News | page 2 Profile on SAC Chair Nick Kadulski uvvMrOSl The Student-Run Independent Newspaper at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Sciences undergoing Candidates lay rebranding different tracks Sports | page 7 Feature on Robbie and to Madison Bryce Boyd Walker, Barrett debate benefits of proposed rail line Women's soccer loses to the University of Texas, 4-3 By Mike La Count for the race here in Wisconsin News Editor echoes that heard on the na
[email protected] tional stage. Whether you're at a fringe | page 9 Barrett rally or a Walker shindig, The gubernatorial race is jobs, fiscal responsibility, health rounding the last corner and care and education will be the Interview with heading for the final stretch, cornerstones of conversation. Milwaukee's Ragadors with just four weeks left before Both men, if elected, aim to the Nov. 2 election. Walker and pursue many of the same goals Barrett have shifted into high differing ideologically in how gear and are frequently mak to get there. Both have talked ing stops across the state, do about creating jobs, balancing ing what they can to sway voters Wisconsin's budget and improv- into their respective camps. A lot of the political rhetoric See TRACKS page 5 The Milwaukee Intermodal Station. Post photo by Sierra Riesberg Residency rules at UWM a possibility UWM tries Tribute to Jim Henson By Tom Swieciak Editorial | page 19 Asst. News Editor to keep ties
[email protected] Reasons why voters •** As of right now, 10 of the UW to students should choose Feingold ".