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AvtraM Dsily N«t P nm Run fisr the Week Ended Tbs WsBtbsr Ang- 18, IMS FiilwM af '

10,456 Olaar and.'baM tmUght. M r met Member #f tha Andit pteneant temerraw. BofWM e f OIrenlatloaa

.Hanche$ter-^A City o f Village Charm K

*r- VOL. LXXIL NO. 271 (Otaaetnai Advertiaing an Pnga 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1953 ^IXTEEN PAGES) PRICE n V E CENTS

^ •

) Reds Seek

- ^ Mystic GI Liberated;^

^ Roundtable Reds

X Korea Talk m

United Nttions. N. Y.. Aug. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 18. (/P)— Rossig proposed ti>- The name of a Myatic aoldier waa added today to the growing Hat of Connecticti/aervice- day that the Korean peace men liberated from Red Chinese prison camps in the current PO W exchange. With tife releaae conference be made up of five of Sgt. Benjamin Comeau, Jr„ 29, a total of seven state repatriates have passed into UN •o-calied neutrals in addition

hands after long months and sometimes years, as prisoners of the Communists in Korea. to the six countries who took \ Sgt. Comeau, a former Marine in World W a r II, was chptured Nov. 5,1951, but his family part in the actual fighting, had not heard from him until last Father's Day wlien he sent a homemade greeting to his 'rhe Soviet resolution called Auto, Trailer Truck Crash, Stop at Oder Mill Vdad, for inclusion of the following Toe Happy to Talk Coj^essions countries in a roundtable: Ever get a

other acrap he got out of alive. political committee rejacted a Rus- Vienna, Austria, AujfxIS In Norwalk During World War II, when he WithWife sian demand that Red China and ^ ‘fP)— Edgar Sanders, the Brny waa a Marine, 0>meau waa badly North, Korea be Invited to take wounded on Iwo JIma. When Rome, Aug. 18 (/P)— The part in th* current V. S. Korean ish businessman who was' - Norwalk, Aug. >18 (A’)— A detail of 15 State Policemen ‘»>e Korean war broke out h# tried ghah and queen of Iran’s tot- debate. ____ ja il^ in Red Hungary nearii}' V t4 o ' re'-enllat aa^a e% 11 aiw 4In tha4 m MarinesBA m sa4 an mm butsna a V a . a ma Ruaala’a effort to turn the Ko- four years as a spy, was re- rushed to Norwalk today at tenng peacock throne flew because of that wound in bis arm rean parley Into a sort of round- leased and put over the Aus- violence erupted in the here from Baghdad today, table affair contrasted sharply he was rejected. trian border today at 5-week-old strike against the But he managed to get into tn* joining Italy’s growing colony with the United States demand Nickelsdorf. A former aa- Hat Corporation of America. Army and waa assigned tn Co. B., of exiled royalty. ”1 am not that th* talks he restricted to 7th Regiment, 1st Division In representatives of the "two sidsa” sociate of American buaihess- Five strikers were arrested, a going to abdicate now,’’ |jie Korea. who fought In Korea. truck driver’s helper Was beaten Shah said. man Robert A. Vt^eler, San- and two Norwalk policemen suf- • Sgt. Comeau, who la divorced Is Th* committee plunged head- Asked if he pla.nned to go bark to on into the general debate after ders said he waa subjected to fered minor Injuries In a disturb- th* father of two young sons liv- Iran, the young shah replied, ‘‘pro- severe “mental presaures" but ance around the local office of the ing with his former wife In Nor- turning down th* demand for In- bably, but not In Uic immediate fu- viting Red China and North Ko- was not physically tortured A m e r 1 c a h' Railway Express folk, Va. ture.” rea here. before his trial in 1950. agency. Before his present duty In the Haa No Aaawrr Piciceta Hall Shipments U. 8. Delegate Henry Cabot Vogler waa rcleaaed In April service, he whs a machinist. He To all queationa ■bput.hia._Jinir!e;. ---- Pickets of. the United Hat,-Cap Lodge Jr:-Instoted that the 'peace l*6l, after nerving more-than" a “ Kas'lwd hfbThers. dhe InlKe Na'vy,' di'at* future, h* aatd^ ’ 'I'm aorry, I year on th* apy charges. and Millinery Workers’ Union and two listers joyously awaiting really can't answer you now. Per- conference must be limited to the (AFL) have been trying to pre- coiintriea who took part with the Although Sanders spent 8 years his arrival home In 'M’ystlc at 5 | hapa later.” vent the Hat Corporation from V>a*ible exception of Russia. He and 9 months in jail compared to Haley St. I But he said he did not think he . mnring finished hats from Its would remain In Italy long. said ha had no objection to Rus- Vogeler’s 17 nionUis. be appeared _ warehoiiaea to. the «spre«a. agency "Hey, wait a minute,” tha elder al*'* partieipatipn l.f. the North in far better shape than Yqgelar, Cdmeati'told . newsman ' who Inr The handsome St'yearnjld Mo- for shipment. hammed Reza Pahlcvi and hia Koreans and Chinese Red* want It. Asked ii^iether he wan prepar^ A t the height of the dlaturbancc. formed hjm' of hia son's releaa*. Britain and France both ad- to repudiate the "oonfesnlona" the Mayor Irving Freese telephoned "I apologize for wanting to hang *''**""^*‘' o'? I voTaUd a broader representation Communiata alleged he made In Hia State Police for help and the 1.1- eu'her^abntrtSr ih ^ ; a^rtin^ * royal-backed at- y i* " »»'»*rht by the United trial. Sanders replied "what con- man detail arrived quickly under fession* ?” And then went.on: ^ “ • **** * tempt of the Imperial guard to oust! Capt. Victor J, Clarke, Weetern lonigni. • aging Premier, Mohammed Mossa- , British Minister of State Selwyn "Put yourself in my place If Division commander. L/>cal police Jt was okay by the newsman. aegh had been thwarted | I-'o.vd said Britain ” doe* not wish you can. Immediately after my ar- under Capt. John W. Smith had Four other New England aervlce- The Britiah airliner bringing him jperpetuate thla Concept of two rest I waa interrogated for two restored order by the time State men were liberated from Korean and the queen her# from Baghdad | ••4e*. to have the peace conference or three hours late at night. Police reached the scene. I prisoner of war ramps laat night, arrived at Clampino Airport at 1 ■ •‘It'X of political Panmunjom." Arrentod In 1M9 I bringing to 46 the total from this The State Police etayed here, p.m. ilO a.m.. DSTl. Strong police! He apeciScally urged the In- " I waa arrested In November however, because of the temper of ;| area freed since the. armistice Ih forces were on hand. cluaion of India. 1949. By January. 1950. they had the crowd, estimated at about 400, I| Korea. The royal couple entered an aii- Maurice Schumann. French for- speeded up my Interrogation to a and because the Hat Corporation |I The latest to be liberated are; tomobile and sped from th# a ir-I'’*4*' undersecretary of state, said point where I once was interrogat- Mid it will continue to truck hats Ii Cpl. James R. Avjian, son of Mr. 6*td to Rom* where he had en- hi* country proposed that “all ed for 84 hours without atop. from its warehouses to the express I those who can usefully participate ’They shoot queationa at you In

agency. (Coatlnoed oa Page Fifteen) (Contbiued on Page Eleven) In the negotiations should, in all auch a way that yoti get giddv and

Today’s disturbance followed by | good logic, be Invited.” you arc turning mental aomer- 34 hours a conference between I aaults. Before ymi know where

union and company nfflclal* which | I He said the conference ahduld you arc you find yourself signing had been railed by Mayor Freese ' I not conaiat ” of two opposing statements.” In an effort to reach an agreement Strikers Ignore Laniel; < camps confronting one another.” Shortly after Sanders crossed, .on the queatipn of making ahlp- . If Hje Korean question la Brat the Italian legation car hearing Tncnta oiit of the plant. No atpte- settled, other Far Eastern quea- Vlncenz* Seiotto. an Italian, also menta were toaued after thF eon-' tloia. Including that of Indochina, reached Austria. Sferenoe, but it waa reported re- Paratroops Enter Paris couTd 'b* diacuaaed, he said. Sclotto waa convicted of espion- liably that little or nothing waa Separate Veto n * iM Nag ploeee of the two veWelM la this morning's Nigger Hill eoinaloa wIiMi M t a ^ i ^ age and sentenced to four years In ■ccibntpttohM at I t . " mother and her tw * youag dooghters to the hospital ore sbawn above. In the top piMto, Uw goaeUae prison In 19SL The eqrporatlon’g 1..500 worker* The vote on the two countriea trailer troek eoa he seem with It* empty toak thraat into the eaat wail of a rider mlB oa the north aide An Italian foreign ministry went on itrike when the company Paris, Au'g. 18 * government aourc* waa taken separately. The pro- fiant union leaders today jg- / •n ‘e4 report* that Unka had b^n posal to Invite Communist China of the rnnd. 1%e bottom photo shows the car after It skidded to a stop beside the mlH’a west wnlL spokesman In Rome earlier today refused to ''agree to a contract AoronSng to wttaeeaee, the ear went Ihroogh a atop sign on Lake Street, cranked into the track and declined to comment upon Scintto. clause guaranteeing that no more ln«<,r,l< I .n ia i’ . I 'n*" the city. He pointed;....waa. 14 in favor. 34 against.(.uiai and Premier J ^ p h M.fliel/..ou t. there are alwaya tanlur^lavlUngnine abstaining. Jilortfc.Korea The vote wo* against 48-84 wondtagigad hjr It-oeroae-the rood. Tim veMetee nepnrntod again, after goiag off Uw aide af flto radd: Spekeamnn said .that pTiblicny on dr Its operatton*''Fill 'be' moved threats of tougher action to Parla area, where a number with seven abstaining. (Story an Page 8). ^ . the ca'ae might harm membera o f I *'r^ a y ir dlsuIrilMce 4tr0he out ^''»nce'8 crippling strikes of army barracks are located Soviet delegate Andrei Y. V i- Sclotto’s family who are still In shlnaky warned before the decision Hungary. . _ Authoritative aourres, when the truck, driven by'LAula J. and continued their nation- mtaty that ” no solution la possible In Fountain of New Haven, reached wide walkout. A s tension while, said France’s National A «- The spokesman said the ministry their absence.” Edward Flvnhq had known of Sciotto’g arrest and the expreaa agency on It* aecb'nd mounled, the government zembly almost certainly win, he He also disrioaed that the Rothschild Refuses that the Italian government had trip of the day. tnoveti ";bout'500"'p.'i^'hute! Soviet Union wants th* forthcom- sought repeatedly to have him Ex-New Dealer, freed. The spokesman said Sclotto . (CaatlaneS eo. Paga Xiaa). *"/*9WiJP.I?..P8ri8..t0.cqji(*,.Vf)th . deitl-with 4ha.stiike..altuatlon...and ’ f OwaWnnrd- FagO' Fll toea l .won employnd by « lit»gxrlan 'coh-' ' possioifl Violence. > other grave problems facing the structlon company. In a aaepris* broadcast to th*; country, To Admit Red Ties s^iii DiuMih nation last night, Laniel made an , The Assembly ateering rommit- Stayed In Car Sanders did not get out of the impasstoned pl*a to the workers•*.## is to meet Friday, and;all in- Alderman, 71, Indiana Phone Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 18 (>1^— car when it stopped at the fron- to go back to their jobs. A critical' dication* were th^t it would Wasllington, Aug. 18 (/P)— • menu from the Government Prlnt- Eklward J. Flynn, 61, former Na- nationally operated (onvene the Aasefnblv, which nor: j O . • ! \T* 1 tier. Sclotto covered hia face with Edward M. Roth.schUd re- Office-am ong other thing* tional Oiairman of the U. 8.. hia hand as he sat in the bark seat Slain in Home; ■nd public eervlcea went many doesn't ftart session* until O l r i K C T l O i C n C C u- 'kst you atolq a secret rode,” the Into Its second week. mid-October. fused toda> to whether he Wisconsin lawmaker said. Democratic party, died in St. Vin- i f* e«f. He wa* attempt- Ing to avoid Austrian photog- jS a fnem ber of.-the. CoilUim-;.. .. McCarthy told Rothschild -that .Hospital here, tost night...... Talk# Near End. ... . In railing for an end to—the ia|»hers'. Hunt Gunman ’ The Premier, told union leaders walkout, Laniel de<-lar*d: nist party or whether he ever hia refusal to answer queationa Many gave the ex-New Dealer Police credit, together with James J. Sanders smiled out of the car he would negotiate with them no ■ 'The government haa henceforth stole secret documents from waa "telling the world that you Farley, for 'Winning Franklin D. and waved la reply to the greet- Holyoke, Mau., Aug. .18 (Ah — more unless there was a ratum to definitely fixed Ita line of conduct. have been stealing secrets, that Indianapolis, Aug. 18 oPi — In- the Government Printing O f- you arc's member of the Commu- Roosevelt the preaitkential nomina- ings- of newsmen who ahouted; Alderman Henry H. Noel. 71, work today, and lmj>lled tougher There/Wtl )>e no more talks with "Welcome to Austria." action—)>ossibly use of the army— diana State Police were ready to fice. nist party and that you have been tion in 1932_' prominent In Maaaachusetta Re- those who do not return to work RoDuchlld, n bookbinding ma- The cause of death waa not im- Sanders waa In a car driven by publican actlvUles, waa ahot to to break the strikes. — to^y. protect Worker* In the reopened engaged In espionage.” Clinton Exchange today and the chine operator at the Government mediately announced. He had_____ been_ , Alfred Robertson, a member of th* death early today by a masked The threat brought quick defl- Rothschild still was silent. Tjier* will be no more talks with Indiana National Guard waa alert-. Printing plant, told the Senate In- ,. Within, an hour after the hearing.f ailing for some time, howev'er, and ' B f ti*h embassy In Budapest, gunman who broke tato way into *400* from soma union organiza- hut a '-aat national.effort directed hia condition apparently worsened . l^hertaon said "everything to all tions/ and aa th* morning wore on ed to move against anv further veatigationa subcommittee he de- McCarthy announced he had been th* Ntoel residence. toward the necessity of assuring violence in the Indiana Bell Tele- dined to answer on the ground advised that the Printing Office had while on vacation here. -> i rigm with Sanders” Noel waa shot In the heart with there was no move to return t<> th# country’* essential service*— The window on Sanders’ aide of work. phone strike. that he might incriminate himself. > suspended Rothschild. >Vaa la 44'hrelchatr a revolver as he waa heading down no matter what the coat.” ' . Cliargta Moat iterioua j Both Rotliachlld and hia wife, the car wag kept closed. But he Although three compantoa of A cable cutting left Muncic with He anid from Nqw York for Ire- a flight of stairs from hia bedroom Laniel spoke over the National most teletvpe and long distance CSialrman. McCarthy (R-W la) Esther,' were named aa Commu- land July 25 aboard the Maure- appeared cheerful and continued to with a .33 calibre rifle In his hands. parachute troopers were brought tdd the alightly built, bushy hair- nists by witnesses who testified be- Into the city to bolster tli^ capl- service dead. It was the aecond time tania. He went aboard the liner in Awokeaed by Noise (CoaUnned on Fog* Fifteen) that city of SO.OOO had been Isolat- gfl witness Utat th* charges m'ade fore the Senate group yesterday. a wheelchair. f*ia wife and daugh- (Oontinned on Fngn Bighl) Noel and hta wife were awaken- against him in secret testimony With a shake of his head, Roths- ed hy a severed cable, and It o^ ter, Sheila. 17. sailed with him. ed by th* noises the gunman made cuTTod juat after a power failuto before the 'subcommittee are per- child declined McCajthy'a invita- The Flynns were ' atayipg here in jimmying open a downataira haps "the moat serious charges tion to comment on the charges. had blacked out three-fourt^ of at the home, of Chief Justice Con- window. Tlw Fraik Hjiii Sitry; the city. ever ^ a d e against any govern- Then, in a reedy voice, he parried nor Maguire, long a close fijend. Mrs. Noel said her husband . Several tinder Arrent ment official." all questions about hia associations, Flynn himself ■«'■* . of Irish an- grabbed th* rifle and headed down- "W * )iav* testimony to the *f- Bulletins Several more peraona were ar- alleged Communist connection* and cestry. ■ . atalrx but got qnl.v halfway down feet ^ a t you stole secret docu-: other activities with the repeated Flynn’s long and colorful politi- from the A P Wires rested after incidents on tense ■" ' ' ------I statement: when th* masked man flred a shot. e T ry Thwarted picket lines. The strike by. the CTO cal career hit its first higtispot in Mra. Nclel said the gimman Oommunicationa Workers of Refuses To Answer 1932 when he was a key figure at bolted through a locked screen America waa in its 38th day. "Under the fifth amendment I the Democratic National Conven- P * W tXINTBACr IN DOUBT door In hi* escape. The force of refuse to answer that question.” tion. With Farlejt;,he wa* credited Hartford, Aug. 18 t^l—4M« ,(7ov. George N. (Tralg sent state the man’s plunge knocked the Just Short of Freedom police to Clinton Monday, after- News Tidbits McCarthy has declared there la with getting the nomination for fl(4ato of Fran * Whitney Alps cacreen -aoveral feefc away— — noon 4o.<-*ecov6. workers /.Into -th*. eyery. indi.caUoni.Uie Printing O tfice-H oose^t deiq>ite Uic. opposition of eraft deeSeed tw rimsiisnl today Noel, fatally wounded, fell down' Cun«« frtih AP Wrefl has had an "extremely slipshod" Tammany Hall. on n speetfle report that tito ‘“ Itoi^ Noto: ^ mxBL h« knew how much teleohone building. Service^ln the 4he rest ToL4faS.Atalrg and landed security act up In the past. - He -succeeded Earley as -Demo- Eno» Mastfnrd llins borioat W4 fit the TrWhl hSH.'^^The rifle flew pMlHinqiter Urn..; thingmweM- w o r t h ; . ^ i . i -. .The-, inquiry is aimed rCo .-deterr cratic -Natippal-Chairman-in-IMO ^ winner In U ii, rome hiuk , frnm •rnnsjet-raatrnrt.'” ;'-;-'^''^'^''^':--^ - oat o f hi* handa and over tbo-ban- Ptoiuied .to .awlm - the . TalUf sn ea t 'Frteral District Judgf'Cai^ mine -whether -secret - ■ Informattm and directed IhS Preaidetit’a pr'W'e'- WMh thkn'SS modtlMi In it'Cammu- down around Antung, Manclu0a, time during the strike, Clinton has leaked from, the plant which ;-.»toter.-.------. --- .. nlet prieea coMp ea Ang. 4. in thla does not have dial aervlce. 0.;Htncka reoervee fleelMoa on cil- dent-shatteringTr-and . succeuful-Tr-. ...NO IHIAL AIXEOIANCB Mra. Noel said ah* rah down fie up around the' m f]^rt ^ e w liig aaslstant U. 8. Attorney for l&lldlM many’ confldentlal 'goveni- third term campai^. aecond of n aerlee of three atorlea The vit.v waa quiet as th ^ ta te meht documents. New York; Aug. IS t*V—The In time to get a fleecing glimpse of day*, and watch the Chinese se- contempt when he refused to pres- Currently he was- pitting hia Freeldenb of tbe A m e r i r n n he tells of the thwarted pinn ef on curity guards. Eventually he officers led worker* and super- Rothschild declined among oth- the guitman. whom she deacrlbed American pllol wHh whom he ee- ent confidential FB I reports In strength against the re-election bid Jewish Oongreen sold today tbnf planned to snatch a hot jet and visors Into the building and re- ■a tall, allm and young and wear- enped to atenl n RoMlan.mMle draft evasion case . . . So-Called Jews owed political aSoginnee ing a soft hat, a sports ^acketv fly It away. mained' on guard. The building distressed, immigrant workers of (OeaUnned on Page Eight) (CoaMnised on Page'Eight) MIG IS jet fighter nod fly H to on "only to the rountrlM of Ibelr slacks and a handkerchief mask. I waa going to ateal a Ashing still had broken windotta and light Pratt A Whitney receive top prior- American bone.) * — . citizenship” and ezpreesed re- boat or bribe or clobber somebody bulbs from a disorder Saturday. ity tor rentals In aome 850 perma- and gef out the best way I could. gret nt whnt he rolled mis- (Ooatlnved ea Fog* Fifteen) By FRANK NOEL nent Lanbant -Act housing unita in There were three of ua involved (Coatlnued oa Fage Eleven) uoderMoodtag *a the sobjeet. Aa Told to Olen Clemente Eaat Hartford. in th* e.Bcap» plot. West Three Powers Agree Tokyo, Aug. II IF - In th* minds * West Germany’s government LAYOFF COMING We began to connive, scrape of prisoners- whether It la Leaven- cowers under bombardment of SpriagfleM. Mans., Ang- 18 (J^ Congress Blasted worth or a Comuniat hole in North food bowls for leftovers and horde plums as farmers dramatize their Veterans to Lose -e-Tbe American Boerb Corp. Korea-.escape always to running up everything we could lay hands plight from phenomenal harvest To Work on Austria Treaty nnnouaeeA today It will toy off On leabor Issues through your mind. on that we could eat or uae for . .'. Director of Inter-governmental between 440 and 540 emptoyen Four times I planned to escape. trading or bribery. Free Dental (are Committee for European 'Migra- Washington, Aug. 18 — ThewwIU Insure Austria’s political and within the next two weeks an a One I did. Cnmmunista are easy to bribe. tion Hugh Gibson urges Canada. rennlt of n drop In orders for Waalilngton, Aug. 18 (8>>—Sen. It was with a pilot, O pt. Zachary We knew the route from th# a' ”■ ■’ ' ' Australia and the U. S. tn accept Big'Three Western powers have economic independence.' Dougina (D-IIII today criticized Washington, Aug. 18 (F)— Thou- After more titan 200 sessions by tractor and nutonsobUe ocesn Dean of Kanaaa. It happened In camp w* were going to take.' It sands of veterans who have been Homeless Greek Ionian Island Im- ■greed to Russia's demand that oorlee. The pinal empleya 8,908. th* first B ^ o n of the 8Srd Con- August. IN I. was through a corn patch. - But migrants. deputy foreign ministers of the grim fer falling "to act on a num- promised free dental treatment by work be resumed on a oomprehen- four nations met with no success I had been a prisoner of th* Com- the corn wasn’t high enough. So the Veterans Administration (VA) Fran A. Cogswell, U. last surviv- BANDIT GETS 8188,088 ber o f iasuea of central Importance muntoU then nearly a year. Dean, ■tve peace treaty with Austria — in agreeing to a full Austrian w*'watched that coyn grow, kept aren’t going to get it. ing chief of the Scatlcoke Indiaqp, if the Soviets are willing to stick Ftoral Pork. N. V..; Ang. 18 to labor and the American peo- a PSl pilot, waa ahot down in April, treaty, the United States. Britain an.eye on the moonf'and bided our Tbia waa disclosed today by a dlee of pnemmenln in Sharon Hospi- to the issues and finish the job. and France proposed an abbreviat- t^l—:A daring gunmna grabbsd 8 ple.” IN I. He waa a bridegroom of alx time. VA offleial who asked not to be tal .... Mayor William ‘J, Cahill, ed version. bimnch bonk mnonger ea tha Douglas Is a member of the Sen- daya. V. N. Is Willing ate Lnber Committee. He termed One stormy night looked like named as the VA announced new. Jr. of Meriden say* one term la lawa ef bis Leag lelaad hnonq First I ’ll give you the picture. the night. We were ready. stricter rules for giving dental enough ter him and aelecta State The United State*. In a not* aim- ^ tMa Moralng oad need him os a ' “ deairable and long overdue” a Escape in a country where you t'To drafU la that the The third man had juat come treatment to veterans. He said the Sen. Henry Altobello aa hia choice ilar to ones despatched from Lon shield to get lato tbe book ooti. aeries of ponsible change* in the can’t speak the language, read the Rhort form omiU^a clauM clUlinjf . > J down with yellow jaundice. rules were changed to carry nut for a nucceaaor. don and Paris, said It is willing to for th* payment to Buania of 150 steal nsara thoa 8168488. Taft-Hartley Act listed by tha road aigna.' show your face at all, Dean and 1 decided to go It shelve the abbreviated treaty White House for consideration. a change made by Congress ia th* Unofficial reports say at least a .miUion dollars for the return of la something that must be thought alone. That to not good beeauae law providing the treatment. which the Western nations have The Hat went to chairmen of the million penple kanaeleaa in flood Industrien. wMch the Soviets are IKE BACKS BEUEF BID , out; j ' ' In that country you might sprain Under the new rules, a veteran been pressing on this underatand- Hounc and Senate, Labor Commit- caused by overflowing Godavari holding on: the ground that they Deavor, Aug. IS UH hPtm i Hi)d Coorng* e f luH - an ankle tripping over under- may get treatment for dental Ing: 844 tees three days before Congress River In Central In d ia ___ United belonged to-the Gerinap Nasi re- deal Etoeahower today eMotnaS. Dean, a lanky Kansan with th* growth. It to best that three men trouble he can trace directly to hto Nations Far East Commander Gen. "That there will be no extrane- adjourned Aug. 3, but ensuing prt>- guts of a lion, wgnted to ateal n gime of Adolf HItIkr.. oa Amerteoa Bed Oronn fp s d l go together just in ease o f IllneM, military aervlce or. found to be Mark d ark leave*- Heaolulu by ous Ufilea raised and Uiat the So- fer fuadn to help luBnun dla> MIG15 and fly it bock to an aif- Th* noten delivered to tha fpr- plooe with family for. hto Tokyo viet government to prepared to con- fraonti tiidiMi -of th# IM lfl (OMtlmNd *• Faga Fnw) fleld In South Korea. Being on Air (CtostiwMfl ns F ,g « n v a ) , (OeaMaoni *a Foge Bight) headquarters. clude a . treaty for Austria which fOsetlswed *■ Fgg* FIva) !■ Offaaoai

-.CSt. J.

I - ( .•

/ PAGE' PA6I TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. AUGUST 18, 1958 makUn, Ixda Watson. Harold Cot- ton, Joseph Palosla and the fa ir Bolton cloaer than regulatlona allow at 25 ■■■■»■ » y » 'officers. V Lecturer Attendf Milt St. Eaicrgcncy Doctors Herald Gains Well-ChIM CaaferaoM Rockville-Vernon 6lh«r appllcatlona granted last A M ESITE DRIVEW AYS Annual Fair Slated Thursday from 2 to 4 p. m. a GOPf Democrats Show Gain ZBA to Ask'' H o v e Y o u A n Ev e n t night ware: Cecil H. Treadwell, Phyolclaiu of the Manchev WE AMESITE EQUIPPED FOB LARGE well-child conference will be held IJCoim Conference permission to erect a porch on the tar .Medical Ason., who will TENNIS COURTS OB SMALL JOBS For September 12 at the Wapping Community In Average Most: Main Street stores will On Revised Caucus Lists Choruses of Three States Mill Street rear of a dweiyilng which will re- respond to emergency calla to- PARKING LOTS House, with Dr. Francis HelfHck be closed all day tomorrow. sult In a deUched tafaga being] morrow afternoon ^nd eve- a N d W ALKS BET— POWCT Sch e d u le d T h a t C o lls of Mancheater as the attending ElUngton. Aug. 18 (Special)— They also will remain closed located In the aide yafd instead ning are Dr. Robert K. Butter- MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Wapplng. Aug. 18— (8 p ecl»n Mrs. Gordon MlUcr, lecturer of the public haaring on tha 1858*84 [Circulation physician. all day on Wednesdays-during Bolton. Aug. 18 (Special)— A ra*' Be Rezoned of the-.rear yard -gt 124 Hackma- field, tel. 9-4242 and Dr. Wil- FREE estimates— terms TO SUIT YOUR PURSE The annual Wapplng Fair wUl be Appointments should be made Orange will attend the Lecturer’s To Attend Singers^ Picnic August under the new store budget requaaU at tha Community tack 8t>; Jules Naahner, two years liam D. Stroud, tel. 9-4705. . UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAT F o r F o o d? held at the Wapplng Community Oonference which opened Monday cent revlalon of caucus lists has The total net paid circulation of ] by calling Mrs. Sophie Johnson, hour schedule' adopted for the Hall tonight at 8. The Zoning Board of Appeals permission to do light repairi|ig Hmiee and grounda aept. 12 be- the public health nurse, at 8-5668 night at the University of Con- brought the number of reglatared 'Tha Ladlaa Benevolant Boclaty Rockville, Aug. 18 (Special)—* BJarkman Nnptlala bit naT b« a weddinn, a banquet or just an Informal get* summer by the Chamber of will recommend to the Town Plan- of motor vehicles with certificate The Herald has averaged 10,232 ginning at noon. The program between 8 and 8:30 a. m. and 1 necticut. The conference will run Republlcaiia In this town ub to of Bolton CbngragAtioiiat Church Mre. Norman Bjnrkman and itocatlicr of a society, lodge or some friendly group. includes Judging of exhibits at 11 Commerce. Tha annual aingar’a idcnlc o f tha of approval for aame, state hear- copies a day for' the 12-month ’ D E M A IO B R O S: and 1:30 p. m. Appointments In through Thursday. 678; Democrats, 135. will hoar a talk on Ouatamahl by daughter, Beverly, of Hertford ning Commission that the north a. m.: exhibit tent and building However, dryg, chain food, Mapla Oriivs Singers, to be held ing also, at 275 Main St. Conn. Power Sets period which ended last March 31, SINCE 1928 WE ARE PREPARED TO SERVE YOUf the Wapping area should be made Members of the Grange who will Registrar* Mamie A. Maneggla Arthur Ueyd of South Road to- Rd., Vernon, have left for San aide of M ill StreeUbe rexoned from open to public at noon; the fair some locally owned food stores, participate tonight In the presen- Sunday, 'Aug. 80 et the club Diego, Calif., to atUnd the wed- Rose Raymond, permlaalon to figures released recently by the TELEPHONE MANCHESTER MItcMi 3>74f1 with Mrs. Robert Watson. and Alice E. Lee added 184 names night. The talk will ba lUuatratad Residence A to a leaser zone. diminlah a lot ao area of lot will Audit' Bureau of Circulations TO YOUR CO MPUTE SATISFACTION parade at 2 p. m. chain variety and package tation of the program, to be In to the Republican list and 37 to groi/nda on Franklin Street will ding of Hlldon Bjarkman. who la Bus Survey COaducted with alldea. In a discussion following a pub- be 420 square feet less than regu- Sept 5 Meeting I Also special events. Including stores w ill be open. charge of Mrs. Alma Brooks, sUte stationed at the Sen Diego Navel show. Our cattring service is set up to be flexible enough to A survey Is t^lng conducted to the Democratic Hat In their July attract chorua groupe from Maaee- lations allow on west side of N or- ox drawing and a tumbling exhi- South End barber shops lecturer,, are as follow s;...... SUtIwi. and Mlee Merle l^rgosr. lic hearing. on .nine. i«qu ist*. jAs.t TTila marks Ihe first time the t accemmodaU any sixe gathering. Why not can us and determine, the feasibility .Of. a. .6 Slat correction eesalon. There ware M W h e e ta rl------. ehueetti, Rhode lelend and Con- man Street, arid MatcM Poulin, to bition, from 3 to 5 p. m.; supper which aie nwmbers of the Man- Mrs. Betty Miller, Mrs. Beatrice 33 Republicans removed from the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William night In ) the Municipal Building a '' s ^ is l ifiaatjng of ^nneiitl' yearly average hits ifxceeded p. m. bus from Hartford to W ap- ton rorreapoadMt. M ia. Jaaaph necticut. erect two porches, one on the “ [ over the details? In the Community House auditor- chester Barbers Association will Abom, Mrs. Ruth Schortmann, list because of death or departure Bergner of San Diego. hearing room, members felt that cut Power Co. stockholders has 10.000. ping on the Stafford Springs bus D'ltaibi. telepbona MltchaH S-S84S. front o f a dwelling with a hood ium, 5 to 7 p. m.; modern and old be closed all day Wednesday as Mrs. Mary Ann Helm, Master Ira from town and 7 Democrats. Ip the peat, the affair has al- Mies Beverly Bjarkman, slater several zone exceptions were acted been called for Sept. 15 In H art- Of this total the average num- line bv State Rep. Clynton Buck- with a street line exception and ber of copies circulated within the fashioned dancing in the Commun- land and Frank Masinda of the usual. North End barber shops D. Eggleston, Walter Schortmann, Zoning Board To Meet ways drawn a large crowd and the of the bridegroom, and Mlea Sheila upon recently that would not have ford. to act on an amendment to the other on the south aide of the Town of Manchester was 9,032. ^ Opening Special ity House auditorium with music which are association members Gordon Miller, Edward Miller, and The Zoning Board of Appeals , local tinging group la buay mak- Falrmaii, of San Diego, will he to come up before the board If the the company’s charter which Republican Town Committee. dwelling, partially enclosed, with Another 871 average copies a day rarden Grove by the “Rhythm-Alra" with Bob Forms to be made out are avail- will be closed all day Thursday, Mra Elsie Miller. has announced It will hold a public Violence Reported Ing plana for another highly auc brideamalda. ______Mrs. William Berg zone were changed. would grant tha company addi- a elde line exception at 17 View were circulated in R(x:kville, Ver- Hanbach prompting from 8 p. m. able at Frank’s Pharmacy. Snow’s as usual. Mrs. Gertruda Haven of Coven- haaring Thursday, Aug. 27 at 8 ceosful affafr. In addition to large j r«7"j'r"'(rf~ Wiaconain will ba ms* tional powara In the acquisition .. Chairman jQeorge Marlow was non, Wapping. Hebron, Bolton, ..... ARNOLD PAGANI, Prpp...... to midnight Exhibits will be auc- store and Btim^m’s Service Sta- try, Khst csmrai Pomoorlscturer ys nt' nY 'the Communlty-HaU;-• An 'tiumbera■ o f local picnic apthual-1 trim o f honor. *------directed to submit a letter to the St. of rights of way. In Norwalk Strike nata whq plan to attend, large dele Gilead. Andover and Glastonbury. PHONES; MI-3-7364 or MI-3-8847 tioned from » to 10 p. m. on the wUl be Ceres In the pantomlne of application from Allan end Doris -1 After tha ceremony which will plarihera asking their conalderar Peter Petrone waa denied per- The amendment, passed by the H ollan d W m do w Sh ad e 1.11 fair grounds and will not Inter- tion. ^ ffatlona will be present from the 22, In The remaining 329 copies were The forms wTV be available the local group. All Granges may R Leventhal will be heard at that take place Saturday. Aryg tion of the matter. Sentiment of mission to erect an addition on General Assembly during its last fere with the dancing. Shubert Chorus o f Providence. the west aide of a dwelling with session, would authorize a judge distributed to other areas. ON YOUR ROLLER — SAME DAY SERVICE -8Rj in flj irtf------‘*—■■**“ through the end of August. Time attend this meeting. time. (ConUaaed from Pago baa) tha Swedish Lutheran Cliurch In the Board favored the rezonlng be- Fair omcera Little & McKinney They have petitioned for vari- The Teutonia Manner Chor of San Diego. Mre. Bjarkman and a side line exception at 193 Spring )>efore whom condemnation pro- The Audit Biireeu of Circula tables are being printed and will OUna Bake Mated cause they felt the neighborhood Officers for this year’s fair are ances so that the premises owned New Britain, the Taftville Lleder- her daughter will vWt many m- was zoned too high and Is across a t, Alfred Gloelli was denied ceedinga have been brought, to j tlon Is an organization which con- be distributed by the bus company ’The Crystal Lake Fire Depart Police were Bucesaafut In holding tfal, the Hartford Bangerbund, tha ducts an annual audit of the circu- Walter Foster, president; Walden soon. Mr. Masinda says the more Marks 50th Year by them on U . 8. 'Route 8 and back the jeei;)ng pleketa aa Foun- tereatlng places In C a llfo ^ la be- the street from an Industrial zone. permlaalon to erect a dwelling with permit the company to take pos Collins, vice president: l^vl Dew- mant will hold Its annual clam Route 44-A may be divided Into Hartford Llederkranx, tha Meri- session of the property Involved lation of subscribing newspapers that people use the bus, the better tain and hla two halpera began un- fore returning In September. One Plea Denied breezewray and garage with 78 V e n e tia n B h n d ^ 2^9 ey, treasured; Mrs. John Porcher- bake Sunday afternoon with a pro- two sections, each with less front- den Turner Lledertfal, singing • Pool WeU-wttended square feet less ground floor area before the completion of the pro- and periodicals. Its figures sre the service will be. grom including dinner, sporU and loading, but one man made hla way sectlona of tha. Springfield Turn- Two applications heard last need widely hy advertisers as an / on, corresponding secretary; Wil- Orange Sets Meeting Little A McKinney, Inc.t North age than the regulations require. Three thousand and flfty-M s on Lot 87 In Waranoke Addition ceedings. SAVE MONEY Into the expreaa company yard by varaln and many other singing night were for Mill Street prop- accurate measure of a newspaper s liam Park, flnanclal secretary; Wapping Grange will meet Aug. End feed store now located at 15 a social. They also petitioned for permis- a side entrance and grapplad With •wlmmara took advantage of the One. In A letter to stockholders no- Mrs. George Potterton. recording Receives Diacharge groups plan to attend. erty. One was denied and the other readership. 26 at the Community House. It will Woodbridge, la celebrating Its 80th sion to use both sections for busi- Benjamin Byrd. 23, of New Haven, Horowita Snrlmmlng Pool durtnf Tabled for further consideration tifying them of the meeting, Aus- Buv Direct From Our FactOTytOT/Ston Store secretary; Harry Wells, superin- CpI. George L Klbbe received ness purposes. During the afternoon an Infor- granted. Greatest cltculation during the be Drama Night and Mrs. Cressa one of Fountaln’a helpers. tha week ending last Saturday. Anne McAdams was denied j^r- after complete plana have been tin D. Barney, president o f the tendent of grounds and William year in business In Manchester this hla discharge from the Array Aug. Smith Hearing Set mal Binging contest will be held, New Arrivals submitted was the application of company, says Uiat the amend- audit year came In the period Barter will have charge of the re- When police rushed to Byrd’s with Several double quartets com- mission to make alterations to a / Leonard, superintendent of cata- month. 7. and has arrived from Fort The Zoning COmmlsalon will A Bon was bom tp Mr. and »^a. Anthony Bottlcello to extend per- ment ’’will tend to reduce the from January to March 195.3 freshments. assistance, other pickets broke Mtlng for prlMs. Music In the non-conforming accessory building logue and commercials. Robert G. Little, still presiding Sheridan. ournuaii, 111.,^n., with...... his- bride — to-- hold a hearing tomorrow night on John E. Rajala. 80 North Park St., mission to use a building for llv number of condemnation proceed- when an average of 10,46.5 papers through the Una and it waa about Bavarian style will be played by which la located In the aide yard Directors are Wallace Hall, Ella Maneheeler Evenlag Herald over the business at 54, and George ! spend some time at the home of the recent petition of the Rev. at the Hartford Hospital last ing quartere while erecting en ad-1 inga and to expedite those pro- were sold and the low est' came Arrow Window Shde Mff;. Co. 10 minutes before order waa ra- Ernie's popular band, featuring Instead of the rear yard at 89 Mill Burnham, George Potterton, Mary Wapping cerreepeadeat. Mrs. An- McKinney, now retired, atarted the hla parents Mr. and Mrs. George Clayton Smith of Tolland Rd. dltlon with exception on the north ceedinga which are necessary.” during the three vacation months 249 NO. .MAIN ST., MANCHECTER — TEL. MI-9-6047 Muir, Francis Foster, Levon Par- sacking a change to residence sons atorad. „ several'Instrumental soloists. Friday.. . St. Harold Usk waa granted per- of July. August and September In nie Comas, telephone Mitchell business In August 1501 _ Klbbe of Sadd’a Mills Patrolman John McGrath was Kiowa Ooonell Meeds side of same building, which la , TTjt meeting will be held In the. B on a tract of land east of Tol- Among the sololats la Paul mission to make alterations to the 7952 when the average dropped to 8-4418. It was not until eight years ago, tlalma Beiug Considered bUten on the linger and JJatactlve T h e-K low a Council, degree or closer than regulations allow, a t, company's office .at. 288 Pearl, St., land Road. The ipetitlon also re- Oloaaner, who for many years waa front o f a dwelling which is located 9,947. ' ! however, that the feed store bought All creditors of the late Llaxle Capt. George RIsl Injured hla right Pocahontas, la planning 15 feet from the street line, 10 feet 444 Hlllstown Rd. I aUrtlng at 3 p. m. :the frame building by the railroad M. HIghes are notified to present quests a change to business sone base horn virtuoso with Rlngltng arm trying to pull away one of Brother’s Bamum and Bailey Cir- ride Friday. Aug. 28. ,T7>«y W « can’t hammer All Your Hearing AM Needs tracks formerly used for storage their claims against the estate on a triangular plot at the Inter- leave from the “Redmen a ^ 1 1 at section (if Tolland Road and a pri- the men who waa beating Byrd. cus and Tom Grady, com etlst with by a leading national meat packer. within she wMks after Aug, 10 to 8 p.m. There will be a “ Dutch- away enough at the vate road. ’The latter was put in a police car the West Point Military Band for KRSO NU. Little recalled today that when George A. HUghes of Main Street and taken to headquarters for treat" supper , en route at a who has been appointed executor The Rev. Mr. Shnith has earlier 20 years before retiring a few importance of period- they atarted In business, 500 was a been heard . In two public hearings protection. years ago. Among the younger drlve-ln. . HEARIN8 SERVICE big poultry flock and now 10,000 la of his w ife’s e.state. Booked on breach of the peace Those dealring to attend are ically comparing the To AtlemI t^nvenlten by the Zoning Bosrd of Appeils. mualclana, Sal Clcclo Is acknowl- 888 Mala St. MI-8-6S81 not an unusual number. As the back charges wtre Cyrus J. lannacone. . edged, one of the finest accordlonr asked to contact Mrs. J'"*"*"'* Mrs. Haael F. Hcln of Somers In his appeal to this board, he Hearing Is Our Basinesa yard hen house disappeared, so did sought exception to the 160 foot Jr., 44; Psul Autore. 35; Joseph lets In the state. Lynch. Followtng the ride th(^ replacement coat of Rd. plans to leave for St. Lxuils. the fam ily cow. Little pointed out. frontage requliement In Zone A. Caputo. 47; Louis C. Ermo, 48; A ll persons are Invited to attend. members will retjirn to the hall > and the poultry and dairy feed bus- Mo., by train to attend the Na- Trad# in your tiresi your home with the His request waa denied. The re- and Harold R. Trolano, I L The affair will be held rain or for their regular meeting. iness has. changed radically, tional American Legion and Aux- que.vt for a change to Zone B A n additional charge of aaaault shine. Fire Insurance cover- illarv Convention Aug. 28. Mrs. ' But business has been good, the would make the frontage reqiilre- was filed against Trolano. Hls ball ...... T(>llsnd 4-H to Meet TahwMvIlle Items »»* -Helii who^ la the Fourlh. District eldefly gentleman observed, and he menr76Te*l.------'' 'Twas set at 5150; that of the others « The directors of the Tollih’d luMMlied ihrbngli' the ' Maaeheator ing tt.^ president, la a delegate to the con- I YiurCir-Yiirtie-fiirMMiJ has high hopes lor his soo, Howard The Rev. Mr.. Smith was re- I'st 3100. ’The union posted J t Im- Ckmnty 4-H Aeon, will meet Wed- Evening Herald *®<’* ^ * * ' IJttle, who will taka over whan his vention, which will last a week. ported several days ago to be nesilay at 8 p.m. at the county 4-H lomted at 0«e Market St., tele- Oae Rd. father retires, and his' grandson. I m e d i a t e l y . Better check your Fire InteVestcd In another type of I Fountain made, two truck trips office to discuss plans fo r' the fair phone Rockville 5-8188. I Way Trip Bruce, 15. a student at Manchester Manchester Evening Herald El- soning rase when he appeared in ! through the union’s picket line last to be held Aug. 28 and 29 at the Insurance now. 827.SS 848.16 High School, who also plans to join lington ewresipendent, Mrs- G. F. E __ Miami ... behalf o f ’ hls church, the Centra) I Thursday, until police ordered a Slal“ ird Fair Grounds. • ---- ■ ’ 'li Itaagor, Me'.' 8.48 1S.S8 the firm. Burr, telephone Rockville 5-8813- Baptist at 467 Main St., in H art- halt to the shipments In tha Inter- Xllsa Barbara Richards of WIUI tVashlagtoa, ford In opposition to enlargement est of public safety. One o f the mantle will receive, the entries for D. C...... 7.75 13.84 GIANT BYftTEM Wetcli f«f O w " Moviss Dey" AiwwisosiMit | of a kitchen in a restaurant at truck windows was smashed on the fair with Tuesday tha final Local Stocks X Chicago .... 18.38 34.78 day to enter. New York i/Pi—Coach Steve Tolland 448 Main St. that occasion. Philadelphia 4.80 8.85 Teanla TToumsmefit QooUtloaft FurnlEM By ciwenOwen ISis introducingimruuiicins theinr Swingowin^ T , ’ITie restaurant holds an all- After the disturbance at the ex- Portsmouth, All residents desiring to enter Colmni B MWdlfbr®ok, !■©# N. H...... as the basic plan of offense tised j J T l l l S d l l liquor permit. In this case Smith’s press agency, a crowd of about 250 the tennis tournament starting the 1 p. m. prices New York ., by the New York Football Giants | I colleague, the Rev. Rugene R. strikers marched to City Hall weekend of Aug. 29. are requested Bank Stecka Boston...... In the N F L championship race this W’olfe. was quoted as claiming where, booing and cheering, they to contact Donald Berger on or be- Bid Asked Pittsburgh fall. A combination of offense sys- To Be Consideren that flnanclal handicap must hr set up shouts asking Mayor Freese shown by the restaurant owner. fore Aug. 28 at 8 p.m. The tourna- First National Bank Incorporated Plus U. S. Tax tems, Owen says the Swing T to appear. ! n News reports said the restaurant The mayor was not In hls offics ment will be held at Henry Park of Manchester...... 83 <4 37'4 allows players to shift from T to Tollsnd. Aug. 18 (.<»p*cian— A Center TTravel single wing, or double wing, or to owner claimed hls hardship was i at the time, however. with the winner and riinnrr-up re- Hartford National business meeting for the purpose ceiving trophies. The entry fee will 28 S 30<« Agency any variation of these basic plays. not flnanclal but rather ’’conges- Bank and Truat .. of disc.is.slng plans for a possible be .60 cenU. I f sufficient Interest is 79 84^ I IS S V R AIS C E a* The key to the new system la the tion In the kitchen.” The applica- An optometrist must be a grad- Hartford Conn. Trust Tollsnd Museum will be held at shown? a woman'a tournament will 50 ’’swing man.” who can play- full- tion was denied by Hartford's uate of a five-year course In a Manchester Trust — the Federsted Church Sundsy due- | 11 OAK STREET TEL. Mitchell 3-5810 back or halfback in the T. and (orI Zoning Board of Appeals although college or university accredited by be held later. • Phoenix State Bank ing the Home Coming Dsy ac- l the American Optometrlc Associa- Field D a , NIated and T r u s t ...... 58 81 HARTFORD blocking back In the single wing A Its chairman was quoted ss saying The Rockville Little League will formation. tivltles. I he had visited the restaurant' to tion to be eligible for a state Fir* l.smaoM Camponica OPEN THimSDAT EVENINGS Bertha Place, pre.sldent of the i hold s Eleld Day and Picnic Sun- Inspect the kitchen facilities and licensing examination, says the Aetna F ire ...... 55)4 M '4 Friends of Tollsnd Assn., will be j day at the ”Rec” Field, Itartlng 157 182 X found ” It is a hardship If a worker association. Hartford F i r s ...... ;n chsrge. During the meeting a at 1:30. There will be various 87 TO "X " has hls back against the stove and National Fire ...... new president will be elected. events for the boys of different 97 102 hls stomach against the. sink.” Phoenix ...... "There w ill also be an exhibition - ages including a baseball hitting Ins. Coa. Cloroing Events ! ‘ contest, throwing and dashes. R e- of articles repiesentative of Old Aetna Casualty...... 114 - Mxj Wouldnt " • The Finance Board will hold Its freshments will be solved follow- Tolland Among them will be some Aetna Llf* 77 80 of the posseaslons of Senator W il- ’ lug the con teats. Conn. General ...... 198 203 ley and his family. Senator W illey Moose Ploilc . . 42W 45'4 a s u i t w i t h o u t X * MANC- HESTER Hartford Steam Boll. / was one o f the first postmaster.^ Bucky’a Orchestra will provide Travelers ...... 785 755 niR cONpir/o/vro the music at the annual fam ily of Tolland and was V. S- Senator Public UtlUHca tiyin g it on ..a I from Tollsnd County, 1826 to 1831. F)PLTC7n ' picnic held by the Loyal Order of Conn. Light Power .. 15 18 Barh lewvea Hoapitai EASTWOOD Moose. The picnic will be held on SiindKv; startingTit Tl-:30 a m. a t Cqnn- Pow er ------37. Letmard Bach has returned Jrom Hartford Elec. LI. . . . 50(4 *7 a Boston hospital where he has ALI. COLOR SHOW LAST DAY—FIRST BUN tha Fish and Game Club property aasBB Marwsnl MIWI (isyiMr ^ Hartford Gas Co...... 35 38 spent several weeks' for treatment ■eae^. MiickBm ■Down Am ong on Mile Hill. One feature of the So. New England / day will be a "freckle” contest for of an Injury to one o f his eyes. “w iii’rE ’The T el...... 83'4 38 Ca«fereace Delegate Sheltering the ladles. Moanraetoring Ckunpanies WITCH School BMs Opened Mrs. Edith W. Gunther, lecturer DOCTOR’* Palms” Am. Hardware ...... 18 18 oe tha Grange will be a delegate S;t»*:SS-S:46 S:lt The bids for the new 18 room Arrow, Hart, Heg. ... 39 42 elementary school on East Street I from Tolland to the New England WRO.—ALAN I.AOO—"SHAhr.’' *BOMILDO'____ .Assoc. Spring .. ; Granga. Lacturcr's Confcrtnca .be.' will be opened tonight at 8 at the there are b if diffciw »c»in .... Office o f tHeTToard Of Ser8(!tmim. Bristol Bir4ua.... ; ing held now at the University o f Cheney Bros. .,. today. Before you buy any new car— s iMuUM ■naaieaa Church Notes ' C o n n e c t i c u t . co-h It in technicolor Collins ...... you ought to drive it. You ought to Peraonal MemtUHi The Adult Bible Study group of Em-Hart ...... Miss Mary Leonard Is on an ex- ••LONE HAND'* Joel MrCren the Talcoltvtlle Congregational Fafnir Bearing . make a thorough comparison. And tandsd aiito trip through north- Church will meet tonight In the Hart C ooley...... «« when you compare, compare with 'satarn N ew England, Quebec and TOMORROW—FIRST BUH parsonage at 8. This group It Landers. Frary. Clk. . 26'4 28'4 Nova Scotia. o|)en to alt Interested persons. New Brit. Mach. Co. . 34's 37'^ Nath—and drive a Nash. In just Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Miller of Sigaar* The Staterhood of the Congre- North and J u d d ...... 28 29 10 .miles, well show yoji ...... Glastonbury were recent guests of ffaUon B’nil Israel will sponsor a RuawMl M f*. . • •. - 17, . ,, their mother, Mrii. Laiira Judson > barbicue and swimming party on Stanley Work com. .. 43'j 48's performance, economy, comfort— and daughter, Mrs. Gertrude M. i Route 4. Farmington the grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Har- Terry Steam ...... 88 98 'Torrington ...... 26 28 and above all, value—that you I Krawchyxk and family. ! TONIGHT thru SAT. ry Llebman. Plnney St., Elling- -TH E MEDIUM mad ton, tomorrow, at 8:30 p. m. In U. S. Envelope c o m .'.. 80 90 1 l % M ) U S I Mr. and Mrs. John MacPartland can’t equal anywhere else. and son, Ptter, of East Haven THE MARRIAGE PROPOSAL case of Inclement weather, the U. 8. Ehivelope pfd. .. 83 68 , rverg' ktondsy guests of Miss Ber- • At 8:45—Tol- Farm. 7-8118 party wlll»>be held Thursday. The Veeder-Root ...... 30 83 The above quotations are not to , nice A . Hall. chairman for the event Is Mrs. CXiurrh Notes Hahhan Sllverherz. be construed as actual markata. HERE’S O UR O F F ER ...t ra d e i n ^ 4 e ld tires I The Federated Church School will open again Sunday, Sept. 13, U { after being closed for the months ' of July and August. The sessloAB fro m y o o r ca r— p a y us list price fo r 3 n e w ' vrill be held at 18 a. m. TSmTORff Rev. W. C. H. Moe selected, for •nurt-u ! last Sunday’s sermon. ” A Merry JiM a tires*— yo u get 4 n e w c o o d / ^ e a r DELUXE I Haaft.” Music was furnished hy BtfibittVbuTiadtt Tof Any Car, TafcaThis 10 Mile Com|>aiisoiiTrip the Young Peoples Choir under the MNirr ff I leadership of Mrs. William Schaef- 'IS TKC HMI OMini I fer, Jr., organist. T I M S ’ "’^yo n o thin g “White Witch 0 pay more! Maackeater Evening Herald Tol- Doctor" '4 • 8 land correapondent, .Mrs, John H. ! Steela, telephone Rockville 5-7781. | Rnb#rt MItrliHm • Goodyear Deluxe Tires ore on m oroinow “ Hurrienne in tu\u T V '* • The famous Packard Engine—aclmwledged to be PRINl ir.\L HAS NEW .POST Smith” I I ^ one of the 6neet in the world. Stafford Springs, Aug. 18 IA"i — 2 Trx'HS’R m jJ B H iT si corn than any other kindj[ _ School Superintendent Earl M. ess* Ultramatic no-ahift drive-^Hbe smootheat, aafest, n*k«rt NUrli.m m u i ftApewf .VYitt. hga, gimwnsftl JJ>.* ffsigpi).- _ ’ 4am. iAreer ' ‘-moet dependable automatic-treSsmissioB-yt-built.’ - — ♦ M ore people ride on-G opdyoor Tirei coMSAat iraiNOTH and m urti tlon o f Gilbert M. Pearaon as prin- 'X'a>'il.''SaifVra'r4’ ' COMPAII VltlONI Nash coMPAat n A v ti rtA-[ "Oilwii Among ______i MAUTVi Feast your COMSAai eoOMi Prove with the The world’s safe« car with dooMa- cipal of .Stafford High Sch«>ol.. He gives you the wjJeit wnM- TtMItl No car gives you “While Witch ,^..9Mah.ilie 3xpe-nikcgiure that N a A sim.u, rigid Nash Airflyta-Coosmicliaai,.^ aald PearkOB ‘Will beenme’prtnrtpsl >*p .‘D m .. .. sfiieM and rear wMdOW; the ■ - so numylitatuiestoraMta- ‘SAuiMK wnSnr..8nK------DAKCBi oAhcKD” ■->-"Partar? '"'' - fOdtot pic Whm;i.tarina,; Irpnt a ^ rmr, am this triaciLgrhjm .Youiids hi efbrtica Ofsteel.. ■at ihe .Fr*Bklb|:D.ABooaswalt High. SheUeptag ‘'rBix-.-X-vheck awit iifS^Tioihiic' aii^paiiM is^ greaWW eye-kvet vliiWKty.- ' travel moie fun, -— -MMMON-ovRn smrfbF' — Pataas"- gtt)« Uie k^t and DRIVEI : jhwdt.froft.and'' ^ r h e^ XX 8$hpel, Hyde Park, N._ T . - j, AS l i U . ■t 'M.m IlM - s e e • Akcpnditkining is also avaUab)# to bring ioontroUed _i_ eomfort such aa you have never befpre enjoyed. mar at ho n SUPRI

BIANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1958 ad lU ugly N a^ They had to toU Daan'a aanlMica originally waa Police Chief Aids ^ tha Ocatapo. Tap many people had ahortor than min*, In a battor hoi* Tent ^vangelifit fAGE FOUR Tlw Fra il Nwl G tim ' which waa not a latrina. But It Men us. . Norwich Filji Post Twin Sisters Pay It waa that 0*S1 anltch govern- atank. Outing Is Planned Coventry ment. that B h o t^ diplomacy Thty gav* ua flaa-ladan unl- again. Tha Korean* OGHd not tru»t forma and thoM fleao hit u« Ilk* C3ilef of Police H erm an O. $55 Total Fines Escape Try Thwarted they had flih hooka for snoiBles. , BRIDGWAY MILLS their fellow ConiBlttiili^' Some- Bchendel Mrved recently on a IfeB Jfadio and T t ^ B For Harvest Girls body had to report ua.Nwe knew. It WAR IMUI. — i WOOwSJ ■Bwrteniwrteni MyHKbt DayHsht Tteie Thne WNHO-Ch. « three-m an examing board which GOP Candidate List Swells; TOWN I COUNTRY WOMEITS O OTUT So we iUrted to leave. \ But we w*ra lucky. We thought A Manchester woman and her we’d be ahot. participated In the selection (ft a ^TiM—WDRC—Ne«*. Mrs. J. Herbert Finlay, 86 twin sister were fined a total of 1 s t MIDDLE TUk N PIKI WEST, M AM CHESTIk Just Short of Freedom We got out on the roaA. We One thing I ’m pretty proud of ;■ «i«*-WTHT—New»; CjjtBlry Mu»lc. Norwich policeman to (III a vacant WCCC—Good Moraine. Good Muile. Phelps Rd., president of the Wom- Five More Enter .Caucus didn’t know it but we waa when thoM Mntence* were WKNB—Polont* ' $55 in fines in Windsor Locks six kilometers from the Yalu Ueutencncy In that town’s police WTHT—Brn Hawthorne>.^ en's l*e*Kt>e irroups of the Second — r” (, nrnM race Om ) carrying thoaa bamboo pika spaara pronounced. Shop. ^ . Congregational Church, has called Town Court last night as k result « knew ita direction and we *tL force. WON8—Wfnther: New»i\Tank*o Kx- Coventry, Aug. 18 (Special)— 'w ith Mrs. Gebrge Morrow, a of thalrs and making a lot of noise There was a amall (maybe 1 wcco—¥o«lc. pr#*M. a meeting of the executive board a disturbance, on Main Street OPEN ALL DAY because they were scared. Like a that way. TheM Koreana aald Oia Rlttlng with Rchendel on the VHAT—N«»i: Polk* WTl f>—HotJ Injury or te keep watch while the Imagined this) but It seemed a examing board which interviewed ■ vWONS—Jack bownoy * Muale Shop. and group leaders, for tomorrow at r... In th at town Aug. 9. eoupla of achoolboya in a grave- we should go the other way. small amount of applause WHAY—News; *10 Coffee Club. Othor two slept. nine applicants were County De- ;■ WCCC—Newa: . 7:14—WONS—News: Yankee Expreat. 1:30 p. m. a t her home. pressed their desire to bTOome can- yard at night. We eald we are going our wav. Tom that camp of 1800 men l£ ,u —WDRC—The Reeort'Shop. Haynes, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Oladya R. Smith, 33. of 363 WEDNESDAYS But Dean and I were eager. Dean offered them his watch tective Rowe H. Wheeler and for- WTIC-'Yount Winder Browns* 71» - w n c —Weatbe?. The purpose of the meeting is Adame St., wal fined $35 for in- Ws ansaksd Into that com They looked around, went back 7ia*—WDRC—Old Music Box; New* didates for nomination on the Mrs. Archie Haynes of North ’T h e y g r a b b e d i i i . In Ojimp 5. mer State Police LA.. William E. ■ ' WTHT—Joe Glrnnd. , _ . _ WTIC—Bob tUeela—Morning Watch. to complete plans for the outing party ticket at the September 14 Coventry, are vacationing with terfering with and restating an patch, into the hut and closed tha hut was complete silence from -4 “WCCC—Nawa;. RecoriLRey.***: arranged for the young glrU from gIam* Dean was miicb taller so two of Mackenzie. * A^iE!2vVTl£-Ttte -ija/'ni' Woman in My'HWM. WCCC—Newar Morafng Muirie: c au tu s a t' the- N ath an H ale -Oom-- Iheir grandmother, Mre. Harry officer and $15^ for breach of tha -The rain.was.beating down..W4. tRiThre'e men Who ware tryinf-to .tha.oDtoars..,. , ■ . ■ ...... : Downey;* Waxwo^^^^^ WKNB—News. Pbll Hale Show, the South, who are quartered at leace. Her sister, Mre. Elisabeth had all our possessions—Dean's DeinTmd 1 took off in bigK^ieBr. I sidairtjie prise Reactionary. 'The man flnatty picked for the 7:14-WUAY-News munlty Center. ! Haynes, in Marlboro, Mass, detain us grabbed him and one : a it^ w O R C —Nawt; Old Record Shop. the Community Y. The girls are toyster, cf Jacksonville, Fla., was wrist watch, two or three fountain We jumped In behind a high clay But wmn I hit the hole, and I post was Henry J. Hanks, a vet- 7:44—WONS—Weather. Richard M. Gailnat will be a I C o m l a g E v e n t s grsblTed me on the left shoulder. , ■ * WTIC—Just PUin BUI. WTHT—Weather. employed on the tobacco harvest fined $15 for breach of the peace. pens, shout $10 In peenbseks 1 embankment facing the lake. Ten lihall be k v i r grateful for this, the eran of 26 year* service with the WTHT—News, Joe OIrmnd Show. candidate for the nomination of I Wednesday meetings include pot I grsb)>ed his thumb and double^ \VHAT—News: Band by Demand. g;**—WDRl —World Newt Roundup, by the American Sumatra Tobac- first selectman. Goodwin W. Jac- The two women were arrested had borrowed from Turkish pris- or 15 minutes later the Koreans officers, willy whom I luid been Police Department and Its first WfT'C- -K'ddle Corner 1 luck luncheon pic^c of Ladies came yak-yaking down the road. It up. It must have hurt him ;to Mrgeant for three years. WKNB—News; Phil Hale Shew. co Co. obson last week announced his Aaan., of First ^ngregatlonal after tipping over an ash can. ' oners, a straight raxor Dean had quartered. m Im * petition to the 1 We were trying to roll cig- his elbow. He was at mv mercy. In-addition to the oral examina- WTllTr-Martm Agronsky. Mrs. Melvin Longfellow, pre.sl- intention to try. to win the nomina- 1 Church at Mrs. Herman LeDoyfs stolen from tho company barber Bed* saying that I waa down to WTIC—News. EXTENDED FORECAST arettes and were not paying any ’Throatens With ftoaer J iilf-W T lC —Front P*x« Parrell. ’ ' dent of the North Methodist tionjn for iniathis office.oriice. s e t-b a c k party, 8 p. m. in the shop, a Boy Scout knife I had. a 135 pounds and thfy did not think I tions, Written tests and the experi- Ti:B|-AirTiO“DpTen*e Jona*.. WHAY—Today In New Britain. altehlidh to~thrnotae the -Koreans TJe'aft WHipiWd O ilfth la ra z o r he could iurvlva a iiliKinorilh aentenc* ence of the appllcariU were Con- WONB-^NeWs:...... WRCS groups - and their leaders O t h e rs entering inrfude^ John F .; Nathan Hale 'Commimitv'Community CCenter cibiipVe of rocks ''ahd the cb'iier TOf FhaY—Croaky'a Quarter. Boston. Aug. 18 (*—The tempera wera making coming down the stole from the company barber and sidered in making, the choice. * MTONS—Skyklnf, 1:14 -WDRC—Shoppers Specials. are cooperating. Many of the girl.s Chappelle for the Board of kd- with Mrs. Mildred tl. Judstx ns a sleeping beg which we were go- in the hole. , The Okories R. Holmaa iDELl YOU W ASHiD ALL THI _iRC—Memonr Lane. WTIC—New*. have attended Sunday services at nance; A. Harry W. Olsen, for ture In New England during the ing to use for s ealL on any small road* They were scared of their hf made a cotiple of swipes at hU Well, after that th^om m unlsts what—.lestlng with Wamp. chairman asaisted - by Don Peter HMAKIlRS two tormentors. ’They retreated to . w e r e —New*. Muelc. ^ WONS—Yankee Express. •Jie church and aaaisted in choir grand juror; Aline B. Bennett and next five deye, Wednesday through tMMt we m ight steal. own ahadows, and we knew it. would bring me out ortoe bole. In ’The Rev. Charles R. Holman, THIRD FIRE HITS FARM /IlUUMBERS J OUT OF MY CUPFSr lIiSA ^ICN B—Dial for Dollar*; Bate- son; rehearsal of 4-H Gay Nlnc- Sunday, will average near the eea- \ We just shut down everything. the embankment. ball Matinee. WTHT—Ben Hawthorne. singing. Fred Wilmot, both for the Board Ws got through that corn patch which neither of u* cOuM aland son of Mr. and Mr*. Albert Hol- g:»*-wc-ct — News; Breakfast N*wa- Sie.s Revue cast, 7:45 p. ni. in the sonal normal with only little day to for They walked right past us. Their I didn’t let go of that thumb, up, lie down or relax. *nd they B ranford, Aug. 18 l/Pi—T he S tale ■ *:ti—WDBt—curt M*»»*y. boy. Walter A. Sa(;herek of the local of Welfare. (Ihurch Community House; parents all right. Then we hit a wooded man. of Vernon, formerly of Man- ; WHAT—New*.- ^ ^ _ WDRC—News; Shopper's Special. Red Croas Chapter has volimteerod Building Permits day change in temperature. section and tripped over the under- wet tennis shoes squished. t knew he was hurting up to his suggested that I write to my chester, will deliver the message fire marshsTs office is trying - WTIC—Note* and Quote*. WTIC—Radio Baxaar. Permits for building during this of cubs of former Pack* 65 and Precipitation during thla period Then we sneaked up on a hill, elbow. 1 bet he hasn’t got that un- correspondent friends at \P an- today to determine the cause of Our Rot-lempof*d frtofidjmd iRe rigRl ld«« wWi • •S.V-W0N8—Cecil Brrtwn. New*. to provide life guards while the 57 or prospective parents, 8 p. m growth end 1 slid down an em- tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock in WllAY—At Bat With DlplomkL WTHT-Hob Llovd girl.s are swimming at Columbia week may be obtained from Ed- will average leas than 2 tenthi of bankment that left my derrier hid In some bushes all day. be- tangled yet. munjom and my new*pi*per the Tent EvangeHstIc Campaign blaze which razed a barn mL-tbe he wrote down ikoM oot-of-town telaphoM nwm-^ g:44—WTHT—Betty Crocker. in the American Legion Hall on Dean, who was free, said; Brealas WONS—Gabriel Heatter. Lake. The outing will be held at ward Schulthelas of Maple Dr., an inch occurring as showera near nR PD IW O SD bare. I think it-waa an ooen grave cause w* knew we had been friends. Including some publisher* at Routh Coventry, which begins Sachs Bros, Dairy E’snsr here beri... but when he eolmi down hell reotti# tR«rt ■ d:**—WDHO—New*. Wall Street. the weekend. "W hat the hell are we going to causing $25,000 damsger^^The fire WTIC—Now*. . ■ , . »:0*~ WDRC—New* the Knofla cottage. Lakeview Terrace, or Kenneth M. the Reds hsd dug. We floundered detected. In the United 8Ute*. , tonight and will continue to Aug. WTHT—News: .toe Qirand Show, WCCC—IS Hundred sm.' Wl Hit*. Spencer of Woodland Rd., of the around there and got going again. It was good and dark when we do?” They put 80 watt lights in my last night was the^Thlrd general tuff» oren't the p!^e for them. By oH meoo* keep ®j WHAY—News; Morning Stsr Revlaw. Manchester Evening Herald 10. under auspices of the Manches- WHAY—Sports; Sapper Serenade. WKNB—News; Tex Pavel Show. northeast shore of Lake Wangum- stirred. Only Dean had a watch. I said; face. ’They wanted strictly favor- ir Church of the Nazarene. alarm conflagrstom at the Sachs number li»t — b^keep it neor youf telephone where: ■ WO.NS—New*. * Coventry correspondent, Mrs, It was hlsck as pitch. We didn't "Let's get over In thst cornfield WONS—News. baiig. The Coventry Planning and know it but we had night blind- Dean began to get sick. His able propaganda. That Is Commun- le Rev. Mr. Holman is a grad- Fsrm withlnjwb years. WCC6S—Music; , „ . . WTHT—Breakfast Club. Charles I- IJttle, telephone Pil- Get help here In planning any build- and fight them If they find us ”, ’ it won't get lew. When you give the operator ihej WKNB—New*; Sport*. Scrapbook. Congress Blasted Zoning Commia.aion agent Fred- ness due to a lack of vitamins. We hack hurt. There was a sweiling in ism. patk of Eastern Nazarene College, v c WTIC—Thkatet o> Melody. grim 2-8331. Ro we made a couple of "R” *.|4_\ T1 —dob dteeie. »:14—WDRC—Music. erick O.'Bl.ssell will be on vaca- ing, remodeling, or homeernit proj- hla groins. He had hepatitis. He The Communists — they are WollMton. Mass., and will contln- out-ef-to'^lm number »he eon pot your coH through 1 WONS—Patter by. Pttleraon. stumbled on end pretty soon we turns and dived into that cornfield w n n e —.t*ck Zalm»n. ThU 1 Bellere. \VONS—lark Downey’s W’axworkA tion. Schultheiss will be available came to a llttla opening. Blindly belonged to the old yellow Eye B’------ve thMiogical studies there this WHAY—Campane Del Mattlno. On Lal)or Issues and under some climbing bean FOR A GOOD B t;r IN twice 04 fist. So help your»e1f to better lervlee. Hovjg WKNB—Mu»lc "By Weston. from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. and Spen- ect. We have 8r plywood . . . new 1 walked on. fell over a *enc# and Club back in camp. fall. He will alternate with the *:S3—WDRC—Uuy Lombardo. »:S0—WTIC—News; You and Tour cer from 6 to 8 p. m. through Sat- vines the Koreans always hsve in your number.lut hondy, etpeeiolly when you wont, WTIC—Weather. Child. Deaths Last Night right Into a pig sty. Oh, yes, 1 forgot. The Chinese pastor ^ the local Nazar W C C C -N rw s; 1390 HU*. (Ooatinned from Pag* One) urday. plans . . . new Idea booklets. inoculated 130 - of- us with the their cornfields, We laid theif* in West Three S et___ Church.. the. Rev. C. E. W. -a;9«—W^C —Let Geot«e Do It. Welt, that damned pig wanted the mud for about ari Rd to coll out of town. The_Southem New .Eitgfond, ' WONS—Auto Tune Derby. WfWB--Diat for Dollars; Music from Bus Drivers Needed no human company. He squealed same needle. The last 20 or so ho will take for hi* subject at Call * Hollyw'ood. testx forced iU withdrawal Applications for the positions of By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Then they found us. 'The kids, Telephone_Compony.r ' < W T H T -^ rrn o Oammell. *:4B—W Dlfi;—Big Crnshv. and mouthed around there until you could hear! the needle as It the opening iwYlce, toRifffil- “The Arrow Window Rhade (kMupaiay w e r e —News;. Mu.le. portedly for good. drivers for the town-owned school Stafford, England- W illiam A To Plan on Pact WKNB—Dial lor Dollar*; Dinner 9:44—WTIC—Margaret Whiting he woke up the Korean farmer. screwed lU wby ^rough the found us. King Is HerVjEVen at Your 248 N. Main St. Manchester WHAY—ranious i'rials. The propoaalfl, the substance of buses are being accepted by the D. Brook, 52, British air vice-mar See us fifit -for plywood, plans, ’They turned about .’M) boya be- Tel. MI-t-8047 *:44—W D itC—News. Board of Education. Those Inter- shal and who was to .lecome vice The farmer poked hla head out of a tissue*. ^ _ Door.” I dii;^AV*DRC—Lowell Thom**. 10;**—WDKC — Arthu: Godfrey. which liecame public, were said by window, a cigarette glowing, but It was jaundice Dean had. There tw een 10 and 12 loose to look for (OaattmMd fram B at* Om ) ’The tenM s^ocat^ on South St. 1 Sport*. _ ._ . WTHT—My True Story. the W hite Hou.se to be only a ested may call th6' Robertson chief of the air staff next month us. ! tvTTC—Three, 8t»r Extra, School office or Mrs. Elliabeth Died Alonday, he never did come out. was no mistake. at Fwert^ Rd., 8ouO\ Coventry, WTHT-Sport*. , • WTIC—Welcome Travelers. w orlting paper of po.s.sible changes buHdfng hdps They found us and raised hell. eign office in Moscow yesterday WO.NS—Sixjrl* DIscsL WKNB-News; Ed Swell Show. Motycka for application blanks or Hollywood W illiam L. (Lou) We held our breath. Dean was very tick. ' WCCC—13 Hhnrired sn.1 9u Hits. in the law. But both the U. S. Nothing happened. We would We were captured by a hunch of and made puMJe last night sug- dr.l.t-WONS-Bm J'nxin* (Chamber of Commerce, and the further information, Pa.vne, 80, character actor and C an’t Ke*l» F p P * " kids. We didn't want to kick their ItlRni were that compl^lon of an WTHT_Stor>* Market Summary WHAY—News In Italian. have killed that pig If 't'e had "I can't go any further." he aald. gested that diplomats appointed WDl.C—Anhui Godfrey. National AsaOQiatlon of Uanufac* .Supper Time Changed widower of theatrical star Mrs Austrian treaty would Be long de- WDRC—Family Skelebm. "We've got to find a hiding place little teeth out. by the W estern powers and Rij*- V. ONS—A‘Ult«>r- l.*c«'l8. Jr. WllAY—lUllan Music. Hirers said they were "highly dls- The public corn supper Satur- Leslie Carter. Died Friday. weapon. Then the grown folk* moved In. sia m eet In L o n d o n \to a*eume layed. The Western power* showed I»:S4—A'THT—Whispering Streets. Kenora, Ont.—Charles Clement MANCHESTER LUMBER CO. The rain WM )>eatlng down on LVTIC—Br»."»ton Blncklc. . 4*:S*—WCCC—New*. 13 Hundred and Uirbed" by the draft modifications day will be served at 5:30 p.m. and for a couple of. days." They bound our srms behind us talks on the long treaty. a complete lack of enthusiasm for TTHT—Wehthcr: Headline Edition. 6:30 p.m. not 7:30 p.m. as an- Fairchild, 64. professor of public . those corn stalk leaves, making When you g*t Jaundice our Russia's latest German prRpoeal, 'KNH JsVw.*<; Tope In Pon?. *0 HU* As pie.sented for clearance and aound that is conducive to sleep and bound u* together with ropes. Thev were in reply toTi KUssian __niAY—Nrw«: Percy Faith Presents WHAY—Moment Musicall. comment to Sen. H. Alexander nounced. Mrs. Frederick Miller and speaking at Manuel College, Kan 2S5 CENTER 5 T...... !?L. Ml.3-5144^ cami> doctors, who hsd treated the Dean told them he'd give them hi* noto-of July 80-aaklng.-thatvtoe made Sunday night, ..... ' — tu>NS.r-Nium—4tystciy..aiu)aPfr*, Mi s. W tton L. Thotp are ro-chttir; sas 'Cltyr'"'------'•h it fuTTed the pig and-thst North other 27 of th*l 120 Who <‘sm» ^KNB—Youf* Navy Show, WTIC-Boh Ho(ie. Sihltn (HITJJI aiid Rep; McConnell Korean. The pig quit squealing. watch. If w* had had two. we'd Western nations drop the ahOft That proposal was for Immed^te WK.NBvDlal lor Dollars; Voica of men on the supper committee, New Rochelle, N. Y.—William down with It. hsd told us you .^reation of a unified or provisloit a t HT—r'lmei Davis (R-Pa), chairmen of the Labor The Korean quit smoking. Dean have been free; form treaty, which Russia ha BDRC—Joh'uiy Mercer Show. AlalK'hdstrr. Committees. hllsa Shirley Wed • F. Oo.sby, 62, internationally must He still snd take as much aH^erman government, whi: fJjSi PIC—New. l*:,.y- WTIf'i Whet s Girl MirOts. known de.xigner of the Snipe class We Sell DFPA Quality-Tested Plywood and T stole silently away. |I sugar as possible. Of course, we When we walked, we . almost contended la a violation of the Big WHAY—Mustra Dl Qua 'Edila' Douglas, in a letter to the Il- Miss Lucille Frances Shirley of goose-stepped. We must have Four agreement made at Pots- roidd carry out elections through-^I SSTIIT—Stan from Space. WTIC—It Pavs'To Be Married. Prospect Street was married Sun- sailboats and for 21 years execu It took ua most sll night but we had no sugar but Dean knew that GRANTS IS OPEN J*'OX3—(j“Orle' Mealier ___ linois ^tate_ Federation of Labor, looked ridiculous. dam in 1945. out t ^ country. The Kremlin also '■ «KNB-Tilie Platrer P.H tjr; - l»;o.V-W<»NS—.s»*^s.------day afternoon to Pvt; Rodney l*- five secretary.of the Snipe Class atvam.the half-mile wide lake and We had, to 11.0(1 a place to hid suggested, a German peace confer- 11 ;•*—WTHT—We. The Women. said the ‘'rumored laat-mintite mes- International Racing Assn. Died ro t o ver on th e o th er Dtde o f it. We were on a high hill. The clouds ' Then Dean brok* with Dysen- Beat Note Ang;-4...... r'"' Tina ti Dl'-'.—Nil Jiurrow. Roy DeMontigny of North Coven- In another note on Aug. 4. the ence withiiKslx month. earTIC—One Man » Famliy. ' WHAY—lialla In Marcia, sage to Congresa on modifications Monday. Probablv all night long we walked. went floating by." tery. It was bad. '■^ONS—Top Tune*. W TIC—S trik e It Mich. in the laborrmanagement relations try at the home of M r..and Mrs. ’There we were tied, together. Soviets had amid th a t ”it goes As for Auetria. the Western na- ■ WONS—Titus Moody. WONS—Ladle* Fair. Herbert E. Rose on Prospect Birmingham, Ala.—Elmer for a big .4'x8' ponti Yet we didn't make over a mile Up there they stack brush to tions recalled th*t they hsve al- W DPe—People Are Funny. WDRC—ynhur Godfrey. (Taft-Hartley) Act... included a Hubbs. 60, head of the Dixie Cream from the camp. But we had the let It dry out and that was what 'They said we had to march back without saying that a poatible suc- WKNB—New*; MO Club. number of desirable and long over St. , _ -. Big, light, strong papeN of thg^whole 27 mile* we had come cessful solution, of the German ready loid the BOvleU they are TIC—F.iidle Fl.'hcr. Don Amcche. Attending the couple were Miss Flour Co., of St. Louis. Died Mon lake between ns and the camp. we were looking for. But we TUT—Tliree-City Byline, IiD.i WTHT Ac "1 n.' Women. due propo.sals, mainly aimed at fir plywood make anything from the camp. problem could also help a solution willing to sign any treaty which ma y—N ew*; Behind the kootUghts. WHAY—L'ltalia Canla. Sandra Jenkins of Bellevue De day . We slept all day in some bushes. couldn't find any. would insure Austria's pqlitical and WEDNESDAY 9 - 12 blunting the sharp edge of that easier to build: Got your ply- Dean was sick, bad, Hava you of the Austrian question." NS—vhat Ilainnier Guy. if .34—WO.N'S—New*. velopment and James Koehler of Cortland, N. - Y.---George It was raining and we were Finally we saw a cowshed and economic Independence and have KNB-Sicn Off 11:3B—WDRC—Oram. ^lam . law's imfair and unwise restric- Brockway. 90. founder and presl wood here ■ fo r building . . • crawled In there. Dean felt bad. ever been tied to a man with In- reply, yesterday's U. 8. note KNB—I’ike Plaler Party. ' WCCC-New*; 12 Hundred and *0 North Coventry. The Rev. Truman remodeling • • • homeeraft '^’ringing wet. asked the Kremlin for the text of tions on labor.” dent for many years of the Brock We were heeding for the Yalu. He wanted to smoke snd so did I. dysentery on the road ? When he said it was assumed this did not I vv' ! -e-r’»*rept»d»* »n Blua. Hits. pliable congressional- sources O. Ireland, minister of the First projeet*. - . took a step I took a step. When he mean’ thst hope for an Austrian any treaty it would sign. TUT—Sammy Kaye. WTIC—The Phrase Thst Pays. Congregational Church, performed way Motor Co., and philanthropist going to awim acr'oas. We had been three days snd The Russians did not respond t<^ FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE TIC—Kosem.try Clooney. WHAY—Music. said , the proposals were given Take If did anything I had to assume the treaty would be deferred "until the ceremony. Born in Homer, N. Y. Died Mon FREE PLANS Trails In thst country sll have nights In a torrential rain. We this request, the notes said, and re- x l -WDf!c—Mr *ou Mrs, North. WONS-WUeen for a Day. Smith and McConnell early in the day. / were cold. We wanted warm food. same position. other unrelated conditions are ^ T iC -F ire t NiKliler. tVTHT-Double or Nothing. morning of Sept. 30 and that they Revival Xleetlng Slated We have lots of new from your aecurlty guards on them. We They never let us loose until we met.” fused to send delegates to the meet- WTHT-'-Plaeovery. WKNB-Dial for Dollars; 840 Club. There will be revival mieetings fir plywood plans — traveled only at night, of course, We saw the farm compound. ing on the Austrian treaty called i taic.'ft—Hiyli .vdventure. 11:4*—WllAY—Music* had three hours to suggest changes We decided we'd take a chance. got back to camp. I If the Russians should insist on a WTIIT -Paul Whiteman. | :4.V VvDUC—R"e*’ii»nry. and return the document to the at the junction of South Street and for bullt-lns, outdoor and we couldn't aee much on ’Then they threw us in the hole German settlement first, Indies- for last May 27 in London. I Forest Road in the Whterfront Maybe they wouldn't turn us in. .eiPHAV—Fair and Cooler. WTIC—Second Chhnee. White House. storage^unllo; boats, account of. thla lack of. vitamins. —^Dean for two months. I got six. M i WTHT—LUeinrv Greats. WCCC—A Friend ..4 Voiiri. Manor development in the Naaa- We almost bumped into Jwo or Dean could get two or three day* ■WIi Xy —B roadway Revue. wilAT PoTTon* Program Douglas said the decision to farm buHdlags. fur- Neither of us served the full! ■ ■ 30 Deafer— three guard huts but escaped. rest. J-*g WDRC—Mr. Chameleon. 11:55—WTHT—Turn to a Friend niture, Booklet* on We made a mistake. sentence but the Communist* ■■W T H T - T owo Meeting. AtteraeoB at 7:45 p remodeling, too! That night we had a talk. — WTIC—Mr, CImineleon. Congress on Taft-Hartley revision r,.Tr'p.r-yr'X'S s There were about seven families never let us forget that we, still Oniclal *;04—VVDht:—VVeniy Warren. Manche.ster Church of the Naxa- Dean aald: hsd part of our sentence hanging WONS-Blll Henry, News; WCCC—Make Mine Mualc. “is i-egrettsble ancj now that the rene. Preachers will be the Rev. in it. 'That's where your commu- nptf»ctiv<*. tvoNS—Cur*. Maeaei Time. general content has become public ""I'm going to ateal a MIG. over our heads. ^vn\V->Po)Iph National Home. Charles.R. Holman and the Rev. UGHTj rock W. HARRY ENGLAND 7M1GS cannot carry any passen- nism comes in, One of them turned VfHAY — Notlxle Localle Statall; knowledge I am even more fearful 82 Da,va In Hole II HO w n n r —2Jst precinct. Muetc. gers) and I'll have to go It alone. us in. We'd taken a long shot and WTlC-^ouaiu Willie. _ that congressional leaders and key C. E. Winslow. "Hie weafher'g. ligKh. . Dean served a))out 32 days in VyKNB-Nsws, SiKirls Dl*s*t. ------Garden C^lub to Meet - S u g o r-p T M LUNBER GOMMNY What are you gotng to do?” _ lost. __ — v r i N r s ^ -i t u 'j r fT o n r l i m r . ------WTH'r—.N>w»; .Itik ^rch . supporters in (the resident's) own •They did giVe-tis warm food, that bole—an abandoned, unclean.- _I:„wasahead WHAY—NiRht Watch. WTIC—Nsws; WsathsT. The Good Harvest 4-H Garden ■•varogM ' Across From I said: ed M rine. !» «, u T in —Krw'»- CanhAm 15:14—WKNB—Bln* Crosby. party who raised such a furor Club will meet tonight at 7:30 In- kindness, dry tobacco. Then the 10:00 WDRC—Loueila Paraona. i Manchester Green Sehool The pace Is righf ! "I'll Btick with you until you I served about 42 days. becauM WTIC—Mcdlsy rime. a)x>ut it may firmly black even stead of tomorrow at the home of NON- J take off then I'll go on down the Insidiousness of communiam rear- WTIC—TWO fer the Jioney. WONS—Naws. , the making of these moderate pro- rarruMM TEL. MI-9.0244 WTHT—N»‘Wji of Tomorrow. WDRC—Aunt Jehnl,. Janet Eldredge on Depot Rd. .-M roast, steal a lioat. bribe a fisher- VOX'?—Fmitk Kt-warda. WHAY—Gemma Oil Profrim. posals by the President. "They Many members will rehearse to- man or something and-try to make WHAY—Polish National Home. M f A O Q U A R T E R S F O R D F P A every way aft 13'3()—WONS—Mlislr Bo*. will make the path of resistance an morrow in the 4-H Gay Nineties It do # n sm ith of the .T8th P arallel 10 L,i‘Vfr> Hour, WTHT—Jack Berch Impossible one.” O U A I M Y T E S T E D P l f W O O O WTHT—ftlrjvA’ Hat Mualcnle. 13:3tl—WDRC—' Romanca of Helen Revue to be presented Saturday at or hit an Allied carrier or some- WDRi'-S»nimv Kay#'.^ __ 8 p.m., during the dlubs fair at thing pfit in the Yellow Sea and For the man or woman 10:3t^ 'WOftC—Newa; Mooda for Ro- Trent. NOW'S THE TIME TO .vw-.'s.-'a nw«K»e- ' .;-A,aa WHAY—LaRoae Program. the Church CpmmCiillty House In^ :fO abt—Little Theater. WCCC—Newa: Music. ,S;>||—VloWitv Wttc—C inderella Weekend. you could ever ask for. And along g no—Ymi and the i,4iw. WTHT—Bettv Ciockeri Top Hit Time. Tb« Spoftfcopu. 5:4.V-WDRt —Brighter Day. - with it comes thc^ most important gain «;4t>-:.\\>aiher Forecast. WTIC—Newa. / in economy in Chevrolet .historyI r,f4r»—World Kews TocHy. 9:4a—WDRC-HUltop HOitae. 7 i.iiL-Superman; WONSl-Cameo Lady Talks; Wax- That's because of Chevrolet’s two T. StWKddi*’ Arnold. works. 7 45. i?aravan. WTHT—Newa; Top Hit T‘me. great hitk <*»!•' Can Win/* WCCC—Music. U. ,i0-*Susp<*nJ#, S:I3-VVDRC—House Patty* «Newa* 1ft (O—Two for the .Money, WTIC—Rose of Life. On tho LiiH'. S:9a—WCCC—News. Music. 30'.45—Mert thr \’»*rp. WDRC—House Party. \ 31 (Bi—Rohrrt Mdniifomery. • WTIC—Pi n ^ r Yotirga Family, 32 WTHT—Country Music. O Mtfe'b t h i» s m a rt pa tio »a t n No laragar Hart's an at- r •* <4 ,«r^-4FW #» mrtiHj^WtoirRmrNitRiRyiird:' TriM:vre*rport »oo eatfboao' » —«■• !Uf$ Sgg SiviGgs.&. Loan far; -iiftcrnL*o^ .WDRi,'—Wixard of Odds. . Ifftit Y^rk-aDtfldini pantls of VBuritK witti l«hL strong ts* A!44-Vv 3:k I—Ni*'*.,.■...... T . . ,iHUr|or.ffr plj^w.god.. ___ ««nor.pl;(3g^ * ------•------WDRC—It Hsppin* Bygry Dxy. -5-,^l,wwWcstcm.*Ihcatgfw.^..,___ 4:OA.-Vi;CeC;-..MUJ>tr.: , __ WDRC—Rot><>rt <}. Lewis, G hiarfy Show., WTHT-Niiw.s. . MaiiiaeaJ|.aaf Infarnfitiati ’ ivari^ Pawaj Spring, If yqu^onl. t'mc''-l»ark»t»iee"Wne” ---Jill’s lieovler far betlar. raodobiJity Yatt.ffai.Sraala'’ ■i4'Siiu’«»aws^ M —------■ ■WHAT—News; Polk* Hop, riia n«w "Pawerglidd* You o u ^ t to tir Power Steering to 7 45—Summertime U. S. A. You look out and dhwn at the road You're in for a pleasant surprise at the Blind Date. ' Finer performance on less gas. That'* lee how tasy driving can be. You can through a wide, curved, one-piece smooth, steady ride. One reason is -Red 8- 'i.o d av , Uruo—Yankee Piddlert, thoy docidod to buy It now thoiri with a S and L 9w4S—MorniiiK* N«wi»- 30I0G—Dmj: Do'np School. Your Wlhdow Shopper, □ Dra sa u p your kltcha n Ninth -f r n Cxltriorplywood be ats tr e Homo Loam. ^ 31;(VLs.Hawkin2> Kalla, n a w ca bin a t a a n d a h a ivt t. Fir l:shl, sIroniL sturdy— essler to Let us demonstrate It; 15—The Benhrts. plywo od m a k t a it a a a y ~ «v a n b u M . " E X T-D F P A ” on th a 11-30—Str*kc It Rich, for am a t a ura . p snti mssns wstsrproe f flu e . PM . . PO W D O D ir.OO-Fllm. all the. advantages 12; 15—LsoV** o* Life. IP jJeur h for T»»morroir Prompt Approiioli and Sorvieo 12 15—Italian Tmikeify. FREE PLANS l:3»i—(Jarry for a bis I ’xS* pai*l '^1*4.5—Film Shorts. new plans for plywood of buying a Chevrolet now! S.iO^Frccdoni Ilinc». The Guiding ulght. built-in s, furniture, And M's Ml* lawatl-pdcad Itna 2;45—Mid*Afternoon Newt. boats, farm buildings. S;ftOl«Brcak The Bank, liggatl braha* far smsalksr. A demoostratioa will show you that :<::4i^Welrome Travelert. for s big New idea booklets too! WedneMay Ckwed at Noon 4 fttWOn Your Account. Chevrolet offers more in the lowest- 4’ X 8' panel Tham dayn 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Phono MI-9-4588 4 .55—Action in The Afternoon. An easy nudge on the brake pedal' priced line in the low-price field. M’ K N B ^ . CkMcd Satsirdffys MI-9-4589 r . ,M. PHONE lookRtourioMprioeE brings smooth, positive response-right MORE PEOFLE l U Y CHEVROLETS TH A N A N Y OTHER C A R! l;55^R ed Sox vt. 8t. LouU. W ASHER MI-f-4SS7 now! Chevrolet brakes are the largest • Combination of f o n t r t ii d t oulomaiie n L o w < o x ( fis plywo od built- □ • M t sumnner h e al wHb Ironsmitsion o n i f lJ-h .p . ‘'Blur-Fl ame'' in* giv* you n M t, compact' this Ughl, airy serdsn room. in the low-price field-extra large for m t i n t optionoi on “Tu o-T e n " and Bel A ir I-4KI REPAIRS o n fir plywood! i t o r a s s . . , p lu s f a r m o rs Bund M yourself with ebsy-le- exua stopping power. midala ot extra coat. t MP-TO-tlMmOTI MWS UOMW TM d O a • HwT M w 4w « ut a Ms floor apaco. us* hr plywood. TRUSS FiniNG Prompt, Economical I ) \avings (2^ j£oan OOseplas Fir Bywood *m .,Tocom, Wddk. . 1. By AILr ON Graduated Experta Wo So n DFPA Qualify Tosfod Plywood Guoronttod CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc Also Abdominal Supports, Elas- Manchester Sovings & Lo a n Associa tion r 1007 M a in St. MANCHBTER Ue Hosiery, and all - types of Wringor-RoHs Roplocod See your lunnber dealer today i 311 MAIN STREET surgical, appliances. Private Fit- 336 N. MAIN ST^ MANCHESTER TEI*. MI-9-52M ting l|ooin. a E. WILUS & SON, Inc. He has NEW PLANS for you P O TTE R TO N 'S HEADQUARTERS FOR DFPA QUALITY-TESTED PLYWOOD^ 2 Moiii SftQot Pliono M I-^5125 . MoaClioGtor LTirOOR QuiR^^ Pharmacy 188 Center St.. Cor. of Church ms* tm m ti J. . ''t •V* 'I- ■ . j „ 4- , , ' N. 1. \ A'

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. ^ N N „ TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1958 ^ X UANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN« TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 10B8 crew. Tha parlls of ocaaa raring tanee and the sweeteat ince the navigator of a windahlp could. coh< I B I X ' H a l Boyle- I J u n k y a r d E n d had taken six Itvas ta tha first effort will be made td Iron out the such ventura in .^888 and more tilve. I columniet (thank you. Dava) has ainca than. Even whan fearless Tha Atlantic won many other „ ___ into print are available. In hlatory of other coalitions In which publlahed certain aUtamenta In mlauhderetandtngs about tha -bill and to praaant It at the next eea- Awaiting; Proud aatlora could ha found, there ware racaa and strvad In both World 4Umrt|rattr one eenac, this has actually been the CtommunlsU were a part, connsctlon with Governor Lsxlge’s wivaa, awaathaarU and frlanda to Wars as an auxiliary fighting ship. Connecticut vetoing of an act pasaad by the Bloh of the General Aaaembly." Hobbyists Spoil Joy good newe work. .Tet, aa It has would n a t i^ ly oppoae. But the That’s the Farm Bareaa etata- Record Holder ba rackonad with. Fraquantly, a AfUr World War Q, aha was pur- QaiwrM Assembly defining agri- range and FUEL OP* <4 from tha i^emment by Russians, aeemingly aware o f this, eapfeM would sign on a crew, lEti^ttlttQ lin r a lb prograaaed, It has become a mass culture. This article Implied that meat. Ohvtoosly, the gaod go on to suggest that perhaps, for Bureau has preteaded te n ^ train them end then, on aaUlng Robert Jenkins, for the United of morbid aenaatlonalism which Yankee ■Inlaler forces who were not Bordentown, N. J., Aug.. 18 day, have a tearful wife, sweet- Boat Co. of which he was vise pres- has told ua only the lurid worst a time, this all-German gover.T- IdenUfled had this blU prepared ■aderataad our eolmna la erdar 24 Hour Delivery Service Of Ordinary People By* A- H. O. to nee our space for a taetfnl — A sleek yacht that set a record heart or parent pareuads a key rarident. Jenkins had served ■■ iqent could be kept a thing of .very and pushed through tha General glUnch' boy aboard the Atlantic In about CJommuniat captivity. Each chMHag o f Goveraer Lodge for for crossing the Atlantic Ocean In man to stay home. limited powere, jvlth Weet Ger- Aaaembty wdth some secret design Does he need the moral appport , Capt. Barr kept hla crew Incom- ident. Jenkins had served ea launch returning prleoner has been made In wliet followa we know we are havlag vetoed the MU. But why of imitation to fortify hla expendi- 1905 to win a gold cup offered by ^abllilitra, ^ and that tha farmers of the State T^erHaTBoyte) municado while he trained them boy aboard tha Atlantic in 19t6. lonsclotia of the fatt that the front many and East Germany retain- being "used" end we conseni^ to were against It. deeea’t It come right out and ture of money and pesetcfi on a roun<«* Otta^r ^ IW the process,only because, in our New Tork.(/r) — My hobby, If Kalaer Wilhelm II. lies made her for the big event. There was a well Ha actually intended to junk the p .g»j. of the nation were wide ing their own regimes. This coali- “ Officials of the Stats Farm caU him aa old cora horer, Hhe MORIARH BROTHERS new aoll tickler? trained craw aboard when the A t- once proud echooner, but he didn’t lest port—at a “junkyard. tion government, in other words, spare time, we do belong to the Bureau want to state that this we did? T E L . M1-8-51SS anybody earu, le avoiding hobbles. I have heard It said that you __ and Holldaya. KnUred « tb« open for hia story. In the result SIS CENTER STREET Mas. The AUenttc, one of the llesteet, lantic set sell. have the heart to order the Job. He at Manehetter, Cono.. brotherhoixl of the soil. W e ere bill \VBs prepared end sponsored can achieve new peace of mind by we have been probing bur national would not be trying to govern To be more preclie, my hobby le proudest yachts ever to sail the Wrete In DInry sold the Atlantic to North Amer- I^SaSl Mall Matur. not doing It as any admission that by the State Farm Bureau Federa- College diplomas or "sheep* observing the yellow-boUled eap- lean Smelting Oo.. which eaelgned wounds, our national tragedy, on Germany,, but merely to represent we have. even a suspicion o f a avoldlnjf people who Inalat I acaa, U at tha wracking pier of the Frederick M. Hoyta, one of - «e M a O F n O H IUTC8 UoA and had the endorsement of ■kins,” often are actually printed ■ucker in Its natural habitat. That the ■alvage Job to Doan. page one day after day, agonising it at the peace conference and feeling that our orlgtaaLcolumn on ■houM try their bobby'.- -It' w ill- Doan Salvage Co., Fleldaboro, N. ■even- paaaengers pn the flip, *^?5 Sla U Adwaea Um Ckmfarehce of Farm Organisa- oh Sheepskin. may be“ tri-«t. But Td rather try In a faw months thla one-time blue wrote in hie diary on May 34,1805: deal with outaide powere for their the subject of the Connecticut ehenge my whole |lfc, they say, 1 T t a r ^ r : ...... »‘5U in type over a part of the real tions. and certainly thU group Is to work oiit a negotiated peace ribbon ship will be jtmk, but her "Wednesday—of ell days, today farm bloc’s sponsorihlp of “ An the strongest expression of the glye ms new perepeettva, pdded with my own natural habitat and Months ...... rS! news a.s If It were the whole news. retirement from Germany, without freshnees, eeeepe, relief from record In crossing the ocean In 13 la the day which will ever be fixed Act Defining Agriculture end feelings of farmers In the State let the yellow-bellied eapeucker denth ...... *•£ I f one were to imagine a pur- exercising any real domestic frustration end the commonplece. days plUa atlll etande for sailing In our minds with greatest pride w ...... Farming” was actually as grossly that could possibly be obtained. sovereignty Itself. Thle might, in Baloney. If I want to be dull and envy me.-. vessels. and joy for the great yacht Atlan- r STATIONERY j' Copy ...... -pose for this, one would have to misunderstood by th# officers of The purpose of the bill wee to But, of co'Jree, birds have more tic broke tha record held by tha say- that the purpoee might be to effect leave it up to the two halves the Connecticut State Farm unhappy, that’e my'Xprlvtlege. Faring Scrap Heap IF AHUBAIL - NOTES 4. clarify many points that occur Leave me be. Anyway, I have my ■enae than to take - up a hobby Harry Doan, president of the old Dauntleae since 1887 for tha . iraa AHidGlAnm’ 'pR l^ . of Germany to dissolve their Bureau as they would appear to from time to time with respect to of people-watching. L vSSnta BRANDS inflame the American people so double about the enthuelatmt of ■elvega company, the Atlan- graateat day’s run on tha paaaags llhs'dwodatad Pwaa ^ claim In their communication to us. the practical operation of farms in I ’m aure It will alarm nobody if says from New Tork to England, La#(f1^4 to UM Ot MpUbllCRtlOIX that they would rush back into aeperate governments and attain new hobbyists out on the etump., tic wtll be broken up for ecrap. ^ dlM tdSS crwliUd t » It. or Tha original column tOld how our State, end there were no I happen to feel that thle whole travallng during 23 hours, 81 min- ]£ >rtjH ir D ra t "^SherwCi crtdUeC war In Korea, into more tragedy, leal national unity by their own the farmers worked to get the I mean thoee hobbyists who Him It was In 1903 that Wilson ulterior or secret purposes in ■nd breathe the stuff all the time. *uelnesa ot making ■ hobby the utes and 30 aeconda from noon the i Aifto tho local newt pubUthed into more experience with Com- devices and methods, after the thing through the Legislature, de- D O N T L O C K ^,■11 end ctid-all le a dangerous Merehell parted with three quer 23rd to noon the 34th, 841 miles, I All rlchta of rtpubllotllon of tpeclal this Mil. You know the kind. The hobby- tars of a million dollars to eee the art alto reterved. munist prison camps. But there is occupying powers had depsrtetl. scried the conversation of farmer- " A aiihllar definition of agri- mistake. ' . .. or 14.2 miles per hour, the former members about some of its wide- ist and hla wife wilt drop over for Atlantic elide down the weye end no such motive. The reporters, the This, of coUfse, the Germans culture has been enacted by the T H E BARN a drink. He will remain glum and It tenjla to Iced people in the record being 828." f Full tenrtct aUtnl of N. R A. Senr- ranging effects, described how the break out hie colors aa Commo- CALib news services, the newspapers are themselves would be well able to legislature In the State of Meaea- ailsnt during tha smalt talk about wrong direction — away from dore of the Atlantic Yacht Club of Late In the afternoon of the farm bloc strategy was to take chusetts and has been found to operations and jobs and the way themselves apd the reality of their 39th, the Atlantic croaacd the fin- ChoflM W . Lothrep merely concerned with getting out do. Governor Lodge’s signature for Brooklyn. The Atlantic was a operate there to the mutual ad- A FTER polio te going around. Then he own existence, tf they ere bored or luxury yacht in every eenae. Her ish line off England, a clear win- FOR f1iiH 'aS*"ASSr.* i M f f i or a "good story." They arc so good So, in this proposal, the Rus- granted, wherefore It did not nea- vantage of everyone and certainly ner. She wee timed In 13 days. 4 finds an opening end wham! There oppressed by their home life or centerboard reached fo r . the bot- IRCULATIONh. sians seem to -have advanced an ter him with argument! for sign- had not upset the affaire In that hours, 1 minute and 19 aaconde for AecidoEt htsuranc* at it that they are over-producing, goes your evening. job, is there nothing they can do tom at 37 feet. ’The meats towered and they don’t know how to stop. actual plan which contains ma- ing the bill. And we called atate; In fact, on the contrary haa T H E BARN IS G O N E! about it but creep into an the 3.104 miles. Experts sav the and Rnol Estate Governor Lodge a mean old bean Why ie It that the first time a 126 feet above the waterline. The LiS»ta**S7toSS£u*ft^^ chinery which might negotiate the clarified many situations. , esoteric basement. Atlantic ealled the shortest dls- KW East Center S t, Ml-9-0884 iypoarapblcml ertow W ^a ^p^ Their zeal is professional; the la beetle for vetoing it. Nowhere did 'It le unfortunate that certain man Is seduced by an 8-Inch ball- flttinge on her teekwood deck were lertliJmiBla and o ^ r .wadlnr matter beariiig power saw, with a miter Instead of trying to lertlllze salt is hysterical. peace treaty and then unify Ger- our article imply that "the farmers Btata officials and certain legal of e apeclel German alloy. " i The Manehoatar Krenlna Herald. gauge and splitter, or by a 1-nipee their barren acres, this over- The Atlantic’s water line, flowed Yet in both instances- that of many, all without guaranteeing of the state were egelnet It." We advisors to the Governor did not hours: uncancallad stamp from the Mal- emphasis on hobbles persuades [ Display aoertiilnr eloa'o* the Communists themselves any- did Indeed imply that the purpose have a clear conception of the pur- aft for 137 feet and her overall for Mroday—-1 P* m. P^*l*Y* the hurricane, and that of the re- It’s SO easy to tl^ink of insurance . . - when it’s loo divc Iilandi, he becomes an evan- them to take up something elas length was 188 feet. Designed to thing about the political future of of the bill was to benefit eome poee end scope of the bill, and Pick out a ■or Tuesday—1 m. ttiming prisoners, every essential, cleailflcetlona of farmer by in- gelical bore about the whole three nights a week and all day on carry 18,500 square feet of canvas, while their right to a difference of Utel valid „fact- and ev^n some rumor Germany, rr cluding them officially In the -A.. thing?------weekends. Is this really enough to the 205-ton shin responded to the opinion is respected, there were He pounces on hie friends, neigh- satisfy? Seems to me it’s like try- and speculation too—might have This raU i^ clever proposal Is, atatua of "agriculture end farm- many other equally well-known illghlest sir with an eagemees for ' HAROLD J. bors end retetlvee as though he ing to irrigate a desert by wetting action that wee pretty to eee. I ClaaaWtd a..r— been presented in the news in some we should^^dge, the moat for- ing." which la a favorable status people who diaagreed with the It takes some sense and some foreeisrht and action to hty of FublleatSoA throughout the general etetutea. just found a cure (or the 5 per cent j-our head. Marshall choee Capt. Charles LEHMUS, M. D. belter proportion to the reality midable element in the new Rus- viewe of these people who had I a. m. And the authors of the Farm imagine loss in advance and to get insurance to prevent mortgage. 'They, too, ho argues, Whet does It profit a man, mar- Barr, a native Scot who helled LOAN sian campaign document. The Ger- sided with the Governor on this involved. Between these facta and Bureau communication to uS. when must try thle hobby and aacend.^ ried to a terrible shrew, if he ron- from New London, Conn., to skip- HAS RESUMED Tuewtey, August 18 leglaletion, the loss. \ with him, to the bright and glorlbua their final appearance there was mans are likely to begin thinking they refer to "certain state of- .jurr the whole world of butter- per the Atlantic. Th e big trial for "The sponeore of thle bill etill plateau of a new life. REGULAR YOU CAN the iaatincUve "build-up" which, what coUId happen under it, and, ficials" who may have influenced feel more then ever, that the legis- Mies? H^’s Still married to the ■hip and veteran skipper came In Too Mueh News? I wonder. Why le he ao ahxloua abort order. Kaiser Wilhelm of- by emphasis, by accumulation, by finding that it would be likely to the Governor to veto, were. o( lation should be enacted, end an Insurance is a comfort every day you own it— and a same wife. Why doesn’t he try to AFFORD to convince ua? . find out what she’s mad about ’ fered a gold cup io the winner of OFFICE HOURS We newspaperipirtly ^ assisted leave them their own mastere In course, referring primarily to the salvation if a loss really comes. Let us protect you against I i It becauae down deep he la amount of space, created the. Seems to me he might do better a race from Sandy Hook to Eng- nd abetted by the radio, make too State Tex Commiastoner. whose ■till a little -uncertain about the final impreaelon—which was one lather short order, deem it good. losses by fire, wind, theft, accident, lawsuits and other to stand up to her and aound off land. Eleven ships made the run. iiur>rr uewo of too luany things. operations would have been ef- LET US FILL TOUR wisdom of a grown man spending I6.n -M 00 [Tnia of some error. This is the wa^ it In this proposal, the Russians have fected even though the bill in ques- than to Btick pins in poor butter j All wasn’t smooth sailing at the And., if_we may * ****’. common calamities, — BO much time and energy on a new 1 start. It was difficult to sign on a happens that; -tho press, without .WTiggled. around to . a..way. of tion did not mention the word tax weapon for etching in- leather? flies,. ______^______t’s about time we in the profei- 13s 7-2M JV"»' ever being convicted of making a eventually leaving their East Ger- So the MU wee Indeed a clever bon did some thinking about ,it. little thing of much more Im- single false statement of fact, can man proteges to their own re- It goes counter to every ob- portance than Ita onw innocent m 19.25 nevertheless give Itaelf the at sources, which would not be very i - 300 rious atm of the news profession, wording would ouggeot, N obo- jnaapbere. which leads, some peo- much. And in this, the Russians thelesa, bebig • fam er of parta, ^fhaps. to talk about giving less Called for aad deUvered R ober t J Smit h MAIN ple to say "they never believe all may have wrigglM iMoiiind the we were for It. '30.70 * 500 lather than more news. It has been Having answered It In advance, promptly »t no extra INCORPORATED ' STREET’ they read in the pepera or hear on greate.st roed-block Ruaaion policy 963 *(30 Mwith Plan) |he constant driving aim of the and Ruaelen obligations have been this, then, is the etetement sent charfe. the radio.” to us by David A. Clarke, secre- REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE GROUND FLOOR hewspaper profession to give Its Above loam ere made on signetur* , If there was something at fault ini^taining against a German tary of the State Farm Bureau: TELEPHONE MltcheU 9-5S41 jubUo' more nows, fuller news, HUE PHARMACY •lone. The p#ym »ti include in our profession, then, it was iii peace and German'unity. “ It has come to the ettentlon of ,nore detailed news, more complete charges, tr tr y thing. A loan of the realm of newa judgment, all Our own chief road-block is not the officers of tthe Connecticut CM LM I-t-WI4 ' torts $20.60 when promptly repaid in , bews. And. in the last few decades, State Farm Bureau Federation, down the line. In our exercise of •o easy to wriggle around. It is 12 consecutive monthly inrtallmente j has obtained the equipment for Incorporated, that a well-known news judgment, our profession our insistencs that, before any- of $10.05 each. going this. One would think, there- Quick 1 -D « Service I chose to be exciting and dramatic thing else happens with regard to |ore, that we newspapers are, at \^mploy«d m#n or wom#n, and alarming rather than to be Germany, IVeet Germany join ua __ _ Just where we want to be or w n ^ . phono or eomo in truly responsible. We chose, ivlth- as a rearmed military ally. This, just where we ought to be, See (or youreelf why oyer a million out quite realizing exactly what so long as we hold directly to it, I poopio eey. “It’e hrLmti to be sure. |dUi the exceptiohttat it should we did. to weave-a false pattern makes a German peace and Ger- Phene, Write, or come in today. btUl be our goal to provide more out of true facU. In this, healthy man unity impossible. And if there tmmm 8M kews, more deUUed news, etc. competition between reporters, la any ingenious way out of it, in r How, jlhen, can one possibly news services, and newspapers which we can yield without seem- "‘ omplaln—as we Intend to—about and radio had what might be con- ing to, that way has not yet sug- 00 much news about too many f sidered an unhealthy result. Yet gested itself. Shings?___ ^ _ to go back down the line of move- ^ Perhaps we can illustrate our ment for this kind of story, how IM MAIN Sm CET bomplaint by taking two specific Polio Case Total would you, in this kind of-scom- Iwd waar. Over Waalwy H rt gases. petitlon, expect the individual re- The first is "Hurricane Bar- Dips During Week lnaart J. 8sMfe#ne, Jr.. T il MflNsfsr ; porter, news service, newspaper or ON-THE-ROAD bara." Manchester was not the OKN THOtlOAT IVININ ell le n w fh n iveM temperate handling of the facts? ^ ex t morning, after what was sup- from 24 a week ago to 15 this past It is ap entire strnpspherc which is week, bringing to 127. the number car '^ iji^ d to be a night - of wild St faijlt, more than any lndi\^ual of cases reported thus far this T-' weather, to find that it had en- exercise of Judgment. It is an itt- year. Cases reported amounted to je^ed merely a mild rain and not 113 for the corresponding period in mosphere in which the whole pro- a breath of wind. 1M2, according to the Connecticut feasion instinctively rushes to LOOK AHEAD Hysteria in the public new;s State Department of Health. The give some kinds of 'story more five"^year poliomyelitis case aver- serv'ices—and at least some sense than they are really worth. age fOr the period is 03. Case re- of alarm in the population— ports counties showed Fair- ,IJ, the, KtO?*.**'on,,_ with all its by., '■■cbvertKl ‘•'•■much wider track- of field with ^-Hartford 7, New Ha- Used car dealers yppyt _ wonderful facilities and capacities, territory than the hurricane iUelf ven 4. and^indham County with (alls down in the area of news 2 cases. Two Of. the Hartford Coun- ever did. judgment as its facilities whirl Lhp ty rases and one qf the New Haven What happened was that, as the news toward the pubiic, and we County cases w ne classified aa. Fords rCliffirii mor^df their original _ storm approached within a few paralytic. \ Problem: How to wtH* think it does fall down repeatedl.v, hundred / -miles of these areas, Other diseases deciiqing during kids outfittad for school whoo voeattoR •*- then, it might at least be a gobJ this past week were; German everybody went into the act of idea to have a standing 'commutes measles cases which dropped from dramatixmg the storm. T he fre- cost than any pther car— poRSM hajr* throwR tha budget Into a to R s^ * ^ from the profession to evaluatoj 12 to' 8,. tuberculosis from' .51 to quency of bulletins from weaker 21, and whooping cough frotn 14 from time to time, the kind of ' bureaus—issued presumably at the to 11 cases. news judgment trail the profes- request of eager newsmen^ was sion has been leaving after itself. and there i^e 41 reasons why: more” alarming than their actual t...... ^^ ....-- " - -- A good hindsight look at what w contenU. In their handling of the did with that hurricane might story, newsmen Instinctively gave have some influence, ail along the Bed-Wetting Solution: *!>*'» their color emphasis to those de- CHARGE PLAN e r ^ t card at aey ef these tails which seemed to make the line, the next time a hurricane be- gan coming along. Take pQuer, Ford’s two high-compression engines are real storm most threatening. Frequent CHARGE PLAN member s t ^ . . .er at either radio buUetlns, and big headlines Can Be Stopped! leaders (A ^ e ir class. Ford’s the only car in the low-price field (o offer in the newspapers, completed lh-3 Campaign Document y o u ^ ’e smooth power o f a V-8 engine. And no other car in any held of eur banks. Aeeumnlated ehorget paid job of aemi-terroriring many com- 'There is a formal election com- so modern a Six. munities which, in actuality, ing up in West Germany, and 40,000 ecMBs prov* monthly with one cheek. Or bn d ^ single pur- would never have known anything France la in what seems to be in o f a hurri'eane by their own a Stats of almoat continual disor- ERurtenc's puccM t with \ N o o thar chases over $30.00. weather conditions. ganized expression, of popular What happened in all this, we .sentiment and shifting official b«d«wBttiiig habit bran d of gosolino , submit, was that the news pro- policy. The latest Russian note on fession produced too much news Germany mu.4t be clasaified pri- No longer does yoiir child h o i y o t oquollod this about "Barbara." The profession marily as a campaign document— have.to suffer shame and may claim it was only dcscribin: for the attention of the voters-of disgrace caused hy bed-wet- bdloncod pow or and mlloogo Hobby Shoppe. 5 Griswold St. Paris Curtain Shop, ' her potentialities,, and that ii West Germany- and for the at- Beck's 845 Main St. 829 Main S t would have been called derelict in tention of troubled France. Like- ting. ENT-RTONE rtiethi Howard’s Sleep Center, rocordi F. T. BU»h Hardware.Co., —-.-589 Mala.St...... ------North End Pharmacy, ....Tts “elufy’ ff "idife' had a%<^tch'embarrBasia4llt.,p.f the U n it^ Jtan’e Auto Store. Main St, 4iaa prpYcd.in ,pye;;,,40,000 Burtea’*, Ibc-™.SAI-MbIb A L - ■ fMith Covirttry ._.Begal,Mea’ e m op,.887 M a^. St^ . AO dcamafic. public warpingB'had StJtlcii, which ia campaigning , in N THE 1953 Copley**. 95f'MBhi (4t.. cases that it can correct the 'kiddie Fair,' 1589 'M iln ’iSit.’ "Royden’e. tae^i eoatb Ooveatry been given. But the truth is that West Germany and hoping for re- DIainond’e Army A Navy Store, distressing habit in % ta 4 .U. S. ^»ck care, using Mobilgas orMobilgas Lartea'a Hardware. Bhoor Broa.. Jewelers, - .pirefssaion W'ent- to - t ^ Atory liable support from-. France. I '-'•-■-’‘ 997-MBln-f«.-...... '•TT'MaUi St' : “ T-r— weeks without drugs or 84 D ^ t Sqimw i With the Instinct to blow it up, There is. however, only one vital Speciad, aviSaged an amazing 22.3 ibiiea per ■ ' Diamond Opllcsl. Co., - Ford’ s fironderful, new ride Take savinf^s. Ford’s Automatic Power and that the gale generated on tne thing about this campaigning, on attachmentsi Take build. Ford's Crestmark body givee Take ride. 997 Main St. Leonard’s Shoes, 881 Main S t Tote ’N Teens, iac„ Pilot sales on every gaj^lon o f gas. It aulbmatically gallon over a punishmg 1206-mile route. 958 Slain S t radio and in the newspapers had the part of outaide powers, (or a lijou style-setting beauty with rugged "build” under- reduces front end road shock up tf> 80%. New Hrnrv Dick. Shorn, Uncoln's. 599 Main St. VIchl'e, 880 SUIn S t "Barbara" lierself backed off the victory- in the West German e(ec-' neath. Where many cars are bolted Fords are welded spring and shock absorber action gives you the adjusts carburetion, ignition and combustion to 7*49 Main St. Manrheatrr Carpet Center. ENURTONE: Weldon Drug , ENUR- dealer today! 881 Main S t . pulsion to come continually closer. The swing 945 Main St. Morry’e WorhlngmeB’e Store, Ws had too much news about That Is bccau.se they know that TOXE was developed after A V ER A G E’ tOCONY-VACUUM Oil COMTANT, IMC. 5 Depot Sqnare Leoaard W . Yost. Jeweler, A. Harrieon tt Sons, 138 Sprues S t "Barbara." none of its demon- all Germans have one top desire- many years of painstaking is to S49 Main St. Naaslff Arms Co.. 1015 Main S t Btrably false news, in its stale- that of national unity. .medical reeearch. .menta or details, but still an ac- In their latest campaign docu- cumulation which added up’.,to a ment, the Russians do come some- FREE IN F O R M A T IO N LOOK FOR false impression, and a false what closer to the eventually in- THE "C H A R G E FLAN* For FREE complete detaUs, prominence for a atorm. evitable solution of the German EMitEM null coup€>n today. GET HIGH QUAUTY We bad too much news about problem.They have not pu.shed it “ Barbara." Leas newa should have forward far enough so that any- * been prepared, sent out, and pub body can reach out and grab It. Uahed. But they have made certain move; ENURTONE C O .. Take Steering. Ford Master-Guide Take drives. Only Ford in its field gives MANCHESTER TRUST . We have been having too much rhenta toward It. jKrwer steering is the newest and finest in Pord’s you a choice o f a completely automatic drive, ECONOMY nt A bb St. (M H) news from another quarter—from Their most significant step, in field— and the lowest~p^fd! All you do is guide the Fordoniatic, the finest, most lersatile aulonutic the returning prisoners in Korea. this particular campaign docii- Hartford, Conn. , ... HORTH .MORE HHEN YOU BUY IT . car. Ford Master-(>uidc does up to 75% o f the work. you can buy . , , fuel-saving Oierdrive . . . or Tx.' tG We have been having it by a u y rnent, comes with their suggestion Makes "tight-spot” parking a pushover. easy-shifting Convetitional Drive. m ORTH .MORE K HEN Y O U TR AD E i t I there is a natural curiosity abou that a temporary all-German gov- ^.Name ...... PMJUf. GASOLINE conditions in Coromunlat captivity, ernment be formed tqlconduct na- Addrcae and becauae the facilities ^or in> tional elections' in Germany. Tliis *MAIN OFFICE, 923 MAIH'^ST.*M0RTII BRANCH, 15 NO. MAIN S T .^ T E L M lflp l tervlewtng these returning pns- would, obviously, have to be a City...... DILLO N SALES and SERViCE onera a>>d sending their words coalition government, which west- Child's'Age ...... back te country and getting ern policy, having well studied the .u

* ■ ■ ■ 1 - - V-./ • X T ■ '■ ^ , :■ "f .'r-;■■X

-• •(,.. : ■ V. - ™. ,• - h - ;;;:.x: FAGS N1N1T.AV ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.> TU^D AY, AUGUST 18, 1953

■bouldar and eauaad him to loas ■ANCHESTEB EVEmNG HERALD.‘ MANCHESTER. CONN^ TUESDAY. AUGUST 18, 1 9 ^ laad only to man’s avantual down- to obtain these gifts. Business wlU ‘Clarabell’ Is Due go on a* usual, however. control of hla car which than htir- 'All Men Have fall. tlsd down a Ti foot ambankmant r "No man ia raally too buirato b« REE CAUSES ACCIDENT but laodad upright. McCurdy, 17, New Code Points up Need! concerned about tha thln|W of hla Edward Flynu iSeed for Help,’ At Leonard’s Shoe Mansfield. Aug. IS US — Four state police said, waa accompaniad soul. This ought to be hla first con- by hla hrothar Gary, 1A» a alsUr Gallig^n^Knox Wedding cern for then alt alas in KliMlfe young persona aacapad aarious in- Confessions Of School for Bridegrooms "Olarsbell,” the silent clown fea- jury ysatarday whan a bee landed Atha, IS, and a coualn. Be mica Me- Tlhree Persons Injured Ex-New Dealer, V Minister Says will take meaning and value from on driver Lawrence McCurdy’s 1 Curdy, 18. of Woodland, Maine. DILLON that point." tured on the Howdy Doody pfo- •oonatdarad a good risk for an Im- SALES aad SBEVICB "A ll man naad tba transforming .Spacial music for tha aervtee gram will make a personal appaar- Repudiated By DOBOTHY BOB was provided by the summer Dies in Diiblin portant job. the article polnU out. potarar of eonvaralon," dscisrad the ance at Leonard’s Shoe, Aug. 25 1951 M I N K SPED. As Car Crashes Truck A P Waaaea'a Editor There are plenty o f schools for choir under the direction of Her- Rav. Fred R. lEdgar at tha South bert A. France. The anthem was from. 2:80 to 4:30 p. in.. Ben (OMiMaMd fra*i P h f« 0 «a ) A crying need of the tlmea la * brldea In ouf niodem aocltty. Tho -F O R D - Shankman. proprietor announc^ DE LUXE 2400R Manchester Doesn’t Bow On Arrival prospective bride can get expert Mathodlat Church yaatorday. "God So Loved The World" by Mother, Two Daughters ■chooH for bridagrooma. MANCHESTER Stainer. Jean Kraft, contralto, today. Local children will be greet- To Coventry Tall Plants of Mayor Vlneant JmMlllttarl. In thia ara when ao many wlvea InatnicUon on homemaking. Inter- S19 M A I N str eet ‘^Too long havs w^ bad tha fad - ed by the comic and receive free Dyuaflaw, radi* aad RaaSar. Hospitaliaed; Wall of ior decoration, cooking and entor- ■ahg "God Shall Wipe Away All (ConUiraed From Pag* Oise) Flynn hnd Tammhny Hwl halp earn tha living, a new code of ing that only tha so callad *riff- Tears" by Peery as tha offsrtory glfU in the store There will', be Carmine D* Baplo backed talnbig. ShJ can learn the dutlaa no obligation to buy ahoes In order cider Mill Is Crushed Can you top this? marriage mannera and morea of tho Ideal wife from many ex- ra ff of aoclaty needed convarting," solo, The account in yesterday a respond to the waves and greeting* F. Wagner, aon of the late U. n. tha Rav. Mr. ISfigmr said adding. of the photographers, newsmen Sanator, for the mayoralty nom- ahould be aet up. No perienced mai-rlaga counaelora. 1W STUDaUCER S5M Herald of a 7 foot. 4 inch -B u t ao fa-r Uttla attontUm has , Stone . tomato plant raised' in and curious villagers. mifflclent that the CkatnplDir Kegal fie Luxe Beda*. BxeeBart- eoadlttoa- "Our prMchlng, ouftJieachilng.-avMlJ 5Q Q QEF A Bolton mother and her t>^ ihaUMi. T h r*« wth*” been given to the training of bride- our missionary ampbaala has baen Coventry by Ernest Forsythe After stopping only a few sec era pledged their forcee behind Im- promise to love, honor and cherlah TCunr dau«htere were hoeplt^'xefl onds on the Austrian side of lha pelHtterl In the Sept. hla bride. Other point* that ahould grooms for their role In modem to rpach this ainnar, tha drunkard, WE HAVE A FEW EXECUTIVE CARE AT •nd the wall of a elder mill waa of Daly Rd., brought forth an the adulterer, the wife baalsr, the even more startling announce- border. Sanders drove to Vienna *n y n n entered politic* In ba settled before the ceremony 1M1 FORD OUSTOM M Y L TUDOR $105 list OUS^ M T«d in after the womans far where he was spirited out of sight the »ge of 8* aa a member of the *"*?• on Idea that might ^ A Kadia and Heater. debased and defamed people of our 55(K) OFF LIST PRICE. THE5E CARE HAVE Baiiaed through a stop sign, wlt- ment. ■re aa follow*: DeCORMIER MOTORS, Inc.| hAPf* of newsmen and photographers. New York Aieembly. He Mtya 1--C*n he cook hla own dinner gold mine for some alert manrtag* aoclaty. A t long last w* ara be- said, and crashed Into a The Rev. C. E. Winslow, who HAD THE RE5T OF CARE AND CARRY A DELUXE A British embassy spokesman tour terms thare and later tour when hla bride has to work late expert. ' coming awar* of the fact that trailer truck on Nigger Hill in thinks Manchester doesn’t have NEW CAR GUARANTEE. said Sanders was taking "a meal, years a* sheriff of the Bronx. When at the office? 1150 FORD DLUR OOUFE S people in high places, the so called' Bolton, just east of ^^e Msnehes- to bo\v to Coventry as tall to- well to do paopl* of society also 9400R SEDAN a little rest and a little fresh air. Franhttn D. Roooevelt wm 8—la he willing to help wash the O eyl. Radio and healer.' — —~ — Says; "These Are Cfioito Values Jn, ' tar town line about 11.15 this mato country, reports ha has He said may agree nor of New York State, he named Veterans to Lose need tha transforming powar (of “ FULL 34 MONTH5 TO PAY.- “ IH adle, Imator. hyinaualie, raised a Yellow Pear tomato dlahea after both get home from a to hold a news conference later Flynn eecretary of state. hard day In the marU of trade? God's love which can redeem them white wiUl ttree. Fully egalp- * T h e Injured were Mrs. Helen Bo- plant in the yard of his homo Fine Cars At The Best Of Terms" today. Ho was frequently the target of 5 -WtU he dam hla own aocka Free Dental Care 1550 FORD TUDOR ( OTL $1 from their sins and make new, bet- /At prwoent ww Imvc a fin* sdoctioR *f thw ped. ah. 81. of Clark Rd . and her at 31 Flower St. In London, a foreign office ■harp criticism. ter and greater Individuals out of £ughters. Susan. J. and Dintse. 1. When Thomas E. D e w ^ was run- while ahe mendp her nylona? Raw *53 Dotiqa con in oN modah. color com- The plant, he a.sserts, is 8 spokesman said no negotiations di- 4— Will he complain If hla wlfe’a them." The children reportedly suffered Based ea Story of Felix feet high. rectly preceded Sanders’ arrest, nlnc for governor In IM * he *aio business requires that ahe enter- (Continued from Pnge Oaa) TODAY'S SPECIALS Mnotioiis ond oquipmtHit. Wo art In Rood facial lacerations and Mrs. Bo- but exchanges have been contimi Oiet Flynn, while •heritt. had ap- 1050 F0NT1M SEDAN $1! gush. chest and possible rib in- tain important cuatomera oc- The sermon preached by the of qo4>d cloow iisod cars ond wM ghro top- ing since he was arrested Nov. 21, pointed Arthur (Dutch IchiUU) aggravating a dlaabtltty he receiv- Radio, heater, hydramatle. mlniatar under the title, "Help 1949. The spokesman said his re- negenhelmer. a nolorioue under- casionally away from home ? Bogush was taken to Man- 5— Will he be an aaaet to hlied In service. Under the old rules, Wanted," waa baaed on the story dollar oNowoneo to got thorn. Howovor, lease opens the way for resume worid character, aa a deputy he could also get free treatment If taken from Acta 24-38-37 of Felix', 1551 PLTNOUTH OONT. CLUB COUPE chsster Memorial Hospital by tlon of normal trade, ,|iyhlch Brit- wife's business career, be charm- 1050 W IILT8 STATION W'— ' $1015 boor in mind, thoro is just o 30-doy poriod for 1959 lU lO K SUPER Quish's ambulance, and the chil- ihtrltf. ^ # las ing to her boas when the occasion hi could trace hli dental trouble tha Procurator of Judaea, before Loaded. Fire engine red. All new white side- Obituary ain shut off a month after Sanders IHynn accu»«d D«wiy of in to a condition which showed up Completely overhauled. whom Paul, the Chriatian, waa wall tiree and twbee. See this gorgeous buy. Only ^ J T Down o’good ufod cen’ morhot, of which tbno mod dren by Joseph Dioniie, sn em- dulging In "half truth*’’ *nd ■■Id demands It," refrain from Inter- 4-DOOR ploye In a restaurant across the was arrested. ] fering in her builneas duties? within a year after he left the being tried. Emphasis was given to eon will drop from ooo to throo hoodrod dol- ( At hli home in Bedford Hilli, | Schulte w ** *ppotnted • d*puty service. „ that part of the atory where Felix, street from the scene of the acci- N. Y., Vogelar said: "It goes with- j ■heritt before he w** known e* * 6 Will he be jealous of his 19U BUIQK CONTERTIBLE GOUFE $7K Light graea, dyaaflow, ladle. wife’s auccesa. If ehe happens to At the direction of Congress, when he could not decide the guilt 199$ GHETROLET 2-UR.aEETUNE AERO lars in prico. Deaths out saying I am happy for my , ' rocketeer and the badge wea con- the VA must apply the new rules Very elean. or Innocense of Paul sent him aad heater. ^*Mrt. Bogush’s husband. Alfonse, Ifiscatad aix months after tht ap- advance faster than he In their Radio, heater, fine running car. a Hamilton Standard employe now friend's release." He said the rel-1 to a backlog of 256,0()0 veterans back to jail with the well known Full Prtoe THEREFORE. WHY NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE \ ease of Sanders was no human-, careers? who already have been promised In Dayton, Ohio, on company busi- Mrs. .Anns J. House 7—When they have children, phrase, "When I have a more con- OF THI5 30-DAY PERIOD? iUrlan act hut an attempt .by the, ***ThrDutch SchulU appointment treatment under the old rule*, but 1051 FORD TICTORIA $1545 venient season 1 will send for neai, has been-notified and will ' Mrs. Anna'J. Houise. widow of will he assume hla share of re- Reds to "widen the growing split | and a charge ftiat he used city em- who did not receive treatment be- ■ Badto, beater, aew Brea, Excelleat eoodlHoa.— ------thee.” ...... — fly home Immediately. aponsibUity In their care and 1959 W IU T S JEEPSTER SPT. PHAETON William F... House, died at her between the United States and ployes and material to pave the cBuae the V A didn’t have enougli In the sermon, it waa polntad GET TOP-DOLLAR ALLOWANCE NOW Oecar Filgd, 2«, of 109 Love La., home. 57 Hamlin St., this morning. antique Belgian courtyard of hie training? Loaded aad beauUful. All new whitewall Mrea C O O K Hartford,/driver of the truck, was Britain." money. ^ out that for too long have men ON THE NEW *53 DODGE . . . AND 5AVE! She had been a resident of Man- (Vogelar aald the Hungarian! Lake Mahopac. N. T., country •— Will he be able to look on hia The VA estimated that about 50 1951 GHETROLET 8TTUNE TUDOR 51905 pitied Paul for the treatment that aM tahea. This wUI pot stora in yoar eyes, Down Shaken /ttp but did not require chester for over 47 years and was charges that Sanders engaged in homo ware uaed^ against him by wlfe’a job aa a necessity In the per cent of the 250,000 veterans he received at the' hands of the 1951 CHRYSLER treatmtat. The truck, owned by a member of the South Methodist modem rchemc of things, and noi Pow(er glide, heater. the ,<^w h Petroleum Corp.. of espionage were "completely false. Republicans in opposing his con- will be found ineligible for treat- cruel, licentious. Immoral, judge Church, Manchester and East Cen- complain that h* Is neglected while Haftfpfd. was coming back empty ("Since he was convicted in- firmation as U. ». ambaaaador to ment under the new rules. before whom he defended himself. 1949 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN YouHl Save Real Money I f You WINDSOR 4-DOOR tral Pomona Granges.. Australia. Flynn finally aaked ■ecapting her contribution to the ^ te r delivering a load of gasoline justly, his release is no great The VA. which has already sent 1951 GHETROLET STTLINE TUDOR $1275 But Paul Waa not the one who Super. Original Mack. Loaded aad b ean ttfal.^,, h ..$ 6 9 5 Mrs. House leaves two sons, credit to the Reds ”). jnk^ family income ? needed help and pity. Felix was the Aatamatle traaaaalialee. Wlllimantic. Harold J. Hou.se and Gerald E. the new rules to its field offlcea, Radio and heater. Stop And Swap Now At / According to witnesses, the Both Confessed Guilt MRS. JEREMIAH B. GALLIGAN Flynn waa bom Rept. 88. 1891 9—Will he not try to make a one who really needed help and FUlly equipped. House of South Windsor, also a In the Bronx. He leavea hli widow loon will send out notices to veter- . Bolton woman’s car went througn During their trial both Vogelar caraer wife conform to the rule* of ans who are no longer eligible. To mercy and forgiveness and sn op- granddaughter and two great and Sanders "eonfessed” their and and thtee children. grandmother's d.xy by conatantly portunity to make some changes 1949 W R IT S STATION WAOON the stopi sign on Lake Street as grandchildren, of Lafayette, Calif Miss Shirley Elieie Knox, daugh-»headpiece with seed pearls, do thia. however, the VA must it was headed north through the guilt, and both the Brltl.shBrtti.sn and Mr. T.«sli. G Knox carried a prayer book with The 61-year-old pemocratic Na- bringing up the remark that in his life. I Exeeneat\(hroughout. C f t A K I— / ■ Funeral seryice.s ,,w.iU- bp. held Ainoricaii ■governmonl-fl— pi-ompUy -of-Mr.. _ white-orchid -ixiarkec.___ ! tfonaL .COfnmttteeman and leader first check the medical «)»■ "• , ^ j j. -Hin Intersection -and woman's place la in the home— each veteran .to., find put .If h ls_ Paul has long since been vin- I _ , ____ _ FaU Price 'tTuirsday afternoon at 2 o’clock at branded the confessions the result of Woodslde St., became the bride maid of honor wore a floor of the Bronx, New York, had been ia-beh he k'lto'Wa 'that It l*k »i"tw o smashed into the left front fender eligibility waa baeed on dental dicated, but •Felix remains ctm- the Watkins Fiineral-Home. The of communist pressure interroga-g Galligan. son of Mr. imgth gown of yellow taffeta and vacationing here. He died in a hos- incomee to maintain that home? of the truck which was headed trouble which showed up in the demned for his failure to' take the I Rev. Dr. Fred R. Edgar will of tions. _ Mrs. William A. Galligan, of white organdy, sweetheart hat and 16—Will he be juat ■■ sym- west down the hill. . and Mra. pital. year following hla diacharge. I f it opportunity to turn back to God, 1952 WIU.TS 4-WHEEL DMTE JEEP ficiate and burial will be in W’ind- As a result of Sanders’ <'"''v‘c -, ^ ^ j'"H 'rtfo rd ‘," y o T ir d a j^ " sV. -carried an arm bouquet of Tails- Lxmg ip ill-health he sailed from pathetic when hit wife has a. hard B R O W N The two vehicles locked, and the is. he’ll get one of the notices, receive forgiveness and become a Uke new. C I ^ O K 1959 DODRE sorville Cemetery, lion;. Britain, broke *rade rela-1 min rosea. TTie junior brideamald NewI’ew York fox for Ireland on the day at the ofAce as she..la when he new man.__ Full Price - truck dragged the car across the i James* Church. The V A wilt determine ■whether-- Your Dodge—’Plymouth Dealer, Friends may call' at the funeral tions with Hungary and the UmtedUnilea j, r-ctor rector. RevRev. JohiTF.JohiTr. Han- wore an aqua taffeta gown and ^ r - Mauretania July 85. He went comes home tired? It was rioted that Felix needed 2-DR.WAYPARER road for about 10 feet until ft home Wednesday from 2:30 to 4:30 a veteran is eligible tor free treat- B E A U P R E •hook loose and skidded off the Statea __also took retaliatory mess* mesa- *! performed the cerertiony at 9 ! ried an old faahionetl bouquet, aboard the liner in a wheelchair. ’ This question of the proper hus- three kinds of help. He needed and in the evening from 7:00 to ment under the new rules by com- dde ai the road for about another ures; a m’ and celebrated the nuptial | flower girl waa dreaaed In yellow HIS wife and 17-year-old daugh- band for a caraer woman gets the help of Paul, the man of Go1. Baagaal, IJbya, Aag. IS (Ah— posts, juat as corporations make it and unjuAt. 1959 CHRYSLER She was born in Slonim, Poland, consulates to reopen in New York ± r a ? r i - " '“ l " ‘ F o r * motor tAp to Calitornla. a practice, of looking over tha clared eligible for free treatment He alto needed Paul to tell him trailer crashlng/lnto the wall after and had lived in Newington 44 and Cleveland, O.. rescinded a ban layman (jowles of Eaat Hartford the bride is wearing a em dr reporta fraaa tk* World War II for the trouble. All other case*, the tractor jack-knifed ar^nd. atroagboM af Tobmk aoM today wives of their male candidates for the story of salvation which Paul 1946 DODRE '/z-TON PICK-UP years. against Americans Iravelltig to the was best man and ushers were with white accessories. They will except thoe* aggravating a ser- Are you a SSRATORA State Troopere Richard Powers that 59 paapla w*r* M IM tan* top jobs. knew so well snd which could One owuer car. Besides her hu.shand she leaves Communist satellite, and agreeed George E. Knox, brother of the make their home St San Yaldro, vice-connected dlsabtUly, will be snd Clifford Bombard of the Col- to aa aa— aalHea axpioatoa. Tba A wpman with a husband who la have changed him completely. He FaUPrlc* II three daughters, Mrs. HahOld M. to aid In the Tctum of-Nait-looted bride and Charles Campfleld of "Where th r bridegroom, who It with- rejected. - ’ - ff COOOR SEDAN chester barracks, are- continuing blaat ocoarrad as workar* were jealous of her caraer, demanding reeded the help of Paul. but. he Smith of Hartford. Mra. Carl Hungarian good.-) in the U. S. Zone Hartford, the Navy, Is stationed at pr*sent. of her time and glvan to harassing Hi their Investigation of the accident. He waa formerly employed by the salvaglag aid amaaanltiaa 1952 CHRYSLER DE LUXE 4.DOOR sent him awey until he had AatomaMe traasmiaaloa. Banks of Simsbury and Mlaa Rose of Germany. | .j.,,, bride's gown of while latin. her with complaints Wouldn’t be Gorgeous Nark finish. Radio, heater, power ateering. Fufly equipped. Wife’s Plea f reel Sanders , g„d nylon net waa Green Machine Co . Inc. of East ■toiea. more convenient time. 1952 PORU T4 VeTON PICK-UP R. Banka of Newington: three Extra sharp ear. Fared Great Deolatnn sons, Abraham R. and David M. The Hungarian announcement of designed with .a tleht-fittlnrtight-fitting Ibodice Hartford. The bride was gradu- Clean as a hound's tooth. Roth8child Refuses Sanders' pardon implied, the action ated from Manchester High School Felix also needed time to think Full Price $ 1 1 9 5 Banks, both of Newington, and of the lace, long aleevea, tapering over all that vas happening to Jacob J. Banka, 97. Weaver Rd.. was based on a clemency petition to a point at the wriela and full with the Cnass of 1961. Mr. 0*111- 1952 PLYMOUTH CONCORD 2-DR. SEDAN submitted to President Istvan Dobl gan is a gradual* of East Hart- him as be waa confronted by this To Admit R<^ Ties this town: a sister. Mrs. Sara akirt of lace and het. Her veil of _____One owaer ear. 11.648 mlleo. This ear has radio, heatejr .great . declslQii, ._Th* ..minister 5EE TMK5E RNE VALUB5 AT Tishler of Hartford, and four earlier this month by the Briton a illusion was draped from a I*ce ford High School, Class Of 1966. wife, Winifred. She gave her letter and alee elean seat rox-er*. Lustrous green finish. noted that F-Hx, Ilk- so many grandchildren. people today, waa too busy to (ConUnned frem ^age One) Funeral .services were held today of appeal to Hungary's ambassador | 1151 PORO ‘ T in Ixmdon, Imre Horvath, just be-' our pledge to you no what needs I to )>e done about at 1 p. m. at the Herljcrt L. Gran- 1951 PLYMOUTH CRANIROOK 4-DR. SEDAN his soul. H i reeded time te •r things to »»y whether he knew stein Funeral Chapel, 826 Albany fore hia return to Budapest on , Gas Station Niro hlark finish. Radio, heater, new tires, new seat OONT. COUPE one of his Printing OffUie co-work- Aug. 11. think it over, ne neen-J lime to j IDoCORMIER mo t o r s, Inc. Ave., with burial in Emanuel •ra. James P. Phillips, who testi- The Czechs in releasing A.sso- Week eovers. Oue owner. be sure that It was what ft was I TIER JIST TIT H E IF H I U T i - M H U News Tidbits adto, heater. A feed eae. Cemetery,’ Wethersfield. 24 MAPI-E ST. TE I^ MI-3-8854 M ANCHESTER fied yesterday he knew Rothschild Memorial week will be observed ciated Pre.ss correspondent Wil- Displays Hit supposed to be. He needed time Culled from A P Wires to talk ft ove- with hls'Yrlends, to be a Communist in the late at the home of her daughter. Mrs. liam Oatis earlier thi.s year also WortJi without opproprioto oction oro mo«n- 1950 PONTIAC TORPEDO 4-DOOR /lllSHS VITI ItlEV-HI IMHITEEI 1930s. Harold M. Smith, 241 Lyme St!, Cited an' appeal from -his- wife. seat or St least he thought so. r-. - . -toMsi. color* -Bg 4Io* . iiGGlrri^ ttrrSj, What he w*w doing ■was just More than that, Rothschild re- Hartford. Later ft was revealed the United By Zone Law ingloii. Confidoric# ond truit oro built off cover*. Full price flOftS. fused even to say whether he States had offered to negotiate the Atty. JJen. George Fingold in postponing the issue. He wo'ild do something about ft later, but works at the Printing Office. Luther G. Trleachmann removal of iranetrade resincuon.-restrictions ^ Bo.ston says porformanco, not prom iiot. To continua to 195$ McCarthy at first ordered him . T- V. ! ag.iin.stagainst the Czechs if the newsman ; -ai-hu.solts Crime Commission Gasojjne ^ station operators and that time never came. He need- Luther George Tnesi hmann, 290 S . I has member with underworld con- other merchants who put their 1949 PLYMOUTH SPEC. Do LUXE 4-DOOR to answer that question in spite was freeil. Radio heater, new seat covers, new tl^s. ed help and help was a vs liable HUDSON JET 1155 UNCOLN Burnside Ave. East Hartford, died ■ Hungary had offered last March nectiona.. Chairman of the Sen- ^^.gres out in front of their butld- merit a reputation for raUobility in thii com- LAMB of his objections but. after con- Hungary had offered last March but he missed the opportunity 4-Door 2,806 MIlea. at his home Sunday night. . . . exchange Sanders for a Chinese ste-Moii.se lomlc Energy Com- ; display or store them have ferring with committee lawyer I to exchange Sanders for a Chinese completely New ear detnoaatrator. COSMOPOLITAN Boy_ M. Cphn, agreed that Roth;; .. '1 CommunistCommuniat girlgirl. . guerrilla .sen- mittee Rep. W. Sterling Cole says . j,een violating zoning regulations rnunity, w# coniidar each prescription 1949 CHRYSLER WINDSOR iDOOR Felix also needed divine help. 9, 1887. and had-hved tn -H artford^jh eeds’ ’■much Wore fa r-; intf-Briildlhg Thipeclor David *SEr f e - B w y * 1855 UCOSON. > ■child w »*' witltled to reftise.'' " “ elMih' isr. ' Gne FYont.' Ihlk vantage -point it- is : tenred to death in Mala'yii, Her Jet black finish. Kadin, heater, SUPER-JET imdlo w i The fact that Rothschild does 40 years. He was employed as a ^^,,,pore was commuted to life im- ; reaching and effective syatem of . chambers is taking stepa to stop brought t^ ui a challenge. Cut owner. Fully price |99S clear that Felix should have freed * work at the Printing Office. Mc- machmisL by the Noble and \\ est- Prime Minister l defense" against atom!* attack the praclic*. Paul, he should have accepted 8,t66 MSea. R. aad H. Carthy ■■id. might be a link in a brook Manufacturing Co East ^ rejerted the* exchange Ex-Queen Narriman of Egypt] Chambei;a today Inalnicted the Christ as his Saviour, he should Hydra., twin h-power. posaible prosecution growing out Hartford, for the past 13 proposal. telling Parliament; ex-King Farouk for alimony.. Zoning Department workers to Only the finait pharmacauticali tha mar- 1947 lUICK SUPER 4-DO have repented of his sins, he (MibelMtlal sax-iaga ea of the stolen documents charge. Be.sides his V >fc, ,Irs. Glad>. „ „ question of bar-j according to her lawyer's office., prepare a newspaper advertlse- One owmer extra ciran Nice Mne should have dlaassoclated himself theeo ears, used solely A t one point, McCarthy com- vv ^ T H ^ h m .n r^ S fi^ tering 'a human life by diverting i epidemic hit. Lelpalg and ment calling attention to t ^ regu- ket affords ara u*ad in your proieription. It flulsh. Full price 0785. from those people and those things Used Carl hr our saleo exeeultve*. mented that he had received a i°'Ji course of Justice or mercy in | „ther Communist-controlled south- lation and warning M w h eater LB. which • had meant his downfall number of telephone calls, from Tolland T ^ ^ . J^is daugh-jj^j^p^yj^ obtaining; ^,*1 German cities, according to bustoesamen against violating it. it filled promptly by a com petent pharmaciit and he should have taken/ hla POR CARE-PREE SUMMER DRITINR " people who couldn’t understand, in- ter. 'Mrs.'CItfford J. Holt of- East f release of a British subject . y^ast Berlin newspaper. Kurler. Chambers, vvhos* - - job^-it !• to ■land for God. _ , ’17 STUDEIXKER the light of yesterday s testimony, Hartford and three grandchildren | in^prUoivd in Hungary." 1 English language Nippon Times enforce ‘ he toning Actually ha ntoded dlvi(ie Kelp 1952 HUDSON PAGEMAKER ~ ^ and carefully double-cheeked for aceurocy. why the Printing Office had kept Funeral services will .be be held ; British Minister of x,yg has deeded not to print not available for comment toitaj^ so that he could see clcarto. to un- Black, radio, heater. Low mileage. COMIIMIDER H't Rothschild on the payroll. Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at the i AIR-CONDmONED derstand fully snd to rtght- Th is Week Specials SUto iielwyn Lloyd told..Parlia- -■ii Some of these callera seemed to Newkirk ‘ and Whitney Fiyieral j ment negotiations for Sanders' re- ChM^n's^ph^n'^A'in-! give ‘toca“ e i l K Than, only, do w# feel our obligation to you 1948 K A IH E R 4-DOOR-;«adlo. eoualy. He could not jdo It alone blame the FBI for this situation, Home. 318 Burnside Ave.. East comply with the rule before tiding beater. Good clean car. No 4-DOOR lease again were underway be- nouncea meeting ef Hie Deenocrat- and he refused the hdp that was 1951 HUDSON HORNET 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Low eect McCarthy aald. He added that the Hartford with burial in Center j tween the British charge d'affaires measures' against violators fulfillod. money,dapm. Full price $885 offered to him. He ;|i^ut ft off and lo NaHonal f ’ommlttee to be held In all three type* of totalnass Hamburg 1947 PORD 4O00R SEDAN Rwiio, heater, hydramatle. 21,000 liillra. Hke aew. |jl| truaapertatlaa. FBI is doing a "tremendous job" Cemetery, Ea.st Hartford. ■ |in Budapest and Hungarian offi- in Chicago Sept. 15. he missetl the mark/complelely. but can’t Are anybody in the gov- zones the rules prohibit ^ to ra g * In concluMlon the'mlnister polnt- /'• cials. Fresh Ground ' Black. A real buy a t ...... $395 ernment except its own employes. Felix 8. Paganl and dlap'ay materlalsyvehicles, . ed out that the mrsfiage from the 1K1 HUDSON HORNET BREEN SEDAN The trouble is. McCarthy said, Felix S. Pagani, 105 Deming St., mefChandis* or equipm^t . . . be- net i life of Felix to )(hla generation is Radio, healer, hydramatle. meml^ra of department ■ loyalty died at the Memorial Hoepital this tween the iftreet line apfd the front I contained in the words, "Seek ye 1947 OLDS 2-DOOR SEDANEm boards haven’t been acting on the morning after a long illness. A life- About Town wall of a building. j hrst the kingdom of God and His Public Records Radio, heater, h.vdramatlr. S i l Q S Information furnished by the FBI. long resident of Manchester, he The rule* do noyprohibit dis- uinn's righteouaneas'and all these things 1551 HUDSON SUPER SIX He said the FBI provided informa- WS.S employed by- the Allen Screw Members of Mons-Yprea Post, play of wares in sitfeyards, ' (men seek for) w'lll be added unto Mechaalc's.SpecUl ...... X 1959 MERCURY tion'from 40 persons to the effect Mfg. Co. of Harttord. WA9rantee Deed* British War Veterans, wtll meet 'P h a r m a c y LB. BROWN-BEAUPRE you." Ox-erdrix;e, radio, heater. Low mileage. that Rothschild was a Communist. Mr. Pagani leaves his wife. Otto Schleminger and Margaret tonight at 7:30 at the Holloran PONDBi T ka/ h MIR FATE INC. 0 P r F I "A ll men, even men In hlRK 1949 NASH AMSASSADOR 4-DOOR SEDAN SPORT SEBAN "Today’! hearing was being Pauline Reale Pagani, two sons. Srhelminger to Letitia J. Rady, Funeral Home where they will pey HU- places,” the minister said, '’need photographed for news reels and Richard and Felix; a daughter,. prop*ty at 5-7 Oak PI. their last reapeevrf to William Fin- New Drlhl/lndla, Aug. IS (PI 30 BISSELL ST. • T E L M I T C H E L I 9 - 5 2 3 4 the help that cornea from God to 1951 HUDSON HORNET 9LUB COUPE television but Rothschild, accom- Mias Josephine M. Pagani. and his Quitclaim Deed — Premier Nehru of India and AIR-CONDITIONED make .them clein and sinless and RUl. M. X.l.r...... *595 Lew mileage, radio, healer, hydramatle. 4.daor. Dark greea, radto negan. The group will then pro- MANCHfSTER CONNEC1ICUT panied by hia lawyer, Charles E. [mother, Mrs. Lucy Pagani, all of Edith E. Eaton and B Eyelyn Premier MrtinWmed All of Pak- which waa offered to all men heater aad overdrive. ceed to the Holmes Funeral Home istan mey todn^" for a second Ford, asked that the camera be I Mancheater. He also leaves two Reed to Raymond T. poutre and where they will pay their re- through JeauB Christ, klcn need to 1949 STUD. CHAMPION 4-DR. SEDAN turned away from him. McCarthy j brothers, Thomas, of Hartford, and Mary B. Poutre, property at 5-53- time to MHitInuc tbelr talks *n Frotk Nothfo be taminded today that sin la stftl 1959 HUDSON COMMODORE S OLDS GPL spects to Joseph Binks. Both M :. the futdrs of Kaahnair. granted the request.” [Hugo, of Manchester; two sisters, 55 Summ-it St. Finnegan and Mr. Binka were sin, that Immorality, profanity, Radio, heater, extra elean. - McCarthy aaid evidence already . Mrs. Vincent Borello and Mrs. An- - — , .jim UX... $745 I-ease members of the Post. ___ vulgarity, drunkenness, indiffer- taken Shows the Printing Office ; toinette Newell, both of this town, Thomas D. Colla to Denis E. CABBAGE Advertise in The Herald— It Payu ence, Intolerance, and all the rest. had an“ extremely slipshod" socur-! He was a member of St. Brid- Frechette, premises at 299'Bi;oad 1941 BUICK "Sl-S” 2-DR. 8EDANETTE Itv setup in the past. i gel's (Jhurch and of the Italian- St. for a wallpaper and paint.busi- A. 3. C. Jay Mohr, son of Mr. and FLEASE REMIMBEt!^^ WHEN YOU USE. HERALD ADVERTISING OF 1M7PONTIAO‘r .'YeaUrilay,.. .Jiiwpld. P.,. .Merold, ijunerican., Soclelj: lh.e.,MagUaneae; ------•Radki. Ueatez- _ W»E LOW production manager of the plant, Sabinb Society and Miantonomah , Marriage License------I■ Tpke.- r ...... is- spending a 12 day fur- -.$095' — ^------>rhome. He is-praaently C A R S ! U S E D C A R S ! U S E D C A R S ! A.real limy! tv Y0U’4J- „„ SEDAN OOUPE: ' . . la n - stationed qt^ ^T .' E; -Warren Warren Air.Air; — < ' any unauthorized i^rsdri" to Vmc ' day. at 9 :Sri' a. mr'fi difi' ih>' W '' P'. Friixe » a s ^ ' Cheyenile, Wyo.- ■ .19* FORD tO^OOR nO IW cheater Memorial Hospital, Aug. u. VJ. X o’*?® accrct material at the plant.- Quish yVneral Home. 225 .Main St , Uo south Methodist Church ’ MarMU. Rztoio, lieaier, ami rovenu - - McCarthy ToldiMerold he knew! andtSt Bridget;* Church at 10-a.-m.'( * Building Permit Pbliah Women’s ' Alliance, G r o ^ A fe ii beauty!i .-:r:TVtrrr: $1095 ...... there waa a “new security'set up' Burial Will be in St, James' Ceme- ' Frank J. Oworek for altera- 246, will hold a meeting tomorrow [ I f Vau Wlali Ta - V Your Ad AluM R* In ' % The Herald Office now" but commented thkt Rothe- . iv, . . tions and additions to a dwelling at 7:30 p. m. in the Pollah-Amer-' Adxrerttaa Oa 1949 PONTIAC 1947 PONTIAC chlld waa-etui employed. Friend* may rail at the funeral' . 3, Middle Tpke., »1,000. lean clubhouse on Clinton St. All Alt-COHOmONEO 1953 PLYMOUlil 2-DOOR SEDAN home from, Wednesday evening un-i ______MONDAY ) F RI D A Y 1 P . M . With Rothschild's refusal today member* are Urged to attend.' 4-Door Sedan. Radio and C I A O K Excellent mechanical eoadlttoa. Gray. Healer. to anawer questions. McCarthy 111 the hour of the servire. I.F..MON GRAHA.M A real beauty for ...... $695 Low mileage. $1795 11SW FORD S4JYL I f Vou Wish Ts ) Vour Ad Must Be In Assortod heater, hydraniaMc...... J directed ,the eubcommittee at- CRACKER FLUFF Worshipful Master Philip W il- \ The Herald Otflee torney, Roy Cohn, to "call the hea70. 13, will form In Very tiae ci>adltloa. Office and allqwed to handle secret ^tolhod- Cook marshmallows Orange hall at 7 p. m. and proceed Hard-top Coupe. Radio, heater, power ateeriug, C O A Q K i Marooa- ■ size tomatoes (about 1 I 'l : ^ water in top of double boiler to the funeral home, in final tri- I f Vou Wish T* 1 Vour Ad Must be In $1095_ automatle drive. Verj- low mileage...... material.” | V The Herald Office ------W ■ Rothschild left the witness H^u o « r hot water until marshmallow* bute to Brother Binks. Advertlaa Ou DOZ. Method: Hard-cook eggs; shell "'i'- $1295 chair, and McCarthy called Mrs. THUR5DAY y WEDNE5DAY 1 P. M. OPEN EYENINOS Gartruda Evans, an elderly white- and putlthrough ricer. Mix with B «»l •SS ^ i l . t in llmon 1552 MERCURY 2-DOOR SEDAN lobster, mayonnaise, vinegar and ■‘"‘I ‘'T fT COAL CABS BUN AWAT halrad woman, to ft. She waa 1941 S-Toae Mne. Radto, heater. Drivea f.MO mile*, S A V E salt and pepper to taste. Cut | If tau WMi Te %_____ Tour Ad Must Be. to 1944 man y oiHns aaked whether she was a member add egg-lemon mixture to marsh- Scraatoii. Pa.. Aug. 15 (A5— FREE PARKING Ne cost guerantee...... wd* ▼ m stem ends from tomatoes; slice Advwtiee Ou TT n e Herald Office PONTIAC o f the Communist party and had each in half; cut heart from, each mallows; continue cooking snd Sixteen eo*I furs. 18 * f tkeni NEXT TO STORE PONTIAC aver turned over party due* to stirring 5 minutes. Cool; beat egg loaded, r u away from tke Cur- FRIDAY ) THUR5DAY I P. M. 4-Door half and scoop out seeds. (Use 1952 UNCOLN MIOOR SEDAN / McCLURE Mra. Rothachild. whites until stiff and fold in. bondale yard* of the Detoware New tiree, new me* run hearts in some other dish.) Turn Radio and heater. HydraBaatIc. Blue. M4NCHESTEI Mrs. Evans refused to answer Spread ’ » cup of the graham * Hudaoa railroad earty today, I f Veu Wleh Te ) Tour Ad Must Be.Iu talllo Mae flalah. • Price tomatoes upside down to drain. ( ThJ Herald Office 974 MoiiTst. $150 V. P. Royal Master tlrea. Nexx’ car guaraatee. SAVE "on the basis of m y privilege under ^Sprinkle insides of tomatoes cracker crumbs over bottom of a ; sped through cllleo aad toWuo, AdverUae Ou A lot of trunaporta- AUTO CO., INC. tha fifth amendment not to be a. lightly with salt and pepper. refrigerator tray. Cover with half i past more thaa.a oeera of grade ) FRIDAY 1 P.M. la St. Hack ttou. MOTOR SELES witneaa against myself." of lemon mixture. Sprinkle another j erooolngs aad Oaally came to a 5ATURDAY $195 wu McCarthy said Mrs. Evans was a Pack filling lightly into 1-4 cup ^ HUD50N 5ALE5 AND 5IRVICE size measure; turn out into one layer of crumba and lemon miaf.l ■top aU-YatosvUle, "ST/i mile* Xinoodi wltnaaa at tha request of the Roths- ture over this and top with re-j ■way. No oae waa hurt and SIS Mala 8t. Tel, MI-*-8442—Opea EvMdugs CatU 10 P. M. PHONt child attorneys and commented: tomato cavity; fill other tomato halves the same way. Sprinkle malning crumba. Freeze until «rm i theiir waa ao damage, railroad MbcM 44427 " I must aay you’re not doing and ready to serve. Makes' 8 ’ officlala declared. T ainto r MORIARTY^-r their caua* any good." filling mound, with paprika and TORESURE- atand a perky sprig of patslev servings, DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING W m I Ceotf *» Mrs. Evans did testify that she PBOBB BUILDINO BITE Q 155 CENTER 5T. MANCHESTER worked for tha Vsterans Adminis- In center of each. Arrange on '1 • .crisp lettuce. Makes 6 servings. (Claude Harmon, former Masters 10:30 A. M .^ Y OF FUBUCATION (EXCEPT SAT. f A. M.) MlOmMrit. ToLMIUImRK^IIU SEE M cCLU R E tration for a period of about 80 champion and pro at Winged Foot, Hartford, Aug. 18 (P>— Yhie vaara atarting in 1980: is now draw- „ A high proportion of ,the total] Mamarbneck, N. Y „ ran off a state legtolaUx-o eouacll today ing ratlramant pay of $139 a month ■amed a 51-memher committee U S E D C A R S ! U S E D C A R S ! U S E D C A R S ! area of ScoUand la still deer for- string of eikht birdie* and an i®anfl|PBtfr tinning Ifiralii , from tha govsmment; and la execu- to tayeatigate a propoaed new est. says the National Geographit;.' eagle In succession on the Eas^ Uva aecrotanr of tha Prograaslv* course las^ spring. ^ State Offtee bulMlag. I p a ^ in ttM^IXatiict Odumbia. Society. • - ' ( V-: I ------Z V.TX7" ."TT^ • • ./■ / ■yi,iii

PAGEELEV^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, TUESDAY. AUGUST 18, 1958 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. T O E ^A Y . AUGUST 18. 1958 PAGE TEN Schendel to Ask Directors iana Phone BY HERSHBERGER DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLR Kitoanis Told Redd Failing Skywatch Schedule BY FONTAINB FOX FUNNY BUSINESS Shah Joins >NBRV1LLB folks Sense nnd Nonsense $2^425 fo r New D o g P o i Strike Violence ' Anawar to Prtvlou* P u ^ To Convert East Germans Wedneoday, Aug. 19 SMALL TIME BA5EBALJ. utJrjRnauitjlcaLsrAi i Italy Exiles 12 Midnight- 2 a.m...... ^ ScrMn Actor UClu|uClUflRLlCILlL3 inlnlgter mountai9 *• ■* ^ Brings Police 2a.m.- 4 a .m ...... VOLUNTWLES NEEDED □nuRaurjcjmancjn 1 Marriage la like a drug to some open the service, the old eroinan quite watt eS in the way at goode Will Seek P^rmissiot^ women. They take one dope after Pro/. Semmltr CUdnu and money, while the ordinary Baby Porcli, 4 a m - 9 a.m. ,...... Howard Potent lat-jtju acitj caticjufj began to raise the hearing devlca Back Injaries da!™:- 9 a.m! ...... VOLUNTEEBS NEEDED acr o ss DOWN M»ciurj I ic-iian*«"“ I another. and the deacon, quick aa a wink June 17 Riots Only laborer Juet gete along, and the With Wife To Let Subcontracts^ (OontUned BYom P ^ Otie) 1 Hungs In folds ciumici m rju a raHU IcAiiod ovor to h*r* In n Rtom eiki aged and Infirm are on etarvatlon f j 1 Screen actor, □auutatJ aijuaiaij Vse Police for Work E. R. Moore, head of hte com- lO ^ n . 3 p.m...... X , ...... VOLUNTBEES NEEDED I Charles -r— 1R«1 I The locomotive engineer fell sick foreboding whisper, he said: Show of Resentment diets. A/n-ntonth-old girl suffered aClLiailM UUIlkdLJLI Prof. Semmler eloeed hie talk (OamUmmsS Pretn Pag* Om I ^ p.m.* 6 p.m. . . . . V. a • • .TVq. * ... Robert Dunn, W lIllam H nn^jr I S H i s ----- name 3 Bntirt unrj iiutiu tJiJLiLj I for a few daya, one of which hap- "Now mind ye, modom, one loot biuk injuries when she felt off pany's engineering department In Sp.m.- 8 p.m. ______• .William Simpson. Bathara Waltett ""^ > 'V by aaylng that the only methoda of Police Chief Herman O. Schen-^ la Charles 4 Sharp ■ii^MiuHun ciiJU^iw Ipenad to be pay day. and he aent and oot ye go!^.. Prof. Frits Bemmler of the Ger- ■■a atraet-floor porch about noon Clinton, iwid he bellaved the dam- 8 pm -10 ...... Myra FlUgarald. Florence Plltt realetanee now open in Eaat Ger- gqgaid tha royal suite at the ex- r i - Ruppert 5 Worms nnianu asauLuakjiLi Ihla wife to collect hia money at del will sak the Board e f IMr9e4 today. 10 p.m.-12 Midnight ...... Hyatt Sutllffe, George 8 w ^ II i % 'f C Tennis strokf aLitirjrjmaurjmuuiJ divlalon headquarters. She re- man department of the University many canter around jOkaa about clusive Exceliior Hotel. age was caused by young hood- jllH e has 1 Folks who aren’t letting gnu*, tore Friday to allocaU M;425 ColletU Ventura, daughter of Volunteers may register at Civil Defense Headquarters, Municipal 7 Ages emuLJ ■ k it im r j H L ira n I turned to the house, and with a nf Connecticut told the Manchester the government, flight to the On their unexpected arrival In lums, not by strikers. portrayed grow under their feet are moat ,from the Capital ImprotomanU Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ventura After dispatching the state po- Building, Manchester on Mondays and Frldeye from 1-5 p.m. S Manner o f ufiuu I onui-i|ciucd lauapiciouB air, told her husband Kiwania Dub yeatarday that tha Waat, and tha PfotaaUnt and Baghdad Sunday the Iraqi gov- ; many —-*• likely to be In clover. Fund for the eonrtnKUon of a of Vernon, waa admitted to lice, Gov. Craig alerted the Na- ."■J. walking I thtrR WM A lot mor« nton«y In tht government of Vast Germany haa Catholic churchea. Manchester Memorial Hospital |13 P a p a l c a p e 29 On the..... - 40PieMi«g -^--- 't envelopa than he had ever brought •The riots o t Jtme tr, he ssid. .emmant had Installed, the royal new dog pound ate tha disposal tional Guard for any future vlo- save the tiny lakeside-village of cluding aasiatant U. B. A ir A ttu h e # Assert been moving too fast In their at- this afternoon for treatment. MaJ. William B. Smith, took part ;i3Cuplike .lOOgler sheltered side 91 Male bees L Ex-soldier—Sura I aaw aervlce may cause a coneiderable change couple In the eWelel guest house area Off Olcott M^Mt. k*nro. The Guard has units In Faellanden. The bomber had been I )%OmR* AiORr 41 tempt to force the people to in a briaf ceremony to ho«or the I spoons 13 T a r d y 29 Laminated 42 Royal Italian He was ready for her. Wall, in Korea. I once put over 200 men In policy. *The Ruealana may have end King Falaal mgde a call on Schendel today a contrac- c v e ^ county in the state. badly damaged during a raid over 14 Used to lade family name accept Communism. tor had gtom him an informal "’The..^r» Is one thing that must Germany and wae approaching flyer when the body finally reaehad IS Rots flax rock I honey, that’s right," he explained, out of action. - ^ , "The people of East Germany learned, ha aald, that Germans are them. water from 31 Stagger 43 Gliastly Admiring youngsUr—Gee, I bet bid of fS ^n to construct the a laglalativa committso invastlga- be maintained end that is tele- Zurich's Duebendorf military air- the lake shore. The body was lytag IS Pedal digit "1 do make pretty good money on resent their government," said Germans and must ba traated aa Nona of the five former rulers boats 35 Mine shaft 4t Love god and paint It and 92,375 tlon of tha Bring of doputy Attor- phone service,” Craig said. "And field in flames after moat crew under en American fla g . In the aiDiops of eye I my train, but there Isn’t much left you got a medal for It. Prof. Semmler, "but there Is not auch. how exiled In Italy wera at .the 15 Mimic huts 4t Pirn Ex-soldier-^Nope. 1 waa maaa to^ n stru et It wltbout painting. ney General Nalaon F. Stamler, It wiU be maintained." members had Jumped out. morgue of the nearby, town of fluid laftar I pay the fireman and the much they can do about it. The airport to meet the royal refiveea. 17 Seine 39 Citrus fruit 51 Low sand hill p/B u t the police chief aald h# who headed an Investigation of A t Kokomo seven girl pickets Only three miles from the air- Utter today, pending IdoatUlCAtMi 23 President 1 brakeman and tha conductor.’’ sergeaqL . ______■__ ' riots of June. 17 were an expres- The IrsnisR embaeev ..in. Rorng and transfer to the UnUod-Stotoa, I t Cubic meter fab.) 37 Perfumes — 54 L o w haunt ■would aak the PI rectors to permit Bergen County rackotoora...... were charged with aesault end bat- field, the pISHe dived towards the 56 Light brown eion of thla resentment and they sent no reprsaentatlvea to tery after a fight outside the ex- It was flrat dlaeovered on the 20 Canvas shelter jj fumult 31 Disencumber In ahoe repair ahop In Waahlng- Obviously were not . organliad him W act aa hia own contractor John Dickeraott, former Republi- village and the pilot, instead of I Man In cafe-C all the cook. 1 Judge Denies eirfteld. An embassy S| change In which a non-striking lake bottom on August t, by. the 22 Soak up ton, Pa.: "We Doctor Shoes, Heal resistance.** and let aubcontracU for the work. can State Chairman, testiflad he parachuting to safety, guided the 24 Obtain I never saw anything as tough as aald tha embassy was sfraltlng operator said her clothing was diver helping to raise the wnmk 0 Them, Attend 'Their Dying, arid Prof. Semmler traced the strug- A amall part 'of the work might was told by gemblere Willie and wrecked bomber into the lake. Two 23 Compound —r r"r r r I these steaks. . Inatruetlona from Tehran on what be done by police personnel, be Bollie Moretti and Joe Adonis (no torn. other crew members w'ere killed, for salvage. It wae hoped that the 'N Walfhr—You will if I call the Save Their Soles." (le between the eastern Slavic Plea for Tria l was to be their attitude towards Company spokesmen said chains plane could be raised later thle ether i people, and tha Germanic people aald. relation to Harold) that they paid but their bo^llea floated to the sur- 127-Expungers It I cook. the Bbah and queefl. Schendel aald hia original esti- 912.000 a month to Harold Adonis and barrlcadca which had hern face immediately after the crash. week, end that document! or name A consignment of tourists fol- through tha entire course of re- Most notedJirt the royal exilee used to bar non-strlfccra from leav- tags would be found permitting !30 Ventilate H corded history. The present phase mate for the Job waa 92.400. The for 19. months. A Swiss diver freed the remain- \V(/ 132 Measure of li Nothing Is to contagious as hap- lowed the guide into the gorge e* New Evidence Support* here la the tUwh’s former brother- budget for the flacal year ended ing tha Kokomo building had been positive identification of the body. Niagara Falla. When they reached of the struggle, he explained, was in-law, Fgrwk, of Egypt. removed. ing body from the crushed pilot's cloth I plneaa, nothing so healthful as last Saturday contained $1,900 for cabin laat Saturday, after nearly I. E“ 1 their desilnatlon. the gulue clean... s resurgence of the Slavic forces Sute'* Ca*e, Deci*lon ’ Esroult’s Sea Present A t Evansville a 27-year-oId 33 F i ! h eggs I good-will. Into the always disputed western the project and Schendel asked an a week of difficult work with a Mineral production In Pennsyl- - '34 Body of water his throat and said: "Now, if the From Superior Court -iMher is Ferouk’s 19-month- additional $800 In his request this striking * operator waa charged / <2? B” 0 R r 1 territory. He said that the Slavic with disorderly conduct, accused blow-torch 54 feet beiow the aur- vania ii worth well over a blUliMi **Two nior# dsyt of prsctico, door, snd I con toll tho |3S Boy’s wagon I Tears ago, long before the ad- women will please be silent lor a eon, Fuad II who was soundly year. General Manager Richard dollari a year, second only to P I peoples hope to make this occupa- sleeping In hia fathar’a villa when and 'Of hitting a temporary operator. 11 face. e-/e-s3 toltphono company to go jump in tho laka!” '39 Musical study 1 I vent o f the electronic hearing aid, moment you’ll be able to hear the Bridgeport, Aug, 18 IM)—* u p ^ Martin, however, cut t)i* I*®*. A’» Swiss and American officials, in- Texas. — w thunder of these mighty waters." tion last forever, but the course a republic was declared in Egypt. Damage Is Refiorted 43 Worthless m an elderly and slightly deaf Amer- of history has always made the lor Court Judge John H. lOttg, Only Bid Rejected An Indianapolis man was ar- • table scrap ff" lican woman traveling in Scotland Other exiles are Mihel of Ru- When bids for the conatnMtion pendulum swing back. Who can claiming the murder conf^erilon of rested by police who *ald he waa OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE ] U Diminutive of stopped at a small country church W’lfe—A letter came for you this mania, a resident of Florence, hia were opened recently the ' only G—What is an explanation for BY J. R. WILLIAMS 4 I atop the course of history? ha mother, Helen of Greece, - end trying to keep persons from en- OUT OUR W AY I Lillian I to attend Sunday services. Her morning, dear. It waa marked an Alabama prleon^ Inmate bidder asked more than 95,000. tha periodic suicide mlgrationa of "Personal. Private. Not to be asked. "etrengtbened rathw than weak- Amen Ullah, former king of Af- tha lemmings In the Arctic? tering Indiana Bell's main office. UB'&SOTN&UIMIHeWglN^R,. ' 49 Strays ■ hearing trumpet she held In her Prof. Semmler told his audience ghanlaten, exiled 80 years ago. The town rejected the bid. A t Muncie a transom was 47 Consumed k n R Au 1 lap, and the aged deacon, who had opened by person other than ad- ened" the state’B case against con- When the,Board meets Friday at A —Scientiate cannot fully ex- CHUM/— iOO HAD one WgAflON] m that there were live, political par- victed elayer Erancla C. Bmlth, The Shah's trip is the third he plain thla, but they generally broken and a stanch bomb waa. ’£ 6 ad,twi«6 s .^ an P}MHOt»*jR ^ ( F Ncxyo H/N® uAusHeo rr A 150 Uiiexploded I never seen one, eyed It and its dres.see." ties existing in East Germany. 8 p.m. in the hearing room of the i" Husband—What did it aayT haa refused Id grant Smith a new has made to Italy. egree that when lemminga exhaust thrown into the exchange. How- iaOtro_AtENACeSCLOUD AtENACeS MCr T H A T - ^ >OlfDHANK-rHI»NM^ aNE TH IW N HlfAHI*A NR bomb . I owner suspiciously..Finally, aj the These parties are all controlled Municipal Building, tha Directors ever, workara in the building were 132 Obtained f i trial. / He oeme here the first time on will be asked to consider a land their food they either atarve on OVER PS«0 PAUL CHARACTER T O O > < ^ % g ^ SO-VARD L046 -«5 W C « Ift b in one way or another by a vary Aug. 19, 1948, when he made an able to remain inside. rVM ^rriliP' M • rtw.w. — ■ S3 Trapped W Bmlth, who haa won eix re- swap in Glastonbury. land or go out to aea to drown. A AN EM8AJWAS5IN6 PHOTO O F ^ KNOWS TOU'RBr i m BY DICK TURNER small minority of regular Com- prieves from the electric chair, wee official visit to the president of popular theory is that they ere The eW A la on strike at Indi- THISI<3 LUCE THIS 7 — — --- in a .85 Hydrocarbon CARNIV4L muhlstf. The real power behind Fred Thrall, assUUht eupertn- ME 6 r r r i N 6 Ci^TiJS' runnins a 5“ NT B cWvIcted of slaying a yacht club Italy. Ha came here again on ana Bell’s 82 exchanges seeking when ,57 Woodland tendent of the WaterWete and Sewer driven by some ancient Instinct WELL. SUPPOSE'X3U 1 PLEADED WITH MM TO FSVER. HE'LL the East German throne la Walter Ohriatmaa Day, 1949, enroute higher wages and a contract to re- ^ETflDVlT, patch flig h t watchman in Greenwich July Department, explained today that toward some mysterious land they place one that expired June 2. a W pu s w e s s ^ KICK VOli 4 Ulbricht. the aaalatanl premie^ home Nom hia official visit to the T5EAL. O i C E ' - 23, 1949. ^ he proposes to exchange land own- once inhabited. cut costs t ME FDR EKTRA ; 59 Silly who affecta the manners and ap- The company’s last announced 5» German city H€ WRS EtnlRnctd to dlo tn IvftO United States. ed by the department near the — CODLLV RDINTS/ IT iA pearance of Lenin. Tha Shah’a Stay in Iraqi had offer was a raise of $3 a week iof to Depressions for the murder., bevld E. Bl«m- Roaring Brook Reservoir for a q —Which state was tha flrat to t>^De*WDBD' lNv Jj Control la m alntalne^by the thraatenad complications for that lUl plant craftsmen except helpers ettl, Stamford resident serving a parcel owned by Alvah Ruaacll In grow cotton for uaa In Industry? Communlata. the profMSbr aald. by country. In Indianapolis, Fort Wayne and controlling the y o u ^ o f the coun- long term in Kilby Priaon, Mont- the' same vicinity. • A —Georgia. gomery, Ala., swore in a deposition South Bend. A spokesman aald it BUGS BUNN Y try. Every younrsnan must,belong Tho warm welcome extended the The Ruaaall land, *Thrall ex- would make the maximum wage tft" the 9Vw>Germ aw-‘Y HANDSOME OIVIDENO of putting him on the short side given to attorneye In the Kilby 'for a group of Glastonbury con- called? (/n — The body of a U. 8. bomber Cut yomum to tor • pwaato 9h«a •* ONE of any Share of equipment, fer- Premier Mohammed Mossadegh’s pl ane t ar v real PEPAID H « [ ------ftri sumer! now receiving untreated A—Forna. pilot, trapped in the wreckage of •^wtoins acanaaey. Ort ^ w a yatir -* IMVESTDRS! V. MALON I /WONVENT,, tilizer or farm supplies. Once the __ . . triumphant government continued water. ThraU has aatlmated the a B17 flying fortreee for mora than estate I PLEASE ( Jutjge King said J*****"*, ' * roundup today of susepects in mmd tor wphaap. large farmer gave up hia attempt Uberately confes^d to a crime he g „ ^ y . , attempted coup. From a total cost at $12,000. Part of the G—How powerful gre the en- nine years, has been recovered to reatat, and took flight for the did not commit because of his im- (j,, fugitive Shah’s ap- cost of building and opefattng the gines of lugboau? from the bottom of ‘ Grelfensee Caara to aaE a s M to a fta E M i«a aarf towetora V * West,' the Eaat German govern- prlsonment in Alabama. | p- the pilot today for deliberately sec- / t. X. sw u. a ew as. The real problem foipithe Reds quitclaim deed for Mitchell Drive, engines of about 500 horee- riflcing hie life in April, 1944, to Connecticut, Judge King aald: | unoIBcial reports said police and a street which/ runs off Parker , ^gy,s*>. mtTW9 ^»f "B*«x* sxiiii■■ I »»■ V*. _ a— * . . has been the smell farmers who "H I* (Blumettl’s) treatment "V | pro-Moasadegh troops had arrest- \ love their piece of land with an Street near the reilroed croaalng P®** •AS-5AV1N* OVfRfMfVI k , “ I think h’t R little eilly, but m> wH* in tim that I 9h«uM the priaon authorities in Alabama ^ jo alleged ringleaders of the Uatorv RtoeMwr iwm9 aMdsf- abiding love, and refuse to have there. Owners of the subdivision, Q— How doss a greyhound hunt ? 999. you about fottinf 90059 fItte M ! Is harsh bv Connecticut standards pajap* attempt to oust the aged devoted entirely to. Induatro^ are cMlectlvUit Ideas shoved dokm and he may be willing to run a [ foreign Minister Miiskein A —B y eight tnstead of ecent. their throats. These men make, wtalr fnr ft r^BDltC Asd IE wArA armv James KUpetrlch, Sclentlfld Re- for It is feet enough to keep the considerable risk for a respite Fetemi admitted 14 were army frigeration Company, and Grover $S4 PER W E E K - up about 93 per cent of the from Kilby Prison if he feels there game in view. farming population, aald Prof. leaders. Mitchell. Sidewalk requiremenU BV RUSS WINl'ERBOTHAM No Love Lost BY EDGAR MARTIN la any chance that Alabama would along the 40 foot highway have How Nice BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES .Semmler, and It has been Impossl- allow ...... him to...... come.... to Connecticut G -Was Lafayette paid for hia PART TIME CHORCHES M OTO R SALES CHRIS W ELKIN, PUrieteei been waived. hie to T>tit them ell In Jell. T h e; ^ new trial for services in the Amencen Revo- 6-9 Evening, A ll Day M OAkLA.VD STREET MANCHESTER HAVE PEETTV 7>wUBE*^lt5' WOOdft.VOO government haa been trying to j gmith" Azerbaijan Head’s lution ? A LOT OF MB l I'M Saturday COMPLETE kOTE« RWfltMW? . control them by >i*lng pressure xttomeya for Smith said they A —No. t poono 7W6 I nOfl'T >$.TAyt«SOH WlTH- tactiee -In -the. deria- ON NI0E(HAI.~ANP CRtob-ia Ousting Approved Bribe CotUnt Faces Apply In • Persoifi,’' 135^' AN NOTEEO0KINTO(« 1 WINP/ TUE a A H E T E E C ^ ! goods and In the handling of jJ"(he State Supreme Court. Q Does the elbatross live en- PXLBT TltEPAy ^ c m v . .EOttE UNW41AL cisl security meastires. ; f _____ ;— ----- bany Avenue, Hartford, CONCLU-^ON^! tirely at sea ? , . , AMAir * AND I Control Industries London. Aug. IS OTt —The Su- Adonis on Arrival A/-^They com# to lend only to Conn.. Martin Parry Corp, PILLEP yOUUP, - Most heavy Induatry has now preme Soviet (Perllament) of the breed. 7:30 P. M. sharp Tuesday, JiMMy.„TCEAP .. b>«n BOrialiacd. aald the professor, Woman Interne Aierbaljan Soviet republic has Hoboken, N. J., Aug. 18 t.3P» A u g. 18. W ife m ust be IT TO LE A P M ^ hutthere 18 atlll about 23 per cent formally approved the dismieeal Harold John Adonis, 45, who G—Does ^ _ the. .. President of the WHO TOU W E K E - i , L i -V of East-^Gerntan industry In pri- Weds Satiirdav of Mir DJafer Bagirov. who was fltaeed a long, atioceaaful battle United States hold any office in present at interview. vate haneft,. Thla private Industry •Premier . . . . — of — the— republic,------_ the Baku , arainat extradition from Holland, the American Red Cross? is mostly of Hhe coiieumer goods Radio announced today, ^ g ir o v s I today to A —He is honorary chairman variety, and can,_be clSe*ly con- A wading Will diemteial• M - - topubllc----- ~— «nd ...... hi,dR d Urge...... r_* ^df society. Methodist Church Batur^y. Joining | „ , „ b e r of the ruling CommunUt w o rth s money for Wgshot Iv /7 trolled by the r a in in g of raw materials and tools from the atiato together a young l o ^ : party presidium of the U. S. S. R. * Q—Is a carrier pigeon used to controlled heavy industry.. Whole- and a woman doctor who U lnt*rH-; {^ , j ^ ^ ^ the purge n f for- - - 1- carry ~ meaaages ? sale distribution is completely con- A —No. There' while they last! JL trolled by the state but about .40 A per cent- of the retail outlets are G—le the original script of the BV a L VERMEER Star-Spangled Banner extant? Tender Thoughts MICKEY FINN It’s Elusive! LANK LEONARD atm in prii^ale hands. These prl- such A lb um s-- PRISCILLA’S POP vste retail outlets are controlled by A —Yes. no the same method aa Industry; their I'T O D A Y W E yafMMM'OMR yesliDONT a e rk ’i dIOca yesterday, J"*" ' (PremierV,- i A ^ A P *"** » deputy U. 8. GOLLY.. WMY, Y O U : B O U Q W T O U R MCINST IMEREAUVIS! I W A s T auppllea-are controlled by the state G—What is the superstition re- Classic and Popular WWAT S E N TIM E N T A L w MXt lEA < LmiN'MyLCFTAAM } 1DWi9IUWC»IAL< CAMUNOCaS . n * h i .i.e , Haeean has been in Manches- j " ‘ Nideiw (PramterV,-^ Bagirov 1 marehai clapped a pair »?»>•"'*• garding the. Moon of Baroda dia- O L D D E A R - ^ d i d I ► FIRST STEAK-_^ eOWSCAWRA/ J MtHOft.aJMOf controllednlrolled wholesaler,who. esiuer v ter since Feb. 19 when ahe arrived , once ' cuffs on Adqnlt’ wrists and took lO O M lItllK llT tS *^ BEAUTIFUU l O L D C LOUEMWm. AHlANPfCbA WIZAAD! CflOAFli-ARPAi ^ I One of the irritating effects of mond* , LOOK S A Y T H A T SI sFOTTVirwaniATav! AFEWAOLEI? A - I M l M f m One of the Irritating effects ^ j here for one yearJnternshlp. «he |®u»‘ " j,,.” Jg him to Newark to face a charge )WWAT I . M E h d O R l E S . ; . POUND f! I SOMMLIUf ZARP.aAHCy! 1 the _ . . . ______A— It U supposed to bring bad .COOLPJ .TO U C H E S s Red regime is reported to be 1 horn and raised In »eoUand.J h‘ * **P"'*'® " evading $11,889 in federal In- luck .If carried over water. l FOUMD, Y O U AT7MATBnV9 ITRAMNIIWP the unequal distribution of | r,relvlng her medical' degree S O ? IUN9Ef OriMNTAiMyt cow, the republic's parliament. come taxes in 1948. I os on j Originally sumer goods to the people. Con- q |„»ow University In 1992. SUte -Troopers then planned to , q Which U the smalleet siimer goods, said the professor, The couple became “ riWlolhle®1 take him -to Hackensack to answ^ ; planet ? selling for j are scarce and are rationed by the with each other in F^ruary,. had to a charge that he received $238,000 —Mercury, government. The Reds have found Crockett wae a patient at the hoapi- among otheh thinge. has been oc- for use in bribing public officials buriMf that a communistic society can tal when Dr. Haaaan began her In- ■ cueed of "bourgeois natioMliam, G —What le the meaning of eu- $4 to $6 ternahip here. which .In Soviet Communist Un- to protect gambling. I not, get along without the Intel- qhe name of Harold John peraonic? Dr. Haaaan today indicated she gu ege' means placing the inter- Symphonies, Concerlose Sonatas, Shows, Ilgentata. who manage industry, —. ------—, ------! i'., K i.-«.ntr*i *«i*n reoiiblic AdonU, a fowner executive clerk in 1 a —It refers to sound waves I train scientists and dorlora and intends to eontinue her medical; eats of hls'central Asian republic i ^ r g a i n ” l ,Opeiw Selections, Piano, Violin and Btrlnca | I other vital members of society. I Therefor, the IntelUgenstla are pltal staff.

=a;— e~is | S p e c i o I o n P o r t a b l e ^ . ^ 1 B Y J U E 3 L I E T U B N E B Hold It tr MERRILL BL08SER CAPTAIN EAST Lsfi-BdihMl -Rpdib-RlibtTOflfapliE] . - A . , rrS iiW iiM iw £ jiO 1 3 Vjfi^iLniirivr conir^ good Volume fteedle"(lBFl IFNCKTONOl vKormesmiepM HBHlUIAItOkD ! over) iy]^ RsMsge, brown wood IriM : UOUA FOR. )«(00 MC6 ROUT •WiTtLRIOeTakOtn /OETMiOTMER CHWlCe'. IT lA KVOURLMT HEATI NG N O W STMX - ' c tom . « f ) ! Pays for itself in fuel isv- Portable Phonographs infs! With G-E, home- War* owners report up to 50% $32.95 fuel ikved. N O W ^ 2 2 ^ ® mibf MUti Open Tues. ond Thurs THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNB Tht Two-Timer BY WILSON SCRUGGS li*e a tel caatw u see ike brighter sMe Devil To Pay BY MICHAEL OTMALLEY yie FLINT Iklaga—wbea yee're ekewiag a stick ef S E N E IA l^ iL IC TIIC Until other dsy* until 5:30- esbiikleg Wrigley’s Spearietet Cam. See NO.ftlT r s o YOU R N k a V PECIDEO TO 61VE M; a ) po nV i £kidicKIDICULOUS, Including Wedneadsy ''that TV4N* wrrwTV* ggCAK.'WHEU HAVE YOU ^TONI,$A9V/ I HA'YE haw chewieg K freskeae jam maelk. Eajey 9 p. m : KNOW ON IT/ YOUWR , to/ $StN 1H E « f iT FEW PAYS? TO STAY HOME SOME that lively weenelatflaver-elweyegteeebig. NOH90K WA TIM E ... AFTER A a I teibfyiag. Every day. Heel yawaeir M a pack- WILLIAMS age ef AiSrieee Wrigtej^ Spearaaial Geeu Msneheuter LsrRest Radio, Record, TV sod P m OIL SERVICE % AppUsnee Store HEA'nNO aad CXM>UNG INBXPINSIVE CONTRACTOR* FREE SURVEY SATtSTYINO EASY TER.M* Potterton% 341 lro«4 S»r««» 130 CenterStreet CoTRur of CR*e* McwiwWLOiri Plenty of . PsrkiRg lMU6INBIIRy| Ti^ MI-f-4S4f leouBCim..

a: LKStii L-- r V .. - ! ' '* . ' - ' U < t , - • — ; ‘ ' V . .V . / ... V •’ < - v —• • * * ' :...,U -1 - '1:

PAGE T H n n ix ii MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1968 MANCHESrER^EVEKmG HERALD, MANCHESTERv CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1958 pag e tw elve inates Bees in Extra Innings, 4 to 1 |x00 Victories Bound :ers and X Berra May I n c r e a S C Thomson Scores on Insidedhe-Park Homer ] Locals Toss Game Out Ty (iobb Selectty^ Like » Bird””—Up, Up, Up First Annual Elks Tourney All Time Squad Own Homer Mark _ _ _ - , The Window in Seventh New York. Aug 18 (A5—.Yogi ; First Place Margins Ran Francisco, Aug. 18 — Berra, who last aeaaon net a new; Tomorrow at Country Club Ty Oobb was one of the gf^htaei home' run record for Am erican; „ , . . Blow 1 to 0 Margin injl player In baseball history. Many League catchers with 30. »my Q lllv 2 ,8 8 3 P r Y tO S c C hln'l on Duka Rnlder’* two-run Pitchers’ Duel experts contend Ite had no equal. break hie own mark this year. | 7th and Then Lone Ouli] ’The hard-hitting New Tork, Giants and Phillies IPlttaburgh on OU Hodgea’ three* FHrst four*ome In the Firet An- The old Detroit star studied the badkaibp drove out hfa 21st of the | nuBl M»ncheiter Elke Oolf Touma- ; In 9th; Winner* Getj «-.k.rrm ^H W A K movements and field habits of the campaign in the first game of yes- { P l a y D o u b l e h e a d e r ; i run blast in the iiui s-s. Tha noon me^rt wUl tea off tomorrow morn-' l,iin(l. lb .. opposing pleyere. He knew both terday's twi-night doubleheader, Two Hits, Local* One Joycr. r( ...... a 0 0 0 n u Hodg.’. Homer In* at 9 o'clock at the Mancheater , Decker. .... 4 1 a 1 a II the weaknesses and the strong agfilnst the Philadelphia Athletics. Country Club. Earle aifford la gen-. LfP-fty. P ...... a 1 n 1 7 1 Brown and Beaupre had appa- ^ raircchlKl...... 4 n n 14 a n points o f those on tbe otter side. ‘ "'rT i'i rjix n . •"** '**** •’y * eral chairman of the Elka Commit-. ,... a 0 0 11 0 II tee which alao conaiata of Country i In Bid for Bat Title rent victory snatched from their cf .... a n n o n i Cobb’s all-time, all-star club, a 6 n II MAJOn LEAGUE Club Pro Alex Hackney and Joe -graap last night -at Charter Oak Lrieck. 0 0 thercforsi must commend atten ' dalphla. J?hllUaa-spUt a pair In tha o '«» # - o ir- tlon,"hs wee" bn his way to his Handley,...... ' i New York. Aug. 18 (/PI—"The Field as the Simebury -Barons. p ,i-',rrari»»o! cf ,.... a 0 0 0 a II Dodgers virtually have run off and ! Privacy. ot of th*tho apacimiBspacious Polo More than SO membera of thel patient is recovering and gaHning ...... I) a It l i ' i II home in. Olenbrook, Nsv.. when We flLaociefsH Grounds. Only 2.8M cash cus- newly formed Mancheater lodge rapidly." scored an unearned run in the topi pUSvyrt^.! ! ! ! i ! ...... a 0 0 0 6 ( 1 tagged him. hiddsn from the rest of th# cluoi, they're working bn a little in- tomers watched tha Phils wbt tha will participate. One fouraome will Major League That bulletin might well be la half ot the aevrnih to lie the acote ,,.. 5i 1 "a a: li "a n ils Is his team; first gams 5-2 and bo win tha atc- be made up of Adrian Oroot, Larry Hr THE AMIOUATED’ »E fW tramural competition to hold their sued IfKlay on the condition of at 1-all and then prouuced three Total* llruwN npRNpFP (I) P—WaHer Johasoa. WssUngton. NnMalml LragG* ond fi-0. The douhlchsader sraa tha Perry, Phil Goldaleln and Fred Batting I.4*ader» AS R H PO A K interest. Stan Muslal'a hitting as the St. iineaitied runs In t.ie ninth to de- R—Christy Matbewsoa, New York B ftU iof—Irvin. New York. .331; P^lril> third in thras dajra tetwaan the Naaaiff. Another will include Clif- Loui.s Cardinals' outfielder strives feat the Bees, 4 to 1, in a Con-; Abrnnv*. 3b 4 B ft I ft B OUnta. lo .333: Kluasawakl. Cincia* ’Their new goal is 100 victories i«;uAy, rf. p .....4 I 1 ft i ft natl. .331: Bchoendl^ntt, 8t. IjOu U. .330; two clubs. Tha Oisunt* won tlia ford. Max Schubert, Bobby Noren | for his seventh National League necticut State Alumni Little' ...... 3 ft ft t 4 I P—Graver Clevelaad Alesaader, each, well within range but 'still a Am^rirnn Boccinl. >N ...... 4 |> ft » ft 1 CampanalU. Brooklyn. .333. seriss, four games to two., and Einer Lorentaen. H P e l . batting championship. League Tournament game. Ifohenlbul.- tV ‘ <* . Cklcago (Mbs. Auna—Bnld^r, Brooklyn and Dark. mark that will keep them huaUing. All plav will be on a handicap Pluycr end club AB 154 .331 Musial currently is batting .316, K^^nev, 2b ...... 4 ft ft 1 3 ft P—Ed Walsh, Cblcsgo While Sox. New York. 33: CNlitani. Brooklyn. 30; ’The Phlla cUnchsd tha first gams Wnion, We.immrlon ...7 ...... 2 ft ^12 0 ft MusiaL St. IjOu U, 81; Aoblnaon, Brook” baaia. Clifford haa announced that Mlnnuo. Ch l c a a o ...... m .3» ninth highest in the senior circuit. Hevari. lb ... P— Eddie Plank, PMlisdeIpkU Atk THE DODGERS with 39 games with four runa in tha eighth Inning 14lt .32t> TUB LAVAL TaOJ„ winners of rickiRl. p. rf ...... 3 ft o I ft 1 lyn. 87. a Kicker'a Handicap and Blind noe'-ii. Clcvrleml ...... J-'i US .309 But a couple of good days will put the rlocky-HIlI-Newinglon com- rnwies. rf ...... 3 ft ft t ft letlcs. (LH). Kuna Baited In-^Oampanena. Brook- left need to win 22 to hit the cen- off Dave Koelo who started his Hole Tournament will be held. Menll <-. N<-w Y- oi k ...... 1 0 ft I ft lyn. Ill: Mathewa. Miiw«ukee, ir«; first gams 5-2 and bow in tha aac- BBllcr. N<-» York ...... 99 .309 him within striking distance of bined league, will play the Farm- (Uvello. If P—lisfty Grove, AtUelies. ((U f) tury mark—a figure reached by There- will be prizea from the Pro 1.54 . 306 Hodgea, Brooklyn, 101: Kluntewakl. rtn> only two other Brooklyn clubs In Gianu took tha nightcap from Kui-nn. DMrnlt ...... -jj"-' 10« ,.m5 Monte Irvin, the NL'a pace-setter. ington lUidera. winners of the toi*i» w \ I n ; (;—-MMiiev Cochrane, Atbeltim. rinnati. 93: Irvm, New York and Ennia, Shop. Kf-ll, Bnslon ...... Irvin. New York Giants' out- . . ftilO ftf»^103- 4 O—Bill Dickey, New Y ork-Y aa Philadelphia. 91. history. The Yankees will have to Andy Hansen who was maktiig his Coodman. Boston ...... -w. 116 .304 Farmington Valley National divi filmsb'Jry Hiui — Aabbarn, Phtiadelphia. 151: Playera may line up their own 14.5 . 301 fielder, has been- on the shelf with Sion, tonight at 5:15. Tonight's Manch»»ier ...... •> ftftft I r t ) ^ ft I keen. win 21 of their last 38. Yankee first start in threa yaars. fouraomea and reaervationa for rhllli-v. Philedelphla---- lyjTkman. New York, 149: Kltiaaewakl. MbIb, I'hlraxo ...... 113 .299 an injured ankle since Aug. 9, and contest marks the end of the first i R'in baii-d }n. dpft hup^^r. IB—G e o r g e SI a I • r, St. lemla Cincinnati, 143: & h o (‘ndienat. St. l»uUi« teams in the past have reached 100 • • Starting times are not necessary, Giants’ centerftelder Bobby Thomson alldes acroaa horn* plate well ahead of relay to Phlllleii calm er Df-ckcr. i.ayeiio, sacniic .Naliunsl l.eaa*r has held on to his No. 1 spot with Stan Lopata. scoring on hia inatde-the-park homer .in eighth Inning of opener of bill , t p„lo round. Th* second round will start ; ""'h ;;;,',’ '8i,n*l)ury 'a, *fown"lkown Beau Browns. 143. Dark. New York. HO. or more eight times, but not in the JOHNNY UNDBU. Umsd the 134 .339 a .339 average. Carl Furillo of the Double#—Iluaiail. St. 38; Snider. Irvin. New Ymk ...... 133 .^33 j Grounds. Giants catcher Wes Weatrum watches the action, Olanti loit opener. 5-2; but won night Wedneaday night with West Hart-1 pr. b*»c* mi h«il*./f.cRoy a. Ouay SB—Eddie Collins, AthletloS' BrookUn. 31. BJtumholti. ChlcAgo and last 11 years. Dodgers on threa hits until Bobby al umni system Fttrlllo. Brooklyn ...... JUj Brooklyn Dodgers is second with | KUl.''7.»'waki. i’lttrlnnst* 146 .331 ford lacing tha.,Bimabury Barona, ii’Ickral a. strlkeoul^I.eRnr White See. Bell, Cincinnati. 29: Robinaon, Brooklyn If both clubs make it, this woulfi Morgen opened the ninth with a Evanston, 111.— (N E Al— Five of 143 .3»> ..133 followed by Cincinnati's Ted cap. 6-0. _____ ' 7, Pl c kr a l i: hll.ydff, nuay 2 for ., SR—Honus Wagaer, Ptttsburgb and Dark, New York. 27. 8rhnrndlrni.l, SI. Brown and Beaiipi* were one nut -rim* In « 1-a Injdn**. Pic.kral 0 Jnr 1, LOCAL be the first aeaiion since 1942 to single and Snider followed with Northwestern's seven-man foot- CAniitanellii. BrookIj*n .» 3R3 127 .323 Kluszewaki at .331. plirhrr. by Ouay Pirates. Triple#—Pondy. (Thlcago and Bruton. produce a pair of 100 game cham- RobInKon. Brinikivn ...... J-J 12«1 . 321 away from victory when a streak run In >*3, pll Milwaukee, 10; Oltllam, Brooklyn. 9: his 28th bomar. In tha 11th, ball coaching staff are former IBl .320 • In the American I^eague, Mickey Guay. 8B—Harold "Pie” Trayaor, Fir Tbompaon. New York. Aabburn. Phlla- piona. In that year the Yankees Aahbm-n. rhllad^lphlA .. J72 of wiMnast striicx Denny Guay, p*.„rt huTuT rsirchlld; Inaliyt , Lindell walked Snider and Jackia Wildcat stars- Bob Voigts, .fohn Thorapsoiu New Jil 103 .31« Vernon of the Washington Sena- Browns Elimina^l (ielf^la. Bernier and O’Connell. Pitta* won 103 and the St. Louis Cardi- Robinson and Hodgsa found ths Kovatch, Don Keapr Waldo Fisher Miiaiai. St. teOuU ... 434 337 :3I6 tors la leading M-lth a .331 mark. Opponents No Longer the Ekes' starling hurler. Guay Sport Chatter LF— Joe Jarkeoa, White Sox. b u i ^ and H em ui. St. I»ula. 7. 313 999 .316 had put his team In front In the 2;ftn.' Home Rune— Mathewa. Milwaukee, nals took 106 and the series. left field stands *irith hia 26th and Alex Sarkisian. Mueller, N^w York . Minnie .MInnso of tbe fTilcago c r —’Tria Hpeaker, (W eland In 37. Kluaxewaki. Cincinnati. 36 Cam* Fp»m Flag Race fifth as he opened the Inning with In 1941 both Brookl}^ and the home run. White Sox has xoomed Into the y dlaaa. panella. Brooklyn. 32; Snider, Brookl>7i Yankees were 100-game clubs and a single to center. Cnarlie Boggini and Kiner. ChlcMn. 28. ninner-iip position only two points EARL W. YOST RF— Robe Ruth, Yankees. the Yankees won. Thq (Cardinals ’The vtctocy wss ths 10th sacrificed and an Infield out moved - Stolen Baaei—Bniton. Milwaukee. 23; straight for the Dodgers snd thsir bark- Minnie gained IS points last Louis. Aug. 1* (Ah — It was Underrate Roberts Sports Editor Maaager-4/oanle Mack, Atbieticn. Reeae, Brooklyn. 16. Oilliam and R ob- beat Philadelphia in a meeting of Pi&tce and Spahn Leading t~w-efik while Vernon tailed off four. the pitcher to third. Biizi K eenj^ No doubt but that Cobb comes inaon, Brooklyn, 14. Snider, Brooki)!), ifitfa in 17 meetings with ths last ly a matter o f time, but the St. - :' ' « it"'/ .. @ 100-game winners in 1981. Bos- Musial was hitting a lowly .256 bounced back to the mound ymh up with a mighty classy outfit. 13. pises Pirates. Louis Brow-na no longer have a Philadelphia. A u^ 18 ^ h a t I hitters before the game, he ttjPieS PitrhlnK^Burdcette, Milwaukee. 11-3. ton's 1912 Red Sox whipped the in mid-:June but has been on tlv Guay holding third. Ned L^Roy PLAYOFF CHAMPIONRHIP* GENE WHITB stole the show Some of the old time fsns around Maybe George Elliott has been reading too many fiction stories. .846; Roe. Brooklyn. 8^2, 9U0. Spahn, New York Giants and the Athletics Yogi Berra hit his 21at home In Earned Run Department rise since then. He has hit safely in chance of winning the American makes Robin R^rla, .^V»t«itly practices hitting the In- threw over the head of the first Mllwaukep. 18-5. .762: lU ddix. St. in the Nstlonsl uttle "‘8»>V •" “*e stock here put their heads together and run in the Tankesa' first g fin ^ 15 of bis last .16 games and picked phi a a 20-game winner, pnd niitali^ corners wtth eer^^ baaems.n...slkwing_ G.iiay-'}q. score, .sfries Whatever the ca'ee. England'e crack pole vaulter makes like ,a Wrd aa LiOUla. 15*6, .760; Rrakine, Brooklyn, 16 of 1910 defeated the Chicago Cubs. League pennant------i------I > — ------car- rsclog -competltloii at Rlver-picked a-coupl*-of- -teams -.they he 'creafs'the'Tiiir'aftd 'ita'Tta'teck to earth durmg -the- Brltiah Games ".'W...... *.------— 'Both the Yankees and' Dodgers romp. Whltey Ford picked up-Ws up another two points last W-eek ao'greatT 'ta in pHches. He has the Mtrher aher the tell went into rightfleld. I-esgus between Morlarty Broth-j stadium. Gene won his quell' think would give TV’s squad plen- Strlkeouta Roberta. P hi^elphia The Brownies became the first Roberta' pitching equipment and .«|| halls and strikes and some- In London. (N EA). _____ — fattened their leads last night. Tho 16th victory, tops on the ^ e w New York, Aug. 1* <>^--BiMy>=^on.y with 10 hits in 29' times at bat. • • r er* and the Fslrfleld MsrkeU will lying heat, gained the semi-final ty of competition. Would anybody 146: Ertklne. BriKiklyn. 137. M iiell, St York mound staff, but he hid to The Cards still have 40 games left American League team to be deliveiy have been the topic of tlinen pitches the equivalent of a JOHN ROOB»l9« first batter for Ixiula. IH : Haddtx. dt. l» u lf . 106: 8lm> New Yorkers won a pair of one- (The Kid) I’lerce, who ha.s; Yr.8Tr.»D*va RRai'LT* and then capped the night's per- care to try to lihprove on the fol- mont. F^Uadelphia. 103. have help from Tom Qopnuui in three straight .shutouts in hi-' mathematically eliminated from lively debates ever since he came full game. There Is aobod.v more tbe -Barons In the seventh was hit N'sIkasI (fet underway Monday night, A u g.! sided games from Philadelphia to play. formance by winning the feature lowing ? the seventh. In the atctmA game emerged as a top-flight American i iiiosl recent starts and ha.sn't been Eddie Mathews of the Milwau- to the Phllliee in the summer of aerloua about .him work than Roh- by a Guay fast tell. LeRoy walked PhllsrtriphU S-o. Nrw York J-«. 24. Second game in the best of 10-3 and 9-0 and moved nine the flag chase yesterday when Bfookiyh y PUuUMM-sh J tU). three- game series Is scheduled. It was-tbe second main evsnt Win Poa. Team A Amerirsa Meaae the Yankees opsnsd five runs, acored^on in 94 2-3 innings. Biily kee Braves tops the National 1948. Opponents underrated him at ’ erta Aad he worlta every day.” ..... after GuaK^Tiad retired two men Batting — V^rtion. waahlngton. .oST games in front o f the idle Chicago League pitcher this year, and the league-leading Yankees won Only gam** *rh*1u1*d. Wednesday night, Aug. 26. 'Third for ths local driver this season. Hs P—CY Young, Cleveland. NCAA to Investigate more then enough t i » Bob Kusavs Warren Spahn, one of the Na- | has won 16 games, his major League, in home runs with 37 and first, now sluggers like Stan If he can contihue at his present in a rpw y^uty attempted to pick K jfcAmetlrss Minoao Cblr*ro. .329; Rotpn. Cl^v^ White Sox. the first part of a twl-nlght twin giime. If necessary, will be played P-^Eddle CleoMe. While Sox. land. .320: MantI# and Bau^r, Nfw who scattered 11 Xita effecUvely tlonal's best since 1947. lead their league high, and lost seven. Brooklyn's Roy Campanella haa Musial, Tad KluszeWski, Monte pacr, Roberta will go down in his- R ogsta"off second and had the N # » VJzfc'TiV,?. rh lladflph ls l-fi. was driving car No. 250, bill against the Philadelphia A'a. Only sw York. 83: Vernoo. Wauhlnftnn.. 78 averages today. of his .seven big league campaigns, 78 triumphs for the year. The and Jackie Robinaon admit he li pitchers of all tima Last year he dmVn the ball ehided Charlie Bog- HTAMIIING* P— Rube ^ ’nddel, Athletlra (LH). -Five More Colleges Yoat, Washington, 76; Rntan. CTpvMand, has permitted 4.^ earned riin.s in diana and Gus Zernial of the Phila- the greatest although they declare pitched 330 Innings, the most in ing at 8 o’clock. The Gas Houmrs tonight at • o’clock at Mt. Nebo • • • Browns only 4iave won 41 and a g(ni and Rogers scored as Charlie 9ia ” Richards Admits iuhisox White Sox southpaw, has given up ing 36 tilts would give them only greater speed, sharper curves and bleaches trying to get Rogers at ...... 71 47 6ft2 • to win the aecond round. # IB —Lsu Gehrig, Vnnkeen. Irisli Am nm r Trio of examine their consciences clearly irolt and Barra, New York, 83. Vernon. , ha.s a 16-.1 record this year. apiece. Roaen ha.s driven in the rent seaaon two thirds gbne.e. ;Kob- 544 IV iriR Il A m o n g l no oi honestly and he who doesn't I 77 wins. better stuff. th'ril- ifii. ..' ...... 62 62 tB — Nnp LnJole, CleveMnd. Waahingtrn. 80. ' I Virgil Trucks, another While most tallies, 101. erta has worked 2.58 innings and ...... 67 57 50ft 3h‘ ,’ INTBHMBOIATB Baseball Htta—Kuenn. Detroit and Vernon. Y'eii can’t hit him when it Again In the fatal ninth it w«* j J,7rh,i ...... 6.1 51 .541 15’ . SEV'ER.AL I.OCAL men will be *S— RnbMt Mnmnvillr. Braves. School* Charaed with 1 have a comparable eln or a greater Waahlngton, 164; Pbllley. Philadelphia. DonH Have the Hitters i Sox pitching ace, is runner-up to has an outside chance of .reaching 65 League playoffs a'lll start next eotiata,’’ says Robinson. ’There Rogers who started tbe trouble. ' oinrlnnail ...... 6.1 .449 26’ a In the Hamilton. Standard sports week. A schedule U now being SB—Red Rolfr, Detroit. , . -r- 1 ^___‘ *** stone. 146: Roaen. Cleveland. 140; Mlnoon, m HKCT buy I Pierce in the American League the 4fM) mark. , ! After Long! fanned to'open the rhicasn ...... 44 7ft .186 11’ . loiBtiiifC CjOcI c 9 Onc' Arizona State's president. Dr Chicago, in . km’t a tougher eompetltor la the - 18 85 109 44 party which will make a plane trip prepared. All games are slated to LF—R«iss Young, GInnIs. Vernon. Waahlngtan. 34. ^ g M mM I with a 2.54 ERA. The veteran buslnews." Only four pitchers In modern frame, Guay hit Rogers with s PH'*h«''«*' CF—.Mel Ott. GInnts. Grady Gammage. said "Wa know Kell, Boaton. 32: Jenaen. Waahmgton. New York (N E A )—Making ib It^-^liey ices hava too much of a head B V F A R righthander, obtained from-the St. Jesse James of Red Sox Ampriraa in September to Texas. Art Pon- be played at Mt. Nebo. Again, we School Paid Athlete* there were infractions . . . our ’'Ilutt easy motion fools you," times have pitched 400 Innings or high fast ball. Wayne Decker beat ...... 71* r .681 eralz. Bill Sheekey, Jeff Koelsch RF—sum Musinl. Cnrdinnis. 29: itoodman and White, Boaton. 36. t,ouis Browns in mid-June, haa al-. more in a single.'lieason, * d Walshr out -an -Infleid ' roller to short send*-- tTKIcaxn' -.7 .’.. 7*1 46 .-6«« 9 ask, jvhy not stage a few—or ail Mnnager, John MeGmw, Glanta, house haa been put in order,’ Thlplea—Rivera. Chicago. 10; PK*'“ *'* says Irvin, "it’s unbelievable how 14 and fo m Kelly are the Sltk Town- of them at the West Side Oval ? Boaton. 8: Fox and Minoao, Chicago. Yankees la third at 2.56, on the record holder, hurled 464 Ifi Ing Rogers to third after he had fjl'v'lan-t ...... 64 5ft .561 Pos. Tenm B • Chicago, Aug. 18 (85—With the However. WalUr R. Bimaon. presi- Boone. Detroit. McDougald. New-York. mid-serles double-header, the Tan- ,j^ unreetrlcted draft. Newest Tag for Piersall fast the ball coomw at you from ...... 55 .542 16 ers listed among the Hamilton dent of the Arizona Board of Re- IN CONVERTIBLE TOPS innings. He haa 15 victories ami such a alow-, deliberate motioa." 1908 and 4>9 in 1907 for the Chi- gone to second on a wild pitch...... 68 ift 4W 22 championship baseball, basketball P— Mordecal Browns. Cubs. name of mighty Notre Dame’ added Phliley, Philadelphia and Vernon. Waah> kees left the White Sox for dead, i •That would cure all of baaa- 41ft IV, MAJOR LBAQIIE basetell scout gents. called tho NCAA action six setbacks. "Much roolness.e* says Muelal, "I cago ,Whlte Sox. Iron Man Joe Me- Decker stole second snd after phUsdophla ...... 48 69 and bowling teams, P— DIezv Drnn, St. I»uls, Onrd' to its disciplinary iist, the National Runa—Roaen. Cleveland and eight games off teU's Ilia." • • • Glnnity'^itched 434 innings for the Guay thrfw three pitches'wide of . D'irnli ...... 42 71 165 i6»; who took in the Legion baseball "arbitrary, unfair and too severe, the pace. $ Boston- INEAl —Move overidoea it," says George Kell. “ He's have never seen him get sore nod ...... 41 77 .147 19 ' Innlis. Collegiate Athletic Association i Eemlal. Philadelphia. 29; Berra. New By an unrestricted draft. Rich- EDDIE IXIPAT of the New York Glaitts in 1903, Including three the piste to LeRoy, Charlie Pick- *’ • 1-cjl* games In Bristol last week sug- P—“ Red" Ruffing. Ynnkees. York. 21; Boone. Detroit. 19; Gernert. They were the ards means tliat a major league slam a rmln bag Into the ground." KENNY IRISH suffered only turned to other' Inveatlgatlons Boaton aad Doby. Cleveland. 18. /owed 55 untainted tallies in 195 Tria speaker and Joe DiMaggio. g rV ."S t''"say. Larry dqubleheaders, and 408 in 1904. ral was brought in. He threw the gested lo Coach Wally Fortin of P—Vernon "lefty” Gomez, Ynn- FISHING LURE kind of reverses club would be limited to 40 play- 30. ’•Watching Roberts' stuff from TOOAVa GAMka one pitching loss during the 1953 today. I Boise. Idaho (8>)—Proving that Stolen Paaea—Rivera. tYilcaao. 19; 39 earned runs in 137 frames. Make room for Jimmy Piersall. Doby. "He may be crazy but not .Tack Chesbro reached 4.54 for the fourth ball to load the bases. Pete Amrrlras _ the Manchester team that Eddie kees (LH). Minoao. Chicago.l,nU.«KU, 18.Irt. Jenaen. Waahjrig-wanssiMR- that hurt...... most. ers. This in place of the more than but not j jhs dugout,” commented Pitts- Nfw Y’ork Highlanders in 1904 and season with tho American Loglon A spokesman said five more fishing luck ia where you find it, ton. *14. PhnUy, Philadelphia, 11; Bua* ahutoulft that Robin Robert-s, the major When Spoke Speaker hung up in the outfield." Fairchild went down swinging for 81 Dml* *1 rhlcasi; i»—t«l-nlsiili Wojclk be converted into a catch- P—Hubert (Dutch) Leonnrd, Red . 300 controlled by the Yankees with • burgh Coach Clyde Siikeforlt re* Vic Wallis hurled 402 for the Bos- Pils» (3-Zl »nd Krrilnw (t-Jr—r». .Itiniors —tho finale against HUI xa- Bchools are involved in chargea of Mra. C. A. Bryson of GolHater Lane, by. Waahtnrlonr 1ft—------. “ esatly could have ieaguei' only 20 game winner, is the" second out. er. Eddie played shortstop for the Son. Pitchlnc—I»pat. Np'W York. 12*2. .867; nine chain stores, the upward'Of hls spikes in 1928, they said there Doby'a latter remark refers to I cently, "a lot of us used ll>. MANCHESTER TIRE and IB—Harry Hellhmiui. Drtroll. Notre Dame—along with Michi- Strlk^^U — Pierce. Chtcago. 142. of i0(00 Jocked around by the Car- body motion but he throws out of in 1916 and Waller Johnson's top down, hauled out a 28-inch. 4*x Trucka. Chicago. 117: Parnell. Boaton But Paul Rich- stalwart haa given up 75 earnci came Joe DiMaggio to thrill fans ggy to yourself, 'Now' I've seen the Barons out in front. 2 to 1. rhlladalphla at Bn*u>n iNi-;-Byrd (Id- RONNIE DAIGIJC and Al I-a- Bantly Oil are scheduled to play SB—Rogers Hornsby, Csrdlnsls. gan State and Arizona State—was dinals on 19 farm s a smooth, easy style! 1 warmed mark was 374 in 1910. Note all . 131 »T*. Mrparmnil M3-SI. pound' rainbow trout with a lawn and Gray, Detroit. 98: W>*nn, . Cleve- ards brought the An athlete sent out on option' runs In 265 frames, New York's by patrollng center field like it everything,' but the next day he Norm Hohenthal, usually a de- riante, coaches of the National a non-league baseball game SS—Rav Chaiunan, Cleveland. reprimanded by the NCAA’s 17- land. 98. him up one day for an All-Star those endurance flRures were set pendable thrower. threVv the ball A Naltaaal SB—Stan Hark, Cubs. rake. ___ Chicago Ameri- would be subject to draft after tha Hoyt Wilhelm, with 34 earned was his private game preserve, 'shows you something greater " game and I discovered how sneaky Naw York al Brooklyn iNl Worlhlns- Little League All SUr team, wish Wednesday night st 6 st the West man . council, a policy-making cans back with more than 40 years ago. long be- into left field in an attempt to pick Side OvsI. This will be the flnal LF—Riggs Stephenson. Cubs. first year. runs In 118 Innings, is third at Time and aching heels and .After a couple of swings around fast he was." , l o p iJ-41 v « . 1.0a* ( I M i . to pass along their appreciation to group, at the close of its meeting World Series * • • fore the advent of the lively ball. Ddcker off third and both Decker . pIMaburzh al Phlladalphla INI—T-a-- game for each teem before the In- CF—Joe Dl Maggio. Yankees. 2.59.,,.,...... ------shoulders caught up with DiMag- the .American I,eagiie last nensoa, t'Palma la^lJI Va Wtmtirtna'riMOy. - -—'- all- concerned, during,„th,r S.tgte yesterday------ve-rv#' in the —Theve is hothlng extraordinary In one'reapect. Roberts" endCir-' Slid LeRoy cfosaed the plate. “ Tournament play. The locals were termediate League playoffs next ItF-Ty r5>bK. 'DefMt: Michigan State already had been ” MORE AFFLUENT Chiba TKnr 575 MAIN STREET gio in 1951. Baseball lumiharie., Pleraall was aeni lo Birmingham in Roberts' pitching form or reper- Milwaiikaa al rinclnnatl (Ni -_B 1 hia greatest- efforts • for the last maximum use of each of his To Fight Araujo pitcher threw him out? links championships. "We've got to continue playing tennis in the field of sports. It is mv athlete, is noW serving In Ja- team 'A'lll practice at Mt. Nebo. which protested loudly after the |x.ynn-Whitrtey match these .same fellows,’’ remarked The trouble with the unrestrict- MITCHELL AIR CONDITIONERS 1 half of the ninth' inning, -when he Aasaar: Neither. Since the tet- horseback riding. This stems pure- pitches. pan with the Army. Last wtekend BigBltr Ten' sa probationorobation W'as an- i prati Leary vs. winner of Fen- Richards. ‘ All we can do is keep ed draft it that It makes wnse. sent the customers away talking RECAP TIRES Eight North American animals tee’s box la . la foul territory, the TED SOUNDS OFF ly from a sentimental reason. On Tloberts concentrates more than Boston. Aug. 1,8 ((Pv—George Br\»ce tried^o get in touch with s nounced, reacted mildly to the' deH-oiorgetti match working with them." which Judging by the owne'rs' ^ t about Piersall the Great. any other pitcher todny on one of Araujo, New England llghtwetghr hibernate during the cold winter boll was foul (and dead) the mo- Boston. Aug. 18 — After actions is the biggest rap against a newspaper sports page she saw a m em ber-of his family and NCAA pronouncement. Said Ralph' Defending champion is Al Whit- a • • The Bosox. were leading. 7-5. the most Important pnrts: of pitch- boxing champion from Providence, 6.00 X16...... $5.95 and up months. Theae ere , the jum|fing ment tbe foul tip hit tlie batter, watching Tommy Umphlett snd picture of a Tennessee horse named phoned—collect—to the Msnehes- Young." athletic director: ney. Only other former champion COMING INTO THE Bronx. it. w-hen the Indians had their last ing." said Phllly Coach 4/y Prricina. R. I., and Teddy "Red Top” Davis mouee, badger, tet, gopher, wood- who atande on foul ground. "We re hoping that the Big Ten Jimmy Piersall perform in the out- Col. Mary Boy. thought he looked ter/Country Club snd was sbls to in the field is Lear>', winner I field for several days. Ted Williams Richards sal dthe Sox would have swings. Wally Westlake walked. i“and that Is control. While pltch- of Hartford, Conn., will meet Ifrh, 6.70x 15. i$6.95 and up chuck, chipmunk, raccoon and Q. How many tlmeg must , a ma- probation will be lifted soon. We round-trip TRY — like a glamor boy and bought him. contact and talk with his brother. 1951. Sharpe was runnerup 1**^ I Jokingly rmearked that maybe he to win with pitching. They had it Al Rosen lined what looked like a feature 10-round bout Aug, 31 at bear. jor league tetter go to 'bat to be are. observing all Big Ten and ..Dover, England, Aug. 18 (A5 —- '"Art. season. .. should shift from left field to cen- in three gamps, but still left on sure hit to right field. Piersall. the Boston Garden. 7.10x 15. .$7.95 and up eligible for the batting champion- NCAA rules in every way, shape Weather permitting, Florence ContesUnta are urged to get.j ter. "The way Piersall and Um- the short end. 3-to-l. Chadwick, two-time conqueror o. YOU BET A BIG NAME playing deep, raced in, somehow Tony De Marco, with a record (Pina Exchange CaalBg) ship? snd manner.” "Give us s couple of their hitters Iheir matches played this week. phlett roam around ttat outfield. the EnglUh Channel, will attempt caught the ball while it was still cf four straight knockouts in. a A. 400 official times at b a t - 'r)ie Rev. Eklwsrd P. Joyce, and we'd beat the Yankees." said in the sir and whipped it to first CSC, executive vice president of Doubles pairings are as follows: 11 emrid plant tnywlf in the middle a round-trip channel ewlm today comeback tour, will meet Bert USED TIRES FOR SALE Q. If a sutetitute batter'ia an- t •nrf Halnburdo vs 8haM> 1 *nd Just stand there while they Richards. base in the same motion, doubling Conn of South Africa, claimant to nounced and replaced by another Notre Dame, ssid Irish ^aches A 14 -mile-an-hbur wind fbrcte had used a ’'modified type of try- !?^^naahiirv 'I gobble Up everything from the foul i "But we teven’t got them, and the San Diego. Calif., secretary to Westlake. the British Empire lightweight I before getting into the tetter’s and Lovell vs Kelly and\lines to center." declared the lanky 'underthe present system the Ysn- ’The' Tribe still wasn't through, NEW TIRES AT LOW PRICES SAVE --on these brand new out." He said the unlver.sity raU off a acheduled try yeaterday. BACKS US title,, in another 10-rounder. .r i box. can he enter the game later? ^ ^ ^ 1 slugger. I keps win go on winning indefinitely. but neither ^ yvaa Piersall. Bill Curly Monroe, of Worcester, wrlll A. No. stopped the practice when it Glynn doubled and Larry Doby seek bis 21st straight professional •00 SETS OF SEAT 0OVBR| learned of it last January and in- Giorgettl and Correntl vs. Kelly " ' V. > . U j a ,. Q' Dpvg. a runner who overslides tPi'ffIKiHI 'before' Bob- Lemon---l4ned a 'rictdrie 'igklWkt Y3edf«18 EdlnOfidA y- voked "dlacipliaary meaaures’t and Leonard. 83 R«finM< " floor mo d e l s 1 and Is tagged oiif — .thbugli it is againat the coaches. He added in a J. Collins and G. Collins va Mc- acreamer toward the right field Midsummer Leaders of Hartford in! another_jKhgjIiikd )pialn he had tha base iJeatiy.jitoJafl: ExpMrf«tic«4o Boot! seats. Ptetwall, zoom ing' across «*Ten\eiRli ^ *TeiitaTi''a ^ Reid 10-rounder-on the Callahan A',C. he not _oy#Mll^e^t crcdlt • - «1A .h* Ireak-to .ho^aUbJogtejUId Fendell wad.GrtiJtert va. right "field Tike - a^'T«w -flylnr card;- •>' - '-- y y ~ ~ ~ ' - i ’'sloleh b a se ?^ ;^ “' Ouc M obilhmt u jnd4fi:by thii ttivew' up his -glove'. .at,-tbe. last --- -B y -AL MeCX-AMB IWWIO oPSfSbrt**" pey and A. Whitney. The- -ho«rt*"‘wHI^-B0t--1 »*- trierlaed- NO.- fenae w hich wae decisively handled " J. Conln*:'aiiii:ng Island track. PHONE M ANCHiSnR. MI-f.S224 TEL Ml*9*1447 Wo alao lastaB aeptte task ayatema aad sewer Base. lOpm Ontljr 7 A. M. to 8 P.M . Inclwliog Wedneaday apinner if conditions demand it^— tha ah4lM. This leaves only three racopde held 1015 M A IN STREET A.I Oaly oae, the Cuba’ Wrigley Tel. MI-9 5025 Flald, j an admittedly imusual occurrence. (Ptatribatod by NEA Service) by all the ether evsle. 1 rn ^ m id im . 7, . . .. .

f-.. ,:if\ - ' 't. _ 'm r.-;ji /' -i- ^ y: PAGE lilTKBM 1 llANCHESTER EVENING HERALDj MANCHESTER, CONN,, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1068

78 Hooaaa for Sale Tl Honowi for Salt 72 Lotfl for Salo Alderman, 71, Strikers Ignore Laniel; MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ T U E ^ A Y . AUGUST 18, 1^8^ PRICE REDUCED! Bolton, three- NEW CAPE ODD six ftniohod Mystic Man Freed Business LocatioM bedroom custom built home, 22 ft. rooms 4-t located nou WaddoU BUILDING LOTS PAGS FOURTEEN Household G ood s__ M ohool. FIrtpiaco, rocoosod radia- Slain in Home; Help Wanted—Male 55 Articles for Sale 45 for Rent 54 Uvlag room, fireplace, knotty^# Paratroops Enter Paris Hestins—Plumbing__ W SELLING OUT of Duo Therm Fier- kltchsa with dining area Bath tion, oil bornar, colorad bathroom, A few choice building Iota AllranUh. to Sd. 4| Ma t e r a r d — * * FLAOS’TONB—atones for walls, sto r e. 20’ X 4*’ at 88 Schort plus lavatory, hot water heat. tUsd baUi and kltchsn, cabinoU, 1;ennOX rumacea and v^rm air ce Super-Flame 2*1 many eloaota, oak flooring, com- in oxeellent locations. A and In PO W Exchange Hunt Gunman house fronU, fireplaces, etc. AIm ers. Save up to 809}-. Watklne street. Suitable for any type M Garage. % acre. Only *11300. jprotoctorat* bar th* R M te’a path. U8KDCARB. We Invite yemr heating. Earl Van Camp. Mitchell Carlton W. Hutchins, KltclMn pletsly inouiatsd. Waatlnsjtouaa (CratlWMd freai Vas* Om ) 1M< mDIAM CHDEF nolarcyclf. THE PERSONAL Heatslator fireplace fomui, 38 Brothers, 988 Main street.______buainaas. Steam heat juPPH^- A A tone. axporUeaetd ob otrv m prodet** eat Inepectlon of M h ojmHty.^ •-6844. at 845 each. 8” x 8” x 1/3” slate Bant reasonable. Available after 94Ut, 9-4104. LauMranial, onafnslod 9Sf tub.' iC m m rn iltm Vogs OM) ClattHM Uioroichly fuarenteed n o M ^ m Prlca » * » . T«l. Mitchell t-aiS6. Pog« OW) that tlM ellmox of th* throe- FINANCE CO. hearth tile. Bolton Notch Quar- SAVE *60 TO *135 on ««»• September 9. Call L, Pola. 30tch- AmoolU drtv*. Let 00* x UO’. Tal. (€ Radio ohortly after breakdown lesi Plymouth convertible club] HEATINO From A to Z. Conver- MANCHESTER GREEN — Now MItchsU 903M. SHERWOOD A. BEECHLER of talks between the government eornsrod atruggl* botwoofl th* aiRL'S COLUMBIA Wcycle, a ry. Mitchell 9-0817. electric and gas ranges. Watkins ell S-4632. or, Inquira rear 88 One at the first on the scene Natlonallzt-mlnded, Sultan, the coupe, re^ o and heater, maroon, year* old, excellent condition sion burners, boiler-burner unita six room ranch otylo homo. f^iU Realtor and Mrs, Albart Avjlon of 38 Tre- was Dr. Frank Mahoney, th* Noel and union leaders. In a communi- MwrtiMnenb Brothers, 988 Main street. ______school itraet. ______Reds .Seek hitherto pro-French Poohn and th* like new.' 1»#0 Chevrolet club complete heating oystema will employ several men as Branch FIELD STONE for Hreplaee and re- basomont wlUi garaga. Lugo A BARGAIN. Woodbrldg* secUon. mont St., Malden, Moos. family physician who lives two que, th* CFTC said the parley re- phone Mitchell t>734S. work guaranteed. Time paymenta Phone MI-S-<969 CLASSIFIED ADVt. coupe, color green, radio and Manager trainees. Must be high taining walla. M. Franch, Covan attention Ladles! SUp-coVsrs woodod lot. flbown>y appointment Flvo fnishsd rooms, guofe oni Col. Stanley Havener, eon of Mrs. doors away. Hs said Noel died sults were “notoriously Insuffl- French government is yet to eonis. arranged. Morlarty Brothera Tel. woodsd lot. Hot water oil heat, O^Menl In Porta heater, exceptional cendltlon. IMt acbow graduate, coUege training try, PDgrlm 3-7181. and drapes custom made. Re-up- Summer Homes for Rent 57 only. Wm. Konohl, miUder. Mitch, Stanley L. Havener of 9 Short St. almost immedlatety. elent.” ' DEPT. HOURS Naah "600” four-door, heaUr and storms and scroons, clean through- OLAflTONBURY—Now section just BOY’S a*’* BICYCU:. Mitchell Mitchell 8-5135. desirable. Age 33-88. Must have bolstering.holsterlnr BeauUful oil 8-7T78, Oleucoater, Mooe. Roundtable Noel, an insurance man by pro- The communique dscisrsd the General Auguotin OuUloum, 8:15 A. M. to 4:80 P. M. radio, overdrive, black flniah, a car. This pontlon offers a splendid PARAMOUNT Trtpla Track com availabl e Coventry Lake, four- out. Bus lln*. Good mortgago eponed. AA ion# building M s, all Ptc. Edward P. Robbins, godson Fronca’a Reoldent General, In tha s-aoM. PLUMBING AND Heating. Cow> prints, atrioes, solids. Expertly 40-FOOT RANCH, ultra modem fession, waa on th* Board of Al- CFTC had decided “to pursue lU low coat dependable car. ibU opportunity in the Consumer bination aluminum windows and ftatohed: *3 down, *3 weekly room furnished co tta r. All con- available. Only (10,900. Phone too’ frontage. Paved road. Chaet. of Rosa Ckibrol of 92 Dotroit St., action to obtain total satisfaction eeething protectoraU, flew hom* Dodge four-door, radio and heater, water pipes. Complete plumbu kitehsa-dlnlng room combination, Barbara Woods Agency. Mitchell nut Hill flocUon. Eoeott Agency, dermen for eevsral years and was COPY CLOSING TIME Finance Field. 8alary, car allow- doors. Fres astlmates givsn, M balance one year }p PVf- veniences. August 18 P**^°*^, Fall River, Mass. chairman of the Holyoke Republi- to obtain total satisfaction on th* to Paris yasterday to raport on real aoiid and ready to rou. 1M0 Biuintas Services Offered 13 systems. Complete heating sys- monUui to pay. Paramount Engl- firoplaeo, largo artistically pan t-TIOI. MltcheU 0-7008. Sgt. Edwih W. Krickoon, Jr., son Korea Talk ance, Insurance. Other beneftts in- Mrs. Pinto. hOtchell 9-7862. tember, *85 weekly. Pilgrim can City Committee and a mem- different poinU of iU program." "the extremely grave attuatlan.” FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT, Chevrolet Aero club aedan, tutone tems and oil burner. Time pay- clude group Ufe Insurance, vaca- naerlng Company, 41 Oak atraet. sUod Uving room, tbreo bodrooms, of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Erickson of menta arranged. Electric sewer 2-8838. MANCHESTER - S i x rooms, two ber of the Republican State Com- Gommunlet Threat Seen H e, took off shortly after de- MON. THRU FRL _ paint radio and heater, “ | yiraaSQ INSTALLATTONof aU tion, Hbeml savings and retirement Pbona MItchaU 8 4 m . tUe bath, fuU c e llu and attic, a RoMnooR SL, SomarviUe, Mas*. cleaiier. ’The Vincent P. Marcin N e u bua and schooL (14J00.. utfinisbod. Capo Ood, Jtiod RiMori Prspdrtf fdr Salt 74 (C •) mittee from ' the Holyoke-Chlco- A Communist threat to epread nouncing tha Sultan for issuing tional car for this year. IMS OIm I types. jjoNo jobJob too small.amau. ^ t e r dan. Apply • A. M. to 1 ^ . M.. Complete line of homo what n'eneh colonials labolod a 10:50 A.M. six convertlWe coupe, hydramatic, I — - — Co., 806 Main street Tel. MltcheU WASHED SAND, Stone, gravel, fih, Carlton W. Hutchins, MltcheU dormer, vsoUbule, fireplace, open “£vo~ o f A ia ire ria ^ p**-8pringfleld Senatorial DistricL th* strike to th* big Renault auto- Pantaluk, 40 Foster street Phone Monday wrough Friday. Evening Wanted To Rent 68 Newt that thoir eon woa freed ing Koroan peace conference U maroon, black t«q», radio and 8-4848. loam. Nuasdorf Construction Co. 9-8113, ••4694. talrway, tUe bath, aluminum GIANTd NECK HEIOHIf -S ix He and his wife war* among a mobile factory appeared to have call to Holy War.” SATURDAY 9 A. M. MltcheU 9-7S0S. hours by appointment. furnishings, appliances came on the eve of the 90th wed- include a broader memberahip GuiUsuma woa crodltad orlth dto- heater. This is one of the finest Phone kOtcheU 9-7408. quiet MIDDLE-Aged buatoeis toraa wlnSowo, doera, near new room oottods; Urge gUosod and group of western Maseachusetts flopped today. The plant reopened A PLUMBING shop at your door. FOR SALE at m fltaphan etroyt. •eroenod porch, largo woU shodof ding onniveraary of Mr. and Mrs. than Uw actual eoU f^ se who uodlng in Glooul sorliar from and cleanest convertibles avail-1 WINDOW SHADES made to order woman needs small unfurnished ochoel, bus, and owimnUag pool. Republican workers who visited thl# morning after a vacation touk cooperation w n x No time lost New work, Altera- remington DELUXE model and TV. Low overhead, Four bodroom brick home, two-car lot. ruynMiod. R o y ^ d a , Edge partlcfpatsd in the fighUhg; as Uie launching actual civil war lart able. We invite your closest in- and InstaUed. VeneOan blinds apartment. Tel. MltcheU 8-8489. Immediate oeeuponcy. Tel. Mitch- Avjion. with President snd Mrs. Bhssnbo- shutdown with machines hum- BB appreciated spection of this choice car. 1M7 tlonsj copper piping, fixtures, hot 738 Main Street ton window air coiidlUonlng unit, .attached garage. Has been ap- •U t - f t f t . d^Road. Prtoo »T300. Mrs. Avjian broke down and United Stales ho* been denoj wer In the White House last June ming. though less than the usual week in an attempt to dethrone and curtain rods. 34 hour service. water automatic heaters. Youngs- used one week. Five year guaran- savings for you at pralsod for *12.000. Any reasonable th* Sultan. But the general was Dodge four door sedan, radio and. Estimates -gladly given. YOUNG BUSlNESfl couple needs 3 ranch-house MINDEPT. We 2 Nopt. with jo y and the oldleFa ‘The . first, call to . police, w#s by complement of *7,000 worker* Dial MI-3-5121 heater, color green, ready to roll. town sinks sold. EsUmates jrtad* Hartford, Cohn. tee. MltcheU 9-9018 or MltcheU or 4 room unfurnished apartment. W r wfll 'be contfdered."R M er- have several of quoUty and. dis- father was epeechleea when the “t™ edtaUly after the—vo^; a neighbor, Edward Maekell, who were on hand. unable to prevbht Moody rioting Window Shade CO, Route M St ly gtven. C. O; Lorentsen. M ltch- 94061.------—- ...... eeted come in -and look around,- tiaetlan in a wide range of pricoa. gflbaibu for Sslo 76 U. 8. delegate Henry Cabot Lodn which took the lives of at toast IM l Chevrolet station wagon, Bolton Notch. MltcheU 9-4478. CHAMBERS FURNITURE MltcheU 9-7889. news was telephoned them. aid ha was awaken*d-by ths com- The strike o f postal, telephone good, price $180. IMI Ford pick- eU 9-7838. thsro may ba a aurprloo awaiting OsJI Modollne Smifli, Realtor. Jr..opened the general debate with and telegraph workers continued 84 persons, including 15 French- LEAVING STATE, must aeU living ^^BRNON — Attractiva four rei “ We were going to have quiet a strong plea that the peace parley motion. up. 17,000 guaranteed miles, PAINTERS AND Apprenticss. Ksy At The Green FAMILY OP Five adults n e^ 6 to you. R. O. Denton, Mitchell 9-1042 or Mitchell 2-4670^ Cape Ood. expwMkm apacOMeena PeUoe Called Is to tie up communications for th* men. COMPLETE Hand and power Uwn I GUARANTEED Plumbing and room aet, flreplact, refrigerator, 8 room apartment, centrally lo- anniversary dinner,” Mr#. Avjian be limited to the “ two aides” as Lost and Found $10M. IM# International 14-ton Btons dscorators. MltcheU 9-1808 floor. Met water oil boat. Thermo- Patrolman William Kennedy 13th day. Railroads and public In a communique issued from his mower sales and service. Motors heating. Alterations and new bed box spring, two chairs, ladder, cated. Phone MltcheU 9-8824. SINGLE— Florence street — Six SEVEN-ROOM house with attach old. "But now we’re going to have opposed to the *o-«alled round pick-up, 22,000 mUes. price w deUvery service. Gibson’s Oaisge. Hours. 9:30 A. M. to 5 I*. M rooms in attic. Oil warm air boat, $11,800. CaU MadeUne Smith, Real- a minute by a can from the Noel lyzed also by walkouts. Coat mines urged th* Country to remain calm set of toola at Watkins, Oak street gas water heaters sold and in- first class Carpenter and help- horses, two doors, lamps, etc. Tel. FAMILY OF THREE desire to rent 390 Hackmatach StreaL Inquire thlng to helebrate.” It was on this ground that down payments, bank rates. Drive stalled. ’Time paymenta arranged nice lot with 7I* frontage. 90-day tor. MltcheU 9-1642 . MltcheU residence, either by. Mrs. Noel or a were shut down. even in tha faea o f "oacrUega entrance last Saturday at 8:05 out to our new modem showroom MItchill 34W1X______e r Paitridga SlMert. MltcheU MltcheU 9-8886. * 7:30 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. or 8 -room apartment. Call 279 Hackmatack Street. Lodge opposed the Invitation of Skelley Brothers, Mitchell 9-8714 occupancy and priced at only $-4679. IS MOBB MCLEASED woman neighbor who rushed there. Some private industries were out threatening Islamic laws.” pleaae return to same spot and no and save. Always a complete se- POWER BURNERS dnd Range 9-0388. MltcheU 8-8988. _____ the Chinese Rads and the North APPLIANpE •11,800. Bhccluaiv* with the Reuben MANCHESTER — 6 room eingle; Koroans. He said it waa a question Almost Immediately. Holyoke in provincUl cities. MeUl working The Sultan tenned tha wookend queatlona will be asked, lecUon of new Dodge and Ply- Bumera expertly cleaned and ROCBCVILLE-- 94amUy, Unmecu- Panmunjom. Aug. 1* (#1—Saven- plants, construction snd chemical experienced Broadleaf tobac year LARGE FAMILY destrea to rent T. McCann "Agency, MIteheU hullt 2 years. This is what you get, ty-flve more Amorlcons rlreamed solely for the U.N. to determine off-duty police were caltM in and violence a spontaneous protaet by mouth cars on hand. Open every serviced. Let us service and re- BUd. 12 X 14 Grey cotton, Ute Inside and Out. 6 rooma and factories were among those FOUND — Adanu,-Mass., High Moving— TmcklBf— CO help. Tel. alter 8 p. m. Mitch REMOVAL SALE single house. Write Box CT, Her- 1-7700. a brick construction Cape Cod, back to freedom today as the great which countries should sit on its at least a dozen aurroundtng oom- his supporters against the procla- evening ’U1 9. Barlow Motor pair your washing machine or re- old, *78. Mitchell 9-4380. vaetlbute eiitranre, abed dormer, bath and 4 rooms with bath. Cop- munitiea were asked to assign' all affected. School class ring at Pero Or- Sales, Tolland County’s Largest Storage 20 ell 8-7788. ald. Korean war priaoner exchange en- side snd that the Communist ag mation by El Gtoeui’a fonowara of frlgerator. Metro Service Mitch- «»»-*- EVERYTHING TO BE SOLD NEW 8PA(?IOUS 8-Room SinglS;:- IVt tUed bath, living room Are- per tubing, car port, city eonven- avaiiabl* policemen to assist in the The wave of walkouts began in chard’s, ars Oakland street. Owner Dodge and Plymouth Dealer. ONE BOUDOIR chair, one wing iencea. Smollor apartment avail- ured iU third week graasors should pick their own a new Imam—leader of the "Faith- may have same by calling at ell 9-0883. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO-, YOUNG MAN to work in our luhri AT COST YOUNG COUPLE uiysntly need 8. Flreplace, two baUis, hot water place and basement fireplace, en- leareh for th* slayer. protest against government d* Phone Rockville 6-2888 or 6-4887. back chair, walnut mirrored cock- 4 or 8 room rent by September 1st. heat, breexewey and garOgs. abie within days if neceOsary. Cen- Beeides the Americans, the Rids representativas. ful,” religious chief of the Moroc- s t a n d .______local and long distanca moving, cation department. Steady Job tail table, all in excellent condi- closed rear pofch, copper plumb- Vlshinsky took isou* with this Holyoke poMc* said they feel crees .to standsrdiae—and in many can Hoslemo. ThU to a title always 1960 MERCURY four-door sedan, Automatic Washer, reg. *349.95, Mitchell 86044. M any, additions] features. S. A. tral. *10,800. Gaorgo J. Coleman, turned back 75 British and SOO cases raise—retirement ages of radio, heater, etc. Excellent con- work I packing, storage. Call MItchaU pleasant working condlUons. Coa tion. Reasonable. Mitchell 9-059* ing, hot water best, copper lead- inUrpretattoo of the armistice certain the man had invaded the prevtoualy held by ths Sultan and DOST—PASS BOOK No. SSlTTt Ia LL KINDS ot ciarpentry tact Ray Thompaon at Manchester now *246.97; Automatic Ironer, reg. . Beechler, Realtor. Phone MltcheU ers to dry weUs, all natural trim, Broker, Hartford - ConnecUcut South Korean*—50 more than government workers and to cut dition. MIchell 8-8277. I. MltcheU 9-4291. ' 3-5187. Hartford 8-1428. any time. ' MIDDJiE-AGED Couple would like Trust Co. Bldg, Tel. RocfcviUe agreement. The Korean confer Noel home to burglarize it. th* aourca o f m u ^ of hto political Notice is hereby given that P w Reaaonahle rates. Motor Sales. MltcheU 8-4184. *132, now *77.97; Disposal Unit, 84989. 2nd floor rooms unpointed. Con- the 400 dally the Reds originally The Noel ‘residence is on North surplus employes off public pay- four room rent unfurnished. Call 8-40a or 8-4719. ence, he said, should be a political authority. Book No. 881777. Issued by ’Ine 1939 BUICK Sedan. Good, depend- MANCHESTER—Packsge Deliv- reg. *124.96, now *80.37; Dish- COMBINA’nON Gas and oil stove. crete driveway. Owner says, seU ptomieed. Plaasant Street, in. what was de- rolU. MANCHESTER T. V. Servics, ARCHITECTURAL Draftsmen, ex Newington 6-2bl8. ______two-family 8-room duplex conference in-the broad meaning Fifteen Arab and Aston mom- Savings Bank of Manchester has able transportation, 896. Written ] ery. Local light trucking and washer-Sink Combination, reg. ExceUent condition. For further at- a reduced price of $11,800. VERNON—*16,806. Three-bedroom Again tomorrow, the Commu- scribed as a “ good residential The decrees were a part of a radio and T.V. speciallsta tines package delivery. Refrigenitort, perienced. WriU qualifications to —Steam heat, 3-car garage, large of the term and not merely of the bera of tbs Unltod Nations aboody been lost and ^plication has been guarantee. NO down payment. *399.95. now *255.97; Air Con- information Call Mitchell 9-9340 RELIABLE Couple with 2 children Down payment |4,B00, Hcfieard R. ranch, fuU cellar, aUding closet nleU planned the step up deUv- area.” broad program outlined by th* made to said bank for payment of 1934. Houaa aaivles esU 38.60. washers snd stove moving a lot, good location. *1$,0M. S. A. two side*. have blamed th* French for Z3 Small monthly paymenU. Cola B m G, Herald. ditioning Unit, reg. *349.96, now desire 4 or 8 room tumlehed or H o s ^ e . Mitchell 9-1107. doors, metal. eabinsts. baked eriee. They lald they would rotum It is incorrect and unjust to con- Police could not determine if Lanlei cabinet designed to aid in MltcheU 9-2188 day or night apecialty. MltcheU 9-0762._____ PRACTICALLY NEW Roger gas Beechler, Realtor. Phone MltcheU Glaoul’s actions and havs de- the amount of deposit.______Motors, 438 Center. Mitchell 9-09801 *344.97. These are all new OE unfurnished apartment In Man- enamel tils bath, leas than on* 459 Allied captives—75 Ame.'l- sider the cempoeltlon of the con- the man ran off on foot or in an saving France’s near-bankrupt YOUNG MAN tn new car agency products. One 64” Ttscy Sink, reg. range, heating unit, four burner S.8989. NEWLY PAINTED three bedroom manded that tlM V . N. intorrena f ans, 75 BriUsh and *69 South automobile he might havh parked treasury. Ib UXjLDOEER for hire. BxeaUsntl for parta clerk. High school gradu- chester or vicinity. Call Middle- Cape Cod. Attached garage. IVt year old. Largs lot. near bus and ference in the sbeence of th* la the diqtute. I BEFORE YOU Buy a used cm for hack fUl. Laadteaping and *189.95. now *113.97; Tracy Wail stagger top. Will seU or swap for MANCHESTER— Duplex 64. Top school. Carlton W. Hutchina, Koroans. It will be the largest a shdrt distance from the house. In hU speech, Laniel gave no in- AnnonneemenM 2 See Gorman Motor Sales. B ^ ck Painting— ^Pnpering 21 ate. Thte is mostly clerical work. CablnaU; used 17” Television; electric. MItchell,M467. town 8-4804. baths, oil heat, itorm windows and Chinese Communists and Nmth Frendi ooureea also expressed grading. Reasonable ratea Mitch-1 Must bt a good, honest, ateady rnnditlon. Steam-oil heat. Modem MltcheU 64182, 9-4664. singl* group returned. Koreans. Vlshinsky said. There is s haavUy-woodsd patch dication how he expecu to back Sales and Service, 386 Main Lewyt Vacuum Cleaner, reg. *89.95, screens, wall to wall carpeting in ^ up his ultimatum. Obeervera said, uneasinaea over a statement cred- SUNBEAM, Remington and Schick aU 9-OMO.______PAINTER AND PAPER Hanger, and dependaUe worker with some kitchen,Oil range: 1 kitchen kitchen. Hardwood floore. Fairly In 14 dasre, the Red* have re- Most of Russia's support in the near the Noel house. The Con- Raaors. Trade-in aUowancee al- street MltcheU 9-4571. Open sve- now *58.47. priced. Escoit Agency, Mitchell 28' living room, large Idt, six k OCXVILLE—8-famlly house one necticut River flows nearby and however, it was possible that th* ited to Abdekoled Torres, a No- 88 years’ experience. Satisfaction knowle^e of auto parta. ThU is a coal or wood range. Come and get BusincM Property hade Ireae in fenced In bark turned 1,105 of the 8,318 Araerl- voting came from the Arab and tionalist leader in n*i|Abortng lowed. RusaeU’a Alr-CondlUoned nlngs, ______^______DOOiRS OPENED, keye fitted, • 7883. nine room, one five room, one 1 a short distance away rune a set government might make greater guaranteed. WaUpaper hooka great opportunity as you will be- Also Several Small Appliances them at *10 each. Watkins Broth for Salt W yard. Walking distance to school. room. Property Just completely '•ans they claim they held, a figure Asian countries. Absentloni in- SpanUh Morocco, asking the S-na- B riber Shop, com er Oak and copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, avallabla. Raymond Tnidaau. come parts manager. Tel. Mltch- of Boston and Main* Railroad use of the armed forces to break I960 CHEVROLET tudor, FlsaUlna guns, etc., repaired. Shears, ers,9U Main street. MANCHESTER—On two acre#, six No decorating necessary, move renovated, new roof, all copper far less pereenUge-wls# than the cluded Mexico. Bolivia. Israel and tion Arab Lsagua. to furnish the Spruce. MltciieU 9-8822. Mitchell 9-1614. eU 8-8101, ask for Mr. Abbott. MEAT AND Grocery buslneee on Guatemala. No complete record of tracks. the strike. deluxe, Mue finish, original 82,000 knives, mowsrs etc., put into con- room home. Cabinet kitchen, din- right In. Phon* owner, MltcheU tubing. City conveniencea. Canlral. number of BriUelir7-870 of 921—re- Soldiers already are being us^ Sultan direct help. mUes, Uke new^ln evenr reapect. _____THOMAS COLLA <^MPLETELY Rebuilt washing one of Manchester * main streets. ..the voting. was available since More than IQO police and volun- SOLUTIONS to practically all sleep I dltlcBi for coming needt.- Braith-|pj^jjpnNG— Insl^ and wtside machine, slightly ufed. Six month Owner has other huslneaa Inter-. ing-alcove , copper phimbing. .j>fl J.. 9:8889. Flna inoome. ( 9300. Gaoiga . .J . turned. , ...... ___ _ teer searchers combed the woods, to sort mall and operate trucks Strong .Branch inUltary and. Douglas Motors, 838— : Mala. one there was no rpll call. police forces kept tight control problems—from A to *'*‘*'*'*- waits, 62 Pearl atreet. Paperhanging, floor sanding. " No LABORERS WANTED. Apply in 249 Broad Street gsrantee. Pearl's Appliance, 649 ests so la willing to sacrifice. team heat, patio, many trees Coleman, Broker, Hlrtford-Con- Brig. Oen. Ralph Osborne, chief tbe river banks and along the rail- replacing the halted Pari* buses Howard's Sleep Center, 889 Main, I MIDDLE TURNFIKE EAflT-Near Vlshinsky spoke only briefly in over cities throughout the prq- 1981 CHEVROLET sedan, radio, job too amalL Reasonabla. Joltch- person. Bolton Nrtch (juarry. Main St. Mitchell 8-7590. _ Mitchell 9 0092 afu r 7 p. m. minute to school, only $13,500. necticut Trust Co. Big., Tel. of the Munaan Provisional Cor.t- road tracks but no signs of the and subways. opposite Mary Cheney Ubrary. COMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R. Osrtton W. Hutchins. Mitchell I Benton street. Here U a raason- his opening maneuver. tectorata as tsnUon mounted in heater, beautiful jet black finish, eU 8-8372. SUMMER FURNITURE does Bbly pricad.. atk-room home, lo- Rockville 9-40a or 84719. nabd. *sid the number of Ameri- killer were turned ,up some five Wolcott, A-1 Repair. Sales on WANTED— Experienced mason out prices. 813.75 .umbrSIla tables LAWSON STYLE Simmons Hide * 9.5192, 9-4694. Vlshinsky took th* floor just as PASHA ACTS UP the native quartere. PYench ob- driven only 21,000 mUee. PoelUve- cated In nice reaidanUel section. VERNON-Oountry setting, no de cans repatriatsd probably wUl. in- hours after th* shooting. ]y like new. Douglas Motors. 888 { washing machinss, vacuum clean- laborer, Good wages. MRcheil *9.95; 849.75 I s ^ umbrsllss bed. full sixe, slightly soiled Houses for Sal6. 72 crease • when, the Reds start U. 8. Delegate Henry Cabot Lodge Police said they found a foot- Rabat. Morocco. Aug. 18 ( 8 ^ servation planes hovered overhead. Personsb______5 EXTEUtlOR PAINTING — Frss as- MANCHESTER — Owner leaving Bungalow stylo, w4u built, three velopment, custom built ranch, Jr. was ready to lead dlt with a' Main. ers, motors, small appliances. 8-8827.______' 189.50; $2.69 rain covers for glid' Mitchell 9-9883. bedrooms on second floor. Steam emptying the next prison comp. print on the Noel front lawn which Adding to France’s trouWe*. the Special precautions are 'being timatea. Mitchell 9-1888. era, $1.98: *7.95 white cocktail state, practically new, four large fireplace, large living room, Uieo strong plea to bar so-called taken to prevent U. S. Air Force OWE PROSPECT HUl School tM Welding. 180 Main atreet Phone] and heat, largt kUchan, ancloaed Several liborated Americans might have been made by the Pasha of Marrakech threatened LATE MODEL CARS TOBACCO Workere. Hangers tables, $6.50. Watkins Brothers, MANCHESTER rooms, all plastered, expansion at- bedroolhe. two twin else, urge neutral countries— India, particu- today to turn against th* French I personnel, stationed at air bases young children wUl reopen Sep- MltcheU 9-6678. ether help. MltcheU 9-9839 after tic. Sewer. Near school, bos. Sac- porch and many other featuree. kitchen, eU hot water heat, full aid they believod the next POWe escaping killer. tember 9th. Trangpoitation fum- AT LOW PRICES 985 Main Strset. Mnaical Iiwtmmenta 53 larly— from th* peace parley. if they continue to back the Sul-1 throughout the country, from Repairing Bonds— Stocks— rifice. Mitchell ••5821. Immedlata occupancy. Priced for cellar, only *18.760. Carlton W, will come from Camp No. 8 at Fingerprint experts were eum lahed. Mrs. Lela l^bur, director. Bank Bate Finance 30 to 36 antiques Refiniabed. p. m. ______’Vlshinsky also served notice moned to see It they could turn tan o f Morocco. Later he softened I being caught in the rioting. The done on any furniture. •nemi.eman. Mortgages 51 SPINNING ROD REEL. New, used In a very central location a uicfc sale. $13,800. Call Robart Hutchins. Mitchell 9-8182, 9-4694. i'?hongeong. One priaoner estt- Phone MltcheU 9-8767. Months To Pay MUSIC Instrument rental. Com- four bedroom Colonial In nice con- MANCHESTER horns with tncom*. . Smith, Inc., 96* Main otraat. that he would make a formal pro- up latent prints on the window his ton* and said he only wanted to officers’ club hers has b**n dosed 189 South Main street Phone only once. Cost *17, sacrifice for 5 . . mated It holds 200 to 300 Ame-n- 1951 Studebaker Land Crutser.— PTBST AND Second mortgages Salesmen Wanted 56-A plete line o f inetruments. Rental dition. . Haa fireplace, oil heat, Two-tamUy duplex on bus Un*. Mitchell •-8t41. VERNON — Modemlaed CtHonlal. ran* captured In the early month* posal at the regular' fall sesaton which the gunman jimmied. warn th* French. and mU Air Force families have A LIBBRAL Hoapitallsatlon ^ Overdrive, fully equipped. MltcheU 3-6643.______813. Mitchell 3-6709. appUeu to purchasa price. Rep- of th* General Aesembly for the Known for 40 yean as France’s I been ordered to keep oft ths •urglcal plan offered by Mutual of 'bought for our own account. Fast stosrn window* and tcreen* and Ons aide has four rooms, other, Nine room*, two baths, on# l a v a - f i jf h t l n g . 1951 Studebaker Commander—Au- confidential service. Manchester SALESMAN — National Company, reaentlng Olds, Selmer. Bach, one car garage. Lot is 60' x 160' side, eight rooms. Two separate . LOVELY 8 room aingte, 8 down 2 tory. Up-to-date hot wator-ou I qvo days of bad weather, the eating of Red C3itna os a member best friend in thl* etrife-rtdden | stroets. Omaha. Investigate. P h «» y«>t»r MASON, STONE- contractor and needs one ambitioua man to assist up. Hot water beat, flr ^ s r e . tile North African protectorate, Pasha tomatic drive, equipped. Investment Corp-. *** Main Bnilding Materials 47 Pedlar and Bundy. Msttar’s Music Priced at *16,800. heettng units. Many poe*IMIItlee.' furnace. Terrace ' U. N. Command reported, pre- of the U. N. lo<^ agent. MltcheU 9-7876. cement work. Valentino BeUucci, in developing sales oyganUatlon bath. In exceUent condition, good Thaml El Glaoul to a bltUr foe of 1950 Studebaker Commander Star- Fern street. Call MltcheU 9-8481, street. Phone MltcheU 3-5416. Studio, 177 McKea Mltdisll Call for further information. Full $.1 acres. E^cott Agency, MltcheU vented sMpment of Red prisoners The seat of Chin* can and must Path Milieu Stuffed Eggptaat With Cbeeoe* light Coupe — Overdrive. fuUy for Connecticut. Phone Manches- 3-7500. prica $13,800. Other listings avail- location, nicely landscaped. 8. A. be' occupied by the repreaenUtiv* Sultan Sidl Mohammed Bed '*«>'»» p AT.TARD’S DRIVING SCHOOL— 6 to 8 a. m. and 8 to 7:80 p. m. NA’nONAL BUILDERS ••7*88. I from Kof# Island to Panmunjom ’ Manchester’a oldest.” Thousanda equipped. . ter MltcheU 9-8484, 9 to 13 a.m. T. J. CROCKETT able. Allc* Clampet, Raaltor. Beechler, Realtor. Phone Mltch- of th* central government of the Women Skould Mature or sef, titular ruler------and— nominal m. I Ingredients: 1 small eggplant SUPPLIES Broker eU S4969. VERNON TXpprotfmately spiritual leader of all Morocco. The 1 J j . j cup tot, 1-2 of accident free InatrucUon hours. 1961 Studebaker Champion SUr- furniture Refinlshing, anUquel Help Wanted—Female 35 Phona Mitchell 9-484$. All telek. Largs Uving North Koreans Wednesday and People’* Republic of Chin a,” Risk Being Faded Copies light Coupe — Overdrive, fuUy ] AUTOMOBILE Salesman, must - MONTHLY SPECIALS! 244 MAIN STREET . 1 fierce Berber tribesmen who w p- j ^ finely diced 8 ------with'careful groomingt She-isn’t 420 Dawnport Ayenue 8- 080 or M r,' Whitchor, MItchsU “Tiiey brought the food in wood- dSing isdmeQiWer hbout th# Sultan. SUr to criimbs; add rnuuiroomo, ard from Durant St., Manchester, 1938 OLDSMOBILE sedan. Good, night. MltcheU 9-1847. worker and typist. Five days. 40 niother work* or shops. Licensed | Manchester. You will marvel at MANCHESTER — Four rooms, GOOD BUYS-Three, family home. TWO LOTS, southwest com sr at The main deboU on th* Korean a good-looking woman of 35. but In the complex oituaUon, to* New Haven, Conftecticut the cleanliness of this building. 9-9581. / en troughs. It was souply sorg- including liquid from can, salt, or vicinity (2nd ehift). Call Mltch- clean car. Low price transporta- hours, good pay, benefits. Only home. Cali Mitchell 9-8801. expandable, dormer windows, oil In fine condition. Furnaces. Two. Windemer# street and Irving peace conference was delayed tem- a poor copy of the woman she was French have been placed in toe pepper and parsley. 3Clx well and experienced need apply. Box D, Children accepted. Central. Priced street. High and dry with sewer* hum and rict. Of course you had eU 9-9882^^______tion, *49. No down payment. Small Telephone, sTste -7-3597 heat, excellent location, large car garaga. Large garden apace. OOVENTRI^ — Nearly new five meat In your sorghum — worms porarily by Vishlnsky’e proposal. at 25. position of having to defend— , spresd over sUcea of eggplant to monthly payments. Cole Motors. Herald. - eo reasonable, you'll gasp! Be in street. Inquire 270 Oak etreet, Household Services lot. Sale price *9,900. $13,500. ‘Two-family horn# of osper- room ranch, Attached gkrege, In the sorghum, that is. She hasn’t realized that the kind uqder long standing treaties—the pie plate. Top layer of fUltog with RIDERS WANTED. 7 asm . to 8:80 Mitchell 9-09*0.______WILL CARE FOR ChUdren in my | sure and see this one. Mrs. Dor- Offered 13-A lally good construction. Lot us ROOCVILLE—Tbl* tract of land bresxewsy. large kitchen, fire- of helplessness that is appealing in Sultan who has fought against rematotof browned slices of egg- p. m. Going to the Armory park- home, days. Box KJ, Herald. sey, 14 Arch street. SIX-ROOM COLONIAL plus sun: show you the vacant apartment. “At times there wee enough for a young woman seems careless and ing lot, Hartford. Will pick up any- 1981 FORD Station wagon, one TYPIST CLERK WANTED enough for approximately 10 build- place, full cellar, combination all of us. At timee there wasn't.” Hospit^ Notes their rule over Morocco and haa plant. nace cheese evenly over WEAVING o f bums, moth holes Diamonds— Watches with porch. Steam heat. oil.. I'v $12,600. HsdeUnc Smith, Realtor. aluminum storms. Scenic view. scatterbrained ih a woman. top. Bake to moderate (375F) oven where. Phone MltcheU 9-8947,' owner, good condition. Inquire 249 | Girl to do general office work jq PLEASANT Fumiahed room bath*. All , city utilities, excel- ing lots is in Ui* heart of tht city Other liberated Aaqs'^tans again .Hided with Nationalist demands and. torn clothing, boisery. rim* my L . Jtwelry eeml-private kitchen-- privileges. MltcheU •-1842.. 3-4*79, , *18300. Gsttoi Co.. Hartford M198, She's, not yet learned, th cairy unttt eggptoftt is don* and ftlltog.. Broad street. •—”• and iypfh*. Business training or WANTED—To do typing in lent cohdltibh. one car garage.' with 'water and aewerag* avalU told or fellow prisoners beinp tak- A DM ITTED TESTERDAYr for indepwadenca.----- handbag repaired, tipper r^ homS. Phone MltcheU 8-6981. One block from Main street. DYtnlnRD Manch^DtDr MitrlKftU an enthusiastic approach to a new iln Pari* it was learned toe For- la kot, about 30 minutes. Makes 4 good office experience required. LEONARD W, YOST, Jsweler, rs- West Side. Full price *15,700. MANCHESTER—Eight room Dutch able, ' Very ettractively, priced. en away by the Reds at about the Mrs. Leona Bleu, 26 Drive G; Antomobilcs for ’Sale 4 FOR SALE or awap for older model placement, umbrellas repaired 1 MltcheU 9.4438. >if46. Interest through to completion. eign Office put in a hasty call to feneroosaervtogs.— '------i Attractive salary. Insurance bene- pairs, adjusts watches expertly. colonial with immediate occupen- George J. Coleman, Broker, Hsrt- time they were scheduled for re- Raymond Benson. 399 Hackma- and cash 1962 Plymouth Cam- men’a ahlrt coUars reveraed and ANDOVER Four rooms, expand- fordCoiuiecttcut Trust Co. Bldg, She’s lost ths reapect o f those who th* Pasha this morning to ask for Note; If salted cracker crumbs 1947' CHEVROLET AE^SEDAN. bridge sedan. Low mileage. Make fits and working conditions. Doga—-Blrda—Pets 41 Reasonable prices. Open daily. LARGE. A’ITRACTIVE room with rv. Large rooms, flraplac*. mod- patriation. tack St.: Mrs. Annette Krlsloff, know her well enough to realize replaced. Marlow’s Uttle Mend- able. oil heat, dormer windows, i Tel. RockvUI* 8-4045 or 8-4710. "They took away at least 40." clarificsUon of: the newspaper in- ore used, use 1 4 teespoon ealL R ^ o , heater. Ffne' condition me an offer. MltcheU 9-8952. Apply In Person At Thureday evenings. 129 Spruce all light housekeeping facilities ern kitchen, full bath snd Uva- BOLTON—4H room Cape Cod. (8,- 308 School St.; Raymond Sheri- that what she is excited about now ing Shop. nil conveniences, good condition. tory, one-car garage. Asking pries 'Sgt.,George W. Burke of Saratoga terview. It was probaW* the throughout. BeauUful tutone blue ALDON SPINNING street MltcheU 0-4387. fully attached. Inquire 101 Chest- 700. Cali MltcheU 9-3854. dan. Windemer# Av*.. RockvUle; will be forgotten in a few weeks’ PUREBRED Cocker flpaniele. five Full price *9,500. Less than $i8;i00. Alice asm pet. Realtor. Springs, N. Y. recalled. "They just Pasha’s new statement-was lesued A Hawaiian dancer canceled a flniah. Priced right to see. DoUg- FLAT FINISH Hqlland window MILLS CORP. nut atreet. BUILDING LOT In AA sons. In- J e * ^ Mitkus, Buckland; Mrs. time. state engagement because of a Ua Motors, 883 Main street. USED CARS AND TRUCKS TslcottvUle, Conn. weeks old. Tan. kiltehell 9-7884. *3,000 down. MltcheU 9-4,543. quifo at 278 Hackmatack Street. SOUTH COVENTRY—Do you havo pulled them out after telling them Ruth Preiealer. Sunset Dr... Rock- after this call). ahadaa, made to measure. AU Garden— ^Farm— ^Dairy a large family? Price *12.800. Ap- Still Wants Admiration Warning_ that only French Union wrenched knee, Couldn't she 1947 Ford 1 Ton Pickup— FuU price metal Venetian blinda' at a new Or Call MltcheU 3-5128 FURNISHED Room, aultSMe for •we don't know where you're vll)s: Ali*oos# Real*. 74 Wood- 1947 BUICK Sedan, -Very.claan. Ex- Y^EDIGRXBD Cocker flpsniel pup------— Products ------50 working -girt. Kitchen privUege#-. EAST- WINDSOR*— Five Room proxlmaUly *4,000 cash needed, to going;’" ------:------: .. J.an* stUl expects^oj^ers to like troops guvdtog.thia North African lohoke it off I *3'96...... low price. Xeya niWe while you pies, Mack, alx weeka eld. Call | Ranch, one year old. Three bed- land St.; Mfa. Mabel London.: An- and admire her for no better rea- ceUent mechanlcaUy. Good Ures. Phone Mitchell 9-8138. buy this eight room homo built in “If you were too popular you 1948 Chevrolet 1 Ton Pickup—Ex- wait. Marlow’i. SEWING MACHINE Operator#. Ap- Mitchell 9-8289 any Ume. rooms, hot water heat; oil. Full PrtHy Twoiom# For Sirit 1947. Garage. Boat bouse, full cel- dover; (Zeorg* Sewchuk, 19 Uome-1 j , Jane. She Written guarantee. Priced low. Matching Itret & Bflfg Sat stood a good chance of being taken Kasy terms. Cede Motors, 486 Cen- ceUent condition. Motor over- ply Ka-Klar Cloth Toy Co., €0 Hil GLADIOLUSES For Sale at 884 ROOM FOR RENT with kitchen basement. Assume G.I. 4% la r. F irst. floor. fireplace, bath- I stead 81,: Mrs. Angelina Janis. 149 ;• realised that though friends ter, MltcheU 9-0980, ______hauled end brakes rellned. *698. Hard street. PERSIAN KITTENS, adorable Buch Hill Rood. MltcheU 8-8664. privliegeS, private home, for wom- mortgege. Full , price *11.800. room, modem kitchen, oak floore, out. Tb* guy* they took were else-1 cooper KlU 8U; MM. Elite Gustaf- may be made easily it takes 1961 Chevrolet 14 Ton Pickup— BaiUHne—Contracting 14 pure bred, house pets. Lombardo, an or ^ rl. Mitchell 9-1596. Approximately *1,500- down. elfled as ’ReacUonarisa’ ” orison-jfapl* St.: ANred WoeBc, thoughtfulness, cooperation, and TOMATOB»—10c pound. Bring open stairway, plaatered waUa, 3948 caiEVROLETS—Two to choose 2,700 miles. Only *895. YOUNG WOMAN wanted for turn- Coventry Pilgrim 2-6877. a 8992 1182 sq. feet floor epace. Three ers who itubbornlv resisted Com -' g2 'p oster St.; Robert Rtvem, the willingness to carry one’s part WE CAN BUIU) you a garage 57 Florence MANCHESTER — Two-Family. 5 IHf ONlY UN.IiKY (IT IRAP from. One Fordor. one Tudor. 1951 Chevrolet Coupe — Loaded ing toys. Apply Kaklar Toy Co., 80 your own basket ROOM WITH light housekeeping bedrooms (Uid large sleeping porch munist indoctrination. { Helton Lake. o f the load to keep their admira- for *M complete. If you need one Hilliard atreet. PSDIGREED COLLIE. tri-cMored Street. fscUltlee for working girl or wom- and 5. plus four-room expand- '■rv USING THPOWAVt AY JAR^. Both ^ have radio and heater. with accessories. P^iU price only JUMPgfi secobd floor. 988 eq. ft- floor epaco. Th* U. N. (Command, mean-1 j ^dxu t TED TODAY: Bruce tion and respect. D ^ l a s Motori, 833 Main street. *1095. it:* a bargain. EsUmatea also male. Free to family offering him an. Mitchell 9-2776-MItchell 3-5006. able single. Nice condition. while, reportedly wa* readv to re-; ucNeish. U5 Oxford St. HOUSEWIVES — Need extra a good home in country. Wonder- Eacott Atency, Mltcholl 9-7888. It would |«y Jane, as it would 1949 Chevrolet Fordor De Luxe— gtven on large garagea, breexe Business posslblllUea. Extra new demand* for the return of b IRTH YESTERDAY; a dsugh- 1988 FORD SEDAN — Complete Excellent condition, *995. ways, porches, dormers, eto. For money? We have an income plan ful disposition. Mitchell 8-8886. PKARS *1 M basket. Bring own BEDROOM-TO Rent, near Center. large lot. This one could be an pay *oy woman, to take slock of KING' Allted prleoner*. j jjr. and Mr*. Thadeus ICry- herself and find out if she has been FLY motor overhaul. Any rew n ab le 1951' Cheyrolet Do Luxe Tudor— fuU particulars, call W. G. Me to help you. RellaMe. neat iqipear- container. 114 Oak atreet. Gentleman preferred. MltcheU excellent investment. Sale price Wanted—Real Eatate 77 UMIi, U*P$ sad NIUS fU** price considered. Call MltcheU NaUy A Sons. Tsl. MltcheU 9-9993, Ing mothers of school age children VERY NIC® email croes breed -5331. 37 Foster St. A strong statement wa* expect-1 ,iak. 65 Green, Rd. , marking time, instead of becoming Fully equipped. The car you’d puppies. Zimmerman's, Kennels, TOMATOES—Pick your own.' BOc *15,800. ed to he handed to th* Oommu-1 BIRTHS JO D AY: a son to Mr. Oeitid* ttf*r* Tkty $ ••' 94689 after 6 p. m. coii qualify. Write Box C, Herald. CONSIDERING SELLING a more mature and responsible Y**r $ 59 really love to own. *1396. SPECIALIZING Ir custom buUt jtk t St. MltcheU 8-6387. basket. Bring basket. Comer Bush nisi* Tuesday, but a meeting of ; and Mrs. Woedrow Duckett, Mans- MANCHESTER—If you are look- YOLTR P R O P E R T Y ? I a n d ___ person. V*vr Yard, Pattk *r Patia af 3948 NASH Super 600 Qub coupe, 1960 Buick Super Fordor — Fully garages, coaerst* floors, also *1' COUNSELOR. Over 18, chlldren'e Hill Road and Bell atreet. South ing for Cape Cods. Colonlel*. th* Joint Committee for the Re-1 field Depot: a eon to Mr. and Mm . equipped, jet black, *1405. Boarders Wanted 59-A Without obligation to you, wa It’s ESd when s woman of 30 is nhky, DiMaM iMri** ntii. radio, heater. In exceUent condi- tsratlons, additions, cabinets, summer camp for balance of sea- Manchester. ' Ranch House* or Two-Fsmlly patriation of .Prisoners of War was George Pate. 58 Willard Rd. a faded copy of whst she was at tion throughout. Seeing is believ- son. Kindergarten group. CaU Poultry and Supplies --^43 will appralae or make you a cash po.‘>tponed at the last minute at Ivrins lO M wiTk «*nd*r SEE BUD MICHALAK ceilings and dormer erection. CsU Home*, we have several from offer for property. Se« us before DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: 20. And when at 40 she is still ciMmical FlY TOXIN kriK#* I AMItfiC ing Douglas Motors. 333 Main MltcheU 9-0474. CANNING IDMATOES $1 basket. ROOM AND BOARD for gentle- Allied request until Wednesday. laT The Working Man’s Friend Frank Contoia. MltcheU 3-5332. BROAD-BREASTED Bronx# Tur- Petersen Farm. Demlng street, *6,900 to *30.000. you sell. Mr*. Lucy Tlzlant. Stafford just less attractive version of tar* dM ih ta miHiaat af.flin. man. MltcheU 3-7675. The soiirce said tne U.N,. com- I THIN. ' FOR A GOOD Used car or a new I HARTFORD ROAD WANTED—Reliable woman to care keys, fresh frosen, 10 to 33 Wapplng. MltcheU 3-8864. BRAE-BURN REALTY Springs: Mrs-.^Ros* Wsrbeck snd whst she was at 30^ U<* a«y e»arl, aiay*»*alM Iltriitt [IF y o u I ntend to build CaU mand statement would be "very Oldsmobile with Rocket e n ^ e USED CARS for two children from 4:80 to 1:80 pounds, flehaub’s Turksy Farm, Phone xntehell 3-9273. son, RFD 2,'Aock'ville; Mr*. Prim- (.All rights reaerved, • r na*** Ikrcwaway jar. I your new home, or do any repair- hot" and pro'nably would '(1)' de- contact A1 Catalano, at the Man- 270 Hartford Road a. m. No housework. CsU MItobeU 188 HUlstown Road. CUCUMBERS—Pick your own. 60c Country Board— rose Arepdl and daughter. RFD 1. NEA Service, Inc.) ing, see WUlism Ksnehl, Ckintrac- a basket. Bring own container. THE ELLSWORTH MITTEN LISTINGS WANTED — Single, mand Oommunist aaeurancas that Rockville; Mrs. Betty Davie*. 99 . Chester Motor Sales. MltcheU | 9-7988. Resorts 60 tor and Builder. Phone MltcheU Robotto'a Farm, Birch Mountain AGENCY two-family, three-family, buai- they will return all POW* and (2» Ridge St. The deal of two year* ago which ItaiNlMriM’ PlinUit ( SiwlT Compaiy 3-4184. ______Articles for Sale 45 Realtors nest property. Hav* many cash answer Red charges of atrocities 3-7773. WANTED—Dependable woman to Road. LICENSED BOARDING home for DISCHARGED TODAY; Mm . aant Jolinny Sain from the Brave* F. T. BUSH, JI^ Pres. «nd Tit m. 3949 DODGE Panel truck. Low I Auto Acceasoriefl—Tires 6 clean seven rpom Manchester Mitchell 3-8930 or buyers. ' Mortgages arranged. tn U.N. POW camps. VENETIAN-BLINDS Uie aged. Mr. and Mrs. fUrhard, Betty Aronson. 606 Gardner St.; ‘ to the Yankee* for Lew Burdette mUeage, clean, good Ures, good home thoroughly, once a week. Pleas* call Georg* L. Grazladio. Reds Talk Of UN Oampa . Mr*. Theresa Noble and daughter, ha« been pei’ing off for both “IF IT’S HARpWARE WE HAVE IT" BATTERIES — Famous makes, I liaat (^laUty Only Household Goods 51 30 Weal Road. Rockville 5-5772. Mr. Whltcher, Mitchell 9-9.531 Realtor. Mitchell 9-5878. 109 ____ nincJng 8®“ *hV^ ,PIlgrlro.,3-76J3. _ „..CsroiTiMnlst . propaganda miUs Bouto, eoyeslrx.:, M.cs; k '»'« teama----- —^------— ___ _ , Doughnut Company, 84* Main] *8;9srWriHeh guafantes;“*i down. l •'AlooRecwidlth 'H e i^ 'iti^ t... ' eontlimsd to pour out atories Of »T7 MAIN STR^T^^"...... - ...... PHONR NI4U425. WHAT A BARGAIN! A’TLANTIC Apartments, Block Is Ufeon. 31 Maple St.; Mrs. June | street after 7:80 p. m..Tel. Mltch- *1 weekly. Cole Motors, 436 Center | GIRL, 18-18 Waitress at children’s Tapes and Cords by Yard land, R. I. Apartments still avail what they call tha brutality and LISTINGS wanted — Stogie Johneen and daughter. North eU 9-'l888 or Mitchell 9-8249. ____ street. MltcheU 6-0980. GREAT EASTERN summer camp for one week. <^I ______3 ROOMS FimNITURE able unUi Sept. 12. I ^ m s by the horroM of U.N. POW camp*. - a.a.4-«lly bouees, muII Windham; Mi*,. Lsure Mstu^hsk,^ Timaien: »04T4i*^-; — w s a a b d 'weeii'en'd; ho'riSsrVaQBit’ Notica. GohimunlBt Peipiag Radio Tnaa^ l.-^< . « A [fiU D i^ ''tjaiTER JpttW." , HOOPING AND ~ riN D E L L M in a o a . 179 CiraBar, Si.; Alphonse ROater sale prices on tires. Goodyear, WANTED—Girl for stock' fbom. Dlhetle Sel,' 1111*8, “Lamps, Tables needed. "Write ' ’ ah'd ' “stale"' when *** f o l d - o f 74 Woodlaii«1-8t.: Joseph'MllTfU*.’*’ cdMtfttJcrioNco. MI-S-486B ------WITH AN J Zo^ng Board .of Appealg and Coventry. Large list of tay- 5*p,iriate, Mu K1 Na. who OLWBRr’ S Firestone. Goodrich, Pennsylvania Five day week. Steady work, num: 4*5 East Middl* TumplkS you’re coming and how many. P. era BThgt liavs youT Mortgligai BuektoMlr Mm . Mary Watson. LifeUme guarantees, lifetime road 24 Oak Street erous benefits. Must apply in per klectric refrigerator G. Box 94, High St., Block Island, "waa caught by e*i:y> guard* Hartford: Stuart Dillon. 3 North Town of Bolton arranged. Howaid R. HasUiigy, drawing the Korean (Communist WE OFFER: PERSONALLY SELECTED haxard guarantees plus aUowonc* son. Manchester Coat, Apron and BE SURE —> Buy Chtce aU alum- ”DE LUXE” RANGE • R. I. MUehell 9-1107. Elm St.; Roland Miclette, South on your old tires, 91 Center. RE-SIDING SPEQALISTS Towel Co., 73 Summit St., inum windows. Also 'aelf-etoring • F O R O N L Y A meeting of the Zoning BosrJ flag on a wall.” Coventry; Sandra Resvlel, 55 Con- USED CARS doors. CaU MRchaU 9-9006 for free *339 of Appeals, Town of Bolton. Conn^ ARE YOU READY to eell your "He was stripped by the Ameri- way ltd.; Ajmi* LaFland, RFD ' App^stora of ssbeetoe.^ ^ ^ tle Apartments— Fiats— cans of all hU clothes.” Peiping SUBJECT TO PRIOR M LE BAKERY SALES LADY, houre esUmatas. BUI Tunaky. Only“*14.M Month will be held Thursday, August 20 home? W* kav* buysM waiting Rockville. Aiifn nrivino School 7.A •**“**•*’ to 7 p. m. Apply morning*. No Tee, these are used, but'in good Tenements . 63 for 4. 8, 9, 7-roem stogies and 2-3 said, "and thrown into a pit sur- AUlO LWlVing Bcnooi < a in Life Tima aluralmim FOR SALE—Men’s rebuUt and re- #8-8 P.M. at the Community Hall AT phone caUs pleaae. Kay’e Pastry, hspe snd guaranteed. for the purpose of hearing the families. Oatto Go., Hartford rounded by s barbed wire fence. HI Skartt OhMKf Bros. Im ORTLOCK’S Driving school. Tour siding In color. laoted Bhoes. Fine shape—priced SIX ROOM Tenement. All Improvie . . . The Americans then let in two 188 North Main St. FREE STORAGE petition of Allan A. and Dorla E. 9-6198, evening* t-8969. Manches- CENTER MOTOR SALES license guaranteed with least num- reasonable, flam Yules, 18 Maple menu. AdulU only. 35 Stark- ter Mitchell 3-9946. bloodhound* to attack Mu. Mu ber of lessons. Endorsed teaching Mitchell 3-8271 street, Opp. First NaUcoal Park- UNTIL WANTED 'weather street. I.«venthal and Robert D. Valen- 5390 screamed In death agony aa piece 2M Sharts Ntw Ei|laai Baa I Elaatrlaj 461 Main Street method. SimpUfied inatructlona. Help Wanted— Male S6 SEE IT TODAY OR TONIGHT tine, Route S. and *t-A to Here’s an exciting combination CASH WAITINO for any type real after piece of his flesh was bitten A. V. LINDSAY — Owner iofl- _____ V MANCiH^TER — Modem four- divide their premises Into 2 sec- Perk-up )rour Fait and Winter Appointments made immediately. PHONE MR. ALBERT, for a busy school year—a simple estate you hav* to eeH,^Alsa list- off by the feroclou* animals. He Aasaa. SEVERAL MIEN in shade tobacco ROYAL AND flmlUi-Oorona port- room, on“e bedroom apartment tions, each with leas frontage than jumper, with or without to# col- wardrobes with this set of match- tog* wanted. Call The ' Jqhnaen died a virtual bleeding ekeleton MltcheU 9-7398.______HARTFORD 6-0368 Heat, light, hot water, refrigerator *62 CHEV. BEL-AIR — Only FOR GUARANTEED ROOFS that warehouse. Steady work. The able and standard typewrltsrs. the regulations require and for ler; and a grown-up leokiog ing b*Mt and bag mad* from felt Building Company, 988 Mato and th* pit was soaked with his Wetstone Tobacco Corp. 274 Broad AU maksa of adding machines AFTER 7 P. M. HTFD. 46-4690 and range furnished. $95 per 6,000 miles. New car guar- I ENJOY A DRIVER’S UCEN8E. stay on in any kind of storm, and permission to use both sections for jacket. and trimmed with a band of loop- atraet. MltcheU 3-T428. Evenings blood.” 2N Sharat Aaram Gorp** For eSpert instruction in new, in- guttero; conductors and roof re- Street. old or rentsd. Rspairs on aU A—L —B —E—R —T—’—8 month. Phone Coventry Pilgrim ’jualne.4* purposes. stitch crochet. Or subatitut* a MIteheU 94018. Peiping Tuesday night quoted antee. 2-7809 between 6 snd 8 p. m.. Pattern No. •992. Jumper, U to sured, A.A.A. approved duel con- pairs- CaU Coughlin, MltcheU makao. M arlow's 43-45 AUyn Street, Hartford BOLTON ZONING BOARD OF iaes 9. 8, 10. 12. 14 yeara Sis* trimming such as braid or se- returned CommunUt prlaonera aa trol cor, enroU now at Msnchei- 3-7707. CONCRETE MAN for sidewalks quin*—especially . nice for date- WANTED TO BUT— A lot. must Ml Sharat Pablia SanriH if Nav Maxlaa| •62 CHEV. DE LUXE—Like and Gurhs. Able to set forma and RICH BARNYARD loam for sale. USED FURNTTURB bought and APPEALS 8, 3 3-1 yards of 45-inch. saying at least 200 to 300 Cktoea* ter’a moot recommended auto Julius Strong, Chalrma* Pattern No. 3993 is a sew-rit* time occaaioM*. hav* sewer and water. Tel. Mitch- “were secretly withheld by to# new, fully equipped and ochool. Day, evening and Sunday ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. finish. Experienced preferred. CaU Peter Lalashius. MltcheU | old. The Woodshed, 11 Main TWO-ROOM Apartment. Call ell 8-9333. Good wages. Mitchell 9-9644 or MltcheU 3-8880. Byron H. Shinn, Secretary perfoM t^ pattern In ! 9, 8, Pattern N a 5399 coaUtos pat- American elde." Ml Sharti StrwabMrg-Oarlaaa guaranteed. appointmenta. Car fumiahed for Alterations and additions. CeU- •-*888. treat. Tel. MltcheU 9-3154. tern for beret and hag, material ings. Workmanship guaranteed. caU after 8:80 at 383 HackmaUck 10, 12, 14 y**M. Siae 8, 1 8-8 In Woehlngton the Army denied road test. Manchsoter Driving requlremente, aewing dlrectlooi fireside BEPORT A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn street. h yards of 45-lnch. Two patterns. published reports that toe U.N. Academy; Pllgriro 3-7249. and stitch lllustrstiona New York {JT> — Ths fireside AM Hm Ab«v* SMurltiM An SMHRf to YtaMj *61 OLDS SUPER 88—2 Tone, street. MltcheU 3-4860. , For these patterns, send SOc for Command had repatriated the laet only 9,000 milea, full guar- bal l ard s drivino scho o l - DRAFTSMEN, Deiigners and De- CEDAR RIDGE each, in coins, your name, address Send 25c In coins, your name, league Is starting even before win- of the Chinese willing to return s.17% to iJ i% SEmC TANKS ter comes. Old time veteran play' antee. ntee. I "Marichester’s oldest.” Owner- RAT’S RCXIFINO Company. Gut- taUers for local design office. HOME SITES ’ slseg desired, and th* pattern address and the pattern number home. It said that some Chines* SKALY MATTRESSES S29.9B and ap Certified by AAA and Board of ter mark, roof and ebunney re- Long program with overtime. Pisa ya«r ftrtara home oa a AND TYNST CLERK WANTED It number to SUE BURNEIT, TPME to ANNE CABOT THE MAN- are visiting the Polo Grounds vrere tUI remain to be exchangwl, but CHESTER EVENING HERALD. scoffing at soma of th* young play- •49 PONTIAC CHIEETAINl ZktucaUon. We offer training, ex- pairs. asUmstas gladly Top ratea in lare*. Free hospi large let, eeoatry atmosphere, Girl to do general office work and typini^, buaineaa .MANOHBBTBR EVENINO HER- gave no figure. COBURN & MIDDLEBROOK perience, latest methods, MltcheU given. Ray Hagenow, Mitchell talisaUon insurance. Free park' eaay eammuttagt eoly S milea PlUflBED SEWERS ! a LO, 1199 AVE. AMERICAS, 1199 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW *M of today who wera comptoinlng Army Secretary Steven said last training or g ^ office experience required. Attractiva at beat exhaustion caused during , DE LUXE — Exceptionally 9-3348.______•-3314. Ray Jackaon, MltcheU Ing. Box M. c /o Herald. V|o Maacheeter. Uto leeaUoii— ’ NEW YORK 89. N. Y. YORK 89, N. T. week that possibly 250 Cbtoaoe INVESTMENT S E C U tm E S imlary, inaurance benefits and working eonditiona. Presenting the new Anne Cabot some of th* torrid daye which KEMP’S, Inc. clean. 8-9338. Maacheoter Bead. Olaatoabary, • Basic Fashion for '53, Fall and were being withheld until it la AUTO. DRIVINO Instruction. AU Necdlesrerk . Directions weltered New York In July. The appealte Mfaaeetsiag Oelf Chib. HadiiM Olsassf I'W inter, la a complete guM# to dscidsd whether they should be 541 M d a St. M iw cliiitHr M I-3-aU 1 losoons eu insured dusl-oentrol Apply In Person At for puppet mittena boolc' tm- youngetera retorted that the old- HNE KIDDING •47 CHEV. l i E L U X E — Blue. 16-A Seveial weeded aete lata with I'planning a practical, sew-eimple kept to U. N. custody. unUl to* TEL. car. Capable ensrianced instnic- Hooting leag image views. Plaa year Septie TOako. Dry Wens, Smoi •.wardrobe. Gift pattern printed broidery atltchei and grand dc- ura didn’t hav* to play night ogg MAIN aiRKET iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiuiiniHiiiiiniinHiuuHiir Completely reconditioned tor. Ooranar Anto flebooL Mltd)- f— iMtaSed—OeOar Water* game* to toeir day and then raport Rada gave oasurancee they would RO O nN Q — Bpeclalixtng in repair- fataie slto aew for that oMdeia .tnald* th* book. Send Ifl cenu slgne are printed to tola looua sU 94010. HtJ TV SERVICE PreeflBg Deae. ALDON SPINNINfi MILLS CORP. to to* pork by 11 o n . nex^ day. releso* oU to* Allied POWa guaranteed ______ing roofs of aU kinds. Also new rtofloy. 39 ceota. . Oenpeteat service by foaB- ^” " t OWN fk OOUNTET TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. ' •17 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL Ivor SAFE and Courteous Auto roofa Gutter work. Chimneys fted teebaWsa* Honoe eaHs Mc Kin n e y ir o s . deaned, repaired, 36 years’ ex- REALTY, INC. nw Driving InatrucUon wlUi Inro^ *1.56. Pkoae BO-9-8298 aay- Offlee—Hartford *-6t9d or SEWERAGE DISPOSAL OO, Or CaU Mitchell 3-5128 DE LUXE — Beconpitioneu l ^ar caU Larson Driv- perisnee. PYe* estimatss. Call US-U3 Pearl St. Ttf. MI-S-5SM 1and guaranteed. I iu schooL Fhons Miudieu Hwlsy. MancheaUr MltcheU Olasteabary S-Z19S V ri , ' »-eo75. 3-5S9L j- / ' , \ 1 ^ . .' t

n»SDAY, AUGUST « , 19M ,

pa g e : sixTinsN lE pgtifafl

Community Baptlat Church Ip Manchester, showing the part that Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary, No. 17. will m««t t ^ General Manager Elk^ Backing Inter-ehurch cooperation played In IT PAYS TO BUY Stores Closed morrow at 6!S0 p.m. at the VFW the process. About Town The program script was prepar- Home, Manchester Green, from N O O NE . . . whence they will leave few the Al- Next Visit of ed by the Rev. M. Edward Clark UT N O O N f C au fh ttri of 14b«ty, No. 125. Tomorrow bert Beebe cottage at Coventry and Rev. Lawrence Upton. Parte were" read by the Rev, Kenneth L. liOLJ; MO roquooUd to moot ot Lake for a potluck supper. Com- has bellar Montoa Lamb 7'80 tonight »t tho,Holmei Fun- mander Ruth Daddario, who has Bloodmobile Maxnell. Central Baptist Church, Most Main Street stores will Coals to oiler m l Home. 400 Mala S t, In tribute be closed all day tomorrow. been spending the summer in Hartford; the Rev. John Chester to JoMph Blnke, whoM wife, Mr«. Smith, executive secretary ^ the 14 anality featnrea, laem m ^ They also will remain closed Maine, will conduct the business Tha Benevolent and Protective the Good Hoateheeplng 8*al of HenrietU Blnke, )U * member of meeting. She U In charge of trans- council, Mr. a a r k and Mrs. Upton. From A Ikicsl all day on Wednesdays during Order of Kike of Mancheeter are Approval. the lodge. ____ August under the new store portation. Work wlU be on cancer ■poneorlng the September vlilt of Heard also In the recording are Reliable Dealer the voices of the congregation i l r and Mra. Alfred O. Whitney. hour schedule adopted lor the pads. the Bloodmobile. The mobile unit summer by the Chamber of win be etatloned at Woodruff Hall, alnglng a hymn on the S3 Alexander 8t., who recmUy jw- Members of the Army and Navy Center Congregational <»urch, that th# church was constituted. ' All Coate The new turned from a tour through noitt- Commerce. Fally Onavanteed New England and Canada, had Club will meet at the clubhouse from 1:45 to 6:30 p. m. on Wednea- am However, drug, chain food, tonight at 7:00, and leave for the Tiiree quarter lew j^^ some locally oamed food stores, $M. Fun lengths slightly ? as their weekend gueats, the ^ v . Holloran Funeral Home, to pay ***JamJ? McVeigh, exalted nirter of Jerome Wenner, of Amheret, Ohio, chain variety and package respecU to William Finnegan, who higher. Mrs. Wenner and their three chil- the local lodge, reminded all Man- stores will be open. Was a member of the club. chester membere of this commit dren. ^ > End “bMber shops ment. , ire members of the Man- Mrs. Louise M. Dupuis and son S ..^ b e r s Association will Although all donora will be wel- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin V. Foster, Milford L. Dupuis. 44 Jarvis Rd. comed In the effort to achieve the lU D GET TERMS Of Woodbridge St., have returned be closed^all day Wednesday as have returned after a visit In 160 pint quota eet for the BoptanH oh after touHng through the tjov - usual. North'End barber shops Essex, N. Y., with Mrs." Dupuis Or a small deposit wtH I her visit, McVeigh hopee that all Incee of New Bmnswlck, and Nova which are assoclaUon members father. Charles E. Porter, who U those Elke who are physically able ^4Mir coat until wanted. Scotia. Mrs. Foster will spend the will be closed all day 'niufsday, approAching hii Wth birthday* home comfort to donate blood, will do so on thla remainder of the month wrtth her aa usual. ^ day In order that the Elks Blood- larents. Mr. mobile Day may chalk up another McMullen, of Bdimind St., wlm Newlaad F . Binllti success for Mancheeter. MORIARTY Bros. 5Jare vacationing at Bastham, Cape .Produce Is Slow Staff aides of the local Red 3 1 S C e N T t R ST Cod. Washington lO L, No. 117, and \ Star of the East. No. 18 RBP, will Arriving at Marl Newland F. Smith baa been ap- Cross have begun phoning lodge meet tonight at 7:30 In Orange hall, pointed general manager of the members thU week. Thoee who O IL lURN ER to pay final respect* to Joseph Gray Research and Development have not been contacted for Co.. lnc„ Walter E. Dltmara. pres- donor appointment may phone REPAIR Binks, member of both lodges who Truck gardelKproducts are slow : ANGLER ! ident of the Manchester company, 3-5111 at their convenience .to be died yesterday. arriving at the Majt^ester Auc- speclallata In television atudlo pro- scheduled for the Sept. 2 visit. T«L M ltchdl 3-SI 35 tion Market this year And farmers Angle • w.y to buy this If*** H ALE'S Mr. and Mrs'^ George Stavnitsky, jection equipment, announced to- cottage and enjoy your angling in a private lake. 254 West Center St., will celebrate say It is due to the weathkivas to- dav. H e a dqu a rters their golden wedding anniversary, matoes planted in the spring haj^e Smith ha* been assistant g ^ - H^hurch Is Born’ Landscaped lot 265 feet dEep, 50 foot lake fronUga. Saturday, Aug. 22, with "open failed to ripen aa early as usual. eral manager since January. He One minute to ealenaive private beach. wks^prevlously director of general FOR house" and will be glad to receive Total sales yesterday only Gels Radio Award Lena than 30 minutes to Hartford. their friend* from 1 to 6 p. m. en(?ne«,ring for. the Mutual Broad- Large screened porch on 2 aidea of cottage. reached $331.75. Tomatoes brought c a s tin g '^ te m and WOR. New DO N'T a high of $2.50 and a low of $2 for "A Church is Bom," a 15-mln- Sale price includes 2 boats. Mr. and Mrs. J . Edward Mc- an average of $2.30 with 58 half York. H?kqs also been associat- Tki«w Thwii A way ed with the teleyision engineering ute recording prepared for radio Stin Pleuty Of Wear Left lu Keever, of Summit St., with their bushel basket* auctioned. Seven- use by the United Church Canvsss children. Maureen and Neil, accom- group at the RAdio Corporation Shoes Repaired Hero teen bushels of cucumber* were Committee of the Greater Hart* ASKING $ 6 , 5 0 0 tanied by their mothers, Mrs. Ella sold at $1 a bushel and 25 bushels of America and witlKthe Philco A. Quish, of North School St., and Corp. - ford Council of Churches last fall, LIK I IT? t U Y ITI of shell beans brought $2 50 a received an honorable mention SAM YULYES Mrs. Margaret McKeever, of bushel. . , Gray Research and Devel Co., Inc.. 1* a subsidiary of Tb* award by the 8th Annual Rellg- Shown Hy Appointment Only. Doane St., were recent visitors at Total sales for five day* is Broadcasting Workihop, the Chesterfield factory, in Rich- Gray M.anufacturing Co., Hart s r . k t s s Tris « $2,801.40. Products sold include Icasting and Film Commie- mond, Va. They also visited Monti- 428 half bushel baidtet* of toma- ford, producers of Gray Audt^ Walt. graph dictating equipment and the National Council of 15 MAPLE STREET , H A ZEL FLOYD, Agent cello, home of Thomas Jefferson toes. 785 bushel* of cucumbers and ANDOVER. CONNECTICUT and the famous battlefield of 271 bushels of shell beans. Gray PhonAudograph central dic- Churchek^ Christ in the United Opp. First Nattoaal Stera States. Parking Lot TELEPHONE Pngrlm^:7682 __ ^ Manassas, during their recent trip tation aystems. to Virginia. _ ..___ — SipUh la a aenfor member of the The recordin>4«P‘«T* C?'*- leading up to the rounding of the Institute of ^ d io Engineers and Police Arrests a member M the Society of Mo- Rm«M. a»frl««fwton tion Plcjture and Television En

W ash m oi nI AR gineei’ . PHONE Henry A. Mallett. 42, of 20 West KX the same time It was an Othar AppHoHCM TO kUKC Middle Tpke.. was arrested last meed that William S. Sherman night on a violation of rules of the UHUMaMENn, been appointed director of road charge as the result of aiv iPeachSl :cake FOR A sales operations for the company accident on Main Street n ^ He w-lll direct the coordination of Rw JW H A M cOM LOAN Wadsworth, about 10 o’clock. / field activities of Gray's 600 sales- Police said that a car d r^ n by men with the plant's production ’ 2S It *500 Mallett struck the left * " scheduling. auto driven by Howard-^. Cuater. *««*«*««* 30 of 218 North Elna St. Patrol- Sherman was previously aaso ■ymRfitt lor elated with the Allegheny-Ludium AmewM Ar newRi •! M«nt My f man Newton F./Taggart, who JO MO supp Ll\ tOAM -im - IS MO^ Steel Co. in Watervliet. N. Y„ and m m : m made the arresL/said that Custer, G N l y H M « n b m of H 5 5.M Leron, Inc,, New York City. He 1I.M $ T m Tti who was headM north, had stop- IM 14.55 19.15 attended Princeton University MoHchMtRr H r* D*portiii«it ^ SIUIKE MN O S ^ ^ m tf.17 M.49 ped hi* car/preparatory to park- SM •47.41 19.M ing, wheir Malletfs car, coming and graduated from the Newark •gfl MIUlrrrrrtrr: fS * ....Ip nil rblfgpfl College of Engineering. Newark, up from^ehind. struck it. ^ will be arraigned on the N. J.. with a degrM in mechjm^^ IN THE FIRE HOUSE LAWN

TIliSHONI • WSITI • t visit ^s charge in Town Court Friday. engineering. ^ He served overseas during World HK. / Police today also reported the ^^^^ PMFERKD nuNctco.. arrest of John Calve. Jr.. 31. of 63 War II with the Army Transpor- FRIDAY, AUaUST 21

MANCHESTER Bolton Rd.. on a charge of speed- tation Corps in New Guinea and StortiRQ A t 4:30 P. M. spotti’our vacation with tlie thoughts ing. He was stopped yesterday on Australia. He was released from etj MAIN staiiT • • Ma n Twi i . W#d. fft- West Center Street by Patrolman service, with the rank of captain. > 25 D O OR PRIZES of all the la^n4^ you’ll have when you He is the-son of Mr. and Mra. lIN G O °aj TKwWcn ♦ » Samuel Maltempo. iM*. 'Coolidge Sherman of Fox HHl. get home. Plan on'ietUng NEW MODEL In another arrest H n t PriiR: 200 G o h. Pw l O H - y August Sllikowski, 69. of 73 Eld- Pittsburgh.. Penn. He is mar ried and lives at 138 Arundel help yoiTcalch up. W lLj^sh and fluff rldge St., was charged with intoxi- cation. He was arrested yesterday Ave., West Hartford AdiniuioR: A duin 75c. QhUdrtR 35e. dry all those beach weary thinga m they’ll by Patrolman John Hughes. MEET TOMORROW PtoH To Attood TWi H 9 Evwtt! look like new and you’ll really feeLa* if leclerc Lakota Council, No. 61, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet in Odd This Advt. Sponsored by Roy Motors. Inc.______you did have a vacation. Call us. F tf N E R A L HOME Fellows hall tomorrow at 8 p. m. A good tumout_of_l^e_men^r*^ Free G ifts ^ TOYS FUNERAi. ^ TO A LL THE„ \ rR/RRFOR THER.a»*M KIDDIES— A ’*®P**‘ W’e Give Green Stamps r LargGLAPgG AGGortmentA ssortnieiit 4 CHILDREN SERVICE

A UGUST 25H$ Walter N. Leclerc, >«rlhsr Dm Steresj ^

2:30 le 4:30xR. M. Director WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENINO OF ^TM aiiT street, Manchester / LEONARD’S SHOES t NEW MODEL ■ ' SSt MAW STREET ' Call MI-9 5869. . , Herald Advs.- LAUNDRY I DRY CLEARIN6 ’S- ^ ■7 ^ IRI




Final Summer Clearance

3-DAY ser vic e


Barstow Says:

3-8710 “IT’S THE TRUTH”

(A FT tR 5 P. M. MI-3-5314) A;

V Com e In a nd See The


OUR m a n y SAVIN GS T D YO U j -

MEN*S su its -$1.10 M IN 'S SHIRTS lA U N SSRID U LO W ER ~PR1CED ^ ^ — (CORO aM SEERSUCKER ft-00)



(Pleats Extra) LS-7 A N U DS-7

Trousers ond Slocks — 55c * ■<$


W O RLD ’S GREA TEST V ALUE! C O A T S -$1.10 to $1.25 ~ (No charge for fnr-triramed). -


.39 4M e WmAdeyi -ComplelWy AWaimIr

with Amerfce’t Fworite Imwdry Tw Ah I

Identically atyled to th* Laundronmt.

ia the WeatinRhouM Rlpctric CloAaa Dryer with excluaiva handy Lmding

Door Shelf. ."l-Way Dry Dial, Siagmg Signal, direct air flow ayatam.

This aale runs through Saturday. Aug. 2 2 n i We mmt move ♦»*** “ J

for new fall thinga. You'll save dollars on dollars if you hurry. Not all aizea in al FORTHISW EEK MMt CAM Ri S4IM ...IS irhW ^ Stil^ boU SC

atjiea. Shop early. « ____ _ O NE SHIRT — 2 t e


3 SHIRTS - 69c SW EATER 45c

(With an order of 11.00 or more). TOWN&COUNTRY WOMEN’S OUtLET BARSTOW'S

JUST N ORTH O F POST O FFICE BRIDGWAY MILI.S JOSIPH eOapONj fi»p^W to C»0S*Y to. — MAMCHtSTl* 1ST. 1922 ^ P H O N E M I-9-72341 188 middl e TURNPIKE WEST— OPEN 9:00 to 9:00