Pre-trained Language Model based Ranking in Search

Lixin Zou, Shengqiang Zhang†, Hengyi Cai, Dehong Ma, Suqi Cheng, Daiting Shi, Zhifan Zhu, Weiyue Su, Shuaiqiang Wang, Zhicong Cheng, Dawei Yin∗ Baidu Inc., Beijing, China {zoulixin15,hengyi1995,chengsuqi,},[email protected] {madehong,shidaiting01,zhuzhifan,suweiyue,chengzhicong01},[email protected] ABSTRACT KEYWORDS As the heart of a , the ranking system plays a crucial Pre-trained Language Model; role in satisfying users’ information demands. More recently, neu- ral rankers fine-tuned from pre-trained language models (PLMs) ACM Reference Format: Lixin Zou, Shengqiang Zhang, Hengyi Cai, De- establish state-of-the-art ranking effectiveness. However, it is non- hong Ma, Suqi Cheng, Daiting Shi, Shuaiqiang Wang, Zhicong Cheng, Dawei trivial to directly apply these PLM-based rankers to the large-scale Yin. 2021. Pre-tarined Language Model based Ranking in Baidu Search. In web search system due to the following challenging issues: (1) Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and the prohibitively expensive computations of massive neural PLMs, (KDD ’21), August 14-18, 2021, Virtual Event, Singapore. ACM, especially for long texts in the web-document, prohibit their de- New York, NY, USA, 9 pages. ployments in an online ranking system that demands extremely low latency; (2) the discrepancy between existing ranking-agnostic 1 INTRODUCTION pre-training objectives and the ad-hoc retrieval scenarios that de- mand comprehensive relevance modeling is another main barrier As essential tools for accessing information in today’s world, search for improving the online ranking system; (3) a real-world search engines like and Baidu satisfy millions of users’ information engine typically involves a committee of ranking components, and needs every day. In large-scale industrial search engines, ranking thus the compatibility of the individually fine-tuned ranking model typically serves as the central stage. It aims at accurately ordering is critical for a cooperative ranking system. the shortlisted candidate documents retrieved from previous stages, In this work, we contribute a series of successfully applied tech- which plays a critical role in satisfying user information needs and niques in tackling these exposed issues when deploying the state- improving user experience. of-the-art Chinese pre-trained language model, i.e., ERNIE, in the Traditional approaches, including learning to rank [34], are typi- engine system. We first articulate a novel practice cally based on hand-crafted, manually-engineered features. How- to cost-efficiently summarize the web document and contextualize ever, they may easily fail to capture the search intent from the the resultant summary content with the query using a cheap yet query text and infer the latent semantics of documents. With the powerful Pyramid-ERNIE architecture. Then we endow an inno- recent significant progress of pre-training language models (PLMs) vative paradigm to finely exploit the large-scale noisy and biased like BERT [13] and ERNIE [44] in many language understanding post-click behavioral data for relevance-oriented pre-training. We tasks, large-scale pre-trained models also demonstrate increasingly also propose a human-anchored fine-tuning strategy tailored for promising text ranking results [33]. For example, neural rankers the online ranking system, aiming to stabilize the ranking signals fine-tuned from pre-trained models establish state-of-the-art rank- across various online components. Extensive offline and online ex- ing effectiveness39 [ , 40], attributing to its ability to perform full perimental results show that the proposed techniques significantly self-attention over a given query and candidate document, in which boost the search engine’s performance. deeply-contextualized representations of all possible input token pairs bridge the semantic gap between query and document terms. However, it is nontrivial to directly apply the recent advance-

arXiv:2105.11108v3 [cs.IR] 25 Jun 2021 CCS CONCEPTS ments in PLMs to web-scale search engine systems with trillions • Information systems → Language models; Learning to rank; of documents and stringent efficiency requirements. First, signifi- cant improvements brought by these PLMs come at a high cost of ∗ Corresponding author. † Co-first author. prohibitively expensive computations. Common wisdom [45, 49] suggests that the BERT-based ranking model is inefficient in pro- cessing long text due to its quadratically increasing memory and Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed computation consumption, which is further exacerbated when in- for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation volving the full content of a document (typically with length > on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM 4000) into the ranking stage. It thus poses a challenging trade-off must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a to reconcile the efficiency and contextualization in a real-world fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. ranking system. Second, explicitly capturing the comprehensive KDD ’21, August 14–18, 2021, Virtual Event, Singapore. relevance between query and documents is crucial to the ranking © 2021 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8332-5/21/08...$15.00 task. Existing pre-training objectives, either sequence-based tasks (e.g., masked token prediction) or sentence pair-based tasks (e.g., permuted language modeling), learn contextual representations a fast query-dependent summary extraction and a based on the intra/inter-sentence coherence relationship, which Pyramid-ERNIE architecture, striking a good balance between cannot be straightforwardly adapted to model the query-document the efficiency and effectiveness of PLM-based ranking schema in relevance relations. Although user behavioral information can be the real-world search engine system. leveraged to mitigate this defect, elaborately designing relevance- • Relevance-oriented Pre-training. We design an innovative oriented pre-training strategies to fully exploit the power of PLMs relevance-oriented pre-training paradigm to finely exploit the for industrial ranking remains elusive, especially in noisy clicks and large-scale post-click behavioral data, in which the noisy and exposure bias induced by the search engine. Third, to well deploy biased user clicks are calibrated to align the relevance signals the fine-tuned PLM in a real ranking system with various modules, annotated by the human experts. the final ranking score should be compatible with other compo- • Human-anchored Fine-tuning. We propose a human-anchored nents, such as the ranking modules of freshness, quality, authority. fine-tuning strategy tailored for the online ranking system, aim- Therefore, in addition to pursuing the individual performance, care- ing to stabilize the ranking signals across various online compo- fully designing the fine-tuning procedure to seamlessly interwoven nents and further mitigate the misalignment between the naive the resultant PLM and other components into a cooperative ranking fine-tuning objective and human-cared intrinsic relevance mea- system is the crux of a well-behaved deployment. surements. This work concentrates on endowing our experiences in tack- • Extensive Offline and Online Evaluations. We conduct ex- ling these issues that emerged in PLM-based online ranking and tensive offline and online experiments to validate the effective- introducing a series of instrumental techniques that have been suc- ness of the designed ranking approach. The results show that cessfully implemented and deployed to power the Baidu search en- the proposed techniques significantly boost the search engine’s gine. In order to improve both the effectiveness and efficiency axes performance. for PLM-based full-content-aware ranking, we propose a two-step framework to achieve this goal: (1) extract the query-dependent 2 METHODOLOGY summary on the fly with an efficient extraction algorithm; (2) decou- In this section, we describe the technical details of our proposed ple the text representation and interaction with a modularized PLM. approaches. We first formulate the ranking task as a utility optimiza- Specifically, we provide a QUery-WeIghted Summary ExTraction tion problem. Then, we provide the linear time complexity query- (QUITE) algorithm with linear time complexity to cost-efficiently dependent summary extraction algorithm and propose Pyramid- summarize the full content of the web document. Given a sum- ERNIE architecture to reconcile the content-aware ranking’s ef- mary, a Pyramid-ERNIE, built upon the state-of-the-art Chinese ficiency and effectiveness. To effectively incentivize a relevance- PLM ERNIE [44], first decouples the text representation into two oriented contextual representation, we present a novel pre-training parts: the query-title part and summary part. Then, the Pyramid- strategy in which large-scale post-click behavioral information can ERNIE captures the comprehensive query-document relevance us- be distilled into the proposed Pyramid-ERNIE. We further design ing contextualized interactions over the previously generated rep- a human-anchored find-tuning schema to pertinently anchor the resentations for the sake of balancing the efficiency-effectiveness resulting fine-tuned model with other online ranking components. trade-off in online ranking. To explicitly incentivize the query- document relevance modeling in pre-training Pyramid-ERNIE with large-scale raw clicking data, we first manage the noisy and bi- 2.1 Problem Formulation ased user clicks through human-guided calibration by aligning The task of ranking is to measure the relative order among a set the post-click behaviors with human-preferred annotations, and 푁 of documents 퐷 = {푑푖 }푖=1 under the constraint of a query 푞 ∈ Q, then conduct relevance-oriented pre-training using the calibrated where 퐷 ⊂ D is the set of 푞-related documents retrieved from all clicks with a ranking-based objective. Regarding the discrepancy of indexed documents D [35], and Q is the set of all possible queries. ranking signals between the fine-tuned Pyramid-ERNIE and other We are required to find a scoring function 푓 (·, ·) : Q × D → R, online ranking components that emerged in the naive fine-tuning which can maximize some utility as paradigm, we alleviate such defects with a novel fine-tuning strat- ∗ egy in which the Pyramid-ERNIE is incentivized to be globally 푓 = max E{푞,퐷,푌 }휗 (푌, 퐹 (푞, 퐷)). (1) stabled through anchoring the fine-tuning objective with human- 푓 preferred relevance feedback, leading to better cooperation with other ranking components. Here, 휗 is an evaluation metric, such as DCG [23], PNR and ACC. ( ) { ( )}푁 ∗ We conduct extensive offline and online experiments in a large- 퐹 푞, 퐷 = 푓 푞,푑푖 푖=1 is the set of document scores, and 푓 is { }푁 scale web search engine. Extensively experimental results demon- the optimal scoring function. 푌 = 푦푖 푖=1 is a set of scale with 푦푖 strate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques and present representing the relevance label corresponds to 푑푖 . Usually, 푦푖 is our contributions to the relevance improvement in Baidu Search. the graded relevance in 0-4 ratings, which means the relevance of We expect to provide practical experiences and new insights for 푑푖 as {bad, fair, good, excellent, perfect} respectively. building a large-scale ranking system. Our main contributions can In learning to rank, a ranking model is trained with a set of be summarized as follows: labeled query-document pairs denoted as Φ = {휙푞 }, where 휙푞 = {푞, 퐷 = {푑푖 }, 푌 = {푦푖 }|1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푁 } is the set of labeled query- • Content-aware Pyramid-ERNIE. We articulate a novel prac- document given a specific query 푞. Under this formulation, the tice to efficiently contextualize the web-document content with ranking model is learned by minimizing the empirical loss over the training data as Algorithm 1 QUIET: Query-Weighted Summary Extraction 1 ∑︁ Input: L(푓 ) = ℓ(푌, 퐹 (푞, 퐷)), (2) The query 푞, the document 푑, the decay factor: 훼; |Z| {푞,퐷,푌 }∈Φ The number of generated query-dependent summaries: 푘. Output: where ℓ is the loss function. ℓ is an intermediate proxy for optimiz- The generated query-dependent summaries: 푠; ing the none-differential ranking metric 휗. Z is the normalizing 1: 푊푞 = Word-Tokenize(푞); factor. Most of the ranking models are optimized with pointwise 2: 휔푤 = Word-Importance(푤) for 푤 ∈ 푊푞; loss (e.g., mean square error), pairwise loss (e.g., hinge loss [42]), 3: 푆 = Sentence-Tokenize(푑); or listwise approach (e.g., LambdaMART [5]). 4: 푊푠푖 = Word-Tokenize(푠푖 ) for 푠푖 ∈ 푆; 5: 푠, 푐 ← {}, 1; 2.2 Content-aware Pre-trained Language Model 6: while 푐 ≤ 푘 do 7: for all 푠푖 ∈ 푆 do In a large-scale search system, the scoring function 푓 (푞,푑) is typ- Í ∩ 8: 푆푐표푟푒푠푖 = 푤∈푊표 휔푤 with 푊표 = 푊푠푖 푊푞; ically implemented to measure the semantic relevance between 9: end for the query and the document title while the document’s content 10: 푠∗ = arg max푠 {푆푐표푟푒푠푖 |푠푖 ∈ 푆 }; is ignored due to the high computational cost. However, merely 11: 푠 ← 푠∗ + 푠; considering the title for a query is risky since the short title usu- 12: 푆 ← 푆 − 푠∗; ← · ∈ ∩ ally cannot describe the document faithfully and sometimes even 13: 휔푤 훼 휔푤 for 푤 푊푠∗ 푊푞 deviates from the content of a document, e.g., the , which 14: 푐 ← 푐 + 1; 15: end while presents insurmountable obstacles to the ranking effectiveness. To 16: return 푠; incorporate the content of a document into the ranking process while allowing for fast real-time inference in a production setup simultaneously, we propose a two-step framework to achieve this = TRM ( ) goal: (1) we first pre-extract the query-dependent summary onthe a summary encoder 퐸푠 퐿푙표푤 푠 which produces a summary = TRM ( ) fly, which can be operated efficiently; (2) then, we employ a highly- embedding, a unified encoder 퐸{푞,푡,푠 } 퐿ℎ푖푔ℎ 퐸{푞,푡 }, 퐸푠 which modularized model—Pyramid-ERNIE, to measure the relevance of encodes the concatenation of the outputs of 퐸{푞,푡 } and 퐸푠 , and pro- query, title, and concise summary. duces a relevance score between the query, title and summary. The encoder is a 푛-layer self-attentive building block, denoted as 2.2.1 Query-Dependent Summary Extraction. A document con- TRM푛 (short for TRansforMer [46]). 퐿푙표푤 and 퐿ℎ푖푔ℎ are the number tains many contents, and correspondingly different parts may fit of representation layers and interaction layers respectively. Figure 1 different queries’ demand. It is more reasonable to retain the coarse- depicts the proposed neural architecture. grained relevant contents and discard the rest before measuring the fine-grained semantic relevance between the query and the 2.2.3 Complexity Analysis. We conduct the time complexity document. Therefore, we propose a simple yet effective method analysis to inspect the efficiency of the proposed approach. For named QUery-WeIghted Summary ExTraction (QUITE) to extract summary extraction, the time complexity is O(푁푐 ) where 푁푐 is summary 푠 from document 푑 with respect to a given query 푞 (shown the length of the whole content. Since the algorithm can be op- in Algorithm 1). The QUITE first pre-processes query and docu- erated in linear time, the cost is rather cheap in online ranking. ments, including word tokenization for the query, calculating the For semantic matching with Pyramid-ERNIE, the time complex- 2 word importance, sentence segmentation for the document, and ity of a original ERNIE is O(퐿ℎ(푁푞 + 푁푡 + 푁푠 ) ), where 퐿 and ℎ word tokenization for each sentence, respectively (line 1-4 in Algo- are the number of layers and hidden dimension size of ERNIE, rithm 1). Precisely, the word importance is calculated by looking and 푁푞, 푁푡 and 푁푠 are the length of the query, title and sum- up a pre-computed importance dictionary. Then, each sentence maries respectively. In Pyramid-ERNIE, the time complexity of 퐸 , 퐸 and 퐸 are O(퐿 ℎ(푁 + 푁 )2), O(퐿 ℎ(푁 )2) candidate’s score 푠푖 is measured by summing the word importance {푞,푡 } 푠 {푞,푡,푠 } 푙표푤 푞 푡 푙표푤 푠 2 of all words that appeared in both query and the sentence candidate and O(퐿ℎ푖푔ℎℎ(푁푞 + 푁푡 + 푁푠 ) ) respectively, where 퐿 = 퐿푙표푤 + (line 7-9 in Algorithm 1). The candidate with the highest score will 퐿ℎ푖푔ℎ. Therefore, the total time complexity of Pyramid-ERNIE is 2 2 2 be chosen as the most related summary at the current time (line O(퐿푙표푤ℎ(푁푞 +푁푑 ) ) +퐿푙표푤ℎ(푁푠 ) +퐿ℎ푖푔ℎℎ(푁푞 +푁푡 +푁푠 ) ) which 2 10 in Algorithm 1). To cover different words in the summary, the can be simplified as O(퐿ℎ(푁푞 + 푁푡 + 푁푠 ) − 2퐿푙표푤ℎ(푁푞 + 푁푡 )푁푠 ). importance of words that appeared in both query and the current Coupled with the evidence, the time complexity of Pyramid-ERNIE summary will be decayed by a factor 훼 (0 < 훼 < 1) (line 13 in is obviously lower than the original ERNIE. This is affirmed by the Algorithm 1). The above steps will be repeated until the number empirical results, in which Pyramid-ERNIE reduces about 30% time of sentences meets the predetermined threshold 푘. In this way, we cost compared with the original ERNIE model. can adaptively select the number of summaries to balance ERNIE’s performance and efficiency. 2.3 Relevance-Oriented Pre-training with 2.2.2 Pyramid-ERNIE. We introduce the Pyramid-ERNIE to con- Calibrated Large-Scale User Clicks duct semantic matching between the query 푞, title 푡, and summary To enhance the pre-training towards relevance ranking, one straight- 푠. It comprises three major components: a query and title encoder forward approach is to leverage the large-scale post-click behav- TRM ( ) 퐸{푞,푡 } = 퐿푙표푤 푞, 푡 which produces the query-title embedding, ioral information for continual domain-adaptive pre-training. The Figure 1: Illustration of the Pyramid-ERNIE model.

#click click skip ratio #skip can be employed to identify the clicks owing to exposure bias (issue 2). To this end, we manually annotate 70 thousand query-document pairs with rich user behavioral features into 0-4 ratings and align the 푀-dimension post-click based features (denoted as 풙 ∈ R푀 ) to query-document relevance by training a tree-based model as the calibrator to predict the human label 푦 (issue 3). The trained tree-based calibration model can be adapted to calibrate the large-scale post-click behavioral data, and the resultant refined clicking data is finally applied to pre-train the Pyramid- ERNIE (the effectiveness of the tree-based calibration model is Figure 2: Human preference learning with tree-based struc- verified in Section 3.7.2). With human preference learning usinga ture. small amount of annotated data, we are able to substantially exploit the massive unsupervised data to pre-train a large ranking model conventional training task for ranking is to predict whether the doc- and reduce the notoriously defects mentioned above. 푀 → 5 ument will be clicked or not [9]. However, such a trivial approach More concretely, a classification tree [37] ℎ : R R is has the following issues: constructed to calibrate the post-click behaviors to ground-truth relevance, as depicted in Figure 2. Furthermore, the tree-based (1) The clicking data contains many false-positive samples, which model is optimized using gradient boosting methods [15]. Note that are caused by the noisy clicks such as clickbait and accident other sophisticated classification models can also be applied, e.g., clicks, impairing the accurate modeling of the document rele- neural network-based classifier [17]. vance; For a given set of the query, documents, and post-click behaviors (2) The exposure bias caused by the ranking system [10] —the {푞, 퐷 = {푑푖 }, 푋 = {풙풊 }|1 ≤ 푖 ≤ 푁 }, we pre-train the Pyramid- displayed documents usually acquire much more clicks. It is ERNIE with a triplet loss defined as: problematic since blindly fitting the data without considering the inherent biases will result in the discrepancy between offline ∑︁ ℓ(퐺, 퐹 (푞, 퐷)) = max(0, 푓 (푞,푑푖 ) − 푓 (푞,푑푗 ) + 휏), (3) evaluation and online metrics, and even lead to the vicious circle 푔(풙푖 )<푔(풙 푗 ) of bias and rebiasing. (3) The inherent inconsistency between clicking and query-documents where 휏 is the margin enforced between positive and negative pairs, relevance further presents obstacles to the schema of pre-training 푔(풙) = arg max푚 {ℎ(풙)}푚 is the most possible label generated directly with the user clicking behavioral data since the docu- by the tree model ℎ(풙), 퐺 is the set of predicted human labels ments being clicked are not necessarily relevant results. { ( )}푁 푔 푥푖 푖=1. Fortunately, a series of informative features exhibit the fine- grained quality of user clicking, including the average dwelling time, 2.4 Human-anchored Fine-Tuning average scroll speed, number of user-issued query rewriting and Provided with a pre-trained Pyramid-ERNIE, a common practice to number of long-click, as well as the carefully-designed features such leverage it for online ranking tasks is to fine-tune the pre-trained #click #click #long click as #skip , #click in the query and #click . These important features Pyramid-ERNIE with the human-labeled task-specific data, using can be leveraged to calibrate the noisy clicks and exposure bias in a ranking objective, e.g., pairwise loss. However, merely pursu- the raw post-click behavioral data. For instance, the dwelling time ing the individual ranking performance leads to the ranking score or long-click can be used to effectively filter out the low-quality discrepancy between the fine-tuned Pyramid-ERNIE model and documents caused by the clickbait or accident click (issue 1); the other online ranking components. This discrepancy is undesirable since a well-behaved online ranking system demands compara- Table 1: Data statistics. ble ranking signals to fulfill the multi-modality and multi-source presentations of search results (e.g., freshness, authority, and qual- Data #Query #Query-Document Pairs ity). Besides, optimizing the ranking model solely with pairwise log data 538,314,000 2,986,664,000 loss generally suffers from the high variance of query distribu- manual train 469,115 9,697,087 tions. High-relevance documents are usually overwhelmed for hot manual evaluate 8,901 160,999 manual test 11,437 279,128 queries but extremely scarce for tail ones, posing challenges for the ranking model to perceive such cross-query relevance gap between documents. Moreover, disregarding the query documents’ intrinsic 3.2 Evaluation Methodology relevance also hurts the predicted scores’ interpretability due to We employ the following evaluation metrics to assess the perfor- the discrepancy between the corresponding unanchored ranking mance of the ranking system. scores and well-reasoned human-defined relevance grades. The Positive-Negative Ratio (PNR) is a pairwise metric for Therefore, the pre-trained Pyramid-ERNIE model’s final ranking evaluating the search relevance performance. It has been exten- score is incentivized to be globally stable across different queries sively used in the industry due to its simplicity. For a ranked list and online modules by anchoring the fine-tuning objective with of 푁 documents, the PNR is defined as the number of concordant a human-preferred relevance judgment. Specifically, we manually pairs versus the number of discordant pairs: label 10 million query-document pairs into 0-4 ratings and train the Í 1 1 푖,푗 ∈[1,푁 ] {푦푖 > 푦푗 }· {푓 (푞,푑푖 ) > 푓 (푞,푑푗 )} Pyramid-ERNIE with a mixture of pairwise and pointwise loss as = 푃푁푅 Í 1 1 , (5) 푚,푛∈[1,푁 ] {푦푚 > 푦푛 }· {푓 (푞,푑푚) < 푓 (푞,푑푛)} ∑︁ where the indicator function 1{푥 > 푦} takes the value 1 if 푥 > 푦 ( ( )) = ( ( ) − ( ) + ) ℓ 푌, 퐹 푞, 퐷 max 0, 푓 푞,푑푖 푓 푞,푑푗 휏 and 0 otherwise. We use the symbol 푃푁푅 to indicate this value’s 푦 <푦 푖 푗 (4) average over a set of test queries in our experiments. + 휆(훿 (푓 (푞,푑푖 ),푦푖 ) + 훿 (푓 (푞,푑푗 ),푦푗 )), The Discounted Cumulative Gain (DCG) [23] is a standard listwise accuracy metric for evaluating the ranking model perfor- n 푦 2 o mance and is widely adopted in the context of ad-hoc retrieval. For where 훿 (푓 (푞,푑),푦) = max 푓 (푞,푑) − ( 5 + 0.1) − 휖, 0 is the point- a ranked list of 푁 documents, we use the following implementation wise loss. It endeavors to anchor the ranking score to a meaningful of DCG range, and 휖 = 0.01, 휆 = 0.7 are the hyper-parameters. With the 푁 ∑︁ 퐺 pointwise loss, the ranking score 푓 (푞,푑) is encouraged to be con- 퐷퐶퐺 = 푖 , (6) 푁 log (푖 + 1) sistent with the human-labeled relevance grade and can be easily 푖=1 2 blended with ranking signals from other modules in a real-world where 퐺푖 represents the weight assigned to the document’s label ranking system. at position 푖. Higher degree of relevance corresponds to the higher weight. We use the symbol 퐷퐶퐺 to indicate the average value of 3 EXPERIMENTS this metric over the test queries. 퐷퐶퐺 will be reported only when absolute relevance judgments are available. In the following sec- To assure the effectiveness of the proposed solutions, we conducted tions, we will report 퐷퐶퐺 , 퐷퐶퐺 with 푁 ∈ {2, 4}, respectively. In extensive offline and online experiments on a large-scale real- 2 4 online experiments, we extract 6, 000 queries and manually label the world search system. This section details the experimental setup top-4 ranking results generated by the search engine for calculating and presents several insights demonstrating that the proposed ap- 퐷퐶퐺. proaches are crucial to PLM-based ranking in a commercial search The Interleaving [8] is a metric used to quantify the degree engine system. of user preference and summarize the outcome of an experiment. When conducting comparisons with this metric, two systems’ re- 3.1 Dataset sults are interleaved and exposed together to the end-users, whose We train and evaluate our proposed method with both logged user clicks will be credited to the system that provides the corresponding behavioral data (log) and manually-labeled (manual) data. The user-clicked results. The gain of the new system A over the base logged data is used for the pre-training stage and the manually- system B can be quantified with Δ퐴퐵, which is defined as labeled query-document pairs are used for the fine-tuning stage. 푤푖푛푠(퐴) + 0.5 ∗ 푡푖푒푠(퐴, 퐵) Δ = − 0.5, (7) Specifically, we collect three months of users’ accessing logs from 퐴퐵 푤푖푛푠(퐴) + 푤푖푛푠(퐵) + 푡푖푒푠(퐴, 퐵) Aug. 2020 to Oct. 2020, which contains 538, 314, 000 queries and where 푤푖푛푠(A) counts the number of times when the results pro- 2, 986, 664, 000 query-document pairs. Regarding the fine-tuning duced by system A is more preferred than system B for a given data, we manually annotate the train/evaluate/test dataset with query. Thus, Δ퐴퐵 > 0 implies that system A is better than system Baidu’s crowd-sourcing platform, resulting in 9, 697, 087/160, 999/ B and vice versa. We conduct balanced interleaving experiments 279, 128 query-document pairs. In the manually-labeled training for comparing the proposed method with the base model. data, 73, 530 query-document pairs are used for constructing the The Good vs. Same vs. Bad (GSB) [53] is a metric measured tree-based calibrator to refine the raw user behavioral data during by the professional annotators’ judgment. For a user-issued query, relevance-oriented pre-training. Table 1 offers the dataset statistics. the annotators are provided with a pair (result1, result2) whereby one result is returned by system A, and the other is generated by Table 2: Offline comparison of the proposed methods. a competitor system B. The annotators, who do not know which system the result is from, are then required to independently rate Model PNR Improvement among Good (result1 is better), Bad (result2 is better), and Same Base 2.881 - (they are equally good or bad), considering the relevance between +CAP 3.017 4.72% the returned document and the given query. In order to quantify the +CAP+REP 3.068 6.49% human evaluation, we aggregate these three indicators mentioned +CAP+REP+HINT 3.065 6.39% above as a unified metric, denoted as ΔGSB: Table 3: Performance improvements of online A/B testing. #Good − #Bad ΔGSB = . (8) #Good + #Same + #Bad Δ퐷퐶퐺 Δ ΔGSB Model 퐴퐵 3.3 Competitor System Δ퐷퐶퐺2 Δ퐷퐶퐺4 Random Long-Tail Random Long-Tail Base ------Due to the high cost of deploying inferior models, we only compare +CAP 0.65%∗ 0.76%∗ 0.15% 0.35%∗ 3.50%∗ 6.00%∗ the proposed method with the state-of-the-art ERNIE-based ranking +CAP+REP 2.78%∗ 1.37%∗ 0.58%∗ 0.41%∗ 5.50%∗ 7.00%∗ model as well as different variants of the proposed approach. +CAP+REP+HINT 2.85%∗ 1.58%∗ 0.14%∗ 0.45%∗ 6.00%∗ 7.50%∗ • Base: The base model is a 12-layer ERNIE-based ranking pol- “ ∗ ” indicates the statistically significant improvement (푡-test with 푝 < 0.05 over the baseline). icy, fine-tuned with a pairwise loss using human-labeled query- document pairs. • Content-aware Pyramid-ERNIE (CAP): This model replaces the indicates that the query-dependent summary benefits the rele- ERNIE-based ranking model with a Pyramid-ERNIE architecture, vance modeling, and the introduced Pyramid-ERNIE is capable which incorporates the query-dependent document summary of capturing the semantics of query, title, and summary. With the into the deep contextualization to better capture the relevance relevance-oriented pre-training, our method outperforms the base between the query and document. by 6.49% and reaches the highest PNR of 3.068, which reveals that • Relevance-oriented Pre-training (REP): This variant pre-trains pre-training with large-scale post-click behavioral data substan- the Pyramid-ERNIE model with refined large-scale user-behavioral tially improves the performance of the ranking model. Finally, with data before fine-tuning it on the task data. the human-anchored fine-tuning strategy, although sacrificing a • Human-anchored Fine-tuning (HINT): In the fine-tuning stage, little bit of performance, this approach improves the stability of the HINT anchors the ranking model with human-preferred rele- Pyramid-ERNIE (referred to Section 3.7.3). vance scores using the objective function as in Equation (4). 3.6 Online Experimental Results 3.4 Experimental Setting To investigate the effectiveness of the introduced techniques in For the tree-based calibration model, we build a single tree of 6- the real-world commercial search engine, we deploy the proposed depth with scikit- learn 1. Regarding Pyramid-ERNIE, we use model to the online search system and compare it with the base a 12-layer transformer architecture with 9-layers for text repre- model in the real production environment. sentation and 3-layers for the query-title-summary interaction. It Table 3 reports the performance comparison between differ- is warm-initialized with a 12-layer ERNIE 2.0 provided by Baidu ent models regarding Δ퐷퐶퐺, Δ퐴퐵, and Δ퐺푆퐵. First, we observe Wenxin 2. The 훼 is set as 0.5 for query-dependent extraction. The that the proposed mechanisms bring substantial improvements to same hyper-parameters are used for various comparison models, the online search system. In particular, we note that the perfor- i.e., vocabulary size of 32, 000, hidden size of 768, and feed-forward mance of CAP, CAP+REP, CAP+REP+HINT increases gradually on layers with dimension 1024, batch size of 128. We use the Adam [27] Δ퐷퐶퐺2, Δ퐷퐶퐺4 and Δ퐴퐵 respectively, which demonstrates that optimizer with a dynamic learning rate following Vaswani et al. the designed techniques are practical skills for improving the per- [46]. Expressly, we set the warmup steps as 4000 and the maximum formance of the online ranking system. Moreover, we also observe learning rate as 2 × 10−6 both in the pre-training and fine-tuning that our proposed schema outperforms the online base system by a stage. All the models are trained on the distributed platform with large margin for long-tail queries (i.e., the search frequency of the 28 Intel(R) 5117 CPU, 32퐺 Memory, 8 NVIDIA V100 GPU, and 12T query is lower than 10 per week). Particularly, the improvements of Disk. long-tail queries in the interleaving are 0.35%, 0.41% and 0.45% for CAP, CAP+REP, CAP+REP+HINT, respectively. Furthermore, the 3.5 Offline Experimental Results advantage of GSB for the long-tail queries is 6.00%, 7.00%, and 7.50%. Table 2 shows the PNR results when incrementally applying the We also observe that the proposed approach beats the online base proposed techniques, i.e., CAP, REP and HINT, to the base model. system by a large margin regarding 퐷퐶퐺2 with 2.85% relatively The experimental result is quite consistent with our intuition. After improvement. This reveals that the proposed schema retrieves not adding the query-dependent summary and employing the Pyramid- only relevant documents but also prefers high-quality results judged ERNIE, the PNR reaches 3.017, advancing the base by 4.72%. It by professional annotators. Finally, compared with the offline ex- periments, we notice that the human-anchored fine-tuning strategy 1 further boosts the online performance but slightly hurts the of- 2 fline metric PNR. This is reasonable since the human-preferred Table 4: Performance of Pyramid-ERNIE with different Table 5: Performance of Pyramid-ERNIE with different numbers of interaction layers. 푞푡 |푠 denotes that the left bot- length of summary. |푠¯| is the average length of summary. tom is the concatenation of 푞, 푡 and the right bottom is 푠. Similarly, 푞|푡푠 means that the left bottom is 푞 and the right w/o 1 2 3 4 bottom is the concatenation of 푡, 푠. summary sentence sentences sentences sentences PNR 3.01 3.07 3.06 3.06 3.11 ¯ # Interaction Layers 푞 |푡푠 PNR 푞푡 |푠 PNR |푠 | 38 54 70 84 95 1 2.31 3.02 2 2.77 3.02 Table 6: Performance of raw user clicks and tree-based cali- 3 2.92 3.07 brator on the test set. 4 2.94 3.07

Raw user clicks Calibrator relevance annotations used in the human-anchored fine-tuning are PNR 1.86 3.35 intentionally designed to be aligned with the online users’ judg- ments and introduced to help the ranking model cooperate with Table 7: Offline performance of different pre-training strate- the other components, which may not well-coordinate with the gies: (a) Pre-training w/o data calibration and (b) Pre- offline evaluations. training w/ calibrated clicking data.

3.7 Ablation Study PNR (w/o fine-tuning) PNR (w/ fine-tuning) To better understand the source of the designed schema’s effec- (a) 1.81 2.83 tiveness, we examine a series of critical strategies by analytically (b) 2.76 3.07 ablating specific parts of the proposed approach. The question then is: how do the performance improvements bene- 3.7.1 Analysis of Content-Aware Pyramid-ERNIE. We study dif- fit from the tree-based calibration model? To answer this question, ferent options of designing the inputs and architecture of Pyramid- we first investigate the effectiveness of the proposed tree-based ERNIE to present our motivation of setting the hyper-parameters. calibrator. As shown in Table 6, compared with the metric PNR In Table 4, we report the Pyramid-ERNIE with different settings estimated using raw user clicks, the proposed calibrator obtains a in the interaction layers and input layers. As shown in Table 4, we much higher score, indicating that the tree-based calibrator pro- find that concentrating the query and title on one side and putting vides high-quality guidance regarding the query-document ranking the summary on the other side (denoted as 푞푡 |푠) achieves the best relevance. Benefiting from the refined user clicking data calibrated results. Such performance boosts can be attributed to both the early by this strong guidance, we further observe that pre-training with interaction between the query and title, which coarsely reflects data calibration outperforms the naive pre-training strategy by a the query and document’s semantic relations and the deep interac- large margin, in terms of both the fine-tuning stage and the pre- tions between the query/title and content summary, which further training stage, as presents in Table 7. Specifically, the improvements enrich the resulting contextualization. In contrast, coupling the of pre-training with calibration are 52.5% and 23.5% over the naive title and summary on one side enables title-summary early inter- strategy. It is worth noting that the PNR of the naive pre-training actions but hinders query consolidation (denoted as 푞|푡푠), which (2.83) even underperforms the base system (2.876 in Table 2), af- is crucial to the query-document relevance modeling. As a result, firming our intuition that the noisy and biased clicks prevalent in the PNR consistently drops for 푞|푡푠 compared to 푞푡 |푠. Furthermore, the user behavioral data hurt the ranking model remarkably. the experiments show three layers of interaction module performs best, achieving almost equivalent performance while reducing the 3.7.3 Effects of Human-Anchored Fine-Tuning. In the offline and inference time by 25% compared with the full self-attention-based online experimental results, we show that human-anchored fine- ERNIE model. As expected, the performance drops when reducing tuning significantly improves the ranking performance at asmall the interaction module layers since insufficient interactions be- PNR drop cost. We further conduct analytical experiments to under- tween query and document content make it difficult to capture the stand the source of effectiveness of this strategy. Figure 3 scatters semantic relations between query and document comprehensively. the relevance scores predicted by the ranking model fine-tuned with We explore the impact of using different summary lengths in different strategies. We notice that the human-anchored fine-tuning Pyramid-ERNIE, as shown in Table 5. Without exception, increas- induces concentrated clusters around labels and lower variance of ing the number of sentences in summary leads to continuous im- the predicted ranking scores, suggesting a more human-aligned provement on the PNR metric. However, a longer summary brings relevance approximation in the online ranking system, which is growing computational cost. Thus we select to adopt the top-1 desirable for stable and interpretable relevance estimation and on- summary as the input for Pyramid-ERNIE to balance the trade- line cooperation among various ranking components. It also helps off between efficiency and effectiveness in the large-scale online to combat the problematic cross-query relevance gap in which the ranking system. query-document ranking scores are biased by the extremely long- 3.7.2 Influence of the Data Calibration in Relevance-Oriented Pre- tailed query distributions, aligning with the performance improve- training. As depicted in Table 2 and Table 3, the relevance-oriented ments of this human-anchored fine-tuning strategy in Long-Tail pre-training strategy effectively boosts the ranking performance. scenarios in online experiments (see the last line in Table 3). that balances efficiency and effectiveness in a real-world ranking system.

4.3 Task-tailored Pre-training As standard PLMs usually do not explicitly model task-specific knowledge, a series of works have investigated encoding the do- main knowledge into pre-trained language models. Gururangan et al. [19] shows that the second phase of pre-training in-domain data leads to performance gains under both high- and low-resource settings [2, 3, 31, 52]. To name a few, Ma et al. [36] proposes to pre-train the Transformer model to predict the pairwise prefer- Figure 3: Scatters of prediction scores regarding the naive ence between the two sets of words given a document; Chang et al. fine-tuning (the red dots) and human-anchored fine-tuning [7] investigates various pre-training tasks in the large-scale dense (the green dots) on the test set. retrieval problem; Zhang et al. [51] designs a gap-sentences genera- tion task as a pre-training objective tailored for abstractive text sum- marization; Zhou et al. [56] introduces two self-supervised strate- 4 RELATED WORK gies, i.e., concept-to-sentence generation and concept order recov- 4.1 Conventional Machine Learned Ranking ering, to inject the concept-centric knowledge into pre-trained lan- guage models. In this work, we instead perform relevance-oriented Learning-to-rank (LTR) techniques can be categorized into three pre-training using large-scale user behavioral data and design a types based on the loss function: pointwise approach [12, 32], tree-based calibration model to refine the noisy and biased clicking pairwise approach [14, 25, 42, 50, 55], and listwise approach ap- data. proach [5, 6]. The pointwise approach, e.g., SLR [12], McRank [32], assumes that each query-document pair has a relevance label, and formalizes it as a regression task. The pairwise approach, e.g., 4.4 Effective Fine-tuning RankSVM [25], RankBoost [14], and GBRank [55], treats the rank- Although widely adopted, existing approaches for fine-tuning pre- ing problem as a binary classification problem and aims to learn trained language models are confronted with issues like unstable a binary classifier discriminating which document is better inthe predictions [1], poor generalization [24], or misalignment between pairwise manner. The listwise methods directly optimize ranking the fine-tuning objective and designer’s preferences57 [ ]. Blindly metrics, e.g., mean average precision, DCG/NDCG. As expected, fine-tuning the pre-trained model without considering intrinsic it is better than pointwise/pairwise methods in practice. However, human-preferred task properties risks deviating the resultant fine- it is more time-consuming and difficult to be optimized. A series tuned model from human-cared ultimate goals. This paper aims of listwise methods have achieved amazing results in LTR, such as to mitigate such risks by exploring a human-anchored fine-tuning LambdaRank [5], ListNet [6]. strategy tailored for the online ranking system, which brings a substantial performance boost to a commercial search engine. 4.2 Efficient BERT-style Ranking Deep learning approaches have been widely adopted in the ranking, 5 CONCLUSION e.g., representation-based models [21, 43], interaction-based mod- els [18, 38, 48, 54, 58–60]. Currently, PLM-based ranking models In this work, we give an overview of practical solutions to employ achieve the state-of-the-art ranking effectiveness [39, 40]. However, the state-of-the-art Chinese pre-trained language model—ERNIE— the performance improvement comes at the cost of efficiency since in the large-scale online ranking system. The proposed solutions are the computation cost scales quadratically to the text length. How successfully implemented and deployed to power the Baidu search to reconcile PLM-based ranking’s efficiency and effectiveness isa engine. To mitigate the deficiency of existing PLMs when ranking seminal problem in a real-world ranking system. There are several the long web-document, we propose a novel practice to summa- research directions aiming to maintain high performance while rize the lengthy document and then capture the query-document keeping efficient computations for PLMs, including knowledge relevance efficiently through a Pyramid-ERNIE architecture. To distillation [20], weight sharing [30], pruning [41], and quantiza- manage the discrepancy between the existing pre-training objec- tion [22, 29]. Besides, many works attempt to model long-text with tive and the urgent demands of relevance modeling in the ranking, more efficient PLMs, such as Longformer4 [ ], Linformer [47], Re- we first provide a tree-based calibration model to align theuser former [28], and Performer [11]. As to the ranking area, MORES [16] clicks with human preferences and then conduct the large-scale attempts to modularize the Transformer ranker into separate mod- fine-tuning with refined user behavioral data. We also articulate ules for text representation and interaction. ColBERT [26] intro- a human-anchored fine-tuning strategy to deal with the inconsis- duces a late interaction architecture that independently encodes tency of ranking signals between the Pyramid-ERNIE and other the query and the document using BERT and employs a cheap yet online ranking components, which further improves the online powerful interaction step that models their fine-grained similarity. ranking performance. 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