Album of Designs of the Phoenix Bridge Company
LIBRARY or-CONGRESS.' UNITED STATE OF AMERICA. THE PHCENIX BRIDGE COMPANY. [FRONTISPIEOE. ] PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD BRIDGE, OVER FRENCH CREEK, AT PHCENIXVILLE, PA. I (1) ALBUM OF DESIGNS OF THE PHCENIX BRIDGE COMPANY SUCCESSORS TO CLARKE, REEVES & CO. Phcenixville Bridge Works. OFFICES: No. 410 VValnut, Street, Pl~iladelphia. No. 49 VVilliarrr Street, Nevv York. At VVorlcs, Phc:enixviIle, Pa. > • ( PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1885. -@~.---------------------------------------------------------~ COPYRIGHT, 1885, BY THE PH<ENIX BRIDGE CmlPANY. THE PHOTO-COLLOTYPES IN THIS BOOK WERE MADE BY THE WELLS & HOPE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. -e----------------------------------------------------------~4 DAVID REEVES, President. WILLIAM H. REEVES, General Superintendent. GEORGE GERRY WHITE, Secretary. DANIEL W. BOWMAN, Assistant Engineer. ADOLPHUS BONZANO, Vice-President and Chief Engineer. WILLIAM H. BURR, Assistant to Chief Engineer. FRANK T • DAVIS, Treasurer. MORITZ G. LIPPERT, Chief of Drawing·Room. PHCENIXVILLE BRIDGE WORKS. OFFICE OF THE PHCENIX BRIDGE COMPANY, Successors to CLARKE, R.~~V~S & CO., Engineers, Contractors, and Builders of Bridges, Viaducts, Roofs, etc., of Iron and Steel, No. 410 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ~INCE the presentation of our last album in 1873, the rapid increase in the variety Our situation is such that the quality of the material entering into our constructions ~ and amount of our business, in the design and manufacture of bridges and of all is completely under our control. Essentially, all of our material is produced by The kinds of structures of iron and steel, renders it necessary for us to exhibit to the Phcenix Iron Company, whose resources are so extensive and plant so complete that public, and to our ft'iends and customers particularly, the present state' of constructive every stage of manufacture from the ore to the finished bar or shape is included within engineering as existing at the works of The Phcenix Bridge Company.
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