
529 S. Church Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone: 336-722-6171 FAX: 336-723-5085 email: [email protected] www.homemoravian.org

Home September 2019 Fulfilling Christ's call to love God, live in community, and serve our neighbor.

A Special Opportunity: Churches for Middle East Peace at Home Church on September 25, 2019

They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.—Isaiah 2:4

With joy and excitement, Home Church invites members of the congregation and community to a very special event in September. For many years the Moravian Church in America (Northern and Southern Provinces) has been a member of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP). CMEP is a coalition of 27 national church denominations and faith organizations from Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical traditions. It works for a comprehensive resolution to conflicts in the Middle East. CMEP advocates for equality, human rights, security and justice for all people of the Middle East. Twice each year, CMEP brings to congregations across the country a “Pilgrimage to Peace Tour” team composed of multiple voices from the Middle East. This team helps inform and educate people of faith on the work being done to achieve peace and justice in the Holy Land. Members of the team include:

• The Rev. Mae Cannon, Executive Director of CMEP • Rabbi Dr. Daniel Roth, director of the Pardes Center for Judaism and Conflict Resolution in Jerusalem • Aziz Abu Sarah, a Muslim speaker, author, entrepreneur and peace advocate from Jerusalem. Aziz is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medallion as well as the Goldberg Prize for Peace in the Middle East given by the Institute of International Education.

In September, this team will speak in Chicago, Denver, Charlotte, and—thanks to the efforts of Brother Rick Sides, who represents the Moravian Church on the Board of Directors of CMEP—at Home Moravian Church! The “Pilgrimage to Peace Tour” will be our Wednesday Night Fellowship event on September 25. It will be held in the Sanctuary and is open to the public. We encourage everyone to come and participate in this special event. We will also enjoy two special interfaith events during this fall’s Wednesday Night Fellowship. On November 1st, we will share our fellowship meal with guests from the local Muslim community, and on November 20th, we will welcome Jewish guests. We'll get acquainted over dinner, and afterwards talk to each other about building understanding in our community. We look forward to these times of learning, fellowship, and bridge-building as together we seek to follow our Chief Elder and Prince of Peace in the world of today.


Stewardship Stories: The Enrichment Center

My niece, Corey Williams, is a talented artist. Over the last few years I’ve been glad for the opportunity to purchase some of her work, including, most recently, a really fine painting of the baseball great, Jackie Robinson. It’s been a pleasure to watch Corey’s skills grow thanks to the Enrichment Center, one of the local agencies supported by Home Church through our outreach budget.

As a person on the autism spectrum, Corey benefits from the Enrichment Center’s day program, which offers classes in Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Culinary Arts and Functional Life Skills. While the Visual Arts classes have helped her develop technique and competence in a variety of media, the Functional Life Skills classes have also enriched Corey’s life by allowing her to live independently in the Belo Home.

Through the Enrichment Center, Corey and other students also give back to the community as volunteers in places like the Forsyth Humane Society, Kaleideum, and the William G. White YMCA.

The mission of the Enrichment Center is “to empower and enrich adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, enabling them to grow as individuals, live with dignity and have choices in how they fulfill their lives. We live out our mission by offering a variety of programs that allow individuals to earn a living, be recognized for their artistic talent, and live as independently as they wish to live.”

I am so grateful for the Enrichment Center. I’m grateful for the many ways it brings joy to our city and its residents. I’m grateful for the opportunities it provides for Corey and the many friends she has made there. I’m grateful that the members of Home Church give generously to our operating budget to support outreach of this kind. Because Home Church gives, our community and all its residents thrive. Thank you!

--Ginny Tobiassen, for the Stewardship Committee

Day of Service

In 2018, the Synods of the Northern and Southern Provinces passed a resolution establishing a Moravian Day of Service. Moravian Christians across North America are encouraged to engage in service, partnering in their local communities on or near that day. This year’s Day of Service is scheduled for Sunday, September 15. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall for worship on this day. A variety of stations will be arranged to provide people of all ages with an opportunity to experience loving service—i.e. the work of our hands—as both an expression of our worship to God and as a living demonstration of our faith. Lunch will also be prepared and will conclude our worship together. We hope you will join us.

Interested in joining our congregation? Home Church will hold a series of Inquirers’ Classes in the coming weeks for those interested in becoming members or learning more about the Church. Classes will be held in the Parlor on Wednesday nights, August 28, September 4, and September 11, from 6:30 to 8:30. We plan to receive new members in worship on Sunday, September 22.



For more information, contact Margaret Norris at [email protected]; 336-722-6171


During the church service: • Christian Education Day of Prayer • Bible Presentations to 1st and 4th graders • Commissioning of Christian Education volunteers

OPEN HOUSE (11:00a-noon) • Refreshments in the Parlor • All Sunday School classrooms open to all (including CE 101, which now houses HMC’s young members) open to everyone • Salem Montessori School open for viewing

Children: Pre-K-1st (4-6 years old): CE 101 Elementary (2nd-5th): Adventures with the Good Shepherd, CE 202

Youth Space (6th-12th): CE 3rd floor

Adult: Bible Discussion: The Gospel of Matthew’s View of Jesus to the Cross and Beyond, Club Room, chooses one book of the Bible at a time to explore. This fall, the class is continuing with the Gospel of Matthew.

Faith Journeys, Saal, September 8-November 10: The class will read and discuss the new book, Interrupting Silence: God’s Command to Speak Out by Walter Brueggemann. Engaging a variety of biblical stories, the book explores the many complexities of silence and the ongoing responsibility for people of faith to speak up against injustice.

Scripture Encore uses the scriptures presented in the day’s Sunday worship service for further discussion and exploration. This class will resume in November.

MIDWEEK PROGRAMMING 4:45 pm-5:45 pm Wednesdays: Choirs (RB 5; choir rehearsal room) and Moravian Minis (RB 10) Grades K-7th: Chorister Choir and Celebration Singers: ½ hour of music leadership preparation Moravian Minis: hands-on historical exploration of Home Moravian and

YOUTH SPACE 5:15 pm-5:45 pm, CE 3rd floor DINNER: 5:45 pm-6:45 pm, Fellowship Hall

Wednesday Night Fellowship Program and Home Church Band practice sessions: 6:45 pm-7:45 pm


WEDNESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP 5:45 pm-6:45 pm: Dinner, Fellowship Hall (RSVP the prior Monday to the Church Office: [email protected] or 336-722-6171) 6:45 pm-7:45 pm: Program, Saal or stated location

SEPTEMBER 11 At Home and About: What HMC Did this Summer: Youth Mission Trip, VBS, Youth Summer of Service 18 At Home and About: What HMC Did this Summer: Journey to the Bush--Ray of Hope Center, Shimba Hills, Kenya, with Beth Baldwin, Sarah Jennings, and Mary Elen Kollman 25 Presentation by Pilgrimage to Peace Team (from Churches for Middle East Peace) with host Rick Sides, Sanctuary

OCTOBER 2 Celebrating Tanzanian Sisters! A Force for Change, Julie Tomberlin, Unity Women’s Desk 9 What Goes into Planning Worship At Home? HMC pastoral and music staff 16 Time, Talent, Treasure, & Testimony: What Would God Have Me Do With Them? Laura Watson 23 Focus on Diggs/Latham 30 Salem Stories: Connecting Modern Readers to Moravian Women, Dana Myers

NOVEMBER 6 Opening to the Gift of Community in Christ, Steve Doughty 13 Our Neighbors in Faith --Table conversations with Muslim guests from the Annoor Islamic Center, Clemmons 20 Our Neighbors in Faith --Table conversations with Jewish guests from Temple Emanuel, W-S 27 Thanksgiving week, no WNF

DECEMBER 4 HMC Night at Candle Tea 11 HMC Family Christmas Party

Diggs-Latham Elementary School Opening Thank you to all who donated school supplies to Diggs-Latham. It was truly a blessing.


600 Years of Moravian History in 3 Days

Moravian Theological Seminary and Laurel Ridge are co-sponsoring 600 Years of Moravian History in 3 Days, November 3rd through 6th. All life-long learners are invited to attend this Seminary in the South Learning Intensive led by the Rev. Dr. Craig Atwood. Bishop Sam Gray will serve as the Retreat’s worship leader. This concentrated overview is for anyone desiring a greater understanding of the history and heritage in which our Moravian theology and tradition are grounded. The Provincial Elders’ Conference is endorsing this event with generous financial support from the Bishop W. Ministerial Education Fund. The Retreat begins with a Sunday night supper and ends with lunch on Wednesday. For more information or to register, contact Laurel Ridge at 1 (888) 831-5922. Salem Wing rooms will be assigned first; requests for the Bishops Wing will also be honored.

Elders Report

The Home Church Board of Elders met Monday, August 5. The meeting opened with intercessory prayer for members of the congregation.

The Board discussed an email to “Concerned Home Church Members,” sent to some members of the congregation. This email announced a meeting for the purpose of writing a motion to be presented to Church Council. The intent of the motion is to prevent Home Church from conducting same gender marriage until the Unity Synod addresses the differing resolutions passed by various provinces of the Unity. Elders noted that the congregation fears that the Church Council will be contentious and possibly hurtful. The Board discussed how to care for the congregation and together drafted an email to be sent to the entire congregation as soon as possible. (That email was completed, circulated to the Elders for approval, and sent to the congregation on Wednesday, August 7.)

The Elders discussed a proposal to invite a member of Gideons International to speak in worship. Rev. Tobiassen noted that “Love, Live, Serve” messages come only from Moravian agencies, with the exception of CROP Walk, an organization to which our congregation and Province have strong ties. Rev. Tobiassen encouraged inviting a Gideon member to speak to a Sunday School class, should a class so desire.

The Board approved a fundraiser to help pay for repairs to our slate and tile roofs; approved a request for money from the Shaffner Fund to pay for Faith Formation bags and materials for young families; and approved three building use requests as follows: use of the Saal for a prayer meeting for “On Wings Like a Dove,” a local ministry to the families of prisoners; use of Gray Auditorium for the Moravian Music Foundation; and the use of the Fellowship Hall for a vegan potluck hosted by members.

After receiving reports from committees, the Board closed with a devotion based on a discussion of Scripture in the book Bottom Line Beliefs. We share with the congregation these questions about our experience with Scripture:

• Who is a person you associate with your early memories of Scripture? (Who taught you Scripture or exposed you to it?) • Name one of your favorite Scripture stories, and explain why it is meaningful to you. • Have you thought of a verse for your gravestone?

We encourage the congregation to reflect on these questions, in the hope that such reflection brings joy, peace, and discovery. --Ginny Tobiassen 5

TRUSTEE REPORT July 31st, 2019 Financials

INCOME Month to Date Year to Date Last Year Member Gifts & Commitments 85,023 528,248 513,682 Plate Offering 1,097 9,783 12,031 Book of Remembrance 1,035 7,605 6,570 Strong Fund Income 0 42,475 48,172 Income from Meals 0 5,393 5,320 Other Income 0 90,283 78,412 Miscellaneous Income 60 1,660 1,430 TOTAL INCOME $87,214 $685,447 $665,617

EXPENSES Operating Expenses $71,975 $563,049 $542,878 Provincial Share Payments 17,491 122,435 122,817 Outreach Programs 13,651 33,691 37,590 TOTAL EXPENSES $103,117 0 $719,175 $703,285

Income/Expense Total -$15,902 -$33,729 -$37,668

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Board of Trustees met on August 12, 2019. Norwood Lide led the board in devotions and Intercessory prayer. June minutes were approved (there was no July meeting), as was the agenda. *Kathy Barnes presented the financial report seen above; there was no updated Pledge report. The following reports were received: *Stewardship- David Peddycord reported that the Committee is working on a Communication timeline for the fall campaign, including information on planned giving. *Buildings and Grounds-Norwood Lide reported that the restoration of the windows in the CE Building is going well and may be finished as early as late September. This project is being funded by a bequest from Nancy Sheiry Glaister (left for Building use and Capital Campaign use), income from the Building Preservation Fund, and income from the Harold & Elizabeth Vogler fund, for a total not to exceed $113,475. This is so the Operating budget would not be impacted by these expenses. The Board is grateful for gifts and bequests that allow us to care for our buildings. *John Mickey brought forward a recommendation from the Board of Elders that we find funding to hire off-duty police officers for Sunday worship services and other special services. Funding will be an addition to the Operating budget. *Sally McLeod reported that the Jane A Shaffner Fund ministry group would like to support a request for quarterly Family Faith Formation bags to give to young families. This was approved unanimously. *Ginny Tobiassen gave a report on events with Home Church. On September 1, the students will join us in worship, then go to work in the Wachovia Garden. Other events are planned for October and beyond. *John Mickey gave a report about a fundraising effort titled "Up on the Roof". We have discovered that our roof is missing a number of slate tiles and clay tiles, and these need to be replaced to prevent additional leaks. The Elders have approved allowing members to purchase a tile in honor or memory of someone, write their name on the back of the tile, and then these tiles will be put on the roof of the church. There will be a limited number of tiles for sale. *Ginny gave a report on the work of the Elders and communication from them. *After several announcements, the meeting was adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction. Adopt A College-Aged Student – 2019

With the school year fast approaching (or here already!), our congregation’s young adults are getting ready for their new year. Last year, the Christian Education Committee began a program to “adopt” the college-aged students in our congregation in an effort to stay connected and support them through this important part of their lives. The “adoption” program lets our college-aged members know that Home Church loves and supports them even when they can’t physically be with us. We are continuing the program during the 2019 school year and need volunteers to ensure every young adult who desires to participate is adopted by a Home Church member or group.

Who can adopt these young adults? Any individual, family, committee or group that is willing to stay in touch with a student at least once per month.

What does it mean to “adopt” them? What do we have to do? We ask that during the school year (October – May) you stay in touch with your young adult in some manner. This can be as simple as writing a note, sending a small gift, even sending an email or a text. We suggest spending an average of $5 per month. Our goal is to stay connected and reflect the love and support of our church to the student.

How do I get information about the young adult? You will be provided information about how to contact him or her, as well as other information such as where (s)he goes to school, and interests and likes that will help you think of small gifts (s)he would enjoy. The information will also help you think of creative ways to communicate and let your young adult know (s)he remains in our thoughts.

I adopted a young adult last year – can I adopt the same person? We will try to honor the request to stay with your adoptee, but want to make sure all young adults who desire to participate have someone to adopt them. With this in mind, changes may be required but we will do our best to honor any requests.

How do I get involved? Email Elaine Peddycord at [email protected] to let her know your interest. Remember the adoption can be by an individual, family, group or committee!

Thank you for your participation in this important ministry!

Art for Albania Show and Sale!!! Saturday, October 12, 9:00 to 3:00

Who knew that Hal Garner could PAINT? Gail Morris? Yep, she’s a master at the practice of her art! Have you seen Bill Tobiason’s amazing woodwork? Bill Gramley’s pastels? They’re legendary and for good reason. Interested in pottery? Or jewelry?

More wonders and surprises await on Saturday, October 12, 10:00AM to 3:00PM at the Salem Fine Arts Center. That’s the day that nearly fifty of the finest artists in our Church and our community will be selling their works in support of the Moravian Church in poverty-stricken Albania. More than a year in the planning, Art for Albania promises to be a tour de force opportunity for you, your family members and friends to enjoy beautiful art, and purchase that masterpiece you’ve been looking for to enrich your décor. The Moravian Church in Albania provides shelter, food, and basic education to people living under terribly adverse and oppressive conditions. It will cost $30,000 to sustain this ministry for the coming year and YOU can make a difference! Come and enjoy looking, shopping, buying, and helping your needy sisters and brothers in Albania. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this important event. And please SPREAD THE WORD!


Prayer Tree Requests

Many members of Home Church are praying for each other. If you would like to ask for prayers from your church family, please contact Katherine Petree (336-727-1195 or [email protected]) or one of our pastors, and your request will be added to our Prayer Tree.

These requests can be about you, a family member, or a friend if they have given you permission to submit the request. We do not send out any information without permission from the prayer recipient, and will only share the information you ask to be shared.

AND, If you would like to join our Prayer Tree and participate in praying for members of our church family and others on our prayer list please contact Katherine. Your name will be added to our email list and the requests will come to your in-box. You will not need to pass the information onto anyone, simply add the prayer requests to your daily prayers.

Please join us in this worthwhile and rewarding ministry. It is a wonderful way to connect with your church family and care for one another.


Congratulations to Katy (Shaffner) and Kyle Rodino on the birth of a son, James Rowland Rodino, on July 29 in Rochester, MN. Recovering at Home: Ralph Cates, Jack Desley, Paula Pegram, Ben Shamel At Trinity Elms Health & Rehab: George Boss Sympathy To: Lucille Kimel on the loss of her brother, Jack Lawrence, who died on July 28th in Rock Hill, SC.

To All Home Church Members: We want to thank all of you who have prayed for our son, Warren Bradley Sherrill (Brad), since his stroke on February 16. That evening we received a call from our daughter-in-law in Charlotte telling us that our son was on his way by helicopter to the main hospital in Charlotte for treatment for a stroke. We were immediately in shock, but after getting in the car for the drive to Charlotte, we called Katherine Petree to ask that she add Brad’s name to the Prayer List at Home Church. This was the most important thing I knew to do to help our son. And his name has remained in many of your prayers since that time. We want to thank you for the many prayers and positive thoughts you have sent to us and our son. While the stroke he had was massive and he was hospitalized for 72 days, he is recovering slowly and working diligently to regain all that was affected by the stroke. He participates very vigorously in physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy each week. He is able to walk, with a cane; he has learned to use his left hand; he is regaining his ability to speak (very slowly); and he participates in music therapy where he sings the words to songs that he is unable to say in conversation. We are grateful to God for his continuing recovery and feel very blessed to be able to participate in helping him get the therapies he needs. We spend our weeks in Charlotte transporting him to therapies and staying with him when his wife must travel for work. We feel very blessed that we have time to spend with him and we are getting to see the true warrior he is in the battle to reclaim his life. Additionally, we have seen the tremendous out-pouring of love and care from so many people who love and care for our youngest son. We are grateful to God for the surgeon, the nurses, the therapists, and the many people who have continued to pray for him each day. We cannot say it enough, but THANK YOU, THANK YOU. God is present in our lives and we are very, very grateful.

Frank and Nancy Sherrill


Senior Friends will meet for a potluck lunch in the Parlor at noon on Thursday, September 19. Those attending are asked to bring a monetary donation or canned food for Sunnyside Ministry, our mission emphasis for July through December. We will offer two programs this month. Those who wish may go with Steve Allred for a carriage or wagon ride through Old Salem. Steve will provide interesting facts about the neighborhood and Tom Haupert will recount stories about some of the buildings. Anyone who does not wish to go on the tour may stay and play Synonym Bingo with Patsy Ernst. In case of rain we will ALL play Bingo.

Our Senior Friends have enjoyed some wonderful programs this year, including lunch with Mrs. Evva Hanes and a tour of her Moravian Cookie Factory. We have also enjoyed programs on art, music, travel, and exercise.

Future programs include a trip to the Forsyth County Central Library and a Christmas Lunch at the Omega House Restaurant. We would be happy for you to join us.

HMC Music Schedule for Choir and Men’s Chorus for September

The HMC Choir will rehearse from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Thursday, September 5, 12, 19, & 26. The Men’s Chorus will rehearse from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Thursday, September 12 & 26.

September 1 - Come Gracious Spirit, Choir September 8 - Come, Christ, Be With Me, Choir September 15 (Service in Fellowship Hall) - Serving: TBA September 22 - Praise We The Name of God, Choir September 29 - Let My People Go, Men’s Chorus

Gregor BellChor will rehearse each Thursday this month; September 5, 12, 19, and 26, at 5:30 in the bell room. The BellChor will play for worship on September 29.

Upcoming opportunities for the Band: Looking ahead: Sunday, October 6, 9:30 am: World Communion Sunday

This Fall: Band Members, please be looking for a special invitation this fall! The Band Ministry Team is planning more classes and Home Church Band practice sessions. Additional information will be coming soon. Find the Home Church Band on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HomeMoravianChurchBand). If you would like to be added to the email notification list please contact Art Sorensen ([email protected]).

FALL BAND CLASSES will begin September 3, 2019, at Home Moravian Church. Sponsored jointly with Salem Congregation, Beginning Band classes, as well as Second and Third Year classes, will once again be offered under the leadership of Robah Ogburn and Connie Merritt. Each Tuesday night, the Beginners’ class for all ages 4th grade and up (we have had students starting in their 80’s) will meet at 6:30 pm. Second and Third Year players meet for class at 7:30pm. The classes are held in the Rehearsal Room on the lower level of the Rondthaler building. If you do not know what instrument you want to learn the leaders will help you make that decision on your first night of the class. Please contact Connie ([email protected]) or Robah ([email protected]) if you have questions or need additional information. Any Home Church member that would like to borrow an instrument should contact Art Sorensen via email, [email protected] , or phone, 336-407-2192.


Women’s Fellowship Home Missions - On Sunday, September 1, a bin for students will be placed next to the Church Office. These girls need, ollect toiletries and personal items for Salem College girls, but may not be able to afford, toiletries and personal items. Please bring the following and help us fill the bin: detergent, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, tissues, hand sanitizer, sanitary products, adult wipes, shampoo, and body wash/bar soap. We gave generously last year, and the gifts were much appreciated.

Lynne Wells “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…” Hebrews 10: 24

Candle Tea – 90th Anniversary ‘Kindle a flame of love in your heart for the Christ Child…’

In 1929, the Ladies’ Auxiliary of Home Moravian Church invited the public to view a Christmas Putz. The Christmas Putz opened on December 16, 1929, for three weeks. The attendance numbered 2,746 people. Ninety years have elapsed since that time, and the public viewing of a Christmas Putz has evolved into the Candle Tea as we know it today. Attendance has also evolved, also; and over the decades, Candle Tea has touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of visiting children and adults.

Candle Tea would not be possible without the dedication of Women’s Fellowship and participation of countless members of the Home Church congregation. So many of you have been supportive of Candle Tea in previous years, and we solicit your continued support as we fill 700+ volunteer positions.

We invite and encourage all members of the congregation to participate in Candle Tea 2019 as we celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the Christmas Putz! No prerequisites are necessary – just a desire to share in a project from which all proceeds are distributed to others through various outreach ministries. Please mark you calendars with this year’s dates: December 5th through 14th.

Members of the Women’s Fellowship will be offered the opportunity to sign up for positions during September’s Circle meetings. The Candle Tea Committee will also offer our members the opportunity to sign up duringduring Coffee Fellowship on October 6th and 13th. Beginning October 6th, you may also volunteer through SignUpGenius or by phoning Kate Hix (336-765-3606), Kitty Rominger (828-773-5877) co-chair, or Bev Moore (336-978-5592), chair.

P.S. Please join us for lunch and candle trimming on Sunday, November 10th at noon.

The Moravian Prison Ministry is hosting their 3rd annual "Bold & Beautifully Made" fundraiser on Friday, September 6 from 5:30-7:30 pm to support the important work they do for incarcerated people in our community. It will be held at Hampton House Art & Framing (720 Coliseum Drive NW, Winston-Salem). $25 General Admission tickets and $50 VIP tickets are available. All ticket holders will enjoy hors d'oeuvres, refreshments, and a silent auction. VIP holders will receive a piece of pottery made with the help of inmates and raku-fired onsite. You do NOT have to be present to win. To reserve your ticket, call or email the Moravian Prison Ministry at 336-416-5801 or [email protected]

Salem Band at the Movies - Join the Salem Band for an afternoon of music from your favorite films: Somewhere in Time; Casablanca; O Brother Where Art Thou; Star Wars; Robinhood and more. Sunday, September 22, 2019, 3:00 pm in Hanes Auditorium, Elberson FAC, Salem College campus, FREE. 10

September Birthdays - Happy Birthday to You! 2 Bill Freeman Samuel Halajian Kate V. Hix Shirley Marriott Flannery Holton Allen Pettit Michelle Kyles Rick Sides Sydney Shuler Sarah Southerland Gina Lineback 24 Maureen Hopkins Annawade Christopher Sarah Merriman Jennifer Johnson Strawsburg Thomas, Jr Justin Peddycord Sandra Lasley Amelia Wagner Pat Yeatts Matthew Rhodes Brandon Widger John Yarbrough Glenn Yokley Danielle Jordan Wilson 3 John Elster 11 Luke Bass Thunderhawk 25 Jerry Davis Bailey Hanagan Evan Bass Norma Nancy Hatfield Remy Lachat Brooks Bass Witherspoon Lynne Holton Erik Livengood Stephen Davis Austin Woody Jason Kubicki 4 Annen Barrow Lauren Masten 17 Christine Bennett Bob Newton Donna Cook Tommy Wood, Jr Chris Gamble Betty Petree Alan Johansson 12 Gardner Anders Ryan McPherson Mark Watson Noah Seatvet David Walker Robert Spaugh 26 Gilbert Cofer, Jr. 5 Susie Gatland 13 Sean Croghan 18 Betty Dize Ben Grimstead Margaret Johnson Mary Elizabeth Sean Garber Exie Wall Ryan Maher Geiger Molly 27 Ruth Anderson Jay Murphy Danetta Genung Hutchinson Kathy Barnes Victoria Starbuck Lilly Greene Fred Shaffner Bill Gramley 6 Sam Brannon Teresa Haynes 19 Lucy Barber Andrew Heil Daniel Crews Elizabeth Julie Campbell Walter Holton, Jr. Fred Hutchinson Magdaleno Deb Garner David Joyner Hilda Madaras Pam Moorefield Camille McDowell Carol Nykodym Taylor Wold Doug Pfaff Joy Pariz Ella Shepherd 7 Hannah Harris Olon Shuler Henry Vogler 28 Chuck Mickey Scott Juchatz Bill Tobiassen 20 Katrina Bodford Ward McKinley Laurence 14 Seth Beale Jessica McCrory Roberta Pettit Leinbach, Jr Mark Fabian Mike Mickey Erik Salzwedel Kim Mickey Toni Kapp 21 Jonathan Cook Mary Wilson 8 Gavin Thamm Jay Kohrt Julia Pitts 29 Allison Burkette Lucy Willingham Caroline Miller Matthew 30 Jonetta Conrad Glenna Wright Louis Shaffner Williams Caroline Council 9 Spencer Everette Pat Thomas Craig Williard Mallie Graham Jan Johnson Ashley Tucker Patrick Yeatts Brandon Kyles Thomas Lide Ashley Vogler 22 Parker Binkley Katie Lanier Katie Pruden 15 Tom Bodford Brad Juchatz Barbara Lineback Kate Putnam Penny Denny Hannah Ross Melissa Passmore Hannah Salzwedel Robin French Tom Shaver Carroll Posey Susan Tischler Lucy Vance Luanne Wood Joe Shugart Lee Troop 16 Amy Donovan 23 Anne Coleman 10 Joe Brown Betty Ernst Chambers


September Events 16 5:00 pm - HTH deadline 17 7:30 am - MOC group, CR st 1 10:00 am – Morning Worship (1 Sun. Ushers) 10:00 am - Bible study, CR 11:00 am - Coffee Fellowship 6:00 pm – Candle Tea Committee, CR 11:15 am - Sunday School 18 7:00 am - Breakfast, Lighthouse Restaurant 2 8:30 am – Church office closed, Labor Day 4:30 pm - Children’s Choir, RB 5 3 10:00 am - Bible study, CR 4:30 pm - Moravian Minis, CR 7:00 pm - Elders meeting, CR 5:45 pm - Wednesday Night Fellowship, FH 4 7:00 am - Breakfast, Lighthouse Restaurant 6:45 pm - WNF program, Saal 5:00 pm - Children’s Choir orientation, 7:30 pm – World Mission MT, P Anne Saxon’s home 19 12:00 pm - Sr. Friends, P 6:30 pm – Inquirer’s Class, Saal 12:15 pm - MOC group, CR 7:30 pm – Women’s Fellowship Bd. mtg., P 5:30 pm – Gregor BellChor, RB 120 5 12:15 pm - MOC group, CR 6:30 pm - Choir, RB 5 5:30 pm – Gregor BellChor, RB 120 22 8:30 am – H.O.P.E lunch bags, CR 6:30 pm - Choir, RB 5 10:00 am - Worship (4th Sunday Ushers) nd 8 10:00 am - Worship (2 Sunday Ushers) 11:00 am - Coffee Fellowship 11:00 am - Coffee Fellowship 11:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Sunday School Open House 3:00 pm – Music@Home Concert, S 9 4:30 pm – Circle 3, P 23 5:30 pm – Finance Committee, CR 5:00 pm – Christian Education mtg., RB 225 24 4:30 pm - Buildings & Grounds Co., RB 225 7:00 pm - Trustees meeting, CR 5:30 pm - Albanian Task Force, CR 10 7:30 am – MOC breakfast group, CR 6:30 pm – Congregation Conversations, FH 9:00 am – Lovefeast candle paper folding, CR 25 7:00 am - Breakfast, Lighthouse Restaurant 1:00 pm – Gemeinschaft, P 11:15 am - Stewardship Co., CR 5:30 pm – Circle 8, CR 2:00 pm - Prayer Shawl Ministry, P 6:30 pm – Congregation conversations, FH 4:30 pm – Congregational Care MT, P 11 7:00 am - Breakfast, Lighthouse Restaurant 4:30 pm - Children’s Choir, RB 5 2:00 pm - Prayer Shawl Ministry, P 4:30 pm - Moravian Minis, CR 4:30 pm - Children’s Choir, RB 5 5:45 pm - Wednesday Night Fellowship, FH 4:30 pm - Moravian Minis, CR 6:45 pm - WNF program, Saal 5:45 pm - Wednesday Night Fellowship, FH 26 2:00 pm - Book Club, CR 6:30 pm - Inquirers’ Class, Parlor 5:30 pm – Gregor BellChor, RB 120 6:45 pm - WNF program, Saal 6:30 pm - Choir, RB 5 12 5:30 pm – Gregor BellChor, RB 120 7:30 pm – Men’s Chorus, RB 5 6:30 pm - Choir, RB 5 29 10:00 am - Worship (5th Sunday Ushers) 7:30 pm – Men’s Chorus, RB 5 11:00 am - Coffee Fellowship 13-15 Women’s Retreat, Laurel Ridge 11:15 am - Sunday School 15 10:00 am – Day of Service Worship, 12:00 pm – 90’s Birthday party, FH rd Fellowship Hall (3 Sunday Ushers) Lunch, Fellowship Hall

Save the Date for Lovefeast candle trimming on Tuesday, October 15 in the Fellowship Hall.


Home Moravian Church Non-Profit Org. 529 S. Church Street U.S. Postage Winston-Salem, NC 27101 -PAID- Winston-Salem, NC ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Permit No. 49

Music@Home 2019-20 Concert Series presents


Vespers Bach Motet (BWV 230) Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden and music by J.M. Bach, Rosenmüller, and Hammerschmidt with the Magnolia Baroque Ensemble Saturday, September 21, 2019, 7:00 pm Augsburg Lutheran Church, Winston-Salem

Mette (Matins) Service Bach Cantata (BWV 150) Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich and music of Schütz and Erlebach with the Magnolia Baroque Ensemble Sunday, September 22, 2019, 3:00 pm Home Moravian Church

All events FREE, donations accepted. 13