Civil Rights Movement DA

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Civil Rights Movement DA New Civil Rights Movement DA Social movements are essen/al to 0rin1 las/n1 chan1e to society. Recent protests have allowed for social movements to reemer1e as agents for chan1e. Movements are essen/al to solve society’s major pro0lems includin1 racism, violence, 1ender oppression, climate chan1e, war, etc. This disadvantage addresses the consequences of federal 1overnment ac/on on the momentum and stren1th of social movements. Aeneral social movement theory concludes that 1overnment ac/on 0y Con1ress, courts, president etc. takes away social movement momentum. The pu0lic feels that the issues the movement is addressin1 are 0ein1 solved. The pu0lic pays less aDen/on to the issues 0ein1 address and the movement ul/mately loses its ability to have an impact on society. The disadvantage ar1uments that currently social movements have the inEuence to address major society pro0lems. The linC is that the aFrma/ve plan is a minor 1overnment ac/on that will 0e perceived 0y the pu0lic that the issue is 0ein1 addressed. Althou1h le1al ac/on is usually necessary las/n1 chan1e happens thou1h social persuasion. The impact to the disadvantage is that the plan undermines social movement protec/ons for democracy which results in denial of ri1hts, oppression, violence etc. The Hle includes 1eneral linCs, and speciHc linCs for policin1 and the death penalty. This is the more IadvancedJ novice Hle. My aim is to have a variety of ways you can approach this disadvantage. You can focus on how movements solve aFrma/ve impacts with democracy/human ri1hts net 0eneHt. In this sense, the NA func/ons as a status quo counterplan. If you are a policy team that enjoys 0i1 impacts the Hle includes he1emony and war impacts. If you are a team that prefer structural violence impacts, the Hle includes those ar1uments as well. The aFrma/ve answers includin1 ar1uments why movements will inevitably weaken, how movements fail, and a few linC turns for speciHc aFrma/ves. To supplement aFrma/ve answers in this Hle, you should use ar1uments liCe Ifed ac/on 1oodJ Ilaw 1oodJ Ireform 1ood’ that will help to jus/fy your aO over the NA. Althou1h there is an adequate amount of ar1uments in the Hle, you will need to do worC to make the Hle tournament ready. Read throu1h the Hle, worC with your coach and/or a more ePperienced de0ater to hi1hli1ht the evidence and prepare 0locCs for your de0ates. If you have any ques/ons about the ar1ument feel free to contact me. The evidence was mostly processed 0y myself, 0ut I was aided 0y evidence from Cal Na/onal Ne0ate Ins/tute, AonRaga Ne0ate Ins/tute, Michi1an Na/onal Ne0ate Ins/tute, Spartan Ne0ate Ins/tute, and the Na/onal Sr0an Ne0ate Teague. ThanCs, Donny Peters 1NC New Civil Rights Movement DA A. Uniqueness We are on the brink of a new civil rights area where social movements will be essenal to shape policy FayyaD 20 XA0dallah, staO writer, Boston Alo0e, "Welcome to the new civil ri1hts era: If elected, Joe Biden will have to answer to an an/racist movement that isn't 1oin1 away" July 10, hDps:// But the seemin1ly pragma/c ar1ument against more am0i/ous policy proposals c that they are too ag1ressive to 1arner 0road con1ressional support and are therefore an unrealis/c pursuit c missed a si1niHcant trend: dver the past decade, a sur1e in ac/vism and a correspondin1 leeward lurch in the Nemocra/c Party hinted that America was on the brink of a mass social movement, one that could bring on a new civil-rights era that would make bold, anRracist policies, includin1 repara/ons, a tenable goal. In other words, the floyd protests are not a Eee/n1 momentg rather, they have ushered America into a new era that requires a diOerent approach to poli/cs c one that looCs to movements, not lo00yists, to asC what le1isla/on is poli/cally viable. Now Biden ou1ht to take heed of the protesters’ most ur1ent demands to advance racial equality and 0e1in draein1 an epoch-makin1, an/racist agenda. Some Nemocrats already agree. IYou’re literally havin1 jud1es come in front of the Judiciary CommiDee who won’t even say that Brown v. Board of hduca/on was ri1htly decided,J New Jersey Senator Cory BooCer told me last year, when he was s/ll runnin1 for president. IWe’re seein1 vo/n1 ri1hts under aDacC now, we’re seein1 civil ri1hts under aDacC ri1ht now, and we’re seein1 ins/tu/ons liCe mass incarcera/on do such damage to BlacC and 0rown communi/es. We have to talC about these issues and the ur1ency to do somethin1 about them.J It’s important to note that this moment didn’t come out of nowhereg it’s 0een decades in the makin1. Tast year, lon1 0efore the floyd protests 0e1an, the Rev. William Bar0er of North Carolina, a civil ri1hts ac/vist, said America was in the midst of what he called a Third Reconstruc/on. That’s in part 0ecause the Snited States 1overnment had failed to live up to the promise of its own civil ri1hts-era laws, and instead of eradica/n1 racial inequality, the country has reaFrmed its caste system: BlacC families were hit par/cularly hard 0y the Areat Recession, and lost much of their wealth in the housin1 marCet collapseg metro areas across the country have 0een rese1re1a/n1 since the 1ib0sg and policies that contri0uted to mass incarcera/on c or the New Jim Crow c have s/Eed economic 1rowth in BlacC and 0.own communies. In fact, accordin1 to a a01b study 0y the Ins/tute for Policy Studies, median BlacC household wealth is projected to dip to Rero dollars 0y a053. Add to that the Trump administra/on’s accelerated roll0acC of civil ri1hts, the coronavirus pandemic and the ensuin1 economic collapse, and a video showin1 a white cop Cillin1 a BlacC man 0y Cneelin1 on his necC for nine minutes, and an already res/ve resistance movement has 0ecome more enraged, CicCin1 oO what looCs liCe a consequen/al revolt. IWe are in the midst of a new civil-ri1hts era 0ecause we’re in a renewed era of white supremacy,J the Rev. Jesse JacCson, the civil ri1hts ac/vist who ran for president in 1ilm and 1ill, told me last year. IWe’re facin1 a fast headwind 0y this unusually stron1, militariRed white na/onalist, race supremacy. And yet in spite of that, we’re increasin1 our num0ers in Con1ress,J he said of BlacC and 0rown people. IWe’re H1h/n1 the headwindnJ B. Link 9e need revoluRon not reform as the aK calls for. The aK places a band aid over a maMor womb, this sRNes the possibility for meaningful change. Fayyad 20 XA0dallah, staO writer, Boston Alo0e, "Welcome to the new civil ri1hts era: If elected, Joe Biden will have to answer to an an/racist movement that isn't 1oin1 away" July 10, hDps:// Since BlacC Tives MaDer was founded in a013 in response to the Cillin1 of Trayvon Mar/n c and even da/n1 0acC to the Hrst dccupy Wall Street protests in a011 c social movements have only been 1.owin1. “We are in a really serious and cri/cal moment ri1ht now, and we are in a full-on resistance movement, from BlacC Tives MaDer to o:*Too to the Women’s March to the March for our Tives,J Patrisse Cullors, one of the founders of BlacC Tives MaDer, said 0efore the floyd protests. Indeed, the scale of these movements can’t 0e i1nored: The Women’s March in a01b, which confronted issues pertainin1 to racism and racial inequality in addi/on to women’s ri1hts, was the lar1est protest in Washin1ton, N.C., since the pietnam War. The demonstra/ons around the country that day may have drawn more par/cipants than any other sin1le-day protest in American history. And the recent police 0rutality protests have drawn millions of demonstrators across the country for what is shapin1 up to 0e the 0i11est social movement since the na/on’s foundin1. Aeer decades of deteriora/n1 social condi/ons in some communi/es and ac/vism 0rewin1 0elow the surface, the Cillin1 of floyd caused the movement to 0oil over. So if he’s elected president in Novem0er, Joe Biden will liCely preside over one of the more consequen/al moments in American history, and he should 0e ready to answer to a forceful an/racist movement that doesn’t appear to 0e 1oin1 away any/me soon. IMovements can chan1e what poli/cians tend to do,J said Bar0er, who leads the Poor People’s Campai1n. ITyndon Baines Johnson didn’t intend to ever 0e the one to si1n the po/n1 Ri1hts Act, 0ut the movement forced that. And it forced it in a non-elec/on year, too.J He warns that campai1nin1 against ideas just 0ecause they seem unrealis/c can 0e deeply damagin1 to the movement for equality. That’s why Nemocrats, and Biden in par/cular, should prepare for a presidency that doesn’t just slap Band-Aids on 1un wounds, 0ut one that 0e1ins to implement 0old, transforma/ve policies. America doesn’t need minor touch-ups c it needs to fundamentally chan1e the way it polices its nei1h0orhoodsg it needs laws liCe a new fair Housin1 Act to promote dese1re1a/on or a new po/n1 Ri1hts Act to eradicate voter suppressiong it needs to provide its ci/Rens with the ri1ht to free health care and hi1her educa/on.
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