
GS331 Final Study Guide

Suggestions for Preparing:

1. Go over all notes, equation lists, and lab exercises. 2. Make sure that you understand the lab skills, check your work with answer keys. 3. Go over the mid-term study guide, the exam will in part be comprehensive (from before the mid-term, focus on plate tectonics, physiography of basins, and math-physics-chemistry overview). 4. Go over the key words and concepts listed below. 5. Memorize terms, and concepts 6. Read the book, look at relavent figures. Study and memorize all notes covered this term. 7. Bring a calulator, pencil, ruler, pens, etc. to the exam. The exam will be part lab-style problems, fill-in- the-bubble, fill in the blank, and essay.

Key Words and Concepts Since Mid-Term matter ice/water volume relation evaporation element fluid freezing compound capillary sublimation atom bipolar water molecule calorie nucleus hydrogen bonds joule proton EM spectrum condensation neutron wavelength phase change electron amplitude latent heat atomic number frequency pH defined atomic mass period calcium carbonate stability average atomic mass albedo saturated vs. undersaturated isotope refraction ion atomic charge balance reflection solvent electron shells energy absorption solute valence electrons absorption vs. depth ppm atomic bonding ppt octet rule temp-density relations ppb noble gases density o/oo ionic bonds density carbonic acid reaction covalent bonds heat carbonate dissolution electron filling heat flow buffering capacity ions thermodynamic flux CO2--temp relations cations heat expansion composition of anions heat contraction Na,Mg,Ca, etc. percentages physical states buoyant force salinity solid density-volume relations specific conductivity liquid ice crystal structure temp-salinity-density relations gas conduction pycnocline molecular kinetic energy convection heat capacity radiation

1 alkalinity aphelion effect stable isotope equinox cw rotation radioactive isotope solistice ccw rotation O16, O18 frequency wind global ice budget time series air pressure Carbon isotopes northern hemisphere north: hook right superposition southern hemisphere south: hook left biogenic fall,winter,spring,summer rising air - low press lithogenic circular vs. elliptical path falling air - high press stratigraphy glacial - cold/wet climate general circulation isotope equilibrium polar cooling equator to pole transfer del O18 solar influx heat transfer PDB albedo warm air rises SMOW positive feedback cold air sinks paleothermometry equatorial low mollusks Air- Concepts subtropical high forminifera mid-latitude low coral seasons polar high salinity vs. O18 earth rotation westerlies temp vs. O18 earth tilt easterlies latitude vs. O18 plane of ecliptic trade winds isotopic fractionation seasonal precession doldrums "heavy water" rotational velocity polar air mass "light water" 23.5 degree tilt tropical air mass glacial climate latitudinal insolation jet stream interglacial climate tropic of cancer "pineapple express" ice sheet tropic of capricorn Hurricane (cyclone) evaporation equinox late Wisconsinan ice solstice Waves, Currents, global spring, fall, winter, summer eustatic sea level differential heating gyre drilling ocean heat capacity coriolis effect O18 stratigraphy heat absorption Stream O18/O16 ratio heat reflection California global correlation land cooling / heating Japan Current radiometric dating ocean cooling / heating insolation humidity dynamic topography sun spot vapor capacity sun spot cycle vs. humidity density currents sun spot - climate response dew point waves orbital forcing relative humidity fetch Milankovitch Theory percent humidity wave crest obliquity air lifing wave trough eccentricity forceful lifting precession orographic lifting wave length angle of earth tilt frontal wedging orbital path convergence plane of ecliptic anticyclone perihelion cyclone breaker

2 longshore drift Coriolis Effect tides isohalines tidal bulge Knudsen titration normal tidal bulge conductivity neap dilution spring tide water mass tidal cycle residence time high tide thermohaline circulation low tide isopycnals temp-salinity diagram water mixing El Nino Concepts current dynamic topography climate change density factor storm impact temperature profiles community model salinity profiles tides water mass characterization wave heights storm wave tide graph slope summer beach wind set up winter beach storm surge longshore drift nodal point littoral cell fetch trade winds wave velocity wave period south america wave frequency north america wave length easterly winds El Nino La Nina storm track coastal wave activity storm surge sea surface

Lab Concepts and Skills thermocline surface layer salinity density thermohaline circulation surface temperatures isotherms upwelling

3 Lab Skills That You Should Be Able to Do

Plot a graph Draw a profile given map data contour salinity, temperature, and depth data relate salinity and temperature patterns to water density calculate density, velocity, depth convert between units of measurement (miles, knots, etc.) re-arrange equations and solve for unknowns plot a graph and interpret data draw a bathymetric map locate positions on a map using longitude and latitude triangulate positions on a map measure and determine compass bearings determine the depth to seafloor from data