Evaluation of Potable Water Demand and Supply in Kano State, Nigeria

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Evaluation of Potable Water Demand and Supply in Kano State, Nigeria Feb. 2014. Vol. 4, No.6 ISSN 2305-1493 International Journal of Scientific Knowledge Computing and Information Technology © 2012- 2014 IJSK & K.A.J. All rights reserved www.ijsk.org EVALUATION OF POTABLE WATER DEMAND AND SUPPLY IN KANO STATE, NIGERIA Nura Isyaku BELLO 1 and Dr. Fikret TUNA 2 Fatih University, Department of Geography, 34500, Buyukcekmece / Istanbul 1 MA Student, [email protected], 2 Assoc. Prof. Dr., [email protected] ABSTRACT The investigation of water availability and supply is very important for the well being of any community. The aim of this research work is to evaluate and assess the main sources of water and the various factors that affect potable water demand and supply in Kano State. The methodology adopted here is secondary method where by data collected from several institutions that are related to water supply in Kano state. The collected data were analyzed by statistical techniques and presented in the study. Also, some geographic characteristics such as climate, precipitation, soil type, vegetation cover, dams, population, agriculture and industry were investigated. The research concluded that the water supply in Kano state do not meet the demand due to some problems such as insufficient number of water treatment plant, power failure and shortage of fund and so on. Finally the research suggests solution to the identified shortcoming in water supply in the state. Keywords: Potable water, Water demand, water supply, Kano state. 1. INTRODUCTION Water resource management is a continuing long- water evenly in order to fully satisfy humans term process, which requires adequate and careful demands [4]. planning and implementation, which geared towards improving condition of life [2]. It is the control of There are urgent need for effective integration of water resources systems, which is the combination of theory and practice particularly in planning water water resources constructed facilities, and resources management, in order to improve water environmental elements that can work hand in hand supply and public health [15, 12]. The increasing to achieve effective sustainable water management pressure on world water available resources shows [5] or the act of effective planning, developing, that unless its management was effectively improved, distributing, utilizing and managing the optimum use a serious water shortage that can sustain future of water resources. population growth will prevail [3] this is because the world water supply will become insufficient through Water Resources Management is defined by the mismanagement, pollution and poor conservation. Global Water Partnership [6] as the processes which geared toward incorporate planning, developing and Despite the fact that Nigeria has two major rivers managing potential water resource, land and others, crosses its breadth and length and branches of other so as to increase economic and social services in an tributaries spread all over the country, but still there equitable system without destroying the fragile is a problem of limited water supply. Recently the ecosystems. It can be seen also as sub-set of water drought, flood, urban water shortages and continuous management cycle. In an ideal situation, water water contamination in Nigeria and different parts of resource management planning considers all the the worlds draw the attention of stakeholders for the competing demands for water and seeks to distribute need of efficient and effective planning of water resources in Nigeria. According to the World Health 35 Feb. 2014. Vol. 4, No.6 ISSN 2305-1493 International Journal of Scientific Knowledge Computing and Information Technology © 2012- 2014 IJSK & K.A.J. All rights reserved www.ijsk.org Organization (WHO) for developing countries, the Provision of potable water in Kano state is facing minimum standard amount per capita is 120 liter per serious problems because of high population day [16]. increase, urban growth, budget allocation problems and poor of development of social services. Huge The water supply system in Africa is not reliable [11, amount of money is continuously injected into water 14]. The water resources are continuously becoming sector but still the supply is facing serious problems limited for future generations especially in areas of rapid growing of population. Due to the rapid without much water due to the climatic factors and increase in population, urbanization, high pressure on high consumption of water by human as a result of the existing infrastructure, which usually results in rapid population growth and industrialization. Since infrastructural decay, there by disrupted the efficient water shortage will lead to disastrous problems to water delivery system. Moreover, another problem of both human and environment, it is a requirement to water supply in Kano state is associated with erratic conserve water resources, prevent their pollution, power supply that hampers continued operation of the effectively manage the demand and supply [1] water supply system. Kano state is located in the northern part of Nigeria, The aim of this research is to evaluate and assess the where there is no any large water body or shared main sources of water and the various factors that border with ocean. The rainfall pattern in Kano is affect potable water demand and supply in Kano seasonal in nature, which lasts for 3-5 months with State. The main research questions of this study are: annual mean rainfall of less than 800 mm and high 1. What are the main sources and users of potable rate of evapotranspiration which leads to the lost of water in Kano? huge amount of water resources. Therefore water 2. What are the potable water demand and supply resource management is very crucial in Kano. The in Kano? investigation on potable water demand and supply in 3. Is there any potable water deficit in Kano? Kano is very important. 4. Are there any problems about potable water demand and supply? 2. METHODOLOGY Similarly, huge and reliable data were also sourced In this research work of evaluation of potable water from sixteen regional water schemes across the state. demand and supply in Kano State, secondary data is These regional water scheme supply water to a the major concern. Secondary data for this research specified local government areas within their region work on evaluation of potable water demand and in order to supplement the effort of Kano State Water supply were sourced from Kano State Water Board Board of potable water supply. Agency (KSWBA), which is charge with responsibilities of abstracting, treatment and water After successful completion of data collection from distribution to both urban and semi-urban areas of the study area on potable water demand and supply, Kano State. Water Resources Engineering and descriptive statistics were used to analyze collected Construction Agency (WRECA) and Kano State data. The total water demand in Kano state is Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency obtained by finding the product of population figure (RUWASA), which is responsible for water provision of the area and the average daily per capita water to rural areas, and National Population Commission consumption. (NPC) are the main organizations from where data of this research were collected. 36 Feb. 2014. Vol. 4, No.6 ISSN 2305-1493 International Journal of Scientific Knowledge Computing and Information Technology © 2012- 2014 IJSK & K.A.J. All rights reserved www.ijsk.org 3. FINDINGS distinct seasons namely wet and dry. The wet season starts in June and ends by September. Mean annual 3.1. Location and Geography of Study Area rainfall ranges from over 1,000 mm in the extreme south to a little less than 800 mm in the extreme Kano State is located in the north-west region of north. The rains last for three to five months. Mean Nigeria. It has a total land area of 20,131 km2 (7,773 temperature ranges from 26°C to 33°C. Then, a cool sq mi), which represents 3.13% of the entire total and dry season lasts from October to mid-May of the next year. In this period the mean monthly area of the country. Kano State is bounded on the 0 west by Katsina State, on the south-west by Kaduna temperature is between 21 and 23 C. Figure 1 below State, on the east by Jigawa State and southeast by shows temperature and precipitation data of Kano Bauchi State. It is a part of the Sudano-sahelian state. region of the country and comprises of 44 local government areas, which divide into three geo- Kano River rises from the foot slopes of Jos plateau political zones, namely Kano Central, Kano South to the south and flows generally north and northwest and Kano North. until about 30 km from its confluence with river Challawa where it swings to flow north east. It flows Kano has a total population of 9,383,682 and up to Kano central where Tamburawa and River population density of 470 per/sq km [12]. Kano Challawa which emerges from western part of Kano metropolitan has population of 2,163,225 (NPC, meet. So, water is abundantly available during the 2006). 75% of the people living in Kano are living in wet season both on surface and subsurface. rural areas [8]. Currently the rate of population growth observed to be 2.9% per annum in Kano Kano River which rises from a fairly humid zone has State. Moreover, high dependency ratio has been a mean discharge of 39 cubic meters per second (m3/s). Challawa River which rises from a drier area observed in Kano State and about 47% of the total 3 populations in the study area are under 15 years of has a mean discharge of 22 m /s. The streams in age [10]. Kano are characterized by flashy flows, storm discharges and seasonality. Surface water is not The basement complex of Kano is mostly weathered available during dry season except in few deep rock.
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