^Nectliaig\Mplts Volume XXVI Storrs, Connecticut, Wednesday, Jannary 10, 1940 Z88 No
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GREEK LETTER FEB. 10 ^NECTliaiG\MPlTS Volume XXVI Storrs, Connecticut, Wednesday, Jannary 10, 1940 Z88 No. 12 NEW COURSES IN MEDIATOR CHAIRMAN COMMITTEES PAN-HELLENIC CHAIRMAN YOUNG HUSKY EXTENSION WORK ANNOUNCED FOR WILL BE GIVEN ADDED BY PRICE GREEK LETTER BALL TO FRED WARING Seven second semester courses for Co-chairman of the Greek Letter Carl <"rane and rarl Isakson, Stu- University of Connecticut freshmen Dance to be given Feb. 10 In Hawley dent Senate members in charge of at the Hartford and New Haven Ex- Armory are Melvin Weber, '40 of securing a Husky pup to present to tension Centers of the University Hartford, and Carol Morse. '40 of Fred Waring on behalf of the stu- were announced today by Director S. Plainville. The dance is sponsored by dents at the University, have locat- Willard Price. the Pan-Hellenic Council and the ed a pup which resembles the origi- The courses will follow those now Mediator for fraternity and sorority nal Jonathan, first mascot of the being given at the centers in after- members. school athletic teams. noon and evening classes conducted Chairmen of the sub-committees The dog was found with the help by the University. The second sem- are Walter Lathrop, '40 of Plainville, ester starts February 6. of the State Department of Domestic decorations committee; Edward Finn, Animals and turned out to be the Hartford Schedule! MELVIN WEBER '40 of Hartford, program committee; CAROL MORSE only Husky available in the state at The Hartford Center now lias 62 Frederic Dunne. '40 of Hartford, or- the present time, t'rane. with the students enrolled in freshman work, chestra committee; and Jack Beech- help of Jim Ellis of the state depart- studying under University faculty 200 Attend Dance er, '40 of New Haven, publicity. Ruth McKenney Talks ment mentioned above, did most of members who commute from Storrs Representatives from the Pan-Hel- the investigating while home for the to meet their classes. Credits given In Armory Saturday Before A.S.U. Group ill list mas holidays. in extension classes are the same as lenic Council are Marcia Fischbeck, those given to students on the cam- About two hundred people danced '40 of Hartford, and Charlotte Cook, Speaking before a large audience At first it seemed that Huskies had •41 of West Hartford. become extinct, but finally the pup pus. to the music of Howard Hinman and in the lecture room of the Engineer- was located on a farm in Avon be- Courses for the second half of the his orchestra last Saturday night at The dance will be semi-formal and ing Building. Miss Ruth McKenney, longing to a Mr. Thorchini. Mainly year at Hartford, the instructors, the joint dance given by the Horn? will be held from 8:30 until 12. The Economics and Block and Bridle orchestra has not yet been selected. journalist and writer of the recent through the efforts of Mr. Ellis the and schedule of classes follow: farmer agreed to give Crane the Introduction to Anthropology, As- clubs in the Hawlcy Armory. Round best seller "My Sister Eileen" and and square dancing were featured, "Industrial Valley." appeared here Husky, one of two two-months old sociate Professor Victor A. Rapport. and modern sets were interspersed pups he had. Monday and Wednesday, 4:15 to 5:30 Staff Members Give under the auspices of the A.S.U. on to make the jitterbugs happy. p.m. Papers At Columbus Monday night. The dog has been kept at a kennel Differential Calculus, Mrs. Rose The proceeds of the dance will be in Bloomfield for the past two weeks Sedgewick, Tuesday and Thursday, used to supplement the Danforth Miss McKenny. who is known main- and will be brought to the campus Dr. Paul A. Walker, member of ly for the humorous style with 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Scholarship fund, which each year sometime in the latter part of this American Society of Zoologists, Dr. which she achieved such popularity Principles of Economics, Hugh S. sends the two outstanding juniors in week. If transportation can be ar- Cannon, Monday and Wednesday, the home economics and agricultural R. H. Wallace, member of The Amer- in her latest book, summarized for ranged, the dog will be presented to 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. divisions to Camp Miniwanca in ican Society of Plant Physiologists, her audience her version of the pres- Waring on Friday night. Michigan and on a trip through the ent European situation and the atti- Introduction to Literature, Profes- and Dr. W. A. Bousfield. member of According to several faculty mem- sor Howard A. Seckerson. Monday Purina Mills for a two-week period. tude of the American press toward The American Society of Psycholo- it. bers who were here when the original and Wednesday, 6:10 to 7:25 p.m. Transportation for two freshman re- Jonathan was alive, the pup, tem- cipents of the scholarship is not pro- gists, were among present faculty r (Continued On Page Eight) members who presented scientific Attributing the present world war, porarily named "Johnnie", has the vided for by the fund, however, so papers at the annual convention of which she claimed started in 1932, to same markings as the first mascot, It is for this purpose that the dance conditions similar to those that ex- black and brown. was given. the American Association, for the Heart Attack Leads Advancement of Science, held Dec. 27 isted in 1914. she discussed the steps I'pson Garrigus. '40 of Storrs, and which have been taken in it so far Trane and Isakson have announced To Postmaster's Death to Jan. 2 at Ohio State University, that a report on the money collected Mary Louise Smethurst, '40 of Water- Columbus, Ohio. and expressed the opinion that Eng- bury were co-chairmen of the com- land is responsible for most of the from students for the purchase of Edward J. Champlion, postmaster mittee in charge. They were assisted Dr. Walker read a paper on "Th» things that have been happening. the dog will be issued next week. of the Eagleville post office for the by Olive Tyler. '41 of Plainville; hydrogen-ion concentration of the al- They hope to get a collar and leash Concerning the writers on Ameri- past four years, died Monday morn- Mary Whithead. '40 of Washington lantoic and amniotic fluids of the and perhaps a blanket for the dog ing of a heart attack suffered as he can newspapers and periodicals. Miss with the money available. Depot; Lewis Minor. '42 of Woodbury: chick," and presented by title "The McKenney asserted that most of them ] was completing his morning's work Charlotte Cook.'41 of West Hartford; surface tension of the allantoic and do not believe the majority of the in the university branch of the Eagle- and Mildred Hag'und, '40 of Hamden. amniotic fluids of the chick." Read Papers At vil'e post office. He was 58 years information that they publish, and Dr. Wallace presented a paper on that they are forced to write it by AFEA Convention old. "Leaf Temperatures" in conjunction Although he had not been in good the owners of the newspapers, who. health for several months. Mr. Cham- Banquet To Be Held with Prof. Clum of Hunter College, determine the po'icies which a paper Three members of the Agricultural and a paper on "A recording poten- will maintain. Asked why they write plion came to work Monday morning For Campus Members Economics department presented apparently well. He distributed the tiometer for physiological investiga- things that they believe to be false. tion." Dr. Bousfield read a paper on Miss Kenney answered that "after papers at the annual convention of entire morning mail himse'f and was The annual Campus staff banque; the American Farm Economics Asso- preparing to go home for lunch when "The relationship between quality of all they have to eat. don't they?" will be held next Monday night at sleep and euphoria." he was seized with the attack. A period of open discussion fol- ciation in Philadelphia Thursdav. the Storrs Inn. More than forty mem- Dec. 2S. 1939. Miss Josephine Mackal, in charge Wesly R. Coe, professor of zoology lowed the lecture. Miss McKennev of the university branch of the Eagle- bers of the present Campus staff and at Yale University and graduate of was brought to the campus through Dr. Donald O. Hammerburg, head ville office and a niece of Mr. Champ- about fifteen guests will attend. this college in 18SS. the retiring vice- the efforts of Alfred Horowitz, '40 of of the department, presented a paper lion, immediately called Dr. Ra'ph Walter Stemmons. college editor president of the American Society of Hartford. entitled "Allocation of Supplies in Oilman who ordered the postmaster Zoologists, gave the address of honor and faeu'ty advisor to the Campus. Contiguous Fluid Milk Markets." to the Willimantic Hospital. A car at the annual dinner of the society WOMEN STUDENTS TO which outlined a new way of ap- was procured from the Storrs Gar- will be toastmaster. Among the held Dec. 29 In a Columbus hotel. proaching milk marketing research age, but Mr. Champlion died during guest who have accepted invitations MAKE ARRANGEMENTS His subject was "Divergent pathways FOR SEMESTER ROOMS and excited much comment. the trip to Willimantic. are President Albert N. Jorgensen; in functional development." Born in Pelham N.Y. on August Dr. E. A. Ferresaux discussed and Frank Atwood, assistant college edi- Norman A. Tardiff. '38, graduate Women students who are for criticized three prepared papers 22, 1881, Mr.