Journey to Mystical Spring - April 15 – 28, 2011


Fall – September 13-27, 2011

Join us for the Journey of a Lifetime…………… the mystical & fabled Lake Titicaca

Guided by Luminous 1

We donate a portion of our proceeds to a local cause in Peru.

Luminous 1 is a Clairvoyant, Spiritual Guide, Artist and Author. Her forthcoming book, PORTALS OF TRANSCENDENCE, a spiritual guide to tapping the wisdom, healing and transformative energy of Sacred Sites and Power Places reveals the keys to the accessing the magic of these mystical places. Luminous was born with the ability to walk between the worlds, talk to the dead, and is a master healing facilitator and transformational therapist. She is a lifelong metaphysical and spiritual teacher.

You are invited to join us for the spiritual journey of a lifetime to the Kundalini (energy) center of the Earth; Peru. Our journey will take us to , the amazing sites of the Sacred Valley, the colonial city of Cuzco and legendary Lake Titicaca. Along the way, we will be in the company of shamans, elders and other indigenous teachers.

You will learn how to connect with the powerful energy of the sites in Peru and learn about the ancient wisdom of the . Expect deep healing and empowerment from this journey.

We are living in very interesting times and I believe a journey like this is an essential component to our shifting perspectives and will greatly assist in informing the choices we may make in the future.

The focus of this journey is to introduce you to the amazing sacred sites in Peru and assist you in connecting deeply with your purpose and your higher self. Bring your heart's desires, dream really big dreams and be intentional. The energy systems at these ancient sites are excellent conductors, transmitters and receivers, assisting us to manifest our dreams. It is important to understand that the doorways and gateways to multidimensional worlds are active in Peru as they are at other power places. Peru is very powerful and lifts us to the next octave of experience. The previous energy center was Tibet – Male energy. Peru is the portal of Feminine energy being poured onto the planet; the visionary, creative and expressive forces.


Your international flight will arrive in Lima and continue on to Cuzco. Flights to Cuzco are early in the morning. When you book you flights from home, you will book through to Cuzco, knowing there is usually a time lag for the Cuzco flight. Please speak to our event coordinator to assist with travel arrangements before booking.

Day 1 Lima/Cuzco: An early morning flight takes you to , the Holy City and capital of the Incan Empire. We will be met at the airport and driven to our hotel in Cuzco where rest and relaxation at the hotel will adjust us to the altitude. In the evening we will have a welcome dinner with the entire group. Here, we will learn more details of our journey together and get to know each other.

Day 2

MORAY. Awaken in the lush and mystical Sacred Valley and step into the ancient future. Today we will visit Moray for our initial ceremony together. Moray is famous site that resembles a sunken amphitheater. The circular terraces appear to disappear into the earth. This ancient earth sculpture was likely an Inca agricultural research site, where crops were planted to grow at various altitudes. This site is not on the tourist trail and, therefore, few visitors make their way to it.

While it is possible to climb down the terraces toward the center of the earth, we find Moray is an excellent site for meditation and contemplation. We will learn how to connect with the Earth here in Peru and the spirits of this place.

Moray works with the heart chakra, opening the heart. The heart Center is our place of connecting with other beings, feeling, compassion, forgiveness and a loving kindness.

Here, we invite our spirit guides to accompany us on this journey and be part of our transformation, expansion and healing. We gather in a circle and allow the energies to express. All is possible when in Moray, so open your heart and let your spirit guides in; to heal, awaken and transform.

Day 3

PISAC: After our delicious Peruvian breakfast we will travel by bus to the pueblo (town) of Pisac and step back in time. Modern Pisac is a

delightful Andean Village. The Pisac ruins are located high above the village and are one of the finest examples of ancient stonework. The name derives from pisaca, meaning partridge, and this ancient city appears to have been laid out to resemble a bird with the terraced fields forming the wings. The city of Cuzco was laid out in the form of a Jaguar.

Military and upper-class areas used the famous interlocking stones, with large and small blocks fitted perfectly together. The best quality stonework is reserved for the temples, and consists of uniform blocks.

There appears to be both a practical and spiritual intention to the layout of the city. The temples are built both into and around some natural rock formations that appear to have been of special spiritual significance to the Inca.

The Sun Temple can be easily recognized for its curved outer wall. As at Machu Picchu, there exists here a Hitching Post of the Sun (a large carved stone). This stone was used on a midwinter's time (Winter Solstice) to bind the sun and prevent it from sinking any lower in the sky.

The Inca burial custom was to hollow out a hole in the mountainside for use as a grave. There are many thousands of holes in this region, not all visible from the ruins and not easily or safely accessible.

There are fantastic views from the Temple area over the flat bottomed Urubamba Valley and the modern town. There is a feeling of being at the pinnacle of a great temple, among great temples, the surrounding mountains.

We ascend a considerable distance to reach this ruins site, we gain altitude. As this is the very beginning of our journey it may not be advisable to hike the entire site. Pisac requires tough walking along the mountain within the ruins, with uneven footing, steep offense and defense and steep drops next to narrow paths. Mostly, confronting the altitude right at the beginning of our journey may not be the best idea.

Day 4

OLLANTAYTAMBO, the Incan Temple of the Sun is also known as The Pyramid of Pakaritambo, or The Dawning Place of Tomorrow. It is also known as the Lemurian (read Edgar Cayce, Churchward on Lemuria or books and articles on the Lost Continent of Mu – see our suggested reading list) Temple of Love – and that vibration can be felt in this place. There are many springs where water flows and the site has a very calming effect. Here we will experience a profound energy connected to six enormous pink stones that were mysteriously transported to this place.

We are very grateful for the enjoyment and transformation we receive from visiting Peru, and we are pleased to donate a portion of the cost from our journey to local causes in the countries we visit. This donation is included in the price of the journey.

Here we will learn to anoint our bodies with the sacred water that flows through the site; using the Peruvian chakra system.

We prefer to donate to smaller organizations as the money goes more directly to the people and serves their needs. When I visited Peru last year, I was told about the Heart’s Café and enjoyed a meal there. This café earns money for projects to benefit children in the Sacred Valley. Visit the website and learn about this wonderful organization and the projects they have underway.

While in , we will have a wonderful meal together at the Hearts Café and present our group donation to an organization member at the cafe. We may have the opportunity to visit one of the projects. This is a highlight of our journey – to give back

Day 5 and 6

Hitching post to the Sun Machu Picchu: In the early morning we will board a train to Machu Picchu and enjoy the breathtaking view of the lush Urubamba Valley. The timelessness of the valley will prepare us for our arrival in Machu Picchu. Known as the Eighth Wonder of the World, the Sacred Crystal City of Machu Picchu will present each of us with unique feelings, revelations and memories.

The total meaning and the varied uses of Machu Picchu is still unknown; why it was built and what purpose it served, who lived there and when they departed and why. It is widely agreed that the main intent of this stunning city in the sky was spiritual and ceremonial. Clearly its creator intended the journey to the sacred city to be a powerful experience for anyone who makes the pilgrimage. The rewards for winding our way among the peaks, forests, deep gorges, fairytale ruins and ceremonial sites are great and long lasting.

"And so I climbed the Earth ladder, through the awful labyrinth of lost jungles, up to you, Machu Picchu." Pablo Neruda, Heights of Machu Picchu, 1950

Machu Picchu is a beautifully mystical place with an undeniably strong feeling of spirituality. It is a monument dedicated to the relationship between man and the supernatural, the commonplace and magic. This breathtaking sight is an attempt by man to create pure divinity. Cosmic awareness seems to be a natural part of the site. It is a place where the strange forces of nature enable individuals to achieve a unique state of cosmic awareness, a state that can only be achieved in Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu is a complex word deriving from Machu: old or ancient, and Picchu: crest or mountain, therefore, Machu Picchu may be translated as the old mountain.

Wayna Picchu (the young mountain) also exists in this place. While the original names of these places have been lost through the passage of time their mystical splendor remains. The tropical forest meets the mountains on a plateau located on the top of an inaccessible mountain almost totally surrounded by a cliff, overlooking the Urubamba River as it winds its way through the valley below.

We encourage you to find your special place amongst this giant jigsaw puzzle of perfectly sculpted rock structures. There, in silence, you can relax and meditate and see the visions and messages Machu Picchu has to lay at your feet.

We will return by train to Cuzco today. Day 7

Jacks Café on the Left…great food!


Cusco is an absolute delight; a warm and lovely city. The ancient Incas cultivated an advanced awareness of energy and the knowledge of how to utilize each vibration for growth and transformation. Each temple was built at a specific point of power within the city.

Sacsayhuaman is located just above Cuzco and its powerful energy will remain in your mind and heart long after our journey is completed. The ancients understood that the stones would be the one thing to remain after everything else was gone. Although many of the stones in this ancient site as well as others around the world, have been carted away for the making of roads or homes, the ancient wisdom is vibrating in the stones and accessible to those who visit this amazing place.

Serpent Stone at Sacsayhuaman


We will visit the Temple of the Moon, heart and sun generally located in Cuzco.


Day 8 Cuzco Tipon

Outside of Cuzco, up a winding dirt road at the top of a mountain is the lush site called Tipon. The water flowing through the center of the site is said to be the merging of the male and female energies. This ceremonial site has a feeling of serenity and peace.

Witches Village (Hausao)

Hausao (Witches Village)

Just a few miles outside of Cuzco, at the sacred mountain, , is Hausao, famous for its witches, sorceresses, Peruvian Shamans and telluric rituals. No photo for this one; it will be a surprise.

In the evening, we will enjoy a musical event.

Day 9 Cuzco Quilla Rumiyok, Evening Event

We have some free time today. We take a journey to Quilla Rumiyok, a village outside of Cuzco. In the evening we enjoy a special presentation.

Day 10 Cuzco to Puno …Raqchi, Temple of Wiracocha, Purara

Our magical journey from Cuzco heading south to Lake Titicaca includes not just the stunning landscape of the country, but visits to other sacred sites. Raqchi

The Incas, who considered themselves a sacred race and the progeny of the sun and moon, worshipped their "parents," the evening star, the spirit of thunder and the rainbow, together with other gods, of whom Wiracocha was the presiding power. This great temple, ascribed to him, is at Raqchi in the Titicaca district. Here were sacrificed objects most prized by the people - grain, fruits, a few animals, and products of their own industry. We will learn more and experience this fascinating site.


The lost temples of Purara preceded the Incan Empire by 2500 years.

Day 11 Lake Titicaca -- the second part of our journey.

Vital for our planet during these transitional times is the understanding of the land of Peru, steeped in ancient prophecies and wisdom.

During the 500 years of the eighth Pachacuyeq, the greatest spiritual leader of the Incas and the builder of Machu Picchu ruled. This was a time of light when the flourished and there was expansion and good fortune.

The ninth Pachakuti, on the opposite side of duality, brought with it the 500 years of darkness when the European invaders conquered the Inca and the Indian people lost their power.

We are now entering the 10th Pachakuti, which the local people refer to as the returning of Pachkuteq, the returning of light. This is the time when the etheric crystal cities of the fourth dimension such as the lost golden city of Paititi and the eternal etheric city under Lake Titicaca will again be available to us.

There is a legend that says at the time Lemuria was sinking, one of the seven great masters of the myriad, Lord Amaru Meru, was given the mission to bring the sacred Golden solar disk from the Temple of illumination in Lemuria to Lake Titicaca for safekeeping. During the time of the Incas, the solar disk was transferred to Cusco, and placed in the Koriancha, the main Temple of the Incas, where it stayed until the coming of the Spanish. At that time, it was returned to Lake Titicaca and placed in the eternal etherial city inside the lake.

The solar disk is used in the capacity of a cosmic computer that receives enlightened information directly from the universal mind source, Viracocha, at the center of the galaxy. By entering the Temple of illumination and opening themselves, the Lemurians, and later the Incas, could access this sacred wisdom.

It is during this time, the age of Pachakuti that the sacred solar disk is to be reactivated for the purpose of accessing this sacred cosmic wisdom.

Many of the world spiritual leaders, as well as indigenous teachers, acknowledge that the energy of the planet shifted in 1987 from the masculine energies of Tibet to the feminine energies of Peru, and more particular, Lake Titicaca, Machu Picchu, and the sacred Valley of the Incas.

This area is the acknowledged portal through which the New feminine energies are entering the earth; soft power energy - energy of the heart. We not only have an opportunity during this time to access the information from the Sacred Golden Disk and to receive the cosmic energies of love that are coming in, but many planetary light workers are feeling called to participate in reactivating the Golden solar disk.

The solar disc serves as a portal through which these new feminine energies radiate to the entire world. When we use our intention to reactivate the solar disk, we facilitate these energies coming in stronger….. powerful work for planetary midwives.

The remains of what is thought to be a 1000 to 1500-year-old Temple were found below the waters of South America's Lake Titicaca in August of 2000.

The ruins were found in an area of the lake between the town of Copacabana and the popular tourist destinations of the island of the sun and the island of the moon.

Researchers said: we've found what appears to have been a 660 foot long 160 foot wide holy Temple, terraces for crops, a pre-Incan Road and a 2600 foot long containing wall.

Through myth and legend the Highland area has been known to contain access points for vast underground subterranean cities, the domain of inner Earth beings that, from time to time, emerge from their lower worlds into the upper atmosphere of our third dimensional density.

These ancient legends speak of vast networks of tunnels crisscrossing the entire length and breadth of the planet. Traditions of vaults, labyrinths and buried treasures of remote antiquity are found in Crete, Egypt, Tibet, Mexico, Ecuador, and Peru.

Several places in the Andes Mountains are considered gateways to these realms and doorways where emergence or entrance is possible. Included among this distinction are the famous sacred sites of Sacsayhuaman in the city of Cuzco and the ancient pre-Incan city of Tiwanaku near the shores of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia.

Day 12 Puno – Boat to Amantani Island…hiking and ceremony at Temple of Pachatata and Pachamanma. Overnight at the adobe house of the islanders.

Amatani has two mountain peaks, Pachatata (Father Earth) and Pachamama (Mother Earth), with ancient Inca and Tiwanaku ruins on top of both. The terraced hillsides are mostly worked by hand and planted with wheat, quinoa, potatoes, and other vegetables. Livestock, including alpacas, also graze the slopes.

Similar to the Taquileños, the inhabitants of Amantaní are also known for their textiles, and ceramics. Most of the inhabitants live in houses of adobe. The island has no cars and is powered for only a few hours a day by a generator.

Day 13 Return to Puno visiting the Uros floating islands. These islands are made and

i remade from the totora reeds which provide home, sustenance and transportation for their residents. The largest island is currently Tribuna. The surface of the islands is uneven, thin, and some liken walking on it to walking on a waterbed. The unwary might not notice a thin spot and sink a leg or more into the frigid waters of the lake.

These floating islands are the home of the Uros tribe, one which pre-dates the Incan civilization. According to their legends, they existed before the sun, when the earth was still dark and cold. They were impervious to drowning or being struck by lightning.

The Uros claim to have “black blood” and are consequently immune to the cold. They call themselves be kot-suña, or people of the lake, and consider themselves the owners of the lake and its waters. They continue living by fishing, weaving and now, tourism. They catch fish for themselves and to sell on the mainland. They also catch shore birds and ducks for eggs and food. Occasionally, if the level of the lake decreases, they may plant potatoes in soil created by the decaying reeds, but as a norm, they are not agricultural. The reed boats quite often have an animal face or shape on the prow and are a favorite photographic subject.

The Uros tribe lost their status as super beings when they disobeyed universal order and mixed with humans, making them susceptible to contempt. They scattered, losing their identity, language, and customs. They became the Uro-Aymaras, and now speak Aymara. Because of their simple and precarious lifestyle, the Incas thought them worth little and accordingly taxed them very little. Yet the Uros, with their basic reed homes outlasted the mighty Incas with their huge stone temples and mountain-top enclaves. Day 14

One of the highlights of our Journey is the time we will spend the Aramu Muro Doorway. Also known as the “Puerta De Hayu Marca” (Gate of the Gods) the natural rock surface was carved in the distant past.

Jorge Luis DelGado stumbled across the structure while trekking through the surrounding foothills trying to familiarize himself with the area for his job as a guide. "When I saw the structure for the first time, I almost passed out!" said Luis, in an interview with the local press. "I have dreamed of such a construction repeatedly over the years, but in the dream the path to the door was paved with pink marble, and with pink marble statues lining either side of the path. In the dream, I also saw that the smaller door was open, and there was a brilliant blue light coming from what looked like a shimmering tunnel. I have commented to my family many times about these dreams, and so, when I finally gazed upon the doorway, it was like a revelation from God. How does one make order of such a strange occurrence?"

There are many strange occurrences reported by farmers in the area at this site. Stories of disappearances of children playing near the doorway, large light beings coming and going from the doorway to and from Lake Titicaca are examples.

For Certain, the doorways and gateways in Peru are active and alive and we will get to experience this for ourselves.

This evening we visit Inka Tnuhire, an Ichu village we will see monoliths related to the Tiwananu culture.

Overnight in Chucuito

Day 15

Visit on route to the airport. Sillustani is a pre-Incan burial ground with the tombs built above the ground to emphasize the connection between life and death. Mummified corpses in a fetal position were placed inside the uterus shaped tombs to recreate their birth.

The image of the lizard was sometimes carved into the stone. Lizards were considered symbols of life since they could re-grow their tail. The only opening to the tombs faced east, where it was believed the Sun was reborn by Mother Earth each day.

Our ceremony of completion will take place on this date, maybe at this site; we can share our experiences and thank the land of Peru for all that it has given us.

Fly to Lima and connect with your international flight.