. f 7 AvtraM Dsily N«t P nm Run fisr the Week Ended Tbs WsBtbsr Ang- 18, IMS FiilwM af ' 10,456 Olaar and.'baM tmUght. M r met Member #f tha Andit pteneant temerraw. BofWM e f OIrenlatloaa .Hanche$ter-^A City o f Village Charm K *r- VOL. LXXIL NO. 271 (Otaaetnai Advertiaing an Pnga 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1953 ^IXTEEN PAGES) PRICE n V E CENTS ^ • ) Reds Seek - ^ Mystic GI Liberated;^ ^ Roundtable Reds X Korea Talk m United Nttions. N. Y.. Aug. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 18. (/P)— Rossig proposed ti>- The name of a Myatic aoldier waa added today to the growing Hat of Connecticti/aervice- day that the Korean peace men liberated from Red Chinese prison camps in the current PO W exchange. With tife releaae conference be made up of five of Sgt. Benjamin Comeau, Jr„ 29, a total of seven state repatriates have passed into UN •o-calied neutrals in addition hands after long months and sometimes years, as prisoners of the Communists in Korea. to the six countries who took \ Sgt. Comeau, a former Marine in World W a r II, was chptured Nov. 5,1951, but his family part in the actual fighting, had not heard from him until last Father's Day wlien he sent a homemade greeting to his 'rhe Soviet resolution called Auto, Trailer Truck Crash, Stop at Oder Mill Vdad, for inclusion of the following Toe Happy to Talk Coj^essions Ever get a<i happy you couldn’t countries in a roundtable: The United States, Britain, talk? That’* the way Benjamin Shah Joins Man Beaten Comeau, 8r., felt laat night when Franca, Ruaala, Communist China. Repladiated told hi* aon waa rcleaaed. India, Poland, Sweden, Burma, North Korea and South Korea. "I can’t tell you how good I Bfiaet Dvtnaad By Strikers feel,” ha told the Aaaoelated Italy Exiles Pre**.. The Soviet move came aa th* On Arrival For Rgt. Comeau, It waa an- General Aaaembly’a 40-n*tlon other acrap he got out of alive. political committee rejacted a Rus- WithWife Vienna, Austria, AujfxIS In Norwalk During World War II, when he sian demand that Red China and ^ ‘fP)— Edgar Sanders, the Brny waa a Marine, 0>meau waa badly North, Korea be Invited to take wounded on Iwo JIma. When Rome, Aug. 18 (/P)— The part in th* current V. S. Korean ish businessman who was' - Norwalk, Aug. >18 (A’)— A detail of 15 State Policemen ‘»>e Korean war broke out h# tried ghah and queen of Iran’s tot- debate. ____ ja il^ in Red Hungary nearii}' V t4 o ' re'-enllataa^a e% 11 aiw In4 tha4 m MarinesBA m sa4 an mm butsna a V a . a ma Ruaala’a effort to turn the Ko- four years as a spy, was re- rushed to Norwalk today at tenng peacock throne flew because of that wound in bis arm rean parley Into a sort of round- leased and put over the Aus- violence erupted in the here from Baghdad today, table affair contrasted sharply he was rejected. trian border today at 5-week-old strike against the But he managed to get into tn* joining Italy’s growing colony with the United States demand Nickelsdorf. A former aa- Hat Corporation of America. Army and waa assigned tn Co. B., of exiled royalty. ”1 am not that th* talks he restricted to 7th Regiment, 1st Division In representatives of the "two sidsa” sociate of American buaihess- Five strikers were arrested, a going to abdicate now,’’ |jie Korea. who fought In Korea. truck driver’s helper Was beaten Shah said. man Robert A. Vt^eler, San- and two Norwalk policemen suf- • Sgt. Comeau, who la divorced Is Th* committee plunged head- Asked if he pla.nned to go bark to on into the general debate after ders said he waa subjected to fered minor Injuries In a disturb- th* father of two young sons liv- Iran, the young shah replied, ‘‘pro- severe “mental presaures" but ance around the local office of the ing with his former wife In Nor- turning down th* demand for In- bably, but not In Uic immediate fu- viting Red China and North Ko- was not physically tortured A m e r 1 c a h' Railway Express folk, Va. ture.” rea here. before his trial in 1950. agency. Before his present duty In the Haa No Aaawrr Piciceta Hall Shipments U. 8. Delegate Henry Cabot Vogler waa rcleaaed In April service, he whs a machinist. He To all queationa ■bput.hia._Jinir!e;. ---- Pickets of. the United Hat,-Cap Lodge Jr:-Instoted that the 'peace l*6l, after nerving more-than" a “ Kas'lwd hfbThers. dhe InlKe Na'vy,' di'at* future, h* aatd^ ’ 'I'm aorry, I year on th* apy charges. and Millinery Workers’ Union and two listers joyously awaiting really can't answer you now. Per- conference must be limited to the (AFL) have been trying to pre- coiintriea who took part with the Although Sanders spent 8 years his arrival home In 'M’ystlc at 5 | hapa later.” vent the Hat Corporation from V>a*ible exception of Russia. He and 9 months in jail compared to Haley St. I But he said he did not think he . mnring finished hats from Its would remain In Italy long. said ha had no objection to Rus- Vogeler’s 17 nionUis. be appeared _ warehoiiaea to. the «spre«a. agency "Hey, wait a minute,” tha elder al*'* partieipatipn l.f. the North in far better shape than Yqgelar, Cdmeati'told . newsman ' who Inr The handsome St'yearnjld Mo- for shipment. hammed Reza Pahlcvi and hia Koreans and Chinese Red* want It. Asked ii^iether he wan prepar^ A t the height of the dlaturbancc. formed hjm' of hia son's releaa*. Britain and France both ad- to repudiate the "oonfesnlona" the Mayor Irving Freese telephoned "I apologize for wanting to hang *''**""^*‘' o'? I voTaUd a broader representation Communiata alleged he made In Hia State Police for help and the 1.1- eu'her^abntrtSr ih ^ ; a^rtin^ * royal-backed at- y i* " »»'»*rht by the United trial. Sanders replied "what con- man detail arrived quickly under fession* ?” And then went.on: ^ “ • **** * tempt of the Imperial guard to oust! Capt. Victor J, Clarke, Weetern lonigni. • aging Premier, Mohammed Mossa- , British Minister of State Selwyn "Put yourself in my place If Division commander. L/>cal police Jt was okay by the newsman. aegh had been thwarted | I-'o.vd said Britain ” doe* not wish you can. Immediately after my ar- under Capt. John W. Smith had Four other New England aervlce- The Britiah airliner bringing him jperpetuate thla Concept of two rest I waa interrogated for two restored order by the time State men were liberated from Korean or three hours late at night. and the queen her# from Baghdad | ••4e*. to have the peace conference Police reached the scene. I prisoner of war ramps laat night, arrived at Clampino Airport at 1 ■ •‘It'X of political Panmunjom." Arrentod In 1M9 I bringing to 46 the total from this The State Police etayed here, p.m. ilO a.m.. DSTl. Strong police! He apeciScally urged the In- " I waa arrested In November however, because of the temper of |; area freed since the. armistice Ih forces were on hand. cluaion of India. 1949. By January. 1950. they had the crowd, estimated at about 400, |I Korea. The royal couple entered an aii- Maurice Schumann. French for- speeded up my Interrogation to a and because the Hat Corporation |I The latest to be liberated are; tomobile and sped from th# a ir-I'’*4*' undersecretary of state, said point where I once was interrogat- Mid it will continue to truck hats Ii Cpl. James R. Avjian, son of Mr. 6*td to Rom* where he had en- hi* country proposed that “all ed for 84 hours without atop. from its warehouses to the express I those who can usefully participate ’They shoot queationa at you In agency. (Coatlnoed oa Page Fifteen) (Contbiued on Page Eleven) In the negotiations should, in all auch a way that yoti get giddv and Today’s disturbance followed by | good logic, be Invited.” you arc turning mental aomer- 34 hours a conference between I aaults. Before ymi know where union and company nfflclal* which | I He said the conference ahduld you arc you find yourself signing had been railed by Mayor Freese ' I not conaiat ” of two opposing statements.” In an effort to reach an agreement Strikers Ignore Laniel; < camps confronting one another.” Shortly after Sanders crossed, .on the queatipn of making ahlp- . If Hje Korean question la Brat the Italian legation car hearing Tncnta oiit of the plant. No atpte- settled, other Far Eastern quea- Vlncenz* Seiotto. an Italian, also menta were toaued after thF eon-' tloia. Including that of Indochina, reached Austria. Sferenoe, but it waa reported re- Paratroops Enter Paris couTd 'b* diacuaaed, he said. Sclotto waa convicted of espion- liably that little or nothing waa Separate Veto n * iM Nag ploeee of the two veWelM la this morning's Nigger Hill eoinaloa wIiMi M t a ^ i ^ age and sentenced to four years In ■ccibntpttohM at I t . " mother and her tw * youag dooghters to the hospital ore sbawn above. In the top piMto, Uw goaeUae prison In 19SL The eqrporatlon’g 1..500 worker* The vote on the two countriea Paris, Au'g. 18 * government aourc* waa taken separately. The pro- trailer troek eoa he seem with It* empty toak thraat into the eaat wail of a rider mlB oa the north aide An Italian foreign ministry went on itrike when the company of the rnnd.
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