Question Time ­ 8 March 2008


1. Tony Blair is to teach students at Yale University. On what subject will he teach?

( )Government & politics ( )Faith and globalisation

( )Media studies ( )International diplomacy

2. Former Lord Pym has died. To which political party did he belong?

( )Labour ( )Conservative

( )None ‐ he was an independent ( )Liberal Democrats

3. Who has secured the Republican Party's presidential nomination?

( )John McCain ( )Mike Huckarbee

( )Mike McCain ( )John Huckarbee

4. What policy aimed at encouraging healthier diets has been proposed by the LibDems?

( )Tax allowances for gym memberships ( )All able‐bodied adults should be required to undergo a fitness test

( )VAT on fruit juice and smoothies should ( )Free distribution of Jade Goody fitness be cut DVDs

5. The Conservatives have pledged that they will treble the tax on...

( )Saturated fats ( )Alcopops

( )Plastic bags ( )Windfarms

6. Who announced an intention to resign as First Minister and DUP leader?

( )Peter Robinson ( )Ian Paisley

( )Martin McGuinness ( )Bertie Aherne

7. has commissioned a popular author to conduct a review into the treatment of the armed forces. Which author?

( )Andy McNab ( )Jeffrey Archer

( )Frederick Forsyth ( )J P Rowling

8. Who is to become the first Conservative MP to enter into a civil partnership?

( ) ( )

( )Alan Duncan ( )Michael Portillo

9. has urged British soldiers, sailors and airmen to...

( )smile more ( )wear their uniforms in public

( )publish their experiences on duty via ( )apply for postal votes before they are YouTube sent on active duty

10. Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, promised that 80 per cent of Britons would have something within nine years. What?

( )A new prison within 50 miles ( )A wind farm within view of their homes

( )An identity card ( )A criminal record


1 Faith and globalisation

2 Conservative

3 John McCain

4 VAT on fruit juice and smoothies should be cut

5 Alcopops

6 Ian Paisley

7 Frederick Forsyth

8 Alan Duncan

9 wear their uniforms in public

10 An identity card