Congressional Becord-Senate
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88 CONGRESSIONAL BECORD-SENATE. low members that they have lost one of their most active and Saviour, for a reigning Lord, for a kingdom that shall survive indUBtrious workers. His experience, his practical way of doing death. We pray that this kingdom may be established in us and things, his sagacity, and his great powers of endurance, his con through us, and that grace may be given us so to walk in the stancy and faithfulness on duty, and his alertnessinaction,maue obedience and love of God, in the faith of Christ, tha.t we may him a conspicuous figure among the strong men of the nation. be prepared to meet the last enemy and to fall asleep sweetly in But there are others who feel this bereavement more keenly JesUB. than we, upon whom the blow has fallen with crushing weight. We rejoice in Thee, 0 God, our covenant God, to whom we There is a home where this man was known as the world knew can come in every time of need. The strong and the true and him not, a place where hearts are lacerated and bleeding,where the noble man has fallen. We bless Thee for a record of a faith a loving family will be glad, even in their grief, to receive at our fu1, useful life of service, and we thank Thee for the hope that hands what is left of the fond husband and father in whose life gathers around the casket and the grave. theirs were closely bound. To them thereareatleasttwosources We commend to Thee very tenderly, 0 Lord, the strick~ n of consolation-one, that he fell while on duty at his post in the household to-day. Fulfill to Thine handmaiden and to these service of his country; the other, that there is a fountain of fatherless children all the precioUB promises of Thy Word, and atrength infinite in power and duration from which we all may cause even this dark providence to work together for their good. draw in time of need. We stand amid the mysteries of life and of death. We can not At the proper time I will a.Sk the Senate to name a day when understand God. We rejoice that Thou art upon the throne, we may pay tribute to our deceased brother in an appropriate ru1ing and overruling, and we pray for grace, as we journey on manner. through life's pilgrim way, meeting every day respona.ibilities, .- And now, Mr. President, I offer the resolutions which I send to amid trial and anxiety and care, that the unseen hand may lead the desk and ask their adoption. · . us; that the almighty arm may be round about us; that the love The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolutions will be read by the of God may fill our hearts, and that the peace of God, which Secretary. I passeth all understanding, may keep us in every time of trial. The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows: Sanctify, we pray Thee, this bereavement to these, Thy serv Resolved, That the sudden death of the Hon. Preston B. Plumb causes pro ants, and grant, 0 God, that this great God-fearing Government, ,_ found sorrow and deep regret to his associates in the Senate. represented here to-day with the nations of the world, may ever Resolved, That a committee of five Senators be appointed by the Vice-Presi dent to take order, wlth a committee or the House of Representatives, for stand for God and His Christ, for truth and righteousness, and superintending the funeral of the late Senator Plumb, and as a mark or re that we may look forward to the triumph of that blessed Saviour spect for his memory that his body be removed from the capital to the State who has come, the light of the world. Enlighten the nations of Kansas in charge of the Sergeant-at-Arms, and attended by said commit tee, who shall have fnll power to carry this resolution into effect. and extend to them, we pray Thee, the blessed hope and the Resolved, That the Senate will, at 1 o'clock and 30 minutes p. m. to-day, at glorious faith which we so richly enjoy. tend in its Chamber the exercises incident to his funeral, and that these reso Bless us each oiie. Guide us by Thy counsel. Sanctify to us lutions be communicated to the House of Representatives. all Thy dealings. And we now commend to Thee these, Thy The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is on agreeing to the servants, who shall go with this precious dust. We pray Thee resolutions. · preserve them from accident·and from all danger upon their The resolutions were agreed to unanimously; and the Vice journey and bring them again in peace. We ask these mercies, President appointed a.s the committee to represent the Senate with forgiveness and grace, in the name of Christ, our Saviour. under the second resolution, Messrs. PEFFER, DOLPH, PADDOCK, Amen. GORDON, and PALMER. , The Chaplain then read from the service of the church at the Mr.MANDERSON. Mr. President, I present a resolution and grave, after which he read the poem entitled" Nearer Home," ask the unanimous consent of the Senate that it be now consid and pronounced the benediction. eredhand that the ru1e requiring that resolutions of this charac The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Sergeant-at-Arms, under the ters all be referred to the Committee to Audit and Control the direction of the committee, will execute the order of the Senate Contingent Expenses of the Senate may be suspended for the pur and escort the remains of the late Senator Plumb to his home in pose of considering it. Kansas. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolution will be read. The casket was borne from the Chamber, and the Senate as a The Secretary read the resolution, as follows: body attended the remains to the station. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate be, and he hereby is, authorized The Senate returned to its Chamber at 2 o'clock and 57 -min ' and directed to pay, trom the contingent fund of the Senate, the necessary ex utes p.m., and the Vice-President resumed the chair. penses of the funeral of Hon. Preston B. Plumb, of Kansas, upon vouchers to be approved by the committee appointed to take charge of the funeral ar Mr. ALLISON. I move that the Senate do now adjourn. rangements. The motion was agreed to; and (at 2 o'clock and 58 minutes p. m.} the Sena'te adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, Decembe I The resolution was considered by unanimous consent, and 22, 1891,_at 12 o'clock m. · agreed to. RECESS. Mr. SHERMAN. I move that the Senate take a recess until 1 o'clock. SENATE. The motion was agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock and 10 minutes p.m.} the Senate-took a recess until1 o'clock p.m. TUESDAY, December 221 1891. FUNERAL OF SENATOR PLUMB. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. • The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved, The Senate reassembled at 1 o'clock p.m. At 20 minutes past 1 o'clock the members of the House of Rep SENATOR FROM CALIFORNIA . resentatives, preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms and· Chief Clerk, Mr. FELTON. I ask that the oath of office be administered to and headed by the Speaker, entered the Senate Chamber. The my colleague, Mr. Leland Stanford, a Senator elect from the Speaker was escorted to a seat at the right of the Vice-Presi State of California, whose credentials },lave heretofore been pre- dent, the Chief Clerk at the Secretary's desk, and the Sergeant sented. at-Arms on the right of the Vice-President's desk, and the mem The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator elect will please come bers of the HoUBe were eocorted to the seats on the floor provided forward and receive the oath of office. for them. Mr. Stanford advanced to the Vice-President's desk, escorted They were soon followed by the Major-General commanding by Mr. FELTON, and the oath prescribed by law having been the Army, the diplomatic corps, the Chid Justice and associate administered to him he took his seat in the Senate. justices· of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the President and his Cabinet ministers, who were respectively es EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. corted to the seats assigned them on the floor of the Senate Cham The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica ber. tion from the Acting Secretary of War, tran~mittilig, in re At 1 o'clock and 40 minutes p.m. the casket containing the sponse to a resolution of the 14th instant, a report from the remains of the deceased Senator was brought into the Senate Chief of Engineers in reference to the enforcement of the act of .· Chamber, preceded by the Chaplain of tbe Senate, and escorted September 19, 1890, relating to the unlawful obstructions to the by the committee of arrangements of the two Houses and pall navigable waters of the United States; which, with the accom bearers selected from the Capitol police. panying papers, was referred to the Committee on Commerce, The burial service of the Lutheran Church was read by the and ordered to be printed. • Chaplain, after which he read the poem entitled "Oh, To Be He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Sec Ready," and of!ered the following prayer: retary of the Interior, transmitting a memorial adopted by the Let us pray: 0 Thou God of our life, we thank Thee that to constitutional convention of Arizona, requesting the survey of day we stand at the empty tomb.