, If ...... while they will accord Scott or his SO yard relay—Won by Hartford. ! The officiating of Sumner A. Dole nailed his shoes to thevwall and put Austin is England’s outstanding Time, 54 2-5 seconds. earlier in the seasota by a 24 to 22 of Connecticut Aggies was particu­ manager any reasonable hearing, margin after two overtime periods Totals . . tv...... 9 4 22 the gloves away in the old moth player. Diving—Won by Eugene Bychoe- Belleair, Fla., March 1.— (AP.) larly good last night. He kept the they have no thought of reversing or | luc and last night Manchester was reconsidering the verdict of Lou vvas introduced from the Tilden, the American singles ski. Manchester; second, Anna —America’s links caravan of pro­ game well in hand, which was no forced to play three additional min- easy task with the crowd in such a I Magnolia-. i, i rina at the Bat Battalino-Ignacio champion, and Coen, now the eighth Clark, Hartford. fessionals and amateurs paused . M. H. S. 2NDS LOSE ranking player in the United States, Juniors here today on its transcontinental j wtes before it coi^^^^ continuous uproar. 1 The final report from the box | p^fj^^ndez fight in the State Ar- golfing itinerary for the 15th a n -1 ARhough admittedly out j office was sad indeed. It showed j F night and received were given a great battle by their 20 yard wash—Won by Florence I gross receipts of $193,252 and a netovation than did French opponents but came back Donohue,.e, Manchester; se-^ond, Ele- Dual Florida West Coast champion-I nm? iS^ We wondered why Referee Dole TO MIDDLETOWN, 18-8 gate of $161,716 after the deduction | Trumbull, attesting to strong after trailing at one set to nora Walker, Hartford. Time. 12 j ship and its reward of some $4,000 ] had to stop the game a few times and two at the intermission. 1-5 seconds. in ?ash prizes, More tton 100 ot the i ,C place the men in their proper posi­ of federal taxes. There were only , popularity of the former cham- country’^ leading exponents of the ^ p a great battle one that ^ 18,762 paying customers of w'hom | ^ne p p 20 yard back stroke—Won by Middletown’s scrubs easily took game L r e entered. jbva m the annals of local basket- tions during free throw attempts. 11,897 sat in the $5 sections (until | P • qj j^jg boxing Kathleen Hogan, Hartford: second, Between the halves he explained the measure of Manchester last Two rounds of 18 holes each will baa. night 18 to 8. At halftime the locals they moved elsewhere); 3,495 occu-1 . , . meeting Schell here next Annie Arson, Manchester. Time, 16 that they were steping on each HEADS TWO SPORTS seconds. be played today viath another 36; view of the lack of other’s toes. had not tallied a single point. The pied $12.50 seats enjoyed ; rpjjpj,g^uy night for the German is boles tomorrow. Though he finished | these incentives, Middletown s g team also missed all of its five foul the luxury of $25 locations one of the hardest hitters the wel­ 80 yard relay—Won by Hartford. Time, 54 2-5 seconds. poorly in the West Coast Open last I tries. No Middletown player scored The total cost of the promotion terweight class has ever knovro. AT WILLIAMS 'COLLEGE year, Horton Smith of Detroit, by | able. Manchester, al^ough holing Speaking about Dole, it might be more than one field goal. The sum­ was figured at no less than $200,000 He it was who dealt a double jaw The finals of the State Y. M. C. A. of interest to know that he ^11 be so that the loss probably will be be­ _____ I annual swimming meet will be held virtue of his splendid showing in i the upper hand at the WCAC microphone at Storrs mary : fracture to Billy Taylor down at the past 15 months ruled a favor-1 after a faulty take-off. tween $40,000 and $50,000. I in Hartford this afternoon. Man- tonight describing the annual clash Middletown (18) Waterbury last summer and he ite to^ cop this - year’s top prize the finish and just about managed r . B. F. T. scored a technical knockout over WilliarastovTi, Mass., Mar. 1.— ! Chester will defend the title which to stagger across the finish in an between the Aggies and Rhode Is­ (AP) — Benjamin Langmaid, of : its Rec ^team annexed last year. Denny Shute, slim Columbus. O., land State at Hawley armory. 0 Augeri, rf ...... 1 0-2 2 ohnny Walker on the last card at pro., was a close second choice in upright position. Tears streamed 0 Whitney, If ...... 1 0-0 2 Foot Guard hall. Britton and^ Schell Swampscott. today was elected cap- ! J______down the faces of two of the play- tain of the Williams College hockey the pre-tournament selections. . - , . While Captain Dowd’s shot won 1 Sanstrom, If ...... 1 0-0 2 are slated to go ten rounds, heading New York—Ted Sandviina, Ger Among the top notchers partici-1 ers from sheer ecsta^^ BOWLING acard which promises a lot of rug- team. A week ago he was chosen the game, no one played any better 1 Vince, c ...... 1 1-2 3 ca^tain’of the football team. Selec- i many, outpointed Riccardo Beta- 0 C. Umba, c ...... 1 2-2 4 •ed milling. solla, 10. Arthur Dekuh, New York, A ? Elp?nSt ? ? W aTrouffjoiiS | Se "floo^to Slg^vlicfferous cd^ brand of basketball than “Gob" Tur. 0 Brown, Ig ...... 1 1-2 3 Main Office One of the feature bouts will I tlon. as leader of two varsity teams ' kington, lanky Manchester center, ! is considered a rare honor at Wil­ knocked out Charles Smith, Eng­ Farrell', Tom Kerrigan. Mike Tur-1 bration. whose long arms and fighting spirit Z Cacciola. rg .. . . '. . 1 0-1 2 . McGann i ------. 66 ! bring together two former kayo nesa, Bobby Cruickshank, Harry Locals Nervous . Wault ...... 72 ! artists of amateur days—Joe Smith, liams. He Is' vice president of the land, 1. Harold Mays, Bayonne, N. Manchester seemed nervous, no were a constant menace to the hopes 0 Bongiorno, r g ...... 0 0-1 0 J., outpointed Marty Gallagher, Cooper, Billy Burke, Gene Sarazen, Pittengill ...... 44 slueeing southpaw and Joe Howard Junior class and a member of the doubt due to the importance of the of the down-staters. He held his g3 _____ Purple Key Society. Washington, 10. Frank Walsh, Craig Wood, Whiffy opponent scoreless to "boot. 5 7 4-10 18 A. Paradis ...... 75 former state amateur middleweight Cox. Johnny Dawson of Chicago stakes, and this was one reason why Manchester Seconds (8) champion. Middletown was almost successful was a favorite among the ­ Manchester High has but one P. B. F. 257 293 284 in spoiling the (Jlarkites’ chances of teurs. more regular schedule grame to play 0 Fraser, if ...... 1 0-2 Throwing going to Yale. Time after time the E. Royce ...... 72 SEEK "su spen sio n locals would lose possession of the and that is against Windham High 0 Neil, rf ...... 0 0-0 at Willimantic next week Friday. 2 Lerch, If ...... 2 0-1 S. Veriick ...... 86 False God of Money ball through poor passing. Another G. Modean ...... 69 NEW BRITAIN GOLFER factor which, prqved a difficult ob­ This does not count in the records ' 1 Jamroga, c ...... 1 0-0 submitted for Yale consideration. ' 1 Cheney, c ...... 0 0-0 0 E. Wolfrom ...... 71 FOR NICK CHRISTY stacle to scale was Middletovim’s 1 Radding, I g ...... 0 0-0 B. Bika ...... -83 Is Destroying Sports five man zone dfefense. , LOSES IN SEMI-nNALS The visitors shot into a six to Incidentally, Coach Tommy Calla­ 0 McKinney, Ig ...... O 0-0 Waterbury, March 1.—(AP)— 381 355 394 two lead at the start of the game han of Windham, scouted the game 2 McHale, rg ...... 0 0-2 Frank Brickel, local deputy boxing here last night. commissioner annoimced yesterday States London Herald but this was reduced to six-five at Ribbon the conclusion* of the first quarter. 7 4 0-5 1 that he would ask Commissioner Ormond Beach, Fla., March 1.— «Faculty Manager Edson M. Bailey Halftime score: 6-0, Middletown. F. Lielashus ..'... 85 73 (AP)—Miss Virginia Van Wie, of Three spectacular shots by Turking­ 09 1 Thomas E. Donahue to suspend Nick London, Mar. i ._ ( A P ) —London|=contests would put an end to Anglo- ton, Dowd and Nicola shot' Man­ announced that 650 persons paid ad­ Referee: Sumner H. Dole. P. Reale ...... 74 ' Christy, Bristol, for failure to per­ Chicago, and Mrs. Stewart Hanley, A. Visnis ...... 72 Morning papers commenting editori- American pnzejig^^^^ thatjorDelroit, will meet today in the chester into a 11 to 6 lead .as the mission to see'last night’s hectic form on the local card here Thurs­ second quarter got underway but struggle. Casey’s Hicks (34) A. Wolfram ...... 77 ally for the first time on the Shar-1 ^iter- finals of the south Atlantic Wo- day night. Christy weighed in but the gap was almost closed at half­ r . • B. F. T. A. Taggart ...... 58 men’s Golf Tournament did not appear for his bout with key-Bcott fiasco at Miami, viewed | cation and far too little real flght- time due to baskets by Cubeta and Meriden’s two-point defeat, 24-22, 0 E. Bengston, rf ... 2 0 ,4 Frankie Albano later on in the eve­ Miss Van defeated Miss Bennett 366 407 397 the entire affair as a disagreeable ing in recent heavyweight encoun- Malone. at the hands of Bristol last night 2 Magnason, If ...... 5 1 11 ning. of New Britain, Conn., 4 and 2 in was its third of the season and thus Velvet ep,30de .n d uzed It to - r a - ,z d oz t o - their semi-final match today. Miss Captain Is Ousted 1 Swan.son, c ...... 3 1 7 Middletown had the misfortune to leaves the Meriden quintet which 2 Liipien, rg ...... 0 1 1 Fcrfcited. decay of international boxing under | jjjopg on their fists and Van Wie played two fiives on the lose its leader, Captain Eddie Leon­ twice bowed to the Clarkemen, tied 1 Gengston, Ig ...... 0 1 1 NATIONAL SWIMMING the influence of money and intrigue, j jggg on talk,” the paper said. final two holes to set a new course with the locals for second place in Spinning Jfo. 3 record of 73 fo'r women. The old ard on personals soon after tha third The Morning Post lamented that The Daily Express ' commented: period started and Tleniey dropped the final lefigue standing. 6 10 4 24 M. Campbell ...... 46 67 59 British boxing should have been -The boxing world has been robbed record was 74. R. Griffith ...... 60 74 74 Mrs. Hanley, who provided a in both tries to make the score 13 to Pick Ups (30) MEET AT LONG BEACH represented abroad by sucb a of what should have been an Inter- 10. A few minutes later matters p B. F. T. R. O’Leary ...... 80 78 79 “lethargic and indolent” representa- esting encounter and that is all. Re- great upset yesterday In eliminating A. Moriarty...... 88 82 76 Long Beach, Calif., Mar. 1.— Miss Maureen Orcutt, metropolitan were evened when Tierney also w m LastNig^Ps Fights 1 Kennedy, rf ----- . . . 3 0 6 tive as Scott, although acknowledg-1 gret is tempered by the reflection mven his unconditional release for 1 McPartland, I f ...... 7 1 15 (AP)—The National Outdoor A. A. champion, easily vanquished Miss U., swimming championships will be Ing it had been apprised that Shar- , that neither winner or loser are in the night. ShorUy afterward Turk­ 0 Olson, c ...... 0 0 0 254 301 284 the class as the old time heavy­ Ruth Reploglc. Oklahoma City San Francisco—Frankio Stetson, Wea\ing Mill staged in Almaltos Bay here July 3, key was a “tough, ugly customer ington scored from the floor and the 1 Johnson, r g ...... 0 1 1 without a trace of pugilistic chiv­ .” champion, 6 and 9. third quarter ended with Maaches- San Fra^sco, 'outpointed Jimmy 1 Thoven, rg ...... 1 0 2 S. K e lly ...... 71 100 96 4, 5, and 6. the Southern California The Daily Herald declared: “The Goodrich, BvdCalo, 10. M. Summerville ... 66 74 80 Amateur Athletic Association an­ alry.” ‘er'on top 15 to IQ. 2 Brown, Ig ...... 3 0 6 The paper described the referee, sooner fights are regulated under a Baskets by Mike Malone and Nick Wichita, Kas.—Angus Snyder, M. C raw sbaw ..... 76 70 54 nounced yesterday. proper international code, the bet­ Boston—Johnny Indrisano, Bos­ Dodge City,-Kas., outpointed George Lou Magnolia, as “ the one comical ton, outpointed Clyde Hull; Fort (ubeta, the latter dribbling almost 7 14 2 30 M. Volkert ...... 73 81 85 The meet will include the men and ter. The false god of money is dc- Hoffman, New York, 10. ____- 4 women’s championships, and the na- figure in the disgusting affair” and Worth. Texas. 10. ,hs entire, length of the floor for Referee—Snow. predicted that repetition of sucb strovlnc sDortsmanshio,” Halftime score 15-12, Pick Ups. 286 325 315 tional water polo championships. ■ i '■ ’ ’ ' MANGHEOTER EVENING'HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN./ SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1980 PAGE TWELVE '.. k .

ir: T H E CM.I

Want Ad Inforniatloo LOSr AND FOUND 1 COURSES AND CLASSES 27 TRAINING CAMP NOTES PAY CHECK LOST—Notice is EARHER TRADE taught lo day Paradise for Birds Built ■ Manchester hereby given that Pay Check No. and evening classes. Low tuition San Antonio, Texas, Mar. 1.- Evening Herald F-2-B 24, payable to Lucinda Mc- rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 (AP)—Manager Donie Bush of the Caughey, for week ending Feb- Market street, Hartford. On Henry Ford Incentive Chicago White Sox has made . CLASSIFIED 1930 has been lost, Any- another change in the old order— 1 one attempting to cash this check the Sox this season will have noj advertisements will be prosecuted to the full ex- 1 HELP WANTED— field captain. Bill Kamm who se^« Count 8lx average words lo a >ln®. tent of the law. Finder please re­ FEMALE 35 ed most of last season as field lead-l Initials, numbers and abbreviations turn to the Corporate Accounting j er will have that much less to| oaoh count as a word and compound Dept. Main Office, Cheney Bros, j bother about. words as two worda Minimum cost Is SALESWOMAN to work in pastry ^rlce ot three llnea LOST — MARKER PLATE No. shop. Apply Downyflake Dough­ l.ilno rates per day for transient XF-842. Finder please return to nut Shop, 885 Main street. Avalon, Catalina Island, Cal. Mar.] ada. — (AP)—With his cast fully as-l EffectlTC March 17. i »:J7 Schaller Motor Sales Co, Phone WANTED—YOUNG lady for gen­ Cash Charge sembled Manager Joe McCarthy ofl 6282. eral office work, steady position. the Chicago Cubs today settled! 11 Consecutive Days I 7 clsl » els - Consecutive Days 1 ;i CIS 11 cts LOST—PAIR OF black kid gloves Apply Manchester Public Market. down to the business o f preparing] i 7 7 7 ,;;| u ctsi is cts at Cheney Hall, Wednesday eve­ Dial 5111. for the drive after another Na-i All orders for Irregular insertions tional League championship. will be charged at the one Ime ning. Finder please call 8851. ' WANTED—GIRL to take care of Special rates Cor long term every 1 day advertising given upon ceouest. baby afternoons. Apply Mrs. Fort Meyers, Fla., Mar. i._ (A P )l Ads ordered for CiJ-ee o/ ® ^ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 Lomax, 11 Pa'rk street. Manager Connie Mack has creat-l nnd stopped before the third or fifth ed a new job for Howard Ehmke.I clay will be charged only for the ac­ WANTED—TWO . women to* can­ tual number ot times the ad FOR SALE—1928 Chrysler sport vass, good pay. Apply Mr. Edgerly, veteran righthander. He will have] ed. charging at the rate earned, bu coupe. Model 52. Call at 58 Sum­ Downey Flake Doughnut Shope, complete coaching charge of the] no allowances or refunds can be made mer street. Town. rookie boxmen, eight of whom are] on six time ads stopped after the 885 Main street. now working out here. fifDi^dayii display lines not FOR SALE—CHEVROLET coupe, good condition, $125. Call Rose- Winter Haven, Fla., Mar. 1.— I ^°The Herald will not be responsible HELP WANTED— MALE 36 for more than one Incorrect Insertion dale 32-5. (AP) With the veterad Grover] Cleveland Alexander as head mas-1 ot any advertisement ordered for GOOD USED CARS more than one time. POSITIONS ON BOARD ocean ter of the Phillies pitching staff is I TheSilnadvertent omission of '"cor­ Cash or Terms liners; good pay, visit France, going to school at their spring] rect publication ot advertising will be Madden Bros. Italy, Japan; experience unneces­ training camp, here. “Aleck is the I rectified only by cancellation of the 61 Main St. Tel. 5500 charge made for the service rendered. sary; self-addressed envelope will only man that’s going to tell our] bring list. E. Arculus, Mount Ver­ All advertisements must conform 10 GOOD USED CARS pitchers how to pitch" Manager] non, N. Y. in style, copy and typography with Crawford Auto Supply Company Shotton said. “If he can’t tell them,] regulatio’ i enforced by the P"b*'*^' then I don’t know how they*!! evp«-l ers and they reserve the right to Center & Trotter Streets learn." edit, revise or reject any -oy con­ Telephone 6495 and 8063 sidered objectionable. AGENTS WANTED 37-A CIiOSlNO HOURS—Classified ads to SEE US BEFORE San Antonio, Tex., Mar. 1.— (A P )! be published same day BIG OHIO CORPORATION seeks celved by 12 o'clock noon; Saturdays BUYINC A USED CAR John McGraw, manager of thej Terms—Trades Considered manager for open territory. Op­ Giants already has swung the axe.l TELEPHONE YOUR BETTS GARAGE portunity to earn $3,500, $5,000 Lou Winer, righthanded pitcher and] Hudsoa-Essex Dealer 129 Spruce and more yearly. We furnish every­ Jack Gallagher, burly catcher Iiav9| WANT ADS. thing. Experience unnecessary. Ads are accepted over the 'elephone been unconditionally released. at the CHAKOE RATE glvei. above Fyr-Fyter Co., 1954 Fyr-Fyter as a convenience to advertisers, bu GARAGES—SERVICE- Bldg., Dayton, O. St. Petersburg. Fla., Mar. 1.— ] the CASH KATES will be accepted as (A.P) Bob Shawkey, new manager] fu el PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ STORAGE 10 - A view of llie bird paradise at A ussig-on-Elbe, a Czechoslovakian ness office on or before the steel center, established by Dr. Heinrich Lompo (inset). of the Tiankees is a firm believer inj day following the J FOR SALE—GOOD frame garage. LIVE STOCK— VEHICLES 42 the efficacy of the sliding pit, and each ad otherwise the CHARUE Price low if taken immediately. one has been constructed at the R.\TB will bo collected. No responsi­ FOI^ SALE — SEVERAL farm bility -for errors In telephoned ads Call 8923. Aussig-On-Elbe, Cz^hoslovaW^t,,^ world,” he said, “Agri Yanks training camp here. All of win be assumed and their accuracy horses, weighing from 1000 to — (AP.) Reading about I culture and forestry would surely the club’s previous managers have] cannot be guaranteed. FOR RENT—GARAGE with elec­ 1500. J. C. Scranton, 428 Hillstown Ford’s love 'benefit if people realized what it been opposfed to the pit. INDEX OF tric lights. Inquire 58 Garden Road. Phone 7852. incentive for Dr. i means for the birds to destroy in­ CLASSIFICATIONS street. hardware dealer and ornithologist, Pensacola, Fla., Mar. 1.— (AP)- to establish a bird’s paradise in this "But the greatest advantage of Helnie Wagner, Red Sox manager] Rlrths ...... o FOR RENT — GARAGE rear of POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 43 “Pittsburgh of Czechoslovakia." ! Engagements ...... ^ Johnson Block, Main street. Phone such a park is that it teaches chil­ has ordered his 22 or more pitchers] Marriages ...... Jf He told this in explaining how he dren kindness to animals. More­ to slow down for a few days. With Deaths ...... p. 3726 or 7915. FOR SALE—EGGS for setting, AHARI M EN'i S— F!,Al'S— ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 5'J happened to hit on the idea of over people who are kind to birds the infielders and outfielders arriv­ Card of Thanks ...... “ selected brown Leghorns, 256 West TENEMENTS 63 “Lumpe’s Nature and Bird Protec- In Memorlam ...... Center street. Telephone 7637. FOR RENT—FOR gentleman, a and beats learn also to be kind to ing Tuesday^he says he doesn’t want Lost and F'onnd ...... • BUILDING- tion Park" where feathered song­ each other, something which this them to be baffle.d by too good AnnonneemenIs ...... ^ large sunny room, centrally locat­ FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement sters nest unhindered, find food in old world certainly needs.” ' pitching or the hiirlers to get the Personals ...... CONTRACTING 14 FOR .SALE—THRESHER’S baby ed. Dial 3041, 31 Laurel street. •and garage on Spruce street. In­ A iilnmnlillre winter if they wish to stay, and in , idea they’re world beaters. chicks, Rhode Island Reds, Barred quire 34 Spruce street. payment keep the region free from j \utomoMles tor .'^ale ...... J ROOFING. REPAIRS and altera­ Rocks, White Leghorns. George F. ON U. S. TEAM A nrnnioblles for Exchange...... » caterpillars and other insect ene- , tions. Special prices on interior Thresher, South Windsor, tele­ St. Petersburg, Fla,, ' Mar. I,.— ] Anio Accessories— Tires ...... FOR RENT—FURNISHED room. FOR RENT—DESIRABLE 6 room mies of plant and tree Aii'o Uepalring—Painting ...... ^ < trim, and reflooring. T. Nielson, phone 8-3310. Inquire at 49 School street. , Buffalo, N. Y., March 1.— (AP.) (-A.P)—The only malcontent on thej tenement, at 32 Walker street, off Dr. Lumpe, whose contributions ^ pgggy Wattles, four times A1110 .Schools ...... *■" telephone 4823. East Center, all improvements, and Braves roster is Jimmy Welch, tall \iiios—.'^bib by Truck ...... » to ornithology won him ' I Buffalo district champion, and pres- centerfielder from California, and Miros —For line ...... » garage, good location, rent reason­ ary degree ^ i^ n a umverj^ j announced Service—Siorage ...... FUEL AND FEED 49-A AFAR I MENTS— FLATS— able. Inquire 30 Walker. it is not because he prefers Csdl-J >'., T. I re VC le«—Blcvcle ...... FLORISTS— NURSERIES 15 observed that with . yesterday that she had accepted an fornia climate to that of Florida, A' Wan'i-.i Anios —M'lioreycles ... 1‘2 FOR SALE—BIRCH WOOD, $5.50 I’ENEMENTS 63 FOR RENT—98 CHURCH street, industry and the progres ° j invitation from Miss Glenna Coi­ substantial salary cut remains toj tind l•r^rf^■sslonal Services FOR SALE—CUT flowers, carna­ load, also hay. Andrew Paggioli, ning of *ujg ! lett, to play with the first women’s I SeiMCr? Dffered ------13 tions and calendulas, 621 Hartford five room flat, steam heat, modern be accepted or a compromise reach­ telephone Rosedale 46-5. FOR RENT—5 ROOM downstairs birds were ^ some ' golf team to invade ed. i , n I,., 1,1 St.rvii'i'« iMTeied ...... 13-A Road. Telephone 8962. improvements, price very reason­ country, bo m 1908 he took some ^ ^ Wattles will rnii-line- (•..iiti icnng ...... flat, all improvements $25. Inquire able. inquiie 28 Scarborough Road I s — .N III se l U s ...... HARD WOOD $6 PER load, also of the profits of hardware ^ Metropolitan players and FRESH CUT FLOWERS, carna­ 11 1-2 Ford street. or Phone 5950. Now Mr. Coolidge hints that he I ■i:eci'-.r« ...... fireplace wood. Wm. J. McKinney. ness and bought 12 acres. mcludm„ others of the ‘group 'from New v/on’t need 'all of those 500 words M.- , u.,- JiViiM,lung —Roofing tions $1.00 dozen, our dozen is 14. Phone K.osedale 28-2. FOR RENT—2 ROOM and kitchen­ a beautiful ravine, on a slope of the 1 T ■ j t II M-’e Cineraria and begonias, in buds FOR RENT—FOUR room tene­ York, April 22. The trip Will- con­ for that history of the United I s - I ii essim.i k Ine . . . ette, steam heated, all modern im­ Marienberg, just outside of Aussig and bloom, ferns in 5 and 6 Lych ment, A-1 condition, all improve­ sume seven weeks, during which States that is to be chiseled on a | .• - I : ncli 'nt — Srorag.i P"OR SALE—BIRCH seasoned hard provements. Apply Manchester ments, garage if desired. 238 Oak and its smoking miU stacks. the United States golfers will par­ (: M ■•i i> — I';i t'erins...... pots, and hanging baskets, all 50c wood, or hickory sawed for stove, This tract has been laid out to mountainside. Before he gets i -i.inal Services ...... Public Market. street. ticipate in the Women’s British through they’ll be able to put the ! I each. 397 Burnside Ave., East furnace, or fire place by the truck illustrate famous fairy tales. There championship. I 11.1'tine ...... Hartford. Telephone 8-3091. load, good service and measure is an Enchanted Castle in the whole business on a boulder. I iil,,Miic-I'vemc-.Fleanin;: ... 24 FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement on ... thP Opt- ' Wattles will leave for Pine- I and Sfi'vicu ...... ‘2.'> guaranteed. Fred Miller, Coventry. Center street, all modern improve­ BUSINESS EOCATIONS rounds, a grotto htting^^he^Ce^^ Carolina, in a few Vi'inifd — R’j :Ticss Scrvh’e ...... 26 Telephone Rosec'> e 33-3. ments. Inquire at 178 1-2 Center man "Ruebezah” saga I 111 iM'n I ionni MOViNC;— I'RUCKING— FOR RENT 64 .weeks to prepare her game for’ the DON’T FORGET! street. similar places. Dr. Lumpe believes overseas competition. t'.'Uises prid I'l.i.sses ...... 27 s t o r a (;e 20 FOR SALE—SLAB and bard that by connecting fairy tales with I’riv.iie Insiiuctlon ...... FOR RENT—OFFICE and apart­ II I ncing ...... wood, sawed stove length, and un­ FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, bird life he has made the feathered SPECIAL USED CARl M iivical — I'ra mat ic ...... 2a PERRETT & GLENNEY INC. der cover, also hickory wood for ment, consisting of live rooms, all PITCHER McGRAW SOLD with large garden, rent $16. In­ folk^morc attractive to children. St. Louis, March 1.—(AP.) — \Van-cd-^lns rod ion ...... 30 Local and long distance express tire place. L. T. Wood. Dial 4496. quire 92 East Middle Turnpike. improvements. Forest Block, Main Perhaps, too, he has made the piii:inci:il and freight service, including over­ street. August Kanehl, 189 West Pitcher Bob McGraw, who came to Display This Week-end j —.Mol igiigt'S ...... 31 place more attractive to birds, for the St. Louis Cardinals after the |:ii?iMt£a Di’l'orl unities ...... 3J night express service between Man­ FOR SALE—HARD WOOD and FOR RENT—Three room tenement Center street. Dial 7541. the park teems with nightingales, Money to l.oan ...... 33 chester and New York. Furniture hard slabs, stove leugtli $6 and $9 at 30 Church street, all improve­ season closed last year on the deal ut thrushes, larks,, robins, wrens, blue­ that sent Grover Cleveland Alex­ llclp nnil SItiiatlonn moved under the supervision ot ex­ per load. A. Firpo, 116 Wells street. ments except furnace heat. In­ birds. finches, woodpeckers and Help '.Valued —l'’einale ...... 35 perts and in specially constructed Dial 6148. quire at above address any time. HOUSES FOR REN'I 65 ander to the Philadelphia Nation­ Help WaiiU'd —Male ...... 36 humming birds. als, has been sold outright to the THE MACKLEY Help Wjrped —Male or Female .. 37 trucks. Phone 3063, 8860 or 8864. FOR RENT—6 ROOM single house, Now the doctor would like to Ageiils Wun'cd ...... 37-A FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ Rochester club of the Intezaiational all improvements, and garage if have the great forest between League, Secretary Clarence Lloyd CHEVROLET CO.] .'-iltuanons Wanted — Female .... 3>5 GENERAL TRUCKING—Equipped HOUSEHULD (JOUDS 51 ment, all improvements, and Carlsbad and Marienbfid converted Situations Wanted—Male ...... 3a for light and heavy jobs, tobacco, garage at 97 Norman street. In­ desired. Inquire 25 Ridgewood St. of the Cardinals announced yester­ ICmploymenl Agencies ...... 4'J into a bird reserve. day. The money involved was not 10 East Center, So. Manchester] 1.1» c Slock—Pets— Poultry—Vi hides hay. lumber, heavy freight, etc. FOR SALE—ONE sewing machine, quire at 99 Norman street. FOR RENT—6 ROOM house, at 91 “That would be an object lesson Dogs— Birds— Pel.s ...... 41 Prompt service, reasonable rates. one single bed, with springs. In­ announced. McGraw was with the P’OR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, Hamlin street, with all improve­ Cardinals two years ago. Prices Slashed $50 l.ive Stock — Vehicles ...... 41‘ Frank V. Williams. Tel. 7997. quire 40 Delmont street, or tele­ ments, and large reception hall, I’oultrv and Suiiplies ...... ‘'3 phone 4710. modern improvements about live 20 DAYS TO SPRING Wanted — Pets— Poultry—St oolt 4t minutes walk from Center. Inquire screens and shades included, ready For Stile—Miaoelluneous for occupancy March 1st. Inquire South Main Sti—Prentiss home­ .\i for Sale ...... 45 PAINTING— HEPAIRING 21 96 Summit street. Boats and .Accessories...... s'! Sectional Bookcases $12 each. at 93 Hamlin street. Tcl. GOOl. stead, eight rooms, a line old home Bnlldiiig Materials ...... 47 PAINTING AND paper hanging, Floor Lamps $7.50. FOR RENT — DESIRABLE five well ■ situated ou a hill—trees, Diamonds— Watches—Jewelry .. 48 neatly done, prices reasonable. room flat, on second floor, 29 FOR RENT—SINGLE HOUSE— shrubbery, garden. Price $6,000 Eleciric.il Appliances—Radio .. 4a 3-piece living room set $90. Steam heat, bath, garage. 31 Fuel and F eed...... 4'J-A James F. Roac’\ Jr., 36 Walnut 8-piecc dining suite $29.50. Roosevelt street, with all modern to settle an estate. street. Dial 0921. improvements, ready for occu­ Mather street, Manchester. E. A. 'larden — Farm — Dairy Products 50 Standish, Andover, Tel. 1353-5, Household Goods ...... 61 WATKINS pancy March 1st. Apply E. L. G. Machinery and Tools ...... 52 PIANO TUNING Hohenthal, Jr., 24 Roosevelt street. Willimantic. Musical Instruments ...... 53 FURNITURE EXCHANGE .. John Cockerham Good two family I’J room dou­ THE HUNTING CASE WATCH YOU Olfico and Stuie Egulpment .... 54 Telephone 3269. FOR RENT—MODERN 5 room flat ble, steam heat, gas, etc., garages, 6 Orchard SL Tel, 4219 h ave you a w a t c h Specials at the Stores ...... 56 on Lilley street, just off Main; central location, reasonable price or HAVE t h e r e 15 ONE OF OUR Wearing Apparel — Furs ...... 57 FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, SIMILAR TO THIS WITH Wanted—To Buy ...... 68 with all improvements, including house newly renovated. Phone will trade for d single bouse well lo­ FINEST, ' IT HAS A THIRTY-JEWECEP Uooma—Donnl—Hotele— neeorte REPAIRING 23 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 5661. MOVEMENT ANO A CASE OF FOURTEEN- A LUMINOUS P/AL? Kestnarniile heat, rent $25. Inquire Michael cated. Kooitis Wltliout Board ...... 5U CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repair­ Foley, Summer street. CARET COCO. HERE 15 ONE OF THE- r Boarders Wattled ...... 6U-A FOR SALE—A GOOD used piano. NEW SELF-WfNPlNO WRIST WATCHES iJoutitry Board — Resorts ...... 60 ed, key fitting, safes opened, saw Must be seen to be appreciated. No f o r RENT—4 ROOM flat on FARMS AND LAND FOB Hotels—JtestaurajUs ...... 61 tiling and grinding. Work called reasonable offer refused. Phone School street, all modem improve­ SALE 71 Brand new Colonial of 6 rooms, Wanted — Rooms—Board ...... 62 for. Harold Clemsco, 108 North 5860 or call at 89 Main street. ments, adults preferred, garage if all up-to-date and well worth the Real lOatnte For lirnt Elm streeL Tel. 3648. FOR SALE—60 ACRE farm with price of $6,000 on easy terms. •Apartments. Flats, Tenements .. 63 desired, 139 School street. Phone Business Locations for Rent .... 64 7770. 6 room house, apple orchard, about Houses for Ren" ...... 65 VACUUM CLEANER, phonographs, 100,000 feet standing timber, all for clock, gun repairing, key fitting. WANTED—TO BUY 58 Suburban for Rent ...... 66 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ $3,750. Wm. Kanehl. Telephone Poultry farm;' seven room house, Summer Hornes for Rent ...... 67 Braithwalte, 52 Pearl street. 7773. Wanted to Rent ...... 68 WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices ment in excellent condition; Mid­ seven acres, all southern slope, Itcnl’ Eatntc For Sale for rags, papers, magazines and dle Turnpike, West; new garage, SEWING MACHINE repairing of FOR SALE—LOT 100x50 ft. Coven- small barn for cow, some fruit, .Apartment Building for Sale ...' 63 all makes, oils, needles, and sup­ metals. Also buy all kinds of furnace and large garden. -Place to $5,500. Yes, it Is close in town, Business Property for S a le...... 70 chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial keep poultry, rent $25. Inquire W. try Lake, $100. Apply 136 Bissell Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 plies. R, W. Garrard, 37 Edward street, upstairs. convenleiit to trolley. Houses for Sale ...... 72 streeL Tel. 4301. 6389 or 3886. * F. Lewis, 11 Vine street. Lots For Sale ...... 73 Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 JUNK FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, Suburban for Sale ...... 75 Twenty - two negro vocational I will buy anything saleable like with alMmprovements and garage Hampton Roads, Virginia’s sea Real Estate for Exchange...... 76 ROBERT J. SMITH Wanted—Real Estate ...... 77 Honest at 5 Ridgewood street. Rent $23 gateway, has seen its imports in­ Auction—Legal Notices tatioh and fire prevention instruc- < weight, high price. Ostrinsky, 91 month. Inquire 178 Parker street crease four times and its exports 1009 Main Street. Legal Notices ...... 71 tion. Clinton. Tel, 5879. Dial 5623. * seven times in 15 years. Insurance at Lowest Prices. Legal Notices ...... 71 GASBUGGI®—Ransom!!! By FRANK BECK


o There are at least four mistakes In the above picture. They may per­ T T i r s ' l tain to'grammar, .history, etiquette, drawing or whatnot. See if you can find them. 'ITien look at the sc rambled word below—and un­ scramble it, by switching the letters around. Grade yourself 20 for each of the mistakes you find, and 20 for the word if you unscramble r it. . . ■ : \ CORRECTIONS (1) A huat^uk wateh has s hinged cover to protect the crystal*^ (2) The jeweler la wrong h» «ayi«g' the watch has SO jewelf, 39 bol«g,w the maximum used in a.watch moyenient. (S) The w a ^ ia not winding, in that it has a knob on the aide, which a self-winder not have. (4) Carat la spelled Inoorreotly. ;(3).The scrambled !. Tr.<« Mwli. «H. P» X ia FORWARD.

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.-rt'i.. -4C. ii* I I I a I I’TJt'W liiMlilliWil ilB M■ Ml J MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.', SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1930. PAG! By Percy IL Crosby F l a p p e r F a n n y S a y s SKIPPY SENSE ani NONSENSE w.u.».yAT.err. A. He SAYS THAT THfiHe*S A MOVSMeMT THcae Goes thc L. That’s Success. J H6 w a s OVefL T o OUfl Heuse I STARTIN’ TO CARRY PA0H|6 moN AcRoSS j ei« APPC€ NAMCR It’s doing your work the best you l a s t NIfiHT TALKIM * YO TH6 OC6AM, a KJ* THAT IT’s ABOUT THR66 can, And being Just to your fellov/ LOVJie , ... THOUSAND a W WC THINKS THAT’S man; ^ CARRYIN’ A JOK6 TOO PAR Making money, but holding V6H? friends, And staying true to your aims and ends; It’s figuring how and learning why, And looking forward and thinking high; Dreaming little and doing much, Always keeping in closest touch With what is finest in word and deed; Being thoro—yet making speed; It’s being clean and playing fair / Laughing lightly on Dame Dis- pair^ Jj Struggling on with the will to win. Taking your loss with a cheerful Liifi © 1930 ! Crosby, Great Britain rights reiervad. grin. liWl^ ^ < King Features Syndicate, Inc. It’s pushing on, through strain ONtA 37 and stress; OUR BOARDING HOUSE It’s doing your darndcst—That's Maybe fur coats are laid up for Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox Success! the summer because they’re worn By Gene Ahem out In the winter. E ssay On Men. . . . At the Twentieth Anniver­ WHEN THE WIND IS AGAINST HIM THAT LITTLE SHRIMP liy a Manchester Pupil. sary, stocks and bonds. . . . But CLYPB 1 ^1 0 ori.YsH *-*-1 s> o se YoLi’LL Men are what women marry. at the Thirtieth, alas, they talk NEXT POOR ALWAYS WAITS TILL''0OTCH" W o R T L E COMES WAS* *FROM -tHB Pg-PUcT TROM TH AT BaTToNl They drink, smoke and swear. They about their digestions. don’t go to church like women do. b y o n HIS WAY TO THE TRAIN. OVdU’45* CLUB VeSTfeRPA-Y t h a t -TH ’ BUROUAR v WALKS Both men and women sprang from When a boy finds the girl of his AMP X AM e o iM G VdlTH A UM P w,^HAS SAkJPY monkeys, but women sprang fur­ dreams, he'll lose" .••leep over her. •To soLv/e THE CAse HAIR LgPT HAkiPgP ther. -TRiie SCOTLAIJP VARP HAS A HORROR OF mAU^ Henry— What makes you say that VOU-RE ONiE OF Port and Davenport. you get along well with that girl? TASMiOKi A5 I HAV/E Go to sea and have a girl in every George—Well, she does the wrong POKie MAIkiYTiME.5 VJrie-Ai ■THose 'BOOK peT&cTiv/ss port; thing at the right time. 1 WAS OKlU < 3 r T H e i R WHO TAKeS TH’ POOR Go to college and have a girl on CRACK IfiSPecToRS / KMOB OFF TH’ every davenport. Our present prosperity, has return­ POST-OFRCe ed more largely from a flow of Ideas •w».To W ITH , // X HAV/B A BUTToKi ►*SO hem'l l HAv;g The Happy Fireside. than from a flow of money. TOR M Y A WHoue Lot The cricket is on the hearth, dear. “Keep Smiling.” Yeah, and look CLUE,' There’s your pipe and a book like a blooming idiot. that’s new; Your slippers are by the fire, Marjorie—When a a r'Me p e was1 mar- 4 dear— ried she used the doubp^rihg cere­ But where the heck are you? mony—what is that? d Katherine—Why he ^ts, a ring y * m Why does a man scowl and a wo­ on her finger and she ^uts one in < 3 man smile when looking into a mir­ his nose. ror? Does anybody in the ^dience re­ Fable: Once a man stopped to member way back when women ,G> “help” small boys play baseball and used to carry parasols to keep from didn’t insist on batting all the time. getting sunburned?

An optimist is a man who expects Nobody cam see a man who is to find a clean pair of socks with­ wrapped up in himself. out holes. Who said lawyers haven’t any When the old Graduates go back sense of humor? They write two foi^ the Tenth Anniversary of their hundred pages on the history of class, they stiU talk about women. case and then call it a “brief.” fOXV VHAm. BOTH FEET FROZEN Half the world doesn’t know Keene, N. H., Mar. 1.— (A P )— HAS how the otlier half lives Jam es Coughlin, 48, of 4 Summer -T H e (STHeR but a lot of people are. street, Worcester, Mass., was in a \ r trying to find out serious contHlion in Keene hospital B i r T f o M S ? today. Both of his feet had been ') 1930 SY wtA stHviea. INC, wco. u. a. PAT, orr. ^ 3-/- frozen and he was suffering from (OFonUtne Fox. 1930 exposure. J Coughlin was found early today near a railroad bridge here. He told police that he had been there for A Knockout! By Crane two days and nights, unable to WASHINGTON TUBBS II. move because of his condition. . 0 JASM IS WOMEMTARILV dazed - HE OLL IS FURIOUS'. HE CHARGES AGAIN DR. PRINCE HONORED. CLINCHES - DAWSON BELLOWS WITH _OQF[ an d again and each TiWIE EASV StPE- RAGE, EAGER fOR A KNOCKOUT. STePS AND DOES FEARFUL DAMAGE. THEM Boston, Mar. 1.— (A P )—The Bos­ A ROUGH and t u m b l e , B iTiNG, KICKING 00 ton Transcript today said that word AND GOUGING EACH OTHER LIKE WILDCATS. has been received here of the elec­ tion of Dr. Walter Franklin Prince of this city, to the presidency of the society for physical research, a -STATIC' British society whose only prevlou.s <2Am.VM SMilfA OF American president was William DANMiatyVAvUJli-U James. Dr. Prince is research offi­ eP oot^T H B cer of the Boston Society for ^ Pb?V)LAH AiOHSAM*. Psychic Research. He came here in d P E ^ T H C 1925 from New York where he had HA,V.' 'j been connected with the American Society for Psychical Research. X

P^HEfRE UP AGAIN'. TOg TO TOEI WOW! lijjj t BREAKS AvJAS AND MAKES ANOTHER OF ^ J e a st c r a s h e s a hurricane Of R ights HIS boll- like rushes. EASV SiOESTeBS and l e f t s To The uaw'. PAimSON GOES AND LAUDS A TERRIFIC RIGHT to THE HEART. POWN-HE POESfTT MTSOtfTi u. a. PAT, orr. .01930 BY NEA SERVICE. INC y> Vs. S T O m 'j i j ' MAU COCMRAN--- m CTURCS l Y ICIMi FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS The Stigma of Disgrace! By Blosser

'"GAN6 btooa DOS TO THEBE HE GOES Mo\N DOS catcher, won? VM£L\., ^ IFAAOINE HIM 0OIN6 WE vmENT an*. YOO 'NHAT viC ^ NE.MER DID ANV SOCW» A THING GAME THAT NICE. DOG TO THE DOG TWIMJC of ANV800V JT TO VoO — 7 / / / / / / m V«nu MO Moes UtABT r \ Catcher? a^o.' Q o s th e TUAM THAT*- \ ^ SOCH A V0URS6U= ■'/////////J THING? first tim e in pis LIFE, OSgiB .FINDS OOIVNUffT IT, ISTDTDSS IM ms ^ L E e P . . Y . <•>

J JO- iY y '

J i J21 SALESMAN SAM And Anything Else! By Small

(READ THE STORY, THEN CX)LOR THE PICTURE) (AMVBODY’ S A Y ,€ 00\e, How Dio^'Powoaiv." LOST'. ©Lew UP , SKATe \ p l a t iTOU'LLOeT HAVeW’T , H U H ?. Poor Clowny dropped down on the “That’s all right, but'-fwe’d best M A K S OUT IN TH' L A S T m T H ' s - m ^ H i LATfeLT Loses'.THAT ' wisesotAe vdeLL c’MeRe (kn* ground and for a moment looked hope, with all our might that every­ R A C 6. Y e.sT ep .p fsT ? TO U T TOLO fAe I D A V IJ I'LL SHOW YA a m . around. “What hit me, lads?” he thing turns out as we’re expecting COULD PUT tAY „ HavcnV secN e^cePTTOM I that it will. I want to see this plane SHi«.T OM^POWDCR , tH’ NAOTeT OpCM shouted. “Someone played a trick sail high. If we have any luck at V'D PUT m , PAY on me! It seems there was a rubber all, I’m sure we’ll get a thrill.” SH lfLTO N l R A m band that I was holding in my hand. 'The boy then took the rubber s h Ip i e - And then, all of a sudden, I was band and stretc'hed It out, from startled as couW be.” hand to hand. One end was fas­ Then Scouty ran up to bis side. tened 'round the big propellor very “ ‘Twas all my fault,” he loudly quick. The other end soon snapped V ’ _ > 9 ' cried. “I’m very sorry, Clowny, that in place. A smile spread on the big the rubber knocked you down. The boy’s face. "I’ll wind It up,” said rubber snapped when I let loose. I he. “And then I think ’twill work '1 put it to a sad, sad use. The way real slick.” you took your tumble was exactly It wasn’t long until the plane like a clown.” proved that their work was not in "Oh, that’s all right,” kind vain. The was wound Clowny said. “You simply didn’t up and the plane began to sway. use your head. But I’ll forgive you The big propellor spun around and this time.” Then he jumped up to took the plane off of the ground. his feet. “Let’s put the rubber on “Hey! Grab it,” shouted Scouty. the plane so that our work won’t be “Gee! Don’t let it get away.” in vain. I’d like to see the plane fly. I That would be a dandy treat.” (The Tinym'tps start off on a trip OiaMBVNKA* * w * wc.1liailL a »w. The boy then ssdd, “Sure!” 1 in the next story.). - >T-5‘; ' r: V , n-

S A T I 5 M > 0 .' PAGE FUURTEBN SvntfnD ll^ndd

- 4 - the physician or organization with 6 o’clock until 10 .they were unable The contract for alterations and PLANNING MENTAL advice M to treatment needed. ■to save anything. The shed burned PUBUC an addition to the dwelling of COSMOPOLITAN CLUB m m i i m i u m r . Connecticut was the first state to the groimd with all Its contents. MODERN DANCE Nathan Shapiro of 15 Wadsworth to take up this study and care of There Is some insurance*on the street haa been awarded to a Hart­ HEARS FINE MUSICALS r IN OUTING TbNlOHT ’ h e a l t h CONFERENli mental cases. A Yale student who shed but n o t‘enough to cover the Lease ' j ., ^ ford concern. The present porch was successfully treated and com­ loss, which Mr. Tedford said this barles J. Woodhouse to Afidraw^ CREEN SCHOOL HALL will be enclosed and an enlargement pletely cured from a mentel Illness morning, he could cot yet de­ vintsky, two year leabe of sto^ will be built con^sting / of twQ ______Eldridge 'All loom.Iflxerp em; ed in . the Dr. Jaines L. * McCartney, o t aroused Interest in the subject by termine. i ^.76 Spruce street. SATURDAY, MARCH 1 porches 6 by 16 and 6 by 8. The Miss Emma f C3heney State Department of health -writing of his experiences. Of late 8 P. M. estimated cost is 52,600. Hos'tess at Meeting at;»oraeg;il[*^g„SbStog ne^iy'S*Slii ycsurs this state has fallen behind of Mrs. Herbert B. House i^oid an outing in Bolton tonight, In Charge Here Thursday, some of the others through lack of Manchester Green The condition of Mrs. Joseph Yesterday. ''—(leaving at 6 o’clock ...... in private cars. March 6. adequate appropriations for this i Grimes showed more improvement ;A sps^ghettl dinner will' be served ' most Important work. Those in a ! today according to the official bul- Yesterday’s meeting of the Cos­ .with Frank Mantelll >catering. 'position to Iqiow claim there are Following the supper ithe eve- Dr. James L. McCartney, chief of Community Club i letin Issued at the Memorial hos­ mopolitan club, held at the home of {be Divislcki of Mental Hygiene two cases of mental Illness for every pital. Mrs. H. B. House, 201 East Center iclng’s entertainment will be fea­ ‘ Single case of blckness treated In tured by songs ^md speakers and a the State Department of Heilth.wUl You Are Responsible Bill Waddell’s^ Orchestra j street, ^vlth Mias Emma K. Eldrige condfict a mental health conference ^hospitals. hostess, took the form of a particu­ general social hour. As everyone 50 cents. W. Harry England now has live Is helping to make the affair a in Manchester on Thursday, March houses under construction on his larly pleasing musleale. The pro R K. An-success no committee was 6. Alisa Betsey Mitchell, psychla-r Manchester Green tract. Four on gram, arranged by Airs trie social worker for the state de­ TOBACCO SHED WITH OLD FASHIONED derson.'^was participated In by M r . - ^ . ' j <^^a.rge. To The Public and Coburn Road have been framed and partment has been in town confer­ Emma Spieske Miller, violinist, and MODERN DANCING the frame on the fifth on Jordt ring with the Memorial hospital street is now being raised. All arc William E. Haaser, flutist, both cf j officials in regard to the proposed ALL CONTENTS BURNS At For the Operation of Your Car, Whether o f frame construction and will be Hartford and Mrs. Grace Symington. • HOSE CO. NO. I S M . F. D. clinic, which Is one of a series held CRYSTAL LAKE HOTEL for one family use. .soprano, of Manchester, with Mrs. j In the large centers by Dr. Mc­ You Drive It Yourself or Another Commencing March 1st. Anderson and Airs. William Rush a s ; Cartney since the first of November, Robert Tedford of Fern Street Music by Ernie Rock’s Orchestra N BANQUET TONIGHT Campbell Council, K. of C., will accompanists. ! and which it Is the purpose of the Loses Bufldinp:, Implements, Drives It. Admission 60c. hold a special meeting on Monday Mrs. Symington sang Coates’ i department to continue into the summer. The cases referred by Hay and Grairt. Our automobile policies go further than assuming your lia­ evening, called to arrange for the “ Birds at Eventide,” "Trec.s” by Hose Company No. 1 of the South physicians and nurses it is expected bility for personal injuries and damage to property. Unjust w'orking of the third degree bn May Rasbock, “Thora," by Adams and an Manchester Fire department will will occupy Dr. McCartney and his A tobacco shed, built to hold three claims may be made, against you. Your car may be attached 4. Invitations, to be extended to encore number. hold its annual banquet in Cheney ABOUT TOWN assistant the greater part of the day by reason of an accident for which you are blameless. In siKtb councils throughout the state, will i Mrs. Miller’s solo numbers were Jiall tonight at 6:30. A represen­ acres of tobacco and owned by bring to Manchester a gathering of at the building across the street cases wo look after your Interest we investigate the claims, we The Memorial Hospital Linen "The Swan,’/ by Saint Saens, Schu­ tative of one of the larger electric Robert Tedford of Fern street, was some 1,000 members of the orders bert’s "The Bee,” ’’Durnka,” by companies will be here to address from the Memorial hospltalr About save you time, worry and expense. All this service Is included luxiliary will hold a food sale this four o’clock It Is planned to hold an destroyed by fire last night. The In the first cost of the policy. auxiliary wm a conferring of the third degree Frlml, a violin arrangement by fie gathering. afternoon at 2 o clock at Watkins , Knl-^hts of Columbus, is al- open meeting at Watkins Brothers large wagons, laths, spears, and Kriesler of Nevin's "The Rosary.” Brothers store. ways occasion for a large assem- auditorium at which all people In­ many other farming Implements Kreisler’s "Schone Rosmarln” and, terested in the general subject of and machines were also lost. Burned V rf.- blage. This will be the flrrt time in as an encore, a violin arrangement i In compliance with requests re | three * years that the local. . council POLICE COURT mental health are urged to be pres­ with the shed were stores of hay JOHN H. LAPPEN ceived by the young people’s com by White of "Nobody Knows the ent. and buckwheat. has worked this degree. It will be INSUK.ANCE SERVICE mlttcc of the Manchester Green conferred on several members from Troubles I’ve Seen.” In the ten or more towns In which The fire was -discovered shortly Air. Haascr’s flute solos were ar­ Ellis J. Anderson of Cold Springs, 19 Likic Street, Phoiyj 1021 Community club, the dance at the other councils. the state department .has already before 8 o’clock and a still alarm school hall this evening, and every rangements. by Stechmet of “Tb*J New York, who spends his week­ called No. 3 Company, The fire had “ If It’s Insurance— Lappen Can Handle It.’’ ends In Manchester, was fined five held these clinics,' much Interest has Saturday night until further no­ Red Sarafan”’ had "Robin Adair,” been manifested In {he project be­ made such progress, however, that tice, will feature all modern dances, Thirty-four tables were filled with the "Polka Caprice” of Borch, “An- dollars and costs in police court although the firemen worked from players at the card party g^lven last this morning for operating a car cause of the need of niore special­ with music by Bill Waddell’s orches­ dantlDO,” by Gluck. “ Russian Ro­ ists to diagnose nervous troubles. tra. evening by the Manchester Green mance,” Popp, and "Berceuse fur without a'license. He had a New Community club. The first prizes, At the clinic on Thursday persons Jocelyn," Godard. York operator's llceBse and hla 52.50 gold pieces were awarded to car had a Connecticut registration, of both sexes and al ages will be Members of the Polish National The final number was a trio, vlo- examined free. ' They will not be wlU enjoy a roast Rose Hannon and Robert Alexan- imderson whs arrested on February der; second prizes, silver dollars, to IJn, flute and piano. wRh Mrs. Au- 23 by Patrolman Raymond Grifflft. treated but will be referred back to beef supper and short entertain­ Mrs. Minnie Trautraan o f . Talcott- derson at the keyboard. The selec- ji ment at Polish Hall, 71 North tlon was Titl’s "Serenade street, this evening. Frank Obrem- ville and Wilmer Keeney. Consola tion awards, 25 cents, fell to Mrs. Airs. Symington was In excellent I ski heads the committee of arrange­ voice and the instrumental music 1 ments. Harriet Skewes and Timothy Foley of Buckland. The committee of was of a very high order. The musleale was followed by a Justice of the Peace Stuart J. ladies, headed by Mr.s. Ralp’a Cone, Wasley will perform the ceremony served sandwiches, cake and coffee. social hour and tea was served. The WATiKINS BROTHERS, Inc. this afternoon at 2:30, uniting in Mrs. Canade's orchestra played for next meeting of the club will be at marriage Miss Bertha Gottier of dancing and Griswold Chappell the home of Mrs. P. G. Ferris, 250 Tolland and Werner Otto Kunzli of prompted for the old-time dances. Main street. Funeral Directors Rockville. • ESTABLISHED 5B YEARS Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet Miss Elisabeth M. Bennet, princi­ in Odd Fellows hall, Monday eve­ FREDERICKS GUILH, pal of the Nathan Hale and Barnard ning, at 8 o'clock. At 7:30 a special CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. schools attended the AUantlc City meeting of the degree team will be concert gdven by the National High held. After the business session GETS THREE MONTHS School Orchestra last Wednesday there will be a short entertainment I ______Robert K. Anderson Phones: Office 5171 morning. In a letter to the Herald with refreshments in charge of Mrs. j wniiam Fredericks, 19. of East Funeral Director Residence 7494 Miss .Bennet advises Manchester Elizabeth Mason, Mrs. Emma | Middle Turnpike, must go to jail for schoof children to tune in on Wash­ Brown. Mrs. Fannie Dougan, Mrs. | three months. This time It fs-for be- ington stations this evening at 8:45 Margaret Bellamy and Mrs. Jessie ing found guilty of stealing an in the hope that the Washington Kerr. automobile in Hartford. His convic­ concert may be on the air. Miss tion and sentence came yesterday Bennet states that the Atlantic City The Jolly Nine club held Its week­ in/the Hartford police court. , URING the recent stock market concert was most inspirational. ly meeting last evening at the home 'it was a little over a year ago slump, one newspaper item es­ of Mrs. Julia Loomis of Wells that y6ung Fredericks was placed Miss Ruth Peterson and her sister street. There were dancing and a on probation after holding up C. J, pecially caught our attention . . . Miss Mlllicent Peterson of Park fUQN buffet luncheon. A violin solo was Woodhouse’s daughter In his store A well-known young woman pianist had street and Miss Mary Taggart of played by Miss Virginia Loomis and on East Center street and stealing Cooper Hill street left today for songs were sung by Miss Lillian ,tl83. At that time It was claimed been left a large sum o f money in good Boston where they will visit with Service and Miss Esther Staba. that he was not responsible for his securities several years before. But the relatives over the week-end. actions. G O O D TUINOS TO CAT speculative fever seized her and when the Mrs. William McDufC of Lilac Manchester Camp No. 2640 Royal street is suffering from blood poison Neighbors will hold a public set­ crash came, unable to meet her broker’s back party in the K. of C. club- DON’T F0R6ET! GETTING A KICK OUT OF IT at her home, the result of an in- call for more margins, she was soon grown toe-nail. rooms in the State Theater build­ Down in New London they have just pinned a for the benefit of your children or any ing, Tuesday, March 4, at 8:15. Six SPECIAL USED CAR medal on an employe of the Gas and Electric Co. completely sold out. People living near the State prizes will be given and refresh­ who hsus worked seven days a week for 25 years other members o f your family. The prin­ Armory report that they were un­ ments served. Mrs. Mary Hills, with only ten days off altogether. That’s what Young and buoyant, she philosophi­ chairman of the committee, wdll be Display This Week-end cipal will be protected by investment ia able to get any sleep to speak of you call staying on the job—and we’ll bet he gets a cally remarked, “ O f course, I will keep until after the conclusion of the assisted by Airs. Mary Frederickson kick out of it, at that. excellent income-yielding securities. Like-' and Mrs. John Anderson. A short at High school basketball game last Pioehurst gets a great kick out of staying on the on with my piano work.” wise the income will be paid at regular night. It was one of the nolsest, business meeting will be held at job, too— the job of supplying perfect food and per­ most excited crowds ever to watch 7:30 and all members are urged to THE MACKLEY fect service, or as near perfect as in humanly pos- All young people are not so buoyant intervals as you direct. attend. a game in Manchester and the con­ Eiblc. nor do many o f them have a highly profit­ tinuous uproar could be heard con­ CHEVROLET CO, Maybe It’s great td be a President or a big gen­ We are firmly bound by your instruc­ Charles Lewis, stage-coach driver siderable distance from the spacious 10 East Center, So. Manchester eral; but we KN01V It’s great to run a food shop able profession to fall back on. tions, whatever they may be. And your drillshcd. here during the Centennial in 1923, so that hundreds of pedple wiU tell their friends lt’.s was in town today visiting old a wonderful place to trade. And that’s good The above incident illustrates the al­ children are' protected, no matter what John I. Olson has the sub-contract friends. Prices Slashed $50 enough for Plnehurst. for the painting and Interior decor­ most imperative necessity for parents to the speculative temptations may be. ating of the Center Congregational leave money to children, not in large out­ A trust arrangement can be incorpo­ church addition being erected by the Alanchcstcr Construction Company. m m ilL i right payments, but in trust for them. rated in your will very easily, as our Trust Dependable service on furnace You can arrange a Trust Fund with us Officer will gladly explain. :ind fuel oil may be secured by dial­ ing 5145. The Alanchestcr Lumber Co.—Adv. AiAPrIiOLHE/ Effective At Once rUNCI^AL DIIXCCTINe GOOD

I Am Resuming I’ ERSONAL THE MANCHESTER TRUST A5sistant MANIFESTATION My Taxi Business Our precise and sympathetic SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. funeral service embraces not ROAD only a careful execution of the DAY AND NIGHT important details, but when de­ SERVICE sired, includes the services of Mrs. Holmes which render.s an SERVICE Ua} Phones atm.-iophcrc most appreciated .South End ...... 3920 bv the bereaved. North E n d ...... 3821 OF Night Phone ...... 8282 IclcpVionfc MANCHESTER, CONN. Day any Hl9ht SPECIAL OFFER 7897 . !> THE Charles Sweet ON ALL OIL BURNERS BEST FOR MONTH OF MARCH ONLY A $25.00 FOR YOUR Let U s In v e st Why Good Citizens KIND Your M o n e y Belong To A OLD COAL SHOVEL

In Mortgages allowed on all orders signed during month of March to be In­ Chamber of Commerce 30x4.50 Goodyear Pathfinder ... ^ . $7.00 Un good leiiiihle local proper­ stalled any time this year. Begtdar Special Price ties. We handle all the de­ Because: 29x4.75 Goodyear Pathfinder ...... $8.35 tails, 30x5.00 Goodyear Pathfinder...... $9.15 The Cliamber of Commerce is the UNITED STATES OIL BURNER $395 $370 best known clearing house for busi­ 31x5.00 Goodyear Pathfinder...... $9.60 Airi’HUR A. KNOFLA ness information, business service “Service I’hat Satisfies” and community effort. 32x6,00 Goodyear Pathfinder...... $13.20 WILLIAMS OIL-O-MATIC $425 $400 The time has come when business IMain St. Phone must take an active, interest in civic 33x6.00 Goodyear Pathfinder...... $13.60 growth and if this interest is to WILLIAMS DIST-O-MATIC $375 $350 make itself felt, it must be organ­ These prices Include complete Installation with tank. DELICIOUS ized and representative. The BRAKES STARTJi:RS GREASING A small down payment will furnish you heat with all modern convenience whUe you pay W Chamber of Commerce is the logical RELINED and JOB PASTRIES organization for such representa­ AND GENERATORS A- ®“*yifiy^l^re Viiterestcd In oil heat for the coming year. Don't pass up this unMy l offer. Fill out the attached coupon and have our representative call or Dial 6878 or 888S. Don’t wait until you liavc u tion, ADJUSTED REPAIRED SPECIALTY jiii’ty to treat yourself to our lelicLous PIES, PASTRIES Check Type of Furnace DIAL 7114 Now In Use ind CAKES. FLAT TIRE OUT OF GAS Steam, Hot Water, Hot Air Try a loaf of our home made THE HOME BANK N a m e ...... JOHNSON & LITTLE iread. A d d ress...... • 13 Chestnat St. IVIanchester and TRUST CO. C am pb#s Filling Station Johnson & little “The Bank of Service” IS Chestnut St. Oil Burners Electric Refrigerators Public Market South Manchester, Connecticut Comer Main Street and Middle Turnpike We Deliver. Dial ol39

'V . • . ('■

-I ,