Chapter 1: I Ntroduction to the Plan List of Tables
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Chapter 1: I ntroduction to the Plan 1. I NTRODUCTI ON ................................................................................................. 1 1.1 FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTERS ................................................... 1 1.2 FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN - TERMS OF REFERENCE .............................. 3 1.3 FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN - KEY CONCEPTS .......................................... 4 1.3.1. Sustainable Forest Management ...................................................................... 4 1.3.2. Ecosystem-Based Management ....................................................................... 4 1.3.3. Climate Change – Adaptation .......................................................................... 5 1.3.4. Natural Range of Variability ............................................................................. 5 1.3.5. Species at Risk - Birds .................................................................................... 5 1.3.6. Indicator Birds ............................................................................................... 5 1.4 FOREST ADMI NI STRATI ON ........................................................................ 6 1.5 CORPORATE OVERVI EW ............................................................................. 7 1.6 FACI LI TY DESCRI PTI ONS .......................................................................... 8 1.7 LI TERATURE CI TED .................................................................................... 9 1.8 APPENDI CES ............................................................................................ 10 Appendix 1: Forest Management Plan - Terms of Reference July 29, 2019 List of Tables Table 1.1 Overview of the Forest Management Plan chapters and Appendices. .................... 1 Ch. 1 – Introduction i FML # 3 Forest Management Plan 1. I NTRODUCTI ON Chapter 1 of this Forest ManagementzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Plan provides an overview of the entire Forest Management Plan for the area of Forest Management Licence # 3. 1.1 FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN CHAPTERS An overview of all Forest Management Plan (FMP) chapters are described in Table 1.1. Appendices (if any) are listed under each chapter. Table 1.1 Overview of the Forest Management Plan chapters and Appendices. Chapter Chapter Title Description Number Ch. 1 I ntroduction This chapter is an introduction and overview of the Forest Management APP 1: Forest Management Plan Terms of Reference Plan. Signed Terms of Reference) is the blueprint (specifics) for developing the 20-Year Forest Management Plan for Forest Management Licence # 3. Ch. 2 Past Forest Management Activities (2006 to 2019) roads, crossings, harvest, APP 1: MAP - Roads and Water Crossings in Forest renewal, research, and monitoring Management Licence # 3 APP1 1 to APP 3: 150,000 scale maps APP 2: MAP -Area Harvested in Forest Management D-size (24” X 36”) Licence # 3 (2006 to 2019) APP 3: MAP -Renewal Activities in Forest Management Licence # 3 (2006 to 2019) Ch. 3 Current Forest Conditions Ecological – Biophysical descriptions Socio-Economic profile Land Use overview Ch. 4 I nformation Sharing & Engagement Communication Plan Summary of communications by APP 1: Letters sent to all communities community Record of Communications APP 2: Values survey Ch. 5 Scenario Planning Creation and sustainability evaluation of APP 1: MAP - Baseline Scenario - Spatial Harvest the Baseline and Moose Emphasis Schedule maps– planning period 1 (1 to 10 scenarios. Choice of ‘Preferred years) and planning period 2 (11 to 20 years) Management Scenario’ APP 2: MAP - Bird Species-at-Risk Habitat Map – Appendices 1 to 8 are digital maps D- Canada warbler – all scenarios size (24” X 36”). Ch. 1 – Introduction 1 FML # 3 Forest Management Plan Chapter Chapter Title Description Number APP 3: MAP - Indicator Bird maps – all Scenarios APP 4: MAP - Baseline Scenario – Winter moose Appendix 9 is letter size (8.5” X 11”) habitat maps APP 5: MAP - Baseline Scenario – Summer moose habitat maps APP 6: MAP - Moose Emphasis Scenario - Spatial Harvest Schedule – planning period 1 (1 to 10 years) and planning period 2 (11 to 20 years) APP 7: MAP - Moose Emphasis Scenario – Winter moose habitat maps APP 8: MAP - Moose Emphasis Scenario – Summer moose habitat maps APP 9: Objectives mutually chosen to rank the two scenarios Ch. 6 FMP I mplementation How the strategic plan (Moose Emphasis APP 1. MAP - Harvest operating areas – Spatial scenario) will be implemented on the Harvest Schedule - Moose Emphasis Scenario ground. (D-size Map (24” X 36”) APP 2. Planning Standard Operating Guidelines APP 3. Biodiversity Standard Operating Guidelines APP 4. Forest Roads and Crossings Standard Operating Guidelines APP 5. Forest Operations Standard Operating Guidelines APP 6. Silviculture Standard Operating Guidelines APP 7. Softwood Silviculture Standard Operating Procedures Ch. 7 Monitoring Framework Future monitoring and joint research APP 1: Permanent Sample Plot Procedures Manual efforts APP 2: Pre-Harvest Survey Manual APP 1 to 6 are all documentation of APP 3: Harvesting and Roads Monitoring/Inspection monitoring related manuals, reports, or form forms. APP 4: Water Crossing Checklist form APP 5: Road decommissioning table APP 6: SFI Certification audit summary Ch. 1 – Introduction 2 FML # 3 Forest Management Plan 1.2 FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN - TERMS OF zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBAREFERENCE The Forest Management Plan ‘Terms of Reference’ is described in this section. The Plan proponent (Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd.) is the holder of Forest Management Licence #3. The 20-Year Forest Management Plan (FMP) will be guided by input received from Indigenous communities, stakeholders, environmental groups and the public. The FMP Terms of Reference (ToR) was the blueprint for developing the 20-Year Forest Management Plan (FMP) for Forest Management Licence # 3. The new 20-Year FMP included ecosystem values and was designed with a community-supported strategy to ensure the long- term conservation of moose populations. The benefits to moose management resulting from FMP development was discussed with the Provincial Wildlife and Fisheries Branch, Indigenous communities, and stakeholders. The 20-Year FMP is for Forest Management Licence # 3 (FML #3), which includes the Duck Mountain Provincial Forest and surrounding area. FML #3 is located mostly within the Boreal Plain ecozone with a small portion located in the Prairie ecozone. The FMP Terms of Reference (ToR) began on Nov. 21st, 2014 with the creation of the FMP planning Team. The FMP planning team worked exclusively on the FMP Terms of Reference. The ToR was signed in Nov. 2017, after mutually agreeing to: • ecological yield (volume) curves • silviculture post-harvest transitions based on regeneration survey data • reintegrating harvested areas in the productive land base (from Potentially Productive) The FMP Terms of Reference were amended in June and July 2019 to specify wildife species and wildlife activities within the FMP. The revised ToR was signed by Wildlife and Fisheries Branch, Forest and Peatlands Branch, and Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd. on July 29th, 2019. The final Terms of Reference (July 29th, 2019) is in Appendix 1. Ch. 1 – Introduction 3 FML # 3 Forest Management Plan 1.3 FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN - KEY CONCEPTS Key concepts usedzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA in the development of this Forest Management Plan are described in the following sub-sections. 1.3.1. Sustainable Forest Management Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) refers to management that maintains and enhances the long-term health of forest ecosystems for the benefit of all living things while providing environmental, economic, social and cultural opportunities and goods and services for present and future generations. Examples of SFM elements include: wetlands filtering water, carbon storage and sequestration in both uplands and wetlands, wildlife habitat, and biodiversity. Sustainability in this Forest Management Plan refers to both sustainability over the term of the 20-year plan (2020 to 2040) as well as sustainability over two softwood rotations, which is 200 years. All modeling runs are projected over 200 years. 1.3.2. Ecosystem-Based Management Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) is an integrated, science-based approach to the management of natural resources that aims to sustain the health, resilience and diversity of ecosystems, while allowing for sustainable use by humans of the goods and services they provide (Kappel, 1994) The working definition of EBM as defined under the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement (Van Damme et. al. 2014) is as follows: “A management system that attempts to emulate ecological patterns and processes, with the goal of maintaining and/or restoring natural levels of ecosystem composition, structure and function within stands and across the landscape.” Focusing on individual pieces often compromises the whole ecosystem. By looking at whole ecosystems, we can better manage all values such as wildlife, water, recreation, and timber. The concept of Ecosystem-Based Management can be applied to sustainable forest management in timber-producing forests, in some cases to address values that are like those held for protected areas. Ecosystem-based Management is already used by Parks Canada. Canada’s national parks are explicitly mandated to engage in an ecosystem-based management approach. Parks Canada staff engage with land managers, owners, stakeholders