WEA1 Foreeaat by tL a Weatlnir Bnreau. •\' 7^ - FRESS BON ' H a r t t o r A AVERAGE DAHiV GIRCOOATIGN for the Month o£ February, 1980 ■ li| ^ t rain, tonight and posidbly C on n . State Library— gon&y morning, warmer tonight; 5,503 colder Sunday. Henbers of the Audit Bureau of . 1 Circulation* FOURTEEN PAGES i PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER^ CONN.; SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1930. VOL. XLIV., NO. 129. [ [THIS STEAM SHOVEL ‘ I I BATHER ODD CRITTER Detroit Police to BattleiGahgs Witlj-^TOored Tank E B . CHENEY, JRV ! ! Los Angeles, March l;t-(AP) (* _A steam shovel, it appears, I cannot disappoint its public day JITNEY PLAYERS 1 after day without inviting gossip. This steam shovel sat in aH ex". ' cavation here. It toiled and I ruffed with great ado, attracting FIHINDER, DEAD! the attention of passersby just t — % _______ ' 1 like countless other bard work­ ing steam shpvels. I Former President Sept Un- In this case, however, there General Infection Following. was something wrong with its Japs technique. Expert steam shovel I brokenly During Night watchers observed that while Pneumonia and Pleurisy there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with its stance, or its put­ In Bid for Big Navy I But Is Still in a State of ting, it didn’t move much more Takes Life of Motor Dra-i ! dirt than the average duffer with 1 March i— (AP)—At.theoretically when'figuring out rel- Coma. a- good midiron. London, The poUce investigated yester­ ative naval strengths. ma Pioneer Early Today. prominent Japanese, who is close to “Noyvt the flve-five-tbree battle­ day, arrested four men and re­ the Japanese naval delegation here, Washington, March 1.—(AP.)— \ ______ \ i ported finding a 1,000 gallon still ship ratio comes very neau: to a 50 per cent superiority; in order to be 'The vitality that William Howard i hitched to the boiler. ______ today quoted the first Napoleon ex- Horace Bushnell Cheney, Jr., son , trv’Q altitude tecnmcaiiytechnically secure we must uavchave an Taft built up in his younger yeard of Horace B. Cheney and Mary j ^ -------- ---------------------- ' - pla«ation of his c o u n t s ratio in other branches of still was holding out today against toward a 70 per cent big cruiser Pierson Cheney, died early this j arms. With the 70 per cent and a combination of diseases which ratio with America. 50 per cent merged, Japan feels she I led liis physicians sometime ago*t6 morning at the Hartford hospital. | Napoleon Bbnaparte said: “An will have the security which the abandon hope for his recovery, He was bom here April 19, 1899. j SNOOK MEETS country desires and which actually j It was said this morning that attacking force to be sure of suc­ The early years of his life were: cess must have a superiority will not menace America in any i there had been but little change in spent in South Manchester. He | ^ay. condition during the last twen- prepared for college at the Hart- j least 50 per cent over its enemy.V DEATH CALMLY; The Japanese today said: “Jdpan “It must be remembered that t ty-four hours. ‘If anything, the for*- believes thoroughly in the Napol­ America with its 10-10-7 ratio has mer president and chief justice was eonic axiom, and for that reason- it ample protection so far as Japan believed to be resting more “quiet is asking 70 per cent of America’s is concerned in case of war—which, ly” than last night. PLANNED DEDi of course, is imthinkable. At the The first csdler at the big Taft cruiser strength. mansion on Wyoming avenue this Seeking Security,V , same time Japan, keeping the Na- io^nTt anticipate ever i poleonic.theory ^ways ^ vlew ^ - morning was Vice President Curtis, “While we long a friend of the ill man. Mr. going to war with America yet at lieves that vdth these patios, A i^ r - GoDegeProfessor.TeDsi ica will not have sufficient naval Curtis expressed his solicitude. the same time conservative Ameri­ strength theoretically to attack Shortly after he left. Monsignor can naval men just as conservative Vietro Fumason-Biondi, the Apos­ Japanese naval men, are always Japaii successfirlly. Warden on Last Day That' in nreuaratiou for Tjossiblc rioting at a Communistic demonstration. “In other words everybody will he tolic delegate to the United States, wWle ^oUce w ^e testing the car in preparation for possible rioting looking toward the question of se­ visited the home. curity. Since the United States is happy with no harm done. We certainly can’t attack America and H e D # e ra te ly Murdered I----- i mi>i,r.r our greatest and nearest armed EARLY REPORT neighbor it stands to reason we we wish to feel America can’t at­ Washington, March 1—(AP) — - must take her into consideration tack us.’’ William Howard Taft waa said His Student Mistress. |N£W W OM EN’S MEDICINE! SPURN A TRUCE early today by attendants to be “quieter if anything” than last night. It was added that there was Columbus, O., Mar. 1.— (AP) D r OFFERTOEND little change in his condition. James H. Snook, the iron nerved The former chief justice slept im- pt-ofessor who killed his student im s-, TO BE GIVEN TO WORLD THREE EMPLOYES NAMED brokenly throughout the night, hia tress, Theora Hix, paid with his life --------- nurse said, and awakened appar­ C A B im CRISIS ently more calm. He remained ih IN BOYS’ SCHOOL PROBE the state of coma which has pxiac- t o iij b, (i-|SAP0lE0N’ S J P E I S tically existed for several days. arv surgery at Ohio State University 1 His physicians did not expect to went calmly to' his death for the examine their patient until shortly crime which he confessed in his la st, paJian Doctor— But Great i French Radicals Refuse Pre­ Horace Bushnell Cheney, Jr. SOUGHT IN AMERICA before noon uifiess there was a hours, was deliberately planned to , Actual Investigation of Bru­ SOVIET SOLDIERS change for the worse. ford High school and at St. Paul’s end an affair which threatened to . (]afeMust Be Exercised mieres Offtr to Stop Poli­ The former president today was school in New Hampshire and en­ ruin his position and reputation. I t , slowly and without pain “going ' tered the academic department of was eight months 17 xiays ^ter he ; tality Charges at State In­ DESERT TO POLAND down the Western slope”—as he Yale college in 1918. In college he left the mutilated body of the 24 | by Attending Physicians. Diamond Necklace Worth tical Scrapping DniSl Aft­ himself, referred to death. majored in literature and the dra­ year old girl lying on a lonely rifle ; stitution Will Be Begun The physicians attending him matic art and cultivated a deep in- | range near the city limits. er the Naval Parley. frankly admitted that Mr. Taft tcrest in the drama. He was grad- i Was 50 Years Old. Toronto, March 1— (By the Can­ Border Goard$ Say They Are could not hold on much longer. uated with the degree of B.A, ^ i Dr. Snook who was 50, walked un- adian Press)— Placental Next Week. “Probably the former Chief Jus­ line extract, the discovery of which 1922. ' assisted to the chair, ffis ma^CT Officer, Cao’t Be Located. Paris, March 1_(AP)-The Radical tice •will go through the night,” Dr, started Jitney Players was cool, his eyes alert, his Hps si­ was recently anaounced , to th3 Starying and Hate to Kill Francis R. Hagner gravely an­ In April, 1923, he married Miss lent. A minister from whom he had world by Dr. J. B. CoUip of McCid Socialists today refused the peace Meriden, Conn.. Mar. 1— ~- nounced, coming from the Taft Alice Keating of New York City. In just accepted commumon intoned a University, Montr‘;K.. will be maio New------ • York, Mar. 1.—^(AP)—^^e move of Andre Tardieu, premier The names of three employes of the home on Wyoming avenue after his the summer of that year with Mrs. benediction as two guards adj^ted availabJc to physK.ians necklace which' Napoleon desigfiktei jvho' wished^ ^ Connecticut School for Boys were Peasants. third -visit yesterday. Cheney’s enthusiastic co-operation, imder certain specific conditions for i electrodes to Dr. Snoop’s right leg i under certain tgave'lth his 'Empress Mario LpuiroI^ui^e t&tyJe^onths political truce to per- under fire for inhuman treat^nt Arth'»Hgh-Mr, Taft lay in Ills sec­ Mr. Cheney organized the Jitoey top of his head. Six thou- j treatment [ft the birth of-their .son, L’Aiglo^-: and were made public today ond-floor bedroom weak, imable to Players, whose instant and contmu- I| Ran«fe-=volt8 of electricity p a s ^ | certain functional- disorders are Frank Maguire, Arthur F. S^th speak, his life ebbing away, he was announce-l iJuke of Reichstadt, in 1811, was outstanding, problems. ^ W'arsaw, Poland. March 1.— (AP) ous success estabiished-Lshea anim -originalongmrn separate Despite the rejection. Mr. Tar- and Leon B. Staples, kll of whom able several times to recognize those reputation for this motorized meth- through hm___ y^ dead fore j —The Polish press today published charges He" was pronounced dead | ment _in a’spoo=;aJast^i^t^ j cSSctiJr^vri^^^^ search dieu announced he would have his have supervisory powers over tne about him yesterday. At thoSe times od of operating anu presenting the a gathering of medical men, bio- i boys who range from 8 to 16 yedrs reports that a detachment of twenty^ the seventy-two-year-old jurist sum­ at 7:09 p.
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