- indayL.Edififtrt|| r:. & M o re N owt s AtoroMoro Sports ..'...... ’ ■ ".... , FamFan ily Com ics

----- * “ ^-n»agic~Vaiie y N mvrioiifferllffer DcdtBff^H~t7TrSl»rvlngDcdtigr Bndn trP ~Pfflwinf; rflhto tinV thr. ijfQ ^tK' bf N Nm ine'Irrigated e 'Iri maiio uounllcs

; ~ TWINT W IN FALLS, IDAHOrSUNDAl. SUNDAY, 'JULY'SZrigGa52—------: ...... ■ - - ...... JE N ..C E N T 8 .:. '.rjl fj. Teen-,m -Ager Killed^i\] in ■ b h n I N e w S pI p s a r r i n g ; jar Crashs h A ^ile^ TTrying i H fo Eludee ILaw Of'fficers fic M m f M I 6B egtini iil n G en n e v a ' (AddlUo(AddlUonal Photo oa Page -3) 3) h B m . Foils teen-ager attemptingattemptii to olude policeI in a stolenstolci cnr hurtled over K SSB canyon to hisi death cabout 1 a.m. Saturday when rday when the vchicle failed M'.b R i i s l j o m y k o curve Just westw est of thti Independent M eat com] [ B y Meat company. Uobert Me- D |H G r o n c> m F o u rtn aVfenue^ ue-NVtial w et r wnB degd-w lieii ofricerHn ------^------TheT h e 19i19S5 Ford sedan he I . M^ in inister i s t e Andrei A. Gromykoyko squaredsquo off over toa cups cup3 todttodny in a' new round ' .w as_.(lrivjng^crashe.ds.d 1, ■ ofjparring. Presumably .the the que.'i que.'itlon they discussedicd wnswas theth big one—. • _ through .a fence.-slammed ■ Gromyko-invited^Rusk-for^ii^a^the^Sbviet ten, at tV deleKation's.yilla.;on's.yilla.Rose, and IJu8km> ^reFlshS]r t i a m F = itnrough S ii Htucl< of lumberler ■ ^ H j ■ - 'ccpted.-^cxp'cctm^'Groinyko'ccptedr 0 to'Jnlkfo'^alk-abdu t-BerUtir~Ruak=wftH-'tuak-wftH-j)repar6d='to“ r e t u r n = = aomesom e 2S5.fcct2S5. nflcr leaving the ■” theth e invitationiriv in order to road tlien leaped out acroAS(MS th e cnnyon rtm 3S0 feet nnd extend his probe into So- ' . {urley Manan Held ' crashed Sii to the cnnyon door 75 viet intentions regarding f e e t below. I TaylorTa Retursturnsin the divided city. urley bar owner ia being held • Twin i n £* P f RcccntRecent minor Bovlet harassing' :ff«t'llSS«j0troR l50!harffe-JF jn^”Jimea ii uf -||B _ inclclentt In Berlin's air corri- ' . 7, the fatal sh o o tin g o)f f ft P u e erto i R lcan tran sie nnt t apparentlytipparcnti; hit nt ihc . botlofii ) h u # l € ^ —- abrs,“ and MoscowT'sharpenea""' ' l=Military-Shud pronouncements hove given some ' 1 Etfhere curly this morning.-Gjrning. • Gene Hernandez, 42,,2. of tho p pliince\' on the left frontint 1 fender, flipped completely over I WASHrNGTON, July 21. (A')—(/P)—Ge G en. M a;cwell D . T ayy. - American diplomats the idea Uib < iir, appeared before Probate Sd " i n d ircr “™of the El Paso bar, appea a n d Inndecl on }t.H wlicels. H He e ■ . lor, who w h l stalked from the PentngorPentagon in a row over Ei-.! Soviet Onion Is trylnn to bring . I '* th e dispute over Uia divided d ty I « Vem Carter Saturdaylay afternoonaften und' asked for ■ ssenhow e n h o w e r d e f e n s e p o lic y , i.s r e tu r n i >n- i.s returning as lop mililnryry to a head.hem % mey before entering^g a plea. Hi.q case waa con- ^ I cchief. h i e f . T hi.s ti m e , h e h««s th e . lu^o^ Puerto racnn had walked ncr-• poUcoPolice ;reported Fonaeca lurfledled Is nUall thath a t rem alna of a 105S Ford aedansedan in which Robert He- appointed- Joint chlcfs of ataffa« tary LordLori Home, French Foreign ‘ . chairman who reportedly haa liUnlster and Btart£d running toward Her* Cowan. 19. 4 U Fourth avenue weit,west, TwTwin in FalU, plonged lo his MOSCOW.M08CC July 21 tft-The So- chalrmnn aa Minister Maurice Couve de Mur- . . death Saturday momlng. Thele X mnrksmarks where ihe car flntn t vlcl UnionUnlo announced tonlsht Itt 5«cnbeen 'i"'under a cloud since' theUie vUlovllle and W est G e m a n Foreign iS d todny.'- nandcinandcz w whilo the bartender w™ u . Volloy Idcho10 ;S"1.Sstnicic ihe canyon floor. II then3en flipped < compietcijr over, land->d- wlll launch laum a new scries of nu-. Cuban InvasionI d isa ste r 19 Minister Gerhahl Schroeder. ^ ttd SUtea suspended1 ^ooUnsshooUnj nt him. O no'shot lo/n ro ine on Ita wheels. -Darnfn Fetenon,lemon. 185 IHarrlston street, Twinrta celar teststcsl in replj- to the VAI. m onths *nBO_ Jjytorn:InXorjned UA quarter* caa- Mwltb the JunUi and cutt pierced Fonseca’s F right arm nnd io < / ' [ . Falla, vlewa the wreckage. (Times-NewaImes-Newa photo)pi . . tests in Ithe Pacific. TheseTliesc were the key moves In Uoned a:against (^Umism Uiat a ) one of Uie biggest top Inllltary new roue djilnrliours after tho mU-• another ahot. entered the right •V ol—■ - ^______------_... ____ •'The t ^ •'The explosion* of American one of t jry new round of probing talks about s command shufflea in-years. The Berlin w rtok orer the government ;us * * ♦ * T T ^ O nnuclear u clear bombaI above Christmas cpmmnnc n>o Beriln would result In Mme dra* fwWent Mnnuel pnuloQ “It*®Side of hls'chest hi nnd ^ e re d his * and Johnston Islands have pro-. “'‘Ht ahlli wasww set in motion by Gen.en. maUc mnUc cbchange of positions.'...... •' ^ LDS Church I k e Lnurls Norstad's decision to re- As one tttDoi^S. , main artery. ,. . estimated the speed of the car i Kart Races Kduced t their echo — they have ^uris w ?'* , oao conduct n lie holdlns tiie M ks onj> policePolice snld Hernandez fireded aat t over ofer 100I mUes per hour. r f a modo reply of soviet nuclearr “rc Ure mas NNATO commander In Eu-Su- («!>?«talks wwit ithout reaching agreem ent ' . ,'i T Im o trials wltl s ta r t a t ” . rope in November, aftra- six yean and we waielal b«ij. of courae.” ejgut oho n- It wns tho 20th uafflc death 111 JL e \ Msu Ineviwble,” declared a gov- rope Ih ^ ars and we have dono thia before. " eight shots at Fonieca. Hemnn* It wos : >“> In T w in Falls' [|i\ la™; 10:30 ajn. Sunday at the i y of service In that post. Lemalt2cr That do< irtj Uo»i »*Jd-ln-ftn-lntcr- gez'clalR ck thls-yenr-in Magic Vnlley and ------— ------. . cj . C emment statement released by 2cr That does not mean lhat lack of ' flcz'claims Fonseca-had-stnicfc thls-yenr • A Joslln fleld race track for E ' wlll-take-bls-placc_perhapa_for agretfnei him prior to the shooting. the ninth In Twin Fnlls county, o ^ th e Trl-sUte champion-. S% “th e® 'S ®ovl( o v ltf T a s s N cw s-agcncy.— wlH -talM jo t agr«inent-now..would-b*-buUd------M a te d , however, th n t » t- ,A The lost traffic fatality In Magic ^ 6 t S y| In Hyannls Port, Maas, wheree only a yyear. ingIng up'cup'new tensions." He was arrested nnd dlsnrmed ^ Sets Events h ISSship kart mccs. ------g Ovenhadowcd by thbae top.op. ■ - _------bwbS hid been rnwlc. - w Ij. Valley occurred July 18 whenlen'A r T h «i :r President Kennedy la spending , Oyerah , hy Bat. Floyd Higgins and Pa- “ r T h e re nre over 100 p er., S Uie week-end, - a'W hite House« level chochanges was Kennedy's an- D l ■ M E arl KeniiMly. 74, Jerom e, wnavna TTwin w in PFijlis'Pioneer'dnya ccle-?* ,• aoiij'c*p«ie'daona'e ;to compel* 0 «« J«el , trolmnn John Hrog.'Foilce said S?, t apokesman said: "We havo no0 nouncementnouncem trom his week-end tu to cbinse its tnlndi he h. oltorf no killed ^In a truck-cor smaahuplup bratlon, cuerto J»uerto XUco, XU hut her whereaboutsit» en,"en." BenhamBenh aald, adding thnttint -miMIA.*nilMIA. iand Laura Hofrs. pres* I alderabb results In this rcspect" IlantHnnt offlofficer. Wheeler now la Nor-naUonFor- naUon :Laotian conference Xor- J /orce, ordered a wnlkoutt mare b unlcrunknown. « ». ccigMB ]>i> |dIdent e n t of ttho stake TWMIA. Hn-X- Lnigir-»;:,a WU'.'; ti l.;.SaJ .*1 ,It I t addladded Uiat the U.S. govern-1- alad'sslad's dideputy and tor all prac--ac- m mally al^ aapproved today » treaty ttor, tattle.. conatruetlon1 . ! , ■ ■ ■-— ■ ney says this Is the first time ^ ment well knew that "If Amerl- ticnlUcal purpurposes the operating beadead declarinideclaring Laos independent aad Una worken, and chauf- T V * ! 1 thoeeJcltftho eelcl^tJon has been held on f n n cnn nudenr bombs would- beginn of U.S. forcca-in1 Europe. neutral, .but Uie United State* ^Kothlns cune of a tlireat- L F -i I a stake basts. V«tllCandidates to r^V» explode, the Soviet Unionn RumorsRumon of LemnlOer and’Deck-ck- and Red China exchim ^ w o ^ 0 (CoriUnnri «ti T in i. c>ifa i> on keep litrlkt earlier loTroi . includes a "kiddy" parodo by theie "B J y P ■»• Ia tfo im k f inCen'entton In i^ tb Viet Ntan; 1 RUPERT, July 21—A crop dusterdustc pilot was killed fifmn” ° It alone, depended wheUicr the“For i O l L D S M eet t, iiK9 vtndowa broken and KUP) ea Primary and n series of boothsif b BOISE. o i s e July 21 w — AcUon by -'.t' Laos* neighbor. & a d d e d .U ia t ituova when h his Piper Super -Cubub plunged to earth and ex.!X- oT food or games on the falrwny. !'oy tests to Which Uie Soviet Unionn _^ • Th 1 there Is no- Justlflcauon wbatao- '* the Democratio state platfomi^ had hnd to resort in Uio fall of C ^ f * * * * ploded, starting a grass fire, at the thi Merrill Maxfield>ld Live, Live, old-time oi pioneer music conventioiconvention In proposing fb jgni woul ever .for American ft water- in- Ohen said the Iaos peace could a.m. Saturday. Killed was'as JamJames es A.. BerfircnsJce, 31, lem on to tho legislature wlll put „„„jd * BURLEY. July 2: — Nine hun- Ohen j laJffluores *'• melon bust stnrtlng-nt 5:30 pjn. Idaho leglegislative candidates __ dred persona had registeredred oot.be not, be < consolidated ,*■«< lo a g :u . D , HHutchinson, u tc h il Kans. Mnxfieldeld said BergenskeBe had made Evening Evcnintc entcrtnlnment in thele squarely oni the spot this year, " p Uirough today for the FesUval cfof the^flamUle^^lamea of war are kept alive two na'flses over th e field while spraying spr'a; peas and waaaa arena arena will wii feature n plonecr j, j, ce , Learning being held here imderder In IpouUi Viet ,Nam.“ He lu g - e w g n i t i o n It is' certain thnt In virtuallyS' F1? ourOU R ockets tilfning to ihakc a third pass when the plane’s enginene faalilon fashion ahow.ai^ threc-lnnlng base-l! every _county, men and women the auspices of the LDS churctLetL gestM imore Intematlbnal con------— cut. .M s axfield said theh 0 baU gamc'bctwccn the.l2 ciders^ wlftrare-runnlrig ror-stite-acniitor ------A-apokcsman for the fcaUvolval sultauonsultaUon to nttle. Uiat struggla. J® quorum nnd the bishops and the ^ described Uie Burley aesslon aas s simSlmila: ila r accosaUons were TOlc- lidofPeru £ plane washed on a bill cov- g{{K itfi and atate representative-will*“ be A r U re'F C ir^T i5 7 main intra-wnrd raccs and letes5 aaked for specific answers to the ^ the.mostt2}c m ost succf&sful one held thualua ed by UngV. Van Zhfem. ooomn* .Local H orse . eredS 'S with sagebrush andnd aI.JklH. o£..skiii. a fireworks display wlU /~i • . nn . for.far. ThnThree membera of the Brig-ig- nist NoiNortb Viet Nam** foreign - M»QTON,_July-Jl Un- • ir- cUmax-the-cvcnlnc.foUowed_by 5“.®“ “ - — graas-and—that-the-sur- cUmnx-th —“ATO-you-lor-or-agalnat-giun- v .f3 1 jt hnm Young university facultylit? minister.jalnlsler ______Ire a bam dance with live music un- m- C an?o-l-ests— ji™conductci . roundliiR brush caught flro ^ ‘ bllng?" conducted classes a t today’s sea^ OA ^j_g. BecretaiTS of SUte Dean ; WS^^^Honor -- -when, ISC the plnne exploded... .Ul.mldnlgUlmlanlBhl. .. ■ ... llBinilino for O A -recognl------' T h e VTOiying b f Ihe plank np--S. CAIRO. July Sl W—The nrmed1 «lon.alon. Rusk eacountered-Uiat-tbe treaty-— •'■ ■— T h e w a ,5; forces test fired four rockets inI '• Rny Ray B. Jonea conducted a class -ju,. h» ‘latald. MURRt It from the launching pad, saM1 tfanclncdancing session great,™ a india-M afces—-^ ttbtntloa...... WM P ndi ^ m ore h e a v lly -th a n -e v c r on UieIhe theth e rocketsrock« carried no nuclear festival tho' - • - . - ' t t 3 J. Petera of Subcck atoblcs, Tn-ln■In SheriffShcrlff'Jamcs Jdi B.'TJuriisTJerpme.lie agenta»6enU tb'prlson lo foTlerins rang- hca r festival tspokesman said, that tho -1 bjlJalttd Slatca appears to t 0 asplranU for Jobs in the Icglsla-sla- warheads. But he remarked thatt sessions _ttcre_moved_Irom_thc. A f f j . Pnlla. .TlieTlie WMt End flro departmentm t inmg g frofrom m t tw o years to life. TJadlo j a p ^ t a in Peruvian pollt- II tu re. * they coulcould land Just south off futh fifUi and sevenUi ward chapel“gA to tta cK o n I. Grand champion «talllon wnsna PUtpul tJut thithe grass fire. Hanoi repreported. Tlie radio Mid »iWn to an unuauaJ degree. G rand the Vietnamese Included two0 TheTho pin plank, aa adopted ot the Beirut—wBeirut—which would bo Israel,I. the BurleyBurlc tabcmncle. * 0 Azrhand^ by Edwards Arn-a- ' Mnurey said Bergenske came i**®__ tt»ta here aro beginning to A rrhand, ov/nvX 1,; frogmen. ------■ convcnUoic o nvenuon, prOposed Uiat Uiethe He saidsnJd ths 1 rockets were mnde! Sessionssession will resume at 9 aJn. I H-a w atte Kcnnedy admJnla-■ blon «tud4tud farm, Conl/er, Colo. lo JlupertKupert Mondny from Hutch- .-named -Naked--el"Kaher. *fJo™------•= ; ^ western sector, of ,tbeir_bQrder. • Ctrtlf. ______^ N am dCTnarciatldu~Ilne.'*' ~ Pmf» 1. C#lbin D " ' n**” ^nd the fltikL^ .i.wMl- . ' . ■■' —— • (Conquw I V•p » ” i1 ♦’ TThe he olofficial New China News » Ito have tnkcn only nc- p ....- ? T ------T . T 'T : '.••■ • feplosion-O B ------clrnrly Iny wllhtn •/<' 1. .TrT' which w hich wouldW( cover all Israel! poat la sUU^ tm d e r^lS ^ £W «« of il»o United Btates l^-' ‘ . Damascus, Damascus and most of King O o iK tack of the Indian troopa and 'SWt their predettrmined • • • „ '* Hussein’s Hussein's Jordan as well ns mostI IVRailway aH ,' Noted - . the Chinese fronUer garrison ■ ofof th the e ei eastern Medltermnenn. B BERDI ERDIN. Ju ly 21 l o w eMt s t waawas forcedfon to act in aeU-do« ! : :v : : g k ' ■ TheT h e Middle m u East News ngency BerlinBeriln pcpolice today reported m an fenae." fense." ^ ll pouTulepxid thus i i saidsnld the th e : first K n h er innded on explo-Mon explofilon on the clcvnted rail- peinm«Peiping aald tb e p o st Is h i Uie liSS^E SiB B B B K ^S target.target, 375i'. mlles w‘ay. Unless1 way opcroperated by Uie E ^ Oer-■f C hip^ C hap valley. T his Is hi th e I mnn communist regime. The line jnrtiiai n^blltexly^ i9^^^H ^B ^B B 85S2 fired oi»-thehe ——Indlan-troops-suddenly Indian, - elnacrt;— I othero th e r In an easterly dlrecUon tmtn nnd one In a nearby house,se. in on theth Chinese fronUer post JanrtoUSr ; « |- toward.tow ard, Ui6 til Negev, where Ismci One car waa dnmnged. No-onene this evenevening, the broadcait^aid.^-. ^!^,B>Xon«o,^y. -UB I 1slo -building •bulldlni an atonilc reactor, wns reporeported • hu rt.______a n d openopened, fired. - '^"'‘>uudor Ed- B |B py ‘^1' todny iiinld a quick* iting Mormon aotlTlUy in I CeiebratiorisCe}< I ConCommemorating ^^certcd policy toward I Pio Pioneers Are^ei&^et ill AreatCommunilies— Coit I ' Pioneer day celebraUons, com- Ploneer*d|iy Pioneer d celebraUon Mondayvr the rodeirodeo being held.Monday ■' --r-.lncludlus;-AU I.. menaocaUng...lhe...Mqianan.i>IOrm e n ao c a^ ao(l.Tue»dny..8he oo(l.Tue»( also will com-a- and- and- TUeaday-nlght- TUes at-4ha-Vigl«~-~~. 1 6 ( r ° ^coi’omlc moana |- nem —who-aelUed in-U uh-In pct«-foc_tUt-tod«o. : ' ' . ■ " AAn n aasutenr m rodeo Is.p lu u e d .s - v I from Burlrhe ■" aiibS u b hnshM spt'artrtBaeiTPiohccT-day-sp -thc-itttle-thc-itttle-buckaroo-KKloo-at-aiaO BcUe^is- f BctlvtOes-'thOT.-Jnne-aorrinRe.- pm. The mie w ith a Joint ' ■ ■ M i -mako-» thlrt wh»ii" the enjlno'oringlio "or W hU'pUne iid p ^ . U- #ctl7ttles-'i p m . T h e pon>- exprcas-m arathonon Hagerafen..wcordlnt:to:XaiaMB~^HagennK • C R O P D U ST E R P IM )T diedI ,bw h n o hu riw suptr cul. ciuMd arted a grass firt. Shown al Utoe dadaughter u g h ter ofo Mr.. a n d M ra. R alph Vacoraco willwtll begin at e pm . Horseatea Pugmlre. general ciialnua. ; - r'r. I .and.buaBd^aJM inorU iwUt ett o>i Ru^rt ..rl, S.l»nl.r. IMI . exslodad. after the crash and started a graa &ss"ui’a.„r^ ■ ^ are I»eoi^^Morri.e.nj-i5fV«at,-a&d Otto Riedlinger. (Tiata-- Oorringo, -haa been, chosen U> wlilWlil leave fro m B urley a n d Ilnn - THeTH9 PPioneer i da» qoeia.'vUl' b k • _ ...... ------...... ^— relgn-aa-trelgn-»«-th*-l»6a-QU^-ol-U» lab a t Uu t pilot, Jamer'A. Bernnalte, Sl, IlulchlnMn, t , Newa pholo)^^------lab at Uio wcood porlormaiic« -olot — iCwtl voo. fwo^piSi ow .MaxfleJd’*s r sXarm.i s .s%s^is3?;‘s s r p“, - ■ • • ’______■ . ' -rT ' • _ ' ' ______-_ ie f H ig h W in d s" i 7 TeimperMiiir^^^^^^^^f es'TA^eemeni Isfe 1Tw infSp^ S e it iV T t S l 2 FoH» n m e v N « w s Ten Aaiett Constraetlon' >mapaBy,^M B y, 1 iluisewibc M o^ttM ot'the ^ lott^Twin HoapiUl-guUd-wm-meafr^Tue^ J '— ■-■ ■ ''x ■ n-IffiW ftrVM IEr=Clrteran^aterany-falr-Snnday-BBd-Bohtoy-algfci.- T f 11-:------HCftded-brMelvln-HrAirtottfTwin Ho J^pple-Trees-« , exeept'for..lncmsipg elondlnewwdlness BundBnnd^ arternoon wlth a^gujnM R ea c h e d o p — FaUs, 'WBS n o t th e, comipaay pany ln of tbiuidershowen over the motmtaini HJ Candidates sfor Moaday, partly cloudyjmdlyaS'w wann annw lth acatterrt thBndershow.idershow* TM w l4|*|T pr r lf l111' l l ' . supremesuw oourt,. as reported'Inported'In - - ' ------— v- gii at « ajn. Prtd f. ers near the moonlalns,,'Temporatares Teaipmtaie In Magle Valley at B.ajn, . Friday's Times-Newa. ,• jKnad Onnge wUl-meet at 8.S08^0- ^TOOAl^.j N eW july 31 flW - 5i 1 Saturday, Jew m e, 64? Tw in “J T"4* BRUSSELS; JUijiai OPO-Walter-Walter • ' — .. „ _p.m^tuesday,atjB»o.KnuUown-Al. . ~Put^n^Spor I w iU ^ ^ Hfliutein. chalrroM.of the_^rore Euro: / p.boiiald Plditriar,:rboU .3. Rii- JJ,*,, U -^ " A-tornado oc very atrong wind .. ;?M thga'i«M 72. High Saturday al Twin Falls «P« low Common Maritet ^itianji e z c r has been BdmitlW ta 'iwia H I ardav m o m in r 47. -______commission, said today .• agree- FalUpall Cllnlo hospltol forfor, surg- ^ will aeh'B refreshments. . .■ jpj — STenrh-aa-T>e«rT«ircne(r^t^d w ith e?y; ~ y ------— ------, '■ " " ■ ^ BPR&tcnUy_caualng-no4njurloBf-eo ConUnued Trom' P»k« 1 ERATffRE POREOASra _____^______Oreat-Brltolnln connectiono n w . l t^ h ” - • ^ When word that the ilorm. had iaw “Bun- '■A185t-Chevrolet-tlcimp_^truck hi, Ito n u h td - quiEJrto-potnroutrdMs-notTiTFelotTiTFe ~— T w In P a l b - a n d ^ ^ity, t ^ o NorUj r U j SIdiSide—H igh S unday, upperjper wM's: s . ^jonjcsUo agriculture QuesUon.luesUon. ^ B ebert L. Fleioher. nav y g u n - . ^ > hit- was .relayed via ^ortwave^ortwav. B.nh^ aSH en ac tm en t o f-th e .BambllnKng p rro o - iqi low Sunday, upper 80's. . .An, mM HalUteln gove no IndlcaUonsicaUons n „ 's mate Uilrd class, eon^ o of f MrMr. driven by Karl O..Ash. 34..318 ra. there was a cal for am- ^«7 T yler stre et, backed in to a 1883 bu I for am- «*»ot cwiv Brfttn’;* l t elm ply urges thhat o t ththe o • Burley-Rupert arca-Hlgh'Sunday.High- Sunday, mid fiO's! low Sunday,‘day, mlOmid of Uie terms of Uie agreementm e n to or r j j j , , gco tt A. Flotoher, 307 & 1881 bulancea in tho area. However. :; • • Clifton ^ S o f r d Po"* »«*“ » by. R obert D. thi • icRlJlaluro consider. It. . 00M's nn/.r 40'« tho subsUuico o f Ulo ncgotiaUons.UaUons. MonroeJJO, stteet. U senrtng aboard bert D> the Columbus. Nebr., flrore depart- " Wpers whlie^S!S*«^M -. SnUUiisaid he will go further cnmas Prairie—High Sunday. low M{ 's: l^w Sunday, upper 40's. B urgoyne. 37, .486 M a rtin.J*” street, ,?;; “ «nt; which dispatched iU rescue d T K j at^rM -pjn.-FVlday-in Uier-IM ^ Ita rescue euiComer 2 B than thnt. Ke sold that hot'iot' only ~ !L_: 5 ^ ; ; X ^ m a a n d k en f l n eon'lftet:~«ithct:R ltb4t i» » dW - - - ^ W F » M ------WEATHBR-SYW Wocfc-of-Minldoka-avenuar-Ash ^ — wrn-tnrmbmlt-hla-protram -to — -,' .. Pearl Harbor. HawaU. July 2. ty»ilorra5w Sffw .,.t^^^^^'OS Stond- “*^driViKj a jo ^ tho leglsioture, IJ he is elected,cted, heno 'Skies- were generally clear4« ir^ over w wuUiemsout Itoho and southeastern ;. ' was clUd-for-dylvlng wJUi-an«th-an ing-by-bufhad received.no re-' U C for some scattered cumulus clouds■mds*thS that . 7 ^0 second hurdte to 'Jor a tour of duly wiUi1 the sev- expired driver's .license. po* uia work for lU enactment..n t.. • OiOregon Saturday except for some sc »ve S?- bo token In tha negoUotJons,-OM. ho J" 1 . port ol injured parties. ^ That will cdiue added pressurepressure d wiM—ffllrgrtmnds. ^ Pt the aie«itw^and-«ftuani-tmaiderable In their own counties but, Ifif they The outlook for Sunday Is for conu vlth Um- “K'ruluV jaS3i:Jl^C ^ o e t shows F orm u u rea u .oliliw. . (ja h ’apro- peratures. 8 to 10 degrees•es above nonnormal. Skies wnnbBTjrrncnitty ccm RldM .' Biunes nnd p u p p e t shows F o ’ damoge'to tho billldlns. it also sny th e y arts nnalnae Sm ith’s p ro - pt «aslng aftemcion cloudiness and 'a'choncea,chance mnnufocturodmnr goods Impeded children. . ' _ dndnmoged a general atore and . Rrsm they mny hove lo reckon fafair exeept for some Increasing aftem S K S "«> b' held for . Uie chUdren. : showers over the mountolns. ' , from iron Canada, Australia and "New watermelon busl. fother ana soni T Q pracUcally destroyed a house. wllll him It ho Is electcd.a. of afternoon or evening showers over • Zealand. , ouier MUvlUes. ” f. baseball, p a gSrS"| e o n t. d's-1 EditorX Siees In the pre-coDvenUon moneu- I t was learned from oUier “oil S A number of trees wert blowA ETIRE AVIATION FO R EC A ST...... I t ent ™ playing Pioneer day.. ..flag.flag cer-,ccr- — ...... 1 do verlntf Smith left-no doubtI b t w•with t h y*V------A OBICULTDRE AVIATl r a Idaho sourccs Uiat Uie agreement was P», 1 . down about 3 mi’es west.7 oof ,“ 5here S «et that U Skies will bo fair over■ the agrlct^tuagricultural valleys of southern Idaho souj iU ? n ™ w io n y and fireworlu lOso wlU bo ^ » i n on U.S.’ highw ay 30. A nd several windw for month.''* tlie Democratio leoderj that U valley of Oregon Sunday momlng^beoom-Ig beoom- reacreached over Uie quesUon of No Change m » thfv. failed to go ftlong with1th him.him, «and the lower Malheur valley of Orei Uiunder- “onnuol review" and -realdual nel' ' *** cw» were blown oH the highway hi o v e m o r; ing-parO y - cloudyl s unrtny. a fteniflWi. S u ri held- . ^,^l22l« aSiIoiat-tha„ a2aLSa — —.—^ — _lll nnd he becajne Idaho's'govcmor. In ntains. Winds will bo light andI' variable nasuranc-e’>-t6nasi ■IHa- U f l U a -fU m - » » thfy needn't expect ony patron-natron- wshowers over the mountains. Winds ^ I elders' booUi; ^ ean U> a b o u t 60 mUeaI westw est Ofof bybj K e n S t ^ 'S i ? . . * ^ during the morning becomingomlng 10 to IB1 mUes per hour variableorlable In ereera Soviet C-pals g nse from him afterward. oi iperatures — , , -, — • O m aha. _Ilclnls ns rath^?'''?‘j'tl(, B thing the aftemoon wiUi periodslods of gusUncss.gusUn Maximum temperatures ~ ■ J, ^tBtthBwa.-navy_ftvla; S Patronngo la the one thing « ieadlnga_lnxthe-mlddls-to_ upper-fiO's-ln. myy_ftvla: - jiEvr’~YORKr"Jn»y-3l--®»-^------~^AH-telephone circuitst»-leadffig leading unlmBglnnlu“‘“-P'«te more 01 orted yes- Surprise A ttaJ the plank. foUowcd very cJose^ f’ e .M(lw«uk»* ------M «H sentenced th e 17 to be shot. luoittwju . ostenalbly/ moremore (eurday. *] ^ m i t h . g S k M I5 I Mpli.-St. Mji Paul ______S2 1:1 •tha wording proposed by Smith, gi SB N««r Orl«tn* :»» 1'-I'r. HIt said the “puniUve"" squad, . jgji i4neotn sedanlon driven mmoderate. ’ . u ,» Dr. Loren Mitchell, epeaWns to i .7: which wos foraied duringring theUie b , o ie ” N. Schroeder.•r. 81,8.1, 311 ''T he frtghtening Uilngg about a convention of AmerlconS " f , fed-d ^ Noted in Laos 3 Suttt"”'— I ! S! •**4.£Sh’'”S.rirxz=!; !: ' . nazlS occupaUon to demoroiizeimorallze jl i5 ‘w ------^------« _ • *5 « , don_e,” dor tho newspaper said.'Thelid. •The boi boulevard souUi, Schroedcrroeder told « can Society of Newspaperr editors,editors. worldwide„ communicationion b/jvayby^woy "tJiJwyI* 77mr«,„ clcae police acpiUny greetedLed de.e-dele- jin,i,n» ------» BS — ••Tlieir press la a n a rm a n a . g ates to a convenUon here of th e ir ^ said woridwlde communications>unlnill«a exaggerated. . Reservations for all gIrU wish- (43taoi of the government," he said,aald. ^.j,, poasiuie UiroughJh a serlrs The announcement canii AMOciated LocksmlUu of Ameri- J 3 !luSnisF^^EVi ^ ” Tr! C ea w khiu !!_=------.* 7*?! ' ’• DSpacecraftI Inginj to atUnd Camp Tawakani ••it's a govemment function. »h. of , saUlUtcs like Tolstora r circling J4-naUoni conference at Oc ea. . • K July 30-Aug. 4 may .be« obtained 4^aho-Sovlet..pcople. from the Tho elaborate precauUons were fo® Earth. HO said UaasmUslona'vnil a ir, continued warm through Sunday night, jjj^ by calling the Camp PlreFire office, press,p, radio and televUlon,'^22:^5^tbo get bounced .froqi.„one_eaU:mia c ■ taken to prevent burglarsin fmm NORTH IDAHO—Pair, continued ' j w n te h i. ~ • not mem- cxacUy“ what-“the—government , BllferlDB confidential m af^irial'on te rio rb n HlahH 85 to 88.- L a u n c h in gr ------733-8214. OlrU who a re n o t m em - c) to the other to make an un- -“'“ -■ni-nnittalltr-lg-l. B aUo wel- wants them to hear and see, and . p a rts a t ' ------. O7 , bersbei of Camp Fire are aUo wet- « “ *• broken communlcatlonala sysUm.aystem. locks, safes and their parts at - ^ . come to atUnd eamp. tlthey hove a very dUtorted pic­ tlie convention. S d the Despite the high producUon - Edwin Teopfer, Milwaukee lock- jIs P o stp o n ed ture of the United Stoles and the ReservaUoni for tbebe bus to jnotlvcsjj, of thla country."., ondJ launching cost of Tebtar. • smith and president of the nsso- Magic ValleyJailey Funerals F »u».Ian Mitchell sold aatellltes would be] '■ ’clatlOT. sUd-thaf'-burgliixr-are - CAPE CANAVERAL. Flo.,Flo., July canipca Tawakani. Saturdayurday may Their lour of eight Rxuulan » leral'serv- the Rev. AusUn.Rugger.pfflclat-T offlclot- ai21 (A—A atroy radio signal Uiat be : Uio Camp clU« Included the two andindone- one- more rr economical U an Senpondltig - i n M keeping up on new developments (nal Uiat be obtolned by calling tho Camp cl dirlst wiU Ing. Concluding rites willUl &be held burbumed-Toufrfuse In the0 booster ppi. ire'o ffic e.-733-0214 or-733-l6«4.)r-733-l564. hhalf-hour.talk-wlUi K hi^chev.5 5 .5 .. tr.nfooo«hlo U t.l.p h oo hn e . ctbleO.W. In locks and sofcs. We have a Ic etery. .. rocket's commond destruct sys- . llto n '« l- « r v lc . . ------hurd -cnough tlme stayinglit ahead be.beld.b at.a.p.m . .Monday.tonday' In at the Hagerman cemetery. .. roc ruct sys- . ___ ^------____ eieht2 other American editors al- si ------tem --today-forced-a - one-day -T so were-preaent for-tho-lnUr- ^ ot them without letting Uiem the-U White mortuary chapel‘by:h ap er-b y Ute Rev. H om er W alkup.wp. Final fFILER— Puneral services for como'to our meetings.” tl iEHl P o rt A n g le s " '^'•■Khrushchev“ U a very wily, Union Claims i In an address. Leo J. PlntasPlntas. J will be held at tbe Twin ou Otis Wayne Eates will be held at 1 p.m. Monday In Reynolds fu- 1 ,5 — ^ cunning poUUclan." HllU aald. -i I BaHDS vice president and general man-'aUs-CuoelWT-man- -c If k i n g -He to extremely arUculate.5..”’" Most J Engineers seer of the'lock az>d hanlware^imlware » ------neral - ugjchapel wiUi-tbe Rev. Don- it Man_Walking 2 d^w ne HAILEY-Puneral servicesrvlces for aid Hoffman officiating.Sl Con-S u,, Mat oil lh +' O “ h o aa dolilg hU best during • divisions ot the Vale and Tonne predawn hours Sunday to n 7 ^ 0 1 - the Interview to ^be at^nble. He ^ Manufacturing compony,V »aldsaid IJlbon^ L, Brown, formerm er resl- clueluding rites will be held1 at Twin Mariner 1 on a J130-day J « Backing Strike ------m aiir-n«opbyfr«-«ubut^tes d 2 Eallaj:emet«iy.._JvLendtni»y-call interplaneuiry-joumcy-t^venus.-int ^ p err* —NEW-YORKrtfulr31*tfl— An don't know how to protect their « j ® "O'"® a t R eynolds fu n eral chapellapel from xho x h spacecraft U to flyly wlUilnwiUiln ,CALDWELL. July 21 l/B—Rob- I WS fel- olflclal ol the fU8ht engineers property. LocksmlUis. he added. « noon ^ 8 Sunday ,ai^ jo,< ht plMet «rt Eugene Alien.! PortIrt Angeles, j, editors particularly tookflok issuelasue unionu sa y s th e m em bers « e havo a responsibility to provide “ leld In tbb Monday untO tine of servlcea./^ orf “ soviet backing the. strike against Kast- Bellevue ccmetery. ' - K l an^Uohs s wash; who'planl'to> present a - inaccuracies In the Soviet b acedcd counseling. , * ^ berbeneath Its' heavy cloudId ialaym. y m . ,^^011 - to P re sid e n t—K.Kennedy. ennedy, SS,iatloS-of-tho.tcxt.of..their t of their eme air lines almtet W per ervlces -for Tho spurioM radio signal en- cent. JEROMB-Puneml servloes for " HAILEY—W nerid aervlces for 1 Ignol en- j^aves here Sunday onm the next cconversaUon. , ® Wirt Palrman wlU be held at 3 tered the flrst-stago Atlas as leg ^ of hU mortthon walkvalktoKey to Key -some of our answersers werewcto The stotement as mode in a ■ pa Earl Kennedy will be held at :ommunlty the countdown was progressing S Deatli Takes | »h. iwiiM P- Tuesday at the Community the w est. Fla. . ccompletely changed around.lUnd. We cchallenge to a rep o rt by tho air- 2:30 p .m . M onday a t r tho i WUey B|- apU st c h u rc h In Haileyry wwith ith Uiethe earearly Saturday morning. Appac- ” , fonerol chapeL Friends may °\ Tho 30-year-old walkervnlker said «'SSldn’t Very well arguelie about linen that engineers were notlfy- .S Rev. R. J. Kennedy andd thoUio Rev. ently«« it overloaded the fuse aiffl ., terpreur. ing the company in Impressive lA • call at tbo Wiley funeral home ^ luse aiffl JO publlcliolio the the np- np- t these because of Uio interpreUr. j, Wesley Johnson officiating.itlng. Last It burned out. . some of numbers that they were ready Mrs. Payne ■ chspel \ Sunday and unUlLU time of jjgjj, in tha loop <] f « hn* preaching centennialI of Port but^ they even changed some or c the lOOP The fuse U part of a box P' our quesUons as well asI the an- toi return to wotk. lira. V er- setVlces M onday. ni Angeles. 0 • RUPERT. July 31 — Mrs. Ver- 8 plot in the Hailey cemeterylelery with throughthi which a signal would " in II state swers,” HllU said. ed at the — Ma Tand. con- P<^ to destroy tho rocket inn Allen plans to stop in ll stote g AU of Eastern's domeaUo and na P rlsc n ia Payne. 74. died a t th e ».! Martin Young, noblo'gmnd. con- P" • and then — " 0overseas operaUons have been Minidoka Coimty hoapltalal Satur- TWIN FAIiS-Funeral5!2 s o t - ducting.^ Friends may call at tbethe ^»Bht If the range safetyrctv offl- oacaptoU on tho trip • and then Ices fo r M rs. E lla Elder Read cer detected someUiing: wrong.^ n g .' ^ vUlt President Kennedy In wash- • h a iu d fo r 29 doy* byl^^aUlke Uie sUlke da y . ll T JC ol its M5 S church nnd served ™ required for hundreds of sup- Pi Port Angeles ns tho aecond na- IDTO-Pre- — ------______------tloctor'first and brinijB RDProT — Puneraltl aervlcesservices “call 1 et Walk mortuary Sunday pQ. personnel. But. Uio0 naUon- UiUonal city during theie*C Civil lvlfw war. w . MOSCOW. Ju ly 31 ID T O -^- i I - pretcrlptlon to - on the stake board of the . 1 wUl be and untU' tlmB'of service-Mon-rvlce Mon nj oeronauUes and space admlhi l: ove U ielS' lider NIklto S. K hrnshcheva h c b e v ___ _ • ______r I VWMIA and ta various reUofTSiiiir so-« i! *tor Anthony Peterson wiU be an :e admin- Lincoln planned to move the nar 1 held at a Pin. Mondayay at the day.d«: Utrotlon has only a '80-doy pe- tl' woshlngton watched ntomIc-w^«aS subma- '- L .IT T L H tlZ _____d e ty acUvlUes. \ D-day pe- tlon's capital to the Washington ' ...I Joseph Pasme memoriallal chapel ------rlorlod which started Satur^yjntur^y in citycl ln_the_cvmt thdId confeder- «rlnes flro - •- “ sHTirBUrvlwd-by-tiVB-chll- WasHlnstbn; from-a'Wbmerged pi^tion today - “with tfiPrSvT-awrett,-Orandtt,—Grand ~RTJPERT-=-punerarservices— al services wlwhich lolaunch two ■Identical"Identical aUal "army' captuf^d'Washington.waanuigMin. ! yp^jons. the Soviet ..d r e n , Mra. Onm held-aM Rlchord-Hitahlns, FauLConner,uLCcBiner, «m._aU_Burley;_Mrs._WM lllard « fl“1018 at Martin-WhltcseU-made-the-ar=ode-the.ar= councU-of-mlnUter., ond-Qtorgl, Pnneml-strrrtceswlll beheld-at-l S l^ ro ck , "TIo-waaT»m-Aprn-2fl,-1018, al " ond Mrs. Jad^a and Carl B^iro^ ^ ______n*ni«nv Hfcrctarv of Uie Mur- ^ p.m. Wednesday In the Heyburn 3ull H yiiitg: flhelley.—n& -iras" a ■ fa im e r' nnd ------L D S~ waVd"chni)cr w lth~'B lshop y-nTff-tW in P ^^CuatemoZukie. TwinInFnllsUbor Falls Ubor ‘'m anskregloiinlc^ ILL ii> lllll' ------and Roy Wells, Nev., and Waynoia o '^Rode- e - ™rancher at Gooding for 16 yenrs. Haxold Hurst ofllclatlng.ns “K Plnal Mrs. Charles W m and Roi W rJ. camp, pleaded Innocent:nt tolo drunk 1 communist party. ; FredHa-man, Paul. •. m ^ IMO h« moved to n™ MMO- ? T h y w o rd te a la m p — — - r :r-s will b e held a t thh« e RlUvCT. iv er­ Eaton, both Kimberlyi Pred Ha- ttu driving when arraigned Sotur- man and Mra. Ednaa Stevens. Stevens, DUmissed 01ows where he U co-owner of a doy S morning before Police Judge side ccmetery. Friends may call eth Fowler, resort. He married Maxine Mui- ri | . o t o “ X Churchill Good . untbmyjeet, at the Payne mortuary "Tuesday both .Filer; Mrs. B ennym ny Sll-SU- -Joan WiUon, KenneUi Fowler, re *lne Mul- Dale Adamson. -c. ood ■ l i . H a n d M tU I Hopwood.Hopwood, joJoyce Koyle and Michael:bael Close,Close! »len on Oct. 14, ig40,' at Idnho ■ 2ukle was placed InII city jailJnll in LONDON. July 31 (fl — Lady . • ^pviiijid^H a n d a l aftem oon nnd evenlni^ a,um n d u uuvu n til j3e3<5aRj. Jerom e, aji lerson, R u - FolU. ]. a n d a l i g h i . . tim e of service Wednesday. 1. Jerome, all Burley; Jerry Anderson. Ru- Fi .« lieu of ttSO bond setet by Judge ,churohlU said today her 87- ; ) \9K B9 . and Mrse. Roy Measmore, Phoe- pe nith, Chlno Surviving besides his widow . lore, Phoe- pert, and WUUam Smith. Chlno v“. *1?'^ Adomson. Trial U U> bebo scheduled year^ld’ j huaband U veryw well I - / T .. , u n/ to m y p a th . , . nix. A rts. VlValley, Arlz. "aro a daughter. Mrs. Dixieixle Shar- T a mur date. jand In good spirits. ' I lene; hU parents. Mr. and Mrs. e s A i u m i n s Igia DlsmisMd B irth s ' le Ho was arrested atIt 1:16 a.m. gj,^ ,pent an hour with' Sir France, Tunisia rni to Mr. P- D. Bateman, and two broUi- ,r .. Mrs. RoleUo Bemsl1 and son. :Daughters were bom. to Mr. P- ^11 NCTv Thursday on Third avenuovenue south.aoutb. ,■wuuton at the London hoaltol . son. Mrs. and Mrs. Pred Nelsonm and Mr. «■«re, Leval Bateman, all New Resume Relationsiti n n s Mrs. Walt Henry and son. Mrs. ar where he U recovering from a J liiW ID axemen. Cleta Edwards, or Tl.' all Bur- Meadows, and Cal Bateman, a Edwards, and Mrs. Keith Hawn, all Bur- M A |!m _ _ fraoturo-ot-toa4aft-thlgh autfar------r-PAHISr-July-ai- Morti-inign,nscn. .Mrs. Mri. „ miu and~M r._and Mrs. John Funeral servlceswillII be held TEHRAN.-lran l*-Tho- T h . . i-shah * « h f * in « M «t Mohio oylo - — rciaUoos 'tttuy.iblTQwing a pledge g a pledge luehard Rinehart, ZeldaIda Bauer, Adams,a, .all Oakl^. A son wasWM mIn Shelley. ^lirged hU hew premier,mler. Amir June 36; . .. __n • How ofMn ftiindi •Vd,f»mlll« wiH ^ • by President Charles dede OouHeGaulle cindy Olsen and Mrs.a. Lee El- bomtx to Mr. • and Mrs. Claude — ^ t T i i l i i l w r 11 ^ How ofttr Aia. Claude -7;^— ------» g 4r~” r ~ A A«»iiHiiiiah AUm. andid hU .cab- cab- I turn 10 to rh#th Salpwtt. tnd /W ■ . that French' troops wouldwoi^d be dridge and son. all Twin FalU: q t J Inet today to conUnue hU pro- withdrawn from the big Blzerte foft ll fh* piiiing ef • lo«d on*I . Ig Blzerte warU Waite and Mrs. Wayne ■ ;SStrike Settled,/U i;gram of reform and i^al n a v aL b aa e "within, a reasonabITlls-Puraa7Tnm berty;-MtertTT-Mrs. r8. Hh om e;-uenry-Smllh.-th DenlcedS ^ Secretory ArUiur j; Gold- «' \...... ' i 8 * ^ D onald today announced settlementsettlement ® “ blnet of hU predecessor,Jsss|;i:233^244r.:^: the I______I la talks with de Oaulle.e. Premier George Dey and .daughter,.ght«r,.WUi Wilt john»oa.„andJi ...Mr8.-.;D.o.n.al.d “ ~ r S '•^onn-Premier-AU-Amlnt.'—Amtnt.'*" - - OoorBes-PoDiptdmr'ana-Ptrtisnid-Fortlsn Ham' Buworth. Mrs. Julius Pu- OToole.aUo Jerome: Mrs.5rs Charles Ch«iM or'd-«x-we«.-old-strIke oriroh-t H 1 Mrs. Pred workers that had tiedd up up vlr- vir- ' , M inister M aurice Couvele de MMur- ur- fnhl and Charlea Daruba,>aruba. allaU Parks.p Falrfleld. and Mrs. Pred 7 ,,Am JUnpl. pl« PirUn, m llltH i. ville the withdrawal wouldvould take Buhl; Susan Jones,, Ooodlng;Oooding; Ripley, r Richfield. • ti tuaUy air construcUon1 work work in In I I »—■ . 11. ' plBce •^•Tapldly .os poulble." Merl DeBoard, Jerome;no: Danny Births . “Uie P acific NofUiwest. liiinldll ' -. PHONE-733.4900 ' *^gham flew bock: to Tunis WUllams, Shoshone, and Robert Daughters were bom to*A Mr,Mf ,, The strike concerned1 construc-lconstruc-i ' Worn In tthe h e EEarl a r l Sonotopa now hasistha tha . 'H 'I H lB lillii >. 'today following the talks thatt^ot Herman, SUva Springs,3gs, Md.MO. ^ Ronald Lalb,?h Dietrich. n^frS^h tlon acUvlUes *ln. boUii l O Owoni ^ o n l smallest .hearingff& Aid ld ...... /T a JmmunlQue - ..B irth s . . . oa n d M r.m nd Mrs. John (^Inyton, ■■ ! in the -world. It'sf ltb thf « - . J U»t dlplo- -Sons-w ero-i»m -to-Mo_Mr..iand- ri.and. Mount«ln_Honic.H ______7'• . Goldberg said that undernder termsU rm s b | B 0 [ R b ^ ^ H■ Q { 2 R 3 S Sb 3| H "Wltp-Ear"o and it's. i - maUe ties would be resumedwimed ondand Mrs. NeweU Jones andId Mr, and ------0:of the m aem ent.-all local-unionsKai-unions - — '’-WomJn.tha.aa£..aDtalL—Pi«»ii ______; toeB lx^.bw evacnated.. ^ted.. . . Urs. Robert Lundgren,n, all Twin FLIE8 TO HONOLULUOLULU . Involvedli and ' the contractora asadlmeindlam«t«A^ ■Tfu^iEmXFrAPEfcg Palls and-Mr.” and Mr*,.Ir*,. George ^WASHINGTON,- JulyJly 21 nm—(im - 1>have agreed to resumeI work and . light as a niokoL. ■■ ' BXCriANOB SIGNED'S-NED •. Braden. Eden. Daughters;hters were Defenset Secretory Robert)bert S. Me- operationso; ImmedlaUly. ■ TOsyp. Juiy ai wi — Rm ISlmBitii U Our r r a d it^ 2 bom to Mr. and Mrs;ra; Zdmon'd NV am ara flies to lH oonplulu_{fc. n o lu lu .{o-, _ Goldberg _«nnounced.-that-a - 1B H E±».qim >xojis-KM- -}z ^'oblnson. Twin FalU;1: and Mr. morrown for hU fifthI conf^rcnce confircncs Ti four-man team of medlaWrem edlaton escwuUve plan" with Cuba pjo-pt^ ^<1 Allen' Hopwoodowood and * Pacific commandersiders on the w ould.m ake reeommendsHons O F T W I N F a 'u . $ - : - . Tiding tor OKhMge of cultural » Progerss of the war In] SoulhSouUt Vlet on0; tho. money Issuesr C Involved.' o ' S , o f a Dime! D l m e l phone 733-9038. ; of cultural Mr. and Mrs. Benny'.SUI»U8b,y BUbaugb. NamS and other developments tn li width groupib JouhuOUU juut-auidants.id-atudants. all-Buhl.------g lojmcnts.In Ho said.both parUcs bad'agreedilad'agreedi - -•••■ BouUieaft^a,^ ------‘ . * K to accept the rocommendations.(lendations.I !•—— ‘ jpounda of lard a year, the eom- U U rtlr 1 Sunday, July 22, 1962. j f G rrange a n j HearsP>“«J mittee reported. 1300KBook JReview Is Twin Foils Times-News 3 ’ j;' O ■ SaffJower SnffJower plnnU arc being grown-on-retlrcd- wheat-land-in -USiven i-V v ll • for C lub-,o('"Ui?~pfeildtinC’MSr‘Cllff«d*^T^7-;= ^ |^^ H |9 |D |||7 FarmFaFS'R eportstes) Ulnr Wnd farming areas, the com- . DECLO,d e o l o JulyJ 21' — Mrs. Fred Darrington. mittee said..Thc plnnt produci-a Darrington. -y HANSEN. July 21 — The farm-- 0o.ton ton lo a ton-aiid-o-hnlf1 of seed Prestonreston' ennentertained members of The club decided ito dotuia ' ytper ncre. thono Declo B Book Loro club T hurs- $li *1* to Uie-.Declo elementnrf er rccclve.n receives only01 30. cents o f every IP” ««''«• school to purchase books for dollttc spcnl for produce, tne ..HayingHaying InH Cnllfornla produces daya y night ot1 the home of Mrs. JJhelr’library^ J i.l::^^nB^J^^ c u t- Emmo..Pjcea( their library; - ^ Ml«nn,l„,r.-rnni,.I.U„ a o m u r c - - mUrlCd j im m a Prcaton.., —Guosl».won-GuosUwor».Un.-Robcrt^&Uad«::.^ '^'hursdayThursday .at a Oran^ v., Jl,. ^ _____C^CoiuumpLl on..um ptlnri of lee ercn m andIdl Mr. and Mrs. Enrl Barnes re- reporte p o rt on '■’Hearts Popping" Ijy. .RU^ceUnV RVKUncellng win” i Cheesecheese Is Increasing.li d«aplic a jUTi-vmcnciiiB.— ------r - nDme-or-MrBrravell-Tnrnq’. home-or-Mrj ------conccm-forconcem'for >whole mllk.whlle-xJlto ll»-Worldstle-World's-Falr.-Tlie next meet- —M-Mn. n. JoseiJoseph-Olttcitc called the -— Qproducers ueers orea using 10 mmionl^R_'‘'l'Idl ing will be Aug, 1 nt the hall. meetingneetlng lo order In the absence TRY TXMES-NEWStWANTTXm e s ^ ‘

M u il E v R T O Fm l m mK i R T ] ■ " ^ I T T Y' br or KATTY I CORI:ORNEr CONTE!INTEST!

In the opinion of 'lhcf Judgcs, either phraseirase is cacceplobfe, though bolti ore- :------^ ^ ------Ctuti uoht. ____ ■ _____

-MRs7i^THL-EE _ T W IN EALLS.M =H00«“-C^H------’ Of a loss Ford which carriedi avenue,.Tn »venue,.Twln Kails. T h e c a r burstlurst Into flame*,flam« a fte r ttrlklnjr Uie ib ATenue west. Twin FalU, io. canyon canyon flo floor- nome 350 /e e t outut n n d 75 teet belotr th t canyon K6 Into noek creek canyon Sal- rim.rim. orilr« onirrrs ufre uble lo remuvcluve theIhe body before flam es could W eiley P e le n o n , 1830 O sterlob reachreach It. It. 1 |TlmeH>N'eu)i pholo) MRS. HARRRIHARRRIET JONES C\ * * -k TTW W IN ff FALLS ' ' WCLOCK * RADICADIO _ » * * » ______* _ ------QItCANIZEB_mES ______T.F. Teen-Ager, Fl ARCADIA. Collf,, Juiy 21 .■ " M ONA BRBRO.WN ^ ifTFleeinff in ~ TVoni Woman Driver —An organizer of the UB. Infor­ NICE. K „rai.. Ju ly J l m _ ■ TTWIN W IN FALLS F/ SPICE “ RACKKCK ~= Marcel Oruat. 70. strolling m mutlon ation .lervlce,sirv, S a ra Lee F a in , Is Stolen Car, D iees s inm Accident acroM ni) f intersection In this dead ‘•^nd at at 73. She succumbed across the canyon from where•e Slrtcra R lrtcra ci resort, wiw knocked T'hursday T hursday ats a nitrslnff home. BERNIECEiRNIECE POPE . J MUowd Fro« P*«* ^ J S5»^ hU head ^n« Bcvcrcd the the vehicle vchleli plunited over. down by a> sports car driven Mrs. Mrs. Fnin, FnIn, the flrsl womnn - TWTWIN IN F/FALLS ^AIR COOLER)LER in Ihe car." Officers OHiccra quickly conversed onm “y by “a Pff’pretty brunette. ciccted elected to to the Virginia legLsla- re She didn't slow down. ., I f S t f UMCdlfttcly b u rst Into the th e nrcanrca andn were oble to remove _ lure, was ncUve with the Demo- were Able to rc,. tlic . bodybody, from th c dcmollnhed,d Grunt Gruni sm stuKKcred to his feet the body before flftmcs vehicle vehicle before bel flnmca enRUlfed It.t •‘" and ‘I »hou shouted uncompllmcn- crollc crnllc nationalnntloi committee In the 1032 presidential cam paign. u i - h iL About About 20 20 minutes after officersrs inrj- UilnKS nboul unlndy-llke Prwld' arrived Ute bos lank exploded,d Indy drivers. fipcwlnrflamc-rfoTnbout 20 feelcl ^S Still tllUj,^ ill L•ll^.^llOl. tlie bru- ^ ^ GETGET AA FULL MEASURE OFVALUEOFVXtUE WITH BLACt^R'SR*5 VOLUVVOLUME BUYING GET A FULL MEASUREMl OrVALUE-WrwITHBCACKER'S'VOLtffi tTH BC T jw n Duane Owen ooscrveQ «* “ ** • ■ back'lJi re*-cr!Nrr cHmbed otjt, 2 P ~ ” - ...... - r ^ ‘"S S g ■tow-ard Twin Falls •Johnston, -Johnjitot -In--dcserlblmr -the ' '1 ^ . _ — event, said ho had Just gone to took .-rf off a hlKh-hceled shoe 5 LS w 30 While he a event. enK , nnd siuRged G ru n t o n - th e o i^.»Uipped_bclwccn_Twln bed bed when when he heard sirens fcl- hnn,i lowed by a "loud crack that!l ' head." q .' , 2 KUnbcrly. lowed by Oruat wiw. taken uncon- ^ oro olltd Twin Falla police sounded ^ “ ded like11 a high powered rifle ’scious to a hospital. At- ^ them a car -waa Bolng Bolnn offoK in th e canyon." Stcndant.n n u described h is h e a d “ ” ^CTwajd U5i*Ti a t “a very "T"The he flifirst noise was followedid injury Injury asas serious. I ^ i j l c^ i c t c i L e p ’s ^5 o u p t l l . ^. ^ y ^ n n% a a a i l I - lrt [»tt of ip e^-" • - by by a 11 mud) m louder crashing « iBoroHmalely th e «nme sound." aound." hehi observed. .■•I looked out my kJtcJicn'wJn- ainrrr- r , - s / h | i ONLYLY A DIRECTI FACTORYTORY CAR- I nnd saw a cloud of dust rising $375 Z. . Is . Taken _ I _ _ above “the rim. At the bolloin 'r a la n l LOADID PUPURCHASE MAKESIKES VALUESV ^ aiuer bar. 167 Woah- of of thcthc canyoncan I could ace flamea toitrect. The deacrlpUon of spring Jprlns up,up. A few minutes laterV ■' -Theft of an estimated »375 ^ the entire car waa engulfed InIn from from pay i>ny telephone coin boxes “ I iijoltn car matched th e de- the entire UKE:E THETHESE POSSIBLE!Ei — • ------1 " Ijlplloo of the apeedlni a u to - flames.-, Ilnmes.-. • ...... wo*woa report reported Friday to Twmm ^ 23 ~ ffl hbl ^U(. Investigation Inve.iUgi revealed that the,5 Fall-s P?1'C' pollcc • by th e M ountainIn < < •d Statc.1 Telephone and Telegraph% > j 11 H gyiili Blacker’sker’s wentwe direct to the! factory and made ’ ^ ' vehicle waa the one reported Statc.i Tele Ph > Offfl l» l »lght of thc ■fleeing vehicle w compnny. y. tikle and efncera were Bcarch- atoJenaMcn carHw ear by Davli. compnny. I / ------a--f375tasticmtastic carload purchaseise of totop quality ^ Benham reported . t h a t Mc-.. Compnny Compnny officials told officer*,rs ©•o - - ~*pi -— i S eailtrn aide of Tw in m il s Benham re Ul — «■ l ^ " . • • .Generaliral ElectricEle- Freezers and we’rewe’r passing * hen Kenneth Johnatori. off- Cowan'S Cownn'x mother,rr Mra. Kathryn iI. five‘teltphone.coinfive teltplu boxes were m —i jg broken into, adding that thehe ocec ...... m» Trtn Falls police scrR cant, n Roufs o u fs waawbj killed Feb. 23. 1M8 broken int the savings on-to youI .-r.- An-entire-carload-An- entii " • * when fltruck by a car two and,d locks'o«s on thctli leltrphonc’s appar- 3 illtd the police alaUon a n d re- w hen sW m usttbe. be ^old5 old! arted a tir had Jwt amaahed one one hnaii a lf mr iles so u th of R osersonin enUy ®ntly were wprc picked since no force S ‘ - S lU lheaaron and was on fire, on hUliwohighw ay 03. She woa a ttem p t- was “-'ed u.ied to lo gain access. 3 D J o K ? Home la dIrccUy Ing Ing to to flag flaf th o car down to helpIp • - PoUccPolice sti slated that'a rash of j You benefit with lowestwest pricespric _____2 ______h her er extricatecxtrlci a cnr stuck Jn m udId such IncldcIneldcnui w as rep o rte d In MLOAD and highest trades!•ades! . ; , ” alongftionB t)icIJic'aoffshoulder of theJC WyomlngtiWyoming two-wcflks ngo-ana thellcm . j ------— highway. - Bcdse Btdse nrca.nrca. “was h ll” a feu- days 3 Robert LeRoy McCowan wasu prior to thothc thefts In T?.-ln Falls, u. ■ Too Proud bom3 Mnys 28.10«. dt Twin Palb. • ------ECnSOM 5 MODHS r lONDOM. July 21 (UPtt-Tcn He was a member of Uio LDS O MLECn jtats ago. prison Inm ate ® 2 Crewmen Are fc I :lie 5t-Type models" | ^ SSurviving ^ i v l n are his faUier, Ver- J l2,17'/2or24cu.ft.Che5t-Ty[ UiUij art lesjona. non*J. McCowan, California; five;; Fired Jc lrC Q on Train " I • 12,17'/ Today Boyle, 30. wos back brothers. Dcnnta 1 McCowan. Ver- MISSOULA. m issoui Mont.. July 21 O I 12,14 or 19 cu. ft. Uprightrigiit momodels §' b JiU after ndm lttlnR ' h e non McCoMcCowan, M arvin McCowan,f*' (ff>_Tlic(ff>—Tlie NorthernNi Pacific rail- Z ■ • 12,14 ( otd his artistic akllls to o^vldDavid McMcCowan nnd Jerry Mc-'• way has firedfb the engineer and C E E Z | FOOD SPOILAGE INSURAI'vISURANCE! n bU« counterfeit one a n d Coaan. cott&n. oddress&>at unknoHTJ: two’® foremanfireman at of the North Coast IF 3 I^I Cn pound bills. alstera.alstcM. PaPatricia Ellcen McCowan LimitedLimited, luxury lux train which de- a J SERVICE FOR ONE Y YEAR! E A R ! o It started out as a Joke and CarolCaro Ann McCowan. ad-'* rnijcdrailed on a mounUUn grade near yj ■ tot he waa so proud of b is dresses ununknown: one half-aUtcr,r. here June I10.. '5 1 TW O WARRANTIES5 .'..BLACKER'S. B l ^ bailiroik he could n o t d e- Mrs. WllllWilliam O. Andrews. Twinn Engineer Elden Lynn nnd 3 Knr tbe notes,'' BOyle's la w - trails,Falls, and his grandmoUier, Mrs.s. Fireman 0(Oerald Haines said to- j _ and GENERAL ELECTRIC: t r i c ■ % : nt lold the court. Hazel Oil!Olllman, Twin Falls. daydny they nreceived dismissal no- Q I t PtmFuneral eral services are pcndlng.alIt tlecs from the Northern Pa- > l WWhite’s hite’s mmortuorj-. clflc Thurs Thursday. Lynn said hla i/i ..------^ notice was 1dale June 10; iiSAL ^ ,, NcJihw .would nny it th e no- »u • , ★ FOOD Resignation Achievement Achli Dayi tiees included nny reasons for id I 1 I* • A* n X thethc dlsmls.1dlsmlssnLi. ^ ' I J NOBOmuFcanbeat/^ ★ S E R V II Reports Ai-e ActivActivities Set —COMEDY CLOSES , . n ' Plans for Achievement dny, QOTfl j. ★ TWO\ I r - i n - i ’ OSLO, Ju ly 21 itfTO-The hl it i _ X THIS FREiZERiZER TVAIUE... l / \ A c i Aug. 4, w ere discussed n t IJie^ American-musical .comedy ."My » . .. I lermed F a lse Thunidny afternoon mccllnR of“ Fair Lady- .,clMCd h e re la.nl nighth t ^ £ the Stray Lawlcs 4-H dub heldlr nfter 270 pcrfonnancc.i. Theatrl- J l ^ N . July 21 mn) — P u b - nt®the''h^int the home of Mrs. John Heck. , npotU th a t P rim e M ln - “ £ „ cal sources estimated the musical uiS ’ Big 12 Cu.. FFt. t . ■ M ary Lou P yne gave tlic flng...... ,cci,WM .wci) bv »,i 25MOO Norweginm . 3 I t a *ffaireMMftcm/»nn will rc?l(rn pledge and Nancy Skeen gnve ...... j otpar are-”wlthout founda-: the 4-H „pledge. — ■ J^ind "pure speculation." “’JfVe?a'^Afler a dnnoiwtrftllon by Belly 1 $ UPRIGHT FREEZEREEZER ^ 3 »w close to the conscrva-: Hcdi._endi_jncmber_prncUccdJ n „ l ______1 1 .U.^ ------.. ------...... ^-ttrtrtaderaaia-twtty:------Smaking ' & ? " b buttonholw. Mis.-; Hcck; I I “ rozen Food ^ London Dally Sketch snld1 also also gave nave a dcmonslratfon on J 2 * Sloros 240 lbs. Froien Food w uld rcalRTi b o th his■ canning connlnir beans. b Rlir* 3 "smraiai and • Tory party' Tlie Tlio nextne> meeting will be held;Ij BUGS WORK! i ! | • Fils in 1 cu. yd. Flpor-Ipor Space next June In favor of’ Tliursday Tliursday at the home of Tammy 1 W Auitm (Rab) B u tler. 50., RiclmRlclm rd.ion.rd.10 '^1 fofor r ccontrol 0 n of Alfalfa ! ^ ^ ® n s named D eputy Prim e ------— =------■ j Aphid.Aphid, CCorn 5or , Worm •' S ^ ^ durlns th e Ju ly 13 FLIE I S TO N.Y. ,.| and qothcrIl,- insects! ^ I ‘^ r a h u lfle. ^ OEOROETOWN. OEORO Drillsh Giil-' r itn irrJn ly -g l-ffiH>—Prem lor-ciicxU . — t- ip n * ^ •IW tn t to tlie ca-year-oldI dldl-Jagan -JBBan planned lo fly lo Ncwi ^ERirSCHUnE— V tK r : 5 - | ^mlnliicr. Informed aourccs\ YorkYork tom tomorrow to put the aise‘r 1< ■ 4 ^ Mthe iwiyskctili report wasI for his t counlr>-’s Indepciidencr Edon— VA5-5282 ^ g . from Britain before thc United, ^ - 1 1 '*wil Ihlnkiiij!"-biuied o n ru - from Brit S Buy'Eni in theI Crate ||«Wnd-by-(i:flj{ruilUcd-To=-- Notions. Natlons.------■ , ■ — ■ ~ 0 j ■ — _ And You HouiI and I...... ~ “^imwiions _ i • to give Uio u b5 .^"'"'*“1 ImaBO a n d to "Mtain inifl-European Com-i ' Finalinal ! I I Save An^h. ' B K l M Q ® ^ k e t inettibcrahlp. ^ he »-uuid clnlm hla e arl- 1 Extra 10.00!.0 0 ! wUrc to th c c h an c el- ■ W W f M \ uld’’** CLEARAIlA N C E ! I I NO ; MONEY DOWN!OWN! i > TJ I ^ , TAKE YEARS TO9 PAY! M m m A s jridge to Close - ___ ^Everything_Reg|o}Jleg|QU|>ed , , S_-_ ^•^Jiily 21 _ Ti,c Down- B r f i^ i o r l li o f-D e c lo -o n :------SbwS l '>'"!*■ SnakoI .... For Fasti s t SaleS a l e ! 5 I I M ' I * , ■ S U I T S I t . between H upcrt nnd In, detoilred via sUto ^ m odel : ■ .- BETTER DRESSED R K 5 E S ^ —eB2d5\T-- ^ ^ • - - - - M A T S < \ LL. .'/«?^10ai5 I .0 f » nfiT " * 5 I /o u r r a d i a t o r ' ■. C O T T O N S Ul ■ ' . - —r 5 - . l iee.. D SPORTSWEAR^ E A R . , ■ : I' S 610 LB, CAPACCAPACITY CHESTt y p e m f f l i l ^ - C l Y p E ^ i S — ^ Dotuxa equippedi p ^ d with J light and 2- • • intarior baikc»«if-rtt ’ iF * D U A k lE TWIN FAIXS-TU-l'AIXS-TU-iSM '.S- .• ! < ~ I ; . - , I f a o p I'— - .. 7U -M M ,I §GETO GET A FULL MEASURE OiVyALUE ^ a I u E WITH:gl^CKER'S VOLUMI FULL MEASURE OF VALUEE WITHW ITH SU« tK EirS you*" i BB

VS VOLUME buying GET A FULL Mt ", Sunday, Jiily.M *'TW 2; ...... I^G Bjg^efemenjfem enltof W atermsrineloiiE ielc :^ 3ARRV -" T -i —4 -r-T:witvFol>a-'time»News--—^W - H IR L IG IG > B r b a t TUckEB ’ 9 r- WASHIN6TOrr..Julr-Sl-a--Tre«J«ient KmKtimedr- a«^r- - ff SSOT e ™ r bu taken ths flrat' step on behalftehalf of m a l — .. unorganized* d - - con-co n - 5ay ^ f c a s . s — )f_a con- . __ i's session dunngig which w h ij* ' ...... _ ricMs-who begln-ure-ciimb^“»1i5 » .and|who ,ship jn .m e -r^ to ffl ^^^S^B^,tbe_raost-eZfcctlTC-an4-tiu.. a a d - e x i — ______• — ^ . .orgaal2aUoa__ZJii5tto PnblUUBc^CoK _ ~ 'plM lpIesTftnT'flH B B - whe-are w m ing'B ^^^H ,..V.ow UJe.Quesiton FDR's first four ‘■reform‘d yearsl^eara. -■ —' - ‘ to staod up aad , ' The President's creationJon of a vV be counted as , ALWESTERUflKN LOWCU. BIOS WILSV UUUDS Republicans. . S o ilam U>o>C«r H aniciu Edilei Ad>«rt4ilai Utnatct consumsrs' advisory council, howersr, will hare no realreal pow- It is. open to , er.-lU «n!y-weapons againstainst rls- __,_ ' _ i s B i T t ...... t h o a o . wlUi or Ing prices will *bo propagandaopagando ■ ' 7 sense of dedlca> 1 o' T„... and InveatiBntlpns of thcth c Just-Ju st- — f . fiff', j d / • Ubntobidlvldual publbM lo Iht Thor«l*» UtM 9t till »*P*r put»u«»» “ to lliclioiu lot IncieMM.a. Ho«-How------\S-z5iS. L liberty and con- j Ste «0-i0t liUbe Cedi. ,, ever; It Is tha first start toward protectingtn g those L r y sUluUonal gov- tf councU n- eriuBent .who „ ; t b f g S S n n rS rsow without any safegunrds at all. The councU ean bo a' forum for public protest. /V-- bare the* time . ------MettnwhllerKovernmcnt''8Wtlsllclaris’saysay thatthat • -ajid-the lnellnaUon~and-tho^n- -i “ ■ it is Imposalblo to estlmate- the amount ofo f money dustry to work for what they be- , ~ spent'to defeat admlnucratlon'measures'repre-88'repre- -■ - Here.— . ------• ^ • • naUonol commliieT “* » sented as beneficial to the consumers. «oweTer.'However, Now, os such, the Republican Happens? it ■ Is believed to have run Into at least 60lO million party has a perfectly good, ,, dollars, in view of their large salorles,.cs, ththclr e ir funcUonlng orgonlzaUon..I It has |or , on entire poU t£i^ -, ’ .At-the..end of aune.^Mogic.Vallex was offices-and ' staffs, other.Incidentals .«nd pielr eapoble 'aallonol committeemen never seemed to well on the road to compUmg a line rec-!C- generousj entertainm ent allowances, and women. It has gopd. sta»' people; who have ord of highway aafety for this year.ir. Infact._lt Is probable thot the grcat^^erl-, chairmen and good county.ld..ut chalr- ^ «tUn« up a — Only^^TJeatha-had-been-recorded-acwwft. x ount rc- *\./XA^rAJS'A— Magic Valley M compared to,24 for the^ jthe qou«^^cMtj**more ^thS* the^ amount rc- “ ! ^ todw ^eam Srofeg^!^^'j t S r i ”' qulred to operate .congress for.* ful! year. • -s- v. ii tees right down to theol lh.,precinct bt- »Ittcil„n^J“T)owH=Ti!rt()BrniT-tolaT ------c ll, SMxl. ti d t Tdlng to » C^V porUtnt year, it has excepUonaUy able. 1amount is difficult Vf estimate, according to ^ well-qualified, articulate candi­ Then in less than three.weelcB, 10 werero government-sources, ( because a large percentageercentttge a n d law dates for the houae end senate p. u paid to Now York's pubUo.relaUons and law \ i f f t t s J , races eomhig up m November. Wiled in Magic Valley traffic: W hat hap- firms, | whose fees are not small. - Now these people aU have one flcncd to change the picture so complete­' In opposing tbe administration's medicalm edical ' \ \ 1 / / ly? Why did 10 persons die in leas than ^ onal and . thing In common. They work J health Insurance bill, for Instance, xiatlonal and \ \ \ J / A • within Hhe frameworkits commit- of the functlonlng.'^^^^’ “® most of ^ LA5«? c wookft when only IS h ad been killed§ £ j locftL-mcdlcal_as8oclnUons_ con cc n tra tc d m ost of ___ ------• RepubUcan—party—orgoQlzaUou. i le precinct The- argument Is misi - in the previous sixnroSHs? . • a dustrics won almost a' complete victory HB;injurious ■ N H Not everyone who toils In the can’t all be attributed .tp the same causes.a- toJ consumers. They virtually scuttled theth e WUbill ■ VL j rganUaUou. -,„ent-f0rA r-einnT ii^ - And some of those who died have been ^ Republican vineyard lo is bea leader.’card- created U> suport u to sponsored by Sen. Estes Kefauver afUr• months m onths ■ The vast majority of tho men of_a_thMough Investigation. f Uie'Re^ candidate or a tptdSo driving and riding in Magic Valley traf- o y . ..JU I. ii.Wi i a e c a a and women who strive for the A senate committee eliminated provisionsIons that ' ------( f recognize But It cannot wort forsm ' ■ iflc for long periods of time without ac­ party-, who ring thole doorbells,place lo party as such. would guarantee the efficacy as well as the non- . _ who h i^ le moU compalgos, con- cidents. ------IT.J delijMrlous-effceU-ofdrogs-plflced on thB'marketrr m a r k e t ——-Tiv^rp*— - Q stren g th u th e Individuals iha n ' s ___duct3 e1ephono polls m and d th geii- o t is volunteered to serve u ------Those who believe in fate-and pre- jIt killed another which would have forced•d mmanu- a n u - ^ Iiiterpreting•eting: the News:;;erolly make the Republican party n- facturtra to inform druggists of possibleible side A V-/i -- : the party of a NaUonal RepubUaaC ordained lives will have no reason to won- / ■nn'wiwnssxa w r’a ifiincUon aro workers. They are der about theisudden surge In traffic:ic effects,e data which now goes only to doctors.octors. It I . Che ."Indtflna,” n o t th e "chlcfs." Committee believe In tb« toils In Uie pies a n d Issues of u » Btp deaths, fiut those wtio try to findloglcal^1 removed-[ provisions-designed - to lower -prioos-and ^ - By-JAMESTttAKtOWiLO W '------yery~intercsimg-thing“7 .iS?. Uiaf ft . '■ But they are IdenUfled wlUi *i Jg to do away with longiterm, patent monopolies,S£, icSMOTSjar- H i* waashington , JuJuly ly a31 r U>w ecareful, thoughtful analysisalysls of ,gjeai notional politicalla 0 leader: porty party, the quesUon uIiq reasons for such a sudden, drastic change The fatin bloc, moiniy thc American Parni -i^thony J, Cclcbxease,sse, oleve-Oleve- thetJ varying poslUons on the \ If tho men why they don't become id ,°rtiJr* which stonds for rcsponBibllliyIvo fo r Uie th e regutar party orgtniaa in the highway fatality rate in Magic Bureau j federaUon, defeated tho Kenncdy-Pree-•dy-Pree- ' land's five-time mayorr and Ptpa-Pres-health h - care quesUon Indicates “nd honesty and strcngUi in Valley are likely to be stumped. oman agricultural bUl. 'President Kennedyt d r »says w s U - ■______I >!«Ident Kcnnedy'a choice:e for secre- tlthat some of these groups are , 9 doorbells. As I said al the bttta) no it would havc saved Uio taxpayers a blllloiiiiion dol- jjoi- " idc polgns, con- this columo. the Bcpt B u t t]ho REA L-SIM PLE tatary t of welfare, soundsda eauUous, nnot as far apart as theye y ^ UUnk U n k ' One thing is certain. Even though noiL larsjJ a year. His figure'is questioned. But ,tho like his cablnetjingaiMmmmmmmm M uthey are." i and geii- V arly Is not a cltwed o f costly Slioolcr: liki one can explain the sudden change, it defeat ^ means conUnucd accumulation of costly cnt mod* P'odeoeBTQT.^jBKf^^K That must have been sews to bllcan party it is wide open.-U lstmt s h o u ld -s e rv e -a s -a -d ire c t.. .warning__tp.to And_unsalablea surj^usw, increased expenditurescndlturcs TtTho origin of the current mad* Pf groups like the American Medi- , They arc willing lo accept new M everyone who uses the public highways,rs. aand h l^ prices for food. Tir«"currcnrfarm'pr0-arm-j»ro- ness,ness tho twist, is rather InlrJeu- S ' Ical ossoclation, the API^CIO he "chiefs." the new people,ll cann Death is stalking the highways and driv-Y. sram « costs live billion a year. Ing.ing. And I don't bellcvo9 any ofc l celebrezzo faces aand even the Keimedy admadmlnls- inis- ______[fled wlUi tl >theway to-inductthem t» i n . . .• , thetha lthings I'vo read. , ^0 .lot' of - uhfln-ti■ |||S V | traUon. w'hlch were milesIes apartopart lillfi liLft r' •**--*...... llcal...... party■ -. ice In Uie Republieso fa ■ ers should do whatever is possible in :ar lobby For the person whoI doesn'tdo^tfaijed is'j business F V jH g jJ 0on tho kind of medical care»re plan BY HAL BOYLEesponsiblilty through the party's duti-t the way. of defensive driving and safetyty ^ PEOVOKE0 AN INQUIRY—The sugar lobby , F' ------.WAM,ANI>._Tenn,_4u)y_3litrength Win tuled mochinery. ,0; opcrat«d-so-openly-and sp«tacularly-thot-lt-th at-it iaww. kno' how-fo.dance, Jt.isis.indecd iflde^ thlthat..fallsU ntoJKL S ^B ^K K 'Q fl £Kennedy had in mindi______romlser------in Amerlco'a war Jl of of brotfier them' How do you stand, sir) ’ practices tb avoid' accidents. It is 'pos-!“ • haa? provoked an Inquiry by a senate> forelpiforeign a .b.boon. There nre no Inb-Icatc Inlricale threeth m aln -^^ ^R ^k Rlblcoff was a compromiser— he has been quoted as sayingutying .he agahut brother a hundred years sible that the very absence of traffic fa- relations , subcommittee. It will Inquire Into .tho ®“^P* step tst abouta^ut He:lielda: P ederal^J^O ^M h talities results in a general laxness of effectc which lobbyists for overseas cuenu have ^nyl ; to try to educaUon,hhos a weakness for the "iotegTlty“integrily ago. a detachment ot Confed- of compromise"—and wasis willing crate cavalry once saluted the —...drivers-which contributes to such a sudrd- on5 many of-our-foreign policies and apendl-- while twisUng is acceptable.lie. About 0 - j . tu r e s ...... - W o flH to compromise . on / Kennedy'sCenoedy's U.S. Stars and r M a n ’s P iato - den-series bf-fatal ,accidents as experli 1 fcfty-and rcqulrment la ^ t som e ■wUitiaw .. medical care and federalal.ald aid to Stripy — a n d JB ||H ^ ^ ^ ------Ifc'hM'already been shown that pubUclty-and ^ » — enced-in-Magic-Valley.------:------j •membcrr P«i-Of_tho_anntomy_is_Xcp.t_ln_Kcp.t_m huge.deportmcnt-ofhu hcalUi,aeotth, edii-edu- education-prognuna.e ------lii'w~fIfnis^tnclDdlng~a~formcr~cabtnct inemberr compro- knowingly saved~ nE !^^^K h - collecU d *500,000 to influence th is leglslaUon.glsIaUon. nwlien. th Its 70,009 J u s t how m u c h of. a com pro­ ^LE it or interfere with it. js The warning of danger on the high- c »,y o^S.’SySl'’ miser Celebrezze Is remainsUns to be their lives. ■ ways is plain for all'those who'wUl'heedGd ^As of today, 441 individuals have registered•egtatered AiAfter watching ot every op- ew July '31 W have to get out ot Uiom s with the department of Justice as foreignn agents, portpcrtun/ly, I have come to1 the con*con- Tr h u • 61-year-6id lawlawyer, yer, a sshown. But Rlblcoff couldlid hardly This odd and ~6i W tfiw | laliis.’'------_ it. ______-I__ Hxcy_DUtnumbcr..thfl-toUil_otJ3a-domcstlaJobby--loJobby- dus elusion Uiot tho twist is somewno sortsorl «trstcoogjidVDcate ol.cJyii£{gbtaUzigbts-but but c clalm:dlstlncUoo-for. any-fighting ndred years L aicr Lteut White rtciS record as he may have done for Kennedy's Ists., of descendent( from the shimmy, a consemtive record as I S i t * 5 ot Confed- aald nothing to the mea T maybe ^ wnsidercd a liberal in dm^Ical care plan. • NO SYMPATHY •, ' Inasmuch as no worthwhile .lobbyistJL would on]vonly niaybo more so. Or mnybe m before mented by Ine« sa lu te d Uie jt. and aa we went up Ibei ly w atch. an excellent C^e medical care bill before defile, suddenly we came t . Dr.-’Robert.Soblenvis-flnding out that■at w; ork:for leas th a n $15,000 or »30J30C a year, th eis ir gom got the Idea by watch- S' .ve mayoral th^^nate Is a greatly watered- Bums. » lo c al a salaries alone make a lobbyist's Job almost as anccr PfUUi^. aa hla five mayorol t 1^^ opening, and there flottd “ lug an Egyptian b«^y dkcer. , . down version of what Kennedy historian, h a p -.^ ^ P ^ ^ H -n^ 'one wastes much sympathy on a“ deslnbie| as.a congressman's...... * victories ahow. , e tueeean the rnedl. hove It on hU hands inn 19631063 oro r T u rb u len t T c n n c s s e e -th e lost Interest and dividends at ,Uio source, ftitoough although Pot pot Shots: asked aal him hto vfews on the medi- * H j ed th e ^ u a d and made < Jet planes.beingwhat they arc, it didn’t | e didn't on- Kennedy, whotio is ex- sUte to secede from the union It has been passed by the house. However, pro- i 'ent and «1 care program. Ho didn't on- J 39W, can and Uie first to be readmltWd-■ UUle speech. telUng He take him long to get to Israel and it tests t from people who would have', been^ n * ’SfI af- .1.. ^“,''0.. four intelligentm y : and two « "e aold he expectedBcted to dis-dls- pected1 to ru n a g ain in 1964. c an lower their guns. That n « s a l WAS '^1°''®'’ to give aw oy; tw o " " iv a n d R ^ . hardly offord to let it dielie unald- was divided In loyalty, flag under which ws «nl didn't take the Israelis long to spot hislis fected1 adversely Indlcote that the proposal was while . with a few black spoU, one ^ ^ ed, I t was h is baby to beginegin wiUj.with The 'sentiment In the slave- lla generally unpopular. ^ 1 :deral aid holding fiatlanda was pro.SouU\- and under which our falta fraudulent passport and start him on his « block wltJi a w hile v e st a n d a « 1 ...... Kennedy's .plan cf federal aid fought, and mony of Ua lln^mllk ^^blcoff, a &2-year-oid lawyer , > of It go- ern. But many of the tmdltion- way back to the:U. S. * * * • liUli ^’Ber. AD aro lopping milk t« educaUon—wiUi none of It go- u«t iu>i* "W hile wo were engsjdl 2 fS cabinet and was ing to Roman Catholic schools—achools— minded moantaineen. whose an- Under guards Dr. Soblen managed to VETS ARE BACK—nnally, another historic Q^d jt. cestors had fought volorouslytho naUoo for forts to establish a ne« p ,t„ lobby that has not been In the news, i lately— S i s - mi,. “"S'” '"® <» *» Ifl '«xi. s ‘'J ' r C the onnecticut Is already gaUiering dust. • m ent. and were fIghUni b .....slash his wrist and abdomen severely | :ms to be *"’<5 1 hope» to10 findima d Democrats, to run for the senate ' The Prealdent, a CaUiollc.Cholic of- independence in the Revolution- Use veterans-has showh new life. It seems to be love nnd was asked hia vlewa on medical ee—th e lo st new flag, sUll th a t w u lb enough to land in a British hospital on hearingi its goal of obtaining pensions foror World who wJU Jove and wi fer«« in liWl. But It, was vlg- “ry ww. w®''® strongly1 the pro-Un- union of our fothers. and letul sufficient core for them. Their presentlent home cacare after Kennedyt appointed orously' attacked by leadersi^ndpfA ofnf Ion. • the way back to the U. S. He's still fight-it> war1 veterans over 6S and earning an Insufficient h im se cretary in 1901 bu t before ' eadmitWd- H for >t* h^to? tndto he amount for basic needs. More than 200soo house is 1located at ht , the Catholic church,.andid itit gotsot aa Bitterness developed>y when memory of Uie blood pow ing to kee^ away from the U.S. and the < »tnutC the senate acted on hla noml- ’ iirrcju C onfederate troops stationed in members have signed a petition to wrest the '■ 5’“ East Avtnut C ^ i nis Domi- „gjpUon jn congreas.. the slave- m freely by our brave la ; British .are leanlng^yer backward- to ; noUon. • theso fooUillls of tho Great measure-from -tha-veterans. committee,,' r fwhich S ■ . Iteom.) . » If he tries to puAi it next year, SmokjtjnQunUxlna_nct«_ordercdiD ro^S oum - in its defense. Insteod.ol, ' nve him tho benefit of due process 01 of opposesc the proposal, and force it to the floor RlWco/f, who hoa calledcallcd him- Celebrezze willTiUve'td-gei-lnv ( e b « L 1* ^ ^he local populace.IC IradlUon- Tlie lt,«W InluO’. I propoWS. n - for1 a vote. Passage Is. almost certain,I . if 319 aelf a middle-of -the-roader-me - roader, volved In that. also. Celebrezze Is , whose a n - salute It. . Jaw. But the world may soon have evi- . . EVENING ' SI angry mountaineers,-who chcr- members sign the discharge petition. enemies for o.caUiollo but if he hos taken ished-Uielr-squlnol ilorously rlfles-as.a for T h e n , following my 1 - -dence that no nation has sympathy for a ’ • At cvco/Dg whcn ia:bed.yauJJc,-i.youJic. w - 0 stand on Kennedy's federal aid consUtuUonal right, beganRevolution- hold- ahlp, Uiey rode In HnH — convicted spy;------D C ' ■ f^ c h UtUe SUIT sa lu te s Uie sky. quotid'by’ the Wash-Wa*h^ to educaUon program, this writer Rlv nro-U n- form ing o circle oround Ibt hls writer xJnlon rolHes andgiy pro erected u ftnd we lifted o u r httls soi Bi% Soblen's ball-jumping, flight and " v i e w s OF OTHERSK J SLike flowers dressed inI sousoft ar- Ingtonin star aa saying,in g , ‘■It's“it's a a doesn't know It. flagpoles, from which they de- recapture pose some interesting ques­ ray, fianUy flew-Old-Glory...oped when erently bowed our h « ^ '®" AN ENCOURAGING T W IS T J fioy'Hol-' ■' P'W n-w 'r«'iiTi— '“—> i-y"iirn,mi 'fits from whl^'ln gay-bol*' ' Learning that a sUilloned Confederate in sucam ed down Uie fsea tio n s. . With Blllle Sol £stes and excess profits from ', the Great number of men as we ito ally « ia let. officer, a Lieut. White, was to Not the least .of the questions is whyby stockpilingi in Uie headlines almost dally it Is . ‘ I lead hla troops on alere gun*sel2ure ordered UiU attitude before tbeoM lae encouraging. indeed..^to_see. the.^ewsn ababout o u t . . ___ Dr.^c^Jen vould.treat.B 6.ahoddily.those • Washinglihington News’ mission, a local judgeoDufiiS warned Tlie — After-n-brlef-sllence'to who put up the 9100,000 bond If he Is,' Municipalj Jud^ Olanton of Dea Moines.'oJaes. IIt t • n Th i c lady moiM) w w o n d 'reiis/fllr ■’JtochV c.e .u broken J. Ti didn’t make the big headlines but ita highly Sa to .c o n ib • p.M II I III mill ^ I him thot he would encounter the S. mSy ““ «lw '‘o:eoiiib' r a . -ja : »oti^ 7 7 .g v n w ir« n g -r»;i,rrri,,'fW,;mEi SUrs arid Stripes floaUngrifles a from s a twos, we went on. we in fact, dyi^^pf an incurable disease. If significant ) If only to remind us that not)0t every- h ] e r ha ir. began hold- nothing of anyone belogtt Of body is out;to take the government. Iraiid to . ?r-X. M. r o ulERTS e r t s ■ ' Who's going to direct the traf- in a norrow mountain ' 'he Is within weeks or even months of 1 (w. ni.« ’Bpreods cnch slraiid to , and erected b u t Uie news of our salutt death; why such a strenuour ieffort to As a Negro jurist of, high npute Judge Gian- , AssocUtcd Pres* Ncirtnfs AnalyilAnalyit fic of ideas through space? h they de- flag went faster than n S i ‘ obe a skull- Will the. new relay sUUons let me nsk you not' to eled. and appeared to be I ' stay out of prison where* he probablyily <(on was chosen a few months ago by the state ' tq ndlng be- disturb that- flag,", he advised. In department to represent the United StatesStates on To , give the earth a moon-beam „ conWbute to undemanding be- ^ n f e d e r a t e sponUmeously all ovtr. would have special treatment as an in- * Not so long ago aboutibout all an tween men of differing[ cultures,cuiturea mountain men placed It a four-month speaking tour in Africa a and n d theUie ' orovlde & ‘‘’ere. It belongs toilte them, . was and to "We were never tresUd mate" bn death’s door. ' :Par East. He returned from this tour recently ^ ^ . AmericanAj really neededded to know or will Uiey merely provide a gun-seliuro m ore hosplU llty and klnfla And what happened to .the Soviet Un-in- and1 only Ust week announced that heiJaturo- Is turn- Tr Then while your dreamsamsare are about al phyaJca- ...... new battlefield for-propogondo? age w arned any people;- ITiey prqw Was w h e r e a ' ----- lon-for-w ihch~DrrSoblen~Wfis~lnv.blveded InriuUdt'W1 riirsHfiyTo Des Moines and'aHTPolf Pblf i fiisHlo^TiIgK”' wi Somo people have been over- ncounter the dinners of the best thw W ' in espionage for so many years? Certain^ county* In two equal checks. The Ti: lady moon will soy good- rl slmpiyfing the worid confliotonfliot ^ by loaUng from our horses, took us m« Judge Olanton explained that whUeJ heb e wasw as feyc. - ' “ lo calling It a-bottle for men's w mounttln homes, and-were lovun a ]y his erstwhile friends and employers gone the federal government paid him *700 a Tt m inds. acts of kindness. But UW should have had enough considerationon jmonth for travel and living expenses. He ^so They ain't scon nothin' yet.' sou no t to no t bring out thclr guni. u •■"rnrthnT ^ •o p ‘nJ«:D t-of-JK H |^B . he advised, could no t find Uiem.-' ^ ——for:him -to savB him-from priHQnrRuRBlnnan. j tecelvea hlg rfgular salary from the"clty of ^tHm ln-thg hnnrit nf pnr1h1y. ^ or communist nation ships dock every dayav ^ Moines and the county of Polk as 0, mu- ^ OswaliHracn plSced It W hat Lieut. White dl«totl ' niclpal Judge, After expenses he foundund^'-that ' that flowers. a n d 'e v n ^ o n ul I th tm . «nil M tl>«, Um. in J l j « • — -at somerAmerican-port;- It could have ho h ad clear $493 above h is re g u la r t solarysalary as BrickIck • I; I n d i a n tr ih ti-r a ■ W w ill ill...... I ratiirbcd. r-'w? v n ayou i : mountiilnetrs hnd lurtM ^ been a relativdy simple m atter to smug­lg- a result of the trip. (C ontact,t, Nev.) customs.ci 2/ SO U TH PLAYB» d o i ySTr- b lll h -» irtlic r» U t^ -th * t could do it, he^V aT ^^H gle the faithful spy aboard, one way or “I feel I have a moral obligaUon not; to make ... « The nicest Uilng s to you be.sald touch the Confederates rode un lea/o bis halrBrjr^HB another. This ignores the obvious ^actact a profit from the trip,'* Judge Olanton said, 3EPT. , and h is Inde-. J.. »H. . B«b«run«b«fu 1^-r about South's five heart bid was that Dr. Soblen was of no further use totn And with that he sent cheeks of t34S each back ra™":™" ■ »' that it was n.gambling chonce. i. to, the city and the county. " pendence. • iwercplen^ ■ N CW S Norlh did not havo to go tu sl.-c. the USSR. It also ignores the fact that I U n d o f . 8}ve aw ay, la rg e chocolate ^ . In econom/cs there were Dientr , so maybe some of tlie blome for "We could stand some more of this kind of . J « between of obvious and ImmcdioU, neSS . Dr. Soblen piay have preferred nearly«y morality at higher levels of government.ent. Con- hunUng dog. cross between getting too high should go to .'Imarancr, dlrect,.supply of l"Jacoby.-Bridg( anything to spending the rest of his dayslys gressmen planning foreign Junkets pleaseease take English En pointer ond Weimaroner ^ i^couW^make United Preas InterxuUonolmaUonal him. note.—Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Gazette. 3 3 years: old ond excellentnl hunter.hunter.’ could make under communism. Rood w llh * f® *-friends In W ashington,Rhlngton, get WASHINOTON-Sen. Clinton reason, known only . ------^------O Ob r i e n t m a n 's dog. h o t good wJU, ? critlzing to hlmaelf. Went modelYB the du- Now 'l t WM East's tiOTl • There’s no escaping the fact that a itei out of ®. trrant,It, seil.asell-a f«wfew P. Anderson, O., N.M., criUzIng convicted spy is a man without a coun- ‘CEASE AND DEBIBT* ------gy*"' chi ” get him out of ti and become a provision of the pendingndlng tax • to b e .s a ld some Uilnklng. He d l d ^ i — —Agrleulture-Seeretary-OrvUle-Preeman-doesn^t- tm — Ll... '.iv-'. bllhwhlch-wouid.permit-ta*I f t a i d de­ e . KOM tBcart bid was long. There wm no ^ • seem to'bo getUng oaywhere.mueh'wiunilsrhis ideas - ~ — .• ~ “ - a* ■ ■— n ilture.______Wayn* W aHon'"' h« needs to knownow Where-Qwhere'Q du4Uons for legUioUveI lobbying AAK109ling chonce. OMume Uiot W^ral n « « or how to^ help.U rS.-faniler«-»D 4-«grioulture.------drahd-relgh- acuvltles:------^ ------V-QIOWUl ------go lo SI.-C. w ith his fifth be.^1 eHie ‘ He lostr the_faTO-bni_ta_the_house—Turkey*.~.Turfcey , . ^ W sm iaoni a l fipott j mustiB-wnnfthdrahd-relBh- _ _ PAVING THE W AY poJitlcni deairessires agalMtagainit n expect to see some lavish ex- 10 blome for SouUi held cither M growers voted against a "marketing order"M der" fofor r ‘ . hiMs own lavlshex. li«,i IRY everybody else in thtne e :pendlturcs by lobbyUts to influ- lould go to lock it would be faWl t o g MajrHbbetfTto' Whi£eTiaa piloted an the turkey Industry. (For tbo. record, the,official . f a i l i n g MEMORY ^ - • airplane higher than anyman, thus blaz­ • world. He minka awayfay hlahis half. hair, ;ence members of congress.'* W M T - . .E A S t hold back so Eost plojred w QZ- report on tbat referendum showa thnt 7,1687.168 tur- tu r - D De ear Gent: ■ W' com ity givca ; ___ ing-the trail thaf eventually will be fol-rol* key growers voUd and C6.8 per eent voted against ( nlHrlln com ity givca known only now South hod a P«W 5l?d“vow . curses ,ot middle age 5{ indepcndeici. i S . V ‘ [»de J S the" du- rlioncs to moke his , ‘ lowed, by. thousands. Tho Wright broth-th - the order. To acUvate'the order, a two-third.volethird,VOUI I, u a oilin g -m m o T y . U/fflcM n lm yyou w ' Ftnagllng with landnd"lS'nl,_ grants— . WASHINQTON-Labor.attre- ,u- favoring.it would ha»e‘been required.) lak ------r - l W d dom , U.t ____ e g . cpuld hardly_beli.gve ..the .trem endous ised to 1^ . n o tC 8 ^“nlvcry _ ^ v c iy esapcclolly cotton'land granla- [ - . t l m e .lt-h e couW p ro g ress in air travel- -since' th eir firsjua t --nnally.'tlie U.-S.'iupreme'court-Tefuscd to TC- «|. /u st cain’t w ill g e t'h im fliied 1 ^ ’i h l abVem- view ft lower court's ruling that Preeman'san's order, ^ you jusTain't w tea & million i'l prevcnUng oa strike - 4 , jg*** - successful flight So-far as that goesi>esi requiring thot watered horns be labelledd as "imi- «*”emoer "J anything; - - nicnLm And. If he makes & million J all over '•?“” » ho-hwi lo splitJ l. it s :with . r : a 'e a r sub- — 1TA87843 the progress of the last two decades canean taUon ham,'* was fantasUc and decepUve.'c. BBy y Uthat ia t « ‘ , w |» proved to me all over ?' ------* ♦ A 1 ( I 0 3 3 len I met other people. i wenfto dummy s ten. • ___ action, the supreme court coticunxd ils dispute." , And t o ^ ’a^tog_3et^ghter_jlanes jelcs.pip. hams and turkeys and Ui'e- farm bill, il docs ‘ ______Pass P a■ s W t ------_ Kin-d-OTnght-el«— ^ leoinhM -Seeretaryrrreefflan'aliounnfti^Se^■TftjpoiiS^ ^ XS U ratworldwide , ' ' ’’"*** • ~ ^rgate-tbellghtS-s ofTVoriajsar U.to just il«! . system . .. PARIS—ThoPrenchnewspoperSawiww ■ Icad-^a—8 4 3 ------■ ■ CARD SetiBt . v.about ’the status of.crop dusters; lUSt **«ease'and desist’' order oa his departmentJtment of ^'"X friends wore bifocals! « M riculture-and on hlmselfr^The ■Eastern■era MahoIdaho MtmoryL«A» Un» Qnce h e did o r deliberately deJiberateiv '^ombot,",on the renlgnoUontnaUon of *' ..n » i . If the dizzy pace of Improvement; Inin Parmer. « • -rr ...... oKl*r.>. q c lo S £ i u c o w j ^ u r ls . N orstad aa-oO m - ®®P“« lend-of uie deuce-of 1 i-TbebWSiS?“ | *^®?^7«^anj--dooU)rB-are-U-y-Jtors-are-tty- “ aader^f-Uio^NorUi-AUanMoI nuaiiMD «uu». «oizm yaaidcd'*bTe~ ovor"3ton- : - SoBth West [=*4^UnertraMportatlott.conUnuesrpaBBen=- TS he doesn't Treoty orgonlziitlon: foUowing on the heels-of J- ■ PAMpUS LACT’LmB^~.m e ['■ ^ him orders he doesn't •li. . P.y''**''! saw no reolwth chance Bart for T - -. t-6f ■ PltOanESBIVE EDUCATION- Ik . P a u Vou, South, hrtd. j . |j , able ^.ther, reading hU son's report cord:t.« : _ ~H. "He . ... H™ I.„, ,5. JMdid YooRYOUR J wWch one .to:o listen toto. “Ifc U no secret to anyone'thatlyone th a t hU, c o n tract unleH he. cm'ild • .'tJIajor-White even before many are able m YOUR one! toto Trtlow.follow, ' since Uie arrival of Kennedy to »f,nltiative, group integraU on.I. aand n d xe-xc- drdrivtr's llctns* txplrs?” ^ ennedy to avoid the loss of a trump trick. nw sponslveness. Now If he can only learn to reod IN TMB . Ttlstar produces an Imagina-Imaglna- power, relstlons between the su- Were was one faint ray’of i' itieUeyement. Look out aboveL •n to rood ------CB NTLeM AN SwIn THE tl ‘i''*' M f*r .greatereater Impactimpact preme ccmmatider nnd tho White *■ *’• " ani wntfc"-Wichlta, Kana, Democrat.“ • _ , _ . FOURTH ROW S the White additional hope. souUi played iOW t ^ i u commuaicaUoakUoa signals. .ig^.1, Uoust wert not tlw besL**L" " _ Ujs.f^ur or eluba from dummy! OWB fcsni. - —.*• le deuce- o f - : - ~ l K U > A r S : Q P « ^ 1

I he. C0ii:d c ; bids four iP****' t tru m p .tric k . • S *ou'do’flowt ' '• faint ray-of • ...... T ^ J S f A»w..N«t**-

V '. ::■■'3« wna Just getting out to get the . 8WIWBWIM PA R TS SET ■■ . Sunday, SuttdoV *July .22, ;1962,--- =- - ^ C hild,2,Stnick 5S.'S'o:llltle g)rj out of the sLrret when at^ESNBOLENNS FBRRV. Juiy 'Sl p . | | . a 1002 Honda moroUycle ridden rwin Foils Times-News 5 • ^ -BP- -B -By-Mo yiM ot»rcycle— - by-Jftck-fiborp.-«r-route-ij,-Twln Modtfn[Qdcrn Hon Homemakers will hold a Falls made a right turn' onto swimmingMlihmlng party; a t the pool Cindy 01S(Olson, 2-year-old daugh-I* Fourth avenueaver cjut from Fourth Thursday.liursday. Memters X are lo meet TAfifO te r (tf of Mr. I and M rs. Harold (W- a tre tt past. There is ttbthiag i^ 11 wrCasO-MndlsoiTalrMtnnJurtrtSOrtra20~Mn I- M r c t ijH i:------^— _ _ _ ,iuuthe-pooijind..8wlnubetwfen u .i.p < » i _ ,* The motorcycle struck the girl 7 pjn. nnd when struck by a motorcycle nt . pjn. nnd 0 pjn. Refrcslimenl# • * Jljsl n glancing blow. She was taken win(in be served.serve The cultural meet- ^"Just as e m '^ y L-flVsL 8:65 p-m. p.m, IFriday, was relciiajdf loVoitlcto MorIc \Valley Memorial hos- jng haa bi from Maglo ng has been postponed until- ' ' — pltal Saturd ‘*!p)£nr Where X -r« y s'« 'c re 'ta W n nml^titne'inbmeUme'th~Novcmber.~~ ...... ' j ^ Q ^ | P»ai Saturday.------— ainrijicaTnr J iTlc ttus-tcpi'v u Dvcmiffnr;of ‘K.observuUoii.______g M y i | s ^ ^ 3

' Fourth ave ^ reJSerJrUnrfr“ m‘"a brok?h’back TlSHWOTjis FOR BIOOEST BASsf I W o r m & Smother. i . Shi ,5s“ r received S ' S when he tumbled off a f><"W‘ing. ’ ■ the street w for your lowm J the street where she was sootted KcnffoldI h .nl " Slmplot Sollbullders! r , , ^ . by Elmer Wooten,'' 1420 Fourthh July 10 ,?. I , DIEDDIERKES' LAKES /^ l ./N avenueAVcnue east,easl as he waa driving - _ I TUBMTUSK BIG!RIGHI HAtr-WAY DOWN GLOBE ^ « ■ W ^eIS* . - :— SMOIHOKIMltS«OAO’ — ^ i------%w“»r»s3t“ H I Woolen stopped hU ear andId TRY ‘ri.MES-NEWSTIME WANT ADS^ £>s» « “;.. S w ■ ! n l i ■ V Woolen I fe?-SV'=.» T)y A n n iv e r e, P en n ey s versary : w V S S >“3V »”“ BANDI BAGERS...... — LYNLYNN.ABEHNATHY^.^ - - -IIOBIN-BUILKR.- f e s »

^ u ^ n ni n c e ^ ^ e e l t e

«m p n i f l B jfiitK'0tes' ^ 4 ^ IfflEPI P r e c e d e n t s

w n o N m InHistory. \ ^ P««wv_ - _ c •Tuowa•TRONOMUaUM' Mut ...kr., / riHI OOMaiO (•■nOAUB ^ ^ • j '09*«0n0« > -«M* Julf 21 Ml — Contro- rm. , S r ; £ ^ ^ t b l l n s . which la ,- ,.<6^ m 111^9 I “ j SS i S i ■■“»“ “>“- „, In Amerlcon pollt- DONNA^ LEK NIX tINILINDA WILKIN.S LELEE HERWO | . . . contnianU for ttae m neerineer day rodirodeo queen a t Haicerman.lan. TheT ho seventhseve; contestant, whose r l Nation-wide*'n-wide» White 1.47 Pencale® Penc W hite l.B ph o to w as n o t aTalUble; U Gjayle ayle AndtrAoAfidtrsnn, 15. daughter of Mr. and MrMra. Darrell Anderson. . ^ luxury percales woven of " . ;;-S“ ™«. to. Goodlnc. Tho contestants willII ride In the parade al 10:45-a.ni,i.rri. Tuesday and also before the I . ------i . famous buys=uys any.n y ,i™time o t y c.r * !•“ I I roedo begins at 2 pjn. The relgnlnicelgnlng queen Is Carol Wilson, llatermlajerm an. ThThe new queen win be ] now extrara big at thi*this special long-stople'cotton, combedI to tw.li..7a"iiTOI-iwin Ta"* ' t “1> announced by Emenon_EuKmlre..ceneraLc>lrc.-teneraLclialrman,of_the_Plnnee^day nee^day celebratloD,celeJ at the rodeo I ^ • ' silky-smoothness! Fabulous. twin S«nFe*li*d s'actlvlttes wlll-conclude with a. daneedance ata t 9:30"p.m.0':3i a t the Le*loa _ — j J lo'W price!e! Come in compare.< ntt«d I i Tuesday afternoon. The 'Uay'ft'aetlvUtes w .- - b u y s l . ■ "fiM.d “ ■* - ite ■ • ' mh a lt.- . • fuH8I"xld8"orfui(c l08" or fuif Sanforized/itfed 1.67 *. . * * it ^ * * A f t . ■• ^H- . ->!■ H- full 81"x108" or Sanforizedd full filled 1.99 ' - -- fa.,. _ piliow cosesases 42"x36" ...... t...2 for 77c• piUow pillow cases 42"x38'/a" ...... 2 for (oi 99c rg , ^ J ■ ^ /NATION-WIDE'J.W IDE pA! PASTELS" 1 “ 9 9 ‘ ”" PERC^PERCALE PASTELS ' 7 4 l ^ r S i A ^ CC e eleb i iratio ris8 CCojn c jn m e m o raIting tin g Mormon' p ,.d 2.47 ■ : somo'fomousT10US quality as white .. !w.’'Mi;y,luxury cotton percales styled t -' ih latest fasiilonfashion co!colors: yd* twin SmforiMd in' pink,P'"! yelloW, green) sea-sea- iwlnTJ".twin TJ-'Bioi"- ...... _ ^ « L & s r PPioneers i o Are■e Set in A rea, CommunitiesCom; ^ cs low, green,•en, pink, blblue, lilac. {iH*d • ' fofoam, a m ,‘aqua, lilac, milk- choc- ¥ ¥ ^ ¥ ContJnContinued From Pajto 1 ' Mrs. M rs. CectiCectHa Butler, Oooding: , olate. S n o w . ■ * I , 1 full e r'x lO<10B" B " or full'full'Sanforized fitted 2.23 S j to-incourflge IcBUla- „ .. announced nl the rodeo by Pus-R- Donna Lec Nl*. 11, dnunhicr nf • • full sr'xIOB" or full Sanforizedsrized fitted 2.67 ^ I mire. The seven contestants will111 Mr. and M Mrs. Calvin R; Nix, Jc- pillow cosesases ^2‘'x36"^2"x36"...... »...'.2 for 99e' pjioy,. pilow- cases 42^'x38VV-’- ...... -2-for-^-for-.1.17 ------1 ^ - _ ?(a uck the aupreme Murt . roi rome: Undo Wilkins, 17, daugh- • fLw^tng the membership o t H . .';iiv.,; ' be led In ihc piirudc by Carol rome: Um uWy fromnlne to 13 Juatlces I W lhdn,- H n R 0 r m n n . relRnlngng terte r of AlbertAllx Wilkins, Bliss, andj I queen. T lu y will Uc JudKCd on Mrs.M rs. June Wilkins. Ooodlng; Leel , to ob»lou8 purposes of nd Herlng. 10. daughter ot Mr. and . uilni the judicial Jnlerpre- & j # P l bor«cmn>L‘^hlp, persuniillly a n d Herlntr. 10, .s' l: . - (_ HckcL.sa!c3,^— ______MW:_Hnr_olMrs. Harold Herlng. Olenns Fer- il^thelnte^te-eonimerce -|&-SsSi^ltSlSS^BS^ M I 1ic"v^A>3 Conte.%iiinu Include SnndrSnR- ry.ryr"ana“ and Oaylo—Anderson— 15;------IT T T T lJ'sw ier ferPickreosierreosier foPlflii,“ M siert(rPay!r t o - P o y l ------•Tar those ot us who were ded- ers. 1C. dnuiihler ot Mr. and Mrs.rs. daughter ofc Mr. and Mrs. Dar-? — ------CHARGEE IT777lt ' .H.' « . m M..' SniSnRiTR. ooodlng; Lynnnn re;irell Anden Anderson, Gooding. | Hid to ft bellet In the u n c tlty oor Dl'purtlte form of ctov> ; Abcrnatliy. 1C. daughter ot Mr.*r* Carey’s celebrationc nUo will In -. . and Mrs. DcVello Abernathy, dude two rsaient and the Independence ly. elude two rodeo performances' ^ .f ~ r T^W-ftf-the legt»lke~are‘~co-ehalrmen. ojg f Cash...... = -=. EtECTRlC^BlANH^BIANKET=^^^ 9V lo Ibeir «-UU w u ih o c iln g g ! » . prises totaling S130 win be offer­r- ■ I O pposition to K'v“;ed. A variety program wni begin" ^2-yeor-replacement :ment guaranteegu - ‘R » referred to Boosevclf; ; • 1 J. ata t 11 ajn. ajn. tdilon toteek • third terra tmd Atlernoon events at Carey w ill,II I Uti, “To those: of u> who feel ■ IF © reign.A id: Include in=i«d™| horse races and street; « A - 8 8 iBftUut »ny poU U ^l of- sporls. The Carey Rldlni; clublb; : 7 2 " x 84" double1= bed ■,' i n ------Kbolder'i perpetuating him self **•', > ^ N N• > v i ' • ■ J ' " ' I WASHINWASHINOl'ON, July 21 CB —~ drllls*’alsodrills also wHl be nn outstand-** single» eontrolcontrol M W * JiSSStf oirice tern ftfter term thla • , " •7 ; ; ' f ■• -. JncreuMngIncmuJng oppasUlon among the jngIng attrftction.attr«c chairmen say. isted (Teat conjtem atlon and ['•' J i .'.. «■.-•'• ., voters to i heavy outlays for for-or- The fhe Twinxw F^lls LDS stake ^ Is 1 Savec -v e end, have the luxuryjry of oulomiaulomatic comfort! 9 elgn aid seems Indlcaud by the sponsoring activities Tuesday at! ' it as our higher-priced blan- C JANE GORRINGE , namw**l0-narrow 10-14 ma>gln by w hichO the" thb" Twin Twin Falls county lo ir-). settingsettings, same fine circuit as our high -Ittf tortured etnotlona which . . . daucbter of Mr. and? senators„nators « seeking reclecUon sup-jP” grounds. — kots!kets! I Rayon, nylon blend.d. Machine washable*.w Pea- SI mjfeitd by many Demo- Mm. • • Ralph • Gorrlnje. Oakley, po^igj, j tU btotue of Mr. Roosevelt'* '• ported n ' 4.0-bnilon dollar ou-»“■ Springdale sprlngdi community will cel->• cock, red, beige^ pink, green. «ho has been choMn to relcn'* tliorlrjillonihorlrjillon measure. ebrate ebrate withwit all dny nnd evening , . Wterm ftmbltlons in IMO arc •luk.wtrm w*t.f an th e 1062 queen o f th e° _Tlie senate passed Uie foreignIgn activities activities at the church. :Jt oeetded by the aJck feel- «rioneer *"« day celebration Tues- lU th muiy (tood and loyal * I*, aid bill 50 to 27 yesterday aUld n d ThoT ho primaryprii will be In charge f ^ I d a r. m also will 'OUR gobUeus ftie enduring today fMU j Oorrlngt ' sent It to the house despite com-m» of of an an around-the-block nn paradeIe | iE H ^ S YOUR B U I ^ l WY^AWAYl'l tbtrieeourRepublican Jncum - compete *““ *5“ *, for the title of Casala plaints th a t Its prohibitionlon with with chndrcn chlli taking part. Ann ['3 ^# C - . .rtTO«rMlfa.M.n«rtfU ra« h vmP omwalv.tfMAr county fair queen.______storemor ahow his audacity * _ against any but surplus food 08-oa- MIA MIA rond rond show will be presented.i- b D . - ^ ? ^ .• . fcoU— WTWrd-r**. i»Bpetu*t« himself in office aa slstanco to Poland and Yugosla-la . A A potluck potluck lunch will be served,d ------:------B H t ^ Eovcrnor.” A l ^ c j via had been stripped out InI a and and there there win be sporta ln the n e i ta.RobertE. Smylle tsfteck- Mrs. iU iS . Read, 82, compromUe.wlth house conferees,•es. afternoon. ;; KREDUCED! C l 100%00% A(ACRYLIC ^ »irteeUonthl*yearloalhlrd president Kennedy got au-JU. A A ahow show In the evening will , _ Taken bv Death thorllv-lo-€icl«nd-ald behind theIhe conclude tthe celebraUon.______Ll Uu.1 x u r y -s o fFT t bla BLANKET! A to 7 E H a EW crR cH a. BJ.-fllciJcd IwnTCUrmtirtnrcurmtn-ir-hc-finds-thftt-it m m m m > Friday afternoon at a local resls t laUi vital toI U.S. security ^ or r " " ^ ea;* sie st T lac^ " " I Biisy_Do’ersH av e ? strengthen.'! a counlry'A lnde> _ hom e.' ' ...... ■■ sircngthenf de. _ iN-THB- W0nLD_TO.-. NOW 5>■-— ‘—- - ._ JZ"; 7 2 " x 9 0 '’ _; ...... w j | | H S h e na b o m Feb. 18. 1880 aal l pendence of0 Moscow, and ao.rcr"■ -B— r orrow,,., -M oney— ------1-HClub M eeting' Raleigh, in.. and married CharlesOS portsporla to «congress. tra soft, light and warrril Btrtu demonstrations w ere Edward Exiraordinary-pricol Extra soft, ligf I Edward Read Jan. 4. 1004 lo In TlJlsn,i^ deletiondeli from the meas- $5.00 «C to $500 lio iJuring the Busy Do'era» OklaliomOklftlioma. i They moved to Id ^o ur^ure obviouslyobvlov ■ influenced some S'*** J1 -Machineachil washes, tumble'dries.s'dries. NylorNylon binding! Pea- -B Deetlns Thursday a t th e» from Roswell.Roe N.M., In 1033. Mr.Ir. votes ngalnst njajn the bill. It remainsIns ^ * N(NO AppUciiioni ★ I1 cock, red, beige, pink, yellow, blue, green, lilac m ot Mn. Olenn Dossett^ Read R e ad preceded p re her In death June popular amongan some candidatestea ^ NlNO Roforencei ★ > . ftoautntom were L inda' 35,35. j0S7. JSS7. to bc nngnlnst e at giving aid to any mi Ww, -How to stitch fo r goth- * gw - 1,' IS. kind ot communist ROVemmenl. , ■ ‘ S h e la survived by six sons, icind ot co Co-Signer* i REDUCED! BIGIG PLA PLAID 'lai Ud pull up.gathers," J a n -■ Johny X „ ^E. Read and Charlea U,II, ------:------★ NO N« t I REE »Hirtrilt. "How. to flnUh the Read, ^twth Seattle, Wash.: OilsLis . CARCAMP ATTENDED 'f f N( ayon & Acrilic! :«« ot a blouse" and Kay' D. R ead. “ Sacramento. Calif.:f.: SHOSHONE.SHOSHC July 21 — Locnl» . c( Ij BBLANKET!-Rayon U & !wa; -How to thread a m a -‘ Hartjld H. R ead. Sepulveda,ia. youlhayouths attendingattc the Junior high _ , ttoes6d»ind the bobbin/' . SCallfn “*ai and Fred W. Read nndtd cnmp ntat Cathedral' Pines thtahS B DC & B L O A N S ...... 8 8 Coiner w n the w hile* Ambs E.g®’ Rend, both Twin Pallfi:i!|: week includedincl Judy.. Hannah, ' J'® * 72"x90"7 2 " i Wttot ot two toy kittens. R o- S ' ‘ UCENSEO PAWNMOKERS 3 ■ n jjrandchlldren nnd 14 great->t- Linda Johnson,.Joh Molvin Webb,!£• Sh^o,;...M.lnS.. sho* Jg,u..^,„.O yK .U <’gran «SS d ch ild ren . Dorl.iDoris McIMcDonald,. Mnxlne Eld- O ur handsome pfald, big,J, fiuffy,fluffy, wartwarm! Magnifkont , Funerals services wlU bc heldId rediicredgc and Euglnn1 Coffman. Theyley Twin | Falls colors! Nylon bound.-Fawn,-peacociawn,-peacock,-cherry,_lav-. * at 4 p.m. Monday nt White mort-■t- were nccompanlcdnccoir by Bruce Nel- ’ uary chopcl with Rev. Ernest4t son, Boise...Boise.. . * ender, green. r ^ » > « Mn,. O t o a x a n i . H uisetblad ofClclnllntc. Final rlte.i win bo held nt Sunset MemurlolIfll Officers^llected- p n rk .______BOIHI - ■■ yAjmfcV-LKAVKS— B B H AH#€lnb^ee<;=ii' ■ SPRiNoOAm. Juiy W itm of th i Pesty Seven 4-H* „nnd n d MMrs. n Calvin Wlxom and « »welKted during a meet-■ theiru^eir daughter,dm Reta, trom the g>«t w«k nt the homo of* Sudanguj,an Inlr Africa, left Friday tor ^Csiliion. leader. ’ ; KidnUnaM o n ta n a before Roliig to Los 5 ^ sre Michael Andrews.'• Angeles,Angeles lo vlalt their sons and B S f i n g B H W Terry Block, vice pres-* bro th er. £ • Bub H lral, recreation sJMl ft-«nk Hleai, r e - l" i ;| ROCK HOUNDS ^ r s jHncuMcd Ihclr weed•' ,Local, , western and world-wlrte | a^moloRy projecla; Re-„ materials ...- Rough and fin- i HIL V 1 g^Uw re«rved,by Terry ^ Uhed^ ^ ^ iw rm e c lln g will be holdi 7Troon's ^ * ^ RocIrSIWp' i e -3OT-MalrrW--F«-Twln-Pall^ I B b - t h e l a rWES^ELECTION g e s t SELE OF ' fj ^^ARPETS r ^ Now Arrival* — Big i '■ Selectibn & Quality IN M AGIC VALLEY m i mewpetexciEXCHANGE I .iiJS ecurity Seedeed anda Supply fc.. ■ OVER 40 ROLLS in stoclc. EExtra x t r Savings! , M All patterns, colors. .Easy a r L J r Penney's Bath Como to our storereonTrucklone—, on Tru ■ n term terms. s. Immediate expert THRIFT-PRICED I f j l ED FE/ FEATHER ?«"■ ..... Register pets to beb'e'glven give aw oy'' i Towel Special! I______ixtr!Extra Valuel _ ^ P.UPILLOWS! SANITIZENiTizEp^ TOO! iF Vou W ANT Al!k PET; qO M E SEE 2,0,88c ------pJJM attreii - OUR LIST OF•F FREEFRE PETS ». ____ I V - . M onth . hand towtowels, 3 for e8c ^<>0"Pod-N-Covcr; . -No Down Tayment---- O ...... ------■ WBiheIofhfr6'for-iB8c w..h.l.rt- ...... -fo i------W■Whit*r-y*llewr-fawn^b«by hit.r-y. ------TT. fne’W'tHesforey'^ ' ------^3--W ln-4-Sl— - Youmuj|-‘come’W>Hi ORDER VOURSIRS NOW AN:AND SAVE! “7 7 - pfak,->hocklnn-,plnlL_«ur« ;______. - . Now N ow treat- tn yourself and your^o;irSsiry^£ir famlj/H quolie. ” ExtraElSM~»8vln^-'otrPenh*y^ savit " " j O»r Compiete line of tine of Pef Supplies . low s plumply filled wlth soft duck'and duck~arii chicken feathgrsi .Scoop-_up_sdyings»_haya___speclaL_buyIl^l^leftdMdi_speclaL_bi 1 rBROWN'S- ' ?si Clo'se'-woven coUon covers•s have sturdystOrd' cord edging . . , enough eni^gh firstfl quality toY/els' -cotton'fill-cotton fill <{no wath-'ttreib)::^ a security D end SUPPLY CLAUDE BRC bloe>and>whi.te stripes,' bluelue or ..pink..pink'print.' f ", ' for guest;guests, camp, b^acM SanforlzadSanforlzad® cotton iklrt. ' ' SEED end . FUBNITURE jll jilrofnY ou^^ MUSIC. ■

. ■ . , . ■ i ; ^ ■ Suridoy, July 22,, 1962' _ g BurnsIS :; RotariansBVa.] ^ Twin Foils Tlmes-News^'■-;-News ■ - ArouiajoundTldaho : . : ID A H 0 : f a LL8 , J u ly « « j - ^ 8 » u 51. ,fc3- was In sorgepy-^ak-Socred-Heart Jios X Injurlea -i s CMehecked in ^ [ 9 received when she lost controleontrpl of hhei e r c a r eatU er on U ghw(bway-181,- ay 191, Texa^Starls .C atherine ^ . - A . twtwo and a half miles northsrth of Shelley.Sbellej Injured was.Mrs-Catherine |Bitterrw6ts~~“ j x f — 0 .-Moaee,-wh# had-psssed ».plcknp.ptoknp traek and overdrove fier oar, lu stfa U d h'ts ~r'anmaiim"Yif”0 1 . losing® eoBtrtil. The car slid sidewayasideways aerow tha roaa.'/or.JW'fWt*r:i^/eet|-

S ' AM ERICAN f a l l s ; July Ju ly 21 W-^Aiir ^ f 25-year-old Americanl u n Falls ^ U o^ fcaesT^Unuadiinp^I .uoeheck- *1"oo“ ai me R »na tf T'olio^SEots was 'i\ m — aen cscaped Injury todayoday wben UieU car he was driving was ed today aa-vlhln;ilne of smoke- . He was.Introduced u IT'’ ■ HOUSTON. Tex.. July 31 W — ?demolished by a Uraln two miles northwestnorl of here. The> manm an was Jumpen was Attemptinga# to tuturn m SouEa. Ted Si^, -A mnaslw campaign to tomuntee^ ^ IdenUfledJ“ a* Walter D.J. Hast by PowerIJ County ^ p u tyty Sheriff Uia blaze. pprogram chalm«„. Sj n o r o th a n a- th ird oT T exas resl- !d otf u>e Al Fowler. Fowler said1 RastRaat told him't hta foot slipped otf the F orot •^rvloe ttglon on#ona head- 2^^“~ Ormond Sniiih " • , . — :------M o n U n a Une. . ,•■=«S45>'a5 '' this* Kar, conspsred wlib) 3090 lastisst poCATEUO, JnJy 21 »-ThreeW-Threo .Salt lake Clly,. mn-kwajr run-kway year at thls'tlme. I, About a touudreded SDioke-anioke- , ^ ^ — ■— — teen-agm were »pprehendedtended on a traintr In PocaUllo thta morning ■ ' Jumpersji were on tbe flreline aid- « The vaccine will b« thele Babin usd4, held here unUt theirelr parentaparents couldco «ome to get them. Poca- sked by Salt Lake City auUioriUes.to.meet, ed by aiinaft droppingr «fire re- : ^ScoutServing.. ~ldnnrt4lccn b7. moulh-taIn sugaraufar UHou poUce had been asked by Salt 1 - tardanta oa the bltte. »cubM. the Poriiand-bonnd trainrain and,lootand ,loe for two 18-year-old boys jlnepro* who wwereported mnnlngnnlng away fromf home. A group ot 35 flreflghUra»htera was W O fld 8 Fftir Dootora sa; Sabln vaccine pro* » being .flown t« Html’.con; Mont., tecLs' Uie Jndlrldual a n d keeps 21- m-Cltlzens of Alameda and. PocalelloPocatello 4-^ tonight trom Orangeville T^ey t hliu (rotn Jnfectlng othccs.CES. ^ The POCATELLO. July 21 W-CiUzen leave HomlUon by bus for North C stops Tuesday, nlght'when they markm ark theUie i j S H ' for North Oliver Payne Shoshftw.^ '*’1 lamous Balk vaccine, takenakeo by wiU w puU-«ut.all the stops Tuesday F' . Fork, then go down the Sabnon B / hjTOdennlc needle, does not pre- olflclalol ronsolidatlon of the two clUes.:nhec union of Idaho’sId^o’s h. aimon ecoiu. X u riir i'' it ClUes w ill'b e accorded th e proper cere- V rivw by boat to within half a tl vent on Individual trom0 trans*trans- uthird and tenth largest clUes will 1 mUe o f th e -fire, : ------c mltUng the disease to others.he»?. mmony. A major proyamam taIs^pli^ng planned at 8 pjn. at Idahollho StatiState I | t ? MtM. H. w u lOtclia u S 3 MiiASlvO iDiinunluttDu u sln tP tt _in. th» «rnmmunltv invited. At Uat that Ume 'i - I. i A second fire In regionregion one ^ J?. Bcouta to reprwent th « ^ i2 720,000 doses took place earlier»rller to thett Bannock counly commtosfanunuUston willwll complete forThe^recort Jtf — oon t ln ua d .to h ltrs niif.•nf nf ffiontrolim ntr o li £Blvcc-areii coungii_ ^ stop local putbreaks In fourour Tex- canvasscc ol the votes in In last Tuesday’sTuesd special city commission=oSlon It was In the northveatitcomer.ot comer ot He b a star Scout in^ l«,_ as clUcs and towns. Availablelable in-In - elecUon. el and the sevenen new city commissioners be given i . G lacier naU onal park.'There, 180 a =yonn&tl(nr-3howsrno^^MQB=lUT«Ms=have Uthe-oaUi-of-otlice-ta.coinplete_the_ idure.______nen.were on.the line.T Including ssasis's. 1 • ^currcd In thoae places altera lte r ththe e . ------:= 4i-smokeJumpera^ancLM Tw^ uti _ , Sabine vaccine had timele to be IDAHO KAIX8, July 21tl m—Dtulnibf^-Buslneas In Idaho FaUs andU d UUpper p p J L I® H firr^dro^raTm ^ =^«^8coutservice:coiwiE51iB leal also were being made, foresty \ effective. • '______8nake 81 Blver ra«ey comaBnlUesommualUtM wU)« eom e le a virtualIrtoal hhalt a lt «S —. Tuesday a s th e a re a pausessuses to celebratacelebi Pioneer day. Mostlo it ptaeea ptacea offlclata aald. ■______aaid station.______• of JmslnessT'professlonalu l offlees, eltye and county ofdeeiKlees wUl ^ llJ tl be closed for the day.. In Idaho. FalbF fesUvlUea. will InelodeInelDde a ^ ^ W orld Youth Shuge, eolerful parade at 6 p.m., Wblehw. wUl form at tbe.ClvIetbe.Civic , '1’ He ANOTHER BIG ONE, ONE FOR THE IDAHO------aUBIUft;IUttir“:— — ------Hp.ME-OEJEHElLOEJEHE_blSNEX_HLTS!______Mesel Slated ® IDAHO FALLS. Julyr 212 l' lft-^A Ift-^A ‘ran ra g e fire raged throughough 1,800 ; - ^ ^ // . J acres of brush and grassss Friday nightnigl 10 mllea north oft Aberdeen jn f . 111 In northwest ot AmericanI Falls, sendingsendlni 80 fire fighters to0 a nlght- n ig h t- - c, « F o r F in la n. d , long fight, according to0 Jesse L. KirKirk. Idaho Falls dUtrlclrict mona- mana- f 1 > aH HELSINKI, Finland, July 21 !l; bureau of land management.nsnagement. Kirk1 said two 25-mari crews (Crti — Fifteen thousandid young jro n j th e F t. H oll Indlnnnn reiervaUon reservoUoD and the 10-man IdahoSis Falla iwiiV ™ people ftom more than IOO100 coun- BLMg crew rushed to the fire scene fYlday afternoon/ond^ were GORDON A. TALLMAN,klAN. 31, see.(ceond from rig h t. a nBd d BBobert obert J.J . Dodge, Z4. are ftanked b r de- Cics gather hero this week for mopplne up aroundId the edges^ges of tho nrea todoy altera lU r con- poMce staUo:staUoB FM day. T a l Im ana ta accused oof stealing 14 million dollars in the "World Festival ol Voulh01^ and talnlng ^ Uie blaze. _____ -sistock cerUflcaUs fromI tbe WaU streeti office of the10 brokerage :firm of Baohe and company, Students for Peace and Friend­Frien d - • . . . He was a $120-a-weekk stock recordreco clerk for' the- fimfirm. . Dodge, an unemployed truck driver, ship," part of a world-wideid e comr ,pck:A X E L L 0.-Jaly.2l.«»^rAl.l^ A n n e»ea;eMapee from Davta eonntyniy JsU In bburled'most of the treasureaiure In a vacantva lot for a weekt before turningturnit It over to a myiUrloua "Mr. munlst ideological campaign.«palgn.» . *] 1, becoming familUrBilUr lo to BamBannock-county sherifff officials.ofttelals. y X”. the dtatolct attoraeyttey sasaid.,.(A ld .,.(A P ,w ln p b o U ) PJntand’s central studenticnt and „ Ssnderson. 38, UitedUlted as » re resident of Chubbuelt near To- — youth organlzaUons said they“J'y ^ catello,-was.plckcd up for tbe third time here today by . Deputy _ would boycott the lestlvaJ,al, whichw ^ gSheriff-Jtobert Alkens. AliensAlkens spott*spoiled the man In the park near ^ DecloDenMother BUrtsPrlday,-hecause.theyW refuse y raltroad tracks in FocateUo.'ocateUo. SandBanderaoa has'been servingH a Htei?a S tu d y -S h ow w s _■ ' • Ju m p s Gun to participate In events^0 ofcom- a j,*“ Davta counly JaUU on a_bWa ba^ ctcheck charge. ^ pollUcal nature, either 'pro-com- „ _ LONDON. July' ^3 21, m WT _ — Entertains Cubs iHunlst and pro-Weatem. Laxness-on—ZH _ 7 Prlncess"Annc, onlyly-dflU daugh­ gh- - DECEO ,-July 21------M rs.-Law - L uvni u. JiOJSS, J u ly 31 HV-BWteState BBep. ep- CaCaii B, Burt, Boise, Republican ter of Queen Elteabethm bcth II, Tencc Thompson, Cab Scout den Tho-. theme, ol^the festlviHMUVJH iaM „nominee for secretary ot^of state,slate, osseasserted today that the man he f - jumped tho gun byy mistake mistake' mother from Declo, entertained -Feoco and friendship." Organiz-® -w f.o ”«ee>M to dUpiace, Democraticocrailc SecretarySecreti of State Arnold Williams, I- ers sold It would be a colorful 1 Reporting1 - . in a Olrta Scout swimming the boys at their annual swim­ 'Jm I?!;, atUsmpUng -to makee pollUcal ha; hay" out of hta'poslUon on the ^ ming . parly Thuraday at the mixture ot athletic competitions,2^ gambling_ tjuesUon: Williams,lllams. as a m e m b er of Uie D em ocratic p re - , 3 meet last night. panel discussions anda otherotncT g,convenUon platform committee,immltlee, votevoted against the gamblingSSff pianknf^k . WASHINGTON, July• 21 W (fl - — . Anne, compcUng in the th e 30- Burley swimming pool, events. ' . nffhlch^aa_npproved_at_thet the Idaho FFalls copvenUon last SoturdovSaturdoy. A senate forelRn relaUonsIons com- y a rd frce-style eventnt for fo r Uie Mrs. Thompson wos accom- *rtie Plnnlih gbvemfficnf“ Bt ------— njiljM -staff-study-sald-tonlghtd-tonlght _Abbc/-trDopJcaned_10iwaul__ :d_10iwaul_ ppnl>»ri hy Mra. Elmon Kidd OS 0 ----- llrst •trled-to-got-out of-lts.en-C.lts.cm- -0AIDW_ ELL,-July-21-Wl-W~InseeUcldea_aprayel_ealfarm_etops -Inseetle arm erons the thi jusUce dcparUnent hos only for a racing dive when the helper.' • barrasslng .situation as host by ^ bUmed today for more than a doten cases of organlo»nle“ph«i- phos- aporadlcallyentorccd-tho Jipi lolow-re- law-re------—atarter-8ald'"on-your-mork2—Dur-mork2------Boy5-otUndlng_wcfc_I/elond ----- Bubtle-persuoslon.— ------^------t : ppbate-potaoBlng-trealed-by-doolor»td'^by-doclors-ltt-Canyon-eonnly^County.y ^ C o u n ly . .QU.QUlrln£Liforcignj>Ben|?..,.toto make ^ q k c . ~-ond fell in. _ _ Kidd. Robert Thompson, Wayne Premier V. J. SukseialnenInen said fF tm A gent C larence D,D. BBeehtolt eehtolt salsaid Uie adverse effectI fromIrom the full ful disclosure of ihelrsir U. S.8. The princcss cllmb"^'ba'cknb’^Tjock” Turnc7:“ aieri~wnipplB.—Orland In a statement to thele press, iiinsecUcldes llrst was reportedeported by bebeekeepers, wbo reportedrted heavybeavy ocUvlUcs. aci up on tho eldge ol: tho pool.pool, Kidd. Eldon and Dan Okleberry. “ ‘‘Sfnco-tfJ2-yoar*TOTtlJ-oi»BDlia-DTSaniza- iecses-orbeac-SecbtoIt-sald-JnvcstJjj, t-»sJd-Jn»e»tJfaUoa indlealed usee cf para- ^ . Justice deportmentit spokes- __Thcn they started1 the mco The boys were served, a picnic ~ “ tlons but one have declaredued that utblon sprayed on bay fieldstields waa resiresponrible. man said o preUminary•f study ot Wld ahe finished third,Uilrd. supper otter their swim.L Engagementnent E Extraordinary!" they will not take partt In this ■— the report indlcotes thatat It con- I, . project, tho evenfwlU be1 a meettmeet-^ PO CATELLO, Ju ly 21 On-TheGn—T h e IdahoIc Broadcasters, association =*== HIT BY STRIKE i^oclaUtm tains aome inoccurocics.-J.- He not- IX , BOME. July 21 Mi-Itoly wos in g lo r one Ideological grouproup only I today threw Its supportt behindb^i^lnd a drdrive to obtain one mllUonedwallon doi- ®‘ted In support of its J ------anrt-u-oiiM ai>pftnintly_itwa-ia s:,‘.;:‘o“ B rid g e R esultslUits hit-by be orKonlzed mainly byy^ortlgn foreign ^n d rt'lT ie ^op»ed networic MUi Incomplete dtaclosure on U>e pnrt catello and Moscow and1 would b^operatedbe opc by the state department |5' l-p/J nnd non-edltorlnl employes be- efforta." t ol only “even agenU out of obout iAreEeported gan a 84-hour walkout to press However, the organlseratn of the 0of educaUon through Boise}ol«fl JuniorJunlOT cc college, Id ah o S ta te college:oUege and „ g i 4t„ « d wiUi Uie depart- l° U ^ p rw y | __jcsUTOl.refused-tO-teke_the.hlnt_the.hlnt the t University of Idaho. Q le depart- j j ^^q m e , July 21 — Master- Marter- demands for on 18 per cent uyed -Fridoy wagc.lncrensc._’nie_«Ulkers cur- ~end~decued to liSlirtMf^esUvalf^e sU v al - ‘ \ ...... — ------point--play—was-- played - Friday iS-DUpUMtff Tcntly-avcrnge-belweon-WOtUA^ in Helsinki despite privateIvate ob- LEWIBTON. July 21 (ff^A 21-yeai Dlfl died of Tho sUiff study was modenade puo-puo- nTght^ by tne Jerome mipuenv (A^A 21-year*old garage mechanle died of ‘ $110 a monUi. They h avve e sU ged JecUons by Finnish otflclals.eials. Internalli Injories here abont two hoi hours after be waa pinnedInned to % Uc lie by Sen. J. Williom Fulbrlght.Fulbrlght, bridgebi club, % «inn»r. Dcrlodlc spot walkouts anda n d na-n a - I Finland, balanced preeoriousJfKflriously irork• bench by a ear heifl was .wworUa orkteg on. PoHce said aI esr e a r being D., D.. Ark, cbalrman ofhe the forelp forelp worth and South winners were I between east and west,Jt. could rrepaired In another workorl( stall startatarted rolllnc and struckek the car re] relations committee, oss a a prtll- pnu- Mrs.u R. J. Cook and Mrs. Stur- -* - aot Uim .the fesUral away of- beingt worked on by ^oKn|obn Jaekson.Jaokson. The vehicle pinned!d Jackson ml mlnary to a commliue investlga-Investlga- gpgn g, McCoy, flrat; Mrs. M. C. ”&A r7- . f W flclally. although It did not want 1against the bench; craililogaslilog his chchesUThe.m an neverr regained Uc tlon. It plans to make 0a yearlongyearlong oilasono and Mrs. H. E. Ught.UglS l.r ln.q"“ llr^aO •-— ■WTVaTJftnre.'nMJ.'cominr-to ------jnent-hlRh-morks-for-enfordng.enforcing « wgwr J*rge-flrefl.hrok6_out_lnbrok6_out_ln ______starring ______■' E ag e n n an in 18M fromjm ^ Table b le BOISE, J&ly 21 Ul-Copt.'opt. Bruce O. Hansen, 2S, Botae, was award- ththe'act ns It relates to1 agentsonents otoi t^two Luzon towns and on the M«vrlc« CkivdUr W- I Rock. He worked on & construc- ed* the James M. m il11 trophy todstod a y a s th e w inner .ofIt Uie flr^t iri iron c u rta in counU^es. nnearby tahtnd of Cotanduones.m nduanes.______Aogl* OUfclmcn f y X l I iioa crew and /armed at Bager- , aanuai competiMon forir the hfghcshtghest individual t>8€L Jnterccptcr JnCercepter ■ ^ b . / ncH ficoio^^- M inanr-He-was-a membcr-ol-th#er.orthe racej In the.idaho:alr-national-national guard.guar Brig^ Gen. Jamea M. Ttau. ^ Table'Rock Christian church.hurch._ - nsslsUnt( afljutant general,leral. presentedpresentc the ,30-lnch Ull trophy to >Soldier, Marineine Starts : : Surviving are two brothers, } durlns an awardsxds ceremony at Oowen field. ^ i . Clydo Redden. Beckly, W.A.,W.A.,and a n d •• . • S i f o p p h " Wilburn Redden. Uarlrance, W. C O E te D 'A IE N E . JnInly ly 21 WW—AdopUon —Ad of a resolaUen deserib- Visiting ' Parentsents Tonite ?'J*1 l|, Va.: three sUtcrs, Mn.I. HHownnl o ^ tofj »a » "eraekpot foheme"ute* a propo*proposal.by 'Vemon K. BmlUi,iIUj, Demo- HAOERMAN/ July'21—K/Sgt. NOW SHOWIN'GI I o.iijjo."' ’ Johnston, Hagerman; Urs. Dew- «CT»Uo nominee for govtmor,jTtmor, was :reputed today by tbe the Coeur „nd Mra. 'PeUr Duncan, and . A FREE-FOR-AL- 6 r - a l l o f f u n .■ . ■ . ■ I I N O W S h . «y Angle, Tampa, Fla., and Mrs. d'Alene^ WUdUfe federaUoo.aUoo. Art MaManley, president, saidid UieU>e fed- daughUrdn Penny, rmnklurt,:turt, Oer-oer- Ira Stover, Quin Wood,1, WW.-iVa. .'iVa. e( n iio n ta opposed to BmlUi’sJmlUi’s sugges'suggesUon th at convict taborbor be used we vUlUng Mrs^uncwa ' Three brothers, a sisterr and his byt tbe sUte ftah and game departmentdeparlm to plant fUh. pgparenta. M r.'and^Mrfc Ralph • ‘ : p aren ta precedfed him in1 death. — • Fallon. They have been transter- i^^iEsr-HiFFiiH-nnfHh < W : ^ I Funeral services willi be-heldbe'held POOATELLO, July 21 tn—PocatelloPoc a t -law' enforcement otllceris ™ ^ l"™ oennw lo ,” J " ; « t 2 Pin. W ednesday, ait t ^ager-^ s g e r- reportedj no success todayiday In ththeir e ir ses a rc h fo r Carlos Patino,atlno, 22, a if. w h ere D uncan will report a I ' ------man MeUiodlst church withwiUi ththe e Mi exican fa rm w orker• bargedcharged withwltl assoult wllh InUnl to kill. S : n . S . ™ll» t;cl»Wi.n. ; Rev. AusUn Rugger offlclaUng. } the near fatal eUbblng Junc 30 ol Gllberto AND STILL,L THET H E CCC O M M EN TS ROM. IN ifflciaUng. Patino ta accused )n the near fatal ...» - Mortno Bat JwnM Norwood W b i ilnEi‘8iiT8IIT Concluding rites wlU be« held ftt MercadoJ Pax, 17, Aberdeen,irdeen, during a scuffle outside a teen-age JSSSS. , ON "MR. HOBBS TA TAKES A VACATION" . Bagerman cemetery...... .ocui»c-ClNf.o5eogg_ , ...... M is. HAILIY HAMMOND - iOND Wonc - WondVrful .nl.rl.1nm.nt. ShwW (M—Between 1,400 and IJM persons stuffed M . Plus Eddie Albert, Jane Wyatt In. ' mort.merl** Hk« ihli. led egg*, hotcakes and hash-brown polaloea os Eddle'Alben * .1 Robert Kennedyiiedy I be uvna- - ■ ------:------...... - - . MXS. ROBUT WKIOHTIT -.T- .Thli’ h li movmovie W*i v.ry «cltlf>9, r . at the alnlji annual UonsUons clDbclub breakfastbre in Itexborg today. The at irine divi- 'P R t. i»e>I I'M aerved from 5 to 11 »jn. In Porter parif by members of fe M - v«ry Itut to Ilf*, I would r«cem«r«nJnlr:2lr«h=Her-81-Mt- -« - H enrT—Fle tc h e r-o f • Radiodlo SStation tatio n t TRar-TIMES-NEWS.HA(£LAra , ’j viJl visit Washington «tat«' next; ^M > S. >011 MARCOUKIW - V«ry Irutrw to llfl. Hopt mor. iMwi '.T.” KSEI. pocatcllo. was elected pre^denrof'the:presidi 7dahTBroVdcia(erfMs'dowters ':-i - — ___^ ' iMi co'mtlMf'iMn.------II month during his vacaUon. ^ assoclaUon, yesterday. OUiers O thers elected electei at the ossoctation'sI's Uu tth.an- h .a n - |T ' • Ho Is scheduled to leave.m -- bere fK- nual convention were Bill Burden.Burden, staUoni KEEP. Twin FaUs, vice I Aug. 0 for SeatUe vlslUng the n Y . 2 Q . toy He and Mrs. Oaleale Mix. KRP:KRPL, Moscow, secretary-treasurer. I World's Fair U>e next day. He ' y^easut^ MURPHY will speak at the fair the same One Minuteute They're ILcjveable K ids. . . The th e sam e b OISB, J n iy 21 W l-K-Kenneth enneth HiH,HlH fonner Lewbton high iohool I i;(t Minute Reol Uve Beors! day, ■ ^ ^ principal now wlUi theB Caldwell schoolscb< dtatrlcl, has been appointed I HOT SPRINGSres ! Ne;»t Minuto R I ■; Kennedy will go salmonmon mflsh- n- bead of the educaUon>n departmdepartment ent a t Botae Ju n io r ooUege. D r. I 8:30 Adulfi —75e . > ing at Westport Aug. 8. From £ugene B. Chaffee, BJCU C president, said HUI wlU alsoo^faead bead tiiattiii I Mllt* W m of Rogtfien -10:20 Children — Free |‘ Aug. 0 to 12 he will fish and Mbooi's film library andnd will teaefa.teach. lie replaecs Robertt JonesJonea wwbo boil ’ andTimiri^iolio MI ' camp in the OlympicI naUonal u on a one-year leavere of absence to work for bta doctoratelootorate at I CtfM-C.blM i ^ I • forest. ____ • W ashln^n. BUte nalTertlly.iTertlly.______| ___. Iwlm Pooh - HBlBMhl WW ------BO18B^^aW-2UlJli-KerD0tii.Mpai-geynofr spr«>rfr foL ae'J^oJ^W M ican I. feNetwiiSfkffeaTi:^X llJ ■ platform convenUon in In PocaUllo wlll.bei Rep, Jamesl ^ Bromwell. r o m S I '■■■■■ R., la^John E. MarUn,in, execuUve dlrecUwi of Idaho Republicans,itepubllcansl I .'...... Ti*n«»Uf*...... - Special ProgramE r & m w ld Brom w ell U one of Uie 20 young yOui congressmen'elected by Re- I ... .mm publicans In tbe last naUonal elecUons.elecU Ttie convenUona*ra on-Aug. Au^4 4 I- '*• I D a y - But It's Gotta'Stop I , WASKXNOTON. Ju ly 21 DTO — . WO Idabo Republicans. -' ______L f- ^ All .three major, television^Won n net- e ^ ^ expected to a ttta c t Wo Id ah o R t, Vi-orks will carry th e specialpedal Tell T el- . • ’Somel-ime-Sole-So Ends Tuesday! n star program Monday Including U a portion ol President Kennedy's 4 Indictments f. newa, conference. The live showing of the PresUPresl, IGiven onEstes ’ I I I denfs meeUng with thee press wmwill PECOS. T e x , July 31 «1 — f J being about four -minutesnutes alter County grand Jurors returned K __ the .nca-s conference opensopens ot ot lour new indictments yesterday M ___S.pjn> iTOT^. A f^ showlnnhowlntt thethe accusing fahn promoter BlUleSol I ' P re sid e n t,"U ie 'p ro g nn ^ UiVn'\tmUiVn'\tiil EsierbflHeft.------...... “ ~ « .< switch tn. other specialal features, -Hie IndlcUnenU. designed to iLl, the White House eald.• ______Blve sta le prosecutora a stro n g w — — case, Bul»titutc lor eight others '“ iricJsJwroiD”'TO - agnlnst the Pecos-Jlnancler. 4 4 — -:-cblMBBA,-PorUigal.•i, July 21 which were dismissed. • i$)ents_wbo .Jlcallnes-In tanks for liq^d i f M tc il. ------^ I ^ U ^ t ed ^ S l d mamatrations M t k ^ -IerUllier._ior_whlch_ate*_«lso g»; 3Mt May -h*T'«i beenI suspended laces feddhjT-charges of Iraud. i .■Viill^M OfCTUESrW c!:::— Child.*" ■’ » ' ■ llM -to:7re- provkJed-the-beata-for*boUr-the B n — — ^^SltTsr-oo^;' —iii-r^iw si.ias-a^^o.^ ____ _ -UaWs- so u r e » l here. They aald « w w d old indictments;-nents;-- —v n j] '.-tolnp cf UiBstudcnlswerebarred _=«tcs' faUier., Johnm L.L.. Estes, ’ e>cc-io>i5 W J . from'all schools for periods 21 ol Clyde, andabroU»er,Dr.JohnL., Dr. Jo h n aLs.Si'CpfUlOwtwo, .years,’and Uuit jj J H H H TWO LOCATIONSIONS .Plus Jimmynmy Stewort and Audle Murphy m ?^StH «./w ere suspended- from osted bsuiuud forV -il d m i l A V■t 1 T 1 l i l 1f t i J S M ain Ave" Eaststand ind In"NIGHTIn "NIGHT PASSAGE" • ^ ‘ 8)3 >!';iOQtabra unlwrslty vn lor periodsperlodi ^ ,500 bond they furnished ear- imlsbed AddMonAvt^Weit• Weit I • M lfi1^PflMoge'lOtaO » Adutl» $1.00 r i^— JII ll m

------’ . -yi' iHjHH IHjHH Sundoy/july 22rT9tf2- PPolice o l Arrest SconScout Troop 103 ■ Twin Foils Times-News 7 ,.' - Gamps for-Week- " 2 WasKington^ SHOSHONE. July 31 — ScouUlUU ParadeJTSLXt Slated for i o f Troop 103 « p c n t_ ^ week _a t r t l . Camp Bradley, acompai'ilcd' by S tlO S JJail a il EscapeesllrJi- ther-Rev. Joh-n T. Tulk, Scout-> Shoshone LDS ' ------BURLEY,-^July~3l— Two ea* miiatcr..moatcr. Mr. atid Mra. Hal. R om . SHOSHONE, Ju ly 21 — An \ capeeacapeca from'thc county Jail inn nndand Dr. R. O. Neher provided - y ; t ^ p o c for _thfl—bain,.___ oy y —■Scontj-^'ho-'attended'lneiudea charRcs. were arrested In Burieyy David Williams,' John Haron. tiim wll early Sx Till* will cbm m em orotc*The o r- ’~ early Saturdjiy while driving a Hal Ross.Roa Jr.. Gary Clark. Ernie"'I rivalnvni of nr thc Mormon pioneers In ' . L': car atolestolen in Kimberly. RocMler,RocMler. Chris MobbuU. MlchacIinc. Ssalt alt Loke valley. TheyT hey were identified os Del-1. Saras, RRlchnrd, Ncher and U rry"y. OpeningODcir cxerclaes for prhnary ,• i'- . . bcrt fu.sFu.ston, ID, and Larry Bun- and bocRock,'Mcltt, -' ■ ' wwill Kl>c heldJ at the church, foi- •• *T~qp . ■,'.";?v.j',i^f-.r-r dy. alianalias Robert N elson.'30..The,e . •' ' *" ' ------... : lowedlowed b; by Uie parade to-down-:;:r; I; V V two. m en were apotted by Deputy A / I v i . town Shuihone and back to the ’-', |9|H F ® \ V’' ------X- - Sheriff. Roy Mltdwll ofter nn ilUAdvisory V J Board cliurch asain, W ■'r / t / t nH all p<,ini p61nta broadcast alerted him CJ1 —4. Children who‘hnve pioneer o r ..... A . tolo the th c stolen s car. . " lidJaKSlates Meeting •.• . itoVeliy costum cs-nrc Invited to.‘ (jjp^U ^:'^ foundalions ^M*.; bb8^B^ _ ------» ^ I Z ----- H e-cal . Hc'callcd for help on the po*. -,u„oi wear Uicm; PiSoW ^ dangerom thnn •'I h. V lice radiorati and wllh the aid of a ^ t Prlmory oJflccrs nnd- teacher*— ; i» ^ , K hM hoppe w^ ‘n '4:_. /. patrolmanpatrolmi Richard Slmmlt made. „T”,7. " cau! arc. In chftrne of arrangements. ! ^ , of land m anagem ent, will m eet nccordin li the way ® " ’ KBJBi ^ ’I thethe arre arrest. They were drlvlna a °[ ®nd icet nccordlng lo Mrfc. Arthur Hall, SS*2,2St,omtVpower.- ^ • 1058 R enault . fctolcn from Ony at 10 a.m. Aug. 7 at the court-i r t - l pre.Mdcnt,..pr«idcn' ______■ .- ^ | h | - m 1 i ( .S’ 1058 R t house. in C L , 3 -___ ’ X..L jcA /cSagM I i • Slivers.Sllvcr.i'. KlmtJCrly, police saJd. ’ house. , B» im porw nt Xoclorsora - TT-n ^ v ^ S > ! 7 1 s S K j i ^ K 5 j ,V -'-‘I V ’ - jj i - - --B - B o o th th’-m - e n a re b e in s-h eld Inn AccortAccording -to disulcl mnBOtj ' mnjor.com- Eg^i >3 Burlcy Jnll for Twin Falls andirt managcimanager. Dale H.' Klnnaman.JS l , GcGet BALER T W IN E ■* ery -:‘V \ S -I ^ \ I B urlcy , rf^ g ffin almwt every J ^ ! A \ f i ur r '. . w Walla a lla Walla nuthoriUe*. butit ynrposeyarpose of the'.meelhiR' is .'.toj'. t o j ■■From Ire la n d ; t ^ ^ -1) • S Sheriff h e riff Jomcs Benham said hele make{nake rtrccommcndnUons on graz-'l™**,l It'sn-, betterj, In the long miu \ % c ''. j f ______would ■] would let Wiishinston authorl-I- Ins 'feesfees and to take dare of any I _ - y — tiea-have-Uiom,------:------_.qlhCLm other matters i which sliwld prop-jl f i i r ■ The federal bureou of investl-I. erly be reviewed, before ij|-GL0BEj^6^|l the!|'~'*.** av- SKrFaa-,;!iz2=r*5aiw /■ / '.. ■ Ration also Is InveatlRatin*. Ben-1. board. • • ' --•*» • 1 1 ,\L) Jdc |ll^ W-T!l y^-jjHyii I p* f y y , hnm salsnld the two men stole a car Vd— »*v*— «>m*whora-ln-Orogon and,abanits .. I ^ H Ion ■ doned IIIt In KlmberJy before tak- ^ “ In* th c Renault.' ______1 ■ Benham said Puston faces an 1 I CENTRAL LABOR COUNCILICIL of/lceraofficers icheck orcanitatlon by->r- meetlnr of (he Twin Falla Centwle n tw l LLabor abor council Th««»»day eve-n i’ armed, robbery charge In Wuh- \/>J ^ Uwa ahorlly after theJr election.tlon. From the left are-Glenn Brown.rn, nine.ninj. A total of 22 delegate*!s repreaenUnrreprescnU 11 local AFL-CIO.ri, InRton ' while Bundy or NeUon !1& I vP . SHASHASTA ^ vice praldenti Jean Fennel, tecretary- fer.x * “- £■: lel, tecretary-treaaurer, and Itobertert affiliatedafflliatei unions attended thetie KsilonMstlon Inli Twin FalU (Tlmea- charged with embezzlement. ^ ^ ^abfuoai=^ntia«ati:^htr-'>'eea^eeU{LJ.ir£ra_42eeleiLiat»a..i/eorxBnluUoiuil— ,a * A * * * ““ ENLISTS IN ARMY Mrs, James Aacuena. Mr*, HAZELTON, o.z^ ;ju ly .21 — L tt r y Produce Booth I Charles'!Charles Pcrry and Mrs. Bob But- Oene g " " Albcrtaon,^ aoivof-Mr.-Bnd - — S i “r.mS', *bSS.« Cei C en tra l L a b oir r ConCouncil Is Mrs. Dean Albertson, Hoiellon. r o v Plans Are Made;• Shuffle board was played ‘‘“rafter hfl.5 enlisted ° In thc army for . •' BLISS. July ai-pjana for the Uiree years and selected to be 3° Reorganized[ in TiTwin Falls b™" the be held Aug. a. „aent n t to Europe as his enlistment ' S iirv i Re Orange produce -booth for the _ cted tween union members and thc ’ tec Robert Johnaon • waa elected tween ui D Eg L ? - - , ------...... prealdent of Chc newjy reorpnn-fon- public In gencrnl." JcOiwon ob. ob- OoodlnR Couniy fair Aur. 10-18.■18. , t TRAINING b a i NEARS END ' iicd Twin raiia. -Ccnlrnl- Laboribor served....served.. . _____ ..______.were,_dl!iiwere dlscuased and commltlccaeca JEROME.JERO; July 31—Cadet Ron- ■ I council at the orftanlsation's Any l0( If wero ■ appdirited~i ■ Uic~B»saifsa flW7,‘ flW 7 ,‘ Saunderi,“S 24;-3on-of-M n — ■ “ n's Any locnl union th a t Is on af* i®*"® “ JewelfjpRepBif” ~ ' Austin B arcus Sff,Initial mcctlnc Thuraday eveningilnS filiatefjuate oior auxiliary member. of OmnseOranse nmeeting Thursday. and M Mrs.tj Clifford A. Saunders. J I at the Twin Folia LAbor temple,iplc. Uiethe AFL-CIOAfL- cnn Join the coun-lun- Mrs. R'Ruth BuUer. masler, ap-ij>. routo‘‘“uto 1. Jerom e, b ache^uled to . I , CANS ■ [ _____Olenn Brown ^aa.nam ed vice cll, he »isaid. . . . pointedpAinted ■•committees. They aregtfc complete six weeks of trainingng aat t ouip u r «ap«ri r«p*Ir *nd reilvi* latcs-Sche^led:- »™ Fred Halnllne, decoraUons; M[,r- ar- the‘he irserrescrve-officer training corp*cOrp* 'inj'injj c*n r«»t0f* your I pre»ldcni.and-JeaiuPeanel...»cc^ Meailn m c .49- - McellnRs Will be held the r„J- Un Slane and Doran—Butler;laj. ‘f^^TC)- (R O T O - a u m m e r- c a m p -a t—Ft.;-F t. ^v»1«»bU-<»U.i»>.(Bljy_to.,ic11vs. ^vali ______• ond 'Ihur.'Mlny of each m onth.V"?: u t ora.M ,?sheatha: M r .. a n d . Mirs! rs, Lewi*.Lewis, W ash,. Aug. 3 ...... ' „ n »ervle*. T 1 | M !i foLKn’?uJtS'.ni.‘'v.‘S• E- rjr.'8 p.m. at Ihe Twin IMlls labor ° Frank Lenker and Mr. and Mrs. temple, Jolnwon noKfd. BU “• R HSndS.,®"'" ' - Sa'Ji Bishop. Brain ond gun^US .CAN’T GET m ' Johnaon said the 'Rroup haaj,j5 A total of 22 dclcsatcs reprc-P"’®* Bhcaths: Bhcaths; A rthur D aniels, dr^- 71 HERREn'S . I * been Innctlvc for about fourfQ„r sentlngsentlnR III local unions attendedidcd beans; Lloyd Hanstcn. grain AUTO INSURANCE? i . u , yeara. DurinR th e p a st tw o wcciw.,(1^.,^ th e reoTAADlaiijonnl m f r c tin i n g jeed; veiVerno Carson, grass' seed: w e MFG. JEWEIERS L .J ,« h..d.. .h=“ ‘® UMaurice S J J. Dlncen. Bolae. fieldiljid Thursdn>Thursday. Three reprcscntatlvea•ivca MMrs. rs’ LioU oyd Hansen, .Mra. E ffiem e ^ . ^ QIO f''®n' Ihe Women's DlvWon comom- - uQuiier, m ie r. ^Mra. Doran Bmler andmd T Taber ab er Iniurcnce Agencyney 1 13^i» o kimb.,i/ Rd.. 7ii.o«m | ■ 7. 1879. In «representative P « « i for Uie AFL-CIO "fJJ' ‘he jjrt Montana pnd Idaho reslon hoa},Q2 >”ittccmittee oion polltlcnl education alsonlso Mr. and Mra. Blaine Steele, veg-eg- 113 SboabcneSb No. 7U-1214 > t o s jSrfeouniy. 111. He moiTled S S tf'WeiUrAUff.17rl904.-at been-ln-the-nreft..aa5latlrig_locn1 »een-ir ocnl attended.a ttended, - ...... -c ta ctably, b l^ , t and Mrs. MarUn Slane. U — . ^ personnel to get the councilincll m b w h S' SS^Z S ‘ln ’ lW< mSy W here h e waa toj”™? atarted ““ [“ d again, iWBtr KKl «l“ -W orkedJJi_ihethe "Purpoite P“ *T of the council la to i i iMDlinlnB mllls.They movedvTd c rc r atoc ^ -b e ttc r-u n d cratan d ln y -- be- te - - J-)• U^ L Y IS ; mhiiiW about two months ano.iRO. ;------in » a®enjbcr of the. Meth- ./^ piM thurch. . . 2; \Gooding > 0 Fair K< U jurrlvel by hU widow.- EAT M K rSd“i?„.«s.=: Bo HilltT: BUU-B ^B arcua. Seville.S Board Meets I W iSfTIrr-Ellinajeih-Deyen —Q~ o o O o O P m o r J uiy-a i^ M e rn b c n r ------■ THE QUOTA" I 6aUle,uul Mr#. C arl W . H u tcth- h - of the OoodlnB< couniy fair board ■ laioo. HiUey: nine grandch’ l-*■ met Thuradayj evening to p plan lan . . MONT:; 1 ’ 'v w k K A dtmoDstraUon on decorAUnsins In In the the Appaloosa and Arah‘«3i U E S you can'tt matclmatch anywhere! aXa wu liven by Mrs. John)hn classifications. closiiri This Is the flratj byr giving you V A L U E 2 B«lion at the Tiuraday meeUtiRIng time time trophies ( bave.i>een pre*! o( Uie M enr Uaid 4-H club hield e ld sented. Mnled. Olauner said. I ll Uie home of Nancy Nye. . Clint Clint Abercrombie waa ’ reap- Plani for A chievem ent day pointed polntec chairman of the parade. Another Factoryr DirecDirecif Shipment' ftn dlKuaed. Donald Baltscra c r and and MikeM: W atson la chairm anB o»( [j.lW iS iu s t Received R f .. Anot ihewtH the group how to makeaJcc ^ the e an an n u al queen contcsl, which)■hlchl r-.'W > . • « ' muptpcr baskets from Ice la u now now 0790. and fun til ;»"• I} and resides in Jcrom-Mom*!. ' ' V :v f ------I Attached:hed To AllA Items itemeeUm. Lincoln. p n « l . Camas. Elmore or Oood-:ood-j I' h p -~ — Ing countiesCO' Li ellcJbte (a enter|inter! |l^— During July "*n the contcst. v SNAKE RIVER I ‘"m”T he queen will be nam ed1 oni t'.. V, ' the the last Iw nlRht of the rodeo and I r- I r-' JULY i». l i t : ^ will ..Ml rccrive ri »75 and ft trophy,iphy, ■I ^------IT MEANMEANS MONEY dn »»C(1 kr ngr.ta «t RtcUa*. ” a%c«i.£j«i «BW. ■»< H Her er twon a tten d an ts will receive^celve I .. H ___ ■■ _____------e __ _ m ^ tilln f p.rtlM), |30 |30 each. en( . .. ••., Olath. N«f- The T h rannual queen’s dance will;win; - "Vr" TO 1YOU!! be held'ln the old armory bulld-aim- . 'v.s I II ~-~/y ■' In g 'a l Uie QoodinR county fair. fair* -S' I '''' • Rroundft Saturday'. Aur. 4. i- -s?LiucyeitrW3 ••- ' ■ « ! ------mill l l 1® W Glh»r QUtnlUIn In ful.le•uiiie yCUrSycnrs Ibefore ahe retired In 108B,105B. :, n ^ Ml 'HfBl • - . 1 I I Sho moved to VemonIn in 1BS8.DS8. • v V ,.\i ^ i M m (WM SurvlvlnB arc a sister, Mrs,* P. p X \ ll-* !'. I . . . I. •. '------Model FD-13T-62 l!lL Al_iDncla>..Tiiekcr._Ta-Jn-rclb.. ______;------ftnd-two-broUicra..Robert M orrcuia —_____ | 13.24 eu. f t ^ id Irfl Morrg».- boU» Vernpnla. ^ I ------.— n e t c i p i ^ ^.'•i--.,-ffrl" .,- I ...... 19...... — ------m ' RIGIDAIRE 98^ ' B a F - F t l G ; r H o l Alisphait| s f I m olOUCT o u c T o OP p OBN8RAI.- MOTORS 2-DOOR refrigehefrigerator-freezerZER — ^ THRIFTY 1 40" . I FOR DRIVEWAYS,VAYS,STREETS, ‘ > "Pull'n "Pul Clean Oven'-' 5g I .• No defrostinging ever In RRefrigcrotor section! |=^PARKINGI,t)TSS |,t)TSrETC^ =' M | ^ •■^More'room'forfrozefr?H orfrozen’foodsrSpacioUS-l 00-lb.~ t " K ------— zero zone Freezer-r-seiFreezer-j-seporot'e insulated door. —- - ^ ^ EleElectric Range .« • T w in P o rc esldin'EndmeM-lydrQtofS-store ld in 'E n o rn e t 3 4I. ■ ------' -FREE ESTIKSTIMAT-ES—I ~ 3S ^ ^ ^ — bushei-oMresh-iriiitiQTcsh-lrults-ondvcaetobles! ______•• -- F

P k 73 3 . 1 p 9 ' ; I " 2 6 8 “ ^ AND QUALIFIED TRAOE-IN •WJTH CASH COUPONS ANO QW OT'ngJs wff rsiness-NoJ;^ | ___tmy -'fc '______■ V NO PAYiPA Y M E N T S 1 mMI m a m a g icL^i^LEY_ Vi^ B P H A ttPr-PAyiNGTii^ A M L F A L L ! [ v e your W o y ' ' . ; . S I s iiti t" i e f Us J>aye Ycui •« T w in Foils T l m b S■Nw r N ^ * ■ ■ ^SLfndoy/.July 22, 19629 6 2 : . ' ■ •'— " ; r jPlkcihg tlagr^' | 0On Everest.. * ^TfiIs P la n n e d — t -■ —W AmnN6TON,-J»^7 ai=W ~ -T - Aa- wor: .. Ing planned for next year, • . ■ AlAn 18-man team will carry out an extensive sclentlfloI .research research : , proiprogram ih making theie assault ’ ' o on^^ n . th? forbidding 29,038-foot ... - peak,--the_:NaUonftl_Ocogr»pblcicographle — -SSsociety announced, todoy. TThe.expedition n ex t spring , ; ■ wtll iM Jed by O . • renirenfurth, Santa Monica,t, Oau/,Oauf, a pariparUclpant In five otherler Hlma- ' - layt layan ond Alaskan exploratlOM. .. I Plansp; for the effort; to scale EverestEve were announcedd by Mel- . vlllevlUi Bel Orosvenor. president oof f tthe society that wl» be a ma- H • Jor' Jor-^>acker of th e expedlUo n . ____ FFrance Drags - -Endorsement-E lent- - JOf Gieneralal PPA W S, Ju ly 31 W — P iw ia e n f .•. OhBCharles de Gaulle went out ot hUhis way today to emphasUe that - FFrance ra wlll not be Just a rubber St&!stamp for. the appointment of OerOen. Lyman. L. LemnlUerIzer.as .a* #U;SU:; ... ■ ' . premfr’AlHed-commander-ln-Bu* — 3d Col. J^pe ea to Bob Ilill, ton of Mr. u d Mrs.Un. Ho)IU] rnrreaUd In Waablniuma by Sen. FrankFrai Church, center, ond Col, BON VOYAGE 1* d rea to. Bob ktlonal commaoder of tbe etvlt aeronautics ,j E. inn, klmberty, who Isli one oof r 135 civil olr patro l cadetsftdets en HowardH( Ashwortfa, national commai nantles -j-jjere seem ed UtUe doubt that th a t . ' proposalorooosol — the Ilnnl two weelu ot ff? tho /HK?-aea- S_ terlin g Dlam ondeers, 0 aOJn jn .;* Uitithere, to discuss the proposed higl eon hnve been posted By Chad « ror Magic Those attending ara to Mntlsli nhiwhich the American governmentovernment *i.r . ?- t?iy^ Valley SporUng Goods vs, Pep- meimenUl health center ror Magic — r Ing-of-the-Twin-Palls-Dini-S gowning, supcrvlsor. TheJ Knuc> al-Cola.Plratc5.-10:80rnjn.}-81ron jn V s ir o Val VoUey.______their own bed roll, table) service has made to It and the other 1 1 1 9 T ru s t company o t 4:30 pjs.h i - ^ .j_ond-aack-lunch,______------g o v e m m e n U -o t-th e J Io rtli^ H M t _ :AutOT^ccidents~ Iln hole prdgrom is sponsoredd byby'lho the piots.vs._< ArcUc Circlc, J;.30 1:30 PJn-5pjn.j Tt h o program consisted of a — Win Prize? ^ Chrysler, driven by to a kft (rant fenderr eof f tbtbe e B ridal B ookt, Bible*. :____pm.: all rilnmnnd elghkJThurs; ^ r>nntftlii * jUjjs lost August, has filed « suit for Plan Jr Fair BoothO O tn - a top army marksman^byly qual- FordPo was daasaged aod tba ^ bus nn lAMmt ON uoirm day. . Y Yankcca, 0:30 pjn., ali dlomoad 17; r y ‘ *16.000 against the poKccmari ^ irim.fi. received a acratcbja tbe left D onot U * r n e ,j jltccman de’clo, julfai^'=~Carolyn=~Corolyn ii)Ifylnr-fop-Uio-sxpettjnaiksnjAa: !* six, Wednesdny. *Fish J Hatchery, • - ■ « who orrested him. ^j. , ririnv woe. wooTTtf tba >1 p— a feniers ngm - —T fie ffiUt .of-Idoho Whipple 4-H club member,,"'’“ ’L'Jfi"' dem- ®*'*Pah *>“dge during range firing Wolfs Beattors vs. OdmsleadJdmslead rridjiy. Mountain Stotes Mua^ f* 1 1 6 1 Robert E. Conner, 37,, Burley,Buriey, onionstratcd making lemon chiffon , tl to the bus were injured.L rHONg 7334542 Cattle RuiUers. 0 ajn., diamond ujtatcers vs. Mony Magics. 0 ojb., «Gets ' New Chiefif T> rt charges " patrolman .Robertibcrt D. pieplo . when. the Declor . raSThrltly ■>'« M-M14 rir.a A bole was knocked throughbrougb a BANK a nun lioo. five: Pacific Empire Wfe Life vs. ^dlomond five: Armco50 MMetal etal HAGE31MAN.h July 2lc.Tr. 1 - B .V. r D . . Slmq' “ m ltr ossaulted h im w1th ith force xxhrivcrs h Home Improvementemenlclub club JJIn Oermany. •' • „wall at tba motor branchch bttUd.bttUd« HoinmuWTjinirPlpcnr®- S m ralRs, and snelt5r5~inai!e— s-CHKKlNS= = . ■ UMBERS ■~'™ 5r55 Doyi' iliei j ■ From ojir own rotUiaHoI^ _ ~ L.et e t uus s h help e l ] you plan a “New si- J j f t j - ...... Liook” o o k ” tof o i r yqur home . . .

y ...... •lOAHOCONCRETE-...... ______1 - = j ^ \ "»«w „y" ^ t '.MASONRV ASSN 5 3 . . BUck w . Antique Bfown ■ ■ «E“ Evarythlng ' to Build Aknyfhlng"' n y th in g '^ “ — ------w o w

^ | r ~ B OBUILDER'S n 3 YOUR FAMILY t S g .. S USUPPLY l 1 ^ ^ ■ SHOE STORE dson's I ' ■ Jaroma>T'^ NTKKm u m fiGE^EtozSMS W E E T — ; ^

l^ffi.cm th« J'*'* ™ |EVj ' f o f i h ' ^ ^ ’SLe^iiotW ■ ' k 5 - ?pv.‘n 9 ^ t i ^ S ^ theft 0* ^ H n m .jjjgt?lt,ur«li>y nlBht.

i W i S S ; r . r 4 H ;f;, ‘:;l; i M -HAtE-Y^S-VE-AL—;a i ^ ...... ^ .£ .,in Ul. .™«p ,)^|i;i;t!p s i i w p *^h'ol»Ulet Cowl- i'f.'.Vr’ Cc U B E SSTEAKS. I i i i l l i ® rrrrSi I OKAY'S OK M iss;s Muff uffet B akety Speciaipecial! . -01

UKMW CO«yr lUCKJTLUCKY BONUS WINNEB. Mn.Irt. Gordon ILee, left, 484 Hl{hlandnd avenue, lila presented 110 cash br C. E. (Bid) B eu»fi. rigbl, chairman of the Doirntown Merchantsrchanta assocLassocUtion who iponwrt ■'theT.ueky-Bc.nui Driwlor each week.-Mr«.-Lee.won-the.iltl_Thurgday-week.-Mr«.-L< jradav afternoon.aftertio Since she was . not In air a»»cUUon Kore she did notool cetfct tl the bic prlte money of SM. At eaeleach Tbnrsdays araw- -BOIATCWm IT O R O I L ! ttore which bclon r i to Ibe auoelatlon,laUon, J40$40 Isis addedi to th e d r a w ^ — - LLS... °” ] _ Jag. If the wlnnerli Ml ia.» itore which.b lar. Thumday the prltt wlU be! worth T>0.~y?0. (Tlm ( w ^ew i photo)' ^ rtn inciude h b wJdow. _f-» . 1 Ol Johnson and Marvin Rands danc- G /v 4 ?* i* o ed In the.Dutch scene. OS lo l J f l t l bU a l l . T e a m A t ‘«i-S «d'^S .'.';RKoad oa< Show “ A t The Fountain!itain! £Sunday Only! ^ 8 o e Struthera, Joliet, R ussia, was repccscnicd _by C /i/^ lr iw i Duane. Trammel,. Gary Larson,; OSeeking-PIayers- C c i k l l l Presented ?»SsJanet Ballcy and Laura Ander- SHOSHO>SHOSHONE, July 31 - More SSrioW??: Pres son d do c lnin g tlitl>e dance KorobuskJca.• women arearc nneeded to make up the i s , r : - I n S l In Indian and Eskimo costume,, local womenwomen's softball team this h o r tc a k e . Larry Sturgeon, Lorna and Clair: year. The groupb practlca Tues* rberry Shoi In Shoshone Larry SturBi S t r a w b e i T hom e reprucnlcd Alaska...... doy anand d .T Thursday l nlghla from _____ {boDiNo cowmr ' SHOSHONE, R„nR„- ju iy ir- -one T he. show closed wllh fullI 0:30 to 8 p.mp.r . Rt th e field. world" was theme of the LDS A gam e Is p la n h ed w llh the ‘M chorus slnRinff tc Hawaiian gul* A game I tar accompaniment by Susan and1 Jerome teom.teon Mrs. Ray Campbell ,« VALLEY. GOLD, 6-oz. DIano Rork. Darlene Olauner,, Is coachinRcoaching 'tho th ree Blrls* team s 10-lb;^Bag- 1 0 -lb - ...... VALLE ?ecreaUon.h»llftcreaUon. and at the stsike Lorraine Hunter and Barborai as portPort of theU summer recreation r^ d show event Friday at Rich- Thomaa placco the lels duringJ program^program,______i n A r r e s t e d i n S 3 . ‘““” this scene. — f^nturfng "one world" through , 49F~leiLemonade 10for95c 10 f " ...... Fcnturfni ChdrMCil Mrs. Cecil Cope. Mrs. Cleni Club(.1 1 1 Meets A ' ^on W arrant mualc and dance, approximately 100 y o u th s parUclpated. T h ere XCroft ° ‘*' and Mrs. Allen prepared Plans for ft picnic and Achieve- SKIPPYSKIP ...... ^ --MrJiB:■^MrJlBrl-lb.-Can ...... were dances, narraUon,. Instru- JlJ®the scenery for the show, feaiur-^ ment dny ^ were 1 compleUd ot the i7T*ir»iiui«a^-TO™ ttd^-8U'« DJ ow.« •itfenlal-0nd-T0c«!-numberB.-Mrs.rtftnlarimi in s especially the Japanese find“ HlBbUncts-^.H_club_Jjjiean2 _ |l - ilflunaE.Carrttt 8.35 BJn. Velma ^jj,Allen wns director. "•3H«4llttnmaT5innnSf8c-DiRat=- *“" J PVlday evening at the home of U | rdiT-ln.PUer 6n_» felony _ - . . ground of the’ worW inscrthed ^ 1 3 j . . - 1 ^-Cotfee^-.™^ » I 68c I --Sword dancera were Mark Dllle, S ^ " ? o n ^ ' Bnrbam Messner. DogFoodTj ^ Ul frem By. Ner. - wlth-'*One w o rld ."- ...... -...... N orm an D llle. IJeon Cope. R andy *Karen jc ;„ n DilleDil wa.i piano accom-. ,^The The pknlpicnic wlirbe held July ...... er Hoot wllh bU wlfa and a 20 n t H elen C audle's ran ch . s >^l > M.J.B.M .J.B. iz'-lb. Can Sudiai wu-takea to the Stoddard. r Brent, Hsdlock, Oary panlst.o ^ ..f MrsMrs. Harrell Thorae was 29 H^l SALAD BOW L Larson, Duane ‘ Tronmiel _ and nS arrator S lw rf—______MembersMembers n nre asked to bring ^ Mil police aUitlon by C»rr. “ «®°' - proJcctsto'the-plcnlcr-Refresh- — t 7:19 ttjn. RHey walked Layne Hadlock. " totiicu>Sntracte : for the show waa a p ro JK tato ' uDoUcad from lh? poHce Tarantella dancera were JUl trumpettrum pet solosoli by Lloyd Knowles, mcnta nicnla wcTc.scrvedwere by Miss Mess- - ^ f l !rsmg:::745c““ ^oiCoffee:^TTTTTT^. ; U 5 - - «riet»l^ his ftmily be- Thome, JnJody Bailey, Penny atur- Mr«, pp. . N.N . Stows ll and Mra. Bur- ______Salad DreTsmg geon ftnd Kann 1 H&men. ton ThomeT hom e assisted, backstage. 3-lb.3 - lb . Con, - LUMBLUMBERJACK, 22-oz. t u u ra te d t i i l a A t B;10 Slnglns . “Jamalca-parewell" — - Twla Fillt county Deputy wero were ColleenCoUe< Allen, Judy Daniels, F*8nsiipRY HELD Clin,Film Processing I C|, Richard Slowell, David Freeman. OLENNS F^RflV. \fuiy 21 — ■ Clarence Vlngst in the RIch&rd 81 h Best and rastest Settee I |J || iloek of Third street ea*t. Melvin TriTrammel. Lloyd Knowles Union PocllPacific Old Timer's club B « ‘ • " Snowdriftr 69c SyiSyrup 3 for< 99c IT If eh&TRed by Ely and John Hadlock. and auxlllai auxiliary held their annualI C Color. o lo r. I Black & Whire I orlUa wllh taklns funds Marilyn Johnson danced lo fish fry at Hull Memorial park — t 'Knlce sttttloa In Ely Sakura. a Japanese folk song. today. PlslPish and drink were1 I C Camera a m < Cenfrer | || Ito wt» worktor.. • With choruschi badcgrotad. Joycs servtd. served. , ■— ■ I V O R Y . JOY Z E S T CASCADE C A ■■I'-Regular size LoreL arge Bar

King iJ*o ...... 9 7'c c 2 for 33c 49c 2 2ro, .0.35c ^

iepmimckfortforgianted— : I V O R Y “ I p t a k e y f OXYDOL , SSPIC P I C & SPAN ■ Lorge size . .. MMedium'Bor edi •. - ...ith A A truclc tliaklat doesn’t call for a lot of atlanUonilUon; and and cabs, ticlit tailgatesic8 . '. are aro aaomo of tho ...ilrd a thatJurtdoM ito j ntjBt featunw that hblp Chovrolot.Chovrolot. ttrucks r work . ^ d o u ito job ovory day, is a .groat Regular iIxd __ 7 c ...... 2 for ReResular ular 1size .... I j» the-thinff iaoet users‘tell:urthey—^hey—iwig^wibdngiyictmofcrnofc of:^wofinvostjpcnt^ ; ^______Raa** 'c 33c. 31c 2.0,2-le- g o o d Uke about ChavraletChAvralei trucka—their reliability.'“ y- If |{ you wWi you hiid-ii1-n trucktruJk thntIhi cost you — — . And this, of courao,cowbo, comes from quality. less icsae thought and attontion,Lion, pput u t yyou o u r m o n o y o n ~~ IVORY n n a f I Sound englaeB,uigisM, strong»1 frataos, doublD-walli-wall quality. qua! Make your nextloxt buy a deppndablo1 TIDE ., JVCIVORY Flakes OC O M E T , v i ltr * , coQ8tzuctlon»on. insulatedinsulal cabe, eeparatcd bodiestodies Cbovrolet Cbc truck. New Bathroom' E size PersoiPersonal size

“ Gloiirtixo ...... '‘8 3 C’C ’ “G “Gran» ran,'i ilio ’V : ; n : - 8 5 c "^'con-pka.-v- 4 ‘ con-|; 45c~—-4-—-4-l"r-29C for - = —

“M RrCtEAN-" CAICAMAY C H E E R ' I1 V( O R Y S n o w lOc off. B Batl ath size

^ “—Ktn5-SI«CTT:^1^9- Ktng- -GionH-Giont-sixa. _55cJ Giant liieiiii . . —. 63c 2 for 33'c _ CAMAY -Prem ium DUZ-Z- -— — BRE-FT— ~-D—DOWNY ( ______^ —- — . . ...-•------—R Regul egulor-S tze _ - ___

'. QueenQ u e e i tlze .... .0 3 ReIc 9 m iilorIo: tix e .... 37c oitmtiiioSlimi ilii ..87c 33 fo'for 33c

DASH z is T I V O R Y d D C o w n y - . ■ 8 c off ‘ '■ BBotJ ath size

^ " T, Giant^ t S lixoT..... 7 5 CC ' Liquid'U quiJ^.S ””(69C - Res'ul"?Regular ttxe' =^.o.43c^

’^tU FliittiU ^Amuriea'tfavoriU rKa'tfax pi^p ' ^ ] V P P P

G l f f i^O T O LET TRUCKrnGK SjEZfl^ ...... K Oaalt^ taicksahags• aJwags costless!-a

GLIS t E N G rJENKINS— J H S ——^ M Phono. 733-3033 I : W » r t , I F a l Ul ! . ------I Q-Twln-FoHs-Tlmes-NeWame5-Nawr^Sundoy,-July-^«J-?-622 ,J 9 .6 i— 1 • ’ M ij|. in Albaifi^s V : R a c ia l P?lan la n r '

demonstraUons haltedlalted m In ^ this southwest Georgiala' city todaytoda ■ S K h because. It .said,, they carrlecarried . m u rM ,, ». of m ob Tl- wm m a "'a “ ^ with them a threat of mob vl • W U d A n t Uri?^ °> "-ull'D lit-Judget J. Robert El-El /■Kktiia.n^S'; > I B fflffim -- UoU made the.findlngidlng in IssulnIssuing V M fM Sw S , the bodiM.^ I ilnMrfiTi a n inJuncUon nammlng ing DDr. r. MMar- ai 7i[lffnTtTn Un Luther King andu d other leadlead* ers'In a movementn t started sta rte d Uulaa{ ' December to bringing ■ desegregtdesegrega- . denso'lunitle Bite s o K S ^ ' other defendanuIta In the a(ac- Bangkok. °«U« • Uon included the Bev. Ralph D.I j^^WenlUlcntion ol Abernathy and Dr.}r. W. Q.O. AnAn- derson. The injunctioninclion ag^Uuagainst jSgtKamaSi^^KSni - demonstmUons. plckeUngilckeUng aand. n d . a Invullgntors DrehM .. boycott ot white merchants rea-wbea4bey-amlgranlgrated led.to to,C»naila'Jo>J"J[ychfMd-.aj£j:icM 10*- Is daughtersdaughters ot Mr, and M n. CarlSVlS^^mT Piper. Th iSST'Sf'-"'"'™ S ° foraer lUehfRld famlljtamllj Is is 1 living lo a one-roomn sehoolbouisehoolbouse v-rite “** located at Fellers lielibts IlelgbU wlwhere Piper hos a homestead. Th W family writes It b hard to glhouse lh o u in Canada Valley Calendar '-,— ...... TheUchnlQUB-wm-be-a-nul r 21 — An The Montana staytoy enabled theI Ucal type of clolhln»f«, T n cal departure from the preset I system ol piecing together mii . b the first pipers to have theirlelr family pelsp “ ^^K^'foBacliB a c k ' — JULYJS2-23 ----- r* Arrested in , Biles on Uie pods.' usine newn« cu ts caused th e o th e;r r dUcomfoidiscomforts I I If I[|/- fjlll' slon of congress. Se T botUe *tructure olong Uie AtlaniAt anUc Uie the trip. Theyty writewrite.rela-jl|y rcI l y l l lai been'ar. HAOERMAN-Mahooho opeiopen ski.ski, tournamenti at Thousandusand Springs verged on the scene, a botU Humphrey, who has been n: wns thrown from ar car.en? strlk bench wUl be a giant bulldiibuilding uyes here BUlng a t W hite House meetlni Mrr™ «« »h« ^Ith bay* to assemble and che AUGUST 16-18 Ing oiie ot the officers,leers on Uieth ^imuJtaneousU-. T ------lonunmmcdmto-tBX-Teducde iP g ~ o iiin ty fa lr -a n d - ro d e o ,- Q n M■UVtlMg in B cotjtiUr.: occurance.wlth manyy moversmovers, lileft j * ^1 ^QJ ______,ta stim ulate th e economy, sal o-changes-ot ------than-two-clty-blocks-long-ai ■ those who regard themselves i AUG. 17-18 ^ charged with unlawful assem clbthlng-for-the-'trlp-aftcr-tiiIp-aftcr-Uicy i • " liberals ought to throw thc 230 fee l deep-w U l complet* eling clothes , BO^-Id.ho All-Aq^lan .show at the Cossla county fair-falr- bly except the two women, wh' rfuHnf learned their traveling cloU political weight behindJlS™ & S'vJ dri were charged with assault oi eta during pre- probably pockeo;eo under In-I _____ Xor action now. ______„AOO. , o 23-25 ______:___:______pnllff(» n ttlr m rwlgtlntr.tw nrr»iil launch acUvlty. ------— ■7t’a-ikboutT3m e-ior-thosr-wJ -rour-launch-pad»-about-»,0 e county fair and rodeo. trespassing and being disorder^ an areount of are liberal to act that way." ! ng disorderly. . . .B « rt tBlu beM Spreadaoread alo;along unpncklng7or such an areount '*K|M|pV BVl AUG. 24-28 Commonwealth's Atty. Roystoi will ^ linked required. They/ waited urunUl rT 1 T I said. ‘'Wo shouldn't sund by ai rth Anhual Wagon days. Jester nz said he was not li So f fi. " w wiS ta unk s relaUves bHpHM Bpi ■ le t th o Chomber of KETCHnM-POUnh SSidtoff 8 ? a reaching Uie homes of relaU; V £. Cor, SEPT. 5-8 a position to make a commen IC clean up merco bo tho only group adv< 4*fu netw ork of roadwoadwavs ays solsolid »« Browning. Mont.. tc clean S - m m '- ra .E B - T .ln T^.ills11. co.nty^.:county fair and rodeo. - on the matter at thla time.. indle pow erful a n d have Uieir cloUieathes laundilaunder- eating Immediate action." Hun SBPT. 10-17 enough to- handle poweri phrey added that, to spur tl , , crawlers. Which wUl>U1 transport thet ed before conUnulnglg UioIho JouiJourn* ic'So” “io !5 d t w in PAUB-Wi^o-OuhIdaho-Otah TVpographlcai'conference.'li nb le d S a tu rn s. ney^______. - economy, the reduction shou SEPT. 20-22 ...... n iK rllf ponderous assembled Saturi U U g lll The longest trip belween asseiassem- run between five billion.bUUon andai p a LLS—I;dahodaho State A' Academy of Oeneral PractlUoners Sought seven billion dollars. > rrrkAMci Wy and pad will11 bebe'Iwo Iwo milmiles. • • J ____ conference. For Foreignersfn e rs me mree-sugege SaturnSotum «will J 3 R BEPT. 21-22 - erected , in Uiethe assemlassembly . . j|H Mrs. Lauraa FvkeFyk( t w i n PALLS-Stat«State conventiconvenUun'of Idaho Writersers league at BURLEY. July 21.- — „?i; Of Uie fc Ji1 building, mated to the ApoApollo J T»»x RoBcrson hoUL foreign visitors who will be 1: checked oul on Burley.'Aug. 0-11. ifirii lodgings Im fo fir spacecraft and checked oul it Rltp OClOCT. 27 ,n ?n in'? IZ M nunch rack which also sisup- Honored atbl> Rite p iL E R -P U e r rangeige buUbull sole,sole. ______only (Ive have been found, I re f . po rts Uj6 missile's••a 400-foot uiu m - Puneral serrices foro r Mrs.M rs. ILjiu aura — ------ported Agnes Anderson,»n, Chambc Ch.mber he 0«lurnSotum lu itself E llen Pierce Pyke were held St ___. WIFE LEAVESXvES Commerce secretary, Is 270 fee l UU and wwlUi ith tUie - urday at Reynolds funeral chaj SSOnS SHOSHONE, Julyly 31 21 - — Mrs. Nine persons sUll!1 need to tbe u se m b le d s p o ct^ e ra ^ fl-w l ..wlU lU .to .to w - , ______------wltK~Oig~Hevrponaia“L. Hol .Safe.1y^4i^r r - i ------Bruce—M ttll-lefc-Thursday-by■Thursday“ by placed. -They—ara—touring-touring UiIhe er-350-feat;______h Uie firs t S o t- nan officiating; - rir-lS P*“"® ^ l»i»»'ond.husband. Sec- country on a programam sponsoresponsored pif^ns to launch the first 8i A duet waa «ung, by Mnt. D Given to Girls ond Ueut. Holl at r Ft'';- Davla. by the Association-A- for WorlWorld Ufn m ipes. Lunarnor orbit shots,ahe f C Reynolds.' DECLO. July 21 — K untry e. Her partnu, Tmvcl Exchange, probably unmannM,inM, are plan-pla ' N. Terry and James C. Beynoli fmhTr. tik l^ Panama Canal »ne. Her parents, 1 1967. T h e flra t 4 S | e € A Organbt was Mrs. EleanorE le k ^o Hol ff- Kids 4-H club mtmbers:mbew Uklng Mr. and Mra. Chalmeraimer Martin. Jack Venderly, who/hQ wasw as heih e re ned for 1060 and 1967. 'The ft a safety'project went to Burley m an. ' ^ ^ B o iseI 'to to catch Uic laat .year, ia the Americanlinerlcan tourtoi landings on the moon are hopedhop .^'yTlT?T 1 for a safety plane, •______leader.______for by-lfl70. . X ______Pallbearers were LeRoy ’Welii ough-the fire Ralph Modlln, Ray Fyke.' Oen Hamilton. Prank ilodlln ai let OUs Wll- D ale Modlln. llnms directed the tour Ths girls Concluding rites were ncia held av directed the tour.lair. The girls n On Your _ ' Sunset Memorial park. a lesson on stfe drivingivlng by Bus*Bus------Bell Hellg. H. Present Other members of-thef- the club met 6 Range FiresJ I C S ------w iih --M rs.-C llffo rdd -S - S m u ttoto n n -fo -f o r r ------In A r>ao InstnicUons on llnlihlnginlihlng their WnSewinq MocKiit^c K i n e Reported ini l l AArei X c c t projects a n d recordd books,books. SHOSHONE. Ju lyy 21 — SSix After thc meetinging them e girls,girls,! . small range fires havelave occurredoccum their leader. and Ju^ofjunior leadm;leaders;! In the past three days acconaccord- Mema Voyce andi Edith Mat-Mat-, Ing to the Shoshonele bureau of thews, met at the Burley swim-swim-j ,. , . . You TooFoo / May land management office.jfflce- -. mlng. pool. One of the two’firesIres SaturdiSaturday __ was two miles northI ofof thethe PePer- ■—Blind Blil Stitch —■ Zig-ZogZig-i - Tlni» Vf«m«>l«t T» .fm-ti at 11 Bjn. and waa out by -tADY-BUGS-BUGS- — ------pjn. The' other fire-e stastarted rte d a t Do Decorotor Sewing'Vwing'With This ' 3:30 p jn . a t th e Bid crosalicrossing Order now for>r controlc o n tro l ------eost_of_Sho3hone_ftnd_WB»_oand_WB»_out.j of-ophlds,-pcrolq-beetIe- • by 7 pjn. tnrtA^—Khaiitt - o n d _ c o r n _ e a r_ w 6 a n ,_____ ATTACHMENTIe n t :: p : , • C;30 a jn . n e a r th e Ooodfc “ LUS THAN UIT p per « ocre U T C I - g —T6 -FI-T-Abb-MAKE&-:.K ES--:-r- . — CUiec small fires repo^d w< n r S S t = = ^ L n o rth of Bliss, (Ive mlleS wc KuestK u e s t of Blls.1 and one mile east ' Eden. The acreoge on these firesfit j Jerom e — R e u t« 2 ' I • will not be mapped until Mo; EA4.2259 ' day. but are esUmated to 11 - ' dressesesses tJthai don’t stain! sm all, • Blindd StitchStitching —loveV,-lo v e ly n ew s fro m I - | ;• — ■ I . ' . • Ziq-Zgq's■Zoq's It—-J—^ —----!---/3 *— Jlie_Cash is . _ ' • A p p l i q u e — ® _ . . ; , .•______US mi n d ^ I l a

C v Deli^Delivered to You!ou! •Em broidery» r o i d e r y . .. Now you c«n apply la. broidery endid fabric tri • ' AiAt Mi*in tnVOOUl orative

.. '

^foTf i caretreep-&iTd^ L ft z' ■;

t e -TheThe Print-Swea!>weater^.Tjieverver lovelierlA^^______' - ■ ' ' ' •^

YourYou feminine Instlncts'willcts'will I.nsislInsist on this. It's our newest*St • \ \ ’fc ShoiShoglonder wool ;cardlgandigon from Darlene, beautifully in bloom with I f t anon oll-ovcrI hand-screenedeened print—print- in colorings too .lovely ' ' \ \ xJi^S5^5|S8KtoSv ' to resist.ri Fully fashionedned forforperfi perfect fit. Sizes 34-40. ■"Ion M artin, -____ :•______; 1515.95 ; • A ^ ^ r i M a c i y - — _ _ ^ f c i ' S K S i , ^ Beauty liTBulklSulk! •, '■ .

S Dorlene knits a bofdI new links-clinks-on-(inks border, fo give/e your I ■ f S I r r t t Proctor. lOti oi sy i j ■ , jB ^ J swesweater tho smartestt detaildetoil evei ever. It's our long loose shaker Wiwool • 1 {J..- f pullovei-. ; . designed!d with theth e (casual look of a ^sri"S=?! \y\ ' m m ^ IS ;• _ crccrew neckline. A collectionllection of ortyo colors, sizes 34 to0 40. . . 1 —Mt95:------l -

L u (hoM a *tr«HenRth W ! W a S k ,; d \ S j s r r s i - , / / I I ■ i«» buianw- mkmmlmmml

E.K iW-E!“ >“ ' ® ? ______m m i k ' P »ni»».*«'> "'* ■ ■ ...... , ~ewr. maid of honor. k to Schools „ i irtilte 8tr*«t length l _ Hack to ® ^ i r * 8 best m an. ^ ^ U * l mtoccllBneoua ...... bride «na given ;r»nDeu> D»"-' — ■ ■■ ?■ iSw Buacher Md • . .. Perkins • ( (Ae ■ , ^r WarMobe ibe BuiRiRTers i n e S t a k e : ------i ft rCampHeld J r . ^ ■ fflONt July 21 - Blalna ^ aaB held at Camp M an* ■ n i attmled by 25 S h e Lareon. sta k e ' u d iporii leader, waa In i .6 0 1HOULPS el £mema>ta. Asalat- *! .< Viola ' YOUR: SELECSELECTION UNTIL•|L ■ ' . .: M ■nuCTplirK-Ceell—Oope? —AV ------i \ . %. len'OgoairMra.-Vem-R. —WM ------J u d Utl. Velma Allen. oe; Ua. 01» SorenMn, I ^ roOLSTARTS~“1 h; t o Pe^l P**^. I \ _ SCHOOl

0. Bet AUtcd, both Carey. ) M jartlelpated in h lk . 11, A % ^ p ' ■ ofti, fwlmffllDS -and ' ■ \ , . , I ^ -♦ '* . HDAT SHOWER HELD • I BBILY. July a i — A nhlef birthday anntver- ______V MTfT waa (Iven to Mra. n Eturglll a t the bom e o t - lotiQ Rappleye. Kimberly. HotUl then aerved th e booemade birthday n n n l- \ Fashion;hion Action on)n an excursion;ion H Bto.______\ Fashion,ashion, acticaction, ond o versatile wordrobewardrobe orec all yours with ------— ------roglan-sleeye-3g!an-sleey8weekendef-|acket,*]9.98rthe-•]9i98rth0knit-underblouse-with.with------______uian M drtlrT 7 \\ V \ ■ extendedxtended shoishoulders, 10.98, ond the knit conecor skirt, 17.96, all1100% 100% J / ‘ \ wool.'OOl. , .

A BitB ir dof ! NorwayriirPrint irF . V j It■ takes the g«genius of Darlene to creotie a ScandinavianSd . \i» ‘ ‘ hand-screene

' ' . " " ------5 ^-1 —-^‘ ------. . ______^ _ . ' ” ■ '------: I**-;-

» 0 __;_ALW AYS A FFAVC A V O R I T E . SKIRTSrs bybv -

* ‘ ' * \ i w\ X > y v»; .

^C&^J>i8.Sum------— - ^ '•' ' • ' ' ^ - I l a m

------' •••—>■ •' ■■■ ■ ." .'.u ll'iC . •'•.•' ___ W' _ . . ' _ ' ...... ■ - (____ ; ' '

— l , 2 ~Twln Falls^Tfmes*NewsS'NeW S - m m ~ G irG le-U nitS-ofc-- :■ iliitl: HAILE?,^uly ai^Hoiley P*^ ward a m — r^undoy; July 22, 1962-. , Primary-obaerved- p4tdm m Ghurcln.Sociefy? f y ^1 'daday July IB with an."Around the th BlBleckt parade-.frore -the church El Hold Gathering I . M y r n a M o y e F I s ” ' H > ^ 9 ' i/tar opeaiag eiwrcitet 'The mi “Send us forth” was the dls- ' I "~OlsonTBride Z eusicUssIon topic o f th e Ju ly mmeellng eellng - ■ I. Of'lof.theJTwln.PaliiJW oinan’a.;So-an’a.:So- _ ■ clctcicty-o(-Cbri«Uan-Serr]ce-he)dIce-held . ■ “ iTTTem ple-Rite— - aat.tbe_Methodlst_church.Mclal t . h.M clal _ ■ - 7 ' . OOODINO, J u ly 21 —• MMyrria ym a hal]hall. Circle ten wns in chargeharge of ■ Moyer, daughter of Mr. and Mra. . the program. ■ I mftlEBME B H a o ^ E lm e r Moyer, a n d Lorry Olson. . vDevoUons were given by Mrs. ■ Log&ii, U tah, bod of Mr.1^. and WilWilliam Molberg. Jr. A report ■ , wos given on the Sehool of Mis- ■ ' M rs. M elvin O lson. Afton, ,wyo- Wyo., w ere'uhlt^ In marrtsge JuJune n e 333 3 ".... - slonB.held:in-Caldwelt.July:&-13.slot uiyi&-i3.. . ■ _i_nt_the IiDS_tomplo_ln_IiOB»n._L osan. _ Ent lon were i H - Mfi 'W olE ^ -I ' > Mrs.M r Tracy Coker and Ifis.rs.Rlch- R ich- ■ President aeorge 8. Raymondtaymond ard'Borton.ord -■ performed the double ringng cere­ cere- 3 ^ ^ Circle unit meeting wererere also ■ mony. • ... heldhell prior to the-general session. -■ | S 9 * | T he brlds Aiiore a full, length 'CCircle one met ot the home of ■ wedding dress of crystal charm,charm , - ' Mrs. Mn Oeorge Denton. Ninana Mor- ■ with nylon Ince-bodlce andtn d long J v ^ ' • rls gave the devotions ond Mrs. ■ ■ EACH ■ pointed sleeves. Her veil waa of '.•. NathanNfll Kempton presentednted the ■ • BlIlc organza and wos held by a i theihcme. "ChrlsUon youth.” MB. ANDID MES.MBS. EARLEAR j . PIOKREI. ■ white nylon chiffon" rose. Red A. program, and the devotionslevouons it ■k It . ro!«buda tied .with pink satin •' i. : ■ were combined at the circle two . , ...... - . . . . The - couple- was -marded-Julyed-July .( \ w i streomera mode up the. bridal • ' m*.!meeting held at tho city park. | , I p 19. 1913, In Hot Sprloga,», S. D. « bouquet. . \ AUa? mcmbera portlclpated in the Local Couple^ Theyg resided in Caldwell, coming ------HofjrjMnrMiiierrTwin-Paiisr — SHTTE ■© bservesH 3ay^f * was ihaid of honor and chose a ■\ : "Christ above all" was the’t ' O y ^ T " erate“• . ™'“ ebraska, [IW U>ke City, were bVldesmaldfl. - Mat Emest Pritchard gave theUjb 15 at Ujcit-home-at-ijaiuaiccn-I8B Orten- Ouests w lll^from Nebroska, L4h3 3 3 They were dressed in gowna * ',. - > devotionsdev ot the circle fourur meet- wo‘■‘"8 it mceung-beld-at-the-home-home-of of . ' . ,v* foutfder and director of the Auto-A ut^ back?"-ft8ked-onother'TOemMrr *>“« 5® ’ ” a reccpUon_wna held for the g imen It's -0»e wrlUr complalncd,w d nbout ^ K Mrs. Oorrli Watts. Mra.s. R. P.p. . Wool y/ool !sweotcr, 11.98, trimmers,mers, 12.12.98. moUve Council for Women. It's 5.0 n S O ustofson gave th e devouonsLlons.and and ------— ------' •*._ couple JXJne 30 a t th e O oom g Ujo a u to ••well" on some makes, ^ S ? S f e ? ^ educaUon for women O’" »•»» presentedI by Mrs. "^ c lo w : su lfmlaker ak er woolwooT ccardigan, I5.98,~ifeevelesseveless sliponsi sweater, 11.98, • LDS recreation hall. WiUes Che- In tho finer points of owning,o 3 k »««““« It "Is BO hnrd to clean Lucllle Dengle. • the " S «>“ uncomfortnble lo, ride wlU,.- . . ney was master of certmonles. operating and enjoying the fam- rldcwil*. ^ luncheon waa heldl' by Uiethe slim skskirt, irt, 99.98. Use Corroll's hondy3ndy loyowoyloyo plan! Mrs. Ktnnetb Ohllnger regUteredegUtered LLetters also hove commentedommenwa drde dght unit which m met et at guests. Miss Wert* estlmotcs Uierefhcr# are 0*^ omount Of glass uscd— the0,^ home of Mr8.-NelUee Pierce, •The tiered, w hl^ wedding cake 3035 million w«nen drivers,,lL thot "Clnnmnscope windows which let Devotionsne, wero given nndid a pro­pro- Open Fridays untilntil 9 . . wns placed on a servingng table ^omejj account for 60 per cent too much sun.ln both frontironc andana „n conducted by Mrs.'s. LeUIeLettle • • _ covered with white nylonIon andond ofoj service aUtlon sales, Mdand SSthat back" sold one writer.M Said an- AlbeoSJ was presented. dncron lace over pastela - green,green. there-arejij 'f.VmJUion-two-or-more other^LJtould feel safe if the -M" J rs.-HrOralg^aa In-charge-of - - The cake waa buked ondd served ^q, ir fam ilies, which m eanaua 7.4 m il- "J"windows were sm aller and a n d there th ere ^,0 program "Youth and the by Mrs.- Lels McKeeth.• Olenns UonH( feminine chauffeur#ra portlc-partlc- gloas. ^hiChurch." at the circle ninene meet------rcrTy--A8slstln?-M rs.-M cKKeeth *eth aat t uluiarly In tho suburbs. COne womon su8gestcd_thotd_that de- |nging held at the home of Mra. Ada the serving Uble were Mrs. Hope Membership in the council,mnpn or- nr. ^signers produce a car.r withw ith ao w. w . Powell.- Mrs. LilUe Menser Prince.- Mrs. WUda Papworth. eanized a t the beginning ofQf theS e 5^ »P«f“U " “ -‘n 8™“ fy cart ^which ‘‘‘ch ga»gava tho devotions. Mrs.lirs. Ida Mrs. Pearl Robertson. Mra.rs. Vema year,„ now numbera nearlywl 10fOM,000, would do owoy with thothe back- MayMo Wagner was a guest,t. Albertson, Oayonne Cheney.nW' Lln- saidjj Miss Wert*. Although onfv only breaklng'llft^ In ond out'ofjut'of car Mr5.J Ruth Houk conductedJcted the _,do Nelson ond Colleen Wogstaff.Wogataff. a^ fracUon of the potential.?m; i Miss « a t o r trunk. “T hot."‘ she said, buabusiness meeting and devotionsdevoUons a».lhe:kind of.extral’d Uke."— ot------^Background muslo-waa-playea«-p5ayia WW «S=»ia=lW =e ^ h lg lilp ^ l 'd Uke."— ot tho clrolo eleven meetingting held - . — , . n letters Miss Wertz said numerouslerous let- i^t the home ot Mrs. Mildred ------• ------by Trudy Henderson and'nd' Beth fractionfr Judging from letters a ______JSiHMTijwy iwf/t <.nnnrH headQUortcra.douartera. tenters ore conceroed with»lth chil-chll- Ne;Newmonn. Guests were Mm. _ ^ Hanley Payne and Mrs.JVSt-—^ O. W. ^ — Ros* Prince, uncle of thaJia bride, Many of the lettera praise the dren’s aofeiy. “ •lorf th « f Klndemood. • --gave the-openlng PWff...... ^ automoClve.ai Industry, but Miss COne woman suggested that ^ tlther*are ■■ tYM-o r ohlchlldren-to-BMmd-lnrtlnce-most n r d ^ rin Armstrong-was In'chargete of the Uie =1! Provo. TJtah;Barbaro Cangorgan,mgo^. outrightbi gripes. fWchildren were determined to do 1*" SSted do- devouons.levoUons. Olenns Perry, and Lomoa Steph- -vrtien a woman geta■lA inlo a Another sugscsted do- K' uest. e ns. Cicar. knofcka off her bot and herhi.r ing away with “tho buttonsS i n . onoa "■ S “ ,» “ The program Included1 two TO-vo- sklrtasl rlde'Up, ahe'a more apt »«to doors so children can’t opcn them when the car lai“ moving."rnovm ?' , BEIDE IIONOKEDn> f cal solos “A t D aw ntng'Uw nd d “D es- sound« o ti tltaa ahe laI t?. .write.wrile auu another wonted some.|S° Mrtsort J SHOSaoI® July 31^ ml5-m\s- , ert Song" by Maxine Nelson.lson.?iCrt. Kia. aboutoi convenience o f owning a ofo f sofety eQUlpment ton mcv^m oke » a eellaneousf®: bridal showerT honor- • K. T. Butler presented a read- if^^BMdv driving,ig. or or iLs iLs car cor ’’run-proof when littleiiuT“ririB ’drlv- Mrs. Eric Abraham was held Ing. "The Courlahip of Sandy W. Grove . MncTavlsh.- ' P' pleasing color scheme."’ aheshe aald. eraera' are ot the wheel" of oa park- Mra. O. V. Pethick,ftick, co-CO- Two tap dances. “Ballin’illln’ the I

''rw ^.w ridlni Mp -ir' to Ssilt a lt v ^ ' V Lake City, the bride chantedlanjed to k , J — - a'two-piece peach dresi,I...... < \ • . f t k ^ J ■. Large ;sVecfion ' Olson attended . RicksI college. \ Rexburg. a n d TTtah S tatetat« uni-unl- ' a ' verslty, Logan. He Is employed of styles style and colors. I by Thlokol Chemical company.ompany. Mrs. Olson was graduatedited from f n f U B H M l r r i i t l i . Buy nowno when selec- j • Oooding high school, ond and aat­ t- _ i ____ L A iw B iH H ff/AWM tended Ricks college andnd Brig- Brig­ ~ 7 fSraHBBHn t\\\« ham Voung university.r. Provo, w m s a a m B m tion is at its finest. . . Vtoh. She taught schoolII for one J u b MBBW • \-V year In the Ooodlng elementaryementary 'A m W H M M O i 'T school. ------The~rouple~win"re8lde~ln*l»^le-ln'lU K ------Ran where'they both plan ^ to '* TOwa w g w M ~ conllhUi .'IhBr-atndierrafrrDUh:«MtA)v| r - ar P S ta te ' university. Out-of-town guests att the th e rere­ - ception Included Wlldada Pap- 7^^ '^esaa _worth. Logan. Utah: Mr. and JilaBB ' Mrs. Ben Krahn, Palrfleld:leld: Mr. iffltmfflr nnd Mrs. Rollln McKeetheeth and / BSgfiKB family and Barbara Longorgan.angorgan. . A B m RB bs Olenns Perry; Mrs.I. Annie / \ K w l ^ n o l Prince. Weiser; Mr. .andtnd Mrs. li\ Ross Prince. Ely. Nev.; Mr. ond and H/\ . Mrs. pec Nelson. Meridian;Ian; BBar- a r- }j f / l 1 / ^l T P^ v I I ORIGINALS ..bara-Wood and Linda Christian-Kristian; • - W A / ^ J ^ «n. both'Provo,' Utah;h ; Mory ------r ' 'T7^ a B e “MlUerrTwlirpaIto.. ond“Mr: ond-M r: ------'r/vj^.~nSa2^Z ...... — a n d M ra. MelTtnand fam- O lson a n - d fom - .A - rA yjlw ^S^ .. Uy. A lton, W yo. I ■ Slimnessimness of ththe. wool jersey sheoth ,■ T.F. G roup.H ds Is on’iphoslzedomphoslzed by the set-in front v j H n H Potluck D inner 1 ponel.mel. The necneckline being o perfect ^ '______A •p6Uuck-

------m e m b er'w a s reminded th a t ree- “7“^ ■ ^ ., r ^ ular_ attendance U Jle c e im y to , .retain membership.' m • ------u S h e .n m .meeting wlUlU be beldheld . . ' " M a y f a i i ' / '-' . Sept. 8«. Each member U aaked a i r TU aaked ...... d n o p '.I.I i ___ ' to thei>e annual ; , ^

y \ . • . . ------.---

------■■•■"• ‘ ___ J-...... '• ■■ . Sunday, Jiily 22;i 9 A ^ :^ ^ G olden W edding i|B i|B ludySharpto Twin .FolU tt_m»-New». l 8 ;^?ri -A nrriV erkirs^ls^— A^Qd-W d>son.in—

E S S W t e ' - ^ B E M oK bred By Pair \u g u st Service . In^^Al-BublFint K Sap -Mra. R. .yrilma shorp, Twin U7 9f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph w . ^ Falls,■alls, and a n d A lbert . R . sharp, Carp'ln Palls.Falls. ■ Ji'3?' w 1013, At ] home t/. C arpenter's alntei:. Mra. TheT h e bridc-elect bride is a i8Bl grad- ' . w. B. WhipWhipple. Carpenter was ; uateute ofot tTwin> palls high school ^ I p M Wltn the Idaho Pow er company andmd haa attendedati the University m E v « w 3 H v . ___ _ - 1?!!. for manySfiSJLyeara ti aiid served u — 1 1 illiaspai- or^rldabozl - - L ' ^ ------HHfURJiTmhnQKrtelbn mDnoger h e re uriUl h is ^ ^ K | s if:rldabozfoi^neryearn;ahezla reUrement lrla lOM. . ' . aiffllioted ffiliated wwlUi Gamma Phi BeU. ■SS& ^iifceti BT a C^ The reccpUon for 300 guests ’ WWatson atson was graduated from ^jS!f'*Ldel7ipv‘i KuLc rwln Palla high school in lOSd K ^ .iS id iriU> dust. H ^ u s a f f i K ? ' ; ' ____ ■■ woaheidfttiheld at the home of Mr. and * ^ 1 “ B&a.g?y%>b«n..M 4 • fiw ll *• Mra. Mr8. Peavev.Peavey. *m e ta b le wiui cov- He has attended me, university ^ ^ ■ 3 B t f f l g S t h '. » h lte gUufloU. R u K r trKTT*'*;', • . ered wm,with j Imported white >f Idaho for. three.’yeara and is K |g g y ^^ y tuit flunked 'K • • .llneallnea clothcloth ; and deeoratcd with i-m em l^ of Phi Gamma Delto an off-center bouquet of tails- Inttemity, He wlll attend phar- j MR. AND. SfRS. RALPHALPH W. CAICARrENTEK m nt^^o men roecs, a Uirte-Uered nrd- 1 r n j ^ achool a t P.ocatello this m^ h L L of w W » .‘U rk - ■ | H k . ^ ' I •. •______(Kelkerker photo)pboto) . IvSS ^M tad pudy* tlUt, j^ g i^ r \ ding cake coke d decorated with gold ______Ki> ti*?Sytfpw-« tnd tiele K»C3CCnt«rtroses centered the table. ------An AUff. 18 wedding is plan- 4 W i ^ .. -.’cT^, - -.■ .. .• ■. .. - The recelvl noticed the blllboords .are fewer ned. li!ffin»K nt«red with H |fiM The receiving line tacJudcd Uie Shortcom ings -ond smaller. JUDV EHABP ■bShS^^ oI Irelwd com- ' ------honored-cou- honored-couple .and thcir dill- ■ jnO rT C —. ------...... , \ dren.. Joe Carpenter. Boise, who A , . ApparehUy the word!la getting E f & S m t i i deeontlons. g J B k fe r \ L ' ...... acted as Joe best Cl man for hb broth- WO lf /\A U uto T ravel around.r« 'Jd ”' S that l the-motorist wants C ,n U rC A letter woa reod from ||B '^ - y ^ In mmlBge^r __ to reod.hls.t^jLerM ng.ln the Jeanette MarUti. a former .mem - .. ■■- • berrwho-nas-iiiuved lu MeiW V '• ■ .■ H(Crol( "fcidl3YW Drnen- newspoper ond not between him W r)!ri< embotsed peau B ^ w n and a mountain vUto. H ‘ olds AAeeflng island ,Wash, , Waah, one Of the flower'girls on «n j g , a y P A U IE Y B S ^ i ^ H thatth^t^MCftjloi occasion. . . By C / The motels (excus? me. they’re HAOBKMAN, HAOERI ^ ly 23 ^ M«. . A work day meeting will b* , O th e r C arpenter r c J n U m v i s - ______l------UrLWomm’. / P H Edllor . now -coH ed lodges) get °«WOctir»c_Unker_gftvo^e.Jtasou -Le held_Aug.heidJVug.1 ; _ a t_ lO :3 0 .a a iu * t.tn i------K S ^ ^ c3.1^»8 bouffant ~ |M n - motor ted with guesta on fhe Peavey NEW YO 'If fancierC c l each trip. Wc became ao 5.? °h etudei ^ * W orld Con- church. ThiThe next general meet- ; K f^ooed with unpreased *“!!!! ^«UBhout the afternoon, th tho o highway aystem a le t ua worn- spollet* «im11(.h wu ii ith breakfost room aerv- flJct'* p e t " an t toth e general W SCS m eet- Ing is scherscheduled for Aug. a . . B ^ I i a t ^ At th e Hem- en run UUngs. U iere'd b e aome ^ ha fthrlfi roeu.and .-M S q A,^® . ,^**’«»'»ehildrcn. en lun UUt me Ice we hated to come home to ihging at tiietbe MeUiodiat church, RefreshmRefreshments were aerved by Ann. Art, Dorothy nnd Bman changes made.ma dolnrour Mrs. Robert Tupper and Mrs. gf f a -tnlfl » abort c h ^ i doing our own orange. Juice. Mrs. Le ''‘®® president. Mrs. Robei Peavey and Ralph, Flint, Ricky wNow.- * before'oll w ;, th e m en m u t- conduetea tha business mceUng,: Claude ButButta. • «nd 0 .1 . oarpm tcr. t m , ta Swimming pools at’the motels conducted ter, "Sure^llke providing holf a arca^ Mm T muchu a pmrt of the "decor” — —— ^ o_ck Jor etth parking space,” ^ y, lerm e-explaln:------JUualon. She corrled afternoon drw. and ftn^orchw arrangement of whIW g J t f ^ corsage, a g m itom her children, The Th« womenwo'" would moko aureire ultimateultimate' in 1 guest comfort came ^ —JUSTTrECEnE C E I V E D ! ~ “ «UpiwnQll» om nm ent- W m ir/: ^ Carpenter's C arocnters * boutonniere was a there wasw u drinking,d water rcadUylUy at at a moto motor lodge In Charle.iton, ? flS irr: Her Jewelry woa ft Mii, AND MBS. K,K , DEAN W ILn K IN S. • yellow camcamouon. i accessible s so that p atop for' a wW. . VVa, a , «which offered an elec- >> sort drink wasn’t always neces*es- trlcal vibivibrator In each room to ______(Hamiltonte ° photo)Phpto)______The cnke'cnke woa cut by Mrs. Hor- *°ft drink Special Parchasiarchase of » ' » s s : s . v « ______ace Holmes.Holmes, Mrs. Charles Coiner, sa *‘‘ry ry oaon a hoe^yay.-fheh billboardsrds help the Uredt motorist relax his would be even few er, r e s t stopaopa muscles.** breath. Smllax graced the basete Mrr. L. O. Conrod. Mn. B. P.P. and Mrs. c.c, H. Krengle. Presld- WQuW be e 5"usi!s.sr “ s Johnaon, Mrs. Prcd Rlngcra nndId InirIng aat t theth e pipunch a n d coffee serv- would be thereth without having to We found»«.. the courtesy of fill- I • ; of the cake. (?*’"'«"■ *2 5- Ices were Mrs. T. C. Bacon.'Mn. depend on the aJwoya-courtcoca ^ L ittle G irls' L m Conrad a t t f n d * h w »l«-, Garlands ®“' of smllax formed Mra. "“7Ray cCothcm as co-hostcss- Ices were M in* staUon altendahls undlmln- L-l , £ f ^ - fiaaid of honor; The bride'a Onrlnnt 'h es. A. JJ. . Peavey. Peavej Mrs. Rose Sinclair, filling stationsstat and once-Just“ * Uhed, Even when we drove up S ^ an ta were Mrs. Wll-. loops aroi a round th e tablccloUi w ith '*• ^ 1. Mrs. Arch Coiner. Mrs. Bdwnrd oncc —- n0 rr 0 a d a 1 d 0 restaurant • coraagea of Esther Reed .dalsiwta MMembers '^Jers ot the Wilken's fam- Arch 1 with a Renault and *'1111 ’er up- A Bsurtt, Beattie, and- Dee coraaRea i Id llyheld a picnic and ahower In Cooper, Mrs.Mrs Coe Price, all TwinI would provideprov clotii Instead,- of Bometlmes-wa.i-onlv-two'Ttalloa'j* i.,? ^ W l SttOBtJeford. and whU white saUn ribbons, cup^ ,! er Palls, ond'Mrs. Ephrium Hull,, paper napkins.napk • " f BaMllJ , epergnes of whitfl roses. daUleaea honor of tthe couple. A shower Pah*, md of gasoline. But the service of ^1 S t o r e a Mllln aUeet-lenBth ,B was held for the bridegroom at Mrs. Corpenter’aCarp elster fromI NoturollyNoturolly, the dream highwaysaya cleonlnecleoning windshields, checking Sunsuits S I and baby breoth completlng-the held f. ^ o f mint peen foahloned fnd baby the Pller Baptist church. Nealol uoiae.Boise. would hovehovi sh o rt o r d jr beouty'^ty waterw ater andone oil. was the aame os S^iW rtlrt. A circular minu. H»Wetable ornarrangements, Newhoiie.Ncwhouse, Boise. Jjosted a din-n- AssistingAssUtlnir the hoste.ws In thei shopsjhoia wherewher a woman could sget e t Ifu ^^-d we'd be been, ordering 16 gollona. • The brldegroom’a Uble fea^ pa„y «M TtO head pJece and mint* The br ,h P“^ty. The • bridegroom"J dining- rooi *,51® c a manlcur*manicure and quick ahampoopo? oneOne stistation attendant grate- ' I S iboea accented th e ir n t-• ured«rcd a grecngi organdy tablwloth^ jcrved-served- nsna :host' for a iehearaalal McAtee, Mrs.M Ed Benoit, Mrs.• while the car waa being gassed*ed fntivfully remarked.r*n "There'a less R ■ e ^ 1 . 9 8 ^ ~ Uifif bouijucla were Estherr embroideredembroldei with white silk P‘ of dinner Friday,Prli evening for therte JamesJames--sir •--Sinclair. -. M rs. ’ Woody/ -up.,-un- NoUilogMoihlt doca a holrdo-lnIh wmdahlel'windahleld. to wlpo in these UtUe . ----- Md d»W«s jim nmentcd withI I>nmnflcU5Dnronacui a n d hlsh Jig h led w itnth wedding #.e<}<«njr porty pa In the social hall111 Read. Mrs.Mrs Richard Carbtjhn> moreijiore quick quickly lhan a, motor trip. 0onea- ^ -_™anyway.” odJeare*.' ' '■ ■. ccipjdcupld epcepergnes. .... -of• of tho-Plrtho-pirst- Methodist church:h ftndand Mre.Mrs. j.Tj. . Anderson, all TwinI 0?Or. aheshe could« get speedy facialel“i __We.noUced w» nnt Uiat motorists are WM r-jU and Daony EaUnger.. MMr*. n. U O. Conrad, Buhl. Mrs.rs. with Mrs. ILaurence Roublnck as RilIs.Palls. The PeaveyI home waa dec-• and»nd eye babaUi while Uie hiiaband>nd iiingusing our hlghwiiya leu and less • ■ ' igjflff, twin niece end n n h e w/ MarshallM arshall Johnson. Pller. aunts of cholrman.chairmon. orated wUh bouquet* *ent by Uicc addressed nddrcwed postcarda.1 for frarbaigorbage polls. H lit brtdejroom. were flowerr th e bride, and Mrs.* R obert W at-X- OOut-of-town ut-of-to guests were from,m Carpenters'Carpenters' many frlend-v And. . the ' entrepreneur who In- Which proves that you con ■ Itirf rlDi bearer. T h e flowerr aon non, TwIiTwin Falla, cut and serveded Seattle. BcBolae, Solt Lake City,ty, ^QuMta QueaU fromfr Jerome. E'.nmett.:( atalls a speedy wash-and-daoh^aoh educate ccleanliness by such signs ■ 13, Hagerman. Goodins, Boise, and * ,* ll iiM a hniifrnnt fr^ V /'*f thi.thn wwrdd edding c a k e .______JeromJerome, e. G Ooodlnlr. Twla Fails, Hnwnnan. ± iflundry. for joUed clothea haaI* a as “litter “Mtler barrel WO feet ahead’’ JJM ^ Mrs. Elmer EsUoger, Kimberly.\yl Fncr-MRTKIffilswiy:Fncr ohd" ------^ ^ «her-Mngl( better chance of making a for*for*- on almo:aimMt every Highway. Ofj r f & m e r'' atatcr of the brldeftroom. poured i tune than anyone Invcatlng: Inin course.course, U the aigna atao reminding the coffee. Mrs. Ed Lancaater, Mr »nd Mr.. Carpcnlor u,t«r-* [Xtoday’s '-f.W stock marJcet. - . thatth a t a p/ pennlty of ‘'$250 to 8M0' • A s s o r te d C o lo rs S u S ii. Hitt nnd Dtnlft' pjjer, Slcr"'S slater of the bridegroom,SrSocial OOCI EveniTlffS^ln.d Ihtlr g relaUvo nt . but- You don't think a quick wash•ash for lltUrllittering’’ might be a factor I lotr. Kimberly, gowned In’ and Mra. O. E. Conrad, CaatJe------fet luncheon at their home prior ’n dry la needed urgently tor the " The stistotes we visited seemed'I -• • PlainPli cf Ruffled---- •/- 3 jtfint aUrted frocka of m int- ed to the Uie rec reception. Gucsta were; trnvellng " ‘''’J', ** " public? On our . I.BM800 r—re r —re cor conscious of th e com fortsI B“"hanging tlc staK out on dozens of cars, fountainsfountainsl Weat Virginia, for ln-|; Ol end 1-2-3 ® Grace Swanson presided over the Janice Bli penter. Mr. nnd Mrs, Charles hanging 0 ^prior-to-the.ceremony... gift table. . ft«nueavenue wowest. , , penter. Mi rt One familj- hod Ued .wet towelswcis atance,stance, pprovides numerous areas Pd - - ■Whipple,■Whippie. Elsie - H ezeltlne o n d O ne famil win- fo*" picnic or cookout. a l m o s t - a l l ------! ':i'rn'"^-'« i.'- gTulron-wtatcred ------* Aan'l“ ■ ^filytwiy inti Jaa Ed Conrad. The w, hall. Mrs. Vlrgli Ball and Mrs. “;«> R“«h ■ ;; for togetherness. thethe sightsights slmultoneously.------V g A ” EflUlTipnn-wHnM-tiosts. ■ ■ ■ _- - H o m e jijE -h o ac Jd O u n taln JIo m e; for togeth< » * ¥ i f l j i - Mrff,--W«Jt«r—i —ws)~;nrZ>fi>>.~ini~l~i»QmPHilnt-h7-iinY a n z ------■ ■■■ 'cRAKCgToa«EEi=d ziilrJB ------^ ^ n J - t l o e r ------Dennli'EtUnger. K ^ b e riy and lin en luH f ceasorles. The couplr wlU makek e H- * ■' >!■ _I.» Howard Plummer,T. means. TlThere nrc I t v Joys com- KING HILL. July 21-Tbe reg-' IM iM n Kdion. PUer. nephewa of c ^ o r ie s . ■th H obbycraftera club will rneetee» port P o rt Townsend,Town; W ash.; Mrs. Rue-B- parable t-to hItUng the road-lf rt liridepoom. yere uahera. Ihelr th e ir home hoi at. MM nth North Hobbycra ular meeting of the King Hlllj i East atreet. SeatUe. Waah. at 11 • am. Wednesday at Uie“>e ben mPreebi eburg. Hawthorne, Collf.; you sou .take take alon« poUcncc, love'e efof Orangeg " f?' wlll be held In the holl at I i r f W Mn. Bin Klnyon. Caatle/ord * "* 4 Twin RilIs clly park. Eoch mem-« r Dr. and Mm.M GcorRC Dovls. Neww accnery. sccnery. aspirina and money, : gS pjn. Tuesd.ay. with Mr. and u.orpuilit. Mrs' Ceo Benflen. The The new n Mra. Wilkins Is 4 ™ ,™ “ a graduate of CaaUeford high-K ber “la asked“ 5* to bring a hobby,. a pjymouUi: pjymouth: Mrs., Frank Sander-r- onOn our lamlly trip, almllorit to Mrs. MeMelvin Helwlch and Mra.j W ear uUt/wd, planlit. aceofhpanled graduate “g sack lunch and a cup, aon. Name one of VlslUng home folks oboutbout Harold 1Raamuasen on the re-' lie Conner. Caatleford. who0 achool achool and ai Unlvefelty of Idaho. *■ She haa done graduate work at» t ' >(■ * * JamJames es ElllEllla .ond aon. ond Mrs.J 7huthis sameLm, time lost year,, we freshmentfreshmen committee. IL ^-^ :t,"f 10»«MyHeorttoYott" She ha» ho d av auxiliary will hold a pot-o t- HHarold arold LoiLarsen, a ll S e a tlJf, W ash, thla somi >1 The wedding Prayer." •Penn Penn State8t* unlveralty ond Idaho DAV au« a S la te coHcgc. PocateUo. >“<*luck luncheon a t 11 a jn . T uesdaylay TheT h e relaUvca rele again met after I 13a h rU rt m other acJectcd a S to tc co he at Uie home of Mrs. Lydia Gray-ay- the receptionrecept for a patio dinnere r bite nylon crepe aheoth dinnerT FFor o r tnthe past two years she at the hom T ha* taught home economics st at pm.bUl. iU1» AahAj street,. £sch mern-na- giren gtven by Dr.£ and T^lrs. Carpenterer nm »lth green accojaorles, Her ha* taut Ito her ta osked to bring a coveredred at their home.ii The guests were nue «a» of green cymWdlu.-nn Snnlo S n n lo Marin M high school. Santo her la o^i , Marla. Calif., and will resumene dlah.dUh. table aervlce and an ex- seated at quartet wblcs covered chldi V». MUford Nelaon. Marla. C r d change gift. T h e hostess w ill fuur- r- wM ith th clothcloths decorated with sold te. iUter ot th e bridegroom, teaching th is fall a t B allard c ^ g e glfl : high school, SeatUe. nlsh the oorders. I The buffet table waa ■ M ti a beige brown and w hite highThC ach bridegroom 1s a graduate«te . ¥ . ¥ # . centered 1 wIUj g a rd e n flowera. ^ S i P w e aI t t8 e 1 r S k( i r t : M URQ afternoon dreas with beige *** ;! of Filer high school and of Wll->1* A^ coveredcover* dJab tupper will be ' « . . 4^ al bnwo accesaorieg. Sho wore « F * '" ^ 3 . ' llam Jcwcll college. Liberty. Mo.^0- heldjje,^ by Uiett .P id etls claaa of the th e PRIMARYPEIM A OROVP BIEETS ' I f f * ^ S " °' SAs " a ’'™ graduate atudent of then® Plrat»,.• BapUstn.Qi church at 7 pjn. BPRmODALE. bpRINC July 21-Prlm- , Unlversliy of WoshlngUn he j^jesAay a llttt the ceremony th e newly- ^5 Tuesday a t H arm o n pork. A fter ary officers office: ond teachers met ata t ' will resume his studies this fall Uie-dinner the" dinner a "Trip to ttie Moon" S i h o ^ e - rtireetnJ guests a t « recep- working toward hi# doctorate In ^ » oo totf homf ol Mra. a)en..Love- TIME abeld In the church parlors. . language as an NDEA fellow- « fea land.U nd. Jrn J r , for 0 teacher trainingQg leasoo. Mrs. Reed Larson UOkeded , , ' _ £ a > ^ Ti. bride'a Ubie. covered w ith“ ship recipient. ¥ * . * leasoo. Mi t i t taffet* cloth and white■e % pfe-nuptlal ‘LJnu ahowera were glv.Iv- TBYTRY TIMiTWklES-NEW S W ANT ADS D 6 on •‘■teach•‘^teachl in g ’ th e child to pray." ji» ovenklrt, was centered° en at the home of Mra. Olennnn — ' 3n it will be _ a four-tiered mint-green Hill uiii with Mrs. Guy Klnyon. Mrs.rs. «J2o|.calie decorated w ithh jnJnck c k KliKtnyoh and Mrs. Al Kra- aaroits and topped wlth'da mer m er as a s i co-hcBte.i»ea: and a t Uie — — i ool tim e-. . . • a w Of while roao iind baby>y home oof t Mn. Leo Peterson with |||| | | ------; , -I - I T^B E AU TYr Y ^ A A R T S - 1 ^ Strike'your.e your matches ACADEM■ P E M Y , I '■ ____jvhile_.seleq:2_.select.ioD S.j[ire__^^^H OVERTHESXy-MbRbROd r u g s t o r e - '------—Convenient'^klng‘InParking'lo the Rear— I • Permanents I '. with Hoircut, j 9 H 1 ., 0 0 0 0 D o w n ^ J Shiw poo and Wove I ■ - will hold youryou selection-^. ■ ; i f - s m on

W m n ■ \ a J - ^ .

- 7— *MsdiLSiuUna I * Tinting, by advanced stu d e^ 733-6342 . 1135 MAIN W. I r n V \\ • A 11 W f ! ____•*'Ff'wV^ '■ [-til = iwrw.:cnijc»iyaBMifc Uua.PTX)dacts.-A permanent ior.------M ' l ------^ — i ■ OTgycrary ttype bolrl _____ 1- — ^ " 4 ^ 9 - F ^ c o I l « r r w p ------p r^ tM fi ------I . w ' Permanents Pe ^ Co«tum»Maken| Te«ni>bfqulckju le k fftrfor qqui u ttt-W * lo v tlU it ooll It’a ShBBor»»-Pan(fort*i - / — ______u/l»h prg.narm n if w M fw o s te r ev er to I7jrt o ff to setiooX tt’a sh a g i l 1 mohair •ertth t e *lar-j»ltin«d . - .. . Shampoo and Hoir Style ' M 1 . .own whlpped-cre*m wool »nd mohair wltt • collar softly on the riie. fts color,..iidlant)1or,..ndlantiAll m tcr»d to 1 .Otf-h»nd tUomc* thiftvplll” jl an aH-vwoI. «vo^ple•ted. mad(y^plafdj^ploMaWm sU rtl ' th* w«1|.dr«M «i^Am *rle*n Q p | , tw ecfer,pr«4»*ni.ter,pr«4tsntinsttoI^, $8.98 SPECIAL $ C V; . ■ a*trf,pre.feenirirf,pre.feena£r«a#B^vrowti— —r-;- ProtUeaLlJulKyJtnltJacQu#lKyJwltJacQua[kj>--llii’« 'h e art ever I / T V . •------j I cu$fueerefulty KKchtd ring nKMlM 4 ' - pant-«d fori In aoftw t colorHleilorHlc "Orion &ayelle"! aciyllc. than " j C t . ll b^«utir«l ilmplklty »r .Iti ^ eauty Sdlon SwfiJcft nothing Is m o n UauUhillylautlfully can-:care-freel Partner it with. . T f 1 •••' ] >fiiw " H Artistic Beauty :o$tume-Makef'' pant»; 100% wool, ■ •(•— ■ V^ ^-btit.-l - • btit.-Ship*ly.HIUf«d-illhc«*ii*-. ------Pandora'* alim-pertect "Costume-Makef' y-MORDRUS STORE ...... , of course—and. fully-lined^ to hqldhqld-that-i that^ahapel; , - _:_____/- / .. ther ther it it«di a dogbU lit*. 100% || ' ’ OVER THE ^ y -M O R DRU ^ ~ '-wwool'V*ld«fU'.'SIUrft'1S.'Mid*<-'- o o l^ '■* “ ■ '■ , -<® >.amrM 3afs=®f JSESHi l i l ■-/-• ‘' w w lrh'. ith 'ARMCO coniinKtlon. . -at>mmeV«.« the n ^ C A HNNERS i i flees 3,000 m iles from tne th o neaiheat jnje name and address of the RANGE SALE 1 of battle and didn’t comele uup p for CLEARAN( Glycerinrcerine and air until the conventionJon ad-ad­ Length of letters will bo ■ -77 Quart Size journed. . lim ited to 300 words lo n g e r C ontinuesHnues (at Bud's Congresswoman P fo st was letters will be retumedi to the R oseV>se W ater asked what her party's stand on gdmbllns was, and she coyly re- ' “ |- CompleteTiplete wiwith Racl< piled that news on thislls point = I V 151 5 ONIONLY • V * * * * . MENSSPORlIS SPORT COATS Wm I and wool blends Reg. $2.49 8 oz. 2 She Gan’t lindtUnderstand w hy 15.888

— ^Itinerate Labot iO c BlueStone-je Stone-Enomel------ia b o rers G et-Jobs— =Men's Summer Jiesj i i...... T ...... :...... s O c R ^.5 . 9 c N ltor. Ttn\es-News: . I_suppose they get them for I cannot understand why all cheaperc'. wages, but 1 would)Sdthmk think ~-Summer-weight Sport’SlocksJport-Slocks------— 5 .. 0 0 0 0 those Itinerant laborersrs from they'dtl rather pay a littlelUe more T ropical w eight S u iits...... 2 t s ...... 2 . 0 0 , Mexico are allowed In Idaho.Idaho. anda have a sofer neighborhood,iborhooQ. I have lost track of howow mony MRS. NOLON SLAPE M en 's Strav/ C ops,3s, 6(PA% to 7 % ...... 2 2 c Rubbingling Alcohol stabblngs, shootings, etc..tc.. ththat a t (Route 1, BoUe) ------hoTO-taken-place-around-Mailc - - . - Men's Sport Shirts,ts, S-M-lS-M-L------.... ------2 . 5 0 - - '-.VoUey-by-those people." Almost S t ' ^ every Tlijies*News paper has an 1 — - p in t------Itera-about-such-an-occuranee JMoral Is-I'ound . ^' REDUCED TO CI.EAR ' “ and Quite frequently the Injured 1 ■ Bolfli~ ifc person Is a native of Magic Val* By J Writer inI LADIES' T t looks to me as thoughou!h lh. tbe Averted j Tragedy Shorts, Blouses, , farmers could employ native - tgedy worlccrs .to work in theJr fields5? Editor.‘ Times-News: : r i 5 shoViWs •iS wflnv - couple of years ago, or-more, _ TgRered SJocM . _ Goldd strikeStrike Stamps ^insteod of bringing In so many j - injhe Tlmes*Newsews about|about ^ ^ _ undesirables. • ______* e^riptioFDelivery serveS' a lot of credit. TheThe man,lman, V his wife and four childrenIren went ■ _ Jerome Writer,0r ? American p | 0 ^ ^ Reg, 6.99 TI Mony ponorni-^ Preaicts Demon o - A big Idaho wind storm’ came V o u i,. .0 3 .9 9 II up suddenly and turned the boat Sixes 10 to'16 Victory in Fall^ ^; r and they all wentat In the b U " M o g ic Valley'sey's lolargest r g i V orief/ Store" Editor, Times-News: I predict a Democrat landslide drown.iwn. They Jr. Boys' Sweaters,rs, sizes 3-63 -6 x ...... 2 . 0 0 • this fall, with 0 new ^ governor ^ o r " had on life preserver3.jrhe ■°9 LYNWOODA'OOD SSHOPPING' and a savings for the.^tato!tato of a ' Ued themJ'S’frtS all with Boys' Short Sleeve./e -S Shirts h irts ..-...... ' X . 3 3 million dollars on transportation.portatlon ^ “ be carried and then he ~ M t d l 2 ...... 1 ..44 4 4 -CENTER A. H. HARTSHORNSHORN Fpulled them to shore. They'i l t / w wolk- .l 5 - ' " ‘> 1 2 . -'CENT e) ed to Uie hlghway, a c ar picked ^ Lynwoodrood ShoppingShopi Center . ( Jtro m o . e a r picked Boys' Sport C oats,5, sizes 10 to t( 1 6 ...... 9 .. 8 8 8 8 * * * ^ * ' th, e m xtp and took them\ to town,town. How simple and easyly Itit all a tragedy pORFOR MlMEN . P Congressmenn Are A r eI r S A r a “ “‘'®" 'M q iI. This father didn't gamblem b i..it). with LAMINATEDrEb NYLONNYL JACKETS ■ilapped for. Mail1TJ.OU ,the lives and welfare ofr his fam- zip and button styles \ . B o n e l e s s UUSDACIioice S D / , ^ -AO ‘•y* knew what be was doing , 8I«s 36 to 4S______...... 20% opp| Use Privileges,CO L and they all stayed on top. • Editor, Times-News: As s t Paul the apostleMtle said, If our good congressmenssmen atal “Prove“ everything.' Holdu fostl u t to LADIES' C ANVAS\S SHOES ...... :...... 2.99 Washington were truly interest- Interest- thatt which is genuine and good ed In the country’s welfee, welfare, butI; that which Is evil and harm* BOYS' RODEO JEANS,EANS, Sizes 4 to 1 2 -...2 for 5.00 they'd do well, among other f i ( f t ng other ful, eschew I f This means shun thlnsa, to abolish their fmAklng fraAklhg it, 1 cast it out, don’t touch it MEN'S BETTER WESTERN !SHIRTS...... 5.00 privileges which are so frequent- (gambling).( - , MEN'S 8" HUNTINGTING BOOTBOOl ...... 10.88 ly ftb ii^ by some members.mbers. , MRS. BUD SMITH • i \ w ^ RIB Surely, with all their' generous (Hagerman)um) salaries with such liberalra l fringe ------benefits, tbey could racrlflce a ' FOR BOY'SBO Uttle for the common good. In Minidoka . Scouts this way. perhaps, theyley could t - ■ m •out? 2Pc.Pc. Dres!Dress Suits .h e lp avert postage Increases w h ic h would be- detrim ental to JL,eaveonTnps ' 26.00 ips^_ Three - ___----- 3 I ’ p nhH«»ilw(f hililni»t«s-os im wtS RWERT. July 31 - Tliree ■ ' OS th e rest Qf us. ' ^groa]»*'or~MinIdoka~eountyounty Ex- STITEAK plorer Scouu are leaving, on a^ ^ m e of our leading magazines once} In a lifetime trips, 0PENWEEKDA1N WEEKDAYS T IL 9:00 - Ideal for outdooroul Bar-B-Q ------havo folded recently, a n d others are being. curtailed periodically.rlodlcally. JThe 25 boys from Heybum. This is not good for thee nation's ^ earned, their money with a ..economy, and our lawmakersatfnuikers Plff1 raising project, wUl go to need to dd somthing- construc-construe- DOOD SHOP!SHOPPING CENTER (Twin Folls)01s) stonet national park., Jackson ------—~* ]Hole and Orand Tetonn national “ X3 win fenri...c= .v= r,r5?^oung Don Fullmer piled up foreignerforeigner ever to win the-covetad . the big ploy came, in the ticket,cket. andond NNotl S16.40. bJR — b u t the big iiM with Schnleter. a big lend over wild awlnulng MtuUraMajtera —nniJ nntj nalng inlo this elRhChllth Inning - when Baltimore The sccondsecond division feotured san (Rocky) lUvero and then one he .wna vTSwllh Droz but could juan (Rockj one he wna moftnlng' that--.he »J scoredrrd twice. “ running bt bntUe between tho S r i » «»» “ >• M " - . " feld ' “ on" " U>“ gala» a split decision hadn'thadn’t won a n tournament since 'vSa ivorlte, KIcnpu Kid. and Rex i/er th e ArgcnUno fig h ter n t thth a at t time. withVlth one runru in and Uie bases . Ellsworth's Honey Bunny, tho Iftdlson Sci^are garden tonight. -i don’t care loaded.ded. Lee Stange6 came on lo ine filly in the Juvenile. • “I don’t care about the money.” |H ||j |^ | :h for Uie Twins. Jerry Adair '‘’"® J “‘y J " lUvero. a .hard-hitting mid* ^aldwld the brown-eyedbrowr 20-year old. Q E E nB B B S H ^^B pitch for the ' Klcapu Kid nnd Honey Bunny, lowclBhl who h ad scored sU - i M t my mlr gBKBW |»gg>giBP^ M M linedii hU firsfirst pitch to center Klcapu K d "I set my mind on winning the Id to score one run. but Tut- ‘“Chich the ^ winner, o f three stakes . ^rnlRht knockouts and kayoed British nndand ■• U.S. opens, * the freld to score perfect peg to catcher Earl ere. virtually *3 ran each other ) of hlii » opponents, couldn't MaateraMasters andnnd Ithe POA.-I'vo got |iK a u ^ » j« y 0SX B ^H cje’ss perfect p ^Es;M =rj?'L« itey cut down pinch runner Ito the ground but Honey Bun- tten h u rl tho tall, 33 BLASTING OUT OF TnOXJBLE Phll Rodn Jhlcago's Juan Ptoaro con- th?’firSt'"dltli!ie first division was 1:10 2/5. ticn. • this one."one...... on IheUiB flnflrrt t hole Saturday In Ujb! PQA golf i touraanient. Tbe ezn 8-0 on KtoU’s o u « «eectJon « « o n ■was clocked In 1:10 — jj Bnoj, Rupert -IT ’S ; • ReterecReferee J Jimmy Devlin and But he didn'tdidr play It weak as out of ’the tbe nmoney. (AP wlrephoto)0) ______'______Ing by blankl /5. ______„ KSeo. TwJn ^ M l judgo■Idee jo Joo 9 As Agnello each had ^ 1 - he bombed thisthi 7,045-yard course - . 1 ------—r . — ------~ two-hits.------J^Cipps Lasjw u f l i„„ler ahead; ahead, alx rounds to four, with^jtj, hishi* one under par round Phe. trigger - quick southpaw .NNoll, oll who iwon a divlsfdn' of bUatiiy. U s VcBM ^ Judgeudgo AlAl BeBerl gave each fighter Sundoy,Sunday, Jul;JU , 22, 1962 IS uck out 12. and walked only he Arizona Futurity at'Turf while the other leaders were m9 T w e m tIMES-NEVi■NEWS ‘orndlse, relumed tlS.40, t0.40 ujftrte.Ph«nl*'Arl2. 323 ivo round*.rounds, b u t had T U v ero Uie folding. threeree while irecording his llfUi a,auber.Co*ta Mm, winnerInner onon p points fi*6. The point when they umph I n -s l* decisions th U “"nd d M.60.».60. ^Copper Student paid When they started this round, 10 nnd MJO; and Honev Bun- dge came In the ninth round veteron-Doug.Ford-a'as^e.,«hOL " A"?.^ mm.-Hi$ season record ia OtB. “issrsiS ^S ffiir^Srhen DevHn “penaiiiea fiJlhftr . . . . iy-»3:4o;------, ...... r- he'round-for-holdlnB._Ito^ n front or ’Player. Bayer and :h a rlle MoxweU provided th o .1 — L-1------’ennfj— opcn~chJMiJ»lon - Cary iBC»i-boo»t-lor_Pl2»ro as, he ad won Uie round anyway, but Mtddlecorr. IngJed-and-adranced-eff-sccond------luW»lhen, PocaUllo 338 ^ e,e received received an extra point- The in Jim m y Plensall's sacrifice. lujr m n , Unlvtr»ltr • Awoclatedjisoclated P Press card’ had FuU- W When hen It uwa.1 o v er before n K ’tS'.’ 1 hilling streak to eight games. A lArec'runt^ > ru i homerun by Dick liiho ...... -228 njerle r a ahead head ( 6>4. roaring Rallerjgallery of more thnn Is,- V bPlnnell.,P»lm Desert, 000 specUitors. the little man tt *3 Joe Cunnlnsham belted a two- McAulUtotfcAulUfo In the seventh put tho Rlwro, an fl-5 favorite, was ‘______ru nn hom homer er off reliever ^ e t DeUoltDetroit 'nge'Ogers ahead ot tho ray off hla ta rg e t In tho early from South .. Africa who always ______. wears black "bccausc It gives me Chois In Uio nlnUi. AtleUcaMleUcs ^ d jthey held on to whl ounds. He tried to knock out ,^,1'*. ' r y - t p T ' would^•outd havo i given h e r the lead T > r t A J T : 7-5, helped by Uie reUef pitching Ja opponent with every punch ilxwBth".wjtfcomfortably^on / the Roger Maria drove In three ---/ Z - hh.opponcn U m e end of 38 holes wIUi a ISO. EeedlBum l i C C Q L pedby^ mTntlratomtnm-urt-M lckw it PhU Regan, Boa, NlschvJta and ut took at leaat alif punches no*Q-eno an< -G olfer Js ----- However, the hnd oclually fired t t ni re rry Pox.______jm chione^Endsj^L.^w-CTcry-one-ho-toswd-hlmiKU. _21Jon.tJUw antle-knocked-in..-Uie_fiUitt , _-aJon.'tJlko-boUig-la4hBjeftdA -= r— r ------in-8l-lora-152-lot«l.------1 Norm Cash also homered lor lost of Rlvero’a punches never ho said. "The The only reason Is lhat =#.S.-Tennis--Team StlTa “r single S na UJO New York Norm Casl 1 never seem to p la y weU from U As a result, Shirley Engle- rHTp»no inkees defeated ttie Washing- thethe Tigers wlUiSrom J}»lm u n til fiund^y; lir T •*• o V tir n e y— “V.5;?5S"I ol the toJ Anao/es Rnm*. I n th e I ^ todaytoday over thot Pleasant Vatiey> cup tennis stjuads today by Rob- triumphlumph of tthe season with help Aguirre. PfPfister singled and eaded bU brlet Tetlrement" whorho naahad been»e aiming most of Because that 6B sent hhn rock- . scored on Bobby D el .Oreco'a lls punches to Uie head-.awltch- ellng Into the SUTTON, Mass., July 21 (CF&— countrycountry club course. She blrdted* crt^rt Keileher.Kellehei non-playing cap- fromom reheve:reliever Bud Daley. Tha scored on : umd to pjay with tho his pun^es ellng Into Uio top spot as Boyer ^ It-hander atnick out pinch hit- fourm fourUi homerhome ol the .year. Jeny oil roolballMeagiie team , edd tow theth e tbody and wllh greaC carded a 71 fo r 310. n to ta l w hich Plrat-rounil leader M ickey the 10th arand 13th holes. Herp tain ot theUie team. lelt-hander i Wright, apparently up.«t by o ^ 1 Eeed, ranked os this coun- terf Don Lod Lock with two out and Lumpo singledsingli aod scored ahead ti Buoiger Elroy Hlrsch ffect. In that round and^ln i^AlllsterMcAllister .matched i with his WrlRht, appa Iron sh o t on Uie 100-yard 13Ui I^ e d , ran of Qlno ClmoU when the latter • heilxlh. bo hAmmered his mov-. even par 70’i trip le bogey, was dlJQuallfled try's No. 1 player on the .basla Uiele potenUol tylng:nin on base of Qlno Cla tajllht. .:, «.. ~ t h o ^ t h . bo even par 70-round. from the JIO.OOO Lady Carling fell ^cll 18 'inchesInchej sh o rt ot Uie cup. ? , f I Uio eighth ond snuffed out hll hit his sevenUisevei roundtripper. ng Uirget with both hands. In Ford Pord took a 73 a* th o m a n w ho of his record last year, was a In Uio eight he seventh, however. Fullhier ^.o„ this Ull opcn today for .turning In wrong Tbo Tbe final 181 holes will be play-■ disappointmentdlsop^l^m i ot the NaUonal anoUierloUicr WaWoshlngtan threat In __ 'illlit'vSriEhK m i won this Utle seven yenrs ago ?. ■ te ninth a ft^ Bob Shm idt hod TRY ITMESTIME8-NEW6 AD6 cgalncd control and won that wound up withwill a 311—one ahot In scores o'*on ‘‘'®.WAK»~w:08ri---•.W Afi -1 — iJd Wtiltri. ons of the ''lit«J comera" lo • th o M bbIc Valley 30-35-71. ' I -. • CAW CANTIENS ‘*3Xhu moved Into the No. 1 hlltlnB hlttloR spot,«i according to fig- ’“‘"“’‘John Bamum.a who^took tho,l! - • OTHEROtHi ODOS'N INOS ; N E W 4 J N I T S I N ^ T OQ C C I K = ^ by Wllialsm J . Weiss,«, Pioneer league official stall,- first round lead with a course I rccord 06, faded again to a 77ir WfST 5 POINTS j on Rames b a n d throughIh Tuesday T uesday night. 1« boasUng a “f; •(“, I UUliil _avernRo and haa dlaplacedilaced first baseman Hank Allen whleh p u t him ^ all th e way back■ SPOBTINOSPORTI PO O PS j SI-Icitding-hltter. Allen.n, inIn a mld-summermii slump, fell at 217 with Dc a t J23. bubut t conUmconUnued to lead the league • JNTSWEXECCrECUTIVf- - ^ e a bM„ (32, a n j « oired rc d (M ). t j S f c TREMENDOUldouY d is c o u n T: :‘*‘‘0P»'‘"'>'®'«e''UnirwIlIi’■wllh’ I8"fc I9"f6FU »e cowboys whiles haa 10 and W alterars IB. AllenAllen’s 105 h ita Is another j CARS^AIRS-AbiD DEMjDNJDNSTRATORS!RS! : n - „ lo»ri»6 » n r~ 4 iin r7 ir~ ic r~ « » ~.!n ^ ------i p w * MT ITVJ] U 41t to 4t M2 A4II.21!' tS i “ ™ISlil !!.!!;!!?!!!!IIVl 4S1 SQ St HR 21 ts S4* «»: .211) I. J O a WE lOU 440 ' • IS 4t> IT 2S TK <114 .2M ! * B Q ~ W E H A V E '■ -'■ a iJffi!!! lii n.;!!itto SJO IR u SH 14 St -»«S (Ot J U ' , TKAM PiBLDISO . . . 4-DOORS . . . 2-DO2-DOOR HARDTiDPSriDPS. , . . « “ r . =r r,.i 2-D O O RS . . . 4-[ f^?5 £ !!! w M 798. 112 r t______HARDTOPS .\ .STATS T A T I O N W A G ONS... N S . . ;5*:=;K Si! 4-DOOR HARD s . 'lii !!!■ * ' ;!? H PICKUPSCKUPS - . . c a m p=ERS e r s .. - TRUCKS< s 5— f. . ^ p f r ' l ' i - H S s S f e N e R = »« S »> I I « I • ‘I4 !!! *lSl iI*2* r 1 4« 2 S T« I H H | ' •• 54* 41 M 17 S • 10 n o o 42 2 11 I I MMW . Cor^' Put It. Up In LesS ; •- E B ^ , FiTctiiNo nsconDii' • You Con' Put II ) F A 1 I F E TTIME! I ^ - J I ^ ;r “»°»n“uB UB 80 WP os co en* 1 A D oy! ■F O R T HHE E BUY OF i 5 3 ' * ! s :i ii siiilMriiiil! !! 'i ii SPf ! » d ‘ “ !! i! !!I '11' 10 .! «)" 1 TS » ■ s 1,1* - . 336 6 ; MM o onths f To P a y’...... L o w R a t e s J ■ « 4 11 1 S4 II T I ».« ' , ^ * 3 9 , '« ! i!! i! B J!,!! .! !i ;’3 9 6 C ': ■ ■ . K I ! ) K „ w e . . hir tliit Md , ! S,;S •! •! •!•!! ! ‘i B cv. fl. ofllofiff* volum».-D««#» ■ ; ' ' - ■ I LKAlilSnS ...... '■ .. ■.-i 350 »q;- f...'«loo».»p»c«.... h,lLf.ln «nd mow. U». for b.eky..d/lid juntun ho«M._. i * ...... K '■ .w ^oT “ =SVVlF5prmwn^ 'lib, Q m t r*lk. S. Hom. w< k i t INCLUDES EVERYTHINGTHINS FOR QUICK AS- | | k i t IN< B p r Rl l E i S l MH i 0 t d Rt C O . ; M,gla Vaiur.,iUr. as.SS.-Str>kMuU-jM str}. Vfnion, Too- . SEMBLY. SEMBLY . . YOU NEED NO OTHER MATERIALS,, 1 ------::: ------NOT-EV-NOT-EVEN-PAINTI------“T — 5500 0 0 1Bloek-2nd-A ve.-So.-1-So.—Twin-Falls------^ m o d el TTTZTfirrrilZ/Z^ BoJii. *;»o. WTiii-n«b luas^liKTnsiri — ------>SE£^blSRLAY.uMQDiLj!Y AT • ; I T ^ Dodge . . .~ DDa a rtrt . .'.iC R ryslecT... TTTTrucks-i^i - jJ . . M . K . CONSTRUCTICrRUCTION CO. , 1 ,.IDAH6_.^liltiin« SIState Golf^JFuials T w in B iU ------Id— th e alxLh ,M o rrla .,d ltl. U _ ■ ogaln, allowing a run 'to score, I ;^uly-2Mffi)=Maty.^Murrny,ay^envor-r-Color^-livett-m, Tlenw ites role todny to take a convincirtg ,'Ovier Boise; 6 M agic Valley took a. 4-0 lend JB y 6-1 Scorec o re jonvincWg^^lO-nnd-a vlcloL ,„“ •• In the flr« and.hcld. It. Great 'win Fftils, In thc 86<.hole final'N l mate!">111011 to win the l(lul,„ S ------BOISBr^uly-aiJm-Poca^io.Pocatello piBHs-nlbblBd-away^wlUx-tbft-BBl ^ IDAHO PALLS, Ju ly 21 Ml"— If championahip over the Idaho Fa M t ti^om Mnh'o"Pall8-Heot-BllIlng8'6=I-t(F'lln g s -e n -ttF ii|| W aho_&Ua_ipuiiidpaL|..J° ^ swept ft Pioneer longuee double-douWe- errors. The Electrics got two In I' ree-o~v^jl^ r7 7 over the firat-18-ir»t l8 holo.hol iii thc hcftiler from Ihc Bolaele BrovesBraves ^^Ird nnd two in1 the alxth n night but the Mustangs;angs stayed mgue stand- tonight. 4-1 nnd 1-2. lore in the atop Uic-Ploneer lengue stond- on errors ond two more in tho a th e Boise Thlrd'bueman Jerry Funic nc- eighth on BIU Bevels’ Lsingle. Ings» as their rlvaU. the Boise . .Vn«i, Braves, lost a'doubleheaderileheoder to S i" Pw tland W ins counted Ior all but one of -Pp-(S' The Cowboys scoredi a single- pocatello.p . catcHo’a runs In *cvcn-in- ton In the fourth on on error, Tflnf pfltnr, dridng In 4 two 2 3 Wltn - ^ nHfrounder-ond-a-wlld-pltch.Uid-pitchl iy rtin come - On W ild Pitch&• I tll • A_ Scoichljnlltouj^ tt single in the third InnlnS H W su o w iin ■fTonc-lin" “ PORTEANDrorerjmrsnDPjrjuijrsnupii~w tii bnoirticfciHiii m home- They got two In the seventh on « cn on base ond hUtlng a grnndalnm home- two singles, a walk andndnd’''tw two ^ crc“r-cr- tripled“ with two men on base ilcm foiled — Dnvc, HIcketta scored from Sunday nt the T»m jl lun In the fourth. 8 callcd out W gM BBaffiM aifflffiBM I afternoon third base on a wild pitch In.the niunlclpal goir count * Don YlnBllng -went the th e route ro u te " f< stepping, on. third base g»-»B W BB3TO sixth Inning to give the PorUnnd Pnrtlcl|>ant, art ior Pocatcllo. scatteringIng Jourfour Despite clow call onI the acore-score, gnp, his way around, wos Mrs. Benvcrs a 5-4 win overjver ththe e SnnSau sign up by 3;30 nnT.? h Inning Morris conUnued to knock hlanu Billings threatened:d Inin tthc h e hits, IncluilluB a title ndd- Diego Padra tonight.ht. •- - clubhouftc. ‘’V homerun over the left field wall enmed-run avcmgc down. Tne nlnUi, loading tho basesses with two jfiSgH graB SSiM PP^^ )rs won at Ricketts scampcredtd home totc — ______by Charley McNenl. left»hnnder, who cnme with a ^ but Rich Bcckc struck out ' cap a threc*run rallyly In the In- m M oser BTcat 2.17 ERA to T w mn Fnllspalls t^this ls q ih , Knowles and ended ththe e I Polls, rc- nln|(. Earlier, Ricketts singled ni pocatcllo pitcher Jim Moser hed 27- in - yjrcot. .ts singled >n h its with Kirk comin* « . well un- sprlnff. now hns pitched 27- in- y e to defeat Oerry Mason and Clem MooruMoon lief nnd pllchjnt' . kei)t me Brave# pretty wclJ un­ :amed run; ^^t one in the der- conuol in thc seven-miungcn-lnning nlngs wllh only one earned run. one in thc filn Home, drove in Bill Kem wltb*’lth 0a socrl-sacrl- Of hltlc.^ bail. S J S i llr s t Bume. T ne Bm vcsa pusheU AI.10 for the first timene inIn three jujth 31 when Julinn Vicente sin- SiM™SgOTBW» tf^ ^ llght Utle, ilcc fly. ! came In on tiam-5JMfflMlllgi»r{yify^ across one run In the thlrahlra when weeks, the Cowboys were;erc ntat full ggied, stole second and came in on he biggest Norm Bass and Bill Kirk team- losing piUher Jerry Hummltach;ummltach strength • ns outfielderier AdolioAdolfo ^ double by pitchcr B Bcck. eck. holes, aft- eti up to holt the Fndres?ndres on 10 BUY ‘nMES-NEWS Vlut led o ff wlUi a single,, wentw en t lo phllllps and Bob Cnrmc,me, oa_on the - Yonkces got five In thc lost the fl- = ------tliinl' on Chuck Koscnsuubiscnsutib’i disabled Ust. pJoycd! compjciecomplete eighthg, with two men out on three ft8^SS»oBli3^^HKS^»iB jmcback to double u d scored w hen Tom Mc-M c - gomes. ' • „ h hits, two-walks, a . flytly ballb a ll and a n d U W i r r W i f M n iil l TTilirfiiWl P l Iden denth Garrey hit Into a doubleiblo pplay. la y . Mtf. v.-« b f h Tbinr»«ti?.-B>?.-Bb «•T ii" fb'rfi two costly e rro rs .-CDatoher-Pat o te h e r- P o t ------u - ,___ ne i e t h . _ (Klr»l C«m«) tu 4 0 0 0 Foley d r o p p ^ th e ’Jiaall ll once ond CAUGHT IN A RUNDOWN,UNDOWN, SL{ Loots Cardinal JoUo 'potay TPAK O FALT ra « I 2 U.iluiiilub 4 0 I U eader at Hooiton Saturday. The Cardinals -_-V«rOdn. J 1.1 OiMeCMWy 'J J 0 I *J A1l.i> S 0 0 OC»l*mo® 5* 1« “1 Jo ReanutB scored one. Joe Magglo opener ot a doubleheader at Ho ginia Undhjem , Twin Fftlli ■ ■ U»ud»Ia J-J 0 g,Alomir-- 3 « 0 0U Coufh • ■ <-172 ick J. i-3 * I • ' J 1 - ? slnglcd'ln one. An error■ror by FelixPcllx won tbe Jin t tome 7-0*C but.IofUIbut.1o»t.the.»ecQnd.?.-3-;J^P.jr*gPh°tol=r Kunk J u 0 llcL rk •?•a 0 «U I)« C»rtBD « » I I Cernofck 32-100 I 0 1 » DeLeon allowed a run1 anda n d DannyD a n n y ■ ------; atate amateur golf champ lUrmon llll Mcrteil V > u“ u« u« M.rMiip 4 « 0 « i" " « : 1 ? 2 rs went to JUItwUKh 1 a 0 1 Uiinu* 3 0 3 0 ■ 5 ® * 5 Eotf singled in Uie other. M urray shot a three-over Ucird IBOO Wii«n«r. M J <> i « l « » J i § Slwmi’r™™ 2to 2 SI I0 I nilUno .b r I. iblldBhBF. «b r h rbl take a six-hole leadCity. andwlUi . . . Johcuon 3 9 1 1 »-Vc»uli 1 0 2 0 0 Il.kn 0 0 0 OtM jIn^« 53 0o J 0 S0 KKnowlr« S O I 0 F»f»«l■r'V.V’! B 1 1 J B o x e r Q a y M arguerite M«cr 3 « 0 0 HumlUh 2 I > « Ilowlln S 0 8 l « « m . a « 0 J sy Budge Gets wrapped up the match in HJrtmhwJ O Jt.J !■ IS e 7 3 Krm*k 4 0 0 0|Cr«l«rB 1 0 0 0 J ! J .ToUli M *7i# «1 ToUli Sd « 1 J* S nine holes in the afternoon.inho FnlU, B n y g n ilV n asin S ill ToUU a ' * ! ” ToUli 2« 1 .7 .1 j n MakesTalkerilk er Meet Berth; W ith two birdies, with one a bo* 2- B U U iH |JA jiaillS U A-KIW out for W.«nl.V--ln 7U>! iirslH:-!!! ! LEWISTON. Ju ly '3 1 '^ ' tie, nnd aHm;krg-ln the_aftcr-Rice, D—Walknl (ur llummluea In llh. I-veaUlhi txiu 204 l»— * A boy from Burley and three noon, she turned In n onc-un- 5o5 0— I ri« ». SIOBI., XriHlth. P0;A—?5»«l« ^ “■ lir, Clay Correct. V'V'I' Lewiston Inds advanced to' ler-par 37. Mrs. Undhjem foiledwon rO-A—rwaUllu*IlT 21-U21-U, V»1I«y IMS. CM t r»lU." ■2M iT . W DI’- l’- - •S jin in .. I » ? 2 ‘ « r t .n d m l n Slew «nil Grimii: Sto»n fnd » . n, ,B. ’ the natlonnl* today with vlc- M win a hole In theamplonship afternoon BoU* 21^ Dl*—Jc*n.<»>. r t.o d m ln .‘'■ .? IrA ll« Miuehnr 3 2 0 2 LOS ANGELES. July 21“il Cfft aw torles in the Idnho nUte Funk Bod 8»»r»: JohftMB. .»•»" Vnd,• “<1 C»l»mo! W«Ion. Y*n*h« b«.I AUtn. » round. j, Rexburg, nd Maudaln. W tl—M»rl« VbUct «. nr«Bl,BlF«»lV^! F«tl»'T. b.L.n.vr.,0 O J_ 0 ______Cnsslus, Clny Is provingng himselfninwen junior Chnmber of Com- The championship wos Mrs. M.ua*lB| Jobnwo. b.»r» ;ndna f.«uu«n.«.ud*In. phllllp.. C»rniO. WBlUr* S. uia 3J « » 4 n m a n of his word, fnr-fctchcd ns •nnd-l over i I m N* •• LOU—t'oeatillo ». *• -fctchedns „^ercc Junior golt tourney. Murray’s second state title add* W HW * 1 * W ill 2B—llMtwUub. V«nloB.: U*rmon.UBrmoti. sn-81o.«. IIB-W.lur.. S-nrlffllh. • 'J*.*****! ItRomcUmcs may be. . BU-Ak»m«r. >lBUd«liw S-lTunk. a ^ ffl '»»!'■'’> M*l«hnrr jn Olh. ,, Jim Rogers of Lewiston led* ing to her 1059 honorsInln wonHome, at II11 * V Span w— i f n 'c " ' ^ J —^^O*in_0lD|S_01D ooorr.OOOt??. I -_ .P o r dny.n h e predicted he would Pocatello. lonors with >—®—P------I,laho Falia ______OOO0 00l-0»i— ooi-o»r-jj ]Knock'out' the gi.^nf ArRcntlne " IP n a SR BB-80 i '■ Argentine stevc Budge, Burlcy. was"' Lce Bethune, IdnhoFtni^tnrM Polls, rc- iR nnf^W fw |4 IluBUnlUriioD th e prediction como tr u o J n the Jnlto 'Gotav wlt)» a par live on the I8th._ VtitnS * 0 1 llCtnia ' ! ? 5 “ iJ I,® W ill R e c ee ivi v e 1 -3M. (EST). ;sports arena, nnd paidId nn esU------:LUU?------In Ihl Barbara Smith. Boise, won U»cn B Drum s’ JobuoB 4 1 I OlJItuk* . ; ® ” ------; ' ■ m oted $04,000 for th c sight. Ae Cardlnali first flight 1-up over Joimnc ^ B ^ ^ h ^ b b ^ ^ ^ h b i ------»ln,llB* a 1 0. i § I 1 S o n - f • • —L nvornnte: n t -208, ninr e u pounds - T.F., BuUjfir«pbotot= ■ Nelson,-Boise. _ in ..U iclr^lB ^ i’; i! New Membersib e rs Islanders] Befit [ ns unqucs* - rinnl mntch. ■ b S , ! ■! ! ! j c p i > heavier th a n Cloy, wns unquM - :1JS Sit B T ^ C l e a i r a ^ l ^ fc v « i.i’• I 0 0 j ;S CCX5PE31STOWN. N.Y., Ju ly 31 T w iP O tlonnbly the toughest opponent Sccond night honors went tx ^ n d , rani — This tiny blrthploceS i"" of” V ancouver TwJL W ice lC e ] ,n the unblemished 15-boutfs SrS-' cn- O p en L e sio n Faye White, Salt Lake City, wltt R®P®ckFfont old Loills* X O ^ B lU its big- VANCOUVER, B.C.... JuJuly ly 21 (DPfl irecr of th e 20-ycnr-old LoCils- a 1-up decision over MorguerlU . ?“A i7 y J T ri,iVjiMka .V filb- baseball bustles' In aU Its blg - UetS r*% B Wheel Bea^'ings •Cniundnl oul »or HUubln«I 1th. IU . league f|nciy Mondoy/ when the —- pitcher Benlen Johnson tvllle. Ky., youngster. He's won I Al • Polnler. Pocntello. Vkb UIIo ______:-j>W5 J - '2 four newMt members of the hollhaU tlthrew n six iUt shutout«ut and led ]i2 by knockouts.. Ho.«. AreaTaurney>erth Invcme Young. Mnho FnlU 1-0 victopr In nilriuta &j| b B B [ | ^ 9 h b [ B ^ I I b ^lVJt-DoU« :i-2.~^»t«llo® Jll® 21.1,*2l.»* of fonie will be formloUy ally in d u e - tlUie Islanders to a 1-0 victory nd MBUdalD. ted. 0over the Vancouver Mountlcs In ,^f the explosive fifth round.^on”round, only “^^'n Pnlls and Buhl«na will iffS meet Jnd-l^niSf o«r JO ; *™e g Rto ,2| .Dj Adjust Brakes | £SB-^‘^ss'urrB oiU• }: "V “*^“- . . Bob Feller, Jackie Robinson, thetl second gome off &a double- ,0,5 fourth loss lh 23 mnauhcs aw hcs, for nt -4:30 pjn. Tliursday to open iur^n“ »-; Bill McKechnle nnd Edd Boush headerb tonight. . , I the handsome 25-year-old•-old Ldyo*Layo* the fifth district American Le- ! '4TS 'i'-' H and Add, Heavy ■ le shrine of Hawaii won the firstrst gome O-l0-1 ,jj,nte ' will be Installed in the shrine of didn’t Junior baseball toumoment. It E aUa UD B Sso O ijAMball during doylong,ong festlvfestlv- - tot< break a .scvcn-gomejne Mountle Referee Tommy Hart didn’t 1 i;;;. i!!| |f Duty Braite Fluid . | Btrbuk L ---- 4 4 » y • ; It on thla, some will bc ployed In Buhl, uuiibinc ____ s : I 1 1 7 Iposited Ijivoranle inI a corncr meets the winner of------Saturday’s--- rlONEEB ISACUf .-.TJger-,oI.Mgerla... ______“T. '- T doubledayfleld, w herel e r o thet h e ROTTERDAM. Ju lyly 21 tr»—A i n e arest w here old Archie!hle hlnuelt h ln u e lt game on Uic home| , field' I ■ of the m m , . ------;■ ; : FuUmer, who defends* his NBA Ynnkeea meet thc Bravesnvcs In the ttouring track nnd field team iwas sitting at rlnitslde.!• second gome winner. In a fifth ------— ttUB'agalMt^Tlger-Jn-CandlesUek^ondlesucfc aftetnoon;‘-haTe'"been-BOl{t~outi“ B0l{t~out t trom''Bnghnm-Young'xmlvcnilty ig-unlvcwlty ::-Cloy-‘almo8t-got~hU-knockout Ui_knockout game-ls-nMc«Mry,-lt will plt-the S ; RS rrz^i! ” S ■{ -AL-L-WOR^^^ park In San Francisco,>, also was alnce lost Pebrunry. vwon six events and lostwt seven to- Iin tho second round.. LnvornnteLavorante same two teams, but at the op- fflven a birthday partyty fttat thothe The lateat inductionsns will In- dayd in a motch withth a Dutch iwna In trouble from Cnssfusrnssfus’ pin* pm* posite ffelcf. ^ DONE BY I hoiAe'brbU father In West"West Jor- crease the membership‘In'thelip‘In'the Uaih^ Ij Team ^lnts totals were i point rights ond leftsfU to theUie don. ______■ hgll of fam e to 00. ______nnot kept. ______Ih ead . B u t h e didn’t gordow down. n. ]1 ~l FIRESTONE° 1I Take months Jirn ey K -;a~-=:S ii s j Juhl will m eet ci'"v"uHd------« « J}; j Rushmor■adny to open " ~ in 4t I .««, i»V American Le- P'*™},* — ------JJ ;” S iji: il toum om ent. k»“ t»" c f f r ------42 w .«j ij[' LIF^INSUIloyed In Buhl. ’ ' ^ NEW TREADS H n W l U A PPtlC D ON SOUBP e o m advances K " t t 7. ««iiJ»ur* 6. •• ^ ilm 1 ‘ TiRe'JJooiBs OB-O"- i-Offs Aug. 2-4. <10 innlr,;.). , .. { I------Y O on o w n - t jb U— t« to.™, .r. K;"i‘„ ;.v ,r a3 :.d -.. . F. . It h W 't u b e l e s s WHITEWJIU u i R k (N.r™» or WM.)

rin Falls. l’ltl.lur»h ------M 3« .MSsi r Lt.Bnmcjncct5 ? I wcond nt the Miiw.ukr.-,------« J» he icnm losing i;™ '’' ' ' * - ll I?? «' Of game three chiewi.-'II______m « i- .s 6 7 29'; n B S H ^ - . - P l u t (ax and f{rado*lr>_l|?J. of Saturday’s N.w York ...... — 24 m .2ui «',• -I - — — Proudly^c field of the An..i«H*chi«r«3“ er. In a fifth M]i»Bukn> 7*2. i'SiiaiUinhU.....—' t-3^ . yfjl' >1?^ It will p lt-th e —J’hl1*a.lphl»-a,-MlIw»ukeeJL_^------ridenil/ltil by Mrdallinn and ihep jnariJf*. ■j ^ h e ”App&'rn.utnttheop- & T "ri'lV -vMD *' l l’• ' ■ l) Tfmdi.-identlfltd b> •______nou.lon 4. HI. L...IU 3. — ------...... -OUARAOUARANTEED - • • >. Aialnil .kr^U Inn workmanililp worbmanililp and m>t#rl>1i ilvrlns lltr of ^ tMd.l»>ar«*■

g e n t 'H ;hmore Mutual riNSURANS^O ■I'ey jllJ*W M onaoytlO T - - oudly-A nnounces—7:—led ^ is - p r o — . pp&'rntment O f..

ji1neir~ ~ 'W trTySiinionor'iru^ - * ” 5‘

■ ALL— Sl SOUTH ^ ... w ^-lM oi^no TO GOAT, n ; 410 M AIN SO I New Y orkk Y aoa e k ^ |I nine. Moments Ulerrr (bottomJbotlom pinphoto) Lopes ■prawi: on the baw Rujhmoro fepis tho* Mr, D : Jim KIb c P«(b otter being plekedsked ofroff onOD » ithrow, from catcher,Kea R etitr 733i;?81T":?81Tf v: : : 1 j ■ *“*•lat* «»t*Mnterfleld to lead off th* seoonA-in.seoonA-ln. 1 to Bob Jebnson. Yanksonks won woB 4-3. (AI* wirephoto) servo, the people .of-.Magic r j ' ' . vlous training ond exporiei his obllify 10 render sorvico ’. . ______V*' ' I \ ■ ' - oc«dent-«nd-4iel(ne)sr9rou{ irioof Toqulrornonis'lfi pers -- - ..... ^o'ncroT^II uoirons:— - ~ T ~

M ogic V alley Mr. Dod.et|- hM'epililnBi. fcr und* I l h . ! . . « i ea Ite u e i 5 Iho* M r, D odson Is w e ll q u a lifie d to ale.of-.M agic-Valloy-bocouso^of-his-pro—.. ond exporicnco. Dodson hos enhoncod ender sorvico in tailoHng life Insurance, iel(ne»3rgroup-Bnd~anm)iiy coveroggs tb~~ lonis In porsonali fon?lly and business rdrisl ■_ . . ~

MnlnBi.fer undtrw'tlun In Iht Twin Ptili, itrem * , t f httnrltw iiImm' 73M4S* « r wriMM9,

I M i ®l E i S J J l A C K j M f E E i g fejCohfiolly^ly Shattersirs WorM^ p ;___ g* * .* * _ i i it * * 1, H ffiHaillinerl s i l i s ^ i iudolph d c WimBins Dash | ubiy STANFORD, Calif., July 21 (U(UPD—A grimly determineddetermined bunkI of United Stsitesites H@ hiale athletes swept throughihrough theth e Rufl.sjuDs today’’ and.won eightc of 10'eventsI in ■^H jlM fl^H flgyi^B H gj d th e the first day of theirr internatiointernationiil tluul competition.titiori.: Paced Pucci by a' world record ^ S ( ai na td f t throwh r o o f 231 feet, -10 inches-in 1the Jiitmmer throw'hyciw'by^Hfli H«i Connolly,C theJTankeeslecs __S_WM |||||fl||[^H H H ^^^U R i n g s won every event exceptpt the 20-k20-kilomcter (about 12 miles) w ^m fi^ehiPtK ned . 12 m lea) walk and*10,000 m eter:ter ^ ^ ■ r u Ui * interimS' Sto ■ * * * . * ■ , * * * * rurv iih n m eet th a t was I i a evidcQUrently EBCnB0r9rC*?S!3C£9WB S!l supposed to bo close. W^ith ith '“'7 ^■^■tulled «omee to f l ' one day Ktill to go, th$ U.S.'J-s- 9 | > not S iW M PH «>iagii^iiri-iirw*5n*3BE#^iS^K)2:l*S W nicnmen held a 61-45 pdihtjih t ■ ■ ■■ I U l “optn'pen' ^yflM -^PT drlii' '• 65dBNlBfflB4 ^SLSi^§7 ’<»>'<•lead. A(ii* our Amoricaa ladiesidics -SM each *>(>« aide ' H trnllingtrnlllno only 22-30 ‘alte r thIhelr e ir WM P^Sfn-iiiaS£:J y£< first five fl events. liZStoTIa'itrlde.-— -— — ■ ■'!S3*rriJEr!i^g|S Jt* . tiiiitlili co country, watched'in awu al] K > iM ouulde vcft* In sendTlendT ■f K 3 5 P e 6 S I $ e L ^ ^ ® gfc— M F : V ; ^ : 1 M l ^ the povpower nnd speed of the aBth-1 th -1 trlVR y i ' S S S i ^ . g t t v . '^ - f a r o ■■ V T P ^ f e a f S *«tealeles — and stayed until the final K ; Sm nerr. Hated «?y- . M i fi ' MMost ast of them never had teeiiteen p R R S b m . ConnicUng to uirna- rn s- ^ C - %»*• •« & It hamiham m er throw before oecau^e Mi/2Mr«iUlde IntcrMta. but ^ A . ' 'these ' 'compeUUons . usually are h S if tbe action o f -th «e -0 ^ ^ held Inin seclusion because of the *■* Uken a t the RocKy ^ danger,danger. got EQUALLING THE MEETBT RECORD, Bob Haye*, U.S. sprln'twT, . HayeiHayes posted a 102 Ume toMtadto'ltad the'sweepthe' against the Rns- , . K ^ ^ o n meeUfljr t h b ! ■ U Besides hla world record henve.lave. explode* czplod ncross the,finish. line lo win ll(he 100-meter dash a atepsp flanstians In Uie a n n u al d u a l m eet between A * which (came on tho fifth try and ahead cet between Ihe two counUles. Amla ■ w A l that Ume, th e pro- and ahead of teammate Rorer:r Sayers. OaiOmaha unlrersHy standout.It. .• TayaltcrTayak was thtrd and EdrinIn OtoilnOtolln watwai taarth. (AP wlrephoto; ■ r r . . . itjiis to coordinate jv - C T f r - M|H B I climbed so high It appearedd It ------— ■ ■ - ^ ^ r « u tournament 5ch«(> a ^ - ■ K ^ M P Vf ^ lj S wu bogoingJ to-leave the stadium. B ^ ib t ilate amateur back - J m i ^ ^iLr^Hk. Fr eonno»;connolly got off tosses or 3 327 THE r T f TIMES-HiES-NEWS SundayS u r * , , M y 22, 1962 17 g jg l ^ i a d then were forced, by ^ \ \ feet, feel, 10 Inches; 315 feet. 228'feet, - - -- Stevens Boys ■'^tffliteur interests, to B % ' ' f l I T I 10',4lO’.i InInches, 227 feet, 2 Inches, ■ iM U«to ensuing'Uing H S r ' ^ I m and 227 le^t,'T Inches. A / « "They said I was washed up.” up," rt TakeTa] Charge K ta telallr cut down onI'the the \1 . said Connolly Iflter. "I had to ^ C S ^ O i e m t e m p a rti o f >. ■ ^EgSM gTW ^M y ■ .»•«'?*?' 'JJ ahow ’em.’’’e f f i n r W K ^lnce"lhe -B1ackfootcfoot - |H J m _Tiie_ _Tlio_j)ther_blg .thrlU to Uie f T ^ H \ In Amateur i M O t t i {lOiUnff th e oopen p e s H ■ crowd came In the jwle vault'Bull Ir * wherewhere} Ron Morris of tho United S lir~ /y BW ORC!ORCHARD LAKE, Mlchn July - - ilfed S ' ■ '" jr r ...... ■ 31 ( f l• - 31 (fl — The Stevens-boys—Bud ------th a t F M ' ~ Statea-s ta te a -c le a re d 16 xeet, Uireo- iree- __ . his views that ___ and. and John—look Jc charge of tho ■ T u body must become • -.— ■ 7 7 * QUnrlerj In c h .. . —- ^ — ' western •».;------Wilma Budolph..herelne.bf ihe * |p ^ - western 'nmnteur ^ golf tourna­ to Insure-Uie ment todny as runaway medalist ' tai ucIuMvenns of■S'e the ^ k V I 1000 Olympic Romes. w u th e first " I l - i . day'a star for the American I /I Q Labron Harrlsr Jr,-'-becnroe a . tournnment. - ,0-casuflHy In the first-round at M women. She won tho 100-metcrpDrysdalePic e! Picks up 17th, 7 W ^ a s - E i iit itate a m ateu rs be-. be* - g n match play. enough, such sched- WM Kk «'■; r ^ .^ilcaBtr|r dash a|at IM seconcb; and then -r K k u e s vould be open - to Mr D ■ u^ sho anchored tho 400-mctcr rc- | . ^ Bid Solomon IU. St. Louia • ■Bri*~tiib f *'^0,„y nni ousted Harris, Stillwater, Okla. ^■ftbUs of the pros, he laid. ■.■ U m Iny team to a.come-from-bchlndhind 1 J t victory.------Los Angeles^eles N ips Chicahicago 3-1 ;fLl-u p in 20 holca in th e m orning SneS'Nevs carried |S 9 By The Associated-Press-^------___ first round before losing his ^B^'itslement. which drew '•-* ' Boh Bob 'Hayes, the .ugly duckling _ minrt>r.»ti«l-mnti'h^n Art- -. from riorlda A and if. follow- Th< K a d nrled retorts from the V:% Jc»v. x r y - ■ . ' from F The Los AiJgeles Dodgers)odgers put to g eth er fo u r singlesles and a walk to sco re all thneir e ir nutt2 u ^ ",of i Elyria, OhJo. Hudautt ^ .5 ; ed with another,Tlctory, tor th the e runs in : the fourth inningning and defeatedde the Chicago Cubs 3-1 Saturday. Don Drys- beat & Bnt2i«ni Idtho pros who par- ^ . V anks In th e xneD'5 division of j a j s . rys- beat Salomon l-up by sinking a ■ I m in the pro-Junior Rotf > ; r n - v . ; the ioo “ dale, working with onlyly two days rest, recorded his- 17th vJclvictory against four de- birdio puU: on tbe 20tb hole.’ K u s a t Monday a t Blue . i , . \ the 100 meters. He was timed In r’ ■ : ' 10.2. U) tie the m eet record.I feats but needed helpt in the th e eighth eigl inning. Chicago’so’s only runr can^e in the first Honls, who had won the 72- ^ - TThe he yvictories were according>g to - ' - - - innini inning when Lou Brock Jed ^ ------hole qualifying round wiUi ' a ' Ke-rrtdeatly- wore naive . . tho form chart. Wilma; weighing 281 total—fl-under-par a t tulT" X^(»-biUer£JAm wasn't a - '■ - ■ tho for. ^ . • off V with his ninth home- C^« 72 Orchard Lake County ciub ■ y , ot m e n tra H l Wiwnrtl ...... ■ — •■ about ISj pw 'nd* over h e r best ton running weight, had to come . ru n o f- th e season. TWith’a pSemi-Finals v l Ei^-lell apart In bis first match ■^eroilonals among seg- ses* B BREAKINar tTTe TAPE,rw WUma ilm a nud2nuaSTpTTWafa-wlni-the-lM^ ;.™‘. Golf Meet ™ ' play round. •. •...•- ' , t e ^ trom-behlnd-to-catclx_te«nmaie fm, „ two out in the eighth, Ken c, R u of tbe am ateur (frooup.. u p .. meter mete; dash in the UJ.-VSSR}SR tfack and field meet at Stanford °! ____^The annual ■:ci»f Whittle"ittlc Hubbi Hubbs doubled and jnanager V p f Playing onc-under-par golf In itUe Saturday. Edith MeGuire, in btckiroibnckground, pUced third. The Edith .McGuire and Ma?Ia-Tl- tournomenTwlim-timaucr.^ -wnir^ ( K > Tant pro CUIf -WhltUe Balui klha ot-RuMia. But she won go- ^ lucr.^ -wnir-Alswn-yimked-DryBdalcan^ SetforHard both rounds. Bud Stevens of De-" ‘ ‘Ite beard ft vhlsperedered UneUme was UJ. (AP wlnpboU)oto) ■ 5°' ed nt 0 ffJn. Thursday by' thothe favorfnvor ofi Ron Perranoski who got f j f l ------_____ Ing awoy.awi w ith Mlaa itklaa- sec- :------troirwhlpped-Chuck-MacOaUum,------■tboatcd in my face. 1 Bueas —*— Twin Falls Municipal Wom-^om- Billy Williams' to fly out and .1 m Fort Lauderdale. Fla, fi and 4 ■ttbamd-loffetJnto.prJot," ond. (n 'g t end the inning. Larry Sherry?30om ’tP lay -, , Hayej, a powerful 182*poundlund *''■“ ... aasoclatlon. end tl In the quarter-finals, after a jHottOs - country elub 'pro 1 ^ ! - athlete who runs with a waddlinglllnff All club m em bers willH be worirecworked the nlnU:. retiring the CHICAGO. July 21 «» — TopToo i ‘^n** ^ .flrsi-round victory over was on ths Iop- Twin JL FaUsUs TTopples ’ 3moUone but exudea’i»wcr-oll-over; ——allowed tull handicap ondand Cubs IIn order. . seeded Chuck McKlnley.alUioughough Holland ot New Vork. Brtttrem e. "I really didn't ■ waa in Iront all the way cnrouto.JJ. • will try to belter Ihc acore'of------J'm - .“p.- rained.hy>a_l»rU5ftn crowd nnd John Stevens. 19.- Wichita. ■ r naj-a deep feeling «lste(L TTk to his win wiUi Boger -Sayersivers ■Whittle, ” hit municipal courses r “ Sseveral S questionable' b i T s ern l l n re e Kan*.7-tnnmced-GeorB»-aoutclI Kan*.7------■Uadcur.dilferenccs but I . f < , Wlllle Dnvls forced GlUlam but calls, defeated erraU c M arly- Rni- l- oof t Phoenix. Pho Arls, 4 and 3. fol- o f the U.S.. s /M t /Jnlahing sec- f^o- Tommy «T^ Oavls walked and Frank ^ ^ U e a anyone felt S this JJ'Borah inI TwinTw BiU' gond. and also tim ed in 10.3. ThiTho regular monthly busl- ?„ esaen, Big T en cham pion, to gnin gain JowlngJow'ng hla 4 and 3 elczaloaUoa S'!?: Howard singled home Los An: rd n v The meel got under way undernder ness meeting nnd lunchcon neie.- J?;, Uie aeml-flnals of ihe nallonallonal of Dan Lind. Ious Righthander Jim Blakelyikely won Iboth games Saturdoy ^ "®‘>" geles’ first run. Slnglea by Ron ^ Haneke. mild, gracious R |l ..!a Z a brilliant sun, wlUi th e tracee oto t winwlU beginI at I pjn. clay court tennis loumaroent lo- ■ f a a Bolte’s H lllcrest coun-m n- as a s tht t e 'iSwln Falls ‘Legion:ion team swept a doubleheader ® ^ Fairly and Larry Burright &• .u u t r BBttlnst th e runners In th e ^______——' —. ------chased hom e th e other tw o runa. 0“; ; t^® from Borah. -The victories,ries, 6-5 fn «(au«i en S!S ofncltl'al btli) ■ eu y ynn. Z do ntft feelM itU hnvehave ai major amotrur loumo- , dnmtl. ".H" ^5 N«U.ul LMna u m e . second. T h e tim e was 13.4 aec- T > _ _ ll Mets Starter Craig Anderson club crowd^ behind him all the ■ mr tried to dictate to ony a n y mentm ent eocH season and some,c sogo claim Cla>m the socond game, second, CttJe « . 4 0 AB R n p e r. and Twin Falls will host the Boise onds — another meet record and J ; JU . (3*10) pu t born th e Reds'- flrat--f. way .and this aeeracd Co nettleCIMC tT .nD..b „ u , L A. i,9 f l 3>S 7* UT J« t ■ s pouj>. Nor la It o ur 1“" In - wild In conducting two and T*ln P “j Pro Baseball **: McKinley. • . . et ever doing so. three, three. which could be called mn- postPo« loIn another twin bill San- Iwo^tenIwo^tentha ot a second off thew e inning runs on base oa walks. •, “ e*“ nl ' ' HuiUl. BL LouU _ _T ia< l 37 S4 ng at world standard. COUCOLXJMBUS, Ju ly 21 W - Tlie on McKioley'd aemlfJaal opponent SiW"*?ctcRMDU. riittbursii s> sa« ss i< Havte It ll our aim to be- Jor or seek outside entry. With day. th«the first game starting at world s W — Tlie Meta tied the score on McKl ,«(« ClnelnaaU M J» S» 17 JJI ■sM rtlnaton of all theselese the generalg< IncrcMC ot coursesurses 11.11a.m. a.m. • TheTho Jhuge crowd was non-par-» r- Minor leogue chief Georgege M. Frank Thomas’ 'n th homer in In will lieBe h u D avis cup team mnate, ate, p. AIaiou.ou. iS«n Pr«n. _tl sa 6« O tJU ■Itsscimenta. We want all In theth state and the ratherHher WayneWayni Dean, on a two-strike.♦rikB t Usan. ^ . H 11 applauded the RussianJlon TtautmTn a tma a yesterdny putt his the secondsee and Marv ITironeber-er- third seededs< Jon Douglas, SanUtanUt MlIwaakM »4 St I t IS J t t iB toumnments withinLhln stastatic tic num ber o t goUers who count, ppushed otf n good suicidealclde eiforucfforlJt “ well as those ot Uieth e stastamp m p . o t approval on radio) com- n"s r>"s fifthfl .four-bogger in theihe Monica.Monica, C a lif, in a batUe o f de'- S S' S S ig (■ .R ta to draw the bestBest like anda play In tournaments,ents. squeeiesqueeze bunt In tho eightht, in-Jn- Americans. mmunicaUon unlca between a baseballoseball fourUi.fourUt. T hen Uiey. w ent a h ea d by fenslS'efensl\-e tactics th e form er s u m - ■icreItoUavallnble..Wehavelave this burgeoningt must bo con- nlng of the first game afler Bor- When when John Cramer, youngung manager>andmanage hla pitcher. ,'' a run InI the llfUi on ^ree aln-In- ford quarterbBckqu defeated mss: us- Wj««bu,sa^'i&-r!! s s s js nd to polo vault star, failed to clear t, exper- g>es and.a sacrifice fly. ta^loeitachloed Juan Coudcr. Spain., No. ----- Btst ss UJIS ■■crltute thue major tour*m r- trollecf.trolletf nhah had buttled /rom behind to Polo va 't h i termecl as a "w orthy exper- g!e» an Aaitlcaa iMfsa ■ « ti la Utah. Idaho. Mon-on- The four aiale tournamentsicnts tietic the econtest 6-5 in the regula-Buja- H« feet, 6H Inches and was the Im cnf the electronic communlca-unlca- After Tlironeberry muffed Don 2 ^ foreign seed, C-4. , c-4. - . ■ > ud Nevndo. ao none of mustiniut remnmi the bjg Jlcms. , tlonUon sevseven innings. - • “ first msman eliminated, Uie .crowdhi. tlon balwcen bench-siltlhg Man- Blaslngame'sBiasing grounder that sameme MeonwhUe.Mean' Bill'Lenoir. ’Tue-rue- jiZnnl Jto^nillUmCirt; 0 «7 «,U JM ■ a 'a jlU c t."' he polnted-out-,-UP.' —There—‘fh ci must not be a power JTffln.J a a.l groaned and Cramer burled hla' “ ager Jack , McKcon of the Vnn- Inning. PJnson hit hla homerun.on. son. AAJ rlt, lO -year-old U nlver-ver- P#»«r.MPoor.uitiBMou ..1SIS4Z t ail ower jrwln.Fnlla.pushed off to a 3-1 head In-the sowdusi.BaJbe_teaw ■>ua« noud ^Ihat tn manyany play fori control ot the state'sJite's leadlend nndand Uien went ahead 8-3 In “ eouver-MoTOUcSiWJd hlsm ounds-}unds- ' FinchPincli hitter Jlm Marshall sin-in- altyslty ofo t. Arizona player, also mov- SS5ri?» pit throughout the IIn- n - {Olt|olt pollclcs.p . the sIxtJ sixth after Borah Wid tied streamed down his cheeks. Both m en. , r ■ gled to-to left field In a strategy-[y- ed into Sunday'a semifinals wiUiWiUl Si,btR). >Uti.Cty. . s a c s <4 It JOT ofes- lu Larry Hunter, who wns knock-iMk. “fthe ® Russians and U.8. coach ^ trans- fW’''d Uth inning, giving theh e a .7-9. 7-9. «-6, 6-1 atrugglc orero tv r m AilllM. uiu.s WsarMU' ^f4 S«S S3 21 JOI West and .Idaho,‘ho. The southern Idaho profes- It. Larry In ,. U sing a trahslstor-lype trans- {{)'?'• „• s |. . Yulrwtiukl. Ucatoa «2 itt B7 II JtS B^^refcuiQnals h a v f i ' been««» slonaUgionais hnve done very wc»>t Injh ed out wwhen hit In Ihe hcod by a '■ jbJe miller, McKeon.,haa passedM on PittsburghP'ttsbui Pirates a 7-8 victoryiry seventhsevenUi aeeded U ary Nagler, Torm.L«Ani.lr. SS SIS !i *7 JU ■ = ti to carry, on th e Tarlousoua theth e post pa few years in combiningming pitch, m squeezed one run In ■s.; and Cramer r r npitching ,^ signals bnd otherF flfi.nd- o‘wo‘jf the“* San Frandsco Olanta.3. NorOiNorth Hollywood.I Calif.- , Mcms, Lm Anxrlr* ] S7S St Jl JIS ^»i^gnpam s bfcftuaC-PtJetji:LI&: jumZDUlllngjinitjM together. They hnve Wnync IDean slngTcd in another. ifltn. vise to hU hurlers th e lastIt twotwn Marshall's hit came'with thehe He wUlwl face P rc d StoUe. Aus-lUS- flortr.N.8or.r.N.wYotk _SSS0« 4B M J» J ■ * or apaUietic amateurcur Bccompllshednccomi mucit, northeleost ~D al 'B ‘^ I t h Hio* ~VKsn;'*tit of four hltahits in Uie sevenU i to, tielie It. r^«ori .«>»«•«., « SS*- TacomTacon«^.8-4. a aild 1-:^. The ihc-aianta'-fiflh'rpiicher.-andnd poUpolished sbed-aff-A rt_A shc.:St_L ouls ^ K.««n» un Negro and Ju n io r D avis cup play-lay . il.rsC vi» U nU _UITW«nit_____ 23 CrntlV.OrlelM II .... to win the second gtuiie as losing I'o'r - -The.Olanta’ Don Larsen walk- Advan n&ls M*Jlu,Cotu 11 KlIUbrw.TvlDi t l ' • '^.'Haneke polnUd out.out- sJonaJ'jsJonan atote handicap card sys- ‘ m iere Ij no rule barring such ^ k- Advancing to Sunday's finals «fi w ont c re d it for■ It. tem alalso has done well. “Sand^„A pitcherP waiJfurwnHon-cd onlyy twot«-o i.z r - js 'a n '.i’TA t : \ ' such ^ Qogg ^,,0 , jjiiiy jjj yjB a C«p.da.Clrii.Y*BkB tS >i«- communication." Troutman snld, p j„ „ , Ily m Uie women's b rack et were two ■ Koply to show Just one of ot bagglnB" bagsln and "mug - hunUng"S hits. He ’walked four men to force r«orJ. o OM w.mI ihM. Trn,. M«. commur ' Picrce relieved Larsen and gave unseedet SUNS BAITEO JN Jn n run In the second andKunt-lu n t- ^nw.'P"W.' tutM H ): 01f» Connollr. USA. m 1S7 '‘President•U*Mn U m * AaHtUmn LmTM ^V J^vhcre the profession-on- have befenb sharply rcduced, par- ‘0 Smoky Burgess. Piercece ji,31, ArliArlington. Va, and Caroleroie d«uD „i, SS Dod*.t» 100Wa*Bcr.AncU 70' dene some good, for fo r ticularlytlcular: In pro-ams. Tlio prosnros e* er followed , with a two-run dou-<1^: r"'* the cCoast o LeaRue txas fll«nysij«-rt>s thenu,en walkedwi Bill M azeroskl in-n- Caldwell.Caldwell 19, S a n ta ’Monica. C aur. Uw*.cu:Umt<. c u n u ' (U Oublotoa. WX. «» ‘______havo ccontributed much. , ble Just J“»t iInside th e U ilrd base line. »»«■».'>(»«■» .hoi pul- I'""*ISA. .b een been a progressive fellow, to“ hU tentionctcntionally. filling the bases. Miss Fli Floyd defeated l8-year-old -endorsement ol th e Innovation la nj~}ji f B g f HiBlInura~ft alftiim uiim»-—m y ‘-utiderShe-leedemhlp-tit-Kdnc CTHtf. >in. , Borah Ued ll 3-3 In Uie third f‘ *{] P.’.’’.TO*'*-endorsej ?if Right-hander Johnny Logan»n juUe HeJdman.a New York, 6-4, ibiisisr g »'ould be welcomed« d *i«Jlo ththla t past year, the stnte ^nm- COrTwtnCnrrwtn-IN«ll3-!m«ked-ltJU(y«iUi- n o BUrprlse. I cnn see no A dlf- “P„ to bat tor Roy Face, c-46-4 and Miss Caldwell downed - proJtulonaU. H e soldI It fttour.m eiu' alsoi got off to a good stastart r t out ft hihll In the /ourth. Pfijcl tor tip* tarn •fergneft-betweon-tho-Tfldlft-cbma■JmOa ond-O l Tlnrlrg MMOe^cbe3L-Pfllla8._T^x, T 6-2. - g g ^ » d to Iho day >n in tbut u t la still a ways frtiti becom-■om- Joe ^IcCj McCollum d rew a walk, stole iiukhinu* munlcaUon and the.usual wig-..,witche(.twitched to . th e rig h t-h an d e d 3-fl. e .i. 6-2...... ” i^ .j*??>ii[,fjii, ^■wittTsilxJth'xWW'CTOld'alt■«» 'inB''a~ in g 'a~ a o lld rc o o p eratlw (-o rgtanl- a n lr src.opdsccond "nnd come nround on a T?] w agging from Uw bencli. - Bolln'. B ut P ira te s' m a n ag e r D an-n- * _____ ■ • '- — ■ K l?**' f»»-*nd-map out-thethe taiionr-RiBht-aowJt_la_doubtcdtaUonr bled wild pitchpiui nnd pwaM-bUl.----- — Ul: .i_;ot_cour8e. If ~it' managerrer laIs n^'ni’ 'M'Mur urtaugh countered by call-1^2 • FRASER WINS ' HK?y^tolL-toumiunent .wa-55: if_lhflU»mnteur», tf tt/n shoultl they ■■ ■■•. ,n«i-nim.r ------.•I*** elected from a gome, a differentrcrent InR-ihe-left-handed-MniahaU. ing-the ------,. ^7 4 JS» I a , ~ Q S T A A D r"& « llzcrlan a— -JillyJuly T.ft-yiT.1..- TiJJrn™ - ■— - ______th” gain 'complete control, woulda bebc t T-ln- ih PP.lUi IIi .b r h Itariih .fc* J r h^ ct«m.r. U8A,■ <»iW i« fU*r .2? »nr problemprobien; arfics7^e~wouia-iiot-belot-be —Hal-Smlth-drove-ln-four-runs—Hal-6 united enough to keep thlnRS iiunirr permitted to sit In the standsmnds with a doublec nnd a single leadd- jf J f n united MarUn Mulligan 6-3, fi-4 In one ° ------___1‘M;!7JT~ K ^ uid he . waa not spe-pe- runningrunnlni smoothly. :'""rr !! SKriv J!: ? i ‘^kV‘'*^o.^^,«„.ur ..U-VM I.1, r-iub.'“,fc T and n'r*^ puss on signals — for3r he IngIng'Hou Houston to a 7-3 vlclon’ over [in„ must divorce himself complete* St. Loul ” semifinal m a tch o t tb e Swissffias Wkkrnh.ni.wkk*nh< ' I ’jOO' 9■"jT Mure that the stntente Itli alsoq] munt b« remembered Efc, KinKhnm . i ! I KS. i !! lasw.' pleie- St. Louts and-glvlng tho Coja.a' IntemaUonal tcnnla champion-on- ilcllrw*.-McnrW».j A nnb ______i S .T«» ^CW.awJ bfei) changed bu but t such*uch growpsa bJow h o i nwd colii. I;-”'';,.,, > } Zlnn, UHA. IH liai.li John All«n.hn. ly from the contest. split in tbe doy-nlght double-'* ships .today. Both aro Austral- ■ Igknc^ several were dur- S o i ! itei:" i J! a-;: ,'!f (hlng header. The Cards won Uie first “ w - acUvo and Inactive dcpendlnRUlliR a 1 ItCiHiii 1I 0 ' Wnmtn’i iMlrt wUr — U«A.BA “But Ithere's certainly nothing header. rnrUclt. T1»»M' ■■ -'■■■ i .?00 «PHng meellng. Thel^e on the ambition of Uie olflccrsleers oii,.i.*r>i s a O'.scn.wllo • i> »> (Whlu«.(WhIUn. McUult*. Ilrooci. Iludalph).>h). In-theiH 'th e rules T lo prevent the man- 7-07 ^ behindbeh. Uie tour-hit pitchingng “ - „ Utah^ elected eleotcd yenr by yenr. One baitbad H»t( 0 0 -o:M<.frl. l> ^ e U4J;miu it; Vf8R, lUP. . . a a g g er er ffrom n using radio forr his ofot LarrLarr>' Jackson. till? I JS! ow n bench.** • ' S m ith doubled In tw o ru n s In ■ up-./romO'" of.^oUdo L e ^ '‘^nmnteu^ gro»ah' o)>clono 'JSit;iiu),}rr T ru u ------— j.,.i n~« Next atepl Opposing battersniteni the second Inning as the Colts “ peeled. The hewlew productivity.produei Being dependent-on ------w llh * SlB8^*^® ll-‘‘«rlnB-the-*pace golf^U T ,; .,r « W8A.”l» f “* V fltirrl <«® goir^iho..pro*-naturally kepp n Jot.i. BA. ahlrt-pockei receivers tuned to ■”“T®T ^ ^ K ^th e Wttho_oi>cn.-Thflltwl closer teye .on.things. . twi» r.iii" slxtiifcoiurcd a thrw^run up-l ING SOLD K ,‘™ .-r=:™ SS. ; t Ju-i ||__mDINGJ “ • Dmitrw iwiffinko.-USflit.'.tho-cnei9H.' .tho'cnemy-manftger^-frcquency ‘-^E'^'S'p.nnicnt alive, the - lIowevec..ll. la moving now nnd - '••• ' - — ------i w ii. b^l rising-Uiat gave the Colta a 7-3| to move Jt h/i°! J. „. . . (9^nd Oitnf) -- - - -llunuc - ^ u n u r -Uirow - lUroM-rCon. to learo wheUier a fast ball. [“ 'JK tJ ■ had..a„ good, meeting here Fri- b , h noiir. UOA. m-io. ibfitim wofM Sre-^ sMderslider oro r ciuve la coffll^ up next, ■ •iS f “''‘‘■thlrd'moTed day night: Many pofnta nnd ob*0b> T-iijriiitT alnrillt ab r hUvrth ab r h nolUr. Ija/ '”The-C.-r4,:«p.M.thtKori™: ; --..TThe HUB :witrBor r % ^ T r - ; ■ ^ “.P “ &Jectlvia v h were well' taken. One. of ! Jj;;;;;" S " ! J S h E ™ . 5 ! S m m a£ *'• wwT*' - when SStan Muslal singled In a, „ these was tho appointment of n run In the first. putUng Muslal sBumSV""'® “PP®“* n®*il- Smn? permanent secretary, who ■^.iSSS- will wnw 3 s ; s ! V n » "Wmners Noted wlUiin x£< one ot Mel Olt'a Nallonal out theSl® gr”S?rbe paid a im all retainer to ip y league record of law runs batted . S W l diJi'"® tn s. two sides m a in ta in th e continuity and ■,;»rr ex- [(|„,h,.rn 'sfssr .‘■ite For I i M O S T ^ YVACATE A C and ,lmW talk It ii: PorGoIf.Tourney eftanjB Of ideas am ong Ujb,v arl- <;,.nrrEl:::;'"; , s 5 iSK .«. 3■ ;S 0i '*wilBooir^ji?“jV)h-'«ob*iimy»..rt.. WlnnensWlnne: for the Twin P>Biu Falls ^Warre Wnrren Spahn pitched a neatsll ■ ' ‘ McCollutii ' I 1 tfWIUI.mi S O 0 U-HA, 110.: (*q<)4ti m«i f*wrO « i by W om oa’s omb- th rw -h Jtter aa -Uie M ilwaukee y e t th a t ous m em ber associations. m Vili"" hr Women’s golf BsaoclaUon ’.'tomb- thrw-hJ , t i n - . y . 1 S ------ir* Uuirhliiin. MiMniw. ll&Kt! lloirr atone- tournament conductedjcted Broves defeated the PhUadelphla - •j,y PhilHea 8-1. , ‘ ‘ ■ ; Sj • - fof/owing fijuipfflenHjuipmenl Mifsf ^ ■ a ,T ~ ® believe c ertain to u r- “ ®** *• ,1'S &-ff ss.!; K ; IK. nSU,Thursday ore .announced 'by rmuiea aute amateur body will come of "■X’f . ih' ■' ‘ *' „r.i's a . tournament chairman L brna.JoeArQQ Joe Adcock i powered a pair of given pre- ■tato a) ® ° T«ln F.m ..— -.010 no «— t "1‘™ JJIil. M -W .,., T.„, ■' B e S o Ui AA i iO Om n c e l - r - - — . - Ide ago and become aoHd. ___ ,"j Nore. ' ^ homertf h for tho Braves. . Spahn atruet out five batters . , en, A strong amaUur ftssoclaUon i : Mra. W. 8, (Spin) Packnrd won and-gavo up no boaeg.on ballsjnln 2 Tyler coolers with compressors.mpresiors. BrunswickI brought n's Is dwlrtble. but not lo over-«£ -Ex-Driver '-h/X'-J Diess S f the class A division when sho aid poweTlng'detnmrot of-the^proi. ^ AUkUtln*. ■ (JJWK. t«.*; J" e CIUB winning his ninth, game againstllj - Beer Box wlth:Compressorr-SfaIn!ej5orr'SfaIn!ess-8teel, 3-TOmparN— -? M i ^ “ X K O N Q T O N .-K y ./ju ly a iWw-:- U ChUuaoO,CbUuaov. UHHII. iH.s. , firedflred * a <42. Class- B w inner waa n losses Uib season.The vtetori jnent They are compatible. Th6 pn»t »• Florence Dwyer and Mrs. vern '“ J” l l -merit sink. Tastoe Barbecuecus sandw^isandwith.maker. Bar and' IflKit • They a Siio TJmvis » " the iiath er ht. Queer, j» if t;» > “'atlon-couM-b*^ few'veaM' hlnorv “of the rfio ‘ “ “ oiT"AriSSxr.V'i'.!i:.:J " ParWS s n” '. won- claaj C. Mr.i. O ary “ 11 stools. Kitchen Cabinet Sink. Sink, Floor Safe. Map!# Top' • lf l^ iM"»:wlnutea of talks P« chi til . K S f S i ^ l ^ ^ 1 i ^ l i ! n s n r r A l Kn . -T^waor-walked-gtf-wlUUhBjlasa -Tfcwaor-a plttss ______^r« Bnd"t^we bui ofo f the gl a t e s t rccords In Uio _ YjnMivA'TRn ShuffShuffle b o e i^ For Sale o r Would PlacePlac oh Shares. R e& ‘ ' I f l ^ t o m . * **'‘hdshnko. T hese f.-*»«ckiS ^ s ^ fid ” J^jjBrow th a n d pro_ductlvlty nro are historyW*tory ofo ham us rnclng, died D UUe< - SEASEATTLE, TI July ai ifl-euty-- ~Uoer ~Boer Sign. Al:* Lflndlttonsir-Modlnn8ir-M od}no-Ofl-Fired.St«im-. . today. Membera were, allowed half two thoroUghbr«ds,'thi IncludingI FurnaceFnrnii with 273' gallon “tank.'M K SiS-.:i?„5“?,ss: ^ ’O' their - handicap over^nlne holeslolea Just-year’s lu t - yea winner, have been on-tank.'M ant olhanmUcel-r' ot The'omateurs Biw~cninial-Ral' -flcrry.JOr»u^t>“ ^"PllflH«<*.lTh!tel'u^^ J laneous ertlclos. • • the pivot The' Is; TOd-hiid-to.plok-up-wlicn_tftfl nominatenominated for'the •27tii running laneo U S ' «t“ te golfblf vonU#Tonli# Into■» similar'action.- slneoftlnco juij JU ly.4., , Kiirukura. .i,„« Derry won close to 100 fam■lous ous usa USA,. sS jJ j! r-u ii n.A»fr»m». UBA. »-i. h a d uaed SnilB, Luiiuati'es-TnlW'^usfi^Sr —— — lB?'®*«h'd«K*?-^*'''-UUhnsms _ir.bol_ir.botli-pull.togelher, and they ;i; had used Uielr-allotted •■sl«kea. :- in races, -including two Hamhle-b j,. M«m 400 m*(*r tfMti. U«* WiIIUmM. ^ The price tog on Uio N orU iw est'ss ^------CONtACTTARSrttDCRWlTIStDCR»tTIEy?grPHC8_ . .Lu 1. J. should .'•Inco they are-here lo rocMr ^ ,hI Those going farUiest wero win- bluest hi Idahoans, should. i i t ,onl«iawllh BiiioV (r'.pm ta m i'S i. A,k blTCcst horse m co Is $25,000. wtUi' . - . AT.THEHUffBARlNTWlhlAR I N T W IM .P A I^ .- PrahletnJtn better.better' igolf, then Idaho's finest " “• a n : ------w w m »20,i)00-guaraiiteed,thB..»lnaer. 1 » -««« ot these woek-wdnd yean jrewi hIn tbe *port ile ahead.. . J9S® 1930 and C hestertow a la 1M9. (or BftU«i S L # i i j C 5 " ______r . r B

PRE- r J b ET M c OM E^UT.^^^ tome inil and SAVE during ou iM P Jlr VEIVENTORY SAIE . . . see thp 1 many valuesIS we coffer ot the closewe of oour first year ,1, : INVENTOm m ^ m P w ^Hsiness bus in ^ Lynwood Shopping Centerrjrr-'." ~ ^HY PAY MO*^ *'...... AORE ^ 1 0 0 % ALL WOOLOOL WllWILTON '■ SALE ENDENDS SATURDA'lIDAY, JULY 28th 28fl (g ) ' :: ^ ■ CARPETPET ^ 9 5 \ Now you Mn buy 100% All-Wool Wllion,'Wtll-lo- Wll .*•*;«» e«|ri( Cnil,,)tblOO ;well, b«iul[ful hlgh<)Uit]ly' wwtpil p il .for,1o on unb*. Sfl* » d A IR Cconditioners O N I , ll«vtt >tlljnB iip - - AA L 1:L-Tyi»ES=^ L ,tf to 10.95 ■iqu*r*yird. • V - q u a l it y NEED;ED NOTN O T BE EXPENSIVE SS w hereye'rrw li^ever you w anta iin it t------W ESTIN GHOUSE— SE^------t------r------^Thlf-lt-t-ipKlii-bur«n ~ nt"rolircopIness wfierS ■ ...... —■■■■ - -di«p~ t piled, hiivy wov«n bick.-Sl»c«hK^S\r^ t h ■ l i Ii-«-dl(Kt.|mpo>Mh7r«‘^ ^ H S REFRIGER/RIGERATORS p ■ no broker . . . no wholtMltf.If. YOO SAVESAV THE MIBDIEMAN’S PROFIT!DFiTi / I WALL 1NCTHINO DOWN-Up to 34& monihtmonihi le piy. A phsnt till wlll bring>>rlng " ■ . SHADOW BOXESES our e«rp«t m.n for FREE ESTIMATESESTIMATES'end i«mpl*i. No obllgiilon.Ulon. EXPERT CARPET INSTAUATIONSIlONSI ■ . ‘ , .• ' ■ lonly— l«cu. ft.ComblnatloiCombination • $ J | —Hon-R»W30™'««?d-*“m d J r e o y x e f c t— ------— Keg. 6 8 9 J 5 — So»o,e 190.001 9 0 .0 0 ' ^ r ■ — ' ------JxIZ-Cartin-Cart«I>«« ------— DiNEnnssiETDll FREE Furbished 1 onl 1 59.95 FR ...... to p i Dishwasher» r I p — -^ 499.95—So*",0 140.001 4 0 .0 0 ...... *359 T . ond o h d f8 chairs. Smrj% ' Rolt-obout Deluxe - r 1 only—13 cii. ft. B I G S EELECTION L E C ^. Reg. 199.95 ....^ 1 7 9 f- FroiNFrco *349^ Reg. 299.95 N ylonIo n-C o o tt< tto n R«g. 4 9 9 ^ 5 — SoYo'0 150.001 5 0 .0 0 ...... T only King ilxe, «hift I T H R O)W W R U G S U l 2 only— 1 3 c u ; f t .-. . $ 4 | A Frost-Freo ^ ...... Reg.-419.95— Savo-100.00ro-lO O .O O ...------J 1.98K «4. 4 . 4 9 . R t e s I ■ 199.1i ; i :95:„:.:;:*179 J P 1 onIy-7 ^ 1 2 cu. ft. » All Pictures L _ t f ------WE!WESTINGHOUSE ...... Rcfrlgerotor j L Yo’J'" Choice-Erce-End Tables 7^ ^ / / Reg. 289.95—Saveve 80.00 ...... *209 ^ V .l.o n ly — Wolnut top— ; 10?^ o ff 6 chairs, 36x72 and C offee-■ Tab.! TabI.es (in s e ts ) J.,'';; wifhj - » p WESTINGHOUSESE ■ - - m _ ll-hp^MOBILAIRE i i - h t . , R « a . [ E ------f r e e z i ______PulLDown . . ______Buy 2 andid ge get 1 Free FREEZERS ------m l a mI pP sS ------cCONDITiONEP o t J WALL - 2 onty— 30x48— %f|||*r, 1 only— 13 cu. ft. 400 Ib., M Reg. 4.49 ^ESSSALE '4 p: chairs. Sil A B weok .Copoclty Upright, commercial MATTRfSS -— Regr69;95^z::r-’4V rotcd. Reg. 349.95>5"cioi ...... - *274 ” ' Prices osa s lowloW aso s $29 .. ^ ’ house current] ------—’ 1 only—25 cu. ft. Upright Buy 1 o t full price and get , Coddock Buffeu end ilnitall It/, .o rrmove move it...init minutes ] I 3.47 .. Commerciol rated. Holds y — ^ ------■ --M atched Box Springs ar.„..„... t ------V i PRICE <=1Hutches In stock . ■CoobI Circulateal VontHitesI Vontllitcsl Dehumldincol And morere Impor- t3 7 5 |i„, Reg. 499.959 .9 5 ------...... W , " T W m Mople,-Walnut, ! tauUy, on Its Mobilecart,>ilecart, you can movo coolncss whereverrover you All T a b ls — -7- 'wutitKMdsnopomuuwntlpcmuuwnt Initallatlon . . . L-nay to atora,tore. to«i..too.;_ )1 only-^1 cu. ft. Chest Mohogeny ' Sm It demoDstntsdtd todayl BuyBi yours on easy tcrmsl I - Freexer, with quick( TfroMC w i — ^ 9 9 Rodios; - P o d d e d --Heodbogrds H e o c - - . . FOR QUAUTY.. . . FOR FEATURESI . . . FOR value'VALUE ‘ c comportment. Rog.g. 399.95 ...... ^ ■ - 2 0 % - ^ ^ -rhm rewii^URE;;:!!;URE;;nnrii^^stinghouse—— l.only=tlil.£u.JtJlwight i ___ P 3/3 Sl«...... 9 . 9 5> — ------3 ^ Ib. capacity. -ORtigh*-______^ 1 8 9 ___ _ — I iReg. 229.95 ...... 9 ’S o f t TCARPtT 4 /« Sli. (full) ...... 1...... 3 .9 5 WESTINGHOUSE3USE 1 ,only-r21 eu. ft. Upright *------END ROUS ■------740lbreopocityi------S ------— ------STEREOSSTE -j - Hollywood Fromes ...... • .Iteg. 429.95 ...... — ^369-^ “ 1 FREE ^ * 100% WoolTUROUOM;, - Wilton WeoY. 0 1 only— 18 cu. ft. Upright New S u n tid e. " M aph AM-FM RodIo 670 lb. capacity r Walnut Chests j^ov ond St«rto Reg. 349.95 ...... PicnicI Basket^et , M ahogany, Wall K ^ - . . * 1 7 5 j . .. Reg. 359.95 ...------^ 299 i ^ Fully Insulatedi .Mohogony S to n e, oilo« h^ard.00. ,-g O Q A WESTINGHOUSESE ■ with any FiFull finished. 1 ony— 12x17'!'.' cabinet, full console, 3 purchoseqf 4 ond 5 draw er...... •24 . “ 100% WOOL GREY O T r r a n g •peoker lyttem». . Reg. 22< 0 9 .9 5 ...... RANGES 39.95 or moro * « WILTON WEAVE Mohogony Stereo,reo, fu full ll A A Reg. 158.30 S I^C — * Melmac Dishes N O W ...... I a D console, 3 speokerker system.sytteir i J l U V ’Continentol ond base Autombtic ^ I 20% off te Reg. 249.95 ______Reg. 559.95. NOW— with tro do e-In - I n ...... ■ IFRY PAN " s!h'' 29.955 All GIFT ""- 2only—12'xirr' | Terraco top copper tone i 100% WOOL BEIGS j WESTINGHOUSEOUSE ^ A Lid Control > W A R E 1 30 inch range Sfn":....9.95 - WUton Weo»» Rog. 299.95 ...... I *249 WATERVTER HEAtERS i : R o g . - — I 30 Inch Look in Door 9 I til 16.95) 5 1 HOMER IAUGIHIN.IN CHINACHI DISH SETS 40 Gallon, quickck recovefM orejT ___ ;______]S H f A Deluxe Ronge * 0 5 0 ^ 70 yeer'worranty“:.V..... - / - y - Regr309,95=with'tro^e-ih—h'trode-ih~.r...... m " • 3 Potterns . t » Qi.ly,*‘tO"«S1'',«rWl» ■ ^ — — ^ *w 3 “W 4 ^«•#«'« «i0«i« «W *25: 52 Gallon, quick recover S Q n 30 inch Rongo 51 Piece Sets...... - :____ _ NOWN O W ______? * ;. ,10 year worronly :__... ..’8 9 IDeluxe features Rog. 249.95—withh 'trade „ o d e ...... *1999 . ToStersPS .:-r 5^ ------^------• I Mly. ir* * ’ * 2 5 ' __M Gallon — Spectol ^ ; ■■ ' $ ^ 9 - ! r o 9 — 2<*-i"chJkportmcnt— _____ , ______LAMPS__-_.: A M P ...... ■■ ^ . Floor, T able)le and IPole Lites m w 2—Toble Top Water Hedters H Priced to Go 9 ...G o S°oT-w^i.“ ’i’.Lt:iiz:n89:~i9 1^1235717 I o«tr. *1< Deluxe Ditpotols $ 5 9 ------^ ^ ,00 OQ F F K>t.a.4J5.WOW, Reg. 79.95 ...... »59 WESTINGHOUSEISE MANY MORE TO ■ T V SETSSE FANS - 20%% 01 O F F SELECT FROM— COME EARLY AS : On oil HASSOCKS:KS and FOOT STOOLS ■ < MOST ARE ONE ale swivel bose, leother Inlov too.^- »i.:;..:.6.98^!q ______— ____ Ally i .Cfllon Cflfort • . ;;;------— :----- OFTTKINO:----- ...... :...... 1 ..:.....* 2 9 ^ Mohogeny 2V' Consolc.o ,n s o |o ,.bbeou .e o u tif u l.c a b ln e t.______^ 1 , ^ ^8 SWIVEL^ RRC O C K E R S ^ "^early' ^ mer?« n- rl2i98 ____ ; firth carfet = = = = * 2 8 9 = ^ K i m ~ Ai rc b ldrs------H p i m "FREE" STAND ID W ITH ALL TABLE MODELr 1 0 0J 5C tl 59.95 and 49.95 Value ) !!;g°...*250 TV SETS .12.12In..... I7 « 7r n ^ ^ . . Yi YOUR CHOICE......

9 9 5 I D R Y E R S ^ Reg. 289.95 H YOURJR CHOICEC S w inn g S e ts NOWJ -7> 1 only DE8-30 ’ Reg. J 99.95 ...... : : * 1 5 9 r r any Platform Rocker _ ' By T u r c o ...... :...... 19.95 , Reg. 229,95 ...... »9------5 lO of^.». - lo«!(«>remo» LOCao____ ...... * 1 9 9 1 Conlrol - • Pra-Waih Sefirng fER gnd PRYHT | < G R O O M S E t T ~ ^j | " “ = ^ a s y ^ «™eWeW TERBIS—■ — • WalQhingOoor- ^ I AVASHER w ^ I LIVING ROi • S«d»'N Wot»rir Sov«r ■. ■ • Up fo 36 Monihs io Pay w ith: trada d e DEfaUXEXE — ONE SET ONLY 3 Piece Brown Sectional,lectionol, ny!nylon cover, foam cush< Most Deluxe Set' on the momarket. You must see® it' lons.'5 year guarantee . ._taJsnowJi:clvaluc__c _ _ ------______— •...... ------...... —oirconstructlon. Reg. 749.00 set J P Reg. 499.95 ...... — - - ALL USED NOW ...... * 5 5 9 •W 5 Piece Gr^up—Donilh Mo -?r — T-— l:onirU-!27-- • (- 7 ~ l onlyL-125-K ...... 'Doveno, choir, 2 steps, 1 cof ' Spoce Mote— :------^ A PPtl•PMANCES!S |” ~r~ . space-Mote ------" toble. Reg. 299.95 ...... WASHERE R W A S H E R ' h o u s e Ideal for trailer house ' jiiifc w u B ar tr iiifcuw .itfcin i W-.-- Reg. 289.95 • _____ l i p p p i r i q C enter . .. -.iiiiHag .iZ -^l^nwbodiShoppii OPEN Si30—«:3030—«;30 DAILY ■ ^ - P R K E - ^ - 1“ “ ~^rade iB-valiir-on-yourold»n-yourold:ll¥lng-rMm'iult«rOvff-’ ll

■ .'■ . . . ■ I . h This Section — . ‘ ______| ^ S E ^ZI^WnntrSeg~Opr5eyOpen~HquaB'T'rT~MagIe-ViillcyaffIc~V iillc^Por~ Started Woman on Collecting:tin g . . . Aren -^■U-N-DA-Y-^ •Nationwide Com pany-"rClf6.'iVCotlfA T tT ’Comlca. ATURE gECTf ...... ■ ------The Mogicle MogicVc 'VblIey~Newspopcr Servihg'Serving "NihbNH Irrigated'C ounties cTi(m " t^ t o T f a l l s ; ro A H o 7 's u^'DaYr;mL^22ri962~~~~ N D a Y r3 ~ ':' ' ' — i( ...... ■ /'I glers^Pr(P ro v in g ® p s t Heat[eadache H p i ^ P get_thexn.-ownera ;woutd like to have hose and sewer connecUonB. The Immensity of the problem . headnche is seen by a'study of the sltua- ^ ^ ^ ^ 9 Uon as exists In a slnBlfl forest. s * 5 E ^ ^ e g l | | | B ._v._ The forest we have In mind U ts th e .SawtooUi Sawio division o f th e BawtooUi naUonal forest. T h e headache here U no worse thoa BV R ^^ ' ■ - i u . r ^ 3 t S § 9 ”C =It Iso In i other forest areas, but ,?**!,.. ^ u t -the sUtKtlttsUtUUes o:on ihU one were easily Sy'Uli M WUIUMI to **y obtalnobleobtainable because headquarters ■ h9I9^ ■ n D I .' ’ are In Twin Folia. For this rea-

particular forest area are xjsei. The Sawtooth division la one ' hwvlly used and popular with S ^ S ^ “^5!SSSftaSlc^Ierrcsldcnlsrnt-lit? - h tr r f ^ eludes such areas os the Wcod river area atuve Ketchum, '.nd S2iSiTr<»»‘y- ' odjMchi.tcadjueht-to the North Porlc'atore, ^iMoiAMlve 0» pron’.cms. and aUoalso ith c 'a re a a ro u n d tJ>e Idol o( Stanley b;basin atnrtx. . It ' even SiS S lnR bnft between sprcfidsspretids wwest nearly to the «n- derson ranch reservoir north oft 'ft. *.ii *iis n reality. MountnlnM ountain Ho.'ne. f g i t t U be cold, ond AAt t prwcprc.ient. In most Instances. S lomeUmei mlMrnble. trailer and tent units ore one and 'L ^ ^ e r thought ond Uie uune.mne. A de.ilRnated orea, for 5 ta .m eone. not too f a r insUncc.instance, ccan be UKd for either t ^ d K ld m lo put tent erectioncrcctl or trailer porklntt. contrlvonce w ith UIt Is Ju*tJust in case of whleh advo- taSrt* of home. . ca^ReUcat« gets t:there SStroller - «ie hou« -There-ar—There-are-lots-of-piMM-Uall- - ? “ wu boni. Although ewem can bo parked but right now Uit» BQ one rcallMd It « t ththe e concernconcer is Just how manyr ; C0N8TIIUCTI0NCONSXlt OPTHOnE'rTRAILEn~parklDr'>pacea-ls'imder TRAILEH j ler way la oxmany oaUonU fereaiUta I 03. But coQslrucUon-ls-not-keepInci iplng up-wup-wlth-the-demand.as-traller-owner taller- owners .iDercaie.dally.i.Tli* S^tha number one head- parUhir parWnir pitplaces ore actually made: IncludinrIneludinr Sawtooth( and Challls,M, the th e two tw o mim ost naed by te sld e n u o( MMailo aile Valley.Vai: This view showars 1 InHux of trallera Into Ihe nationalonal forest areai Is creaUng a seriouslerlous problproblem of provldlni ade* for trailers. '' trailer «U1 sUlti under constnicUana at the ,Basl Basin ereek campgrounass north n o rth oof f StanleyI o a highw ayly 1 <]nat« ppa arking facilities. I t Is nowIOW the No.No 1 headache for forestest officials. (Times-News pboto), 'vsr/In Uie forest area Included I n ------______T T — T" * .* * * _ • ■ * * * * * * * * ' * ■ * * * r» u the trailer—now m ore the th e survey (the sawtooth dlW-• tJreUre group innd the water corncss iriTfftlrlyIt is M lrty '< easy to fin d the* iott] LifG5wh"li3 the yacaUon slon) Uierothere are exactly 109 trailerp from a pump.purr - • . . number of vacaUon trailers bc- sH tM w ^ ft headache. One parklncpliparking places now useable. Bomo3 How manyman: vncatlon Irnllers aree Ing uused. se d . , . | inlSiVj . ll uitt It needs & lot o r have sewogsewoge fBcllltles, In o ddlilon1 there? By lawli | t U required th at ^A sspot p o t clcheck with only three 1- 4\*\\ t lot more th a n a t«nt. I t to running water. Others provideB a license bc purclinscd lor trail-- counUes resultedres In the stnrtllngl ll BnlHVflM Bl IkDlil level pUce to p a r s ththe e parklO;parkins spoccs but restroomss ers before tthey can bc pulled onn Informationinrormatlon that no less than MO s \'f H u ik I’L. iffW I jfjBPTffi"'" iHbwth theydonot.alyayu are centralcentrally located for ao en-• any hlghwo;highw ay. Becnu-so of this law______ i f l yi l i H H tpproaehh ofo Huntiniting Seasonison Is :t Ijl] ll^u '^H raluttB lit: --S i ®^iy I It i m ime to SaJSafeguardrd Canine( e PetsP( im■ ii. I I M t ? Sounds strange, but it Is true. ^ ^ ■ T b ■*_ *_ * * ^ * * * * ' * * * * Bounds s...... : ------:______• ■ The.time. The.time I;Is nenr-afhand when '. h u n tin g dog'd< o w n e r s should “T r(".'.. .'.. , "~ ■ - 7 ——— .guard-pets.gii«rd 1>**T n ig h t <*"y !'*■ j . .1 TheThe rensireason ts, each year scoresS ; ' 'K i S j ‘IvAltj I f e ? ' ‘of "dogles"dogless" hunters suddenlyy -v ^ ^ v — declde-they-8hould~have-an-on(-declde-ihey -.fc i:. J l j malm al to workwo In the field, and. B m K ' not wishingwlfihlni to purchase one or go throughth ro u g h the trouble of train- 1 _ Ing one,one. stealst< one.______■ RecordsR e co rd s 1 a t )M th-the clUr police'' ■ ~ . J ^ B k - a nand d counlcouniy' sheriff's office In Twin Palls-as well as like of- iS*.' JHEW 'flcea throughoutthrou Moglc Valley— w a m m w , . s ^ ^.a u a 'osTuiS show ‘how dlsnjdisappearance of~hunUng W~-" * animalsonlmals cocoincides with the od- m"- ■■■■ 9 ''entvent of t the hunting season— B . . - v '‘ *>othboth water:waterfowl and upland birds. K . .. ,t< ■ ~ ' .- ■ ' OOn» n t loctlocal citizen who lost a !■&;. - J H B l f i f ..'..>j f l vavaluable lu ab le aranimal Is Hugh F^irmer. ' " , 9 £ven ^though o u his dog was tat- a V v ' - ' ^ ' - tooed InsldInside one ear for identl- I I ■**«!* • * °o ■ «■ • ' — v’^salB t m f c ' . ' * iiention,ilention, at and eve;] though iden- Uflable mnmarkings were listed, the * Jg •! I.® rL5 ■ • ■ animal nevnever wns scen'ngaln. • ^ '"Through“Through senrch and Times- NewsNewa advertisingadvc t have aided in getU getUng ng back several other dogs belongingbelon; to other hunters,' ^ ^ ^ B ParmerF a rm e r sasaid, "but I hnve not ...- been succe successful In getting back‘ TYPICALt v p i c > OP THOSE DESIIIINOESIRINa to have the comforU of Jackson Hel* eoonlry of Wyomliir.>mlnr. behe c tCwUtiat^ »n P.»t H ) service can help youths get Jobs,]bs; this? SheSite thinks it's wonderful,: wonderful cllmnte of-the island,d. to OhlcagiC hicago ond-then travel so u th —— id to the Caribbean sea-and.San ■M-k« . nno o mmaUer a tte r what kind of a Job Shi- Shi> ndml' ndmlts nil she knows nbout: But Lea >says she VlU wait and to the C or where the Job Is, he Justlust Puerto RRico is whnt she hns! sec. Juan and o yeor of tennis, swim- P ioioneer n LDS smites and tells Uiem how YESrES licnrd. TliTlie travel posters clnlm Lea derdeparted from Twin FallsIs mlng andar outdoor recreaUon _ placed Uie Uieir 150th appUcacfon.ton. it's one ot < the most romantJc WcdnajdaWcdnajday. She took only sum-1- with five children. ■XES In a round-about-wnyvjiy ' * . * * * * ^ * * * * * - -Reli 1.1 Ttiorft tb thcthe Is tattooed Inside (he ear flap ofr ^SACT-avkB-ciTYrJuJyai-w ’^SA C Tia ^ tw returned to th e rUishtful htfut owfiewfier. The reciatraUon Is tattooed Ini stor)- than Just. placing ft girl "V- •:. , :" v ^ -,. ■ '. !v V------' -• .. i “ f*l tnd In penaanthl. Jhe.wotk_cjrh e » afk i-»n twi Hnnn n t mny y fettrlnarr ttrlnar.r CStalestablishment. Scores ofr —W—worRmer orkm en clenrlns out Build* f^®*^ .t* ''" r- tngs to be demolished for:hew, In a job-After-all. Pucrto-Rlco anUnr season ncam and lUrta. Some nerernever refrimrc home'. '(Times- ' thgs to be Is a long way"from Twin Fnlls.Ills. ■■ •.•'■»? ' f e w '* " »“ •' construcUonconstrucUoi recently camo upon S .?. *°i f.. — - ' a n •' collcctloncollectlo o f pictures taken Even with Jet service tha is by an a n earlyenrl; Utah photographer.‘ *a long Way *“• to commute. ‘•..v '.:.' [ Tho story begins with Jomcs The Incident cniicd attenUon pp. . to th e changes of th e la st 15 to C lm lno, *« on A m erican w h o op- ;.. ;-~-'- ^ erates a grocery brokernge m . v3i ;-i?t-)hody’s g o in g .^ S ipecial PedPediatric : TeiTeam' • 100 y e ars. SSan a n ^Juan. u a n ' As a rule he spends . , AH _____ , One picture,plcti pnrtlcularly time-- a- llUlelluie tlmc’lntlm Sun Valley.every fXl • ly because'because of the annunl ob. yenr.«•«;. L '^ ^ B servance of Pioneer day. July at. The — ^ Clmlnos hove five chll-1. U H K :B u^rtu e r t o R i c o jM , a state holiday In Utah, show* ^ 3 dren. The youngest Is 4 months e Twins a ~ J u ly 34 porode of 1878. i S T 't h c o Siamese T rhe eparates S a n d th o oldes t Is 9 years. The ss is a sta te sales Uix auditor. The i& lA M C. MAUltlBON Pltolpltal to BetBt decren.nlnB qua n titie s Is a ntnte s 5 I ^ k e a i y , MiUn Mrtct.Jll whjl m S S S of J^N C iaC 0,.Jujy 3J-^B-. oLcortHo of-C ortlsooe InjecU ons for_ l«wi’ti' Lo_ww arc Chlncse-Amcrlcftn and ° ■ ed someone to h«lp take lare of r aaronBl-Blands-Uiat-hna~l)om»tn havcJKfl_oUici_chIl(ltclJ,JJ5vl5};havt_to:n_o apptamf£ 2 ^ S-to ,“ be-aboHrihlnJ-^IJj;; w«^chHdrien.^upwlse._therrehltdt tbelrlelr' ..'-••r I^JfllPrudcnce-Lowtnow M ronol-j ?* Tmd-rBhows-TPnrnrters ; headlnj: recreaflwrecreaflc&^ftnd i a^6'them -w lth . I leltltis Patricia's do inost of thete 0. and Susan.Susa: I 'i . .• - • 'Ith. eB I^D B B ^S czSrr^r, ® ,!2«-eycit at the world lett'nB P“ _ norlh. Many, In unlinrm. are' their problems.probl In other wOVds ^ ^ l e crib.% despite th e irP work. TliTlicn Patricio was re-;- Tlic couplecoup nnd De Vries fomi !!; 1- A mutual admiration society. The. walking. ° Others are in horse- they neededneed' a* governess. So, /i'-;y.;. *.' ’ iJ" * moniiut ftgo aa a ia -. turned foifor surgery for on IntesU- a mutual ac d ra w n w agons or bugRles. J iu t liking n u n g this port of-the country . • • . nal-obatnnal obstruction July 10.' D r. dclc doctor .lald ho hnd thc parenu~ entering Uie plcturc from Uie and Its pe< ot sit III on decLsloiu and :'U»ey v^-cre f ‘i ^ ■ and Its peo^e, they opplied for ,. «2;;rin ■■ ■ i t ^ l l l l y ot meh n bJrUi, WVWcs. e*, whiwho removed * section ot sit In on dec ^ le ft ia a team o t oxen. Mnny of a^ govemcMgovemau and the Tft'ln Fblls ^ 2 . ' . M T r. IS marvelous Ui?ou8h UiU. • {f“ “ »•!* •. -" • ’out ,ono In, small. ■ InUIntesune. uld both twins marvelous t the spectators are carrying um- Yy eES s respondedrespoi wlUi L ea. 'i - f ^ M l scpnratlon UI were doln doing w e l l ,...... <'1•'I rxpcctexpect to get two good-live'e brellas.- • • -- ' ------l i n f e fat t -r-Thg-w ocesa - s Uity,.. Is - o ac —Of hni.iri h e “Lanio'families ore old h a f for RW Bft Bt halilr.n," h a .M tU jl£ M t- ______L -JD T h uuatrw e fltrcc t_ts unpavcd. and one Lea.^Jje..comes_t . from a f^lly>»y *' ^"oialns only a handfulI team iklllskill and elaborote pr«pnm>V Uiwelowc saiduvid the dynamic surgeon« of thothe moimost prombienl~ietttur« of.. 10.n^Urt’ and Isi used tonarBetam-m - —^ T B tt [ t . Uon extenextending around tho w orld,o- radiated such sui confidence thnt heIC In |a oa atrlngstring of< big nnd opparcnUy oroblem J Helen Lowe, who la youn« n n d «„r new MMegn eg n p h poJw, carrying s * ' . , :nn I pretty, hadn't expected twins. tlio uio opcraUcopcraUon. "But we were pre- number of Tlie decision to go to ’ Snn Uiose few Pfelty. ho ;- number of wires. Juan Ji*«‘was one thnt Len nnd ofter Ptttty and1 “I »**waa shocked,-of .course,e. pared to.tolto.tokcJJur lumps.lf ponici1- _tf*nRlng-^n g ln g over thc street Is s lutr.ksG ^^S J when I learned Uiey were Joined," ihm j went her famUy. badUo..atudy...l3ut ;.{U ,SiB tl'en*- were when I let " Ullng went wrong." u.S;U.*S. flag IIM ^ w ith 3» . l o n - U T o I she X hns a brother ^olng .mls- ll iM ^ 'P n n e c te d -a t.th e irr "MBhi .M B ld,-;«ld,-:iiyo\i^w nder-how -youm —a^—TTio-twln< e -lw ln s wolBhcd-a..U>tal.ot.88 whichw hich look-.a*loolc. If- thcy-hnd(be«n slcinaryworfc-in-Bra*ll-«nd-hl» »Sh;^H | *« 'T heir llv-. <*ncun mrolso iso them." ' pound.ipounds 2 0 ounces jit birth.. Theyly addedoddcd after Uie original flag wu responses were favorable.- were Jalned a ^-by-S-Jnohh made,m ade. were fused.. Dr. do Vrle^\ attendlnic sue-> were Jalnec over Leo will be gone o year; -It k-VwW id aren from chest to navel. Tlielrir AAt t theth e extremex e jjg h t. arid ap- . I f o will ? W n £ L ‘\*l“ .Vnd m adeJ geon Rt ththe e ItuItulh. th . I had no Idea Uie aur- De Vries J. The picture ia from * collctuon ^ Lea }j^ will I be n freshman In Leaj^aa hom eJ llcal ileaTworli work could bo donent wns m connecUt . ooUege Uila foll.-8he-docsn*t an-in- had to t*taker extra pains to see ihat Lea. got otf on Uie rightt track.' Bhc* i » . Maa ththe e COcountry U bl-Unfual,Ift], The Clmi Cimtnos applied locaDy 'wbUe'iUltinjlUe 'tUllinf.'ln -Snn" Vatley.-'tTteiw-New-I m c f W e w t'T h o te r '’*’"'"" ■■■*■ 'r **--* • ICn.Ztfvi'iliuabaDd.nwoUlii. (C«nU

I , - ' - '■ . -TTrli»^->JU -vxcCM.O i.g—------^1 ------eO0H7,-O3AR,-July_31_{Al y j L w U-i^je-tradlUonal-Russian-p^ilan-paa^ -J slon .for concealment. wemseems s/t» *t» 7' vanish into.the sun-dr«o^U‘ilrd ^ a l r ? at this popular Black aeaea jresoi^ t s a ^ fr ^ e |H - Neorly every woman, includingincludU g h M M ffrandmo, stretches out; on So*so* -■ B S y i chi’s 8tony^be^e8-»-ro?«alto»r e m l ln g f- j bikinis. , . ____ Vcry-iew-RMaslan .wcsnen-baTAnenJiaTA B H I figures tor bikinis,,but ao mat* ter. No motter either that some ■ aSffl-ot-U )e-blklnis-are;m akeshlft.la keshlft. . meaning that'an ordinary plot . brassiere serves oa Uia to^to ^ to eg ® The resulting dispUy produced somevorledreacuonsfrommem*Dm m em * •\ I A -^1 bers ol Benny OooAnao’san-s JanJ a n ■ V i band on Its tour of toen Soviet ,: . UrUon. X said one bond meniberrw'bea r u ' b o ;.j ourveycd U»e acres of suh-bumh -b u m ed rt bulges.^!Who_^eay M ij B o m J Onion has fooashwfigtt?' H Another commented: “Russtaos‘R usstaos T tre the most unsexy people X >: have-over-«en.'i------^------U ’ The bulging figures are. of “ coicourse, caused by the RuulanR u islan ' ' dl< diet, which leans heavilyiy towtoward ard •.• ■ bnbread, potatoes, cabbage,« e , eake ■ and tea wlUi three, fourtt or five - -' lumps of sugar. ____ fiomw young Russian1 womwomen e n _ | are beginning to . underata^i a m t a ^ ~1 what such food can do (0 a figure. A few ot these slrls were.were vUlble hare,, b u t Uiey were al^. ' most as rare as capitalists. ' | The desire fur bareness has ttK raoDCCirorrf l X t COUNTcoiw i oottdneted by (he fishIsh and eonsl* la rongb' terrainrraifl Uka Uka (1 (his ira« pmctfealtr imL. gripped Russian men, too. Many _gome depirtment inB thetho ChamberlainCbaml basin eoonlry isIs now and If made wen farir from from accu accurate. AltofethEr, 289 JH a male shows up in baUilng nuch ■ easier, thanks to tha nse efof planes and aerial -choppers.”oppers.” calves < were talUed Ina a a ratioraUo ot ot abonl 76 to 2S. < T li^ trunks as skimpy as thoselose s ^ , -pletar^ elk ean‘M bebe seenseen tataiterspersed with trees. VsnaUyUsnaUy photo) .______■ ■ on the French Riviera. , . * * * ♦ * * . A * * ___ _ LINDA COUB, w oo> HAS'beeaHAS'iw e'tlppled with muenUr dystnphj lui wafcr Hver drainage. ■ , lope,I gont and d « r la , M trr Loo Roberta.- Btul^.orley, one ofi her art studenl*. wilh-a-eharco _J herd a a ro foundund ,1ala toeto e places.t It m\ui, bt to\m t2 tCMbinr u i to mon thanUum a dosesdoc stsdents. Miss Cole also gives pis ari UY Pioneer range, tha southsouto fork bestt good or the most pmlii was gradnaled from Ueybam high sehool aad [Troduclion TrenTrends Noted by J her aehool work u d yna gnioM !‘“S wll Elli H^dTrw *' ot toa Payette nnd upperipper Boise toat greatest number ol jS (Timcs*N«wf pboto) fig rivers, along with the SelkirkSelkirk aand n d ------— vis ! Cabinet gorge ranges otof norto- , agent NASIEO ‘ * *■ *' ■ . m nd'ln- the meUtilizing PlaiPlanes in M[ountain ounts Area^1______eI m Idaho. « inventory ^^NIVERSmr OP 0, . / • Kll BD m eadows b u t tiie. calves.res Ue sUll, sUll. very vi useful for manogementlent pur­our- 'The value of all tols Inventory , * e r-h ea lth B y JIM HUMBUID mi . - work on big game animals isIs | Moscow, Ju ly 21 - . nuch thot Idaho Fish-Game Oepartaentartaent nenecks outstretched. piposes...... - J i t t / . SS iplnglm- ThonkS'to planes and toat Oregon stresses toot another fundnmental tom anagemagem ent j?»«». R“P'rt. hns betsa :nt a good Coming out of toe looping lm - ' t tho at- progress. Everybody knowsenows toatto a t ‘home 4emoiMtriitlon t^Q aoors; ' melmann-tum...too.light-planet n htlplane hahondy godgct knownin as toetoo mann; is available to divert the at- P ' she de- toere are going to be more hunt- M‘"‘^oka * eounty. A gnda « rie-LawMn ' lupped on J>ock .to nom al flying "c"chopper.’'lddho's tlsh’and[l and game tentlont< of toe motocr-tf she de- L Ig-a-closer cldcs.toatay-aadJwatch_the;hcshow. show, ers'e Jiist ns 'sure ns shootln'.lootin' -an ond d J" “ Bhom .YounR unlverSi*. liar dystrophy alnce a small ehlW.meet helps wlth •“posJUon by ^IriUng one;me" wing dedepartment is getting-a-closer d C V A tt E V i ook a t to e CTnllke deer, cow elk are0" belllg^bfllllg- greater gun pressure meansmean; the ' at Rupert, Qtik,] S rllh-a-eharcoat-drawinr.' In'addiUon-to's toe Bible -•* gr^ndword and doing a,h«it-roU half-roll onand more Intimate look at toe q ated more g!?-Nev.______^ M r. u d K n . F»al KalbneUch,Ealbfleisch, FILER, w on a two-weeKI also trip gives t« piano lessons.' She kept op with f while re* wUd anlm ols of aUlU species, erentei when their youngsterssters ore hherds wlll be harvested more J Qd have a to malnuin alutudo while re* wl to toe heavily — ^t least aroundtround theth e BikwaU lu t winter u a pns«priM for meeUng a quou on -ROArh sehool tele- aad Northwest Nocarene college. versing J. dlrecUons and making Ol Observing toem in roughugh terrain molested.ir Sane retire to toe b Vision and stereo sales.I. As everyoneever;' doesi'they came back from Is problems brush and Umber but mostm ost re- eedges. . - Mill* Lb. anotoer low pass over Uiele narrow always has imposed big problems b: “ th e totoncla com pleteljr eenchanted n clu n te tt wKhi the country, tho people; and i . for biologist*, especlnllyslly in toe molna at toei scene,-barkln»Ung tur- --And• Just-aa-cerUln-os-tols-lsi-os-tois-is ■ * ds nort ol maodow: T ■ th e VDjr of life. R ecentlrQtiy they decidedd to entertain a group o t 190B Or; and received land'In-r with thehi« t But Who cores about hUbU stom- eaeorly , days of gomea manage-mnno^- lously.lc W ith neck hockiesa raised, thet fact todt herds of toe future kwaUaa luau to give th em a touch of H aw aii his aid of heli- mamma stomps, lunges 0 n d n their frleods vltb a HawaUsn lUM King HIU land drawing.D cclebrote She « h when toere are mororo elk on miment. Now, wlto the nld of heli- n es ond must be monoged to toe extent " hs the7 remembered It. THe The guestsguesti wert asked to weor appropriate camo am to Id ah o f o r ' h e r - health ilow toan copter# and planes, toaia biologists makes n otoer torcatenlngng ges-gcs- 0of their range copoclty.icity. TThis h u m a u i a m m les came wearing muumuus and the mcn tht tho lush green sward below toan co costumes and the ladles came w whlclx Improved so much that, he ever would have believedeved pos- orand other workers cana go almost tures.. ti ^ nmeans harvesUng onlyly U UiBib nn-n n - ______§ 1 5 ' bright nowered shirts. Mrs. S.udduth has spent a good < anywhere and take a, good look Department workers learned—camed— nuala increase of animais,mais, once Quests vere sheetedd at the the post few years her gordpn is sharo'ofj her llte outdoors; -' meT ls true. This writer, as an ob- 'chamberlain basin calves are painfully—toatp when ah calf Is thist: point la reached. Luckily 'ho placed one o£ which she V can be ,*5 - door b7 -the-hostess who placed - ~-Everyweek-Mrs.-Marie-Low»on server_a^1 couple ot weeksCs agoogo on bobom on and In toe vicinity of caught,ci it If sound treaUnentUnent to forf Idaho big game hunters there ------».lel-aroimd_tho_neclt of_w h . t'l^ u c - ihe‘meadows-durtng-Moy-and;-Moy-and holdh the-lnfant'a-mouto-cloudh-clojcd arc_aUlLmwiy_arett8a where toe ^ ^ a olso raises houseplants and a n d M r*. A ddle Bmltb •y„tiw.meet with He PO-j^mountilft ni^ow dk'jw^uc- to . The lady guests were eJven van- »n het* to reod a n d discuss th e Bible gru a cherry tomato plant rec tie --;o r heavy anow pack on toe ridges, call'otci distress, a most unusunl, unusual, ed.e but mnncgei^cnf planning'Isplanning" is ‘ 1 in from which'has grown fiveM feet A 2.11^ tall w ith S u dduth a n d have a to ____ TheM_bfl ^ poUuck dinner. o S ^ vei unberialn msinoe-it-l*-no.eo»y-jQh.Jo-£nund]h..tO-UUQd p peDf>rfltlny_>.i.rl..«’ Of f«n>n,_tn. I the Hawaiian Islands by a low unnug~BeTerM-ftf»fiTHg~y«r ^ ’ McCall, up even a newborn elk. it has not v eople; a n d H e r acphew ,_01etm ' Mills, Le- counUT east of McCall, ut t. it has not variably brings mammat on toe Tills Is toe problem, toe basic florist. . cherry tomotoes on it. Mi luct togging run. . r oraUd tie Sudduth csma togroup Jdaho otia Grand. ^ la., who sperils part„ uof over 50 at a Ume werei seen on beenbe feoslble to conduct tagging r reoson tor toa annuol produr“ v- Mrs. Kalbfleisch decoraUd tlis Iwln work- nt 1h«» U rg«rr mtadOWS. 55 ■own calves simUar elk trend counU are — ^tiblSWthTpallo-wia-U-RaVa of Hawaii his vacaUon eoch year with his ] ppro'prlate aunt, was here to helpu^y-^JOU^ celebrate Wito Richard 0. Norell. Cas- dl nW fea-terf made'5 yearly in Sear' vaUeytUey and : . centered wltb ommgements of tha mcn the event. cade game biologist; WUllamruilam H. rarain In July when menlen can get soldiere mountain areos.. OnO n toeto e I pineapple and other “ fruits. A IQwanis Oub— — l • • • , hDonis, e McCall conservaUonaUon of- Intoin toe bock country.. HenceHence, toe Bigj and Uttle Wood rivers and large rartely of dcJlcloaa Ha- gardpn U ^ former SHOSHONE mon is «cer, and BUl Montgomery,cry. com- mmountain meadow elkslk prMuc- Uiot Cpper Big, Lost river, boUjMtb I let Andersono n lirniblum ber help y o u will wUan foods were aerved for the '^ o U t a n fa tiio l “bush" pilot, we■a conUcontln- n- U'UvIty trend checks are vitally elke and deer aerial counts are f e a s t “ Hears TalklO can be recognised S for his writings and ■;------7 as'ptess-agent-for celebrities. He■ ued toe annual cow-caltUt count,count. inimporWnt managementent to o ls tnade.^ Antelope trend counts are Patio lanterns were.-plaeed oa plMts and isTWUlBm-B.-'Owlnrwho-vlsJted’ ^ w hich was sta rte d in 1058. A eveven though toey dolo netn o t -glva .give nuder. on Crooked creck, Blrcli . ' the tables and crossed naming lato plant recenUy here with his whichuncle onduld ^comparison wlto otoerer years mmigration paUems, for■or example, creek,c Lemhi river. Pahslmerol, • torches placed around the jrard was auuior shows no apprcclobla changeilongo Inin or total populnUon counts.lunts. ^Warms Springs, SalmonP falls, I FENCINGING o r PATI^ Ut up the-garden Xor the festlv- festlv* Lewis J. Ross, plormlng and of th e adult-calf raUO. , , . Other sUtes do attemptempt to tag Three1 creeks. Upper Big Lost, Itles. As a final touch.ich, Kalb-Kalb* traffic chief of the Idaho de- we Shoshone.tten many ^bout M per cent of toethe totol ^a Jew elk calves everyrery spring. RattI rivers and Laldlow Park­ I • PLANS • MATERIALMERiAL • •.LABOR • FiNANCiN ' flelsch, a television technician, portaent of highways,ojdaho spoke ia rai^ ^ 0\elk observed tota last Ume over q ©rcgon reports toat Inin thathe lower Klmomo,I omong otoers. f had stereo speakers placedliaced out-out­ about the Interstate highw ay to < 03 press the same trend- count area on » ]t takes att least toreetor« Aerial studies in sampJa.pla. areas I A ' j ■ S tunes of the Twin Falls Klwanls^ club ager^irth’riincblircounly'^lour^ , doors to the haunting tunes of 111 W -nal os reporter. Leavinglie Kovacs. Sho- ohnost idanUcal dates woswoa cal- „men to surround a 60-pound».pound cajicalf inj d ic ate toere are about 2,800 the islands came over•r theth e air.air, Thursdky. . , , foi ies Melton, ves — IndicaUng anotoer■hw good when It decides to get up and mountaint goats. In the^sS state, Andersonson L Lumber Co; HawaUan Ross stated thot duringU U .IU the J ja jhono he continued in newspoper ^ lending an autheatlo Hawaiian work and now is copyotoer editor weUfor production year. Last year'slar's tally.tally, ^ jun. At leoit two menfl “f®ara need- Aboutj 40 per cent of toeso aro in atmosphere. 60 years preceedlng the enact^ Im entertain- for example, toUUed aS6S6 elk,elk. oof t ^ to hold and tag toe crlUcrcritter thet Salmon river wotershedSfed'^an'S and 132 3rd St«irt WWe« e i t P h o n e 733^2911 mnviM Of th e In tersta teI highw r ay qj(the Record in the Metropolitan The guests were ahowniwn movies n o t th e^ purpose- art! or Wtch««kHl, HJ. w hich 181 'Artre adultaI aand n d 74 Jjter It Is caught — ondand it Is a anotherj 30 per cent In toahw Clrc i f jr- j r ------^ 1— too largest . the Ealbfielschs had .taken.Ukea of ful pUnnlng-ln-highWfly._con-. _ Previous to that, ho------hod writ- were -1 calves, or 31 per cent»nt ththree-man Job wlto too largest their trip and a number of-sou- o ra Bulls are disregarded,1, mainly or ones ot a week or te ten n doysdays ot XT of-sou-jtnlcUba'that now cxlsU inV Ida- fi ten 9 five books, one of which sold To runent per- Tenlrs brought back from the ho. ‘ - a " tnillion copfcs ond wasC IS author ^because tbey sepaiato toamielveshamielves age.at Wyoming deparUnent per- islands were displayed.yed. Mrs. Brery single mile ot new con- T by taking fo the higher ridga*ridgas at sonnelso nortoeast of toe Jackson inlng and of tfoma SOO magazine articles os ^ Tge concen-. Kalbfleisch haa made) a scrap-scrap­ slnicUoh now ts carefullyIdaho studied de- well JL as having writteniCS many this time of year. - ., h( hole refuge, whero large concen-. book ot mementos andid pictures from all angles beforelys. work spoke be- rad io shows. . _ . ^11 Several minor meadowsIWS north tr traUons of eUs are located,icKJ, Havehave « ...... ■ero flown been successful In taggingigging large E ■ ■ I ■ of their trip, which sheM also ex-ex­ gins, he said. Idaho’sjlghway total otto ‘ owJn also served 0 asboys presswho th< chamberlain basin wero flown b« ^ k addlUon enough numbers of calfalt elk to be £j^ . ■ ■ ■ I hibited. All miles of Intersutefanta highway, club agent for the lote Erniei t Kovacs. .^2 WJ ah the recent-census In addlUon « of which :03 miles will be two for Jnck Benny. James Melton, toye toe m ajor big ones. .TheseIheiM in- in - lU - B ird, IJndTcoleTBORlSy.'^hTnias7-»KoTvQ i*““ ~ia-flchBauled_tor..cempleiIwlng the £Juno “ Proman and otherh of here well pr luded DUlInger. WhlM -Blrd. ?. whoTias uo„ by ,1972, and w ill average we hI o. HarinnrPh-antom-Hot-Springsj ' -been handicapped with muscular ■"O^.cnact- known figures In the entertain- foi 1 muscular $400,000 per mile compared0 highway with nient w* world. , MWlIe nnd Meadow of Doubt. ' See US for * dystrophy sines a small1 chlJS.child, hashss the national average ofB onepurpose- mil------:------^ Tuml Tho other meadows are Crane, .from six to 18 studentsnts In art Uon dollars per mile. iway c o n - Ju « T k wii^nm n upper and lower Ramey, classes and teaches piano “on A detailed map showing the Ni William O. Haynress. M oose, Whlmstock the aide.- — ------■------different aegmentt-ot'the.t.mid Inter-.-2 Fr Drag RacersJoseph-W. ^ jioot ranch. Cold Meadows, TIRES- Df tha Elks system through Mnglc Val- Rc m She wns In and out ot tha Elks and upper, middle and lower,Cot-ower,Cot- ..nMi B uriey to Bliss waa . =S I i t t rehabiUUtlon' center until tho Lose Licensesj doys each Stonwood., WM uia in Ih. -5.wsit.Uon uia ii B condiuon Meadow counting Involves first age ot S when she was given “ a discussion, w ith assistance1 'total fro ‘^ m f thi BDHU July ai-Two boys who _____ foldlngjpheelchoir. But.she. kept Program Chairmon-Paul-New-. hlshway jic nearly forced two carslye off a ^ thef - fiying.;over..the_gni8W.li clearing, t e , W m ’ lonths. Po- to spot elk. if any. nnd,iid count up her school.work at home withnlth ton. , 111 te two j,*® while drag racing on the — the help of her mother^ and was Klwanlan was Rev. Dys nearly OTeraJl num bers. T hen a low ir comDle- CasUeford rood southroad of when here X or two' is made to count graduated, from theI Heybum Don Biackstone. Davenport,iraverago In. ij,,w ero-nned'ttJ ond-thelrrllccnse Slj “ = MAGEL TIRE The Horse Shu’s hig h school. Quests included Ralph Coming. ^11 le top of a cai,es In toa herd group. Some jared with wmo suspended for 30 \days oncoming when S tho cows scatter Intointo ’toe -to e Y Moat ot her. work wasos don'k don'b ata t Boise: F d Rinnie, D enver, Colo.; mil- ^ they appeared Prldoy before Si COMPANY l^om ous — 't one .{LpnQU]q(l> lo d g e p o lft-p ln ss-th a t-frin g a -to e i 5 " ia E E e •Jlm—K lnsfatiter/ S onta A nna, Justice , Of the Peace William S ^ T T - ^ ------— ------\ -h«mc-:irJth_hcr..iBolhcr taUng cor turned ! ^ (5)3'Fosiiion'5d^ Linda to school once a weatw ettto to CaUfvandJoecilek, Twinowing Palls. the NungesUr. 1 They are William O. get assignments.. After finishing the Inter- PrieSj-lB.-Buhl. and-Joseph-W.loss ~ high school she attendedided B^oSeBoise GOES TO SCHOOLsingle V al- Roundy.- 17. Tw in Palls. ^ •Junior college for two years Mdand DECLO. July 31-MaurlceBliss Dar- wns Jail sentences of five doys ench toi W e A r e Proud P ro of Our) l | f ______^went to.N orthw est K axarenet i e n a mcol- I- M t torOUon Miiioula, and wero 1 suspended on the condition • - Friday Evening}ning ond Sundoy Afternoon FREE lege, Nampo. for two yeors.r e ir t------M on trw h ere-h e -w U I-aance ttc n dfrom -th e M • Missoula. ITNIVBBSrry OP IDAHO, JUNE ittend-the Moscow.-July.-ai—Llnda-KUIott Uy for the ond' William 'Rasmussen, both •teaeh^l* B«rij»y^nvrt_rfrflved-thaJ3ayls- q u i s i ^ ^ E p ^ 3arrlngton R ota^ cliib scholarship awards Dwor&ak from the A. Darlua Fomily foun- low-Plqying=^r ^ l'/4 the son ot datlon and tha Ellsworth Davla . Darting- Family foundotlon. Each founda- is E " = ' lyiES!S EAST OH KIMBERlif ROAD-. Uon provided tl87J0. J ____ [ , (jwrwin in Falls, Idqho ^ p i P om i i g l c i s . Plion* 733-2771 ~ 'P b BM b m

\ a n d s c a p i n g % l y j ^ ' — ed'fiM.srfilivtd thfl nwgnlilon-M-th. I- ' : \JcoiUOE-IKAlNEp.._i:'-i-_-_i:.-5j f WEEDICIDES 1 DDESIGNERS ' ROAD- ^ - : IZ STARTING.RTING JULY 24TH ■'i - JNSEaiClDES.: _ • L; TreBSj=jShrji6s_, :PIM A Return Ensogcn'“'’' .__ — “ FERTILIZERS-" • tA s s i s t a n t - the EQUITA lR lO S-;tRO CM Jl___:. * . 3 - -•-Everjreem— - —Jl t -^nuM teck^j _____ . AssuranceC0gnlll0n'*i-th«-mu1ref-Mi'0uftl*n4in9-S«U»— Soder ■ • UWh and Tr?e “ - ; .T»to-Fplli Bonk I, ^ Service SUMW kBVnwr:.'...... ■ ' ; ' • • ■ - CASH1 DRAWINGSDRi &, DOORDOO P.R!_?ILI. I ------——.Twh^EaUit. ------— I ' , . ijRW iPd AAY Y tn i g h t and SUNDAY3AY AAFTt r r e R N O o N . : ^ . ^

g i ^ - ' :PIANT_:J^^ . ■QUITABtt I I F E _ j -}------■ .■■------—;------r - ^ . — :e Society of the U .S. ^ l( Bank & T ruit Building ;

SUMMER I rw/n„EaIfi!jdflho_.L.______' 1

------}— — T—T rr ;i8T0USTOCK! CKH0 LM.zeweden,>JulyJuly — sSitu i t u -— High prosperity and lull B [||||I b h H ^ —~ (mptoyme:employmemtire’-what-you-flnd ond — ~ ‘n-SwIn^Bwcdeo-today^ut edii therC-Js'e-Js — — - creeplngJcreeplng-intlaUon. aoo..«nd-tU.U ie e — • nallonnation is gripped'by '(ear Uiat W K m V the eood good time It has enjoyed . since WoiW orld w ar I I m ay be re- re* . Placedplaced by a hard fight (or eco­eco- ...... nomlonomic sursurvival. . ------F0<^pracp«rous-6 ff«• • >x- six* MA' ■ I III M AM . niitlonnntlon commonc< market whleh ■ mny emhembrace Britain and olher>Uier | fft^ ■■ -rtrr:.- —__~r.s—;- — eountrlw?eoimtrlM?------T-,- . . Hearl'CiHearl'cnrchln? questions and '• comments comc. from steel and ' ;__ |liiiiii fnrm workers Illll nnd»from b a nikers k e rs __ ^ ■' ~ I /| ,i, J M f f mill liiilii I ncute concern of Swedes orcrorer A'' W. "Cute eoi I" I th’’' UlU nroaoect. . I— JLiWlU-UiveJK-ikcrlsl8.ftndw m _ .^L^WUUi: . . I lose my Job?" .I “Mnny small industries willJl be I killed off and the big Industriesttrles I will be h a rd h it.” 1 "&vedei "&veden will be squeezedd In the midi'.'e. Norway a n d Den-: I mnrk will bc tradlnR with theth e L_ Wc.ilWest nnund^ leavy '- trade wl: irtRT — caui'htcamrht In Ir the miadle." SwedenSweden, like rieuUal Austriaistrls ^ M K « % g S i B s 8 a 5lB H M and Swlt:Swltierland, U seeklntt asso­ ciationelation withW the common market, nulRui thereUien 1* opposition, .because W p ^ P T / thr.iethrse coimtrles ore polltleallv IH k neutral.-There Is aome concern In vro We«t t Burooft th n t o n v such nsMClaUoniisoclaUon would dilute th e1 DO- po- lUlcal aspecL-i o f th e T rea tyy o(ol D*®”DlSPLAYir^G ; SOME CM miniaturelature shoesshoe and slipperi ii Mrs.; John Henderson, Hend< 401 Fourth ave- B l ||HISim i{33lSBHBS59iHil nue w eit Mr*. Ilendersoa began ber cotli Rome, ththc charUr of the com- »“® ,n ber collection of shoes »ome levenleven yyears e a n ago.a| M any o f (lio .m lnfn- 5!W (are shoes are made o( glasi, wood, clay, brass, copper and rubber.ubber. Few bave leather In them. Un ****** , mon mmarket. at The eoi 10 Some West European - leaders•A m ^he collecUon actually began many yearsVean ago when Mrs. Hendersonderwn was g!given a small glass slip- H || ;^ ; f c ‘ A?rb b r e a S e d trROUT r o u t rot(o*uso*ln rc^nrant speclal.tspeelal.bre^dlnir’m atttlal beforeefore packing them In cartons. The Some ' itrs. Henderson bas many other collecUons. F ill Insist th e neutralfl c a n n o t have P " *“ addiUon, Mrs. Hende: collecUons. Finding enough Ume (o ^ S 'm betomlnr poPuUr throofhout throcthout the United State*. A$A* ImIradeinark deinai design ol ihe newew narlfellnr narl^ellnr fronp Is ated on all Insist th< ***P colieclJoni growing Jsis Jbetbo harhardest part of (he bobbybby Mrs. IlendersoaUe said. (Times- , M STuu cutpul of th e new eoopentUe cooperatke group o( Magle VsUerey ' paekageipackage* and the produeta areare marketedtnarketcd iunder 4he name "ColdId It both v w ays: they c a n n o t bene'? are (roien (or ahlpment Tho twowo River BiBrand" «( the Idaho Trout FrocetsorsFroeeis company, (Times*•- (ii(ll (rom economic integraUonJuot^ N «i photo) owner., (he fUh are froien ...... • * — ■* ^ -* ^ ^lurtfl ant-ce»etln* the boned rainbow trout wllb Newa phphoto) ______■ w ithout flccepUnR th e drasUc * '* ■ * * ■ . * ...... ’ n*^^uti g limitations accepted by the oUier iS common-marketcommon*! partners to sov- I _ l 4 S crelroty In commerce. - Glass Slipperr GiiG ift M a n y YYeiarsAgff e a r 1 I . So the outlook for the three . G neutrals to wln_nM 0C.lat0_ m em - V t Q I bership in the .common markeis StartedVtA Local W oman onI CollCollection -d f ls doub’ltul. Sweden th u s (aces (a£es You’voYou’ve heard of the lady who0 cnch ol the (orcign nallons he One of the shoes, a lead one, ' ; !| the prospect of bolatlon (romn thc lived In ia shoe: who had so manyy vUUed.vUlted. advertise;advertises the 200th performance P 1 economic community. • children sho didn't know what to0 Mrs. Henderson1 doesn’t Uniltlilt e t "The“The Merry Widow." a musi- > rj de Is do.-Well.-ln-Twln-Fall*-thote-isLS hee.collecUonhec-collc to just.shoes. Any-ny. cal comedycome Uiai was being pre;____, Jj sn to a dlflcrent version o( that o*on\ thing Inl‘n the line ot footwear will»'lll sented liIn Chicago m any years-- , ; ge ot Mrs. John Henderson, 401 Fourth,1. suffice.suffice, iShe decided a tew yearsors ago. The date haa been worn off. | u Is avenue .west has so many hhou ngo thnthat the colleetlon woulduld Many slioes In Mrs. Hender- ^bout she hnd trouble keeping tracs olll suffer il she limited it to just'Wt son's collcctlonco stated out as A (lourishlnff foreign trSdO;on 1# ts do.-WellUiem or a place lo keep Uicn;.-.. pnlrs.pairs, so mnny or the shoes hnveave souvenlngouvenlrs such as- ashtrays or vital to Sweden. In proporUontide- to a And dlflcrc they aren't shoes that onele mates aiand there ore many sin-•n- pertume bottles.. Many ot them population. Sweden’s exchangeand ol Mrs.would Joh wear. These are mlnln-I- gles. are BOyy,souvenirs of fairs and open- | 3 • goods with other countriesm oke Is avenue.'turc.<.___ Many ol the ahoes are very*'«7 ingsing» andond bear titles or engnivlngs j • aiiionir the world’s highest. AboutHiesfl -^irg.-TTcndcrwn—startedshe hnd —herrr fniRlle.-Some-o/-the-ah«a-have fniRlle.-i “*'« on-thcm:on-thcm; ------7- : ------^------r iM a Ilfth of Its total producUonf - e xts - UiemSoFcW or RfcttP)1^twut=>Bvaa-ye a s i hacbtoih fiSi —MnTiy—of— VtM Honrii.r«nn’« J S exported..Thls country's highIn de- or Andago and the It hns expanded lo 600)0 derson. One Interesting (ea'.ure'h'® shoes^hoes haveha o spcclal meaning for i | I gree ot IndusUlallzatlon sltion and would miniature \ shoes, The shoes are:e ot the.collectionthe.c Is shoes formed"Cd her,j,er but there are two pairs that _ ateadL,economle^ pcoRrcss mnkcerious tures.made at practically everythingIE by-glaasby-glass croftsmcn. Mnny ot ”'c the are tops tons In her book. These are ^ - hcavv-lmDort3^es»enttnl.~Theafl. — but h W leathtr—gloss, . clay, rubber,r, old glassgla; shoes change colors■5!" ahacucQLio.hgcsi;, JiC£_gnmdson_£rom. B - •enn~Pe~-mnlnttthied-onlyby-ex-iOraS woe-coJporcelalnTnrdTJriiM: i^ter b'e being exposed to sun aud'^d ScoUond. ScoUond When the tad grew out ■] ports. Sweden must maintainistrles or ago -Mrs. and Hendersoit-clalm s she col-1- Ume. ofol .lhem, them Mrs. Henderson odded |U Improve Its compeUUve positionon a lects mlnlntui anything that Is old andId ^Shoes mode by the old cralls-•t*' them u,caj to her collection. ffl I.- For has a story to go with It men turturn either amber or ame- fn worW Uade — or /ace serious made o J'®! U ke m nny collectors. Mrs. nt ot She has severalyglosswar^ col-l- thyst Inlr color. The tnlnlntures , ,j,, Henderson finds that she hoa ^ 1( Sweden Is le ft outsiaScports lectionsjwrcelaT conslsUng of smnll glassss mmade ade bby m odern methods sllll „,Vi “ „ the common marlcet. Its Industries.Uons. hats, -Mrs. cructs.I and coar'scuH lcs.8. hold theirth( colors. little spare Ume. The collecUon I t arlffs She also coUccts tootJipictcs i.z:d j more than keeps her oc^pled 'J Wj .jrJJl Jflce higher ta riffs on a lects at Mrs. Henderson noted th an te ^ndand marmony.ot her plans have to 9 i large pnrt ot their exports.Deans Por hasis a a part-Ume si rock hound. , craftsmanshipcrafismi ot thc past yeorJ te shelvi pro- Her shoo collecUon actually ^ , be'shelved unUl ahe finishes her ^ ^ example, about 40 per cent of she h ‘y w lll.be-sorely missed by (utureure jouectloicollections, which might be nev- '.^j ^ Sweden's Iron and steel exportsicport stalections rted when a h e was o sm all girl collectors colle’ctor and the handblown er as sh high- and a miniature gloss slipper wuj „jaas sor I''’" er, as she te olwnys running tuto W .i: Ro to common m a rk e i nations, hats, ci glass someday will become a rar- wmeonesomeone who has on old s^'oa ra EsUblUhment of common tariffsH a(- Shegiven alsi to her by an ount. She jf.. I Iron added to her collcctlon os tkne^ “>•• ' , . ■ they dondon’t know what to do with. (or Uie m arket counw ies m eans u a pa: - It Is (olrly COS}' lor Mrs. Hen-en- About the time sho gets her M higher duUes. Engineering pro- went Her along « and then, some w-cn . “ “ * lUarly years ago, she began Uklng her derson 'to tell It she has comeie hher e r otherwh< collections aeedi her !4 r, If these ore hampered by high-cent collectionand a /n seriously. CWON TROUT FARM near Twin F a lli If tjrpIeaJ o( a now be marketed throughout tlie U.S. m rlcul- Each shoo In Uie cpUecllon Is^ antique shoe, while It lacks lus-us- ottcnUocottcnUon. . W a layout shown above, all the treat In any p S cr European tarlfffc this will a(- given U 1 ter and polish, has a certAlnaln • Should you ever be ployicg. ^ ■4 hjxnt (or the raUInc ofBf rOtibowrainbow trout which, through a layout al .M lect the demand (or Swedishirope. Iron numbered added t and as much as poul- MpnilTe o rx a n lu tlo n of Mae bnnded tosether for processingproccMl to prepare thc troutrout InrKcrlarRcr b'aRsbai fdr fresh shlpment ln ycar-rou: entire market area a uniformartles many-o{-be£-shoes_came_toJier.all o! th :r. .■ flF * rttllnj purposes a n d will ahlphip fo r m(nmtvrket. Iced wooiwooden crates. Those lo be is kept t agricultural policy. t ap- India. from trleridsE: who were traveling ■M Irout under th e label otof Hard'Hardy pointed out that nl oneonj frozen “*■'are packed In amaller car- Umes. Sb Sweden will pursueivolv- thc Zcalnnd,about the country or in somo10. . TYoul Pneegalne com*”}’ timeUme ththo entire output was miir-tlir' ‘o"-Ions. 3Ut, qyut for associate membershipbllga- In oUier counUle country. One friend, a orrtt-ramnnmniccdHnr'PwIn*ln vncd-Tiiroted-rrcshr-bulr-now-tho-greausr. oust,. - Ignho-TRlnboaa.JniQnuo J boned and t r YTT ' • the growing West European unde serviceman, Accon sent her shoes (rom Earl H ardy, Bolw, who'•ho portion Is quick froien. R etail:lall breaded 'form,' are now belnff^^ ■'«> block.~But-all-pollUcalrpartlesfmprove many-ol “ named prcAldent. packnKCS nackoiK for th e housewife nreare mnrkeledmnrketed by -the Industry’. The r«n> *11 agree this country will not CilF ap- AND from SAVt trl - CUP AWP SAVt - Bnnl name selcctcd U “Coldold pMJcked.L ck c d .b u t tlie nnU on's .hQiclalbonpsiielslbonps nare n removed nnd the.but- [ — >-nnnmlrply lor (ull membership Involv- about t H .v crrtro flh B troout u t und rfttnurimlTwimjnrtnCTJlR- rfi! blR- tcrllicaterllia-ti trow coT crect w llh - b m d ' t --- Ing acceptance ot poliUcal obllga- other c ™ m llie ontftnlratlon will»■■*» o<.,iRMt ncpercentngc of the produc-luc- liiRlnB m atea teria l before (reczlns. In .v \ J >8 t l o n s . ______. . servlcem [fthUname.lt WWI pointed out.mt. tlon.tlon this form, the rcstnumnt .cook < \ ^ n d tm a rk l.rw m It* back- “ ° " ‘ lhal plncc them in n deep fryer *" f r TJie president declared that f",”. ^,1”*^' ID lAVI - a t p an' ■ SAVI - Clip AND SAVI ^ an nUMruct sketch or trout®,, fnrms arc Ideal for Idulio.‘i,„ without thnwinR and have the g | | ^h# Sawtooth m o u n u ln s . . " A He pfllnlcd.out.Uiat.underarounrt trout ready lo serve In about < VV three mlnutcsrThB-boncless rm- ^ K ^»l-»alr5rmnnwcr-hri8 been•il wnler ^ flowlnR out of lava formn- ” <> ttrt ind Iflcllltles nre belnR « t tlb a i In th c MnRlc Vnlley nren UI, ture of , Uio porUon appeals to g / MO dblTlbijte raUilww tro u t the fho ' reason i for the conccntrndon(iQu *“® public n n d th e .ease a n d ' I ^^SiS « Idaho ncroM Uie U nited ot 1^® Uout fnrms here. Tlirocroc* W *P” d of®f P repnrnllon spread in* .1 v tlo, of trol l„c. tcre.^t nationw ide. fourllis of the nntlonul produc- ...... new compnny Includes [•‘“tlon J'io, comes from Idnho nnd a “blR-blR "AUliouRh"AUlioi trout rnlslnR had Its 2 1 ( * I,iicc.s iro u l fnrin nndJ«H ceiof-U ! ila_rram -,A faaJe_V n!!e.villev. bJrlhWrUi Inin Idnho ns early as 1028. •* \ y troul furm . b o tlf In-the . tire~ i\dvent-or“ frozcn-loods-h8S -.g- by "The uout need nbundant, *1’^ oren nnd mnnJiRcd by "Tl»e Klvcn-the IndiisUy Its greatest 5 /If J i l out pure, well nem ted wnler." Hnrdy Klv«n- «i ^.-Qrtciic: - Rainbow trout P“« , w expansion." Hnrdy declared. ^ 1U yy »t ni.1'1 «..rt giior. o.nn.in. said,sold, "n"and this must be In ft iinr- c*P««‘Of __Cmitlnulnifhe snld foreiRn litpro- Uie g U.8. wunder one name. In.the W OJ’ At Iverson; thc Prnmeme r5tr"fcfin»rftruro-rensfr-l®-«r«w™*' --CoullilJ b iKSt duceni do n o t Jiave th e luealtreat In any~fK pond ate of almUar site, of 8wed I nee rapidly a n d d e v e I o n th c Iwst duceni d ^ wrai.nmnHKed by Clarcnce rjvpldly Uie larger trout (Tlmes-Newa photo! P” — PER GAttOH- W ^e. nt»l cnyon trAul formm, , f'fivor.flavor. TJio sprlnRS of MarIc Vnl- conditions condlt on which exist In Idaho i I O K l e e l i - s , =*!fd by A rt W ylie. B othoil, ley'"V varvary little from the,Ideal1 SOso "nnd thetheir fUh cannot compete \ V SAvmef^jr^, ier." wlth.Idnlio nvlnbows on ^ Quality g « Jsnm nre nUo near thisjil, decreesdtKrcM P.. winter nnd Jiummer." wltli-Idal MoRlc Valleys water advantage ^ ICWITH ~ The trout srow to marketable«tn • , It * appears/i7 that the rearing o( "overQVJJ 'Tl'O rainbow trout Ior the nation’s ^ r . who will m n ln taln ol* size «Ue inIn nbout nine monUw, In "Other Other states nre not as for- o i l ' dinner table hIH remain an In- ® I GS-1000" ? M the company n t. 1234234 procesJilnR,proccM th e tro u t nre sUed.ized. tunnte wns Idnho In hnvlnR latRo J h^o6h^549rd r dtutry centered here." Hardy Qaaa nn-JnterrsUn-In 4mied_iimied-iunt-exlseraicd.-Ihm-nC£ nre q»j«ntUla mmntltles ot sprlnR water avail* J f i wt uiii(. Liiitca nnd R nln-In- then chilledch belore packlnR. Some * Sb S ; ------ao)^-o«^)L4JuuenffiUM70. Clorlf. JSouth Doko>q. ' S Icue "With the Oem sUite and 0M em ^ ber (arm.^. he pointed out, „ „ „ ( for ______RO lnt(Inlo Individual polyctliyleiie W ith i t s • • I d In employ about 50 people on * •Tvc waiclicJ ilic performancerformance of my 1960 rontiac | iH n y e ar-ro u n d bajsls. A crew of men-D b rinking lo c k ~ l G la^ 0 be Is kept busy at each farm at all .cree th —Calalina-iniprovc.iitca(in^occ-i.AVly-8LincaJ^aiiai«l:iZrf5S=-lQQQr ------CM- um es. X ' t o r —I-can actuallS‘'fec>'ihc:wtra:tJ.o.vrcrG:ra:p,o.vrer GS- IOOO-gives-n»y-car.“-— Ing accei And, my figurcss^'w Tnrgciting’lbirgcitinglbut-TOorc milesto the------Pkg. IGA B iscuits £>^1 n ® and TRY TIMES-NE\VS WANT-ADS lions. gallon'now. This m'canin’m’m saving overo 6c on cvcrygai*- > e l ^ ^ ^ ~ -i „ i s P THIS COUP* ^ ^ i ( V\atches _' | ffion °!of gasoHnc!" :o u p o M IS w o rth 5] ^® l dll' ANO SAVE - . CUP AND lAVI - I . If.Your.Birlir Birthday Is Listedsted .Here! He I but-, _5______; W ______5idew■ dlirSuncf.Q e~iz^ There's a scicniific rcasorawhysoiJwh'y Mr.Mr Huiscnga js'recciv-' ing more mileage from histis Pontiac. Thc simple fact is: K } - ITcrRli y o u r bpjxtftiinHytiinlty "'lo-|o sset • n; 4 channel rrV-connecllonvconnKUoiiv-tor. for ouly »5,00....^.lg . _|. .ly< le. Rinse ■ i„7m .C^-jOOO breaks Uown the:. 5»izc.ofizc.of thc-fiiel(he paflidcs. mak-. • Chrck lo see If yourjur blrUidftblrUidny 1s llatcd nnd then noUly Cnble \ l.-B ox of B odk M atche; S . o f - l o K , coupon per householdlold on nev new connections only) ing them available for instantitant and cocomplete combustion. JANUARY iZ4 lg the; * g luj I ne R ihse-^ - m | - -'iThe'TOuli'isa'tleanercnginc.-grcater]inc,-grcaierpower and increased— g . NOVEMBER.•R. 27 . JANUARY. 6 ' JANU> bout < \ W v '■ »______14 SEPTEMBER~r9------MA------M A Y _ 2 2 - _ j g I ]& rttle B reck C rem e Rinse - mjieagc vs'hich add up too actual cocash savings. It’s the J i " ' APRIL 14 ------~ ------^ I -■ Erentegreatcsi dcvcIopm cnt.ia gasoUxicasoIijQC hhist istoryl ...... ;__ ___

I CABLE-VISIONSION COhCONNECT^W . s ; | ' Biottle l B reck G rem e Rihs I ONLY 55 WITH/ITH THI!THIS COUPbNt a I ( ® _ r j i r l i e T i ; , ' - - p l ------L Q W ^m ohtfilyJchbr]tHIyJchbrae S4.95 ^ " -"^^^733i233^j|Pfionff? - S I jri7<—Coupon.vold ofterJuIy.3.UA^62— • H u ri7 —C ou ■3.iq96A___. I I in'sHllOTlfi C$^ ro o o t.. PROVtH EXI i i l w i t h * “^1 ' B H s» I IftVS QSV Jiw - lAVt ONV 4 m .

I j® M ON.-Drink' INV JI13 ~ lAVI CNV ^ n : - IftVS QSV i t

^ TUES.-Pkg. I

; t -(fe -W ED .-Slde^

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:: 1 M F R K - B o t t i e B i

. i M SAT.-BottlM

gL— — ^ ■ ■— — ■ • •• lAVt-flNV Jita -- lAVSONVJIia ~ , ,■

' 9 9 Twin Falls Tlmes-Newsis-News Sundoy, July 22, 1962 ' ., -'v ■ ; . . - ExrSpringdded d e M a i t H ^ WithRaiigeBr!^ejBrpjieicliii^ri^Enca SSroBSBEHiElBBBBSw^titi^E^ SPRXNObALB.- July 31-rM11 rfM f.i. r.rtaUM M lt WUom'. tuthir: ' anu-Mr*. CaltJn wpiom,I,--fonner -fonner •’ Both attended Springdale Springdale n sid e ilts, w bo10 lure^ o on n ^Kho 61 and were’graduate (rom caY c^ fitim x e u d an rA W"cShere o ^ w h ere tlthu-Btirlev-highTachOQlr— ------hs IB employed by the agBncy(ency for xbey also have'two aons. stan- lntenuktional->developmBnt>whloh |,iBT-WUora-Tiad-Dean-Wixom; who-U»» In LOI Ang»:»».r------rel^ os- Wlxom aays his next assign- rejiUves njjn^ for the AID haa nol yet I ^ been detettnlned.______• [___ It two hew ...... o a l l ...... Wixoms

— h jter'Wcre —WARBERG .• - ■■ - . ------...... B Bz a W ff fflg f f i e ansf erred M o v i n g - S to r o g e | n Sudan fit* ••tlmilii. Complst* niilonwip*- t adviser woildwld# »»rvle*. Eisirt escklno.. Fully H O T P O I N 'p i jnjlblllty. ^ Sal*.M mod«n S d i s p o s a l

n>jtoj»- . . . *O K I!IT^ ^jS^ J lS Cg llj ' i7?.»S) ■ . ' — 7^0ME.PUUM|Wit i / U n e a 733™371 "'.JKIJ.M'JSS>|«|(T Movia . 199 3rd Av«. t ------— j point IV program of foreign as- * Ulable. Maurice Borin*. . UreaUyJlr recort tttwrl or'lodce or owners make ne charfeoharte for: dead ston re. tal tnUer DEADHEAD STORAGEOE SPACE la fUled wber* available Mani sistance, , a re '.visiting reUiUves q atands besldo a Une of owner*trs respond respond in in kind by purchasln* sappUetappUet from tbe itor« operator. Providlni owner of the SmUey crttknek ^dcelodce Is Sawtooth valley, atands betldi ohe for the foreat aervlee and la expected here., - • - • b and. Owners are permitted lo leaveave trallemtrailer* lila speU Uk« spacoB forfor traUer(raUer parkinfp U a blf headache for the trftUen parked on bU Und. Ownei )t worse as tbe populatioi^biereases.J (Tlm(Tlme*.Newa et^ photo) . -: form er _ thU to avoid (be necessJlrJty of bauUbauUoc th m bomo after each meoaUlmooatain'area trip, to get wane as tb Ola Marchant, daughter ot Stan- j|S - le? Marchan^. also have lived in I A6 . :* *, M . ■ . ■ • ^ ovowner,’ of courte, huya «uppllcs IE B y T h e Baghdad,-Iraq, -where he-served ! [ h e 3 1 s t | At aa IrrlgaUonoadvJser on two hew . trrJgaUon projects. Tha Wixoms Many resorta have added trail- and their daughter, Reta. were er parking areu which feature th e re during a revolution in leSB. “modem’' aetups. Parking here Mr*rWlxoia-and-daughter'Wcre • runs around $30 a month and n T h s I s i ru t l f f r o m l evacuated to Rome for. four -, >pspace is at a prtmluro. Tnonths until he waa' transferred And BO the headache for the to Sudan. foforest. service conUnues. Some- Wlxom' bos w orked In . Sudan timtil es, officials say. i t looka- like as a range management adviser a losing batUe but they keep with county wide responsibility. ' plplugging away. Future plans pro> They:kreTiog:on-lgave and^ere - . videvi for more and nore trailer spaces but the number of people demanding the eomforta of home switching to trailers is growing rlght-wlUrthonrS^therllteraUy - b]by leaps aad bounds. pot-thaf-home.-on-wheeto-and \ ;jZbe.£attse.of It aU Js th a t o u t- hook it up behind the car. it U , door-lovingd< Americans_we pow Just aa fllmple aa that. » •.,.

' DEMOS TO MEETbat t» U e r Clark fhttirm.n of UiB BJalno county-Deaiocratlo“centx»l-com-C( —u _ ___ 1 Current tnittee.-has caUed a meeting of aU precJnct w orkerauys— a n diuppllcs c a n ^ - ■S F fP * t VW i R ate___ ddat«s-for <>ffIce-ln.the.Novembec elecUon at 6 pan. Aug. ae at Uie Compounded courthouse. Xt «U1 b e a cam paign planning igeetlag. ^ i f t R i r J I l l l m o n th a n d

kche fo r th e S V O L C OSom e- i t looka- like they keep ^ 1=1 — plana pro> 1390 Highlandnore Av«nu« trailer 733-5571ler of people Is growing '

i M EET — ...... HotJ/tr L.-..W oyne NT ItEGISTRATION sifa al nedfrthIfish-Jake jake othert foreat areas. To meet the temaad for tnHer parUsc, ^ ^ paid on V ' TKAILEii AND TEST RECIS’ n o * p a r- PLVWOOO • CEIUNQUiB TILE Blaine Jn Ihe Snwtoolh wIley;y iccUonicctlun «over Galena summit ahotrtihowt tho ffuture plans call for addlUadditional onal mi m>*eai to be readied. This p«r- central'com- ^ 0 4S-month BOrrJS one wben UcuUr parking setupI offer* more space* than aay other.‘X.A A mw new HARDBOARD • REDWOOD a re a la full Alt 48 parklnKrklOK space*ipaca n e ar th* lake were *one w hen t ■■■■^- accounts , . ^^ 'a . ttili photosmpb wat takentaken recently. rccen Tbe Impact of trailerraiier use Iralkrt and tent parUngrking area wa*wi opened thU year a at t UtUe INSUlATINd BOARDI and« DOOM candl- !;■ Jn forest areas, jraphlcaUyIcally showi shown in this iasiance, U typical of Itedflsh.1 (Tlmes-Newara phophoto) to ) ______. be. Novejnbec — — * -k it it * * - * * * |SSI^BSiSSSSHSiS5 the B a campaign ^ VacationI TrailerTra Populariiularity Causing CAR: a r e y 2 I DifficultyJ in Providingig FaiFacilities t Continued From Pace*ace 19 lie used by te n t cam pertf«rtr if they tanks,ti ete.) can hide out for tvo hn.«rf BCt there Urst. Even this devel- oro three days, licenses had been purchased. The opment. UiouRh, doea nnot o t provide To try and-ensr the pressure, upply— : [. total included 6U licenseda In sewoge connections, runningLinnlng wa- 11the forest service how has a rule J Twin Falls county; 1B3Si llccmed ter or elcctrlclty. All these ore i:that o trailer cannot be parked Av«nu« 1q Coasla county and 143 In Jer­ basic In a commercial:Jal trailer inii a designated area more than ome county. As a result, and n ______, ! n.^« parking spot where theIhe ground iig days in a row. A fter 16 days It vlth ft'little Imnglnallon, os (o owner would charge the trailer tra«»r n must be moved to anothero th e r site, Bite. • . , v how many aro licensed throUBh- iPIONEElra DAYS2Q |^ ||- - f owner on overage of ab o u t $l.bO M • out the stat«—to say nothing f about $ljbO Even If In a deslgnoUd area, P those comlnR Into this area beinghMn, a night. At RedfUh the tho trollor .jhe trailer cannot be left tinat- - — i^raTiT'^Uftn^bouira'eiiKehT^ T d ljS o«.-nor-pay^i0^ts-a^8ht-]usti_jilght-just tcndcd.-In-other-woni3,-the-own-^ from CoUlCTOliL a n d Ut&ti—pntc*ta h -p r a ? . 1’“^ ‘® •«‘er Is not allowed to park tht "'tlcilly aoyone.can see» narklncparking A new developmentt atot LltUeLitUe ttrol’er. go home for a week, ond spaces are lacUns. Bedflsh lake provides-’ for an od- rreturn. He must stay wim the W hat 18 belns doneI aboutobout it?If dIUonal 17 units. No other park- ttrailer. Likewise, even in unat- uE-LliD-n lUNQTILE ■ l y ^ ■ Tho forest servicc Is' practically ing area available at the present ttended areas cr oreas:a« • n not o t pa- i m pREDWOOD ------In-ocTttah-DroBraro-lo-try-lo-gal-try-to-gal time offers more -thanUl a dozen jt rolled. J t Is- now' unlaunlawful w fu l to ' . ^ .. a h ea d o f th« trailer Influx.'nflux.' spaces. ' Ileove an unattended trailer. m rnn-H—~ n n -- — ■ - '.* *•'*" JTrutbdSrtrallcryani'bBlnri-tm**•belnff^- =TrnlIerr’do'^tlJBVe can also water under pressure,ure, septic «vlilts to the nrea. the trailer l i t R o d e o Itamps JULY23ri23rd i 24th roeeounti-durlns-July-.-*---''*^**"*’— ^ike S*t

    ? n p i n g ______t o EIT SPORTSl a c i n g • ...... ~ ! I p S ; : ton]^-~j ^---- Moil—^—r--- ! ■ Af t e r t h e R a c e s ,. This Coupon - 1 Rodeo ; Today , ‘ I ' ' • __• • - ■______^ r 23rd. I . . . / \

    24th I ■: '' H W 1 T Itfi I "Mflflfc I ' F W V

    s 7 , i i j y

    ^ ^ S T s h o s h o n T s t ^ - Sundoy,.Jti Bare HAGiq VAtLEYLEY IPORTRAITT • • Twir>virt Fo)ls TT( (m es-N w s 2 8 .'^ ' '.I'H - --VALPARA] inHiiTginnit; ‘uiau iiroBccutmr** ...^^ ■W llllW M ||IIK|BBBM » 31* Ufl S3tate’s¥puiigfetJ tate- gest-District-Judge wniey.-as nuistanV.— .‘'1 — W2 ' Valparaiso willw: have, to con- It was In March, lO&q; thiu.he- .- '/■ centmtt on } came i member, of. the flnn ? •. .;'A.| » ST'j'rr from no* ot . EarlyEarly Sciiobiinjaring inir 21 Idaho Tcii ilch now 1s known na Raybom,' ‘ ^ ------A-flve-yeai ^ T o w n s ' - . . lybom, naybom and Wrtb. ' . :fv Idahoii-70uni5f^ii5lrt=5ud'g^ *:* pjnraunezotn i I ____ ^^^P-flihern nnri pw««IK|y yying»«t successfulwessfuljn In hls-bldj^^e hi ot-" M •' from the sh(shores of a nudlit ,rable ludge In the nation— -elub-ta-Tinunfdnnfl-nuaiit- :e of district Judge. U th J u d ic ia l;'' wen- .iteittn'' h.< earif dtxtrictr-Kr^strict—Ke~wiil~ta1ce~offlce*lhB------^ ucatlon the hard way. . r *Tud,e All«n Btnlti of La So. r»t p a rt of next year. I n hla. : ; '*-7 Alt» In fact, before he entered Jun- cnpnclty as Jud PPorte orte coun?]county superior court ,of hlRh’scho( ipaclty as Judge he w ill preside r high school In Twin Palls, . ■eV court In ka countlcs. The district also ~ tlon-.cloilng-BaBar^s . M t t n . U'‘tlm n 31 il'l 'f 'f e 1 e 111 s i ade -:eTMyetTr««ept-membei3-of- -inclndn—thclades-thrrcotmties rrt “or ''fWlB------noou . spread - out-.ffonTTColf — 7- ,.-L .Vl PallKilU-^d-Jerome. -^d-Jerot ------;------1 Jiethe'lAke-of xake.of-the.wood, Nu« , im (near g.Sandpolnt) to Soda r- • laww firm. It wtllwll be necessary for icause or'lhti;^foundnhat:moT: im-to-reslgn-fram tho.naybom ______IT , . EeL^^aSEdErsj^^^^B"- ^Im-U-reslgn-- ^Rehcs'Dilig'R e li^ g to be neat^ the vnrlous 'Jobs firmrm as soon nas hc-ls'aworn lntQ' — Tpi 1-v i' • wasBS Inevitable. He took hts fam- ' office.■flee. i^wlth-hlm.---- :------— HisHl« official clinmbers will be fro n t: •But-his-wtfe-was.of-the-opln-,. ■ ftFBurlev.Burlev. b~iir~*^ebui wllt*~prtsld* ..... ContioDedContloDed Frotti Page 19 tonn that from Junior high school ov-er couriln c our'tln boin E counties. '' ' irough high school a boy should J900.^800.^ The 8 by ;io-irich glass Webb, who reslcjes in Tw in ^ negativesn n atlves-ar aie r thrprop«rty-«t-UiaI nve "rooU " a n d ■ friends. *o . Pallsalls nt pre«ent.pre«ei enjoya an oc- bbureau ureau of lrInformaton of tlie i-'WOloyd maeoended“ fils ycRrir uavelK islonal-hu^Ung-Jauntuuid-twlce______LDS church. exceptccept during summer vacations, .; hasas gone alter the oimiw maun- -. . _ Pioneer Day parades and cele- of: course, course. ' tain.In goat. He also w as active in . bmtlonsbratlons are common throughout HIt Is lnl«re8Interestinir to note about Boyoy Scout workWOI and £wo y e a ra . • . . uuh and S mnde t)ie 50-mile wilderness commemoratlocommemoration ot tho arrival schools;hooU he aattended, only one ■ hikeIke which sta rts from C a m p '. of ^ e flmf lm group of Mormon wasas out of 1re it-wns it. over." • - . - =^-...... - SSalt a lt Lake OU:City and Ogden, eom- cidedIded otherwise.otherwii Is now superln- . In addUlon to Scoiby pa- After his cieducational pursuits Toastmasters'oastmosiers club( nnd the Blue rades. ettled down to the more or less Lakesakes Country club. i3Q ||S|e£aB |™ @ ® E ^"ntatorians Historians i say the fb-st such Jout'ne'of’^clDuttne of school in Twin PiiiU, He Is the fofaUier of four chU- cerebration waswi July Si. I H 8 - 1 the L" winter« n te and constnictfon ren. fCesiin. tfr Curtia. 4; O uv- thB second annlveriary of the "b* fn Se niBU HUNTlNa 000, ihown'htwhown'htr® with lU owner. Bothh Parmer,Fanner, has beea tnlatlng for ^iviraf'^thf )bs in the aummer, the man, la, 3. and Barry.Bai 3. T h e family 'ho was destined to be elected j aides at 1031 HlghvleW lane. owner ttW lhat ereneren Iboudtbouch the anlnul was confinednflned tot« the yard, it itUI wa. •tt” - was dest i ^ . UOXD J. WEBBEDB resides at 1031 ne youngest- Judge graduated; ...... Bccause of tthe requirement he •rite'fcuntlnr «Mon. »olt underway.underw«jf Altbouch.tattooed InsideInside the ear flap, nothing haa , -nio‘The Inhobinhobiunts were awak- ||L* liuppearanee, Jndlcatlnr Jl was Uken by a bnnterb oslalde thU- «n«J brthefl rom Twin Falla high school in ^ tsign from Uie law firm he wUl *f Uie -arU iQ .o n lm n l-o p p jre nlJy Je t Do^.^ Do».i could bet checked n t t^ e of ththe e Nauvoo Bell and the splr- tookook speech'and.speech'C drama for two In pre=ww a B,'-v jjoy and the -two 4aeo lurgcrylurgery and posted gains similar of Ufe u theythe] were. They conld- time,Ume...... J J 2 ed by telephone. ' to\o Pfttrlcla'iPatricia's. n nt t ever crawl,craw couldn't leam to ' The paradiparade In Salt Lake City '■ 'eter Orant, an AuatrnlJan 'T■They h e y wewere feeding normally walk, they'dthey’d probably: have been thbt h b year vUwUi include ab o u t ISO . ■ leiui^on on s world to u r by}/ the ththird l« day after surjery," bedridden. Now—well,No they've got entries. OgdenOgde tradltlooally sUg- R liitric .(urslcal cenU ra. com:omments m ents IDe Vries.______att normal.lUe norm al.m e ahead."______eaea a* parade of < similar site. - W I timely slop a t Children's

    di Of Dr. Prlng*prons*Beo Btnekfllr. 77w»anvft rjhearscd. with c u t------troub/fl-froa p trouble-/rea performdnce. Alt parts,rls, ■ . |w Uld possible tltem a- tubes plus service for 12 month*.7r:------jwurts. One altcmaUve \VL"tiBHi" JJ aat t no extra co!eost**' to you! •f?? * ‘'“ UO *>rW88 bc- w twins If complelQ.sep* . ■gwed moro than they |

    2 ‘«a'smoothly and no ' J'“j^loma-dcveloped,'i;i —------

    *?-*< Ihe.InfanU.were d l- ...... loolc oa»-to-an»^ ------^ » eompleto lt« o p e ra -, 2“ Ve« and Dekelboum.' moved u p to ' L Vt iS®* eiojcd th e wounds WUc tne.

    De Vries taU. ^ formerly had pulled , “>» »kln surroundlnj ^^I6«lngjiileraaL . ' • ^^m s-and-dlgestlonj ------r^Anywhere...any-time.^ f f *ua with sun from s = ^ ^ i e s t yoliir faihil/s biggestjgest valivalue - bonk at RIC SERVICE 2 ^ - Hp had some of ' ' SXL®.”? It to Most peojsle canJl descrii)edescribe the colors in Valley Valley of southern IdahoI and easteieastern Ore-. - ? "Ins' Wounda. gon people do live bettwr electrical)electrically. T h e J ^ uiualiy laau fromi . VidBomillc 23"...Contem. . Contemporary—Automatic por fineIne tuning . theUi rooms . and importantimpoi pieces of gon pc< biTr** ^fore being re- . ” - ,and'M agnatux, the_cieclronice cleclronic ieye that continuaily'-adlusts--lly'-adlusts-- - , . . furniture. j But fhanyany don’t knowki tlie coui\t- _ average avera^ home served by Idalio.PowIdalio .Power. .1^ y^!»Uvely minor oper- , • • br/ghtnass an'd contrastjntfast witiiwith c changing room light.ht. Two 9*^ - ; : . - JessI .ways they putlUt electricityelectricit to work. Do ' nearly nearly twiceI the Mount of el^ici^usedel^icii ' - rround you with living sound. Choice of - ^ ^l^o-lhftborrowod , -oval, speakers surround you w ______r'nnnl- and see . .see . yO ... you may be sur- in in diedie averagea home acrossss the naticnation. . ______^ '>V------fin lstiM . - ...... Electric rates here are5 still a ththird' be- Iabdomens...... -prised!- . ' - _i.__J______’ ■ y ., E!« . \n Mahogany ’2 9 8 . Inni*, $crccn the . ______A U _*rou 5 h Jl)ctile house. hoiise^ ypur'electric ‘ low th< th e national averaged•; YYour our eelectrical l . ifiK ih ? .* ®PeratJotj and' ■ diagonal meamire ’^ .5 0 ZZ5 . service is ready toto helphelper or eenterfeiiiSt'thc “ stahdat3~or"livingstahdar is‘ high—andiiigh—and it's .a.. 8 jX»unds9 RV c r p ^ ^ flip of a swit^. Here in ththe Snake Rivet bargain!'. bargain '

    rD A H Q ^POPOWER 7 3 3 - ^ 3 3 ...... £■, & c 5qMUCH»Cflsts^♦Cflsts SoS o U T T IE } • 420 Mpin Avt.io. i i i i ' ' ' ' ' rwiwaww-^3 ig ^ T 4 i-CKgnM>i^iklNM i55fiNOT^pfOU-BRlKKa-TW AT-^c-^ -rr*6-WAJTWS-: Arrws—------CRJMlKJAU-tN.CR-l-^----- * 0«T . SEND •) OUTSIDETHERITZETHERITJ; C.VOU'RE SU S lkN bE D S • l'iM &.7l^i£5oNaHRACKINSHi THE'*' TOBRINSm^ H ERE'S A '.. ' t ■ SQUAD % J CAUGHTERHK' »UU»IM« / CAR.?^ MOMEFROM U s n DM --

    ,.puni«.J------S id e -G la n c a r ^ ------” I' Lebanon- ■■ . ~~ — ...... ACBOSS ' ''4IN«wZuUBd ' 5 = = = ^

    C a p f^ ja iy •■ • ^'

    UN oom • '48PMtkuUr ■ oNEYUPOitrMoi).AHP'«m i f N o m ; \ m

    ■ ■ ’ ao u o tln l aoU ^ 2isiraduit m wrar* K BTgUxrw ^ i5bSSa^ts S 5 ^» lM . la >. nIdmaiM ssviraumut' . ______n k lm u w ______iB m O Un 33DM«rt. ------.dUiaood • • « ef—4 39Coo(UIbUoa~ SlndUn ■Jontib.) UNn^ooIaM 40^^{ib.) . . ■ • | ^ SS ------______^rSSSS^mJ# ioNiiSt&I Urb 2£g.“” S S ^bsa_gS S 7^ r i n ir ^ 8 ..18 no 111 nz ^ v T - J w W z

    " " ''" ''.^!lguess.W £iJ.|j.Jigr-£ F7“ r^jjjle"i9

    Z? ^ *— !P—1|27 ^‘Somebody elseelse divide upi the check! Thts-Juist isn’t one of my^ brainy da; daysl”. «-| . Carnival ■ ^ ,


    1 All srt.Mistci-UJaltl?MistcrllJaltl >v , _ J i r “K fsl«S T — ------I •(/Jest throw her in rever

    Major HoopieB

    6URIJSID6 HAS T H ei <00 SAV Ttt#>T3.ff066R 0LW » USUAUV C A U SO fiWRNUfi^ 1 — 6»O B ^ VJELL, F K E 'S T W e BlEC a ------RuMS^mw.«iiseuw.0F.6cR» ------r me irWBJncWSlHE’CeOTAtlWCft ITiflHT HCWSS TO OJ/A 031 ■no^4— P 0 R T H 6 PLA C e OPH SUT TBUL /V^E.VWyr A tL i -CHA: E s t e s r . ny IN E S S AB O U T S 0 1 N 6 iMTO/r ------PRODOCnOM-VHTH-WB^^ t v 1 r T V ^ r NAIL CAMSAe III / M N ’THESITATBT’cAiu? Mfi,SOK$ INVemTOM^jg D \ ^ v f ^ k TUWOUSM THE W A AaiV ai \ . I VAeOTANYOWfi? p T TwpicTURESkKM «HTl^- -V^PaOBtEMS' V - ^ L • / PUIXIN' TH'NAILS f ■ \M vou going IHIIvilbz r ' ^ ? ^ ‘ TO PO m I R"S»T I

    E - . “You’ll like Jimmy, DatUad! He. has a very short 5 jJS^ reachr L/*~‘^^ S P iA \

    « ‘ I l|Q$UR^I^ BOW S'Sl^ri ------Short RitnB ■OOT gR A C E R J U y * ^ ^ ^ ' V I - ' 4 — J - ^ —— —— j r 5 rr/ ^ «m usAW i FCR'WE3DB.'ibUFCR'WeaDB.'i ^ j . O ut Our Wayy -______IHPRESaOMABlE. ^ 'w i im \ I / ALLRldKnraL’XfCH.'CUVWRe VoK.'iOUW - A M PIC A H T K IS PM /'^ i ^ • M LOW*—vo iA B -W)>RiaKrAFTSRAU;)*VB*OFFOPTHtSONa w a K rA F J| ...... • - •- /^RAXZgpMaSO 4 Kd0LPl8~ d0 L P l8 ~ W K y V filT H W -O O n/SA V , *t ...... J f v f ' Mt>CHA»5arB«M<^•^WAsr^B’k-\WASrrB'lOUR rdOLP«,S(NC8WOAlBWT}lOUAiBwn { 4 iS ie tii|L i# * 5 A » ^ M a A aooK ALOM60MM tT\ TIMS IM S a a tie r /REAPIM«AHyTKIMA.VMCULPMAWOIV II - i t o o w s y ^ ' • AHtKaTH».T2PEClPfip7Htl4IM*VMCpyHtKIM'VWEKJ \ yCUMINP«TaBRlM 6Me J N O n D P o m H I* yyoueAuaer yiOOCAW. ]/MKfFKotA r— . . a g a ------UMB—» O T 6 0 -« ^ S'ffiPUCATEPWHiUB-S—7H P 0 6 « rB P 6 S e > T * n — — V AHeAD>KM9&M'1 P0IM'n’7*»IH ;. . K»ty^M5 COA- J ^ J I Pl-BTBLVPi^Bnuf . ^ *lB2SnM ^ a YAM 0RB1>^ Allty PopO' ^_j_

    ' ■’ \ ' * “ ■ ' -

    tfg^c/ivfliiy] •' ■ N . IUH%

    ------" ”]* ^\tSl!Si*2ANfcO«. - - - - r : r - z / — w j= jg ^ :-— belterr eall-Mrs.cali-Mra. Slmpsonl It.looks-like^-llk e f ^ ^ i i ------SweetirPie is goins:goins: intointo 1the real estate bosiness!” ~ V - Sg:< soiiwacw ac» »ujs« u js5 .V Martha Wayne,yne. ■ 1 Dixie Dugangan . ■ ^'.______■ ' ioocuck') A{tc'iou'w6w?u|^\. • /iTPWWBwift“pWCUBmf,Plt«V,iMOH rOSTSHTOTOSAITO'i?Dffl8,7\ l«KW «|W UM i«TM M »CUClO S / J J ' b a c k BfiFOBE \ O O J ^ ■^'S ^.^-lC O H . I DONT«KNOW ------iGffr'iOORToaET'OORTOOTOUTOFTHfi S / - i OC H W A US tli/) l/J PBSPMtlUSTOOSraCTTWlCTTWC / ^ )THA0ICA?U3AM0ACMyat HAJ? A 'B R A lN l ^ A NNO O IEveN jF/'^^yD O O MpaoeAscv o e A J su v * ' T i i i s f t fiOSlVJHOrcTHB^'^L^ cccooe/AagfT *“® I'*' ' I'MHIJ WE N EVEK flO T / WE WAIw / ^ s o c r o / V E H flH A V E KICKBO ■ s u p p o e e j x n /e FOUND \ HOW? li v e DOOR oow» WTWTry ^ ’JtM 6UK«THtW&f tCSSOM., ~ V

    “■1^ ' -~ ■ i Htfgjrwull

    ^ F x o V ;*\\ 8 • M S I f I IB ''** ■( ^ Donald Duck __ DiiwM Hniei r • : . - - - . V-

    W ] ■ t53iis® si£s4^ I - ' baoctoMIt-makIAK>-*- r 'S r ? " '^ . '—rTz^>rpr7rrf J I■ ^ t' ■■ 1______

    _— ^ ^ -----. ! i i k - — ^— ’—*’: ~. T ^ ' ^^^^pEcoribieouo^ic Picturere Is S]Spotty; E stes lse^im •' e^NN (^ (^s-^arit^ Ttttcomiicom eT^C utlsIPQ Qu< uestipn- Ji^Ew§:§: - S e;riice r iic e Siet^ - >nals-Sp.ieiaI Notlc«s 9 Sunday,Sunday, July;>2;Jul . ' - ' NEWW YORK,YORK,'july 31 -W ~ Anin 8 per cent ddecrease in'mifn. : o«-Bf«^-DiiuifT;nt*.m-b.tii -Twin-Folls^Tlrtn-Follr-Tfmeff-Newgrgff— I'ainKaEa‘‘w winrw itir«nB rinirw jii«pin iwcbne-proauciroTbne-prqaUeironTmnlnly due ------— 1^------'For.or. MoM onday^ ■ -^«^hese;P ^ U s e - T h c honc':^^ " i l r f i l X M ^ u»g blusiness u sln e u repireports, a apotty eco- a strikeW k^ta^rd at a Ford Motorcotnpany BESU Ur.—ns-ssso:— - - Formm Work Wonted.V - :23". , : a BTAyti:, J ' ',L W — ^ .nomlc—picture.j - p l c t u r e - t m e r g a l .d d rln a j l a a t i .ftri.B.pcr-ci — M g S L : - ' - ^—Num N u m b bers-FREE~ e •^rS fcW jkrflrit iMe-wettr——w e tk r-^ ----- rr.' . . . - -.“ -«nd-atecl-produc BrowrilHg Hl-J a'cteni 'd e f e a ts “ C ommmeiiis m ciila obourthe-otWooictyab( •of:xwp;ceni"Jir W 'W '* 'tw o '~XcY. My.—jfoTcmm « « « ent— officists increHHT'OPTHres renson os winning pitcher and plM . rrtlred rai uty'Sqllolii ' ~ ' T5 ----- cautious. cent? In K unempio} 5 ;S S .°'.‘ ^ St^Si^^S™rry McCarlU as losing pltchcr. in thehe Twin FolU ^1 clinic Friday business wit lAL » ^ y m n .n tn t _b|r WorlcuiT WontodWonted 24 id above all hung the quea- .The commerce me commerce department re- Ken Haught HauRht waswaj top hitter for afterr a 'brief brief HlrIllness. “•~T T tnn—iTTiT-1..... III uu of whether President Ken- portedrted new factoryfac orders for theP los^Jl,''losrr, ------Mr r, FJtys.ron-«PjitM rflTT-t-'pQnleitratn.lntO ------—^7------»m.. I’hon* 7SJ.811*. ^ ^ IL flfllt-c n n g re M ., f o r-.n a ducabl&-co(KU-wmg^ft_35..t»tc_cent-decUne a 3 5 t -Von-Hounton-pm.-Hounlon^pU«blngJoi:_Uic Intm^ln theTT) «y mIto w ib6tbi ccoieconomic stream.. fromim,June. June, Shelterslelters and nnd CG ra n t Sim m ons u ntilII 1028.1028i I - th e ,, a p*nn.n*at for »U0. 1*74 Uth . ,.hno. 7MJ«5SB. three-week advance by the New private h e then moved to Roseworth teleohc Swift.. ■ ' A threc.wcek 'lew prlvale houilnR stnrtfl in plichlnR:chlnR for ththe e G ian ts.' D onny He then movt now telephone *Ji» Times- A«nu»Z-. B..t.pt’n. 0niJim •” CKMKNT .nd blo. rrf*‘^ r t U decline on Rtockc marketm nrket was- interrupted, Juneno were otfoff 11l: per cent from WalkupnlkuB Wlhll «.a .U isle Io r Ihe m ta ..rktd n y.u. lot me N eiT f'frM o, f. etiarrft _ Hh.lhr'. Phon. ■ «ilw. *Mpilrfc . itt® ®?1riorf out by ft -nnd ftomesome expertscxpcr put part of tho ^ny.‘y- , ■ Shelleralellers and 0 Gary Bassmuson Rosewortncworth conConstruction com- r . ': s .mp^». ^hnn. T«-StOT.______S ^ ^ ^ S - O t a n d t ^ the blnmeblame on ithe slowdown ap* RQalerRQaler developmenUdeveloj included h it-at-a double for the Giants. . pnny.ly. Xn 1040 he moved to H ager- I j f you live in Dial . . . 1... ».i.W.L. IB P ^ further rUe to a parent,iht Uv the new business stn- increases:reases in productionpro of tele- Harpers Buckeyes'toppedBucke Price a-and worked on a cattle Buhi; Castlcford_-5«-4848 «*«i ‘ M'MII.*"* ChrUtoph.MoB.,Wieo.___ _ cs.' vision aeU. furn! ch until 1040. Hc farmed ol ®““ * J'LCTE b»»utjr ..rue* Itt ad'kntfd — ii“ lion aeU. furniture, some con- Hardwareardwarc 7-0.1-0. with Kirk Wll- ranch until 1041 dtnti . t rnluetd prlc«. P.m .* , 5 of » ipeclal The\B jroMBross nnntlonal product- sumerm er staple.^,staples. nnd com m ercial jiamsims ns winningwlnnl pitcher and RMewormleworth and Murtaugh until a Burley. « „ e y , H Rui u p ,tC . _ ^Cbtal1 of all output out] and services— andd farmform mnchtnery;mnch Reneraliy .jon)n Hoyer as losinglos pitcher. Mlku J when he r«retlced and moved ilm W lr Jto*/>. 733.»7?|, ' hed a n an n u al r a te of ’ 692 stablejble commoditycommodl]^ prices: n ret- Barneynrney -hit a double for the nier.' • • ‘ ' ; • “Juit “JM I ata; a r Cbartt » - " »"■ >’t:HlKNCEU typlns .n d /o f book ***-.2iDUce. L • • rcached an nr Boby, Stttera-sitt.«-chiid Con, li ;|wpIb* In my hom,. • rboo* 7SS- tjeUef ^ a t billioon n dollara inli th e fecond q u a r- . -=------SSS-SSilon.-brokem i,^-tho-admln^l.ho-administration. It .was 7 oial.ll. and IndustrialIndusti construction, acn'sin's NuUNuts 13-0.13 with Steve i?, - Norland- ...------C78-2552 • f e ; 7* ^ » o , B d^^^i^d .n o u d U i -billion-dollftrfr-on-doliarfr-hlahet-than_tht ..chftlrman-Wil enrn-pltchlmrfor-the-Bombers Ih_Tlirea:Creck_'arca_ t^e^C red ______' Norland- ruV. °^"*** Ch^mt^William-McChesney een^n-JitchlnR- . Wendell. Ooodlng. "U^i'jro"”Uo-H**p" echild u r* c«nur. Si.U _ , - L * —- -llrat.fluatuir.riii.flu o tter-ratc.______M artinartin of- the of- the "federal rejerve nnd Mike Ford lurvlvors Inelude his widow; , v/endell. O tn>*d. Ev«nln» .«f»le* by .ppulnl- ; ROTO-ROTO-TILLING . ennedy had predicted at the board. told the i°^i^.lir n yon. R°ehardRichard IEstc«.'Twln Polls: . Hagermai Hoeermftn, int. 7M-dl». Ev.nlnn 7»^«tll. B,nl.n. tawn* K l » Tiiti* K en n ed y h(i( ord fold'the h'ou.ie banklrig jJiitjLAVaUyJ£i< riTif.'it', ' -i B t % it ie » wwe"“ pW rer beglnnlnKinnlnu ofor thet year mav committeemmlttee lhatmat perhapst the econ- andS ^ Clark S k ’johnson John hit a single ^e daUftniUR. M rs. W illiam —- ^ r— e j r erotn o uia-,_.±:=z9W of 1003 3rd hlglwhiglis iiin June, the-lncome forir an ImmediateImmedlai income tni( cut Bob;ob Shcele wwep e « top h itte r s fo r f ^ ^ d L mm o x . 11 nt Pi-vnolrta II 7JMM4 or W.1M Do* tD e/a , g^«»^ „ p ,rt. rU.yolH. Ful In.ur*d. Fr.* **■ 1 prodgttlm* ■Jiinil WIUIwa-i only nail ns Big n» W —ne-wu-'pfbffilTlgm tu r pfOfrtUIZir to ' l^ttf m n e Dfe~w lnn\ 1063—his w as top h itle r fi ).m, Sunday and Mondoy until n/.«» ^minwDberofnewqunr- ^,/ht.'h t.' . . ^ aidsds polled comconereMlonal Demo- Kimberly Ad Don’t Forget “ S•‘ita^ririTlS*Dur^.^AMllSilltf"a'} K j r i i " BOB WEAVER'\ -.____I le of services. ^ 9 ^ 1411 ttb Avtnu* £ u l T11-77U • ^ b l y mlislle* nnd raiu . ^■he h o monthly m onthlj report of the fed- crats■ata on their aattitude. the.f ru 7-Up ;' BullB jssr';f-= .ns C " ™ s ssr,,r.nJ:. ■ “ ' ‘■™' S t prices went down. I reserver „ e rv c boardb showed these • democraticDemocratic Senate8c Leader Mika iJirry*rry Eller pitcher plU for the Ad- _ _ ------_ ------^------WWAijT A N T AD BAJES gS'wriS S S W tj *UH were mild- adversercrse developments:devclo Mansfieldlansfield of \ Montana said r«- vertlsersertlsers and Rich R Blrrell pitch- C T U P , — ^ ------LllLicensed , ' f'for the Bulldogs. Wonienried T.F. X*X ».V'( Cadets to ArAre LOW ------^------S 2 i e at wetk-end. no t------,------^ Z suitsIlls so fnr ha hnve been mixed.- ef for the Bulli O GIRL CASHIERS CUSTOM SPRAYING ‘ , K b nearest- tcchnlM l • T “This late in th e ses.Mon It hlit it o0 double Wrfor the winners and T i„ J p fV 11 D .r. for lh. pdr. of 11 ' FOR CONTROL 5“ Srttr-M O-« In the LivestockI j l V f ould bc a i'difficult thinu to Dorn>orn WWalker alker anda Jo h n so n were f iind U U IROTC v U Duties 7 D .ri-fo/ ih* pric* of .» . - or nwnnje."innnje," he ««ssid, topop hlltershitters for the losing team. yjveFive cadets from Tuln FaJU, 4 DMnDtrt Afor prif. ct J WM ustu s t IBe Over 21 , ZnsMtj insects nacf Weed* S?—nD>-a4. Jul, “ 5WAV) (USDM- POMOftheidPoes of the idea base their op- Idaho Power Llvewlres thumj^ arce scheduled to complete slju ll. f„r wr,k i.44Ri ii.uahi.r positionQsition on the contention th o t H edd the Gem Equipment Eqi 8-2. with *ka of i„|nitraining at the reserve .. Up tot< 14 W ords CContact o n t a c t Mr. McKean HENRY IFARM SALES. I h.lfrn. hl*h .««l .t,d fhnl~ ould throw lY the federal budget ,Rleklick Cliff hittinghttt a homer for officersfleers tralnlrtraining corps -(ROTO - • .'la.D•„ _ .rt Oni7_ t4.:o Cwb IMc* . . ' 42s-sm •______Wnb*rly • l ^ t h e m U« lows of ;lrY .-::"* r,.? I ;r 60*"ll. iIm mIto to a tremcndctremcndowB deficit. thhe e Llvewlres. rRoy Rerguson was summer camp™p .1 Ft...... 7 P»n Only Iij5 Cub Prle* r« A PTT a ■irii«•• bulk Ullllly dollars, which ______• ' ' b.ndU.U^OT „ u « dollny pi U.» m n j fiimm.'rti.i ■ ‘Vrn'‘i r dollarsollars Ics*les* thnithnn wns estimated tn thehe Motor Vu Sluggers 4-0, with benirt W.w.'Block, Block, 21, aon of M r. and ANNOUNCEMENTS ------o]lb lUi th u la In jnlnd. .nitr fxi«ni{ r i" xxxi '.? rr t2:^ot.'ao^r"’.^boi'!’; January.anuary. This was the second JlmIlm StolonSlsslon plpitching a shutout Mrs.rs. Bill Bloi.nvaTENT ^ _ : ^ Jo” y' pyr--pj;^^^-= = := Z= = : aBUiwld now be aeenr— j,.„l - doialrsoialrs in 1D50.1D50.’ for:or“ the-Mavtthc"Mavertcks and Brett Groves.'roves.'’481 ’481 .Madrono— streer “ -Einr cbIt thing* Ihe experts him-m :r.,nn.2ii.oi Staples was top hitter for the north:orth: WllllarWilliam P._Wamer. 21. ClassUlcaiion ClassUlcai IC-mrough 24 A c 2 Coll Collect i " „ / « a ‘r ".rr-.w. «n.i «llu «"|l Stock sales for: the week to- Slaples_WM_ti Age 25 or Over b#diaely w aiter th e p ic- . ' ' lI. ’* ..C ' ! iirr , 1 | li.rr..w.; -" J «'J‘‘ tolcdoled 154)02.400 .-shares, com pared siURRers.SlURRers. soil)ii of Mr. anand Mrs. William F. FINANCIAI. n*«iiT would bc‘ n dlvl- nii>r.i iln t Vo;co Splinters won .over Bcr- womer.Corner. 1237 Tenth* avenue east, GEM.SPRAYiNG ‘ ",'rUV iioo''yu'^iM .lfiO O w,'ith ith 23.013,40023.073,400 the previous week . Vo^co SpliiUt Classification 30 m rough 3B ExperienciSxpenenced in accounts ' d br.Bethlehem nnd /o r ...w[hJ,?«*3l1f.pH . i-j n:s-40o n« •l«u«hi'r Utnl- andnd 13,652.340 ffor th e com parable tiesLies Falcons oyby a forfeit. nndnd RichardRlchord IL. Kloppenburg. 21. cuissjucat . . . • aSERVICE il Bcloran administration Jerry's 8B‘s edged by the Webb non)n of Mr. orond Mrs. Lowell W. - scDOOLt receivable, payrgll, ^ U tu tti • . ■ .li.wrri fWM .iMHiir: weck(eek of last year.yc B ond sales to - Jerry s BBs e . ' SCnOOLS-INSTBUCTION fccciva I’hon*______- 7 m m l.lo.try to r n m a n hn- aled .J24J170.000 p a r-v alu e, com- Pump Pumpers 2-1, with Randy Kloppenburg,:ioppcnburg. 1788 Addlaon ove- _— c ia CIaafl^C8tleo.40_thrpugh_4e a s U lc a t ____ ^ X ux cultlnR measure ^ ' inred w llh $30,423,000 th e prevl- WWdlbers a'bers m as wl,wlhnlng“pltehcp-and nuc east, ...... - and'insuronce8utmei«~0pportuninei~~~30------— Butineia'O; Jiu.; w.. -»;“V' "J*" Mike Wlnterholler os losing ------BEAL ESTATE I i.Hm» 104 lh. M«hr> r«i.« t«m « qlusUS WCCkweek and S31.MO.OOO for the M ke Winter) ------:------BEif TiitE-ssrs:nitE r*«.p .bop. complmly *«ulppMl, '’l^ S re* 'S lan ’dn rd ' a n a ^Vso'.‘'{'i!n-‘w»f pltchcr nnd top hitter for his C JI,--!--, ClasslficaUon 80 m rough 63 U-* «r ..k. . Uyrw B ibiK compamblelompamble IBfllIBfl week. . P il'i}",, " " ‘L i TOP SALARY Cuodln*.j;ai..':'iJ5 Id.ba HOilock index ended th e tii.' niTiirri'so.si WllhWith .huido.shutdowns to prepare for team. GrcR MooreMe was top hitter OShoshone llO S n O l Farmer tl M il. down 1.02 on th e r..ii .003 modcIs Imminent, automo- for tho‘ho wlnnmwinning team. Terry 6a- “ r e n t a l s nmiilMVlEW viK w (.ri< fhnk» «nrt 1003 modcis Ir ClasslficaUon 70 through 8S _ , Tlilt was the equivalent of f, ,,uh„ r.ri Ille’production durlnR the week vllle knocked ‘In the winning run WyVins in S Top 1< Award cu=.mc«( References Required uSb. ulfiV “*'• - , of 5.4 billion dollnrs In w ;,J : imik r.r« X '•'"'7. '“W T bile’production for the ouutandlng play. ' tra•ose w to i.n an ctll estim ated 150.000 pos- for th e outstat SHOSHONE, Juiy 21—Howard AGRICUtTUBE AGI rOR BALE by 0WB*r to b*to *«tlU nlUB. tlie asency said. • imtivr* n.oo-iii, lenRer cars from 145.565 th o p re- D .and and -W Plowboys whipped SHOSHONE APPLY IN PERSON ' " J Ihe Dow»Jone»-ftveraRCKi------' \------— -______genRer cars fro the Wells Brothers Oear Jam- HilllUl won first place.In the Irrl- .-ClaaaUlcaUon.OO ._Claaalflco m ro iig ^ B ______APPLIf ; ...... n lUSDAl- vlo»j_.«k nt :ated gnuslnnd farming section [rtiu fwl 13.01 to S77.18. nMAiiA. J..I' mcrani-3. with Lylo Wonderllch Bated giwalni UVEBTOCK • K UAKK your o«a d..L >lgt,l-aoul Itir f.*rV At!^IMiiU'~»UUIIHI»( ■IW'i* •egOr-lt—tMS_Ci as wlnhlnK pil^ncr untl Vmi Wells «f-the-Unooli•f-ilie-Unooln-oounly-OrMsnaa. ‘ BB htabw.y t». Don Row*. BwoU ut m to I'za.os and uun-' un* I.. r.Viir M nishi-r: hrlfir. .Irona in jnodel run WOU classuicoiioo iwroiroajrtriw- — — .ijtoii3J9. • “•<' Slo.ilng S pitcher. S Ted Roeprlch hit ofIf theth e Year < contest, Cecil Cope, Classuieou a double and single ond Scoit soil,oU conservollonist, conservat onnounced. AllSt MoKey m."krn^?°*for‘k*II''Hit^ dlD{ e m the five day p er- w«>k '^n i !‘^i,n ,o « i., MISCELLANEOUS H^elpsId Wonliid—Mol. W a n t 19 ““w.y “ Slocation. S . Myron lUrUusli.----- nounted to 15.062,480 ulmres : Cryder hit a homer and a single Hill flnlshefinishes ond markets an- ciosslflcati Coodlna. M4>411t. „Hl rhnlM- .■»! Iirlm* 1.0SH.3M II-. fwl. pncC In tl C lassU lcatlon 120 througti 160 MluKlUKCK E ir lorrJr Gi«d.< A d*lry. S b IIm Coodlna. _M .red wllh a,073,4M shnres Jtn 'r'^h»h..l;- n flW.ljSj!* i^ JSM; Scalers d for the Plowboys. nuallylually an oveoverogo of 525 head of * « t «f Duhl OB U.8.- »0. H w U i. WILL I« Imm u« f* in r*MTt town oa tigasad 13J52J10Ja.thc r.^S rhdic" . Okny Shoppers squeezed by the feedereeder steers iand heifers. He also • AIBCBAPTa i b c b a AND BOATS . Phun* Pw*»u!fr ttS-SOfS. DuhL n.rr«Btm«.p*rc«Btu* buU . plu* iBnnlory. crtodoflH l. 'i.fliH‘ 2 " n ii~. : ‘'''5 iO f.-S w ri5 r‘ tnw i-«.nify 'rtROs of.20.230 v s ct. r s f s Sherwln— Wildcats— 8«.7.-,wita. producCAJ)Jutamduccs-PMture on U l acres ot ciasslflcailqasslflcauun 165 mrough m EXfEmEwceXl'ERIENCEO 7SSCMS. . ■ f.n; »«i»r. « ththat a t little imimprovement will be ^ w « Cee Mony Moglcs upset the Sin- to ,» n » » T oS. grandslam homer in,tho lost in- clnlr:lnlr PepupsPepupj 4-2. w ith Tlm phnn» J.rw ct Mttoa-. .M ..I rtUil am a. W in : b e u Nn.T’^i';w« l-s ‘ ‘a* • — ; KSfsi.“ ;ri.“ £ sr..£ 3 iO T ^ ’ Skuo board of trade. * .11 n«. « 'Tnoo* in.oo.i*.7S. jtjl,„ , , v , i ,«1I for thfe' T hunderblrds.h u r wwith ith Steve VVenable pitching and f.AIu, 'u nra.iirsai.;:'"- *“ . wed *lth iMi Friday. ‘ - w. r«tV’D»Vd*t selfSelf Cowbo!Cowboys squeezed past the hittinghitting a homer ho for the loalng _ - - $ rJ.”-.» rs 2 J H v T S r ■ ■ Ch.ri« i ” MnrrU lo w .u .f II. Arm- Bryson B l RUR ites 36-34. w ith B re n t team ond RonRc Thompson pitch- Mli.rMt.rT .* « • « « . work hUtoty. 8EBVSERVICE OTATtON K wVsotf a to'jii'o-c (. „K»VK„. .tninr. , - i vU w l 20 :.nd Burl U l,l» D** n«altla Sie.00S pn m r qqOa Hlch«. Hlfhway SO. Doliur ucclWtit lil'i; I0}'benn« off 1 \ to triple, single nnd a' double for alnglesingle foefot theth< losers.. JilS«?**u aiU n . B*»Uot wflS»ntUI IaUr« tauiciM.b.8 c/o ^ rootn..tH iL Hll** n tm b*dnom hom*. «wnts.‘ rr"' Vsr'viKl x-;.;; isics’r™ hiltlnB four homers nnd ft single Pails Bra:Brand Hotdogs Upped , ______Ed's Park. Amerlcans-8-5.-with r'U 'fli cS g w . i W U ; OPK Bt-mlnute Mirge o f 's h o r t m.iR:Tr • r ■•■niK-r- 'niir™ «r,,l rm trn.-ia.M-tf..l>»: .Ur , Wiindii p .ri J. l.»i> FuK 4. a ninrk s vitki double douDle andond Isingle for the win- the Hotdogs and David Sess was QOAUPIED PEOPLE FF o r Xeaae il. rulirr «nil utllllr m.-lU J;.'',''- leading hitter for the Amerlcons. »Hnc «uy. JlWdiy addfd more tlmn m .X?L S: Am-niW C.K.V’t fiunrli. .iiMlrl.I.m. ners n t j , a n d RogerRoi Moorc h ittin g a leading hitce: ___ .8iiJctly_Confld«tlal______■■... MOBIL OIL —ldaho-Drt»rtment- Olanta -de- cJiiitof KAc^ Si-b-July wybeans.- M eal tIoiiblfrloV-'iharloscrK:------Id a h o 'D ^ ) KO RtGIBTRATlON TtX- Swvice Ser% Station “ »Uo advanced, nnd oils Ki««« Olson Sport Center Trophies feated"feated-Pnciflc-Prult-l0-5r Pacif with ^-ftiS.‘&T4{”r-4 i|^ ‘W ! K«u!w«uJi«: ------^0^*22CHARCEO ------X.**II*nt->* E.MU*n^Wtlun.ea-U...B. S0Ja,-i:__ j^ ttr UKRlnR earlier in .iMii-Tifmi K-i'F I - '8lugB< y -Tfnit—titrpTTKn-^.iiviMp -—>». ll ^.j' : = = ‘n c lr>-lfal>«— ' -- ** July osts HU cents and tnr.. p.Tt s«.».i4. - HHackney ackney AAgencj- Hitters edged ShetlerS h e tle r wlnnwinning pitcher and Carl fir.t, W u much- ns-7>^ cents. - the Eastslde White Sox-4-2. with WursterW ura^er I losingok pitcher. Davidd i>,r,on-. I s.€s“ Bybeo hit a double for the Strikess rhon. 4iSJ4DO4.a^ R«t.llR«t»u uMiwmfli: ln i ' Itniufonea n 'f u ro n e e . 33 rat taterest inRjied In new 4snr,n it-.lt«. .tr..i•tfn'lr 111 ,M hl«h»r. h.»vkf ii'l” '!-,])! Wnlt MUczenko winning pitcher Bybcohltat '- STMM~talh. Swedlifa m uiu*. G«n- "Cook. m*l». nnd Alnn Tobish and Corl Wur- stjm m t-ih. WtncU of corn.,,oats, rye -rUhl.' Vr.n'il.«r.1v Mr«.l)r: l..rnjw» «nil j,..iih ijiwrrnr. Ai».« to J«m5i A. and Sammy Sam m y Gnrmire losing pit- nnd Alnn To . m Ollllnston. mMwut*. Dmr. TU- Tounr n.l« A.h, U>1« S Uns* .ulHllvl.liin. Twin cher. OOary ory PIPhelps hit a triple for a ster te r were Itop h itters for th e ^uctd 2 5 ^ OrnwlnR wcaUier jiV.'ssiuir.o li: pPERSONNEL e r s o n SERVICE ” «MJOoo, and prwipccts fo r ia.i;oos.M.XSO-IS-RO. 4K4tiB-»;;f. iJ.o«.t4..,.. W.rner Jr.. lo El.l.n W. ViiO*. the Hlttera-andHltteTB't Doug I^o, hit a losers,losers. —- —^ s H.y. ; -...... Wrays Cafe stormed -by thec CONItUENTlALc o n iiu e n t i lB»r.tIs»Uon.. » « r« , ^ Money te Loon 35 « eropi nrrw more likely. I . ; nic.fi 1*. Twin r.iii. single alngle for fo r the th t sox. Wrays Ca {. o£ o f MAGIC VALLEX W onderllch' W elsh Ponies 12-1. m vn t, dirom ttjtt, toamtnU} MA' ^ *u heavy nt times In ctnrAcn.t;iiirAf:n. .j»i'"i*‘’iA n Depot Grill topped the Penny Wonderllch' WlJO Owls 2-0. w ith D nvid F ra - w ith Dennis ■ . Loll u J**a Ullltr Phon. Joht w i^ r '*f ' p«?«i lOU le u Blu* biu* Uk** u Norlh C.ll TSMtU 2iOJ.2t0». “•^•eil. Iidw-Aver. s tro n c '*1*,'' »nM .1. .«ivr*m nn(i i,.v;r;7 .S '; Mendenhall lojlnc.pltcher. Ricky, cher. Dour / (genH-Saleimen W nt d 22 uonTu 2 ® ‘er» and mlllera In th e ...w. i.n.i*r • V ”pmMh to Th.im . Aii.o. Skeen nnd n n d RumR WInson were top Kirt Bledsoe hit a triple for the® Ulll.n.. 'A iT eo?f?dintr»L* " i n j i l A g tn ttS o l JBT UonTUAOB p.p«r for ul*. .p.rt IlWk 7 MonrmifTi'* (ln>t tdillllun. hitters h itters forfo r the th wlnnlng.leam and winners andond Terry Donnell>' was or Pa» »««. BALKMMA^lALKilMA:^ ^ WANTEDI C hm lcl com- IS.ttJ. eoi: ^luppnrted prlecs. lcodlng.hllter.forJhMojlnB tenm - . .. “ p*nr op.ndln». Atrieultur.1 b«LVi ' ,l BOSINESS DIRECTORY .hurt aVVm. l«lt.r Nol lot WnUrn Co.1 Equip- Bruce Rienian ench hit a single ,. Coca ColaColft Sprites storm ed pftste sends npw tfhd old cUenls 'jS*** thnt n comproi'nlsr .tr»n« ti. r.n ■"t'i.. niirk«r to r_ A. Primtnw. p«n Bruce Rlenin warberg Moving and Storage »®°“ ° m*nl Comp.nr. 44J W ttl SID# South. M jttMMi Ihe hom e, i t i'»'i« J " k\v>:n w i, ».to.i7. . - for for the th e Pipers. Plpei Warberg M It to you every dayl U 5Jd.n,0y l«n. ut. Ut.h., W* wlH tonuct you. ” T ita n s 10-2. w ith Paul Clark PLAN NOW TO EAfW up In the. srnat, S";£-S'S'S"S.v¥j^II. c, i - . i i A " " . ' e;i;! Pacific EnEmpire Life trounced Titans 10-2, ■e . r e a o h e a 20.000 homes =------ZTT" II. .laiiiihlrr tti^ " ;«.M, *!'**'," L '{' J .tlH p»rl Wolfe R eoltors 14-6. w ith Steve pitching for ithe Sprites and Steveg, ^ <72.000 ® " readers), and FormForm Wo Work Wonted 23 *.. ;d.llll.'n. nuhi. WnUy n. ^^l.^n1ncT Tiltcher Mid AnderMn^ d er» n Pitpitching for me T^ni^ iIaV i.otackjnu ***" HIGH f r ------ww-i c ents i.iiTk hl«h .hnlf* •"'I j.,,1.1..1. fl. 4 Hlofkniofk 1 Mont. Vl.t« Nn. S. Paul' BBukcr ukcr as losing pitcher. >aul Clark Lorry Copplnger hit a double for eachcach bit a.triplea.ti for the winning« “ Sh. gxKXi’EJdUjCED m tiK N ci h.y .IMklD*. Clll ------H j r the.week. hard w h ea t :i;r,MSi.S i! ’■S.K’v.i™’’’rt.JiJl'v.i.niini lo M. I. l.«iwiur. Lorry Coppli M.« T to m ^ n . J.rem . »t4-»44. _ j [ j i.uik-.h..i^-i.vas»i^-»M^-^-°<*'_;^;,^; u i;^,, i . m. IT.iTjJ ^ tha-wlnners t*>e*wlnner8 and-8Wvc--Armond team.------^ '*tll‘ c!*J^iVwy?^on«^i«i7r- ’-'s s -i-t.n TnplB’Tor : t llB'10.ier?.- '~ ------^------Fldellty-B gU aroa ^U lna.^ Kn.ppi*' t'^ A N . Valley Sporting Obods Braves p ped ^ ^the'Elka e ^ l S ^ g e D odgtrs 42?o.- — - n u n tl '*»*f)rwb*eJr*BmuD ^ K ui*^'------7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 — off.ra yen tnor* oppertunltl** for Jn, “ wj. m.Y 1.«'I* w'''lf«r « - . , ...... H. 11.,- .slid „ r by s ' the. r Olmstead Rustlers with with CralR Craig ' Bedsoe and Steve ' 30*W ENLISTS ' wVnlnw. - p*rMn.l and fin.nri.l lRil*p«nd- g o N July a, _ I^^y. K7ft.l.linn Ih.' hplfi-m hluh "iV m.n. p«ri HWi 3-2. wllh Steve wonderllch, win- Bushey Busheyeach each hlttlng'thrte homers • vnnj^ <2tmiK>n.nl. M»nur«rlurlr«. nlnp nlng pltchOIpitcher and Danny oim- for the Bed f: ' TIMES-NEWS ’ TnfS’s^'•.s°iurc!ss:- - ' i - I ^ PelCMCn. son of M r. lnill<»o.«thulk ehnlf»ehnlr^«nrt rhnim J4,W-Sll,7*.:■ 2.M .i4.1*.-rtolr. «~»l »";• "’'’7 »f.l. Cm.iiil Vi«l J kins and John Simons lending ^ \ » r t Oray. RoRcfson. Inr- 1.. V;«I A. ' ^ i r ’i.uhVrk'’: .«bi stead’ »tead’losing loslns :pitcher. Kelly QualLi kins- and Ji , C L A R I F I E D j>in*:F?ii.. BBAimr ARTS. ACAplOfy ...... f MWk S nr.1 Mn.n.w K«lrb«nk. .ub-■ hit'a hdmhdmer'ond er Jnck Helfrecht hltterp.for thet Dodgers. , CL ;u^W*DALl«0! D.« 1^ ^ In ihfe arm y fn r - c Krlilur l»>l ai»|!'(Mn.*T»'i’n • country Cobblers beat, the l DE ] » . MAIN WEST ; through Iho T w in _Ch..lr. -Ch..ir» .n,|-pHrn. .n.i .nrl"» '“’■'‘'""•’^u.iia.ii'iwj** V ■ hit a doub: S; DEAD.LINES . "ffiSS.,”!j!E.W «.f?=..5SS- UrnU fiilk .irixlr. B.H-1 jml |,„,hllulh Ann N r. to ATlhuf S»tn.on. QteVO O lm st Pepsi Cola Pirates 44-ai..w ith'„ . Thon* ril.i &?niliinR.aution..Ho 'flS, Mike. Walker hitting four homers ' . y '^ j o l i i R basic tr a in - S ; :! '; .,^.'rn.nrtTnic?':';::.'’'p'i-n»3t,. Vin for the Ruayi ir *— S«NDA.Y.'S..pij>ER-_. HHemM o m « --fofrSatil— f o ....■.■■^■50.^^ m v n .: Vnrlna •IniiaM.r Uml- SJ.PI- K»nnflh H. ta%^-Callf;-Atrrcrtrrt- 5a.RD.-»n.«I «lli1 *hnTe« 3l.n9.j:.«n. m"*'- p.^lKr»«"rT»rt-«l^V.;T pmlUtr’ I'TT* Moormin'.• - T(JohO Idaho ^^vlDBS V l waxed the Arm- Cobblers -and—Joe-an Swope and^0 . Orders Must Bo Received • cubtom '.«i l»-«.«v| lM«-3t,0<>. »ull lo fowl .horn iiimi „ , »ddiiio,n.„,-' ***• OL^M-aod*r»- tw>-b*dro.it«i.b^Mwoaa. TOrro n JlEMl4a7::.araO^UIatbloa aeta. -■> —H— o RIll M r J Ia111 r -I S a la II - ______^■ " S t , t v^ -MoUEltw o t ' twa' tuaropnmomr-OaryCT; s£*!S£ Ji3gi^;^KK!Jb3wS S ai; «U Urt* lanUn. ■**• (uryc*. »7» Sldnty „ -rhon* 738.7081,------^ ^ I t neoitoou bom# .«ltb. nnui; r ! r : 3 i aiu« U kn BouU). at: ■ , ■ ' drapt*. atuch*d caraa*. pallo; 1913 zxu A< L...- ^ 00 Wood lUrbBTT. Kaat 118.000. 733.4287.M 287!*** ■ **bomiN homi *^oUI prIe*'82M0(r^rm*r'a * 'SeU ^JS'Rrp^t'l'l.nV’ aSS FarmMi Implements 90 '• I •"*' 8WA1- *qultr in Bi» n iA apprabal " a l ------hInu Le wllk prlvaU Utlii. anii an,i *n^ an: _ J 2 ------— -n;i3 oinur.- K^tebum .» 811.880 for bit nie* mobll* bom*. UJ TIj 5a* trincT; Cltan and cto*. la.I, 331338 SndSod FOR HENT or aaUt Two bedroom ”*?r°l!lf^roSrPbo.y4f'i^^^ ^ v S o r , lr»d« J*rom*. hca.I . . -uUHtT. a rw rt. Own«r. 7».«aTl. *~ro»“ *“ foi »-^Bnr*wo*T—C*ll-rUht-ljw».ht—now. tjuuy-owNEKT-fT^reom-tttmw,— * ^ raU —2 ^ THilK TKADE for ^ ^ [t^rooini IH UUu^ --Mltton- lUalty. 7»»-»0M.______------" n .u i flnUbt^ ba**m*Dl and iarage**• Small 200. liLM and .lecdtd will tun 400 , nUli 1.1,1^: £0K b a l e or TlCADEl J ^ b«Iro«m ^ i w n A>,n parm*BL 733.3473. ” *^tB“c5d’“«jJdJ* 2 " ‘f o ^ « . “ ^ t j i uiii bllb, u dowa »iyn*ni or b«v«bS?J^ •Ailih--o—wltB8nrfurnU ur.<«ito^^ = = “l^tlcT r-4iv5^win^{i«i»e^^ro#3^^illdlr^ a-Hia)llOOU_dunltl»_»^nl*ntM•nitnt and '■ *«'*.c*pl llgbU, »an*«n. 428.t88». ^ piM r ■■ tn4* for «4ulU’. Bax‘4.0.I-4.B. tralkrtn hou»«- I'hon* J^nim* «4^4M.324^4»8. m .iiy C0T*rlnr tb* vallty from Bun wril*wrii for ' full . dtUIU. Ooi>0* «. *3. ' ekan.^Uml^ly.i,. *uh* rn i» CKCLEAN twe b*dr*d. | down pagrmtnl. Tbt** . bedroom bout* to „ /or « r or plekup. »U »«4 Bun- Bun. •* »;r*« hay. 5Mi of grain. -5;^ ^ = S = : » a , ' ^ “" s s i 5 . hum#, lujuriouily l-BEOKOOM.^fap**r-««o*a.__7 ,,ii..J.a.i,_n i.J S .iy Juil b«lni tinlihrd, • tavtlr fimllr s Al CLEAN cool rooma, very reaaoaabli.reaaoBabii , FullFi baaemant with riBlab*d rrwrn, __• . bom#, i Mraomt, 3 'li»lh»,*5*11 w»U' ■ * iobomifful"l»S“m*” l. H^balh*. iu “ l-"^' 2S2 2nd Avenu* North. Pbon* 738. Fi «»»'• CHECK rour milker with a . ranker i to^ will (trp«t^ tbrouih^^ llT'h'bram ^MO. Urtna. Cljd* P«Ur»on Actncy yy u & .fe»48.»7°/.-27li!f•27M. ■ ■ analyaer. Phona 7814412, m MouWln s : i‘ii".-,tte"“'X1 a .i kltcb.- Wtndtll MM07I. . **dlllfln;*^^ltdrooin.*'^l%^*balh»,*^Uri[« dllla lh*. I*™* LLot» o tt o n d A c r o o a e . ' 5 4 »;c d coun. Stale* Imp. Co.. Twin Falla.' ',_UKl)KOO*4*-»4lh-4i.-JUll_flnUacd _i2<*) c lea n . coqI. comtorubi* bouatkwpiBg^tkt*p~i7g -MOI •IdOIJERN^Un.nt^hom ^ ,1 L FUR SaLe w iradei J i C r t b ^ k t M L D l i f alubr* ftra•ratt. iti *T“ baatmtnl). Thrt« ytara old. Atu«bm, and beam. Wbcon.la air cooled i ~ 'i. 7,ti WrII* llo« 72-A c/i> Tlmr^^Nyi . _ llai a . ’iK.y.i ■ti";E“ ’"S E ;- ;s r .." 'aH a Polk. : imotor, U»ed 3 yan._ _Cowl lhap*. ------s n n : IM batht. mil'LEX. thrt« y*ar» uld, raeh uiill room *p*^*nL Abo.u.; 10"iUV oPttOn* to""biiy.'“ Wltt mal bar. haa two b*, Uvln* room. '‘■‘1: S t\X Av^ " “y * ‘>»m* O' Plekux « —1 , SAVE ?2000 - « on* '733. kllcbtn. balh, allarhail saraa*. 1‘rlccd LYN^ MU* Nonh! tra.le-In. Phona 783.2827. M/ omblne, fur H O L S T E IN CALVF ■ :srn?n:i™ S'«^-S5:— ...... for ;« • quick lal* at 110,000.W^«.OW 81.000 ‘‘Ippw?i**tefr^^od' app fMnUM^o'r= =V T tll 3 nu, ^LARGE and roomy 8 b«lroam mod*ramodem “ pai^/"F^ito’wlng^^pa™ X V^l'^Jndlt Oft lo^y b*k ‘""JJ'gi 12 for trailer «cll eompltlr corner wllh builneaa atl mlnnlda 'lloni' Motor tranam aaion,‘ ‘^'iluuhM*. clulchtt, Approximately 4N bll?( brook win'luU >ou lo *1mp ^ W. ^ui"'. 'Y‘hun“ 733^flV.*''* ■ liulldln*.. bull WrlU Bot IS-A. c/o ruT! ^lah^l * driv. for bulk augtr. tlevator*. AU... 1 aern In TImn.Ntwa. 0(1 na 5 s7 ; “!S = S ■■ ble aoon. baled hay^^lullar ^and pller. Fair ' ••tb nlfbl. TOituannt<« lo advcrtl.t. W. »lr*>our«lrf»our THKKTliKEK bMlnwm h Flvt b*dr«>in> — S Utht. »rp«t«drptitd hom* b all our tfforta a* w* iloo t .*11 J tn No «hlldr*n or PfU. Phon* 733-40». I CUMUINl’:iil One 00 Maiaeyliarrla,aaey.iu^, FOR ONE WEEK hav* any mtnl. arml.flnlihed bulll.ln■‘"brrch appll* BUILDING LOTS , J ! l ■ PARTIALLY furniahed amallu, houa*.wel CU050. One 00. 1088; one 82. wllh cab li>li>( nnd Jinlni room. iMckr . i l,r.r".a,K‘rj In 4010 :isand anec«i= carpct. flr*pUe*. b ir c h ,Q Apart'mK— Unfurnlihed 71 fi 0 OM MW Contoct Tommy CiBb b>r. rirrplie*. Isfflliy room. SLio,^ ear »>t ol th* ..fv lo yn» .IfiTvr.______threthmuihnut. May aitum* 4S'.'r 71 S'if.v-'oJi'.V’ouVTUs:'“ ■ Will ,»6Bl one 35. l8S9j alao^OM new ia n i« . p«ll«. nnd tundrek. Lo»*» . _J« .nta lik* *"‘1 eonlrael or will ilr* ‘g<^ einid iieal .leal CHOICE AREAS ^ duplfi, 878 tak* low rent to rtliabla party. Box ‘ „SHADER:cAi,m lr r»nf. • NO ‘‘s;r;&.r;..aT” "‘ ^ »“rS/iW -,.K rS.,'K « ?to«p^‘’" PLAN SERVICB ' “mo ■ .. . I 2I-A. e/o Tfm**-K*w*. . j to work. Prlctil for quick•ale. *al«. ZilUu 2itUu Old Onrnten B.irn, 'j m •ImmtdUW »a1». 3 b«lroom'■ '■e'hS brjek, » •- wtll. JllO .ria«m . . ^«y U drawn to your .pccl.•petl* o ONENk bolroom duplt* apartmtnk»enu Pbon* = — j , d 776 6 J• Moton. W«nd«ll, 83C-»m,______Phone '»33.4iae K Si; 733.H041. K0| :______west, u souurof KiaC forAppol«tm.nt I.' K '5?K ' Mll ' X ftn a c^ _ li! Ytltowaton*. ------MODERN tbr«« roomi, utllltl** cxctpt iiii, dlUoncd. ATTENTIONlERS FARMERS Kimberly 43J.»a ------7— yard. Good location. »13,W0.0. Pbon* ' ^ PllrilA - " c ! ''- ‘ cOnVTnTJONALONAL “ VipJ « » £ lty . Inqulr. It 380 8tlr Av*. ^ - .r e A-I^nrgf^i^rNnnh. 1 If rou want to *tll your farm L . I-«« lerm a> well aiTlnlerim fl- . _ _ . machlntry and cattit . .’.®.“cei Gtl th*t™ _ Twin Palls 733! ^ THIS IS A 73 ' SPLIT LEVEL . i-; , CLEAN room*. mod*m, U Hhow*r» lv n. and e " h ln*uad of holding auctloni. c , 1 VOK SALE 01 tradi- by owntr, thr** ' ihTe I apartmeni, CeBUr of town. Day, we«k nr , for'fS m Sw ine ...... - ZT _..;..,.HORSE_TRADE ------______ri»“ bricvomr'eomplrttly earptltd.t*J. fur- fur. ' ,1 .1 Ba* "«■ «»>l *5*b* Uir»*n for farm i k e y r e a l t y tw, p.m. m8>i moBlbly rate*. Camtra Cenur HoUl, aafe*. ‘ »34.<»7f. Coodlng.______JF: RKiiiiiTEHEU LANUIUCn; IN TWIN FALLS nith^rba.»tn*nl. laree doubit «ara«t, LOVELY front mom. privaU enlrane*, — VIII bad* nnptloR>l>r nle« hor»*,ham , - • ■ • ■ f«ne»dtt yani, cln>» tn n*wW “Tu^fo^ junior- "BEAUTIFUL . 4 lc«l -■I?.'",!:_home. - -. JJt Sh«hon» Hlrccl_Wett 1 4 ": wtaner boan ami tlltx, r two nr brand new ..F lrepIace. biilli*lnSUllt.m 733-BlSl ------jTuH II. - Utilltli* bath, ahoW*r. ISO, AfUr 8 and watk- 28X>, afu r 8 p:m. ^ ' brtdh, uptnilir* ••dill* M down5<>"n hUh. (,| Will lr.dc for oliljr two nr bro c»«pl*e^trleliy furnlthed!.A 1(0160 8lh8tb tnda phon*" 733-0001, * COMBINE ■ - parmtnt oB nlr* S btdroom DO'"* bomt ihrM ,> bedroom hom». Phonolone 7SJ- .SJ- nppnppilnnccs, 2 ceramic: tiled ______—c»( r -r • Avenu* Eaat. • I’hon* 733-8474. Trr-. Hones. ______- In Twin er Welnlty. or. will ^U»d* lr*d« aoin ji or- «vtnlngi 7M.antiZ.______d j idltloncd. tl Kood out of. tUt* eonlnct on j — ------baths. Living room, 3 bed- „ S 5 6 BMALL thr*« bedroom, moilero unfur. t, Gentle. Inlernallonal medil 141 atlt pre^ • rooms and halta cftrpcted., r p S : ^ dent atreet. _ m tn prtftrrad. _121 7_tt ^Av*nu*: Avenue Dclltd combine. Nevtr had a btan lirtirtlnn. nlahtd_houa* on Prealdent atreet. _ b _ ------fS:-|t.-All.erop.aUjichmenU,lBClud.£ £ SW ill^i S '- sClo*e-to-school5-ond-*hop.-shop— condUI»ii.-’ weirwnun- owner. Phnn. 731-7748.______2 UlUEUnOOM, larg* living room wltb ^ ■ J. A. MARTIN foru 1«m. tban appraltal ofW*Moun’ I14,J0». pin location. .IWI hardwood floor*. flr*pUc«.'a~ “w"li? Waltr MMobile t Home Parking '79•79 1fanning. Priced t« *cll. , _ l'h«nt'»an..n. 4;i'.t«tl!”** SlUST SELL: Six unll molel. iwo U ' Phone 7 3 3 -in « t A g e n c y SSw S ;!;.uS- knk s suSSrb; 733-1104M acrra. two be.Irt)om hom*. MTlo7 Addl- Addl. fumlthe.1. Phont. 738-4701.21:______COUNTUV living, do** to towB, clean, ______73.1.*;ii». *'*” "'** lA)WKIt aparunvnl ayallabl*bl* flrat ofot .quiet..q .820 month. aanlUllonIon an.iami ______]______Your Active Realtorr 73J.B«74^ 7: ______aoB Weat. 733.2'JQ7.______, LOW ------»f:AUTIFUL Welch pu..,, ,S OoxlOT. Pnul • «MIMIO* 10» ““ ____ — monlh in ll«ll*vlll* ApanmanU. ApartmanU. {r.ur« turnliheiL We*l Falli• TrallarTrailer I ! » _____ 52 Vocation PropcrtY ______5 8 ?h Phone. 733.1087^^ ^______■ ■ _C Court. . • • '______' qQUICT country turroundlntaidicr^l wllh PF°nni ani For Soto S2 ^ — FOR SALE ...... FALLS AVENUE ACREAGE\CE , d«lly convtnlcncrt. Ur** UmUcapcrt _ — “ TnThTT; Bi;.M.>tE|{ hom* lou in'bcauilful Saw. I'AU /nu* N ^ B u iin e s » » O ff ic e R e n to li 80 »f-J»rtmi* — loolh~Vallty__i‘ilc*d_f«m._1331LtvTi* apartment. 537 2nd Avenue North. Bu * I I. _aiWO-J-latt_trvck«._E<3ulpptd_for_ i*■i‘*Tp ‘•‘•kldv'’*^li:,ny!''‘‘j ' ^ ' ^ Mo-jJuin -rh-i.-nV-T33rTII»^------UKLHXK- m*ln-ffc>or-o«iec*.-. Ampl* .. FtlU, ehdet rltw «»). loc«(Jon. i ~ b luaS;r:'iit4*2wo:'~ * nNothing^ ‘’“*n. Rocky MounUln fh ly llu*nd ■■ »nfi POfeli- Wawr, aanluiloB."vaB fumUhKl. g'ffi- i, Mljasi' ;jfiliiSy lf»rrt*-»* r oombMa combia. 5 NKW UNKINISIIKD ebwun r2iuicd ” N#''buifjln»i.*^*^000.”Vim'/'*Couborir ^uU ?Ir HTAl 8TANLKY UASIN: l-‘lne»l n tummtr .HorJ. 8<0.^ Phone 733-4181 aflerrr 81308|30 pjn. .you KENT, two .room*. Ideal loca- rala to go baeki, drawer buitoaa. 1 & ”‘W!'”* . " . s '-pSsss! : S ; , klteh. “£ Rral K»utr. aeroiu. from Scar..Seara. _ hnm* Jor illc*. at price* you can afford. 8H - . ' . X : i s ‘s . n . i ; i 'v S t " ”i"wi;EKOWNElt *‘6; la Jrromt tr«». ,,to ptrffCllon. UUta.mo.ltrB klteh. Lynwood TWO bedrwm dupl*i. lars*a rooma. oil Uon t for buain*** offle* on ona-way 411, 820. Jf you ean betl B «n. tictpllonally nlr* (Inlahrd IlnUbtJ B8IALL down paymtnt. 4'i InUmt. fumact, ample atsrag*. caraga. 188t i t atreet. a Acroaa fnm Bean Parking Pbont, 738-0007. UJ. we would Ilk. to twi BUCIUNAN STKEET'1 Out- f baatmtnt. lUautUul Uek yard.ia i T tal< balane* Ilk* r»nu 3 bedroom home. _ li2 per month. 733.M01. lot. |i 2nd Avanu* W**t Pbon* 733. __ ---- KlmWrly Seeun.l Jland Bla, Drlek bon* on FJIA itrmi. Out* ^ llo. SHT. Hui>ert. Idahn.______^ OtherQ thi RcoLEttqte ------OP 60 -5^ JJlllCK -Z-b^lrown. drap^tarp*U1, earpetlM. ag. _ ,3048. J —, ------. itandinc loeallon. u m IIHnr alov*. refrigerator furntaned. Adulla yo \,DERS livcitock Acceitorlei room, X btdtoomi. 0I< kltchtft -plu* ^ • —BM^'-al»*,"prlc*and.loeallon.Hon. Tar-T it- LOOl L o o k in g for aom.lhlng In real **i »l< B A L E D H A y ' l O A D E R S L LYNWOOD S >trly. . tal*? Confael Northafd* Keatty,,l,y. Jer- Jer- __nn only, no PeU. Phnn* 783.8887. c J37 .. A b ttu r l«der f* lea, money., v -famllr dUln* area. Uanr. (talurt* _ ...... - lor Aaency. 423.&U1I. KlmUrly. . <*' TWO IIEUKUO.M apartment uptuln. 1 for rour con<*nl*ne«. ~ S ^ e _ om.^324:2412. ______fwC r„“is'c a t ?;;i:.vra.vi: ------'-r —a“ii41>»U-Hf^rur-t'ua-aj^ ...... EEALTY - sS;CTUCK llANCIl>:ij. fTrmt. Sc*' tSe ------:---- Scparal* cnlrane*. Water. aaniUllo-» 2 ROTARY ■ 11 E «10 Dlu* UV« Ill»l. No. T31.»:itT3S 0»11 rrowlnit enip». Tradr*—Motel.—BntTr . and .a “i^ "u r S ’,.’s,:.'';K arrs::dl.!«* P«. ”J « l 85.000 with 8800 down. H 0| _____! l , ...^ Wc. shop li mlU north ot lUnwn. led lol— aetilhn now. 327.000 wltb crop*. . CLEAN twu roomt. WaUr, elcctHdtr ,, Idaho and Welding Shop I had a Ultl« pU n about a .r«ar . - J Ith crop*. 'TWO NEAT homr*. On goodaircct.'lalrect. ‘'Y fuml.heil, 838. 448>A 'w'^v'iflua 3rtl AvtBU* _ TWO yearll.ig Kurfolk biitUl KarallRl Wcmltll Ri-allv. r,.1A.2274. >>aU J'hon* 723-6801.______, j 73 "Paul ■ • Idaho ’ 3 eaat ot UubL rkeat 18 afo I DKAtJTiyUL~ a i l * . r Cr*.k..fc >,„h.rancb. »!*.«<» « ‘l'> »1.“M ‘'“-n- ______”s TOArtERS tT " _ •" Duhl. * Priced to telL L« Moyne Realty. 3.; ~ ■ Houict— Unfurnished«£d____ 7 4 o, Ior 3- Tbat I tradri tor a Unt. • I L . txxl. I’hone Ilagtrman 317.4860.rm.a WtndtlU r,;. a' «<> 0/ 0 ^ 2 IIKUKOOM. modern withih full bu*-bua- ]p R EN TI B Self-Propelled[le d ' jPets ond Pet Supplio i^DW ril buy a boui* asd lot,•■■■■" a«r« J "hrtL J 688-2104. i ______------___ill, diimntle well. JUKT 817,000; Oood 2 11 iOO^wIlh BEE ^IVEItSON •.fltytLTYiIf I Caltl* t»i terma. __mment. 870. Call 731.8188.______' roUil femaU Cocker 8M1U .. or a tarm, . Gmd j condition. Only <4.200 wllh tiEi; 'Vallt. Ilaae- E - ■ « I OWN • LOW—LOW down payment for rar „ THREE l>*elh«rbulldlng..814.t75. Term*. — ------s ' a ' I ’n-tlnd oLcampltif O trri.,J-. C. I LOONEY REALTORL T O R h 144H ACRE farm un .Minidoka pumping •" . 7— JOHN -DEERE 6B : “Th* Live Spot on Truck U nilL_ .- .»IS50tO »3M0 • - i*«»^maB ?w[rValli^‘prujjjril'!" Wm**wSTw*»ru* notb Bo°t'S,' JJ,‘}' Kacellrnl{STOCK Improvemenu. KA.VCIf. fn Kfnr Call' ‘ I UEAGLE pnppie*. Dlu4 wnt O S T R A N D E R ’SS ‘ ArAn*?^it?f*fmSur 7JS-2810 S^a'iwrnan733.4O8I 14.A. c/o Tlmwhcw..______LE T T H E WANTT ADS* A D S ------Heard. 100 Cramltlew thht ndeM" »n Bbotbon* 73J.4081 _ i i wn«"ai're*t TOIiAV for your appolnlmrnU “ The H&ppy B6me*Flsl..m* 733.4488______CALI. CAL KKALTY, 314 Bbc^hon* bire«t TniclcB i n d Car* baU ComDlcl* and.compeltnt ttrv. H E L P YOUU for rent, 1—JOHN DEEREp -6655 ‘ Irr. Ranche*, Famw ourr ^ (peclally. 'a Z iX . f;g e m -STATE REALTYiLTY ‘‘ ,AVIS BENT-A.CAB SYSTEMSTEM . H IL L S ID E ’7 5 d "w ANNA Btre'A HOMEI'OMEI’ ivtly and 7H.>.1S5. ______^ I -«otl tm" la all location*,n». anr ' BniCK J btdroom homt. lovtly and Now u t D on’s Union 70 Serviceervlce I4SOO ■UAIU.INII Illll. Tiiy tklkiuaa and all pric* brukctu.r t i roomy. Modtm kllchtn. ftncwlc*lud lervlrp. V.rT n* Whal b Vour D « lr, jtf - A »try *ood buy. Iltduetd toto 118.. 818.* new nr 4 be14ta Ult, 778. 31000 down. fl.l.U. fl. Con.ldcr homt nr *ct«M aereag* In Vj' Mn..cr.mllh 7sa.W«0 MACK’S U-DRIVE' SpM laiit? IhU week. trail.. Ace lleally. 731J2I7.2177 g* ■"JlmMnt.rramlth^ ^Jen^m^3^24.tl3S324.613S _ 7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 ' •• ^ 3—JOHN DEERERE 46 . 5 OKIUI^N t u r n to $13,800» -• ,. BKICK lrl.pl*i. «B* of lh* fln«t ling PHONE 733-9240 ^2S0 to MOOO om. full conttnietcd. and ananccd-Incomt[■•.“ " S i EXCKLL»;NT *’7 * 40 acrra, t;ood- do“wn' build- MemberofMJulpULI.l1n* 0 445>. nnhl. ■ DELIGHTFUL Ihrt* brdroom. (u1| 1 . inwtnt .*30.000, £9% down. - . WHITE 1’eklriBe.e ChrtrSu] ■n wJiJiwith proptrty. 2 flrtplacc*. pleturr win- uberit Ueai biillt.In appllanrn. "No irou(h“irouth- dowt.. ♦»c*HeBl carptllB*. all r~ j. ■ 733-35:i-1. I— —, .1., - . hmkfui.nook. rinum Udnwut♦drtioma . frlicraitd. Comer l«l. You will _ 2— MASSEY-HARRISI R I S 90 9 0 Ph!!'‘e*C^«1lr<‘nl'. H!'i all h«T* anplt ctoMU, Urs*:* plia*. lm, ih* hom* ami ofcnura*lu'raa lh* th* 13UISO ACKK.S nld projeel farm, 12 mllra ^ - imo to <22500 _• ; 1 PAIIAKECT.S. »l up. -lAK balhi. Gkanlnr hardwood Hi. from Ilupcrt. On* iif lh* Ur.1 r« avallaldri , , , rUltIt eowWj,.'*._ _ . 8KLF SERVJCK laundry, cimplclocmplrl*____.Cli.«:h«P_»»'<:r_,rlKh'- !,l~“ 'n.W- down, _ . . for 12000, lolal prlcc. fimc«ryary *inrc,*lnre, ’• payment, p» .‘U* whlU cmii "H-Quick:/. and .lock k ActionyiSermces Sl 5 ------MASSEY.HARRIS-2T—U S - 2 T — ' .. _DONT POROEt ’ t o CALLJ atock. fUlur« and all, 320.000.1.000. 16.-»5.- are ar growing. Writ* lOfl K Sire*-!. - , $i4sa ...... ATN ■ 000 eath. a moBty ma)(trto.i.on. BBrn« r n y- - _Ki Uiii«rt...... • ______ROCKY MOUNTAIN ' iim« real fi^tAl.L UANCII on >d(e oC hawiooii. hawtuoiJ. . Use thisis handy Directory as a^guidea ^ g u i d e to d e p e n d a b l e er a»* ut forttl. Kieellrnl hunting. • flihlng. REALTY . service Today .... andn d ' everye v e r y di a y . IMINNEAPOLIS 'MOLINEilO L I N E Trank Boolh 73M«M rlgerat^l riding, tkllng area. Ideal rellremenlrellremenl 6 6 rV iC 6 It might „Kit ' wllh btaullful aurroundlng.. ^...... - Model P ., ; , . . 5-;i or 8KI. Clem* ____ HOME. 7m »7t______maha.rath.olbtc.iom*. moticr^v...Dner_j«).------____ J'u»Mlbl»-tubdl»l"lon-or-dudp-r»nth----- • . dtv.lopment. 825,000. Wen.lell 83«- “ eJan'un*! rOrIt*. Vou ranehcri and .farmtra,r« know .. jj,ju or writ*. r Uox ^ a ll-A n-A . .hlg.. Ileaaonabl.. IMHU* 'nd t>tdl ■ OUrk Call and Jo* lUeknty-ba>*"*r -ba** r/. c/o Tlm«.Newt. ------I'r 24 Hourw r ...... rjal. 733-440n ------Hr room tb* bctl dtah In town. . ----- • " I H C 123 VnUNIJ Mrnah birjii. ^ _<780, Vinrhra. Tropltal fl«». « '■ >m Ib floor. Doubi* caract. pa- — “C.'-LOONEYTRBALTOR^ = ^ ------_T„,«.n_ahrlnp;=bttB^»4j i'ilffi ^ u T r e a l t y ' ■ “ C tliisW eriiig=“"S'erv^S'erT-ice— 7 —-—- . . K27 AImn A.enut, notkT^ ' ^ 73»‘.M4ll ■ 214 Shi-huii* . THE BEST ^ HanU Klnc Clark:Iark Call F Farmt llnmea-lUneh-Commrrclalt .SP 12 CASE ' ;Livcttock Wonted. _ NICE S btdroom hom», 'oak» floor*. 73J.T4H7 .Kvcninn . 733.0143733.AI43 "Karl name* C.' Umney ne of Any Advertiser in Thjirhji Directobirectohr li Not Antwered,d, liw o I '^ h ip * d ll«lnf.dlnlnt room, full 731-4081______127 “ahu.huSi ahu.hon* I f t h e T e l e p h o n a o f A n y « W » « » 'W n ^ .W j b»a«.at. pleaBj*# .1— • . .. bial 733-2386,•2386, TelTelepKone Aniworingng Service, Day or Night. * For Prompt These Combines »0od. IH.OOO, 11,400 down. BEFORE.YOU DECIDE3CIDE CLOSE-IN fj • T h^0 c AAdvertiior d v crtJ] Will Be NotiflHtiflH to CallCc You. SMALL RANCH Are ready .to gofiol removal • TO RTIY ______Jl i - l w f c ------^o-»*Uc*-ir«iir-Bu»Jne#t-fimj;uiJne#t-flml«>-AV»UM»»^JiHrhree-U*iet w t r . la ra it, dIUhh waur.wT K ^ Seo These m>mo>lelr..------____ J«ral.Dt_AlbcrUon’a._l2«.aO»_wlth_i.ao»_with_ . t _ — ^ u d i t i n g - S e i : v i c c _ ^ ii______Scale Repoir ______T«U Falla 7I141»411H.*1‘ * ------’ ^33.IOO down. »S8 ptr mnnlh; _ i_ ' • receivable, dally p<»llng,:* monih!; monlhly ^ispV,,-ii:?;ic/?K,vr;;rTwrri ^ lil Toln FalUw u Iu»ram'tBdemt Pl.n- billing, collectiona. Merchant’a « Audit- » Audll- j iUalty and In.uranee. year* in Valley, Phone LeonK.n LIUU. LiuU. .Phone 078-55B5 . PARK AVE.'iUE. F*ne»J.fd. Urs*larg* 17HT ACRES, north of J*rom’».X iSlPI*n- I., ■.r.i,., ■ . _ ! ------field. 732.0I>I7.______“ .S-TALLOWCO. ‘ SPACIOUS four b^lroom. ramllv' Family' curntr Int. Two b*ul1rull tyly n( wal«r.' good llvntock tttup. — H o m e Service . , ~ •rooa. bBlIWo klu t^ . fonnajmaMln^ ai/. kn-'ltr pln* tl«l*h«l l«*cm»ntluucmcnt NNie* row crni». A bur’ “ at only Appliance Ropalring __ ■ce. Septic Tonk Service f Supplies 91 ------tor hom* ’•111' P'f'J' fw»"- 818.280. Inr. U n* loti WIII ir*d> (or hom* ■ • •, EugtxeKin Smilh, appliance , repair.— 16i l It*'Remwleling—cemtnt worki pallo*, r*- T can or itaa ApplionCCS______Wllh iman lot. J'rie., »IT,000.r.OOO. , riLEIl AVENUK. Hmall on* Ik.1- Lk^ liump lalning wallt, roofing, baaemtpta °’^l‘.U ^ ? ’-hnnr7"3'3-:;io..'^'“ ’ year* r<|>erl.nee un all makt«.Ik.*. Ilumpllumr I Fencing. C. ______eaparlty! cJilld "^eonVlon?‘ e u t 8*200jViSmli^ LIKK NKWi. D*ed uprt*” OAK PARK iul«ll,|.|„n.n Will room. Mral fur uldrr ciiui>I*..Me* NIrtnTc* . "I....7U3-fl0aK.______e Kelly, 733-7148, ' ' beplltS< Tank* cleaned, repaired and I aacririet lor t : 0.0M ibli ihrr« b«.|.b » . ~ n itr lot. • I'rlc* Include*ta'aom!' aotnt ROBINSON-FELDTMANT>, — - ■ I Inauilttt. Free InipeelluB.■ U• s ', yaan _ ' »«.n -brlek. IV, b.ih., doubU doubi furnltur*. 18.840. • »J8 Flltr 711-im71M888 __ Basemenr Work —. • M otorcyclcsCS______r»*l,ltnl. LUryd Cravtn.. 783-3053. c ' kluhtn, full :a o e ______ConcreM iMtrment lorminx. fill Jin . — . " ' . lU.to lUM.Ur Hewer Hervlee.For For anv anv ' tl"" outfit Kve’rylhii»«” g/H«r Hle1 abo •ptelal*p.clal .|,anin«. A, O, llagtn, 711.288118.1881 or . I'hon* 4184314,- and Mwaiit. No Llldlnt.,», txeel-Kxerl. DALLY AROUND ___ B icy c les JIrall m.ideU, 73.»222. 848.Q9I8. Iluhl. ______P|.rth_nf^ _ unt l.uihllnr i»«, :■------^ _—ThiB-is-a-^^!OT'.« one— w, QV--___ --■»»- Cond- f«rUU^eTCctjur-.mnn«^ •aim, atl Vatpap.»phl‘a.»«l"ParllU,--Aliir- A^^^tuu npitilal* — S.ey.in9:Mp-5«iM 1 ^ : ^ „ .f. ^ )■ m,rn home* In cbolc* loeatlon>atlon> t«til Thurman \(llll« ■ 4W-6iW 4'n.8i8U IIimCULOUSH LOW PltlCK^fticK n* ~ —*:------Gontrocfors ___;mm New Lownsn s-----. -■ . • I~ T F ! ^ 'a a .,n ’'.’* ‘|lurley, IdaS *“«’ cnillliun. tiuaranifj-. ••jiiii ar .BuM MrmUr ilulllpl* Llillnit■ ting _ omplelr c. lln* «f eflulpm.nl.'m.nl. 200 ,!00 — u„||.||tig| f^rw or remiKf.llng.. C.inereU __ ^ I iiiiiii n r - trad, for l(up«rt. Uutlry ar.Duhl •wn and Uml«i, • , ' • i ■ Vm .VuTJ ’TUnt Nuw," fur Imt rnulla.' Mertn * Praptrtr. * 713-107^ |,and.c*plng. Quality 7.“'.“ Uwnt ; 5!.?*.^ f.,r 17 J T e l e p h o n e A n s w e r Sservice e rv ic e •. • IN TIME FOn SCHOOL— . The “ole trailer”:icr" , ;;;;5, b";:!'’-''-- -"*i, , __ yearA Jojinnr Mtytra., 788.3781. 1884788. • • ■. Y Your talephon* U pev.r alnn*.777^,..- 14 hour • FARM &.CITYITY . ““ ' r v LOVKLY MONTK VISTA 1 Thr**-. y*’’ C«-m»nt and Murk woik. Driveway., ■■ ■■ . ' "■ a*rvrc*. Phon* 788-2H8.______.A.! if.In Kurlh. ^ • ACE REALTY^ b*>l»«>m wllh •I'arliiua fullh / t ba**- Z i ' "JStfT'SS" ' P * '!'" .-l-avnirtil t»iialr»..?'‘'^iam« Vamp* . Polntlr>g ------D IS T R IB U T IN G IN C . . ^ L T Y l-ampWII. I’ll.,,,. 7M.CV07. _ I . Aarilma 7»M217.Ertn'lnna 733.404* 711:iiloh llanily - .7;«.JK77 rts. . Ilaaklna. rhon«'733.8t7717 or 733.187U.783.187U. BBligar'a Wr*ck*r 6*rvlr*. Addltondlaon Ava-Av*. , ua Utln 'Ar,nat Nehit ■1-^-----= ------V ■ -JL-L-fJ!!!, . . Electricol Experts l’*i g tTekt"' ———-r*- I 77 J ~ "~ ^ rij«r.ifa“rl;1 c J Imaim,. ' l.iJuiirfSfanT Si! s f f y & s I ' ’ iiebt^'T kbsiuunt h t k k k t "* ' KUllngtr Commercial aaad blaating. .713.1134 I SALE OR TRADEV D E Hbarp an.1 clt... ihrr* bedroom. .• ,uo ACRKS^ 100 cultlralisl.-p-f.- l»fonr.uronF* ) KI-TtrlnlJr" KlIllMrr I ing, 783.1134 T r o ile r F o r k in g . I liin* dI.______^______9 HaV croin <»id F««d ' 94 L ■ , ' One of J’ull U.fm»nl. oil furnac*.i*' BiKlern r hrimr. iSU h..d rajiii. riirlil. C<,nlraet painting wanted.iTlnUrlor Intarlor and a ^ i ^ TrallPr Court qulat.Itt peac.:peaca? OllAIN « ilOLLlNU, .Uam or dr^! Ma. . Kbidr yaid, Uwntr I*a*ln>.inc. JUBTJUST ^ ;lr,'ii:: . ______E x c o v o tio n e aterlor.I.ew ii MeCalliUr,■liiUr, phon*phone f"l. UniP Inia, *nfl waler.. ahonningahopning MllUn’a. Jert.me.- I’hnn* 334-3877. a ,TwM Falls’* Nice.'itCC.lt lll.r,i«. rity.• I’rirt l 28.0U'r. wlili I'riM.. Ul. litnchlni., 733-21112, Twtn Fallt ■ ■ ppiiler. aeh«,l, 4 miln wealI on High.ijifh. W 1 antku ro iiuV guod iuailT T w , I . UOTBL, to unlu. moil^rn In .v,r, ' way 30, 738.2888 evening..______■ . Merlin Aakew, a3(t2aiI..W*nd«IU R ...... d«Ull. brt(k enMlnittlnn,'".•"B^toD’ In U)Ti ThMUdroumhum.. , condition throuihouu T ,««ll«ali

    MlicBUotieelicglloiiKiui Fo> Sgli 140 Tttiekt•nickt : _ ,191 Autcnobllei.l^utOfnobllci.For Sob 200 Automobitai-.litomebiTai'.For Soil ~ 200 AAutomobli«i utom obliii Fot-SQlt-~'300 Airtorndbllt*^mobllt»^f<>rSdlt'~200 '“‘Suriday;july: Suriday/J.i 22rl 962^— ^ iJB' itfcAvV DU’^ urir.-«ooi-“«»fw -jmM4—CllBVnnDBT— -C H B V im t «LEh"0.-JErJKluLia.-o.~jENKWi» ckarrol'tt: 'l\i» OU)9H0D!I.t‘ » IA0UAH.-1IS4-emipe. -Modined.^ IU.I DV‘«£ win Folia.Times-Niav/a..:27.-iJ. imanr-IMr-Vbont-TM-TlW.— ------Btelrap.-"C..-4 ( h*adqa.rt*f.-f«r-MMl« - Ooodia”“.2 eond&B. e ‘£ « i4 's s s -'aharp. -8«» at-lt«7-l,«wndala Prlva. trada. CaMn^ :fOtUtEtUlEU>. llldfr lawn mow«y. . i InwlJ* s s r & DrKr. i " r ’ #>-'■Valler. ' ' whane 7l».I0tl. !Pe3^.*Ra^^** *' SFoBmto ■hane 7t».I0tl. ' wtton.i?„“. aVwS,K-.Kii:: lUdlo. utom'obirBi Fbr'Sol»'~''200~~^ ------;------b t ^ J ^ l L a y mwhanjcal •condl. Uk«. i^..«U -ISU .lnl.A vanu« Eaatl —v“ rl-5l’7 ’llii.!' " S a i l s ! ;» H iiiiir ^ u u 7 . d^;ia%7--MrT: _N~N0 ___ ' ■ . ■ - ljuy Ull ntw.TjutuSi J^'WuUHli_A>il S S - -EconoEconomy-Cars- - ba and Caeala tflunllM. Workman eondllloBtr.eondllloDar. Phon* 1il-00», t(Ur .nd tnicka rlil«, IISI CMC Si ton plckupa. I«» -'."I “ oSSlifA^nntl S p.m. M«>ofa. Iluhl.- ^ loo pickup. 1V(« Rambler ilatlun ^ ' ""TJOWKT T ^ J —r- g GAS a s SAVERSi ' W H I T E ______5_____ ' N EW IlX x o 0O b i ^ It^t-These^J» ■------— :— r r I fJJjibfjjjib latlath. Duhl. Phone Its- PPAYMENT ____ .E L E P H A N T ...... "S 19601060 VOLKSWAGENvo • wVTKTHUN t r t k u > TORd 'SALES *■' - - BARGAINS! BARG 1957 CHEVROLET ... Cleaning Vlllai S-.5S;'s.iu.Solid, blocki,„, 'Sedan. Radio, ^ ''n‘."rjK.r'K.'SAj'EV.diiv: ' u a ^ r o' ™ SA LE ■ 25 milesmllM p er Bullpn. . ■«0 'M PLYMOUaPLYMOUTH ■ »U98 Twinrwinfaiu.._ faiu. '• beater ond white wall tlr « , ------BolAlr Sport Coupe. Radio, ___ , _ • ______Hoiils up t ------:------:------LL>1&C<— E E -E O N H A C _____, i c X ' J f J i NE\v ancmSED ------885 $2185 "SS B eautiful turquoUe sedan. R a- ' . TOUC Delivered In Tw in Falla - l.i‘'»:n.mlilr;n!'Ci* Md^'tiamm* AmV*S: t^M 11957 9 5 7 CHCHEVROLET - H A Y E S ■ dlo, h e ate r and white waU . *? I ■SS.PONTIAC Hardtop »898 • I... ‘ • Ures.tlTM. LLEO E 0 R M IC C 3 e “m c ^ B CO, *4 door hardtop.hardtc Radio, heater, .. J jDRNITURE .. v;. *;>. '’. . YOUREEY Q l ____^ bu«j;. Iladlo. b*aUr, Hrdrtt. __ P . A R T ,odin,______c3«-mi . automautomatle atic uantmlsslon,ui pow -j;jAELESOIir:S_ ■ • S1595 i ------:— ------■“ =------r-rT- 7SEd s e Dd “ 0o a r s = p a r t s ------—r? n a r^ u a c ^ ? i « “^S».i!3l==== 'MUtcgllaneout lic iill° n iii Wonted HI MOIOR M OT CO* ■BS■65 FORDStarORD StaUtin Wagon <308 ACCESSORIESACCl • _ • fcMir ur^lra. ^ . _ Iladlo. Heater.heat - - R A - R ^ A -SyAE-TH-MOTGRS ------r ~ ^ w««t. ffVa I'mnu—.i nuntTnr-Qoodir -----“Atithtnu« WaaW ■; ] FFRUEHAUF R U ^ ' tptearruuiWe3r«^7^h1>it.Tl*artlMnT — " — 'J'$795------^— *• ——-A^tKTiiia—vEDSiiis^onii?.- "*^lh-571TM- ■—SSmeed-Keheley m e e c ------^ O T .....IT ff IbkK1 bhKlu tu-/™ frum l»u»t OfMea.______’ . ' •• ■^OTOR-CO?-— ^ '88 FORO Ranchero IMS A * real nie* IS'I outfit, readr to *<« M*rn Sui "Auihorltad Volkawaien Dealer* leoHng Equipmcf>t 144 CATTLE CATl’LE TRAILERS . V*, lUndard Ifanamlailon. bead out Haa «aa atov* and oven, T.,.r.iu , OLDSMOBILEo l d s ’ ------■;------sTUKKnu\TiTUKKHU ATIU i’AULOK furnace. Call ■ heiier. Cl*anlCl* . (aa or .*le«trle llgbU, icebox, and . ■ *(4»»4 Ualn SouilSouth Twla Fall* . 1-1050 forty-five foot, olr ,5 pojyj j j •leep* four. • jjsED TV 8BT8 Ms-'i'isi?.7a8.Rl8». 444 Hh A»rnu» Wm. ,nnfi, ■50 PORD 3 lo'n . *1385 IN C . . ------^------^ IBW 11 »» . LAIUiEAIu:B wlf^M illion c.f American aundard brakes, Wnltes. 1000x^2 lOOOj rubber, double 4-Hpe*d,4-Hpeed, :24p«*d a«le, »00a20 • . 1NOW ^ -dffk-rnJJ,—donrt-tojj.—flwtJ-dfcJf-rnJJ.-, ------i ^ l ^ ^ t ‘^ V .,n ,ln - A , ------___ 117 Ind Avonue North N E ^ E pD A PICKOT ? ? ,7______— ------'-TwIiTTa7K-rJ*h!>------“^ V E * V E ~ l »j< at »0 Mjurict Wurth.______flOOr.'“ ncill . ~ S 5 " m or,-n..i .h»n.. •84 CHEVROLCT »405 Q P T Open Evenings ■til 0 ------: ' SPECIAL IS TETHE TIME! ^ IIMlie : rOHD,FoitD, «.ton. ■ Loa,...... i itory r a d i o & T V O>fflcc H Icc Eqtifpment Eqli 152 • « .Ton. BlMk rack. 4.«p*«<). • OK 8ALK! Smllh Coruna addinx 1—lOiV * ® forty-m-c foat. air i'o>;d’’'’™bbinod rubber. r * n r 343 NASH ?60 ; maehin* and typewrlUr. 4'’it" Iwu brakes. brakC3. 1000x2210009 rubber, double ' RICE CHE '5 7 FORD WAGON DueDut loto lh«thi lOTlIlo itmai lISS FORD. *Mon. Juat overhaul- I RICE CHEVROLET, Inc. 67 FOF ed ______tlttS ■ dcclc m il. closed top, wood • "'ifrif.'dui.UcMo^* V hont^M M m f'**'- ' $ 6 9 5 Xor BW’dgood c!(clean Used Cars and ^ggQ,950 CHEV. 5 EO „s, ™„no i a gF E iT Z p Safter Hiooj ii.m. flOOT. A rco IKS CHEVROLET, S l Camlno. , noor. to.l torroln. orra'STm 4.door counter .edan. VS wilh TTrvcks njcks we are-giving larger !---E r» i.H j.i - r - «»">«“ • TWO:wi> u>rB. A oak awltd chair (»(ih arm>l, KM: - Uook. too. .951 CHEV. ? 75 SMxl o n e ______^____ IIJM "> S r= a JlsE = F 3 :;i;.-X; . * today. today. LetLet us show you how z “ s s WILLIAMSENw il i qleN G tost rNTBRNATIONAt, « -to B . machine, (rtrmnn.traier). rtfular Tj/% r\v ff GLEN G. JENKINS • • ------' little It tai takes to drive away 1952952 DeSDeSO'TO ?125 Cueum cab tlOtS JSOS., m.w.tuu.&u: 2 iHMiInc Iran. liUBODY lJ l u&. EQUIPSIENT kg=s7siF»: SSS.CO. fy niinnliil’a Offlc* fiuppir- US in a new 1002 PORD. FAIR- m s CUEVROLT.CUEVRC Suburban. A-l '- j »,e^ ».. av.r.tnd Avenu. »»»th.______Pocnt ■80 W ILLYS W A G O N - 4 177 in a new 1 PpcntcUo. M«lio CHE'\CHEVROLET , ------LANE.LANE, FAFALCON or FORD 10B3.0B3 CHICHEV; - ?295 ------^ ‘fSr«Bnln».Bair«tlM. ComOrOf.PSomeroi-Photo. Supply 155 PhorPliono' 2^2-5511 » tS D0Dc;B.H.ton.V8.SODRB. Jiutovar- j ’82-82 FORD 44-DOOR ___ $ 187 Truck. hauled ______t» S ggffiCT .!..>• Y;OU o u T vWILL T ix alwara find som ^lnt ■ 1954 CHI apeclal nn eale at th« Camira C«Bt«r. ______- ■ - - - —----- liom Homo of 0K -.------: -l»54 FORD,. K-loo. V * .-^ t bad------! Onn't mlii Itl , • '85 FORD FO R D V V8 SEDAN _..$ 367 r-.-T■ ' H IS — ------T'----- j^*g,,***V^ulV” BuW.S*ohn * Used Cara . ' ’ ' 5 9 T R I U M P H $ 5 9 9 1#4S 194, TORO.t o r d , W-ton.' YS. Good - j ' ■READY, Rl * 4 door wasoD, udlo. b n u r. b a r __ ■55'65 CHEV. 1VB WAOON-$ 577 - ...... IS THETH...... PLACE!...... 4fiKed. 4-fiKed...... •. lSll« W l»r~Ml«. CiuloM Hl-KCIAI^Hill-KCIAUSi 2 unlr-Hmm Kodak auto- ® % i^ r .s im l. North Ui>ln m.llemalic camera*.«m< • orlalnallr tISII.M. _ - - lOSO CORVAIR $1398 ' >: TRUCKS, T R U l TOO . nuo IM.ar,. I onlr — Ilrownie muvla To TO GGO O To WORK “ ^00• 4 door ^a*4an. Stick • '60 INTERINTERN N'L H TON....$1077 UNIONUNIO^ MOTORS ,57 pqr, 1960 CMC.- 4000 Tllt-eah. V« motor. T ft n,«. ^ ------Jimer.camera. ill tl7.'Jt. Camera Cenler. ahliUahllU rhrdovei^h^raulle. Too'r”bt>*r! . j Hke»-~Moh>r ScoctcM 157. . . rj] INC.' IOY’» Culumlila racar ldk«. Kic7l1ent ^;■ TRUCKS mocoEV*IMO CORVAIR $1695 CAR]CARLESON’S condltliin. Inquire afUr « p.m., Sti MONZA '5 6 C H E V . ' $ 6 9 5 »1011 « CHEVROLET.c iiev h ' J-tOB. *- ? PONTIAC-fCADILLAC-OMO' BigBiff DriveI In Lot _.__4 door VI. Radio, Pawaiw. *PW■p*«d w------^------tt7s», ; J?i„u5'r"iK rC ry.ul -nirr-A.^,,-nirr-Argn.m-Wr.». ^ilats, aoHd'fela'ck-flnlahh;------Wl-MalB-Eaal « l “M»H>-=------7U.IBU...... ------______aliiri. S..1U 1 a'..llla?."*"nT ' ***^- *' - 185»1B5SCUC, OHO, 1-WB. '^01“ m g b r.:" " I s»otfW>nq-GoBdi i S i i F c •, .159 ------rih^nia! L.------^ ;------• — 1160'3rcl 5 0 -3 1 Ave.-Eaat- 7 nHIIING NKI:DBi DrI-lcP. block lc«. - } . . m . . r:MC S.-;0 : tram. MB*IflBl COMr COMET 11708 a s r . f.rs.i. i'^ '■‘sr.s,."All TO.I. - ! r« li. dl.e..unled. Bfte 4 Door ifdan. Standard trani* ’ . PHOlPHONE 738-1018 ’59'59 LARLARK $1295 j„7H17 in lOTEIWV^toNAL. t e r i j Lake. StKirtlnir___ .- ml..l..n. S-iK^d a.l*. VB. 4poort ' 4 door, » CTllndtr, ovardrtve, epeod. i rn«tnr, mlulon. mlulon, radio and hehaur. THI alr«Bdl,lon. r*^.Tiuv^ "2^ :OMl’LBTB Scuba umlcrwaler aklB V*rr cl THEISEN’S OPEN EVENINGSEV UNTO, 0 . »‘r «" 1942 FO^ . t-epaied. Ions wheel .llvInK BUtflt. Muit Kll immedlatelT. jUJUS J OMC SMS' 2 txin. -4^p*«j. 2. ------8ale*men'aSaletmen'a After lloun I'honea rhoni- 7.W-2ia« atler S P.m. . ■ a i^ l. a , • l«i7CADII.1987 CADILLAC *IC95 T ?r\T ' u™?**?*"^*, M sis ti '6'65 5 WACWAGON $695 „1947 „^ CTUDEDAKER.oe 1%-ton. ^ “ m”k«- 'iJd ''m ^ ;l:!^ -" lU ” 'TVad^Bl; . »«»m » CnKVn.CIIKVIIOt.CT 2 l«n. 4 -r> ^ _____;cr lU FINE CARS Lwnard FUcher 7SJ.i:(4 4 dooidoor Countrr aadan. IU- 5 ^ ^ " “ fc''.;;-'i',g}.'^^^S Dick OUlenwatar------Tlt.1817 dlo, FFordomatle. one awnor...... _ ------"-SsuKf-hnTisr:------■'------KenMcNSJ!Ken McNew. Uuhl S«-4a« ------^ ------~TmN*FALI^=^^TTO' 1»I5 KOItl) l>-i l.,n. 4-|>eeA’ . 19601900 CHEVCHEVROLET •beet iKHly. Itun* «ood. 1801 INtPAl Club eedan. Deaullful powder ______■ — ' '5 8 PIC I eaeh. Thnn** TSJl-lgW. 1901 INtPALA . $3605 Club m EQUIIEQUIPMENT CO. , —m il CIlKVKOLVrr- v.i tun. »•------«-OooT-MdnrtS«M,rfc-At.lo.4-Ooor ------Wua^ bow.^^ieellenl eendlAnn. New vanvan'boU, bod C 'c rlb iir .nilB*. . power ,il»«rin» and l.r.ke., ^teed " „,. », -WILLS------a..rh...,..4..1. _ prie* 162.00. ,> aactlflc* for t» . TSt- • poeltraetlon rtar M et Sharp “ *® .- " 12-Month1 2-M o W arraiity »51'51 PICKUP PICI $345 ssgjs." ar. _ji!i___ PICKUPS 10591959 CHEVROLETCHEV . ' Ford U too VI. 44pe«d. .t M Mitirir.Jllr»>t N orth._ BBj(rti_Eor:Sqlo j)Q t> .F o r ______I M ______EJ ___ISSS-CHEV______^$705______^lAllalAlr l^ .-1 1 d a n^^ Aulomatlo . — , .... on ------^ ------14’ INIIOAllO i»at ana trailer with IDOl CMC. W ton. Lonr wheel. Rcl Bel Air. A 4 daoc aedan Vs. • “ •'I*” - 'WlRTHLm’S.:------^ ■a; ;:!•;■ .■^■‘ui”r,;s•kl eflUlpm«n». CaII 111.1280...... ba«. bau. *1 euatorn cab,-b*a«r-dulr - • ■ J ]‘ -n nw-| w -rrrlld e -— trmnaml.. wulpi> Bring Your Car in for Service . . whrrle anil lln-« •fun. ,)„n. power j tieerinK. S-ton« ■ ' — — ...... SELECSELECT USED -CARS All Shop Work Ouarantewl FsTlnlriilon md •JomMtle.^ Aar IMS CmtlSCUAKT CAVALT^ In A - i ...... “Where cueUimen a*nd tbeir filcBda'* 1001 INTKIlNATKl.S'AU C-IOO. 4- . palnl. 1058 PORD tth m eu ii ** ""‘j 'c£X~,i: i p '“ 1958 PORI gfST'ulw m il««."’ •■ 1B55.DODOE 1B55.DODO *008 iI '- falri.iFalrlane 4.w* 4 Door d„, atalloB wacon, t Crl- Dob Sauntle •fw «nrin. T)e»i> m i yOllD.yOHD. lUni'hcrv. )ladl/>. brat- er ate«rinK, radio, bcaUr. inder, Inder radio, heatar, over- JJeoa K urt !Si!l Motnr Companr.. 1!« Jnd Avenue »r.*r. auUautumalle iranimlMion. top tnl.ilot VS. Automatie tran c 'vWhIU i. alde-walU. eic. Guar- drive. drive, Real clean. OeaaOeaa EarL Earl, Jarom* J14-20SJ j r7*lU;r8T«Jln« f.m dl». .U.,...,1U.1 sk.n.. -»a•med Saf« D ur.------»»»* •82 FORD 2 door hardtop .!__ | t | . • m un. r*nn «nrt Clt» OUtrll- ■„■„ J- ^ .-.,■ ONLY $1895 ■ UOAT.S! New and u.e.1: T-N lll.e»lM. -»»»-» tS WU.I.YB. PC-IM 1 ton.' 4. •»!•81 PLYMOlPLYMOUTH 4 door ..i-.T-i. r„.-n.,i.,. Welleo N- trallem. Wavne 8chrtVooi ..American 3-door aad an. y ^ Q ’S4■S4 FORD *t door —______S27*' mf i«rinl»« |*ro-T«l»'l. Ab- i7«n. 7jn.r,t> I . crllnder • falrUn* SOO. Ullew^Uakar ‘ lull” 1^*11. 8u»p!f. t:l ird A«nu. . erllnder vncin*. ■ tr»n*B’ .K“%dr'KS'; ,”“~S •SS FORD CouBtf7~Se3aD . |« » ltU.N-A‘IIUUT 14’ : ai hiir»e twwer . . -'■•‘■■“'o teS S - W an }««t INTntNATlONAL. Scout 4* dio, healer,h< white elde-walU. W a n t Y o u r C a r ,--“ J p.. ly, V.. m..t 1,5, TOU •85 FORD CouBtrr Soulra _ > 4 : t Whe«l drlv*. Law mlleex*. 1953 FORDFORO $398 IBCO VOLKSV^GEN • BU li SSsTaaaiS SiJr . . Cutt»nCcilomllne 4 door aedatt VR. “ ^ -El'SS OLDS t 4 door hardlop :___t t t i M fml1UT». Krnn«th Uu»t»ll. <,,||| Standard iranimUalon wilh 2 Door |ia4'5 BUY UIII. Jm'ffi*.______dv«rdflv*. Verr ,el*an. 1054 FORI tirln'Irl (VrrW J 1x16 — ------McVIMcVEY’S INC. . 1054 FO R D SELL ,gg CH »l*rdAv,nu.W„t 7«..01S C^iuntlCountry t p M tn ttr aedan. 1B5Sig jg CHEVROLET C H P . ^■ '68 CHEV $1045 ™ 'ffiST.r;M 3?.": oOUTBOAnD u t b o v IIOTOK .OIL ‘"i 1983 FORD - $188 N/V.UNearir new (Iree. radio, heal^ llel , Air>, 4 dour eedan. Power* : door aUtlon «a«oa VB. HB. ______J slide, radio, healer. TRADE Power sllda. Exealleat coif I Door ledea V8. AuUmiaU.. SHARpd '* “ t« 5 • *"' • dlllOB. lilci I'rtff. Kimpln*ir suii*- nur Hur ll li br.ih. bj- .n.i HAVKi Comper* Campers 193 * B C m A SHARP $1408 We W ant Your BusInejSl *iw )sr in«fh1nr. nu«TBnt.»2 ramlwr. uv.rv'ali a1etp«r. A-l con-f. 11949 9 0 FORD ■ $50' 195S pLV^PLVMODTH ' I6?71957 CCHEVROLET lffi ______'58 CHEV $1095 H* Cmlrr. orlKlnallr Lnrr« .llllun, IDtiS^ Nevr S' camt>er, I8»S. fitltk Uel Air 4 door aedan. Power- '61 .VALIANT.VALIA $1708 '6 8 C O T 8. StUk .hltU Delveder* 4 door eedan. fSillr slide, power aleetini, radio. 4 Door.Door Radio. beaUr, while - n«‘A' FAFARM 4 CITY H.'ie« 'T'S to appreelat*. S:0.0a8», ilaul«'• . *«iulpp.equipped, ahatp S-lone. ilv it '■ e.';.fda^’Adis:'-%iY: Mnil: all fiinr; oil turnnec: (OD beater. wall tlmtli , aundard (ranamla- ^o**'walta. DISTRIBUTING INC.. 5 COMMERCIALS . VERY CLEAN $098 . iloo. Real nlca cool Artie whIu SM -f./rzs; a d i s t f M^bilo Hotnca m ^ I r t : tWulq (UiurM. riuxM _ .. jjq j 1054 BUICK Special I960 DOD '59’5 9 FFORD o r . $1295 ■ '.'*10. Main Aveiiue Nnrth - NA.>3- -cyllnd . iilco 2-lnne flnlih. Drnaflow. VS 4 1 5* cylinder motor, 4-sp<»jJ. - iiiT!(nod ’ whilewalli. Abeululeir lr« I.lk« new, t»00. 70t Eaat Avanu* U. tU M , U«. Iiatll.l Kir. 7M.7K0. . YOUR H'lJ'fHiT' Jertim*.J ' ’60'60 lilEIJIERCURY • $1695 .MAOIO^YAU^. d e a l e r 1880 FO R D T -B IR D S .. JU Uonlerer. 4 door baritop- iii5-wm-»ll rhn.p.^n^T»t..lt^ .. .MAOIC iT l-m i C H E V R O L E T l o n g '.19591959 FOFORI R D-Polrlane ------^ •SODODOE------$1608------Pa®wi; I. IUi uWrt. iflrUrrtlar. 1501 'SK;,. rlMl OHE ■J0«* 4 door aedan. TWi 1« • ' power •iW l io, >prln» .ml maWmt. E vlnrude m n id l ■ — Mercury w,'a'*u.‘Mia.ta. liUiiIiuie l.akra Trailer I'ark onSo ■ wheelbaseWheel ',i ton Pickup one 'too* owner low mllMse ear' ^,0. | Dart, 4 door < frKoi*r •jxb Inf. liUay li:i Ni-rth.______V8. 4-speed 4- transmUslon. j;;,® ■Undard tranemlaalon, 18,000 . - Outboard Motots , fullr equipped wilh Mwer UaoaB K tual Bllea and clean u new. _ J. KOII SAUt:. trade- or e<|ullr. a «0 locUou ------6 0 plyply tires—------$1698 alMriBf.hmHi power brake*. CruUe--•- - ONLY $2MS ■ malic, tinlad flaai. ' while Boata_ Trailers IU f.Hjt wide Afoblle Homa for Ut*It* . ^ . inallc, •60 CHEVROLET $1895 SPECSPECIAL' SALE— " _ _Ld>eIrI_CM._cJf«r._Ilh.-m._4iW2U_____:___ -l=88-EO RD____ t Dnar VS- Sundard t » ; t ^ ______--■ " k MS arin e Supplfw ^ KimiJffr.KimlJffr.______;______^ IDST'CHE1057 CHE~VROLET~ft“ tm F :Krf:S;.Si^"S- -m s ^2~Dog>rV8'»lth'i0t0matl9 R ------nltaloB ' n ^ « |^ (l* « rnu IVI.'>t^ mile* wa*llit <>0 oyll, cylinder motor. 4.8pced 1958 igsa CHR'CHRYSLER « ’l, tiaw Urea. Low mlleaf* oaa 3-door.2-iOOT. StandardE transmU* * IHuaiii Julr aeitr onlr. Cl<«»- " U ■ H E i ^ Y S i S r P $1093 , SIZa “ Twin m ils Tliouannil SprlnR^,, u<'f friir. f»r- ci,»T.i.siipciavi.Cln ______transitransmission, 7.Q0 x IS ''4 4 DooDoor aedan. Power ileer- iuw .. Blon, whliw hitew all Ures. ” commerclRl tires and in», p; j BOLES AERO V radiofSeaUr.^auZoiMlT/trVne.: 1058 .CHECHEVROLET '61 FORDFORD »095 ClAOIv • runs. A GOOD HEAVY mlaelon' while wall tlr«. 'v Vs; s ; S door aUllon watoo. FalrlaoFalrUae SOO 4«teor. Radio, ^$1425—Save ± ‘±£>0' $400 Morino'Outb'rd MotorT 173- TRAVEL^RAV TRAILERS _ . DUTY PICKUP - f ll9 5 ______^ ‘°i gyte------• - '■*■11^'"**'?— * — TjriTlKT-Bi;TinOlV-’TIB," lUilS SlmuiT iiiulBr-aiid —iMt—rkrtrti ^ '” ‘ ’* ''‘ " o N W ^ M “ «olor.^&£rraS^aw. , — ■ ■ . I.. rontnti,eontnli, two bninia prupelleie.t ^llae'l* Uasl* ■ viner-’r va, onlr' frinc'hle'id •60 FO R D T -B IR D $3205 ^ ^ 'GO COMET ^ taw.i m K«nK.. A.h,TO.»-H!. 1051 CHEVROLET V, ton m r 19S0 MERCURY ' r, KEN GARFF . SPlekup ? fl' cylinder. 4- . l i Fulbr equipped with all Mwer, 4»d00r4»door fiUe'uuon wagon. Merco- , THEISEN 4 Door .hardtop. Pow.r ataar> i S 'r .* matic, radio. . luggage' rack, ,_ _ s i« e d For Your Own__ '' ... TRAILERt r a i SALES!,.. . lSf.-..^l£LSS.tB.“ ^ whitewall tires. —MOTORS,-INC.:------^ ^ — oNLy-$ee3------Motoreyclei 18° ' s«r~?i475~?1475:^av6t30QT ~ ? Automabilct.For-Solo ___ G T-,‘Ri &LEN-G.-JENKINS N ’-( —tINCOLN->-«EnOUnY— COMBt- -loSS'DOD -PRIVATE— •BAU3W IN T R A ^ C V C L M -vuvHIIV liA.MlilIiA.MllLKI ll« aure 10 Ret ruur 701 UalQUalB A Avenua Eaat 7JJ.7:»9 y , ------^*"ilobt'a«»BrVajr^>e*“:------:------"* OMBErwlBnomb'e »« i« ■ Cloaedaundar* " , •89 F O R D - $13S5 •. * 6 1 . WMMING POOL - ■ ■ ______: , _ k ; ’61 COMET ' ,TIII.KK l i ¥ I* i an Ol.Iemiiblle that alMit — ■ ,,— ' 4»door. Standard transmis­ «0Bm 2nd Arenu* Houlh rkhi—iMiwr^l rl»hl-|H.wr ' riahl—I'rired rifhl. sion. radio, white waU Ures. Z f„r vMi al Sm».PK.h>l.-v ni.Umoblle. « runs perfactbr. ' Won. r a ^ 1984 CHEVROLET Deluxe trim. Check th e Y ellow AccoiiOTlct a. Ropotr 1B2r T'lmii lull V* I 'a A d l ib s by IUiryHuifa >»« «^ Dour aedaVi. HeaUr. ante. *57 TOTtH TAKS r«’ur Kurd Uck hum* »-ir eerv. Aiiloinatir ti oatU tranemlMl^^^ ?1575—Save $400 Ire,-llnlim Miilota. Inr,______Initlrht’'"n'ndlllori!''^".6*1. e<'nle.l. II"!' MAfilC VAI.I.KVS fnrliiijjiW ,', PICKUPS w blu Wlti o*w Urw. '5'61 1 C COMET O J . . $1595 ■Phone B ook. 'R.'Heeae m M..lor. C.imnanr.______^iJXTKADlNlJ Df:Al.Kll - 2-door, aundard Iraual*. ■Sl FO R D $88' ______eloB. beaUr. whlU walla.______AUTOMATAUTOMATIC lt«mmHl*>m l^ijl RICE':r i c e 'S-IN-JERO m e — — --19flOOMO l oflo oM ( ^ ::,;-$16« —ttm ^nrtVliwn^ll » e ^ —r * 7 V S li^ “ -.gQ-gJJEV, ^rSTOVB-SPEOIALl- ^•..-intludlnr-pan IS S S «a»ket.- Jlc III —1 ,^ ,....-^ , ■"^0'CHEV."PIckup ■— '51805= “=-*B(heoarEi"^^^= 'OlTtjOJ ^ $ i6 9 5 = "*a^‘ 'i1*<1tny. '"'ilompanri---«:rmpanr.-a04--«thrAT«tlu»rtV«al^^ ____ 6 .Crllnder. .4^pe*d, lon* «ld*------laljo4-door atjtllDn wasoa. 'U«r^ ^ sm irziitiz rz - ■ '"'—— —1058moss Wwn. FLLYS-^^-'^-'-----^^^$1396------*1 ton. -fcitrB aharp...... -. ■ -... - «-dloT^ia«-r»c^^ . NOW I18.0S TOT O I M ’S DODV SHOP .,.tan. iwi b*.i, »i.-i iui~ I V C H Iluilnlluilnea* PbUB* 7tt.IS«l - • ’D / ^ ' ------llank-Wllb ■ BOB-REESE.-: - __ f ^=^T5W NTfTG~ — ^ — M S '- ---^"-■SaS' - BO r m n ^ . . . M . _ MMOTOR t CO. i&.jS i;:.-Z^3ir033:_^^L . - ■ . i S , ../o e olclar e«p.«^’ Inwlr*^_S»* ______: "looki like an^ecmwr toto youtjD ut CC « Foc S*le, • . WILLWILLS MOTOR CO_____ >UaMW». . ' . OptB KraalBca TO » ' *“Wto EquiPMfiNT " tS ^ n-1 hom^e Phon* 1M-X40I US SbMboiM Slrael Waat ' .Op. Ji- company ■ : Slh whnla.' «M Unkfc Twin >alU!iu Kqulpm«nl Companr., '

    : . ■ ' \ r - ... - - __I « EARLY BANKINGIG FEATUREDFEATURE! high, wire ‘■eages" forjr UUers poslUons and stairwayray (oto basembasen ent bookkeeping dtMitM but nodera (rend allows open and low poslUons as thoM In noUd a( tbe left FlamHao, are are no now being eomiilttcd f«r» the l e f t th e newly remi>deledled FldelilyFidelity NaUonal bank, shownI abore. house on'Satarday. Aae.Anr. 44^At A t tb(ha( Ume Utan of (be eai^ BANK OFFICERS TRAN8AC'TRANSACT builneti in thU u fea * of ththe e 1In the rear while (bebo Sbodione streeti entrance b at the left be Uller will be arranged. (Tlmes-News t md other exeeutlve offlees are alsoM at the Large wlndovrt with,tl, draw drapesdrapei are looted behind the Uller . newly remodeled Fidelityellty .National NkUo bank. Open houseIS at the jn-Refrcahmcnts-wlli-beita-wiii'be rvice, whclher it’s an emergency or • , served during those hours with i~ “ insurance service, whcll C-Ettes in SoB- ' members of tho Joy-c-Ettes In Cendall, Douglas Schow ju s t a req u estt forf o r advice,advice. Give us a.call today. chflrttc.______’ ______" William Kendall, •nil rembdellnff program, which -MW E U t p i •aw the buUdlnj face ^completely p ^ e t e l y J * — r - , ' Announce)unce the O pening of changed and tho interior and n l S ^ e o m J 6 II pletely for more efllcJent:ient bonk-bank- for flm dr«psr|et. mdlchlno moehtne ------^ N EslEW^FFIGES- W - 0 -----—— - HBH — ^------fASTS• Msr aw /c£--- J It ing operations, startedid In'May, In-M ay, will pip*f, tlip ifovtt*. b.* I IMl, wllb Nellsen andmd Miller, Miller, tpraidt, csrp«llr>0, cvttom bull!b*ai A t the Cornerrner of A/M artin and Shbupb u p ' Twin Falls, general contractors. ontractors. fumlturo, roupholnorlno- TERMS Twin Foils, Idaho i l t t B ^ I | i i j m D ial 7<3-1M4 At the some time on elevatorelnato: DESIRED! 16th y»

    M O DDOWN < rtlE.BESI^ !! w m^ Y v M E N T Koms ON

    |r-^;vol O T H - 1 ! = : J l -

    so::- ' ■ ' " ■ ' ...... - f e * 3 - • 3 Tablesfables • 2 Lampsps i • 2 Pillows m 7 IS, . ■* S o fa■Q ■ • Da veno' • OOttc t t o m a n AS LITTLE LITTI AS 50c: DAYday : - Doubleoub.Ie' D resser, TTilting ilting Plate lj...... • 'T o pP..G G rad rade N ylon _Goy.err ______-. ______' . D r a w e r s , 3 1 2 C o i l III, , ■ •'Hardwoocirdwood Fram e. Virror;-rG hest of- D raw Y C a O E T Z I •ings-and-M dtttesjp IH------* -F o a m 'RRubb'er'CoTTstructioTT— u t r i o T T ^" ^ ------¥> Y O ■I— ^----Quilt-7ui lt-^G p-B ox-Spr;ings-Q ------• - W a3!nut;^M l n u t ^ / ahogany-or^Blbnde-^Blbnde-Tab!es—r~— :— ' t h i s ^ LLiving n Roomo o m G r o u p u p . , : : m m -y T THI H I^E D R(?(Mir^RCg m

    DO ‘ 1 9 ; 1:;; f97^

    . 7" . < '' • " ' ■■ H H T ^I^r T~^rl9M . . .1 _? wiSri tvvi.i.siy-;* g ■ ^ 7 1 Jj.- - ■ ,.^uipA Y , JUI iL-22, i g 2 2 119 9 6 2 . J

    ^ ^ ^ 'Iftl ST A R S i NO! I (Hic) ^ • '® X S a J eat’aw lATC vnFe M s s * ^ --'N H ||M | |D^TH|f3^|pjo^ l l 'j A < p A L w m s W.HPI ■ • JiU WWic) INCOME , 1 B 'i •■7 OftENT ^ B 1 |> TAXlyeruBN! I - 'I 'ri WMTM . I w iy! ■ ■ H H . ;; I A I'lNKs, U M p V ^SH ' I ’:::\ : J'R; K ~ ^ f : ^ iI ^ I ^ ^ ; : . ; t | ^ | g I ^^^H |K B || B 4 r 'T;: | p : ^ ^ 3 i l w i| H^HH- ABOUT If fef! ‘ ' ~»r '' ■■ j L ^ i 7 — . ■n r\ \ / 1

    ^ I MATE CA7$ M o D 0 6 5 ■ ■' i. ■ ■ '^ •" '' AND HE'S U^N^ 4 / NAA«E! 1 ' /WD I (MIC) ONLY SO TO / ^ o h T N - ' K a n o CHURCH FOR EFFECT/ / ■ ^r->. /'AIVSOUL \ IlliSI'LL f tJ E THE STAt Io N AND I 7 W .V iWITH lT H THE 1 P < ) ■) -. a n d b o d y ! j w r wue ; ,! / fHIC)«ONElrtONEYI THE PUBLIC icp J p R K F 1<10 J 5 . /. SWINDLED•ED FlFROM W IU THINK n WDi s rm w u s r, i w i m w s /v . l-n iS & jl V5 AND K T^TTiSS^® t h a t m t - • v L, « J.fA fK EE,: I ORPHANAeAUA6BS, . f N £ 8 B ^ , S y U y l ^ wvoifoa J k I U Q ® g S B^NNEO i I BUILTlU T A A W( ic ) I U jg Q ^ A I5*'E! 7 («5B B . 1 > SEE , ! \ BOOTUEfiS ■ - • ■ ■ ~ -LE^6IN(3 9 HIS MUBlfi \ EA1PIH6,P'HE ■ < N A ; N. j ■ UJAUTV.: ! I I SlMTIONwi : . M f c l l l f p i H ^ - ■’

    1, i W i l ^ B g ' i"'^ ill - . - . “' 1 ^ L i5S5i3^i< K'i^t•' -j' >•■' i.WUBkS iflAUOn | / ^ « , nO If EASV.I^ONTriKNOW bONtiK WH eL e I ^ ' ' i f^CEUNSTHm. u‘K£e, \ la iS HH U AWNINay® KAU.IKAK£0T1AK60TTHEiMONEiBlk_iw.'rJ . I \i FOR-THE NSTgR .T\i£ K mw Ata n i o N i l !• - 1 "■ I I : - I • ■ I . I • ■ -I VN5 THE 5T A T I0N !]/'f^^ J IDGE 61RPER5I FDR MUNDUNm iN e s « .L I'tt& o ^ ^ 1$ RBTURNIN )RNIN6 l l l B S i l H ^ r i J k t c v e r h - , i . '^ '* * ^ '* ^ 2 0 1 1 ^ VOURDOVWncruATioN! j p F ^ ; " ' S B = ;-eO T ..4 l l ; VOU'RE A MEAN,ME/ * k J< .' 'a ^ I W i\ -<'f l H S i ' - n _ y j f B j WICKEDD,«AN!/MAI € 1 ^ 3 ' ^ i '•-/;i^?!Pi^B' v^l^i Jl ■ ■ ; VOU BELON(ELONS //^W -'^V ^' •• 1' . 5 ■B ir^SB K CM DO, N ; '- ‘WH! Jm ' ' - I i *\ INPWSOHIISOHS^^K^; :;- IJW ® j I3 | | m | * i5®l\Ml&‘ ■ I *■! jKrW/Ti ■ :i■ P . fflilM »J. II ,H ® '"'ij^^s^cbcio^® [jw H l l 9 ^ t 1 , \v /! f ■ ■ ■ ' ■;! I ■ BEflfcoJ^ ^ VpB n'5^'^ i a T I V ^vSVi'pA noivb :f o f oatoa oie coorl Here's ^-j^ //\ i t ( O W IF VA'LL E S C U 5;Eu5,WE60TmiNfENr 6 U 6 ,W I A i ■ • :r J / COUSIN JUPJTER PIUTD PIUTC /M^KSE'S JOtTH V.I : : "• ' ( . i d t m M ORE AWFUti TRUE^UE C0RNFE55I0N5 CORN F ^ / ^ I CERTIFICATE! IT AIN'TAIN'T His f a u l t DAT HB J-i ; V^lf'wV .] etT's SVtOWlPgfUL? i'\X BBE & O i L U E S l ____/ ■ I r':^ )TTO\ UKE VER 0 0 5 5 ; TO^. / : ' N - I ■ - -■ y ( 'JTIOM . v > :. ; ^ j |# # . . . . , J H k H ^ h '/^naH m fll^H iSI ;->W 7U.oo^ h . f f||^w 5 s^» B ^| Wh:na-'M ^Bui^ im ^ t e ' has- (*’» ( ^ ' ' ^ s I 1 ^ a r ish t a I S b h R v ■ 3® TocAa Vl H ^ ^ i i It > . 1 i,f.m K 'y j -J T>'.; ' I

    . j ' S l j BM iI l w W M r r ^ ; . ’.' T>^y J \ -^ ;' . . 1 ! ■ h M H ^ —T'VTst.'s- '/j *& M ov^A^eftH. ■»%» •sv&a t s t - i-cr^ v T ^ '■ ^ I H tvH* r ^ ® ^ T O 1 Q is cLeA ^/^^fflg ^ ffi' , ;j^ » ZtsRa aiS l II^BIHB^P^^ A'* M U U k J ^ I'

    H b SlEale^^^Sii . HH r '. • - V CTMOH*

    I ' M l ■ ' ! • ■!

    VWa-TSA IDEA^ ' JHOV/ COME 'VeR H^ ^ e i WA^JsOMMOMeolO N e o jlT I'a s l U n e c s M«j»ir'ai*4KM M ^ A»|'F£>R O' P o t t - m o N V / - — ' 1TH' SAW e TIME: I AM IF r - - ^ W 'I.ITTLE VOODSJ. liw fcboM e.^W ^ £ ? d S g # ^ - fKAe^'^A iy flsH Q 'l —' I In w ^ iw < I ■ ; ■ ■ I ...... I IT " ;I ■!- J ~______SKIEAKV » _ FEUSiB.1^^Sl@ M i|g ■ >^pji£H H vA A vii^HflH vu< H | ^ f e k i e . ^ a ^ ^

    i . - ' k VU '^'''//'?/7''^^% j ’ ij |T I S3® iaL_if:^

    WHBTHEii X MV HOT 0■065 0 6 5 AKe J II^ATi^g-ETlx^XlcOMSIoriK. Ic PIVE 7 1 Iw WHAlii i J 31MS J I ^ f!KO^ TO 6ERVB \ TA6TV ANDNO /-^ , ' i H O T C D SS A FAIRR ON HEK^ MV 1 ^ Cf ic e CREAU 1 NUTRITIOUS.' ^SAkAPUfllS OP MY TW -r-\ ^:SrrTf.T'ee«^v6 ® ^ 5 ^ _ _ 4 w a r b s ' OR HOT /h rr-^-^-^ 3/ i f i i l i K VJOODS* DOSS IS V 1/ / ta ste T» A T O U ttH \ / :( AN' 'jCiy \\ - ^ K i o S PECISIOM.' 1 ■'. >L HAVE N M NAAxe ' V ...^Tfexjaux j e u e . ^ LIP VSR ' minp.'^#MB . dL? r>| 7>C»= •

    11 - - S l tallthipthaQitvrae'T^ ■ gtfcar ’Bo u ^ c I | h 9 9 ^ ^ S I s H ' I t : ' ~ S B P ! ^ w B l w ' ^ 1 ^ iTi. ' _ - J — ^ , _ ; ^ J : IctCERo H ^s W 0 u r wele Ss iM O ^ I -tefe IN cviM?<^AB©B DP SERVIN6JV I P lil e a d s pi-ACE A IT^KAfTSLrTcSjr^ LTbKAj ■ I f S'Z oJ NOTHING r o _ j \ He:WVAS AS i ■■HEM~.0D0©1-«i3©HNUtS ANO ;; SWIswiftT i^ck in V^ pEK£ FEK SBr, .! E>«PECT J ■ VO WITH WHATfe ) CHAlRKjVIKMAN® UEMONADe_.0ci^.DECtDED &y THI? &E\N(? . n OPiTK'Trt!__7V THE UAPies'■S* cCOMMfffE£/;M ARS :| frSB.'^ P ^ l/ l STIU5tiu1th\m\<: ic e " ^ m M ■*■- I I • >^qM«w^ ----- ^ ■* — I CKEAWEAM Of^ HOT CO^&^ iW ^ ■ I - i ’ . i f l H l l t l ^ INOU3ITA0ITA0LV/; J*W \YOUti: iiyy'ii^ ■'v'A 1^ ) ■ B I J B U m g g ^ ^ 0 m ^ \ ^ 5 — D' . ~1 ( ,5ajfacfe/.eiisa,iijs3 I l u S S f , 0 « e d dad aiwM • i p ^ J w M i f : fP e e d r iV 2 ie M i J t d l l , ■ r .H ‘ T S^tir '^^Oa M t^ HfU^COimiT—ch-clh!J 1i| Ji B9 ’ B ! ' . i p ^ g i p B t i ■'It ■ si w P y f c l * i "S ^ - 0 [ W i n J ^ i I . ; ,; I ■' ’ ' ' - ■ '■ ! ' '. ! . ■ ■ ‘ \ i ji -I- . ; | x ; l 1 : ! - : ------BIB H ||Erx^>(iN vc. ws'tw e 'R e t>— "fv QQUe u e ' ACKO -TW'. /vsou*r -rGET-sex us / VEH? \OLCVW«OLCV W lZeR WAs-S / 1 CAKi'T 7> A New GK/KNRA»MD ' HOW ^ ).XE^\K1*,kXE^\Kl‘t POLKS HC/ seeiGs.iQ U > J Z y / •AABL f X JV W C FE I - '.; ii'< WIZ.SR// . A CO M S? / W ^ T>TH' RSAU PUTTIN'TT»N' {( Kiev'ffiEefTHi^.l B C fes OF AVDO/ I UP WITH 'V 1 .yww»ip/ l i r t I TH^^vT/v ^ f '^'''

    p f t j A ^ I, ^ W w EPENTVERY T VERY ^ H ^ H S t ^ caifriiAa cHAHue L E T A l e f a H ^ H k W ! ^AlO.TOMeET^ A H E U L ^ €llPVPFf!Om i ^ H r a t ' 1 AM t[0VPPo$BPrc l|j^^aEH lN Cloj >j . VOmHROUeHTHB fZBeiSTEf

    ||||||||||||j|||B P I S 1 ' , ]: ] , j 1 r - : 1 : ' ■■ ■i ' i ' i :! - . i-1 ■ - -' IV • . ^ ' M ^ mV Ase TlEEpi)2E p ! )_ I |l^''^'^^~^-'' J I• ^ i Ihavekj't ‘ vquKvqu' BEEN TELLJN' AEOUKJO•UNO I l...^l^T«SEE I VsOHATfs TOE PITCH, y ' M A h ^ i h o ME,m e , p i t &ECOHD& FOfSMOfZa LOOKIN'FOR TH'OL' '•*MHw WHAT'S >"' HEARD HOW rIT'S MOT ME BUT I ■ Sgpj: F^ttA :' \AEM^eiz lN^Tf?W£:nOM^,1VCMEC>/ COOT WITH A CLUB r COIN'/mustU ST B E \b u Z LAFF . YOUySu '■ WHO'SV R^ALLV. ••^ $ ;,T : \0 5 JV ON?/ SUMPfUMPJNJ UKE THAT . vjKINCa v Tk IN< OF M O O ...,J ^ ^ / llM W k .^ V AWFUlWFUU/ J)N VEARS/ ■ ffSMTj ^ v'r^^a^Hfeiv p j H V M / ■ S 3 y H B ^ im C O tJ T R A ^ T ^ g H ■ ^Hsgy^IL n ^ ^ r ' HA^BAMP APPRE^ # ^ 7 A f . - i - >U^i)J*rHE EM VELOP^-' WilH 42,0X7. THB JOB'^ TD e e D O N 0 rA/ AW BSK‘,AfiOA\AHB! j: \TLOOHUKEAH ^ I I — ACCtpeNTl ^ TJW. U» tU.‘>«^W^'l~, -• J.. ■ i : ^ I I ' !:,:_! ^ j“ * r ^ I iA ^i, /M ^ lc oi tr n w m am ^ / THEEE/ WITH MVW/ C JJOBEAKiY m^NOW LETS LET see vpu J j! "l I 9q 'WAN.SAV ^ AWeiGWWEIGHT, PI^Ipdw w .! i :HJ^m 4miTAie.T M E . I i l v S U M P I N / J WNZEB/ I Z E B / GIT OUrA HECe/ J •\ CROWM.YOL) LOCLOOK kINDA V A C T LIKEl U E A {I . I € •J ___ ♦ LIKE A\ KING.wW^V--^^Kll i G’WAN.G^WAKI, GO VVAV... A u l i V - I S : HBBP7C>HHOW ) H V V -w roTH E yAifc \^A R ,vtoU j^,^1 8 - hi .y ^ rig g ^ ms o f S 1 5 '^ B oaBa i T .■. ^ \ \ ^ a H 6 jM B j[ K ^ ! 3 ^ fBBpK » PHP"’' ^ "'^iiBrS^JBlii ■■ f I * * a ^ T l i i > ^ ' n~vQ)K •

    ' ; .1 M ■■ ■ : ' V ■'■ 1 1 ' ^ _ ■Ill1!_____ ■' ■' _ \ ‘ '• : ' ; eAi«)4 UP Hl« AMN, COM ; liM HUB 'MA'SH"\ 'NBEATITiPAIE?'JE f WH'V,/AWCIQHT, KNKNociTYvoLTHSiK^ ii.RD I i \ ( HIM?hiS i,w^s«tW EM 4dm£n &EAT ) YOU MIZZEEAE:E>^BL^GOE.k^K ITrrO ( FF^jH ISM A ijeSTy;•^Ty- . . - Ss»#;'£S4!iJ'^ 1 IT* LlTTlg j j X s / V ^ ^

    / f t j ^ J j w j ^ S ^ a W l I ■ k : : p I j " g ■ m M S 7\- A 0 ^ 4 p < R T v ,r^ Sf M m n ' /I / / / V, ^ ■ .l|a I ^ ' i{n ) • ■ ■' ■ T/i^ \l /T ^ M'11 \M 1/'‘>i3 1 "I\iJ u ■ i L 2 _ l J '^ 1 ■. . ^ ^ j ^ ' ■' ■ p - T i ^ ' H 3 i U

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