The Pennsylvania State University the Graduate School EFFECTS OF
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The Pennsylvania State University The Graduate School EFFECTS OF THE MADDEN-JULIAN OSCILLATION ON THE CYCLOGENESIS OF HURRICANES EMILY (2005) AND FAUSTO (2002) A Thesis in Meteorology by Stephanie E. Zick c 2008 Stephanie E. Zick Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science May 2008 The thesis of Stephanie E. Zick was reviewed and approved∗ by the following: William M. Frank Professor of Meteorology Thesis Advisor Jerry Y. Harrington Associate Professor of Meteorology George Young Professor of Meteorology William H. Brune Professor of Meteorology Head of the Department of Meteorology ∗Signatures are on file in the Graduate School. Abstract Equatorial waves and the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) play significant roles in the modulation of tropical convection and development of cyclones in all of the major storm basins. Using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, case studies are examined for Hurricane Fausto (2002), which formed in the east Pacific during a convectively active phase of the MJO, and Hurricane Emily (2005), which formed in the north Atlantic during a neutral to somewhat convectively inactive phase of the MJO. First, control simulations are run with initial conditions interpolated from the National Centers for Environmental Pre- diction/Nation Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis; the model then is reinitialized and run with the statistically correlated components of the MJO removed. Owing to the newness of the procedure, the case studies are run as ensembles to ensure that the results are statistically significant. Four ensemble members, created by varying the model parameter physics, are performed for each simulation. In response to modified intial conditions, both Hurricane Fausto and Hurricane Emily evolve in very different ways. Mechanisms responsible for these differences and how they are related to the MJO are discussed, including the large scale environment, location of formation, storm track, intensity, and structure. Varying physical parameterizations within the ensemble also has significant effects on the storms and is considered in the results. iii Table of Contents List of Figures vi List of Tables viii Acknowledgments x 1 Introduction and Background 1 1.1 Previous Studies of Tropical Cyclogenesis . 2 1.2 Observations of Equatorial Waves . 3 1.3 Characteristics of the MJO . 5 1.4 Previous Studies of Wave Interaction with Tropical Cyclones . 7 1.5 Goals . 10 2 Observational Data and Model Output 16 2.1 Datasets . 16 2.2 Diagnostic analyses . 17 2.3 WRF Model . 17 2.3.1 Model Initialization . 18 2.3.2 Boundary Conditions and Nesting . 18 2.4 Modification of Initial Conditions . 19 2.5 Ensemble Technique . 20 3 Analysis of the MJO’s Influence on Hurricane Fausto - East Pa- cific 24 3.1 Synoptic History . 25 3.2 Analysis of MJO wave structure during cyclogenesis and intensification 25 3.3 Model Domain . 26 3.4 Comparison of Initial Fields . 26 3.5 Evaluation of Genesis Parameters . 28 3.5.1 Dynamic Parameters . 28 iv 3.5.2 Thermodynamic Parameters . 29 3.6 Storm Track . 30 3.7 Storm Intensity . 34 4 Analysis of the MJO’s Influence on Hurricane Emily - North At- lantic 55 4.1 Synoptic History . 55 4.2 Analysis of MJO wave structure during cyclogenesis and intensification 56 4.3 Model Domain . 57 4.4 Comparison of Initial Fields . 57 4.5 Evaluation of Genesis Parameters . 58 4.6 Storm Track . 59 4.7 Storm Intensity . 60 5 Summary and Conclusions 75 5.1 Comparing Intensities in the Case Studies Using a Student’s t-test . 75 5.2 Conclusions . 77 5.3 Future Work . 79 A Large-scale Tropical Cyclone Genesis Parameters for Hurricane Fausto 80 B Large-scale Tropical Cyclone Genesis Parameters for Hurricane Emily 83 References 86 v List of Figures 1.1 Spectral Bands for Filtering . 12 1.2 Depiction of MJO propagation . 13 1.3 Idealized 3D structure of the MJO . 14 1.4 Composite MJO-filtered anomalies in the northeast Pacific relative to genesis point and date . 15 2.1 Specified and relaxation zones for WRF boundary conditions . 23 3.1 Best track of Hurricane Fausto (from Unisys) . 36 3.2 MJO-filtered OLR anomalies averaged over 0-20N . 37 3.3 MJO-filtered 850 mb wind and 200 mb wind anomalies averaged over 0-20N . 38 3.4 WRF model domain configuration . 39 3.5 Unfiltered OLR and 850 mb wind anomalies at 00Z Aug 20 . 40 3.6 MJO-filtered OLR and 850 mb wind anomalies at 00Z Aug 20 . 41 3.7 Initial 850 mb and 200mb wind difference field for 54 km domain . 42 3.8 Tracks of minimum SLP for 6 km ensemble members . 43 3.9 Comparision of Control and MJO-removed 850mb relative vorticity and 850 mb winds at 00Z Aug 21 . 44 3.10 Ensemble mean tracks of minimum SLP for 6 km control and MJO- removed simulations . 45 3.11 Time series of deep layer mean wind for CEM1 and MEM1 . 46 3.12 Comparison of 200 mb heights, 200 mb winds, and SLP for CEM1 and CEM2 at 12Z Aug 21 . 47 3.13 Comparison of 200 mb heights, 200 mb winds, and SLP for CEM1 and CEM2 at 18Z Aug 21 . 48 3.14 CEM2 3 hr convective 3 hr precipitation ending at a) 00Z Aug 24 and b) 06Z Aug 24 . 49 3.15 CEM2 3 hr convective 3 hr precipitation ending at a) 00Z Aug 24 and b) 06Z Aug 24 . 50 vi 3.16 Timeseries of minimum SLP (mb) for 6 km ensemble members, en- semble mean, and observations . 51 3.17 Comparison of 850 mb relative vorticity for CEM1 and MEM1 . 52 3.18 Comparison of 850 mb relative vorticity for CEM1 and MEM1 . 53 3.19 Comparison of 3 hour convective precipitation for CEM1 and CEM2 54 4.1 Best track of Hurricane Emily (from Unisys) . 62 4.2 MJO-filtered OLR anomalies averaged over 0-20N . 63 4.3 MJO-filtered 850 mb wind and 200 mb wind anomalies averaged over 0-20N . 64 4.4 WRF model domain configuration . 65 4.5 Unfiltered OLR and 850 mb wind anomalies at 00Z Jul 10 . 66 4.6 MJO-filtered OLR and 850 mb wind anomalies (ms −1) at 00Z Jul 10 67 4.7 Initial 850 mb and 200mb wind difference field for 54 km domain . 68 4.8 Tracks of minimum SLP for 6 km ensemble members . 69 4.9 Ensemble mean tracks of minimum SLP for 6 km control and MJO- removed simulations . 70 4.10 Time series of deep layer mean wind for CEM1, MEM1, and CEM2 71 4.11 Timeseries of minimum SLP (mb) for 6 km ensemble members, en- semble mean, and observations . 72 4.12 Comparison of 3 hour convective precipitation for CEM1 and CEM2 73 4.13 Comparison of cross sections of RH for CEM2 and MEM2 . 74 vii List of Tables 2.1 Description of Ensemble Members (EMs) . 21 3.1 Large-scale Dynamical Tropical Cyclogenesis Parameters Averaged over Genesis Area for Ensemble Means . 29 3.2 Large-scale Thermodynamic Tropical Cyclogenesis Parameters Av- eraged Over Genesis Area for Each 6 km Ensemble Mean . 30 4.1 Large-scale Dynamic Tropical Cyclogenesis Parameters Averaged Over Genesis Area for Each 6 km Ensemble Means . 58 4.2 Summary of Appendix Table A.2: Large-scale Thermodynamic Trop- ical Cyclogenesis Parameters Averaged Over Genesis Area at 00Z Aug 21 for Each 6 km Ensemble Mean . 59 5.1 Student T-test P-values and Confidence Intervals for Hurricanes Fausto and Emily . 76 A.1 Large-scale Dynamic Tropical Cyclogenesis Parameters Averaged Over Genesis Area at 00Z Aug 21 for Each 6 km Ensemble Member 80 A.2 Large-scale Thermodynamical Tropical Cyclogenesis Parameters Av- eraged over Genesis Area at 00Z Aug 21 for Each 6 km Ensemble Member ................................. 81 A.3 Large-scale Divergence Averaged Over 4 degree square Genesis Area at 00Z Aug 21 for Each 6 km Ensemble Member . 81 A.4 Large-scale VWS Magnitude and Direction Averaged Over 4, 8, and 12 degree Genesis Areas at 00Z Aug 21 for Each 6 km Ensemble Member ................................. 82 B.1 Large-scale Dynamic Tropical Cyclogenesis Parameters Averaged Over 8 degree Square Genesis Area at 00Z Jul 13 for Each 6 km Ensemble Member . 83 viii B.2 Large-scale Thermodynamical Tropical Cyclogenesis Parameters Av- eraged over Genesis Area at 00Z Aug 21 for Each 6 km Ensemble Member ................................. 84 B.3 Large-scale Divergence Averaged Over 4 degree square Genesis Area at 00Z Aug 21 for Each 6 km Ensemble Member . 84 B.4 Large-scale VWS Averaged Over 4, 8, and 12 degree Genesis Areas at 00Z Aug 21 for Each 6 km Ensemble Member . 85 ix Acknowledgments I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my adviser, Dr. William M. Frank, for his support and direction in this research and to the other members of my committee, Dr. George Young and Dr. Jerry Harrington. I also thank my office mate Jeff Gall for his guidance in the modelling and for many useful discussions. I thanks my parents, Joy and Bob, my brother, Greg, my boyfriend, Jon, and my best friend Brandy, for their continued encouragement and support and love. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), grant ATM-0630364. x Chapter 1 Introduction and Background Tropical cyclones form within pre-existing convective regions that are often embedded in larger-scale cyclonic regions such as monsoon troughs, tropical waves, or cyclonic frontal disturbances that move equatorward into the tropics. These cyclonic regions are on a scale much larger than a tropical cyclone core (e.g.