Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2006;14(2):117-131 REVIEW

Alcohol – Health Effects, Working Environment and Prevention

Eugenija Žuškin, Jasna Lipozenčić1, Vlado Jukić2, Ana Matošić3, Jadranka Mustajbegović, Nada Turčić4, E. Neil Schachter5, Milan Milošević

Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, Zagreb University School of Medicine; 1University Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Zagreb University Hospital Center; 2Vrapče Psychiatric Hospital; 3Alcoholism Referral Center, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital; 4Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, Zagreb, Croatia; 5Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA

Corresponding author: SUMMARY is a growing medical and public health issue both in adults and in the younger generation. Professor Eugenija Žuškin, MD, PhD It is a multietiological phenomenon influenced by genetic, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health psychological, cultural and other factors. Alcoholic beverages Rockefellerova 4 have traditionally been prepared from various ingredients such as grapes, hops, rice, honey, etc. Drinking prevalence has varied HR-10000 Zagreb and is more pronounced in women and the youth. Alcoholism Croatia is shown to be of neurophysiological etiology and may lead to [email protected] impairment of all human body systems. The most frequent cause of death in alcoholics are diseases of the cardiovascular system. Received: March 31, 2006 The problem of alcoholism at workplace is very important since by affecting health and reducing work productivity it leads to Accepted: May 26, 2006 accidents, injuries and decreased working capacity. Efficient solving of alcoholism and related problems includes early detection, so it is necessary to orient the health care services towards primary prevention and early interventions.

KEY WORDS: alcoholism; health effects; workplace; prevention

Alcoholism is a progressive lethal disease a disorder, and not a symptom of other diseases characterized by the loss of consump- or emotional problems (4). Relationship between tion control, obsession with alcohol, and de- alcohol consumption and health is complex and nial of relationship between alcohol consump- multidimensional: alcohol is the cause of around tion and deterioration in health and living con- 60 different medical conditions, and over 4% of ditions. diseases are directly related to alcohol consump- Alcohol addiction, alcoholism, is one of the ma- tion. The severity of alcoholism as a disease de- jor public health issues seen from the social and pends on a number of genetic, psychological and economic perspective (1-3). Recognized as a mul- cultural factors. Social problems usually appear tietiological phenomenon, alcoholism is primarily before physical health becomes impaired.

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Alcoholism may lead to physical and psycho- Prehistorical man knew exactly how to make logical problems in persons of any age. Older wine, and the paleontologists have found fossils alcoholics very frequently have problems as a that most probably are residues of wine or pressed consequence of interaction between alcohol con- grapes (7). Chemical analyses of 9000-year-old sumption and physiological changes developing utensils have confirmed that they contained fer- with age. Chemical composition of alcohol affects mented mixtures of rice, fruits (grapes or hawthorn almost all body cells, and in high concentrations berries), and honey. Analysis of utensils from the can lead to coma or death. Among the most com- Neolithic period (7000-6600 B.C.) in China, in the mon effects, often stated are: impairments of the province of Jiahu and Henan, has revealed the immune system, frequent infections, high blood residues of rice wine ingredients. Figure 2 shows pressure, heart rhythm disorders, impairments a black-figured wine amphora (wine jar) from of the heart muscle, stroke, higher prevalence of Greece by Exekias about 540-530 B.C. malignant conditions, and other impair- ments of the liver, and malnutrition (5). Alcoholism is also shown to be related to increased mortality, and the most frequently stated causes are acci- dents, injuries, poisonings, diseases of the cardio- vascular system, lung tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis, malignant diseases and suicide (6). Alcohol con- sumption in pregnant women may cause severe impairments in children, the most severe being fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). It is characterized by irregularities in the structure and development of the head and face, along with disorders in brain development. Figure 2. Black-figured amphora (wine jar) signed HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT by Exekias, made in Athens, Greece, about 540- Alcohol as a beverage is as old as the human 530 B.C. beings themselves, and the history of wine is as Neolithic tribes drank wine made of broad beans old as the mankind. Figure 1 shows the ancient in 6400 B.C. (8). Wine production started in China God of wine Bacchus by the Italian baroque paint- in 3000 B.C. One of the best known wines of the er Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. pharaonic age was Kankomet, drank at the times of Ramses III (1998-1167 B.C.) (9). Archeologists argue that hop beer was produced in the Middle East in 7000 B.C. Grain had been fermented and used for production of beer 2000 years before it was used for making bread. Babylonians were producing beer from barley and wheat malt as ear- ly as 7000 B.C. In the old times, beer was called hqt, and the Greeks called it zythus. It was seen as an important Egyptian drink for the rich and the poor, so it was often placed in the tombs (10). Fig- ure 3 shows Hojo-drinking sake by Koshin (20th century). Alcohol production of wine and beer is obtained from fermentation of grapes, fruits, grain, hop, honey, and other herbal substances that could be found in all parts of the world. The discovery of the distillation process in the 12th century opened the way to the production of drinks with a high concen- tration of alcohol, i.e. the spirits. The concentration Figure 1. Ancient God of wine Bacchus by Ital- of alcohol, especially of ethyl alcohol, varies, e.g., ian baroque painter Michelangelo Merisi da beer usually contains around 5%, wine 12%-15% Caravaggio, c. 1597. and spirits usually around 45% of alcohol.

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The term “drinking disease” (Jiu Bing) was first described in China in an old document Wang Shuhe’s Canon of Pulsology, and abnormal drink- ing (Jiu Bo) in the book The Spiritual Pivot (Ling Shu) around 2600 B.C. (12,13). Wan et al. (12) were the first to describe a comatose state as a consequence of alcohol drinking (Jiu Jue). De- scriptions of pathogenic manifestations of all dis- eases (Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun) cover the pathol- ogy and etiology of illnesses, including alcoholism (14). The first anti-alcoholic medicine was record- ed in China in the book Shen Nong’s Classic of Herbology. The most commonly applied medicine against drinking contained Flos Puerariae, Fruc- tus Hovenariae, and the well known prescription Figure 3. Antique Ivory Netsuke Shojo Drinking for those already drunk was anti-tipsy decoction of Sake by Koshim, 20th century. Flos Puerariae (12). Alcohol and harmful effects of excessive drink- Numerous are the reasons for drinking alcohol: ing were well recognized and documented in the social customs (celebrations, funerals), in stress- old times, particularly in the Bible. The Christian ful situations when coping with daily problems civilization has transferred the symbolic concept (most often with interpersonal relationships), and of wine consumption. There are a number of dif- availability of alcoholic drinks. Figure 4 shows The ferent thoughts and facts about the meaning and Drinkerin Tavern by Adrien Jansz van Ostade. place of wine. Namely, Jesus and his Apostles were invited to a wedding, and at some point there was no juice of grapes left. So, Jesus turned some 600 liters of water into a fresh juice of grapes. At the Last Supper, Jesus used nonalcoholic juice of grapes as a symbol of his blood and contact with us, and not the wine. The Jewish and Greek word for wine means a fermented juice of grapes, but also intoxication by wine. The original Greek word is onios, meaning both alcohol and fresh juice of grapes. However, that word did not indicate direct- ly the possible alcohol contents. The English word wine originally had two meanings – nonfermented juice and . Figure 5 demonstrates recreating old drinks providing an enjoyable form of time-traveling.

Figure 4. The Drinker by Adriaen Jansz van Os- tasde, native of Harlem, c. 1510.

However, much before man became familiar with it, the primates used alcohol (accidentally and passively) to get drunk (11). Such a behavior can Figure 5. Recreating old drinks provides an en- still be seen in Africa today, when elephants and joyable form of time-traveling. monkeys go from tree to tree at the time their fruits are falling to the ground (in fermented state) being highly rich in sugars and water.

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In general, men drink more often than women. However, the habit, the type of alcoholic drink and the intensity of alcohol drinking show different geographical distribution worldwide, and a series of factors such as sex, age and different social and economic factors have their impact as well. Alcoholism in Islamic countries shows a very low incidence, so it is still not seen as a great issue there. In Islamic world, alcohol addiction has been reduced since addiction in general is seen as a social evil (15). Researches in the United States Figure 6. Le Bar aux Folies-Bergere by Edouard and Europe indicate that Protestants drink less Manet, 1881-1882. alcohol than Catholics. Besides, the European in the northern countries is differ- PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES IN ent from that in the Mediterranean, which could be THE BODY the result of numerous factors, including variations Alcoholism as a disease of neurophysiological in the ecosystem, climate, and social and political origin and is diagnosed only when changes in the structures. character and personality have developed; normal According to studies in the USA, men drink emotions are neurologically intensified to the ab- twice as much (21%) as women (10%) (16). Daw- normal extent, leading to development of chronic son and Archer (17) found a ten-fold difference be- conditions, fear, bitterness, guilt and depression. tween men (13.63%) and women (1.33%), and in As described by Hagnell and Tunving (23), al- a study by Emslie et al. (18) a significantly higher coholism is defined as a state with active signs prevalence of alcohol drinking was observed in and symptoms of excessive drinking of alcoholic men than in women. In Croatia, 81.3% of men and drinks, including increased tolerance to alcohol 51.2% of women are the drinking population (19). and changes in behavior: a pathological desire for Alcoholism is somewhat more frequent in those of alcohol after drinking small quantities; a need to middle age, lower income and lower education. As drink the following day; and amnesia after alco- to educational level, a great difference has been hol drinking. Persons who drink and suffer from observed between rural and urban areas: in urban depressive disorders represent a greater danger areas, alcoholism is more prevalent in persons both at home and at workplace: untreated alco- with higher educational level, whereas in rural ar- holism intensifies the state of depression, reduces reactions to standard medication, increases the eas it is associated with those with lower educa- prevalence of suicide and murder, criminal offenc- tion (20). The drinking image has been changing es and traffic accidents (24,25). worldwide – with growing numbers of women and younger people as drinkers nowadays. Dangerous drinking is mainly associated with harmful effects on health, and there is no clear Higher percentages of symptomatic alcohol- line between controlled and excessive drinking. ism have been observed in women, and the most Namely, drinking-related problems appear in both frequent reasons are family disorders (21). Rela- groups. This leads to reduced concentration and tionships in the primary family are very important: visual functions, the ability to differentiate light alcoholics come into contact with alcohol earlier, stimuli is impaired, vigility and attention are de- they start drinking more often earlier, and there creased, and behavior disorders develop (reduced is a tolerance to alcohol drinking in their primary self-control and self-criticism) (26). Research re- family (22). sults show that even the lowest concentrations of Painters frequently paint the motifs related to alcohol cause a certain degree of risk at workplace drinking alcohol. Figure 6 shows Le Bar aux Fo- and in traffic. lies-Bergere by Edouard Manet. The term alcoholic refers to a person not being able to control his or her drinking over a longer period of time. Alcoholics drink alcohol so as to

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hide the negative emotions of anger, guilt or de- consumption, beside medical history and physical pression. Besides, they may develop a feeling that examination (28,29). In heavy alcohol addicts with they are stronger than they really are. Alcohol af- severe destruction of hepatic tissue, glucoener- fects cognitive functions as well. Alcoholism as a getic capacity is reduced, so they show a 45%- disease shows three characteristic stages: social 70% probability of hypoglycemia and reduced consumption, alcoholism, and irreversible impair- tolerance to carbohydrates (30). Breitenfeld et al. ments. (31) have described the importance of biological Acute drunkenness is the result of acute ef- markers in alcohol-related diseases. As regards fects of alcohol on a man. Slight drunkenness the prevalence of secondary diseases, a three- develops with alcohol concentrations of 0.5 to 1.5, fold prevalence of diabetes has been found in al- drunkenness at 1.5 to 2.5, heavy drunkenness coholics in Croatia (32). at 2.5 to 3.5, and deep unconscious state above 3.5 per thousand of alcohol in the blood. Depend- DERMATOLOGIC REACTIONS ing on alcohol concentration in the blood, such is associated with many health states may lead to disorders of clearness of mind, problems, especially skin changes (33). As a small, reduced visual acuity, balance disorders, lower water- and lipid-soluble molecule, alcohol reaches blood pressure, accelerated pulse, vomiting, un- all tissues of the body and affects most vital func- controlled urination and bowel discharge. Alcohol tions. Cutaneous diseases are now emerging as concentration above 3.5 per thousand leads to un- useful markers of alcoholism detectable at an consciousness, coma and possible death. Alcohol early and possibly reversible stage of the disease. concentration in the blood – alcoholemia – deter- Similarly, Wegrzynek and Budzanowska (34) sug- mines which psychopharmacological procedure gest that skin disorders may be markers of alco- will be taken for the treatment of acute drunken- hol misuse. Jacobi et al. (35) indicate that ness (27). evaporation occurs via skin lipid layers but without An alcoholic is a person who drinks alcohol significant effects on the penetration of a topically excessively, and in whom alcohol addiction has applied substance. Pragst et al. (36) conclude in lead to psychological, physical and social disor- their study that fatty acid ethyl ester in skin surface ders. The consequences of long-lasting alcohol lipids can be used for medium-term retrospective consumption are manifested by impairments of a detection of heavy drinking. Excessive alcohol number of body systems such as digestive, ner- consumption is also manifested by disorder of the vous, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems, porphyrin metabolism (37,38). including mental disorders. Alcohol consumption and abuse can have a The signs of early alcoholism are unfavorable variety of cutaneous manifestations. Becker (39) physical reactions to drinking cessation, appear- reports an increased incidence of dermatoses and alcohol abuse. Marusic et al. (40) have demon- ing even after a short-lasting abstinence. Such strated the presence of skin changes in 31% of persons are preoccupied with drinking; they deny patients treated for alcohol addiction. Certain skin their own addiction and continue drinking despite disorders have now been demonstrated to be af- the knowledge of its harmful effects. Over the fected by alcohol misuse, in particular psoriasis and course of time, some persons become tolerant to discoid eczema (38). Discoid eczema apppears to drinking effects and require growing quantities of be specifically related to alcohol excess and is as- alcohol to obtain the desired effects. Some alco- sociated with deranged liver function. Even early holics drink alone, they start early in the morning, abuse can result in distinctive skin changes or ex- and continually turn from the spirits to beer and acerbate existing cutaneous disorders (41). For wine. Gradually, the alcohol starts dominating their instance, psoriasis as a chronic skin disease can thoughts, emotions and actions, and becomes the be triggered by alcohol and was found to be much primary way in which the person interacts with more prevalent in alcoholics than in control group people, at work and in private life. (42). The same authors found an association be- Laboratory tests done on alcoholics show el- tween alcohol and HLA-DQA!*0201 in patients evated values of carbohydrate-deficient transfer- with psoriasis. Association between alcohol and rin (CDT), middle volume erythrocytes (MCV), psoriasis was also described by Zimmerman (43). and gamma glutamine transpeptidase (gamma Poikolainen et al. (44) and Naldi et al. (45) report GT); so, these parameters have shown to be use- on excess mortality among patients with psoria- ful criteria for identification of excessive alcohol sis due to alcohol consumption and suggest that

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alcohol is a major cause of this excess mortality. The study of Yoda et al. (51) on the effect of Heavy drinking was found to be significantly more alcohol on thermoregulation during mild heat in common in those with severe psoriasis (46). humans suggested that decreases in body tem- Table 1 shows the most common changes on perature after alcohol drinking were not second- the skin developing as a consequence of alcohol ary to skin vasodilatation, but rather of a decrease consumption. in the regulated body temperature evidenced by the coordinated modulation of various effectors of Rosacea, post-adolescence acne, superficial thermoregulation and sensation. infections and porphyria cutanea tarda may also be markers of alcohol misuse. Alcohol drinking Cutaneous lesions such as vascular spiders, has been particularly associated with rosacea telangiectasias, palmar erythema, nail changes and psoriasis (47). Lee et al. (48) demonstrated (white nails), changes on mucous membranes a statistically significant association between leu- (shining tongue), proneness to various infections koplakia and oral submucous fibrosis with alcohol (fungal and bacterial) as well as Dupuytren’s con- drinking. Freedman et al. (49) describe a possible tracture have more frequently been described in association risk of melanoma with alcohol intake. patients with alcoholic cirrosis (52). Petter and Haustein (53) describe severe bullous exanthema Karvonen et al. (50) report that alcohol intake and and enanthema combined with hepatitis after al- smoking appear to be risk factors for infectious ec- cohol consumption. zematoid dermatitis. Alcohol intake and smoking have also been reported as risk factors in some Alcohol intolerance and facial flushing in pa- inflammatory skin disorders. tients treated with topical tacrolimus has been re- ported by Milingou et al. (54). Alcohol interactions

Table 1. Skin changes in alcoholics

Changes on blood vessels Skin tumors Sudden flushing Malignant melanoma (probable) Petechiae and ecchymoses Basalioma (less) Nevus araneus Carcinoma of the respiratory and digestive tract Palmar erythema (induced by smoking)

Changes on nails Changes due to nutrition imbalance Terry nail Xerosis Koilonychia Delayed wound healing Clubbed fingers Pellagra Scurvy Changes due to liver impairments Zinc deficiency Icterus Pruritus Interactions with existing diseases Porphyria cutanea tarda Psoriasis Rosacea Endocrine disorders Acne vulgaris Baldness Seborrheic dermatitis Hypogonadism Nummular eczema Gynecomasty Hyperestrogenism Other Pseudo-Cushing Facies aethylica Skin atrophy Immune disorders Urticaria and anaphylactic reactions Viral infections Dupuytren’s disease Bacterial infections Fetal alcoholic syndrome Dermatomycoses Bureau-Barriere syndrome (acquired ulcerative mutilating acropathy) Launois-Bensaude syndrome (benign symmetric lipomatosis) Eruptive xanthoma Zieve syndrome

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with drugs and its effects on the treatment of skin mune abnormalities and accounts significantly for diseases have been reported by Zachariae (55). the increased occurrence of allergic skin reactions. Similarly, Bader et al. (56) report on patients with Alcohol consumption of more than 14 units/week chronic alcohol abuse and ichthyosiform erythro- was associated with an increased prevalence of derma with dry skin (i.e. xerosis cutis) as a strik- pollen sensitization (64). The same authors sug- ing common feature. The authors suggest that gest that alcohol consumption above a certain this disease be added to the known skin disease threshold is also associated with an increase in caused by chronic alcohol abuse. total serum IgE levels.

ALLERGIC/IMMUNE RESPONSES GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM Having been consumed and passing through Alcoholic drinks are involved in a variety of hy- different parts of the gastrointestinal (GI) system, persensitivity reactions (57). These include flush- alcoholic drinks may damage the esophagus mu- ing syndrome, anaphylactoid reactions (urticaria, cosa, interfere with gastric secretion, and stimu- angioedema) as well as triggering of asthma, food late small and large intestine muscles leading to allergy or exercise-induced anaphylaxis in sus- diarrhea (65-67). They also damage the functions ceptible subjects. Smith et al. (58) report on the of the liver and pancreas, act on the muscles sep- development of delayed-type hypersensitivity skin arating esophagus from the stomach, and cause responses in alcoholics, indicating that moderate the feeling of heartburn (68). Occult bleeding in alcohol consumption independently affected de- alcoholics has been described by Zwas and Lyon layed skin reaction. Alcohol shows significant im- (69). Alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking are pact on immune function causing changes in the about equally responsible for the development of form of vasculitis (59). peptic ulcer (70). Alcohol inhibits absorption of nu- Among the physiological effects associated trients in small intestine and enlarges the passage with excessive alcohol consumption are altera- of toxins through intestinal walls, which are then tions in the immune function (60). Alcohol intake responsible, along with metabolites, mainly acet- may play a role as a promoter of the development aldehydes and free radicals, for the impairments. of immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated hypersensi- Diseases of the GIsystem are often associated tivity to different allergens. Ethanol consumption with deadly outcome. inhibits Th1-associated interleukin-12 and interfer- The risk of developing cancer in alcoholics has on-gamma cytokine production and delayed-type been described by Yokoyama et al. (70,71). As hypersensitivity. , a product of alco- the most frequent cancers considered to be the holism metabolism, is known to bind covalently to consequence of chronic alcohol consumption, the plasma and red cell protein, which is recognized following have been described: cancers of the as foreign by the immune system. tongue, tonsils, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus Gonzalez-Quintela et al. (61) demonstrated al- (72). coholism consumption above a certain threshold to be associated with an increased total serum CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM IgE level. Similarly, Linneberg et al. (62) report a Excessive alcohol consumption, either short- positive association between alcohol consumption or long-lasting, has adverse effects on the brain. and serum total IgE. In an epidemiological study Even in alcoholics without specific neurological the same authors also demonstrated a positive or hepatic problems, signs of regional brain dam- association between alcohol consumption and the ages with cognitive changes have been observed prevalence of positive skin prick test. The risk of (73,74). Alcohol acts on the brain in different ways developing positive skin prick test tended to in- and there are a number of factors that may intensi- crease with the increasing consumption of alcohol. fy these effects such as age, sex, personal sensi- Total and specific serum IgE to common allergens tivity to alcohol, duration of drinking, nutrition, and is increased in heavy drinkers (47). The authors sensitivity of certain brain areas (75). Chronic al- suggest that endotoxin mediates most of the im- cohol consumption reduces certain specific func- mune alterations associated with heavy drinking. tions related to structural and functional disorders Mujagic et al. (63) demonstrated that alcoholic liv- in specific areas of the central nervous system er disease plays an important role in the develop- (76,77). Hommer (78) showed that women were ment of type I allergic skin manifestations. Alcohol more sensitive than men to the consequences of in liver disease and not liver disease causes im- alcohol consumption. In this study, he argues that

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men alcoholics have a smaller brain volume com- systolic impairment. It seems that there is a corre- pared to nonalcoholics. Degeneration of neurons lation between systolic and diastolic dysfunction, develops by various mechanisms and in various and the dose of alcohol consumed, as has been brain areas during . confirmed by the results obtained by Rajzer et al. Toxic effects of ethanol, dietary deficiency, (91). Kajander et al. (92) found enlargement of the electrolyte disorders, and liver impairments could left and right ventricles including thickening of the be important in the etiopathogenesis of brain lining as the result of excessive alcohol drinking. damage. Form-Frians and Sanchis-Segura (79) Changes in blood vessels are the consequence indicate that , the first oxidative me- of a number of biochemical changes directly af- tabolites of ethanol, have their role in brain dam- fected by alcohol. Drinking of alcohol >40g/day age related to chronic alcohol consumption. They increases all lipid values. Lipid values, except act on several systems of neurotransmitters in the for LDL, correlate positively with alcohol drinking brain, and inhibit the receptors for glutamates, for (93). Aysarouglu et al. (94) have described de- which Dodd et al. (80) have shown that may be in- creased concentrations of magnesium and zinc, volved in numerous adaptive brain changes mani- and increased concentrations of copper in alco- fested after alcohol consumption. holics indicating that such persons have already Chronic cigarette smoking deteriorates alco- developed the disease of the heart muscle. Some hol-induced neurological impairments, leading to authors point to the impact of alcohol on platelet damages of the frontal lobe cell membrane and the activity inhibition. Ethanol has also been shown cerebellum (81). Upon cessation of alcohol con- to reduce fibrinogen, factor VII, and vWF. Alcohol sumption, the central nervous system in chronic may increase fibrinolysis by increasing the activ- alcoholics reacts by developing an alcoholic syn- ity of tissue plasmogenic activator (95). Epidemio- drome, which is more pronounced in those with logical studies have shown that chronic alcohol shorter periods of excessive drinking. Brain exci- consumption in high doses increases the risk of tation in chronic drinking may lead to cell death stroke (96). and degeneration, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome and withdrawal disorders. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Results of research on the effects of alcohol on CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM lung function show that excessive drinking of al- A high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases coholic drinks may have harmful effects on the re- (high blood pressure, coronary heart diseases, spiratory lung function (97-103). Measurements of heart muscle diseases, heart attack) in alcohol- the lung function in healthy subjects after inhala- ics has been described, among others, by Cipriani tion of ethyl alcohol have shown significant reduc- et al. (82) and Lucas et al. (83). Studies by some tion in air flow in large and small airways (FEV1, authors have shown that coronary heart diseases MEF50, and MEF25), indicating that in some people are the most common causes of death in alcohol- alcohol may act by releasing mediators with bron- ics (around 50%) (84-86). There is a clear correla- choconstrictive activity (98). Alcohol consumption tion between excessive alcohol consumption and significantly increases both inspiratory and expi- the risk of sudden heart death. The authors have ratory resistance in nasal airways (99). Also, ex- shown that alcohol may be responsible for heart perimental studies have shown that alcohol may arrhythmias and sudden deaths in alcoholics with cause constriction of the smooth muscle isolated diseases of the heart muscle but also in those trachea (103). with a healthy heart. Nishida et al. (87) argue that Researchers have shown that alcohol con- alcohol drinking may be one of the direct factors sumption may have even more harmful impact responsible for the development of arrhythmias on lung function than smoking. Drinking of 350 and asymptomatic disease of the heart valve. g alcohol a week has the impact on air flow in Frost and Vestergaard (88) have confirmed that large airways (FEV1) comparable to the impact of excessive alcohol drinking also increases the risk smoking 15 g tobacco a day (104,105). Garshick of atrial fibrillation. et al. (106) have described the interaction of alco- A number of researchers have described a di- hol drinking and smoking on reduced air flow in rect impact of chronic excessive alcohol drinking large airways. Šarić et al. (107) have described on the heart muscle itself; Fernandez-Sola et al. the impact of alcohol drinking on the development (89) and Dettmeyer et al. (90) determined diastol- of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in indus- ic impairment of the left ventricle with concurrent trial workers. Lebowitz (108) describes alcohol as

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a factor responsible for the development of respi- such as in waiters, hotel employees, sailors, mer- ratory symptoms. Zellweger (109) and Ayres and chants, journalists, doctors, lawyers, and police- Clark (110) describe asthma and rhinitis caused men – which are at a high risk of the develop- by ingestion and after inhalation of alcoholic va- ment of alcoholism (124-126). Data on whether a pors of pure ethanol. higher risk of the development of alcoholism could Dawson et al. (111) point to the instability of be found in manual workers or office clerks vary respiratory tracts and higher inspiratory force dur- from study to study. However, results show that ing sleep. Mild intoxication after excessive alco- although some studies confirmed a higher prev- hol consumption may act on sleep in persons with alence of alcohol drinking in office clerks than in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and these manual workers, the latter take greater quantities persons should reduce their alcohol intake before of alcohol. going to bed (112). Taasan et al. (113), Block et There are eight factors that might explain why al. (114), and Isa and Sullivan (115) have reported some occupations show a higher prevalence of al- that alcohol causes an increased number of ap- cohol addiction: 1) an opportunity of alcohol drink- nea episodes during alcohol drinking. ing at workplace; 2) social pressure of alcohol Infections observed in alcoholics in the form of drinking at workplace; 3) separation from normal pneumonia, peritonitis and bacteremia have been social or sexual relations (e.g., sailors, frequent described by Sternbach (116), Thomsen (117), travelers); 4) the lack of control; 5) high or low in- and Ginzburg et al. (118), pointing to body hyper- come; 6) conflicts with colleagues; 7) strenuous sensitivity caused by changes in the immune func- and/or stressful job; and 8) employment of per- tion and defense mechanisms, especially of the sons who are already potential alcoholics (127). liver. Administrative disciplinary procedures imple- mented are based on the Act on Protection at ALCOHOLISM AND WORKING PLACE Work (Official Gazette No.114/2003). According to The proportion of alcoholics ranges from 8% to the Health Care Act (Official Gazette No. 12/2003) 13.9% of the working population (119). Alcoholism and Healthcare Measures Program (Official Ga- represents an important problem at the workplace zette No. 30/2002), preventive medical examina- because of its unfavorable impact on health and tions of workers are done with special emphasis working capacity of the employees. By modify- on risk factors including alcoholism and smoking. ing the employee’s behavior (impaired reasoning, decreased attention and poorer reflexes), alcohol ASSESSMENT OF WORKING leads to incomplete and inappropriate working CAPACITY AND DISABILITY performance, mistakes, accidents and injuries, re- Working capacity could be significantly dis- sulting in health derangement and working disabil- turbed in persons who engage in excessive al- ity. Alcoholics cannot have important and respon- cohol consumption, so that timely assessment of sible jobs, and they are not able of keeping a job their remaining working capacity and assessment for a long time, so the job turnover, absenteeism of adequate workplace are essential for the pre- and job loss is much more frequent in alcoholics vention of consequences within the working envi- than in nonalcoholics (120). Alcohol-related ab- ronment and the community at large. If the working senteeism is by 40% greater than in nonalcoholics capacity is reduced by more than 50% compared (121). to a healthy insuree of the same or similar educa- A number of factors interfering with drinking tional attainment, i.e. there is a remaining work- at workplace are related to work type and inter- ing capacity – an occupational working disability personal relations. Older literature often stated a is determined. If the changes in health state are general opinion that hard manual work cannot be so overwhelming that there is no working capacity performed without the help of alcoholic drinks. A left, a general working disability is determined. boring job, isolated or demanding, with a low level Assessment of working incapacity, disabil- of autonomy at work, the lack of work complexity ity, and remaining working capacity of alco- as well as insufficient control of working conditions holics is affected by physical, mental and social could contribute to the employee’s alcohol con- consequences of excessive alcohol drinking. In sumption (122,123). Increased alcohol consump- the assessment of permanent working incapacity tion may be the consequence of exposure to occu- of an alcoholic, the degree of incapacity is based pational stress at workplace. In certain groups of on the findings of gastroenterologic, cardiologic, occupations, alcoholism is seen more frequently,

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neurologic and psychiatric tests as well as on working disability is determined. In case of comor- medical records on the course and outcomes of bidity, lung tuberculosis of diverse intensity and the provided treatments. For the assessment of consequence to functional capacity may occur oc- mental disability, it is important to determine the casionally. pathological deviations before the onset of alcohol If, apart from certain contraindications, there addiction such as abnormalities during schooling, is a remaining working capacity, assessment of employment, in family and interpersonal relations, working capacity may determine an occupational and possible intellectual deficit. Alcoholism may working disability. In such patients occupational re- appear in comorbidity with other mental illnesses, habilitation is almost impossible because the treat- so that assessment of working capacity is influ- ment outcome is almost always questionable, and enced by the expected course of these illnesses remissions are inadequate, which greatly affects along with the unfavorable impact of alcohol ad- the ability to acquire new skills and knowledge diction. necessary for work at another workplace. When In case of severe consequences of drinking with physical, neurological and mental consequences advanced stage of decompensated liver cirrho- of alcohol drinking permit, and depending on the sis, coagulopathy, encephalopathy, and varicose degree of impairments, contraindications are de- esophagus as well as in case of decompensated termined as well as occupational working disability alcoholic cardiomyopathy, a general working dis- with the right to be relocated to another workplace, ability is determined. thus extending the expected working period. Polyneuropathic impairments dominant in low- er extremities represent a limitation to work asso- PREVENTIVE MEASURES ciated with standing, walking, walking under pres- Alcohol-related problems represent a challenge sure, working at heights, etc. Because of this con- to medicine and public health. Prevention and absti- sequence related to alcohol drinking, many em- nence are very important. Early therapy in primary ployees are put at an occupational risk, including care is efficient and a number of interventions are unskilled workers, construction workers, forestry available, such as pharmacological interventions and industry workers, workers in agriculture, etc. and those related to changes in behavior during Tremor of hands makes impossible performance the treatment of alcohol addiction. Physicians in of work tasks that require skilfulness and precision primary health care play an important role here, with hands. The stated symptoms, along with co- as well as cooperation with alcoholics, physicians, ordination dysfunction, most often occur together, families and therapeutic communities. The most thus significantly compromising working capacity. important thing is to motivate an alcoholic for the A patient with alcohol-related epilepsy is limited treatment and for accepting the long-lasting pro- in the types of work that might endanger his or cess of recovery. Secondary prevention includes her own life or life of others in case of loss of con- the measures of early detection and treatment of alcohol addicts, which gives better prognostic re- sciousness. In case the epilepsy is caused either sults. Tertiary prevention includes the measures of genuinely or posttraumatically, alcohol drinking discontinuing the process of further development strongly affects the course of treatment and prog- of irreversible alcohol-related consequences and nosis. the patient’s disability, and this includes medical Changes in mental health affect the working and sociotherapeutic measures and an appropri- capacity already at an early stage of alcohol drink- ate procedure considering the type of workplace ing, especially in work comprising well differenti- and working disability. ated and responsible tasks. Due to alcohol con- Associations of in the sumption, intellectual and mnemic functions are clubs of treated alcoholics play an important role reduced, thus interfering with the planning, cre- in secondary and tertiary but also in primary pre- ativity and responsibility at work. vention of alcoholism. Resumed alcohol drinking In practice, assessment of working capacity of has been recorded in about 40% of treated alco- persons addicted to alcohol often comprises the holics (128-132). The problem is being solved at state after the treatment of a malignant disease. the point where it has been mainly manifested: Most common malignant diseases found in this in clubs of treated alcoholics organized in com- population group are malignant diseases of the panies, communities, and healthcare institutions. tongue, pharynx, larynx and lungs, and also of Besides the persons with the alcohol problem, the the GI tract. In such cases, most often a general program also involves those who suffer its con-

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