- i - RESTRICTED INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FISHERIES ICNAF Res. Doc. 66-2 Serial No. 1610 (G.c.) ANNUAL MEETING - JUNE 1966 North AtlanFcSpecies NaITles (also FAO Fisheries Circular No. 79) A2 - 1 - FAO Fishories Circular No.7':) FEs/C 79 (Distribution restricted) Statistical standards NOR'l'H ATLAN"TIC SPBCIBS HAI.lES Prepared by Current Statistics and Economic Data Section Fishery Statistics and Economic Data Branch Fishery Economics and Products Division Department of Fisheries FOOD Aim AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATIon OF 'ruE UNITED NATIONS Rome, April 1966 A3 - 2 - PRll'ARATION OF THIS CIRCULAR Extract from Section 7 of the Report of the Fourth Session of the Continuing Working Party on Fishery Statistics in the North Atlantic Area (FAO Fisheries Reports, No. 21, FIe/R21): The Continuing Working Party noted that all three agencies, FAO, ICE~ and ICIIAF, have in the past few years undertrucen the review, revision and publication of lists of species appearing in tables in their statistical publications. It considered a proposal by the Secretary for joint FAO/ICilS/IC1~AF action to issue a loose-leaf ./Iulttllngua.l List 0/ Common Names 0/ North Atlantic Fishes, Crustac.ans, Molluscs, etc.. While several members v/ere strongly in favour of such a publication, the Continuing Working Party recommend~ that further work along these lines should for the moment be suspended pending publication by OECD of the Multilingua.l NOMsnclature 0/ Fish and Fisherv Products. However, the Continuing Viorking Party considers it desirable to have available for fishery workers concerned with North Atlantic fisheries statistics a document in a regular series, which could be referred to in preparing notes, instructions and reports on fishery statistics concerned with these North Atlantic species. It therefore recommends that FAO should publish such a. document as a Bulletin 0/ Flsherv Statistics in which should be tabulated the scientific, English, Spanish and French corrunon names of all species appearing in the tables in the publications of ICES, ICNAF and FAO. It also recolllmends that in this publication the statistical categories be clearly defined and i terns such as "Various" appearing in the notes and on the STANA 1E forms should be specifieu to enable cOWltries to consistently complete requests for statistics. '1'he Continuing VJorking Party recommends that, after some experience has been gained in using this FAO Bulletin 0/ Fisherv Statistics giving lists of names, and the OBCD's NOMenclature, the proposals for (i) a multilingual list (as made in document STAIIA IV 65/6) and (E) a multilingual "Index", be reviewed, possibly at the Fifth Session of the Continuing Working Party. * * * This document is issuedas anFAO Fisheries Circular for distribution at the ICIIAF meeting, l.lay/June 1966, Madrid. After revision it will be issued as FAO Bulletin 0/ Fisherv Jtatistics No. 12 for distribution at the annual ICES Meetinf\", October 1966, Copenhagen. The Bulletin will also cont9.in as an appendix the ICES list of names. FAO Fisheries Circular (FAO Fish. Clre.) These documents, given very restricted distribution, are mostly short notes, instructions for the completion of statistical forms and questionnaires, lists on various topics or provisional versions of documents which may eventually be issued in final form in other series. ./ Some circulars, presenting statistical tables with provisional data, are prepared as papers for conferences, committees, oommissions, working parties. these tables may eventually be issued after revision in the "Yearbook II or "Bulletin of Fishery Statistics". A4 - 3 - NAMES USED BY FAD A5 - 4 - ,'AD ICES ICNAF Code gnt;lish nl\me Enel ish narne Enc-l iah m::.me Freshwater fishes FrflshVia tor fishes Car'l,a Va.rl QUB frer:h-::ater fishes Freshwater fishes Sturreonc. padlllefishes Sturl"cons l·,.triuJcfidlco ~turt:eons Sturgeons Sture-eons .Uver eels .diver eels Americe.n eel Eel ~uropean eel River eel Salmons. troutE. smelts. etc. Salmonoids Atlantic salmon Atlantic saIff.on ~almon Gu.l.elin Ca~elin Smelts Smelt (European) ~melt Trouts, chars Trouts (chars) ":.hi tefishes Va~jGUS salmoncius Various salmonaida J~rgentines Shads. milkfishes. etc. Diadromous elupeoids Alewife :'ilkfiches and various shads She.ds Shad A6 - 5 - I'AO Scientific nflme FAO French name Spanish name Poissons d'eau douce Peces de agua dulce Cyprinidae Carpas Poissons dteau douce divers Varies peoes de agua dulce Esturgeons. spatulas Esturiones. sol}os Polyodontidae Sol}os Acipenseridae BstUl'f;eons Esturiones Anguilles Anguilas An.:iu~ll,J. rostrata. AnGuille arnericaine Anguila americana Anguj lIe europeenne Ang-uila europea ~aumons, truites. eperlans Sal manes. truchas. eperlanos, ili.. etc. ")~,l.1.'110 aalar Saut.~on de I' A tl an tique ~alm6n del ',tlantico M.J.l1otU$ vi11o~us Capelan Csmerl dae Eperlans E;perlanos ..h,lmo spp., ,J"21/Jel inus spp. Trui t.es, ambles Truchas Coregones Coregonos S~lmonoidei divers Varios salmonidos Aloses. chanides. etc. Sabalos. sabalotes, etc. Gasparot Pinchagua Chanidee et aloses diverses Sabalotes y otras aloses A7 - 6 - FAO ICES ICNAF Code English name Engl i sh name English name Flounder. halibuts. sales. etc. Pleuronectiforms Brill Brill Dab (oommon) Dab (common) Flounder (European) Flounder (European) ·.. Greenland halibut Greenland halibut Halibut (AtlantiC) Halibut Halibut Lemon sale Lemon sale Megrim Megrim ·.. Plaice (European) Plaice (European) ·.. Sole (common) Sole (common) Turbot Turbot ·.. Witch Witch Witch Pleuronectlforrns, p American plaice, summer flounder, winter flounder, yellowtail flounder Various teleostean flatfishes Various pleuronectiforms Cods, hakes. l!addocks. etc. Gadiforms Cod (Atlantic) Cod Cod Haddock Haddock Haddock Hake (European) Hake Ling Ling Norway pout Norway pout Pollack Pollack Poutassou ·.. Se.i the (pollock) Seithe :Pollock (saithe; Silver hake Silver hake Tusk (cusk) Tusk Cusk Whiting Whiting Various gadoids Various gadiforms Red hake, white hake, tomcod A8 - I - FAO Scientific name FAO French name Spanish name Flets. fletanB. sales, etc. Acedias, hipogloeoB, lensuados, etc. Scopnthalmus rhombus Barbue Remol Lim.:J.nda litn:J..nda Limande Limanda Pl~tichthY8 jlsaud Flet (europeen) Platija (europea) Rein~rdtius hippoglossotdss Flatan nair Hipogloso negro Hippoglossus htppoglossu8 Fletan (Atlantique) Hipogloso (Atlantico) JI' crostomu8 Id t t Limande sale Lengua lisa Lepidorhombus whit/Lagon's Cardine Gallo Pleuronectes pl~te88a Plie (europeenne) Solla (europea) 30162 dole-a Sale (commune) Lenguado (comUn) Psett:J. m:.z..rtnt.:l Turbot Rodaballo G1vptocephaluB cVno g1088uB Plie cynogloBse Falso longuado Pleuroneotiformes p Pleuronectiformes ~ Poissons teleosteens plate Varios tele6steoB pIanos Morues, merlua. eglefins. etc. Bacalaos. merluzas, eglefinos, etc. GadU8 m.o rhua. Morue (Atlantique) Bacalao (Atlantico) Eglefin Eglefino Merluccius merlucctus Merlu (europe en) Merluza (europea) Mol!):]. molD:), Lingua Maruca Tri$opteru3 esmarkii Tacaud norvegien Faneca noruega Lieu jaune Abadejo G:J.dus pout::;.ssou Poutsssou Bacaladilla Pollachtu8 ,,'rena Lieu noir (colin) Colin Merlucciu8 btl£nearis Merlu Merluza Brosme brcsme Broame Brosmio Uerlangius merlangus Merlan Merlan GadoIdes divers Varies gado1deos A9 - 8 - FAD ICES tCNAF Code I!lnglish name English name English name Redfishes. basses. oongers, Demersal percomorphs .!!!g,. Anglerfishss Monk Angler Congers Conger eel Conger Croakers, drums ... King whiting, squeteague Goatfishes, surmullets Gobies Grunters, grunts Gurnards, sea robins Ournards Sea robins John Dories Lumpfiahss, lump suckers, amiilfi shes ... Lumpfish Puffers, leatherjaokets Northern puffer Redfishss Redfishss Redfiah Rockfishes, soorpionfishes .. , ... Sandeals, launoBa Sandeals Sand eels (launces) Sea-hasses, sea-perches, Soup, sea bass, striped groupers bass, white peroh Sea-breams, porgies Sea breams Smares, picarels ... Snappers ... Tilefishss, blanquilloB Tilefish Wolffiahea (catfishea) Catfishea (wolffishes) Wolffishss Cottoids, "- ... ... Demersal per co ids ... Cunner, tautog Various demersal percomorphs Various demersal percomorphs Ooean pout A 10 - 9 - FAO FAO Scientifio name French name Spani ah name RaaoaSS6S. perches de mer, Gallinetas. lubinas. congrioa, oongres. etc. ~. Lophiidae Baudroies Rapes Congritiae Congrss Congrios SCiaenidae Maigree Corbinas r.1ullidae Rougets Salmonetes Gobii::lae Gobies Gobios Grandeurs Roncadores Trigl id39 Grondins Rubio, per16n, esoacho Zeitlae Z~id~B Pez de San Pedro Cyc!oytericiae Lompes, cyclopt~rid~s Ciclc5pteros Poissons globes Peces-globo Sebal:lte8 spp. S€baste, raBcaBse du nord Gallinetas Scorp'lenidae, excluding "J'ebai:Jte8 spp. RascassBs, Boorplinidds Escorpdnidos ·\mmodytid:.lB Lan~ons Lanzonss SerI'":lnidQ.8 Bars, perches de mer, Meros, chernas, etc. mt1'rous 3paridae Bremes de mer, dorades Esp.:iridoB Centrlc':I.nthiuae (Maenid'ie) Menid~s Chucla, caramel Lutj?nidw Lutianid~s Pargos L'l..tiliJae Latilid~B .BlanquilloB :'I.n'lrhichadi:lae Poissons-loups Peces-lobo Cottoidei CottoideB ,i C6tidoB ,i Percordes de fond P'roidos demersales Divers peroomorphes de Diversos percomorfoB fond demersales All - 10 - FAO ICES ICNAF Code English name English name English name Jacks. mullets. etc. Pelagic percomorphs Amberjacks, yellowtails Barracudas '" Bluefishes Bluefish Butterfishos, harvestfishes Butterfish Dolphinfishes, dorados Flying fishes, halfbeaks Garfish Garfish Horse mackerel, jack mackerel, scads Horse mackerel hlull~tB ell Othor oarangids ·.. Creval1e Sauries
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