Report for: ACTION Contains Confidential No or Exempt Information Title CEX 419 Borough of Culture and Commissioning Culture Member Reporting Cllr Samia Chaudhary, Lead Member for Leisure Services Contact Details Victoria Lawson, Executive Director, Environment, Culture and Customer Services,
[email protected], 020 8583 4463 For Consideration By Cabinet Date to be Considered 15th October 2019 Implementation Date if 28th October 2019 (and April 2020 for broader Not Called In commissioning of culture) Affected Wards All Keywords/Index Culture; Borough of Culture; Commissioning 1. Details of Recommendations Cabinet is asked to: 1. Endorse the London Borough of Hounslow’s bid to be London Borough of Culture 2021 and commit to match funding of up to £337,500 plus £67,500 in in-kind support in the event of our bid being successful. 2. Endorse a new approach to funding culture across the borough by approving the creation of a £175,000 We Are Hounslow cultural commissioning budget for 2020/21, the final design of which will be delegated to the Executive Director of Environment, Culture and Customer Services. 2. Report Summary The London Borough of Hounslow is bidding for Borough of Culture status in 2021. A successful Borough of Culture bid would bring c. £1.35m into the borough to support a year-long cultural programme and would need to be supported by match funding from the council and other partners. The benefits to the borough in terms of reputation, tourism, and cultural impact are significant and Cabinet are asked to approve the bid for Borough of Culture 2021.