Growth Potential in Romania's West Region

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Growth Potential in Romania's West Region pzc No.4 p 5-13 Romania has had historic problems Growth Potential In Romania’s over regional development and EU data on per capita GDP scores rate Bucha- West Region rest at 44 percent of the EU average with the Centre and West at 35 and the other regions tailing down to 26 for the North East (European Commission 1999). Programmes that highlight these differences, without committing suffi- cient resources to make a significant Turnock, D.* impact, run the risk of raising expec- tations that cannot be satisfied. There- Abstract n important initiative was taken by fore the planners have been particular- The West Region is one of the more dy- the Romanian government in 1998 ly careful to emphasise the variations namic areas recognised in 1998 for re- Awith the setting up of organisations that exist within regions, demonstrating gional development purposes. However, to coordinate regional development in contrasts between stronger and weaker the growth in Arad and Timis counties eight large regions which now serve as counties in every region except Bu- contrasts with depression in Caras-Sev- the building blocks for EU cohesion pol- charest. Hence the new programme is erin and Hunedoara where mine closures icy (Figure 1). Although the constituent commended in part as a means of limit- have led to high unemployment. There counties remain the top-tier units of ing the danger of polarised sub-regions are likely to be tensions between strat- local government, Romanian social sci- through action to combine stronger and egies to boost the attractiveness of the entists have identified larger function- weaker counties. “Growth poles locat- main towns and programmes to support ally- coherent areas polarising around ed at the border between centre and pe- the weaker counties where ‘less-favoured major provincial cities and roughly simi- ripheral sub-regions could play an im- areas’ have been declared. lar in population (in excess of two mil- portant role in solving regional prob- The paper considers these contrasting lion) as the basis for durable economic lems” (Romboll 1997 p.5). This means images of the region and emphasises the and social development and internation- addressing unemployment in depressed need for balance in the interest of region- al (cross-border) cooperation (Guvernul industrial regions but also assisting ag- al cohesion. Cross-border cooperation is Romaniei 1997). Each regional devel- riculture where this is the key to the an important feature of regional develop- opment council will include representa- poverty problem. In this paper the West ment and this could be a positive factor in tives of every urban and rural local gov- Region is used to illustrate the opportu- both parts of the region. ernment area to determine policy, while nities and problems that exist. The re- the corresponding regional development gion as a whole is doing relatively well Key words: Romania, West Region, growth agencies (RDA) will formulate and im- and is poised to develop its internation- potential plement the plans. A national council al relations, but there are also serious and a national agency will approve EU problems of unemployment and the in- structural funding and allocate resourc- ternal contrasts are very evident when es from the national regional develop- Caras-Severin and Hunedoara are com- ment fund while providing specialised pared with Arad and Timis (Figure 2). assistance for individual councils. * David Turnock, Geography Department, The University, Leicester LE1 7RH, U.K. Figure 1: Romania’s regional system 5 pzc Regional Profile The modernisation of the region is based on the Habsburg colonisation of Banat involving diverse ethnic groups which greatly extended a cultural profile based on earlier contacts between Romanians and Hungarians. Although not the region with the largest non-Romanian popula- tion, Romanian Banat must be area with the largest number of different non-Ro- manian ethnic groups. And it is appar- ent that the experience has been pre- dominantly one of tolerance and mutual respect to the point where all contribu- tions are valued as parts of the region’s economic and cultural identity (Popa & Sarbovan 1999). Nationalism has not significantly detracted from the positive Growth Potential In Romania’s West Region West Romania’s In Potential Growth contribution of ethnicity for the human resources of the region. However, the emphasis on agricultural colonisation on the plain was complemented by priority on extractive industries and metallurgy in the mountains. Resita (in Caras-Sev- erin) has a history of ironworking dat- ing back to 1771 (Plate 1) which makes the West one of the longest-established industrial zones in the southeast of Eu- rope: a situation reflected in urban ex- pansion, early electrification, the growth of a relatively dense railway network Figure 2: West Regions: towns and less-favoured areas and the emergence of food processing industries based mainly on the rich ag- Mountains to the north. The autarkic national links as well as intensification riculture of the Banat Plain. The capac- stance of the communist regime was of contacts established in the context ity of the Resita metallurgical and engi- conducive to heavy investment in high of the planned economy. The develop- neering complex to act as a mother fac- cost deep-mining ventures which have ment organisations established in Arad tory, stimulating a series of transfers of now been stranded as unviable in the (ADAR), Caras-Severin (ADECS) and production to new locations, also indi- more global market-oriented climate of Timis (ADETIM) with help from Nor- cates the high level of experience and the last decade. The problems of restruc- drhein-Westfalen (before the wider West skill. turing are plainly complex and progress Region which came into existence) have The historic strength of the extrac- can only be sustained if a willingness to helped to provide expertise. tive industries is extended by consider- reprofile production and boost efficiency Per capita GDP sees the region above ation of Hunedoara’s mineral wealth in is complemented by an inflow of funds the national average with Timis almost coal, in the Jiu Valley at the southern and know-how from international finan- 50 percent greater than Caras-Severin: end of the county, complementing the cial institutions and foreign direct inves- although Timis is only scores 40 per- long-established working of non-ferrous tors. The West Region has done rela- cent of the EU average is above the av- ores in the Brad area of the Apuseni tively well with a range of new inter- erage for candidate countries. The region has a participation rate well above the national average, but the very high figure for Hunedo- ara applied to 1995 when mining work was still heavily protected, with dynam- ic of participation higher than both the regional and national average. Howev- er, since 1996 restructuring has been undertaken and the weakness of Hune- doara’s position - with 44 percent em- ployed in poorly-diversified manufactur- ing sector (regional and national aver- ages 30 and 29 respectively) has be- come apparent through rising unem- ployment. At present therefore Caras- Severin and Hunedoara are relatively depressed through contraction of the extractive and metallurgical industries Plate 1: Resita iron and steel works (despite potential in wood processing) 6 pzc Turnock, D. Turnock, Table 1: A Regional Profile tors in this way, but in view of redundan- cy many are returning home and “this drain of young labour may create seri- ous long-term development problems” (Ramboll 1997 p.32). Hunedoara scores high for criminality and for infant mor- tality. Since 1989 there has been much emigration from the region and there has been a sharp decline in the German community: hence rural depopulation despite relatively high living standards in the countryside. There is a net im- port of population from all other regions of Romania, especially from the North East and North West, but most go to Arad and Timis. A Strategy For Growth Regional plans will inevitably capitalise on the leading assets. Timisoara, the centre of Romania’s West Region, can sustain self-reliant internationally -com- petitive development (Plate 2). With a central location in Timis county and the obvious centre for the region, Timiso- ara offers qualified labour, education/ training facilities and research institutes (with the university seeking the status of ‘centre of excellence’); environmen- tally friendly industry (at an advanced stage of restructuring) with a stock mar- ket, business/exhibition centre and sup- ply networks. It has a network of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to serve large enterprises, good bank- ing and local government support, fis- A Arad county; B Caras-Severin county; C Hunedoara county; D Timis county; E W e s t R e g i o n ; cal incentives and low cost sites and F Romania premises. Pollution is not a serious prob- (a) 17 indicators relating to economy, infrastructure, demography and living standards; (b) lem in view of the bias towards engi- based on education, infant mortality and communication environment. All positive values are neering and light industry and services, above the national average; (c) unemployment rate, participation rate and out-migration; (d) including waste processing, are relative- deaths under one year per thousand live births 1993-5; (e) Temporary migrants to other coun- ly modern. It offers institutionalised in- ties per 1,000 inhabitants; (f) Sum of sportsmen (ten percent), thousand cinema attendance ternational relations with Hungary and (multiplied by two) and thousand library books lent divided by two; (g) Average of the two sets Yugoslavia, an international airport, a of figures;(h) Convictions per 100,000 inhabitants; Romboll Consultancy Group 1997. potential shipping lane (Bega Canal) and Source: Profiles of the Romanian development regions (Bucharest: RCG for PHARE Programme, plans have been drawn up to greatly Regional Development Policy) 41-51.
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