![~Jze POINTER SERIES VI VOL](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
~Jze POINTER SERIES VI VOL. IV Stevens Point, \'\lis. January 26, 1950 No. l l No Paper 1950 CST( Summer School Because of th e exam schedule Chapel Choir Scheduled for ~:1nt~~c \\~i~rt;a~~~e!ef~rd, t;~ Field Trip Announced weeks. The next Pointer will ap­ Concert Here on Wednesday pear on Thursday, February 16. If you like to travel, need history or geogra phy credit s, and are going co summer school, take note of the 1950 Summer school field trip which has just been an nounced by the geo­ g raphy and history departments. The tour this ye~r. from June 26 to July 16, has been planned to in­ clude stops at Pittsb1.1rgh, Gettys­ burg, Philadelphia, New York City, Cape Cod, Boston, Albany, Roches­ ter, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit and Chicago. In add it ion there will be industrial tours of a Pittsburgh Steel company, New England Tex­ tile co mpany, Eastman Kodak com­ pany, Ford Motor company and others. The g roup will travel through the southern part of the U,. S. and then make an upward swing along the coast and back to Stevens Point through the north· east. Earn Six Credits A total of six credits wi ll be earn­ ed on the trip ; th ree in geography, with Raymond E. Specht as in struc· tor, and three in history with Her­ bert R. Steiner as instructor. This is the second summer session tri p of its kind. Last year's trip was under the g uidance of Robert S. Lewis and Dr. W arren G. Jenkins. The trave lers will make the trip Inter-Sorority Dance: Atte:nde:d by 93 Couples Amid appropriate settings for "June in Jan uary," 93 copies danced to the music of Jimmy Jr "Ties and hi s orchestra at the Inter-sororit y dance, Saturday c\·ening, January 21. Ome­ ga Mu Chi and Tau Gamma Beta sororities sponsored this ga la C\'Cnt. Preced ing the dance. which took place at the America n afegion hall , dinners were held by the two soc ia l so rorities on the ca mpus for mem­ bers and their guests. the Tau Garns : : tt~: S~~~?s~ yc;r/ and the Omegs Annual Band Clinic Falling snow on the windows in At CSTC Saturday I nte:rfaith Council the Legion was the mai n motif for Sat urJay. Janu ary 28, wil mark To Sponsor Party th e Janu.iry da net: theme. Dc:pictins .1 hi~ JJ)' fo r approximat~ly 400 members of hish sc hool bands in the The lnt<:r fa ith Coun cil wi ll spon· ~u rrou ndi n~ area . They will come so r an informal party on Thursday, . No Name Needed to CSTC wi th bandmasrers from 7) Fcbru:iry 16, at 7 :30 p.m. in the A story in the Pointer last o r 80 sc hools fo r the annual ba nd Training S(hool gym,.. This is an all we('k sured rh at suggesti ons drop- cl inic ,g i\'e n by the colleg(' band school parry and wi ll fe ature games ed into th(' Student Cou ncil box und('r the di rection of Peter J. M i­ and other types of entertainment. Refreshme nt s will be se rved. in the Poin ter office wou ld have chclsen. ' to be signed in o rd(' r to be con· Begi nning at 9:30 a. m. the co ll ege The committees from the religious sidered at Council meetings. ba nd, made up of regular band mem- organiz:uions are as foll ows : PubJj. However, it has been decided bees and alums, will pl ay cl ass A city, \'v'eslcy Foundation; decora­ that anonymous comments will numbers found on the state li st this tions, Lutheran Student Association; receive the same consideration as year. The clinic will co ntinue fo r the recreation, Wayland club ; program, those which bear a signature. ·entire day and all numbers for class· YWCA ; refreshments, Canterbury L------------" es 8, C and D wi ll also be played. club. THE POINTER January 26, 1950 z ' VOL IV THE POINTER No. 12 Familiar Faces: If all interviewing :issignmcnts 10 attending school, Pat worked as a CST C has hit the "dold rum" pc· would turn ouc to be such pleas.1 nt long dist .1 ncc telephone operator, rioJ of sooal activit)' now. The li ­ part time, until she was married. b ra ry i.) crowdt"d f rom d:iwn 'till work .1s did the feJturc interview d.trk, rcscrvc books arc being used for this week )'OUr w riter might be Pat, nee Anderson, and Reuben by the .t rmlo:iJ and research pamph­ tempted to t.tkc o,·er the job perm· were married in August and now re- lets are rcmo"cd and dc\'ou r<:d by anent I)'. To cl.trif)' the comment. the th e.: pile.' H owever, it's no uphc1,·al w rit er must :1dd thlt it isn·c C\'Cr)' m thL' cducation:d ri cld - merely 1hc dr.1gon final exam ! All studcncs featu re writer who has the privilege arc in\'ilcd , whcrcvc:r they can crawl, o f being entcruincd while on his as­ Let's Meet Sunday for individual "Crlck -Up Pa rt ies" signed mission. ::ihcr cx:1m week. \Xlhen m:iking an appointmcnc with ThL' l,tr,L;c n111 nht:r of org:111iz.11io1h o n the ca mpus, plus the four day the chosen person alities or t he week, wc.:L' k all otted 10 them, h.,vc crc.11ed ,1 !l ituJtion which works hardships on The T ed DowJ,Jeanenc Kelly 'iOllle J.:roU p '> :i nd Ju ve: cn;.;cm lcrcd ,oinc misundersl:tnding s. marri:1ge of Dc:ccmber 21 WlS omit­ :rn in \' it ing " \'<' hy do n't you come The , i,,u .11iu n h.l'> 1h rool\ in thl' f.t l l t hat m.tny '> tudcnh p.1 ck up and ted in the fa st issue because of m,s­ over for supper ?" wJs the promp1 !c.,ve cm Frid:ty' .lflcrnuon to rc.:turn :ig am Sunday ni,1,;h t. The result is that p lacc:J ioform:i tio n. T ed :i nd h is suggestion after the affirmation or FrHlay, S.11urd .1y .,nil !lu11tl .1y nighh ire v,nu.i. lly U!>c:le!t'i for o rgJn iz:itional bridc:, w ho is from Pembine, arc re­ an intcr\'icw dau:. It wa.) in chis con ­ mcctinJ.;'>. siding .1 1 1hc trai ler camp. , ThL' c.rowdc.:d week n i,i.: h, , h.l\ L' kd tn :i n O\•cr-l.1p ping on the: pl rt of gcni:1 1 setting th:i t }'OUr w riter learn­ '>Ollll' ,i.:ru 111 "'- Ti u. rcl ,giom or.,.;.1niz.11 iom arc tlt l- mo'il. sinned a.c;ai nsl. It A little humo r to b ri g hten these ed a fow of the more intim:itc facts t1 )u:illy h.i ppcm tli.11 , ,1111 <.' l'\'l'l11 " '>< hcdukd ~or tlit· .111>,; ht chey meet :rnd d reary days '. One p rofessor was Jt in the li ves o r 1wo Senio r mid-year 11t 1, e icJ.u nc.:l c"it.itt·, tli L' p11 .) t pnn c: mcnt of their mt·ccmg o r cbl' lowers the l loss. No matter wh at he did his g rndultes, Pai and Reuben Beilke. attc.:111 !.uu l' d iscussion cvokt·J no response from ' · \VI L' '>ll}.:J,.;l''> I 111 .11 1lic rcli,14inu, ~ol iL'l1n <.·ncour.lJ.:e their mcmbcn lo be his class. pr~~cnt fur mc·L·l1n1-:, t..".nlr Sun,l.1y nigh~ . He pa1,1scd in his lecture :ind ~aid , The: Su nd.l)' ll.1t t· . Ii." w vc: r.t l olw ,0 11 , ;1d v.1n t.1gc, pro\' 1d l·1I a large " I( the re arc any morons in 1h is siJc at t he Joy house on the corner euq\1~h ,-:roup ctn he: per,u.td t·d 10 .11t c11 ~I. In 1hc fi_r~.t pbct.." ~I ':"'ould seem d :1ss, p icas<.· s1and up." of Cl:l rk and Division streets. where th.ti the S.1hh:11h i, 1lic: lu,i.:u.d ml·t·tm.i.: t11 lll· for rd1J.!1tll1, SOlU;t 1cs. Scl oml. After a few sl't'01Hls ticked by. a SC\•er:i l Ol h t.."r st udents :rncl their Jll(.'fJlllt:r'> uwld ,p,·11d ,1 lc:"urc.:ly l',cn111 .i,.: wit h mcmbc: r!o or their own fait h lone: Freshman slowly rose . wives live. fr(-<: from 1h e worry of '4.. h o lh t il tumplic:11io 11 . l..1 ,1 , it woul~I he :i. J.!OO d " And do )'OU consiJ cr you rself :, time to !IC rvc .t 1o'it M•ppcr to th e: , 1ud,·n1, 111.1 ,mut h .,s su ppl'r '.' not !ICn·ed ,moron !'' he: ciu eried. At a lull in the question-a nswer ,1t 'Nc:1-. 111 II .ill on Sund.1)' .111d !ht· rn1.111r.1nh usu:l ll )' p,tlru111i.ctl .ire no t " Not :i c ;111. sir," he replied, "buc contest, Pat suggested that she p la)' o'pcn.
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