Cronfa - Swansea University Open Access Repository _____________________________________________________________ This is an author produced version of a paper published in : Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Cronfa URL for this paper: _____________________________________________________________ Paper: Sagrillo, T. (2012). The heart scarab of King Shoshenq III (Brooklyn Museum 61.10). Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 97, 240-246. _____________________________________________________________ This article is brought to you by Swansea University. Any person downloading material is agreeing to abide by the terms of the repository licence. Authors are personally responsible for adhering to publisher restrictions or conditions. When uploading content they are required to comply with their publisher agreement and the SHERPA RoMEO database to judge whether or not it is copyright safe to add this version of the paper to this repository. THE JOURNAL OF Egyptian Archaeology VOLUME 97 2011 PUBLISHED BY THE EGYPT EXPLORATION SOCIETY 3 DOUGHTY MEWS, LONDON WC1N 2PG ISSN 0307–5133 The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology All rights reserved ISSN !"!#-$%"" website: Published annually by The Egypt Exploration Society " Doughty Mews London WC1N 2PG Registered Charity No. &%&"'( A limited Company registered in England, No. &$'%) Printed in Great Britain by Commercial Colour Press Plc Angard House, %'$ Forest Road Hainault Essex IG6 3HX Editorial Team Roland Enmarch, Editor-in-Chief Violaine Chauvet, Editor Mark Collier, Editor Chris Eyre, Editor Cary Martin, Editor Ian Shaw, Editor Glenn Godenho, Editorial Assistant editorial email address:
[email protected] !"# BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS JEA $% The chronological gap of roughly &'# years between the Palaikastro rhyta and the reign of Amenhotep III can be filled by the tomb paintings from the time of Thutmosis III.