May 2015 / Diagnostic Device Design P.19 Dynamic Response Analysis P.40


FOCUS ON: Medical Industry 3D Printing Medical Miracles P.14



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INNOVATION INTELLIGENCE® Degrees of Freedom by Jamie J. Gooch Customization is Crucial

eing able to design and 3D print your own, custom (See page 14 and for cellphone case is cool. Being able to have a pair of more.) To bring that research out of the labs and into hospitals earphones designed exclusively to fit your ears and will require the usual development cycle all new products go custom printed in a few days is amazing. But being through, plus meeting extensive safety regulations. In the U.S., Bable to create custom prosthetics, implants and patient-specific regulators are well aware of the promise of 3D printing. surgical models are life-changing, and in some cases, life-sav- ing applications of 3D printing. Government Support Every day, medical professionals are using 3D printers to cre- There are a number of online exchanges that allow anyone to ate customized, personalized solutions for an array of medical download a model they can then 3D print. The National Insti- problems, and there’s more to come. Research firm IDTechEx ex- tutes of Health (NIH) has launched the NIH 3D Print Exchange pects the dental and medical market for 3D printers to expand by because “few scientific 3D-printable models are available online, 365% to $867 million by 2025. Transparency Market Research and the expertise required to generate and validate such models predicts the medical 3D printing market will grow at a compound remains a barrier,” according to the site. The Exchange enables annual growth rate of 15.4% to reach $965.5 million in 2019. searching, browsing, downloading and sharing of biomedical files of cells, bacteria, viruses, molecules and anatomical models that Pushing the Boundaries can be 3D printed. The site also includes downloadable video tu- Researchers are already pushing beyond the initial medical torials and instructions on how to use 3D modeling software, and 3D printing applications like spinal braces, knee implants illustrated workflows to create 3D-printable models from data. and dental molds. For example: Last fall the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) • Oxford Performance Materials (OPM), which develops hosted a public workshop called “Additive Manufacturing of poly-ether-ketone-ketone (PEKK) materials used in 3D printing Medical Devices: An Interactive Discussion on the Technical implants, is working with Yale University on 10 projects involving Considerations of 3D Printing.” The workshop brought together representatives from the FDA, medical device manufactures, ad- ditive manufacturing companies and academia. The agency used 3D printing enables patient- the workshop to seek input on how to evaluate 3D-printed medi- specific medical applications. cal devices. (On-demand webcasts and transcripts are available here: At a medical conference last year, Steven Pollack, director direct tissue attachment for cranial and facial surgery, prostheses of the Office of Science & Engineering Labs at the FDA, said for rib replacement, and 3D printed PEKK devices to deliver the agency wants to be aware of the challenges involved in 3D therapeutics and antibiotics. printing and won’t regulate things that don’t need regulation, • A research team led by scientists at Dalhousie University but does need to know where to “take a deeper dive.” and the Nova Scotia Cancer Center has investigated the use of The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is 3D printing as part of modulated electron radiation therapy to awarding up to $3 million in grants in 2015 through the Eunice create custom devices that shield some areas from the cancer Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human treatment, but also to ensure an even distribution of radiation in Development to advance the use of 3D printers for the produc- the targeted area. tion of medical devices. The grants are specifically intended to • Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital are develop- support research to develop 3D printers, polymers and processes ing a method that allows for the creation of viable blood vessels to produce premature- and neonatal-specific devices. in 3D-printed organs. As with any innovation, government regulations can be a hin- • Researchers at Drexel University have begun to use 3D drance to widespread adoption or provide a boost to acceptance. printers to artificially manufacture cancerous tumors. Doctors The federal government’s initial efforts show that it intends to intend to use the tumors for medical testing and drug trials. support 3D printing as an avenue toward high-quality, personal- • A team of scientists used 3D printing to create a membra- ized health care. DE nous sleeve that can surround a heart to provide monitoring and cardiac assistance. Jamie Gooch is the editorial director of Desktop Engineering. The list of 3D printing medical research goes on and on. Contact him at [email protected].

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3D Printing: The Next ENGINEERING SERVICES 14 Medical Miracle? 3D printing is driving innovations 34 Find Engineering Services Fast The Engineering Services Directory arranges a host of in surgical training, implants FRPSDQLHVWRDVVLVWZLWKWKHGHVLJQZRUNÁRZ and prosthetic devices that are By Jess Lulka improving patient care while reducing risk and cost. ENGINEERING COMPUTING By Beth Stackpole 36 Professional Machines at Consumer Pricing? Entry-level workstations are challenging the notion of unaffordable professional hardware. By Kenneth Wong SIMULATE

40 Practical Dynamic Response Analysis Hints and tips to solve transient analysis and the data it produces. By Tony Abbey

44 Around the World in 12 Legs Solar Impulse’s solar-powered aircraft is PROTOTYPE designed to circumnavigate the globe. By Brian Benton 28 Hybrid 3D Printing: What You Need to DESIGN Know Now Long-time technology rivals 46 Fit, Form or Function? subtractive and additive Your choice of conceptual design tools should manufacturing now partner be guided by one of these three objectives. to enable design engineers By Kenneth Wong to break through traditional constraints. By Lauren Gibbons Paul FOCUS ON THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY

31 Rapid Prototyping & 19 Designing Space-Age Diagnostic Devices Manufacturing Profiles Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE teams are creating medical devices inspired by “Star Trek” technology. Learn about the latest industry technology in this special sponsored section. By Michael Belfiore 22 Diversity in Medical 50 Capturing Reality New technologies are Simulation Applications Computer analysis of man and machines is bridging the gap changing how we offer health care. between digital and physical design. By Pamela J. Waterman By Brian Albright 53 Fast Apps Researchers use PTC Creo to advance artificial heart development, ON THE COVER: A 3D model of a heart produced with 3D-printed ear protheses help those with hearing loss and Weinmann Materialise’s HeartPrint depicting the tissue in transparent material and the blood in white rigid material is pictured. Medical Technology uses MathWorks software to create the MEDUMAT Image courtesy of Materialise, Transport ventilator.

4 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// EXECUTIVE EDITOR & PUBLISHER DEPARTMENTS 49 Spotlight Tom Conlon Directing your search to the companies EDITORIAL that have what you need. Jamie J. Gooch | Editorial Director 2 Degrees of Freedom Kenneth Wong | Senior Editor Customization is crucial. 52 Advertising Index Anthony J. Lockwood | Editor at Large By Jamie J. Gooch Jess Lulka | Associate Editor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS 54 Editor’s Picks Tony Abbey, Brian Albright, Mark Clarkson, 8 Virtual Desktop Products that have grabbed the David S. Cohn, John Newman, Frank Ohlhorst, Speeding up editors’ attention. Beth Stackpole, Peter Varhol, Pamela J. Waterman deep learn- By Anthony J. Lockwood ADVERTISING SALES ing with the 603-563-1631 • Fax 603-563-8192 NVIDIA GPU, Erich Herbert | Sales Manager (x263) a look at Chris Casey | Sales Manager 847-274-5476 the cooling ART & PRODUCTION system for the Lenovo P Series, the Darlene Sweeney | Director 603-563-1631 (x257) impact of on-demand HPC and a A PEERLESS MEDIA, LLC PUBLICATION peek at the NAFEMS World Congress Brian Ceraolo | President and Group Publisher 2015 agenda. Tom Conlon | Vice President By Kenneth Wong and Jess Lulka ADVERTISING, BUSINESS, & EDITORIAL OFFICES Desktop Engineering ® magazine Peerless Media, LLC 12 Rapid Ready Tech 1283D Main St., PO Box 1039 • Dublin, NH 03444 Functionalize debuts a conductive 603-563-1631 • Fax 603-563-8192 filament, Wohlers E-mail: [email protected] releases its 20th 56 Commentary industry report, Autodesk invests Simulation and the in Carbon3D, future of medicine. and how to grow By Kristian Debus, 3D-printed food. CD-adapco Kenneth Moyes | President and CEO, EH Publishing, Inc.

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n mid-March, NVIDIA Founder and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang greeted the crowd assembled at the San Jose Convention Center for the annual NVIDIAI GPU Technology Conference (GTC). He said, “I’m going to tell you about four things: We’ll talk about a new GPU (graphics processing unit) and deep learning. We’ll talk about a very fast box, and deep learning. I’ll show you our road map, talk about the exciting things we’re doing at NVIDIA, and deep learning. And I’ll talk to you about self-driving cars, as it relates to deep learning.” Huang’s talk focused on: • The GeForce TITAN X GPU, hardware for deep learning ($999); • The DIGITS DevBox, aimed at re At the 2015 GPU Technology Conference, NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang unveiled searchers interested in deep learning the Drive PX, a self-driving car developer kit. Image courtesy of NVIDIA. (available this month, $15,000); • The plan to deliver 10X Maxwell’s Meet the TITAN The Self-Driving Car Starter Kit performance with PASCAL GPUs; Huang called it “The most advanced The NVIDIA Drive PX is described • The Drive PX developer kit for GPU we have ever made.” The TITAN as “a platform is based on the NVIDIA self-driving cars ($10,000). X houses 8 billion transistors, running Tegra X1 processor, enabling smarter, Deep learning or machine learning on more than 3,000 CUDA cores, ca- more sophisticated advanced driver assis- — the theme that cuts across all four pable of 7 TFLOP single-precision cal- tance systems (ADAS).” The Tegra X1’s segments of Huang’s talk — is better culation. The GeForce product line may 1.3 gigapixels/second processing speed, known as artificial intelligence (AI). have originated as the ultimate gaming the company points out, is “enough to Once the stuff of speculative utopian hardware, but the TITAN X, according handle 12 two-megapixel cameras at or dystopian films, AI hibernates today to NVIDIA, is a good fit for researchers frame rates up to 60 fps for some cam- in the form of algorithms used in self- tackling deep learning. In building neu- eras” — an important consideration for driving cars, face-recognition software ral networks to ingest and understand the autonomous cars that would rely on and automatic-translation programs. large volumes of data, TITAN X’s sheer sensor data and camera-fed computer vi- Another keynote delivered by Dr. horsepower may offer an advantage. sion to make navigation decisions. Jeff Dean, a senior fellow in the Google Knowledge Group, picked up the same A Box to Train Your Machines A Peak at PASCAL theme. “You can’t write algorithms for all Few CEOs would introduce a product by Haung said PASCAL, the next-genera- individual tasks, so you write programs explaining they intend to sell only a small tion GPU architecture from NVIDIA, that can learn from observation,” he said. volume of it. “The [DIGITS DevBox] benefited from “a billion dollars’ worth The intense computation required in is a box that we like not to sell in high of refinement in R&D over the last this specialized discipline is attractive to volumes,” Huang said. “The reason is it’s three years.” Pascal is expected to be the NVIDIA, which promotes the parallel really developed for the developers. It first GPU in NVIDIA’s history capable processing power of its GPUs as a solu- only comes with , only comes with of mixed precision. tion to the biggest high-performance four GPUs, only in one configuration Haung said this is the beginning of a computing (HPC) challenges. At this … It’s priced at a level that hopefully all whole new universe — “The Big Bang year’s GTC, academics and data scien- researchers can afford.” of self-driving cars,” as he puts it. And if tists strolled the corridors, talking about NVIDIA hopes it can capture it were up to him, the GPUs will be an how GPU-outfitted appliances could ac- smaller research teams with its modestly integration part of this AI evolution. celerate different permutations of AI. priced NVIDIA DIGITS DevBox. —K. Wong

8 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// How a Modern Workhorse Breathes

ome heavy computer users as- sume — in what seems to them like sound logic — that if their workstation is showing signs of extremeS heat load (loud fan noise would be one of the symptoms), they can cool it off by opening up the side or back panel. That, Al Makley from Lenovo pointed out, can do more harm than good. As director of Architecture and Tech- nical Solutions at Lenovo’s ThinkSta- tion product line, Makley spent a lot of time thinking about what goes on under the hood of a computer. “The cover is an instrumental part of the machine’s thermal regulation,” he explained. “By Lenovo ThinkStation P Series uses a tri-channel cooling system to direct removing the cover, you are removing airflow and heat. The image here shows simulated airflow inside FloTHERM. the negative pressure inside the chas- Image courtesy of Lenovo. sis. Without that negative pressure, you have no airflow on your hard drives, so the third to cool the PCI channel in the Lenovo uses physical tests — usually they’re now subject to overheat.” graphics adaptor. Within those com- conducted with cardboard structures In older generation computers, the partments, we make sure there’s clear mimicking the chassis design — to placement of components — CPUs, front-to-back airflow to bring cool air in verify the software’s predictions. GPUs, motherboard, heat sinks, fans and pump warm air out, with no cross- “Of all the P series workstations, and hard drives — was much more compartment heat propagation.” the P900 proves a lot more challeng- forgiving, but the demand to pack a With mechanical components, you ing to design because of the additional lot more into a smaller form factor in can see their interactions with your naked PCI-e slots that it must accommodate,” modern workstations leaves little space eyes. Not so with the behavior of heat Makley says. “So we added a highly to waste inside the chassis. This calls for and airflow inside a computer’s closed efficient rare system fan to draw the more sophisticated approaches to direct- chassis, Makley pointed out. “Thermal airflow from the upstream pressure ing the airflow within the box. design is very difficult to comprehend. sources. It has an effective air baffle to That’s where you need simulation,” he deliver fresh air to both the upstream More Refined Design said. “It tells you with clear vector arrows and downstream CPUs. The same air- In a standard computer housed inside a where the air is flowing.” flow also cools the DIMMs adjacent to tower box, Makley saw what he called the CPUs — all accomplished with one mixed airflow — “for instance, heat from Simulating Airflow self-contained air baffle.” the graphics adaptor influencing the For thermal simulation, Lenovo uses Fans are the best solution to coun- dual inline memory modules (DIMMs) FloTHERM, acquired by Mentor teract the heat sources, but they’re also and the CPUs,” he says. In the Lenovo Graphics in 2008. With software-driven additional risks for failure. As moving ThinkStation P series, the company’s simulation, Makley believes he and his mechanical components, fans are prone patented tri-channel cooling system team can get to about 90-95% accuracy to breaking; they also produce consider- functions as a heat regulator. The design in predicting the airflow. The rest — the able noise when activated. So Makley represents a more refined derivative of 5-10% margin — may be attributed and his colleagues wanted to design the the system first introduced in the Think- to the approximation engineers must P900 with as few fans as possible. “We Station C20, which debuted in 2011. use. “For instance, with a real fan, the managed to cool the entire system with “It segments the chassis into three impeller shape would determine the only three fans,” Makley says. “Our separate compartments,” says Makley. airflow direction — it could be blowing competition uses a lot more moving “One compartment works to cool the at 40°, 45°, or 50° angle,” he says. “In parts in their comparable product seg- hard drives and power supplies, another simulation software, you may have to ments to do this.” to cool the memory and the CPUs, and guess that angle and use it as an input.” —K. Wong /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 9

by Kenneth Wong & Jess Lulka Virtual Desktop Ready, Set, Simulate f simulation is in your job descrip- Training Topics 3D Printing Presentations tion, you won’t want to miss the There will be an entire day devoted to This year’s lineup includes a forum NAFEMS Annual World Confer- training workshops on finite element on “Additive Manufacturing and 3D ence (San Diego from June 21-24). analysis (FEA), computational fluid dy- Printing in Design and Engineering.” TheI multi-day event has a packed agenda namics (CFD), and simulation process Exhibitors include the likes of Autodesk, with over 300 presentations, training and data management (SPDM). Train- CD-adapco, Dassault Systèmes, Mentor courses and an exhibition. ing provided throughout the convention Graphics, MSC Software and Siemens NAFEMS represents over 1,100 will cover: PLM Software. member organizations worldwide, • Dynamic FEA Keynote speakers include: including software vendors, global • CFD for Structural Designers and • Ferdinand Dirschmid, BMW Group, manufacturing industry representatives Analysts “The CFRP Lightweight Structure of and leading academic institutions. The • Introduction to Practical CFD the BMW i8” theme for 2015 is “A World of Engi- • Structural Optimization in FEA • Klaus-Jürgen Bathe, neering Simulation.” The conference • Simulation Verification & Validation Institute of Technology, “Advanced Fi- intends to initiate a discussion of how for Managers nite Element Analysis and its Future” engineers and companies can keep up The congress has presentations • Zlatko Penzar, Continental AG, “How with the ever-evolving technology and focused on dynamics, multiphysics, Small (but fine) Simulations can also concepts associated with simulation composites, systems engineering, manu- Radically Improve Industrial Products” — from hardware to software and best facturing, acoustics, high-performance • Peter Coleman, Operations, practices. It also serves as a place for at- computing and other simulation-related “Reflections on SPDM for Collabora- tendees figure out how their knowledge, topics. Discussions will also be available tive, Multidisciplinary and Agile Air- processes, tools and corporate culture for analysis management, stochastics, in- craft Product Development” can take advantage of the continued dustrial applications, composites, emerg- For more info, visit evolution in simulation technology. ing issues and more. —J. Lulka

though the initial cost could be prohibi- On-demand HPC: tive. By contrast, a business that relies on on-demand HPC is at the mercy of the provider — or so the reasoning goes. Friend or Foe of the CIO? But Poort points out, “Rescale’s robust and proprietary infrastructure layer is escale, a Platform-as-a-Service enormous convenience for those who extremely reliant where we guarantee (PaaS) provider that caters to must add more licenses to simultaneously 99% uptime (this is right in our service- simulation software users, was examine multiple design alternatives. level agreement). Due to the broad net- recently named one of the 20 Traditionally skittish industries may work of infrastructure provided by Res- promisingR HPC vendors for 2015 by be warming up to the idea of on-demand cale, at any single point in time, there CIO Review. HPC. “Within the aerospace and au- will always be online capacity available.” Since its quiet launch in 2013, Rescale tomotive sectors, a large majority (over The writing on the wall is clear, ac- has become a recognized name among 70%) of our customers are large enter- cording to Poort: “Most organizations the small simulation community, striking prises, including household OEMs (origi- have already started the transition to cloud partnerships with Siemens PLM Soft- nal equipment manufacturers), Tier 1 as part of the corporate IT strategy but ware, Dassault Systèmes, CD-adapco, manufacturers and the rest of the supply these can take several years to execute on. MSC Software and others. The software- chain. The larger the enterprise the big- Even for large organizations who may hardware combo that lets simulation ger the benefit from transitioning to Res- aggregate capacity for thousands of users, users create repeatable workflows distin- cale’s cloud HPC simulation platform,” the economies of scale in purchasing, guishes Rescale from other vendors who says Joris Poort, CEO at Rescale. agility and elasticity of resources, power offer hardware alone. It’s easy to overlook Part of the anxiety with on-demand consumption optimization, and human re- the company’s role as the middleman to providers rests with reliability. A busi- sources expertise make on-premise HPC negotiate additional licenses or tokens ness that invests in on-premise HPC re- an unsustainable long-term solution.” where needed, but that feature adds tains full control of the resources, 24/7, —K. Wong /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 11 Rapid Ready Tech Making Digital Designs Physical

Functionalize Mixes Up Autodesk Invests Conductive Filament What more could be accomplished if in Carbon3D designers had the option of building an usinesses and researchers have gone object using conductive filament? Bfrom using additive manufacturing (AM) We’ll soon find out the answer to mainly for prototyping or the occasional that question. Functionalize recently spare part, to full-scale production in announced the launch of its F- multiple materials. You have to pay attention to keep up with what’s going on in AM. filament. The filament is currently being It seems that someone at Autodesk is paying attention. The company decided produced in 1.75mm and 2.85mm, with to invest $10 million into Carbon3D from the Spark Investment Fund. The fund had a resistance of 0.75 ohm*cm, and a been set up to demonstrate Autodesk’s dedication to launching the Spark program, mechanical strength exceeding that of including the Ember, as a tool for research and development. standard PLA (polylactic acid). Carbon3D has developed an AM system that uses a proprietary process called F-Electric filament offers many new CLIP (continuous liquid interface production technology) that operates through design opportunities. It is possible, photo polymerization. Unlike standard stereolithography, which builds an object according to the company, to literally print one layer at a time by curing the topmost layer of a resin pool, CLIP projects light out, “complete electrical circuits, sockets, through the pool, encouraging the object to grow together simultaneously. switches, buttons and connectors in MORE ➜ your 3D printed structures with motors, active components and chips connected by plastic and placed with 3D printed 3D-Printed Food Speeding Up 3D Printing precision, exactly where they make sense.” That Grows on You Speed is an area under constant MORE ➜ development for additive manufacturing (AM). It is also of keen interest to Chinese AM companies looking to either catch 20th Anniversary Edition up with, or surpass, their western of Wohlers Report Is Out counterparts in the AM business. Prismlab This year’s 314-page report was compiled may well have achieved that goal with the development of multiple new AM systems. by 78 co-authors in 31 countries, and This cross between a pastry and a Chia Each system is based on stereolithography includes information provided by service Pet was thought up by food designer Chloe (SL) technology, but, according to the providers and manufacturers. Information Rutzerveld. The printed snacks include a company, operates up to 10x faster. about 3D printing’s history, applications, center made of agar — an edible goo that The Rapid series of AM systems processes and materials are included. The helps the seeds and spores grow. represents Prismlab’s first attempts report also looks at recent developments According to her website: “Within at producing marketable 3D printers. in R&D, investments by government and five days the plants and fungi mature If the final products look like the artist industry and provides a summary of the and the yeast ferments the solid inside renderings, the systems will be sleek and current state of AM around the world. into a liquid. The product’s intensifying thin, looking rather like a giant iPhone. The 2015 structure, scent and taste are reflected MORE ➜ Wohlers Report in its changing appearance. Depending concludes that all on the preferred intensity, the consumer sectors of additive decides when to harvest and enjoy the manufacturing (AM) delicious, fresh and nutrient-rich edible.” experienced growth. Rutzerveld developed the solution The market grew at with Eindhoven University of Technology a compound annual and TNO, a research company, as a way growth rate (CAGR) to 3D print fresh, healthy food. It could of 35.2% to $4.1 billion in 2014. Demnd be another eight to 10 years, by her for metal 3D printing has grown in medical estimates, before the solution could be and aerospace industries. commercialized. MORE ➜ MORE ➜

➜ For more coverage of rapid technologies, visit

12 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Overclocking Sponsored Report /// BOXX Technologies More from your Workstation Overclocking is a safe, effective way to increase productivity. ime is money. It’s a cliché, but one that also happens memory, efficient power supply units, and data-center qual- to be true. Design engineers are well versed in the ity cooling systems to maintain and extend the lifespan of the T time requirements for working with large CAD mod- overclocked CPU. els, running simulations and completing renders. The big- In CAD applications like SolidWorks, if you’re not doing ger the model, the longer it takes. Switching between daily frequent rendering, odds are that single-threaded perfor- office tasks like checking email and working in spreadsheets mance is all that matters. This means that adding cores, or to more processor-intensive design engineering tasks can be going to a dual CPU system will not give you better perfor- frustrating. Waiting wastes money. mance, nor will upgrading your GPU. Increasing processor However, there’s a safe, economical solution to boost your frequency via overclocking is the only way to get that extra productivity when using professional design and simulation performance you need, and it’s less expensive than you think. software packages. Safe, Reliable, Powerful Overclocking Overview Overclocking has been happening for years, especially in the Maxing out cores and memory doesn’t always deliver optimal computer game industry. At first, it was “unauthorized.” These performance improvements across the board, so instead of add- days, Intel is not only fully aware of the practice, it now proac- ing more hardware, one of the most productive ways to improve tively markets processors capable of overclocking. productivity is to get the right hardware and make it run faster. When you combine these fully endorsed and authorized over- Not every CPU is the same. A processor sold with a listed clockable CPUs with the same processor cooling technology frequency of 3.9GHz may actually be fully and safely capable found in corporate data centers, you get quiet, reliable perfor- of running at 4.5GHz. Processor manufacturers identify the mance that’s more than 20% better than out-of-the-box systems. processors that are capable of running at a higher frequencies Those productivity gains are possible while maintaining the same and BOXX Technologies overclocks them so that they actu- workstation lifespan backed by the same warranty and support that ally run at these faster speeds. In fact, in order to ensure that you’d get from a non-overclocked processor. So, it’s never been their workstations are within the proper parameters of safe safer to use overclocked processors. It’s win-win. overclocking, BOXX works very closely with Intel. The only way you’ll know there’s an over- Combining overclocked processors with high-perfor- clocked processor in your workstation is the added mance components creates the most effective workstation. performance you’ll see every day. This includes power phase-matched motherboards, premium For more information, visit

THE APEXX 2 2401 is well-suited THE APEXX 4 7402 is designed for THE GOBOXX 15 & 17 MXL laptops for CAD users who don’t need local rendering without sacrificing have the power of a desktop CPU. frequent rendering. It has up to: a single-threaded performance. It has They are not overclocked, but use 4.5GHz 4th Generation Intel Core up to: 4.125GHz 4th Generation the fastest-frequency desktop i7 processor, 4 cores, 2 GPUs, and Intel Core i7 processors, 8 cores, 4 processor to deliver performance 32GB RAM. GPUs and 64GB RAM. beyond mobile processors. /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 13 Focus on the Medical Industry /// Prototype 3D Printing: The Next Medical Miracle? 3D printing is driving innovations in surgical training, implants, and prosthetic devices that are improving patient care while reducing risk and cost. BY BETH STACKPOLE

ne of the rising stars of the show “Grey’s Anatomy” isn’t any of O the Emmy-nominated actors or McDreamy, the doc with the flowing hair. Instead, it’s the 3D printing tech- nology that has been used by the series’ surgical teams over the last few seasons for such procedures as creating an infant portal vein and building customized heart and liver surgical planning models. Grey Sloane Memorial might be a fictional hospital setting, but its use of 3D printing is the real deal. Hospitals, private physicians, dental practitioners, and researchers across the globe are both experimenting and using 3D printing and other 3D technologies to solve tough medical problems, turning what was once considered sci-fi into routine procedures now featured on primetime television. 3D printing got its start in the medical field nearly a decade ago, initially tapped in the dental space for building crowns, The multi-color and multi-material bio-models created with Stratasys’ bridges, and a range of orthodontic ap- Object500 Connex 3 multi-material 3D printer help surgeons uncover hidden pliances. Over time and with improve- tissues and blood vessels. Image courtesy of Stratasys. ments, the technology started taking hold in areas that require custom design generic and custom orthopedic implants; with efforts underway to explore how to and quicker turnaround than traditional create anatomically correct, complex harness 3D printing capabilities to grow methods, including the production of models for training and surgical plan- live tissue and eventually, human organs. hearing aid shells and the clear teeth ning; and develop custom and cost-effec- (See “Bioprinting is the New Frontier.”) aligners used in place of metal braces. tive surgical guides. More recently, there With the cost of 3D print technology have been major breakthroughs using Customization and Costs Savings continuing to decline and thanks to a bo- 3D printing to produce patient-specific “There are inherent benefits to 3D nanza of activity on the materials front, prosthetics for extremities, exoskeletons, printing technology when you are cre- the technology has taken off in a num- cranio-maxillofacial surgeries, and full ating one-off or customized parts,” says ber of new directions. 3D printers are facial reconstructions. On top of that, Todd Pietila, business development routinely being used to design and build bioprinting is in the early research stage, manager for Materialise, a provider

14 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// of 3D printing software and services. Creating A Digital Thread capabilities through acquisition: virtual “That has obvious benefits when ap- Melding those core technologies is the surgical planning and tactile medical im- plied to the medical field because every key to 3D Systems’ strategy for the med- aging technology from Medical Model- patient has a slightly different anatomy ical market, according to Cathy Lewis, ing; solutions for converting CT scans and every procedure can benefit from a executive vice president and chief mar- into full-color 3D models for export to customized approach. The technology is keting officer for the firm. In addition 3D printers from Bespoke Modeling; so powerful in the health care industry to its wide-ranging line of 3D printers, optical imaging technology from VIDAR because it allows for personalized treat- the company has assembled many core Systems Corp.; virtual reality surgical ment that is tailored to the patient in order to achieve the best outcomes.” The continuing focus on rising health care costs is one reason why there NEW VERSION is so much interest among the medical community in 3D printing technology. 3D printing offers a cost-effective way to produce personalized medical de- vices, especially in developing countries, where funding and resources for health care are scarce. While it’s still early for the more innovative 3D printing medi- cal applications, experts see huge mar- ket potential as the technology becomes more accessible, prices come down and early pioneers share success stories that get the broader health care community on board. “We’re starting to see 3D printing hit critical mass in the field as some of these experts apply the technology in ex- citing ways and get their peer groups to take notice,” says Scott Dunham, senior analyst at SmarTech Market Publishing, a research company focused specifically on 3D printing. SmarTech Market Pub- lishing is projecting the total market for 3D printing in the medical field (includ- ing software, hardware and materials) to skyrocket from around $268 million last year to nearly $1.3 billion by 2024. It’s not just 3D printing technology that’s fueling the growth, Dunham notes. The convergence of existing medical im- Over 100 new features & Over 500,000 registered users aging, 3D design software and 3D print- improvements in Origin 2015! worldwide in: ◾ ing is creating a new category of medical 6,000+ Companies including FOR A FREE 60-DAY EVALUATION, 120+ Fortune Global 500 solutions where the sum is greater than GO TO ORIGINLAB.COM/DEMO ◾ 6,500+ Colleges & Universities any of its parts, Dunham says. AND ENTER CODE: 7853 ◾ 3,000+ Government Agencies “Medical imaging technology, 3D de- & Research Labs sign software and 3D printing technol- ogy have all been around for a long time, but now people are figuring out the best ways to use them all together, and that is 20+ years serving the scientific amazingly powerful for medical applica- & engineering community tions,” Dunham says. /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 15 Focus on the Medical Industry /// Prototype

less risk of infection and has been used on more than 10,000 dogs to date. Stratasys’ 3D printers are also behind innovative efforts in medical 3D printing. The company’s line of Object Connex 3D printers has made significant inroads in this segment due to their ability to print in multi-materials and multiple colors at the same time, notes Scott Radar, general manager, Medical Solutions at Stratasys. Radar says 3D printing technologies are having an impact on the medical 3D Systems and Rita Leibinger Medical field in three ways. For quite some time are getting disabled dogs back on now, he says 3D printers have improved their feet fast with 3D-printed titanium the design-to-manufacturing process, implants. Image courtesy of 3D Systems. providing efficiencies and cost savings in how medical device companies make production-based jigs, castings and molds. There are also a lot of possibili- ties in leveraging 3D printing technol- ogy as a new production capability — whether that means printing products more locally or novel use cases like tis- sue printing, Radar explains. However, the area getting the most attention is using 3D printing to enhance the qual- ity of patient care, which could include anything from realistic surgical planning models to the new generation of custom prosthetics. The sheer variety of 3D printing technologies and new material choices are what is setting the stage for 3D medi- Billy Crawford tries on a facial prosthetic created with 3D printing and Medical cal printing to be a reality. For example, Modeling’s software that matches his skin tone and texture. Image courtesy Stratasys currently offers over 1,000 dif- of Student Society for Science. ferent materials for 3D printers, includ- ing ULTEM 1010, an FDM (Fused simulation and training from Simbionix; practitioners to create fixtures and sur- Deposition Modeling) material with a and direct metal 3D printing and manu- gical guides. The company’s LayerWise certification for human contact, Radar facturing services from LayerWise. service and its line of ProX high-capacity says. As part of Materialise’s HeartPrint “We’re providing a beginning-to-end direct metal 3D printers have also gar- service, physicians can now print a com- digital thread that allows physicians to nered a lot of traction in the medical bination of flexible and rigid materials learn, plan and provide higher quality market. They are used to create final im- in one model to create calcifications in procedures,” Lewis says. “It’s all about plantable devices like knee replacements anatomy such as vessels or valves. having all of the tools in place to have or dental appliances, Lewis says. “HeartPrint models are quite realistic better patient outcomes.” In one of the more recent and notable in terms of what you would find with atrial 3D Systems’ SLA (stereolithography developments in this space, 3D Systems or cardiac tissue, so a surgeon can cut into apparatus) production printers are being teamed up with Rita Leibinger Medical, it and bend a vessel out of the way as they tapped to create detailed medical models a manufacturer of veterinary products, to would in the operating room,” says Mate- along with the inner ear hearing aids and design and 3D fabricate the patent-pend- rialise’s Pietila. “By better understanding invisible teeth aligners, while the SLS ing TTA RAPID, a titanium implant used exactly what approach they’ll take, it saves (selective laser sintering) printers are in cruciate ligament repair in the hind legs time in the OR and it’s less stressful for employed by health care providers and of dogs. It promises faster recovery and both the surgeon and the patient.”

16 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// where surgeons plan operations based on CT and MRI images, the students are using full-sized, 3D-printed color models of patient organs, which can help uncover hidden tissues and blood vessels that might be blocked by larger organs in 2D scans, says Dr. Maki Sugimoto, as- Materialise’s 3D printing technology allows physicians sociate professor, in a case study. WRFRUUHFWERQHGDPDJHZLWKSDWLHQWVSHFLÀFSODWHV Beyond medical models, there has Image courtesy of Materialise. been a lot of progress in 3D-printed prosthetics, particularly lower-cost tech- Real Life Medical Miracles cedure before we actually do the proce- nologies that can help patients in devel- The anatomically correct, 3D printed dure on the patient,” said Barry Katzen, oping countries. E-NABLE, for example, surgical models are gaining traction M.D., founder and chief medical execu- is a global network of volunteers that is across a range of surgical disciplines. At tive at the institute, in a video interview. leveraging 3D printing technologies to Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, doc- “By doing this, everyone knows what to make hands and fingers for disabled chil- tors are using The PROcedure Rehearsal do and when they’re going to do it … dren around the globe. Studio from 3D Systems to create cus- which reduces the potential of error and CBM , a nonprofit disability tomized models to help them simulate, improves the patient outcome.” and development organization, is working analyze and evaluate preoperative endo- At the Kobe University Graduate with the University of Toronto’s Critical vascular surgical treatment options for School of Medicine, Stratasys multi-ma- Making Lab to develop a low-cost pro- each patient. “We actually have patient- terial 3D printers are being used to aid cess for scanning, modeling, fabricating, specific information and navigate or do in medical training and surgical prepara- and assembling lower-leg prosthetics for a drive-through rehearsal doing a pro- tion. Instead of the traditional approach use in developing countries, says Mitchell SIMULATING SYSTEMS


[email protected] /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 17 Focus on the Medical Industry /// Prototype

University Baylor College of Dentistry is employing software to design facial prosthetics for patients suffering massive trauma. The team, using 3D Systems’ Medical Modeling software, among other technologies, was able to create a life-like facial prosthetic for a patient who was not a candidate for transplant surgery. Using CT scans taken prior and post trauma, they pinpointed anchor spots for a pros- thetic that was 3D printed and painted to approximate the patient’s pre-trauma face. It’s this intersection of 3D printing and other digital 3D technologies that is paving the way for these medical mira- cles. “This is the flexibility that designers, engineers and clinicians at the intersec- Thanks to 3D printing and specialized software, a collaborative team is tion of 3D printing have been looking designing a process to make affordable custom sockets for prosthetics for,” says Stratasys’ Radar. “The rapidly patients in developing countries. Image courtesy of CBM Canada. expanding universe of true engineering- grade materials and the enhanced func- Wilkie, director, International Programs including 3D printing, to facial recon- tionality of printers to make structural for CBM Canada. The process, to be struction and face transplants. Dr. Frank products is encouraging greater use and tested soon at the Comprehensive Reha- Rybicki, a radiologist and director of opening doors for greater creativity.” DE bilitation Services for Uganda (CoRSU) Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s Ap- hospital, pairs a MakerBot Z18 3D printer, plied Imaging Science Lab, has a study Beth Stackpole is a contributing editor to scanning technology, and specialized soft- underway exploring the use of CT and DE. You can reach her at [email protected]. ware to allow practitioners in develop- 3D printing technology to recreate life- ing countries to inexpensively create the size models of patient skulls to assist in custom socket that is the critical part of a face transplantation surgery. INFO «3D Systems: prosthetic in a matter of hours. While this team is exploring the mer- Brigham and Women’s Hospital: Still in the infancy stage is the work its of the technology for surgical prepara- « being done to apply 3D technologies, tion, a team of researchers at Texas A&M «CBM Canada: Bioprinting is the New Frontier «E-NABLE: LayerWise: he next big opportunity for 3D printing is leveraging the technology to « create living human tissue and organs. Called bioprinting, the technolo- «Materialise: T gy is still in the early research phase but Organovo began offering print- «Medical Modeling: ed liver tissue to pharmaceutical laboratories for toxicity testing last year. It also announced a partnership with the Yale School of Medicine’s Department «Organovo: of Surgery and the Yale School of Engineering and Applied Science to develop Rita Leibinger Medical: ways to print transplantable tissue, made from a patient’s own cells, that « could keep failing organs functioning longer while awaiting a transplant. Ibrahim Ozbolat, assistant professor of Mechanical and Industrial «Simbionix: Engineering at the University of Iowa’s College of Engineering, has research «SmarTech Medical Publishing: underway to bioprint pancreatic tissue for use in both drug testing and poten- tial transplantation. «Stratasys: For the short-term, bioprinting’s greatest impact will be for drug testing, Texas A&M: according to Scott Dunham, senior analyst at SmarTech Markets Publishing. « “The biggest potential revolutionary area balanced with realism is using bio- «Vidar Systems Corp.: printing processes to test drugs easier and more quickly rather than tissue For more information on this topic, engineering,” he says. visit

18 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Design /// Focus on the Medical Industry Designing Space-Age Diagnostic Devices Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE teams are creating medical devices inspired by “Star Trek” technology. BY MICHAEL BELFIORE

mergency room visits in the are on E the rise — up 34% be- tween 1995 and 2010, according to the Centers for Disease Con- trol and Prevention — even as the number of emergency rooms de- crease (down 11% over the same period). It all adds up to over- crowded ERs and lower-quality care for patients as they wait lon- ger to see a doctor and get tests that may or may not be needed. Against this backdrop, the $10 million Qualcomm Tr i - corder XPRIZE seeks to foster the development of devices that Final Frontier Medical Devices. Image courtesy of XPRIZE Foundation would put the power to diagnose medical conditions into the hands of consumers, giving tional “elective” conditions. They will also have to mea- them more flexibility and faster access to the information sure and autonomously evaluate five vital signs, including needed to stay healthy. heart and respiration rate and temperature. The goal of the contest is a demonstration of not only what is going to be practical in the future, but also what Neatness Counts can be learned “so that we refine these tools and pro- Along with accuracy, developing a user-friendly experi- cesses so that it’s scalable,” says Qualcomm Tricorder ence is vital to winning the prize. In fact, evaluations of XPRIZE Senior Director Grant Campany. The XPRIZE accuracy and usability will be equally weighted by judges Foundation wants to jumpstart the development of a in determining the winners — 45% of the overall consid- new class of products that give ordinary people unprec- eration for each factor. The remaining 10% considered edented control over their healthcare. for determining awards will be given to the teams’ expla- Inspired by the 23rd century tricorder of the “Star nations of how they intend to develop their entries into Trek” universe, the prize offers $7 million, $2 million viable products. and $1 million to first-, second- and third-place teams, In August 2014, a team of 22 independent judges respectively. Winning teams will each have to create an helped pare down around 40 teams that had registered easy-to-use system that weighs under five lbs. and can to compete to 10 finalists based on extensive documenta- accurately diagnose a set of 13 core conditions (including tion outlining their approaches. Now it’s up to those 10 an absence of conditions), along with three of 10 addi- teams, which hail from across North America and Eu- /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 19 Focus on the Medical Industry /// Design

rope, as well from and Taiwan, to produce working prototypes — at least 30 per team — for evaluation by patients who have the conditions to be diagnosed. The prototypes are due in the XPRIZE offices this month. Researchers at UC San Diego’s Clinical and Transla- tional Research Institute (CTRI) will oversee the testing that will take place at CTRI as well as in the patients’ homes over a six-month period from June until Decem- ber. Winners will be announced in Los Angeles in Janu- ary 2016 — the 50th anniversary year of the “Star Trek” TV series debut. The DNA Medical Institute (DMI) is working on technology that can diagnose a patient via blood “He’s not dead, Jim.” sample in an all-in-one unit. The competition looks almost tailor-made for team Image courtesy of team DMI. DNA Medicine Institute (DMI). DMI is headed by Eu- gene Chan, who also serves as CEO of the Cambridge, MA-based startup. Chan’s experience as a working phy- sician inspired him to found DMI with the goal of de- veloping user-friendly medical devices. “The ability to be able to get diagnostic information as fast as possible started with seeing patients in the middle of the night,” says Chan. In the absence of good, fast information, he says, “bad things happened.” Instead of having to rely on an outside lab that may not be open at a critical time, Chan longed for a device that could do the work of the lab, but would fit in his pocket. NASA became DMI’s first client as it pursued its own quest to develop medical technologies for long- duration space missions. DMI’s approach to winning the prize hinges on blood Final Frontier Medical Devices is headed by Basil analysis. After pricking themselves with a lancet, a pa- Harris, an emergency room physician who uses tient can squeeze a drop of blood into a small receptacle, his real-life knowledge to create algorithms and which then gets loaded into a portable diagnostic device, capabilities for the team’s device. dubbed the rHEALTH X1. There, the blood mixes with Image courtesy of Russell Karten, MD. microscopic test strips and other reagents. Illuminated with laser light, the reagents reflect the light differently depending on what’s in the blood. An app running on a tablet docked with the machine runs an analysis and displays the results. Chan says his team’s small size is an asset. “Small is absolutely better,” he says. “Right now, we’ve got 20 people working on this.” That size, says Chan, fosters highly efficient communication. The team designs its prototype in Dassault Systèmes’ SolidWorks and cre- ates them with a 3D Systems V-Flash 3D printer. For designing printed circuit boards (PCBs), the team uses .

The Final Frontier of Medicine Not every team has the backing of an established com- Team Aezon is made up of students and faculty from pany. Basil Harris, a working emergency room physi- Johns Hopkins University. cian, heads team Final Frontier. For Final Frontier, the Image courtesy of Will Kirk. competition is a family affair. Harris’ brother, George,

20 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Design /// Focus on the Medical Industry serves as lead programmer; their sister, Julia, works with ners. For designing its devices, the team uses SolidWorks friend Phil Charron on user experience design; while and 3D prints prototypes on a MakerBot Replicator and electrical engineer and physician brother Gus does sig- a Stratasys Dimension BST 1200es. The team designs nal processing for the project using MathWorks’ MAT- PCBs in Novarm DipTrace. LAB software. Ed Hepler designs the custom-made Rypinsk says the key to the success of team Aezon lies integrated circuits for the Bluetooth-enabled devices in the group’s organization. Specialized teams within the that comprise their entry. He designs the circuits using larger group each work on a specific disease or piece of the open-source TinyCAD software package. George’s the software and hardware puzzle — the smartphone app daughter, Amanda, does graphic design for the team, and at the heart of the system, the wearable vital signs moni- Andy Singer manages their finances. The team designs toring device, or the lab box that processes biosamples. the devices themselves in the BlenderCAD open-source Rypinski’s biggest takeaway: “Don’t be afraid to reach design package and creates prototypes using MakerBot out for help if you have a great idea. You have nothing to Replicator 3D printers. lose by reaching out and pitching your project and trying For Basil Harris, the challenge posed by the competi- to move it forward.” tion comes down to synthesizing his knowledge of emer- The range of approaches taken to win the Qualcomm gency medicine, creating the right algorithms to codify Tricorder XPRIZE point to a major benefit of incentive it, and then spitting it back out in response to input from prizes for solving technical challenges: they call forth a patient. As far as he’s concerned, data-collection de- a diversity of ideas that would be difficult to bring to- vices like heart monitors are secondary in importance gether by any other means. That’s a boon to the XPRIZE to the algorithms. “They’re actually good in a number Foundation, as well as, the foundation hopes, to future of categories,” he says of the algorithms, which run on consumers. “Everything that we do is geared toward not an iPad app. “They’re not perfect across the board. But only solving problems but building markets,” says Cam- that’s even without taking the objective data.” pany. Even the seven finalists who don’t win cash prizes In other words, the artificial intelligence being devel- should benefit. “You get an independent, objective evalu- oped by team Final Frontier can diagnose some condi- ation of your platform relative to others,” he says. And tions on its own simply by asking the right questions. that feedback could enable teams that don’t win the prize The team has been able to fine-tune the system by con- competition to win in the marketplace. DE ducting trials in the best possible environment — the ER itself. With the team (including a handful of other special- Michael Belfiore’s book The Department of Mad Sci- ists) spread out from Boston to Tennessee, the group entists is the first to go behind the scenes at DARPA, the places a premium on online collaboration. They also government agency that gave us the Internet. He writes strive to make the best use of the face-to-face time they about disruptive innovation for a variety of publications. do have — typically in Basil’s house in Pennsylvania, Reach him via where MakerBot 3D printers churn out prototypes. Team Final Frontier’s design includes two electron- ics-laden patches to be placed on the patient’s chest for INFO ➜ 3D Systems: heart readings, a thermometer, a spirometer for mea- suring respiratory flow, and a self-contained disposable ➜ Altium: urine tester, which is to be dunked in a sample provided ➜ Basil Leaf Technologies: by the patient. ➜ Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp.: Basil says he’s amazed at what can be accomplished ➜ DNA Medicine Institute: by a self-funded team of amateurs working part time. “I would encourage anybody to try to make stuff,” he says. ➜ Johns Hopkins University: “It’s the golden age of creation.” ➜ MakerBot: ➜ MathWorks: Nice Work if You Can Get It The competition has also captured the interest of stu- ➜ Novarm Ltd.: dents and academic professionals. Biomedical engineer- ➜ Qualcomm: ing student Tatiana Rypinski heads a team of fellow un- ➜ Stratasys: dergraduates at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore XPRIZE Foundation: called Aezon. In addition to students, Rypinski has re- ➜ cruited faculty mentors as well as outside corporate part- For more information on this topic, visit /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 21 Focus on the Medical Industry /// Simulation Diversity in Medical Simulation Applications Computer analysis of man and machines is changing how we offer health care. BY PAMELA J. WATERMAN

id you brush your teeth this machined titanium pin that goes morning? Watch a sunset last into the jaw bone, a titanium or zir- D night? Get a blood test a few conium abutment that screws into weeks ago? Your ability to perform the implant, and a custom porce- these everyday activities just may re- lain-covered “tooth” (a coping and flect the increasing ability of engi- pin assembly that is screwed or ce- neers to analyze the medical world, mented into the abutment). Biotec whether oriented toward human or btk’s move to Siemens mechanical systems. Good dental 3D design software allowed them to health, the best possible vision, ac- readily identify matching and inter- curate laboratory tests and more owe ference issues when sizing the small much to products developed through components (implants are generally simulation software. 8mm to 18mm long). Both mechanical finite element Tapping additional benefits of (FE) and computational fluid dynam- digital design, Biotec btk started ics (CFD) analysis packages offer a using Siemen’s FEA software digital grasp of complex medically to analyze stress and load distribu- oriented systems, supporting ever tions on the mechanical implant sec- more accurate functional analyses. tions as well as on the jawbone. Stress occurs both when the abutment is Implant Hardware: Refined screwed inside the implant, and dur- If your teeth brushing isn’t quite up ing the chewing process. “Perform- to par, you may find yourself exceed- ing an analysis is mandatory, unless ingly grateful that companies such as you are willing to spend a long time Biotec btk apply mechanical simula- on mechanical tests, which would be A vertical-cut view through the tion software to their design work- difficult due to the tiny dimensions simulated working heart computer flow. In 2010, the company, based in of our products,” says Marco Zotto, model developed by the Living , started using Siemens Research and Development manager Heart Project research initiative. The PLM Software products to move at Biotec btk. multiphysics simulation, launched from 2D into 3D CAD and incor- Now, being able to simulate many by Dassault Systèmes, uses porate FEA in its design of dental possible design variations also lets analysis software to account for implants. Now they can’t imagine Biotec btk engineers address design mechanical, fluid, thermal and working without it. projects they might otherwise have electrical interactions over time. A complete dental implant in- dismissed as impossible. “Recently, we Image courtesy of SIMULIA. cludes three sections: a threaded, faced the challenge of having to make

22 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// an ultra-short implant. Femap played Investment casting such units re- the high temperature properties an essential role as short implants don’t quires setting the optimum tempera- of the Ti6Al4V alloy, then worked seem to offer adequate load distribu- ture for both the molten metal and with the software to examine differ- tion at first sight,” says Andrea Peloso, the pre-heated casting form, along ent approaches to the gating (filling) managing director at Biotec btk. Simu- with determining the best four-part geometry and flow sequence. The lation of a new design predicted accept- filling geometry and sequence. Oth- results gave the group insight into able load distribution even on a 5mm erwise, uneven shrinkage during the temperature gradients in various part with few outer threads. Physical cooling can cause unacceptable voids sections of the mold and the fill, and testing confirmed the predicted be- and surface finish in the end product. predicted the best combination to havior, and the implant is now sold as The classic approach to identifying minimize shrinkage porosity. their Nano model; the short height can these parameters has been by trial- Based on this information, the eliminate the need for bone grafts in and-error via building numerous wax group designed a different gating patients with eroded jaw structures. patterns and molds; the new way is system and a new external heater As the population ages, another through simulation. that wraps in a spiral around the increasingly common implant proce- Inegi, the R&D engineering outside of each femoral-insert mold, dure is a hip replacement. The patient and technology transfer group at evenly distributing heat as the cast- receives a combination of femoral the University of Porto, Portugal, ing solidifies. X-rays of the finished stem, femoral head, plastic liner and has elected to use FE-based Pro- product validated the porosity-free hip-socket insert (acetabular cup). CAST software from ESI Group prostheses achieved through the im- The femoral stem, typically cast in for its analysis work in this area. proved manufacturing design. titanium four at a time, must with- With the assistance of the Análisis stand the equivalent of more than 1 y Simulación consulting company Diagnostic Devices: Improved million cyclic loads per year of use, so in , Inegi first used ProCast’s Of the millions of blood tests per- its structural integrity is critical. thermodynamic database to gather formed daily, in both commercial /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 23 Focus on the Medical Industry /// Simulation

to develop a better understanding of how these physics interact. The simulation software automatically creates the fluid domain directly from the CAD model,” says Damien Isèbe, scientific computing engineer at HORIBA Medical. One of the factors he investigated is the path taken by a cell as each traverses the tiny gap (micro-aperture) exposed to the electromagnetic field. If the cell’s trajectory takes it near the gap’s edges, instead of through the center, edge effects distort the field and re- sult in overestimations. Isèbe used COMSOL Multiphys- ics simulation techniques to account for varying particle trajectories and orientations. He also developed nu- merical models to prove that hydro- dynamic focusing, which uses sheath flow to control and direct the sample as it passes through the micro-aper- ture, could be used to reduce analy- sis error. “Using these models,” he says, “we can precisely compute the velocity field within the device and analyze the acceleration phase to de- termine which designs produce the A micro-aperture section of a hematology analyzer from HORIBA Medical, most accurate results.” showing individual blood cells (particles) streaming between sensing electrodes and the correspondence between particle size and voltage pulse Human Systems: Understood GHWHUPLQHGE\WKHFKDQJLQJLPSHGDQFHRIWKHHOHFWULFÀHOG From the human body point of view, Image courtesy of COMSOL it’s a great time to be involved in simulation. The level of detail and accuracy now possible for evaluating and research laboratories, one of the try instrumentation and is constantly not only idealized but individual pa- most common is a complete blood working to improve the capabilities tient systems is amazing. Three such count (CBC). Automated hematol- of its products. The CBC task gen- models are making headway for the ogy equipment uses various techni- erally relies on a process where the eye, heart and skin. cal approaches to analyze red cells, blood sample is mixed with an elec- If you ever took a course in anat- white cells and platelets, often pro- trically conductive reagent, pumped omy, you were probably surprised cessing more than 60 patient samples through a narrow channel and passed by the complexity of the human eye. per hour. While laser-based optics through a gap between opposing This highly specialized organ con- perform cell sub-type identification, electrodes. Changing impedance tains various types of tissue, pressur- electrical impedance data is used properties of particles in the flow in- ized fluid-filled compartments and to provide information about cell duce voltage changes proportional to an intricate neurovascular system. counts and individual sizes, the lat- the size and number of particles. Physicians would like to better un- ter being on the order of 10 microns The instrument’s complex physics derstand the effects of intraocular across or smaller. interactions involve high fluid veloc- (IOP) and intracranial (ICP) pres- HORIBA Medical, a division of ity, heat transfer, electric fields and sures on the retina, optic nerve and HORIBA Ltd., Japan, markets a line pressure drop through the several- ocular globe, with their correspond- of hematology and clinical chemis- microns size gap. “We use COMSOL ing impact on vision (e.g., glaucoma).

24 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// detailed functioning heart. Using multiple elements of Das- sault Systèmes’ 3DExperience plat- form, including SIMULIA’s multiphysics simulation technology, SolidWorks CAD and 3DExcite re- alistic rendering, developers of the complete simulation started with scanned geometry data from an ac- tual heart. They incorporated mate- rial property and fiber-orientation information on tissue, muscles and heart valves to develop a simulation that includes coupled fluid, mechani- cal and electrical effects as the heart 7KLVÀQLWHHOHPHQWPRGHOVKRZVVWUHVVGLVWULEXWLRQRQWKHLQWHUQDOO\WKUHDGHG contracts and pumps blood. KDOIVHFWLRQRIDGHQWDOLPSODQWGXHWRPDWLQJZLWKDQDEXWPHQWLQVHUW By making the Living Heart Proj- $QDO\VLVSHUIRUPHGZLWK6LHPHQV)HPDSDQG1;1DVWUDQVRIWZDUH. ect open for collaboration, the plan is Image courtesy of Siemens PLM Software. to eventually produce patient-specific models that will help with designing Researchers have developed vari- the tissue depending on the area and validating a wide range of medi- ous mathematical models to identify being analyzed. For example, Young’s cal products and procedures. The and evaluate working parameters, modulus varies over several orders project is entering its second year, but tend to view just mechanical de- of magnitude where the optic nerve with the first commercial heart model formations, and only on portions of connects to the ocular globe. Pre- in the beta stage. More than 45 mem- the eye. Adding CFD as well as fluid- liminary results of stress and strain ber organizations are participating in structure interactions (FSI) analyses have recently been reviewed in more the project, each working to improve to these investigations is improving detail with the use of FlowSight, the a different aspect of the heart simu- optical biomechanics understanding. new Flow Science post-processing lation. Current applications include A few years ago, several scientists package based on EnSight from CEI. adding heart disease effects, validat- across the United States tackled this Continuing to make news is the ing a heart valve assist device and problem together using FLOW-3D Living Heart Project, begun in 2014 virtually testing insertion, placement fluid analysis software from Flow by Dassault Systèmes as a first step and performance of pacemaker leads. Science. The three — Edward Fur- in offering software-based models (For the current project status, see lani (University at Buffalo), Anthony to assist the medical device indus- Nunez (Washington University in try. The goal is to produce design- A third bioengineering research St. Louis), and Gianmarco Vizzeri validation tools for the entire human field where simulation is making a (The University of Texas Medical body and a wide variety of issues, difference involves killing cancer Branch) — analyzed a 3D CAD eye comparable to the use of simulation cells. In a treatment called photody- model using FLOW-3D’s TruVOF software for automotive product de- namic therapy, photosensitive drugs (volume-of-fluid method) and in- sign. The initial focus is cardiovas- applied directly to the area of cancer tegrated FSI (FE-method based) to cular disease; tackling this worldwide react to irradiation of a very narrow simultaneously model tissue defor- problem could be greatly assisted frequency visual-spectrum band- mation. This combined approach with better models of the heart. width. The light source, which might showed how an increase in pressure The company’s SIMULIA divi- shine either directly onto skin or, via of an incompressible fluid in the sion began with a simplistic, proof- some type of endoscope, onto an in- eye’s interior deforms the surround- of-concept model of a four-chamber ternal organ, has to supply uniform ing layers of tissue. heart, combining tissue-modeling irradiance at an acceptable efficiency. This simulation is particularly techniques with thermal expansion Designing such a source requires challenging not only due to the models. Encouraged by the results, understanding both the scattering range in size of the eye’s structures, SIMULIA invited engineers, scien- properties within the applicator de- measured in microns to millimeters, tists and biomedical experts to help vice itself as well as within the tissue but also the range of properties of create a virtual 3D replica of a fully (which can also absorb radiation). /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 25 Focus on the Medical Industry /// Simulation

ASAP (advanced systems analysis design. Different forms of interopera- in computational analysis and su- program) non-sequential ray-tracing bility are available with standard CAD percomputing capabilities, numeri- software from Breault Research Or- packages such as SolidWorks, CATIA cal simulation has become the third ganization is well suited to this task. V5 and Rhinoceros, among others. pillar of science, next to theory and Continually improved for more than HORIBA’S Isèbe applauds the in- experimentation,” he says. 20 years, the ASAP optical imaging creasing use of multiphysics-based If these results and possibilities package can handle both biological engineering software in the medi- take your breath away, fear not — media and opto-mechanical system cal world. “Due to advancements pulmonary system simulation is an- other hot topic. DE

Contributing Editor Pamela Water- man, DE’s simulation expert, is an electrical engineer and freelance technical writer based in Arizona. You can send her e-mail to [email protected].

Resources for the Medical Simulation Field • Medical Device Innovation Consortium: • CD-adapco – CFD Methods in the Biomedical Device and Diagnostics Industry webinar: • Granta Medical Materials Selection: An eye anatomy showing 3D fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is pictured. The simulation is done with FLOW-3D analysis and Flow Sight visualization medical/index.htm software from Flow Science. Von Mises stress shows maximum values at and around the eye lens. Images courtesy of Flow Science. INFO ➜ Análisis y Simulación: ➜ Biotec btk: ➜ Breault Research: ➜ CD-adapco: ➜ CEI: ➜ COMSOL: ➜ Dassault Systèmes: ➜ ESI Group: ➜ Flow Science: ➜ Granta Design: ➜ HORIBA Medical: ➜ Inegi: ➜ Siemens PLM Software: Body-fitted conformal mesh in FLOW-3D software from Flow Science is used ➜ SIMULIA: to resolve the intricacies of eye geometry during fluid-structure interaction For more information on this topic, (FSI) analysis. visit

26 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Prototyping & Custom Parts Sponsored Report /// Proto Labs Building Bright Ideas Proto Labs accelerates innovation by turning brilliant concepts into real parts in days.

roto Labs uses proprietary computing technologies and automated manufacturing systems to produce P custom prototypes and low-volume production parts in as fast as one day. We offer plastic, metal and liquid silicone rubber (LSR) parts through three distinct services: injection molding, CNC machining and additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing We blend automated design analysis on interactive quotes Our additive manufacturing service offers three rapid pro- with accessible, live customer service engineers to help prod- totyping processes: stereolithography (SL), selective laser uct designers and engineers arrive at the best possible 3D sintering (SLS) and direct metal laser sintering (DMLS). CAD model before any actual production begins. When a Whether small parts with precise geometries or large, highly part is ready, digital instructions are sent to one of hundreds detailed patterns are needed, Proto Labs provides another of in-house presses, mills, lathes and printers where we have option during early prototyping. Get low quantities of SL, the capacity to manufacture one design, or multiple designs SLS and DMLS prototypes built in as fast as one day. simultaneously, without delays. Proto Labs is a tech-driven, global manufacturer with Interactive Quoting production facilities in the United States, Europe and Japan. The root of Proto Labs’ process automation lies within our in- Customers from around the world can upload 3D CAD teractive quoting. Our automated system accepts customers’ 3D models, day or night, online at for a quote CAD models and returns a detailed interactive quote within within hours. Our website is filled with additional resources hours that contains free manufacturability analysis on parts as like design guidelines and tips, material selection, compre- well as real-time pricing information that adjusts to quantity, hensive white papers and other helpful content. material and turnaround time modifications. The design analysis addresses any potential molding and machining issues upfront, Injection Molding before production begins, allowing for quick iterations that save For customers who need low-volume production or bridge time and money. Once a design is ready and a customer submits tooling, we can injection mold 25 to 10,000+ parts from an order, parts can be completed and shipped in one to 15 days. hundreds of thermoplastic, liquid silicone rubber and stain- less steel materials, in three weeks or less. That’s a fraction Markets of the time and cost of traditional mold manufacturers to Proto Labs is focused on providing product designers and en- produce custom parts across all industries. gineers with fast, reliable and inexpensive ways to obtain low volumes of parts based on their 3D CAD design. We have CNC Machining a variety of processes that are used by those developing and CNC machining can manufacture parts in as fast as the producing parts for many industries, particularly automotive, day they were ordered with engineering-grade plastic medical, lighting, consumer product and aerospace segments. and metal materials for improved selection, part func- tionality and cosmetic appearance. We employ both Corporate History three-axis milling and turning. Our three-axis milling Proto Labs began in 1999 as The ProtoMold Company, which process allows for milling from up to six orthogonal sides specialized in the quick-turn manufacturing of custom plastic of the part to machine as many features as possible. Our injection-molded parts. In 2007, the company introduced its turning process includes live tooling to create off-axis CNC machining service, and soon after changed the corpo- holes, flats, slots and grooves. Final milled and turned rate name to Proto Labs, Inc. Since that time, Proto Labs has parts are used as high-quality prototypes, jigs, fixtures, opened facilities in Japan (2009) and Europe (2011), gone pub- one-offs and in end-use applications. lic on the New York Stock Exchange (2012) and added rapid additive manufacturing as a third flagship service. /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 27 Prototype /// Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing Hybrid 3D Printing: What You Need to Know Now Long-time technology rivals subtractive and additive manufacturing now partner to enable design engineers to break through traditional constraints. BY LAUREN GIBBONS PAUL

he concept of merging additive and subtractive tech- niques in one machine, a so-called hybrid 3D printer, T has been around since the 1990s. Slow commercializa- tion of the technology left hybrid 3D printers mostly off the radar of design engineers. That may be changing as vendors from small startups like FABtotum to large, industrial players including Matsuura, Mazak, and DMG Mori are beginning to announce hybrid 3D printers, though few are on the market just yet. Combin- ing the benefits of milling and 3D printing in one unit, these machines may break through barriers experienced by design engineers working in metals. “Combining [additive and subtractive technologies] on the same platform and having the same set-up operation — that is a breakthrough,” says Todd Grimm, principal at additive manufacturing consulting firm T. A. Grimm & Associates. Grimm cites Matsuura as the first hybrid 3D printer player, custom building a machine for a mold-making client near the end of the1990s. That process used powder-bed fu- sion as its additive technology. Since then, several other ven- dors including EOS and SLM Solutions have also employed powder-bed fusion for the additive piece with the addition of The system developed by Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies milling technology as the subtractive mechanism. is able to complete the pictured tasks with one machine.

Advantages of Hybrid 3D Printing Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies. Hybrid Manufactur- Additive manufacturing (AM) carries inherent limitations in ing sells a kit that enables a computer numerically controlled terms of surface finish, according to Grimm. The resulting (CNC) machine to be outfitted for AM. metal part usually has some texture to it. “It’s not as smooth as a “Design engineers need to know it is now possible to mix finely milled part,” he says. The addition of milling overcomes metals, which can reduce costs significantly,” says Jones. For the two chief drawbacks of AM. First, the final product is ready example, assume the end product was nickel-based alloys. to go right out of the machine — no need for a separate milling Normally, you would start by adding that material to Inconel. operation. And, the part has greater dimensional accuracy — al- But the cost of substrates is not insignificant. Jones discovered ways a weakness of AM alone. In-process inspection can assure he could just add Inconel onto a cheaper mild steel base. quality that is otherwise impractical or impossible to evaluate. “You can also use exotic materials much more easily — The use of additive and subtractive technologies was those sorts of things where you might just want a coating,” once an either-or consideration for design engineers. But says Jones. “You can use those exotic materials sparingly so their marriage holds promise for design engineers who work the technical benefits are not cancelled out by the increased in metals, according to Jason Jones, cofounder and CEO of manufacturing costs.”

28 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Hybrid 3D printing has other advantages, adds Steve Griffiths, manager of Software for Additive Manufactur- ing at Materialise, a 3D printer manufacturer. For instance, there are more options for surface-finish levels. Also “parts will have strength and heat-resistance characteristics close to Mazak’s INTEGREX i-400AM melts plastic injection parts,” he says. metal powder using fiber laser heat. Cladding heads Design engineers will be interested in the possibilities, (additive manufacturing nozzles) apply the molten says Grimm. With additive and subtractive working together, material layer by layer, each of which solidifies as the they will be able to design something like a metal orb with a desired shape grows. It also provides full 5-axis milling. hole on the top that you can peek into. “With AM I can make that, no problem, but I can’t get a smooth service inside the A new technology, called automated welding or directed orb. But if you can hand off some additive and some subtrac- energy deposition, does not have this issue. This technique, tive operations, you can make the inside surface smooth. used by DMG Mori and Hybrid Manufacturing Technolo- “It does open the door to more production applications,” gies, adapts welding processes to build parts. says Grimm. “That is driving interest.” “It’s a little like using a hot glue gun. You’re trying to shape parts based on the metal being extruded,” says Jones. Tradeoffs These operations are performed inside a CNC machine. The first hybrid 3D printing technology carries the poten- “We have patented heads that fit inside the tool changer. You tial trade-off of excessive tool swapping, cautions Grimm. have multiple different drill bits and tools that you will need. “Every time I’m doing additive [manufacturing] and I want Excess changeover time is not an issue.” to stop and do some milling work, I have to stop, put the Jones believes hybrid 3D printers will be used to make tool away and then start the process again. You could poten- prototypes to some degree. “It’s not necessarily the cheapest tially lose a lot of time there, so designers should be aware way to do it. Usually we would produce a plastic prototype of that,” he says. first and then we would move on to a metal prototype.”

your quote for your molds & parts Now Instant Mold Quotes ICOMolds® instant injection mold quoting system can get your parts from CAD to your hands so fast that you shouldn’t blink because you might miss it. Follow us on © Copyright 2015 ICOMold® /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 29 Prototype /// Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing

But the promise is clear: It overcomes the limitations of AM by producing a ready-to-use part that meets all speci- fications. The design considerations will become clearer as hybrid 3D printing takes hold. “You can’t ignore it. You can’t safely assume that the way you design things today will work on one of these machines in the future. You don’t want to be trying to come to grips with this at the 11th hour,” says Grimm. “Be aware and start to understand the possibilities.” DE

Lauren Gibbons Paul is a Boston-based freelance writer. Aimed at the Maker market, Boxzy combines a 3D printer, Contact her via [email protected]. CNC mill, and laser engraver, according to its Kickstarter fundraising page where it has surpassed its $50,000 fundraising goal by almost $1 million as of press time. INFO ➜ DMG Mori: ➜ EOS: But he is seeing metal prototypes increase. “Designers ➜ Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies: will use hybrid printers for prototypes,” says Griffiths. For now, most design engineers are in “wait-and-see” mode. ➜ Materialise: There aren’t many machines readily available yet, though ➜ Matsuura: blade repair is a hot area for early adopters, says Jones. ➜ Mazak Corp.: “Most design engineers should have this on their radar to start to understand this. They don’t have to rush out and do it because ➜ T.A. Grimm & Associates: there is not that much availability right now,” says Grimm. For more information on this topic, visit NWC15 A1-2 Page Advert_NAFEMS 09/04/2015 16:21 Page 1


30 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Special Sponsored Section Sponsored by FARO • Edge ScanArm HD /// Rapid Profile High-Definition Point Cloud Collection

What’s Cool The FARO Edge ScanArm HD delivers rapid point cloud collection with high-de nition scan data and precise accuracy — all in a compact, easy-to-use, and affordable system. The integrated system combines the trusted FaroArm for tactile probing with all of the advantages of a groundbreaking laser line Features and Benefits functionality which provides real-time scanner – creating the most versatile Rapid Scanning Speed scanning feedback. contact/non-contact 3D measure- • The extra wide scan stripe and fast • The small size and friendly user- ment system on the market. frame rate boosts productivity by interface result in a versatile and It is the ideal tool for rapid increasing coverage and reducing intuitive tool. prototyping as it enables the fast scanning time. Highly Accurate and Repeatable collection of highly accurate and High De nition Data • Reliable, repeatable and highly detailed 3D scan data that can be • Intricate components can be accurate measurement data is designed and modified to easily captured in ne detail as a result of delivered with con dence as a result produce a water tight, 3D printable the 2,000 actual points per scanline of superior optical performance. mesh or wrap. Additionally, from the new blue laser, featuring Specs the system is heavily utilized for noise reduction technology. • Accuracy: ±25μm (±.001in) many other product development, Scan Challenging Materials • Repeatability: 25μm, (.001in) inspection and quality control • Seamlessly scan across diverse surface • Stand-off: 115mm (4.5in) applications, and offers capabilities materials regardless of contrast, • Depth of Field: 115mm (4.5in) such as point-cloud comparison reectivity or part complexity without • Effective Scan width: Near Field with CAD, reverse engineering, and any special coatings as a result of the 80mm (3.1in), Far Field 150mm (5.9in) 3D modeling of free-form surfaces. improved HDR (High Dynamic • Points per line: 2,000 points/line Range) Mode and advanced software • Minimum Point Spacing: Who’s It For algorithms. 40μm (.0015in) Manufacturing and engineering Compact, Lightweight, and • Scan Rate: 280 frames/second, professionals interested in Simple to Use 280fps x 2,000 points/line = maximizing efficiencies in their • Dramatically reduce required training 560,000 points/sec production and quality assurance time with the new crosshair feature • Laser: Class 2M processes. and existing LED Range nder • Weight: 485g (1.1lb)

The FARO Edge ScanArm HD delivers “ high-definition data with superior speed and surface coverage at an affordable price, enabling our customers to reduce on-site measurement times, to scan very challenging materials, and to meaningfully improve their products and processes.

— Kathleen J. Hall, FARO ”Technologies Senior Vice President and Managing For more information visit: Director, Americas Visit FARO at RAPID 2015 in Booth #574 /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 31 Special Sponsored Section Rapid Profile /// SLM® 500HL • Sponsored by SLM Solutions Achieve Faster, Cost Efficient Builds for High Volume Metal Part Production What’s Cool cylinder is transported out of the The Selective Laser Melting® system and the cooling process takes System SLM®500HL’s large place inside the unpacking unit, so 500x280x320 mm build envelope that the next build process can begin and unique twin laser technology immediately. enhances additive manufacturing Achieve greater component quality production capabilities for complex and control your performance of each metal parts. With the option of high powder layer with the next generation performance quad lasers (4x 400W SLM 500HL. or 2x 400W and 1000W), the beam Specs profiles may be used independently Who’s It For? • Build Envelope Volume (x/y/z): or simultaneously parallel in the SLM Solutions focuses on the de- 500 x 280 x 320mm process to significantly increase velopment, assembly and sales of • Laser Power: 2x 400W; or optional 2x your build speed. machines and integrated system solu- 1000W or 4x 400W Yb-Fiber-Laser tions in the field of Selective Laser • Build Speed: 105 ccm/h Features & Benefits Melting®. These additive manufac- • Pract. Layer Thickness: 20 – 200 μm The SLM 500HL is built to opti- turing systems are used worldwide by • Min. Scale Line / Wall Thickness: mize metal part production, ensure customers in the aerospace, energy, 160 – 180 μm operator safety, and lower overall healthcare and automotive industries • Operational Beam Focus: operational costs. Likewise, the newly who benefit significantly from best- 80 – 120 / 700 μm integrated SLM Build Processor and in-class operator safety and greater • Scan Speed: 10 m/s open software architecture offers the recoating speed. • Inert Gas Consumption in Operation:

freedom of controlling system param- Ar/N2, 5.0 L/min eters to meet strict production needs. Materials • Inert Gas Consumption Venting:

Additionally, SLM’s patented The SLM 500HL covers a wide Ar/N2, 2500 L @ 100 L/min closed-loop transport of metal range of metals such as Stainless • Compressed Air Requirement: powder increases operator safety and Steels, Tool Steels, Cobalt Chrome, ISO 8573-1, 30 L/min @ 1.5 bar eliminates time consuming manual Inconel, Aluminum and Titanium. • Dimensions: (B x H x T) fills and powder handling. To further You may use metal materials from 4000 x 2200 (2500) x 1100mm reduce ancillary times, an automatic SLM Solutions or another material • Weight: approx. 2600 kg powder sieving procedure does not provider without any risk to the • E-Connection / Consumption: interfere with the parallel-running machine warranty. 400 Volt 3NPE, 64 A, build process. The finished build 50/60 Hz, 8 KW/h – 10 KW

From design and prototype to part production, “ our flagship SLM®500HL system provides companies the chance to optimize their production in a more efficient and independent way. Thanks to its multi-laser technology, this is the most productive laser melting system on the market – and clearly, the news is spreading.

— Dr. Markus Rechlin, ” For more information visit: CEO, SLM Solutions Group AG

32 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Special Sponsored Section Sponsored by Stratasys Direct Manufacturing • FDM Services /// Rapid Profile Stratasys Direct Manufacturing’s Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Services

What’s Cool 3D printing services. As a part of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) the Stratasys organization, is one of the only professional 3D Stratasys Direct Manufacturing printing technologies that uses has the widest variety of available production-grade thermoplastics. FDM services.

Who’s It For The following are the FDM FDM Xtra Large Definition 10 (XD10) • Design engineers service options offered by • Maximum build resolution: • Manufacturing engineers Stratasys Direct Manufacturing. Z = 0.010”, X/Y = 0.040” • Aerospace, automotive, medical Stratasys FDM printer options • Build size: 36”x24”x36” and energy companies differ. • Materials: ABS-M30, ABS-ESD7, ABSi, • Design and engineering services ABS-M30i, ASA,PC, PC-ISO, PC-ABS, • Packaging companies FDM High Definition 7 (HD7) ULTEM 9085, ULTEM 1010 • Maximum build resolution: FDM Xtra Large Definition (XD13) Compatible Materials Z = 0.007”, X/Y = 0.028” • Maximum build resolution: • ABS • FDM Nylon 12 • Build size: 16”x14”x16” Z = 0.013”, X/Y = 0.052” • ABSi • PC • Materials: ABS-M30, ABS-ESD7, • Build size: 36”x24”x36” • ABS-M30 • PC-ABS ABSi, ABS-M30i, ASA, PC, PC-ISO, • Materials: ABS-M30, ABSi, • ABS-M30i • PC-ISO PC-ABS ABS-M30i, ASA, PC, PC-ISO, • ABS-ESD7 • ULTEM 9085 FDM Standard Definition 10 (SD10) PC-ABS, ULTEM 9085, ULTEM 1010 • ASA • ULTEM 1010 • Maximum build resolution: FDM Prototype 7 (Proto7) Z = 0.010”, X/Y = 0.040” • Maximum build resolution: Recommended System • Build size: 16”x14”x16” Z = 0.007”, X/Y = 0.028” Requirements for Software • Materials: ABS-M30, ABS-ESD7, • Build size: 24”x20”x24” Stratasys Direct Manufacturing ABSi, ABS-M30i, ASA, PC, PC-ISO, • Materials: ABS requires an STL file for FDM PC-ABS, ULTEM 9085, ULTEM 1010 FDM Prototype 10 (Proto10) services. The most common CAD FDM Standard Definition 13 (SD13) • Maximum build resolution: software systems have functionality • Maximum build resolution: Z = 0.010”, X/Y = 0.040” to convert CAD files to STL. Z = 0.013”, X/Y = 0.052” • Build size: 24”x20”x24” • Build size: 16”x14”x16” • Materials: ABS Service Options • Materials: ABS-M30, ABSi, FDM Professional Finishing Services Stratasys Direct Manufacturing ABS-M30i, ASA, PC, PC-ISO, • Hand finish services does not sell machines, it sells PC-ABS • Surface treatments

With the broadest selection of engineering thermoplastic “ materials from ABS to ULTEM small, Stratasys Direct Manufacturing has helped customers apply the FDM process to a wide variety of product development and manufacturing needs.

— Chuck Alexander, Director of Product Management,” Stratasys Direct Manufacturing

Copyright ©2015 Stratasys Direct, Inc. All rights reserved. Stratasys Direct Manufacturing, Stratasys Direct Manufacturing logo, FDM, Fused Deposition Modeling, FDM Nylon12, ABS-M30, ABS-M30i, ABSi, ABS-ESD7 and PC-ISO are trademarks or registered For more information visit: trademarks of Stratasys, Inc. and/orStratasys Direct, Inc. and/or affiliates and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. ULTEM is a trademark of SABIC Innovative Plastics IP BV. Other trademarks are property of their respective owners. /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 33 Services /// Engineering Services Directory Find Engineering Services Fast

The Engineering Services Directory arranges a host of companies to assist with the design workflow. BY JESS LULKA

he Engineering Services Directory from Desktop Engi- neering is a source of outside expertise from design to T production. It covers areas such as conceptual design, analysis and simulation, industrial design, IT, product testing, rapid prototyping and educational services.

It’s All About the Benefits Engineering service companies can add value to a firm’s ex- THE DIRECTORY includes more than 100 engineering isting capabilities, or even introduce new ones into the work- service providers, arranged by category. flow. So what are some of the perks of collaboration? “One [benefit is] the availability of resources at any time,” Picking and Choosing says Akbar Farahani, vice president of Global Engineering When deciding on what service bureau to work with, it’s im- at Engineering Technology Associates. “Outsourcing to a portant to consider several factors: company history, knowl- company like [ETA] gives you the ability of working with edge of customer applications and capabilities. flexible costs instead of working with fixed costs in planning “There’s a number of things you want to think about,” says and budgeting.” Bodor. “One is what’s it like to interact with them — from For manufacturing, equipment and materials is “where a quoting to customer service.” He also says firms should evalu- service bureau can bring a lot of value, because as an engi- ate whether a service provider has the breadth of capabilities to neering firm … it’s hard to basically have every type of pro- support what is required, and how well they can scale if needed. cess in-house. Particularly some of these processes like SL Farahani notes that firms should look into experience (stereolithography), SLS (selective laser sintering) or DMLS when selecting an organization to work with. Researching (direct metal laser sintering),” says Robert Bodor, vice presi- how long the company has been in its field, if the project dent and general manager, Americas at Proto Labs. “As a ser- team has worked together before and their knowledge of re- vice bureau, we’re able to offer [clients] a breadth of different quired materials are all items to know, he says. technologies to serve whatever their needs are.” How can engineers get the most out of working with a ser- Efficiency is another benefit to collaborating with a service vices company? “Good preparation for outsourcing,” says Fara- provider. For example, Proto Labs helps automate the quoting hani. “It could be CAD data, finite element models or a BOM and design process. With its software, the company can respond (bill of materials). All that needs to be prepared well, because to clients faster and help them bring their products to market. as soon as you outsource, that’s the first thing that is required.” When it comes to working with an engineering service com- Outside Thinking pany, the possibilities can be endless. But finding the right In addition to expanded resources, companies can also bring organization doesn’t have to be difficult with DE’s Engineer- added expertise to the engineering workflow. TotalCAE, a high- ing Services Directory. Start looking today. DE performance computing service bureau, offers a range of con- sulting, management and implementation services. Jess Lulka is associate editor of Desktop Engineering. Send “The main difference between us and the other technical e-mail about this article to [email protected]. providers is that we are a full-service provider that manages the complete engineering environment,” says Rod Mach, principal at TotalCAE. “So we’re not trying to sell a cus- INFO «Engineering Services Directory: tomer something and leave it there, we actually end up man- «Engineering Technology Associates: aging that for them.” TotalCAE is versed in practices that Protot Labs: other IT departments might not be familiar with or are just « starting to learn, Mach says. «TotalCAE:

34 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Engineering Democratization Sponsored Report /// Front End Analytics Engineering for Everyone Intelligent web-enabled applications (Smart Apps) allow everyone in your organization to safely create product designs.

hat would it mean to a manufacturer, if anyone who wanted to create a product design could do it per W company standards, within minutes and with reduced reliance upon the company’s experts? What if the product design and simulation knowledge of the engineering experts in your organization could be tapped on-demand through the use of EXPERT intelligent web-enabled “virtual expert” applications? NON-EXPERT Imagine how your company’s product development processes and go-to-market strategy would change. Design- parametric CAD and FEA/CFD analysis in detailed design). ers could configure products with the assurance that their To create these Smart Apps, Front End Analytics leverages designs would be engineering validated. Sales reps could the company’s existing IP and tool set (Excel spreadsheets, engineer products, on the fly, and in front of customers based MATLAB scripts, in-house codes, CAD/CAE tools, databases, on their requirements. Junior engineers would be able to gen- enterprise systems, etc.) and intelligently links them in an erate product designs and perform analyses without bogging automation platform. A platform that Front End Analytics down your company experts. often uses is called EASA, a cloud-computing platform for rapid application development, process automation and enterprise- Intelligent Automation wide software accessibility. Juan Betts, Managing Director of Front End Analytics says, “Back These Smart Apps can be safely tucked away behind a in the early 1900s, during the infancy of the automotive industry, company’s firewall or accessible through the web. Different one needed to have deep knowledge of how a car worked in order Apps or functionalities within Apps can be made available to drive a car. Today the automotive industry is a $1.5 trillion via user permissions following each company’s IT policies. industry because, through intelligent automation and controls, someone who has no clue how a car works can drive a car. The The Process engineering design and simulation industry is still in the 1900s Front End Analytics works closely with companies to assess requiring the developers of engineering models to be the same their workflows, engineering challenges, design practices, persons as the users of these models. In the same way you don’t expert knowhow, etc. to diagnose the best course of action need to be a mechanic to drive a car nowadays, our Smart Apps that would lead to desired outcomes. “We always diagnose enable folks who are not experts to use engineering expertise to before we prescribe,” says Betts. create a product design through intelligent automation methods.” “We meet with companies as a neutral third party, staying Front End Analytics helps companies transform how they focused on the facts as part of our education. Extracting the create, sell and service product via the use of intelligent web- deterministic rule sets needed for the automation leads to their enabled Smart Apps. These applications imbed design rules, own discoveries about what they did and did not know,” says engineering practices and experts’ knowhow, thereby allow- Mark Walker from Front End Analytics. “In the end, it’s their ing anyone enterprise-wide to safely create a product design. consensus that makes the solution successful.” Smart Apps have five major characteristics. They: Once a company’s core design process and engineering rules Leverage the company’s existing intellectual property are codified, various applications can be created to help stream- 1 (rules, knowhow, previous designs, etc.) line product development. “We make the application speak the Work across a wide range of design changes and product language of the intended users across the enterprise and add 2 families intelligent controls to prevent non-expert users from creating Speak the language of the intended user and prevent an invalid product design,” Walker says. 3 non-expert users from creating invalid designs Many companies begin with a small pilot and then scale up. Automate an entire workflow (i.e. should work for both For more info on how Front End Analytics can help auto- 4 CAD creation as well as analysis automation) mate your engineering workflow, visit Can be employed for different levels of model abstraction 5 (i.e. from 1D functional-centric conceptual design to 3D /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 35 Engineering Computing /// Workstations

Prices for HP’s Z230 entry-level workstation, shown here in tower format, begin at $799.

Professional Machines at Consumer Pricing? Entry-level workstations are challenging the notion of unaffordable professional hardware. BY KENNETH WONG

orkstations are more expensive it and software vendors don’t sanction it, online). The ideal professional hard- than consumer PCs — that’s the truth is, you can do it. ware has become as affordable as the W the general assumption among You can, but you don’t have to. Five compromise. Therefore, the previous hardware buyers. The former is specifi- or six years ago, the price gap between cost-benefit equation should be, at the cally designed for professionals, running a workstation and a consumer PC was very least, revisited. 3D applications used in automotive man- significant, so the approach was un- ufacturing, aeronautic engineering and derstandable. But today, with the avail- High-end PC vs. commercial building projects. The latter ability of sub-$1,000 workstations, the Entry-level Workstation is for balancing checkbooks in Excel, edit- practice no longer makes economic If there’s no difference in price, what ing family photos and typing up résumés. sense. Lenovo’s ThinkStation P series are the differences between entry-level The price difference reflects the disparity entry-level workstations begin at $656. workstations and consumer PCs? Plenty, in performance between the two classes of Dell’s entry-level workstation, the Dell according to computer and engineering machines. So some budget-conscious buy- Precision T1700, begins at $679. HP’s software vendors. ers come up with what seems like an in- Z230, starts at $799. These prices are “A surgeon doesn’t wake up in the genious strategy: Buy a decent consumer well within the range of consumers who morning and pick up a kitchen knife and PC, spend some extra on CPU, GPU might consider the Lenovo IdeaCenter go to work to perform brain surgery. (graphics processing unit) or RAM up- K450 performance desktop ($679 at They use a scalpel. The two things are grades and use it to run CAD applications. Best Buy online) or the HP ENVY 700 both knives, but one is a professional Even though hardware makers discourage desktops (beginning from $749 at HP tool for a professional job,” says Andy

36 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Rhodes, executive director of Dell Preci- ware tool installed on all Dell Precision figurations, Autodesk will try its best to sion workstations. (For more on this, read workstations that fine-tunes your system provide support for that issue. Diagnosis the white paper titled “Making the Case beyond standard factory settings, pro- and solutions are frequently dependent for Professional Engineering Worksta- fessional engineers can achieve the best on us having the configuration available tions” at possible application performance while as well as a vendor’s willingness to sup- professional-engineering-workstations.) running software from leading vendors port a potential problem within their Even high-end consumer systems like Autodesk, Dassault Systèmes, PTC driver/hardware,” says Tom Rang, senior are not ideal for professional engineer- and Siemens,” says Rhodes. quality assurance manager at Autodesk. ing work, according to Richard Runnells, “We certify workstation-class graph- director of Marketing for Solid Edge at ics cards as part of our hardware certi- Processor and Graphics Siemens PLM Software. fication program,” says Justin Kidder, Geometry editing, the core function of “While in some instances using a director of SolidWorks Graphics and CAD, is primarily CPU-driven. Most high-end consumer PC or even a gam- Architecture. “What this means is, we mainstream CAD vendors are making ing PC may work to meet the minimum know what to expect in terms of graph- efforts to parallelize their CAD so the requirements for desktop CAD applica- software can take advantage of more tions, typically these systems are maxed than one CPU, but they have succeeded out and provide little to no room for only to a limited extent. Therefore, de- future expansion,” he says. “The cost of spite widespread availability of work- an entry-level workstation, which comes stations with multiple CPUs, a single pre-configured and certified to run CAD fast CPU remains the best configura- applications, such as Solid Edge, is in tion CAD users. many cases lower in price than that of a “We recommend a fast single CPU top-of-the-line gaming PC.” and, if your budget allows, multiple fast HP’s Jeff Wood, vice president of CPUs. There’s a slight benefit using Product Management for Workstation & multiple processor/core machines, Thin Client Business at HP, agrees with but only for certain operations within Runnells’ conclusions. (e.g. 3D view ma- “Buyers are missing a huge benefit in nipulation, like panning, zooming, and productivity when they opt for the con- rotation; ray tracing; Inventor Studio sumer PC, certainly versus our Z work- rendering; mass property computation; stations,” he says. “The workstations have and 3D faceting),” says Rang. been highly tuned for professional appli- Mainstream CAD packages usually cations. Another consideration is [that] offer built-in rendering and visualization many of the CAD software vendors are tools. Some of these tools may benefit unwilling to provide software support for from the GPU’s massively parallel pro- Prices for Lenovo’s entry-level non-certified consumer PCs.” cessing power; however, the degree of workstation P300, shown here in That’s because certification is a rigor- GPU acceleration possible varies. Solid- small form factor, begin at $656. ous process that involves hardware and Works, for example, comes with Pho- software vendors working together to toView for rendering 3D models into find and solve any compatibility issue be- ics drivers and their interactions with the photorealistic imagery. But it relies on fore the workstation is released. workstation. While some customers may the CPU only and doesn’t benefit from “Independent Software Vendor choose to run on consumer or gaming GPU acceleration. By contrast, an inde- (ISV) certification ensures the system is PCs, we do not certify them for use with pendent rendering program like Bunk- qualified and supported by the ISV for SolidWorks, and do not recommend that speed SHOT is designed to tap into the workstation software applications,” says our customers do this.” GPU’s horsepower. Al Makley, director of ThinkStation Even if the software vendor is will- “We recommended you use a graph- Architecture and Technical Solutions, ing overlook the unsanctioned use of a ics card with a minimum of 1GB of Lenovo. “Desktop PCs do not have ISV consumer PC and gaming graphics, the memory or more. It’s important that the certification.” resources available may be limited. “Au- card support DirectX11 if running Au- In some workstations, utilities that todesk doesn’t recommend or certify todesk Inventor 2015 or newer. Most In- cater to the professional software user these systems/cards. However, if an engi- ventor graphic features are implemented base enhance the experience. “With Dell neer encounters a problem with running based on DirectX11 APIs (application Precision Optimizer, an automated soft- Autodesk Inventor on one of these con- programming interfaces),” says Rang. /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 37 Engineering Computing /// Workstations

“CAD and CAE applications typi- drives (SSD) in the configuration op- see an offload of traditional high-end cally don’t tax the graphics sub-system tions. Experts tend to advocate SSD, for workstation requirements (design visu- much, unless they are utilizing 3D ren- the advantage it offers in data reading, alization, rendering, simulation) to the dering for fly-through,” says HP’s Wood. writing, and retrieval speed. “Make sure data center, leading to more entry-level Such usage would go beyond typical you have at least one SSD in your work- workstations at the professional’s desk.” CAD rendering; it’s much closer to the station. The performance boost you’ll Gary Radburn, head of worksta- type of visualization done in specialized see when loading and saving files will be tion virtualization at Dell, says the animation and rendering programs like worth it,” says Kidder. company thinks of virtualization as Autodesk 3ds Max. extending the reach of a workstation, If you work primarily in design pro- Virtualization and Workstations rather than as a replacement. grams that benefit from GPU accelera- One alternative previously unavailable for “Some companies may want to tion, your choice should be a professional CAD users is remote desktops or virtual implement centralized control, central- graphics card certified for your preferred machines. Server-hosted workstations ized manageability, and have a flexible CAD program. They tend to offer cer- have always been around as on-premise working policy [facilitated by virtual ma- tain advantages over uncertified gaming solutions, but remote access to the work- chines]; however, there will also be those or consumer graphics. “Professional-level station (for example, accessing the work- who have not considered workstations graphic cards provide additional perfor- station from a client’s site using a light- before or have not had the opportunity mance benefits over gaming cards, since weight laptop or tablet) was hampered to experience their value firsthand, but they are designed to handle the work- by bandwidth issues and the limitation of who can now implement fully certified, loads often encountered while working virtualization technologies. But in the last virtualized systems,” he says. in a CAD environment,” says Runnells. few years, virtualization has made great While the cost differences between strides, spearheaded by Citrix, VMWare consumer PCs and entry-level profes- Memory and Hard Disk and NVIDIA. (The GPU maker offers sional workstations have disappeared, the For CAD users who must open, edit, tum- NVIDIA GRID appliances for hosting line between virtual and physical hardware ble and rotate large assembly files, a gener- virtual machines, each allocated with its is still blurring. It’s not clear whether en- ous memory allocation is essential. If the own virtual GPU.) This has given birth try-level workstations will eventually give system’s random access memory (RAM) to Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) vendors, way to virtualization, or whether the two is insufficient to accommodate the size offering virtual machines hosted in the will continue to co-exist by fulfilling dif- of the assembly model, the system must private or public cloud, delivered on-de- ferent users’ needs. What is clear is that tap into the hard disk itself to “borrow” mand to users. The business model could engineering teams have more choices space. This process is often the culprit in compete with traditional workstations. than ever when it comes to professional, decreased software performance. “Investment in on-premise virtualiza- workstation-class computing. DE “Memory is the most important fac- tion can be cost prohibitive for smaller tor to consider when it comes to Autodesk businesses without dedicated IT services. Kenneth Wong is Desktop Engineer- Inventor’s performance. Inventor requires Utilizing on-demand virtual solutions ing’s resident blogger and senior editor. a minimum of 8GB; 12GB is recom- can be an advantage for these businesses, Email him at [email protected] mended. The more RAM installed in but many are still concerned about data or share your thoughts on this article at the machine, the better the performance security and integrity. Most businesses a user will experience, particularly when will continue to deploy discrete worksta- designing very complex components and/ tion solutions under the desk until the INFO ➜ Citrix: or working with large assembly datasets. industry is ready to provide a secure so- Consult the specifications of the com- lution at a competitive cost,” says Wood. ➜ Dell: puter’s motherboard to understand how Lenovo’s Makley agrees. ➜ HP: much RAM it supports and be sure to in- “Depending on the size of the customer vest in faster RAM chip sets,” says Rang. and the workload required, entry-level ➜ Lenovo: “You can never go wrong with too workstation may still provide a better ➜ NVIDIA: much memory. Prices have come down return on investment than remote (virtu- ➜ SolidWorks: to the point where you can buy more alized) workstation deployment,” he says. ➜ Siemens PLM Software: RAM than you’ll ever think you’ll need, “Data security and remote collaboration and you’ll still find a way to use it,” says are the leading factors that drive profes- SolidWorks’ Kidder. sionals to remote (virtualized) worksta- ➜ VMWare: Most workstation vendors offer both tion deployment. As remote (virtualized) For more information on this topic, traditional hard drives and solid-state workstation capabilities increase, we may visit

38 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Sponsored by ETA /// Expert Answers A Q&A with ETA Company’s patented Accelerated Concept to Product Process® is inspired by the efficiency of shapes in nature.

Q: What services do you design optimization for cost & weight Q: How can you help engineer- provide to design engineers, reduction and on-site engineering ing teams cope with those top and engineering and IT support. A long time tier-one sup- challenges? management? plier to the global automotive industry, ETA offers expertise in all aspects of A: These design requirements indicate A: Following nature’s lead, structural analysis including durability, that new approaches are necessary within ETA provides product design & NVH, metal forming, crashworthiness, the modern product development environ- development solutions, which offer occupant safety and optimization. ment. To address the challenges head-on, the optimal balance of performance and ETA applies its ACP Process®, which efficiency. The shapes and forms of a Q: What are the top challenges views product development in a com- tree, a human skeleton, an insect or being faced by the engineering pletely holistic way. It synchronizes the animal are the most efficient designs teams you serve? individual facets of the product develop- imaginable. To mimic the balance ment process including concept design, between structure and strength of A: The transportation industries in material selection, CAE and manufactur- nature’s most efficient shapes, ETA particular are facing numerous ing. Results offer an overall reduction in engineers have developed the patented challenges today. The product design development costs and time to market. Accelerated Concept to Product (ACP) and development process includes For ETA’s clients, the methodology Process®. multi-dimensional issues, which often offers four key benefits, namely a demon- The process incorporates similar contradict each other. A central strated capability to: balance to product structures in terms challenge is the need for cost and 1. Reduce Product Development Costs of shape, material and thickness for mass reduction to compete in the by 40% automobiles, aircraft and a variety of global market, while continuing to 2. Reduce Product Mass by other structural products. The results meet all new and existing require- Approximately 40% are lightweight, yet higher performing ments for quality and performance. 3. Improve Product Performance designs. The cost and mass reduction (durability, stiffness, NVH, ETA’s product design & develop- objectives are challenged by a few crash/safety) ment solutions include full vehicle factors, including aggressive fuel 4. Increase MPG Based on the Mass development, CAE/FEA analysis, economy and emissions standards. Reduction Results

About ETA ETA is committed to the delivery of processes, tools and services of consistently high quality, and to continual improvement. ETA strives to be innovative and excels at providing new technology and multi-disciplinary expertise by developing new processes to help reduce cost and increase quality.

Contact Information: Email: [email protected] For more information visit: 1133 E. Maple Rd, Suite 200, Troy, MI 48083 USA +1.248.729-3010 /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 39 Simulate /// Dynamic Response Practical Dynamic Response Analysis Hints and tips to solve transient analysis and use the data it produces. BY TONY ABBEY

Editor’s Note: To ny Abbey teaches live NAFEMS FEA classes in the United States, Europe, and Asia. He also teaches NAFEMS e-learning classes globally. Contact [email protected] for more details.

here are two ways of solving response analysis: direct and modal methods. The direct method uses physical T degrees of freedom (DOF) of the model. A structure modeled with 200,000 DOF has stiffness and mass matrices of FIG 1: Geometry, mesh and loading of a yoke structure. this order. On the other hand, if we use a modal method then the DOF are represented by the number of modes — say 50. This reduces the size of the mass and stiffness matrices to this order. The computing cost of solving modal-based solutions is much cheaper than using a direct method. We can also reuse a modal database that reduces the cost even further. However, as with all things, we don’t get something for nothing. The big danger in a modal method is reliance on finding all the modes needed to describe the dynamic re- sponse. In some cases, the number of modes can be very high and modes may be missed or difficult to calculate accurately. So, in general, the direct method is more accurate — but more expensive. In practice we will use both methods, rather than just focusing on one. A modal-based analysis can get us an- swers quickly and help us to understand the physics of the problem. A follow-on direct method can confirm the accuracy. Please remember that whichever method you use, a physical understanding of the important modes in the structure is the key. The real structure will respond based on its inherent modal characteristics, so we should know as much about these as pos- sible. You should always do a preliminary normal modes analy- sis, even if you are aiming for a direct transient analysis that does not strictly need them. This was stressed in the previous article ( and the sermon continues.

Transient Analysis Time Step In real life, the structure will see a continuous response to any form of input loading. The finite element analysis (FEA) method discretizes this into a set of finite time steps. FIG 2: Mode shapes, with description table.

40 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// and wondered why no response occurs even though the FEA This article is a follow-up on the May 2013 article in Desktop Engineering that covered the basics of dynamic model and spatial loading are correct. (I reran our model with analysis, including normal modes and natural frequen- time step value for ms, not seconds, and so missed the loading.) cies (see Then, an emphasis In general we must be careful to make sure that we capture was made on having a good understanding of the modal the fidelity of the loading input. The peaky nature of a tri- content of a structure. Two types of dynamic response angular or square input actually implies very high-frequency analysis were reviewed: transient (i.e. time-based) and content. Remember the Fourier Series? It takes lots of sine frequency-based analysis. This month’s article focuses on terms to match these shapes. The load smearing effect de- transient analysis, introducing more of the background scribed implies that using just a few points to follow the tri- and providing practical hints and tips. angle will transform its shape and amplitude. It is better to be conservative with the time step in this case, using 50 or so time For many applications, this is a fixed-time step interval. steps for the duration of the shock. Check the response at the The response through time is evaluated by a “time- input point to make sure the fidelity is preserved. Similarly, if marching” approach. The traditional FEA method solves the loading point is being driven at 1,000Hz, we need at least for displacement, and so velocity and acceleration have to be 0.1 ms time step size. estimated at each time step. If inputting a sine or cosine time-based loading form, look Force and displacement are “smeared” over three adjacent for a direct analytical definition in the solver, rather than a data time points in this method. This has an important implication: table. The data table input relies on interpolation. Imagine If we make the time step too coarse, we will get very poor five points used to describe a half-sine pulse. The FEA solver results. This leads us to our first practical point: What size of linearly interpolates between each point, so we get a poor defi- time step should we consider? We use the highest frequency nition of the input signal. An analytical input definition means of interest to us in the response analysis. To determine that that the interpolation is being done inside the solver to the will require engineering judgment, but we should have some accuracy of the time step. clues available. It may be defined as an input specification, or The smaller the value of time step, the more accurate equipment operating frequencies. If you are uncertain, use a safety factor of 1.5 or 2.0 on the upper value. I am using the model shown in Fig. 1 to illustrate the meth- ods in the article. This is a yoke, grounded at the base, but PPersonalersonal CNC with no center component or connected shaft yet. The mode shapes, with associated frequencies, are shown in Fig. 2. The ShShownown hhereere isis an articulatedarticulated humanoidhumanoid task is to check the structure dynamically up to 1,000Hz input robot leg, built by researchers at the Drexel spectrum. With a safety factor of 2.0, that means considering Autonomous System Lab (DASL) with a Tormach PCNC 1100 milling machine. To modes up to 2,000Hz, and we will use the first five. The next read more about this project and other requirement is to investigate a 1,000 lbf pulse shown, applied owner stories, or to learn about Tormach’s over .001 seconds. affordable CNC mills and accessories, visit Modes 1 and 4 are the likely contributors under the load- ing shown. However Fig. 3, the Modal Effective Mass contri- bution, shows Mode 1 is dominating. Also of interest is that PCNC 1100 Series 3 modes 1 and 2 are very close at 451Hz and 491Hz. We want to characterize the highest frequency (2,301Hz) accurately and typically assume 10 points on each sinusoidal time period (T). To capture a reasonable fidelity, calculate T, where T is 1/Fre- quency and divide by 10. In our case this gives a time step of 43.5E-6 seconds. It is often easier to think and work in terms of milliseconds (ms) rather than seconds to avoid cumbersome numbers. The time step is therefore 0.0435 ms. Be careful to input all of the data into the FEA solver in seconds. Mills shown here with The highest frequency may not be the dominating factor, optional stand, machine arm, LCD monitors, so we also need to consider the loading. A sad case is a sharp and other accessories. shock input and a calculation time step that is bigger than the duration of the loading event. The FE analysis starts at the first calculation time step, and sadly it is all over before it has begun. PCNC 770 Series 3 This is a common beginner’s error. I have done it many times /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 41 Simulate /// Dynamic Response

Data Output The modern FEA trend is to- ward very large numbers of DOF. A transient analysis may have thousands of time steps. The po- tential to output Big Data is con- siderable. A useful approach is to consider two streams of output. One stream is for the big picture, an animation of the full response. Only a relatively few number of plot states are required to visual- ize this. If we have four cycles of a dominating low frequency re- sponse, with five plot states per cycle, then we can get down to a reasonable 20 complete sets of data. We probably need displace- ments at all nodes, but only need stresses on the surfaces of critical components. Careful consider- ation like this can make signifi- cant reductions in the amount of FIG 3: Modal Effective Mass table (translational). data stored and the time taken to transfer and display for post processing. the numerical displacement differentiation will be, which The second data stream is for detailed investigation by use may override the previous considerations. In a large model, of XY plots. There are key areas where we need a high fidel- decrease time step at a period of critical interest (say under ity to interrogate the frequency content and damping levels, impulsive loading) and increase it later. However, for linear frame these as if planning a physical test setup with data out- transient analysis, changing time step can be CPU expensive. put channels. Requesting thousands of channels would be un- Normally it will take a few runs to tune the model overall, and popular, so we settle for several hundred and probably focus the effectiveness of the solution technique can be investigated. on a few dozen. FEA is similar: Using engineering judgment and knowledge of the modal responses, we can predict the Number of Time Steps, Duration of Analysis key points. Debugging a model using 20 output DOF, with The number of time steps to be used in the analysis is im- 1,000 deflection and stress data points is extremely efficient. portant. Don’t guess on this or the time step size, as there is a Investigate your post processing options carefully to see how logical approach. We want to capture enough of the response you can set up these two data streams. time history to make sure that any secondary swings after the initial response are captured. With complex mode shapes and Response Investigation phasing, it may be that the peak response occurs at some point The three key dynamic characteristics to investigate are in the history. Our aim is for the response to be clearly decay- listed below. ing at the analysis cutoff point, with no surprises later. Typi- cally three or four free cycles of the lowest frequency content Check input loading. should be allowed to occur. The lowest frequency in the model 1Enforced motion analysis (applying displacement or ac- and its time period should be straightforward to assess. From celeration directly) allows an exact comparison between input this, and the loading duration, the total duration of the analysis and response at the driven point. It is more difficult to check can be calculated. Knowing the time step size, we can calculate arbitrary external forces. We can, however, apply an equiva- the number of time steps. In our case the lowest frequency is lent static loading and check the level of displacement. This 451Hz , so each cycle is 2.22 ms; we need four cycles, so the will give us a correlation to the dynamic response shape and free response should take 8.88 ms; the loading was on for 1.0 dynamic magnification factor. At the very least, we can check ms, so the total duration is 9.88ms. With an analysis time step the order of magnitude and duration of applied loading. In of 0.0435 ms, this gives 227 steps. We can round this to 0.04 our model, the static deflection is 0.0465 in. laterally. The peak ms and 250 steps. dynamic amplitude is 0.065 in. when loading ends at 1.0 ms.

42 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// The dynamic magnification factor is 1.4, which is reasonable for a short pulse with a time duration less than the dominant frequency time period. The response is shown in Fig. 4.

Check frequency content. 2We want to make sure that the model exhibits the cor- rect modal characteristics under the loading actions. Many certification authorities demand this kind of evidence. Use key points in convenient directional responses to measure the dominant frequencies from the time history plot. This is done by picking off peak-to-peak time periods. One major advan- tage of using the modal method is that we can directly filter the modal content in the analysis to understand which modes are contributing. Fig. 5 shows the response of our structure with Mode 1 dominating and being tracked accurately. FIG 4: Dynamic and Static response at loaded point. Check damping levels. 3We must confirm that the levels of damping defined in a model have been properly calculated during the analysis. There are several forms of damping simulation. Some of these can be problematic or error prone; Rayleigh damping depends on two coefficients in a quadratic equation, errors easily occur. Structural dumping relies on correct dominant mode identifi- cation because errors can badly affect damping levels. We aim to find clean dominant modes showing decay after the loading is complete, under free motion. The log decre- ment method uses successive peaks to estimate the damping. The calculation for our structure is shown in Fig. 6, and the damping agrees with the input 2% critical value.

A Dynamic Story The input parameters required for transient dynamic analysis can seem somewhat arbitrary, but there is a logical approach to estimating the time step size and the number of time steps. There is a tendency to output an enormous amount of data FIG 5: Checking the dominant natural frequency. in dynamic analysis, but with some planning you can keep the data down to a level required to do the job effectively. Checking the dynamic response of the structure is vital. By using the key data point approach, we can in- vestigate more deeply the structural response to loading input. Ultimately, we want to be able to “tell the story” of the structural dynamics. DE

Tony Abbey is a consultant analyst with his own company, FETraining. He also works as training manager for NAFEMS, responsible for developing and implementing training classes, in- cluding a wide range of e-learning classes. Send e-mail about this article to [email protected].

INFO ➜ NAFEMS Dynamics Class: For more information on this topic, visit FIG 6: Checking the damping level. /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 43 Simulate /// Lightweighting

Solar Impulse 2 preparing for flight. Images courtesy of Solar Impulse.

Around the World in 12 Legs

Solar Impulse’s solar-powered aircraft is designed to circumnavigate the globe. BY BRIAN BENTON

he Swiss-based company Solar Impulse SA, led by aero- Designing a Solar-powered Aircraft naut Bertrand Piccard and Swiss engineer André Borsch- The task of designing an airplane that runs on solar power has T berg, has set out to circumnavigate the globe in an air- myriad challenges. Minimizing the weight was the most crucial plane that runs on solar energy. They are flying the plane, in design challenge they faced. multiple stages, a total of 35,000 km (21,000 miles) for over 500 “The plane needs a lot of batteries, and batteries are heavy,” hours of flight. says Geri Piller, head of the structural analysis team at Solar On March 9, Solar Impulse 2 took off on the first leg of its Impulse. “It has to be really light.” journey from Abu Dhabi, UAE, to Muscat, Oman. Borsch- Engineers had to optimize the plane’s design so that it was berg landed after a 13 hour and 1 minute flight running on strong enough to carry the load of the batteries and still be as nothing but electricity generated from the sun. He flew Solar light as possible. The batteries make up nearly half the weight Impulse 2 to a maximum altitude of 6,383 m (20,941 ft), over of the plane at about 2,007 lbs. They opted to use a composite a distance of 441 km, at an average speed of 33.88 km/h. sandwich structure made of a Kevlar paper honeycomb core. Solar Impulse SA started with a prototype plane that first flew in 2009. In 2010, it flew for 26 hours in July — including The Tools for Flight nine hours at night. The design team was able to gather a lot The design team for Solar Impulse used two main modeling tools of data from this prototype and applied what they learned to for this project: CATIA from Dassault Systèmes for the 3D de- create Solar Impulse 2, the aircraft that would attempt to fly sign and Femap with NX from Siemens PLM Software around the world. for analysis. Because CATIA was the primary design platform,

Complete simulation model Simulation model of wing (with lower showing close up of tail used skin removed to show internal structural to verify strength and minimize detail) used to verify strength and weight of the structure. minimize weight of the structure.

44 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// framework structure. They used Femap to optimize the compo- nents (facings and spar caps as examples) to ensure that the new gondolas could hold the additional weight.

Sustaining Innovation The Solar Impulse design is meant to demonstrate that sustain- able power is possible. Solar Impulse 2 is using advanced material and construction techniques along with new battery technology to achieve its goals. Finite element analysis (FEA) made this de- Simulation predicts structural deformation experienced as a sign possible. Engineers were able to apply real world physics to result of temperature loading. their models without having to waste time and materials. the team felt that Femap was a natural choice as it easily accepts At presstime, Solar Impulse 2 is in on leg six of 12 in STEP and IGES files from CATIA. Once the 3D model was its flight around the world, proving that solar-powered flight is imported from CATIA, Femap could use that geometry as the indeed possible. DE basis for its finite element (FE) modeling. “Ply definition is really easy. We were able to jump into that Brian Benton is a freelance writer based in Florida. He writes the topic very quickly using Femap,” he says. He also said that it was CAD-a-Blog website at especially easy to simulate the composite materials in Femap, and they make up the majority of the plane. Once the 3D modeling and design work was finished, Piller INFO «Dassault Systèmes: and the engineering team ran simulations and analysis to fine- «Siemens PLM Software: tune the design. They choose Femap because it fit their needs, Solar Impulse: SolarImpulse.comk they were familiar with it, and it could conduct the many differ- « ent types of analyses (strength, buckling, large deformation and For more information on this topic, visit more) they needed to run on the digital model. CATIA was used to create the base 3D model, but once those files were imported, Femap modeling tools allowed the team to add 3D solid elements to the wings that represented Kevlar aramid paper honeycomb core. They did this to conduct analysis for local and global buckling effectively. Their FE mod- els for the metal components ranged from 50,000 to 500,000 el- ements and the model of the wing contained 2 million elements. Their endurance analysis looked at 160 load cases. Femap has an API (application programming interface) that allowed engineers to create custom scripts. One script applied the company’s strength criteria to the composites in order to verify the laminate strengths. A second script helped evaluate the results. They were able to quickly identify where the laminate or sand- wich structures failed, allowing for optimization of their design.

Lighter, Stronger, Faster, Bigger The main challenge to designing the Solar Impulse 2 was the task of lightweighting the new plane. The plane needed to be bigger that the first iteration, and be able to carry a heavier load. To do this efficiently, Solar Impulse decided to use lighter mate- rials. Solar Impulse, the prototype, used a material that weighed 100 grams per square meter. Solar Impulse 2 used a material that weighed only 25 grams per square meter on the wings. Weight-saving steps were also taken in designing the motor gondolas. The Solar Impulse 2 needs to fly farther and longer than the prototype, so it had to have larger, more powerful mo- tors that weighed more. In order to compensate for this weight, the engineering team switched to a sandwich structure from a /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 45 Design /// Concepts Form, Fit or Function? Your choice of conceptual design tools should be guided by one of these three objectives. BY KENNETH WONG

he cheapest conceptual design tool is the cocktail product], you would want easy geometry editing. If you want napkin on a bar counter. The tiny square invites your fit [a product that must connect, join, or fit into a predefined T spur-of-the-moment bright ideas. Once you have space], you may need a parametric modeler. If you want func- drawn an intelligible schematic or sketch of your concept tion [the operation of the product], you could explore simu- (not easy to do after the third pint), you can share it, revise lation,” says Versprille. Using these time-tested categories as a it, expand on it and debate it with others. If it doesn’t sur- guide, looking for the right conceptual design tool is a bit easier. vive the what-ifs, you tear it to pieces and start again. Finding the cocktail napkin’s digital equal, however, Digital Napkins proves much more challenging. Most mainstream CAD When used on a tablet with a stylus, apps like PTC’s Creo programs are for the detailed design phase, where you me- Sketch, Autodesk SketchBook and CorelDRAW closely mimic ticulously model the outer shape, internal parts and elec- the 2D pen-on-paper workflow, coming closest to a cocktail tromechanical components that make up your product. But napkin. PTC Creo Sketch offers Spline tools in addition to engineers do not arrive at that stage by the same route. painting tools; the product is meant to augment PTC’s other “People want to do slightly different things in the con- 3D design apps, like PTC Creo Direct or Creo Parametric. cept phase, depending on the kind of product they’re trying With digital brushes that reproduce the look of oil, wa- to conceptualize,” says Dr. Ken Versprille, executive consul- tercolor, pastel and other mediums, Autodesk SketchBook tant at CIMdata. Their priorities most likely will fall into one offers a richer environment for artists and can function in- of the three classic design objectives: form, fit or function. dependently of other 3D design programs. Neither Creo “If your major criteria is form [the shape or the look of the Sketch nor SketchBook gives you the ability to draw with

From a Web- and mobile-friendly interface, Autodesk ForceEffect lets you calculate stress, loads and displacements using simple 2D diagrams that represent product structures.

46 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// chanical design. During Google’s own- ership (2006-2012), the program grew to become the de facto concept modeler for the architecture industry. With little to no learning curve, the program is ideal for anyone — even those without an en- gineering or technical background — who wants to sculpt out different concepts as 3D models. Like CAD programs, it offers tools to draw lines and arcs with preci- sion; unlike CAD programs, it doesn’t overwhelm the user with a slew of model- ing menus and input fields. Currently, as a product of GPS and laser device developer Trimble, SketchUp still remains free, and can be adapted for mechanical design concepts, but its tight integration with architecture is evident in the preloaded content (like doors and windows). There is, unfortunately, nothing tailor-made for mechanical or industrial With the introduction of SolidWorks Mechanical design that rivals SketchUp in ease of use and affordability. Conceptual and Industrial Design (shown here), the For creating quick concepts involving classic mechanical company hopes to tackle what it feels is an underserved shapes, direct-editing programs offer greater flexibility in ed- segment. Image courtesy of SolidWorks. iting, refining and revising geometry. In programs like PTC Creo Direct, Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology (SE dimensions (the way you would typically do in 2D CAD), with ST), SpaceClaim, IronCAD and Autodesk Fusion 360, but that’s not necessarily a drawback if you’re mainly con- the ability to move, rotate and delete geometric features with cerned with rough ideas. You can export the sketches as no regard for their construction history offers the freedom to images into CAD programs for further development. With explore design options beyond the realm of parametric logic. Creo Sketch, you can export Spline curves for further de- In some, direct editing and classic feature-based editing co- velopment in Creo Parametric. With art-centric Sketch- exist. SE with ST, IronCAD, and Fusion 360 fall into this Book, you cannot export Spline objects; therefore, the use class. Used in conjunction with PTC’s Flexible Modeling Ex- of the sketches created in it may be limited to background tension (FMX), PTC Creo Parametric could serve the same layers to guide your 3D modeling. purpose. Having duality is an advantage when transitioning The CorelDRAW Technical Suite X7 includes Corel- from the concept phase to detailed design phase. DRAW for vector illustration and page layout projects, Anthropomorphic forms and organic shapes are the do- Corel DESIGNER for technical illustrations, and the main of high-end 3D modeling and animation programs Corel Photo-Paint image editor. CorelDRAW and Corel like , Maya and Rhino. They’re also the DESIGNER files can be imported into CorelCAD as go-to packages for automotive design, where surface qual- model space objects with a representation in a layout sheet. ity is of paramount importance. But their learning curve One sketching program that bridges 2D and 3D is and comprehensive toolsets make them less than ideal for CATIA Natural Sketch from Dassault Systèmes. The pro- attempting quick form studies. gram lets you use the traditional hand-sketching techniques, PTC addresses this segment with its Creo Freestyle but on different working planes in 3D. You may also use the module, built on subdivisional modeling techniques. It’s familiar extrusion and projection techniques in the sketching part of Creo Parametric’s modeling environment. The com- environment. With this approach, you can transform a 2D pany believes their strategy of a common data model and rough sketch into a 3D model with volume and mass. geometry kernel shared by all of their apps, eliminating any data transfer and/or recreation of models, will significantly Form improve the handoff between concept and detail design. When SketchUp debuted as a product of @Last Software With its upcoming product SolidWorks Industrial in 2000, it aimed to serve a number of industries, including Designer (previously called Industrial Conceptual), Solid- civil engineering, architecture, industrial design and me- Works aims to deliver, in its words, “a concept design tool /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 47 Design /// Concepts

them into 3D designs. Even in the 2D stage, the software will allow you to conduct motion and stress analy- sis. It will also offer direct editing for modifying imported geometry.

Function Conceptualizing the function of a product (for example, the opera- tions of a heart-rate monitoring wristband) usually falls into the realm of simulation software. But many general-purpose CFD (com- putational fluid dynamics) and FEA (finite element analysis) pro- grams have the same steep learn- ing curve that prevents detailed Straddling 2D sketching and 3D modeling, Dassault Systèmes’ CATIA Natural CAD programs from becoming Sketch offers a way to digitally develop concepts in a workflow that mimics pen effective concept design tools. and paper drawing. Image courtesy of Dassault Systèmes. Autodesk’s efforts to overcome the hurdle resulted in Autodesk that allows you to quickly generate multiple industrial de- ForceEffect, a Web- and mobile-friendly app that automati- sign concepts in response to a design brief. It offers unique cally calculates forces and stresses based on simple diagrams. tools for the rapid creation, manipulation, and modification With just a few lines and arcs representing structures (like bike of designs using native and imported geometry.” In pre-re- frames, crane arms and bridges), you can verify the feasibility lease demonstrations at the SolidWorks World user confer- of your design before spending time developing 3D models. ence, the software exhibits an intuitive NURBS and Spline Simulation software developer Altair, known for its editing system that allows you to push and pull on control HyperWorks suite, believes an easy-to-use duo of shape- points and vertices to create industrial design shapes. creation and shape-optimization software could be the key to encouraging earlier use of simulation. It addresses the Fit need with solidThinking Evolve (NURBS-based modeler) Concepts with precise dimensions can easily morph into and solidThinking Inspire (for optimization). The lat- detailed designs; therefore, some of the classic parametric est version of Evolve, released in April, comes with more CAD programs — for both 2D and 3D workflows — may NURBS-editing tools and a photorealistic rendering option serve the same purpose. For 2D, choices include PTC Creo to help you visualize designs. In the Windows-dominated Layout, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Solid Edge 2D (free), CAD software market, solidThinking’s offerings stand out DraftSight (free), DoubleCAD XT (free), CorelDRAW as one of a handful that support Mac OS, a platform favored Technical Suite and more. But many of those packages are by artists and designers. intended for creating detailed 2D shop drawings with man- Some direct editing programs like SE with ST and Au- ufacturing dimensions. This means the learning curve and todesk Fusion 360 offer basic simulation tools, enabling en- complexity of the software may stand in the way of quick gineers to conduct simple stress tests using rough geomet- concepts. “Ease of use is a difficult thing to achieve. As you ric shapes. For those who are willing to employ advanced add more capabilities, the program becomes much more simulation programs, direct modelers may also serve as complex,” says CIMdata’s Versprille. a tool to prepare the imported geometry for simulation. PTC Creo Layout, the company explains, is developed spe- Without the shackles of a history-based modeler, a direct cifically for creating 2D concepts that could drive subsequent modeler allows you to edit CAD geometry with greater 3D models. Currently it doesn’t allow you to test load, stress and freedom. “Some of the direct modelers could be used for kinematic motions from the 2D sketches, like some others do. functional concept design, because they allow you to simply SolidWorks, an established name in parametric CAD, hopes set things up for analysis,” Versprille says. to address the conceptual phase for mechanical design with its SolidWorks Mechanical Conceptual. As a companion to Solid- Social Collaboration Works, Mechanical Conceptual is expected to offer tools for With the increased popularity of Facebook and Twitter, the developing concepts with dynamic 2D sketches and morphing use of social media-inspired features — like chat windows, file

48 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// sharing, discussion threads and group updates — also become part of engineering software, particularly in data manage- SPOTLIGHT ment, project management and product lifecycle manage- ment (PLM) circles. On their own, these functions do not let you author design concepts; however, they play a crucial role Directing your search to the in soliciting early feedback from internal colleagues, external companies that have what you need. experts, targeted demographics and even the general public. Such features are the core of products like GrabCAD Workbench, a product spawned from the social legacy of the 3D content community GrabCAD. Traditional CAD vendors are also trying to catch up, by incorporating similar Following features into data management and design environments. Nature’s In SolidWorks Mechanical Conceptual and Industrial De- signer, the same social media-inspired tools are embedded Lead in the 3D modeling environment. If built on cloud archi- tecture, such tools are well-positioned to capitalize the ris- ing popularity of mobile devices. “Things are moving more and more toward mobile, to- ward the cloud,” says Versprille. “Whether it’s insurance or financial software, it has to ride that technology wave. The Learn More: same with CAD. CAD has to go [to the cloud], because the rest of the world wants to go there.” The standard feature sets that appear in most main- stream mechanical CAD programs for detailed design are quite similar, an indication that the workflow for this phase T is well-established. Not so with the workflow for concep- MXL tual design; hence, the elusive nature of a standard toolset SS for the phase. If someone asks CIMdata’s Versprille to rec- Desktop ppp ommend a conceptual design tool, he says, “I’ll have to ask 4 G l ® C them a bunch of questions to understand what it is they’re NV ® do ® s trying to conceptualize.” That is perhaps the best approach 15””ft to tackling the design phase that has no clear definition. DE

Kenneth Wong is Desktop Engineering’s resident blogger and senior editor. Email him at [email protected] or share your thoughts on this article at

Intel, the Intel logo and Iris are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

INFO «Autodesk: «Altair: «CIMdata: Millions of FREE CAD Models Corel Corp.: « The fastest way to model «GrabCAD: a part is to download it! «IronCAD: k-££-3293(9<66£-'8$'8ধ)'&13&'£9 «PTC: · All CAD formats, all FREE «Siemens PLM Software: ™ «solidThinking: SolidWorks: « For those who create in 3D «SpaceClaim: For more information on this topic, visit /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 49 Prototype /// 3D Scanning Capturing Reality New technologies are bridging the gap between digital and physical design. BY BRIAN ALBRIGHT

he dividing line between the physical and the digi- come more mainstream. It was clear to us that our customers tal has blurred significantly thanks to advancements wanted to move this data into our solutions, but they weren’t T in 3D scanning, post-processing software and 3D doing this just for the sake of doing it. It was a means to an printing. Metrology technology that was once used simply end. They wanted to use that scan data to get some sort of to measure objects or buildings can now be used to digitize deliverable that is valuable.” physical items, transform them, incorporate them into visual- Companies are using these approaches in prototyping, re- izations, and then produce altered versions of those products verse engineering, architecture, and even quality assurance or components in the real world. applications. “The basic idea is that you 3D scan a real world Scanning has moved beyond metrology into what Au- object, make a comparison of the original 3D model that was todesk is promoting as “reality capture” or “reality comput- used to produce the manufactured item, and perform a qual- ing.” Instead of just capturing measurement, companies are ity assurance,” says Evgeny Lykhin, vice president of Product now leveraging the same solutions to create 3D point clouds Management at Artec Group. for more realistic models or visualizations. Unlike traditional metrology, the focus in many of these “We’ve seen all of these emerging technologies coming reality capture applications is less on precise measurement up and becoming more mainstream,” says Elmer Bol, direc- and more on scanning enough data to create viable digital tor of Market Development in the reality solutions group models that can be manipulated and then built. “All of these at Autodesk. “Laser scanning is nothing new, but it has be- uses just emphasize that people want to get three-dimen-

A 3D scan of a plant can help companies simulate production processes. It can also be used by design engineering teams to ensure new machine designs can easily integrate with existing equipment on shop floors. Images courtesy of Autodesk.

50 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// sion data that provides a close enough representation of the object that they can do plan- ning, preservation or re-create those objects,” says Orlando Perez, director of Product Management at FARO Tech- nologies. “The newer non- contact laser scanning methods do that quickly and efficiently.”

Physical to Digital and Back Again In the reality capture model, 3D scanning technology cre- ates high-density point clouds that can be pre-processed then used in 3D design applications. The captured data can be ma- nipulated, edited, analyzed, in- tegrated with other model information, or used to simulate Autodesk Memento’s user interface is designed to allow real-world operations. Laser scanned or even coordinate non-experts to learn how to use it without training. measurement machine-based metrology data can be com- bined with feature recognition software to convert point cloud and contact-probe data into a 3D solid model that can program to simulate its incorporation into an environment or be used for inspection or reverse engineering. another structure. Users can check for fit, make alterations, The data can be turned back into both physical and vir- and then create a prototype via a 3D printer. tual items. Visualization solutions can incorporate the digital Enabling this approach to design is scanning equipment objects, which not only helps provide context for the design, that is much more intuitive than in the past. “We’ve created al- but can also help ensure that new designs fall within required gorithms and features that make scanning as easy as possible,” specifications and tolerances. The data can also be fed to Lykhin says. “It’s still not a fully automated process, though.” CAM systems or 3D printers to realize the new designs. The scans can also be compared to original 3D design Enabling New Applications models of the object or structure for deviation analysis and Autodesk has teamed with a number of 3D scanner com- quality control. panies and other partners on reality capture projects. The “It’s a paradigm shift,” Bol says. “We’re seeing this more company has also launched ReCap, its suite of reality capture and more, and it can be scary for traditional designers.” software and services, and Project Memento, a toolkit that Using scans for reverse engineering is an accepted prac- generates 3D meshes from photos and scans, and includes tice in many industries. More intriguing is the idea that users the capability to clean up the meshes, detect and fix mesh can scan objects in great detail, and create new and upgraded errors, and optimize the 3D models for publishing and other designs for products, machine components and other items. digital uses. Combining the scan information with design exploration or The concept has gained traction in the architecture and optimization solutions, users can digitally alter real-world BIM (building information management) space. TURIS objects. They can then simulate the results of using differ- Systems, for example, used Autodesk ReCap’s pre-process- ent materials and production methods, or alter the physical ing functionality to help a client, Studio Gang Architects, shape of the component. renovate an existing building. The company scanned and “For example, in aerospace there is a push to make things modeled an existing power generation plant that was being lighter,” Bol says. “So, a company can scan a component they converted to a student activity center. The company used want to replace, take those constraints for what they scan a FARO scanner to capture 277 scans of the building. The and fill it in with something else. You can generatively grow point cloud files were joined in Revit to create a 3D model, lattice structures that are lighter, and then those lattice struc- providing engineers with an accurate documentation of the tures can be fabricated using additive manufacturing.” structure as they developed plans for the building conver- The scanned object can be utilized in an augmented reality sion. TURIS reduced surveying time from months to days, /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 51 Prototype /// 3D Scanning

and cut 15% from the cost of the project, compared to on- Ease of Use Improving site manual measuring. The biggest challenge users face with reality capture is that “We’ve also seen clients use this for synthetic biology much of the software is still hard to learn. applications, and in fashion where people are creating 3D- “The hardware is pretty easy to use but the software re- printed organic dresses,” Bol says. quired to create deliverables is complex and expensive,” Bol Volvo scans its existing assembly cells and uses the point says. “The software is aimed at high-end professional users, cloud to create a digital plant; the company then uses model and that’s an inhibitor that the industry needs to tackle.” data and scan information to simulate and verify produc- At Autodesk, that effort has involved creating a new type tion processes for new vehicles. In aerospace, Autodesk says of user interface for ReCap. “With ReCap and Memento, we a maintenance company is scanning existing jet engine or set out to create products that you can learn without train- turbine blades so that they can use machines and specialized ing,” Bol says. welding techniques to repair portions of the worn blades and The other barrier: cost. “The technology is not cheap,” ensure they stay in balance. Bol adds. “But we’ve seen that, even though the cost of the Custom surgical implants are another area where reality software and hardware is high, once companies dive in and computing has shown immediate utility. Oakland, CA-based get the scanners, they can often earn their money back within FATHOM, for example, has used a combination of 3D scan- the first project they use it on. That payback comes through ning and printing to help develop customized prosthetics. reducing errors, finding problems and just being able to do things they couldn’t do before.” Scanner companies are also working to make the scan Advertising Index process even easier. “For our customers, the ideal would be to click one but- Altair Corp.-HyperWorks ...... 1 ton, wave the scanner around an object, and get a scan — pe- ANSYS ...... C2 riod,” Artec’s Lykhin says. “We’re not there yet, but we need BOXX Technologies Sponsored Report ...... 13 to do everything we can to be as close to that as possible.” CD-adapco ...... 17 “The optics still have to improve to the point that you can get the same amount of accuracy or better from a laser CloudDDM Globa ...... 10 scanner than you could with a high contact device, so that’s COMSOL ...... C4 where a lot of the focus is these days,” Perez says. “There are ETA Q&A Sponsored Report ...... 39 different techniques evolving to provide more precision, that Front End Analytics Sponsored Report ...... 35 can change the contrast on the object or use triangulation.” ICO Mold ...... 29 And while much of the action thus far has been on the NAFEMS World Congress 2015 ...... 30 architecture side, product design and manufacturing are still big opportunities for reality capture. “We’re work- National Instruments ...... 3 ing with other product design teams, like Fusion 360, to Okino Computer Graphics Inc...... 45 integrate reality based workflows into the design side of Origin Labs ...... 15 things for mechanical parts and industrial parts,” Bol says. Proto Labs Inc...... C3 “We can quickly and simply digitize components instead Proto Labs Inc. Sponsored Report ...... 27 of designing from scratch, and look at better ways of man- Stratasys ...... 8-9 ufacturing that product. It’s still the early days, but that is getting a lot of attention.” DE Tormach LLC ...... 41 XYZ Scientific Application ...... 23 Brian Albright is a freelance journalist based in Columbus, OH. He is the former managing editor of Frontline Solu- H RAPID PROFILES H tions magazine, and has been writing about technology topics Faro Technologies Inc...... 31 since the mid-1990s. Send e-mail about this article to DE- SLM Solutions NA Inc...... 32 [email protected]. Stratasys ...... 33 H SPOTLIGHT H INFO ➜ Autodesk: 3DX ...... 49 ➜ Artec: BOXX Technologies ...... 49 ➜ FARO Technologies: ETA ...... 49 For more information on this topic, visit

52 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Engineering Case Studies Fast Apps

Helping Those Artificial Heart Life-Saving with Hearing Loss Researchers Near Transport Ventilator Micro 3D-printed middle ear prostheses is Breakthrough with Developed via music to the ears of hearing loss sufferers. PTC Creo Model-Based Design D printing is frequently in the news as Application helps the team accurately Weinmann used MATLAB and Simulink to 3a process for manufacturing prosthe- ses to replace lost limbs. It’s an obvious model and simulate medical technology. generate code for MEDUMAT Transport. choice, especially when combined with BY GEOFF HEDGES, PTC he MEDUMAT Transport ventilator 3D scanning, because it allows designers Tmoves a mixture of oxygen and air ccording to the World Health Organi- into and out of the lungs of patients who Azation (WHO), almost 20 million peo- require breathing support. Developed by ple suffer from heart failure worldwide, Weinmann Medical Technology, MEDU- with 2 million new cases added each MAT Transport is year. Many of these patients could ben- designed for use efit from a new heart, but the sad truth is in emergency care that there simply aren’t enough donors. and during trans- to create prosthetics customized to each So they wait. port. As an emer- patient’s unique physical requirements. Researchers at the Department of gency medical At Potomac Photonics, experts in Radiology and Biomedical Engineering device deployed in micro-manufacturing solutions, they in the medical school at the University a range of operat- are finding unique applications to micro of Tokyo want to change that. In Japan, ing conditions, the 3D print small implantable prosthetics heart patients wait an average of 981 MEDUMAT Trans- using the ProJet 3500 3D printer from days for a transplant — that’s more port must be por- 3D Systems. In one recent project they than two and a half years. If the Tokyo table, versatile and exceptionally reliable. were asked to make the tiny elements group could produce a man-made Weinmann engineers used Model- of the middle ear to help develop pros- device that performed just as well as Based Design with MATLAB and thesis for otosclerosis disease. Simulink to develop the embedded The ProJet 3500 uses MultiJet print- software for MEDUMAT Transport. ing technology to deliver robust, durable, This approach not only streamlined high-quality plastic parts. It has layer production; it also helped Weinmann accuracy as small as 32 microns. The work with TÜV SÜD to certify MEDUMAT platform has a range of material choices Transport to ISO/IEC 62304, ISO including acrylonitrile butadiene styrene- 10651-3, DIN EN ISO 13485 and DIN like plastic; translucent, blue and black EN ISO 14971 standards. materials; and choices of high-strength, “MEDUMAT is orders of magnitude highly flexible and tough plastics. This more complex than earlier ventilators makes it suited to highly accurate proto- that we have developed,” says Dr. types and end use parts of many kinds the human organ, they could replace Florian Dietz, head of Predevelopment and sizes, including automotive, aero- diseased hearts and return patients to Emergency Medicine at Weinmann. space, and, of course, medical devices. good health, or, at the very least keep “Model-Based Design with MATLAB According to the American Academy their circulatory systems running long and Simulink enabled us to handle of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck enough for a donor to be found. the increased complexity, and it was Surgery [AAO-HNS], 10% of the world’s Using PTC Creo as their design instrumental in our achieving compli- adult Caucasian population is affected software, researchers at the ance certification. Working with models by otosclerosis. There are no drug treat- University of Tokyo began prototyp- instead of handwritten code makes the ments and hearing aids only work in mild ing and testing a series of innovative embedded software easier to maintain cases. Consequently, it is important to try mechanical models based on a hydro- and reuse, and helps us explain the to develop prosthesis solutions. dynamic levitating impeller pump. technology to a certification authority.”


«For the complete application stories visit /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 53 Editor’s Picks by Anthony J. Lockwood

Each week, Tony Lockwood combs through dozens of new products to bring you the ones he thinks will help you do your job better, smarter and faster. Here are Lockwood’s most recent musings about the products that have really grabbed his attention.

ANSYS 16.0 Launches The engineering portfolio has enhancements for all applications. Version 16.0 has something new ANSYS says that version 16.0 throughout the entire range of ANSYS reduces fluid dynamics simulation products from verification tools for con- times by as much as 40%. A new adjoint nected electronic devices to simulation designer tool should reduce your design capabilities for the gamut of structural optimization times by enabling you to materials to extended modeling capa- perform multi-objective shape optimiza- bilities for model-based systems and tion, including constraints. embedded software development. MORE ➜

CST Releases EMC STUDIO The application provides a toolkit of solver technologies for EMC.

CST EMC STUDIO offers general- analysis by using octree meshing to purpose 3D modules for time and reduce simulation time on complex frequency domain simulation as well structures. as specialized solvers, including a 3D Other tools you’ll find in CST EMC transmission line matrix (TLM) method STUDIO include a cable harness solver, solver. The TLM solver is designed to rule checking and compact models for help simplify your numerical EMC simulating vents and seams. (electromagnetic compatibility) MORE ➜

Software Optimizes Data Center Designs The thermal modeling system is created for ease of use and thermal simulation. CoolSim is a cloud-based engineering model-building environment that lets you service, so you only subscribe to as make your data center model using 2D much of it as you need to analyze and and 3D views simultaneously. You can optimize the airflow in your data center. also use multiple display monitors for You can use it to understand your exist- more on-screen real estate. Additionally, ing design or to analyze possibilities for it has a new Ducting Tool for incorporat- a new design. ing ducted supply designs. CoolSim version 4.4 sports a new MORE ➜

Workstation Offers Ultra HD and 4GHz Turbo Boost It sports a 15-in. display and weighs 4.36 lbs. The GoBOXX 15 SLM appears ready to high-performance Intel Core i7 4980HQ fit right into your engineering workflow, quad-core 2.8/4.0GHz Turbo Boost CPU. whether you’re tossing something like It comes with a lot of memory, lots of Inventor, SolidWorks or Autodesk 3ds SSD (solid-state drive) and disk storage, Max at it. Start with the CPU. You can a bunch of ports for external devices, get yourself a GoBOXX 15 SLM with networking and other goodies. either an Intel Core i7 4720HQ quad- MORE ➜ core 2.6/3.6GHz Turbo Boost CPU or a

54 DESKTOP ENGINEERING May 2015 /// Siemens PLM Software Introduces Imagine.Lab 14 The suite is ideal for mechatronic simulation for model-based systems engineering. LMS Imagine.Lab is particularly well include valve definition and parameter- deployed in the automotive/ground trans- ization of after-treatment systems and an portation and aerospace industries. For interface for gear parameterization. engineers in the former, LMS Imagine. This release also offers an assortment Lab 14 offers capabilities that let you of enhancements such as 3D mechanical create engine maps from public data. junctions for real-time simulations and There’s automatic calibration of combus- a user interface for importing data from tion models, and tools to help analyze tire your finite element modeling software. behavior on soft soil. Other functionalities MORE « Altair Adds OptiStruct Solver for 3D Printing Optimization The technology can help users effectively place lattice structures in prototypes.

Altair Engineering recently announced mize material distribution in designs that the latest release of its OptiStruct intended for 3D printing. In part, it structural analysis solver has new fea- means you can figure out where your tures that extend topology optimization design needs more material and where tools to designers working with lattice it doesn’t before you place lattice structures in 3D printing design. structures. The capabilities also let you This means you now have analysis study lattice performance. tools that help you determine and opti- MORE «

CD-adapco Releases STAR-CCM+ v10.02 This version focuses on technology, productivity and user experience. Among the technology improvements in tool called STAR-View+. You also have STAR-CCM+ v10.02 are a new capability improved capabilities for adjusting the for the remote execution of a CAD strain put on your GPU (graphics process- client and an interaction model between ing unit) while rendering. VOF (volume of fluid), Fluid Film and CD-adapco also says that STAR-CCM+ Lagrangian models. v10.02 has 40 new features suggested by The user experience gets a new its user community alone. standalone collaboration and file-sharing MORE «

CorelDRAW Technical Suite X7 Available The program can create documents for print, online and mobile devices. The skinny on the CorelDRAW Technical The recently-released X7 edition of the Suite is that it’s a set of applications for suite sees such enhancements as a new technical design and illustration. It has 3D PDF publishing feature. Also added tools for engineering drawing, page layout is connectivity to Translation Memory and photo editing. It imports and exports Systems (TMS) and an all-new Equation more than 100 vector graphics, bitmap Editor, which turns mathematical and sci- images, documents and other data file entific equations into editable elements. formats like DWG. MORE « /// May 2015 DESKTOP ENGINEERING 55 Commentary by Kristian Debus Simulation and the Future of Medicine he group of industries known as Life Sciences, is expe- a way that is easily understandable by physicians and patients. riencing an unprecedented change in how new medi- Most importantly, simulation-based product development and cines and medical technologies are being developed. virtual prototyping are increasingly being recognized by the FDA Visionary companies in the sector are increasingly as valid tools to supplement experimental testing and, clinical tri- Tdeploying modeling and simulation to reduce costs, mitigate als, and accelerate regulatory approval. Initiatives like the ASME risks and increase innovation. Ultimately, this results in better V&V 40, MDIC or Avicenna drive and guide these efforts and medicines, medical products and improved patient outcomes. lobby for the increased usage of simulation for the support of benchtop and clinical trials in the medical device industry. Medical Design and Simulation Similarly, in pharmaceuticals, consortia like CSPOS are In their day-to-day work, medical professionals are often re- promoting the move from batch to continuous manufacturing. quired to provide fast and simple answers. The “yes” or “no” de- This represents a great opportunity to integrate the use of simu- cisions doctors are forced to make could ultimately lead to the lation early when redesigning processes, and offering the best life or death of a patient. For example, when trying to predict possible chance of maximizing ROI. whether an aneurism will rupture, doctors inspect blood flow patterns and wall thicknesses. CFD (computational fluid dy- When Will It Go “Mainstream?” So how will this shared vision of a revolution in Life Sciences simulation become a reality? Part of the challenge is in develop- Many Life Sciences companies ing solver technologies and process improvement tools. Another is the provision of advanced use cases that give potential users are taking action; others will confidence in the technology for the particular applications. have to catch up later. Yet, with the advancement of simulation technology, and following the buy-in and support by the regulatory bodies, the most essential ingredients — expertise and manpower — have namics) and FEA (finite element analysis) could be used to run to come from the customer. The leading medical device design many simulations and provide correlations that suggest whether and pharma companies have realized the investment is required a particular set of circumstances might lead to a rupture. in terms of recruitment as well as the technology. They also While extensive research and development is required be- require the integration of modeling and simulation into clinical fore modeling simulation is able to consistently provide a fast, trial studies or the fine-tuning and modernizing of manufactur- accurate and reliable tool for clinical diagnostics, steady prog- ing processes in “big pharma.” ress has been made recently, enabling some pioneering compa- To facilitate this substantial change in the industry, mod- nies to begin offering these services to the medical community. eling and simulation expertise cross-pollinated from industry sectors such as automotive or communications and power Where Are We Today? will have to be considered. To maintain the momentum that To use computational modeling and simulation effectively, we MDIC or CSOPS have created, we need to reach out to the need to close the gap between experiments, benchtop tests, clin- end-users to help overhaul process engineering in big pharma ical trials and engineering design, by automating the workflow and integrate new design and testing modalities within medi- process. For clinical trial support, that means direct import from cal device companies. major CAD packages, integrated with anatomical data sets from There has been a lot of planning, talking and investigat- CT or MRI scans, followed by state-of-the-art meshing to en- ing around modeling and simulation in the Life Sciences able rapid turnaround time of complex geometries. sector — many are finally taking action; others will have to From a software vendor’s perspective, this requires the catch up later. DE introduction of methods to enable integration of device and patient-specific data. In addition, software vendors need to Kristian Debus is the director of Life Sciences at CD-adapco, offer visualization tools that help deliver simulation results in Send email about this article to [email protected].

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