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ICNAF Res. Doc. 66-2 Serial No. 1610 (G.c.)


North AtlanFcSpecies NaITles

(also FAO Fisheries Circular No. 79)

A2 - 1 - FAO Fishories Circular No.7':) FEs/C 79 (Distribution restricted) Statistical standards


Prepared by

Current Statistics and Economic Data Section Fishery Statistics and Economic Data Branch Fishery Economics and Products Division Department of Fisheries


A3 - 2 -


Extract from Section 7 of the Report of the Fourth Session of the Continuing Working Party on Fishery Statistics in the North Atlantic Area (FAO Fisheries Reports, No. 21, FIe/R21):

The Continuing Working Party noted that all three agencies, FAO, ICE~ and ICIIAF, have in the past few years undertrucen the review, revision and publication of lists of species appearing in tables in their statistical publications. It considered a proposal by the Secretary for joint FAO/ICilS/IC1~AF action to issue a loose-leaf ./Iulttllngua.l List 0/ Common Names 0/ North Atlantic Fishes, Crustac.ans, Molluscs, etc.. While several members v/ere strongly in favour of such a publication, the Continuing Working Party recommend~ that further work along these lines should for the moment be suspended pending publication by OECD of the Multilingua.l NOMsnclature 0/ Fish and Fisherv Products.

However, the Continuing Viorking Party considers it desirable to have available for fishery workers concerned with North Atlantic fisheries statistics a document in a regular series, which could be referred to in preparing notes, instructions and reports on fishery statistics concerned with these North Atlantic species. It therefore recommends that FAO should publish such a. document as a Bulletin 0/ Flsherv Statistics in which should be tabulated the scientific, English, Spanish and French corrunon names of all species appearing in the tables in the publications of ICES, ICNAF and FAO. It also recolllmends that in this publication the statistical categories be clearly defined and i terns such as "Various" appearing in the notes and on the STANA 1E forms should be specifieu to enable cOWltries to consistently complete requests for statistics.

'1'he Continuing VJorking Party recommends that, after some experience has been gained in using this FAO Bulletin 0/ Fisherv Statistics giving lists of names, and the OBCD's NOMenclature, the proposals for (i) a multilingual list (as made in document STAIIA IV 65/6) and (E) a multilingual "Index", be reviewed, possibly at the Fifth Session of the Continuing Working Party.

* * * This document is issuedas anFAO Fisheries Circular for distribution at the ICIIAF meeting, l.lay/June 1966, Madrid. After revision it will be issued as FAO Bulletin 0/ Fisherv Jtatistics No. 12 for distribution at the annual ICES Meetinf\", October 1966, Copenhagen. The Bulletin will also cont9.in as an appendix the ICES list of names.

FAO Fisheries Circular (FAO Fish. Clre.)

These documents, given very restricted distribution, are mostly short notes, instructions for the completion of statistical forms and questionnaires, lists on various topics or provisional versions of documents which may eventually be issued in final form in other series. ./ Some circulars, presenting statistical tables with provisional data, are prepared as papers for conferences, committees, oommissions, working parties. these tables may eventually be issued after revision in the "Yearbook II or "Bulletin of Fishery Statistics".

A4 - 3 -


A5 - 4 -

,'AD ICES ICNAF Code gnt;lish nl\me Enel ish narne Enc-l iah m::.me

Freshwater fishes FrflshVia tor fishes


Va.rl QUB frer:h-::ater fishes Freshwater fishes

Sturreonc. padlllefishes Sturl"cons


~turt:eons Sturgeons Sture-eons

.Uver .diver eels

Americe.n Eel

~uropean eel River eel

Salmons. troutE. smelts. etc. Salmonoids

Atlantic salmon Atlantic saIff.on ~almon

Gu.l.elin Ca~elin

Smelts Smelt (European) ~melt

Trouts, chars Trouts (chars)

":.hi tefishes

Va~jGUS salmoncius Various salmonaida J~rgentines

Shads. milkfishes. etc. Diadromous elupeoids


:'ilkfiches and various shads She.ds Shad

A6 - 5 -

I'AO Scientific nflme FAO French name Spanish name

Poissons d'eau douce Peces de agua dulce

Cyprinidae Carpas

Poissons dteau douce divers Varies peoes de agua dulce

Esturgeons. spatulas Esturiones. sol}os

Polyodontidae Sol}os

Acipenseridae BstUl'f;eons Esturiones

Anguilles Anguilas

An.:iu~ll,J. rostrata. AnGuille arnericaine Anguila americana

Anguj lIe europeenne Ang-uila europea

~aumons, truites. eperlans Sal manes. truchas. eperlanos, ili.. etc. ")~,l.1.'110 aalar Saut.~on de I' A tl an tique ~alm6n del ',tlantico

M.J.l1otU$ vi11o~us Capelan

Csmerl dae Eperlans E;perlanos

..h,lmo spp., ,J"21/Jel inus spp. Trui t.es, ambles Truchas

Coregones Coregonos

S~lmonoidei divers Varios salmonidos

Aloses. chanides. etc. Sabalos. sabalotes, etc.

Gasparot Pinchagua

Chanidee et aloses diverses Sabalotes y otras aloses

A7 - 6 -

FAO ICES ICNAF Code English name Engl i sh name English name

Flounder. halibuts. sales. etc. Pleuronectiforms

Brill Brill Dab (oommon) Dab (common) Flounder (European) Flounder (European) ·.. Greenland halibut Greenland halibut

Halibut (AtlantiC) Halibut Halibut

Lemon sale Lemon sale Megrim Megrim ·.. Plaice (European) Plaice (European) ·.. Sole (common) Sole (common) Turbot Turbot ·.. Witch Witch Witch Pleuronectlforrns, p American plaice, summer flounder, winter flounder, yellowtail flounder

Various teleostean Various pleuronectiforms

Cods, hakes. l!addocks. etc. Gadiforms (Atlantic) Cod Cod

Haddock Haddock Haddock

Hake (European) Hake

Ling Ling

Norway pout Norway pout

Pollack Pollack Poutassou ·.. Se.i the (pollock) Seithe :Pollock (saithe;

Silver hake Silver hake

Tusk (cusk) Tusk Cusk

Whiting Whiting

Various gadoids Various gadiforms Red hake, white hake, tomcod

A8 - I -

FAO Scientific name FAO French name Spanish name

Flets. fletanB. sales, etc. Acedias, hipogloeoB, lensuados, etc. Scopnthalmus rhombus Barbue Remol

Lim.:J.nda litn:J..nda Limande Limanda

Pl~tichthY8 jlsaud Flet (europeen) Platija (europea)

Rein~rdtius hippoglossotdss Flatan nair Hipogloso negro

Hippoglossus htppoglossu8 Fletan (Atlantique) Hipogloso (Atlantico)

JI' crostomu8 Id t t Limande sale Lengua lisa Lepidorhombus whit/Lagon's Cardine Gallo

Pleuronectes pl~te88a Plie (europeenne) Solla (europea)

30162 dole-a Sale (commune) Lenguado (comUn)

Psett:J. m:.z..rtnt.:l Turbot Rodaballo

G1vptocephaluB cVno g1088uB Plie cynogloBse Falso longuado

Pleuroneotiformes p Pleuronectiformes ~

Poissons teleosteens plate Varios tele6steoB pIanos

Morues, merlua. eglefins. etc. Bacalaos. merluzas, eglefinos, etc. GadU8 m.o rhua. Morue (Atlantique) Bacalao (Atlantico)

Eglefin Eglefino

Merluccius merlucctus Merlu (europe en) Merluza (europea)

Mol!):]. molD:), Lingua Maruca

Tri$opteru3 esmarkii Tacaud norvegien Faneca noruega

Lieu jaune Abadejo

G:J.dus pout::;.ssou Poutsssou Bacaladilla

Pollachtu8 ,,'rena Lieu noir (colin) Colin

Merlucciu8 btl£nearis Merlu Merluza

Brosme brcsme Broame Brosmio

Uerlangius merlangus Merlan Merlan

GadoIdes divers Varies gado1deos

A9 - 8 -

FAD ICES tCNAF Code I!lnglish name English name English name

Redfishes. basses. oongers, Demersal percomorphs .!!!g,.

Anglerfishss Monk Angler

Congers Conger eel Conger Croakers, drums ... King whiting, squeteague Goatfishes, surmullets

Gobies Grunters, grunts

Gurnards, sea robins Ournards Sea robins John Dories

Lumpfiahss, lump suckers, amiilfi shes ... Lumpfish Puffers, leatherjaokets Northern puffer

Redfishss Redfishss Redfiah Rockfishes, soorpionfishes .. , ... Sandeals, launoBa Sandeals Sand eels (launces)

Sea-hasses, sea-perches, Soup, sea bass, striped groupers bass, white peroh

Sea-breams, porgies Sea breams Smares, picarels ... Snappers ... Tilefishss, blanquilloB Tilefish

Wolffiahea (catfishea) Catfishea (wolffishes) Wolffishss Cottoids, "- ...... Demersal per co ids ... Cunner, tautog Various demersal percomorphs Various demersal percomorphs Ooean pout

A 10 - 9 -

FAO FAO Scientifio name French name Spani ah name

RaaoaSS6S. perches de mer, Gallinetas. lubinas. congrioa, oongres. etc. ~.

Lophiidae Baudroies Rapes

Congritiae Congrss Congrios

SCiaenidae Maigree Corbinas

r.1ullidae Rougets Salmonetes

Gobii::lae Gobies Gobios

Grandeurs Roncadores

Trigl id39 Grondins Rubio, per16n, esoacho

Zeitlae Z~id~B Pez de San Pedro

Cyc!oytericiae Lompes, cyclopt~rid~s Ciclc5pteros

Poissons globes Peces-globo

Sebal:lte8 spp. S€baste, raBcaBse du nord Gallinetas

Scorp'lenidae, excluding "J'ebai:Jte8 spp. RascassBs, Boorplinidds Escorpdnidos

·\mmodytid:.lB Lan~ons Lanzonss

SerI'":lnidQ.8 Bars, perches de mer, Meros, chernas, etc. mt1'rous

3paridae Bremes de mer, dorades Esp.:iridoB

Centrlc':I.nthiuae (Maenid'ie) Menid~s Chucla, caramel

Lutj?nidw Lutianid~s Pargos

L'l..tiliJae Latilid~B .BlanquilloB

:'I.n'lrhichadi:lae Poissons-loups Peces-lobo

Cottoidei CottoideB ,i C6tidoB ,i Percordes de fond P'roidos demersales

Divers peroomorphes de Diversos percomorfoB fond demersales

All - 10 -

FAO ICES ICNAF Code English name English name English name

Jacks. mullets. etc. Pelagic percomorphs

Amberjacks, yellowtails

Barracudas '" Bluefishes

Butterfishos, harvestfishes Butterfish

Dolphinfishes, dorados Flying fishes, halfbeaks


Horse mackerel, jack mackerel, scads Horse mackerel

hlull~tB ell Othor oarangids ·.. Creval1e Sauries Atlantic saury ()

Silversides, sand-smelts

Various pelagic percomorphs Various pelagic percomorphs

Herrings, sardines, anchovies, Marine olupeoids ·.. ll.9.. Anchovy (North AtlantiC) Gilt sardine

Herring (Atlantic) Herring Herring lUenhadena ·.. Menhaden Pilchard (European) Pilchard ·.. Sprat Sprat Various marine clupeoids Various olupeoids Bay anchovy

(runas. , skipjacks -like Boombriforma ·.. Albaoore Albacore Bigeye t'.ma ·.. Bluefin tuna :Bluefin tuna Bluefin tWla

Boni tes Bonito

Frigate maokerels

A 12 - 11 -

FAO FAO Scientific name French name Spanish name

Chinohards. mulets. etc. Jureles. lisas. etc.

SerioliJae S~riolea Seriolas

Srhyraenid:le Barraoudas

rom::!. tomida6 Tasl3ergals Anjovas

:ltrom::1 te id ''1.6 Stromat~idl!s PrunpanOG

('oryph'.l.enid ':1.6 Coriphemes Llampugas

Exocoet idne, Hemirhamphidae Poissons volante, derni-becs Peces voladores

8elene belone Orphie Aguja

Trachurus app., Decapterus spp. Chinchards, saurels Jurales

Mugilid:lB Llulets Liaas

;;:IT'J.ngilae Autres carangid~s OtroB car~gidos

3combere80X saurus, Cololabia 8.l.ir.l Balaous Papardas Athl!rinidt1s Pejerreyes

Divers percomarphes p61agiquss Varios percomorfos peldgicoG

Harengs. sardines, anchoia, Arengues. sardinas. anchoas, etc. etc.

£hJr~ulia encr~sicholua Anchois (Atlantique nord) Anchoa (Atlantico norte)

.;,'.J.rd fnell:1. auri to. Allache Alacha Clupe:1. h:l.renJus Hareng (Atlantique) Arcnque (Atlantico)

BrelJoort to. spp. Llenhadens Lachas

Pilchard (europ~en) Sardina (europea)

~~r:l.ttu~ sprattus Sprat Espadin

Clupeoidei marins divers Varios clupeidos marinos

Thans. p~lamides! bonites a Atunas. bonitos, barriletes ventre rayd :J,l:J,lun~a (Germo ala1un~a) Germon Albacora

Thunnus 0 be sus Tbon obese Atlln patudo

Thunnu~ thynnus Than rouge Atdn rojo

3:J,rc.a spp. PtHamides Bonitos

Auxis thazara, A. rochet Auxides Melvas

A 13 , , - 12 -

FAO ICES ICNAF Code English name English name English name

Tunas. bonitos. skipjacks ~a like soombriforms ... (concluded) conoluded)


Skipjaok Skipjaok Yellowf'in tuna

Various tuna-like soombriforms Various tuna-like scombriforIne

Mackerels. billfiahes, Mackerel-like acornbriforms .. , outlaBsfishes. etc.

Cutlassfishes, soabbardfishes

King mackerels, seerfishes •••

Mackerels Mackerels Mackerel

Swordfish Swordfish

Various mackerel-like Various mackerel-like soomhriforms soombriforms

Sharks, raYs. chimaeras Non- fishes .. , Chimaeras ... P ieked dogfish Picked dogfish

Porbeagles Porbeagle ~

Othp.r dogfishes, hounds, cat­ Dogfishes and hounds, Dogfishes sharks, sand-sharks, etc. n.e.s.

Other sharks Rays, skates, sawfishes, Rays and skates Skates guitarfishes, etc. Various cartilaginous fishes Various non-teleost fishes

Unsorted and unidentified Unsorted, unidentified Groundfish species, pelacic fishes fishes speoies, other speoies

Crustaceans Crustaceans ... Blue crab Cornmon shrimp Common shrimp .. , Deep-water prawn Deep-water prawn Prawn (shrimp) Edible crab Edible crab .. ,

A 14 -13-

FAO FAO Scientific name Frenoh name Spanish name

Thona. p~lamide8. bonitea a Atunes, bonitos. barriletes ventre ray~ (fin) (fin

EuthJlnm~a a.llettera..tu8, E. al./inta Thonines Bacoretas

EUthynnus pelamis Bonita a ventre ray~ Barrilete, bonito de altura

ThunnUB albaQlres Thon a nageoires jaunes Habil Divers Bcombriformee du type Varios escombriformes parecid08 thon a lOB atunes

Maguereaux. , Caballss. peces-aguja, peces­ trichiures. etc. sable. etc.

Trichiuriiae Triohiurid~s Peces-sable

ScomberomorUB spP" Cybium Bpp. Tazars Caritas (sierras)

$comber spp. PneumatophorU8 app. Maquereaux Cabal las

Xj,phia~ gL.1.d.ius Espadon Pez espada

Divers scombriformse du type Varios escombriformes parecidos maqusreau a las caballas

Sguales. raies. chimeras Tiburones. raYas. guimeras

Chim~eriformes (Bradyodonti) Chimeras Quimeras

Squalus ~canthiaB Aiguillat Mielga

L.:unn.a. spp. Taupes MarrajoB

Carch,trhini::lae, Squalidu.6, Autres chione de mer OtroB eecualos 3cyliorhinidae, Squ~tinidae, Sphyrnidae, Isuru8 spp. Autree requine Dtres tiburones a~ii~ormes, Torpediniformes Raies, poissons-ecie, Rayas, peces sierra, etc. guitares, etc.

Poissons eartilagineux divers Varios peces cartilagineos

Poissons non tri~B et non Peces sin clasificar ni identifit1s identificar

Cruetac~s Crustaeeos

CalltnecteB sapiduB Crabe bleu Cangrej 0 azul

Crevette grise Quisquilla

PandaluB boreal's Crevette nordique Camar6n

Cancer JXJ.!:IurUB Tourteau Buoy

81 - 14 -

Code FAO ICES ICNAF English name English name English name

Crustaceans (conoluded) Crustaceans (oonoluded) European lobster Lobster

Northern lobster Lobster

Norway lobster Norway lobster

Prawns and shrimps Common prawn

Spiny lobsters, rook lobsters Spiny or rook lobsters

Other marine crabs Crabs

Various marine orustaceans Various orustaceans Freshwater orustaceans

Mollusos Mollusos

Abalones, winkles, Periwinkle, Conchs, periwinkles gastropods, it , oookles, bivalves, p Common cookIe Ocean quahog, quahog, razor , soft clam, surf clam


MUssels, arkshells Blue

Oysters Common , Portuguese Oyster oyster

Scallops Escallop Bay , sea scallop

Squids Squids

Various marine mollusos Various molluscs Freshwater mol TUBes

Sea-cucumbers, sea-urchins, Other invertebrates ascidians. etc. Narine bristle-worms Worms


Sea-urohins Sea-urohins

Starfishes, brittle-stars Starfishes

Sea-squirts and other Various invertebrates invertebrates

82 - 15 -

FAD FAD Scientific name French name Spanish name

Crustac~s (fin) CrIlst€oeos (fin)

Homarus DulgariB Homard europt1en Bogavante

HOm4ru~ americanus Hamard Bogavante americana

Nephrops norvegicus Langoustine Cisala

Nat3.ntia Crevettes Gambaa y camarones

P~ltnu.ru8 spp., p~uliru8 spp., Langoustes Langostas Ja.$U8 spp. Autres crabes de mer Otros cangrejos de mar

Crustac~s marins divers Varios crustaoeos de mar

Astacus spp., Cambaru.B spr. Crustact1s dlaau douce Crustaceos de agaa dulce

Mollusques Moluscos

Ormeaux, bigorneaux; Orejas de mar, b!garos; aBstt1ropodes ,i gastr6podos ~

'I'eleo..iesmilcea Clams, coques; bivalves ~ Almejas, berberechos; bivalvos ~

Sept:;. spp., .:/epiel1a spp. Seiches Jibias

,·rytiliLi_lf1 t Arciuae 1ioules hlejillones, pepitonas

Octopus spp., Polypus spp., Poulpe~ E-ledone spr. Cstreidae Huitres Ostrns

F'ectinid.:.te Pl:1toncles Vieiras

Loliginid~e, Ommastrephidae Encornets Calamares

Mollusques marins divers Varios moluscos de mar

Corbtcula spp., Unionidae Mollusques d' aau douce hloluscos de agua dulce

Beches-de-mer. oursins, Cohombros de mar, erizos de ascidiens. etc. mar. ascidias. etc.

lolych,J..eta Vera annel~s marins Gusanos marinos (poliquetos)

Ho 10 thurio idea Beches-de-mer Cohombros de mar

E(:hinoi:iea Oursins Erizos de mar

Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea Ast~rides at ophiures Estrellas de mar

Aaoidiena et autres Ascidias y otros invertebrados invertebrds

83 - 16 -

FAD ICES ICNAF Code English name Engli sh name Engli sh naro8

Aquatic plants Aquatic plants ... Sea.weeds

2/ The inclusive term "Sharksll is used in_ the ICNAF Statistical Bulletin for all species of sharks, except Dogfishes.

84 - 17 -

FAD FAa Scientific name l"rench name Spanish name

Plante3 aguatigues Plantas acuaticas

I h l(!Ort.YC~ ·to, I"'h 1 0 ro i,h.}'cEue, Plantes aquatiques Plantas acuaticas :lhoJo},hyc<"!-te

85 - 18 -


86 - 19 -

87 - 20 -

ICES ICNAF Scienti:fic name English name English name

Freshwater fishes Freshwater fishes

Sturgeons Acipenaer apr., Acipenseridae Sturgeons Sturgeons

River eels

dn~uil1~ an~uilla River eel


v'..1-1mo Balar Atlantio salmon Salmon

.!fa,11otU$ ~tl108U8 Capelin Capelin GsmerU8 eperlanuB Smelt (European) ... v':J.lmo trutta., SallJelinus alpinuB, Trouts, chars Trouts (chars) S.).lmo spp., Sal vel tnU:;I app. Various salmonoids Argentines

Diadromous olupeoids

04.1081. j:;.l1.;J..X, AloBQ. spp., etc. Sheds Shed

Pleuronectiforms ,j'cophtr.:J.lmuB rhombuB .Brill ... Dab (common) Plat ichth1l8 /188u8 Flounder (European) ... Halibut Halibut Microstomus Id tt Lemon sale ... LepidorhombuB whi//io,gonis Megrim

Ple~rcnecte8 platessa Plaice (European) 3018:;, Bolea Sole (common) ... Past t.::z. maxima. Turbot ... G111ptocepnaluB clIno{jloBBuB Witch Witch

Various pleuronectiforms Amerioan plaice, Greenland halibut

BB - 21 -

FAO FAO FAO English name Frenoh name Spanish nama

Freshwater fishes Poissons d'eau douce Peces de agua dulce

Various fl'eshwater fishes IV' Poissons d'aau douce divers Various peces de agua dulce

Sturseons, paddlefishes EstlU'g€Ons. spatules Esturiones. sallas

Sturgeons EsturgoonlJ Esturiones

River eels Anguilles Anguilas

h\U'QpeaD eel Anguille europ~erUle Anguila eua'opea

Salmons. trouts. smelts. etc. Saumons, truites. ~perlans, Salmones. truchas, eperlanos, etc. etc. Atlantic salmon Sauman de l'Atlantique Salm6n del Atl~tico

Capelin Capelan Capelan

Smel ts iiJ Eper!ans Eperlanos

Trouts, chars Truites, ambles Truchas

Varjous salmonoids Salmonoidei divers Varies salm6nidos

Shuds. milkfishes. etc, A!oses. chanid~s! etc. S4balos. sabalotes. etc.

~ilkfishes and various shads AI Chanid~8 et aloses diverses Sabalotes y otras alosas

Flounders. halibuts, soles, Flets. fl~tans! sales, etc. Aced!as, hipoglosos, etc. lenguados. etc. Brill Barbue Remol

Dab (co~mon) Limande Limanda

Flounder (European) Flet (europ~en) Platija (europea)

Halibut (Atlantic) Fl~tan (Atlanti~ue) HipogloBO (Atl€ntico)

Lemar. sole Limande sale Lene,'ua lisa llEgrim Cardine Gallo

Plaice (~Uropean) Plie (europ~enne) Solla (europea)

Sale (common) Sale (commune) Lenguado (comt1n)

Tu,'bot Turbot Rodaballo

Witch Plio cynoglosse Falso lenguado

Various teleostean flatfishes PoisBons t~l~ost~ens plats Varios te16osteos pIanos divers

89 - 22 -

ICES ICNAF Scientific name .t'nglieh name English name


Gu.du 8 ma rhuJ. Cod Cod

Haddock Haddock }JerluccilJ,s m.erlu.cciuB Hake ... J1011).J, molva.

Irtaopteru~ e8~rKit Norway pout '" pol1achius pol1uchius Pollack

PolJ.:u.'htud lJirens Saithe Pollock (saithe)

Brosme broame Tusk Cusk

Whiting Various eadiforros Red hake, white hake

Demersal pel'comorphs

An~rhichas lupus, Anarhich~ minor (wolffishes) Wolffishes Con;;er con.Jer Conger eel ... Triglidae Gurnards Sea robins Lophtus pi::1ca.toriuB Monk: ... Seb,J,stss spp. Redfishes Redfish

A'i.lr.od,;.tes spp. Sandeels Sand eels (launces) Sparidae Sea breams

Various demersal percomorphs Lumpfish

Pelagic percomar-phs Belone bel one Garfish '" Tr~ch~rus trachurus Horse mackerel

Various pelagic percomarphs Atlantic Baury (billfish), bluefish Marine clupeoida

Cl upe:J. h:lren;us Herring Herring

S:J.rdina pilchardus r Arengu8 minor Pilchard ... Sprat ... Various clupeoids ...

B 10 - 23 -

FAD FAD FAD Enalish name French name Spanish name

Cods. hakes. haddocks. etc. Morues. merIus:. ~e:'lefinsl etc. Bacalaos. mcrluzas l ef'lefllJ03, etc. Cod (Atlantic) Morue (Atlantique) Bacalao (AtUntico)

Haddock Eelefin Ee1efino

/lako (£'uropean) Mariu (europ~en) lilerluza ( 6Ur0l'ea)

Ling Lingue fuaruca

Norwey pout Tacaud norv~gien Fanece uoruega

Pollack Lieu jaune Abadejo

Saith< (pollock) Lieu noir ( colin) ColIn

Tusl. (cu"k) Brcsme Brosmjo

rlhi tine; Merian r':crl<1n

Various gadoids Gadordes divers Varios gadoideos

Redfishes. uasses. DanDers. etc. Rascasscs, perches de mer, Gallinetas. lubinas. com:rios, coneres, etc. ill· iVolffishes (catfishes) ~ Poissons-!oups Feces-lobo

Congers !};/ Congres Congrios

Gurnal'ds, eea robins Orondins Rubio, pElr16n, eace.cho

Ant;lerfishes 2:1 Baudroies Rapes

Redfishes S~baste, rascasse du nord Gallinetas

Sandeclr:l, launces W Lan~ons Lanzones

Sea-bn.ar.:ts, porgies Breme de mer, dorades

Various dcr:aei'sal percomorphs Divers percomorphes de fond Dj_versos pcrcomorfos demersales

JacLa. r:lUllets, etc. Chjnchcxds. mulets, etc. JUl'e!es. !if'as. etc.

Garfish Orphie Aguja

Horse mackerel, jack mackerel, Chinchards, saurels .Turelae scads 2;/ Various pelagic percomorphs Divers percomorphes p6lagiques Varios rercomorfos pell1gicos

Her1.'ings. sardines. anchovies, Harenvs. sardines. anchoia, Arengues, sardinas. anchoas, etc. etc. .!l.!.9.. He;;ing (AtlantiC) Ha;;ng (Atlantique) Aren~ue (Atl~ntico)

Pilchard (European) Pilchard (europ~en) Sardina (8w'opea)

Sprat Sprat Espadin

Various marine elupeoids elupeoidei marins divers Varios clupeidoG marinos

811 - 24 -

ICES IONAF Scientific name English name English name

Tuna-like Boambrifores

Thunnus alalunga _ Gsnne alalunga Albaoore Albacore

Thunnua thynnus Bluefin tWla lHuefin tuna

Sarda Barcia Bonito Boni to

Various tuna-like Bcombriforms Skipjaok, bigeye tWla, ;yeUowfin tuna

Mackerel-like soambriforms

Scomber scombrus, col'o.a llackerels Mackerel Various maokerel-like soanbriforms Swordfish

Non-teleost fishes

$qualus acanthtas Pioked dogfish C:trch.uhinidae, Scyliorhinidae, Dogfishes and hounds, n.e.B. DogfiBhes Squalidae, Triakidae Batoidei Rays and skates Skates Various non-teleost fishes Porbeagle IV

Unsorted, unidentified fishes Groundfieh speoies, pelagiC speoies, other species Crustaceans

LQ~de,. 8err~tus CCXDlllon prawn ... Crangon 1)1.1190.,.'8 Common shrimp ...

P~daJus boreal's Deep-water prawn Prawn (shrimp)

C::l11.C6!r pagurus Edible crab Crabs sf Lobster ... Nephrops noruegtcus Norway lobster ... pzltnuru3 Bpp. Spiny or rook lobsters ... Various orustaoeans ...

B 12 - 25 -

FAO FAO FAO EnCli sh name French name Spanish name

Tunas. bani tos, skip.iacks Thans. p~lamides, bonites a Atunes, bonitos, barriletes ventre ray~ Albacore Germon Albacora

Bluefin tlllla Thon rouge Atdn raja

Bani tos .!!/ F~lamidcs Bonitos

Various tuna-like Divers scombriformes du type Varies escombriformes parecidos scombriforms thon a los atunes r,lackerels, , ~aguereaux. marlins, Caballas. peces aguja. ])6CeS­ trichiures. etc. sable. etc. w.ackerels hlaquereaux Caballaa

Various macl\:erel-like Divers scombriformes du type Varias escarnbriformes parecioos sccmbrj forms maquereau a las caballas

Sharks. raYs, chirn

Picked dogfish Aiguillat lHelga

Other docfiGhes, hOWlOS, cat­ Autres chi ens de mer Otros escualoe sh::trl~s, sand-sharks, etc. Rays, skates, sawfishes, Raies, poissons-scie, Rayaa, peces-sierra. etc. guit~rfishes, etc. gui tares, etc. Va-ri QUS cartilaginous f isht;,.l Poi BBons cartilagineux di vera Varies peces cartilneineos

Unsorted and W1identified Poisaons non tri~s et non Peces sin elasificar ni fishes identifi~a identifiear

C.rU8t~ce::~iS Crusta.c6s Crust6.ceos

Crevettes Gurnbas y camaranes

Crevette grise Quisquilla

Deep--.'I'ater 'prawn Cravette nordique Camar6n

Ldible crab Tourteau Buey

European lobster Homard europ6en .Bogavante l-iorway lobster Lansoustlne Cigala

Hod;: lobsters, sl:iny lobsterf; Langoustes Langostas

Various marine crustaceans Cruatact1s marins divers Varias crustaceaB de mar

B 13 - 26 -

ICES ICNAF Soientific name English name English name


Jillt Uu 13 sdul t 8 Mussels £I C:;z.rdium. eaule Common Ostre.:l edults Common oyster ... Littorfna littorea Periwinkle Periwinkles d Gryphaea angulata Portuguese oyster Pecten maxl.mu13 Esoallop ... Lo1 £90 spp. Squids Squids £I Bucc inurn unaatum Whelk

Various molluBcs

Other invertebrates

,i.steroi.lea Starfishes

Various invertebrates

Item Wlder which FAO groups the ICES species appearing in the same line. Ifhe inclusive term "Sharks" is used in the ICNAF Statistical Bulletin for all speoies of sharks, except Dogfishes. Item under which ICNAF groups the ICES speoies appearing in the sams line.

B 14 - 27 -

FAU F'AO FAD English na.me French name Spanish name

!.i.olluscs I,iollusgues Moluscos rllussels, arkshells EJ hIoules 1iejillonesJ pepitonas

C13mS, cockles; bivalves, p ~ Clarno, COqUESJ bivalves ~ Almejas, berberechos; bivalvos ri JY Huitres Ostras

Abalones, YlinklesJ gastropods, O~eaux, bigorneaux; Orejas de mar, b!garosJ ~ ~ gast~ropodes ~ . gastr6podos ~ Oysters ~ Huitres Ostras

SC.:l.llops gJ' P~toncles Vieiras

Encornets Calamares

Abalones, riinkiesl gastropods, Ormeaux, bigorneaux; Orejas de mar, bfgaros; ~ f!./ gast~ropodes ,{ gastr6podos ~ Various marine molluscs I11011usques marins divers Varios moluscos de mar

Sc;:t-cUCUl:.b era. sea-urchins, Beches-de-mer. Qursins, Cohombros de ~ar, erizos de ascidlallo, etc. ascidiens. etc. mar, ascidias. etc. Starfi~hcs, brittle-stars ~ Ast~ridee et ophiures Estrellas de mar

Sea-squirts and other Ascidiens at autres Ascidias y otros invertebrados h:.vertebrates f!/ invertebr~s

Cl - 28 -

NAl.;:;S US,i;D BY I CliAF

(According to [·'AO groupinGs)

C2 - 29 -

C3 - 30 -

ICNAF ICl!AF ICilA1; Scientific name No. English name GrouI=

Sturgeons, paddlefishes

4 Sturgeons OF

River eels 5 Eel OF

Salmons. trouts, smelts. etc.

.1r..Jent ina. '} ~~pr • 4, oJ Ar&;entines OF' ,!fJllotus I)Ulotus 15 Capelin OF

.:J'J.lm.o dJ.l.J.r 12 Salmon OF

Cd'1ler'U3 mordax 14 Smelt OF

~':J.:' "el inu.:;J srr. 13 Trouts (ohar.) OF

Shade. milkfishes. etc.

";,108..2 j:asuaoh:::trenb'us 9 Alewife OF

.1.108.1. d:2pidtssima. 10 Shad OF

Flounders, halibuts. soles. etc.

Ht;:po.,.lodso tded pl:::ttesso ides 52 Amerjcan plaice F .=is inh.J.r:lt ius hlppoglosso ided 49 Greenland halibut F

48 Halibut o 54 Summer flounder

Fdeu.~opleuronectes ~'1lertcanus 53 Winter flounder ?' :;1J,f. to CGjjll.:J.lus cyno Jlodsus 50 Witch F

51 Yellowtail f]oun~er F

Cods. hakes. haddocl~s, etc.

39 Cod o Broams trosme 47 Cusk 00

Mel~oJr~u8 aeule/Lnua 41 Haddook o

Poll~chius "irens 42 Pollook (eaithe) GO

Urophycis ChUBS 46 Red ha.ke 00

C4 - 31 -

ICES FAO English name English name

Sturgeons Sturgeons. paddlefishes Sturgeons Sturgeons

River eels River eels

American eel

Salmonoids Salmons. trouts. smelts. etc.

Various salmolloids IJ:.I Various salmonoids £I Capelin

Atlantic salmon Atlantic salmon

Smsl ts }J/ Trouts, chars AI Trouts, chars s/

Diadromous elupsoids Shads. milkfishes. etc.


Shad. !!l Milkf'ishes and various shads J2I

Pleuronectiforms Flounders. halibuts. sales. etc.

Various pleuronectiforms i!I Pleuroneotiforws, ~ y Various pleuron9ctifol'ms y Greenland halibut

Halitut Halibut (Atlantic)

Pleuronectiforms, ~ y' Pleuronectiforms, ~ }J/ '"itch Witoh

Pleuronectiforms, ~ }J/

Gadiforms Cods. hakes. haddocks, etc.

Cod Cod (Atlantic)

Tusk Tusk (cusk)

Haddock Haddock

Saithe Saiths (poll ock)

Various gadiforms jJ Various gadoidu .B/

C5 - 32 -

ION»' IONAF IeNAF Soientifio name No. English name Group

Coda. hakes. haddocks, etc. ( oonoluded)

M.rlucctus bilinearis 44 Silver hake G Mtcrogadus tomcod 40 Tomood OG Urophvcis tenuts 45 White hake OG

Redfiahea. basses, congers. etc. Lophtus amertcanus 56 Angler OG Congsr oceantcus 6 Oonger OF Tautogolabru8 adspsrsus 29 Cunner 00 Nenttctrrhus saxattlts 28 King whi ting 00 Cvc10pteruB lumpus 33 LumpfiBh OG Sphoerotdss maculatus 31 Northern puffer OG UacrozoarC6S amertcanus 38 Ocean pout OG

Sebastes martnus 32 Redfish G Ammodvtes Bpp. 55 Sand eels (launces) 00 Stenotomus ehrol/sops 26 Soup 00 Centroprtstes strta.tuB 25 Sea bass OF F".tonotus spp. 34 Sea robins OG Cynoscton 1'"690.1 is 27 Squeteague OF Roccus saxGttlts 23 Striped bass OF Trl.utog;J. onttts 30 Tautog OG Lopholattlus chamael.onttceps 35 Tilefish 00 Roccus amertcanuB 24 White perch OF Anar-htcMs sPP. 36 Wolffishes OG

Jacks. mullets. etc. Scomberssox Baurus 37 Atlantio saury (billfish) PF Poma.tomus salta.trtx 21 :Bluefish PF

Poronotus trtacanthuB 22 :Butterfieh PF Cararu: hippos 20 Crevalle PF

C6 - 33 -

ICES FAG English name English name

Gadiforms (concluded) Cods. hakes. haddocks, etc. (concluded)

Silver hake

Various gadoids 1lI Various ~adlforms AI Various gadoids !l.!

Demersal percomorphs Redfishes. basses, congers. etc. £I Congers £I

Demersal percoids ~

... Croakers t drums Jl,i Variou.:; decersal percomorphs !l:/ Lumpfishes, lump suckers, snailfishes ... Puffera, leatherjaokets ~ Various demersal percomorphs .£! Redfishes =a Redfishes £I Sandeels Sandeels, launcss

Sea-basses, sea-perohes, groupers.B./

Sea-basses, sea-perches, groupers E.!

Various demersal pcrcomorphs ~ Gurnards, Bea robins W

Croakers, drums Jv'

Sea-basses, sea-perches, groupers ~

Demersal percoids 'E./ Tilefishes, blanquillos]j

'" Sea-basses, sea-perches, groupers k/ Catfishes (wolffishes) Wolffishes (catfishes) .2./

Pelagic J)ercomorphs Jacks. mullets, etc.

Various pelagic porcomorphs y Sauries £I Various pelagic percomorphs iV Bluefishe. £I

Butterfishes, harvestfishea ~b' Other carangids £I

C7 - 34 -

ICNAF ICNAF ICNAF Soientifio name No. English name Group

Herrings. sardines. anohovies. etc.

Anchoa mitchllli 8 Bay anohovy PF Cl upea harsngua 7 Herring PF

BrSl100rt ta tvrannus 11 Menhaden PF

Tunas. bonitos. skipjaoks

Thunnus ala.1unga 17 (b) Albaoore PF

Thunnus obesuB 17(0) Bigeyo tuna PF

TnunnU8 thynnus 17(a) Bluefin tuna PF

Sarda sarda. 18 Bonito PF

EUthvnnU8 pelamls 17(0) Skipjaok PF

ThunnUB albacarss 17(d) Yellowfin tuna PF

Maokerels. billfishes. outlassfishes, etc.

Scomber BcombruB 16 Maokerel PF

X'phias gladius 19 Swordfish PF

Sharks. raYs. chimaeras

SqUCLlUB and JlustBluB spp. 2 Dogfishes OF Lamna nasus Porboagle sI OF Raja. spp. 3 Skates OF

Unsorted and unidentified fishes

Groundfish sp~oies

Pelagic speoies

Other speoies


Calltnectes and Cancer epp. 70 Crabs SF Homarus amertcanus 69 Lobster SF

Panda.luB borsal '8 71 Prawn (shrimp) SF

C8 - 35 -

ICES FAO English name English name

i':arine elupeoids Herrings. sardines. anchovies. etc.

Variol,;.,s :narine elupeoids lli

Herring Herring (Atlantic)

Menhadens £/

Tuna-like scorabriforrns Tunas. bonitos, skipjacks

Albacore Albacore

Various tuna-like scombriforms !l Bigeye tuna

Bluefin t1.ma Bluefin tuna

Bani to Boni tOB £/ Various tunn-lil,-e scombriforms !1:1

Various tuna-like scomLriforws ];/ Yellowfin tuna

1Iaokerel-like scombriforms Mackerels, billfishes. cutlassfishes. etc.

1iackerels 2l Mackerels .£.'

Various maci~erel-like scombriforms y Swordfish

Xon-teleost fishes Sharks. rays. chimaeras

Dogfishes and hounds, n.e.s. j}j Other dogfishes, hounds, cat-sharkS, sand-sharks, etc. ~ Various non-teleost fishes 21 Porbeagles .1U

Rays and ska t e S AI Rays, skates, sawfishes, guitarfishes, etc • .£!

Ur.t;or·tel, unidentified fi~;hes Unsorted and unidentified fishes

Crustaceans Crustaceans

Blue crab, edible crab Northern lobster

Deep-water prawn Deep-water prawn

C9 - 36 -

ICNAF ICIlAF ICNAF Soientific name Il o. Engli sh name Group


Aequipecten 'rradtans 66 Bay scallop SF Strombus and BUsycon Bpp. 67 Conchs SF

Mvttlu8 and Volsella spp. 63 Mussels SF Arcttca tslandtca 62 OCBan quahog SF

Cr~88ostrea ~tr9'n'ca 64 Oyster SF Ltttorina. spp. 68 Periwinkles SF Mercenaria mercenarta 58 Quahog SF £h,s!& diractus 59 Razor olam SF Placopecten magellantcu8 65 Sea scallop SF 1I1Ia arenarta 60 Soft clam SF

Loltgo ~nd Illsx sPp. 57 Squids SF Sfltsula Bolidtsstma 61 Surf clam SF

Sea-cucumbers I sea-urchins asoidians. etc. Strongylocentrotus Bpp. 73 Sea-urchins Gil/cera :lnd Neanths8 (Nere's) Bpp. 72 Worms

Aguatic 121ante Rhodymenia, Chondrus, Lamtnarta etc. 8pp. 74 Seaweeds

!:/ Item under which ICBS groups the ICNAF species appearine in the Barns line. W Item under which FAO groups the ICNAF species appearine in the same line. £! The inclusive term "Sharks" is used in the ICNAF Statistico.l Bulletin for all species of shnrks, exoept Dogfishes.

C 10 - 37 -

ICES FAD English noone English name

fuolluscs Molluscs

Scallops }]i

Various molluscs il:./ Abalones, winkles; gastropods, ~ .£.-/

Blue mussel Hussels, arkshells 121

Clams, cockles; bivalves, ~ 1J Oysters 2/ Perivdnkle Abalones, winkles; gastropods, p £J Clams, cockles; bivalves, II JU Clams, cockles} bivalves, ~ JU

Scallops ~ Clams, cockles; bivalves, /J JU Squ.i.ds Squids .!U Clams, cocklesJ bivalves, 1i. ~

Utlwr inver~ebrates Sea-cucwnbers. ~;tJo.-urchinG, u:3cirliul1:J, etc.

Various invertebrates ]} Sea-urchins W Marine bristle-worms bI

Aquatic 'plants Aquatic plants

AqU1:;tic :;lants Aquatic plants ------

ell - 38 -


(According to rCNAF groupillITS)

C 12 - 39 -

C 13 - 40 -

ICNAF ICNAF I CNAl" Scientific n:uns No. English name Group


39 Cod o

41 Haddock o 44 Silver hake o 32 RedfiBh o H(;;po.;lo;3au.<3 hJppoglo;;Jsu8 48 Halibut o

Flounders. other than halibut

52 American plaice F 49 Greenland halibut

Par~lichthy8 dentatus 54 Summer flounder F Paeua0i'leuronectes americmu8 53 Winter flounder 50 Witch 51 Yellowtail flounder F

Harring 7 ilerring iF

Other groundfish ":o ..:hius :zmerfcanus 56 Angler 00 I.J,;;.tc,jol:Lcru,a J.dspersus 29 Cunner 00 BrOdme brosme 47 Cusk DC .ilenticLrrhua sJ.X:J.tilts 28 King whiting 00

Cllc.10f-terud lwnpu.s 33 Lwnpfioh 00

.:';;.hoero taes maculatu8 31 l~orthern puffer OC

.!J'J,crO.l{02rCea ::vnertcanus 38 Ocean lJout 00

Po112ch.iua virens 42 Pollock (saithe) 00 lJro i-,hllC i.,'j chu.ss 46 Red hake DC 55 Sand eels (launces) oc

~tenotomus chrysops 26 Soup 00

Prtonotu3 ~l( T'. 34 Sea robins 00

30 Tautog OC

C 14 - 41 -

lCJ;S FAO English name Bnglish nume

Cod Cod (Atlantic)

Haddock Haddock

Silver hake

Rcd.fishes !};/ Red:fishes £I

Halibut Halibut (Atlantic)

Various plauronectiforms ~ Pleuronectiforms, rf 1lI

V2.1'ioU3 pleur01l9ctiforills !!d Greenland halibut Pleuronectiforms, ,i £I ?leuronectiforms, ,i £I

'j':! tah Witch Plcuronectiforms, ,i £I

Herring Herrir,g (Atlantic)

Angler:fi she s £I Demersal percoids E!

'l'US}. Tusk (cusk)

Croa}::er~, ctrums El 'lariou~ ci.oLersal l_,ercomorphs !AI Luml)fishes, lumpsuc1.ers, snailfishes J1I Puffers, leatherjackets £J Various demersal percomorphs .£I SaitLe Sai the (pollock)

Var:'ous gadir'orms W Various gadoids £V

Sande cIs Sandcels, launces

Sea-basses, sea-perches~ groupers'£/

Vo.ri ous tiernersal percomorphs JJ:! Gurnartls, sea robins .£i

Demersal percaids ~/

01 - 42 -

ICNAF ICNAF ICNAF Scientific name No. English name Group

Other groundfish (concluded)

Lopholat Uus chamaeleont 'ceps 35 Tilefish OG

JiicroJ}cr.duB tomcod 40 Tomcod OG Urophycis tenuLs 45 White hake OG

.-ln~rhtchas spp. 36 v/olffishes OG


Scorr:.bereSD.x 8aurus 37 Atlantic saury (billfish) PF Anehoa mitcht11t 8 Bay anohovy PF

Po~~tomu8 saltatrix 21 Bluefish PF

.:l~arda Barda 18 Bonito PF

Poronotus tr'ac~thuB 22 Butteri'ish PF

Cara.n.x hi.PpOB 20 Crevalle PF Scomber dcombrus 16 .Mackerel PF Brevoortt3 tyr3nnus 11 Menhaden PF

X!plt!J.s iJlacl!us 19 Swordfish PF

Thunnus thynnus 17(a) Bluefin tuna PF

ThunnuB alalunga 17 (b ) Albacore PF

l'ht.mnU8 obseus 17(0) Bigeye tuna PF

Thunnua ~lbacares 17(d) Yellowfin tuna PF 17(e) Skipjaok PF

Other fisb Aloea jJsBudoharenguB 9 Alewife OF

Argent ina spp. ~~ Argentines OF M311otu8 vtlloBUB 15 Capelin OF

Conger oceantcuB 6 Conger OF

Squalus and JlusteluB spp. 2 Dogfishes OF

Anguilla rostrata 5 Eel OF Lamna. nasus Porbeagle s/ OF

Salmo salar 12 Salmon OF

D2 - ,\3-

ICES FAO Engli Rh narne Engli sh nallle

... Tilefishes, blanquilloB £I Various gadoids E.I

Various gadiforms ~ Various gadoids El Catfishes (\'I01ffish8S) Wolffish.s (catfishes) !V

V!!rious pelagic percomorphs AI Sauri.s !V ·.. Various marine elupsoids E.I Various pelagic percolUorpas !!I Bluefishes EJ Bonito Bonitos JJ Butterfishes, harvestfishes Jv ·.. Other carangids JJ 1:ackerels §:J lIlackerels ]v' ·.. Menhadens 1V Various mackerel-like Bcombriforma JJJ Swordfish

Bluefin tWla Bluefin tuna

Albacore Albacore

Various l,;W1a-lil:e Bco!!lbriforms §:/ Bigeye tuna Various tW1a-like scombriforms 21 Yellowfin tuna

Various tlllla-lik~ Bcombriforms §:/ Skipjack


V"rious salmonoids !!;I Various salmonoids E.I

Capulin ·.. Congers JJ Dogfishes and hounds, n.e.B. AI Other dogfishes, hounde, oat-sharks, sanci-shar:tcs,etc.,:2/ ·.. Amerioan eel Various non-teleost fishes AI Porbeagles !V

Atlantic salmon Atlantic salmon

03 44 -

ICNAF ICNAF ICHAF Scientific name No. English name Oroup

Other fish (concluded) Centroj.lristea striatu8 25 Sea bass OF 10 Shad OF

Ra.ja SfP. 3 Skates OF

CSmerl.£8 mordax 14 Smelt OF

Cllrtoscion regalts 27 Squeteague OF Roccus sa.xat U '8 23 Striped bass OF .icipenaer sp.p. 4 Sturgeons OF

S:;,.luel tnus spJ.'. 13 Trout. (chars) OF

Fio ccu.s ame r i canus 24 White perch OF

Shellfish, etc.

Aequtpecten ,,,radians 66 Bay scallop

dtrombus ::md Busycon sPJ;. 67 Conchs SF

C.J.ll inectes and Cancer spp. 70 Crabs SF

Ho~r~s 2msrtcanus 69 Lobster SF

Mitt ;' .... 11.8 ~nd Volsella. spp. 63 Mussels

Arcttca t81andtc~ 62 Ocean quahog

64 Oyster SF

:'i t t.ortna sPJ:. 68 Periwinkles SF

P~nd~1~8 borealts 71 Prawn (shrimp) SF .If.;rcert,l.ri:l. :nercenarta 58 SF Ends iirectus 59 Razor clam SF Pl:;'coJ.,€cr.en magel1ardcus 65 Sea scallop SF

3tron~'1I1ocentrotu8 31'p. 73 Sea urchins

IIJj2 arenaria 60 Soft clam SF 57 Squids SF $pisula soltdtsstma 61 Surf clam

Glycera. and Nean.thes (Nere is) BPI-'. 72 Worms

Rhodllmenta, Chondru~, Lamtnarta atc. Bpp. 74 Seaweeds pj It~m under "ihich ICli;S groups the ICNAF species appearing in thG same line. l!/ Item w1der which FAa groups the ICNAF species uppc.:::.ring' in tho same line. £/ The inclusive term "Sharks" is used in the ICNAF Statistical Bulletin for all species of sharks, exoept Dogfishes.

04 45 -

ICES FAD English name Bnglish name

Sea-basees, sea-perches, groupers ~

Shads sJ Milkfishes and various shade W

Rays and skn tea l!:,/ Rays, skates, sswfishes, gui tarfishes, etc • .1..

Smel ts l!t

Croal\.srs, drums ~

Sea-basses, sea-perches, grou~ers kI

Sturgeons Sturgeons

Trouts, chars A- Trouts, chars E.! Sea-basses, sea-perches, groupers J2/

Scallops El

-(E.:!.'iOllG molluscs JJ:/ Abalones, winkiesl gastropods, ~ ~ Blue crab, edible crab

Northern lobster

BlUE! mussel Mussels, arkshells BI

Clams, cockles; bivalves, ~ W 0lsters 121

ieriViinkle Abalones, winkles, gastropods W

Deep-...mter pra\"ffi Deep-water pravm

Clams, cockles, bivalves, fJ. ~b'

Clams, cockles, bivalves,,i Ej'

Scallops El

-.':L;":'OU3 invertebrates l!! Sea-urchins W Clams, cockles; bivalves, ~ W

Squid S Squids :!21 Clwnn, cookIes, bivalves, ~ EI Marine bristle-worms 12/ ... Aquatic plants El