~Jze POINTER SERIES VI VOL. IV Stevens Point, \'\lis. January 26, 1950 No. l l

No Paper 1950 CST( Summer School Because of th e exam schedule Chapel Choir Scheduled for ~:1nt~~c \\~i~rt;a~~~e!ef~rd, t;~ Field Trip Announced weeks. The next Pointer will ap­ Concert Here on Wednesday pear on Thursday, February 16. If you like to travel, need history or geogra phy credit s, and are going co summer school, take note of the 1950 Summer school field trip which has just been an nounced by the geo­ g raphy and history departments. The tour this ye~r. from June 26 to July 16, has been planned to in­ clude stops at Pittsb1.1rgh, Gettys­ burg, Philadelphia, New York City, Cape Cod, Boston, Albany, Roches­ ter, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit and Chicago. In add it ion there will be industrial tours of a Pittsburgh Steel company, New England Tex­ tile co mpany, Eastman Kodak com­ pany, Ford Motor company and others. The g roup will travel through the southern part of the U,. S. and then make an upward swing along the coast and back to Stevens Point through the north· east. Earn Six Credits A total of six credits wi ll be earn­ ed on the trip ; th ree in geography, with Raymond E. Specht as in struc· tor, and three in history with Her­ bert R. Steiner as instructor. This is the second summer session tri p of its kind. Last year's trip was under the g uidance of Robert S. Lewis and Dr. W arren G. Jenkins. The trave lers will make the trip

Inter-Sorority Dance: Atte:nde:d by 93 Couples Amid appropriate settings for "June in Jan uary," 93 copies danced to the music of Jimmy Jr "Ties and hi s orchestra at the Inter-sororit y dance, Saturday c\·ening, January 21. Ome­ ga Mu Chi and Tau Gamma Beta sororities sponsored this ga la C\'Cnt. Preced ing the dance. which took place at the America n afegion hall , dinners were held by the two soc ia l so rorities on the ca mpus for mem­ bers and their guests. the Tau Garns : : tt~: S~~~?s~ yc;r/ and the Omegs Annual Band Clinic Falling snow on the windows in At CSTC Saturday I nte:rfaith Council the Legion was the mai n motif for Sat urJay. Janu ary 28, wil mark To Sponsor Party th e Janu.iry da net: theme. Dc:pictins .1 hi~ JJ)' fo r approximat~ly 400 members of hish sc hool bands in the The lnt<:r fa ith Coun cil wi ll spon· ~u rrou ndi n~ area . They will come so r an informal party on Thursday, . No Name Needed to CSTC wi th bandmasrers from 7) Fcbru:iry 16, at 7 :30 p.m. in the A story in the Pointer last o r 80 sc hools fo r the annual ba nd Training S(hool gym,.. This is an all we('k sured rh at suggesti ons drop- cl inic ,g i\'e n by the colleg(' band school parry and wi ll fe ature games ed into th(' Student Cou ncil box und('r the di rection of Peter J. M i­ and other types of entertainment. Refreshme nt s will be se rved. in the Poin ter office wou ld have chclsen. ' to be signed in o rd(' r to be con· Begi nning at 9:30 a. m. the co ll ege The committees from the religious sidered at Council meetings. ba nd, made up of regular band mem- organiz:uions are as foll ows : PubJj. However, it has been decided bees and alums, will pl ay cl ass A city, \'v'eslcy Foundation; decora­ that anonymous comments will numbers found on the state li st this tions, Lutheran Student Association; receive the same consideration as year. The clinic will co ntinue fo r the recreation, Wayland club ; program, those which bear a signature. ·entire day and all numbers for class· YWCA ; refreshments, Canterbury L------" es 8, C and D wi ll also be played. club. THE POINTER January 26, 1950 z ' VOL IV THE POINTER No. 12 Familiar Faces:

If all interviewing :issignmcnts 10 attending school, Pat worked as a CST C has hit the "dold rum" pc· would turn ouc to be such pleas.1 nt long dist .1 ncc telephone operator, rioJ of sooal activit)' now. The li ­ part time, until she was married. b ra ry i.) crowdt"d f rom d:iwn 'till work .1s did the feJturc interview d.trk, rcscrvc books arc being used for this week )'OUr w riter might be Pat, nee Anderson, and Reuben by the .t rmlo:iJ and research pamph­ tempted to t.tkc o,·er the job perm· were married in August and now re- lets are rcmo"cd and dc\'ou r<:d by anent I)'. To cl.trif)' the comment. the th e.: pile.' H owever, it's no uphc1,·al w rit er must :1dd thlt it isn·c C\'Cr)' m thL' cducation:d ri cld - merely 1hc dr.1gon final exam ! All studcncs featu re writer who has the privilege arc in\'ilcd , whcrcvc:r they can crawl, o f being entcruincd while on his as­ Let's Meet Sunday for individual "Crlck -Up Pa rt ies" signed mission. ::ihcr cx:1m week. \Xlhen m:iking an appointmcnc with ThL' l,tr,L;c n111 nht:r of org:111iz.11io1h o n the ca mpus, plus the four day the chosen person alities or t he week, wc.:L' k all otted 10 them, h.,vc crc.11ed ,1 !l ituJtion which works hardships on The T ed DowJ,Jeanenc Kelly 'iOllle J.:roU p '> :i nd Ju ve: cn;.;cm lcrcd ,oinc misundersl:tnding s. marri:1ge of Dc:ccmber 21 WlS omit­ :rn in \' it ing " \'<' hy do n't you come The , i,,u .11iu n h.l'> 1h rool\ in thl' f.t l l t hat m.tny '> tudcnh p.1 ck up and ted in the fa st issue because of m,s­ over for supper ?" wJs the promp1 !c.,ve cm Frid:ty' .lflcrnuon to rc.:turn :ig am Sunday ni,1,;h t. The result is that p lacc:J ioform:i tio n. T ed :i nd h is suggestion after the affirmation or FrHlay, S.11urd .1y .,nil !lu11tl .1y nighh ire v,nu.i. lly U!>c:le!t'i for o rgJn iz:itional bridc:, w ho is from Pembine, arc re­ an intcr\'icw dau:. It wa.) in chis con ­ mcctinJ.;'>. siding .1 1 1hc trai ler camp. , ThL' c.rowdc.:d week n i,i.: h, , h.l\ L' kd tn :i n O\•cr-l.1p ping on the: pl rt of gcni:1 1 setting th:i t }'OUr w riter learn­ '>Ollll' ,i.:ru 111 "'- Ti u. rcl ,giom or.,.;.1niz.11 iom arc tlt l- mo'il. sinned a.c;ai nsl. It A little humo r to b ri g hten these ed a fow of the more intim:itc facts t1 )u:illy h.i ppcm tli.11 , ,1111 <.' l'\'l'l11 " '>< hcdukd ~or tlit· .111>,; ht chey meet :rnd d reary days '. One p rofessor was Jt in the li ves o r 1wo Senio r mid-year 11t 1, e icJ.u nc.:l c"it.itt·, tli L' p11 .) t pnn c: mcnt of their mt·ccmg o r cbl' lowers the l loss. No matter wh at he did his g rndultes, Pai and Reuben Beilke. attc.:111 !.uu l' d iscussion cvokt·J no response from ' · \VI L' '>ll}.:J,.;l''> I 111 .11 1lic rcli,14inu, ~ol iL'l1n <.·ncour.lJ.:e their mcmbcn lo be his class. pr~~cnt fur mc·L·l1n1-:, t..".nlr Sun,l.1y nigh~ . . He pa1,1scd in his lecture :ind ~aid , The: Su nd.l)' ll.1t t· . Ii." w vc: r.t l olw ,0 11 , ;1d v.1n t.1gc, pro\' 1d l·1I a large " I( the re arc any morons in 1h is siJc at t he Joy house on the corner euq\1~h ,-:roup ctn he: per,u.td t·d 10 .11t c11 ~I. In 1hc fi_r~.t pbct.." ~I ':"'ould seem d :1ss, p icas<.· s1and up." of Cl:l rk and Division streets. where th.ti the S.1hh:11h i, 1lic: lu,i.:u.d ml·t·tm.i.: t11 lll· for rd1J.!1tll1, SOlU;t 1cs. Scl oml. After a few sl't'01Hls ticked by. a SC\•er:i l Ol h t.."r st udents :rncl their Jll(.'fJlllt:r'> uwld ,p,·11d ,1 lc:"urc.:ly l',cn111 .i,.: wit h mcmbc: r!o or their own fait h lone: Freshman slowly rose . . wives live. fr(-<: from 1h e worry of '4.. h o lh t il tumplic:11io 11 . l..1 ,1 , it woul~I he :i. J.!OO d " And do )'OU consiJ cr you rself :, time to !IC rvc .t 1o'it M•ppcr to th e: , 1ud,·n1, 111.1 ,mut h .,s su ppl'r '.' not !ICn·ed ,moron !'' he: ciu eried. At a lull in the question-a nswer ,1t 'Nc:1-. 111 II .ill on Sund.1)' .111d !ht· rn1.111r.1nh usu:l ll )' p,tlru111i.ctl .ire no t " Not :i c ;111. sir," he replied, "buc contest, Pat suggested that she p la)' o'pcn. I do h.1t c to ~L'C you st:inding by the records she had g iven Reuben \V/c fc:-cl tli .1 1 1f rhi , llll'-"UfL' WL' rt· .1d op1cd it ,vould I)(' :l hoon to the yoursdf." for Ch ri st mas. The Beilkcs have th~ d11ird1 ,i.:roups .tnd would ,1ill!l l,Hlli.lll)' rt..",lu l e the orJ.!,111iz:ition.il pn·s-.urc beginning of a \'Cry reprt"sentati\'C , hirJnq lhc week. T c~, <1ucstion for A students ! \'(!Jut is 1lut which h.1s nC\'er been coll ection of classical and semi-class­ fc: 11 , ~cc n o r he:ud·n<.·ver t." xistcd :ind ic:1 1 reco rd albums, denoting their NT ORGANIZATIONS still h.1-. :1 name ? mutu:il cnjo)'mcnt of good music. Tlut'.,. right - noth ing. They a lso :ipprcciate good books, Radio \X/orkshop Nt·w En,i.:l.1nd .ind sho w .,. lidt·, o f th(' and. a lthough their li vi ng quarters Four tl:lys a week al one o'clock \•.iriom pl.tle, h<.· \' isitc:d . Sl'\'er.d d:1nccs hl \'C been sd1e­ art;,. small . Reuben keeps a portio r1 or On 1hc: .iftcrnoon of the: opening dulc.:d for .tfter b:iskctb:111 g.lmcs. h is coll ec t.i on of books pertinent to during the p:ut semester, orgJn mu ­ .Arter a s upper. w hich w:is co m­ sic from the school's new or,cpn !us d .l)' o( l L1 s~c:!I for the: s(·contl sc: mcs­ R:t)' Conling :1nd his band must be his academic major - history mcndJble C\'Cn for l first yc:i r bride. tt·r. Ft· hru.1r y H, the· \'Vc·slt:y FounJ­ b.Kk in town ! readil)' :l\'::1il:ible for rderence. entertained \'(ILBl. listeners. The fol­ the Bcilkes settled thcmseh •cs com ­ .1t ion will hold ,1 lt·.1 in the Student lowin~ organists :.houlJ be congr:i­ fortably o n the studio couch - A Biology Major l.o un ,L:t· 10 whid1 .ill st udents .t nd f:& . tulatetl for their excellent work : 1l is rumo red that a h:ir:rngcd Se­ Reub insists on a rest period after he Muriel Held, Frank \'(lcsley, lJJrb:ir:1 t ul1 y · mcmhcrs .1 rt· in\·it L'd . nio r, limp from cxhauston. sat dili­ Pat, ::1 biology major, had just fin­ C'lt s - and proceeded to rcbte some ished a term paper that evening on Clark, Grace Peterson :ind Gilbert >!Cn ll y in the libr:i ry for four solid of t he vit1l statist ics necessary to \VI . Fi1.US1, of the collt~ge fa culty. Ome~a i\lu Chi d.1ys. reading book after book, to insect enemies of the white pine, or t hese li\·e obitu:iries. some such - your writt"r w as not a Today :1.1 3 :15 the ln teriution.d E,tl1t·r Berndt w.1-. clt."ctt·d prt·s­ t'O m plc1c his rc9uircmcnts for t he Reuben began by S:t)• ing. " \'(fell , dub, under Dr. Ntls 0 . Rcppt"n ·~ d1 - idt· nl of Omc,i.:.1 Mu Chi soro rity .1t Americ.1n N ovel rnursc. On the shining light in tht" subject - l'm just a countrr bO)' who g rad ua­ which furnished an amusing mo ment rcction, wi ll present their mon1hy .L mc:e 1in ,i.: in 1h <.· rl'l rl',1tion •room .11 s<.·Vl'nth d.,y he :tecidcnt.11ly pickcd ted from W ausau H ig h school. Tht" pro#:riun. This w ouj' 1.1kt·s over tl u: Ncl-. on I-I .di o n Tuc:sd:i)'. J.111u.tr)' 17. up ., Chic:t~o tdephonc dircctoq•. whi le her h usband loving ly teJsed yc:ir doesn't matter. I'm :t young her about her almost fanatical in ­ Coll ege Round T.th t' ont· Thur:.d.1 )' Othl'r urf1tt:rs d10'\cn we re Julit.• The libr.tri.rn w.11cheJ :imucd JS he man yet." t \•cry month .ind prt·st·nts .1 timd)' I k .tn , \ ' h , _. rrt·-.idt·fH : l-lcl c: n Offer. turm·J it in wearily S:t)•i ng, " The terest in " bugs." A Veteran :&ml intcresltnJ,: \lt \l u,:.10 11 . ,l.1hl . HHrc-.1•ond111 .i.: sccr<.'t.1ry : Jo.in ploc was rotten. hut, o h boy. what a The subjt"ct o f future plln s e\'Olv ­ 'l11is Wt.•d (s IOf'i t wil! tOlh'('rn tht" Fch ren!,.1d1. rt·t'ordin ,i.: secret.try: C1st." The "count ry boy" is an ex-scr\'ilC· ed. Reuben's comment was th::it some pre nt Chint·sc sit11 .1tion. E,I Pli:. k.t Jt·.111 Roht.."rtson. h isto ri ,tn : Ginny man too, h:n ·ing sC r\'cd. and he dJ)' he hoped to be able to g ivt" will be.: the modC' r.1tor .uhl .1ss is1i n >,:: G ml'int·r, prc:!IS repreSl'nt.1li\'e ; M .1r ­ For those who wondered l t the claims this is a record. exactly three sc holarly lectures as a professo r of him will hc Cl.ire1Kt· K.mt·r. Do n l)'ll Knopt'. dupl.1in : .rnd M.1rj o rie signific:rn re of the glassed-in flower yea rs. no months. qo d ays. no hours hi!ltory at a college o r u ni\·c rsity. J11e~ hkt' .tn\1 Ve rn M .1 ut·r. Kohler .ind l:st ht·r lkrn,lt . P.1 11 , Hc ll ­ sn·nc :It 1hc lnter,sorori l)' Janee - - in the nlV)'· He requested action His rcd -he:ided spouse chimed in l'lllt rt-rr('Sl'll l.tti\·es. it \\':lS nol a fu ncr:t l bier of an un­ on he:t\·)' crui se rs, so consequently he th:11 sh t" would be Mrs. "Pro fessor" S Cluh forcun.11 e sororit)' girl ! It was to saw :ict ion in New Guinc:1 on a PT and practict" her culinary a rt. bo:11. Their chief concern at tht" momt"nt Hi ll K m. h W .IS l·kdt·,I rrcsi,lt·lll of LSA sho w " June in J.1 nu:ir)' !" About this time P:it. wishing to is to find li ving quarter$ in Madison lhe S duh .lt tht· rq.:ul.ir nwe1 111 .i,: Tht· clelt1on of offtlt·rs will t.1kl· get that word in C'dgcwisc. added where they :lr(' g oi ng as soon as all held J.u1ulf)' I H .II !ht• -.11nrus l.tfr. r L1 l'L' .it tht· n.·~ul.tr mcetin~ of LSA The cnga,A:ement of Lenore Arnette her bit to the story b}' rebting how the semester fina ls on t heir schc Other offilcr... n.unt·d were Di( k in tht.' Poi ntt·r offil'c .lt 6 :30 p.m. on to GerJld Gcrtsc hcn has been recent­ she h.1d surccd .1s a Frcshm.tn .11 dules arc out of th e W:l)'· Reuben i Lunt!, \'il·e-prcsident: Jerry Lt Fl rur, Thur-., b)·. J.tnu.lr)' ~6. ly :i nnounccJ. The)' :&rt" both from CST ( in 19 -L~. tht"n dropped out to going ro begin work on h is mastt" r' tre:uurcr ; .tnd \\'.'.th l\rnn,m.1.11, st·­ Oif,\'C'"- to he: fi lled .tre prC's id cn t, \'V:1u s:1u. Leno re is l 1949 g radu:ue l.lke up nurses· trJining .tt MilwJ.u· degree in American history and P< crrt:.ry. vi1t··prniJtn1, Sl'l~t,H)' J.lhl lre.t SU r• of CSTC .i nd is now teaching at R:1 - kcc. Nor finding this to her liking is tentati\'ely planning to secure The d uh ,•otc:d to f o nl inm· 1he n . All mcmbcr~ .irC\':C' meeting M ilw.1uk«. l 1: Poru_ge :in d Clin­ l.1tion but who should ceruin ly not C r.tndon. Cha rles Esc ht"nbauch. in utivc of \'V iscom1n Pur>l i, ~n Lt e. hclJ IJ.,t ThursJ ..1.)·. J.tnu.J.r )' 19, in ton,·ille. 11 : Junction City and Ti­ bC' fo rgotten is Rt"iner Roden h..1.u st'r the intC'rmcdi:ite dep:i rtmt"nt. h:is .1c­ gavt" s n intf'rt'st1n,!,: Jemonstut1o n t he ru r.11 ..L»Cmbly. ~erto n. 10 . f rom M unirh. Germ.1nv. CC'pted .1. position in the si xth gr.1dc on the c.ire of new t'le... · triot ..1.p · Morn~ Ro1,:cr-. of Stc-vens Point, This incluJ.t"s .111 to wns which It is interemng to ~Ott" 1hu 20 .1.1 'Xl:1utom.1 . p li:m ct"s. Refreshment .. were St't\ c,l " hu In cJ in Honolulu ..1.nd who cl ..1. im O\'t' r 10 student .tnd represents CST ( "-tudent< romc from loC'.llities Jo h n G uensht"rg . second .1r y di\'i· at tht" close- of th1: m«tin~ \\ urke-J .... ith the Uni\·euit)' of H.1 · h.1lf of the tou l enrollmt"nt. The whKh ..1.lso hJn: ..1. St.ltt"- support ed towns .1dd­ \'<' ,sconsin .1ce.1 . .111 of ,..,,h ich goe.. to pl.ice M rs. Lo rnint" Johnson D .1n1 cJ to the 16 mc-ntioncJ a.bo,·t" m.1ke Thursday night u 7 : \0 p.m . .1t St \ U~ "-cJ H..1.w..1.11 with the spc-:iker. rro\'e thJt che repuut,on of this .1t the Em C' rson School here in S1 t" ­ Paul's Mc-thodist church. R.a ymonJ t:nJer the .1 u.spicc-s of thc- Soci.al ..1. tot.1.l of 206 differc-nt loc:alitit"s school is hi~h throughout the st.tte. ~·erb Point. C1rl will teJch h istory whi~·h on cl.1im students .lt CSTC E Specht will t-alk. .1bout his trip to tS.. OJI.OAMUATIOIIS. pove I ) CS- T.Utn.ATI01', pc,;• 11 Ill the ~ g hth gr.1dC'. From Carnival to College Is the Story of CSTC' s Roger Forell lJo you ha,·c the ~esirc to go out :t rc going broke :i. nd swc.-a ring they into thi:. topsy-tun·)' world of ours will nc\'er go o n the ro:td next year. on )'Ou r own to ~cc new pl.tees. mc:ct ThC')' arc :i. lw:1ys getting tog et he r for 1ntcre:.1 i11 g people ..1nd have fu n J o­ hull sc·ss ions and <.·xc hanging stories ing it ? \'v'hy not join a (:Uni, .11 then ? Roger Ford!, 19. :t freshman at CSTC did :1nJ found thc:re J. so­ lution to those d esires. Ro~er hail s fro m ~larshfi d t! wh 1.: 1C he g r.1.duated from high sc hool in I~ 17. Following g radu.1 - tion, he :i nJ a friend felt a little: restless so they got together .mJ fo r three summers tr:tvelcd around \'(l j5. consin and Illi nois working :n v:ir­ ious carniva ls. The)' took turns oper­ :11ing weight-guessing and ·· pcnn)'· pit, h" concessions. Roger prderrcd wei,t: ht-guessing, no doubt bec:tuse of the interest.ins people he met. For instance, there w:ts th(' ine­ briated charac ter whose weight Rog· er guessed, rig ht o n the he.ld. The d runk disappe:ired , o nly to return later, ho ping Roger wouldn't re­ lf p.1st experiences. \'(lhilc half of A General S.ltlng f rom "Bui Not Goodbye." member him. N ot being the type them :1. re lies, these experiences a rc that is easily forgotten, he w.1s re­ alw.i )'S h umorous anJ make good A Look Into Frat House Life I .membered and was told his weight li stening." CSTC's ag:lin. Mingling wit h 1hc crowd. he Obse rvations, made during the Should Dispel All Evil Rumors departed, and, sure enough, came three su mmers Roger worked at the Doctors of Human Comfort Outsi ders usually look upon a fra. back once more. Roger told him his ca rnival, showed him that northern During* the course of the past se· .i.mo ng othe r things, the followin*g: ternity house as a structure w hich weight, but somehow this time he :rnd centr:t l \'<' isconsin provid~d mester the students of CSTC have 150 gallons of paint. 75 gallons of houses a group of fiends who sit had gained a few pounds. Inspec­ la rger carn ival crowds :rnd also spent listened to m Uc h ·and lea rned a little. floor seal , 7'j gall o ns of floor wax, about a boiling witch's kettle, in tion showed thnt the drunk was mo re money 1han the southern ,part They h:l\'C heard lectures on learn ­ 1 112 tons of sweeping compound, long black robes, uttering weird in­ lo:1ded down w ith beer bottles in his o f the state. He fonnd th:tt carnival ing and literature, reports o n re· and 2000 ro ll s of toilet tissue. cantations as they plan unmention­ pockets :t nd even in his pant-legs! life helps one to gain self-confidence sources and r:idio, essays o n econom­ The abo,•e and a near multitud(" of able initiations for unsuspecting Owner Is Important and experience. He discovered that ics and En g li sh. They ha\"C li stened, similar facts, figures and statistics pledges. This is not always the case. The owner of the show is the many college students work at car­ sometimes, to words of wisdom are all part of the complex duties of Let U!i look into one of these houses, most important part of the carnival, niv:t ls to ea rn extra c:1.s h. from their instructors, be they doc­ our Doctors of Human Comfort, o n and sec what rea ll y goes on. for he provides the thrills and rides A Math Major tors o r exchange students. But how The la rge. dark , cobblestone that :>re the en\•y o f every child. A c.i. 11 twenty-fou r hours a day. Roger is majoring in math at many h:1,·e hc:i rd from our HcD° s, st ru cture at 1022 Normal avenue is ca rnival is no t complete, however, CSTC. He would like to become a o ur Doctors of Human Comfort ? t he abode of 11 members of the Phi unless concessionarics :1.re represent· tcacllcr but is undecided as to whe­ T heir worJs m:>.)' not always be State Convention Plans Sigma Epsilon fraternity. These 11 ed . so th:tt o lder people can have fu n :i.re : Bob Cole (house president), at the ba ll games, shooting galle ri es ther he will complete his stud ies :is interesting as a dissert.ll ion on here. In aJJi1 io n to college work, comparati\'e anatomy or a lecture on Made at WSGA Meeting Walter Peterson (house t reasurer), and guess-yo ur-weight stands. Don Jaeschke, \'(lilbur Gierl, Bob Pc­ " The concessionaires arc a happy· he is takin~ :t correspondence course 1he IO\'e life of the li,·erwort. The)' Plans were made for the state in raJio. Radio is his mai n hobby, Jo know a few r:ither engaging con vention to be held here on Feb­ tranek, Larry McKinnon, Charl es go-lucky people," says Roger. ' 'The)' Bruce, R:t lph Roberts, Fred Brewer, run the concessions, which arc het· but he likes sports, such as footb:tll, fa cts, though. The majority of the ruary 10- 11 when the \'<'omen's Self­ basketb:t ll and golf. student boJy would probably be in · Harry H cmstock and Mel Carlson. ter known in common language as Go\'crnment associ1tion met last Fri­ Remember, if ··weighty·· problems 1erested in knowing that in their day in the auditorium. Nominations Lee Miller plans to move in . "joints'. If th,·y d on"t m:tke SI 50 3 The Phi Sigs h:tvc li ved in the get you down. Roger may be able respective cl assrooms they are with­ were :t lso made for the loca l week, they arc always crying on in shouting distance of an explosive \'(ISGA"s officers. house since Septembe r I. 1949. The each other's shoul ders, saying thq• to help you. 11 rooms have been painted and re­ force equivalent to 1500 pounds of Nominees for president are Ro­ gunpowder ; or that the per capita decorated by the members and the What's in a Name? Article by CST( Alumnus berta H enderson, M:uy Schadewald furnishings have been donated. The consumption of water d uring a Jnd l\fary Jane Buss. Running for Appears in NEA Journal school year is close to l 00,000 cubic occupants pay a sci fee for their ,·ice-president are Mary Douville and Reed on For Moore! ·· They \'v':tnted to \X/ork in Their feet. The latter statistic is somethir,g rooms and all members of the frat­ Ka)' Pierce. Louise Oehlrich, Norma fa·en the Student Directory !us Ho metown·· is the title of a feature to think about while washing your ernity, whether they stay there or Mayer, Ann Phelan and Nancy. San­ romance, as wi tncssc:d by this little hands and drying them with one not, pay a " house fee." So me sup· 1rticle in the NEA Journal for De­ nes are on the slate for secretary. t1 le : cember. Its :tuthor is Frank X. Jo.s· towel from one package o f the 2000 por! is given by the fr:1.ternit y alu­ Nominees for treasurer HC N ancie There was once 3 naive countr)' wil k, a CST C gr:i.du.1.te. who is now the school furnishes in a year. mni. Goebel, Dorothy Thompson and An approved li st of house ru les is Hick, who was seeking to \'(! inn a principal of Pulaski Hig h school at The above, and many equ:t!I )• ar­ Donna Alderton. posted for the members. Some o f certain Young Chick. Truly, he Held Pulaski, \\l isconsin. resting facts, may be obtained, with­ Senior representative w ill be either these are: D efinite ··quiet hours··, her \'(/orth all the Crown Jewc ll s; out enrolling in any class, from the In the :trtidc Mr. Joswick des· H1rriet Hennig or Joann Kenne)', no alcoho l and no women alloweJ. she was 1he Lill ie of his Soule. In cribes the high school and it s effect heads o f our Department of Human Junior representative, Betty Gilbert · The rules have been approved by sho rt, he was \'(t ilde about her. upon communit)' life in a town of Comfort, George Stien and Law· son, Phyllis Peterson or Ruth Lang the col legc. But :i las, while our friend was rencc K. Da\'iS. They were, respect­ 1,1 00 people. The s"c hool is used by :i nd Sophomo re rcpresenta.tivc, r-.hr­ Upkeep of the house is maintain­ Knapp-i ng, :mother Fox-y Young nea rl y ively, the Operating Eng ineer :ind everyo ne for town meetings, garct Jones or N1thali c Hogland. ed by the com bined efforts of the H eel, who k new more of the Artz recrc:uion and adult night classes. Chief Maintenance man at CST C. The two . Freshman representati\'es of love, Horn-cd in and Rusch-ed occupaf'!IS w ith 1h c aid of a cl eaning The only newspaper in the village They and their assistants deal in a wi ll be chosen from Eleanor Curtis, ou r fair Moed(e ) off her feet. V,·nn lady, who comes in now and then to is 1he Pulaski News, issueJ and edit­ commodity upon which no price tag Patricia Diestler, Barba ra Pope. Ja· add the woman's touch co che sur­ he said to her. ··\'(food )'OU Bea can be placed. ed by 1h e Senior journ:t lism students nice Gruen, Janet Cherne)' and Kath­ roundings. Individu:t l rooms arc mine ?" she consented. , ince 1942. A fami ly lives comfort· Mr. Stien, who is custodian of the leen Leahy. cleaned once a week. Special work \'(!hen our frienJ heard of this, :1 bly in th(' five room bunga low before mentioned l 500 pounds of The election will be held o n Mon­ details arc appointed for the rest of he was Boylan. He Kerst 1he Roac h gunpowder, has been in charge of the buih h)' thl· manual art s cla,;s. A da.y and Tuesday. Febru1ry 6 and 7. the house. All chip in for one meal who woulJ D iehl him sud1 Gruling farm shop w:1,;; built b)' 1he vocation­ coll ege he:1. ting plant fo r 291/2 years A numbe r o f g irls were nominal· a da)' prepared at the house by two Knox. H is hea rt w.1s Pitrcc-d anJ it w ithout one serious accident. In that al ag ri culture d.1ss. A group o f busi­ ed for d elegates to the state conven­ appointed cooks. ·· K.P.'. duty is Oerndt with P1ync. He d rowned his nes~ men :i nd farmers meet with the time his hungry ch:1.rges, th ree Haw­ shared all. tion. The following were chosen: by sorrows with a Case o f Beer from te,1cht-rs :1 ley down-d raft furnaces, have con­ at weekly luncheon se rv­ Jeanette H o lm. Ek·anor Curtis, Leti ­ Now

  • hrtinis) ,·d by the honl<.'m:t king g irls at the sumed approximately 96 mi ll ion tia Brunner and Ann Phelan. sions. fo r 1022 Norm1I is an o rdjn­ until :tll his Bu cks were gone. T hen pounds of coal. D u ring the last high srhool. The \'<'SCA \"O ted to ha,•c a cof­ a ry dwelling shared sptematicall y he Sch ra nk from sig h t. Through the high school wit h it s school year 2,8 16,000 pounds we re fee hour o n Tu('sday. f-cbruary 7. b)' a group o f ordin:t ry human be­ The next \'(linter, his Boote and cb,~es. discussions, g roup surveys purchased. for the new women en ro ll ing at Cen­ ings. The torture devices were dis­ Koehn wen: fou nd ding ing 10 a and newspaper. interest w:1s aroused Besides his enginee ring duties Mr. tra l Staie Teachers co ll ege. A nn carded years ago. Burd1 log in the ri ver. Everyone w:t s in creating job opport unities for Stien is also responsible for the Phebn is general chairman. in-Klei n-e el to sus-Spech1 that the Pul.l .. ki's )'Oun.14 people. An alert maintenance of the plumbing and Any women w ho would be inter­ Miss Isaacson' s Speech rest o f him had been Swall ow-ed up Ch:1.mbc: r of Commerce 1nd village heating and e lectrical equipment on ested in hel ping out with the coffee by t~e G rimc-y w:ttc rs. His Boole and lc:tders hclp«:d 10 cooperate, and, the camrus. He supervises the pl.lCC· hour are urged to sign 1he slip on Class Playing Charades K oehn were Lane (p:tr~lo n the En­ now. tht artidc s1.11cs, hig h school ment o 148,1 34 ki lowatts a year, Mrs. Elizabet h PfiHner's bulletin If you have seen a student stand­ ;; li sh) in a Gr1\'c by his friend,; the g radu:1.1cs .111 d ex-service men a re which is cert :1.i nly a lo t of juice. If board . ing in a quiet corner, makin~ fa ces CHpe11 1cr, the Baker, the Cook :rn d beginnin ,i.:: 10 remain in thc:ir home this were to be broken down per or goi[thred'gh weird actions - the Colman while :t fu ner:11 Oerg e town. student it would come to :tbout 123 don' t ca l for a doctor It is probably was played. NOTICE kilowatts apiece. which would pro· a speec student rehearsing for cl:tss. \'(fhai's in :1 name? You're \Xlr ig ht. NOTICE bably be eno ug h electricity to make During the past se,•eral meeting,; of T hl·,t· pro_l:r.1m chani,::e-. fo, 1he second some of the dull students just. a little t'Sl: ~e:~~S~o~;.:;J~J~h ~i~ru~:; j~CCi~\tCed: Miss Pauline lsaacson·s speech class­ Hansen Is Council Member H·mt·,11:r h:I\ l" ht·l"n :innuunceJ : brig hter. :~~:ibt~~JJn~;nF~~~':i3J!t.\n~eg+5~~i~;, es the o ld game of charades h:t s been An I06 wd l be :ic I . I ~. Monday and of Fc bru:Jr)' 6 :ind 7 on ly. Prc:.1 dcnt \'<'illiam C. H ansen was Wl"dne,JJ}". imfl"JJ 9 : IO on Wcdnes­ The coal used in the CST( heat­ revived. d;iy :anJ Fridd~'. ing plant is mined in Mad isonville, William C. Han~cn. president Conveyi ng the idea of a book 1itle recemly notified that he has been Ari t 11 - Tht·rc will ht· :i sccticm :1 1 Kentucky, and comes here direct by like " The Egg and 1··. or a song such rl·appointed :ts a member of 1he CJ . ill Mnml.ay, T111:sd.1y anJ T hursd3)' to rail. Another fact of interest is that NOTICF. as ""Racing with 1hc Moon", without Council on Educati on, which is the replace the I : I ~ Sl"C lion. • Kroln>:r 220. 2. I.Jb. is o n Wcd­ tht freight charges on a ton of coal' In 11 rJt'r 11ff1c1a ls m3}' lcnnw lmw poliq·- nuking committee of the Wis­ \Cftwn th.u using words, is getting 10 be an <.'a'-)' ne,JJ\ JI 2 : 10·4 :)0 inste:iJ 11f on Mon· :ire nearly double the p rice o f 1he m;rny \tuJt·n1,; anJ fJ culty memb~rs m, affair. The classes have been divided con:.1n Educati on .issoci:11,on. Mr. d:iy. ton of coal. ~t~~t;, ~!·:~ ~~~~7J\ c,~~k~,~cx: if ct into teams and the individuals must H ansen !us been a member o f tht 1~~l: NOTICE Mr. Davis, the chief mainten :t nce i,:1vt'fl Monday. Janu3ry from con,·ey thei r scleciion to their team counlil (or the past two ;c:t rs. ouc }0th A 1ri:rni,::ubr 1h mcs1one br:arclct W35 1 in a limited time. The dc\'icc aids He wi ll :i ttencl a meeting of the man, is 1he possessor o f a li st of ,;ta- ~~:e ~.\,fb~\>/\t7;i~~~k~ r~~t\,.";f)k~;~ lo)I :at the lnrl"r -sororuy fo rmJ I Sa 1u rJ:1y 1 1 in developing effective speech 1ech­ group this Sawrday. January 28, in tist ics that are equally interesting. will be J,:•\·en uul from a1 a~ le on ihe 2nd 1 0 His supply list for one year includes, iloor near the main office. nique and, to all, it's fun. Milwaukee. ~',~ ·no ~1:I~~~; fi':~s~h~ :i1~~cv!'lff~~~ CST( Host to Safety and Driver Education Conferencr-- . Wednesday A s:tfet)' anJ driver cJuc1tion con­ by Prbidcnt H:rnscn to S('nd reprt:· ference was helJ in CSTC on Wed ­ i.ent.1t1Vt"" to t h e· \Onfcrence. Mr. nesday, J:m uary ·2s. in the Ru r:i. l .tS· Spelhl w.1s in clurgc of a rr:mgc: · sembly. The conference is one of mcnt1t .it 1hc co ll ege. five in the state :rnd w.1s <,po nsorcd Other .:.d1ools i.1 the state which by the 'state department o f pul:lit .trc h:\\'i n,L: $imit:1r confrrencc~ t h is instruction, the state motor n lmll' wi:d.: .irt· Oshkosh. Lt C rosse an J depa rtment, U ni versity o f \Xl isconsin E.n1 Cbirc: Te:achc rs , oll cgcs :1 nJ the and the st:itc teacher., coll ege,. in Univc.: rsit)' of \'v' isconsin. co-operation with the Association of Casualty and Surety companies. the Nation:i l Safety council :rnJ the \'(lj,;. Social consin lnterscholasti r Athl etic :tsSO· ci ation. Calendar Following the reg istrJtion :tt nine Fd,ru:tn o'clock \'Ved nesday morning. Presi­ l·\t·nm,.:· A,~c mbly-Ch,.1pd Chuir \\'/.-1 Rt·,.:1,1r.1r111n - Seu,nd Semt·,tt·r M .T .--f..7 dent \'v'illi:un C. Hansen wd comcd B,1,kt·rb.dl - M1 hun - 1hert• M.-·<• the representatives and Ru!\sc:11 Lewis, \'(fuuJdmppl·r~ lhll - Al ph.a first assist:mt state supl· rintenJcnt o( K:1pp.1 l..ambJ:a F.-10 public instruc ti on, gave :a short t:dk. St.ne WSGA l\ketrn_i.: F.S.- 10.11 U:i skcth:a ll- Rive r F:1 lls-ht•rt• S.-11 Two T alks G iven D.1,kt·1b.1 II - Ea u Claire- here l\ 1.-13 Mari on T elford of the sc hool :t nd F.venin>: A~sembly--PIJ)' T.-1·1 college d ivision of the N ational Va lent ine Plrty- Jn1 er- Faith Sa fety cou nci l then spoke o n ·· Thc Co uncil T.- 16 H.1skt-1b:all - Pl:a ttc,•i llc- ht·re S.-UI T ottt l School Safety Prog ram," Paul D:ince-StuJ cnt Council S.- 18 F. Neverman, executive secretary of Mudi Gt:1:.- Alph:1 Psi O me_l::1 T.-21 A Scene lrom U ol Mlnne1ota '1 play. "But Nol Goodbye". the Wisconsin lnte rsc ho b stii: At hle­ Ba,kctb:i ll- $1 . N1 1rbt·rts- tllt're T.-21 tic association, spoke o n ·'The A~h W ed nesday W .-22 11 :inJ Cli nic-Music I;> t•pt. S.-U \'v' IAA Accident Preventio n Pro­ Gret·k Rushint,.: - Bt-,i:i n~ S-n Sophomore Girls' g ram" following the talk by M r. March Women and Men- a Comparison Telfo rd. l\lcn·, G lcc Cluh- Asst•mblr F.-10 Phy Ed Classes in The afternoon session , beginning E,·enin.i.: Assembly-lll u~tratcd at one o'clock, was given over to a Lt:crurc M.-13 Championship Matches From l.onJ,in Lill iput discussion of '·D river Educati on in Cunet·rt- Mt·n·:. Glee C lub M.-20 • 8 ,.1 nd Homecoming- Music The three Sophomo re girls' physi­ the School Curriculum· · and was Jj. Dept. Compared with men, he :iverJ,(:C , . S.S.-lS.26 cal education cl asses have been en· vi ded into two sectio ns. o ne fo r ad . lbnd Cunccrl S.-26 (:i f1 .) mi nistrators and one. for instructors. Scniur D.ay F.-31 gngeJ in excit-ing tournaments fo r Arc shorttr m hc,i,::ht by ..... ·IV: inches The administrators listl'Ocd to a pa· P.m I lt· II Dinnt·r,-D.,ncc- Grccks F.-31 class championships in ping pong, Are ligh1e r in wt· i~ht b~· ...... 15 pounds nel discussion of state and national April deck tennis and shuffleboard. T he f-1 :1,•e lighler br:i ins by . 1·10 grams policies and recommendations for pt·ech Contc~t-Spccch Dept. S.-1 ch:tmpio ns, besides having the hono r Live longer b)' ...... 4.2 years E.1) 1t·r A:.~cmb ly- W SGA T .--'I of lea ding their cl asses in these in­ classroom instruction and practice Fu rrn.d D inncr- Nt·l~o n H.a ll T.-1 E:11 less food d.ii l)' b)' ...... 500 ca lorics d riving. Raymond E. Specht, CSTC F.,1,tcr Rt:ces~ Th.-M. Inc. 6- 10 door spo rts, receive small gold and Hc:ans be:u fasrcr per rni nu1c by ...... 8 be:11 s instructo r in driver eJuc:ition, w:1s /unmr Prom S.-1) purple buttons showing their Ha,·e lower blood prcs,ures h)' IO points on the panel. Marl and K. Str.1sse r, C1mct·rt- Ct•n1r:i l \'<' isconsin :ichievement. Outnumber men hy ...... I in 12"1 Srmphony Sun.- 16 ed ucational director of the Associa­ Rt•,.1Jin,.: - K. T . G.irtt·n- H.P.\'(I . T .-IH In the 8:1 <; cb ss, the deck ten nis Commi1 ,; uiciJt· les~ oftc.-n by ...... I tu ,t ti on of Casualty and Surety comp:t · Cumt·rr- fa·t•n in>,: A~,t·mh ly doubles champio ns :1 re Ret:l Fon­ Gu m:id le~, ofit·n br . . .. 2, IO 27 nies, addressed the instructors :rnd Numbt·r Th.-20 ta ine and Ilse Hirzy . Mary Ann Pe­ A rt· n:a turJ ll y blond le" often by ...... 11 lo 1,I lnrt•r- Fr.11t·rnity Fo rm.ii spoke on " Methods and New Ma­ S.-29 terso n is the shuffleboa rd .. champ." Ar~· less co lor blind hr ...... I to 10 terials in Class room Inst ruction and Mar The ping po ng doubles champion- Get drunk le<,, often b)· I 10 7 Practice D riving." Alrh:i P,i Omc,i.::i- Play W . T h.-3.4 H:i"c bett er sen,e of smell by ...... 10'7,, Prim.Lr)' T~~:ra w;i~k~y Ma rjori e Law rie 100 Schools Represented l.uncht·tin Sa1. - 6 !~t Are more tick lish by Ci\•ic Conct· rr--T wilii:ht ·········································································· 12711 Approximately 100 schools in this Mus ic Group · Sun.- 7 T he 3: 15 class h;1.s n't finished its Arc more incl ined IO blush by ...... 12'1n section of \"1 isconsin were invited Point t:r B:mqut·I W ed.-lO tournaments yet but the finals a re ------1 Ir. Hi,i.: h Opt'rcu::i Th.- 11 close at hand. The finalists in the ~kn',; G lee Club 8 :i nq uct Th.-11 "Tis Education Forms Pl,.1y D.1v-WA.A. s. 13 ping pong doubles probably wi ll be l\l111he r•D.1u,1,: h1er l.undwon_..: Molly Kno pe and liv:1 rian Fox. The The Common Mind" Nel~11n }-b]I S.-13 leading shufflcbo:ird pla yers, Arl ene " 'Tis educ:i.t ion forms the com­ lune Altenburg and Ge rtrude Collum. mon mind" - C11mmt·ncernt·nt F.-9 still have to play thei r fillll m;1.tc h. A recent Fortune survey showed the viewpoint of the American public Tennis Do ubles on hi gher educa tio n ; it sc:ems to s:iy Tentative List of Mid­ The 3 :I S deck tennis doubles that colleges a re a fine thing. More tournament h:i s been completed and colleges and mo re people attend ing Year Grads Announced Delores Jo nes and Rae G uenther them seem to be the general wish T he tentati \'e list of mid-semeste r won out as its ch;1.mpions. of the public. Most people admire g r:tduates and their home towns is The I ; I 5 cl:lss has fini shed its professors and thi nk that the ave r­ .1s fo llows: Intermediate-Upper Ele­ tourn:t ments and has produced a age student is a nice sort of person. mentary division. Cha rl es Eschen­ fi ne g roup of champions. Jean Ro ­ From this point they go o n and of. bauch. \Xt hite Lake; Eve rett Humke, bertson and Shirl ey J:tco bso n wo n fer detai led reasons for their o pin· G rl·enwood: Armo nd Kueter. She­ both the deck tennis doubles and the ions. boygan Fall s: Charles Reeves, Anti­ ping pong do ubles tournaments. Rated as reasons fo r attending the ~o: S:tmm r Taylor, \"1aupaca. Rural sur vey, are ; preparation for g reater d ivision, Russell O 'Connor. Gillett. JoAnne Le Ro ux ;1.nd Jeanette Holm earning power, better fit ness to lt":td All wilt ren:ive Bac helo r of Educa­ played such a fine game of pin"g a. fu ll life, knowledge, and social tio n degrees. poni! doubles th ;1. t they were gi\'en ch:tmpionship buttons even though poise and adjustabilit y. O f specia l SeconJ.1 ry di\•isio n, Biology ma ­ interest is the fact that coll ege g ra­ jors. P:t t ricia Beilke, 'Stevens Point ; they came in second . T he shuffle. d uates ra te the second fac to r o"er all Gerald Kling bei l, \"1estfield ; Biolo- board sing les championship was won others as a reaso n for highe r educa­ 8 )' and Consen •ation, Irving Korth, by Suzanne Swanke. A Cron Socllon ol lhe Chapel Choir tion. An tigo; Milton Schwartz. Monte ll o : T hese to urnaments, besides gi\'i ng T he public rates .1cadcmic free­ Histoq •. Reubc-n Be il ke, Stevens the sophomore g irl s skill and know­ dom as being ve ry important and Poi nt : James Formell a, Steve ns ledge of indoor games, gave them You can no more get rich without saving than you can get fire believes that such cou rses as commu­ Point : John G uensburg. ~hrshfield ; an enjoyable and exciting three without fuel. nism, racial and relisious problems. Lester Recd, Ste\'ens Point : Ca rl weeks in physical education class, sex educa tio n and better parenthood Strassburs , l\forri ll. woul d be valuable additions to pre­ under the d irection of Miss Adeline FIRST NATIONAL BANK sent day curricula. Eng li sh, Burnett Burch, Stevens Le\'in . Co-educational Best Poi nt : \"1.:i.y ne Sa lte r. Marshfield ; As to the choice of .1 school. pa r­ Mat hemati cs. Ray Blaskey, Stevens OTTER LEE'S ents agree that a co-ed uca tio nal Point; Elroy Gotte r, Loya l ; Ri cha rd Mille r. Stevens Po in1 ; W ayne Hager, Jewelry - Gil1s school with fraterniti es and so rori­ Expert Jeweby & Watch Bepalrln9 ti es is the best choice. N o certain size Stevens Point : l\fax Hilmer, Plove r : DOLLAR DAYS Dcl o}'d Stertz. Junction C ity ; :i. nd 422 Main St. Tel. 2031 sc hool is favored .ind in s ener.11 the STEVENS POINT, WIS. choice would be left to the student. Eugene T aylor. Pel ican Lake. T hey THUR. - FRI. - SAT. Of interest to all - students. ad · wi ll receive· Bachelor of Science de­ g rees. ministrators and faculty - is the at· Women's Dress Footwear titude favoring fed eral aid to stu· T he T wo Year Rural di visio n has · Zylka Filling Station 1 dents. It was agreed that the ave r;1. se one diploma g rad uate, Mae Lens­ cost of an educati on is from S l.000 mire, of Marathon, and the three Phillipa 66 PUMPS ye:i.r Ru r.1 1 d ivision has two. Myra WEDGIES to $ 1,500 per year, and that there a re 201 N. 2nd Street many qu.1 li fied· students who ca n't Hill :md Eugene Bender. The Prim­ STRAPS afford this sum. Such students .1r y di\'ision has no mid-yea r g rads, CUBAN should receive aid from the govern· SANDALS ment according to the majority of • For Sport Wear SPIKE people questioned. The results of • For Dreu Wear Maclntyre's Elec. the survey woul d seem to indicate that the public is well in fo rmed re­ Phone 759W BIG SHOE STORE garding the sco pe of hig he r educa­ Shippy Bros. Clothing 809 Strongs Ave. C111r11 Wilooad1'1 Lariest UN,u,1Ul n1 She llt11 tion. January 26, 1950 THE POINTER I CSTC Cagers To Clash With - Meet the Team - One of the m:ijor problems Coach and basketball squads, he found time 1 Whitewater Here on Monday Quandt h:1d to contend with in re ­ to play on the ci ty hard ball team.. building this year's basketb:111 team Reminisc ing about high sc hool days \'(lh itcwater"s blue-clad .Quakers, The Bike-Web colored film on some trouble. The Quakers have lost was to find tw o guard s to rep}ace he added that De("' W est, Superior who h:ive yet to win a conference twice by wide margins to Milwau­ "The Prevention and Care of Athle­ tic In juries" will be shown to mem­ quarterback, was also on the same I g~me, :ire slated to m:uch hoops kee, howeVcr. The Green Gulls stop· g rid team. Sammy also stated that wit h CSTC next Monday evening, ped them in Milwaukee 62-50, and bers of the athletic teams on Jan­ uary 25 . The film made at North· during this time he locked horns January 3 1, at P. J. Jacobs High in \'(lh itewater recently, 55-44. western uni\'ersity shows the proper wi th several potential stars. He men­ sc hool gym. CST( nipped the Quak­ Probable big guns in the \'(lhite· tioned Dick Axness, Purdue star, and ers 55-54 earlier this season at water attack will be H:ihn and Noo· methods of taping fo r va rious athle­ tic in juries. Bud Grant of the professional Min­ \'(lhitewater. nan, who canned 15 and 11 points neapolis Lakers, who lived in Ash­ Coming on the heels of the tough respectively in the ea rl ie r· CSTC vi c­ More publicity than Ingrid's di­ vorce-The Beloit-River Falls game land and Superior res~ctively. 1 Milwaukee game thi~ Saturd1)', tory. The Collcgiates will play a pre­ \Xlhitew:iter ma)' give the Pointers limin:uy game at 7 o'clock. got quite a reception in \'Q'isconsin During the war Walt spent a year papers. The Badger scoring Twins, in the Marines at Cherry Point, Nate De Long of River Falls and Nort h Carolina. He se rved in the in­ Milwaukee Green Gulls Meet Rot\, Bontemps of Beloit dueled tell igence corps. \'Qhen he came Monday night on the Beloic field­ m:1rching home he continued his house floor. Stevens Point fa ns will education at Superior St:1te where he Pointers Here Saturday Night remember when these two players won a letter in football. Last spring The old saying, .. There's No Place houses, rate the game a toss up clashed on the local high school "Sli ng ing Sam" decided to come • like Home," wi ll provide much However, some of the older mem court last year. south and at present is enrolled in comfort and security to the Pointers bers who make it their business to The Cleveland Browns, profes· the Junior Co llege. Although this on Saturday night when the)' pla)' know su( h things give a slight nod sional footb:i ll team obtain ed the has nothing to do with Sammy's ~ host to Milwaukee. The ti p· orr is to the big city boys on past per­ d raft rights to Dom Moselle. The transferri ng schools, he told us he set for 8 : 15 p.m. at the P. J. Jacobs fo rmances. The only forecaster that Superior St:1.te halfback is also on the High school gym. wasn't consulted was Gallup and it Yell owj:1cket basketball team. wa s engaged and plans to be mar­ The Pointers, having been the vi e· isn't safe to rel}' on his prediction. College talent scouts who are sur· ried thi s summer. tims o( three st r:1ig ht conference At any r:ite the contest should turn veying future high school scars had The 25 points he scored against losses on the road, wi ll be out to out to be one of the better games of better go south of the Maso n-Dixon Oshkosh pro\•ed to be one of his g:1i n a .500 league st:1tus. In the pre- the season. line to find cqeir new crop of stars. bi ggest thrills on the hard~ourt . • sent conference standings Coach Six teams of the outstanding high CSTC fans hope he can duplicate Quand's proteges h:1n two wi ns and sch ool players in the country reveal­ three defeats. AKL Team Wins Two; ed that a majority of these players this feat again st other co nference · The Green Gulls will be featuring spoke with a southern twang. Two opponents . • :1 line-up ver)' familiar to Purple and Maintains Slim Lead \'V isconsin Valley players gained na­ George Flugaur and Bob Hart man. Chet Polka and \'(/alt S:1mel stad Gold boosters. Aided by a twin sco r­ Colle,-:c Bowling League tional recognition. Bill Higgins, end proved to be the right combination. in g punch, Bob Bolz and Ken Lem· W L Ave. for the Stevens Point High school mer, Coach Penwell's crew h:1s lost eleven, gained an end berth on the "Samm{' was bo rn in Pa rk FJJls Cozy Kitchen AKL ...... 27 15 752 and it was here th:1t he attended J only one conference game. Inciden­ Dutch·s Men's Shop ...... 26 16 795 fifth team and Ronnie Hoeni sh, t:J. 11 )'. Penwell is the same person Tun<.' Inn B:1llroom ...... 2·1 18 786 \'\lausau halfback, was honored on hig h school. During :1 four ye:i r Home Cooked Food who led the now famous exit from Campus C:1fc ...... 21 21 740 the third team. span Sammy coll ected five letters. In Phi Si.i;s .. ..2 1 21 734 addition to playing on the footba ll the P. J. Jacobs gym three winters Brunswick ...... 21 21 732 Leonard Jacoboski lost hi s Golden t ago. If you'll recall , the Milwaukee Chi Ochs ...... 20 22 725 Gloves bout Sunday ni ght. Len mentor cou ld not see eye to eye with Knud1son·s Stores ...... 18 2·1 7H fought in the 147 pou nd d ivis ion. Dan's Ice Cream Parlor the orficia ls and rather th:1n remain Rec reation Restaurant .... I 7 25 738 Recreation Allc)'s ...... 15 27 747 Another CSTCer, Ger:1ld Foster, wi ll Altenburg's Maqcnlaes. Delldous Sa:udwlcbes. and expose hi mself to fu rther "in- exchange blows later in the week. Fountain Drtnks, Tobacco t su it s:· Penwell et al departed :tnd The AKL team kept thei r slim the game was forfeited to Stevens hold on first place in the College Pointer fans will be created to Dairy Phone 81 249 N. Second St. Point. Bowling league b)' win ning two some high class heckling when :., T he usu:i l sta rters, Fick, Polzin. games from Knudtson's. Dutch's Coach Penwell comes to town on Sa­ nirday. With the advent of celevi­ ~ \'Q:1gner, Samelstad, and Polka will Men's Shop won a trio from Rec rea· bear the brunt' of the Gull blitz. Re­ tion Alleys to take over the second sion, magnetic eyes, and radar,. Pen­ freshed after a tweh•e day lay off, spot. The slipping Tune Inn team well has found whistle blowing more JOE'S the. team has had a chance to catch dropped a brace to the Rec reation satisfactory and now only relies on f shouting at the men in black and Yellowstone Hotel and Tourist Court I Mile East from College their breath before resuming their Restau rant to slip to third place. on Highway. Dining and Dancing. 23 game schedu le. Other pairings saw the Campus Cafe white at a safe distance. The downtown bookies, the 20th take two from the Phi Sigs and the Hail to the Victors!! The wi nners " century ve rsion of the 'ole coffee Chi Delts a pair from the Bruns­ of the ping pong doubles of wick. \'Qomen·s Physic:1 1 Edu ca tion 1 5 I are Who Works Up Bigger The hig h individ ual series 0£ the Dorothy Brown and Dorothi:inne aft ern oon w:1s rolled by H. Peter· Rebell a. • Sweet? Player or fan son. 556. Other series of better than Gag of the Week - Jimmy Du· 500 were hit, Kowalsky, 549; Reed, rante thinks that since Bob Hope ac­ A trip to Bedlam would be like a quired an interest in the world mort ic ian·s holiday compared to the 545; Ch ick. 521; Lanigan. 517 and Ch rist ian, 505. champion Cleveland Indians, they crowd at a modern basketba ll game. ought to rename their playing field The "peace. quiet, and restful atmOS· Ch ri stian and Lanigan, with games the Hope diamond. phe re" is enough to turn the in ve n­ of 201 and 200 respecti vely, were the tor of the game, Mr. Naismith, over leaders in the si ng le game depart· in hi s g rave. It is a difficult job to ment. Shoes And Accessories find out who is more worn out after Dutch's took team honors on a From the game, the players or the specta­ 2390 se ries with a high sing le effort tors. of 840. Close behind c:1 me the Tune For most spectators the basketball In ns with a 2384 series and 830 game is a place where they can sc ream their heads off and be br:ind- si ngle. • ed as appearing ·rather insane. How Frank Mctigue many enjoy the sk ill displayed by ·Midget Grill both teams? Rather than this. Mr. Watch and Clock Repairing t Spect:1tor shouts, cu rses the referee, 816 South Church St. 819 Strongs Ave. ~ :; a

    THE BELMONT Fine Foods

    Scribner's Dairy Phone 1367 Some Cbaracten From ScenH ln the Broadway PToductlon.. "B1,1t Not Goodbye," lo be PreHnled at CSTC February 14.

    Both Sororities Hold ORGANIZATIONS SOROfilTY DANCE CHETS 1coa11... -... ,_~ 2:J (Continu•d from paq• IJ SOUTH SIDE Dinners Before Formal BARBER SHOP St udies cl ub plans arc being made Mr. and Mrs. Leland M . Bu r­ BEER DEPOT Both Omega Mu Chi and Tau to conduct an inter-school panel dis­ roughs and Mr. and Mrs. C. Ran­ Next To The Point Cafe 202 Monroe St. G am'ma Beta sorority held d inners cussion on " U.S. Foreign Policy in dolph Frazee chaperoned the dance. 102 Strongs AYe. preced ing the Inter-sorority dance China." Students from Oshkosh Phone 1746 Free Delivery la.st Saturday night. Te:1chNs coll ege will engage a g rou p Julie Dean, O meg, and Lola Van O rnum, Tau Garn, were co-chairmen The Omegas held their di nner at from CSTC late in February, and all Where Smart Men Shop the Su nrise cafe. One wi nter and one fo reign policy "experts" about the of the decorating commi ttee. Jea n summer scene were depicted on each ca mpus arc being rounded up for the Robertson, Omeg , and Phyll is Peter­ WANTED table bearing out the theme or discussion. son, Tau Gam, were co-chairmen for "'June in Janua ry." Place cards were The Continental cotton snowmen waving an identifj. the entire affai r. By The CONGRESS cation banner. A white ca rn ation Gamma Deha 504 Park Street was given to each of the esco rt s as A G amma Delta meeting is sche­ a pl ace ca rd. duled fo r toni ght at 7 :30 p.m. at St· Diners Who Are Partlculm About Gretchen Holst ein, mistress of Pau l's Lutheran church. JAY'S BEER DEPOT Th• lr Food. Well Cooked: Well ceremonies, welcomed the guests and Re\'erend Willi am F. Ludwig will . For all Beers cmd Sodas S Balat1ced. Cou..rteoua S."ke. AU presented. Esther Be rndt, new so r<': r· show a movie on Christi anity after . 744 Church SL Phone 197W 1ty president. "The Worl d is W ait­ which refres hments will be served. Are lo a. FoUDd Hu.. . ing for the Sunrise" and " Al w:iys" were sung by Joan Fehrenbach, ac­ companied by Muriel Held. Mrs. Tau Gamma Beta Raymond E. Gotham, an Omeg The Tau Garns~ elected thei r slate HOTEL WHITING alum, was the guest speaker. Guests of officers for the second semester at the d inner were Mr. and Mrs. at a regular meeting held in the Stu­ BARBER SHOP H erbert R. Stein er, Mr. and Mrs. dent Lou nge T uesday, January 17. Downstalu Shoe Shined Frank W . Crow, D r. and Mrs. Elected were: President, Joan G otham, Miss Harriet W right. Mrs. \Xlinter ; vice-president, Bonnie Bab· Mary S:i.mte r, Miss Bert ha G lenon, cock ; correspondin g scc rct:iry, Mary Mr. and l\.frs. Albert E. Harris, Dr. Douville; recording secretary, Bar­ A GOOD PLACE and Mrs. Harold M . Tolo and Mr. bara Bea; histori an, Jeanette Holm ; Telephone 380 and Mrs. Leland M. Burroughs. press re presentative, Norma Mayer ; TO EAT Alums present were Marne Guth and Pan-Hell representati"e, P.hy llis and M:i.rgaret Roberts. Kasper. on the C: hairmen were: Jean Robert son, e BlcydH Repaired SOUTH SIDE general ch:i. irman ; food, Suz:i. nne · Chi Deha Rho MILLERS • Cwu and Shella Swanke; entertainment, Lucy Chap­ • Xey1 made wbJle you wall pel ; decorat ions, Jo:in Fehrenbach: Dick Kowaleski was elected presi­ Fdshions Nationally invitations, Marilyn Knope. dent of the Chi Delts at a meet in g Advertised Hetzer's Cycle Shop Ann's Cafe Tau G arns at Country Spa on Tuesday even ing, January 24. • Charm 717 Church Streel Other officers selected were Maurice T he Tau Gamma Beta sorority e Vogue Mead, " ice president ; Ed Fursten­ held its dinner at the Country Spa berg. sec retary ; G eorge Mosey. se r­ • Se:ve:nte:e:n where wi nter scenes and lighted tap­ For the Beat & Quickest Servl~e in Town ge:mt-at-arms ; Bob Morgan, pledge· • Glamour-etc. ers decorated the tables. Light blue master ; and Llo)'d Peterson, p ress rc­ · It's the place c:i. rds wit h artificial snow Fou nd In Our Lorge Stocks presentati \'e. marked each setting. At Your Locol Store The toastmist ress, Pat Bei lke, in­ 409 M•in Sheet VANITY DRY CLEANERS t rod uced the guests, President and BELKE Mrs. Willi am C. Hansen, Mr. and Lumber and Mfg. Co. M rs. Gilbert W . Faust and Mr. and For Every F'mancial M rs. C. R. Frazee. Moni ca G ill , an Bun.DING-MA TERlAL CRISPY-FLAKE BRANDS Service See alum, attended the dinner. 247 N. Second SL Phone 1304 M r. Faust spoke on the " Ideal POP-CORN - POTATO CHIPS H usband" and a response was given by Mrs. Faust who told " How to CITIZENS NATIONAL CANDIES - SALT ED NUTS Catch the Ideal Husband ." A ta lk was given by Mrs. Hansen wi th M r. Westenberger's BANK Hansen responding. Don ~ouglas CROWNS sang "Lucky Old Su n." Across From The Post Office Stevena Point. Wisconsin MICKEY Phyllis Peterson was general chair­ OF TWO Members of F. D. I. C. man, with Margaret Johnson, food JOBBING CO. committee; Carol Collins, decora­ Building Material TOWNS tions: Be,·erly Barnes, entertain­ Feeds. Seeds, Coal & Coke ment ; Jean Yaeger, invitations. BREITENSTEIN CO. Grm Bag ...... $1.95 Plus Tax Fo r Good CM 5hri nk Pronf Sweat Socks ...... Soc Pr. Mention The Pointer CSTC Phone 57 217 Clark St. (Contl11u •d &om PG'i• 21 V irginia G rass l, who attended Care iwt'at Shires-All Colors ...... SJ .')8 CSTC :i nd was business manager of ~ o. " J<;" Puzzle ...... S I. OU the· Poin ter in 1943-44. will be m:ir­ MOST PEOPLE SAY: ried to Joh n 8C)'C r of Horicon on Fe­ Meals to Fit the Student·s Gwidt's Drug Store bruary ·1 at Horico n, where she is " I Noticed your teaching. Stomach and Pocket Book ( on the Square Maril yn Bobbe is engaged to Mer­ I Sport Shop W,nt Ad lin Loberg of Amherst. Maril)'" is a Prescrip6on Druuists in th e: home cc student and Merlin attends a Trade school at Minneapoli s. Stevens Point Journdl !" Dolores Pb.inse and Fred Hubbard bot h CST C students became engaged MODERN CLEANERS over the Christmas holidays. Point Cafe Your If there are any more of the "cn­ At Service. Ii's the BEST gagees" that we have sli ghted, please Next to Emmons Stationery • inform us. We are extremely busy ourselves with very little time to t:ig At your servic;:e from after cupid at this time of year. 6 A.M. to 1 A.M. The Daily Journal 114 North Third Street And may your exam week be a Peickert Meat Market prosperous one!