Planning for a Sustainable Future

Analysis of Consultation Responses

Background Report B

Summary of other comments received on the White Paper List of Respondents to the Planning White Paper community, opportunity, prosperity

Planning for a Sustainable Future

Analysis of Consultation Responses Background Report B Summary of other comments received on the White Paper List of respondents to the Planning White Paper

November 2007 Department for Communities and Local Government: London Department for Communities and Local Government Eland House Bressenden Place London SW1E 5DU Telephone: 020 7944 4400 Website:

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November 2007

Product Code: 07 COMM 04934/e Contents

Annex 1: Summary of other comments received on the White Paper 6

Annex 1A: Planning White Paper Community Engagement Programme 14

Annex 2: List of Respondents to the Planning White Paper 18 6|Planning for a Sustainable Future

Annex 1: Summary of other comments received on the White Paper

The ARUP Analysis of Consultation Responses report focuses on the responses sent (both by post or e-mail) to the address set out in the Planning White Paper, Planning For A Sustainable Future.

In addition to these formal responses, the Department also received a range of other comments on the White Paper proposals, from a variety of sources which are listed below. These comments have also been taken into account in deciding how to take forward the proposals set out in the Planning White Paper.

There were five main groups of comments:

1. Comments made on the White Paper in correspondence sent directly to ministers in Communities and Local Government (CLG) or from Members of Parliament to ministers, reporting or reflecting views of their constituents;

2. Comments made at stakeholder events;

3. Feedback from a series of community consultation exercises conducted by Planning Aid on behalf of the Department;

4. Comments made in response to Government’s draft legislative programme; and

5. Views set out in petitions not submitted as formal responses to consultation.

1. White Paper Correspondence

Around 500 letters were received by Ministers in Communities and Local Government directly or from Members of Parliament to ministers, reporting or reflecting views of their constituents over the consultation period from 24 May to 31 August 2007. Of these, over 350 followed a largely standard format, reflecting points of concern raised by various non-governmental organisations. Annex 1 Planning for a Sustainable Future |7

The vast majority of the largely standard format responses picked up 4 points of concern to Friends of the Earth, namely:

• The proposal to give National Policy Statements more weight than any other statement of national, regional, or local policy could threaten vital policies such as the sustainable community strategy;

• The proposals are bad for local democracy as people would lose their rights to be heard at Public Inquiries, being only allowed a possible ‘open mic’ style airing of views at the end of the inquiry, with no right to cross- examine and no guarantee that their views will be considered;

• The proposals are bad for climate and the environment as the Government will be able to force through major expansions in airports, roads and incinerators that will lead to a huge rise in greenhouse gas emissions; and

• The proposals will be bad for town centres as removing the “needs test” for retail development will result in more out of town stores, putting local shops and business at risk of unfair competition from the big four supermarkets.

During the course of the White Paper consultation, Friends of the Earth also sent approximately 800 signed postcards to the Prime Minister. Although it was evident that these were printed and written in the context of the Barker and Eddington reviews, and in advance of then (forthcoming) Planning White Paper, the covering letter indicated that the postcards were indicative of “an escalating sense of unease” in regard to issues of “local rights and democracy”, the “abandoning” of the “commitment to sustainable development and the fight against climate change.” The principal points raised were to urge support for the plan led system and community engagement in the system and to avoid undue priority being given to economic development.

In addition to the standard format letters, ministers received approximately 150 other letters which raised points in relation to the white paper.

Of these, approximately 70 were letters to ministers from MPs responding to constituency concerns; approximately 80 were letters sent directly to ministers from members of the public, businesses, voluntary organisations and community groups. The main points raised in these letters were:

(a) the role of the commission with regard to the public participation The principal issue of concern raised in the majority of the letters was the perception of a lack of accountability of the proposed planning commission.

There were three main concerns:

• the un-elected nature of the proposed infrastructure planning commission which was not democratically accountable, nor subject to Parliamentary scrutiny or any appeal mechanism 8|Planning for a Sustainable Future

• the role of the national policy statements as the principal reference for decision-making – and that this would not give sufficient weight to the views of local people and

• an overall perception of a reduced or secondary role of the public in planning decisions which was seen as an erosion of the rights of the public to be heard on matters which affected them. There was particular concern about the proposed “open floor stage on the grounds it was understood to be the only opportunity for the public to air their views; that it was only available after the end of the Inquiry with no right to cross-examine; and that there was no certainty that any views expressed at this forum would be properly considered

(b) Climate Change A minority of respondents raised National Policy Statements and climate change as an issue of concern. Most comments were based on the perception that the proposals for major infrastructure projects amounted to an easing of planning control, with the consequence of an increase in carbon-intensive development, such as roads and airports.

(c) the replacement of the “needs test” A large number of correspondents raised concerns about the proposed replacement of the “Need and Impact” test with a new test .

Some made reference to press reports which speculated that the proposals would allow more out-of-town shopping centres. This last point – the increased dominance of supermarkets at the expense of local shops – was commonly stated as being of major concern.

(d) the role of the public with regards to local development frameworks and development plan documents

A similar number of respondents were concerned at the proposals to simplify the consultation stages within the local development plan. Many considered that this amounted to a “watering down” of the democratic process within local plan-making, with some believing that the proposals amounted to a removal of community consultation altogether. There were some who considered that the proposals were an attempt to increase central government control.

There was an overall concern that the package of proposals relating to local plan-making and community involvement would have the effect of reducing local people’s rights to consultation or their impact. Annex 1 Planning for a Sustainable Future |9

(e) Householder Permitted Development Rights A number of respondents raised concerns about the White Paper proposals to amend the householder permitted development rights.

Views were split on this matter. Some indicated that the measures, particularly in regard to loft conversions, were excessively restrictive. There were forecasts that most of the conversions which are currently permitted would, under the proposals, require planning permission. Some businesses – mainly the loft conversion industry – implied that they would suffer falling orders as a result of this; and that, far from freeing up the planning system from unnecessary development control applications, the proposals would add to them.

In contrast, there were those who indicated the opposite: that the proposed measures would enable a proliferation of home extensions or loft conversions – including development in conservation areas. This last point is actually a misunderstanding of the proposals stated in the White Paper, but it was a commonly held view upon which there was considerable anxiety.

Some were not convinced of the need for change at all. There were also concerns that permitted development would not take important factors, such as design, into account, thus affecting the character of an area. However, some were generally supportive of the proposals – with some keen to know when they would take effect.

(f) Giving priority to economic development A number of correspondents wrote voicing their concern that the proposals, both in relation to nationally significant infrastructure projects and in relation to town and country planning would give undue priority to economic development and in effect amount to a “presumption in favour of development” which would result in more development being allowed that would have an unacceptable impact.

(g) Green Belt A small number of respondents indicated that they had concerns that Green Belt policy would be changed. Those that commented on this point were mainly strongly opposed to any change which might weaken control over development.

2. Comments made at stakeholder events

This section of the report focuses on feedback received through stakeholder events and group meetings hosted by Department officials during the consultation period. These varied from giving a keynote presentation to external conferences and seminars, regular forums to discuss planning issues such as those organised on a regional basis by Government Offices, to specific sessions set up for the purpose (for example, a dedicated meeting with the National Planning Forum). 10 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

Sessions included a range of key stakeholders in the planning community, including representatives from business, environmental groups and the planning profession, as well as local and regional government stakeholders.

The purpose of the sessions was threefold:

• to ensure stakeholders had a clear understanding of the proposals

• to address any queries about the proposals; and

• to encourage attendees to respond formally to the consultation

Although attendees’ backgrounds and particular interest in the proposals were varied as did the degree of feedback, a number of common themes and discussion points emerged which are listed below:

Major infrastructure projects • How to achieve the (broadly supported) principle of improving infrastructure planning without downgrading environmental protection and sustainability goals

• Whether it was right to focus the blame for delays on the “planning system”, recognising that major infrastructure projects are handled by specific approval regimes outside the Town and Country Planning Act and as opposed to other potential influences such as funding delays

• How National Policy Statements would be drawn up, consulted upon and scrutinised – with a mix of comments, mainly concerned to ensure adequate testing. Queries about how National Policy Statements would mesh different regional and local tiers of plans

• How to involve stakeholders, in particular local communities, in the development of national policy statements and the consideration of development proposals. Need to make most of the opportunity of a new system to improve engagement with affected communities. Additional funding shouldn’t only go to Planning Aid

• The sorts of qualifications and expertise required by Commissioners and what the accountability arrangements would be

• How to ensure targets for decision-making meet the requirement for efficiency and certainty whilst ensuring all necessary information is considered

• Whether the IPC should have an enforcement or monitoring role as well as a decision-making one Annex 1 Planning for a Sustainable Future |11

Appeals • Debate around the concept of Local Member Review Bodies, with most commentators raising concerns, in particular, how to ensure decisions were not taken on a political basis

• How the proposals for speeding up processes and introducing fees may impact on appeals, whether they might deter genuine appeals or appeals by particular groups, or alternatively, whether fast track proposals may actually increase appeal levels. Developer interest in whether fees could be refunded if appeal allowed

Permitted development • The balance between reducing the need for planning permission with potential for increased requests for enforcement of the new rules

• Whether the new impact rules increase clarity or oversimplify the current procedure too far

Other TCPA proposals • Discussion, usually concern, about impact of removal of independent examination of Statements of Community Involvement and removal of the requirement to list supplementary planning documents in the Local Development Scheme

• What new resources would be offered to planning departments to support the new reforms?

• How the Government’s wish to raise the status of the local authority’s chief planning officer is to be carried forward

• What allowance for variable LPA performance had been made in planning for implementation of the new reforms?

• General support for a new PPS4 on economic development, though discussion of more attention required at the regional and sub-regional level

• The need to emphasise the social aspects of sustainable development as well as the economic and environmental 12 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

3. Community Consultation Exercise

Planning Aid, on behalf the Department for Communities and Local Government, carried out a community consultation exercise in relation to aspects of the Government’s White Paper Planning for a Sustainable Future and associated documents. Those aspects covered:

(i) “Major Infrastructure Projects”;

(ii) “Appeal Process, Examinations and Appraisals”; and

(iii) “Householder Permitted Development Rights”.

This exercise comprised a series of events, held in July 2007, in each of the English regions to which community groups and interested individuals were invited to discuss the proposals, structured around a series of questions posed by Communities and Local Government. Also questionnaires were given to all participants, containing all the questions referred to above, with space for further comment.

A summary of Planning Aid’s findings from this consultation exercise is set out at the end of this annex (Annex 1A).

4 Comments made in response to Government’s draft legislative programme

A small number of replies commented on the proposal for a Planning Bill, which will implement proposals in the Planning White Paper.

Some respondents expressed reservations that the Planning Bill would implement the Barker and Eddington reports to speed up the development of major infrastructure projects and planning generally, without re-examining the evidence, or taking account of concerns expressed in the consultation on the Planning White Paper, thereby pre-empting the outcome of that consultation.

Some respondents were concerned that the proposals for infrastructure planning would reduce ministerial accountability, remove people’s right to have a say on infrastructure projects, have an adverse impact on the environment and also reduce proper consideration of alternatives to such projects.

Some respondents welcomed the proposal for a Planning Bill. One respondent who welcomed the positive impact on how transport infrastructure projects are approved also noted the need to ensure disabled people have a voice.

In addition, the Secretary of State received around 100 emails in relation to the Planning Bill, which raised points of concern identified by Friends of the Earth which were the same as points of concern raised in relation to the Planning White Paper. Annex 1 Planning for a Sustainable Future |13

5. Petitions

In addition to three petitions submitted formally as representations to the Planning White Paper which are recorded in Arup report (Background Report A), four petitions were lodged on the Downing Street website.

The first of these was submitted by Alan Beddow, who petitioned to “Keep the ‘supermarket needs test.’” The deadline was 23 July 2007. There were seven signatories.

The second petition, submitted by Jacqueline James, petitioned “to stop the ‘simplification’ of planning rules (Independent Planning Commission).” The deadline was 30 August 2007. There were ten signatories

The third petition, submitted by Antony Oliver of New Civil Engineer magazine, petitioned “to ensure that civil engineers are appointed to the Independent Infrastructure Planning Commission currently being developed by the Department for Communities and Local Government.”

NCE magazine along with the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Association for Consulting and Engineering, and the Civil Engineering Contractors Association feel strongly that civil engineers must be part of this panel. ICE president Quentin Leiper said: “It is vital that high quality professional advice on the engineering issues is on the inside of the planning decision-making process. “This means that at least some members of the [commission] should themselves be chartered engineers. Civil engineers will play a key role in the design and construction of this infrastructure and are ready to play their part in developing the new planning framework. “The experience of civil engineers in responding fully to environmental and social project constraints will be an invaluable input.”

The deadline is 8 December 2007. There were 139 signatories at the end of August 2007.

A fourth petition, submitted by John McKenna, petitioned to ensure that professional civil engineers are among the experts to sit on the proposed infrastructure panel.’ The deadline was 12 June 2008. As at 24 October, there were five signatories. 14 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

Annex 1A: Planning White Paper Community Engagement Programme

Report on Community Consultation Exercises carried out July 2007

Summary This report details the results of a community consultation exercise carried out by Planning Aid, on behalf of the Department for Communities and Local Government, in relation to aspects of the Government’s White Paper Planning for a Sustainable Future and associated documents. Those aspects covered:

(iv) “Major Infrastructure Projects”;

(v) “Appeal Process, Examinations and Appraisals”; and

(vi) “Householder Permitted Development Rights”.

The exercise comprised a series of events, held in July 2007, in each of the English regions to which community groups and interested individuals were invited to discuss the proposals, structured around a series of questions posed by Communities and Local Government. Also questionnaires were given to all participants, containing all the questions referred to above, with space for further comment.

221 community representatives and individuals attended the 14 events, which were facilitated by around 25 Planning Aid staff and volunteers. There were – at the time of writing – 189 questionnaire responses, which have been analysed in the main report. This approach produced a wealth of quantitative data and qualitative comment, acting as a measure of overall approval ratings for specific proposals, detail of how these conclusions were reached and suggestions for further policy development.

The major finding was that the philosophy behind the White Paper proposals, and many of the individual proposals, were seen by most as acceptable, but the details proved contentious, with suggestions that many proposals faced in two directions at once – in favour of speeding-up the system and in favour of enhancing community involvement. Virtually all participants were supportive of the latter direction, but deeply suspicious of any suggestions which were perceived to place the former direction as more important than the latter. Annex 1A Planning Aid and Planning Aid for London |15

Headline Quantitative Measures The following is a selection of response measures from the questionnaires:

• 61% thought the public would not have adequate opportunities to get involved in national policy statements;

• 90% in favour of parliamentary scrutiny of national policy statements;

• 81% in favour of requirement for promoters to carry out public consultation on major infrastructure projects;

• 84% thought that ‘fast tracking’ of householder appeals is good or reasonable;

• 64% opposed to Member Review Bodies to deal with householder appeals;

• 79% did not want the Independent Examination of Statements of Community Involvement dropped;

• 83% had issues with expanding permitted development rights;

• 90% in favour of national restrictions on hard standings.

Summary of Main Response Points A brief summary of the discussions and the questionnaire responses in relation to each topic is given below.

Major Infrastructure Projects National Policy Statements: • widespread acceptance of the principles of these proposals but concern that the details do not fully recognise the need for informed and equitable involvement in the planning process for such projects

• National Policy Statements were seen as useful in setting the scene for consideration of individual infrastructure projects

• they should be subject to early and widespread local consultation by a wide variety of means, supported by experts

• effective consultation was seen as the guarantee for local acceptability, rather than legal challenge

• involvement of other public bodies and Parliament was taken by most as essential

• mixed views on the use of existing policy frameworks, but always community involvement was seen as key to acceptability 16 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

Major Infrastructure Projects and the Infrastructure Planning Commission: • proposals again seen by most as acceptable in principle, but with reservations about the details

• proposal for promoter-led consultation was accepted by most, but requiring a legally binding framework

• argument for an Infrastructure Planning Commission was widely accepted

• but deep reservations about the openness and independence of the IPC in providing a platform for community involvement

• legal challenge option again not regarded as sufficient

• the IPC should have a wide range of relevant skills and possibly incorporate community representation

Overall many felt that the definitions and safeguards within the proposals needed improvement to ensure equitable treatment of community views.

Appeal Process, Examinations and Appraisals Householder appeals: • agreement with ‘fast tracking’ of householder appeals, but demands for a longer time frame if community groups involved, objections to the limitation to ‘original documents’ and many demands for a Third Party right of appeal

• firm opposition to Member Review Bodies as lacking independence and competence

• approval for the Inspectorate determining the appeal method, but enabling community influence and not relying upon legal challenge

Examination of Statements of Community Involvement: • strong opposition to removal of ‘independent examination’ of the SCI, with scepticism that general ‘duties’ are strong enough to ensure effective consultation

Sustainability Appraisal for Supplementary Planning Documents: • (relevant to half of participants) most supported continuance of Appraisal as a mechanism to ensure full and up-to-date discussion of sustainability issues

Overall there was agreement with some of the ideas for speeding up the system, but likewise considerable support for ‘checks and balances’ which back up community and sustainability interests in the planning process. Annex 1A Planning Aid England and Planning Aid for London |17

Householder Permitted Development Rights The ‘Impact Approach’: • a good understanding of, and agreement with, the ‘impact approach’ and support for the ‘dimensions’ approach rather the current ‘volume’ approach

• mixed views about application of the proposals in ‘designated areas’ with some wanting uniform standards, but most concerned to protect effectively the character of widely define areas and from all public vantage points

Domestic Extensions and Hard Surfaces: • many reservations about precise definitions and interpretations, with most claiming that the proposed allowances are too large, with a particular concern about levels

• strong support for the proposals for dormers

• some uncertainty over proposals for garages and outbuildings, with concerns that proposals do not sufficiently limit impacts and hard surfaces

• strong support for limitations on hard surfaces as per WYG proposal, unless permeable materials are used

Additional Issues: • significant extra concerns focused on:

– information flows (full notification)

– use of ‘design guides’ for permitted development

– ensuring construction materials are suitable

– enforcement

Taken as a whole, there was considerable support for the view that, while the ‘dimensions’ approach is better, the planning system should be capable of ‘micro-management’ of the local environment to the benefit of the whole community.

Overall Conclusions This consultation exercise has shown that, while there was considerable support amongst participants for many of the White Paper proposals, there were many concerns over the details and their implications. The main drift the comments made was that communities should be kept fully “in the loop” in relation to both large-scale and small-scale development proposals and that community and neighbour interests should be protected diligently. 18 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

Annex 2: List of Respondents to the Planning White Paper

This is a list of those who submitted comments by post or email to the address listed in the Planning White Paper. This list of respondents does not include the names of respondents who submitted a response, typically a pre-printed post card or email, which raised a common set of points stimulated by one of a number of organised campaigns.

The Communities and Local Government reference numbers have some gaps where we identified duplicate responses, typically where a hard copy of a document had been logged, which repeated an earlier email.

List of Respondents

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0001 Mast Action UK Services Meyer, Alan A-0002 Buckett, Mark A-0004 World Renewable Energy Network and Congresses Jefferson, Michael A-0005 Mason, Phillip A-0006 Anderson, Kevin A-0007 Norris, Bryan A-0008 Phillips, Jean A-0009 Cochrane, Paul A-0010 Simpson, K. M. A-0011 Fraser-Dale, Andrew A-0012 One Engineer Morris, J. A-0013 Vincent, Simon A-0014 Nicholas, Joseph A-0015 Hania, Jelmer A-0016 Shaw, Glynis A-0017 Coward, J. A-0018 Giffin, Deborah A-0019 Calvert, Kate A-0020 Langford, Ian Annex 2 List of Respondents |19

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0021 Armour, Duncan A-0022 Shackell, Mari A-0023 Bellamy, David A-0024 Thorley, Stephen A-0025 Elliot, Matthew A-0026 Hofman, Tracey A-0027 DRS Co Emin, J. A-0028 Dowman, S. A-0029 Lockley, A. A-0030 Benson, L. A-0031 Kristiansen, Ryan A-0032 Taylor, M. A-0033 Walters, J. R. A-0034 Bell, J. A-0035 Watson, A. A-0036 University of West of England Greed, C. A-0037 Griffey , A. A-0038 King, M. A-0039 Renner, S. A-0040 Parker, V. A-0041 McClain, Ieisha A-0042 Davies, N. A-0043 Consilium Planning Consultancy Limited Barton, P. A-0044 The Chilterns Conservation Board White, Colin A-0045 Collier, Steve A-0046 Belfield, R. C. A-0047 Morton, A. J. A-0049 O’Riley, David 20 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0050 Chistian,Tym A-0051 Harvey, P. A-0052 Driscoll, P. A-0053 Strangeways, C. A-0054 Annan, Slam A-0055 Childe, C. A-0056 O’Kane, Melanie A-0057 Mitchell, Steve A-0058 Edwards, Glynis A-0059 Rub, Shira A-0060 Maynard-Smith, Julian A-0061 Hadleigh Town Council Clements, Sue A-0062 Waterwise Russell, Nicci A-0063 Kavanagh, Patricia A-0064 Jones, Ann A-0065 Martin, Brian A-0066 Wandsworth Borough Council Erskine, Robert A-0067 Churcher, Mark A-0068 Lowrie, John A-0069 Council Tarran, T. R. A-0070 KTI Energy Limited Temple-Pediani, W. A-0071 Eagle, M. R. A-0072 Hadden, Peter A-0073 Mills, Chris A-0074 Pescod, Dan A-0075 Lowe, Gerry A-0076 Dewhurst, Phillip A-0077 Mercer, R. M. Annex 2 List of Respondents |21

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0078 Collier, Rosalind A-0079 South East England Regional Assembly Cllr Mitchell, Keith A-0080 Worcester City Council O’Connor, Paul A-0081 Brundall Parish Council Sime, Peter A-0082 Bognor District Council Frost, Glenna A-0083 Davis, J. A-0084 Parfitt, Alan J. A-0085 Roberts, Andrea A-0086 Coupar, Dora A-0087 Hook, Nick A-0088 Thomas, B. A-0089 Aldridge, Derek A-0090 Parr, J. R. A-0091 Barton, Mr and Mrs A-0092 Barnocle, Nigel A-0093 Anderson, Peter A-0094 Raffles, R. L. and M. A. A-0095 Craven, Peter A-0096 Morland, F. A-0097 Stone, Mark C. A-0098 Moore, David A-0099 Dowling, J. A-0100 Samuel, Wayne A-0101 London City Airport Consultative Committee Innes, Stuart A-0102 Wilson, Nicola A-0103 Brown, J. A-0104 Windsor, Emma A-0105 Stopford, J. 22 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0106 Edmonds, Brian A-0107 Richmond, Keith A-0108 Phillips, Sarah A-0109 Fenning, K. A-0110 Langley, John A-0111 Pearson, Rachel A-0112 Atlay, Phillip A-0113 Welsh, Jenny A-0114 Johnson, Lynda A-0115 Wright, R. A-0116 Willington and Jevington Parish Council Adams, Carol A-0117 Moore, Andrew A-0118 Ruskin Glass Centre Christley, Janine A-0119 Pankhurst, Christopher A-0120 McLeish, Gillian A-0121 Evocati Limited Edwards, Stan A-0122 Atkins, Clive A-0123 Richardson, Tony A-0124 McLee, A. G. A-0125 Johnston, Peter D. A-0126 Munk, Simon A-0127 Morris, John A-0128 Kent, Saskia A-0129 Barry, Kevin John A-0130 Sherratt, S. A-0131 Hagan, Brian A-0132 Gray, Sylvia A-0133 Smith, Martin Annex 2 List of Respondents |23

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0134 Dr. Staveley, M. G. A-0135 Crigglestone Parish Council A-0136 Humphries, C. A. A-0137 Markley, Christopher D. A-0138 Smart, D. R. A-0139 Adams, Edward J. and J. Anne A-0140 Busby, M. J. A-0141 Atkins, R. and Holt, A. A-0142 Johnson, Jean A-0143 Harper, Christopher R. A-0144 Wainwright, I. A-0146 Smith, Judith A-0147 Dr King, Peter A-0149 Midgley, Tim A-0150 O’Donoghue, Rosemary A-0151 Bracey, Jill A-0152 Dye, Susan and Walker, Ashley A-0153 Braunstone Borough Council Laughton, Ian A-0154 Winbourne, Gordon A-0155 Task Group on Gypsy and Traveller Site Provision Sir Briscoe, Brian and Enforcement A-0156 Hartley Parish Council Hoad, Julie A-0157 James, J. A-0158 Colley, B. and P. A-0159 Vincent, W. A-0160 Hawking, Sue A-0161 Coleman, M. N. D. 24 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0162 Five Villages Preservation Trust Dr. Marchington, Allan A-0163 Perks, Alison A-0164 Smith, Carol Lindsay A-0167 Ross, David A-0168 Henry H Bletsoe and Son Moore, Peter A-0169 Jennings, Ian A-0172 Murphy, Michael A-0173 Harrison, P. A-0175 Bellenger, Betty A-0176 Clifford, G. R. A-0177 Davies, L. F. and Allister, D. K. M. A-0178 Best, M. A. A-0179 Gouk, M. K. A-0180 Macphee, Sandra A-0181 Etty, V. A-0182 Lewes District Green Party Murray, Susan A-0183 Sanders, Ian A-0184 de Villiers, Robin A-0185 Franklin, John A-0186 Goddard, J. A-0187 Fillary, Doreen A-0188 McBride, Geoff A-0189 Simpson, Alistair A-0190 Manchester Airport Consultative Committee Jones, Ian A-0191 Vick, Michael J. A-0192 Member of the RSPB Cowen, Richard A-0193 Joyce, Peter Annex 2 List of Respondents |25

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0194 Spelthorne Borough Council Morgan, Heather A-0195 Compulsory Purchase Association Beresford-Evans, Kate A-0196 Myron, Sheila A-0197 Liverpool John Lennon Airport Consultative Committee Graves, Rachel A-0198 Stokesley Society Charman, Hugh A-0199 Bell, Cherry A-0200 Tyrer, Mark A-0201 Brian Martin A-0202 Sadler, Sally A-0203 Radwinter Parish Council Jones, R. A. A-0204 Chaplin, Harold and Jane A-0205 Rochester, G. K. A-0206 Cowling, Helen A-0207 Shilston, Catherine A-0208 The Ramblers’ Association in Worcestershire Coleman, J. A-0209 Nettlestone & Seaview Parish Council Woodmore, Emma A-0210 Mason, Anne A-0211 Eaton, Rod A-0212 Gatwick Area Conservation Group Sewill, Brendon A-0213 Gray, Eileen A-0214 Beckett, Lin A-0215 Hewitt, Graham A-0216 Hammonds Glover, Richard A-0217 Simmonds, S. A-0218 Hythe and Dibden Parish Council Krynicki, Shirley A-0219 Friends of the Earth, South Sayer, Tania A-0220 Colhusrt, J. 26 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0221 Stretton, F. T. A-0222 Powell, J. A-0223 Ball, Robert A-0224 Alyesbury Vale DC Byrne, John A-0225 Oil Firing Technical Association Gardner, Jennifer A-0226 Cuckfield Rural Parish Council Bennett, Liz A-0227 Jackson, Rupert A-0228 Property Dept, Diocese of Southwark Pickett, Roger A-0229 BDOR Ltd Bishop, Jeff A-0230 Barton, Louise A-0231 Barber, Georgina A-0232 Denholme Rees, Graham A-0233 Myhill, C. I. A-0234 Save our market town… keep Crediton thriving Conyngham, Gerald A-0235 Marchington, Liz A-0236 Wadhurst Parish Church Hewes, Phillippa A-0237 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain Gibson, David A-0238 Burrows, J. S. A-0239 Waring, C. A-0240 Carey, Geoffrey A-0241 Institute of Environmental Management and Foster, Russell and Assessment & International Association Boyden, Adam for Impact Assessment A-0242 Bones, J. A. A-0243 Darton, Graham A-0244 Revelle, Mark A-0245C Yorkshire and Humber Assembly Box, Peter A-0246 Joseph, I. A-0247 Cooper, H. Annex 2 List of Respondents |27

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0248 Bancroft, Tricia and Michael A-0249 Exeter City Council’s Planning Member Working Group Short, Richard A-0250 Holbrook, J. A-0251 Kingston-upon-Hull City Council Jones, Mark – Planning Committee A-0252 Kingston-upon-Hull City Council – Executive Jones, Mark A-0253 Warwickshire County Council Cowan, Andy A-0254 Forestry Commission Price, Gareth A-0255 The Alliance (including Coalfield Communities Parry, David Campaign, SteelAction, local authorities and from textile and other industrial areas) A-0256 Morris, P. A. A-0257 Tandridge District Council Evans, Bob A-0258 Met Office Dr. Griggs, David A-0259 Langford, A. W. A-0260 , Jean A-0261 Bailey, Irene A-0262 Schmale, J. A-0263 Baker, D. W. A-0264 Woodland Trust Paul, Ian A-0265 Holden, M. K. A-0266 Ffoulkes, Louise A-0267 Killcross, R. A-0268 Wade, Sylvia June A-0269 Hulbert, Lianna A-0270 Robinson, Neil A-0271 Edwards, J. C. A-0272 Hewitt-Taylor, Jean 28 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0273 Morley Town Council Leadley, Tom A-0274 Brock, Jose A-0275 Jones, L. R. and R. M. A-0276 Betchworth and Buckland Society Dr. Eisinger, A. A-0277 Planning Forum Myers, Chris A-0278 The Fordingbridge Society Dr. Moss, E. T. A-0279 Young, Alan A-0280 Little Milton Parish Council Fergusson, Raymond A-0281 Jones, Eric H. A-0282 Finney, C. A-0283 Madeley Conservation Group Lancaster, Gordon A-0284 Allden, Richard A-0285 Wimborne Minster Town Council Hewitt, Laurence A-0286 Brice, Margaret and Peter A-0287 Harding, D. A-0288 Wright, Steve A-0289 Hart, Mr & Mrs H. C. A-0290 Luxmoore, Peter A-0291 North Warwickshire Borough Council Brown, Jeff A-0292 Epping Town Council Whittome, R. C. A-0293 The Westminster Society Handley, Peter R. A-0294 Hart, P. A-0295 White, Caroline A-0296 Storrington & Sullington Parish Council Marshall, I. A-0297 Dr. Armond, A. D. A-0298 Ransom, R. & P. A-0299 Toben, P. Annex 2 List of Respondents |29

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0300 Crowe, David A-0301 Little, C. A-0302 Alexander, R. J. A-0303 Smith, M. H. A-0304 Barnett, J. S. A-0305 Evison, A. P. A-0306 Scott, K. H. A-0307 Langley, C. A-0308 Swann, K. A-0309 Swinson, A. A-0310 Allison, M. A-0311 Banney, A. H. A-0312 Coppock, A. A-0313 James, B. A-0314 Wychavon District Council Collins, Gill A-0315 Oxford Preservation Trust Sensecall, Steven A-0316 Warwickshire Rural Community Council Ridgley, Linda A-0317 Lucklock, June A-0318 CBI Minerals Groups Le Clerc, Bob A-0319 “dawnfordham” A-0320 Wyre Forest District Council Lange, Jo A-0321 Freight on Rail Edmunds, Phillippa A-0322 Stoke Gifford Parish Council Pirie, Neil A-0323 Hevezi, Katherine A-0324 White, Caroline A-0325 Main, Peter A-0326 Edmonds, Brian A-0327 Ferrers-Guy, Beryl 30 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0328 Ellcome, Rebecca A-0329 Greswell, Philip A-0330 Hamilton, Jack A-0331 Mackie, Dave A-0332 Stuart-Green, L. A-0333 “Harvey” A-0334 Pritchard, M. A-0335 Hall, John A-0336 McCauley, J. A-0337 Smithard, G. A-0338 Addison, M. A-0339 Cuff, J. A-0340 Association of London Borough Planning Officers Kiely, Michael A-0341 Torbridge and Malling Borough Council Pearson, Lindsay A-0342 Ringwood Town Council Simpson, Terry A-0343 Cullen, Sally A-0344 Simpson, Juliet A-0345 British Ports Association Whitehead, D. A-0346 Chelmsford Borough Council Thomas, J. A-0347 Graham, A. A-0348 Tandridge District Council Evans, Bob A-0349 Samson, D. A-0350 Lamberhurst Parish Council Dr. Cruse, D. A-0351 Dartford Borough Council Arnold, John A-0352 Slater, D. A-0353 Beckingham, C. S. A-0354 Macnab, Lyn A-0355 Holliday, D. Annex 2 List of Respondents |31

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0356 Nottinghamshire County Council Gill, S. A-0357 Storey, Christine A-0358 London Borough of Hillingdon Tippell, J. A-0359 Borough Council Fifer, D. A-0360 Independent Retailer Support Group Hallsworth, A. A-0361 Noons, A. A-0362a Mayor of London Livingstone, K. A-0362b Transport for London Livingstone, K. A-0363 Poole, G. A-0364 Dale, N. A-0365 Ridgewell, Gordon A-0366 Farndon, D. A-0367 Harrison, R. A-0368 Lloyd, G. A-0369 Barcombe Parish Council Wilson, M. A-0370 Gowen, Pat and Norma A-0371 SEGRO Slough Estates Group Wilson, M. A-0372 South Northamptonshire Council Andy D’Arcy A-0373 Thorn, Richard A-0374 Loughton Town Council Burgess, Maria A-0375 Reading Borough Council Munday, Bill A-0376 Burgess Hill Town Council Hoare, Moira A-0377 Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Furniss, Penny A-0378 Nynehead Parish Council Rabson, David A-0379 Oxfordshire County Council Walker, I. A-0380 Biffa Waste Services Ltd Rhodes, J. A-0381 The Composting Association Gilbert, J. A-0382 Brympton Parish Council James, E. M. 32 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0383 Historic Houses Association Way, Nick A-0384 Sir Rowe, P. A-0385 Arscott, J. A-0386 Pasquire, Lynda A-0387 Cuxton Parish Council Hutchfield, R. A-0388 Taylor, E. A-0389 Bushell, Eileen A-0390 Greenstiles, Hazel A-0391 Sheriff, M. A-0392 Barrowcliffe, W. A-0393 Mr and Mrs Strang A-0394 Kingsley, R. and C. A-0395 Ogilvie, N. A-0396 Dyson, J. A-0397 Bell, J. R. A-0398 Stead, T. A-0399 Seal, C. A-0400 Vigars, Robert A-0401 Jones, J. A-0402 Stockwell, B. A-0403 The National Association for Areas of Taylor, M. Outstanding Natural Beauty A-0404 Birch, R. A-0405 Percival, D. A-0406 Borough Council Bissett, M. A-0407 Northamptonshire County Council Chant, M. A-0408 Tidbury Green Residents Association Seddon, P. A-0409 Northiam Parish Council Keighley, S. Annex 2 List of Respondents |33

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0410 Planning Officers Society Silvester, J. A-0411 Frearson, I. A-0412 Bolt, R. A-0413 Dartmoor National Park Authority France, C. A-0414 Maldon District Council Doe, J. A-0415 Cambridgeshire County Council Gdaniec, K. – Historic Environment Team A-0416 Canary Wharf Group Plc Sheppard, H. A-0417 Wardle, C. A-0418 Mortlake with East Sheen Society Gill, N. J. A-0419 Campaign to Protect Rural England – London Kersey, N. A-0421 Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Planning Forum Roberts, Neil A-0422 Royal Tunbridge Wells Civic Society Tod, A. A-0423 Friends of the Earth, Saffron Walden & District Dale, P. A-0424 Portchester Civic Society Orr, J. A. A. A-0425 Ellam, A. A-0426 Legal & General Castle, J. A-0427 Cheshire County Council Sutcliffe, J. A-0428 Meek, J. V. A-0429 Dr. Vaux, R. H. C. A-0430 Bridge Parish Council Seath, C. A-0431 Chambers of Commerce North West Ltd Murphy, B. A-0432 Petersen, S. A-0433 Plowden, R. B. C. A-0434 Much Wenlock Civic Society Horsley, H. A-0435 Rabbetts, K. J. A-0436 Johnson, Richard A-0437 Evans, R. 34 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0438 Fareham Borough Council Jewell, L. A-0439 Jones, B. A-0440 Otto, M. A-0441 Alexander, D. A-0442 Confederation of UK Coal Producers Brewer, D. A-0443 Castle, J. A-0444 Rushcliffe Borough Council Harley, S. D. A-0445 Mcnaughton, Brian A-0446 Ollington, E. A-0447 Lucas, Perry A-0448 Darlington, M. J. A-0449 Causey, V. A-0450 Detling Parish Council Grimble, R. A-0451 McEvoy, K. A-0452 Green, M. A-0453 Justice, E. A-0454 Neale, Diane A-0455 Lewis, Mereen A-0456 Hambledon Parish Council Woolley, J. A-0457 Leivers, C. A-0458 Summerfield, L. A-0459 Herron, D. A-0460 Spikes, J. A-0461 Muswell Hill Conservation Area Advisory Committee Crompton, J. A-0462 Plumpton Parish Council Cullen, E. A-0463 Curtis, D. R. A-0464 Kent, D. A-0465 Mansfield District Council Morton, C. Annex 2 List of Respondents |35

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0467 North West Leicestershire District Council Bambrick, S. A-0468 Welchman, G. J. A-0469 Harborough District Council Pointer, S. A-0470 District Council Clowes, K. A-0471 Yare Valley Society Salisbury, A. J. A-0472 Thanet District Council Moore, S. A-0473 Women’s Design Service Davis, W. A-0474 Norwich City Council Rao, P. A-0475 Goldkorn Mathias Gentle Goodwin, Rona A-0476 Sedlescombe Parish Council Raymond, P. A-0477 Withernwick Parish Council Cook, W. M. A-0478 Blackburn, Trevor and Ann A-0479 Johnston, A. A-0480 Young, P. A-0481 Brailsford, E. N. A-0482 Morris, R. and J. A-0484 Morgan, R. A-0485 District Council Stinson, N. A-0486 Tring Town Council Johnson, S. A-0487 London Airport Consultative Committee Bailey, J. W. A-0488 Ellender, D. A-0489 Brown, J. S. & A. M. A-0490a Bradford on Avon Town Council Holmes, D. A-0490b Ransom, R. & P. A-0491 District Council Hirsh, M. R. A-0492 Chamber of Shipping Reardon, T. A-0493 Leicestershire County Council Wojtulewicz, L. 36 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0494 North East Assembly Jones, Phil A-0495 Kirby, W. A. A-0496 Wakefield, J. A-0497 Camara, M. A-0498 Freshwater, B. A-0499 Hoffman, C. A-0500 Smith, G. A-0501 Church Commissioners – Pastoral and Mulkeen, A. Redundant Churches Department A-0502 Henfield Parish Council Hill, P. A-0503 Snowden, B. A-0504 Planning for Economic Prosperity Thurlow, D. A-0505 County Council Havers, S. A-0506 Rye Town Council Farhall, R. A-0507 Bennett, P. and S. A-0508 Herstmonceux Parish Council McInnes, J. A-0509 Hall, A. A-0510 North West Regional Assembly Gallagher, M. A-0511 Slough Borough Council Wyld, G. A-0512 Hutton Cranswick Parish Council Newlove, G. A-0513 Hall, C. A-0514 Thornbury Town Council Richardson, S. A-0515 Lewes Town Council Brigden, S. A-0516 Sevenoaks Town Council White, A. A-0517 Bexley Council Clark, S. A-0518 -le-street District Council Hutchinson, A. A-0519 Abbs, C. A-0520 Royal Institute of British Architects Plaisant, D. Annex 2 List of Respondents |37

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0521 Southwater Parish Council Tobin, C. A-0522 Schama, P. W. A-0523 Wood, R. J. A-0524 Newson, P. A. A-0525 Wymondley Parish Council Fisher, J. A-0526 Dorling, E. A-0527 Hatfield Town Council Wright, D. A-0528 Cook, K. G. A-0529 Whitworth, S. A-0530 Greensted, R. A-0531 Best, H. A-0532 Hammerton, I. A-0533 Chubb, R. & M. A-0534 UK Airport Consultative Committees – Liaison Group Street, P. A-0535 Thornhill, A. R. A-0536 Harmondsworth and Sipson Residents Association Sobey, B. A-0537 Hassocks Parish Council Baker, L. A-0538 Logan, B. A-0539 Cobham Parish Council Beety, J. A-0540 Mills, S. A-0541 Ibbetson, Ruth A-0542 Bartlett, K. A-0543 Musgrave Budgens-Londis Pye, J. A-0544 Rivett, L. A-0545 North Yorkshire County Council Spittle, M. A-0547 Roberts, R. A-0548 Norton, S. A-0549 Cox, A. 38 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0550 Halsey, J. A-0551 Montgomery, L. R. & D. A-0552 Place, S. A-0553 Napier, A. A-0554 Turnbull, C. A-0555 Gabel, Ben A-0556 Bristol and South West Socialist Environment Seward, B. and Resources Association A-0557 District Council Price, Malcolm A-0558 Watson, K. A-0559 Willis, G. A-0560 Damary-Homan, J. A-0561 Binsted Parish Council Nicolle, M. A-0562 North Norfolk District Council Fisher, J. A-0563 Pierson, D. A-0564 Woolavington Parish Council Young, Richard A-0565 Cossington Parish Council Young, Richard A-0566 Mark Parish Council A-0567 Jaques, Brian A-0568 Davison, P. A-0569 Fogden, R. A-0570 Jennifer Lampert Associates Limited Lampert, Jennifer A-0571 Marker, Margaret A-0572 Helps, Hanni A-0573 Fitzpatrick, G. A-0574 Schwarz, B. A-0575 Freeland, M. A-0576 Slack, Margaret Annex 2 List of Respondents |39

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0577 Needham, Robert A-0578 The Broads Society Barne, Nicholas A-0579 Osborn, Norman A-0580 Burns, Robbie A-0581 Dixon, E. A-0582 Ellis, Tim A-0583 New Romney Town Council Tully, V. A-0584 Bolton, K. & M. A-0585 North West Association of Civic Trust Societies Colley, Peter A-0586 Rother District Council Rallings, Frank A-0587 Devon County Council West, M. A-0588 Tadworth & Walton Residents Association Hein, Gillian A-0589 Arbib, Adrian A-0590 Dinmore, F. J. and J. M. A-0591 Crush, K. A-0592 Byng, Carol and Philip A-0593 Jennings, Anita A-0594 Kirkburton Parish Council Royle, Angela A-0595 Gillam, Anna A-0596 Stevington Parish Council Pendlington, Doreen A-0597 Iver Parish Council Simmonds, Julie A-0598 Robinson, Donald A-0599 Etherington, Barbara A-0600 Winter, Ken A-0601 Parker, A. A-0602 Barkla, D. M. and J. M. A-0603 Blaby District Council Clarke, P. 40 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0604 Sawyer, D. W. G. A-0605 Harlow, H. R. A-0606 Everett, W. M. A-0607 Horton, A. J. A-0608 Seaford Town Council Wright, M. A-0609 Kenilworth Society Fisher, D. A-0610 Scientists for Global Responsibility A-0611 Ashfield District Council Stone, P. A-0612 Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Graves, S. A-0613 Dunsmore, R. A-0614 Gallagher, P. A-0615 Lees, Susan A-0616 Fletcher, A. A-0617 Goodwin, N. F. A-0618 Friends of the Earth, Hull Jolliffe, S. A-0619 Koppenhagen, K. A-0620 Perkins, J. G. A-0621 Chadwick, R. A-0622 Butler, N. A. M. A-0623 Buxton, Ivan A-0624 Molland, M. W. A-0625 Cherry, B. A-0626 Forest Row Parish Council A-0627 Barkley, I. A-0628 Wilks, A. A-0629 Hewitt, E. A-0630 Guilden Gate Organic Smallholding Saggers, S. A-0631 Williams, M. Annex 2 List of Respondents |41

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0632 Kettering Borough Council Baish, J. A-0633 Hunston Parish Council Smith, C. A-0634 Gunn, E. A-0635 Cook, R. A-0636 Street Parish Council Ruff, L. A. A-0638 Gylphé, M-I. A-0639 Ungar, S. A-0640 Eastwood, D. A-0641 Fletcher, G. R. A-0643 Brown, J. S. & A. M. A-0644 Dickinson, T. A-0645 Taplin, J. A-0646 Cheffings, T. A-0647 Swale Borough Council Lloyd, B. A-0648 Blackpool Borough Council Saleh, J. A-0649 British Energy Group Plc Bryant, I. A-0650 Garrood, B. A-0651 Council West, C. A-0652 Corby Borough Council Yee, R. A-0653 Hewins, B. A-0654 Kennet, W. and E. A-0655 Barber, J. A-0656 Southcombe, L. A-0657 Lowrie, P. A-0658 Lewis, A. A-0659 Sinclair, P. A-0660 Bibby, B. A-0661 Young, J. 42 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0662 Earth Charter UK Newman, J. A-0663 Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council Blamire-Brown, N. A-0664 Keynsham Town Council Kendrick, C. A-0665 Cheveley Parish Council Taylor, E. A-0666 North Curry Parish Council Harris, H. A-0667 Newbury Town Council Gore, Margaret A-0668 British Airways Ellis, P. A-0669 Campaign to Protect Rural England – East Riding Cockbill, M. A-0670 Bishops Lydeard & Cothelstone Parish Council Rousseau, M. A-0671 Turner, P. A-0672 Monserat Properties Limited (by BSP Consulting) c/o Rayers, Mark A-0673 Duncan, J. A-0674 GP Planning Ltd (Environmental Consultants) Edwards, H. A-0675 Emery, J. A-0676 Billson, A. A-0677 Wicherek, C. A-0678 Marson-Smith, P. S. J. & B. A-0679 Thakeham Parish Council Denman, J. A-0681 Draig, B. A-0682 Stanley, Bev A-0683 Swainson, J. A-0684 Laurie, A. A-0685 Bridlington Town Council King, Paula A-0686 London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames Wealthy, P. A-0687 Community Action Party (Lowton East Ward) Franzen, I. A-0688 Birmingham City Council Eade, M. A-0690 McFarlane, I. Annex 2 List of Respondents |43

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0691 Friends of the Earth, Wolverhampton Bravery, R. A-0692 Jamieson, A. A-0693 Institute of Acoustics English, C. A-0694 Leach, J. A-0695 Panton, J. A-0696 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Gloucestershire Lloyd, R. J. A-0697 Friends of the North Kent Marshes Moore, G. A-0698 Branch, C. and Pipe, J. A-0699 Luton and District Association for the Control of Wood, R. Aircraft Noise A-0700 Tucker, Graham A-0701 Ray, Delyse A-0702 Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council Simpson, Liz A-0703 Salmon, Jean A-0704 Pierson, Michael K. A-0705 Long Ashton Parish Council Addis, Marilyn A-0706 Sibley, J. A. A-0707 British Ceramic Confederation Hall, C. P. A-0708 Whitcombe, Emma A-0709 Luton Borough Council Atkinson, David A-0710 Norfolk County Council McErlain, Alison A-0711 Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee Kirby, Andy A-0712 Self, H. J. & B. F. A-0713 Cambridgeshire County Council – Development Hauge, Wendy Strategy A-0714 Rusper Parish Council Sowden, Claire A-0715 UK Business Council for Sustainable Energy Green, David A-0716 North Vale Parish Council Chapman, David 44 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0717 Strategic Aviation Special Interest Group A-0718 Royal Tunbridge Wells Town Forum Dr. Whitbourn, Philip A-0719 Uttlesford District Council Mitchell, John A-0720 Galletti, Wendy A-0721 Dr. Butler, M. A-0722 Marshall, C. A-0723 Brunskill, Anne A-0724 Social Enterprise Coalition Jones, Ceri A-0725 Davey, P.M A-0726 Pulborough Parish Council Hazel Black A-0727 Godstone Parish Council Howells, A A-0728 Hann, D. R. A-0729 Burney-Jones, E. R. A-0730 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Kent Warren, Graham A-0731 Morley, Perry A-0732 Beard, J. V. A-0733 Kay, John A-0734 Young, S. A-0735 Dale, Phillipa A-0736 The London Green Belt Council Smith, R. A-0737 Bull, M. C. A-0738 Leicester City Council Chapman, Diana A-0739 Stedham with Iping Parish Council Crawford, J. A-0740 Slough Borough Council Wyld, Gerry A-0741 Healy, J. P. A-0742 Tribe, Sheila A-0743 West Midlands Regional Assembly Middleton, Mark A-0744 Hammond, J. M. Annex 2 List of Respondents |45

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0745 Ellison, Peter A-0746 Mitchell-Innes, A. C. A-0747 Medway Countryside Forum Murr, David A-0748 Littlehampton Town Council Herbert, Peter A-0749 Strategic Land Partnerships Keay, G. W. A-0750 Rudgwick Parish Council Kenwood, Barbara A-0751 Raisey, Gillian M. A-0752 Ball, Patricia Ann A-0753 Morgan, R. S. A-0754 Mr & Mrs Sellars A-0755 Johnson, C. M. A-0756 Hamilton, Norman A-0757 Swandale, R. J. A-0758 Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Jackson, B. A-0759 McKean, Kristian A-0760 Urban Forum Blume, T. A-0761 Water Management Alliance Dann, G. R. A-0762 Eyre, Stuart A-0763 Pomeroy, A. G. A-0764 Ratsey, L. A-0765 Dr. Scoffham, Stephen A-0766 Lyon-Wilson, D. A-0767 Portman, Philip A-0768 UK Trade & Investment Paddon, P. A-0769 Poole, K. P. A-0770 Gordon, David A-0771 Sandwich Town Council Ward, Tracey (Town and Cinque Port of Sandwich) 46 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0772 Dover Town Council Cllr S. J. Jones A-0773 Proctor, Patricia A-0774 Swallow Parish Council Hewins, Veronica M. A-0775 Kendal Civic Society Appleby, Stephen & Hovey, Patricia A-0776 Lyon-Wilson, R. A-0777 Godwood, S. A-0778 Oliver, S. J. A-0779 Pratt, Andrew A-0780 The South Downs Joint Committee Small, Martin A-0781 The Ipswich Society Cook, Michael A-0782 Chichester Conservation Area Advisory Committee Cole, Richard A-0783 Molash Parish Council Loftus, R. A-0784 Tanous, Felicity A-0785 Williams, John A-0786 Doody, Christine A-0787 Austin, Ben A-0788 South Norfolk Council Tomlinson, John A-0789 Bedford Borough Council Bailey, David K. A-0790 Gatwick Airport Consultative Committee Street, Paula A-0791 East of England Association of Civic Trust Societies Egan, John A-0792 London Borough of Bromley Withycombe, Ian A-0793 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Hogg, Colin A-0794 Shepton Mallet Town Council Brown, Graham H. A-0795 South East County Leaders Greenhough, Kevin A-0796 Plymouth City Council Barnard, Paul A-0797 Messing-cum-Inworth Parish Council Longman, Jon A-0798 Hampshire Association of Parish and Town Councils Lugg, Steven Annex 2 List of Respondents |47

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0799 East Guildford’s Resident’s Associations Hibbert, Graham A-0800 Western Power Distribution (South West) Plc Richardson, Natasha A-0801 Kemsing Parish Council Palmer, Sharon A-0802 North Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce & Industry Cook, Jane A-0803 Lawson, Stuart A-0804 South Cambridgeshire District Council Jones, Gareth A-0805 Rail Freight Group Simpson, M. A-0806 South West Regional Aggregates Working Party Hale, Philip A-0807 Vale of White Horse District Council Gilbert, Mike A-0808 Business In Sport and Leisure Limited, Simmonds, B. British Hospitality Association, British Beer and Pub Association A-0809 Cumbria County Council Hale, G. A-0810 Chilton Polden Parish Council Howe, Douglas A-0811 Rushmoor Borough Council Reeves, Jane A-0812 South West Regional Assembly Brown, P. A-0813 Lynchmere Parish Council McCallum, Sylvia A-0814 Billingshurst Parish Council Wright, Wendy A-0815 Audit Commission Smith, K. A-0816 House Builders Association Humber, R. A-0817 Wokingham Borough Council Turner, Amy A-0818 County Council Border, N. A-0819 Derbyshire Dales District Council Wilson, P. L. A-0820 Independent Retailers Confederation Cryan, M. A-0821 Thames Valley Police Authority Booth, J. A-0822 Kanefsky, Chris A-0823 Lancaster City Council – Planning and Highways Lawson, D. Regulatory Committee 48 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0824 Lancaster City Council – Planning Policy Cabinet Lawson, D. Liaison Group A-0825 Ipswich Borough Council Barker, S. A-0826 Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Johannsen, N. A-0827 Mole Valley District Council Smith, Clive A-0828 Prof. Walley, W. J. A-0829 Planning Aid Nicholls, C. A-0830 Bradford Chamber of Commerce Cartwright, M. A-0831 Sutton Coldfield Civic Society Allison, E. A-0832 Nottingham City Council Jones, A. A-0833 Surrey Planning Officers’ Association Smith, Clive A-0834 Accent Group Limited Trebble, S. A-0835 Trevor Roberts Associates Glassar, Stewart A-0836 Sustrans Mathew, D. A-0837 Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Barker, L. A-0838 Epsom Protection Society Baker, Alan A-0839 Patterson, D. A-0840 Vail, Francis A-0841 Cox, Judy A-0842 Worcestershire County Council Middleton, M. A-0843 Sawyer, Alan A-0844 Birdham Parish Council Tilbury, Roger A-0845 Abel, Richard A-0846 Clarke, E. M. A-0847 Savva, D. A-0848 Hunter, F. A-0849 Knowles, George A-0850 Spen Valley Civic Society Rathmell, Max Annex 2 List of Respondents |49

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0851 Warnes, P. A. A-0852 Bowe, Patrick A-0853 Miller Homes Birchall, David A-0854 Bron, A. A-0855 Dale, A. J. and D. N. K. A-0856 Wyles, J. M. and B. A-0857 Armitage, Jill A-0858 McDowell, Elizabeth A-0861 London Aggregates Working Party Fletcher, Peter A-0862 Lamb, Major G. W. A-0863 West Grinstead Parish Council Dayneswood, Helen A-0864 Prudential Property Investment Managers Limited Radley, R. A-0865 Ellis, Eileen A-0865b Driscoll, B. E. A-0866 Auty, Trudy A-0867 North East Federation of Civic and Amenity Societies Warne, R. H. A-0868 Scott Morrison Photography A-0869 Jayne, A. A-0870 Love, G. A-0871 Forbes, Neil A-0872 Owen, D. and Q. A-0873 Devon Conservation Forum Bolshaw, Trevor A-0874 New Forest Association Roberts, Peter A-0875 Network Rail Plummer, P. A-0876 South West Chambers of Commerce Mitchell, Neill A-0877 Capleston, A. and C. A-0878 Cemex UK Operations Ltd Frost, K. A-0879 South District Council Berriman, Jake 50 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0880 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Cheshire Parkin, Roger A-0881 Consumer Council for Water Suggate, Jenny A-0882 Capital Shopping Centres Plc Cable, Richard A-0883 Dorset County Council Bodell, M. A-0884 Wigmore, S. A-0886 National Planning Forum for England Powell, Kay A-0887 Wilshire, P. A-0888 British Aggregates Association Huxtable, Peter A-0889 North East Chamber of Commerce Ramsbotham, James A-0890 Cuckfield Parish Council Jones, Frances A-0891 Dr Johnson, Margaret A-0892 Centro – West Midlands Passenger Transport Authority Sidebottom, John A-0893 Chard Town Council Furze, John A-0894 Waste Recycling Group Limited Asquith, R. A-0895 Eynsford Parish Council Ivaldi, Holly A-0896 Caversham and District Residents Association A-0897 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Hampshire Branch Sheppard, H. A-0898 Arboricultural Association Walker, M. A-0899 Oak, Fran A-0900 Twineham Parish Council Jones, Frances A-0901 Chester Civic Trust Gilfoyle, I. A-0902 Clements, M. A-0903 Dumskyj, A. A-0904 Dr. Etherington, J. R. A-0905 Symes, I. A-0906 Tyler, B. A-0907 Marland, G. A-0908 Suffolk County Council Palk, D. Annex 2 List of Respondents |51

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0909 Shire Consulting Fearn, M. A-0910 London South Bank University Prof. Bruegel, I. A-0911 Painswick Parish Council Balgobin, R. A-0912 Jennings, J. A-0913 Rosen, Nick A-0914 Leeds City Council Speak, S. A-0915 Winchester City Council Dee, E. A-0916 Frindsbury & Wainscott Community Association Wade, A. E. A-0917 East Malling Conservation Group Bernal, D. A-0918 Roper, V. A-0919 Harrison, J. C. A-0920 The Moseley Society Adams, F. A-0921 Newcastle and North Tyneside Lift Company Limited Smith, B. A-0922 Morpeth and District Civic Society Warne, Henry A-0923 Snowden, J. R. A-0924 Kelly, D. J. A-0925 Hamar, R. A-0926 National Grid Property Alden, R. A-0927 Howatson, A. M. A-0928 Igglesden, R. A-0929 Cottriall, K. A-0930 Shirley, A. A-0931 Dempsey, B. A-0932 Midhurst Town Council Hursthouse, J. A-0933 North Cadbury & Yarlington Parish Council Crewdson, R. A-0934 Sayer, R. A-0935 Friends of the Earth, Bromley Watson, R. A-0936 Bowden, J. 52 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0937 Campaign to Protect England – Surrey, Waverley District Committee A-0938 Levinson, N. B. & D. J. A-0939 English Partnerships Walker, John A-0940 Patterson, J. A-0941 South Holland District Council Williams, S. A-0942 Litchfield, M. J. A-0943 Liss Parish Council Bowery, R. A-0944 Ashurst Wood Conservation Group Arnott, I. & Y. A-0945 Templeton, A. C. A-0946 Wright, T. R. A-0947 Vail, A. J. A-0948 Kingston Parish Council Jarman, D. F. A-0949 Dr. Clarke, M. A-0950 Kennedy, D. O. A-0951 Kennedy, D. M. A-0952 Gosfield Parish Council Main, J. A-0953 Whitaker, V. A-0954 Oaten, M. MP A-0955 Borer, B. A-0956 No Opencast Mackenzie, B. A-0957 East Midland Regional Assembly Pritchard, A. A-0958 Nolan, S. A-0959 Locker, J. & D. A-0960 Scothern Parish Council Locker, J. A-0961 Jones Lang LaSalle Asher, R. A-0962 Country Land & Business Association Limited Collins, F. A-0963 Lake District National Park Authority Houghton, H. Annex 2 List of Respondents |53

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0964 Central Hampshire and New Forest Authorities Beckett, G. A-0965 Local Government Association – Barker, F. Nuclear Legacy Advisory Forum A-0966 Teece, R. A-0967 Horticultural Trade Association Briercliffe, T. A-0968 Council Castle, C. A-0969 Chobham Parish Council Chaney, C. A-0970 Chapman, D. A-0971 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Essex Green, D. A-0972 Wright, J. A-0973 Halstead Parish Council King Scott, G. A-0974 Binfield Parish Council Sculley, A. A-0975 London Borough of Croydon Webber, Allan A-0976 Leigh-on-Sea Town Council Fulford, G. A-0977 Knutsford Town Council Thomas, L. A-0978 Devon Stone Federation Nicholas, C. A-0979 Elmbridge Borough Council Wheeler, S. A-0980 Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Jackson, Laurence A-0981 Milton Keynes Council Lewin, P. A-0982 University of Sheffield Dr. Porter, L. A-0983 Ryedale District Council Bogg, Charlotte A-0984 London Borough of Tower Hamlets Peters, Emma A-0985 Dacorum Borough Council Blackburn, R. A-0986 Bath & North-East Somerset Council Tiwana, Baljit A-0987 Harrison, John A-0988 Crowborough Town Council Butcher, L. A-0989 Melton Parish Council Green, M. A-0990 Upchurch Parish Council Catford, John 54 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-0991 Gills, P. & G. A-0992 Levett-Therival Sustainability Consultants Levett, Roger A-0993 National Trust Burton, Tony A-0994 Lympne Parish Council Hunter, C A-0995 “neil and jen” A-0996 Fitzpatrick, W. A-0997 All Party Parliamentary Archaeology Group Schreve, Denise A-0998 Associated British Ports Holdings Limited Jones, Peter A-0999 O’Flaherty, J. A-1000 Dartmoor Preservation Association Cardale, Jonathon A-1001 Institute of Field Archaeologists Hinton, Peter A-1002 Halcrow Group Limited Wells, James A-1003 Church Heritage Forum Belli, Robert A-1004 Federation of Master Builders Berry, Brian A-1005 Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council Clarke, Nick A-1006 Department for Transport – Shipping Policy Division Duncan, Sandra A-1007 Union Railways (North) Limited Allett, E. J. A-1008 Evercreech Parish Council Phillips, Michelle A-1009 Tendring District Council Bareham, Nicky A-1010 West Midlands Planning and Transportation Parsons, George Sub-Committee A-1011 Estates Business Group Wilkin, Richard A-1012 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors – Wales Harper, John A-1013 CE Electric UK Bird, Jon A-1014 Leadbetter, Geoff and Susan A-1015 Castle Cary Town Council Moorhouse, Barry A-1016 Hollings, Paula A-1017 Sweeny, Frances Annex 2 List of Respondents |55

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1018 Adams, Ken A-1019 Groves, M. A-1020 Jolley, David A-1021 Erewash Borough Council McHugh, Ian A-1022 Buckinghamshire Local Authorities Kenneford, Chris (County and District Councils) A-1023 Scott Wilson Limited McNab, Andrew A-1024 Friends of the Lake District Pearse, Richard A-1025 Buckinghamshire County Council Jones, Rachel A-1026 Southampton and Fareham Chamber of Commerce Chestnutt, J. A-1027 Dr. Oren, Iris A-1028 Bristol Civic Society Frenkel, John A-1029 National Society for Clean Air Mulligan, Philip A-1030 Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation Richardson, Shannon A-1031 Lindfield Parish Council Irwin, Christine A-1032 East Coker Parish Council A-1033 95 residents of Cleethorpes constituency Wiseman, Naomi A-1034 District Council Motuel, Ian A-1035 Poxon, Rita A-1036 Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Reeves, Nick Management A-1037 Bath Preservation Trust Robinson, Joanna A-1038 Friends of the Earth, Newcastle Gateshead Boldrini, Nick A-1039 Living Streets Cann, Rob A-1040 Camden Town Urban Design Improvement Society Tribelnig, Herman A-1041 Southern Water Services Limited (by Adams Hendry Blaxland, Andy Consulting Limited) A-1042 Transition Network Brangwyn, Ben A-1043 Braintree District Council Carpenter, Kathryn 56 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1044 The Theatres Trust Carmichael, Kate A-1045 World Wildlife Fund – UK Ounsley, Margaret A-1046 Gooden, Simon A-1048 Duncan, B. A-1049 Ribble Valley Borough Council Bailey, Stewart A-1050 UK Tram Limited Hewitt, P. G. A-1051 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Kent Newport, Hilary A-1052 Hampshire County Council Quant, Alison A-1053 North East Derbyshire District Council Kirkham, Adrian A-1054 Child, Phil A-1055 Faith, J. J. A-1056 Hiorns, Bernard W. A-1057 Buchanan, Donald A-1058 Pryde, J. A-1059 Edwards, J. C. A-1060 Yarham, G. A-1061 Tindall, F. M. A-1062 Cooke, Julia A-1063 Godsden, Jon A-1064 Turner, Fiona B. A-1065 Royal Town Planning Institute Smith, R. A-1066 Association of Convenience Stores Green, James A-1067 Ministry of Justice (by Lambert Smith Hampton Barry, Damian Group Limited) A-1069 County Council Koller, Richard A-1070 London Councils Lester, N. A-1071 Arnold White Estates Limited A-1072 RWE Npower Gill, Rob Annex 2 List of Respondents |57

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1073 Derbyshire City Council White, Peter A-1074 Milton, Anne MP A-1075 Woodland Trust Pomfret, E. A-1077 Hunt, Alison A-1078 Taylor, E. R. A-1079 Butleigh Parish Council Petherbridge, Sheila A-1080 Taylor, S. A-1081 Salfords and Sidlow Parish Council Fawkes, Jean, A. A-1082 Barton, Claire A-1083 Airtricity Longden, Robert A-1084 Ward, Anthony A-1085 Brown, Alan A-1086 Hill, Alan A-1087 Association of Local Government Archaeological Ingle, Caroline Officers – England A-1088 Sustainability South West Watson, Leslie A-1089 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Cleghorn, D. A-1090 Anglian Water Spencer, Jean A-1091 The Archaeology Forum Hinton, Peter A-1092 Brethren’s Gospel Trusts Devine, J. A., Pocock P. and Shephard, J. R. A-1093 South Hams District Council Doxford, James A-1094 West Berkshire Council McCullough, Sarah A-1095 British Property Federation Seager, Jonathan A-1096 Hughes, David A-1097 Scudamore, David A-1098 West Hoathly Parish Council Bartlett, David A-1099 Buckingham Society Whyte, Warren 58 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1100 Constructing Excellence Embley, Tim A-1101 Runnymede Borough Council Etheridge, B. A-1102 Leyden, B. A-1103 Kingston University Harris, C. A-1104 Collyweston Parish Council Byrne, L. A-1105 Somerset County Council Shortland, Jill A-1106 Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils Webb, D. A-1107 Read, G. A-1108 John Lewis Partnership Wright, S. A-1109 Hunt, J. A-1110 Freight Transport Association Snelling, C. A-1111 International Power Plc (by Savills Commercial Limited) Still, C. A-1112 Riley, C. A-1113 British Waterways Clarke, H. A-1114 Hertfordshire County Council Donovan, P. A-1115 English National Park Authorities Association Stabb, T. A-1116 Daventry District Council Cavanagh, C. A-1117 Shrubb, P. A-1118 Institute of Historic Building Conservation Caird, J. A-1119 Localise West Midlands Leach, K. A-1120 Zatz, J. A-1121 Booty, J. A-1122 London Borough of Lambeth Vinall, A. A-1123 Kides, E. A-1124 London First Salomon, J. A-1125 Lancashire County Council Megson, P. A-1126 Tweedie, M. A-1127 Kent County Council Feasey, N. Annex 2 List of Respondents |59

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1128 Liverpool City Council Jago, T. A-1129 Borough Council Myers, C. A-1131 Council Tollitt, P. A-1132 Westwell Parish Council Wood, Susan A-1133 Unite the Union (Amicus Section) Jeary, R. A-1134 Taunton and District Civic Society Ward, G. A-1135 Gedling Borough Council Schofield, R. A-1136 Singer, L. A-1137 Clements, M. A-1138 Ladder Community Safety Partnership A-1139 South Kesteven District Council Shipman, M. A-1140 Strawson, Sara A-1141 Friends of Lewes Hutchinson, D. A-1142 Bird, D. and S. A-1143 Railway Development Society Limited Tinsey, G. A-1144 Chichester Harbour Conservancy Blamire, Vicky A-1145 Elek, Sophia A-1146 Spaxton Parish Council Williams, Peter A-1147 Community and Regional Planning Services Brooks, Michael A-1148 Gunn, A. L. A-1149 Brookvale Community Association Marshall, Peter A-1150 Brock, John A-1151 Norwich & Norfolk Campaign against Climate Change Brazier, Karl A-1152 Holy Trinity Amenity Group Bromham, R. J. A-1153 Matthews, Merlin A-1154 Friends of the Earth, New Forest Walker, John A-1155 Norton St. Philip Parish Council Purssord, Alan A-1156 Higman, Natasha 60 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1157 Shrubb, Horace A-1158 Woodward, John A-1159 South East Midlands Chambers Alliance Storey, Kirstine A-1160 Dover District Chamber of Commerce Haines, Ray A-1161 North Mundham Parish Council Cllr Beeny, Richard A-1162 Sport England Price, Jennie A-1163 Devon Countryside Access Forum Harvey, R. O. A-1164 Watchet Town Council Cllr Banks, David A-1165 Anderson, Kenneth A-1166 Upton, Paul A-1167 Angmering Parish Council Huskisson, Ray A-1169 Kent Association of Parish Councils Williamson, Rodney A-1170 Sminth, Adrian A-1171 Ashurst Wood Parish Council Wellerd, Susan A-1172 Byker and Newcastle Waste Alliband, Dan A-1173 Blackmore, Bev A-1175 Broxtowe Borough Council Lawson, D. A-1176 Perceval, Charles A-1177 Cllr Carden, Colin A-1178 CSS (formerly County Surveyors’ Society) Butler, Miles A-1179 English Welsh & Scottish Railway Smith, Graham A-1180 Epson & Ewell Borough Council Berry, Mark A-1181 Lemon, G. W. A-1182 Golden Acres Group Ltd. Bracewell, R. A-1183 Hanson Aggregates Daynes, Mick A-1184 Bass, Ian H. A-1185 Wilson, J. R. C. A-1186 Holt, L. Annex 2 List of Respondents |61

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1187 Lutener, M. A. A-1188 Carden, S. and M. A-1190 Pearne, N. K. A-1191 North York Moors National Park Authority Dilcock, Val A-1193 Rudgwick Preservation Society Hawkins, Leslie A-1194 Blackmore, Shelagh A-1195 Stevens, Susan A-1196 Taylor Wimpey UK Limited Garber, Paul A-1197 Upton, Terence A-1198 Teston Parish Council Tatton, Michelle A-1199 The Garden History Society Lovie, Jonathan A-1200 The High Wycombe Society Fooks, Tony A-1201 Vale Royal Borough Council Ellison, Richard A-1202 WBB Minerals Horsley, Nick A-1203 Winford Parish Council Batten, Jane A-1205 Haringey Council Souch, Malcolm A-1206 St Neots Town Council Cooke, Donna A-1207 Thames Gateway North Kent Cultural Partnership Kerswell, Heather A-1208 Surrey Heath Borough Council Townley, Brian A-1209 Ackrill, Alice A-1210 St Edmundsbury Borough Council Johnson, Kate A-1211 Welwyn Hatfield Council Harvey, Tracey A-1212 St Stephen Parish Council Pienaar, Juliet A-1213 The Wildlife Trust Mahon, Fiona A-1214 The Emerson Group Short, David A-1215 United Kingdom Major Ports Group Bird, Richard A-1216 Independent Resources Plc Staley, Stephen A-1217 Parliamentary Bar Mess Comyn , Timothy 62 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1218 Hertfordshire County Council Ashcroft, Andrew A-1219 Swindon Borough Council Hillman, Bob A-1220 Federation of Small Businesses Culcheth, R. A-1221 Major Developers Group Lipton, Stuart A-1222 Horley Town Council Jones, Alan A-1223 Johnson, Gordon A-1224 Colvin, Mike A-1225 London Thames Gateway Forum Leontowitsch, Genia A-1226 Street, John A-1227 Commission for Architecture and the Built Harvey, A. Environment A-1228 Sustainable Development Commission Ashley, J. A-1229 English Heritage Wagner, C. A-1230 BAA Limited Stebbings, Tabitha A-1231 Local Government Association Brown, S. A-1232 Planning Aid for London Fox, Joanne A-1233 Nuclear Industry Association McNamara, John A-1234 National Association of Local Councils Hale, Jonathan A-1235 Friends of the Earth Kirby, Julian A-1236 Heritage Link Pugh, Kate A-1237 The Civic Trust Hammerson, Michael A-1238 Ordnance Survey Sims, Lynne A-1239 Scottish Power McGregor, Gordon A-1240 Commission for Integrated Transport Williams, Neil A-1241 Scottish and Southern Energy Dr MacLean, Keith A-1242 City of London Watson, John A-1243 EDF Energy Sanchez-Lopez, D. A-1244 Energy Networks Association Glover, Tony Annex 2 List of Respondents |63

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1245 Lyons, J. A. A-1246 Automobile Association Watters, Paul A-1247 E.ON UK Plc Meredith, Dan A-1249 Galloway, Tamara A-1250 City of London Law Society Dunn, Stella A-1251 Metropolitan Police Property Services Bond, Jane A-1252 The Rambler’s Association Grady, P. A-1253 Wildlife & Countryside Link Bettis, Jodie A-1254 Harvey, R. O. A-1255 Landscape Institute Jeffs, Claire A-1256 Bolton Council Serjeant, Mary A-1257 Council on Tribunals Hermon, Alexander A-1258 Brampton Parish Council Footner, M. A-1259 Primrose Hill Conservation Area Advisory Committee Simpson, Richard A-1260 Wind Prospect Developments Limited Smith, Alastair A-1261 The Berkeley Group Salmon, Brian A-1262 Waverley Borough Council Parrott, G. A-1263 Marden Parish Council Reed, A. and Hooker, A. A-1264 London Thames Gateway Development Corporation Leach, Alice A-1265 East Sussex County Council Robson, Alistair A-1266 Epping Forest District Council Wintle, Amanda A-1267 Institute of Highways & Transportation Napthine, A. A-1268 8 Regional Development Agencies & London Groves, Andy Development Agency A-1269 Property Lande Architecture Winter, Lawrie A-1270 South Somerset District Council Carroll, Tim A-1271 Reigate & Banstead Borough Council Cronin, Anna A-1272 Shoreditch Trust Eagar, Anna 64 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1273 Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Tweed, Paula A-1274 Marks & Spencer (by Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners) Vilma, Vas A-1275 Fitzgerald, John A-1276 TBI (by Terrance O’Rourke Limited) Guildford, Nick A-1277 Kent Green Party Dawe, Steve A-1278 Barratt Developments Plc Biddulph, I. P. A-1279 Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Harbour, Rob A-1280 Central Council of Physical Recreation Carter, Duncan A-1281 Gloucester City Council MacPherson, Steve A-1282 Rosi, B. A-1283 Singer, Julia A-1284 United Utilities Hardman, David A-1285 Simon Jones Associates Limited Mackworth-Praed, Mark A-1286 Somerset Chamber of Commerce & Industry Limited Cox, Rupert A-1287 Detling Parish Council McLaggan, Gavin A-1288 Together Creating Communities Pilsbury, Christine A-1289 Withycombe Parish Council Bott, Derrick A-1290 Goldsworthy, Elizabeth A-1291 Friends of the Earth, Manhood Peninsula Dr Sutcliffe, Jill A-1292 SEA/SA subgroup Association of the Association of Ryde, Katie London Borough Planning Officers and the London Environmental Co-ordinators Forum A-1293 Raynor, Colin A-1294 Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales Sinclair, Mary A-1295 Greenwich Council Tyler, Steve A-1296 Grosvenor Investments Limited Tipping, Niall A-1297 Havant Borough Council Neilson, Bruce Annex 2 List of Respondents |65

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1298 INEOS ChlorVinyls Mackenzie, Andrew A-1299 Institution of Chemical Engineers Furlong, Andy A-1300 Isle of Wight Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Rogers, Nicky Partnership A-1301 Joint Committee of the National Amenity Societies Dr Dungavell, Ian A-1302 Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council Wilson, Jill A-1303 London Borough of Hounslow Jordan, Michael A-1304 London Borough of Waltham Forest Whiteley, B. A-1305 Manchester Airports Group Bottomley, J. A-1306 Dr Hopkins, Michael A-1307 National Grid Pearson, Hector A-1308 New Forest District Council Elliott, Chris A-1309 North Finchley Agenda 21 Environmental Forum Newton, Robert A-1310 North West Transport Activists Roundtable Burns, Lillian A-1311 Oxford City Council Harrison, Sarah A-1312 Parish Councils Airport Association Burn, Hilary A-1313 PD Ports Limited Pellew, Martyn A-1314 Playden Parish Council Harrington-Lowe, Ray A-1315 Portsmouth Water Limited Neve, A. R. A-1316 Proven Energy Nowill, Jonathan A-1317 Franklin, Roger A-1318 Passenger Transport Executive Group Acton, S. A-1319 Renewable Energy Systems UK and Ireland Limited Paine, Andy A-1320 Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead Leonard, Helen A-1321 Regent’s Park Conservation Area Advisory Committee Simpson, Richard A-1322 Staffordshire Moorlands District Council Thompson, Wendy A-1323 Bragg, Andy; Carter, Susan; Clegg, Eleanor 66 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1324 Taylor Wessing Greenwood, Brian A-1325 Thames Water Property Services Cook, G. A-1326 Wealdon District Council Fleming, M. J. A-1327 UK Environmental Law Association Harrison, Anne A-1328 United Utilities Electricity Plc Siddall, S. A-1329 West Beckenham Residents’ Association Pender, Marie A-1330 Westinghouse Electric Company Bull, Adrian A-1331 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council Lewis, Richard A-1332 Wycombe District Council Eglington, Stela A-1333 Action Group Against Star Turbines Taylor, Steve A-1334 Airport Operators Association Bishop, David A-1335 Allerdale Borough Council Wood, Richard A-1336 Association of Electricity Producers Taylor, Malcolm A-1337 Association of North East Councils Forbes, K. A-1338 British Council of Shopping Centres Abbott, L. A-1339 British Retail Consortium Browne, P. A-1340 Rescue – British Archaeological Trust Cumberpatch, Chris A-1341 Cefas Regulatory Assessment Team Dr Vivian, Chris A-1342 Jones, Charlene A-1343 Binfield Village Protection Society Foster, Margaret A-1344 Dean, Amanda A-1345 ASDA Stores Limited Hughes, Bernard A-1346 Association for Industrial Archaeology Alderton, D. L. A-1347 Axbridge Town Council Brice, V. L. A-1348 Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Linihan, Nicky A-1349 British Council for Offices MacDonnell, Jenny A-1350 British Urban Regeneration Association Jess, Paul A-1351 British Wind Energy Association Grimes, Gemma Annex 2 List of Respondents |67

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1352 Canterbury City Council Barr, Jillian A-1353 Chemical Industries Association Davies, Gareth A-1354 Hamilton, Charles A-1355 Crean, Chris A-1356 Chesterfield Borough Council Hayden, Mike A-1357 The Cooperative Jackson, Ruairidh A-1358 Council for National Parks Chambers, Ruth A-1359 Council of the Society for Popular Astronomy Scagell, Robin A-1360 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Avonside Bigg, Georgie A-1361 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Johnson, Jacqui Warrington District A-1362 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Warwickshire A-1363 Friends of the Earth, Wales Wallis, Max A-1364 Dr. Lowry, D. A-1365 Pavett, David and Khan, Hamid A-1366 Shelley, Diana A-1367 East Herts Council Thomsett, Bryan A-1368 The Environment Council Grigor, Winsome A-1369 Environmental Law Foundation Whiting, David A-1370 GlaxoSmithKline Plc (by Nathaniel Lichfield Pope, Dennis and Partners) A-1371 Geological Unit and Patrick, Krista and Environmental Advisory Service Dr Jemmett, Alan A-1372 Harrow Agenda 21 Williams, Caroline A-1373 Environmental Services Association Freeland, Stephen A-1374 Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council McGrath, Paul A-1376 Greater London Authority – Inter Regional Forum Gavron, Nicky A-1377 Planning and Development Association Aldred, Vivien 68 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1378 Home Builders Federation Limited Whitaker, Andrew A-1379 Howard Hutton and Associates Hutton, Roger A-1380 Health and Safety Executive Scott, Alison A-1381 Institute of Directors Patterson, Peter A-1382 Skinner, Jacqueline A-1383 Royal Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames Ransford, Stewart A-1384 Kingston Parish Council Cousins, Val A-1385 Kirklees Metropolitan Council Moore, Jennifer A-1386 Law Society Thomas, Pat A-1387 London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Dearing, Jennifer A-1388 London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Whitwell, Jon A-1389 Robson, Lucy A-1390 London Tree Officers Association Hesch, Becky A-1391 Mercury Planning Welsh, Ray A-1392 University College, London Edwards, Michael A-1393 Finchley Society Planning Committee Dawson, Mike A-1394 Your Energy Limited Bowers, Alexandra A-1395 West Midlands Shire Counties Davenport, Peter A-1396 Wood, Joe A-1397 Omega Centre Prof. Dimitriou, Harry T. A-1398 Carder, P. G. A-1399 Kinnersly, Patrick A-1400 Peel Holdings (Management) Limited Nears, Peter A-1401 Doughty, Bob A-1402 Davies, Philip A-1403 Portsmouth City Council Hayward, David A-1404 The Royal Academy of Engineering Greenish, P. Annex 2 List of Respondents |69

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1405 Redditch Borough Council Bamford, Ruth A-1406 Road Haulage Association Limited Rampley, C. A-1407 Railfreight Interchange Investment Group Gallop, Nick A-1408 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Marsh, S. A-1409 Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Limited Willcox, Sue A-1410 Sheffield City Council Sturch, Les A-1411 Severn Trent Water Ltd Bullimore, Gillian A-1412 Cox, Sally A-1413 South East England Regional Aggregates Kilford, John Working Party A-1414 Pitt, Frances A-1415 Shut Down Sizewell Campaign Lanyon, Peter A-1416 APCO Worldwide Rankin, Maurice A-1417 South Tyneside Council Winder, David A-1418 Steven Abbott Associates Abbott, Steven A-1419 Susan Walker Architects Anstruthur, Susan A-1420 Swanland Parish Council Jordon-Jackson, R. A-1421 Tesco Plc Timothy, John A-1422 Port of London Authority Trimmer, James A-1423 Quinney, Suzanne A-1424 Town and Country Planning Association House, Alex A-1425 The Land Is Ours Mark A-1426 Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Ellwood, Zac A-1427 The Tree Council Buchanan Black, Pauline A-1428 UK Petroleum Industry Association Limited Geldart, Stephen A-1429 Hurth, Victoria A-1430 Wales Environment Link Aitchison, Michele A-1431 Stop Stansted Expansion Williams, Denise 70 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1432 Transport 2000 (now known as Campaign for Carlo, Denise Better Transport) A-1433 Members of the National Transport Roundtable Joseph, Stephen hosted by Transport 2000 A-1435 Westminster City Council Norrell, Marjorie A-1436 Woldingham Parish Council Jeffery, Jeff A-1437 Wonersh Parish Council Powell-Evans, Anne A-1439 AstraZeneca Limited (by NJL Consulting) Owens, Chris A-1440 Academy for Sustainable Communities Klemm, Daniel A-1441 Babergh District Council Cooke, Rich A-1442 Bond Pearce Quarterman, Hannah A-1443 Borough of Poole Jacobs, Nigel A-1444 Brixton Plc (by DTZ) Mackie,Austin A-1445 Cannock Chase District Council Heminsley, John A-1447 Chartered Institution of Wastes Management Moffat, Tracy A-1448 Chorley Borough Council A-1449 Civil Engineering Contractors Association Callan, Jack A-1450 City of Council A-1451 Institute of Environmental Management and Pettit, Claire Assessment & International Association for Impact Assessment – Ireland and UK Branch A-1452 Etchingham Parish Council O’Herlihy-Chew, Mary A-1453 Wye with Hinxhill Parish Council Dr Oram, Jenny A-1454 InterGen (UK) Limited Taylor, Andrew A-1455 Brander, James A-1456 Gooch, Jennifer A-1457 Raggett, Jenny A-1458 Kingston Seymour Parish Council Allday, Leonie A-1459 London Borough of Newham Armsby, Deirdra Annex 2 List of Respondents |71

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1460 London Forum of Amenity & Civic Societies Eversden. Peter A-1461 Medway Council Lane, Wendy A-1462 Merseyside Policy Unit A-1463 Mid-Kent Water Holland, Jon A-1464 Chadwick, M. A-1465 Milton Keynes Council of Voluntary Organisations Livermore, David A-1466 Dyson, Nicholas A-1467 Jenkins, Nicola A-1468 UK Green Building Council Saunderson, Jules A-1469 Northgate Information Solutions Osborne, Russell and Sutton, Kathy A-1470 Oil and Gas UK Odling, David A-1471 Partnership for Urban South Hampshire Thorne, Karen A-1472 Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales Sinclair, Mary-Rose A-1473 Shropshire County Council West, Eddie A-1474 District Council Cllr Smith, Andy A-1475 South West ACRE Network for Rural Community Wright, Stephen Councils A-1477 Shaw, Jinny A-1480 Land Securities Plc Hussey, Michael A-1481 Berkshire Association of Local Councils Heggadon, John A-1482 Bexley Council Bryant, Glyn A-1483 Bracknell Forest Borough Council Hindle, Bev A-1484 Bristol City Council Hoare, Kate A-1485 The Bristol Port Company Smith, Bryan A-1486 British Cement Association Gibson, Ian A-1487 British Horse Society Weston, Mark A-1488 West Lancashire District Council A-1489 Centrica Plc. Attenborough, Alice 72 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1490 Gillham, Chris A-1491 Combined Heat and Power Association King, Michael A-1492 Constructive Futures Carmichael, S. A-1493 Core Cities Group Ford, Jenny A-1494 Countryside Council for Wales Sanpher, Nerys A-1495 West Devon Borough Council Dunford, Chris A-1496 Coventry City Council Spandley, Emma A-1497 Coxheath Parish Council Hughes, John A-1498 Harradine, D. J. A-1499 Sutton, Dave A-1500 Environmental Industries Commission Hyman, Merlin A-1501 Freightliner Group Limited Durham, L. A-1502 Gloucestershire County Council Niblett, Rob A-1503 Green Liberal Democrat’s Heinrich, Susan A-1504 Bosworth Borough Council Chettle, Stephanie A-1505 Hyndburn Borough Council Prideaux, Simon A-1506 Chanay, J. A-1507 Farrell, Jane A-1508 Burley, Ken A-1509 Lichfield District Council Jordan, Craig A-1510 London Councils Burnal, Marisa A-1511 Manchester Green Party Crookes, Lance A-1512 Manchester City Council Griffin, Robert A-1513 Burgess, Matthew A-1514 Finchley Society Planning Committee Dawson, Mike A-1515 Babiker, Phyllis A-1516 Read, P. R. A-1517 Ramsay, Alan Annex 2 List of Respondents |73

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1518 Welch, Ann A-1519 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Surrey Harrold, Tim A-1520 Lewes District Council Ticehurst, Brenda A-1521 Guildford Borough Council Chaston, Carol-Ann A-1522 Watford Borough Council Thomson, Matt A-1523 Pennington, P. A-1524 Pluckrose, I. A-1525 Association of Local Government Ecologists Oxford, Michael A-1526 Lintern, Jennifer A-1527 Somerville, Robert A-1528 Water UK Venters, Richard A-1529 Rogers, Lucy A-1530 British Nuclear Energy Society, YGN and Institution Askew, M. H. J. of Nuclear Engineers A-1531 Formby Civic Society Dr. Brennan, D. A-1532 Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council – Barber, Andrew Hampshire and Isle of Wight Conservation Officers’ Liaison Group A-1533 William Davis Limited Coleman, John A-1534 Southfleet Parish Residents Association Breton, M. J. A-1535 Kyte, J. A-1536 County Council Ledger, Karen A-1537 GT Systems Taylor, G. A-1538 HgCapital Murley, T. A-1539 Bircham Dyson Bell Thompson, Paul A-1540 City of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council Bates, S. A-1541 Taunton Borough Council Willoughby-Foster, Ralph A-1542 Castle Point Borough Council Rogers, Steve 74 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1543 Sustainable Neighbourhoods Pool Goreham, Julie A-1544 Charlton Kings Parish Council Potts, A. J. A-1545 Northampton Borough Council Edwards, John A-1547 Kingsley-Smith, Nicholas A-1548 Northwest Regional Development Agency Litt, John A-1549 Painswick & District Conservation Society Luke, Carolyn A-1550 Gilroy, Linda MP A-1551 The Unite Group Plc Aldrich-Smith, Tabitha A-1552 RAC Foundation Rainger, Sheila A-1553 Clark, Richard A-1555 Shelter Thomas, Mark A-1556 Shere Parish Council A-1557 Somerset Association of Local Councils Lacey, Peter A-1558 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Ford, Denise A-1559 South Gloucestershire Council Glasson, Brian A-1561 Staffordshire County Council Rigby, Paul A-1562 Surrey County Council Porter, Nick A-1563 Banks Developments Limited Hancock, Justin A-1564 Torbay Council Woodcock, Ivan A-1565 Harpenden Town Council James, Anne A-1566 Turley Associates Morton, Hilary A-1567 Borough Council House, Richard A-1568 Disability Rights Commission Shipley, Andrew A-1569 Windsor and Eton Society Lohr, K. A-1570 Light Rail (UK) Limited Harkins, James A-1571 Test Valley Borough Council Lees, Steve A-1572 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Utting, J. M. Ascot and Bracknell District Annex 2 List of Respondents |75

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1574 Howden Town Council Charnock, Liz A-1575 The Enfield Society Dr Jephcott, C. J. A. A-1576 Slinfold Parish Council Burroughs, Mary A-1577 Whittingham Parish Council Curtis, John A-1578 Action for Market Towns Hammant, Catherine A-1579 Mountfield Parish Council Keeler, N. A-1580 Southern Water Services Limited Blaxland, Andy (by Adams Hendry Consulting Limited) A-1581 Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge Town Council Shaw, Eileen A-1582 Barrow Borough Council Philips, Colin A-1583 Cllr. Beardsmore, Ian A-1584 Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management Reeves, Jason A-1586 Terence O’Rourke Molyneaux, Jan A-1587 Laycock, M. P. A-1588 Gardner, C. J. A-1589 Maggs, John A-1589b Sexton Council Planning Committee Wallis, Andy A-1590 Goodman, Edward A-1591 Eddison, Jill A-1592 Freeman, Elizabeth A-1593 Pollitt, J. A-1594 Groom, G. N. A-1595 Jeffries, Elizabeth A-1596 Brownjohn, Victor A-1597 National Federation of Bus Users (Central Sussex) Elvidge, Peter Group A-1598 Wyatt, Len A-1599 Randall, K. D. and A. J. A-1600 Murphy, John 76 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1601 Steele, Terence A-1602 Greenaway, Ray A-1603 Ruislip Residents Association Williams, John A-1604 Masterman, Brian A-1605 Dungey, David V. and Valerie Joyce A-1606 Hatfield, Pauline A-1607 Tate, J. M. A-1608 Thomas, G. W. M. A-1609 Harvey, D. A-1610 Billingham and Kite Limited Woodhams, Philip A-1611 Tolmie, Brian A-1612 North Tyneside Planning Committee Huscroft, Michael A-1613 Andrews, Tony A-1614 Dr. Evans, D. R. A. A-1615 Ryan, L. P. A-1616 Laire, M. A-1617 Upton, Jamie A-1618 Cllr. Baker, A. I. A-1619 Smith, A. F. A-1620 Davies, A. A-1621 British Astronomical Association, Campaign Taylor, Martin Morgan for Dark Skies, Leicester Astronomical Society, De Montford University School of Law A-1622 East Midlands Development Agency Harley, Steven A-1623 Thorney Island Society Glaessner, Verina A-1624 Quarry Products Association Hobden, Ken A-1625 Wolverhampton City Council Culley, Ian A-1626 Association of English Cathedrals King, Sarah Annex 2 List of Respondents |77

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1627 The Association of Gardens Trusts Hepworth, Val A-1628 Aviation Environment Federation Lockley, Peter A-1629 Blackheath Park Conservation Group Armitage, A., Bloch, J., Chaple, L., Ellis, D., Norman, E., Gardiner, D., Hall, E., Holland, C., Pinna-Griffith, S., Smith, P., Stopforth, S., Upward, C., Wrigley, J. A-1630 East Staffordshire Borough Council Ford, Sandra A-1631 British Telecommunications Plc Seaman, Robin A-1632 Cranborne Chase and West Downs Burden, Richard Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty A-1633 Teignbridge District Council Haines, Mike A-1634 Colchester Borough Council Mooney, Jan A-1635 Taplow Parish Council Trevallion, Mary A-1636 Construction Products Association Ankers, Micheal A-1637 Council for British Archaeology Chitty, Gill A-1638 Convanta Energy Limited Massingham, David A-1639 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Berkshire Golton, E. A-1640 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Sussex Robinson, Sarah A-1641 Wright, Shirley A-1642 Porter, Adrian A-1643 Save Tadworth Action Group Canham, Trish A-1644 SERA Burnell, Emma A-1645 Dr. Berglund, Eeva A-1646 Edwards, Gruff A-1647 Hammersmith and Fulham Historic Buildings Group Dixon, Angela A-1648 Jelson Limited (by GVA Grimley LLP) Thorley, Rob A-1649 Collins, Laurie 78 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1650 Royal Astronomical Society Murdin, Paul A-1651 Local Government Information Unit Jones, Andrew A-1652 Ealing Council Rutherford, Noel A-1653 Burke, Lynn A-1654 North Hertfordshire District Council Scholes, David A-1655 Odiham Parish Council Hyatt, Jan A-1656 Planning and Environmental Bar Association Steel, J. A-1657 Redrow Plc Fitzsimmons, Neil A-1658 Pearce, Roger A-1659 Institution of Civil Engineers Whalley, Simon A-1660 Campaign to Protect Rural England Miner, Paul A-1661 Dr. Protheroe, S. A. A-1662 The Planning Inspectorate Rozee, Leonora A-1663 The Chiltern Society A-1664 Berwick Civic Society Cowe, Alison A-1665 Natural England Marsden, James A-1666 London Borough of Sutton Richards, Darren A-1667 Mather, Sally A-1668 Heath, A. M. A-1669 Association of Consultant Architects Rogers, Andrew A-1670 The Crown Estate Hastings, Rob A-1671 Gibbons, Roger A-1672 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Devon Ward-Green, Phillip A-1673 South Heighton Parish Council A-1674 Lidl U.K. GmbH Rafferty, Gordon A-1675 Church of England – Archbishops’ Council Davey, Andrew A-1676 anonymous A-1677 Hampshire Constabulary Barrow, Doug Annex 2 List of Respondents |79

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1678 Keeler, Alan A-1679 Sorby, L. M. A. A-1680 Gateshead Council Quinn, Derek A-1681 Knight, Jackie A-1682 Donaldson, Elizabeth A-1683 Barkes, E. A-1684 Stebbing, Susan A-1685 Blacklay, Bryden A-1686 Heede, Alex A-1687 Society of British Gas Industries – Gas Storage Webster, Vanessa Operators Group A-1688 Woking Borough Council Bishop, Adrian A-1689 Sefton Council Thomas, C. A-1690 Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council Roberts, Annette A-1691 Green Balance Bate, Richard A-1692 Eastbourne Borough Council Rawlinson, L. A-1693 The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Fielden, Kate Society A-1694 Surrey Archological Society Turner, D. J. A-1695 Wirral Group of Cheshire Wildlife Trust Dr. Ash, Hilary A-1696 Parkside Action Group Page, Brendan A-1697 All Party Parliamentary Archaeology Group Prof. Renfrew, Lord A-1698 North Kesteven District Council Braithwaite, Michael A-1699 Newick Parish Council Farmer, L. A-1700 Corbertt, J. P. A-1701 Newark & Sherwood District Council Norton, Matthew A-1702 Cotswolds Conservation Board Watt, Malcolm A-1703 Dr. Howard, B. H. A-1704 East Grinstead Town Council Rolley, C. J. 80 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1705 Hampton-in-Arden Society Goodall, G A-1705a Arc Walker, David A-1706 London Borough of Barnet Cohen, Melvin A-1707 Council Sturgess, Mark A-1708 Environment Agency Southgate, Mark A-1709 Martin, Sarah A-1710 Peterborough City Council Churchill, Melanie A-1711 Ward, John A-1712 Brewer, Geoff C. A-1713 Mulley, S. P. A-1714 Backwell Parish Council Stone, Jane A-1715 Brindles Wood Residents’ Association Hargreaves, Judith A-1716 Roques, C. D. A-1717 Sessions, C. J. & B. A. A-1718 Porter, C. A-1719 Broadland District Council Kirby, Phil A-1720 Chambers, D. A. A-1721 Curl, Diana A-1722 Hoyles, Diane A-1725 Holton Heritage Trust Elson, Lilian D. A-1726 Marshall, I. A-1727 Dean, J. A-1728 Atkins, J. K. A. A-1729 Leffew, J. A-1730 Ord, J. A-1731 Greene, L. A-1732 Littlehampton Civic Society Bayley, A. C. A-1733 Livesey, M. Annex 2 List of Respondents |81

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1734 McCallan, M. A-1735 Mid-Sussex District Council Rogers, N. A-1736 National Organisation of Residents Associations Shrank, A. B. A-1737 The Otford Society Wiltshire, A. A-1738 Dorney, P. A-1739 Pagham Parish Council Braby, C. C. A-1740 Wibberley, P. A-1742 Sevenoaks District Council Walshe, R. A-1743 Sidlesham Parish Council Paul, J. A-1744 Todmorden Moor Restoration Trust Pennie, R. A-1745 UK Coal Mining Ltd Armstrong-Payne, D. A-1746 Upton Bishop Parish Council Jarvis, L. A-1747 West Midlands Amenity Societies Association Goodall, G. A-1748 Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Jenman, B. A-1749 Brethren’s Gospel Trusts (by J & J Design) Devine, J. A., Pocock, P. and Shephard, J. R. A-1750 Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales Ogden, P. A. A-1751 Bysouth, P. A-1752 Bolsover District Council Clarke, G. A-1753 Fuller, M. A-1754 Theobald, P. A-1755 Newman, A. J. A-1756 Greenwich Environment Forum Townend, A. A-1757 English Regions Network Mitchell, K. A-1758 Friends of the Earth, Bath Morrison, S. A-1759 Acres, J. A-1760 Campaign to Protect Rural England – Wiltshire McDonic, George A-1761 Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK Whelan, T. 82 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1762 Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation Bell, G. A-1764 Major Developers Group Sir. Lipton, S. A-1765 Regional Partnerships Centre Davenport, Peter A-1766 Hinchliffe, John A-1767 Oxley, Brian A-1768 Davies, Michael A-1769 Newitt, L. V. A-1771 Harrison, J. A. A. and S. M. A-1772 Raguin, Julia A-1773 Syrett, S. H. A-1774 Ford, Peter A-1777 Burrington Parish Council Hale, S. F. A-1778 Johns, D. M. A-1779 Venn, B. E. A-1780 Goodwin, Rebecca A-1781 Leek Town Council Taylor, Julie A-1782 Parsonage, Doreen A-1783 Macpherson, Amy A-1784 Norton, Richard E. A-1785 Bidlake-Corser, T. A-1787 Robinson, J. H. A-1788 Davis, Amanda A-1790 Weeks, Janet and Shackleton, Simon A-1791 Warren, A. A. A-1792 Ablett, John A-1793 Iden Parish Council Miller, Michael A-1794 Buckley, Carolyn Annex 2 List of Respondents |83

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1795 Clarke, J. A-1796 Blean, Hackington & Tyler Hill Society Reilly, Penelope A-1797 Green, Catherine A-1798 Preston, John A-1799a British Council for Offices, British Property Federation, Kauntze, R., Peace, L., British Retail Consortium, Country Land and Business Hawkins, K., Gane, A., Association Limited, Home Builders Federation, Baseley, S., Pringle, J., Royal Institute of British Architects, Royal Institution Prasad, S., Tuffin, D. of Chartered Surveyors and Royal Town Planning and Smith, R. Institute A-1799b Pope, A. J. A-1800 Fitzgerald, K. A-1803 Clifford, Jill A-1805 Sharpe, Carolyn A-1806 Edwards, Adrian A-1807 East Coker Parish Council O’Neill, Margaret A-1808 Bearman, A. E. A-1809 Berry, J. M. A-1810 Petter, Stephen A-1811 Piper, Prudence A-1812 Weston, Jill A-1813 Mean, D. A-1814 Tiger, Laurence P. D. A-1815 Ackland, Philip A-1816 Ackland, Sally A-1817 Davies, Gina A-1818 Koffman, Gordon A-1819 Sharkey, John A-1820 Adburgham, Thurstan A-1821 Bolter, Stephen J. 84 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1822 Kingham, Tim A-1823 Neve, Philip J. A-1824 Westmoreland, John A-1825 MacArthur, Lucy A-1826 Spaces A-1827 Bidlake-Corser, Rachel A-1828 Aldaya, A. M. A-1829 Aldaya, J. C. A-1830 Aldaya, P. A-1831 Bennett, V. A-1832 Chapman, David A-1833 Edward, Laura A-1834 Gardine, S. C. A-1835 Mountford, V. A. A-1836 Spamer, Eileen A-1837 Stark, M. A-1838 Wright, Liz A-1839 Bilham, Anthony C. G. A-1840 Boulden, Trevor A-1841 Doughty, Bob A-1842 Drury, H. D. and J. W. A-1843 Goodwin, Rona A-1844 Gosnell, K. J. A-1845 Wigg, O. E. A-1846 Winder, A. J. A-1847 Lamb, Sarah A-1848 Mann, C, M. A-1849 Mann, Janet Annex 2 List of Respondents |85

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1850 Allen, Sally A-1851 Armstrong A-1852 Chambers, S. A-1853 Willcox, Carmen A-1854 Bartlett, L. A-1855 Chapman, Jean H. A-1856 Choralla, F. M. A-1857 Forster, David A-1858 Hillyard, Douglas and Angela A-1859 Isherwood, Joyce A-1860 King, John A-1861 Machin, John A-1862 Simmons, J. R. A-1863 Steele, John A-1864 Weedall, M. A-1865 Clark, Hugh A-1866 Cuff, J. A-1867 Dando, J. P. A-1868 Davies, Keith A-1869 Earle, M. A-1870 East, M. A-1871 Ellis, David and Kathleen A-1872 Fullerton, Aaron A-1873 Graham, Rosalind A-1874 Iyer, V. and J. A-1875 Jones, A. A-1876 Jones, K. J. 86 | Planning for a Sustainable Future

List of Respondents continued

CLG Ref. Organisation Contact Name A-1877 Knight, Kirstie A-1878 Michael, Andy A-1879 Montague, G. L. A-1880 Moody, J. A-1881 Neat, Rosemary A-1882 Palmer, M. A-1883 Phillips, N. J. and V. E. A-1884 Sims, Christopher A-1885 Thwaites, W. A-1886 Tuck, K. M. A-1887 Tucker, V. A-1888 West, R. P.