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Louisiana College Pineville, Louisiana

"We may never pass this way again"

RICHARD W. NORTON MEMORIAL LIBRARY Louisiana College Pineville, Louisiana

Editor Becky Pulling Assistants Peggy St. John Pam Jones Advisor Dr. Edward L. Heath Table of Contents

Campus Life 10

I* > Personalities 34

Sports 64

Organizations 106 Faculty 128 Classes 144

Advertisers 158 Parting Shots 172 JURE BOOK ROOM

111142 As a member of the student body, faculty, or staff of Louisiana College, it was YOU who, through active participation, observation or mere speculation, turned time into OUR TIME. Seals and Croft sang "We May Never Pass This Way Again' this year. They were right. Here you will find represented not 'Just another year on 'The Hill, But the year that was . . . The year that was what we made it. The 1974 PINE KNOT is dedicated to us. **nr~^«v

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Dreams, so they say, are for fools — fften ffiey /ef f/?em c/r/ff away.

Peace, like the silent dove, should be fly in9 but it's only just begun. Like Columbus in the olden days we must gather all our courage; Sail our ships out on the open sea, cast away our fears, and all the years will come and go — And take us up, up, always up. We may never pass this way again / wanna laugh while the laughing is easy. I wanna cry if it makes it worthwhile. / may never pass this way again . . .

That's why I want it with you.

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A worthy addition to the beauty of the L.C. campus, the new Guinn Auditorium and Religious Education Building faces the old auditorium building, Alexandria Hall. The Guinn Building was dedicated in September of 1974,

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j^MkMh . JU ABOVE: Students seated in the balcony sing one of the last hymns in Alexandria Hall. LEFT: Dr. J. D. Grey of addressed the stu­ dent body on "The Glory of This Old House" during the last chapel serv­ ice in the Alexandria Hall Auditorium.

13 The year was filled with special events

An entertaining and inspiring evening was provided by Joint Heirs and the Common Good.

Those who attended were pleased by the Music of Truth.

14 and. . .

White House correspondent Tom Jarriel spoke to a chapel assembly. BELOW LEFT: Pierre Calve and friends entertained a small, but pleased, audience. BELOW RIGHT: Organ virtuoso Virgil Fox astounded and delighted those who literally filled the Guinn Auditorium to hear his concert.

15 RIGHT: Another smiling face at L.C. — this time from Howard McKee. BELOW: Spring is no time for classes, but if you have to have them, why not outside? BELOW RIGHT: A typ­ ical Randy "Foosball" Magee pose. BOTTOM: Another celebrity appearance on the L.C. campus.

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•5. s. • . . Ordinary Days

P° LEFT: Final exams aren't exactly ordinary, but they do appear to come h>und with some regularity. TOP RIGHT: Randy Brown took to the tennis 0urts for a little recreation. ABOVE: Surely Nancy Neal and Ann Tarter 'Ouldn't be feeding a dangerous animal!? RIGHT: The mysterious "Ant Hill fob."

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Homecoming Queen Cindy Nobles stands ready to present past queens with a red rose. ABOVE RIGHT: The roaring "Grease Mob" showed up at several ball games this season. RIGHT: Joann Braden tests the dance aptitude of Skip Irwin, WMark Lumadue and Mark Colvin during try-outs for "You'rre a Good Man, Char­ lie Brown."

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ABOVE RIGHT: T. Clifford caught at what he does best. ABOVE LEFT: David Mercer — the only one will­ ing to admit he MC'ed the Mr. L.C. Pageant. LEFT: Stage manager of "A Doll's House," Chris McDaniel. ABOVE: Mr. LC Winners: Frank Ashley: Charlie Lim­ ing: Billy Eggers, Mr. LC, 1974: Larry Pait and Ronnie Morgan.

19 "A Night at the Follies" March 2, 1974

Miss Deborah Curtis Wins Miss Louisiana College Title

Miss Louisiana College contestants were: Jerri Rodgers, Forrest Hammond, Mary Stallcup, Debbie Cole, Iva DeWitt, Donna Harrell, Debbie Curtis, Cindy Nobles, Vicki Tomlinson, Diane Chenault, Mary Paul, Sharon Ewing, Paula White, Linda Till, Merry Jane Bourgeous.

20 Debbie begins her reign as Miss L.C. with an armful of roses and trophies. She also won evening gown and swimsuit competition. BELOW LEFT: A pretty smile from Merry Jane during evening gown competition. BELOW: Master of ceremo­ nies Al Bohl entertains, accompanied by Ray Jones; Mary Paul introduces herself while other contestants wait their turn.


21 Mr. Rudy Burnette

Director of Student Activities

Mrs. Doris "Mom"Futrell

Assistant to the Director

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The Student Center, where Janell Terry checks her mail, Debbie Sperry "works," and Brooke McCutchen does his thing — whatever that is!

22 Student Center

ABOVE: Intellectual stimulation comes in the form of rook cards — or a book. LEFT: Jerry Cripps lines up a shot. If he misses he'll have to go to class.

23 LC. Olympics Annual goodtime event

What kind of mess are they making now?

A splash as Margaret Morgan misses in the water balloon toss. BELOW LEFT: Ernie Drost, about to get a "close shave." BELOW RIGHT: A more legiti­ mate game of volleyball was added to the program.

24 Cochon du Laitl A little Cajun flavor

Early in the morning Odom Chevalier was up and getting the pigs on. BELOW LEFT: Martha Miller needed little encouragement to open wide for some of the homemade ice cream Glen Lane was offering. BELOW: The pig roasting went on from the wee hours of the morning until 6:00 that evening. Meanwhile, all sorts of indoor games moved outside.

25 26 Once in a while, a moment of quiet and solitude.

27 Did someone say EA T?l

There are always various reactions to the cafeteria food. Here are some scenes from that sometimes joyous, ofttimes disappointing occasion.

28 First, there's the patient wait at the beginning of the line.

When the line finally moves onward, students make their selections carefully, and even though it's not their favorite, they manage to fill their trays.

29 Things always go better with Coke . . . or so they say!

There are the loners, and those who simply prefer each other's company. . .

30 And those who attract a crowd:

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Cafeteria eating is a social experience!

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32 Travel, Exploration, and Adventure

There we were, seventeen of us camping alongside the Buffalo River in Northern Arkan­ sas under the auspices of the L.C. English Dept. Most of us were greenhorns to canoeing, having had little previous experience. Nevertheless apprehension was non-existent; opti­ mism prevailed. The trip was fabulous as we encountered few mishaps. Perhaps most rewarding was the pensive meditation inspired by the tremendous stone mountains, the beautiful scenery, and oneness with nature. Pam Jones

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PERSONALITIES Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities

Not Shown: Ray Baxter Delia Bowman Peggy St. John

Rick Johnson

36 Kathy Cummings

Dave Pulling

Phyllis Dupree Kathleen Pharis

Mary Stallcup


f Paula White

Jeff Craddock

39 Randy Brown

Janell Terry

40 Carol Brown

Ruth Bains

41 1^: Sara Stockard

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Diane Cain

42 Martha Ray

Skip Irwin Deborah Curtis Miss Louisiana College

44 Cindy Nobles Homecoming Oueen May Oueen

45 Miss Louisiana College Pageant Finalists

Deborah Curtis

Cindy Nobles

46 Sharon Ewing

Diane Chenault

Vicky Tomlinson

47 Angela Boutwell

Maid of Honor, Homecoming Court

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Peggy Blanton

Maid of Honor, May Court

Linda Till

48 Pamela Jones

Karen Kelly

Jeri Rodgers

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49 Jennifer Morris

Paula White

Jane Stallcup

50 Donna Holt

Martha Miller

June Bonton

51 Peggy St. John Pam Bell Melodye Tullos

52 Mary Stallcup

Sara Stockard Merry Jane Bourgeois

53 J&

Kathy Cummings

Pamela Baggett

54 Guy Wayne Estave Pam Bell

Cottingham Beau Tudor Hall Sweetheart

55 Louisiana College 56 Colonel and Darlings — 7 974 •T. • < '

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Colonel Marv Reno

57 Darling, Peggy St. John

58 Darling, Pam Jones

59 Campus

Martha Miller and :.-v•: % 'y--xm^***^ 'iV> - Glen Lane

Peggy Blanton and Billy Eggers

60 Favorites

Sharon Ewing

Ken Swenson

61 Pam Bell and Steve Benson


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Cindy Nobles and Randy Thomas

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-.,-y. Jennifer Morris and Guy Wayne Estave

Brenda Atterbury and David Mercer


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SPORTS Coach Billy Allgood

66 1974 Wildcats

Drexel Robinson, Duke Allgood, Randy Thomas, Marv Reno, Andy Ashworth, Ken Fohne, Clarence Hall, Gary Brown, Rod Kaspar, Ken Swenson, Tommy Kimbrough, Roy Schneider.

67 j


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69 70 71 tlMom" Futrell with Seniors Ken Swenson, Roy Schneider and Marv Reno

72 73 We c/ic/n 't always


74 have the ball. . .

75 But we made the most of it when we did. 77 78 79 Baseball

80 81 82 84 85 Intramural Season

when all the would-be jocks come out of hiding.

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86 LEFT: Carl Weiser carries the ball with a Diller hot on his heels. BELOW LEFT: A Diller huddle — Leland Fuller in charge. BELOW: A field conference between Barry Moore and Phil Stanford, the subject known only to them.


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93 Spectators, sitting anxiously on the edge of their seats, waiting for the next thrilling, suspenseful play.

94 ABOVE: A gallant attempt to "tackle" Leland Fuller's flag. LEFT: Donn Martin of the Biology Department models the latest faculty team uniform, complete with headgear.

95 s about to be elaborated upon .

96 As teamwork, pride and spirit mount. and we strive for victory on the field and in life." Larry Pait

Dr. Howell's pro Keds had a flat.

97 " *

98 The Girls Got in on It, Too

Annual Powderpuff Game — Freshmen vs. Upperclassmen

99 Spring came, and with it BASEBALL

100 101 Looks like it's too late for the swing, but catcher Randy Magee still looks worried in this Dillers vs. Headhunters game.

102 Leland Fuller on the mound for the Dillers.

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103 And through it all, there's Fred Griff en with this gentle reminder.

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109 Student Government Association

Officers: Joe Arnold, Vice-President; Linda Blount, Secretary; Dave Pulling, President; Mary Stallcup, Treasurer; Marthe Prince, Student Activ ities Governing Board Chairman.

Representatives: (First Row) Mike Flannery, Eugene Morris, Karen Hall, Joe Floyd, Merry Jane Bourgeois, Jim Cooper, Gary Schwitz. w®£° Row) George Higgins, Jennifer Morris, Bruce Kite, Becky Davis, Barry Losey, Pam Gautreaux, Carl Weiser, Gloria Guidry, Cindy Nobles. ( Row) Mary Stallcup, Marthe Prince, Linda Blount, Joe Arnold, Dave Pulling, Dean Edward Heath. 110 p

Union Board

This governing body was formed in the Spring semester of 1974 and immediately began working on activities for students. Elected Members are (Standing) Terry Sasser, Pat Lane, Larry Pait, Chairman. (Seated) Debbie Howell and Linda Till.

Ill 7 974 Wildcat Cheerleaders

TOP: Jan Green, Nancy Neal, Merry Jane Bourgeois BOTTOM: Ronnie Morgan, Martha Miller, Frank Ash ley.

Head Cheerleader Frank Ashley Wildcat Larry Pait

112 Booster Club

Booster Members and Booster Beau, Charles Terry

LEFT: Janell Terry, President, accepts the 1974 Spirit Trophy from Dean Heath. Boosters won this year after APO had held the trophy several consecutive years.

113 Common Good Completes Second Successful Year

The Common Good managed to spend some time on campus this year. Above, members of the Common Good at the beginning of the year sang for BSU Encounter one Tuesday evening. They are (Left to Right) Diane Chenault, Larry Maricle, Paula White, Ray Jones, Becky Wood, David Lane, Jane Stallcup, Sky Batson, Ruth Bains, Rick Hensen, Karen Clark and Chris McDaniel.

RIGHT: The Common Good, Spring 1974. (Top to Bottom) Paula White, Chris McDaniel, Sky Batson, Diane Chenault, Ruth Bains, Jane Stallcup, Steve Benson. Bill Fuselier — Sound Engineer, Rick Henson.

114 115 The Wildcat Staff

ABOVE: Wildcat Editor Steve Phelps checks over the latest issue of the paper. RIGHT: Staff members include Becky Wood; Michael Paul, Asst. Editor; James Ulmer; Diane Lane, Copy Editor; Larry Pait, Photographer; and Brooke McCutcheon, "Roving Reporter."

116 Gamma Theta Sigma

Gamma Theta Sigma sponsored the third annual "Cottingham Aca- damy Awards" night. Sorority members anxiously await the beginning of the awards program.

TOP: Patti Williams, Deanna Nichols, Ronnie Morgan, Beau, Marthe Prince, Jennifer Morris. BOTTOM: Lynn Stephens, Ann Tartar, Lynn Palmer, Nancy Neal, June Bonton, Myra Meyers.

117 Tau Alpha Kappa

TOP: Lance Levoy, David Mercer, Mike Evans, Frank Ashley, Ray Hope, Larry Pait, Randy Magee. SECOND ROW: Terry Sasser, Paul Johnson, Ronnie Morgan. CENTER DOWN: Dennis Jones, Odum Chevalier, Roy Baxter, Randy Livingston, Pat Lane. BOTTOM: Glen Lane, Thomas Clifford (President), Billy Eggers.

Winning third place. TAK's theme for homecoming display was "Happiness is the Rack.'TAK takes a break from the many responsibilities that the Cochon Du Lait gave the

118 Resident Women's

Sara Stockard, RWA President speaks with Miss Osborne, Faculty Sponsor, after the Spring RWA Banquet. RWA also sponsored a formal banquet, "Wearing of the Green."

RWA Wins "Most Progressive New Organization" Award

The RWA Executive Board Consists of (Seated) Jennifer Morris, Brenda Fehrman, Pam Bell, Deanna Nichols, and Lisa Wade. (Standing) Kathy Cunningham, Angie Bout- well, Freda Morgan, Sara Stockard, Carol Purvis, Martha Miller, Renee Williams, Charlotte Green, Susan Craig and Becky Wood.

119 Baptist Student Union

Executive Council

BSU'ers are some of the most active people on campus. Above is the Executive Council. Members are (Kneeling) Brenda Fehrman, Jeff Craddock, Carol Brown, Vicky Tomlinson, Freda Morgan, and Becky Brown. Standing are Dr. Sarah Anders, Faculty Sponsor, Guy Estave, Kathy Cunningham, Gloria Guidry, Linda Blount, Carol Purvis, Diane Cain, Karen Kelly, Sissy Parsens, Janell Terry, Ms. Roseanne Osborne, Faculty Sponsor.

120 BSU Girls' Basketball Team: Sharon Ewing, Vicky Tomlinson, Myra Myers, June Bonton, Angie Boutwell, Carol Purvis, Janell Terry, Steve Benson, Coach, Cindy Nobles, Diane Cain, Kay Gilliam, Debbie Sperry, Carol Brown, Becky Brown.

BSU Boys' Basketball Team: (First Row) Steve Spurlock, Richard Skinner, Jack Green. (Second Row) George Higgins, Tom Watkins, Steve Benson.

121 Athenian Literary Society

Athenians are probably best known by their toga-clad initiates. However, they also contribute to campus life by sponsoring Turkey Hollow each fall and the Mr. L.C. Pageant each spring. Athenians Pictured Above are (Front) Carol Purvis, Vicky Tomlinson, Beth Martin, Becky Brown, Linda Blount, Jeff Craddock, Carol Brown. (Second) Freda Morgan, Ricky Jones, Ruth Bains, Pam Jones, Becky Pulling. (Third) Brenda Fehrman, Marcia Flower, Kathy Cunningham, Peggy St. John, Paula White, Skip Irwin. (Back) Randy Brown, Kathleen Pharis, David Lane, Neal Brown.

122 Sociology Club Student Louisiana Teacher's Association

123 Delta Omicron

Active in the Music Department, the Delta Omicron members above are Ruth Bains, Martha Ray, Kathy Cun­ ningham, Judy McCoy, and Brenda Fehrman.

ODK is a national leadership fraternity which recently opened its membership to Delta Kappa women. Next year will bring the first women ODK members to L.C. Pictured above are Randy Brown, Dr. James Kautz, Dr. Z. L. Loflin, Steve Phelps, Dr. George Hearn, and Jeff Craddock.

124 STANDING: Martha Ray, Nancy Foil, Linda Blount, Kathleen Pharis, Gib Sandham. SEATED: Brooke McCutcheon, Ruth Bains.

Alpha Psi

Alpha Psi members were active behind the scene also. Nancy Foil works on Martha Ray portrayed Nora in "A Doll's House," L.C.'s the set for a "A Doll's House." Nancy also starred as Lucy in "You're a Good spring production. Man, Charlie Brown" in the fall.

125 Kappa Epsilon Pi

Paul Medley, Claude Weatherford, Lance Leavoy, Les Agee, Mike Evans.

126 Phi Delta Pi

ABOVE: The Phi Delta Pi bulletin board in the student center urges everyone to "Have a Gentle Thursday." Phi Delta Pi sponsors gentle Thursday twice annually. LEFT: Phi Delta Pi Members, From Top to Bottom: Pam Baggett, Merry Jane Bourgois, Rhonda Burchfield, Margaret Morgan, Linda Till, Kathy Dalton, Cheryl Simmons, Debbie Cole, Renee Williams, Martha Miller, Debbie Howell, and Cindy Nobles, President.

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2tt*K.: FACULTY The Year of the Faculty Member

They were as busy as we were — and probably had as much fun.


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SI 132 Dr. G. Earl Guinn President of Louisiana College 1952-1974

133 Dean of Academic Affairs Dr. Eugene Hall

Dean of Students Dr. Edward L. Heath

134 Director of Student Aid M. A. Smith

Business Manager Ernie Hicks

135 TOM BERRY LYNN HUDGEONS Director of Public Relations Public Relations

W.H.WILKINSON LANDRUMSALLEY Director of Institutional Relations Library


136 NIKOLAI ALEXANDRENKO BILLY ALLGOOD GEORGE AMOS Foreign Language Health and Physical Education English






GLENN GRAFF GERALD L.HEARD GEORGE E.HEARN Health and Physical Education Philosophy Psychology


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B.THOMPSON WILLIAM C.TODD EVERETT P. TRUEX Math Health and Physical Education Business






Eddie Ray Allen Alexandria George Anderson Coushatta Marilyn Anderson Ball Joseph N. Arnold Evergreen Joan Autrey Kentwood Carla R. Aycock Durant, Okla. Don M. Aycock Evangeline

Ruth Bains Shreveport Michael Barcelona New Orleans Linda F. Baxter Opelousas Ray Baxter Eudora, Ark. Pamela Bell Bogalousa Larry Bird Jonesville Peggy Blanton Metairie

Joan Bolton Jonesville Dennis Botts Pineville Connie S. Bower Atlanta, Ga. Delia Bowman Alexandria Louise Brouillette Marksville Maria Broussard Pineville Frances Brown Resolven, S. Wales

Nancy Brown Alexandria Wm. Randall Brown DeRidder Claude L. Brunson Heflin Thomas Clifford Jennings James E. Coleman Hineston Jerry F. Coleman Dry Prong J. B. Collingsworth Downsville


Elaine M. Connell Alexandria Edward L. Cooper Durham, N.C. James E. Cooper Ouitman Albert Couvillion Pineville Jefferson Craddock Fairmont, W. Va. Kathleen Cunningham Metairie Randall H.Curtis Pineville

Timothy J. Dousay Calcasieu Shirley R. Ducote Pineville Darlene Dufour Pineville Phyllis Lee Dupree Ringgold Ron Eary Pineville Mike Elliott Garden Grove, Calif. Brenda Fehrmann Patterson

Debbie Fletcher Pineville Leland Fuller Satsuma, Ala. Reeda Acuff Fuller Kinder Buddy Funderburg Converse Mary Ruth Funk Alexandria Samuel J. Gentry Shreveport Louise M. Glatt Otis

Curtis Glenn Alexandria Morris Goins Pineville Fred Griffin Pompano Beach, Fla. Fernice Guilbeau Breaux Bridge Karen Hall Cordoba, Vera Cruz, Mex. Margaret Hathorn Alexandria Geneva K. Hood Pineville


L John S. Hunter New Orleans Jess Hyde Alexandria Wayne "Skip" Irwin Metairie Jerry A. Istre Jennings Paul E. Johnson Alexandria Ricky L. Johnson Lake Charles Pamela Jones Jennings

James B. Juneau Pineville Steve Kennington Alexandria Judy Ann Knuppel Gretna Audrey B. Luczak Pineville David J. Lane Alexandria Fatima Lima Brasilia, Brazil Marshall Maglothin Pineville

David C. Marabella Alexandria Anne Richie Martin Pineville Karl W.Marx Alexandria Clifford J. Mason Oneonta, Ala. John A. Matthews Pineville Judy McCoy Jennings Monty McLaurin Pineville

Roger B. Mercer Pollock Judia M. Moreau Olla Melvin C. Morgan Ruby Karen J. Musgrove Alexandria Guy Albert Navarro Morocco Jayshree Patel Kenya Sylvia Ober Pearson Pineville

Wayne Pennington Pineville Kathleen A. Pharis Pineville Virgie Clay Pilcher Alexandria Sandra Poe Hicks Gary L. Preuett Tioga David L Pulling Covington Dale Ray Alexandria

Dan St. Andre — Need we say more? Rick Henson bringing home the Cap'n Crunch. Curtis Glenn, a moment of contemplation and Coke.

146 Mary Stallcup as she appeared in Evening Gown Competition at the 1974 Miss L.C. Pageant.

Martha Bess Ray Pineville Carol M. Red Pineville William E. Roberts Wauchula, Fla. Diane T. Robison Oil City Lynn Rohrbaugh Mooringsport Jerry P. Sanson Deville Charlotte Scallan Pineville

Harvey Scroggs Pineville Sammy Self Leesville Gareth A. Simmons Jennings Charles T. Smith Riverview, Fla. Donna R. Smith Pineville David Spencer Tullahoma, Tenn. Jane Stallcup Cabot, Ark.

Dan St. Andre Omaha, Neb. Izora Steinschulte Alexandria Penny Stevens Pineville Peggy St. John Bernice Sara Stockard Alexandria Mark Strickland Shreveport Terry Swanson Alexandria

Janell Terry Harrisonburg Margaret Thompson Alexandria Robert P. Thompson Alexandria Frances Vickery New Orleans Gloria Vick Dixon. Ky. Irene Wagner Alexandria Jeris Ann Wells Alexandria

Jennie White Jonesville Patti Williams Shreveport Renee L. Williams Bogalusa Donna J. Womble Pascagoula, Miss. Ellis Woods Valdosta, Ga. Thomas Wynn Houma f^» Donald Yates Boyce

147 Ruth Allen Collinsville, Miss. Linda B. Anderson Alexandria Frank B.Ashley Alexandria Andy Ashworth Oakdale Roderick Babcock Pollock Barbara Baldwin Warren, Mich. Beverly Barnard Baton Rouge

Patricia Bordelon Alexandria Robbie C. Brame Alexandria Susan Brinkerhoff Alexandria Barbara J. Brown Alexandria Gary David Brown Alexandria Ivory Brown Alexandria Carol Brown Natchitoches

Shirley Brown Deville Diann Cain Pitkin Richard E. Carr Shreveport Wanda Chaney Baton Rouge Ambia Lea Crain Alexandria Marilyn D. Cripps Alexandria Janice Crittenden Pineville

Willis Ray Curtis Pineville Rita J. DeBona Alexandria Rodrick M. Delrie Alexandria Don Devore Pineville Deborah Didier Marksville Jenny Lou Douglas Georgetown Clyde D. Downs Pineville


Brenda Jean Duck Bunkie Gary Leo Dufour Alexandria Janis L. Eaves Bentley William D.Eznack Alexandria John D. Falin Kingsport, Tenn. Robert N. Franklin Alexandria Jacqueline G. Franks Lecompte

Jack L. Green Natchitoches Ralph T. Hammack Alexandria Bonnie Hansen Biggs, Calif. Benny Harel Tel-Aviv, Israel Ricky P. Henson Meridian, Miss. Vernon Hetrick Cleveland, Ohio Judy Ann Hickman Alexandria

Charles C. Howard Urania Debra Ann Howell Pineville Janet Howell Ball Michael F. Howell Jackson Sarah E. Huebner Pineville Michael Humphries Tioga Freddy G. Jacks Vicksburg, Miss.

O'Neal Johnson Elizabeth Ameal Jones Alexandria Ricky Lane Jones Morgan City Carol M. Kardos Alexandria Rod L. Kaspar Benton, III. Tamara S. Knapp Alexandria Tom LaCombe Alexandria

148 Joel Laffitte Mansfield James Lamkin Arcadia Dianne Lane Zachary Lance Leavoy San Antonio, Tex. Nancy LeBouef Houma Barry Losey Shreveport James Love Olla

Charles Lowry Pineville Larry Maricle Oakdale Betty R. Matthews Pineville Mitchell Mathis Jackson, Miss. Glenda Sue May Baker Robert McCullough DeRidder Brooke McCutchen Baton Rouge

Randy McGee Oakdale Marc McNeal Effie Martha Miller Lake Charles Barbara Jo Moore Kinder Freda K. Morgan Homer Margret M. Morgan Shreveport Raymond E. Morris Baton Rouge

Jacqueline Norris Pineville Lola J. Norwood Alexandria Don Nunley DeRidder Rene Oubre Pineville Mike H. Pease Pineville Charlene A. Perkins Pitkin Stephen J. Phelps Paris, Tenn.

Swayne L. Poole Pine Prairie Marthe Prince Eudora, Ark. Rebecca Kay Pulling Covington Carol A. Purvis Harrisonburg Richard L. Ranson New Orleans James A. Render Birmingham, Mich. Malcolm Richard Baton Rouge

Donnie Richardson Rhinehart Huey D. Richardson Alexandria Donna Jean Richmond Alexandria Faye Robbins Pineville Marsha T. Roy Pineville David N. Rushing Alexandria Gary Wayne Schwitz Chicago, III.

James Semanski Buckner, III. Terry A. Smith Deville Debbie Lee Sperry Ft. Walton Beach, Fla. Janice Spurgeon Hicks Mary Stallcup Cabot, Ark. Glynn Stephens Prentiss, Miss. Deborah A. Sterle Alexandria

Rebecca Stringer Jena Ruth Stringer Jena Gary Sumrall Lafayette William Terry Pineville Randall Thomas Oakdale Betty K. Turner Pineville Dan B. Turner Pineville

Lenny H.Turpin Alexandria Mark Wallace Baton Rouge Carl A. Weiser Chalmette Dorothy L. Welch Bunkie Brown A. Wilson Alexandria Paula Sue White Minden

149 Alton A. Achord Boyce Stephen "Duke" Allgood Pineville Debora Andrews Vidalia Brenda Atterbery Lake Charles Deborah Babcock Pollock Pamela Baggett Lake Charles Mary Carol Barham Pineville

Carl Benedict Jennings Merry Jane Bourgeois Lake Charles Richard A. Brewer New Orleans Laura W. Brossett Pineville Debra Brown Pineville Dolly \^Aae Brown Alexandria Rebecca Ann Brown Coushatta

Neal Brown DeRidder Randall J. Bucy Paris, Tenn. Janelle Burford Gloster Rhonda Bush Pineville Cassandra Butler Marksville Wayne Butler Cheraw, S.C. Vernon G. Butler Marksville

Audrey L. Calhoun Orlando, Fla. JeanAnne Campbell Baton Rouge Joseph C. Chapman Pineville Diane Chenault Cloutierville Odom Chevallier Pineville Charlotte Cloud Elizabeth Roy Gene Cobb Oakdale


Debra A. Cole Pineville Mark L. Colvin Dubach Jimmy W. Connell Libuse Jerry A. Cripps Pineville Charles M. Dear Jackson Oliver F. Deen Dry Prong Doris Dennis Alexandria

Barbara Ann Dixon Pineville Cynthia Ann Dorsey Alexandria Charlotte Dossman St. Landry Billy Eggers Mobile, Ala. John Wm. Emery Slidell Sharon Ewing Harrisonburg Dale Ferrant Noble

Wanda Ferrington Jonesville Michael Fiannery Traines, Penn. Marcia Flowers Baton Rouge Cindy Jo Floyd Alexandria Joe Floyd Alexandria Kenneth Fohne Lebanon, III. Nancy E. Foil Alexandria

Bennett Foster Deville Frank James Freel Alexandria Bill Fuselier Alexandria Frances Gaines Houma Virginia Lea Gaines Houma Charlotte Green Shreveport Rose Marie Green Bastrop

150 Glen Gintz Pineville Regina Ann Gross Akron, Ohio Clarence Hall Oakdale Patsey Haley Pineville Donna Harrell Tioga Daniel H. Harrison Pineville Kathleen Hayes Pineville

Jackie Hightower Pineville Stephen Guy Hobgood Baton Rouge Marsha Ann Hunter New Orleans Charles M. Igo Hattiesburg, Miss. Dexter W. Johnson Tioga Peggy Jolly Pineville Dennis C. Jones Morgan City

Mae Helen Jones Glenmora Stanley D. Jowers Alexandria Karen Jane Kelley Shreveport Keith P. Kimble Baton Rouge David LaFollette Groveport, Ohio Glen Lane Baton Rouge Patrick A. Lane Zachery

Alec S. Lloyd Alexandria Peggy Lynn Long Dry Prong William M. Lovell Baton Rouge Beth Martin Natchitoches Bonny Marzett Pineville Martha Lou McCaa Winnsboro Linda McCullin Stuttgart, Ger.

Howard L. McKee Lake Charles Rhonda McNeal Alexandria Paul E. Medley Bastrop David Mercer Monroe Johnny E. Miller Alexandria Randy Miller Minden Kirtibala Modha Nakuru, Kenya

Barry Moore Kinder Gail Morgan Ruby Ronald J. Morgan Luling Thomas C. Morgan Luling Edward 1. Morrison Pollock Linda Kay Mounce Greenwell Springs Willie Mount Alexandria

It must be a real nail-biter shot according to Dave St. Andre, bass player for the pep band.

151 Scott Nalley Pineville Deanna Nichols Boyce Cindy A. Nobles Baker Carol O'Quinn Alexandria Larry R. Pait Zachary Alvin T. Parsley Pineville Charles P. Parsons Pineville

Margaret Parsons Pineville Mary M. Paul Alexandria Michael A. Paul Baton Rouge Oliver D. Perry Pineville Lydell K. Pierce Morgan City Debra Ann Price Alexandria Alfred Prier Granby, Mo.

Terri Ramage Alexandria Albert L. Rayburn Pineville Barbara L. Rayburn DeVille Sharon Ann Rose Pineville Terry W. Sasser Pineville Douglas G. Scott Dallas, Tex. Kenneth Showalter Bossier City

Oh no, Barry! Are you working on La Travi- ata AGAIN?!

Roger W. Smith Jena Dennis M. Sowers Pineville David St. Andre Bellevue, Neb. Phillip W.Stanford Mobile, Ala. Edward A. Starks Baton Rouge Elizabeth Strahan Vidalia Mary Irene Sullivan Alexandria

Scott R. Sullivan Alexandria David Alan Talley Homer Charles G. Terry Harrisonburg Bruce Alan Thompson Pitkin Linda Carol Till Tioga Vicki Tomlinson Slidell Kenneth L. Tracy Alexandria

James L. Ulmer Mt. Juliet, Tenn. William B. Wages New Albany, Miss. Vivian Whittle Pineville Morris Wilmer Pineville Becky Ann Wood Gonzales

152 Sally A. Achord Patterson Aubrey Alexander Alexandria Frank R. Alexander Rhinehart Les M. Agee College Corner, Ind. Keith Aguillard Jennings Sarah Atwood Pineville Joe Babcock Pollock

Pearl Babcock Pollock Carmen Baker Pineville Clifton Bankston Denham Springs Cathy L. Bates Natchitoches Schuyler Batson Alexandria Deborah Bennett Winnsboro Steve Benson Vidalia

Ada Bergeron Alexandria Clifton Bernard Luling Karla Bickham Franklinton Andy Bishop Baker Cynthia Blaisdell Alexandria Darrell Booth Baton Rouge Ellis Botts Pineville

Angela Boutwell Oak Grove Joann Braden Alexandria Debra Brogden Pineville Daniel C. Brown Pineville Doug Brown Nashville. Tenn. Dwight F. Brown Pineville Gary Brown Quitman


James K. Bruce Crowville Bonnie J. Brunson Pineville Gayle Bryant Pollock Michael Buckels Baton Rouge Rhonda Burchfield Bastrop Larry Burgess Minden Marilyn Burton DeRidder

Flora Caskey Coushatta Karen E. Clark Alexandria Susan A. Cobb West Monroe Lynn Conn Pineville Mildred Copeland Mt. Holly. N.J. Susan Craig Bastrop Paulette Cyrus New Orleans

Kathy Dalton Lake Charles Becky Davis Eunice Joyce M. Deason Port Barre Heidi Dengel Alexandria Sandy Denney Klotzville Benny DePingre Minden Jay E. Deville Alexandria

Iva DeWitt , Dry Prong Charles M. Donnell Lafayette Alva Dorsey Alexandria Gary Downs Pineville Ernest A. Drost Springhill Alva Edmondson Oak Grove Velt E. Edwards Hineston

153 Guy W. Estave New Roads Clyde E. Ewing Morganza David Fewell Provensal Nathan Fermin New Orleans Bruce D. Fields Ferriday Jeannine Kay Fink Denham Springs Guy Flanagan New Orleans

John M. Foster DeVille Karen Funderburk Pineville Paul Funderburk Pineville Phillip Fuselier Alexandria Linda C. Gagneux Pineville James Garner West Monroe Regina Kay Garrett Hineston

Pam Gautreaux Opelousas Rita Kay Gilliam Corsicana, Tex. Jeffrey Goodgame Pineville Gordon Daniel Pineville John Graham Denham Springs Cindy K. Green Natchitoches Michael A. Haley Denham Springs

Kim Hall West Monroe Bobbie Hataway Dry Prong Sandra Hemphill Oak Grove Jimmy Herring Oak Grove Fred Hilburn Pineville Tom C. Hoehner Fostoria, Ohio Gary Honeycutt Houston, Tex. / s"f

Ray Hope Baton Rouge Debbie Huffmaster Bordelonville Charles E. Hunter Shreveport Adena Jantz Oakdale Joel Jaques Baldwin William Jenkins Alexandria Ann M. Jirasek Alexandria

Martha S. Jones Boyce Marvin Jones Rayville Ray Jones Alexandria Sandra F. Jones Pineville Michael D.Kelly Bastrop Brenda Kennedy West Monroe Tommy Kimbrough Harrisonburg

Bruce L. Kite Basile Gwen Larson New Iberia James K. Lawrence Alexandria Charlie A. Liming Alexandria Karen Little West Monroe Philip Little Jena Randy Livingston Marrero

Lyndon Longoria Merryville Sandy Lovell Baton Rouge Mark Lumadue Alexandria Johnny Lyles Cheneyville Elwood Marcotte Jeanerette Brenda K. Martin Natchitoches Rickey McCalister Pineville

154 Rhonda McCord Baton Rouge Chris McDaniel DeRidder Mark McDowell Monterey

Cindy Lee McKay Pollock Frank D. McKnight Baton Rouge Davida L. McNutt Alexandria

Claudette Meaux Marrero Renee Metoyer Alexandria Ronald James Meyers Ville Platte

Drexwill Miller Nassau, Bahamas Johnny C. Miller Nelda Theresa Miller Ludlow, III.

William Minyard Pineville George M. Mitchell Dry Prong Suzan A. Mitchell Gardner

James S. Morgan Winnfield Jennifer Joy Morris Baton Rouge Randall Morton Pineville

Nancy K. Neal Baton Rouge Florence Obey Alexandria Thomas O'Neal Oak Grove

Dian Owens Centerville Barbara Lynn Palmer Shreveport Randy Patterson Pineville

155 Sheila Perkins Gardner David A. Perrin Cut-Off James R. Pharis Pineville Leonard Pharr Clarksdale, Miss. Malcom G. Pickern Bratt, Fla. Monett M. Pitre Oberlin June Poole Jena

Michael R. Rasberry Grant Randall Ray Calhoun Dan H. Reichard Lynchburg, Va. David Rice Alexandria Mel Riggs Ferriday Phyllis C. Risley Pineville Steve Roark Delhi

Henry Roberts Baton Rouge Droexel Robinson Denham Springs Jeri Rodgers W. Monroe Margaret Rogers Oberlin Francis Roper Pineville David Ruffin Oak Grove Jonathan Sanson Newton, Tex.

Lisa N. Sauls DeRidder Barbara K. Sharp Alexandria Janice Shepherd Forest John D. Sheppard Enterprise Cheryl Simmons Virginia Beach, Va. Richard D. Skinner Converse Jonathan Sledge Winnsboro

Evelyn M. Smith Leander Jane A. Smith Pineville Steve Spurlock Bogalusa John F. Steiner New Orleans Kay Stockman Forest Hill Michael Sutton Scottsdale, Ariz. Vicky Tackett Oak Grove

Peggy Tanner Alexandria Nancy Tarpley Deville Irene D. Taylor Charleston, S.C. Walter Thornton Alexandria Monica Tietje Elton Meladye Tullos Alexandria Jennifer Tyler Deville

Curtis S. Turnley Oakdale Terry Tyler Pineville Debbie K. Tynes Gonzales Voncille Utsey Pineville John Walden Alexandria Linda KayeWall Tioga Jan L. Wallace W. Monroe

Troy Wansley Pitkin John L Ward Eunice Thomas R.Watkins Harrisonburg Andrea L. Welch Oak Grove Ellen Welch Pineville Steve Whittington Ville Platte Debbie Wilkinson Baton Rouge

Tom Wilkinson Alexandria Robert Williams Pineville Robert Todd Willie Denham Springs David L. Wilson El Dorado, Ark. Henry T. Young Jonesville Russell S. Knight Alexandria Douglas Knuppel Gretna

156 '***-»*«.,

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• *#*#•* .»>» ' **. • * aWW - • - ««4M J •d *^jjjfl 44 t»ii T Your 1974 Pine Knot would not be possible if it were not for the following advertisements.

We express our sincere appreciation to the merchants in Alexandria and Pine­ ville for helping in this endeavor, and we encourage the students to pajronize their establishments.


1301 Main St. Pineville, La. Pineville, La. Phone 3-9564

Home of the Home of the LEMON FROG SHOP

and Alexandria Mall and Jeans Joint SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE Junior Bazaar Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back For Young Men For Young Women 158 The Louisiana Baptist Convention believes in Louisiana College and supports that great institution through the Cooperative Program.

159 c/4tc Work Today^FbryQwr G / c Energ*y " Needs Of Tomorrow^

GENTHAL LOUISIANA ELECTRIC COMPANY. INC. an investor-owned, tax-paying utility


CAPUAN'S "Everything for Your Athletic Needs"

I 100 MacArthur Drive Alexandria, Louisiana

Phone 443-7327 or 443-7328

Downtown • MacArthur Village • Alexandria Mall


>*vL_E^x>^rvji=)r==?i>x •irvjiEEE:*^!


Pineville, La. TUDOR CONSTRUCTION Rev. Roger L. Richards, Pastor Welcomes You in COMPANY Jesus' Name

161 Lou & Laura's Drive-In Garrett Office Supplies, Inc.

Telephone 442-4418 415 Murray Street Specializing in Po Boy Sandwiches and Broasted Chicken Alexandria, Louisiana 71301 TRY OUR THICK, CREAMY MILK SHAKES Apeco Copying Machines — OPEN 11 A.M. — CLOSE 10 P.M. — Gestetner Ink Duplicators and Supplies Heyer Spirit Duplicators Closed Wednesdays Smith-Corona Typewriters I 329 Military HiWay — Phone 442-6625 SCM Copiers Hermes Typewriters Norelco Dictating Equipment Addox Adding Machines


Ice Cream Stores Alfred and Merle Vahlkamp

MacArthur Village * Alexandria

Phone 445-9706


Corner 5th and Jackson Alexandria, La. Office 445-6504

"BestPo-BoysIn Town" Lazarone Drive In Owned and Operated by Arville J. Burleigh 2847 LEE STREET • PHONE 442-7527 ALEXANDRIA, LOUISIANA

Compliments of OWL PHARMACY

904 Main Street £< Pineville, La. JIMMY WALKER CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH, INC.

1518 Washington Street Alexandria, Louisiana Jimmy Walker 445-3666

325 Jackson Street 3600 Jackson Ext.

First in furnishingsV for your home

Now Two Locations To Serve You

163 'JlibL iBood and Record J>fiofi BIBLE HELPS • GOSPEL RECORDS AND TAPES Scripture Gifts • Sheet Music • Song Books DAILY 9:00 TO S:30 THURSDAY TO 8:30 P.M. FSALMS 119:105 Mr. and Mrs. J. D Davis 1211 Third Street 1014 Third Street Phone 443-8457 Alexandria, La. 71301 MacArthur Village

COMMERCIAL INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Compliments of BOOSTER CLUB 1974 President's A. HEATH PETRIE, (Pres.) 1936-1970 ESTABLISHED I9I5 Trophy Winners PHILIP A. JACOBS, President PHONE 442-8832 P. CLYDE CONNELL, JR., Vice-Pres. P.O. Box 1790 PHILIP HEATH JACOBS, Vice-Pres. Alexandria, La. 71301


TELEPHONE 443-3658 Alexandria, La. 7I30I ELECTRONICS Compliments a§§(0)(MI f¥M I OWNED AND OPERATED BY Standard

JE^Jeoti'on lo« inc. _____—. Printing Co.

Lafayette Garrard AR Panasonic Dual Utah Marantz Shure Fraiier 709 4th St. Alex., La. TEAC KOM Empire ElectroVoice Sony Pickering Wollensak Akai JVC Jensen ADC Majestic

"Your Department Store of Electronics"


PICADILLY CAFETERIA Walker'Roemerdairies, he.

MacArthur Village Alexandria Mall 3227 MacArthur Drive Continuous Service 7 Days a P.O. Box 5565 Week, I I a.m. —8:30 p.m. Alexandria, Louisiana 71301 443-6361


3rd and Washington COMPANY, INC. Alexandria and Alexandria Mall 1616 MacArthur Drive

Alexandria, Louisiana

165 s the real thing, Coke. frade mark (3)


Class Ring Headquarters 924 Third Street Serving Alexandria 109 Years Alexandria Coca-Cola Btlg. Co.


Your One-Stop Sewing Center Dress and Evening Fabrics 6520 Lake Charles Hwy. Drapery Fabrics Telephone (318) 442-0004 Pine Plaza Mall and 920 MacArthur Alexandria, La. 71301 Phone 448-0752 or 445-2212




»l On the Corner of 4th and Jackson Sts.

Warmly Welcomes College *K, ^*^*L*L*a*a*^*^*4 _ Students

L. C. Loves Ride the EMMANUEL Bus or Take a Taxi. PASQUALE'S Free Taxi Tickets Available Highway 28 at the Church. Pineville, La. Ph. 5-3584


(Coffee and Doughnuts Served Sunday Mornings)


. . . MacAr+hur Village 9:15 A.M. Sunday School . . . Alexandria Mall 6:00 P.M. Training Union


Upper Third, Alexandria

go all out for you!

j&Kk Guaranty Bank ^-SF & Trust Company *^^ ^^ ALEXANDRIA-PINEVILLETIOCA MEMBER FDtC

168 2&4




JSS. Parting Shots

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171 '

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"STuitf j—.4-f iZJZp- The Close of a Year May 18, 1974 and the First Class Graduated in the Guinn Auditorium

173 174 175 PHOTOGRAPHY:

Larry Pait Becky Pulling Gary Sumrall Robert Willie Don Yates

. . . And that's how it ended, this year that will never come again. There will be other years, other friends, and other faces; perhaps not as good, or maybe better. Who can say?

"Like Columbus in the olden days we must gather all our courage; Sail our ships out on the open sea, cast away our fears and all the years will come and go and take us up, up, always up."

With deepest gratitude to Pam Jones, Peggy St. John, Larry Pait, Terry Sasser, and Dr. Wilkinson.


Clyde Downs 176

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